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Types of passage

1. News Report: Example:

 An article in a travel magazine
 A concise and factual account of detailing a writer's experience
recent events.
exploring a remote island and
 Focuses on delivering the essential
information in a straightforward interacting with the local culture.
manner. 5. Public Release:
 unbiased (does not contain point of
view of author)  A statement or document issued by an
 only factual objective reporting organization to communicate important
Example: information to the public.
A breaking news report on a natural  Usually addresses official
disaster, providing facts about the announcements, company updates, or
event's location, impact, and statements from public figures.
immediate response.  mostly in optimistic tone
2. News Article: Example:
 Provides more in-depth coverage of a  A public release by a technology
news event than a news report. company announcing the launch of a
 May include background information, new product and its features.
context, and expert opinions.
 unbiased (no personal point of view or 6. Research Paper:
author) but it may contain multiple  A formal document presenting original
point of views research findings in an academic or
 Example: An article discussing the
scientific context.
causes and consequences of a
political election, analyzing voting  Typically includes a problem
patterns and potential outcomes. statement, methodology, results,
Note – analysis, and conclusions.
 news report and news articles are Example:
almost same. A research paper in the field of
3. Editorial: medicine outlining a study on the
effectiveness of a new drug treatment
 present point of view (for or against) of for a specific disease.
the author or publication on important
topics such as govt policies,
environment etc
 biased according to the author or
publication 's stand on different issues
 leads to a particular point of view
 An editorial discussing the pros and
cons of a proposed environmental
policy, advocating for a specific course
of action.
4. Magazine Article:
 Typically found in magazines, covers a
wide range of topics, including lifestyle,
culture, fashion, etc.
 Often includes personal stories,
interviews, and features.
 may contain informal style of writing
like an interview


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