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Dear fellow students of Kananga National High School – Senior High Department,

We, the Grade 12 students of Section Humility, are pleased to inform you about the
research project we have conducted on the topic ‘Factors Influencing Career Choices among
Grade 12 students in Kananga National High School – Senior High Department. Our main
objective is to gather valuable insights into the factors that influence our career decisions as
Grade 12 students.
Your participation in this survey questionnaire is highly appreciated, as it will provide
us with crucial data for our study. We would like to assure you that all responses will be kept
confidential and used solely for research purposes.
Kindly take a few moments of your time to carefully respond to the questions
provided. Your honest feedback is essential in helping us gain a deeper understanding of the
factors influencing career choices among Grade 12 students.
Thank you for your cooperation and active involvement in our research.

Name ( Optional ) : Section :

Age :

1. Provide a brief background about your family.

2. How would you describe yourself?

3. What are you passionate about?

4. What is your greatest strength and weakness?

5. What extracurricular activities are you interested in?

6. What motivates you?

7. Who are the people you most admire?

8. Do you know what you want to be when you get older?

9. What is success for you?

10. What do you think is the most important thing you can learn in school?

11. How will you benefit from attending this school?

12. How have you recovered from a disappointment or setback?

13. If you had one wish, what would it be?

14. Does your financial status affect your academic performance

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