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Highlights in Science, Engineering and Technology CSIC 2023

Volume 85 (2024)

Artificial Intelligence Methods in Natural Language Processing:

A Comprehensive Review
Yanhan Chen 1, Hanxuan Wang 2, Kaiwen Yu 3, *, Ruoshui Zhou 2
1 Chengdu Foreign Languages School, Chengdu,China
2 The High School Affiliated to Renmin University International Curriculum Center, Beijing, China
3 Department of Mathematics, University College London, London, the United Kingdom
* Corresponding Author Email: zcahky1@ucl.ac.uk
Abstract. The rapid evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI) since its inception in the mid-20th century
has significantly influenced the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP), transforming it from a
rule-based system to a dynamic and adaptive model capable of understanding the complexities of
human language. This paper aims to offer a comprehensive review of the various applications and
methodologies of AI in NLP, serving as a detailed guide for future research and practical applications.
In the early sections, the paper elucidates the indispensable role of AI in NLP, highlighting its
transition from symbolic reasoning to a focus on machine learning and deep learning, and its
extensive applications in sectors such as healthcare, transportation, and finance. It emphasizes the
symbiotic relationship between AI and NLP, facilitated by platforms like AllenNLP, which aid in the
development of advanced language understanding models. Further, the paper explores specific AI
techniques employed in NLP, including machine learning, Naive Bayes, and Support Vector
Machines, and identifies pressing challenges and avenues for future research. It delves into the
applications of AI in NLP, showcasing its transformative potential in tasks such as machine
translation, facilitated by deep learning methods, and the development of chatbots and virtual
assistants that have revolutionized human-technology interaction. The paper also highlights other
fields impacted by AI techniques, including text summarization, sentiment analysis, and named entity
recognition, emphasizing the efficiency and accuracy brought about by the integration of AI in these
areas. In conclusion, the paper summarizes the remarkable advancements and persistent
challenges in NLP, such as language ambiguity and contextual understanding, and underscores the
need for diverse and representative labeled data for training. Looking forward, it identifies promising
research avenues including Explainable AI, Few-shot and Zero-shot Learning, and the integration of
NLP with other data modalities, aiming for a holistic understanding of multimodal data. The paper
calls for enhanced robustness and security in NLP systems, especially in sensitive applications like
content moderation and fake news detection, to foster trust and reliability in AI technologies. It
advocates for continual learning in NLP models to adapt over time without losing previously acquired
knowledge, paving the way for a future where AI and NLP work synergistically to understand and
generate human language more effectively and efficiently.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning.

1. Introduction
The evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a subject of fascination and ongoing research,
tracing its roots back to the mid-20th century when the term was first coined. Over the decades, AI
has undergone several phases, often described metaphorically as seasons, each characterized by
varying degrees of optimism and skepticism about the technology's capabilities and future [1].
Initially focused on rule-based systems and expert systems, the field has evolved to incorporate
machine learning algorithms, natural language processing, and complex neural networks [2]. The
advent of Big Data and computational power has further accelerated AI's development, opening new
avenues for decision-making and problem-solving in various sectors [3].
The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the field of Natural Language
Processing (NLP), transforming it from a rule-based system to a more dynamic and adaptive model.
Before AI, NLP was largely constrained by the limitations of rule-based algorithms, which were not

Highlights in Science, Engineering and Technology CSIC 2023
Volume 85 (2024)

adept at understanding the nuances and complexities of human language [4]. With the integration of
AI, particularly deep learning, NLP has become more efficient and versatile, capable of handling a
wide range of tasks from translation to sentiment analysis [5]. In the information era, the necessity of
NLP through AI is further amplified, as it plays a critical role in data mining, knowledge discovery,
and even healthcare [6-7].
AI and NLP have found applications across diverse fields. For instance, Wang et al. explored the
use of AI in customer service at railway stations. Their research employed structural equation
modeling to demonstrate that service value significantly influences customer behavior towards using
AI-based services in train stations [8]. Similarly, Ophir et al. utilized Artificial Neural Networks
(ANNs) to analyze Facebook posts for suicide risk prediction. Their study revealed that machine
learning could improve risk assessments based on a variety of text features, not just explicit mentions
of suicide, underscoring the transformative potential of AI in sensitive areas like mental health [9].
In the financial sector, Xing et al. examined the accuracy of financial forecasting systems using
Natural Language Financial Forecasting (NLFF). They found that the success of AI in various tasks
has encouraged more research to build upon this technique, suggesting its potential applicability
beyond finance [10]. In the medical field, Liu et al. conducted a comprehensive analysis of pediatric
medical research published from 1940 to 2021. They identified evolving themes and trends,
concluding that there is an increasing focus on the overall physical and mental well-being of children,
influenced by factors like food safety and family dynamics [11]. Their study calls for updated, large-
scale, and long-term analytical research to further understand these trends.
Therefore, the aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review of the various applications
of AI methods in NLP, with the hope of offering an in-depth and holistic reference for future research
and practice.
The objective of this paper is to offer a comprehensive review of AI's role and methods in NLP,
serving as a detailed guide for future research and practical applications. We begin by elucidating the
significance of AI in NLP, followed by an exploration of its various applications and the challenges
it currently faces. The second section delves into the foundational concepts and the importance of AI
in the realm of NLP. In the third section, we examine specific AI techniques employed in NLP, such
as machine learning, Naive Bayes, and Support Vector Machines. The fourth section identifies five
pressing challenges and proposes five avenues for future research in the field. The paper concludes
by summarizing key findings, acknowledging limitations, and recommending directions for future

2. Importance of AI in Natural Language Processing

AI is a multidisciplinary field that aims to create intelligent machines capable of mimicking human
cognitive functions. The field has evolved from its early stages of symbolic reasoning and expert
systems to its current focus on machine learning and deep learning. AI's influence extends beyond
computer science, impacting sectors such as healthcare, transportation, and finance. With ongoing
advancements in algorithms and computational power, AI is becoming a cornerstone of modern
technological and societal progress [12]. Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a specialized area
within AI that focuses on enabling machines to understand, interpret, and generate human language.
NLP applications range from text classification and sentiment analysis to machine translation and
question-answering systems [13]. Machine learning algorithms, particularly deep learning, are often
employed in NLP to analyze and interpret large datasets of natural language, making NLP both an
application and a crucial part of AI research [14].
The role of AI in NLP is indispensable. Most modern NLP tasks, such as document translation,
sentiment analysis, and text summarization, rely heavily on AI technologies. Machine learning and
deep learning are particularly crucial for handling the complexities of human language, which
includes nuances, idioms, and context-dependent information. AI algorithms can learn and model
these complexities, continually improving their language processing capabilities. The AllenNLP

Highlights in Science, Engineering and Technology CSIC 2023
Volume 85 (2024)

platform exemplifies the symbiotic relationship between AI and NLP. Built on top of the PyTorch
machine learning library, AllenNLP enables researchers to develop advanced language understanding
models using deep learning methods. The platform offers features like a flexible data API, high-level
abstractions for text operations, and a modular experiment framework, making it an invaluable tool
for state-of-the-art NLP research [15].

3. Applications of AI Methods in NLP

AI has extensive applications in text classification, including but not limited to spam email filtering
and news categorization. By employing machine learning algorithms, AI can automatically identify
and categorize text content, significantly improving efficiency and accuracy. For instance, in spam
email filtering, AI learns to recognize common features of spam emails and automatically filters out
irrelevant or harmful messages. Similarly, in news categorization, AI can automatically classify news
articles based on pre-defined tags, facilitating quicker access to topics of interest for users. The
application of AI methods in NLP has revolutionized various domains by automating complex tasks
that require understanding and generation of human language. It contains the communication of
computer and human natural language. NLP’s technology can make speaking cognition, text analysis,
and emotional analysis come true. Another function is to support AI services, AI chat, and AI
3.1. Machine Translation
Machine translation has been a cornerstone application in the field of Natural Language Processing
(NLP). With the advent of deep learning techniques, the quality and efficiency of machine translation
have seen significant improvements. Traditional methods like rule-based and statistical machine
translation have given way to neural machine translation models, which are capable of capturing the
nuances and context of languages more effectively [16]. The Tensor2Tensor library, for instance,
provides a well-suited environment for NMT and includes the reference implementation of state-of-
the-art models [17]. The application of deep learning in machine translation not only improves the
quality of translation but also speeds up the translation process, making real-time translation feasible.
This has broad implications for various sectors, including international business, healthcare, and
emergency response services [18].
In summary, machine translation has evolved significantly with the integration of deep learning
methods, offering more accurate and faster translations. This evolution underscores the
transformative potential of AI in NLP, particularly in tasks that require understanding the
complexities and subtleties of human languages.
3.2. Chatbots and Virtual Assistants
The application of AI in the development of chatbots and virtual assistants has revolutionized the
way we interact with technology. These intelligent systems are designed to understand, interpret, and
respond to human language in a conversational manner. The integration of Natural Language
Processing (NLP) algorithms allows these chatbots to provide more personalized and context-aware
interactions [19].
The use of AI and NLP in chatbots has found applications in various sectors such as education,
healthcare, and customer service. For instance, chatbots in educational settings have been shown to
improve student engagement and learning outcomes [19]. In healthcare, they are used for preliminary
diagnosis and providing medical information [20].
Advancements in machine learning techniques, particularly deep learning, have enabled the
development of more sophisticated chatbots capable of understanding complex queries and even
detecting emotional tones in the text [21]. This has led to the creation of virtual assistants that are not
only functional but also emotionally intelligent.

Highlights in Science, Engineering and Technology CSIC 2023
Volume 85 (2024)

The future of chatbots and virtual assistants looks promising with ongoing research focusing on
making them more interactive, context-aware, and capable of handling multi-turn conversations
3.3. Other Field
AI techniques have brought transformative changes to various field, including text summarization.
They automate the process of distilling lengthy articles, documents, or speeches into shorter versions
that capture the essence of the content. This innovation is especially beneficial for professionals who
need to quickly grasp key information without sifting through entire documents [24]. Leveraging AI
algorithms, sentiment analysis can effectively scrutinize customer reviews, social media interactions,
and other textual data to discern the writer's sentiment. This technology is invaluable for businesses
aiming to assess customer satisfaction and monitor public opinion [25]. AI-enhanced Named Entity
Recognition (NER) algorithms have significantly improved the accuracy of identifying specific
entities such as names, organizations, locations, time expressions, and quantities. This enhanced
accuracy is crucial for data extraction in various sectors, including but not limited to journalism and
healthcare [26].
A review of these application cases clearly demonstrates that AI methods have not only elevated
the accuracy of NLP tasks but have also increased their efficiency. The synergistic integration of AI
into NLP continues to push the envelope, expanding the realm of possibilities in both understanding
and generating human language. Ongoing Challenges and Future Directions

4. Conclusion
In this paper, we have summarized numerous examples of AI technology applied in NLP. Through
these examples, we further explore the advantages and disadvantages of AI in solving practical
problems, which holds significant implications for future applications of AI in NLP. NLP has seen
remarkable advancements in recent years, yet it faces several persistent challenges that continue to
engage researchers and practitioners. One of the most significant hurdles is the inherent ambiguity of
language; determining the precise meaning of a word or phrase within a specific context remains a
complex task. Additionally, NLP models often struggle with contextual understanding, which is
particularly crucial in applications like sentiment analysis and sarcasm detection. The scarcity of
diverse and representative labeled data for training further complicates matters, as does the challenge
of extending NLP techniques to languages other than English. Ethical concerns, such as the potential
for NLP models to perpetuate existing biases, add another layer of complexity to the field.
Looking ahead, several exciting avenues for research and development are emerging in the NLP
landscape. One such area is Explainable AI, which aims to create NLP models capable of providing
transparent explanations for their decisions, thereby increasing trust and interpretability in critical
sectors like healthcare and law. Researchers are also focusing on Few-shot and Zero-shot Learning
to reduce the dependency on extensive labeled data, making NLP more accessible across various
tasks and languages. The integration of NLP with other data modalities—such as images, videos, or
audio—offers promising prospects for a more holistic understanding of multimodal data. Continual
learning, which allows NLP models to adapt over time without losing previously acquired knowledge,
is another key research direction. Lastly, enhancing the robustness and security of NLP systems,
especially in sensitive applications like content moderation and fake news detection, remains a

Author contribution
All the authors contributed equally, and their names were listed in alphabetical order.

Highlights in Science, Engineering and Technology CSIC 2023
Volume 85 (2024)

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