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Guide to Occlusal Waxing

Third Edition

Herbert T. Shillingburg, Jr, DDS

Edwin L. Wilson, Jr, BS, DDS, MEd

Jack T. Morrison, BS, DDS

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Guide to Occlusal Waxing

Frontmatter_01 7/23/13 4:18 PM Page 3

Guide to Occlusal Waxing

Third Edition

Herbert T. Shillingburg, Jr, DDS, FACD

David Ross Boyd Professor and Chair
Department of Fixed Prosthodontics

Edwin L. Wilson, Jr, BS, DDS, MEd

Associate Professor and Chair
Department of Occlusion

Jack T. Morrison, BS, DDS

Formerly Clinical Associate Professor
Department of Fixed Prosthodontics

University of Oklahoma College of Dentistry

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Quintessence Publishing Co., Inc.

Chicago, Berlin, London, Tokyo, Paris, Barcelona,
São Paulo, Moscow, Prague, and Warsaw
Frontmatter_01 7/23/13 4:18 PM Page 4

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Shillingburg, Herbert T.
Guide to occlusal waxing / Herbert T. Shillingburg, Jr., Edwin L. Wilson, Jr., Jack T.
Morrison.--3rd ed.
p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 0-86715-385-7
1. Waxing (Dentistry) 2. Occlusion (Dentistry). I. Wilson, Edwin L. II. Morrison, Jack
T. III. Title
[DNLM: 1. Denture Design--methods. 2. Dental Occlusion. 3. Tooth--anatomy &
histology. 4. Waxes. WU 500 S556g 2000]
RK658 .S47 2000
617.6’9--dc21 99-054300

© 2000 Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc

Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc

4350 Chandler Drive
Hanover Park, Illinois 60133

All rights reserved. This book or any part thereof may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
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Printed in Canada
Frontmatter_01 7/23/13 4:18 PM Page 5


Preface 7

Rationale for Occlusal Waxing 9

Review of Waxing Technique 17

Coronal Form and Function 27

Maxillary Teeth 28
central incisors 28
lateral incisors 30
canines 32
first premolars 34
second premolars 36
first molars 38
second molars 40

Mandibular Teeth 42
central incisors 42
lateral incisors 44
canines 46
first premolars 48
second premolars (H form) 50
second premolars (Y form) 52
first molars 54
second molars 56

References 58

Frontmatter_01 7/23/13 4:18 PM Page 7


Morphology is the organized study of terns, location of occlusal contacts, paths

natural form and structure, with no traced by opposing incisal tables or cusp
regard for function. In the strictest sense, tips in excursions, the location and size
therefore, this manual is not a textbook of proximal contacts, and axial contours.
on morphology. Instead, it is concerned Mastery of the mental concept of the
with the function and configuration of tooth's appearance and perfection of the
the occluding surfaces of cast restora- skills to translate that concept into
tions and with their axial contours. three-dimensional reality require repeti-
Although the patterns are based on nat- tion and practice. This manual should
ural form, they are stylized human inter- aid the student while he or she acquires
pretations and not exact duplications of the experience to make the transition
any specific natural teeth. Reproduction from novice to expert.
of the occlusal features and contours A brief review of the sequence for
portrayed on the following pages will forming an occlusal surface by the
produce functional restorations which "wax-added" or "drop wax" technique is
are in physiologic harmony with the soft included. However, the student should
tissues of the mouth. have previously developed some skills
In dental morphology courses, stu- by doing exercises described in one of
dents of dentistry learn the form of den- the manuals on waxing.1,2,3
tal structures, study distinguishing char- The illustrations on the following
acteristics of the various classes of teeth, pages are not the concept of any one
and, in most curricula, engage in some individual, but rather a blend of many.
waxing exercises. It has been our expe- Those familiar with the study of occlusal
rience, as teachers, that students in the morphology and waxing will recognize
more advanced stages of their dental the influence of Payne,1 Lundeen,2
training forget many of the details of Thomas,3 Zeisz and Nuckolls,4 and
occlusal form and function which they Linek.5 The illustrations in this manual
learned earlier. are by Dr. Jack Morrison, based on
Relatively complex ridge/groove pat- sketches by Dr. Herbert Shillingburg.
terns, cusp placement, and axial con- The authors would like to express
tours which were learned in years past their appreciation to Dr. Lowell D.
may not spring instantly to the mind of Whitsett, Professor Emeritus and
the student when he or she is making a Former Chair of the Department of
wax pattern. It is our objective to provide Occlusion at the University of
a ready reference for waxing in that situ- Oklahoma College of Dentistry, for his
ation. Included are groove and ridge pat- helpful criticism and suggestions.

Page 9-16_02 7/23/13 4:24 PM Page 9

Rationale for Occlusal Waxing

Students frequently ask the question, fossae are the negative. The ridges,
“Why put all those grooves on the when properly formed, are convex in all
occlusal surface? Why not put simple directions, and contacts with opposing
inclined planes on a flat table?” To teeth are numerous (Fig 1).
answer the question, it is necessary first The convex surfaces of ridges produce a
to analyze the features of the occlusal distributed contact pattern with small
surface of the tooth. This surface is com- contacts. In this way, occlusal forces are
prised of positive and negative features: distributed over a wide area of the
the cusp tips and ridges make up the occlusal surface, minimizing stress and
positive features, while the grooves and wear. Contact areas that are small and

Fig 1 There are numerous occlusal contacts (arrows) on an occlusal surface that is cor-
rectly waxed. The lingual surface of the mandibular first molar has been cut away to show
the occlusion with the maxillary first molar.

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Rationale for Occlusal Waxing


Fig 2 Properly formed occlusal morphology allows for small centric contacts (A) and com-
plete disclusion in excursions (B).


Fig 3 Occlusal morphology made with only inclined planes produces large contacts in cen-
tric occlusion (A) with a likelihood that there will be continued contact in excursions (B).

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Rationale for Occlusal Waxing


Fig 4 Well-formed ridges and grooves will be more convex and functional (A) than will the
occlusal surface in which grooves have been carved into a flat plane (B).

bordered by marked depressions (ie, produced by flat surface against flat sur-
grooves) allow for complete and rapid dis- face. The difference is real: patients who
clusion in excursive movements (Fig 2). have restorations with flat surfaces
On the other hand, occluding surfaces replaced by those with ridges and
that are flat are more likely to produce grooves will often comment on the
large contact areas (Fig 3). Broad, flat reduced effort required for chewing
contacting areas are more likely to food.
remain in apposition without disclusion
when mandibular excursions occur. The Triangular Ridges
friction resulting from teeth continuing The most important features on an
to touch during excursions will often occlusal surface are the ridges. The
cause greater wear. seams along which the ridges meet form
Because of the reduced contact surface the grooves and the fossae of the
area resulting from an occlusal surface occlusal surface. Many novice waxers
comprised of convex ridges bordered by attempt to create occlusal morphology
grooves, the restoration is more effi- by cutting V-shaped furrows into flat
cient. Ridge against ridge produces a inclined planes on the occlusal surface
shearing action that is more effective of a wax pattern (Fig 4). The results are
than the pounding or crushing action rarely, if ever, satisfactory.

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Rationale for Occlusal Waxing


Fig 5 The triangular ridge is triangular (A) and is bounded by converging grooves (B) (after

The triangular ridge is the major ridge The grooves themselves perform an
or lobe of every cusp. It extends from important function in occlusal restora-
the cusp tip to the central groove (Fig 5 tion. If they are adequate in width and
A). It is essentially triangular: narrow at depth, and if they transverse the
the cusp tip and wide at its base in the occlusal surface in the proper direc-
central groove. The grooves to the tions, they will permit the unimpeded
mesial and distal of it converge toward passage of opposing cusps in excursive
the cusp tip (Fig 5B).6 movements. The grooves in a wax pat-
When viewed in either a faciolingual tern are refined by moving the articu-
section or a mesiodistal section, the tri- lated casts through the various excur-
angular ridge is convex (Fig 6). If the tri- sions in order to detect any interfer-
angular ridges are placed correctly, the ences which should be removed from
correct groove pattern will occur as a the walls of the grooves (ie, the sides of
natural by-product. the ridges.

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Rationale for Occlusal Waxing

Fig 6 The triangular ridge is convex in faciolingual section (A) or in mesiodistal section (B)
(after Burch6).

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Rationale for Occlusal Waxing

Fig 7 An increased vertical overlap of anterior teeth allows longer posterior cusp length
(A). Decreased vertical overlap requires a decrease in posterior cusp length (B).

The Effect of Anterior Guidance determinant through restoration, equili-

bration, or orthodontic movement. The
The incisors and canines are the most other determinants of occlusion, the
anterior teeth in the dental arches. They temporomandibular joints and the neu-
comprise the anterior determinant of romuscular system, are not to be dis-
mandibular movement and help to counted in their effect on mandibular
guide the mandible in its excursions for- movement; however, they are not
ward (protrusive movements) and to under the direct control of the dentist.
the left and right (lateral movements). The contact of the anterior teeth in
Dentists have direct control over this excursions affects the movements of the

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Rationale for Occlusal Waxing

Fig 8 An increased horizontal overlap of anterior teeth requires a decrease in posterior

cusp length (A). Decreased horizontal overlap allows longer posterior cusp length (B).

mandible. This in turn affects cusp The greater the vertical overlap of the
placement and height, and groove direc- anterior teeth, the longer the posterior
tion and depth, which will be tolerable cusps may be (Fig 7). Conversely, the
in the posterior restoration. Restoration less the vertical overlap, the shorter the
of anterior teeth must be undertaken cusps of posterior teeth must be. The
carefully, since changes in the morpho- greater the horizontal overlap of the
logical features of these teeth can anterior teeth, the shorter the cusps of
change the anterior guidance, with pos- posterior teeth must be (Fig 8). The
sible deleterious effect on the posterior cusps may be longer when the horizon-
occlusion. tal overlap is small.

Pages 17-26_03 7/23/13 4:28 PM Page 17

Review of Waxing Technique

There are two wax-added techniques with the functional cusps (maxillary lin-
for waxing the occlusal surface of a gual and mandibular buccal). Marginal
restoration and two basic occlusal ridges and cusp ridges are added next,
schemes that can be formed. The first followed by axial ridges. The full axial
wax-added technique was developed by contours are finished, providing a bor-
E. V. Payne.1 This same method, using a der around the entire occlusal table
wax of a different color for each of the called the “fish’s mouth.” Triangular
features, has been widely promulgated ridges are then added, and any voids are
by H. C. Lundeen to teach functional filled in to complete the occlusal surface.
waxing.2 Buccal cusps are developed This method is most often associated
first, progressing from cones to buccal with the cusp-fossa relation in which
ridges, mesial and distal cusp ridges each functional cusp is nestled into the
(axial contours), and then triangular occlusal fossa of the opposing tooth (Fig
ridges, before starting the same 10). It is a tooth-to-tooth arrangement
sequence on the lingual cusps. Marginal that gives excellent distribution of
ridges are finally added to connect the occlusal forces and stability to the teeth.
two, and supplemental anatomy is Because it varies from the scheme usu-
refined. ally found in a natural occlusion, it can
This technique is usually associated be used only when restoring several
with the cusp-marginal ridge occlusion contiguous teeth and the teeth opposing
scheme in which the functional cusp con- them.
tacts the opposing occlusal surfaces on The Payne/Lundeen technique is com-
the marginal ridges of the opposing pair monly associated with the cusp-margin-
of teeth, or in a fossa (Fig 9). It is basical- al ridge occlusion; the Thomas tech-
ly a one-tooth-to-two-teeth arrange- nique, with the cusp-fossa occlusion. It
ment. Because the majority of natural should be borne in mind, however, that
dentitions have this type of occlusion, it is the method and the occlusal arrange-
commonly used for the single restora- ment are not inseparable. Although the
tions and limited occlusal restorations Thomas technique was meant for the
most frequently seen in daily practice. cusp-fossa scheme, it can be used for
The other wax-added technique is the developing a cusp-marginal ridge
invention of P. K. Thomas.3 All cusp occlusal relationship simply by altering
cones are positioned initially, starting cusp placement.

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Review of Waxing Technique

Mandibular Cusp Placement for Cusp-Marginal Ridge Occlusion

Mandibular Contacts on Opposing

Buccal Cusps Maxillary Occlusal Surfaces

1. First Premolar Mesial marginal ridge of the

first premolar

2. Second Premolar Distal marginal ridge of the

1 first premolar and the mesial
marginal ridge of the second
2 premolar

3 3. First Molar, Distal marginal ridge of the

Mesiobuccal Cusp second premolar and the
4 mesial marginal ridge of the
5 first molar
6 4. First Molar, Central fossa of the first
Distobuccal Cusp molar
First Molar, Distal Cusp Usually nonfunctional

5. Second Molar, Distal marginal ridge of the

Mesiobuccal Cusp first molar and the mesial mar-
ginal ridge of the second

6. Second Molar, Central fossa of the second

Distobuccal Cusp molar



Fig 9a

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Review of Waxing Technique

Maxillary Cusp Placement for Cusp-Marginal Ridge Occlusion

Maxillary Contacts on Opposing Lingual

Cusps Mandibular Occlusal Surfaces

1. First Premolar Distal fossa of the first


2. Second Premolar Distal fossa of the second

3. First Molar, Central fossa of the first
Mesiolingual Cusp molar
4. First Molar, Distal marginal ridge of the
Distolingual Cusp first molar and the mesial 3
marginal ridge of the second
molar 4

5. Second Molar, Central fossa of the second 5

Mesiolingual Cusp molar 6

6. Second Molar, Distal marginal ridge of the

Distolingual Cusp second molar


Fig 9b

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Review of Waxing Technique

Mandibular Cusp Placement for Cusp-Fossa Occlusion

Mandibular Contacts on Opposing

Buccal Cusps Maxillary Occlusal Surfaces

1. First Premolar Mesial fossa of the first pre-


2. Second Premolar Mesial fossa of the second

3. First Molar, Mesial fossa of the first
2 Mesiobuccal Cusp molar

3 4. First Molar, Central fossa of the first

Distobuccal Cusp molar
5 5. First Molar, Distal Cusp Distal fossa of the first molar
6. Second Molar, Mesial fossa of the second
Mesiobuccal Cusp molar

7. Second Molar, Central fossa of the second

Distobuccal Cusp molar
Second Molar, Usually nonfunctional
Distal Cusp


Fig 10a

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Review of Waxing Technique

Maxillary Cusp Placement for Cusp-Fossa Occlusion

Maxillary Lingual Contacts on Opposing

Cusps Mandibular Occlusal Surfaces

1. First Premolar Distal fossa of the first


2. Second Premolar Distal fossa of the second


3. First Molar, Central fossa of the first 1

Mesiolingual Cusp molar
4. First Molar, Distal fossa of the first molar
Distolingual Cusp 3
5. Second Molar, Central fossa of the second 4
Mesiolingual Cusp molar 5
6. Second Molar, Distal fossa of the second 6
Distolingual Cusp molar



Fig 10b

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Review of Waxing Technique

Fig 11 Cones (yellow) are placed for all cusps with a PKT No. 1. Functional cusps are locat-
ed first.

Fig 12 Form the marginal ridges and cusp ridges (blue) with a PKT No. 1.

A brief review of waxing is presented are located first, using a PKT No. 1. They
here to expedite student progress should be positioned so they will contact
through a wax pattern. A more detailed the appropriate fossa or marginal ridge
presentation of all aspects of fabricating of the opposing tooth. Next, the non-
wax patterns can be found elsewhere.7 functional cusps are placed (Fig 11). On
The functional cusps (lingual of the the maxillary teeth, the nonfunctional
maxillary and buccal of the mandibular) cusps should be short enough to miss

Pages 17-26_03 7/23/13 4:28 PM Page 23

Review of Waxing Technique

Fig 13 Axial ridges (red) are placed over the cusps with a PKT No. 1.

contacting the buccal cusps of the occlusal surface is dusted with zinc
mandibular teeth during excursions. On stearate and the articulated casts are
the mandibular teeth, the lingual cusps moved through the various excursions.
should be slightly shorter than the buc- The pathways which would normally
cal. The lingual cusps of mandibular be followed by the cusps of the respec-
molars should also be placed as far to tive opposing teeth are shown in the
the lingual and as far from each other as illustrations of the individual teeth
possible. (pages 28 to 57).
The marginal ridges and cups ridges The maxillary lingual ridges or
(both mesial and distal) are added next, mandibular buccal ridges are then
using a PKT No. 1 (Fig 12). The highest waxed in to provide the silhouette of the
points on the occlusal surfaces are the final contour of the respective axial sur-
tips of the cusp cones. The marginal face (Fig 13). Next, use the PKT No. 1 to
ridges should never be higher than the fill in any voids or discrepancies
cusps. The cusp tips and the edges of between the crests of the cusp ridges
the marginal ridge should be as sharp and the facial or lingual axial contours.
as possible. The buccolingual dimen- Smooth the axial surfaces with a PKT
sion of each occlusal table formed by No. 4 to complete the “fish’s mouth,” so
the ridges should be approximately named because of the appearance of the
55% of the overall buccolingual cusp and marginal ridges at this point
dimension of the respective tooth. The (Fig 14).

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Review of Waxing Technique

Fig 14 Finish filling in the axial contours (green) and smooth them with a PKT No. 4.

Fig 15 Use a PKT No. 1 to make the triangular ridges (red).

Build up the triangular ridge for each the cusp tip. The ridges should be con-
of the cusps with the PKT No. 1 (Fig 15). vex both buccolingually and mesiodis-
The line along which the bases of these tally to provide point contacts with the
ridges meet will be the central groove of opposing cusps. Check the occlusion in
the occlusal surface. Remember! The the intercuspal position, and in excur-
bases must be broader than the apex at sions as well.

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Review of Waxing Technique

Fig 16 The ridges are rounded and finished with a PKT No.5.

Fig 17 Smooth the grooves and fossae with a PKT No. 3.

All voids remaining on the occlusal the ridges (Fig 16). Developmental and
surface are eliminated with a PKT No. 2. supplemental grooves are smoothed
Supplemental anatomy is formed by the with a PKT No. 3 (Fig 17). Dust the wax
junction between the triangular ridge patterns with zinc stearate and check
and the adjacent cusp or marginal the occlusal contacts in the intercuspal
ridges. The PKT No. 5 is used to refine and excursive positions.

Pages 27-41_04 7/23/13 4:30 PM Page 27

Coronal Form and Function

In the following section, an individual ry contacts are cusp-fossa sets. Ideally,

page is devoted to each of the teeth, every occlusal surface waxed would
both right and left, with the exception of demonstrate all of the contacts, primary
the third molars. There are six views of and secondary, which should be found
the crown of each posterior tooth: on that particular type of tooth. The fact
occlusal view with proximal contacts, is that this occurs very rarely in the fab-
occlusal contacts, geometric inclined rication of single restorations.
planes of the occlusal surface, the path- The practical solution is to obtain as
ways of the opposing cusp tips during many contacts as possible, with wide
excursive movements, a facial view with distribution over the occlusal surface to
proximal contacts, and a proximal sil- provide maximum stability. Cusps
houette. should have tripod contacts when possi-
Pages dealing with maxillary canines ble, and single contacts on sloping sur-
and incisors include an incisal view with faces should be avoided, since they may
proximal contacts, a lingual view, the cause deflections. Marginal ridges some-
excursive pathways of opposing incisal times will not provide good sites for con-
tables, a facial view with proximal con- tacts. The opposing cusps may be too
tacts, and a proximal silhouette. Four of short, necessitating a heightened mar-
the same views are shown for the ginal ridge that might be an obstruction
mandibular anterior teeth, with the in excursions. There should be at least
deletion of the opposing incisal table one set of contacts on molar clinical wax
excursions which do not occur on patterns. When only the minimum
mandibular incisors and canines. number of contacts can be obtained,
The centric contacts and the cusp loca- every effort should be made to utilize at
tions shown are for the cusp-marginal least one cusp-fossa contact set.
ridge occlusal arrangement, since it is The locations of opposing cusps are
the type most commonly encountered. represented in the illustrations of poste-
Primary contacts are shown in red, and rior teeth by spheres, with arrows
secondary contacts are in yellow. depicting the pathways traveled by the
Primary contacts are those which are cusps in excursions. The course followed
most easily obtained, or those which are in a working excursion is blue, with pro-
most desirable. With the exception of trusive shown in yellow, and nonwork-
the maxillary first premolar, the prima- ing in red.

Pages 27-41_04 7/23/13 4:30 PM Page 28

Maxillary Teeth

Maxillary Left Central Incisor

Incisal view and proximal contacts Lingual view

Excursive pathways of opposing incisal tables

Facial view and proximal contacts Proximal view

Protrusive Working Nonworking

Pages 27-41_04 7/23/13 4:30 PM Page 29

Maxillary Teeth

Maxillary Right Central Incisor

Incisal view and proximal contacts Lingual view

Excursive pathways of opposing incisal tables

Facial view and proximal contacts Proximal view

Protrusive Working Nonworking

Pages 27-41_04 7/23/13 4:30 PM Page 30

Maxillary Teeth

Maxillary Left Lateral Incisor

Incisal view and proximal contacts Lingual view

Excursive pathways of opposing incisal tables

Facial view and proximal contacts Proximal view

Protrusive Working Nonworking

Pages 27-41_04 7/23/13 4:30 PM Page 31

Maxillary Teeth

Maxillary Right Lateral Incisor

Incisal view and proximal contacts Lingual view

Excursive pathways of opposing incisal tables

Facial view and proximal contacts Proximal view

Protrusive Working Nonworking

Pages 27-41_04 7/23/13 4:30 PM Page 32

Maxillary Teeth

Maxillary Left Canine

Incisal view and proximal contacts Lingual view

Excursive pathways of opposing incisal tables

Facial view and proximal contacts Proximal view

Protrusive Working Nonworking

Pages 27-41_04 7/23/13 4:30 PM Page 33

Maxillary Teeth

Maxillary Right Canine

Incisal view and proximal contacts Lingual view

Excursive pathways of opposing incisal tables

Facial view and proximal contacts Proximal view

Protrusive Working Nonworking

Pages 27-41_04 7/23/13 4:30 PM Page 34

Maxillary Teeth

Maxillary Left First Premolar

Occlusal view and proximal contacts Occlusal contacts

Inclined planes Excursive pathways of opposing cusps

Facial view and proximal contacts Proximal view

Protrusive Working Nonworking

Pages 27-41_04 7/23/13 4:30 PM Page 35

Maxillary Teeth

Maxillary Right First Premolar

Occlusal view and proximal contacts Occlusal contacts

Inclined planes Excursive pathways of opposing cusps

Facial view and proximal contacts Proximal view

• Primary • Secondary

Pages 27-41_04 7/23/13 4:30 PM Page 36

Maxillary Teeth

Maxillary Left Second Premolar

Occlusal view and proximal contacts Occlusal contacts

Inclined planes Excursive pathways of opposing cusps

Facial view and proximal contacts Proximal view

Protrusive Working Nonworking

Pages 27-41_04 7/23/13 4:30 PM Page 37

Maxillary Teeth

Maxillary Right Second Premolar

Occlusal view and proximal contacts Occlusal contacts

Inclined planes Excursive pathways of opposing cusps

Facial view and proximal contacts Proximal view

• Primary • Secondary

Pages 27-41_04 7/23/13 4:30 PM Page 38

Maxillary Teeth

Maxillary Left First Molar

Occlusal view and proximal contacts Occlusal contacts

Inclined planes Excursive pathways of opposing cusps

Facial view and proximal contacts Proximal view

Protrusive Working Nonworking

Pages 27-41_04 7/23/13 4:30 PM Page 39

Maxillary Teeth

Maxillary Right First Molar

Occlusal view and proximal contacts Occlusal contacts

Inclined planes Excursive pathways of opposing cusps

Facial view and proximal contacts Proximal view

• Primary • Secondary

Pages 27-41_04 7/23/13 4:30 PM Page 40

Maxillary Teeth

Maxillary Left Second Molar

Occlusal view and proximal contacts Occlusal contacts

Inclined planes Excursive pathways of opposing cusps

Facial view and proximal contacts Proximal view

Protrusive Working Nonworking

Pages 27-41_04 7/23/13 4:30 PM Page 41

Maxillary Teeth

Maxillary Right Second Molar

Occlusal view and proximal contacts Occlusal contacts

Inclined planes Excursive pathways of opposing cusps

Facial view and proximal contacts Proximal view

• Primary • Secondary

Pages 42-58_05 7/23/13 4:32 PM Page 42

Mandibular Teeth

Mandibular Left Central Incisor

Incisal view and proximal contacts Lingual view

Facial view and proximal contacts Proximal view

Pages 42-58_05 7/23/13 4:32 PM Page 43

Mandibular Teeth

Mandibular Right Central Incisor

Incisal view and proximal contacts Lingual view

Facial view and proximal contacts Proximal view

Pages 42-58_05 7/23/13 4:32 PM Page 44

Mandibular Teeth

Mandibular Left Lateral Incisor

Incisal view and proximal contacts Lingual view

Facial view and proximal contacts Proximal view

Pages 42-58_05 7/23/13 4:32 PM Page 45

Mandibular Teeth

Mandibular Right Lateral Incisor

Incisal view and proximal contacts Lingual view

Facial view and proximal contacts Proximal view

Pages 42-58_05 7/23/13 4:32 PM Page 46

Mandibular Teeth

Mandibular Left Canine

Incisal view and proximal contacts Lingual view

Facial view and proximal contacts Proximal view

Pages 42-58_05 7/23/13 4:32 PM Page 47

Mandibular Teeth

Mandibular Right Canine

Incisal view and proximal contacts Lingual view

Facial view and proximal contacts Proximal view

Pages 42-58_05 7/23/13 4:32 PM Page 48

Mandibular Teeth

Mandibular Left First Premolar

Occlusal view and proximal contacts Occlusal contacts

Inclined planes Excursive pathways of opposing cusp

Facial view and proximal contacts Proximal view

Protrusive Working Nonworking

Pages 42-58_05 7/23/13 4:32 PM Page 49

Mandibular Teeth

Mandibular Right First Premolar

Occlusal view and proximal contacts Occlusal contacts

Inclined planes Excursive pathways of opposing cusp

Facial view and proximal contacts Proximal view

• Primary • Secondary

Pages 42-58_05 7/23/13 4:32 PM Page 50

Mandibular Teeth

Mandibular Left Second Premolar, HForm

Occlusal view and proximal contacts Occlusal contacts

Inclined planes Excursive pathways of opposing cusp

Facial view and proximal contacts Proximal view

Protrusive Working Nonworking

Pages 42-58_05 7/23/13 4:32 PM Page 51

Mandibular Teeth

Mandibular Right Second Premolar, HForm

Occlusal view and proximal contacts Occlusal contacts

Inclined planes Excursive pathways of opposing cusp

Facial view and proximal contacts Proximal view

• Primary • Secondary

Pages 42-58_05 7/23/13 4:32 PM Page 52

Mandibular Teeth

Mandibular Left Second Premolar, YForm

Occlusal view and proximal contacts Occlusal contacts

Inclined planes Excursive pathways of opposing cusp

Facial view and proximal contacts Proximal view

Protrusive Working Nonworking

Pages 42-58_05 7/23/13 4:32 PM Page 53

Mandibular Teeth

Mandibular Right Second Premolar, YForm

Occlusal view and proximal contacts Occlusal contacts

Inclined planes Excursive pathways of opposing cusp

Facial view and proximal contacts Proximal view

• Primary • Secondary

Pages 42-58_05 7/23/13 4:32 PM Page 54

Mandibular Teeth

Mandibular Left First Molar

Occlusal view and proximal contacts Occlusal contacts

Inclined planes Excursive pathways of opposing cusps

Facial view and proximal contacts Proximal view

Protrusive Working Nonworking

Pages 42-58_05 7/23/13 4:32 PM Page 55

Mandibular Teeth

Mandibular Right First Molar

Occlusal view and proximal contacts Occlusal contacts

Inclined planes Excursive pathways of opposing cusps

Facial view and proximal contacts Proximal view

• Primary • Secondary

Pages 42-58_05 7/23/13 4:32 PM Page 56

Mandibular Teeth

Mandibular Left Second Molar

Occlusal view and proximal contacts Occlusal contacts

Inclined planes Excursive pathways of opposing cusps

Facial view and proximal contacts Proximal view

Protrusive Working Nonworking

Pages 42-58_05 7/23/13 4:32 PM Page 57

Mandibular Teeth

Mandibular Right Second Molar

Occlusal view and proximal contacts Occlusal contacts

Inclined planes Excursive pathways of opposing cusps

Facial view and proximal contacts Proximal view

• Primary • Secondary

Pages 42-58_05 7/23/13 4:32 PM Page 58


1. Huffman RW. Part six, occlusal morpholo- 5. Linek HA. Tooth Carving Manual.
gy. In: Guichet NF. Procedures for Occlusal Pasadena: Wood and Jones, 1949.
Treatment—A Teaching Atlas. Anaheim: 6. Burch JG. Introduction to Coronal Tooth
Denar, 1968:98. Contour. Worthington, Ohio, 1975.
2. Lundeen HC. Introduction to Occlusal 7. Shillingburg HT, Hobo S, Whitsett LD,
Anatomy. Lexington, 1969. Jacobi R, Brackett SE. Fundamentals of
3. Thomas PK. Syllabus on Full Mouth Fixed Prosthodontics, ed 3. Chicago:
Waxing Technique for Rehabilitation. San Quintessence, 1997.
Diego: Instant Printing Service, 1967.
4. Zeisz RC, Nuckolls J. Dental Anatomy. St.
Louis: Mosby, 1949.


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