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Mana La Excellence

S&T Current Affairs Gist

Jan 2023- Dec 2023

Part 3/4
51. Daksha Telescope

Daksha is a proposed space mission to detect X-ray and gamma ray explosions in the
sky. The mission will consist of two satellites in low Earth equatorial orbits, on
opposite sides of Earth. The satellites will be equipped with three types of sensors,
covering the energy range from 1 keV to > 1 MeV.
52. Small Satellite Launch Vehicle

SSLV-D2 was successfully launched; Developed by ISRO; Launch capacity- 500 kilograms
to the polar orbit, 500 km above Earth's surface and a 300-km payload into Sun
Synchronous Polar Orbit; Key features of SSLV are low cost, with low turn-around time,
flexibility in accommodating multiple satellites, minimal launch infrastructure
requirements (assembled by a small team in a week, compared to 6 months and 600
people for ISRO’s workhorse PSLV), etc.
53. Hyperloop Technology

IIT Madras' Team Avishkar Shines at European Hyperloop Week 2023; The only non-
European team nominated in various award categories at the competition held in
Edinburgh, Scotland; Team lead, Mr. Siddhant Patole, shared plans for a 350 km-long
Hyperloop corridor between Chennai and Bangalore, aiming to reduce travel time to
30 minutes; Ongoing construction of a 400m Hyperloop test facility at IIT Madras;
Proposed by Elon Musk in 2013, Hyperloop is an ultra-high-speed ground
transportation system using sealed tubes and pods for passenger and cargo;
Advantages include climate-neutral operation, reduced door-to-door travel time, and
ultra-high speeds with low energy consumption;
Hyperloop uses magnetic levitation and air pressure to
propel pods at high speeds inside vacuum tubes or
loops. Virgin Hyperloop, Hyperloop TT, and a
consortium of European and Canadian companies are
major players; Concerns and Challenges- health
concerns, collision risks, pod safety, and tunnel
decompression; NITI Aayog's recommendation of
Hyperloop viability in India, considering foreign
collaborations and indigenous R&D.
54. Battery Energy Storage System

Union Cabinet has approved the Scheme for Viability Gap Funding (VGF) for the
development of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS); Government offers up to
40% Viability Gap Funding (VGF); Targets harnessing renewable energy for clean,
reliable, and affordable electricity; Minimum 85% BESS project capacity allocated to
Distribution Companies (Discoms) for consumer benefits; Objective: Aims to
develop 4,000 MWh of BESS projects by 2030-31; Targets Levelized Cost of Storage
(LCoS) at Rs. 5.50-6.60 per kWh for cost-effective peak power demand
55. Scrub Typhus Disease

Recent cases found in Kerala; Caused by- Orientia tsutsugamushi bacteria; Spread
through bites of infected chiggers (larval mites); Symptoms: Fever, headache, body
aches, rash, and eschar (dark scab at the bite site); Primarily in rural areas of
Southeast Asia, Indonesia, China, Japan, India, and northern Australia; May lead to
organ failure, bleeding, and fatality if untreated; No vaccine available; It will not
spread from person to person; India is one of the hotspots with at least 25% of the
disease burden.
56. Super Blue Moon

A rare event illuminated the night sky with a Super Blue Moon on August 30, 2023; Last
occurred in 2009, and the next is expected in 2037; Supermoon: Moon appears larger
and brighter due to close alignment with Earth (perigee); Blue Moon: Second full moon
in a month; Effect: Minor tidal fluctuations, but usually not significant enough to cause
major disruptions; Not Blue in Color: Traditional term for the second full moon; color
remains unchanged.
57. Monoclonal Antibodies

India seeks monoclonal antibody doses to combat Nipah virus from Australia;
Laboratory-made proteins acting like natural antibodies; Clones of a single immune
cell (B cell), producing identical antibodies; Highly specific, targeting a particular
antigen (virus, bacteria, cancer cell); Used in treating cancer, autoimmune diseases,
and infectious diseases; (Monoclonal antibodies: Clones binding to one antigen only.
Polyclonal antibodies: From different immune cells, binding to multiple antigens.)
Nipah Virus: Zoonotic, transmitted from animals (fruit
bats) to humans; Caused by RNA virus,
Paramyxoviridae family, Henipavirus genus; First
outbreak in Malaysia and Singapore in 1998-1999;
Spread: Through fruit bats, natural reservoir hosts for
Nipah and Hendra viruses; Symptoms- Encephalitic
syndrome with fever, headache, drowsiness,
confusion, coma; Mortality rate ranges from 40% to
70%; Vaccine- No approved vaccine
58. Nobel Prizes

Physics: Laureates: Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krausz, Anne L’Huillier Achievement:

Experimental methods generating attosecond pulses of light for studying electron
dynamics in matter; Chemistry: Laureates: Moungi G. Bawendi, Louis E. Brus, Aleksey
I. Yekimov; Discovery: Quantum dots' discovery and synthesis, impacting
nanotechnology and lighting applications. Physiology or Medicine: Laureates: Katalin
Karikó, Drew Weissman; Contribution: Discoveries enabling the development of
effective mRNA vaccines against COVID-19.
59. Malaria Vaccine (Matrix – M/ R21)

WHO Recommends R21/Matrix-M Malaria Vaccine developed by University of Oxford and

Serum Institute of India; Matrix-M adjuvant (Adjuvant is a vaccine ingredient enhancing
immune response;), derived from Chilean Quillaja saponaria tree bark, is used in
R21/Matrix-M; WHO reported 247 million malaria cases in 2021; High prevalence in
tropical countries, with Nigeria, DRC, Tanzania, and Niger having significant death rates;
WHO recommends R21/Matrix-M and RTS,S/AS01 vaccines; Focus on children in regions
with moderate to high P. falciparum transmission; Elimination Strategies: WHO Global
Technical Strategy aims at reducing incidence and mortality rates by at least 90% by 2030;
India's National Framework for Malaria Elimination (2016-2030) and Malaria Elimination
Research Alliance-India (MERA-India) contribute to global efforts.
(Malaria- Caused by: Plasmodium parasite
transmitted by Anopheles mosquitoes; Species:
P. falciparum (deadliest), P. vivax (dominant
outside Africa), P. malariae, P. ovale, P.
knowlesi; Symptoms: Mild (fever, headache),
Severe (fatigue, confusion, seizures, difficulty
60. Ghost Particle

Scientists have recently detected these elusive neutrinos, providing a new

understanding of our galaxy called Ghost Particles; Tiny ghost particles, neutrinos,
barely interact, elusive, originate from diverse processes, denoted as Greek symbol ν
(nu); part of lepton family (with electrons, muons, tau particles); no electrical charge,
very small mass, incredibly abundant (100 trillion pass through the body every second),
interact only with gravity and weak force, exist in different flavors, masses, and
energies; Antiparticle in quantum theory: Each particle has an antiparticle with the same
mass but opposite charges. Example: The positron is the antiparticle of the electron.
61. Starship

Starship and Super Heavy collectively form SpaceX's next-gen launch system; Designed
for crewed and cargo missions to Earth's orbit, Moon, Mars, and beyond; Starship
spacecraft: 50m tall, 9m wide, payload capacity 100-150 tonnes; Raptor Vacuum (RVac)
engines enhance efficiency in space with larger expansion nozzle; Starship's potential:
payload up to 150 metric tonnes in fully reusable mode, 250 metric tonnes expendable;
Represents a powerful and versatile launch system for various space missions.
62. Deepfakes

Deepfake videos, created using AI; Generated by Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs),
involving a generator and discriminator; Positive applications include voice restoration,
historical figure recreation, and medical training; Concerns: Spreading fake news, influencing
elections, blackmail, non-consensual content creation; Detection methods: Visual/audio
inconsistency checks, reverse image search, AI-based analysis; Global approaches: EU Code
of Practice, US Deepfake Task Force Act, China's deep synthesis regulation; India lacks
specific deepfake regulations, relies on existing laws like IT Act, Penal Code, Data Protection
Act. (Deep Fake involves swapping and Manipulation; Morphing doesn’t use AI , uses only
63. Carbon Capture Storage Technology

The UK government reaffirms commitment to carbon capture and storage (CCS) for net-
zero emissions. CCS aims to mitigate CO2 emissions from industrial processes and fossil
fuel burning; Two primary approaches: point-source CCS (capturing at production sites)
and direct air capture (removing emitted CO2); Recent UK initiatives focus on point-
source CCS, involving capture, compression, transportation, and injection into geological
formations; Applications- mineralization for carbon storage, production of synthetic
fuels, use in greenhouses, and dry ice production; India commits to reducing Emissions
Intensity of its GDP by 45% by 2030 in line with its Nationally Determined Contribution.
64. Nuralink

USFDA approval for Neuralink's Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) clinical trials; Founded
in 2016 by Elon Musk and engineers; Implantable BCI enables direct communication
between the human brain and external devices, involving surgical implantation of a
chip with electrodes; Aims to aid disabled patients, restore vision, and enable neural
signal transmission to devices; Goals include controlling devices with thoughts,
restoring neural activity, and curing neurological conditions.
65. Respiratory Illness, China

WHO requested detailed report from China ; The outbreak, possibly caused by
Mycoplasma pneumoniae, shows an unusually rapid spread among children since mid-
October; WHO recommends measures in China, including distancing, staying home when
ill, testing, mask-wearing, ventilation, and handwashing; Mycoplasma pneumoniae causes
respiratory infections like pneumonia, bronchitis, and pharyngitis; Symptoms include
fever, cough, sore throat, headache, fatigue, and muscle aches; Spread through
respiratory droplets, even by asymptomatic individuals, with a higher risk in crowded
settings; Diagnosis involves clinical assessment, blood tests, sputum tests, and chest X-
rays; Treatment with antibiotics (macrolides, tetracyclines, or fluoroquinolones) and
supportive care.
66. Chikungunya Vaccine

The USA FDA approves the world's first chikungunya vaccine, named Ixchiq;
Developed by Valneva; Administered as a single-dose injection into the muscle;
Contains a live, weakened version of the chikungunya virus, potentially causing mild
symptoms; Approved for individuals 18 years and older at increased risk of exposure
to the virus; The National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme (NVBDCP) in India
addresses vector-borne diseases, including chikungunya.
(Chikungunya is a mosquito-borne viral disease-causing
fever and severe joint pain. Transmitted by infected
female mosquitoes, primarily Aedes aegypti and Aedes
albopictus. Common in Africa, Asia, and the Americas,
with sporadic outbreaks in other regions. No cure for
chikungunya; treatment focuses on symptomatic relief.
Prevention involves mosquito control, public health
outreach, and eliminating mosquito breeding sites.)
67. Global Biofuel Alliance

An India-led initiative formed at the G20 summit in New Delhi; Aims to promote the
adoption of biofuels through collaboration among governments, international
organizations, and industry; 19 countries and 12 international organizations support
the GBA; Biofuels are hydrocarbon fuels produced from organic matter (living or once
living material) in a short period; 3 types- solid, liquid, or gaseous; Indian initiatives to
promote Biofuels- the Pradhan Mantri JI-VAN Yojana, Ethanol Blending, GOBAR DHAN
scheme, RUCO, and the National Policy on Biofuels; Global initiatives - Roundtable on
Sustainable Biomaterials, Sustainable Biofuels Consensus, and Bonsucro.
68. Green Hydrogen Standard

Hydrogen produced using renewables is green hydrogen; The Ministry of New &
Renewable Energy has defined (both electrolysis-based and biomass-based hydrogen
production methods) Green Hydrogen as having a well-to-gate emission (i.e., including
water treatment, electrolysis, gas purification, drying and compression of hydrogen)
of not more than 2 kg CO2 equivalent / kg H2; The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE),
Ministry of Power shall be the Nodal Authority for accreditation of agencies for the
monitoring, verification and certification for Green Hydrogen production projects.
69. Green Ammonia

VOC Port in Tamil Nadu handles first green ammonia imported in India; Green ammonia
produced through renewable, carbon-free methods. Production involves hydrogen
from water electrolysis and nitrogen from the air. Haber process combines hydrogen
and nitrogen to produce ammonia. Ammonia serves as an ideal chemical store for
renewable energy. Can be used as a zero-carbon fuel, producing only water and
nitrogen. Potential adoption in the maritime industry for marine engine use. Direct
replacement for grey ammonia in fertilizer plants.
70. Global Health Threat- Loneliness

WHO has declared loneliness a severe global health threat; It has launched an
international commission to address loneliness; increased risks
of dementia and cardiovascular diseases in lonely older adults with 5-15% of
adolescents experiencing loneliness.
71. Artificial Rain

Delhi has planned to induce artificial rains to combat rising air pollution; Cloud seeding is
the artificial method used to increase rainfall by introducing substances like silver iodide,
potassium iodide, and dry ice into clouds; Accelerates the coalescence of droplets in
liquid clouds (hygroscopic cloud seeding) or induce ice production in supercooled clouds
(glaciogenic cloud seeding); The chemicals used in cloud seeding serve as efficient cloud
condensation nuclei (CCN) or ice nuclei, promoting precipitation; Purpose- reducing
drought impact, preventing forest fires, increasing precipitation, and enhancing air
quality; In a cloud seeding experiment in Solapur city, there was an 18% relative
enhancement in rainfall.
72. S&T PRISM Program

PRISM (Promoting Innovations in Individuals, Startups and MSMEs) - by the

Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR); Aimed at transforming
individual innovators in India into successful technopreneurs by supporting and
funding implementable and commercially viable innovations; Implemented across
various sectors such as energy, healthcare, waste management, and more; Grant given
in two phases: Phase I (Rs. 2.0 lakhs to Rs. 20.00 lakhs) and Phase II (maximum of Rs.
50.00 lakhs); DSIR-PRISM aligns with national initiatives like Unnat Bharat Abhiyan
(UBA), RuTAG (Rural Technology Action Group), and Smart India Hackathon (SIH); Aims
to foster inclusive innovations, generate rural livelihoods, and promote socio-economic
73. Tantalum

Researchers from IIT-Ropar discovered tantalum in Punjab's soil in the Sutlej River
Basin; Reason- Movement of tectonic plates in the Himalayan region; Tantalum, with
atomic number 73 is a rare metal crucial in electronics and semiconductors, known for
its density, hardness, and exceptional corrosion resistance.
74. OpenAI

Artificial Intelligence- Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, was fired for alleged
communication issues with the board , later was reinstated; OpenAI, founded in 2015,
aims to develop safe and beneficial artificial general intelligence (AGI) for humanity's
benefit; OpenAI's Project Q* is an AI breakthrough showcasing advanced reasoning
capabilities similar to humans; Step towards achieving Artificial General Intelligence
(AGI; AGI refers to AI with human-like cognitive abilities, capable of understanding,
learning, and applying knowledge across various domains.
75. Cryonics

Cryonics is the speculative practice of preserving deceased individuals at very low

temperatures with the hope of future revival; The process involves rapid cooling and
storing in liquid nitrogen to halt metabolic processes; Aimed at potential future medical
advancements that could cure the cause of death or rejuvenate the preserved body.;
Highly controversial with skepticism from the scientific community due to concerns
about cell damage and lack of evidence; Faces legal and ethical challenges, including
consent and the definition of death.
76. KAVACH System

Recent Odisha revealed absence of Kavach on trains involved; Kavach System is a safety
technology for trains; Developed by RDSO in collaboration with private companies; Uses
electronic devices and radio frequencies for communication; Controls brakes, alerts
drivers, and stops trains automatically for safety; Aims to prevent collisions, over-
speeding, and assists in low visibility.
77. Artemis Accords

India decided to join Artemis Accords during the Prime Minister's U.S. visit; Artemis Accords:
Started by the U.S. and NASA in 2020, with countries like Australia, Canada, Italy, Japan, etc;
Follows the Outer Space Treaty of 1967, emphasizing peaceful space use; India is the 27th
country to sign the Artemis Accords. Artemis-I: Unmanned moon mission launched in 2022.
Artemis-II: Crewed lunar flyby in 2024. Artemis-III: Human return to the moon in 2025,
including lunar landing. Lunar Gateway Station: Planned for 2029 as a docking point for
astronauts; Benefits to India- access to training, technology, and scientific opportunities,
aiding the advancement of lunar exploration, supporting Gaganyaan.
78. Moon Mining

Moon moderates Earth's wobble and causes tides, formed from a collision 4.5 billion years
ago; Moon Resources: Water: Detected in 2008, crucial for life and potential rocket fuel.
Helium-3: Rare isotope for nuclear energy (1 million tonnes estimated). Rare Earth Metals:
Present, including scandium, yttrium, and lanthanides. Treaties: Outer Space Treaty
(1966): No sovereignty claims, exploration for all. Moon Agreement (1979): Moon not
property of any entity. Artemis Accords (2020): Safety zones on the moon; not universally
adopted; India joins Artemis Accords, collaborating on lunar exploration.
79. LUPEX Mission

Joint effort by JAXA (Japan) and ISRO (India) for Lunar Polar Exploration Mission
(LUPEX) scheduled for launch in 2025.; Objectives - assessing lunar base feasibility,
studying water ice presence, and exploring surface technologies; Development split
between JAXA (rover) and ISRO (lander); International collaboration with NASA and ESA
instruments onboard; PRL proposes instruments. Key instruments: PRATHIMA for
detecting water-ice and LEDEX for studying charged dust particles; Mission aims to
provide insights into the lunar polar region and inform future human exploration.
80. ITER India

The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) is a seven-nation

project; Also known as Project Miniature Sun; A tokamak-based experimental fusion
reactor ; It is to produce energy using Nuclear Fusion; India holds a 10% stake; first
phase of commissioning is expected in 2028; ITER-India is a special project under
Institute for Plasma Research; It is governed under Department of Atomic Energy
(DAE); India became 7th of ITER in December 2005; ITER-India is the Indian Domestic
Agency to design, build and deliver the Indian in-kind contribution to ITER;
World's largest and heaviest component, the cryostat,
made of steel and weighing 3,400 tonnes is delivered
along with the water cooling and heat rejection system,
in-wall shielding, and cryo lines and cryo distribution
system to ITER by India. (A tokamak is a magnetic
confinement device designed to generate energy
through nuclear fusion by confining plasma in a torus
shape using a magnetic field.)
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