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Cyber Security Vulnerabilities Scanning

Summary report

Prepared by
Information Security – Risk Department

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As a part of Cyber security program for ( Organization Name), and to fulfill (regulatory
body name) requirements, (Organization Name) has conducted cyber security scanning
for all (Organization Name) network . Even though (Organization Name) has conducted a lot
of security scans before, this type of scanning considered the most aggressive and
deepest one.

Vulnerability management is an ongoing exercise, as newly vulnerabilities have

been discovered continuously, and much more sophisticated hacking techniques
and capabilities to be developed.

This scan has been conducted (date/year), results have been verified by IT
department administrators, efforts already done during gaps closure and still in
progress to mitigate the reported vulnerabilities, however some vulnerabilities
mitigation plans are either relevant to upgrade/replacement projects or applying
needed patches/updates.

As the vulnerability scanning should be carried out regularly, next scanning run, as
scheduled will be (date), a comparison progress report will be provided accordingly.

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1. Vulnerabilities summary:
# of Vulnerabilities
Critical High Medium Low

AIX/Redhat 289 1115 1356 186

Windows Servers 670 5527 2300 326

Network Devices 22 249 263 240

Workstations 2223 10924 1543 178


ATMs (samples) 21 406 91 6

Total 3225 18221 5553 963

2. Overall Dashboard

Low, 936, 3%

Medium, 5553, 20%

Critical, 3225, 12%

High, 18221, 65% Critical




Hereunder are the detailed dashboards for each category.

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Category Dashboard

Low, 186, 6%
Critical, 289,

Medium, 1356,
46% High, 1115, 38%

Low, 326, 4% Critical, 670, 7%

Medium, 2300,
Window 26%
Servers High, 5527, 63%

Critical, 22, 3%
Low, 240, 31%

Medium, 263,
k High, 249, 32%

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Low, 178, 1%

Medium, 1543,
Critical, 2223,
Workstations 15%

High, 10924,

Low, 6, 1%
Critical, 21, 4%

Medium, 91,

High, 406, 78%

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3. Remediation Plan /IT feedback
Category Plan /Feedback
 AIX servers are related to (App name), currently in the phase of
validating the impact of remediation with the service and once
we get feedback from all concerned technical team ,will put a
AIX/Red hat
plan for the applicable one.

 False positive were initially identified 10-12 %.

 Some Vulnerabilities need a windows updates which is a
continuous operation tasks.
 Some of the vulnerabilities require restarting after the
Windows Servers remediation which should be arranged by application owner.
 The applicable remediation which does not need any downtime
is already started and will provide the result before (date).

 60-70% were closed already and remaining are needs major

Core Router/ Switches which will need a major upgrade with
Network Devices downtime.
 The false positive were approximately between 10%-15%.

 The false positive percentages are between 10-20%.

 Windows 10 upgrade project which is already started with Jabal
Workstations (Samples) Amman as a pilot branch and this will solve 80% of the

 35% of the issue is related to adobe flash player, which needs

further deep inspections to avoid impact on application itself.
 Currently ATM support team is engaged in installing PCI
ATMs (Samples) requirement and new certified BWAC5.3 on all ATMs, around
60% are done now and this should minimize some of the points
in this report.
 False positive for ATM machines is around 10%.

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