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Sarah Jediah B.

Libongao Kananga Leyte

February 26, 2024

Willfredo Donaire
Waterworks department
Kananga leyte

Dear Sir Willfredo,

I am writing to express my interest in the position of assistant in waterworks department. I

learned about this opportunity through my Teachers. I believe that my skills and
qualifications make me an ideal fit for this job.
In my previous experiences, I have developed strong communication and problem-solving
skills, which I believe would enable me to contribute effectively to the work at the
waterworks department. I am passionate about public service and have a strong desire to
make a positive impact in the community. I am confident that my dedication, attention to
detail, and ability to work well in a team would make me a valuable asset to the organization.
Throughout my academic journey and involvement in various community service projects, I
have gained a solid understanding of the principles and practices of effective governance. I
have also developed the ability to analyze complex issues, propose innovative solutions, and
collaborate with diverse stakeholders. I am eager to apply these skills and contribute to the
ongoing projects and initiatives at waterworks department.
Thank you for considering my application. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss my
qualifications further and provide any additional information you may require. You can reach
me at via email at jediahsarahmata@email.com.

Sarah Jediah B. Mata
Water Works Department” typically refers to a government or municipal department
responsible for managing the supply and distribution of water to a community or region. The
primary role of a Water Works Department is to ensure the provision of safe and reliable
drinking water to residents, businesses, and institutions within their jurisdiction.

The Water Works Department is responsible for various tasks related to water management,

1. Water Treatment Operator: These individuals are responsible for operating and
maintaining the machines in a water treatment plant. They ensure that the water is safe
for consumption and meets local and national water quality standards.
2. Water Engineer: Water engineers design and implement solutions for water
management, including water supply and irrigation systems.
3. Utilities Service Worker: These individuals perform a variety of tasks related to the
maintenance and repair of water and sewer lines.
4. Wastewater Operator: They are responsible for operating and maintaining the
equipment used to process and dispose of wastewater.
5. Billing and Customer Service: This involves calculating water bills based on meter
readings, issuing invoices, and collecting payments. Customer service representatives
handle inquiries, complaints, and service requests.
6. Maintenance and Repair: This includes regular maintenance of the water treatment
facilities and distribution network. It also involves responding to and repairing any
issues such as leaks or pipe breaks.
7. Regulatory Compliance: Water utilities must comply with various local, state, and
federal regulations regarding water quality, environmental impact, and public health.
This involves regular testing, reporting, and inspections.

 Day 1 – Day 5 ( February 26, 2024 – March 3, 2024 )

On the first day of my work immersion, our teacher and the rest of the students
embarked on an exciting trip to the municipal office. This location served as the central hub
for assigning each of us to specific workplaces. Personally, I was fortunate enough to be
assigned to a water works facility, and I had the pleasure of being accompanied by four of my
fellow students. The anticipation and excitement filled the air as we made our way to our
designated workplace.

Upon our arrival at the water works facility, we were warmly welcomed by our
manager, Sir Willfredo Donaire, and his esteemed colleagues. Their genuine hospitality and
friendly demeanor instantly made us feel at ease. This initial encounter not only set a positive
tone for our work immersion experience but also provided us with a valuable opportunity to
get to know our manager and his dedicated team.

As the day progressed, our manager wasted no time in assigning various tasks to the
four of us. Each task was carefully curated to provide us with a well-rounded experience and
a deeper understanding of the operations within the water works facility. One of the most
significant tasks assigned to us was the calculation of bills for the local residents. This
responsibility became a daily routine for our group, and we soon became adept at efficiently
and accurately handling this essential task.

Despite the seemingly daunting nature of the bill calculation, we quickly discovered
that it was a manageable endeavor. With each passing day, our skills improved, and our
confidence grew. The support and guidance provided by our manager and his team were
instrumental in our success. Their willingness to answer our questions and offer valuable
insights greatly contributed to our overall learning experience.

Incredibly, within a remarkably short span of just five days, we were able to complete
the bill calculation task. This accomplishment not only showcased our dedication and
commitment but also highlighted the effectiveness of our teamwork. The sense of fulfillment
and achievement we felt upon completing this task just within in 5 days.
 Day 6 ( March 4, 2024 )

On the sixth day of our immersion, in the morning when we arrived at our
assigned department, our engineer informed us that we would be participating in their flag
ceremony. After the flag ceremony concluded, we returned to our respective departments
where we were assigned. I was given a new task, as I had successfully completed the
previous assignment. This new task involved compiling a list of receipts for individuals
who have made payments for water services. Additionally, I was responsible for
documenting the payment transactions.

Once I completed this task, my colleagues and I eagerly awaited further

instructions. We patiently waited for any additional assignments or tasks, as we had
already fulfilled our previous duty of delivering important documents from the water
works department to various local government units (LGUs) and permit offices. This
aspect of our work was a significant part of our responsibilities, as it involved ensuring
the smooth flow of paperwork and facilitating necessary procedures.

Throughout our immersion at the water works department, we engaged in various

tasks that allowed us to gain practical experience and knowledge. Compiling receipts and
documenting payment transactions provided us with a deeper understanding of the
intricacies involved in managing water services. It emphasized the importance of
accuracy and attention to detail in maintaining proper records and ensuring the efficient
operation of the department.

As we eagerly awaited further instructions, we remained committed to

contributing our best efforts to the overall success of the department. Our immersion
experience at the water works department provided us with valuable insights and practical
skills, enabling us to develop a profound appreciation for the dedicated work carried out
by the department in providing essential services to the community.

 Day 7 ( March 5, 2024 )

During the seventh day of our immersion experience, a new and distinct task was
assigned to me. On this particular day, my responsibility revolved around the placement
of dates on disconnection notices for water services. These notices were intended for
individuals who had not made their payment for the services rendered. In addition to this,
I was entrusted with the duty of personally delivering these notices to the residents who
resided in close proximity to our department. This task required not only attention to
detail but also effective communication and a sense of responsibility. By ensuring that the
disconnection notices were accurately dated and promptly delivered, we aimed to inform
and remind the residents about their pending water service payments. This process played
a vital role in maintaining a smooth operation and fostering a sense of accountability
within our community.

 Day 8 ( March 6, 2024 )

On the eighth day of our immersion, we arrived at the water works department
where we were assigned for the day. As soon as we got there, I was given the
responsibility of cleaning our surroundings. It was crucial to ensure that the area was tidy
and free from any dirt or unpleasant odors. This was especially important because there
were people scheduled to visit our department for a meeting regarding water-related
matters. I wanted to create a positive and welcoming environment for their arrival.

With determination and attention to detail, I meticulously cleaned the area,

making sure to remove any debris and organize the space. I wanted everything to be in
order and visually appealing for the upcoming meeting. By taking the initiative to clean, I
aimed to contribute to the overall professionalism and efficiency of the water works

After completing the cleaning tasks, I moved on to the next item on my agenda. I
was tasked with putting dates on the notices that would be distributed to individuals who
had not yet paid their monthly water bills. This was a crucial responsibility as it served as
a gentle reminder for them to settle their outstanding payments promptly. I carefully and
accurately added the dates to each notice, ensuring that they were clear and easily visible.
This attention to detail was essential to effectively communicate the urgency of payment.

 Day 9 ( March 7, 2024 )

On the ninth day of our immersion program, we arrived at the water works
department with anticipation and enthusiasm. As we stepped into the bustling office, we
were greeted by our dedicated engineer and his team, who were deeply engrossed in their
tasks. It was evident that they were committed to ensuring the efficient operation of the
department and the provision of quality water services to the community.

Given that our immersion program was drawing to a close, we took the
opportunity to engage in a thoughtful conversation with our engineer. We exchanged
ideas, shared our experiences, and discussed the challenges and triumphs we had
encountered throughout our time at the department. It was a valuable interaction that
allowed us to gain insights into the intricacies of managing a water works facility and the
importance of teamwork in delivering reliable services.

As the day progressed and the afternoon sun bathed the office in warm light,
around 1pm, I was entrusted with a new task. The responsibility bestowed upon me was
to ensure that the water bills were accurately dated and properly distributed to the
respective barangays, or local communities. This task held immense significance as it
directly impacted the residents who relied on these bills to fulfill their payment

With meticulous attention to detail, I carefully inputted the dates on each water
bill, ensuring that they were clearly visible and accurate. It was essential to maintain
precision in this process, as any errors could lead to confusion or delays in payment.
Additionally, I diligently organized the bills, preparing them for distribution to the
designated barangays. This required careful sorting and labeling to ensure that each bill
reached its intended recipient promptly.

Engaging in this task provided me with a deeper understanding of the importance

of accurate billing and efficient distribution in maintaining a well-functioning water
works department. It highlighted the crucial role that timely payments play in sustaining
the operations and infrastructure necessary to deliver clean and safe water to the
community. By diligently carrying out this responsibility, I aimed to contribute to the
department’s mission of providing reliable and accessible water services to all.

 Day 10 ( March 8, 2024 )

On the tenth and final day of our immersive program, we eagerly arrived at the
water works department, knowing that it would be our last day at this remarkable
institution. As soon as we stepped into the department, we were greeted warmly by our
esteemed engineer and his dedicated colleagues. The camaraderie and mutual respect we
had developed over the course of our immersion were evident in their welcoming smiles
and friendly demeanor.

Before we bid farewell to the department, we wanted to capture a lasting memory

of our time there. We approached our manager and requested to take a group photo with
him. This photograph would serve as a tangible reminder of the invaluable experiences
and knowledge we had gained during our immersion. It would become a cherished
addition to our portfolio, symbolizing the growth and achievements we had attained
throughout our journey.

As the day progressed, we found ourselves without any specific tasks assigned to
us. We patiently waited, eager to contribute in any way possible during our final hours at
the department. However, as the afternoon approached, it became apparent that there were
no further assignments or responsibilities for us to undertake. In consultation with my
fellow students, we collectively decided to approach our engineer and inquire if he would
be available to join us for a photo opportunity.

To our delight, our engineer graciously agreed to our request. We gathered around
him, smiling with a sense of gratitude and accomplishment. In that brief moment, we
captured the essence of our immersion experience and expressed our sincere appreciation
for his guidance and mentorship throughout our time at the water works department. It
was a heartfelt gesture of gratitude, acknowledging the significant impact he had made on
our personal and professional growth.

With our photo session complete, we took a moment to reflect on our journey at
the water works department. We expressed our heartfelt gratitude to our engineer, our
manager, and the entire team for their exceptional support and instruction. Their
dedication to imparting their knowledge and expertise to us had been instrumental in
shaping our understanding of water management and its importance in our community.

As we concluded our immersion at the water works department, a sense of

accomplishment and fulfillment washed over us. We expressed our deepest appreciation
to our superiors for providing us with the opportunity to be a part of their workplace and
for entrusting us with meaningful tasks and responsibilities. Our time at the department
had not only expanded our knowledge but also instilled in us a profound sense of
responsibility and commitment to sustainable water management practices.

As we bid farewell to the water works department, we carried with us a deep

appreciation for the tireless efforts and dedication required to ensure the provision of
clean and safe water to the community. Our immersion experience had left an indelible
mark on our hearts and minds, and we departed with a renewed passion to make a
positive impact in the field of water management.

The tenth day marked the culmination of our immersive journey at the water
works department. As we left, we carried with us a wealth of knowledge, unforgettable
memories, and a profound appreciation for the crucial role played by water professionals
in safeguarding this precious resource. We were grateful for the opportunity to have been
a part of this remarkable institution and were inspired to continue our pursuit of
excellence in the field of water management.

I recently had the privilege of participating in an immersion program at the Water

Works Department. This immersive experience provided me with valuable insights into the
operations and responsibilities of the department, as well as the behaviors and lessons I
learned during my work.

During my time at the Water Works Department, I had the opportunity to observe and
engage in various activities that contributed to the efficient functioning of the water supply
system. One of the key aspects I learned was the importance of teamwork and collaboration
among the department’s staff. I witnessed how different teams worked together seamlessly to
ensure the smooth operation and maintenance of the water infrastructure.

In addition to teamwork, I also learned the significance of professionalism and

dedication in the workplace. The staff at the Water Works Department demonstrated a strong
work ethic and a commitment to providing clean and safe water to the community. Their
attention to detail and adherence to quality standards left a lasting impression on me.

Furthermore, I had the chance to learn about the technical aspects of water
management. From water treatment processes to pipeline maintenance, I gained practical
knowledge about the various stages involved in delivering clean water to the residents of
Kananga. This experience deepened my understanding of the challenges faced by the water
industry and the importance of ensuring a reliable water supply.

Throughout my immersion, I encountered both achievements and challenges. One

notable achievement was witnessing the positive impact of the department’s efforts on the
community. Seeing the smiles on people’s faces as they received clean water highlighted the
significance of the work being done. On the other hand, I also faced challenges, such as
understanding the complexities of water infrastructure management and the need for
continuous improvement in the face of evolving demands.
Reflecting on my immersion experience, I am grateful for the opportunity to learn and
grow in a real-world setting. The immersion at the Water Works Department in Kananga not
only provided me with practical knowledge but also instilled in me a sense of responsibility
towards water conservation and sustainable practices.

In conclusion, my immersion at the Water Works Department in Kananga was a

transformative experience. It allowed me to witness firsthand the dedication and hard work of
the department’s staff, while also teaching me valuable lessons about teamwork,
professionalism, and the technical aspects of water management. I am confident that the
knowledge and insights gained during this immersion will positively impact my future
endeavors in the field.

Please feel free to make any changes or additions to the narrative report to align it
with your personal experiences and learnings during the immersion.
During my work immersion at the Water Works Department, I had the opportunity to
gain hands-on experience and insights into the operations of a vital public utility. This
immersive experience allowed me to witness the dedication and hard work of the
department’s staff in ensuring the provision of clean and safe water to the community. As I
reflect on this experience, several key lessons and realizations stand out.

First and foremost, I was struck by the importance of teamwork and collaboration in
the successful functioning of the Water Works Department. The staff worked seamlessly
together, each playing a crucial role in maintaining the water supply system. From the water
treatment process to pipeline maintenance and customer service, every department member
contributed their expertise to ensure the efficient delivery of water services. This experience
emphasized the significance of effective communication, coordination, and mutual support in
achieving shared goals.

Another significant lesson I learned during my work immersion was the value of
professionalism and dedication in the workplace. The staff at the Water Works Department
exhibited a strong work ethic and a commitment to providing high-quality water services to
the community. Their attention to detail, adherence to safety protocols, and continuous
pursuit of excellence left a lasting impression on me. Witnessing their unwavering dedication
inspired me to strive for the same level of professionalism and commitment in my future

Furthermore, my work immersion allowed me to gain insights into the technical

aspects of water management. From observing the water treatment process to participating in
pipeline inspections, I acquired knowledge about the complexities involved in ensuring a
reliable water supply. I learned about the importance of regular maintenance, quality control
measures, and the use of advanced technologies to monitor and manage the water
infrastructure effectively. This experience broadened my understanding of the challenges
faced by the water industry and the need for continuous improvement to meet evolving

One aspect of my work immersion that particularly resonated with me was the
interaction with customers and the opportunity to address their concerns. Engaging with the
community and witnessing firsthand the impact of the Water Works Department’s services on
people’s lives was truly rewarding. I learned the significance of effective communication and
empathy in providing excellent customer service. This experience reinforced the importance
of treating customers with respect, actively listening to their needs, and striving to exceed
their expectations.

Overall, my work immersion at the Water Works Department was a transformative

experience. It not only provided me with practical knowledge and skills but also instilled in
me a sense of responsibility towards water conservation and sustainable practices. I gained a
deeper appreciation for the essential role that the department plays in ensuring the well-being
of the community and the environment.

As I move forward, I will carry the lessons learned during my work immersion with
me. The importance of teamwork, professionalism, technical expertise, and customer-
centricity will guide me in my future endeavors. I am grateful for the opportunity to have
been a part of the Water Works Department and for the invaluable lessons and experiences it
has provided.
During my immersion at the Water Works Department, I had the opportunity to
engage in various activities that provided me with valuable insights into the department’s
operations and responsibilities. The following is a summary of the key activities performed
during my immersion:

1. Water Treatment Process Observation:

- I had the privilege of observing the water treatment process from start to
finish. This involved witnessing the intake of raw water, the different stages of
filtration and purification, and the final distribution of treated water to the

- By closely observing the treatment process, I gained a comprehensive

understanding of the steps involved in ensuring the delivery of clean and safe
water to the residents.

2. Pipeline Inspection and Maintenance:

- I actively participated in pipeline inspection and maintenance activities
alongside the department’s staff. This included conducting visual inspections,
identifying potential leaks or damages, and assisting in the repair and
replacement of faulty sections.
- Through this hands-on experience, I learned about the importance of regular
maintenance to prevent water loss, ensure the integrity of the distribution
network, and address any issues promptly.

3. Customer Service and Complaint Handling:

- I had the opportunity to interact with customers and assist in addressing their
inquiries and complaints. This involved learning how to handle customer
queries, provide relevant information, and resolve issues in a professional and
efficient manner.

- This activity provided me with insights into the importance of effective

communication and customer satisfaction in the water services industry.

4. Water Quality Testing:

- I actively participated in water quality testing procedures, which included
collecting water samples from different sources, performing various tests to
assess its quality, and analyzing the results.

- This activity deepened my understanding of the parameters used to evaluate

water quality and the significance of ensuring compliance with regulatory

Overall, the activities performed during my immersion at the Water Works

Department provided me with a comprehensive understanding of the department’s functions
and the challenges faced in managing and maintaining a reliable water supply. It allowed me
to gain practical knowledge, develop essential skills, and appreciate the dedication and hard
work of the department’s staff.

During my immersion at the Water Works Department, I had the opportunity to delve
into various aspects of the department’s operations, including the creation of water bills and
the calculation of charges for individuals’ water usage. This particular activity proved to be
an invaluable learning experience, as it allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of the
intricacies involved in generating accurate and fair bills for water services.
To create a water bill, I learned about the essential components that must be
incorporated. These include the customer’s personal information, such as their name and
address, as well as the billing period during which their water consumption was recorded.
Additionally, I familiarized myself with the various tariff rates and pricing structures used to
determine the cost of water usage.

Calculating the bill for people’s water usage required a meticulous approach. I learned
how to accurately measure water consumption by examining water meters and recording the
corresponding readings. These readings served as the basis for determining the volume of
water consumed during the billing period.

Next, I applied the appropriate tariff rates to the recorded water consumption. This
involved considering factors such as the customer’s residential category (e.g., residential,
commercial, or industrial) and any applicable discounts or surcharges. By meticulously
applying these rates, I was able to calculate the precise amount owed for the water consumed
by each customer.

Furthermore, I discovered the importance of ensuring fairness and accuracy in the

billing process. I learned about the significance of conducting regular meter inspections and
addressing any discrepancies promptly. This attention to detail helps guarantee that customers
are billed correctly and that the department maintains a high level of accountability and

Overall, the experience of creating water bills and computing charges for people’s
water usage during my immersion at the Water Works Department was enlightening. It
provided me with practical knowledge of the billing process and enhanced my understanding
of the department’s commitment to providing accurate and equitable water services to the

By acquiring these skills, I developed a greater appreciation for the complexities of

managing a water supply system and the importance of maintaining accurate records. I am
confident that the knowledge gained during this immersion will serve me well in future
endeavors related to the water industry.

In conclusion, my immersion at the Water Works Department not only allowed me to

grasp the intricacies of creating water bills but also highlighted the department’s dedication to
providing reliable and transparent water services. This experience has undoubtedly broadened
my horizons and deepened my understanding of the multifaceted nature of water

Please feel free to make any adjustments or additions to the report based on your
specific experiences and observations during the immersion at the Water Works Department.


The Water Works Department is a vital establishment responsible for managing and
maintaining the water supply system in the community. With a rich history and a commitment
to providing clean and safe water to the residents, the department plays a crucial role in
ensuring the well-being and sustainability of the community’s water resources.

Established several decades ago, the Water Works Department has evolved and
adapted to meet the growing demands and challenges of water management. Over the years,
it has built a reputation for excellence, reliability, and dedication to service. The department’s
primary objective is to ensure the uninterrupted supply of potable water to households,
businesses, and institutions within its jurisdiction.

One of the key strengths of the Water Works Department is its team of highly skilled
and experienced professionals. From engineers and technicians to administrative staff and
customer service representatives, each member of the department contributes their expertise
to the smooth operation of the water supply system. Their collective knowledge and
commitment to quality enable the department to provide efficient and reliable water services.

The Water Works ’department takes pride in its state-of-the-art infrastructure and
advanced technologies. It utilizes modern water treatment facilities to ensure that the water
supplied to the community meets the highest quality standards. These facilities employ
various processes, such as filtration, disinfection, and monitoring, to remove impurities and
ensure the safety of the water consumed by the residents.

In addition to water treatment, the department places great emphasis on pipeline

maintenance and infrastructure integrity. Regular inspections, repairs, and upgrades are
conducted to prevent leaks, minimize water loss, and optimize the distribution network. The
department’s proactive approach to infrastructure management ensures the longevity and
efficiency of the water supply system.

Customer satisfaction is a top priority for the Water Works Department. It strives to
provide excellent customer service by promptly addressing inquiries, concerns, and
complaints. The department’s dedicated customer service representatives are trained to handle
various customer interactions with professionalism, empathy, and efficiency. Through
effective communication and engagement, the department fosters a strong relationship with
the community it serves.

Furthermore, the Water Works Department actively promotes water conservation and
sustainable practices. It conducts educational campaigns, outreach programs, and awareness
initiatives to encourage responsible water usage and raise environmental consciousness. By
actively involving the community in water conservation efforts, the department aims to create
a culture of sustainability and ensure the long-term availability of water resources.

In conclusion, the Water Works Department is a reputable establishment dedicated to

providing clean and safe water to the community. With a team of skilled professionals,
modern infrastructure, and a commitment to customer satisfaction, the department continues
to fulfill its mission of ensuring a reliable water supply for the well-being and prosperity of
the residents. Through its proactive approach to infrastructure management and its focus on
sustainability, the department sets an example for efficient water resource management and
environmental stewardship.

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