Idioms Sent

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1. You may not like your job, but don’t quit merely on the hope of finding a better one.

A bird in
the hand is worth two in the bush.
2. Being laid off was a blessing in disguise – within a month I got a much better job.
3. She has a chip on her shoulder about not getting admission into that university.
4. In that bustling city, coffee shops are a dime a dozen, you can find one on every corner.
5. Even after the scientific experiment was explained thoroughly, John remained a doubting
Thomas and insisted on conducting the experiment himself.
6. The company's generous donation was only a drop in the bucket compared to the overall
fundraising goal.
7. She gave up her entire estate on the basis of a verbal promise. A fool and his money are indeed
easily parted.
8. It was clear that John didn't have a strong grasp of financial management, as he impulsively
spent his entire paycheck on unnecessary items. Truly, a fool and his money are easily parted.
9. The institutions of Pakistan should have multilateral talks as a House Divided against Itself
Cannot Stand.
10. Even with all the apologies, he's still making insensitive comments - it seems a leopard can't
change his spots.
11. He is too frugal and cautious in his spending as he knows that a penny saved is a penny earned.
12. A good presentation should contain more of graphics and less of text, since a picture is worth a
thousand words.
13. Being a civil engineer, the designing of required project is a piece of cake for him.
14. Despite of the severity of the crime, the judge’s sentence seemed to be a slap on the wrist.
15. After years of spreading rumors about others, Sarah finally experienced a taste of her own
medicine when her secret was exposed.
16. Deciding on a restaurant for dinner was a toss-up, as we couldn't agree on a cuisine.
17. The politician fulfilled all the promises he made during the election campaign as he knew that
the actions speak louder than words.
18. The inflation added the fuel to the fire of social unrest in the country.
19. We need to work against the clock to meet the deadline of the project.
20. Despite his threatening demeanor, John turned out to be all bark and no bite when he didn't
confront the challenging situation.
21. Being the student with the medical background, the lecture of programming was all Greek to
22. Climate change affects us all equally; we're all in the same boat when it comes to preserving the
planet for future generations.
23. I want to buy a villa in the luxurious location but it may cost me an arm and a leg.
24. Some new reports may be biased because the reporters have an axe to grind.
25. The parents of Ali want to fulfill all his desires as he is the apple of his parent’s eye.
26. He couldn't stop smiling after his surprise party; he was as high as a kite with happiness.
27. Mary is known for her punctuality; she can organize a meeting at the drop of a hat.
28. You should take the responsibility of the completion of the project instead of being just a
backseat driver.
29. The two rival countries are back to square one as the negotiations failed.
30. As my proposal was rejected so I need to go back to the drawing board.
31. He bought a baker's dozen of biscuits.
32. I think they are barking up the wrong tree by focusing on the problems they have. They should
focus on the solutions instead.
33. You can’t persuade him to come out with us. You’re just beating a dead horse.
34. The politician is not addressing the economic problems directly. He’s just beating around the
35. I respect him a lot as he bent over backwards to help me in my hard times.
36. I hate my job but cannot quit owing to my economic condition. I’m stuck between a rock and a
hard place
37. By accepting two part-time jobs, he is clearly biting off more than he can chew.
38. When you get into trouble, usually your family will be the ones to bail you out, not your friends.
After all, blood is thicker than water.
39. My brother lives in abroad and he visits home once in a blue moon.
40. “Break a leg!” I shouted out to him before he rushed in for his auditions.
41. I have spent a lot on the maintenance of this car. I think I have bought a lemon.
42. Despite all his attempts at winning the competition, he could never quite do it. It was always
close, but no cigar.
43. I want to complete this report by today, come hell or high water.
44. The entire group cracked up at the joke of their teacher.
45. Fingers crossed that my brother Jack will get a promotion soon.
46. It's no use crying over spilled milk - he's spent all the money, and there's nothing you can do
about it.
47. If you cry wolf too often, people will stop believing that you need help.
48. Nothing energizes me more than a cup of Joe in the morning.
49. He got himself into the trouble after opening a mysterious box and realized that curiosity killed
the cat.
50. I don’t have time for idle talk, so cut to the chase and tell me what you want.
51. The local candidate turned out to be dark horse as he defeated the accomplished politician of
the area.
52. She is a dead ringer of her mother.
53. Often the interviewer will need to play devil's advocate in order to get a discussion going.
54. Northern areas are filled with tourists during the dog days of summer.
55. She wanted to buy a dress in case someone asked her to the dance, but I told her not to count
her chickens before they hatched.
56. I know you don’t like the dress very much, but it was a gift; you should not look a gift horse in
the mouth.
57. It is wise to diversify your investments across different instruments, as you should not put all
your eggs in one basket.
58. These flowers are great and make the room look doozy.
59. Since both the candidates are equally popular, this year’s election looks to be going down to the
He is the elder statesman par excellence.

The children laughed with glee at the clown's antics.

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