Portfolio-Fouad and Mounib - Compressed

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As many things in our life just meant to be, Fouad & Mounib
were meant to meet to present their music to the world.
Between Egypt and Germany their talents grew up to meet
by coincidence when "Fouad" posted his simply recorded
music to the internet from Egypt to reach "Mounib" in
Germany, The feelings and harmony in Fouad's pieces
impressed Mounib to rearrange it in a professional way
which encouraged both of them to start their own project
with a concert in Egypt on September 2015 with online
rehearsals to meet physically three days before the concert.

After that date they held many concerts in Egypt in many

venues like opera houses all over Egypt, Mohamed Ali Castle
in cairo, Bibliotheca Alexandrina and others with
magnificent response from the audience that followed them
all over the country during last season which made Fouad &
Mounib's first dream to come true to have sold out concerts
with people full of passion to listen to their work.

About Mounib Both of Fouad & Mounib are composers, they rearrange their
‫ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬ original music pieces together to be ready to be presented to
Started his musical education at the the world fulfilled and smooth.
age of 7 till he graduated with bachelor
of music from Cairo Conservatoire in
Egypt , he worked as a violinist in
Cairo symphony orchestra for 3 years
then moved to Germany where he
worked in the Württembergische
Philharmonic orchestra for one year,
He got his master degree in classical
music from Munich university of music
and he is half way now to finish his 2nd
master in jazz music. also Mounib is a
composer. About Fouad‫ـ‬
He is a pianist and composer who doesn't
define himself as a professional musician as
music wasn't his main study. He studied
medicine and works now as a physician..he
just could speak and reflect his thoughts
and feelings through his music.
Band Members

Adham Elhabashy
Lost Tiran

Ahmed Hamdi
Keboard + Lead Guitar A Laugh The rain dance

A date with
A song for the soul sunset

Hesham Elsory
Bass Guitar

Escaping from
Contcat Us:

Band Mangment:
Adham Elhabashy: +201114003077 / +201102050044
Mido Renga

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