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Name: ……...…………………...……………….………Adm No: ….


………… Candidate’s Sign: ………...............Date: ................................



(a) Write your name, admission number and class in the spaces provided at the
top of the page.

(b) Write the date of the examination in the spaces provided above.

(c) Answer all the questions in the spaces provided. Marks will be added for
correct working even if the answer is wrong

(d) The paper consists of 10 printed pages.

(e) Students should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are
printed as indicated and that no questions are missing.



1 Use the number line to illustrate the following

(a) (2

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(b) (2 marks)

2 Express the following in standard form.

a) The area of Kenya 582,600 (1 mark)

b) Diameter of Carbo dioxide molecule 0.0000000334cm (1


3 a) Write down the place value of 4 in number 6, 478, 651

(1 mark)

b) What is the total value of 7 in the number in (a) above

(1 mark)

4 E v a l u a t e :
( 3 m a r k s )

5 All prime numbers between 10 and 20 are summed up to form a number:

( a ) F i n d t h e n u m b e r f o r m e d .
( 2 m a r k s )

Page 2 of 10
(b) Write down the number in (a) as a product of its prime factors.
(1 mark)

6 Kimathi borrowed borrowed Ksh 2,650 from a friend. After two weeks he paid back
Ksh 1,255. He requested to pay the remaining amount in equal amounts for three
weeks. How much did he pay each week?
(3 marks)

7 Test whether is divisible by ; (3 marks)

a) 4

b) 8

c) 9

8 A square room is covered by a number of whole rectangular slabs of sides 60cm by

B bbb Calculate ;

a) the least possible length of the room in square metres.


b) the least possible area of the room in square metres.


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9 Evaluate (3 marks)

10 A farmer sold 17 litres of milk per day in the month of February 2024. If the farmer
was paid Ksh 52per litre of milk, how much did the farmer receive from the sale of
milk that month.

(2 marks)

11 (a) Express and each as a product of its prime factors. (2


(b) Hence find

i) the GCD of and (2 marks)

ii) the LCM of and (2 marks)

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12 A farmer has 3 containers of capacity 36litres, 84 litres and 90 litres. Determine the
capacity the largest container that can be used to fill each one of them an exact
number of times.


13 Convert the following recurring decimals into fractions.

(a) (2

(b) (3 marks)

14 a) Express the number as a product of its prime factors.

(1 mark)

b) Hence determine without using mathematical tables leaving your answer in prime
f a c t o r s
( 2 m a r k s )

15 Evaluate without using mathematical tables:

(3 marks)

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16 (a) Use mathematical tables to evaluate (2

(b) Use mathematical tables to evaluate (2


17 Determine the smallest possible number P such that the product forms a perfect
s q u a r e .
( 2 m a r k s )
18 Mr. Otieno spent of his monthly salary on school fees. He spent a of the remainder
on transportation. He spent of what was left on food. If he still had Ksh 28,000 left,
what is his monthly salary? (4 marks)

19 A tailor needs m of material to make a shirt. How much material will the tailor need
to make 15 shirts? (2 marks)

20 Use the tables of square roots to evaluate:

a) (2marks)

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b) (2 marks)

21 Simplify

(a) (2 marks)

(b) (2 marks)

(c) (3 marks)

22 A shopkeeper decreased the price of a commodity marked at Sh 540 in the ratio

8:9. Find the new price. (3 marks)

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23 A woman is now five times as old as his son. If the son is m years old, write an
expression for;

a ) S u m o f t h e i r a g e s
( 1 m a r k )

b) Product of their ages in 5 years’ time.

(2 marks)

24 Given that , Find (3 marks)

25 A 72- hectare farm is to be shared among three sons Joe, Kim and Ben in the ratio
respectively. What will be the size in hectares that each son will get.
(3 marks)

2 6 S i m p l i f y
( 3 m a r k s )

Page 8 of 10
27 A rectangular piece of cloth is (x+5) cm by (x-1) cm. A strip 2 cm wide is cut off all
round it. Write an expression(3formarks)
the area of the strip.

28 Given that Find the value of K given that a= -3, b=9 and c=2 (3

29 Sixteen men working at the rate of 9 hrs a day can complete a piece of work in 14
days. How many men working at the rate of 7 hrs a day would complete a similar
piece of work in 12 days. (3 marks)

30 A man earning 4800 per month is given a 20% pay rise. What is his new salary?

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(2 marks)

31 A trader bought a dress and increased the selling price by 25% from the buying
price. When she realised nobody was buying it, she lowered the selling price by
10%. If the new price is Ksh 2,850. What price had she bought the dress?
(3 marks)


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