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One Word Substitution in Alphabetical Order


1. Abattoir ⇒ A Place Where Animals Are Slaughtered./बूचड़खाना

2. Abdicate ⇒ To give up throne voluntarily / स ा- ागना
3. Ablution ⇒ Ritual Washing of The Body./ पिव ान
4. Aborigines ⇒ The Original Inhabitants Of A Place/ मूलिनवासी
5. Abridge ⇒ To shorten/ छोटा करना
6. Abhor ⇒ To regard with disgust and hatred / घृणा करना
7. Absurd ⇒ Wildly unreasonable, illogical or ridiculous / बेतुका
8. Abstruse ⇒ Hard To Understand./ समझने म मु ल
9. Abbot ⇒ A Man Who Is The Head Of A Monastery Or An Abbey./ मठ का मुख
10. Abbreviation ⇒ A Shortened Form Of A Word Or Phrase/ संि प
11. Acoustics ⇒ Relating To Sound/ िन से संबंिधत
12. Accentuate ⇒ Give More Force Or Importance To/ अिधक मह दे ना
13. Accomplice ⇒ Helper In A Wrong Deed Or Crime./ सह-अपराधी

14. Acronym ⇒ Word Formed From Initial Letters Of A Name./ प रवण श
15. Acrobat ⇒ One who performs daring gymnastic feats / कलाबाज
16. Acrophobia ⇒ Fear of heights / ऊंचाई का डर
17. Act ⇒ To play the part of and function as, some other person / अिभनय करना
18. Acquit ⇒ To free a person by a verdict of ‘not guilty’ / दोष मु करना
19. Abuse
20. Ad hoc
21. Addict
22. Adolescence
23. Adulation
24. Addendum
25. Adonis

To treat with cruelty or violence / दु वहार करना
For The Purpose/ उ े के िलए; तदथ
One who has become dependent on something or drugs / नशेड़ी
A Stage between childhood And adulthood./ िकशोराव था
Excessive Devotion to someone/ चापलूसी
Things To Be Added At The End Of A Book, Etc./ जो कुछ जोड़ा गया हो
A handsome man / बेहद सु र पु ष

26. Advertisement ⇒ A Public Notice Offering Or Asking For Goods, Services, Etc./ िव ापन
27. Advocate ⇒ A person who supports or speaks in favour of something / अिधव ा( प लेना )
28. Aerating ⇒ The process by which air is circulated through, mixed with or dissolved in a liquid or substance /
गैस से भरा आ
29. Aesthete ⇒ A Person With A High Sense Of Beauty./ ऐसा इं सान िजसे सौंदय इ ािद का ान हो
30. Aerial Living In Air/ वायु म रहने वाला

31. Aeronautics ⇒ Science dealing with design, construction and operation of aircraft/ ( िवमान के िडजाइन, िनमाण और
संचालन से संबंिधत िव ान )
32. Aesthetic ⇒ The branch of philosophy concerned with the study of principles of beauty, especially in art /
व ुओं म सौंदय का अनुभव/ सौंदयशा
33. Affidavit ⇒ A written statement confirmed by oath or affirmation/ शपथ प
34. Affinity ⇒ Having Natural Attention To/ ाकृितक लगाव
35. Affluent ⇒ Wealthy; Having An Abundance Of Money./ धनी
36. Afforestation ⇒ The Act Of Forestation By Planting Many Trees./ वृ ारोपण; वनीकरण

37. Agenda ⇒ Items Of Business For Consideration At A Meeting/ एजडा

38. Aggressive ⇒ Always ready to attack or Quarrel / आ मणशील
39. Aggressor ⇒ Someone Who Attacks First./ आ मण कता
40. Agnosticism ⇒ Doubtful About The Existence Of God./ जो ई र के अ पर संदेह करे
41. Agoraphobia ⇒ Unreasonable Fear Of Open Spaces./ खुले थान से लगने वाला डर
42. Alleviate ⇒ To Lessen, Make Less Severe./ कम करना
43. Altitude ⇒ The height of object above sea level / ऊंचाई
44. Altruist ⇒ One Who Does Good Work For Others Without Thought Of Personal Gain./ परोपकारी
45. Altruism ⇒ The philosophy of putting another’s welfare above one’s own / परोपका रता
46. Alien ⇒ One Who Belongs To Different Country, Race Of Group/ िवदे शी
47. Alimony ⇒ Allowance Fixed After Divorce To A Wife./ गुजारा भ ा
48. Allegory ⇒ Story In Which Ideas Are symbolised As People./ तीक कथा
49. Alliteration ⇒ Commencement Of Adjacent Words With The Same Letter./ अनु ास
50. Alienation ⇒ A state of emotional or intellectual separation / अलगाव की भावन
51. Alumnus ⇒ A former student of a school, college or university / भूतपूव छा
52. Alluvial ⇒ Sandy Soil Deposited By Running Water/ जलोढ़ िम ी
53. Altimeter ⇒ Instrument For Measuring Altitudes In Aircraft./ ऊंचाई मापक
54. Amateur ⇒ One who does something for pleasure rather than profession / शौिकया Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 1

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 1 TG @M00n_Ligt One Word Substitution
55. Ambidextrous ⇒ Able To Use Both Hands Well./ दोनों हाथों को कुशलता से इ ेमाल करने वाला
56. Ambiguous ⇒ A Word Or Statement that Can Be Interpreted In Two Ways./ ि अथ / अ
57. Ambassador ⇒ A diplomatic representative of one country in another /राजदू त
58. Amnesia ⇒ Partial Or Total Loss Of Memory/ िव रण
59. Amnesty ⇒ A General Pardon Of Political Offenders./ राज मा
60. Amoral ⇒ One not concerned with right or wrong / नीितहीन
61. Amphibian ⇒ Animals Which Live Both On Land And In Water./ उभयचर
62. Amputee ⇒ A person who has had one or more limbs removed / अपंग
63. Analgesia ⇒ The Loss Of Ability To Feel Pain While Still Conscious./ िजसे दद की अनुभूित ना हो
64. Anarchist ⇒ One Who Wishes To Destroy All Established Government's Law And Order / अराजकतावादी
65. Anarchy ⇒ The Absence Of Government In A Country./ अराजकता
66. Anaesthetic ⇒ Substance used in surgery to produce unconsciousness / चेतनानाशक
67. Anecdote ⇒ Short Amusing Story About Some Real Person Or Event./ छोटी से वा िवक कहानी
68. Anomaly ⇒ Deviation From Common Rule Or Standard Or What Is Normal./ असामा
69. Anachronism ⇒ That Which Appears To Be In The Wrong Period./ कोई ऐसी चीज जो लगे िक गलत समय पर है
70. Anglophile ⇒ An Admirer Of The English People, Language, Manners, or Way Of Life/ अं ेजी लोग, भाषा तथा तौर
तरीकों का शंसक
71. Anglophobe ⇒ One Who Dislikes The English & England.अं ेजों तथा इं ड को नापसंद करने वाला
72. Animosity ⇒ A strong dislike / श ुता

73. Annihilate ⇒ Destroy completely / िमटा दे ना
74. Anniversary ⇒ Yearly celebration of a date or an event / सालिगरह
75. Anonymous ⇒ A Book Or an art work Whose Author Is Not Known/ गुमनाम
76. Antagonist ⇒ One That Opposes Other./ िवरोधी
77. Antidote ⇒ A Medicine To Cure The Effect Of Poison./ िवषहर
78. Anatomy

79. Anemometer
80. Annuity
81. Annul
82. Annular
83. Anodyne
ck ⇒

Branch of Sciences Relating To The Bodily Structure Of Human, animals and other living
organisms/ मानव संरचना के अ यन से संबंिधत िव ान
Instrument Used For Measuring speed and force Of Winds. / पवनवेगमापी
Yearly Grant/ वािषक अनुदान
To declare invalid an official agreement, decision or result / र करना
Ring-Shaped/छ े के आकार का
Pain Reliever/ ददनाशक

84. Annotation ⇒ Comment added to a text or Diagram / िट णी
85. Antagonist ⇒ Enemy/ दु न
86. Anthropology ⇒ the study of human societies, cultures and their development / मनु जाित का िव ान
87. Anthropologist ⇒ One Who Studies History Relating To The Development Of Man/मानव िव ानी
88. Antipathy ⇒ Strong dislikes between two persons / घृणा
That is used to treat bacterial infection/ दवा, जो जीवाणुओं को पूरी तरह न कर दे ती है
89. Antibiotics ⇒
90. Antiquarian ⇒ relating to or dealing in antiques or rare books/ पुराता क
91. Apartheid ⇒ A policy that segregate people on the basis of race / रं ग-भेद
92. Apathy ⇒ Lack of feeling or emotion/ उदासीनता
93. Aphelion ⇒ The Point In A Planet's Orbit That Is Farthest From The Sun./ अपसौर
94. Apiary ⇒ place where bees are kept/ मधुम ी घर
95. Applaud ⇒ To show approval or praise by clapping / सराहना
96. Apprentice ⇒ A person who works for an employer in order to learn a particular skill needed in their job / िश ु
97. Appraisal ⇒ Estimation of a thing’s worth / मू िनधारण

98. Aphasia ⇒ Loss Of Ability To Understand Speech./ वाचाघात

99. Apostle ⇒ supporter of a particular policy, idea, or cause / सुधारक
100. Apostate ⇒ One Who Abandons His Religious Faith./ जो अपने धािमक िव ास को ाग दे ता है ।
101. Aquatic ⇒ Animals Which Live In Water/ जलीय
102. Aquarium ⇒ A tank where fish or water plants are kept / मछली घर
103. Arable ⇒ A land fit for growing crops / जोतने और बोने यो
104. Arbitrary ⇒ Based on random choice or personal whim / मनमाना
105. Armistice ⇒ an agreement made by opposing sides in a war to stop fighting for a certain time/ यु िवराम
106. Arbitrator ⇒ One who is appointed to settle a Dispute/ म थ
107. Artist ⇒ One who practises one of the fine arts / कलाकार
108. Aristocracy ⇒ A Government By the nobles./ कुलीन तं ारा सरकार
109. Arsonist ⇒ A person who deliberately sets fire to a building / जान बूझ कर घर आिद म आग लगाने का अपराध
110. Artiste ⇒ A Professional Singer or Dancer Etc/ पेशेवर गायक, नतक आिद
111. Arboreal ⇒ Living In Trees/ वृ वासी
112. Arboriculture ⇒ Cultivation Of Trees And Vegetables./ वृ िव ान
113. Archaeologist ⇒ the scientific study of prehistoric peoples and their cultures by analysis of their artifacts,
inscriptions, monuments, etc/ पुरात िव ानी
114. Archipelago ⇒ group of islands scattered in lakes, rivers, or the ocean/ ीप समूह Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 2

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 1 TG @M00n_Ligt One Word Substitution
115. Archive ⇒ A Place For The Collection Of Historical Documents Or Records./ अिभलेख
116. Archaeology ⇒ The study of ancient civilization / पुरात
117. Aristocrat ⇒ A noble person / कुलीनतं का
118. Arsenal ⇒ A Place Where Weapons Are Manufactured And Stored/ श ागार
119. Arsonphobia ⇒ Fear of fire / आग का भय
120. Articulate ⇒ To Have Good Communication Skills/ िवचार तथा वाक् कौशल होना
121. Ascetic ⇒ One Who Practices Self-Denial As A Spiritual Discipline/ स ासी
122. Assassination ⇒ Killing Or Murder For Political Reasons./ राजनीितक कारणों से की गयी ह ा
123. Assertive ⇒ The Quality of being politely firm and demanding / िन या क
124. Assent ⇒ To agree to something / सहमत होना
125. Astrology ⇒ Science Of The Influence Of The Stars On Human Affairs/ ोितष शा
126. Astronomy ⇒ Science Of The Universe With Sun, Moon, Stars, And Planets./ अंत र िव ान
127. Asylum ⇒ Place that provides refuge / शरण थल
128. Atheist ⇒ A Person Who Does Not Believe In God./ ना क
129. Autocracy ⇒ A Government Where The Power Is In The Hands Of One Person./ एकतं
130. Audience ⇒ An Assembly Of Listeners/ ोताओं का समूह
131. Autobiography ⇒ The Life-History Of A Man Written By Himself/ आ कथा
132. Auditor ⇒ One who makes an official examination of accounts / लेखा परी क
133. Auditorium ⇒ A building where an audience sits / सभागार

134. Avaricious ⇒ One Who Is Greedy/ लालची
135. Autopsy ⇒ Medical Examination Of A Dead Body/ एक शव की िचिक ा जां च
136. Avant-garde ⇒ The group, especially in the arts, regarded as being the most experimental / कला के े म अ गामी
137. Aviary ⇒ A place where birds are kept / प ी गृह

138. Bald
139. Ballad
140. Bankrupt
141. Bachelorhood
ck ⇒


A man having no hair on scalp / गंजा

Poem in short stanza narrating a popular story / गाथा गीत
A Person Who Cannot Pay His Debts /िदवािलया
The State Of Being Unmarried Of A Man/ अिववािहत जीवन.
Instrument to measure atmospheric pressure / वायु-दाब-मापक
142. Barometer ⇒
143. Bay ⇒ A Part Of The Sea/ Lake Enclosed By A Wide Curve Of The Shore./खाड़ी
144. Barbarian ⇒ An Uncivilised Person/ अस
145. Barracks ⇒ A place where soldiers live / सैिनकों के िलये बने घर
146. Barricade ⇒ anything that prevents people or vehicles from getting through /मोचाब ी करना
147. Bellicose ⇒ A Quarrelsome Person/ झगड़ालू
148. Belligerent ⇒ One Who Is Engaged In Fighting A Battle Or War/ यु म शािमल
149. Beach ⇒ A Stretch Of Sand/ Stones Along The Edge Of The Sea/ Lake/ समु तट
150. Bereave ⇒ To be deprived of a close relation or friend through their death / वंिचत करना
151. Bevy ⇒ A group of girls / यों का दल
152. Beneficiary ⇒ One who gains benefits from something / लाभाथ
153. Benefactor ⇒ One Who Gives Financial Help To A School, Hospital, Etc./ ू ल, अ ताल आिद को िव ीय मदद दे ने वाला
154. Biennial ⇒ Happening Once In Two Years./ ि -वािषक
155. Bibliomania ⇒ Obsession with books / िकताबों से ार करना
156. Biodegradable ⇒ Material that changes naturally by the action of bacteria / ाभािवक तरीके से सड़ना

157. Bibliophile ⇒ A Lover And Collector Of Books./ पु क ेमी तथा सं ाहक

158. Bigamy ⇒ The Custom Of Having Two Wives Or Two Husbands./ दो प ी या पित रखने की था
159. Bigot ⇒ Who Is Narrow And Prejudiced In Opinion./संकीण और पूवा ह से भरा आ
160. Bilingual ⇒ One Who Can Speak Two Languages/ ि भाषी
161. Blimp ⇒ A small, non-rigid airship or dirigible, especially one used chiefly for Observation / वायुयान
162. Biography ⇒ The Life-History Of A Man Written By Someone Else/ जीवनकथा
163. Biopsy ⇒ A test in which cells from diseased organs are removed and tested / जीिवत ऊतकों की जां च
164. Biped ⇒ Animal With Two-Feet/ दो पैरों वाला जीव
165. Blaspheme ⇒ Speaking Irreverently About God Or Sacred Things./ ईशिनंदा
166. Bliss ⇒ Perfect Happiness/ परम ख़ुशी
167. Blot ⇒ A spot or a stain caused by a discolouring substance / ध ा
168. Bibliography ⇒ A List Of Writings On A Subject/ ंथ सूची
169. Brevity ⇒ Briefness; Shortness Of Time/ समय की कमी
170. Brittle ⇒ A thing likely to be easily broken / भंगुर
171. Bohemian ⇒ One Who Does Not Follow The Usual Norms Of Social Life/ जो सामािजक जीवन के सामा मानदं डों का
पालन नहीं करता
172. Boorish ⇒ Person Who Is Rough And Ill-Mannered/ बदतमीज़
173. Botany ⇒ The Science Of Vegetable Life/ वन ित िव ान Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 3

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174. Bottleneck ⇒ A situation that stops activity from progressing / अवरोध
175. Boutique ⇒ A small shop that sells fashionable clothes, cosmetics etc. / व ालय
176. Boulevard ⇒ A broad road bordered with trees / मु माग
177. Bovine ⇒ Pertaining to cattle / गोजातीय
178. Brewery ⇒ A Place Where Beer Is Made/ शराब की भ ी
179. Brunette ⇒ A woman with dark brown hair / भूरे बालों वाली औरत
180. Budgeting ⇒ The process by which a person or an organization reduces the amount of money it spends /
आय यक
181. Bureaucracy ⇒ A Government-Run By Civil Servants/ नौकरशाही
182. Burglar ⇒ A person who breaks into houses in order to steal / चोर
183. Burrow ⇒ Hole excavated by an animal as dwelling / माँ द


184. Cacophony ⇒ Harsh Sound/ ककश िन

185. Cajole ⇒ to influence or persuade by pleasing words or actions/ चापलूसी करना
186. Callous ⇒ A man devoid of kind feeling and sympathy / संवेदनाहीन
187. Calligraphy ⇒ Art Of Beautiful Handwriting/ सुलेख
188. Camouflage ⇒ That which makes it difficult to recognize the presence or real nature of something / छलावरण

189. Candidate ⇒ A person who applies for a job or nominated for election / उ ीदवार
190. Cannibal ⇒ One Who Eats Human Flesh./ मानवभ ी
191. Cardiologist ⇒ A Doctor Specializes In Matters Related to Heart/ दय रोग िवशेष
192. Capsize ⇒ To turn upside down / उलटना
193. Caravan ⇒ House or shelter of a gipsy / कािफला
194. Caricature
195. Carnage
196. Carnivorous
197. Cartographer
198. Cartoon
199. Catalogue

A picture of a person or a thing drawn in highly exaggerated manner to cause a laughter / हा िच
Killing A Large Number Of People/ बड़ी सं ा म लोगों की ह ा
Animals that eat flesh / माँ स खाने वाला
A Person Who Draws Maps And Charts./ मानिच कार
A humorous drawing dealing with current events or politics / ंगिच
List Of Books And Other Articles./पु कों तथा अ व ुओं की सूची
Involving or causing sudden great damage or suffering / लयंकर
200. Catastrophic ⇒
201. Cavalry ⇒ Soldiers who fight on horseback / घुड़सवार सेना
202. Cavort ⇒ To jump or dance around excitedly / कूद पड़ना
203. Ceasefire ⇒ An agreement between two countries or groups to stop fighting /यु िवराम
204. Cellar ⇒ Underground place for storing wine or other provisions / तहखाना
205. Celibacy ⇒ The State Of Being Unmarried।/ कुंवारा
206. Celibate ⇒ Who abstains from marriage and sexual relations, typically for religious reasons./ हमचारी
207. Cemetery ⇒ The Place For Corpses To Be Buried/कि ान
208. Centenary ⇒ Hundredth Anniversary / सौवीं वषगां ठ।
209. Centennial ⇒ commemoration of an event that happened a hundred years before / शता ी
210. Chafe ⇒ Rub a part of the body to restore ,warmth or sensation / मािलश करना
211. Charity ⇒ An organization set up to provide help and raise money for those in need / दान-पु
212. Chauffeur ⇒ A person who drives our motor cars / मोटर चालक
213. Christen ⇒ To use for the first time / पहली बार इ ेमाल करना
214. Chronological ⇒ According To Sequence Of Time/ काल म म

215. Choir ⇒ Body of singers / गायक-म ली

216. Chiropodist ⇒ A person who treats foot-related problems / पादिचिक क
217. Circumstantial ⇒ Clues available at the scene / पा र थितक
218. Circumlocution ⇒ A Roundabout Way Of Expression/ घुमा िफरा कर कहना
219. Civilization ⇒ the stage of human social and cultural development and organisation that is considered most
advanced. / स ता
220. Clack ⇒ To make a sharp sound or series of sounds as a result of hard object striking another / खट-खट
221. Claustrophobia ⇒ Fear Of Closed Spaces/ छोटे जगह म होने का अ िधक डर
222. Clientele ⇒ Customers of a shop, bar or place of entertainment / ाहक
223. Coagulate ⇒ Change From Liquid Into Solid By Chemical Reaction/ थ ा जमना
224. Cocktail ⇒ A drink usually made from a mixture of one or more alcoholic drinks/ म िमि त पेय
225. Codicil ⇒ A supplement to a will / एक िनदश जो वसीयत म जोड़ा जाता है
226. Coerce ⇒ persuade someone using force or threats / काम करने के िलए मजबूर करना
227. Coffle ⇒ A collection of slaves / गुलामों का समूह
228. Collusion ⇒ Secret agreement for a fraudulent purpose/ आपसी सां ठगां ठ
229. Commission ⇒ To give money for sales to agents / दलाली
230. Compere ⇒ Master of ceremonies / काय-उ घोषक Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 4

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231. Concubinage ⇒ Living together of a man and woman without being married to each other (live in relationship) /िबना
िववाह के साथ रहना
232. Conceited ⇒ To have a very high opinion about oneself / अहं कारी
233. Condominium ⇒ An apartment or building in which each apartment is owned separately by the people living in it ,
but also containing shared areas / सह ािम
234. Conflagration ⇒ Huge Destructive Fire/ भयानक आग
235. Congregation ⇒ Gathering Of Worshippers/ उपासकों की सभा
236. Congruent ⇒ Identical In All Respect./ सभी मामलों म समान
237. Connoisseur ⇒ One Who Is Well-Versed In Any Subject, art or food/ िकसी िवषय या कला म पारं गत
238. Connote ⇒ To imply or suggest an idea in addition to the literal meaning / अित र मतलब रखना
239. Conscience ⇒ Feeling inside you which tells you what is right and what is wrong / िववेक, अंतरा ा
240. Conscription ⇒ Compulsory Enlistment For Military Or Other state Services/ सेना या अ सेवाओं के िलए अिनवाय भत
241. Constellation ⇒ A number of stars grouped together / तारामंडल
242. Contagious ⇒ Which Spreads By Physical Touch Or Contact/ छूने से फैलने वाला
243. Contemporary ⇒ Of The Same Time/ समकालीन
244. Contiguous ⇒ Two Countries Touching A Common Boundary/ साझा सीमा वाले दो दे श
245. Contrite ⇒ Showing Deep Sorrow For Wrongdoing/ प ाताप होना
246. Convalescence ⇒ The Period Of Gradual Recovery Of Health After Illness./ ा लाभ
247. Conventile ⇒ Secret And Illegal Religious Meeting/ गु तथा अवैध धािमक सभा

248. Coronation ⇒ Ceremony Of Crowning A King/ रा ािभषेक
249. Cosmopolitan ⇒ A Person Who Regards The Whole World As His Country/ सावलौिकक
250. Colleagues ⇒ Persons Working In The Same Department/ समान िवभाग म काय करने वाला
251. Colloquial ⇒ Suitable For Ordinary Conversation/ साधारण अनौपचा रक बातचीत के िलए उपयु
252. Combustible ⇒ That Which Can Catch Fire And Burn Easily/ दहनशील
253. Comedian
254. Commemorate
255. Compatriot
256. Complexion
257. Composer
258. Compulsory
259. Carnival

One Who Plays Funny Parts In Plays Or Films./ हा कलाकार
To keep a great person or event in people’s memory by doing something /
A Person Belonging To One’s Country/ दे शवासी
The Natural Colour And Appearance Of Skin/ चा का ाकृितक रं ग
One who sets types for books, newspapers, etc. / अ र-योजनI
That Which Must Be Done/ अिनवाय
Public Merrymaking And Feasting/ मेला
रण करना

260. Cartography ⇒ Art Of Map-Making/ न ा बनाने की कला
261. Conductor ⇒ That Which Acts As A Path For Electricity, Heat Etc/ िबजली, ऊ ा आिद का चालक
262. Confiscate ⇒ To officially take private property away to seize / ज करना
263. Consistency ⇒ The way in which substance holds together; thickness or viscosity / थरता
264. Consortium ⇒ A Combination Of Businesses For A Common Purpose/ कई वसायों का संघ
Imposed a restriction on / िववश
265. Constrained ⇒
266. Consternation ⇒ State of anxiety or dismay causing mental confusion / ाकुलता
267. Controversial ⇒ That Which Causes Debate Or Argument/ जो बहस या िववाद को ज दे ।
268. Contraband ⇒ Prohibited by law or treaty from being imported or exported / त री
269. Contingency ⇒ Something that might happen in the future / संभावना
270. Console ⇒ To allay the sorrow or grief / सां ना दे ना
271. Contour ⇒ An outline representing or bounding the shape or form of something / प-रे खा
272. Convent ⇒ A place where nuns live and work / बैरािगयों का मठ
273. Convention ⇒ A Formal Assembly Of People Of The Same Business To Discuss Practices./स ेलन

274. Corrigendum ⇒ Something To Be Corrected In A Printed Book/ शु प

275. Cosmography ⇒ Science of constitution of whole universe / सृि -वणन
276. Changeling ⇒ A child secretly changes for another in infancy / बदला आ ब ा
277. Choreography ⇒ The study or practice of dancing or composing ballets / नृ कला
278. Contusion ⇒ A region of injured tissue or skin in which blood capillaries have been ruptured; a bruise / गुमचोट
279. Copy ⇒ An exact – copy of handwriting or a picture produced by a machine / ितिलपी
280. Cortex ⇒ The outer layer of the cerebrum (part of the brain), composed of folded grey matter, plays an
important role in the consciousness / म का आवरण
281. Counterfeit ⇒ Copy Something Exactly To Deceive./ नकली/फज
282. Credulous ⇒ Ready to believe anything / सहज िव ासी
283. Criterion ⇒ A principle or standard by which anything is or can be judged / मापदं ड
284. Critic ⇒ One who finds nothing good in anything / आलोचक
285. Cruise ⇒ A Sea Voyage For Pleasure./ समु ी या ा
286. Credible ⇒ Which can be believed / िव सनीय
287. Cudgel ⇒ A short, thick stick used as a weapon / लाठी
288. Culpable ⇒ Guilty of crime / अपराधी
289. Curator ⇒ One who is in charge of a museum / सं हालय का रखवाला
290. Cygnet ⇒ A Young Swan/ युवा हं स Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 5

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291. Cynic ⇒ One Who Has Little Faith In Human Sincerity Or Honesty/ श ी
292. Cynophobia ⇒ Phobia of dogs / कु ों का भय
293. Cynosure ⇒ Centre of attraction / आकषण का क


294. Daze ⇒ A state of stunned confusion or bewilderment / आ यचिकत कर दे ना

295. Demagogue ⇒ A Person Who Can Sway His Followers By His Oratory./ जानायक
296. Democracy ⇒ Government of the people, by the people and for the people / जात
297. Debacle ⇒ A Complete Failure/पूण िवफलता
298. Decamp ⇒ To leave a place suddenly or secretly / एकाएक भाग जाना
299. Deceased ⇒ Recently dead or no longer living / मतक
300. Defame ⇒ To injure one’s reputation / बदनाम करना
301. Defamation ⇒ Act of injuring another’s reputation by any slanderous communication / मानहािन
302. Defection ⇒ The abandonment of one’s country and cause / प ाग
303. Definitive ⇒ A conclusion or agreement done or reached decisively and with authority / अंितम
304. Delegate ⇒ To give one’s authority to another / ितिनिध बनाना
305. Denature ⇒ Take away or alter the natural Qualities of something / िवकृत करना
306. Denominate ⇒ Sums of money expressed in a specified monetary unit / मू -वग

307. Denizen ⇒ Something That Lives, Grows, Or Is Often Found In A Particular Place./ कोई या पौधा जहां मूल
प से पाया जाता है
308. Depict ⇒ To portray in words; describe / श ों म वणन करना
309. Deponent ⇒ Person who gives written testimony for use in a law court / गवाह
310. Depraved ⇒ Morally Bad Or Evil./ अनैितक
311. Deprecate
312. Depreciate
313. Dermatology
314. Dereliction
315. Desist
316. Despondency
ck ⇒

Express Disapproval Of / ितकूल इ ा कट करना
Diminish in value over a period of time / मू म कमी
The Medical Study Of The Skin And Its Diseases./ चा तथा उसके रोगों का िचिक कीय अ यन
Failing to discharge one’s duty (willfully) / कत

Loss Of Complete Hope/िनराशा

has unlimited control over other people / तानाशाही
To stop doing something; cease or abstain / परहे ज करना
317. Despotic ⇒
318. Destitution ⇒ Lacking Necessities Of Life/ जीवन की मूलभूत सुिवधाओं का अभाव
319. Destitute ⇒ The state of being miserable bereft (deprived of or lacking) of all possessions / अभाव
320. Detrimental ⇒ Causing Harm Or Damage./ नुकसानदायक
321. Dexterous ⇒ Skilful At Handling Things./ चीज़ों को संभालने म मािहर
322. Denouncement ⇒ To Condemn Or Censure Openly Or Publicly/ खुले तौर पर आलोचना करना
323. Detention ⇒ The punishment of being kept in official custody / नजरबंदी
324. Deterrent ⇒ To Discourage People From Doing something / लोगों को कुछ करने से हतो ािहत करना
325. Deviate ⇒ To depart from an established course / पथ से भटकना
326. Disarmament ⇒ Reduction Of Weapons By Governments./ िनर ीकरण
327. Dilettante ⇒ One who does or studies without seriousness / म मौला
328. Disasters ⇒ An event that causes great harm, damage, or death, or serious difficulty / आपदा
329. Diagnose ⇒ Determine the nature of disease / रोग की कृित का िनधारण करना
330. Diatribe ⇒ Bitter And Violent Attack In Words Or Writing/ कटु िनंदा
331. Dictatorship ⇒ Government Carried On By An Absolute Ruler/ तानाशाही

332. Diplomacy ⇒ To Deal With People In A Skilled Way./ कूटनीित

333. Dipsomania ⇒ Irresistible craving for alcoholic drinks / शराब की लत
334. Discrepancy ⇒ Difference Between Two Things That Should Be The Same/ दो चीजों के बीच अंतर िज े की एक समान
होना चािहए
335. Disguise ⇒ Change the appearance to deceive or to hide the identity / भेष बदलना
336. disintegrate ⇒ To break up into small parts as the result of impact or decay / टु कड़े टु कड़े करना
337. Dissimulate ⇒ To Hide Or Disguise/ छल-कपट करना
338. Distort ⇒ To pull or twist out of shape / प िबगाड़ना
339. Dither ⇒ To be indecisive / बेचैनी
340. Discomfiture ⇒ A feeling of unease or embarrassment; awkwardness / ाकुलता
341. Distress ⇒ Extreme anxiety, sorrow or pain / िथत
342. Diurnal ⇒ Of The Daytime/ िदन के समय का
343. Dominion ⇒ An area of land that is controlled by a rule /शासन
344. Domicile ⇒ A Place Where One Lives Permanently/ िनवास थान
345. Downpour ⇒ A heavy continuous fall of rain / मूसलाधार बा रश
346. Drudgery ⇒ boring, difficult, or unpleasant work/ उबाऊ, किठन या अि य काम
347. Draper ⇒ A Shopkeeper Selling Cloth And Clothing/ कपड़े बेचने वाला दु कानदार
348. Drought ⇒ Dry weather with no rainfall /आकाल Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 6

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349. Draw ⇒ The Result Of The Match Where Neither Party Wins/ मैच का प रणाम, िजसम िकसी को भी जीत नहीं िमली ।
350. Dromomania ⇒ Mania for travel / मणो ाद
351. Duet ⇒ Song Sung By Two People Together/ दो लोगों के ारा एक साथ गाया गया गीत
352. Dynasty ⇒ series of rulers belonging to one family /राज-वंश
353. Dyke ⇒ A wall built to prevent the sea or a river from flooding an area / तटबंध


354. Eavesdropper ⇒ A Person Who Listens To Someone's Private Conversation Without Them Knowing/िछपकर बात
355. Economical ⇒ One Who Is Careful In The Use Of Money/ िमत यी
356. Eccentric ⇒ A man with abnormal habits / िविच
357. Ecology ⇒ Study of the interaction with their environment / प र थितकी
358. Edible ⇒ Fit To Be Eaten./ खाने यो
359. Efface ⇒ Rub or wipe out / िमटा दे ना
360. Effeminate ⇒ A Man Who Is Womanish In His Habits/ एक पु ष, िजसम मिहलाओं की आदत ह ।
361. Egalitarianism ⇒ Belief That All People Are Equal And Have The Same Rights And Opportunities/ यह मानना िक सभी
लोग बराबर ह तथा सबके पास समान अिधकार और अवसर ह ।
362. Egoist ⇒ A Lover Of One's Ownself/ यं को अ िधक ेम करने वाला

363. Egotist ⇒ A person who talks too much of himself / अहं वादी
364. Electrocute ⇒ Killing Using An Electric Current/ िवद् युत के मा म से मारना
365. Eligible ⇒ Fit To Be Chosen; Qualified/यो
366. Elegy ⇒ A mournful poem or a song / शोकगीत
367. Elope ⇒ To run away with a lover / ेमी के साथ भाग जाना
368. Elude

371. Emeritus
372. Emigrant
373. Eminent
369. Embezzlement
370. Emergency

An achievement or something desired fail to be attained by someone / टलना
An act of misappropriation of money / गबन
A Sudden Serious Situation Requiring Immediate Action./ आपातकाल
Who Is Honourably Discharged From Service./वह जो स ान के साथ सेवा से िवमु हो गया।
A Person Who Goes To Another Country To settle/ वासी
A person famous and respected within a particular sphere / ात
A Person Sent On A Mission (Usually Official)./ िकसी िमशन पर भेजा गया
374. Emissary ⇒
375. Enrol ⇒ To officially register as a member of an institution/ भत करना
376. Ennui ⇒ A state of mental weakness from lack of occupation or excitement / उदासी
377. Endemic ⇒ A Disease Confined To A Particular District Or Place/िकसी िवशेष िजले या थान तक सीिमत रोग
378. Engulf ⇒ To sweep over something so as to surround it completely / िनगल जाना
379. Enunciate ⇒ Express a proposition, theory etc. in clear or definite terms / उ ा रत करना
380. Enviable ⇒ highly desirable / वां छनीय
381. Extrovert ⇒ someone who feels energised by the external world and social interactions/ बिहमुखी
382. Ephemeral ⇒ Existing for only a short period of time/ थोड़े समय के िलए ही िव मान है
383. Epic ⇒ a long poem telling of the deeds of a hero and often centering on the ideals of a nation or culture /
384. Epicure ⇒ Person Fond Of Delicious Food./ ािद भोजन का शौक़ीन
385. Epidemic ⇒ Disease Affecting Many People At The Same Place And Time./ महामारी
386. Episode ⇒ Part Of Story (Especially T.V. Or Radio Show Story)/ कहानी का भाग ( िवशेष प से टीवी या रे िडयो के शो
की कहानी )

387. Episodic ⇒ Happening Only Some Times And Irregularly/ केवल कभी-कभी होने वाला
388. Epistle ⇒ A Letter/ एक प
389. Epitaph ⇒ Words Which Are Inscribed On The Grave/ जो श जो क पर खुदे ए ह
390. Epithet ⇒ Adjective Added To A Person's Name Usually To Criticize Or Praise Him/ एक ऐसा िवशेषण जो एक
के नाम पर आमतौर पर उसकी आलोचना या शंसा करने के िलए जोड़ा जाता है
391. Epitome ⇒ A Perfect Example/ एक सटीक उदाहरण
392. Embalm ⇒ To Preserve A Dead Body From Decaying/ शव को सड़ने से बचाना
393. Emulate ⇒ Match or surpass a person by imitation / अनुकरण करना
394. Equanimity ⇒ Calmness Of Mind And Temper/ मन और भाव का शां त होना।
395. Era ⇒ The period between two periods / युग
396. Eradicable ⇒ Which can be rooted out / िमटाने यो
397. Erudite ⇒ A Learned Or Scholarly Person/ िव ान
398. Erudition ⇒ That which makes one highly knowledgeable / ापक ान
399. Escort ⇒ A person in a vehicle or on horseback escorting another vehicle / सहगामी
400. Espionage ⇒ Practice Of Spying/ जासूसी का काय
401. Eternal ⇒ Existing For Ever-Without Any Beginning Or End/सावकािलक
402. Etiquette ⇒ a set of customs and rules for polite behaviour / िश ाचार
403. Ethnology ⇒ Science of the race of mankind / मानव जाित िव ान Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 7

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404. Etymology ⇒ The Science Which Deals With Derivation Of Words./ श ों की उ ि से संबंिधत िव ान
405. Euphemism ⇒ Bombastic Style Of Writing/लेखन की शानदार शैली
406. Euphonious ⇒ Sounding Pleasant/जो सुखद लग रहा हो
407. Euphoria ⇒ A Strong Feeling Of Happiness/ ख़ुशी की भावना
408. Evanescent ⇒ Of A Very Short Duration Of Period/ ब त कम समय की अविध
409. Embellish ⇒ to decorate / सजा दे ना
410. Enigma ⇒ a person or thing that ismysterious or difficult to understand / पहे ली
411. Embargo ⇒ An Order Prohibiting commercial Ships Not To Leave The Port/ जहाजों को बंदरगाह न छोड़ने के िलए एक
आदे श
412. Entomology ⇒ The Study Of Insects/ कीटों का अ यन
413. Ebullient ⇒ High-Spirited, Exuberant/ उ ाही
414. Encyclopedia ⇒ A Book Giving Information On All Branches Of Knowledge/सभी कार की जानकारी दे ने वाली पु क
415. Emancipation ⇒ The Process Of Being Set Free / द ा या बंधन से मु
416. Epilogue ⇒ Concluding Part Of A Literary Work/ सािह क कृित का अंितम भाग
417. Ergonomics ⇒ The Study Of The Efficiency Of People In Their Working Environment./लोगों के काम करने के माहौल म
उनकी द ता का अ यन
418. Err ⇒ Make A Mistake, Do Wrong/ ग़लती करना
419. Erratum ⇒ An error in misprint in printing or writing / अशु
420. Ergomania ⇒ Excessive desire to work / कम ेम

421. Ergophile ⇒ A lover of work / ऐसा िजसे काम करना ब त पसंद हो
422. Estuary ⇒ The Wide Mouth Of A River/ नदी का चौड़ा मुहाना
423. Etiolate ⇒ Make pale by excluding light / काश से वंिचत करके पीला कर दे ना
424. Eulogy ⇒ A writing or a speech in praise of someone / शंसा भाषण
425. Euthanasia ⇒ Act of mercy killing / इ ामृ ु
426. Evolution
427. Evolved
428. Excise
429. Exertion
430. Excerpt
431. Excursion
432. Expurgate
ck ⇒

the gradual development of something / िकसी चीज का िमक िवकास
Gradually advanced / िवकिसत होना
Tax On Goods Produced And Used In A Country/ दे श म िनिमत तथा यु व ुओं पर कर
Making An Effort; Trying Very Hard To Do Something/ किठन यास
An extract from a book, speech and film / अंश
A short journey for pleasure / मण
To remove anobjectionable part from a book / प रशोधन करना

433. Extempore ⇒ A Speech Made Without Any Previous Preparation/ िबना तैयारी के िदया गया भाषण
434. Exterminate ⇒ To Put An End To Something By Killing/ िकसी चीज को मारना।
435. Exit Poll ⇒ An Opinion Poll Of People About Voting/ मतदान का जनमत झान
436. Exuberant ⇒ Lively, High-Spirited./ जीवंत
437. Exonerate ⇒ To free completely from blame / िनद षी ठहराना
Obtain something by force, threats or other unfair means / ऐंठना
438. Extort ⇒
439. Expiate ⇒ To make atonement to one’s sins / ायि त करना
440. Explicable ⇒ That Which Can Be Explained./ समझाने यो
441. Explicit ⇒ Something that is full and clearly expressed / सु
442. Expose ⇒ To reveal the true,objectionable nature of someone / पदिशत करना
443. Extricate ⇒ To free someone or something from a constraint or difficulty / मु कर दे ना
444. Extravagant ⇒ A man who wastes his money on luxury / अित यी


445. Fable ⇒ An animal story with moral /नीितकथा

446. Fabricate ⇒ To invent (something) in order to deceive / जालसाजी करना
447. Fiancee ⇒ One Engaged To Be Married/मंगेतर
448. Facsimile ⇒ An exact copy / ितिलिप
449. Farrier ⇒ One Who Shoes Horses/ घोड़े की नाल ठोकने वाला
450. Fallacy ⇒ False Or Mistaken Belief/ झूठा िव ास
450. Fallible ⇒ One who is subjected to failure or to commit mistakes /अिव सनीय
452. Famin ⇒ Widespread scarcity of food / अकाल
453. Fanatic ⇒ One Filled With Single - Minded Zeal, Especially For An Extreme Religious /Political Cause/ धािमक
और राजनीितक कारण के िलए अ िधक उ ाह से भरा
454. Fantasy ⇒ Wild imagination / क ना
455. Fastidious ⇒ One Who Is Hard To Please/ िजसे खुश करना मु ल हो
456. Fatal ⇒ Resulting In Death./ जानलेवा
457. Fatalist ⇒ One Who Believes In Destiny./ िक त को मानने वाला
458. Fauna ⇒ Animals Of A Certain Region./ िकसी े के जीव जंतु
459. Feint ⇒ Pretended attack/ कपट
460. Feud ⇒ A bitter Quarrel between two families existing for a long period / पु ैनी दु नी Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 8

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461. Fugitive ⇒ One Who Runs Away From Justice Or The Law/ भगोड़ा
462. Farce ⇒ A Light-Hearted Humorous Play With Silly Action./ हा नाटक
463. Feminist ⇒ One who believes in offering equal opportunities to women in all spheres /नारीवादी
464. Ferret ⇒ To rummage about in a place or container in search of something / खोजना
465. Flora ⇒ Plants Of A Particular Region/ िकसी जगह की वन ित
466. Flotsam ⇒ Things that have been discarded as worthless / थ की व ु
467. Flicker ⇒ Shine with a bright but brief or irregular light / िटमिटमाना
468. Flip side ⇒ Unwelcome aspect of a situation/ दू सरा पहलू
469. Flop ⇒ to swing or move loosely / झूलते ए या ढीला चलना
470. Favouritism ⇒ The Practice Of Giving Favoured Treatment To Certain People कुछ लोगो के साथ दू सरों से बेहतर वहार
471. Feasible ⇒ Something capable of being done / संभव
472. Fission ⇒ splitting or breaking up into parts / िवखंडन
473. Fiasco ⇒ Complete Failure./ पूण िवफलता
474. Figment ⇒ Something which is imagined to be real but actually does not exist / मनगढ़ं त
475. Filicide ⇒ Killing of one’s own child / अपने ही ब े की ह ा
476. Flexible ⇒ Which can be easily carved out without breaking / लचीला
477. Fluke ⇒ Stroke Of Good Luck/ अ ा भा
478. Flogging ⇒ Severe Beating With A Whip/ कोड़े मारना

479. Florist ⇒ One who deals in flowers / फूलवाला
480. Flounder ⇒ To struggle helplessly / लड़खड़ाना
481. Fluvial ⇒ relating to, or occurring in a river/ निदयों से संबंिधत
482. Flux ⇒ A continuous process of change is known as / वाह
483. Foundling ⇒ An abandoned child of unknown parents who is found by somebody / अ ात माता-िपता का एक ागा

484. Fourth Estate

485. Fratricide
486. Fraud
487. Freight
488. Fumigate
ck ⇒

आ ब ा जो िकसी के ारा पाया जाता है
Influential Newspapers And Journalists/ भावी अखबार तथा प कार
The Murder Of One’s Brother./ एक भाई की ह ा।
Act of deceiving somebody in order to make money/धोखेबाज
Goods Carried By Train,Ship Etc/ टे न, जहाज़ आिद के ारा भेजी जाने वाली व ुएँ
To Clear Of Disease, Bacteria, Etc., Using Chemical Smoke./ धुएँ के ारा जीवाणु, रोग आिद को समा
489. Forgery ⇒ illegaly copying Of Document/ नकली द ावेज़ बनाना
490. Frenzy ⇒ A State Of Extreme Excitement/ अ िधक उ ाह की अव था
491. Funambulist ⇒ One who can walk on ropes (tightrope walker) / र ी पर चलने वाला
492. Fungus ⇒ Simple, fast-spreading plant without flowers or leaves, which can often cause disease /फफूंद
493. Fusillade ⇒ The firing of many guns at the same time to mark an occasion / बा द की बौछार
To be full of or covered with a mass of small bubbles / झागदार
494. Frothy ⇒
495. Frostbite ⇒ Injury To The Nose, Fingers Or Toes, Caused By Extreme Cold/ अ िधक ठं ड के कारण नाक, उं गिलयों या
पैर की उं गिलयों का जम जाना


496. Garage ⇒ A Building In Which Motorcars Are Parked/ जहाँ कार खड़ी की जाती ह
497. Gallant ⇒ A brave, noble – minded or chivalrous man / वीर
498. Garrulous ⇒ One Who Talks Too Much/ बातूनी

499. Gastronomy ⇒ The Art And Science Of Cooking And Eating Good Food./अ ा भोजन पकाने तथा खाने की कला और
िव ान
500. Garrison ⇒ Military Force Stationed In A Fortress to defend it / िकसी िकले म तैनात सै बल
501. General ⇒ Commander of an army / सेना
502. Genetics ⇒ Science of heredity / आनुवंिशक
503. Genocide ⇒ Elimination Or Killing Of A Whole Race./ संपूण न को मार दे ना
504. Germanophile ⇒ An Admirer Of The German People, Language, Manners, Or Way Of Life./ जमन लोगों, भाषा तथा जमन
जीवन के तौर तरीकों का शंसक
505. Germanophobe ⇒ One Who Dislikes The Germans And Germany. वह जो जमन लोगों तथा जमनी से नफरत करता है
506. Germicide ⇒ A Medicine That Kills Germs/ रोगाणुओं को मारने वाली दवा
507. Geriatrics ⇒ The branch of medical science which deals with the problems of the old aged / वृ ाव था और उसके
रोगों से संब िचिक साशा की शाखा
508. Gesture ⇒ Motion of heads, hands etc., as a mode of expression indicating attitude / भाव से करना
509. Gingivitis ⇒ Inflammation of gums /मसूढ़े की सूजन
510. Geyser ⇒ A hot spring in which water intermittently boils, pushing a tall column of water and steam into the
air / ऊ जल ोत
511. Glacier ⇒ A Mass Of Ice Moving Very Slowly Down A Mountain Valley/ िहमनद
512. Glazier ⇒ someone whose job is fitting glass into windows and doors / खड़िकयों म शीशा जड़नेवाला Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 9

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513. Graffiti ⇒ Rough Drawing Or Writing On Public Walls./सावजिनक दीवारों पर रफ डाइं ग या लेखन
514. Granivore ⇒ An Animal That Eats Grain./ एक पशु जो अनाज खाता है
515. Gallery ⇒ A Room Or Building For Showing Works Of Art/ दशनी लगाने का थान
516. Gamble ⇒ To Play Games Of Chance For Money./ जुआ खेलना
517. Geology ⇒ The Science Of Earth's History And Rocks/ पृ ी के इितहास तथा च ानों का िव ान
518. Giddy ⇒ Having a sensation of whirling and a tendency to fall or stagger / च र
519. Glossary ⇒ A list of explanations of rare, technical or obsolete words / श ावली
520. Glower ⇒ To look at someone in an angry or threatening way / ग़ु ैल िनगाह
521. Glutton ⇒ One Who Eats Too Much/ जो ब त ादा खाता है
522. Gobble ⇒ Eat Fast, Noisily And Greedily/ ज ी-ज ी, आवाज़ करके तथा लालची तरीके से खाना
523. Gory ⇒ Involving or showing violence or bloodshed / र मय
524. Graft ⇒ A piece of living tissue that is transplanted surgically / जीिवत ऊतक का एक टु कड़ा िजसे श िचिक ा
ारा ारोिपत िकया जाता है
525. Granary ⇒ A place for storing grains / धा ागार
526. Gregarious ⇒ Animals That Live In Flocks/ झु म रहने वाले पशु / जीव
527. Greenhouse ⇒ A room or building for the preservation of plants / पौधा घर
528. Gratis ⇒ Without Payment, Free Of Cost/ िबना भुगतान के या िनशु
529. Gross ⇒ Very rude or coarse; vulgar / अस
530. Ghastly ⇒ In a threatening manner / डरावना

531. Gullible ⇒ Easily duped or fooled / भोला-भाला
532. Gust ⇒ A strong blast of wind / हवा का झोंका
533. Gnaw ⇒ To bite like a rat / कुतरना


534. Harass
535. Harangue
536. Hangar
537. Heave
538. Heresy
ck ⇒

Annoy someone continuously / परे शान करना
A lengthy and aggressive speech addressed to a large assembly / उ ेजक भाषण
A building in which aircraft are parked / िवमानशाला
To lift or haul something heavy with great effort / जोर लगाकर उठाना
Opinion contrary to accepted Doctrine / िवधम
A piece of shelter for ships / बंदरगाह
539. Harbour ⇒
540. Homicide ⇒ The Act Of Killing A Human Being/ मानव ह ा
541. Hawker ⇒ One Who Travels From Place To Place Selling Miscellaneous Articles/वह जो एक थान से दू सरे थान
पर घूम घूमकर चीज बेचता है
542. Hedonist ⇒ One Who Believes That Pleasure Is The Aim Of Life/ आनंद को जीवन का ल मानने वाला
543. Horticulturist ⇒ One who studies the art of gardening / बागवानी िवशेष
544. Hyperbole ⇒ Exaggerated Statement Made For The Sake Of Effect/ भाव के िलए बढ़ा चढ़ाकर िदया गया बयान
545. Horizon ⇒ The line where the land and sky seems to meet / ि ितज
546. Hostage ⇒ a person held by one party in a conflict as a pledge pending the fulfillment of an agreement/ बंधक
547. Hallucination ⇒ Seeing Something Which Is Not Present /ऐसी चीज़ को दे खना जो वा व म मौजूद नहीं है
548. Haven ⇒ A Place Of Calm And Safety./ शां त तथा सुरि त थान
549. Hallucinogen ⇒ A Drug That Causes One To Hallucinate./ मित म करने वाली दवा
550. Henchman ⇒ Faithful Supporter/ वफादार समथक
551. Herbivorous ⇒ Animals Which Feed On Vegetation/ वन ित खाने वाले जीव
552. Herculean ⇒ Having Enormous Strength Or Size/ िवशाल श या आकार वाला

553. Heterogenous ⇒ Things Which Contain Elements Of Different Nature/ िवजातीय

554. Herbarium ⇒ A Place For The Collection Of Dry Plants/ पौधों के सं ह के िलए एक थान
555. Hierarchy ⇒ Ranking As Per Status Or Authority/ पद या अिधकार के अनुसार रिकंग
556. Hijack ⇒ To seize control of a vehicle in order to force it to go to a new destination or demand something /
अपहरण करना
557. Hamlet ⇒ A Small Village Or Group Of Houses/ एक छोटा गाँ व या घरों का समूह
558. Hinterland ⇒ Parts of a country behind the coast or a river bank / भीतरी दे श
559. Homogeneous ⇒ Things Which Contain Elements Of The Same Nature/ एक जैसा
560. Honorary ⇒ A Post For Which No Salary Is Paid/ अवैतिनक पद
561. Hospitable ⇒ Fond Of Entertaining Guests/ िजसका अितिथ स ार बिढ़या हो
562. Hydrophobia ⇒ Fear of water / जल का डर
563. Hypocrisy ⇒ pretending to be what you are not /वह होने का नाटक करना जो तुम नहीं हो
564. Hoard ⇒ To store of money or valued objects / जमाखोरी
565. Holocaust ⇒ Great Destruction And The Loss Of Many Lives./महान िवनाश िजसमे कई लोगों की जान गई हो
566. Holster ⇒ A Leather Holder For A Pistol/ चमड़े का खोल िजसमे िप ौल रखी जाती है
567. Homonym ⇒ A Word Same As Another In Pronunciation But Different In Meaning And Spelling./ सम ुत
िभ ाथक श
568. Historic ⇒ Famous Or Important In History/इितहास म मह् पूण Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 10

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569. Histrionic ⇒ Very dramatic / नाटकीय
570. Hooligan ⇒ A Noisy Rough Person Who Causes Trouble/ बदमाश
571. Horticulture ⇒ The Art Of Garden Cultivation/ बागवानी
572. Hospitality ⇒ Receiving guests warmly / अितिथ स ार
573. Hub ⇒ The central part of a circular object( such as a wheel or propeller )/ पिहये का म भाग
574. Hutch ⇒ A den for small animals / गुफा
575. Hypercritical ⇒ Excessively Critical/ अ िधक आलोचना क
576. Hypochondriac ⇒ A person who thinks he⇒she is ill all the time / रोग मी
577. Hypothesis ⇒ assumption that is made based on some evidence or facts / प रक ना


578. Iconoclast ⇒ One Who Opposes settled Institutions Or Beliefs/ िढ़गत िवचारों का िवरोधी
579. Idolatry ⇒ The Worship Of Idols Or Images/ मूितपूजा
580. Idealism ⇒ Practice Of Forming And Following Ideals/ आदशवाद
581. Ideology ⇒ Set Of Ideas At The Basis Of Certain Economic Or Political Systems/ िवचारधारा
582. Idiosyncrasy ⇒ A Person’s Peculiar Habit/ िकसी इं सान का िवशेष कार का वहार
583. Invalid ⇒ A Person Who Is Sick/ बीमार
584. Incendiary ⇒ One Who Maliciously Sets Fire To Building/वह जो बुरी नीयत से िकसी भवन म आग लगा दे ता है

585. Incite ⇒ Urge someone to act in a violent or unlawful way / उ ेिजत करना
586. Indoctrinate ⇒ Teach to accept a set of beliefs uncritically / यकीन िदलाना
587. Insolvent ⇒ One Who Cannot Pay One’s Debts/ िदवािलया
588. Immigrant ⇒ One Who Comes Into A Foreign Country To Settle/ बाहर से आकर बसने वाला
589. Impudent ⇒ Shamelessly rude / बेशम
590. Inflorescence
591. Invincible
592. Incombustible
593. Ineffable
594. Ineligible
595. Inflict

A cluster of flowers on a branch / पु वरं त/ पु गु
That Which Cannot Be Conquered/ िजसे जीता नहीं जा सकता है
Incapable Of Being Burnt/ जलने म अस म
Impossible to describe / अकथनीय
Someone not fit to be chosen / अयो
to force someone or something to experience something unpleasant / थोपना
596. Interlude ⇒ Interval between two events / अंतराल
597. Intestate ⇒ To die without having made a will / िबना वसीयत के मर जाना
598. Invisible ⇒ That Cannot Be Seen/ िजसे दे खा नहीं जा सकता है
599. Invocation ⇒ Call upon God or any other power (like law) for help or protection / आ ान
600. Imaginary ⇒ Existing Only In The Mind./ मनगढ़ं त
601. impede ⇒ To delay or prevent someone or something by obstructing them / बाधा डालना
602. Immune ⇒ Free From Infection/ सं मण से मु
603. Immortal ⇒ Living Forever/ जो कभी मरे नहीं
604. Impalpable ⇒ Incapable Of Being Perceived By Touch / िजसे श के ारा महसूस नहीं िकया जा सकता
605. Impenetrable ⇒ Which Cannot Be Penetrated / िजसे भेदा नहीं जा सकता
606. Imperceptible ⇒ Which Cannot Be Perceived By Sense / िजसे अनुभूित ारा महसूस नहीं िकया जा सकता
607. Imperialism ⇒ Policy Of Extending A Country's Empire And Influence / सा ा वाद
608. Impertinent ⇒ Not Showing Proper Respect / उिचत स ान नहीं दे ना
609. Impiety ⇒ Lack Of Respect Or Religious Reverence / ना कता
610. Implication ⇒ the action or state of being involved in something / िकसी चीज म शािमल होने की ि या या अव था

611. Imponderable ⇒ That Cannot be measured Or Calculated / िजसका अनुमान नहीं लगाया जा सकता
612. Imposter ⇒ One Who Assumes A Character Or Title Not His Own But To Deceive Others / बह िपया
613. Impregnable ⇒ Too Strong To Be Overcome Or Defeated / इतना श शाली िजसे हराना मु ल हो
614. Impresario ⇒ One who organises A Ballet, A Concert, A Theatre, Or On Opera / जो एक संगीत काय म, एक िथएटर या
ओपेरा का आयोजन करता है
615. Implicit ⇒ Not Clearly Expressed But Implied / िनिहत पर प से नहीं
616. Improvident ⇒ Careless About The Future / भिव को लेकर लापरवाह
617. Impunity ⇒ exemption From Punishment / सजा से आज़ादी
618. Inaccessible ⇒ Incapable Of Being Reached. / जहाँ प ं चा ना जा सके
619. Inadmissible ⇒ That Which Cannot Be Admitted Or Allowed / िजसकी अनुमित नहीं दी जा सकती है
620. Inaudible ⇒ That Cannot Be Heard/ िजसे सुना नहीं जा सकता है
621. Incentive ⇒ a thing that motivates or encourages someone to do something / ो ाहन, लोभन
622. Incomprehensible ⇒ Something that is difficult to Understand / िजसे समझा ना जा सके
623. Incendiary ⇒ Designed To Cause Fire/ Likely To Cause Violence / िजससे आग या िहं सा भड़कने की संभावना हो
624. Ineptness ⇒ Lacking Of Skill/ अकुशलता
625. Incomparable ⇒ Which Cannot Be Compared / अतुलनीय
626. Incorrigible ⇒ Incapable Of Being Corrected/ िजसे ठीक नहीं िकया जा सकता
627. Incredible ⇒ Which Can't Be Believed./ अिव सनीय Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 11

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628. Incurable ⇒ Which Cannot Be Cured/ िजसे सुधारा न जा सके
629. Indefatigable ⇒ Incapable Of Being Tired/ जो थकता नहीं हो
630. Indefensible ⇒ Which Cannot Be Defended/ िजसका बचाव नहीं िकया जा सकता
631. Indelible ⇒ Which Cannot Be Erased Or Forgotten/ िजसे िमटाया या भूला नहीं जा सकता
632. Indemnity ⇒ Compensation For Loss./ हािन की ितपूित
633. Indestructible ⇒ That Which Cannot Be Destroyed/ िजसे न नहीं िकया जा सकता
634. Indignant ⇒ Angry At Injustice/ अ ाय के कारण ोिधत
635. Inedible ⇒ Not suitable for eating/ खाने के यो ना होना
636. Ineradicable ⇒ Unable to be destroyed or removed / अिवनाशय
637. Infallible ⇒ A method which never fails /अचूक
638. Inimitable ⇒ That Which Cannot Be Imitated/ िजसकी नक़ल नहीं की जा सकती
639. Infanticide ⇒ Act Of Killing An Infant/ िशशु की ह ा
640. Insurgent ⇒ Rebellious or opposing the authority / िव ोही
641. Internecine ⇒ Causing Destruction To Both Sides/ संघष म दोनों प ों के िलए िवनाशकारी
642. Intricate ⇒ Very Complicated / जिटल
643. Intermediary ⇒ One who intervenes between two or more parties to settle difference /म थ
644. Internment ⇒ Detaining and confining something / नजरबंद
645. Innuendo ⇒ An indirect reference / ं
646. Illegal ⇒ That Which Is Contrary To Law/ जो क़ानून के िव हो

647. Illegible ⇒ Handwriting Which Cannot Be Read/ िजस ह लेखन को पढ़ा नहीं जा सकता
648. Illiterate ⇒ One Who Is Unable To Read Or Write/ जो पढ़ने या िलखने म स म नहीं है
649. Immemorial ⇒ Too Old To Be Remembered, Ancient Beyond Memory/ ृित से परे , ाचीन।
650. Imminent ⇒ About To Happen/ जो होने वाला है
651. Immortal ⇒ That Which Never Dies/ अमर
652. Importune
653. Implacable
654. Implicate
655. Inanimate
656. Inauspicious
657. Initiate
658. Insomnia

To harass someone persistently to do something / िजद करना
Impossible To Satisfy, Change Or Make Less Angry / िजसे संतु या कम ोिधत करना संभव नहीं है
To confirm with the help of evidence / फँसाना
Lifeless objects / िनज व
Not Of Good Omen/ अशुभ
To cause a process or action to begin / आरं भ
Inability To Sleep/ नींद नहीं आना

659. Isthmus ⇒ a narrow strip of land, bordered on both sides by water, connecting two larger bodies of land /
भूिम की एक संकरी प ी, िजसके दोनों तरफ पानी होता है , जो भूिम के दो बड़े िपंडों को जोड़ती है
660. Intruder ⇒ One Who Enters Forcefully/ घुसपैिठया
661. Irrelevant ⇒ Not Connected/ असंगत
662. Indigenous ⇒ Belonging Naturally To A Place/ दे शी
The Period Between Two Reigns./ दो शासन कालों के बीच की अविध
663. Interregnum ⇒
664. Inevitable ⇒ That Which Is Bound To Happen/ जो होकर रहे गा
665. Inexplicable ⇒ That Which Cannot Be Explained/ िजसका वणन नहीं िकया जा सकता
666. Inflammable ⇒ Capable Of Catching Fire/ लनशील
667. Inflate ⇒ To Fill With Air Or Gas/ हवा भरना
668. Inflammatory ⇒ Action that is likely to make people very angry / उ ेजक
669. Infernal ⇒ Relating to or characteristic of hell or the underworld / नरक जैसा
670. Ingenious ⇒ Very Clever/ ब त चालाक
671. Inheritance ⇒ Property handled down after the death of a person / िवरासत

672. Innate ⇒ existing in one from birth/ ज से ही; ज जात

673. Innocuous ⇒ That Which Is Quite Harmless./ ित न प ं चानेवाला
674. Inquisitive ⇒ Having or showing interest in learning things; curious / िज ासु
675. Islet ⇒ A Small Island/ एक छोटा टापू
676. Insatiable ⇒ That which cannot be satisfied / अतृ
677. Inscribe ⇒ Write or carve words on stone or Paper / उ ीण करना
678. Intelligentsia ⇒ The Class Of People Who Think Independently/ तं प से सोचने वाले लोगों का एक वग
679. Intolerable ⇒ That Which Cannot Be Endured/ िजसे बदा करना असंभव है
680. Introspection ⇒ Examination Of One’s Mental Processes./ आ िन र ण
681. Intuition ⇒ Immediate Apprehension By Mind Reasoning/ सहज बोध
682. Interment ⇒ The burial of corpse / दफन
683. Itinerary ⇒ Detailed plan of journey / या ा काय म
684. Itinerant ⇒ One Who Journeys From Place To Place/ जो एक थान से दू सरे थान की या ा करता है
685. Invulnerable ⇒ That Which Cannot Be Wounded./ िजसे घाव नहीं िदया जा सकता
686. Irreparable ⇒ That Which Cannot Be Repaired/ िजसकी मर त नहीं की जा सकती
687. Irrevocable ⇒ That which cannot be called back / अटल
688. Invertebrates ⇒ Animals without backbone / अकशे कीय
689. Investigation ⇒ Careful or thorough enquiry / जां च-पड़ताल Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 12

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690. Irrigate ⇒ To supply land with water by artificial means / िसंचाई
691. Irreproachable ⇒ So Good That No Criticism Can Be Made/ इतना अ ा िक आलोचना नहीं की जा सकती


692. Jauntily ⇒ With much liveliness and a sense of purpose / िजंदािदल

693. Jaunt ⇒ A short trip or excursion for pleasure/ मनोरं जक या ा
694. Joey ⇒ A Young Kangaroo/ कंगा का ब ा
695. Judicious ⇒ Wise, Sound In Judgment/ समझदारी से िलया गया िनणय
696. Juvenile ⇒ Suitable or intended only for young persons / िकशोर
697. Jury ⇒ A body of persons appointed to hear evidence to judge and give the verdict /िनणायकसिमित
698. Journal ⇒ A Newspaper Or Magazine That Deals With A Particular Subject Professionally.एक समाचार प या
पि का जो िकसी िवशेष िवषय को पेशेवर तरीके से पेश करती है ।
699. Journalism ⇒ Art of writing for newspapers and magazines / प का रता
700. Journey ⇒ An act of travelling from one place to another / या ा
701. Judgemental ⇒ Having or displaying an overly critical point of view / आलोचना क
702. Juxtapose ⇒ Placing A Thing Beside Another For Contrasting Effect.िवपरीत भाव के िलए एक साथ रखना


703. Kleptomania ⇒ An excessively desire to steal / अ िधक चोरी करने की इ ा
704. Kenomaniac ⇒ A person who loves empty spaces / खाली जगह पसंद करने वाला
705. Kimono ⇒ A Loose Gown Of Silk As Worn In Japan/ जापान म पहना जाने वाला रे शम का एक ढीला गाउन।
706. Knighthood ⇒ To Give The Right To Put ‘Sir’ In Front Of One’s Name./अपने नाम के आगे 'सर' लगाने का अिधकार
707. Kennel
708. Knave
709. Knell
710. Knot

⇒ ck
A Dog’s Home/ कु े का घर
A Crook; A Dishonest Person/ बेईमान
The sound of the funeral bell / शोक सूचक घंटे की िन
A tangled mass in something such as hair or wool / गु ा

711. Laxative ⇒ A medicine that softens the bowels / पेट साफ करने की दवा
712. Lease ⇒ A legal agreement that allows someone to use a building or land for a period of time, usually is
return for rent / लगाम या िकराये पर लेना
713. Lethal ⇒ Causing Death/ जानलेवा
714. Laconic ⇒ Expressing In A Few Words/कुछ श ों म करना
715. Laudable ⇒ A person who deserves praise / शंसनीय
716. Laundry ⇒ A Place Where Clothes Are Washed And Ironed/ एक थान जहाँ कपड़े धोए तथा इ ी िकये जाते ह ।
717. Limnology ⇒ The Study Of Lakes And Other Freshwater Bodies/झीलों तथा अ मीठे जल के िनकायों का अ यन
718. Laminate ⇒ To Cover With Thin Sheets Of Metal Or Plastic/धातु या ा क की परत से ढकना
719. Lagoon ⇒ Salt Water Lake Separated From The Sea By Sand Banks/रे त के िकनारों ारा समु से अलग की गई खारे
पानी की झील
720. Lexicographer ⇒ A Person Who Compiles A Dictionary/ श कोष संकिलत करने वाला
721. Libertarian ⇒ Person believing in free will / ाधीनता का समथक
722. Linguist ⇒ One Who Speaks Many Foreign Languages/ वह जो कई िवदे शी भाषाएं बोलता है

723. Litigant ⇒ A person involved in a lawsuit / वादकारी

724. Legible ⇒ Capable Of Being Read Clearly./ पढ़ने यो
725. Leonine ⇒ Of Or Like A Lion./ शेर की तरह
726. Leer ⇒ A sly look that is lustful / बुरी नजर से दे खना
727. Ligaments ⇒ Tough and fibrous tissues in joints / जोड़
728. Literati ⇒ People With Knowledge Of Literature/सािह ान वाले लोग
729. Lode ⇒ A rich source of something /िकसी चीज का समृ ोत
730. Lop ⇒ To cut off a branch, limb or twig from the main body of a tree / छां टना
731. Loophole ⇒ A small mistake in an agreement or law that gives someone the chance to avoid having to do
something / बचाव का रा ा
732. Lousy ⇒ Very poor or bad / घिटया
733. Loquacious ⇒ One Who Talks A Lot/ बातूनी
734. Lullaby ⇒ A Pleasant Song Sung To Send Children To Sleep/ लोरी
735. Lunar ⇒ Related to moon / चं मा-संबंधी


736. Mandible ⇒ The lower jawbone in mammals and fishes / जबड़ा Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 13

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737. Manifest ⇒ Become apparent through the appearance of symptoms / कट
738. Manifesto ⇒ A Declaration of Plans And Promises Put Forward By A Political Party/राजनीितक दल का घोषणाप
739. Magnum Opus ⇒ A Great Work Of Art, Particularly Literary/ िस रचना
740. Malapropism ⇒ Usage of an incorrect word in place of the one which is similar in pronunciation / हा श का योग
741. Malediction ⇒ Evil, Vicious Speech/ नफरत वाला भाषण
742. Maiden speech ⇒ The first public speech delivered by a person / सव थम भाषण
743. Malleable ⇒ Easy to shape in any desired from / लचीला
744. Mammals ⇒ Animals Which Give Birth To Babies And Feed Them With Their Milk / नधारी
745. Manual ⇒ A Book Giving instructions or Information / िनयमावली
746. Manuscript ⇒ Handwritten Script Of A Book/ पु क की ह िल खत िलिप
747. Manoeuvre ⇒ An underhand device resorted to in order to justify misconduct / पतरे बाजी
748. Manometer ⇒ An instrument for measuring pressure of gases / गैस या दबाव नापने वाला यं
749. Martinet ⇒ A Strict Disciplinarian/ एक स अनुशासनवादी
750. Mascot ⇒ Something Chosen As A Symbol To Bring Good Luck/ शुभंकर
751. Masochist ⇒ One Who Enjoys Pain Or Humiliation/ िजसे दु सरो को दद या अपमान दे ने से आनंद िमलता है ।
752. Maritricide ⇒ Killing Of One's Husband/ पित की ह ा
753. Martyr ⇒ One Who Dies For A Noble Cause/ शहीद
754. Massacre ⇒ Killing Of Large Numbers Of People/ नरसंहार
755. Mausoleum ⇒ A Magnificent Tomb/ एक शानदार मकबरा

756. Materialist ⇒ A Person For Whom Money Is The Most Important Consideration./ भौितकतावादी
757. Matins ⇒ Morning Prayer/ सुबह की ाथना
758. Matinee ⇒ A cinema show held in the Afternoon / अपरा का िफ शो
759. Matricide ⇒ Killing Of One's Mother/ माँ की ह ा
760. Matrimony ⇒ Marriage/ शादी
761. Maxim
762. Momento
763. Moor
764. Mercenary
765. Mediate
766. Mediocre
767. Megalomania

A Short Statement Of A General Truth/ कहावत/एक ऐसी बात जो िबलकुल सच हो
Something Kept To Remember Place Or Event/ िकसी थान या घटना की यादगार चीज़
To secure a boat by attaching it to an anchor / नाव म लंगर डालना
Primarily concerned with making money at the expense of ethics / ाथलोलुप
To try to settle a dispute between two other parties / म थता करने वाला
One Who Is Neither Intelligent Nor Dull/ औसत /जो ना तो बु मान ना ही बेवकूफ है
The Belief That One Is Extremely Important / यह मानना िक कोई अ िधक मह पूण है

768. Melodious ⇒ Sweet Sounding/ अ ी धुन वाला
769. Mercantile ⇒ Related to Trade And Business/ ापार तथा वािण से संबंिधत
770. Meritorious ⇒ Deserving reward or praise / सराहनीय
771. Meteorology ⇒ The Scientific Study Of Weather Conditions./ मौसम िव ान
772. Meteorologist ⇒ One Who Studies The Elements Of Weather/ जो मौसम के त ों का अ यन करता है
A Person Who Is Very Careful About Details/ छोटी छोटी बातों पर ान दे ने वाला
773. Meticulous ⇒
774. Microscope ⇒ Instrument that magnifies objects / सू दश
775. Migration ⇒ Movement From One Country To Another/ एक दे श से दू सरे दे श म जाना
776. Misandrist ⇒ One Who Hates Males/ जो पु षों से नफरत करता है
777. Misologist ⇒ Hater Of Learning/ िश ा से नफरत करने वाला
778. Misoneist ⇒ A hater of new things / नवीनता से नफरत करने वाला
779. Mince ⇒ To cut up (food, especially meat) into very small pieces / कीमा बनाना
780. Mint ⇒ A Place Where Money Is Coined / जहाँ िस े बनाये जाते ह
781. Miscible ⇒ Liquids forming a homogeneous mixture when added together / िवलयशील

782. Miser ⇒ A person who loves wealth and spends as little money as possible / कंजूस
783. Misanthrope ⇒ One Who Hates Mankind/ जो मानव जाित से घृणा करता है
784. Militia ⇒ Those Trained As Soldiers But Not Belonging To A Regular Army./ नाग रक सेना सद
785. Modus Operandi ⇒ A Particular Way Of Doing Something / काम करने का तरीका
786. Misogamist ⇒ One Who Hates Marriage/ जो िववाह से नफरत करता है
787. Misogynist ⇒ One Who Hates Women/ जो मिहलाओं से नफरत करता है
788. Moderate ⇒ Average in amount, intensity, Quality or degree / म म
789. Monastery ⇒ Place Where Monks Live/ मठ
790. Monogamy ⇒ Marrying Only Once/ केवल एक बार िववाह करना
791. Mortuary ⇒ A Place Where Dead Bodies Are Kept Before Postmortem/ मुदाघर
792. Mosaic ⇒ Design made by putting together coloured pieces of glass or stones / जड़ाऊ काम
793. Momentary ⇒ Lasting only for a moment / िणक
794. Momentous ⇒ An occasion of great importance / मह पूण
795. Monarchy ⇒ Government by a king / राजत
796. Monomaniac ⇒ One Who Keeps Thinking Of One Particular Thing Only / वह जो केवल एक िवशेष चीज के बारे म सोचता
रहता है
797. Monologue ⇒ A Long Speech By One Person/ एक के ारा िदया गया लंबा भाषण
798. Monotheist ⇒ A person who worships only one God / एके रवाद Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 14

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799. Monopoly ⇒ Sole Right To Make And Sell Some Invention/ एकािधकार
800. Mores ⇒ The essential or characteristic customs , habits and conventions of a society or community /
रीित- रवाज
801. Mortgage ⇒ A legal agreement by which a person borrows money from a bank usually to buy a house / ऋण
802. Mendicant ⇒ Beggar/ िभखारी
803. Mutilation ⇒ Cutting Off Body Parts/ शारी रक अंगों को काटना
804. Mobilise ⇒ To Collect Together For Service In War/ यु म सेवा दे ने के िलए एकजुट होना
805. Metallurgy ⇒ The Science Dealing With The Production Of Metals/ धातुओं के उ ादन से संबंिधत िव ान
806. Monetary ⇒ Related To Money/ मौि क
807. Monotheism ⇒ The Practice Of Worshipping Only One God/ एक ई र की पूजा करने की था
808. Multinational ⇒ A Company Having Branches In Many Countries/ ब रा ीय
809. Mummy ⇒ Body of a human being or animal embalmed for burial / पुराना प ररि त शव
810. Mutineer ⇒ A soldier or sailor, who rebels or refuses to obey the orders of a person in Authority / िव ोही
811. Mutiny ⇒ Rebellion against lawful authority / िव ोह
812. Mycology ⇒ The Scientific Study Of Fungi/ कवक का अ यन
813. Mythophobia ⇒ Fear of telling lies / झूठ बोले जाने का डर


814. Native ⇒ Animals that live in a particular region / मूल िनवासी
815. Nausea ⇒ Strong Feeling Of Wanting To Vomit/ उ ी करने की इ ा
816. Nautical ⇒ Of Sailors, Ships Or Sailing/ नािवकों या नौकायन से संबंिधत
817. Narcissism ⇒ The habit of always admiring oneself /अहं कार
818. Narcissist ⇒ One who has an over exaggerated feeling of being important / आ मोही
819. Neighbourhood
820. Nemesis
821. Neologism
822. Nepotism
823. Niche
824. Nocturnal

A New Word/ नया श
Group of people living together in the same locality / पड़ोस
Downfall That Satisfies Natural Justice/ पतन या िगरावट िजससे लगे की कृित ाय करती है

Undue Favour Shown By A Person In Power To His Relatives/ भाई-भतीजावाद

A Hollow Place In-Wall/ दीवार म खोखली जगह
Occurring at night / रात से स ंिधत
A person between 90 and 100 years of age / 90 से 100 साल की आयु के बीच का
825. Nonagenarian ⇒
826. Non-entity ⇒ An unimportant person / तु
827. Nostalgia ⇒ Sentimental longing for a period in a past / पुरानी याद
828. Notorious ⇒ To be known for bad acts / बदनाम
829. Notary ⇒ A Public Official Who Makes Written Statements Official/ नोटरी
830. Nomenclature ⇒ A system of naming things / श ावली
831. Nomads ⇒ People of no fixed abode / बंजरा
832. Novice ⇒ A person without training or experience in a skill or subject /नौिस खया
833. Null ⇒ To reduce to nothing / थ
834. Numismatic ⇒ One Who Collects Coins./ वह जो िस े एकि त करता है
835. Numismatics ⇒ The study or collection of coins / मु ाशा
836. Numismatist ⇒ A person specially interested in the study of coins and medals / मु ा शा ी


837. Obeisance ⇒ A gesture expressing respect, such as a bow / अिभवादन

838. Octagon ⇒ A Plane Figure With Eight Sides And Angle/ अ कोण या अ भुज
839. Oasis ⇒ A shady fertile place in a desert / म थल के बीच ह रत भूिम
840. Observatory ⇒ A place where astronomical observations are made / वेधशाला
841. Obscurantist ⇒ Person Who Is Opposed To Enlightenment./ वह जो ान ा करने का िवरोधी है ।
842. Obsequies ⇒ Funeral Rites/ अंितम सं ार
843. Obsolete ⇒ That Which Is No Longer In Use./ जो अब इ ेमाल नहीं िकया जाता
844. Obsolescent ⇒ Passing out of use / अ चिलत
845. Obituary ⇒ Notice Of A Person’s Death In A Newspaper./िकसी समाचार प म िकसी की मृ ु की सूचना।
846. Obligatory ⇒ That Which Is Required To Be Done By Law/ क़ानून के ारा बा
847. Obsolete ⇒ That Which Is Out Of Use, Or Replaced By A Newer Model/ अ चिलत
848. Oligarchy ⇒ A Government By A Small Group Of Powerful Persons/ श शाली लोगों के एक छोटे समूह का शासन
849. Omniform ⇒ Having Every Form Of Shape/ िजसम हर आकार हो
850. Omnigenous ⇒ Comprising All Kinds/ सभी कार का
851. Omnipotent ⇒ One Who Is All - Powerful/ जो ब त श शाली है
852. Omniscient ⇒ One Who Knows Everything/ जो सबकुछ जानता है
853. Omnivorous ⇒ One Who Eats Anything/ जो सबकुछ खाता है
854. Oncology ⇒ Study of tumours/ ककरोग िव ान Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 15

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855. Obese ⇒ Excessively Fat / ब त मोटा होना
856. Opaque ⇒ That Which Cannot Be Seen Through / अपारदश
857. Optimist ⇒ A Person Who Looks To The Bright Side Of Things/ आशावादी
858. Ophthalmologist ⇒ An Eye-Doctor/ ने िचिक क
859. Optometrist ⇒ A Technician Who Measures Eyesight/ जो ि को जां चता है ।
860. Orchard ⇒ A Place Where Fruit Trees Are Grown/ जहाँ फलों के वृ उगाये जाते ह
861. Ode ⇒ A Poem In Praise/ शंसा गान
862. Orator ⇒ One Who Speaks Impressively/ कुशल व ा
863. Orchestra ⇒ A large body of people playing musical instruments / वादक समूह
864. Orphanage ⇒ A public institution for the care and protection of children without parents / अनाथालय
865. Omnipresent ⇒ One Who Is Present Everywhere/ जो सभी जगह मौजूद है
866. Obscure ⇒ Not Clearly Expressed ( नहीं)
867. Ornithology ⇒ The Study Of Birds/ पि यों का अ यन
868. Ornithologist ⇒ Someone who scientifically studies the birds / प ी िव ानी
869. Orthopaedics ⇒ The area of medicine that treats illness of bones / ह ी रोग
870. Oust ⇒ Expel Someone From A Position/ िकसी को िकसी पद से िनकाल दे ना
871. Oviparous ⇒ Bearing Eggs And Not Young Ones./ अंडे दे ने वाले जीव
872. Ostler ⇒ One Who Attends To Horses At An Inn/ वह जो एक सराय म घोड़ों को दे खता है
873. Opaque ⇒ Through which light cannot pass / अपारदश

874. Ophidiophobia ⇒ Fear of snakes / सां पों का भय
875. Optician ⇒ One Who Makes Or Sells Eyeglasses/ वह जो च े बनाता या बेचता है
876. Opinionated ⇒ To be dogmatic in one’s opinion / हठधम
877. Oology ⇒ The Study Of Eggs/ अंडों का अ यन
878. Occidental ⇒ Belonging To The West/ पि म से आने वाला
879. Oculist
880. Octogenarian
881. Ostracise
882. Oust
883. Outlaw
884. Ovine
885. Overwhelm

A person who attends to the diseases of the eyes / ने -िवशेष
One who is eighty years old/ अ ी वष की आयु वाला
Expel From Society/ समाज से िन ािसत
To expel someone from a position or place / बाहर िनकालना
A person who has lost protection of law / कानून की र ा से वंिचत करना
Pertaining to sheep / भेड़ जैसा
To have a strong emotional effect on / अिभभूत करना


886. Pact ⇒ A formal agreement between individuals and parties / संिध

887. Palliation ⇒ Make something less severe / अ ीकरण
888. Pantomime ⇒ A dramatic entertainment, in which performers express through gestures / मूकािभनय
889. Parse ⇒ To resolve a sentence into its component parts and describe their roles / ा ा करना
890. Polygon ⇒ A figure with many angles or sides / ब भुज
891. Polytheism ⇒ Belief in many Gods / ब दे ववाद
892. Posthumous ⇒ Occurring After Death/मरणोपरां त
893. Plagiarism ⇒ Literary Theft, Or Passing Off An Author’s Original Work As One’s Own/ सािह क चोरी
894. Pyrotechnics ⇒ The Art Of Making Fireworks/ पटाखे बनाने की कला
895. Parable ⇒ Story told to illustrate a moral or spiritual truth / नीितकथा
896. Parasite ⇒ A Plant Or Animal Growing On Another/ परजीवी

897. Parboil ⇒ A method of boiling briefly to cook food slightly / कम पकाना

898. Parricide ⇒ The murder of parents or near relative / िप ह ा
899. Panacea ⇒ A Cure For All Diseases/सभी रोगों की दवा
900. Pacifist ⇒ Person Who Believes In The Total Abolition Of War/ शां ितवादी
901. Pageant ⇒ Elaborate Public Spectacle./ सावजिनक तमाशा।
902. Palatable ⇒ Food Or Drink That Has A Pleasant Taste/ ािद भोजन या पेय पदाथ
903. Palpable ⇒ Thing that can be felt or touched / शनीय
904. Pandemonium ⇒ A Wild And Noisy Disorder./ शोर शराबा
905. Panegyric ⇒ Piece Of Writing Full Of Praise/ शंसा से भरा लेखन
906. Parasol ⇒ A Lady's Umbrella/ िकसी मिहला का छाता
907. Panorama ⇒ Wide, uninterrupted view / िच माला
908. Pantry ⇒ A small room in a big house, hotel, ship etc. where glasses, dishes, spoons food, etc. are kept /
909. Patricide ⇒ Killing Of One's Father./ अपने ही िपता की ह ा।
910. Patriot ⇒ One who loves or supports his or her country and is willing to defend it / दे श भ
911. Pathology ⇒ Science of diseases / रोग िव ान
912. Patrimony ⇒ Inherited From Father Or Male Ancestor / िपता या पु ष पूवज से िमला आ
913. Philatelist ⇒ One Who Collects Postage Stamps / जो डाक िटकट सं ह करता है Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 16

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914. Philanthropist ⇒ One Who Devotes His Service Or Wealth For The Love Of Mankind/ मानवतावादी
915. Pedant ⇒ One Who Makes A Display Of His Learning/ वह जो अपने ान का दशन करता है
916. Paediatrician ⇒ Doctors Who Treat Children’s Diseases/ ब ों का िचिक क
917. Palaeography ⇒ The Study Of Ancient Modes Of Writing/ लेखन की ाचीन िवधाओं का अ यन
918. Phonetics ⇒ The Science Of Speech, Sounds, And Their Production/भाषण, िनयों और उनके उ ादन का िव ान
919. Prodigy ⇒ A Child With Unusual Or Remarkable Talent/ असाधारण ितभा वाला ब ा
920. Profile ⇒ General view of person’s character / वणन
921. Prognostication ⇒ Act Of Forecasting By Examining Present Conditions/ वतमान थितयों का परी ण करके पूवानुमान का
922. Prologue ⇒ A Speech Or A Poem Recited At The Beginning Of A Play.नाटक की शु आत म पढ़ा जाने वाला भाषण या
923. Prop ⇒ A pole or beam used as a temporary support / सहारा
924. Proponent ⇒ Person Who Proposes Something/ ाव दे ने वाला
925. Propriety ⇒ State Of Being Correct In Behavior Or Moral/ वहार या नैितकता म सही
926. Protectorate ⇒ Country Under The Protection Of A More Powerful Country/ संरि त रा
927. Protagonist ⇒ Chief Person In A Drama, Story Etc./ नाटक, कहानी का मु िकरदार
928. Prototype ⇒ The first model of a new device / ितकृित
929. Protocol ⇒ Code of diplomatic etiquette and precedence / िश ाचार
930. Pseudonym ⇒ A Fictitious Name Used By An Author/ लेखक के ारा यु का िनक नाम

931. Prudent ⇒ Wise/ बु मान
932. Pachyderm ⇒ A Thick-Skinned Animal, Especially(Elephant Or Rhinoceros)./मोटी चमड़ी वाला जानवर (हाथी या गडा)
933. Palaeontology ⇒ The Study Of Fossils/ जीवा ों का अ यन
934. Palindrome ⇒ A word that reads the same as backward or forward / िवलोमपद
935. Pensive ⇒ Deeply Thoughtful In A Sad Mood/ ब त गहरे िवचार म और दु खी
936. Paradox
937. Perennial
938. Penchant
939. Perplex
940. Perturb
941. Pariah
942. Parvenu

Contradictory Statement/ िवरोधाभासी कथन
That Which Is Everlasting/ सदा रहने वाला
A special fondness or liking for / झुकाव
To make someone feel completely baffled / ह ा -ब ा करना
To make (someone) anxious or unsettled / ाकुल करना
One Who Is Not Accepted By Society/ वह जो समाज ारा ीकार नहीं िकया जाता है
A person of obscure position who has gained wealth / अ मूल का िजसने धन ा िकया हो

943. Patrilineal ⇒ Relating to kinship with the father / िपतृवंशीय
944. Patent ⇒ Sole Right To Make/Sell One’s Invention/आिव ार करने/ बेचने का एकमा अिधकार
945. Pantheism ⇒ Belief Of God In Nature/ कृित म ई र वास करते ह की भावना
946. Penultimate ⇒ Last But One/ अंितम लेिकन एक।
947. Perquisite ⇒ Gain Over And Above One’s Salary/ वेतन के अित र िमलने वाला लाभ
The Scientific Study Of Rocks/ च ानों का वै ािनक अ यन
948. Petrology ⇒
949. Peculation ⇒ Use Of Public Money For One's Benefit/ जनता के धन का खुद के लाभ के िलए इ ेमाल
950. Pedantic ⇒ A Style In Which A Writer Makes A Display Of His Knowledge And Learning/वह शैली, िजसम एक लेखक
अपने ान तथा िश ा का दशन करता है ।
951. Pedestrian ⇒ One Who Walks On Foot/ पैदल चलने वाला
952. Pediatrics ⇒ Branch of medicine concerned with children and their illness / बाल िचिक ा
953. Pestiferous ⇒ That which is morally dangerous / अिन कारक
954. Pestle ⇒ Stick with a thick end used in mortar for pounding / कूटना
955. Peninsula ⇒ Area Of Land Surrounded By Sea On Three Sides/ समु से तीन ओर से िघरी भूिम

956. Pentagon ⇒ A Plane Figure With Five Sides And Angles/ पंचभुज
957. Pantheon ⇒ A temple dedicated to all the gods / सभी दे वताओं का मंिदर
958. Perceptible ⇒ That Can Be Perceived By The Senses/ जो इ यों ारा मह्सूस िकया जा सकता है ।
959. Perpetual ⇒ Continuing for a long period of time without interruption / िनरं तर
960. Perishable ⇒ Something that can rot / न वर
961. Periodicity ⇒ The tendency to recur at intervals / काल-च
962. Perseverance ⇒ Constant Efforts To Achieve Something / कुछ हािसल करने के िलए िनरं तर यास
963. Perspicacious ⇒ Quick In Judging And Understanding / तुरंत िनणय लेने तथा समझने वाला
964. Perversion ⇒ Change To Something Abnormal Or Unnatural/ कुछ असामा या अ ाकृितक
965. Pessimist ⇒ A Person Who Looks At The Dark Side Of Things/ िनराशावादी
966. Pauper ⇒ One Who Has No Money/ गरीब
967. Philanderer ⇒ A person who always run after women / इ बाज
968. Philistine ⇒ One who does not care for literature or art / संकुिचत िवचार वाला
969. Philologist ⇒ One Who Is Well Versed In The Science Of Languages / भाषाओं के िव ान म मािहर
970. Phobia ⇒ Intense and unreasonable fear or dislike / डर
971. Pigment ⇒ The Natural Colouring Matter Of Plants And Animals / ाकृितक रं जक
972. Pilferages ⇒ Act of stealing in small Quantities / छु ट-पुट चोरी
973. Piscivorous ⇒ One who lives on fish / मछली खाने वाला Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 17

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974. Placebo ⇒ A substance that has no therapeutic effect, used as a control in testing new drugs / योिगक औषध
975. Plaintiff ⇒ One Who Brings a Charge Against Someone In Court/ अज़ दार
976. Plebeian ⇒ Of The Lower Social Classes/ िन सामािजक वग का
977. Pliable ⇒ To easily bent; flexible / लचीला
978. Parole ⇒ A Temporary Release Allowed On Some Conditions From The Jail। / अ े वहार के आधार पर जेल से
शत के साथ थोड़े िदन की रहाई।
979. Plutocracy ⇒ A Government By A Rich And Powerful Class/ श शाली तथा अमीर वग की सरकार
980. Plagiarist ⇒ A person who steals the writing of others / सािह की चोरी
981. Plaque ⇒ Flat metal or Porcelain plate fixed on a wall as an ornament or memorial / दीवार पर सजाने की व ु
982. Polytheist ⇒ One who believes in many Gods / ब दे ववादी
983. Podium ⇒ A speaker’s platform / मंच
984. Potable ⇒ That which can be drunk / पीने यो
985. Polyandry ⇒ The Practice Of Having More Than One Husband At The Same Time / एक समय म एक से अिधक पित
रखने का रवाज़
986. Polygamy ⇒ The Practice Of Having More Than One Husband Or Wife At The Same Time / एक समय म एक से
अिधक पित या प ी रखने का रवाज़
987. Polyglot ⇒ One Who Speaks Many Languages/ जो कई भाषाएँ बोलता है
988. Polygamist ⇒ A man who has more than one wife at a time / ब िववाही
989. Pioneer ⇒ One who does something for the first time / अ गामी

990. Polygraph ⇒ A Lie-Detector/ झूठ पकड़ने वाला
991. Postscript ⇒ A Note Added At The End Of A Letter, After The Signature/ प रिश भाग
992. Post-Mortem ⇒ Operation of body after death / शव-परी ा
993. Posthumous child ⇒ A child born after the death of his father / िपता की मृ ु के बाद पैदा होने वाली संतान
994. Possess ⇒ To have belonging to one; own / अिधकार म लेना
995. Potpourri

996. Pragmatist
997. Predator
998. Predilection
999. Prescient
1000. Prejudiced

A mixture of dried, naturally fragrant plant material, used to provide a gentle natural scent inside
buildings,especially in residential settings / सुगंिधत िम ण
One Who Uses Common Sense/ सामा सूझबुझ का योग करने वाला
An animal which lives by preying on other animals / परभ ी
A bias in favour of something / झुकाव
Able To Foretell What Will Happen In The Future/ यह बताने म स म िक भिव म ा होगा
Be Biased Against./ प पातपूण

1001. Premonition ⇒ Forewarning Of An Impending Danger/ आने वाले खतरे की चेतावनी
1002. Prerogative ⇒ Absolute Right/ िवशेष अिधकार
1003. Prelude ⇒ An event serving as an introduction to something more important / ावना
1004. Premiere ⇒ The first public performance of musical or theatrical work or the first showing of a film / िफ का
पहला दशन
Showing a dislike of anything Improper / िनयम-िन
1005. Prim ⇒
1006. Procrastination ⇒ The practice of delaying / टाल मटोल करना
1007. Proliferate ⇒ To increase rapidly in number; multiply / तादाद म बढ़ना
1008. Proselyte ⇒ One who is converted from one religion to other / धमात रत
1009. Propellant ⇒ An Explosive For Firing A Bullet Or A Rocket/ णोदक
1010. Prevaricate ⇒ Quibble (to avoid giving a direct answer to a Question in order to hide the truth) / छलकपट करना
1011. Psephology ⇒ Analysis of election / चुनाव िव ेषण
1012. Psephologist ⇒ One who studies election trend by means of opinion polls /चुनाव-िव ेषक
1013. Pledge ⇒ A Solemn Promise Or Undertaking / गंभीरता से िदया शपथ या वचन

1014. Pulmonary ⇒ Of Or Affecting The Lungs/ फेफड़ों से संबंिधत या उनको भािवत करने वाला
1015. Punter ⇒ A person who gambles or bets / जुआरी
1016. Physiotherapy ⇒ Treatment by means of exercise and massage / भौितक िचिक ा
1017. Psychology ⇒ Science of Human mind and behaviour / मनोिव ान
1018. Putrefy ⇒ Decay of organic matter producing a fetid smell / सड़ना
1019. Purr ⇒ To make (of a cat) a low continuous vibratory sound expressing contentment / धीमी आवाज़ जो कभी
कभी िब ी िकया करती है


1020. Quack ⇒ A Doctor Of Questionable Ability/ झोलाछाप डॉ र

1021. Quadrangle ⇒ A court or open space usually rectangular and enclosed by a building / चौकोर े जो इमारतों से िघरा
आ है
1022. Quarantine ⇒ A period of time during which a person that might have a disease is kept away from other people
that the disease cannot spread / अलग करना
1023. Quiver ⇒ Something To Keep Arrows In/ तरकश
1024. Quest ⇒ Search for something / खोज Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 18

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1025. Questionnaire ⇒ A Set Of Printed Questions With A Choice Of Answers / उ र और िवक सिहत मुि त ों का एक
सेट; ावली
1026. Quinquennial ⇒ An event which happens once in five years / पाँ च वष म एक बार
1027. Quixotic ⇒ Trying To Do The Impossible, Usually To Help Others, While Putting Oneself Into Danger./खुद को
खतरे म डालते ए, दू सरों की मदद करने के िलए असंभव सी कोिशश करना।
1028. Quadruped ⇒ Four Footed-Animal/ चार पैर वाला जानवर


1029. Radiation ⇒ Emission of light or heat from a central point / िविकरण

1030. Raconteur ⇒ One Who Is Good At Telling Stories In An Interesting Way जो िदलच तरीके से कहािनयाँ बताने म मािहर
है ।
1031. Ransom ⇒ Amount of money demanded by kidnappers / िफरौती
1032. Rancid ⇒ Having a stale smell or taste / बासी
1033. Rapport ⇒ A Good Relationship Between Two People/ दो लोगों के बीच अ ा संबंध
1034. Rapacious ⇒ Greedy for money / लालची
1035. Rebel ⇒ One Who Takes Up Arms Against The Government/ सरकार के िव हिथयार उठाने वाला
1036. Recapitulate ⇒ Repeat The Main Points/ मु िबंदुओं को दोहराना
1037. Recant ⇒ To take back, withdraw or renounce (a previous belief) / िकसी मत को वापस लेना या उससे पीछे हटना

1038. Receptacle ⇒ A hollow object used to contain something / पा
1039. Recitation ⇒ The action of repeating something aloud from memory / ृित से िकसी बात को जोर-जोर से दोहराना
1040. Recluse ⇒ One Who Lives Alone And Avoids Company / जो अकेले रहता है तथा लोगों के साथ रहने से बचता है
1041. Reconcile ⇒ Bring About Harmony Or Agreement/ शां ित समझौता करना
1042. Reconnaissance ⇒ Information Gathering Activity About Enemy Forces/ दु न सेना के बारे म जानकारी एकि त करना।
1043. Receptive
1044. Reciprocate
1045. Red Tape
1046. Redundancy

1047. Reflex

Capable Of Receiving New Ideas/ नए िवचारों को ा करने म स म
Give and receive mutually / आदान- दान करना
Excessive Use Of Official Formalities Which Causes Unnecessary Delay/ लाल फीताशाही
When Something Is Unnecessary because It Is More Than What Is Needed जब कोई चीज अनाव क है
ोंिक वह ज रत से ादा है
An involuntary action under a stimulus / अनै क ि या
The practice of submitting a proposal to popular vote / जनमत सं ह
1048. Referendum ⇒
1049. Reflation ⇒ A Government Policy Of Increasing The Amount Of Money In Circulation चलन म धन की वृ करने के
िलये सरकारी की नीित।
1050. Regicide ⇒ The act of killing a king / राज-ह ा
1051. Respiration ⇒ The process by which plants and animals breathe / सन
1052. Rhetoric ⇒ Meaningless language with an exaggerated style intended to impress / आलंका रक
1053. Rhinologist ⇒ A doctor who specializes in diseases of the nose / नाक का डॉ र
1054. Remission ⇒ Pardon For Breaking Religious Laws/ धािमक कानूनों को तोड़ने के िलए मा
1055. Reminisced ⇒ Brought back to mind / रण करना
1056. Rendition ⇒ Artistic, musical or dramatic Interpretation / अनुवाद
1057. Reinforce ⇒ Strengthen By Additional Men Or Material / अित र लोगों या सामि यों को लगाकर श शाली बनाना
1058. Rendezvous ⇒ Place Fixed For Meeting Or Assembling/ बैठक या सभा के िलए तय िकया गया थान
1059. Renegade ⇒ Person Who Changes His Religious Belief/Support To Someone Else Or Some Other Nation./ िकसी
और धम या रा के समथन के िलए अपने धम का ाग करने वाला
1060. Renovation ⇒ Act of making things new like Before / नवीकरण

1061. Reparation ⇒ The action of making amends for a wrong one has done / ितपूित
1062. Repatriate ⇒ Send or bring somebody back to his own country / दे श भेजना
1063. Repercussion ⇒ An unintended consequence of an event or action, especially an unwelcome one / िति या
1064. Repentance ⇒ Atonement for one’s sins / ायि त
1065. Replica ⇒ Copy Or Reproduction Of A Work Of Art/ ितकृित
1066. Reprieve ⇒ Providing relief / दं डिवराम
1067. Repository ⇒ Place Where Things Are Stored For Safety/ वह थान जहाँ चीज़ सुर ा के िलए रखी जाती ह
1068. Requiem ⇒ Prayer For The Dead/ मृतक के िलए की गई ाथना
1069. Requisition ⇒ An Official Demand Or Request / औपचा रक मां ग
1070. Restitution ⇒ Return Of Object Stolen Or Lost/ चोरी ई व ु का वापस िमलना
1071. Retaliate ⇒ Return The Same Sort Of Ill-Treatment./ बदला लेना
1072. Reticent/Taciturn ⇒ Person Who Does Not Speak Too Much/ वह जो ब त ादा नहीं बोलता है
1073. Retrospective ⇒ An Effect Which Has A Reference To The Past/ पूव ापी
1074. Retribution ⇒ A Severe Deserved Punishment/ एक गंभीर उिचत सज़ा
1075. Revel ⇒ Take great pleasure / आनंद लेना
1076. Rodent ⇒ A Small Herbivore Usually Considered A Pest/ कृ क
1077. Relics ⇒ Something That Has Survived The Past/ ऐितहािसक मह वाले अवशेष
1078. Rejuvenate ⇒ To restore to an or new condition/ नई अव था म ला दे ना Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 19

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1079. Reveille ⇒ Military waking up signals in the morning / सेना को जगाने का िबगुल
1080. Richter ⇒ Scale used for measuring the strength of an earthquake / र र पैमाना
1081. Rites ⇒ Solemn religious acts / सं ार
1082. Rotunda ⇒ Circular building or hall with a dome / गोलाकार भवन
1083. Reverent ⇒ Feeling or show ing deep and solemn respect / आदरणीय
1084. Ruffle ⇒ To disorder or disarrange (someone’s hair), typically by running one’s hands through it / अ -


1085. Samaritan ⇒ A person who helps even a stranger in difficulty / नेक आदमी
1086. Sanctuary ⇒ A reserve for animals, birds etc. in their natural habitat / अ ार
1087. Sarcasm ⇒ Bitter and Ironic al Remark/ ं
1088. Sabotage ⇒ Wanton destruction especially of a Factory, etc. by dissatisfied workers/ जानबूझकर तोडना या नुकसान
1089. Sacrilege ⇒ The Violation Or Profaning Of Sacred Thing/ पिव चीज़ों को अपिव करना।
1090. Satire ⇒ Full of criticism or mockery / हा या ं
1091. Savage ⇒ Violent And Uncivilized/ िहं सक तथा अस
1092. Scalding ⇒ Causing a burning sensation like that of hot liquid on the skin / जलाने वाला , त

1093. Scandal ⇒ Tale that brings bad reputation to somebody / मानहािन
1094. Scapegoat ⇒ One Who Is Blamed For The Mistakes Of Others/ बिल का बकरा
1095. Sceptic ⇒ One Who Is Given To Questioning The Truth Of Facts And The Soundness Of Inferences/वह िजसे
त ों की स ाई और िन ष पर सवाल उठाने की आदत हो
1096. Screech ⇒ Cry Out In Shrill Voice/ ब त तीखी आवाज
1097. Scintillating
1098. Immage
1099. Sanatorium

1100. Scaffold
1101. Sentinel

के िलए एक जगह ck
A vivacious and lively experience is said to be / ब त शानदार
Confused Struggle Or Fight/ यह तय नहीं कर पाना िक संघष िकया जाए या लड़ाई
A Place For Treatment Of People Suffering From Chronic Illness/ पुरानी बीमारी से पीिड़त लोगों के इलाज

A Structure On Which Criminals Used To Be Hanged/वह ढां चा िजस पर अपरािधयों को फां सी दी जाती थी।
A Person Employed To Watch For Something To Happen / पहरे दार
An Instrument Used For Breathing When Swimming Underwater/पानी के नीचे तैरने के दौरान सां स लेने के
1102. Scuba ⇒
िलए इ ेमाल िकया जाने वाला एक उपकरण
1103. Scurrilous ⇒ Severely abusive writing in journals / अभ लेख
1104. Scurry ⇒ To move hurriedly with short Quick steps / ज ी ज ी करना
1105. Secular ⇒ A place where all religions are honoured /धम िनरपे
1106. Sedentary ⇒ Not Very Active/ ब त सि य नहीं
1107. Sedulous ⇒ Hard working and diligent / प र मी
1108. Sedition ⇒ Act Or Speech For Inciting The Public Against The Government/ राज ोह
1109. Seminar ⇒ That which is arranged by conferring or discussing / गो ी
1110. Senility ⇒ Extreme Old Age When A Man Behaves strangely /चरम वृ ाव था जब एक आदमी अजीब तरह वहार
करता है
1111. Seer ⇒ One Who Can See Into The Future/ वह जो भिव दे ख सकता है
1112. Sedative ⇒ A drug or other substance that induces sleep / शां ित दे ने वाली औषिध
1113. Sericulture ⇒ The production of raw silk / रे शम उ ादन
1114. Sensationalism ⇒ The Intentional Producing Of Excitement Or Shock/ उ ेजना या सदमे का जानबूझकर दशन

1115. Septuagenarian ⇒ One In His Seventies/ जो अपने स र के दशक म हो

1116. Sever ⇒ To cut something into two pieces /काटना
1117. Shoal ⇒ A large number of fish swimming together / मछिलयों का समूह
1118. Shoo ⇒ To make a person or animal go away by waving one’s arm at them / भगाना
1119. Shrapnel ⇒ Small pieces of metal that fly out from an exploding bomb / धातु के टु कड़े या फटनेवाली गोिलयाँ
1120. Shear ⇒ To cut the wool off a sheep or other animal / काटना
1121. Siesta ⇒ Period Of Rest Or Sleep After Lunch/ भोजन के बाद आराम करने या सोने की अविध
1122. Simultaneous ⇒ Occurring At The Same Time/ एक ही साथ होने वाला
1123. Sinecure ⇒ An Office For Which A High Salary Is Paid For Little Or No Work Or Responsibility/एक पद िजसके िलए
अिधक वेतन का भुगतान िकया जाता है लेिकन काम या िज़ ेदारी ब त कम होती है ।
1124. Silhouette ⇒ Black Shadow-Like Picture On White Background/ सफेद पृ भूिम पर काली छाया जैसी त ीर।
1125. Sibling ⇒ A Brother Or Sister/ भाई/बहन
1126. Simile ⇒ A figure of speech by which a thing is spoken of as being that which it only resembles / उपमा
1127. Sinophile ⇒ An Admirer Of The Chinese People, Language, Manners Or Way Of Life/चीनी लोगों, उनकी भाषा तथा
जीवन के तौर तरीकों का शंसक
1128. Sinophobe ⇒ One Who Dislikes The Chinese And China/ जो चीिनयों तथा चीन से नफरत करता है
1129. Slam ⇒ To shut a door, window or lid forcefully and loudly / श शाली हार
1130. Slob ⇒ A person who is lazy and has low standards of cleanliness / आलसी Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 20

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1131. Small Fry ⇒ Unimportant People/ मह हीन लोग
1132. Smother ⇒ Kill By Suffocation (Especially By Covering The Face With Something) / दम घोटकर ह ा करना ( िवशेष
प से चेहरे को िकसी चीज़ से ढककर )
1133. Snob ⇒ One who tends to patronise, rebuff or ignore people regarded as social inferiors and imitate,
admire people regarded as social superiors / िम ािभमानी
1134. Sojourn ⇒ Stay For A Short Time/ ब त कम समय के िलए रहना
1135. Sociology ⇒ The science of the functioning and growth of society / समाज शा
1136. Solecism ⇒ A very delicate flaw or mistake which is not expected from the person making it / भूल-चूक
1137. Soliloquy ⇒ Speaking Aloud While Alone/ अकेले म जोर से खुद से बात करना
1138. Solvent ⇒ Being able to pay one’s debt / ऋण चुका दे ने के यो
1139. Somnambulist ⇒ One Who Walks In Sleep/ जो नींद म चलता है
1140. Somniloquist ⇒ One Who Talks In Sleep/ जो नींद म बात करता है
1141. Sonorous ⇒ Having A Deep And Pleasant Sound./ मधुर िन
1142. Sonnet ⇒ A poem of fourteen lines / 14 पं यों की किवता
1143. Soporific ⇒ Drug which cause people to sleep early / िन ाजनक औषिध
1144. Sordid ⇒ Involving immoral or dishonourable actions and motives / िघनौना
1145. Sororicide ⇒ Killing Of One's Sister/ अपनी ही बहन की ह ा
1146. Souvenir ⇒ Something kept as a reminder of an event / ा रका
1147. Somnambulism ⇒ Walking in sleep/ नींद म चलना

1148. Snippet ⇒ A Small Piece of Something Spoken Or Written./ िकसी बोली या िलखी ई चीज़ का छोटा टु कड़ा।
1149. Specimen ⇒ An object or portion serving as a sample / नमूना
1150. Spangle ⇒ A small plate of shining metal or plastic used / चमकीली व ु
1151. Spank ⇒ To slap with one’s hand or a flat object / तमाचा
1152. Spasm ⇒ Sudden involuntary muscle contraction / ऐंठन
1153. Spectre
1154. Spinster
1155. Spendthrift
1156. Speleology
1157. Spew
1158. Spiritualist
1159. Sporadic

Something widely feared as a possible dangerous occurrence / िपशाच
An Unmarried Woman/ एक अिववािहत मिहला
One Who Spends One's Money Recklessly/ जो िबना सोचे समझे पैसे खच करता है ।
Study of caves / गुफाओं का अ यन करना
To expel large Quantities of (something) rapidly and forcibly / उबकाई या िनकाल डालना
A Person Who Believes In Spiritual Things/ आ ा क
Occurring Irregularly/ अिनयिमत प से होने वाला

1160. Spokesman ⇒ One who speaks for others / व ा
1161. Stale ⇒ Something Which Is Not Fresh/ वैसी चीज़ जो ताज़ी नहीं है
1162. Stampede ⇒ A Sudden Rush Of A Large Number Of Frightened People Or Animals./ भगदड़
1163. Stellar ⇒ Of The Stars/ तारों से स ंिधत
1164. Stockbroker ⇒ One Who Buys And Sell Shares For Others/ वह जो दू सरों के िलए शेयर खरीदता और बेचता है ।
One Who Is Indifferent To Pain And Pleasure/ िजस पर खुशी तथा दु ः ख का ादा असर नहीं होता
1165. Stoic ⇒
1166. Statute ⇒ Written law of a legislative body / अिधिनयम
1167. Sterile ⇒ Not able to produce children / बां झ
1168. Stevedore ⇒ A labourer involved in loading and unloading the ships / जहाज से माल उतारने चढ़ने वाला
1169. Stratagem ⇒ A Trick To Deceive An Enemy/ श ु को धोखा दे ने की तरकीब
1170. Stowaway ⇒ One hides away in a ship or passenger vehicle to obtain a free passage / िबना िटकट का या ी
1171. Stoicism ⇒ Indifference to pleasure or pain /भावहीन
1172. Stringent ⇒ Very Strict/ ब त स
1173. Strangulate ⇒ Kill By Putting Pressure On The / To Apply Pressure./ गला घोंटकर मारना

1174. Stumble ⇒ To trip or momentarily lose one’s balance; almost fall / लड़खड़ाना
1175. Stuttering ⇒ Speaking with stammer or lisp / हकलाना
1176. Subdue ⇒ To Bring Under Control/ अधीन थ करना
1177. Subjugate ⇒ To Bring Under Control./ िनयं ण म करना
1178. Succulent ⇒ Having juicy or fleshy and thick tissue / रसीला
1179. Suicide ⇒ Taking Of One's Own Life/ खुद की जान लेना।
1180. Supercilious ⇒ Thinking Oneself Superior To Others/ खुद को दू सरों से े मानना
1181. Surreptitious ⇒ Stealthily done(something done in a Quiet and secret way in order to avoid being noticed) / गु
1182. Subcutaneous ⇒ Beneath The Skin/ चा के नीचे
1183. Sub Judice ⇒ A Subject Which Can’t Be Publicly Discussed Because It Is Before A Court Of Law/ एक ऐसा िवषय
िजस पर सावजिनक प से चचा नहीं की जा सकती ोंिक यह अदालत के सम है ।
1184. Subsidy ⇒ Money Paid By A Government To Make Prices Lower./ स डी
1185. Subversive ⇒ Attempting To Weaken Or Overthrow Authority/ स ा को कमज़ोर या उखाड़ फकने का यास
1186. Superannuated ⇒ Too Old For Work/ काय करने के िलए ब त बूढ़ा
1187. Superlative ⇒ Of the highest degree / े तम
1188. Surreal ⇒ Having A Strange, Dreamlike Unreal Quality./ अजीब, सपने की तरह अवा िवक होना।
1189. Sycophant ⇒ Person Who Tries To Win A Favour By Flattering Others.वह जो चापलूसी करके लोगों का िदल
जीतने की कोिशश करता है । Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 21

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 5 - 6 TG @M00n_Ligt One Word Substitution
1190. Synagogue ⇒ Place Where Jews Worship/ वह थान जहाँ य दी पूजा करते ह ।
1191. Sachet ⇒ A Small Pouch/ एक छोटी थैली
1192. Scabbard ⇒ A Cover For A Dagger Sword Etc/ तलवार आिद के िलए एक कवर
1193. Saddle ⇒ A Seat For A Rider/ चालक की सीट
1194. Safari ⇒ An Overland Expedition For Hunting Etc / ाकृितक आवास म जानवरों को दे खने या िशकार करने का अिभयान
1195. Saga ⇒ A Long Detailed Report/ एक लंबी िव ृत रपोट
1196. Scavengers ⇒ An Animal, Such As A Vulture , That Feeds On Dead Or Decaying Matter िग जैसा जानवर जो मृत या
सड़ने वाले पदाथ खाता है ।
1197. Sculptor ⇒ One Who Shapes In Stone/ मूितकार
1198. Sermon ⇒ Religious Discourse/ धािमक वचन
1199. Subservient ⇒ Too willing to obey other people / अधीन
1200. Supine ⇒ Failing to act or protest as a result of moral weakness or indolence / लापरवाह
1201. Sweatshop ⇒ A factory, where workers are employed at very low wages for long hours and under poor conditions
/ जहां कमचा रयों का शोषण हो
1202. Sweeping ⇒ Wide in range or effect / िव ृत
1203. Syllable ⇒ A part of a word that can be pronounced separately / श ां श
1204. Syllogism ⇒ Reasoning method involving two statements from which a conclusion is reached / यु वा
1205. Symbiosis ⇒ To put two and two together / सहजीवन
1206. Synonyms ⇒ Words of similar meaning / पयायवाची


1207. Tartar ⇒ A rough, violent, troublesome person / िचड़िचड़ा

1208. Tantrum ⇒ Fit Of Bad Temper Or Anger/ बुरा भाव या गु ा िदखाना
1209. Tautology
1210. Taxidermy

1211. Technocrat
1212. Teetotaller
1213. Tempest

A statement in which you say the same thing twice in different words / अपनी बात दोहराना
The Art Of Stuffing Animal’s skin and Setting Them In Life-Like Poses/ जानवरो की खाल को जीवन जैसी
मु ा म थािपत करने की कला
A Specialist In Technology/ तकनीकी िवशेष
One Who Abstains From All Kinds Of Alcoholic Drinks/ वह जो सभी कार की शराब से दू र रहता है
A violent storm / तूफ़ान
Lasting only for a short while / अ थायी
1214. Temporary ⇒
1215. Terminate ⇒ Come Or Bring To An End/ समा
1216. Testimonial ⇒ A written statement about someone’s character, usually provided by an employer / शंसा-प
1217. Theist ⇒ One Who Believes In The Existence Of God/ जो ई र के अ म िव ास करता है
1218. Theocracy ⇒ Government By Priests / पुजा रयों की सरकार
1219. Theology ⇒ The study of religion and religious ideas and beliefs / धम शा
1220. Timber ⇒ Woodcut Down For Building Etc/ भवन आिद के िलए काटी गयी लकड़ी
1221. Totalitarianism ⇒ A system of Government in which only one political party is allowed to function / सवस ावाद
1222. Topiary ⇒ The Art Of Trimming Trees And Bushes To Decorative Shapes/ पेड़ों और झािड़यों को काटकर सजावटी
आकार दे ने की कला
1223. Traitor ⇒ One Who Is Disloyal To His Country./ ग ार
1224. Trench ⇒ A long narrow ditch embanked with its own soil and used for concealment and protection in
warfare / खाई
1225. Toil ⇒ Work extremely hard or incessantly / किठन प र म
1226. Toxic ⇒ Something that is poisonous and unhealthy / िवषैला

1227. Transgressor ⇒ One Who Violates A Rule Or Law/ जो क़ानून का उ ंघन करता है
1228. Transitory ⇒ That which lasts for a short time /- िणक
1229. Transmigration ⇒ The Passage Of The Soul After Death From One Body To The Other.एक शरीर से दू सरे शरीर म मृ ु के
बाद आ ा का जाना ।
1230. Transgender ⇒ A Person Who Has Both Male And Female Traits /परलिगक
1231. Transparent ⇒ That Allows The Passage Of Rays Of Light/ पारदश
1232. Travesty ⇒ Distorted representation of something / हा जनक बनाना
1233. Tremor ⇒ Shaking movement of the ground / भूकंप के झटके
1234. Treason ⇒ The crime of betraying one’s country / राज- ोह
1235. Trespassers ⇒ Those who pass through the gate without permission / अनािधकार वेश करने वाला
1236. Triennial ⇒ The conference that takes place once in three year / तीन साल म होने वाला
1237. Trilogy ⇒ A set of three related works by same author / एक ही कार के तीन उप ास
1238. Triumvirate ⇒ A group of three powerful people / तीन श शाली लोगों का समूह
1239. Trivialize ⇒ Make something seem less important, significant or trifling / मह हीन बना दे ना
1240. Tropic ⇒ Either of two parallels of latitude on the earth, one 23°27’ north of the equator and the other 23°27’
south of the equator / उ किटबंध
1241. Truant ⇒ One Who Stays Away From School/ Work Without Permission वह जो िबना अनुमित के ू ल / काम से
छु ी करता है । Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 22

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 6 TG @M00n_Ligt One Word Substitution
1242. Truism ⇒ A Truth Which Is Often Repeated./ वह सच जो बार-बार दोहराया जाता है
1243. Trumpet ⇒ To proclaim widely or loudly / िढं ढोरा पीटना
1244. Tyrant ⇒ A Ruler With Complete Power Who Rules Cruelly./ ू र शासक
1245. Telepathy ⇒ Communicating Through Other Means Apart From The Senses /इं ि यों के अलावा अ मा मों से संचार
1246. Totem ⇒ A symbol that serves as an emblem of a group of people / कुलिच या कुलदे वता
1247. Toxicology ⇒ science that deals with poisons and their effect/ जहर के भाव का पता लगाने का अ यन
1248. Taxonomy ⇒ Science regarding principles of classification / वग करण िव ान
1249. Transcalent ⇒ That Allows The Passage Of Heat/ जो ऊ ा को गुजरने दे
1250. Translucent ⇒ Something That Allows Light To Pass Through But Not Very Clearly.जो काश को पार होने दे ता है ,
लेिकन ब त ादा नहीं
1251. Travelogue ⇒ A Film, Lecture Or Brochure On Travel/ या ा से संबंिधत िफ , ा ान
1252. Tsunami ⇒ High sea waves caused by underwater earthquake / सूनामी
1253. Tyro ⇒ One who is new to a profession / नोिस खया


1254. Urn ⇒ A container for the ashes of a dead person / अ थ-कलश

1255. Unisex ⇒ Of One Type, Used By Both Males And Females./ पु षों और मिहलाओं दोनों ारा उपयोग िकया जाने वाला

1256. Unanimous ⇒ A Decision Taken By The Votes Of All./ एकमत
1257. Unfeigned ⇒ Not Pretended/ Sincere / स ा
1258. Uxoricide ⇒ The Killing Of One’s Wife./ प ी की ह ा।
1259. Uxorious ⇒ Greatly Or Excessively Fond Of One’s Wife/ बीवी का गुलाम
1260. Unavoidable ⇒ That Cannot Be Avoided./ िजसे टाला नहीं जा सकता है
1261. Underplay
1262. Ungraspable
1263. Unique
1264. Universal
1265. Urbanity
1266. Usurer

Represent something as being less important than it really is / कम आं कना
Not possible to comprehend / िजसे समझना संभव नहीं है
Being the Only One Of Its kind/ एकमा
Belonging To All Parts Of The World./ सावभौिमक
Courteousness and refinement of manner / िश ता
One who lends money at a very high interest / सूदखोर
The upward force that a liquid exerts on a body floating in it / व या गैस का बल िजसे वह अपने भीतर
1267. Upthrust ⇒
तैरती ई व ु को ऊपर धकेलने म लगाता है
1268. Usurper ⇒ One Who Grabs Somebody's Else Property Or Title./ जो दू सरों की संपि या उपािध हड़प लेता है ।


1269. Vacuous Absence Of Thought Or Intellect/ िवचार या बु का अभाव होना


1270. Velocity ⇒ Speed of an object in one direction / वेग
1271. Vestige ⇒ A trace or remnant of something that is disappearing or no longer exists / शेष
1272. Vegetarian ⇒ One living on vegetables / शाकाहारी
1273. Vehement ⇒ Showing strong feeling / बल
1274. Vendetta ⇒ Feud In Which The Relatives Of The Dead Or Injured Take Revenge/ ितशोध
1275. Venerable ⇒ A person who is greatly respected because of age, wisdom or character/ स ािनत
1276. Verbatim ⇒ Repetition Of A Writing, Word For Word./ लेखन, श की पुनरावृि
1277. Verbose ⇒ Using Or Containing More words than necessary/ आव कता से अिधक श ों का योग

1278. Versatile ⇒ One Who Possesses Many Talents/ ब मुखी ितभा वाला
1279. Vespers ⇒ Evening Prayer In The Church./ िग रजाघर म शाम की ाथना
1280. Veteran ⇒ One Who Has Long Experience Of particular activity ( especially armed forces) / अनुभवी (िवशेष प
से सश बल )
1281. Vilify ⇒ Speak or write about in an abusively disparaging manner / ितर ार करना
1282. Vincible ⇒ That Which Can Be Conquered./ िजसे जीता जा सकता है
1283. Vindictive ⇒ Having Or Showing A Desire For Revenge./ बदला लेने की चाह रखने वाला
1284. Virulent ⇒ Highly Poisonous Effect/ जहरीला
1285. Virtuoso ⇒ A highly skilled musician / गुणी कलाकार
1286. Vivacious ⇒ Lively or high-spirited / िजंदािदल
1287. Viviparous ⇒ producing living young instead of eggs from within the body/ अंडे के बजाय ब े पैदा करना
1288. Visionary ⇒ One who can think about the future with imagination and wisdom /दू रदश
1289. Volley ⇒ A group of arrows / बाणों की बोछार
1290. Volte-Face ⇒ Sudden Change From One Set Of Beliefs To Other/ अचानक से एक िव ास से दू सरे म बदल जाना
1291. Voluntary ⇒ One's Free Will/ तं इ ा
1292. Volunteer ⇒ One who offers his services at his own freewill / यंसेवक
1293. Voracious ⇒ One who is greedy /लालची
1294. Voyage ⇒ Journey By Water Or Sea/ समु ी या जलीय या ा Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 23

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 6 TG @M00n_Ligt One Word Substitution
1295. Vulnerable ⇒ That Which Can Be Easily Damaged Or Hurt/ असुरि त या नाज़ुक


1296. Walkaway ⇒ A raised platform in building / भवन म उठा आ मंच

1297. Waybill ⇒ A list of passengers and luggage / सामान की सूची
1298. Widow ⇒ A Woman Whose Husband Is Dead/ िवधवा
1299. Wag ⇒ A jocular person who is full of amusing anecdotes/मसखरा
1300. Wager ⇒ something risked or staked on an uncertain event; bet /कुछ (जैसे िक धन रािश) िकसी अिनि त घटना के
होने या ना होने पर दां व पर लगा दे ना
1301. Warden ⇒ One who takes care of a building / बंधक
1302. Whisk ⇒ To take someone somewhere suddenly and Quickly / फुत से ले जाना
1303. Whisper ⇒ Speak in a very low tone / फुसफुसाना
1304. Whop A heavy blow or the sound of such blow / हार
1305. Widower ⇒ A Man Whose Wife is Dead / िवधुर
1306. Windfall ⇒ An unexpected piece of good fortune / अ ािशत लाभ
1307. Wreath ⇒ A decorative ring of flowers and leaves / पु माला
1308. Wriggle ⇒ To move along with Quick, short twistings / टे ढ़े मेढ़े चलना
1309. Winnow ⇒ Blow A Current Of Air Through (Grain) To Remove The Chaff/ गे से भूसे को अलग करना


1310. Xenophobia ⇒ Fear Of Foreigners/ िवदे िशयों का भय

1311. Xylophone ⇒ A Musical Instrument Played By Striking A Row Of Wooden Bars/ लकड़ी से बना एक वा यं
1312. Xerox

1313. Yellow Press

1314. Yearning
1315. Yacht

Copy/ छाया ित

ck [Y]

Sensational Press/ सनसनीखेज मीिडया

A feeling of intense longing for Something / तड़प
A Small Medium-Sized Sailing Boat./ छोटे आकार की नौका

1316. Yolk ⇒ The Yellow Internal Part Of A Bird’s Egg/ अंडे की जद
1317. Yoke ⇒ A wooden object used for connecting animals that are pulling a vehicle / लकड़ी की व ु िजसका
उपयोग िकसी वाहन को खींचने वाले जानवरों को जोड़ने के िलए िकया जाता है
1318. Yankee ⇒ An Inhabitant Of New England/ ू इं ड का िनवासी

1319. Zealot ⇒ Person Who Shows fanatic And Uncompromising Enthusiasm For A Religion, Party Etc.
एक जो अपने धािमक, राजनीितक, या अ आदश की खोज म क र और अिडग है ।
1320. Zodiac ⇒ Related To Astrology/ ोितष िव ान से संबंिधत
1321. Zenith ⇒ the highest point (of something)/ सव म अव था या थान
1322. Zoology ⇒ The Scientific Study Of The Structure, Physiology, Classification, And Distribution Of Animals./जंतु
िव ान
1323. Zoroastrianism ⇒ A Monotheistic Religion Of Ancient Persia/ पारसी धम
M Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 24

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 7 TG @M00n_Ligt One Word Substitution
SSC CGL 2023 Tier - 1 of real or fictional events taking place easily yield to pressure
(14/07/2023 - 27/07/2023) over a long period of time Ans. firm (अटल)
Ans. Saga (िव ृत कथा)
Q.1. A thing fit to eat Q.32. Copying someone else’s work and
Ans. Edible (खाने यो ) Q.17. A person who compiles a trying to submit as your own
dictionary Ans. Plagiarism (सािह क चोरी)
Q.2. A person who believes that laws and Ans. Lexicographer (श कोश - िनमाता)
governments are not necessary. Q.33. Government governed by wealth
Ans. Anarchist (अराजकतावादी) Q.18. Under the influence of drugs and Ans. Plutocracy (धनी लोगों ारा शािसत एक
alcohol राजनीितक व था)
Q.3. A person who hates and avoids Ans. Inebriated (नशे म धुत)
other people Q.34. A person who enjoys doing
Ans. Misanthrope (लोगों से घृणा करने वाला) Q.19. A sentimental memory of the past dangerous things, in a way that other
Ans. Nostalgia (बीते व की याद) people may think is stupid.
Q.4. A place where coins, medals and Ans. Daredevil (साहसी)
tokens are made Q.20. A large number of fish swimming
Ans. Mint ( पया बनाने का कारखाना) together Q.35. A homeless, neglected, or
Ans. Shoal (मछिलयों का समूह) abandoned person, especially a child
Q.5. A person who abandons religions. Ans. Waif (लावा रस ब ा)

Ans. Apostate (धम ागी) Q.21. A secret plan used to do
something (usually wrong) Q.36. Capable of being bent or pulled
Q.6. A person who does not believe that Ans. Conspiracy (ष ं ) into different shapes
God or Gods exist. Ans. Ductile (आकार दे ने या मोड़ने म स म)
Ans. Atheist (ना क) Q.22. To put off doing something

Q.7. A book or set of books giving

information of all areas of work
Ans. Encyclopedia (सारसं ह)

Q.8. Irreverent behavior toward anything


especially out of habitual carelessness or

Ans. Procrastinate (टाल मटोल)

Q.23. A person who gives help and

sympathy to people who need it
Ans. Samaritan ( ज़ रतमंद की मदद करने
Q.37. Gradual recovery of health and
Ans. Convalescence (पुनः

to keep birds
ा ा )

Q.38. A large cage, building, or enclosure

Ans. Aviary (पि यों को रखने के िलए िपंजरा)

held sacred or concerning God.
Ans. Blasphemy (ई र िन ा) वाला)
Q.39. Believer of fate
Q.9. Huge fire for celebration Q.24. A person who draws or produces Ans. fatalist (भा वादी )
Ans. Bonfire (जयसूचक अि ) maps
Ans. Cartographer (मानिच कार) Q.40. One who looks at the negative side

Q.10. A place to play games and bet on of everything

them Q.25. Being careful that every detail of Ans. Pessimist (िनराशावादी )
Ans. Casino (जुआखाना) something is correct
Ans. Fastidious (छोटी - छोटी बातों का भी Q.41. Waver between different opinions
Q.11. Any female animal which feeds its बारीकी से ान रखने वाला) or actions
young on milk from her own body Ans. Vacillate(िन य न कर पाना)
Ans. Mammal ( नधारी) Q.26. Something that is absolutely
necessary, that you can not do without Q.42. Someone who dishonestly
Q.12. Certain to happen Ans. Indispensable (अ ाव क) pretends to deceive under an assumed

Ans. Inevitable (जो टल न सके) character

Q.27. Animal living both on land and Ans. Imposter (ब िपया)
Q.13. A similarity between like features water
of two things, on which a comparison Ans. Amphibian (पानी और भूिम दोनों पर Q.43. killing a large number of people
may be based रहने वाला) Ans. Genocide (जन-संहार)
Ans. Analogy (सम पता)
Q.28. Person who betrays his own Q.44. A person who kills somebody,
Q.14. The money paid to former wife, country. especially for political reasons
husband or partner when the marriage is Ans. Traitor (ग़ ार) Ans. Assassin (ह ारा)
Ans. Alimony (तलाक के बाद मिहला या पु ष Q.29. The study of evolution of mankind Q.45. A group of worshippers
के िलये गुजारा भ ा ) Ans. Anthropology (मनु जाित का िव ान) Ans. Congregation (धािमक सभा)

Q.30. Child bereaved of one or both the Q.46. The place that a person treats as
Q.15. A group of people traveling
parents his permanent home, or lives in and has
together in a van
Ans. Orphan (अनाथ) a substantial connection with
Ans. Caravan (क़ािफ़ला)
Ans. Domicile (िनवास थान)

Q.16. A detailed description of a series Q.31. Having a consistency that does not
Q.47. Capable of or adapted for turning Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 25
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 7 TG @M00n_Ligt One Word Substitution
easily from one to another of various and contentment Ans. Fidelity - िन ा/वफ़ादारी
tasks, fields of endeavour, etc. and is Ans. Snug (आरामदायक)
able to do many things. Q.81. In a friendly and peaceable manner
Ans. Versatile ( ितभाशाली ) Q.64. Changing secret and coded Ans. Amicably - मै ीपूण
messages in a readable form
Q.48. A big clumsy often slow-witted Ans. Decoding(सामा भाषा म बदलना) Q.82. Social organisation where males
person are heads of families
Ans. Oaf (बेवकूफ़ आदमी) Q.65. Too strong to be defeated or Ans. Patriarchy - िपतृतं
Q.49. A violent, overbearing, turbulent, Ans. Invincible (अपराजेय) Q.83. A building containing interesting,
brawling, quarrelsome woman rare, and old objects
Ans. Termagant (झगड़ालू ी) Q.66. Which cannot be read Ans. Museum - सं हालय
Ans. Illegible (जो पढ़ा न जा सके)
Q.50. One who cannot hear Q.84. Something which lasts forever
Ans. Deaf (बहरा) Q.67. Life history written by oneself Ans. Eternal - शा त
Ans. Autobiography (आ कथा)
Q.51. Causing or wanting to cause harm Q.85. The examination of one's own
or evil to someone Q.68. Something belonging to or conscious thoughts and feelings
Ans. Malevolent (बुरा चाहने वाला) surviving from an earlier period Ans. Introspection - आ िव ेषण

Ans. Relic ( ृितिच )
Q.52. Causing or ending in death. Q.86. The wide variety of shared and
Ans. Fatal(घातक) Q.69. A person who does not drink different personal and group
alcohol. characteristics among human beings
Q.53. A formal agreement between two Ans. Teetotaller (मादक ों का ागी) Ans. Diversity - िविवधता
or more nations or peoples
Ans. Pact (समझौता)

Q.54. A person whose age is between 70

and 79 years old.
Ans. Septuagenarian (70 और 79 साल के
बीच की उ का )
Q.70. Filled with fear or dread
Ans. Tremulous (भयभीत)

Q.71. Someone who regards the world as

his country
Ans. Cosmopolitan (संसार भर को अपना दे श
Q.87. Severe or strict in manner
Ans. Austere - स /गंभीर

Q.88. A floating container anchored to

the sea bottom, so used for directing
ships and warning them of possible
मानने वाला) danger
Q.55. Willing to take risks and try new Ans. Buoy - समु म तैरता आ कंटे नर
ideas. Q.72. Burial ground consisting of graves
Ans. Adventurous (साहिसक) Ans. Cemetery (कि ान) Q.89. Jokes and funny remarks amongst
Ans. Banter - मज़ाक
Q.56. To move or travel back and forth Q.73. Not informed about or aware of
frequently something
Ans. Shuttle (आगे - पीछे चलना या िफरना) Ans. Oblivious (बेख़बर) Q.90. A place where coins are made
Ans. Mint - टकसाल
Q.57. Someone who lives in solitude Q.74. The practice of writing dictionaries
Ans. Recluse (एकां तवासी) Ans. Lexicography (श कोश िलखने का Q.91. Springs to mind
काय) Ans. dawns on - िवचारों का आना
Q.58. One who loves mankind
Ans. Philanthropist (परोपकारी) Q.75. Circular arrangement of flowers Q.92. In the order of occurrence

Ans. wreaths (फूलों का हार) Ans. chronological order - घटना म म

Q.59. A speech by an actor at the end of
a play Q.76. Outer protective layer of a tree
SSC CHSL 2022 Tier - 2
Ans. Epilogue (स ूण कृित का सार) Ans. Bark (वृ की छाल)
Q.77. A place where airplanes are kept
Q.60. Author’s explanatory remarks at Q.93. An official appointed to resolve a
for maintenance
the beginning of a book dispute
Ans. Hangar (िवमान - गृह )
Ans. Preface ( ावना) Ans. Arbitrator - पंच
Q.78. Place where grains are stored
Q.61. Never changing and therefore Ans. Granary (धा ागार) Q.94. Giving cause for legal action
boring. Ans. Actionable - कदम उठाने यो
Ans. Monotonous (नीरस)
Selection Post Phase XI
Q.62. Kind, generous, and forgiving
(27/06/2023 - 30/06/2023) SSC MTS 2022 Tier -1
Ans. Magnanimous (उदारच रत) (02/05/2023 - 20/06/2023)
Q.79. Killing of many people
Ans. Carnage - नरसंहार Q.95. The young of a frog
Q.63. Enjoying or affording warm secure
shelter or cover and opportunity for ease Ans. Tadpole - मढक का ब ा
Q.80. The quality of being faithful Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 26
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 7 TG @M00n_Ligt One Word Substitution
Q.96. A group of people who have no Q.113. A person appointed by two in his habits)
permanent abode but wander from place parties to solve a problem Ans. Fastidious - तुनक िमजाज
to place Ans. Arbitrator - म थ
Ans. Nomad - बंजारा Q.131. One appointed to act in place of
Q.114. The editor of a dictionary another
Q.97. That can be carried or moved Ans. Lexicographer - कोश लेखक Ans. Deputy - सहायक
Ans. Portable - िजसे एक थान से दू सरे तक ले Q.115. A woman with brown hair Q.132. The sound of owls
जाया जा सके Ans. Brunette - भूरे बालों वाली मिहला Ans. Hoot - उ ू की बोली

Q.98. The art of cutting gems Q.116. The act of destroying or Q.133. Rights to vote in an election
Ans. Lapidary - र ों को काटने की कला damaging something Ans. Suffrage - मतािधकार
Ans. Sabotage - नुक़सान प ं चाना
Q.99. The sound made by frogs Q.134. In exactly the same words as
Ans. Croak - टर - टर Q.117. Experiences that are very were used originally
unpleasant or difficult Ans. Verbatim - ितश
Q.100. A house of shelter for a dog Ans. Ordeal - अि परी ा
Ans. Kennel - कु ों का िनवास थान Q.135. An adventurous or bold person
Q.118. To enter unlawfully upon the land Ans. Foolhardy - दु ः साहसी

Q.101. That can be seen through of another
Ans. Transparent - पारदश Ans. Trespass - अित मण Q.136. Open to more than one
interpretation, not having one obvious
Q.102. A diagram showing the path of Q.119. A residence for nuns meaning
planets Ans. Convent - मठ Ans. Ambiguous - अ
Ans. Zodiac - रािश च

Q.103. Something that is necessary or

Ans. Indispensable - अप रहाय

Q.104. A sound that cannot be heard

Q.120. One who has lost one’s parents
Ans. Orphan - अनाथ

Q.121. A local meeting of party members

to select candidates, elect convention
delegates, etc
Q.137. A person who believes in the
equality of all people
Ans. Egalitarian - समानािधकारवादी

Q.138. Someone who knows a lot about

the arts, food, drink or some other
Ans. Inaudible - (अ ) Ans. Caucus - गुट बैठक subject
Ans. Connoisseur - िवशेष
Q.105. Persons who are unfairly blamed Q.122. The flowers of a particular region
for something that others have done Ans. Flora - पेड़ - पौधे Q.139. One who hates war, loves peace
Ans. Scapegoat - बिल का बकरा Ans. Pacifist - शां ितवादी
Q.123. Scientific tests or techniques
Q.106. Bearing no name used in connection with the detection of Q.140. An exact copy of handwriting,
Ans. Anonymous - गुमनाम crime printing
Ans. Forensics - अपराध संबंिधत वै ािनक Ans. Facsimile - ितकृित
Q.107. Extreme physical or mental परी ण या तकनीक
sufferings Q.141. The sound of elephants
Ans. Agony - अ िधक शारी रक या मानिसक Q.124. Impossible to deny or disapprove Ans. Trumpet - हाथी की आवाज़
पीड़ा Ans. Incontrovertible - िनिववाद
Q.142. Departure from common rule

Q.108. Beginning to exist; recently Q.125. A portable case for holding Ans. Anomaly - िवसंगित
formed or developed papers, drawing etc.
Ans. Nascent - नवोिदत Ans. Portfolio - पेिटका Q.143. Government by two rulers or
Q.109. A feeling of excitement or Q.126. A person who is both open and Ans. Diarchy - ै ध शासन
happiness shy
Ans. Exhilaration - हष ास Ans. Ambivert - उभयमुखी Q.144. A case in which the blade of a
sword is kept
Q.110. Difficult to interpret or understand Q.127. Disease that spreads over a Ans. Sheath - ान
Ans. Enigmatic - रह पूण whole country or the whole world
Ans. Pandemic - वैि क महामारी Q.145. A government run by a single
Q.111. A person who leaves his native
Q.128. A place of refugee Ans. Autocracy - एकतं
country to settle in another
Ans. Asylum - आ य
Ans. Emigrant - वासी Q.146. A living organism that steals
Q.129. A residence for monks or priests nourishment from other living beings
Q.112. A person who easily believes Ans. Monastery - मठ Ans. Parasite - परजीवी
without demanding proof
Ans. Credulous - िव सनीय Q.130. One hard to please (very selective Q.147. The medieval forerunner of Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 27

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 7 - 8 TG @M00n_Ligt One Word Substitution
chemistry Q.164. Information, especially of a country
Ans. Alchemy - रसायन िव ा biased or misleading nature, used to Ans. Natives - मूल िनवासी
promote a political cause or point of
Q.148. A long wandering or voyage view. Q.181. A group of ants
usually marked by many changes of Ans. Propaganda - प पातपूण या का िनक Ans. Colony - समूह
fortune िस ां त
Ans. Odyssey - ल ी या ा Q.182. A person, who travels in
Q.165. A container for housing spacecraft
Q.149. A place where fruit trees are honeybees Ans. Astronaut - अंत र या ी
grown Ans. Hive - मधुमुखी का छ ा
Ans. Orchard - फलो ान Q.183. A small structure with one or
Q.166. A person who has money
more open sides that is used to vend
especially invested in business
Q.150. One who is 100 years old or older merchandise
Ans. Capitalist - पूँजीपित
Ans. Centenarian - शतायु /सौ वष का Ans. Kiosk - एक या अिधक खुले िकनारों वाली
Q.167. Ethically good behaviour one has एक छोटी संरचना िजसका उपयोग सामान बेचने
Q.151. A large, tall cupboard in which Ans. virtue - सद् गुण के िलए िकया जाता है ।
clothes may be hung or stored
Ans. Wardrobe - व ागार Q.168. A calculated move to gain an Q.184. Partial or total loss of memory
advantage Ans. Amnesia - ृितलोप

Q.152. A ground where the last funeral Ans. Gambit - पहला क़दम
rites are performed Q.185. A place where snakes are kept
Ans. Crematorium - शान Q.169. One who hates or discriminates Ans. Serpentarium - साँ पों के रखने का थान
against women
Q.153. Liable to catch fire easily Ans. Misogynist - ी जाित से घृणा करने Q.186. Killing of one person by another
Ans. Inflammable - लनशील

Q.154. A unit to measure light

Ans. Lumen ( ूमेन)

Q.155. Destruction of a fetus

Ans. Feticide - ( ूणह ा)

Q.170. A violent wind that has a circular
Ans. Hurricane - च वात

Q.171. A thing that is kept as a reminder

Ans. Homicide - मानव ह ा

Q.187. Having a sharply strong taste or

Ans. Pungent - तीखा

Q.188. A building where animals are

of a person, place, or event butchered
Q.156. To forbid something, especially by Ans. Souvenir - ा रका/ मृित िच Ans. Abattoir - कसाईखाना
Ans. Proscribe - अिभिनिष करना Q.172. The art of careful public speaking, Q.189. A historical account or biography
using clear pronunciation written from personal knowledge
Ans. Elocution - व ृ कला/ वा ता Ans. Memoir - सं रण
Q.157. A circular house made of blocks
of hard snow
Ans. Igloo - बफ़ से बना छोटा घर Q.173. A place for housing aeroplanes Q.190. The branch of physics concerned
Ans. Hangar - िवमान घर with the properties of sound
Q.158. A man who is womanish in his Ans. Acoustics - िन - िव ान
habits Q.174. To reveal a secret
Ans. Effeminate - यों जैसा आचरण Ans. Divulge - भेद खोलना Q.191. Disappointed and annoyed about
Q.159. The action or offence of speaking Q.175. A person who likes or admires Ans. Disgruntled - असंतु

sacrilegiously about God or sacred women

things; profane talk Ans. Philogynist - ी ेमी SSC CHSL 2022 Tier - 1
Ans. Blasphemy - ई र-िनंदा (09/03/2023 - 21/03/2023)
Q.176. Fit to drink
Q.160. The science of foretelling events Ans. Potable - पीने यो
Q.192. One who has persistent neurotic
by mapping stars impulse to steal
Ans. Astrology - ोितष - शा Q.177. A state of agitation especially
Ans. Kleptomaniac - चोरी करने की बीमारी से
over a trivial matter
Q.161. A place for wrestling Ans. fuss - ( कोलाहल/हलचल )
Ans. Arena - अखाड़ा Q.193. Study of heavenly bodies
Q.178. Sets of principles concerned with
Ans. Astronomy - खगोल - िव ा
Q.162. An inscription on or at a tomb or a the nature and appreciation of beauty
grave Ans. Aesthetics - सौंदय शा
Q.194. One who hates institution of
Ans. Epitaph - समािध - लेख marriage
Q.179. One who gives shape to stone
Ans. Misogamist - िववाह से घृणा करने वाला
Q.163. A person holding conversational Ans. Sculptor - मूितकार
belief especially in matter of religion Q.195. Compulsory enlistment for
Ans. Orthodox - िढ़वादी Q.180. People who belong to the same
military service Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 28

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 8 TG @M00n_Ligt One Word Substitution
Ans. Conscription - सेना म अिनवाय भरती Ans. Pessimist - िनराशावादी Ans. Crusade - धमयु

Q.196. A specialist of kidney Q.212. Incapable of being read Q.229. A slight fault that can be forgiven
Ans. Nephrologist - िकडनी रोग िवशेष Ans. illegible - जो पढ़ा न जा सके Ans. Venial - मामूली गलती

Q.197. One who offers one’s services Q.213. Affecting all or most people, Q.230. One who goes on foot
without being forced places, things, etc. Ans. Pedestrian - पैदल चलने वाला
Ans. Volunteer - े ाकम Ans. General - सावलौिकक
Q.231. Lion like characteristics
Q.198. A person who is indifferent to Q.214. Overly concerned with minute Ans. Leonine - िसंह जैसा
pain and pleasures of life details or formalisms
Ans. Stoic - आ संयमी Ans. Pedantic - ज़ रत से ादा िस ां तवादी Q.232. A game that results neither in
victory nor in defeat
Q.199. A professional rider in horse race. Q.215. One that cannot be harmed/ Ans. Draw - डा
Ans. Jockey - घुड़सवार wounded
Ans. Invulnerable - िजसे नुकसान न प ँ चाया Q.233. Someone who avoids other
Q.200. Containing more words than जा सके people’s company.
necessary Ans. Reclusive - एकां त
Ans. Verbose - श ब ल Q.216. Killing one’s father

Ans. Patricide - िपतृह ा Q.234. The violation or profanation of
Q.201. One who does not know reading anything sacred or held sacred
or writing Q.217. A substance for killing algae Ans. Sacrilege - अपिव ीकरण
Ans. Illiterate - अिशि त Ans. Fungicide - कवकनाशी
Q.235. One who is a centre of attraction
Q.202. Recovering from an illness or
medical treatment.
Ans. Convalescent - ा ा करने वाला

Q.203. A man who is womanish in his

Q.218. A person who is interested in
material gains and is hostile to
Ans. Philistine - अस य या अिशि त

Q.219. Study of human being & their

ancestors through time.
Ans. Cynosure - आकषण-िब दु

Q.236. Travelling from place to place

Ans. Itinerant - मणकारी

Q.237. One who does not express

oneself freely
Ans. Effeminate - नारी जैसा Ans. Anthropology - मनु जाित का िव ान Ans. Introvert - अंतमुखी

Q.204. Book giving information about Q.220. One who feeds on plants only Q.238. A person who can speak multiple
everything Ans. Herbivorous - शाकाहारी languages.
Ans. Encyclopedia - सारसं ह Ans. Polyglot - ब भाषी
Q.221. One who is against religion.
Q.205. A lover of oneself, of one's Ans. Heretic - िवधम Q.239. A person who has given up their
advancement beliefs
Ans. Egoist - आ िहतैषी Q.222. Exclusive command or Ans. Apostate - िव ासघाती
Q.206. The animals of a particular region Ans. Monopoly - एकािधकार Q.240. One who adapts oneself readily to
Ans. Fauna - िकसी े िवशेष या कालिवशेष म various situations
पाया जाने वाले जीवज ु Q.223. One who helps the needy and the Ans. Versatile - ितभाशाली

Q.207. One who cures eye disease. Ans. Samaritan - मुसीबत म मदद करने वाला Q.241. A place where public records are
Ans. Ophthalmologist - ने -िवशेष preserved.
Q.224. Rhythmic flow of sounds or Ans. Archive - लेखागार
Q.208. A person who is never happy with words.
what he has Ans. Cadence - धुन Q.242. Something that is no longer in
Ans. Malcontent - असंतु , बाग़ी use.
Q.225. A person who renounces a Ans. Obsolete - पुराना
Q.209. Feeling or expressing religious or political belief or principle.
overwhelming happiness or joyful Ans. Apostate - िव ासघाती, धम ागी Q.243. A lover of good food
excitement. Ans. Gourmand - पेटू
Ans. Ecstatic - म करने वाला Q.226. A person who attacks or criticizes
cherished beliefs or institutions. Q.244. Study of body functions
Q.210. The art of identifying a disease Ans. Iconoclast - मूित तोड़ने वाला Ans. Physiology - जीवन प ित
from its signs and symptoms
Ans. Diagnosis - रोग की पहचान Q.227. The origin or birth of a thing Q.245. Belonging to the same kind
Ans. Genesis - उ ि Ans. Homogeneous - एक सा
Q.211. One who looks at the dark side of
life Q.228. A religions war - Q.246. A person who is experiencing
dementia brought about by old age Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 29
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 8 TG @M00n_Ligt One Word Substitution
Ans. Senile - बूढ़ा Ans. Palaeography - ाचीन िशलालेखों का Q.276. Sharp and direct
अ यन Ans. Acerbic - तेज और सीधा
Q.247. Dependent on chance or
uncertainty Q.261. The situation in which a disease Q.277. Series of stars
Ans. Precarious - खतरनाक is spread by touching someone or Ans. Constellation - तारामंडल
Q.248. Study of body functions - Ans. Contagion - सं ामक रोग Q.278. One who does something not
Ans. Physiology - शरीरिव ान professionally but for pleasure
SSC CGL 2022 Tier - 1 Ans. Amateur - शौक़ीन
Q.249. A speech made without (01/12/ 2022 - 13/12/2022)
preparation Q.279. A person having significant
Ans. Extempore - िबना तैयारी के Q.262. A piece of a living tissue or plant experience in an occupation
that is transplanted surgically Ans. Veteran - अनुभवी
Q.250. Exaggerated claims, not meant to Ans. Graft - कलम लगाना या ारोिपत करना
be taken seriously Q.280. The act of washing oneself
Ans. Hyperbole - िकसी बात को घटा बढ़ाकर Q.263. Feeling or showing extreme Ans. Ablutions - धािमक ान
कहना tiredness
Ans. Weary - थका Q.281. A very expensive and elaborately
SSC CGL 2022 Tier - 2 built tomb

(02/03/2023 - 07/03/2023) Q.264. A person in love with himself Ans. Mausoleum - मक़बरा
Ans. Narcissist - आ ममु ध
Q.251. A person who admires himself or Q.282. Rearing of silk worms is called
herself too much, especially their Q.265. Giving the worrying impression Ans. sericulture - रे शम कीट पालन
appearance that something bad is going to happen
Ans. Narcissist - आ ममु ध

Q.252. Photographers who follow

celebrities to get their pictures to sell
Ans. Paparazzi - त फोटो ाफर
Ans. Ominous - अशुभ सूचक

Q.266. Plants of a particular region

Ans. Flora - िकसी दे श की वन ितयां

Q.267. A shortened version of a larger

Q.283. A place where coins and medals
are made.
Ans. Mint - टकसाल

Q.284. The act of killing one's mother

Ans. Matricide - मातृह ा
Q.253. Someone who is reserved and Ans. Abridgement - संि ीकरण Q.285. Small shelter for my dog
shy. Ans. Kennel - कु ा - घर
Ans. Introvert - अंतमुखी Q.268. Man supervising the exam
Ans. Invigilator - िनरी क Q.286. Existing in a land from the earliest
Q.254. The science and art of growing times or from before the arrival of

vegetables, fruits and flowers Q.269. Adjust or make right; correct, colonists
Ans. Horticulture - बागवानी amend Ans. Aboriginal - आिदवासी
Ans. Rectify - सुधारना
Q.255. One who is a boot licker and Q.287. An eccentric manner of living
flatterer. Q.270. Having or showing an excessively Ans. Bohemian - जीने का एक तरीका
Ans. Sycophant - चापलूस high opinion of one's appearance,
abilities, or worth Q.288. The property left to someone by a
Ans. Vain - िनरथक will
Q.256. An arched structure in a garden
Ans. Legacy - वसीयत

having climbing plants

Ans. Pergola - लतामंडप, ितगोला कवर Q.271. The date when both, day and
night are of approximately equal length Q.289. A small island
Ans. Equinox - िवषुव Ans. Islet - छोटा ीप
SSC GD 2022
(10/01/2023 - 13/02/2023) Q.290. A group of stars having a
Q.272. A speech made without
preparation particular shape
Q.257. The possible results of an action Ans. Constellation - तारामंडल
Ans. Extempore - अिवचा रत
Ans. Ramification - दू रगामी प रणाम
Q.291. A huge building with a spacious
Q.273. One who mediates in a deal or
Q.258. The study of chemistry in a area to house aircrafts.
complex situation
medieval fashion Ans. Hangar - िवमान घर
Ans. Negotiator - म थ
Ans. Alchemy - रसायन िव ा
Q.292. Allowance given to a wife from
Q.274. A loud appeal or demand
Q.259. Study of stars her husband on separation
Ans. Clamour - एक जोरदार अपील
Ans. Astronomy - खगोल-िव ान Ans. Alimony - िनवाह िनिध

Q.275. The study of languages

Q.260. The study of ancient writings and Q.293. Well-resourced
Ans. Philology - भाषाओं का अ यन
scriptures Ans. luxurious - शान शौकत Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 30

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 8 TG @M00n_Ligt One Word Substitution
Q.294. Formal forgiveness of a person’s Ans. Feasible - संभव SSC CPO 2022 Tier - 1
sins (09/11/2022 - 11/11/2022)
Ans. Absolution - मु , उ ार Q.311. The scientific study of plants and
their structure Q.327. Showing astute powers of
Q.295. Holding on to something or Ans. Botany - वन ित िव ान judgment; clever and judicious
keeping an opinion with determination Ans. Shrewd - चतुर
Ans. Tenacious - संल शील Q.312. Words that begin with the same
letter, syllable or sound Q.328. One who does a thing for
Q.296. Fail to notice; ignore; condone (an Ans. Alliteration - अनु ास pleasure and not as a profession
offence etc.) Ans. Amateur - शौक़ीन
Ans. Overlook - उपे ा करना Q.313. Not to be affected by the
pleasures and pains of life. Q.329. A place for storage of arms and
Q.297. A room where dead bodies are Ans. Stoic - उदासीन ammunition
kept until burial Ans. Arsenal - श ागार
Ans. Mortuary - शवगृह Q.314. Having a feeling of guilt
Ans. Remorse - प ाताप Q.330. Evoking a keen sense of sadness
Q.298. The action of damaging the good or regret
reputation of someone Q.315. A person who criticises traditional Ans. Poignant - मािमक
Ans. Defamation - मानहािन beliefs and customs

Ans. Iconoclast - ितमा भंजक Q.331. Profitable, yielding financial gain
Q.299. An exaggerated statement not to Ans. Lucrative - लाभ द
be taken seriously or literally Q.316. A poll taken of voters leaving the
Ans. Hyperbole - अितशयो voting place that is usually used for Q.332. One who takes a dark view of
predicting the winners. things
Q.300. Cancel or do away with (a law or
Ans. Abrogate - िनर

Q.301. Extremely angry

Ans. Furious - आगबबूला
Ans. Exit poll - मतों का पूवानुमान

Q.317. A formal statement testifying to

someone's character and qualifications
Ans. Testimonial - कृत

Q.318. Something that is very small/little

Ans. Pessimist - िनराशावादी

Q.333. Cause to continue; keep up;

preserve (a state of affairs, an activity
Ans. Maintain - अनुर ण करना
Q.302. To keep postponing doing a task Ans. Tiny - छोटा Q.334. A person who introduces the
later because you’re lazy performers or contestants in a variety
Ans. Procrastinate - दे र करना Q.319. Making of a false document with show
a false signature Ans. Compere - प रचायक
Q.303. A battle or anything involving or Ans. Forgery - कूट रचना
causing much bloodshed Q.335. Taking heed or care; being
Ans. Sanguinary - र मय Q.320. A list or collection of books or conscious
informative graphics Ans. Mindful - सावधान
Q.304. Something which is worth Ans. Catalogue - सूचीप
believing Q.336. The scientific study of worms and
Ans. Credible - िव सनीय SSC STENOGRAPHER 2022 insects
(17/11/2022 - 18/11/2022) Ans. Entomology - कीटिव ान
Q.305. Strong hostility
Ans. Animosity - श ुता Q.321. Co-operate and work together Q.337. The quality of being honest and

Ans. Pull together - िकसी काय म सहयोग having strong moral principles
Q.306. Murder of an infant करना Ans. Integrity - अखंडता
Ans. Infanticide - िशशु ह ा
Q.322. Strange habits Q.338. The scientific study of the
Q.307. One who loves humanity or Ans. Eccentricity - सनक,अिनयत behavior, structure, physiology,
believes in universal brotherhood classification and distribution of animals
Ans. Philanthropist - समाज - सेवी Q.323. Travel document that records the Ans. Zoology - जीव िव ान
route of journey.
Q.308. One who can speak two Ans. Itinerary - या ा काय म Q.339. Honour given for some
languages achievement.
Ans. Bilingual - ि भािषक Q.324. A flesh eating animal Ans. Laurel - स ान या कीित
Ans. Carnivorous - मां साहारी
Q.309. To give up completely or agree to Q.340. Killing of a person by another
forgo, especially in favour of another Ans. Homicide - मानव ह ा
Q.325. Sweet and soothing
Ans. Surrender - आ समपण Ans. dulcet - आनंदमय
Q.341. Fast moving water.
Ans. Torrent - वाह
Q.310. Something that is capable of Q.326. Middle Ages.
being accomplished Ans. medieval - म कालीन
Q.342. Treat with a vaccine, usually by Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 31
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 8 - 9 TG @M00n_Ligt One Word Substitution
injection to promote immunity against a Ans. Callous - िनदयी Q.376. To the utmost or most absolute
disease extent or degree.
Ans. Inoculate - टीका लगाना Q.361. Person hired to drive our car Ans. Quite - स ूण
Ans. Chauffeur - चालक
Q.343. One who knows all things Q.377. An arrangement of parts of
Ans. Omniscient - सव Q.362. One who is bad in spellings elements in a particular form or figure.
Ans. Cacographer - कैको ाफर Ans. Configuration - व था का ा प
Q.344. A group of worshippers
Ans. Congregation - म ली Q.363. Hatred Q.378. Really coming from its stated,
Ans. Malevolence - े षभाव advertised or reputed source.
Q.345. Someone who is reserved and Ans. Genuine - ईमानदार
shy Q.364. The main character in a story.
Ans. Introvert - अंतमुखी Ans. Protagonist - नायक Q.379. An expert in writing by hand.
Ans. Chirographer - हाथ से िलखने म िवशेष
Q.346. A happy development or Q.365. A letter, poem etc. whose author
happening of events by chance. is unknown. Q.380. One who loves wisdom and hence
Ans. Serendipity - नसीब Ans. Anonymous - गुमनाम pursues it.
Ans. Philosopher - दाशिनक
Q.347. To become a strong person in Q.366. A government that takes

spite of many difficulties. decisions based on the Q.381. The killing of one's sister.
Ans. Resilient - बल recommendations of state officials Ans. Sororicide - बहन का ह ारा
Ans. Bureaucracy - नौकरशाही
Q.348. A large group of people Q.382. One who is extravagantly
Ans. Horde - भीड़ romantic, chivalrous and impractical.
SSC CGL 2021 Tier - 2
Q.349. Bring up for discussion
Ans. Broach - चचा के िलए िवषय छे ड़ना

Q.350. a person who cannot

Ans. Incorrigible - असंशोधनीय
ck (08/08/2022)

Q.367. A large single detached house

with single or double story
Ans. Bungalow - बंगला
Ans. Quixotic - िवल ण

Q.383. The Killing of a whole race.

Ans. Genocide - नरसंहार

Q.384. A highly unpleasant, annoying,

objectionable sound.
Q.368. One who talks to oneself
Ans. Soliloquist - गत - भाषी Ans. Nasty - अ िचकर
Q.351. Person living at the same time
Ans. Contemporary - समकालीन
Q.369. Symbols of royalty SSC MTS 2021 Tier - 1
Ans. Regalia - इनाम (05/07/2022 - 26/07/2022)
Q.352. A group governed by old people,
Ans. Gerontocracy - वृ - शासन

Q.370. One who speaks for others Q.385. A book that contains information
Ans. Spokesperson - व ा on various subjects
Q.353. One who believes in his fate
Ans. Encyclopaedia - िव कोश
Ans. Fatalist - भा वादी
Q.371. Person who moves from one
place to another, with intentions of Q.386. A group of guns or missile
Q.354. Take hold of forcibly or suddenly
finding work and settling, permanently or launchers operated together at one place
Ans. Seize - ज करना
temporarily, at a new location Ans. Battery - तोपख़ाना
Ans. Migrant - वासी
Q.355. The arrangement of events or
Q.387. The science or art of political

dates in the order of their occurrence

Q.372. A doctor who specializes in heart government
Ans. Chronology - घटना म
diseases Ans. Politics - राजनीित
Ans. Cardiologist - दयरोग िवशेष
Q.356. Rarely ; not often
Q.388. A book or paper written by hand
Ans. Seldom - कभी - कभी
Q.373. One who lives on others Ans. Manuscript - ह िलिप
Ans. Parasite - परजीवी
Q.357. So delicate or precise as to be
Q.389. One who dies for a noble cause
difficult to analyse or describe Q.374. An animal or person that eats a Ans. Martyr - शहीद
Ans. Subtle - जिटल variety of food of both plant and animal
origin. Q.390. A place where government
Q.358. A person who regards the whole Ans. Omnivore - सवाहारी records are kept
world as his country
Ans. Archive - पुरालेख
Ans. Cosmopolitan - िव वादी
PHASE (X) Q.391. Deliberately and maliciously set
Q.359. Try hard to do or achieve
something (buildings usually) on fire
something (01/08/2022 - 05/08/2022)
Ans. Arson - आगजनी
Ans. Endeavour - यास करना
Q.375. Easy to understand
Q.392. One who hates mankind
Q.360. Having no sympathy Ans. Lucid - Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 32
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 9 TG @M00n_Ligt One Word Substitution
Ans. Misanthrope - मानव े षी Q.410. A place for ammunition and Ans. Truce - यु िवराम संिध
Q.393. Someone who attacks cherished Ans. Arsenal - श ागार Q.427. One who knows all.
ideas or traditional institutions Ans. Omniscient - सव
Ans. Iconoclast - ितमा भंजक Q.411. Property left to someone by a will.
Ans. Legacy - वसीयत Q.428. The study of human mind and
Q.394. The study of different skin behaviour
diseases Q.412. A person exhibiting excessive Ans. Psychology - मनोिव ान
Ans. Dermatology - चा िव ान worry about one’s health.
Ans. Hypochondriac - रोग म Q.429. One who studies insect life.
Q.395. One who is hostile and violent Ans. Entomologist - कीटिव ानी
Ans. Aggressive - आ ामक Q.413. A person who believes in or tries
to bring about a state of lawlessness. Q.430. Of or relating to the moon
Q.396. Imitate someone’s action or Ans. Anarchist - अराजकतावादी Ans. Lunar - च स ी
words in order to entertain or ridicule
Ans. Mimic - अनुकरण करने वाला Q.414. A keeper or custodian of a Q.431. A system of government by the
museum. wealthy class.
Q.397. Release someone from a duty or Ans. Curator - सं हा Ans. Plutocracy - धिनक त

Ans. Exonerate - दोषमु करना Q.415. Any award, honour or laudatory Q.432. Having or forming a hard outer
notice . layer
Q.398. A cage for small animals Ans. Accolade - स ान Ans. Crusted - पपटी यु
Ans. Hutch - स दू क, िपंजरा
Q.416. Something happening in three Q.433. The study of the heart and its
Q.399. One who is not sure about God’s
Ans. Agnostic - अनी रवादी

Q.400. Not fit to eat

Ans. Inedible- अखा
years .

Ans. Triennial - ैवािषक

Q.417. Made in imitation so as to be

passed off fraudulently as genuine
Ans. Counterfeit - जालसाजी
action and disease
Ans. Cardiology - दयरोग िव ान

Q.434. A moral or legal obligation

Ans. Duty - कत

Q.435. Rules governing socially

Q.401. A large group of people, Q.418. One who believes in fate acceptable behaviour
especially the nomadic Ans. Fatalist - भा वादी Ans. Etiquette - िश ाचार
Ans. Horde - स दाय
Q.419. The collection and study of Q.436. A place for breeding and keeping
Q.402. An action of making amends for a postage stamps. birds
Ans. Philately - डाक - िटकट सं हण Ans. Aviary - प ीशाल
wrong or injury
Ans. Atonement - ायि त करना
Q.437. The action of using someone or
Q.420. A person who sells flowers
something as a model
Q.403. That which can be easily broken. Ans. Florist - माली
Ans. Imitation - अनुकरण
Ans. Fragile - भंगुर
Q.421. A disturbed state of mind caused Q.438. A non-professional who is inept at
Q.404. Weakness and poor health. by an illness. a particular activity
Ans. Frailty - िनबलता Ans. Delirium - लाप Ans. Amateur - अनुभवहीन वसायी

Q.405. To own up to something as true. Q.422. A large bundle bound for storage Q.439. Having a common centre, as
Ans. Confess - ीकार करना or transport circles or spheres
Ans. Bale - गठरी Ans. Concentric - संकि त
Q.406. A person incapable of making
mistakes. Q.423. Killing one self Q.440. A room in a public building where
Ans. Infallible - अचूक Ans. Suicide - आ ह ा outdoor clothes or luggage may be left
Ans. Cloakroom - कपड़ ार
Q.407. A sound that is pleasing to hear. Q.424. An imaginary name assumed by
Ans. Melodious - मधुर an author. Q.441. Someone who is silent or
Ans. Pseudonym - उपनाम uncommunicative in speech.
Q.408. Climb or move with difficulty or a Ans. Reserve - संरि त
lot of effort, typically using one's hands Q.425. One who has a long experience of
and feet. any occupation. Q.442. A game in which no one wins
Ans. Clamber - संघष Ans. Veteran - अनुभवी Ans. Draw - डॉ

Q.409. The expression of a wish that Q.426. An agreement between enemies Q.443. One who is outspoken and
misfortune or doom befall a person or opponents to stop fighting, arguing, outgoing
Ans. Curse - अिभशाप etc., for a certain period of time. Ans. Extrovert - बिहमुखी Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 33

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 9 TG @M00n_Ligt One Word Substitution
Q.444. Government by king or queen Ans. Equilibrium - संतुलन Ans. Benefactor - संर क
Ans. Monarchy - राज-तं
Q.462. A collection of selected writings Q.478. The love of man or mankind
Q.445. Violation or misuse of what is of various authors Ans. Philanthropy - परोपकार
regarded as sacred Ans. Anthology - संकलन
Ans. Sacrilege - अपिव ीकरण Q.479. Reject as invalid, especially by
Q.463. A short story with a moral legal procedure
Q.446. One who does a thing for Ans. Parable - कहावत Ans. Quash - अमा घोिषत करना
pleasure and not as a profession
Ans. Amateur - अनुभवहीन वसायी SSC CHSL 2021 Tier - 1 Q.480. Merry, convivial, hearty and good
(24/05/2022 - 10/06/2022) humoured
Q.447. Incapable of making mistakes or Ans. Jovial - ख़ुश
being wrong Q.464. Unable to speak distinctly or
Ans. Infallible - अचूक express oneself clearly Q.481. A journey undertaken by a group
Ans. Inarticulate - अ of people with a particular purpose,
Q.448. Someone working or acting especially that of exploration or research.
merely for money or other rewards Q.465. A small organised dissenting Ans. Expedition - अिभयान
Ans. Mercenary - वेतन - भोगी group within a larger one
Ans. Faction - दल Q.482. A sudden unsteady movement ; a

Q.449. An unconventional style of living stagger
Ans. Bohemian - पुराने ढं ग का रहन - सहन Q.466. Inexperienced at the job Ans. Lurch - अचानक एक ओर को लड़खड़ाहट
Ans. Novice - नौिस खए
Q.450. One who dislikes art and culture Q.483. Direct and outspoken
Ans. Philistine - अिशि त Q.467. One who speaks many languages. Ans. Forthright - वादी

Q.451. A place where dead bodies are

kept for identification
Ans. Morgue - लाश - घर

Q.452. Feelings of great happiness and

Ans. Polyglot - ब भाषी

Q.468. An excessively enthusiastic and

strict follower of religion.
Ans. A zealot - क रपंथी
Q.484. Allowing or assisting to discover
Ans. Heuristic - अनुमानी

Q.485. Something that is pertaining to

Ans. Polemical - िववादा क
Q.469. The study of population and its
Ans. Euphoria - उ ाह dynamics
Ans. Demography - जनसां की Q.486. A person as a source of
Q.453. In exactly the same words as intellectual light or moral inspiration
were used originally Q.470. Able to eat both, plants and flesh Ans. Luminary - तेज ी त
Ans. Verbatim - ितश Ans. Omnivorous - सवाहारी
Q.487. Living in the same time period.
Q.454. Make (something bad or Q.471. One who is well-versed in the Ans. Contemporaries - समकालीन
unsatisfactory) better knowledge of plants
Ans. Ameliorate - सुधारना Ans. Botanist - वन ित - िव ािनक Q.488. To dispute angrily
Ans. Wrangle - झगड़ा
Q.455. An afternoon performance in a Q.472. Spending or costing too much
theatre or cinema mon72y Q.489. Knows everything and has
Ans. Matinee - तीसरे पहर के नाटक का गायन Ans. Extravagant - िफजूलखच unlimited knowledge.
Ans. Omniscient - सव

Q.456. An ability to find ways and Q.473. Whose names are not known.
directions Ans. Anonymous - गुमनाम Q.490. The action of examining with care
Ans. Navigate - संचालन करना or reading carefully
Q.474. Helping other people willingly Ans. Perusal - अ यन
Q.457. An unlikely chance or occurrence, without expecting any payment for her
especially a piece of good luck services. Q.491. Zeal; burning enthusiasm;
Ans. Fluke - संयोग से पड़नेवाली चोट Ans. Volunteer - यं सेवक passion
Ans. Ardour - उ ाह
Q.458. A place for storing grain Q.475. The state of being full or
Ans. Granary - अ ागार complete Q.492. Someone who is interested in the
Ans. Plenitude - चुर money that he could get from a situation.
Q.459. A group of fish Ans. Mercenary - िकराये का सैिनक
Ans. School/Shoal.- ू ल/शोल Q.476. A remedy to counteract the
effects of poison Q.493. The scientific study of sound
Q.460. A person who produces beautiful Ans. Acoustics - िन के िलए उ म
Ans. Antidote - िवष नाशक
Ans. Calligrapher - सुलेखक Q.494. One thing that can be divided
Q.477. One who gives money or help to
another person or cause Ans. Divisible - िवभा
Q.461. A state of perfect balance Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 34
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 9 TG @M00n_Ligt One Word Substitution
Q.495. Unselfish interest in the welfare of Q.512. The activity of writing dictionaries Q.528. Formally put an end to a system,
others Ans. Lexicography - कोशरचना practice, or institution
Ans. Altruism - परोपका रता Ans. Abolish - िमटाना
Q.513. One who is well versed in many
Q.496. Unable to pay his debts. languages Q.529. Indifferent to pleasure and pain
Ans. Bankrupt - िदवािलया Ans. Polyglot - ब भाषी Ans. Stoic - उदासीन

Q.497. Renounced the throne Q.514. A word that has the same or Q.530. A fictional being from another
Ans. Abdicated - पद ाग करना nearly the same meaning as another world
word. Ans. Alien - िवदे शी
Q.498. A person who leaves his/her own Ans. Synonym - पयायवाची
country to live in another country Q.531. Showing great attention to detail
permanently Q.515. Number of fishes get caught and correct behaviour
Ans. Emigrant - वासी Ans. Haul - जाल म फँसी ई मछिलयों की रािश Ans. Punctilious - अित िश ाचारी

Q.499. Lasting for a very short period of Q.516. Come to a different country from Q.532. A medical condition in which
time his own country for settling somebody partly or completely loses
Ans. Ephemeral - िणक Ans. Immigrant - आ वासी their memory
Ans. Amnesia - भूलने की बीमारी

Q.500. One who believes in the existence Q.517. One who knows many languages
of god Ans. Polyglot - ब भाषी Q.533. The examination or observation
Ans. Theist - आ क of one's own mental and emotional
Q.518. Looking or sounding foreign, processes
Q.501. Someone who is shy and spends bizarre, strange, unfamiliar Ans. Introspection - अंतिनरी ण
time alone rather than being with others
Ans. Introvert - अंतमुखी

Q.502. Lack of an effective government

Ans. Anarchy - अ व था

Q.503. Strong taste or liking for

Ans. Outlandish - िवदे शी

Q.519. A short text written on tombstone

Ans. Epitaph - समािध - लेख

Q.520. A strong dislike or fear of people

from other countries
Q.534. In exactly the same words as the
Ans. Verbatim - श ित श

Q.535. Drawings or writing scribbled on

walls in public places
something Ans. xenophobia - िवदे शी लोगों को न पस Ans. Graffiti - िभि िच ण
Ans. Penchant - िच करना
Q.536. Study of insects
Q.504. Area where animals are Q.521. A report giving the news of the Ans. Entomology - कीटिव ान
slaughtered death and details about the life of the
Ans. Abattoir - बूचड़खाना
deceased. Q.537. Sharpness and accuracy of
Ans. Obituary - मृ ुलेख judgment
Q.505. To renovate or improve Ans. Acumen - कुशा ता
Ans. Revamp - मर त करना Q.522. A pause between the acts of a
play Q.538. Something that is strong and
Q.506. Take and use the thoughts, Ans. Interlude - अंतराल lasts a long time without breaking or
inventions, etc. of another person as becoming weaker.
one’s own. Q.523. An instrument for detecting an Ans. Durable - थायी
Ans. Plagiarise - चोरी earthquake

Ans. Seismograph - भूकंप - सूचक यं Q.539. An image of a God used for

Q.507. An omission of duty worship
Q.524. Fall back or sink again (into a
Ans. Delinquency - दोष Ans. Idol - मूित
worse state after an improvement)
Ans. Relapse - आरो होकर िफर रोगी होना
Q.508. The art of beautiful handwriting Q.540. One who can read and write
Ans. Calligraphy - िलखावट Ans. Literate - िशि त
SSC CGL 2021 Tier - 1
Q.509. The work inscribed on the tomb in (11/04/2022 - 21/04/2022) Q.541. Drawings or writing on a wall in a
the memory of the person public place
Ans. Epitaph - समािध - लेख Q.525. The study of earthquakes Ans. Graffiti - िभि िच ण
Ans. Seismology - भूक िव ान
Q.510. Easily provoked Q.542. A seat for a passenger on a
Ans. Irascible - िचड़िचड़ा Q.526. To walk aimlessly bicycle or motorbike
Ans. Amble - धीरे धीरे चलना Ans. Pillion - िप ली सीट
Q.511. A person who loves and collects
Q.527. Walk or move at a slow, relaxed Q.543. One who knows everything
pace Ans. Omniscient - सव
Ans. Bibliophile - पु क ेमी
Ans. Amble - मंथर गित से चलना
Q.544. Unfairly take something Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 35
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belonging to another for one’s use that sells cut flowers and plants Ans. Defend - र ा करना
Ans. Misappropriate - गबन करना Ans. Florist - माली
Q.577. The study of plants
Q.545. A problem that is so difficult that Q.562. A four-footed animal Ans. Botany - वन ित िव ान
it cannot be answered Ans. Quadruped - चौपाया पशु
Ans. Insoluble - जिटल Q.578. A disease persisting for a long
SSC SELECTION POST time or recurring again and again
Q.546. A fixed sum paid annually Ans. Chronic - दीघकािलक
Ans. Annuity - वािषक वेतन
Q.547. A person who travels on foot. GRADUATE-LEVEL
Ans. Pedestrian - पैदल चलने वाला Q.579. Having or showing no emotion
Q.563. Following or occurring after death Ans. Apathetic - अनुरागहीन
Q.548. A style of cooking food, Ans. Posthumous - मरणोपरां त
characteristic of a particular country or Q.580. An animal that can live in water
region Q.564. An original model from which as well on land
Ans. Cuisine - पाक शैली later forms are developed Ans. Amphibian - उभयचर
Ans. Prototype - ितकृित
Q.549. Unable to express feelings clearly Q.581. Able to be heard

Ans. Inarticulate- करने म असमथ Q.565. The state of being unmarried by Ans. Audible -
Q.550. An animal with a spinal cord Ans. Celibacy - चय Q.582. A doctor who specializes in
Ans. Vertebrate - ह ीवाला X-rays and other kinds of radiation
Q.566. Capable of bending easily without Ans. Radiologist - िविकरणिव ानी
Q.551. Able to be happy, successful, etc.
again after something difficult or bad has
Ans. Resilient - लचीला

Q.552. Easily hurt emotionally

Ans.Sensitive - संवेदनशील

Ans. Pliable - लचीला

Q.567. The dark shape and outline of

something visible against a bright
Ans. Silhouette - छायािच
Q.583. Vertebrate animals that can crawl
on the ground
Ans. Reptiles - सरीसृप

Q.584. A remark that expresses approval

or admiration
Ans. Compliment - शंसा करना
Q.553. A group of people HIGHER SECONDARY LEVEL
Ans. Crowd - भीड़ Q.585. An image of god used for worship
Q.568. The scientific study of the human Ans. Idol - ितमा
Q.554. A spear used for hunting large mind and behaviour
Ans. Psychology - मनोिव ान
fish Q.586. Officially make a statement leave
Ans. Lance - भाला a school forever
Q.569. Someone who looks at the
Ans. Expel - िन ािसत
brighter side of things
Q.555. A room or large cupboard for
Ans. Optimist - आशावादी
storing food Q.587. To stay longer than necessary
Ans. Larder - भंडार Ans. Linger - िवलंिबत
Q.570. Fear of water
Ans. Hydrophobia - जलां तक
Q.556. Place where objects of Q.588. All the customers of the business
importance are exhibited Ans. Clientele - ाहक

Q.571. A group of cattle or sheep

Ans. Museum - सं हालय
Ans. Herd - झु
Q.589. An afternoon performance of the
Q.557. Lacking interest or excitement play, film ,or show
Q.572. Study of the earth and its
Ans. Mundane - साधारण Ans. Matinee - मैिटनी
structure and processes
Ans. Geology - भूगभशा
Q.558. A person above a hundred years Q.590. A person, animal, or plant
in age belonging originally to a place
Q.573. Something that is no longer in
Ans. Centenarian - शतवष य Ans. Native - दे शी
Ans. Obsolete - अ चिलत
Q.559. A person who collects or studies Q.591. To steal and pass off ideas and
stamps words of another as one’s own
Q.574. A group of birds
Ans. Philatelist - डाक के िटकट इक ा Ans. Plagiarize - सािह क चोरी
Ans. Flock - झु
Q.592. A group of vehicles travelling
Q.575. One who does one’s work
Q.560. Policy of racial discrimination together, typically one accompanied by
thoroughly and seriously
Ans. Apartheid - रं गभेद armed troops
Ans. Conscientious - कत िन
Ans. Convoy - र ादल
Q.561. A person who works in a shop Q.593. Not allowed to do or be
Q.576. To protect from harm or danger Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 36
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 9 - 10 TG @M00n_Ligt One Word Substitution
something Ans. Album - ए म Q.627. A mass of snow, ice and rocks
Ans. Ineligible - अयो falling rapidly down a mountainside
Q.611. The sound made by a camel Ans. Avalanche - पहाड़ से िगरता आ बफ का
Q.594. A lion’s home Ans. Grunt - घुरघुराना ढे र
Ans. Den - मां द
Q.612. The sound made by a hen Q.628. The original natives of a country
Q.595. A person who wanders from one Ans. Cluck - कुड़कुड़ाना Ans. Aborigines - मूलिनवासी
place to place without a home or job
Ans. Vagabond - आवारा Q.613. Pictures given in a book to Q.629. A set of rooms specially in a hotel
explain things for the use of one person or his family
Q.596. The young one of a sheep Ans. Illustration - िच कारी, छायां कन Ans. Suite - होटल का कमरा
Ans. Lamb - मेमना
SSC CGL 2020 Tier - 2 Q.630. Soil deposited by flowing water
Q.597. A place where bread and cakes (29/01/2022 - 3/02/2022 ) Ans. Alluvium - जलोढ़ िम ी
are made
Ans. Bakery - बेकरी Q.614. An entertainer who performs Q.631. Something which is considered to
difficult physical feats be very important
Q.598. The belief that people that cannot Ans. Acrobat - कलाबाज़ Ans. Cardinal - मु
change or avoid what happens

Ans. Fatalism - भा वाद Q.615. Study of diseases Q.632. Substance used for killing
Ans. Pathology - रोग - िव ान troublesome small animals like insects,
Q.599. A given space, time, or position mice etc.
Ans. Slot - खां चा Q.616. Strong dislike between two Ans. Pesticide - कीटनाशक
Q.600. To have a strong feeling of
sympathy with a desire to help
Ans. Compassion - दया

Q.601. A place where pigs are kept

Ans. Sty - सुअर - बाड़ा
Ans. Antipathy - दु भावना

Q.617. No longer in use

Ans. Obsolete - अ चिलत

Q.618. To free from restraint

Q.633. A cruel and oppressive ruler
Ans. Tyrant - तानाशाह

Q.634. The sovereign head of a state

Ans. Monarch - स ाट
Ans. Emancipate - मु करना SSC GD 2021
Q.602. A room where food, crockery, and (16/11/2021 - 15/12/2021)
cutlery are kept Q.619. A long wooden seat with a back
Ans. Pantry - गोदाम for people to sit on in a church Q.635. A person who knows everything
Ans. Aisle - िगरजे का बगली रा ा Ans. Omniscient - सव
Q.603. A person who studies the Earth
and the materials from which it is made Q.620. Made of artificial substance or Q.636. One who examines a company’s
Ans. Geologist - भूिव ानी material financial records
Ans. Synthetic - कृि म Ans. Auditor - लेखा परी क
Q.604. The young one of a cow
Ans. Calf - बछड़ा Q.621. Central character in a story or Q.637. Anything that leads to death
play Ans. Fatal - घातक
Q.605. A group of people, especially Ans. Protagonist - कथा या नाटक का धान
traders or pilgrims, traveling together पु ष Q.638. One who collects coins
across a desert Ans. Numismatist - मु ा-शा ी

Ans. Caravan - कारवां Q.622. Only on the surface of something

Ans. Superficial - सतही Q.639. That which is lawful
Q.606. A place where government Ans. Legal - वैधािनक
records are kept Q.623. One who accompanies somebody
Ans. Archive - सं हालय to protect him Q.640. A piece of land where fruit trees
Ans. Escort - र क are grown
Q.607. A low area of land between hills Ans. Orchard - फल वािटका
Ans. Valley - घाटी Q.624. A period of thousand years
Ans. Millennium - हजार सालों का समय Q.641. A volume containing several
Q.608. The sound made by sheep books previously published separately
Ans. Bleat - िमिमयाना Q.625. Too great to be expressed or
Ans. Omnibus - ंथावली
described in words
Q.609. To walk unsteadily as if about to Ans. Ineffable - श ों से परे
Q.642. Delay an event to a later date or
fall time
Ans. Stagger - लड़खड़ाहट Q.626. A person who is neither well
Ans. Postpone - थिगत करना
experienced nor professional
Q.610. A blank book for keeping a Ans. Amateur - अनुभवहीन
Q.643. A study of the human body
collection of photographs, stamps or
Ans. Physiology - जीवत
pictures. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 37
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 10 TG @M00n_Ligt One Word Substitution
Q.644. Imitate someone’s action or Q.662. A line at which the earth’s surface Q.679. A person who helps willingly
words in order to entertain or ridicule and the sky appear to meet without being paid for it
Ans. Mimic - नक़ल करना Ans. Horizon - ि ितज Ans. Volunteer - यंसेवक

Q.645. Release someone from a duty or Q.663. A medical practitioner Q.680. Go back over the same route that
obligation specialising in children and their one has just taken
Ans. Exonerate - दोषमु करना diseases Ans. Retrace - पीछे लौटना
Ans. Paediatrician - िशशु - िचिक क
Q.646. Break or fall apart into small Q.681. A short interesting or amusing
fragments in the process of deterioration Q.664. A large group of people story
Ans. Crumble - चूर चूर करना Ans. Horde - िगरोह Ans. Anecdote - छोटी सी कहानी

Q.647. Hair of animals, which is soft and Q.665. A person who sells and arranges Q.682. The action of killing oneself
used for making wool cut flowers intentionally
Ans. Fur - पशुलोम Ans. Florist - माली Ans. Suicide - आ ह ा

Q.648. Unable to act Q.666. Giving orders in a manner that Q.683. A person who takes care of cattle
Ans. Inert - िन य permits no refusal Ans. Cowherd - ाला
Ans. Dictatorial - तानाशाही

Q.649. A person who is excessively Q.684. Lack of feeling
conceited and self-absorbed Q.667. Study of diseases Ans. Apathy - उदासीनता
Ans. Egotist - अहं कारी Ans. Pathology - िबमा रयों का अ यन
Q.685. The art of effective speaking
Q.650. Comparison between things that Q.668. Disease that spreads by physical Ans. Elocution - व ृ कला
have similar features
Ans. Analogy - समानता

Q.651. Words carved on a stone or

Ans. Inscription - िशलालेख
touch and contact
Ans. Contagious - सं ामक

Q.669. A person who investigates and

solves crimes
Ans. Detective - गु चर
Q.686. Not to pay attention to someone
or something
Ans. Ignore - उपे ा

Q.687. A change which is the result of an

act or some cause
Q.652. A piece of land entirely Q.670. Natural skill at doing something Ans. Effect - भाव
surrounded by water Ans. Knack - कुशलता
Ans. Island - ीप Q.688. A recurrent urge to steal
Q.671. An imaginary place where Ans. Kleptomania - चौय ाद
Q.653. Something that can be carried everything is perfect
Ans. Utopia - आदशलोक
easily Q.689. A person who loves supports and
Ans. Portable - वहनीय defends his country
Q.672. A place where money is coined Ans. Patriot - दे श - भ
Q.654. Handwritten book Ans. Mint - टकसाल
Ans. Manuscript - ह िलिप Q.690. The sound a bear makes
Q.673. The sound made by bees Ans. Growl - िचंघाड़ना
Q.655. Fluent or persuasive in speaking Ans. Buzz - भनभनाहट
or writing Q.691. A large cage, building, or
Ans. Eloquent - सुव ा Q.674. A medicine used to nullify the enclosure for keeping birds in

effect of poison Ans. Aviary - प ीशाल

Q.656. One who has unlimited power Ans. Antidote - ितषेधी
Ans. Omnipotent - सवश मान Q.692. A system of society or
Q.675. A place where wild animals are government in which men hold the power
Q.657. Belonging to the middle ages kept in their natural environment and women are largely excluded from it
Ans. Medieval - म कालीन Ans. Sanctuary - अ ार Ans. Patriarchy - िपतृस ा

Q.658. One who travels on foot Q.676. Light rain falling in small drops Q.693. Fit to be eaten
Ans. Pedestrian - पैदल या ी Ans. Drizzle - बूंदाबां दी Ans. Edible - खा

Q.659. A cage for keeping rabbits Q.677. The branch of biology deals with Q.694. Not having knowledge or
Ans. Hutch - िप रा the relations of organisms to one another experience of a particular subject or
and to their physical surroundings. activity
Q.660. A spider’s home Ans. Ecology - प र थितकी Ans. Uninitiated - अदीि त
Ans. Cobweb - मकड़ी का जाल Q.678. Someone who buys and sells Q.695. A game that no one wins
Q.661. A group of stars that form a goods in large amounts to shops and Ans. Draw - अिनिणत
pattern and have a name businesses
Ans. Constellation - तारा मंडल Ans. Wholesaler - थोक ापारी Q.696. The state of being married
Ans. Matrimony - िववाह Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 38
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Q.697. Person who portrays bad Q.715. Subject (someone) to a
character roles in cinema continuous flow of questions, criticisms, Q.732. The science of surveying and
Ans. Villain - खलनायक or information charting bodies of water
Ans. Bombard - बौछार करना Ans. Hydrography - जल सव ण
Q.698. Become less intense or
widespread Q.716. A vehicle used to carry a dead Q.733. The practice of having more than
Ans. Abate - धीमा होना body one husband or wife at the same time
Ans. Hearse - शवयान Ans. Polygamy - ब िववाह
Q.699. Things which are of the same
kind and of the same dimensions Q.717. Brighten with light Q.734. Group of stars
Ans. Homogeneous - सम प Ans. Illuminate - ोितमय करना Ans. Constellation - न

Q.700. Well-known for bad qualities or Q.718. A steep descent of the water Q.735. Ordinary and dull
deeds from a stream or river Ans. Mundane - सां सा रक
Ans. Notorious - कु ात Ans. Waterfall - जल - पात
Q.736. A deep-seated feeling of aversion
Q.701. Land beside a sea Q.719. A woman who is the head of the Ans. Antipathy - घृणा
Ans. Coast - तट family
Ans. Matriarch - महामाता Q.737. Animals living in the sea only

Q.702. Declare someone not guilty Ans. Marine - समु ी
Ans. Acquit - दोषमु करना Q.720. Impossible to believe
Ans. Incredible - अिव सनीय Q.738. Not easily excited or upset
Q.703. One who has a keen interest in Ans. Placid - शां त
good food Q.721. An event causing great and
Ans. Gourmet - पेटू

Q.704. A dummy used to display clothes

in a shop window
Ans. Mannequin - पुतला

Q.705. Able to be eaten

sudden damage or suffering
Ans. Catastrophe - दु घटना

Q.722. The sound made by a snake

Ans. Hiss - फुफकार

Q.723. Strong deep dislike

Q.739. One who
existence of God
Ans. Atheist - ना क

Q.740. Pictures given in a book for the

purpose of explaining things
Ans. Illustration - ां त
Ans. Edible - खा Ans. Antipathy - घृणा
Q.741. A thing no longer in use
Q.706. Owing money to someone Q.724. Group of people moving together Ans. Obsolete - अ चिलत
Ans. Indebted - ऋणी in a company for security, especially for
crossing deserts Q.742. Mark or substance that can not
Ans. Caravan - कारवाँ
Q.707. The sound of owls be removed
Ans. Hoot - उ ू की बोली Ans. Indelible - अमाजनीय
Q.725. Dead body of an animal
Q.708. Able to be harmed easily Ans. Carcass - शव Q.743. Afternoon show of a film or play
Ans. Vulnerable - असुरि त Ans. Matinee - मैिटनी
Q.726. The branch of science that deals
Q.709. A large number of things placed with celestial bodies like stars, planets, Q.744. A person who walks in his/her
one on top of another and natural objects in space sleep
Ans. Pile - ढे र Ans. Astronomy - खगोल शा Ans. Somnambulist - िन ाचारी

Q.710. A place where antiques are kept Q.727. Causing a mood of gloom and Q.745. Shortened form of a word or
Ans. Museum - सं हालय depression phrase
Ans. Dismal - िनराशाजनक Ans. Abbreviation - संि ीकरण
Q.711. Person who is not an expert in a
field of art or music Q.728. A hole or tunnel dug by a small Q.746. The sound an elephant makes
Ans. Amateur - शौक़ीन animal to live in Ans. Trumpet - हाथी का िचंघाड़ना
Ans. Burrow - सुरंग
Q.712. Dwarf varieties of trees and Q.747. The practice of persuading
shrubs grown in pots Q.729. Science of heredity someone to do something by using force
Ans. Bonsai - बो ाई वृ Ans. Genealogy - वंशावली or threats
Ans. Coercion - अवपीड़न, दबाव
Q.713. Fluid secreted by flowers which is Q.730. Something that cannot be Q.748. A geometrical figure with six
collected by bees for making honey handled easily sides
Ans. Nectar - अमृत,रस Ans. Unwieldy - दु वह Ans. Hexagon - षट् कोणीय

Q.714. Move faster Q.731. Study of living organisms Q.749. Belonging to very distant past and
Ans. Accelerate - रत करना Ans. Biology - जीविव ान no longer in existence Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 39

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 10 - 11 TG @M00n_Ligt One Word Substitution
Ans. Ancient - ाचीन Ans. Trumpet - िचंघाड़ना Q.784. A means of altering one's
appearance to conceal one's identity
Q.750. One who treats female ailments Q.768. A list of sources used when Ans. Disguise - ां ग
Ans. Gynaecologist - ी रोग िवशेष writing a scholarly article
Ans. Bibliography - ंथ - सूची Q.785. To reduce to a shorter form
Q.751. Relating to a festival intended to stand for the whole
Ans. Festive - ोहारों से स ंिधत Q.769. A plan or route to be followed on Ans. Abbreviate - संि
a journey
Q.752. A person who physically attacks Ans. Itinerary - या ा काय म Q.786. A sound made by a horse
another Ans. Neigh - िहनिहनाना
Ans. Assailant - आ मणकारी Q.770. A person who never drinks
alcohol. Q.787. A person who is the natural
Q.753. Life history of a person written by Ans. Teetotaller - म ागी successor to ancestral property
someone else Ans. Heir - उ रािधकारी
Ans. Biography - जीवनी Q.771. Connected with the sense of
touch Q.788. A solemn promise
Q.754. The sound made by a crocodile Ans. Tactile - शनीय Ans. Pledge - ित ा
Ans. Bellow - िचंघाड़ना
Q.772. One who makes an eloquent Q.789. A collection of sticks

Q.755. Represent something as larger, public speech Ans. Bundle - बंडल
better, or worse than it really is Ans. Orator - व ा
Ans. Exaggerate - अितशयो Q.790. A system of government in which
Q.773. Go or come after a person or most of the important decisions are
Q.756. Sound reflected back as in thing proceeding ahead taken by state officials rather than by
Ans. Echo - ित िन

Q.757. A small ornament which hangs

down especially from a necklace
Ans. Pendant - लटकन
Ans. Follow - अनुसरण

Q.774. A person who walks, especially in

an area where vehicles go
Ans. Pedestrian - पैदल या ी

Q.775. Ability to see what might happen

elected representatives.
Ans. Democracy - लोकतं

Q.791. A building where monks live as a

Ans. Monastery - मठ
Q.758. A list of books available in a in the future SSC MTS 2020 Tier - 1
library Ans. Foresight - दू रदिशता (5/10/2021 - 2/11/2021)
Ans. Catalogue - सूची
Q.776. A condition in which one is unable Q.792. One who interferes in the affairs
Q.759. Run after in order to catch or to sleep over a period of time of others, often for selfish reasons
Ans. Insomnia - अिन ा
catch up with Ans. Interloper - ह ेप करने वाला
Ans. Chase - पीछा करना
Q.777. The system of money used in a Q.793. Restore (someone) to health or
Q.760. Song which is sung in a church by particular country normal life after imprisonment, addiction,
a group of singers Ans. Currency - मु ा or illness
Ans. Carol - शंसागान Ans. Rehabilitate - पुनवास
Q.778. Shortened form of a word
Q.761. Twice a month Ans. Abbreviation - संि ीकरण Q.794. A person who compiles
Ans. Bimonthly - ि मािसक dictionaries

Q.779. Sound made by ducks Ans. Lexicographer - कोशकार

Q.762. A period of ten years Ans. Quack - बतख की बोली
Ans. Decade - दशक
Q.795. Cinema show in the afternoon
Q.780. Make a machine active or Ans. Matinee - मैिटनी
Q.763. A person who arranges and sells operative
cut flowers Ans. Activate - सि य Q.796. One who reads a lot
Ans. Florist - फूलवाला, माली
Ans. Bookworm - िकताबी कीड़ा
Q.781. First show of a film or theatre
Q.764. A strongbox or small chest for Ans. Premiere - पहला दशन Q.797. Make impure by adding inferior
holding valuables
Ans. Coffer - ितज़ोरी Q.782. Matter which is against moral Ans. Adulterate - िमलावटी
Q.765. Move with urgent haste Ans. Immoral - अनैितक Q.798. A place for keeping birds
Ans. Rush - हड़बड़ी
Ans. Aviary - प ीशाल
Q.783. An area where fruit trees are
Q.766. To give up a throne voluntarily grown Q.799. A person who pretends to be
Ans. Abdicate - ागना Ans. Orchard - फलवािटका someone else to deceive others
Ans. Imposter - ढोंगी
Q.767. The sound made by an elephant Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 40
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 11 TG @M00n_Ligt One Word Substitution
Q.800. A person who remains unmoved face or cliff on a mountain walls in public places
and unaffected by other people's Ans. Edge - िकनारा Ans. Graffiti - िभि िच
opinions, suggestions
Ans. Impervious - अभे Q.817. The first people to live in an area Q.834. Make better
Ans. Native - दे शी Ans. Improve - सुधारना
Q.801. A boat or ship for conveying
passengers and goods, especially over a Q.818. Special words and phrases used Q.835. The cry of an owl
relatively short distance and as a regular by particular groups of people, especially Ans. Hoot - उ ू की बोली
service in their work
Ans. Ferry - नौका Ans. Jargon - श जाल Q.836. A mass of wax cells built by
honey bees to store honey
Q.802. The point at which the earth and Q.819. One who treats and prevents Ans. Honeycomb - छ ा
the sky appear to meet diseases of the heart
Ans. Horizon - ि ितज Ans. Cardiologist - दय रोग िवशेष Q.837. To keep away from
Ans. Avoid - टालना
Q.803. The application of scientific Q.820. Never wrong or making a mistake
knowledge for practical purposes Ans. Infallible - अचूक Q.838. Something that is given to
Ans. Technology - तकनीकी counter the effect of poison
Q.821. Imaginary line dividing Earth into Ans. Antidote - ितषेधी

Q.804. A disease causing a person to fall northern and southern hemispheres
unconscious involuntarily Q.839. Breathe hard and with difficulty
Ans. Equator - भूम रे खा
Ans. Epilepsy - िमरगी Ans. Pant - हाँ फना
Q.822. To get ready
Q.805. One who leaves one’s country to Q.840. A person who examines,
Ans. Prepare - तैयार करना
diagnoses, and treats eyes
settle in another
Ans. Emigrant - उ वासी

Q.806. Fear of closed spaces

Ans. Claustrophobia - संवृितभीित

Q.807. Something which brings bad luck

Q.823. A large open area of land, water
or sky
Ans. Expanse - सार

Q.824. Using high-sounding words but

with little meaning
Ans. Ophthalmologist - ने - िवशेष

Q.841. A person who is forgetful and

unable to concentrate or think clearly
Ans. Scatterbrain - अ थर
Ans. Jinxed - अभा Q.842. Be harmonious or consistent with
Ans. Bombastic - आडं बरपूण
Ans. Accord - सहमित
Q.808. Animals and plants which live in Q.825. To prevent or alter a result or
water Q.843. A situation when no progress is
course of events
Ans. Aquatic - जलीय possible
Ans. Intervene - ह ेप करना
Ans. Deadlock - गितरोध

Q.809. Science deals with celestial Q.826. Lasting for only a short time
objects and space Q.844. The cry of a goat
Ans. Transient - िणक
Ans. Astronomy - खगोल िव ा Ans. Bleat - िमिमयाहट
Q.827. A person who knows everything
Q.810. Compulsion to steal Q.845. Rub out writing
Ans. Omniscient - सव ानी
Ans. Kleptomania - चौय ाद Ans. Erase - िमटाना
Q.828. Scientific study of mind and Q.846. Overflow or fill an area with
Q.811. To fall apart as a result of decay behaviour excess water, as in a flood

Ans. Disintegrate - िवघटन Ans. Psychology - मनोिव ान Ans. Inundate - डु बोना, पाट दे ना
Q.812. A plan of what is to be done and Q.829. The broken parts of objects found Q.847. Move ahead or forward steadily
when in an ancient site and gradually
Ans. Schedule - अनुसूची Ans. Ruins - खंडहर Ans. Forge - आगे बढ़ना

Q.813. A gentle song sung to put a child Q.830. Forgive or pardon some Q.848. To take something on loan with
to sleep Wrong doing or an offence the intention of returning it
Ans. Lullaby - लोरी Ans. Condone - माफ़ करना Ans. Borrow - उधार

Q.814. Undue favour shown to one’s Q.831. An under ground place for storing Q.849. A heavy round plate of metal
relatives wine thrown by an athlete
Ans. Nepotism - भाई - भतीजावाद Ans. Cellar - तहख़ाना Ans. Discus - च ा

Q.815. The science or practice of Q.832. A system of government in which Q.850. An additional remark at the end of
drawing maps power is held by the people a letter after the signature
Ans. Cartography - मानिच कारी Ans. Democracy - लोकतं Ans. Postscript - उपसंहार

Q.816. A very steep or overhanging rock Q.833. Drawings or writing scribbled on Q.851. A person who speaks two Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 41
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 11 TG @M00n_Ligt One Word Substitution
languages Q.869. A person who is forgetful and Ans. Pulp - गूदा
Ans. Bilingual - ि भािषक unable to concentrate or think clearly
Ans. Scatterbrain - बेपरवाह Q.885. A news article that reports the
Q.852. Force someone through fear to do recent death of a person
or not to do something SSC CGL 2020 Tier - 1 Ans. Obituary - शोक स े श
Ans. Intimidate - धमकाना (13/08/2021 - 24/08/2021)
Q.886. Something that is to your
Q.853. A shortage of vitamins, minerals, Q.870. A herd or flock of animals being advantage but happened by chance
etc. needed for good health driven in a body Ans. Fortuitous - भा शाली
Ans. Deficiency - ूनता Ans. Drove - झु
Q.887. To throw an event into confusion
Q.854. Indelible mark on the skin made Q.871. A group of three novels or plays, or disorder
by inserting pigment into the skin each complete in itself Ans. Disrupt - िततर - िबतर करना
Ans. Tattoo - टै टू Ans. Trilogy - तीन रचनाओं का सेट
Q.888. A person who thinks that bad
Q.855. A person who attacks and robs things are more likely to happen or who
Q.872. A self-governing country or region
ships at sea emphasizes the bad part of a situation
Ans. Autonomy - शासन
Ans. Pirate - समु ी डाकू Ans. Pessimist - िनराशावादी
Q.873. A place where coins, medals, or

Q.856. Move suddenly and powerfully Q.889. The act or habit of talking in one’s
tokens are made
forward or upward sleep.
Ans. Mint - टकसाल
Ans. Surge - महोिम Ans. Somniloquy - नींद म बात करना
Q.874. A person who is trained to travel
Q.857. A grant or payment to support a Q.890. A dynamic campaign for political,
in a spacecraft
student’s education
Ans. Scholarship - छा वृि

Q.858. A person who lives a solitary life

and tends to avoid other people
Ans. Recluse - वैरागी
Ans. Astronaut - अंत र या ी

Q.875. A large building with an extensive

floor area, typically for housing aircraft
Ans. Hanga - िवमानशाला
social, or religious change
Ans. Crusade - धमयु

Q.891. An arrangement of flowers is

usually given as a present.
Ans. Bouquet - गुलद ा
Q.876. A person who listen someone’s
Q.859. The study of the origin and Q.892. A person preoccupied with an
private conversation without them
meanings of words unrealistically optimistic approach to life
Ans. Etymology - ु ि Ans. Quixotic - ाली
Ans. Eavesdropper - िछपकर बात सुनने वाला
Q.860. Something that can be carried Q.893. A person appointed by two
easily Q.877. A group of people, typically with
parties to solve a dispute

Ans. Portable - वहनीय vehicles or animals, travelling together.

Ans. Arbitrator - म थ
Ans. Caravan - क़ािफ़ला
Q.861. A person's entire collection of Q.894. The state of being subject to
clothes Q.878. A place in a large institution, for
Ans. Wardrobe - व ागार the care of those who are ill
Ans. Mortality - न रता
Ans. Infirmary - अ ताल
Q.862. A change in the form or nature of Q.895. A musical composition made up
something Q.879. A group of stars
of a series of songs or short pieces
Ans. Constellation - न /तारा मंडल

Ans. Metamorphosis - कायापलट Ans. Medley - गीत समूह

Q.863. Hard and difficult to bend Q.880. Having no boundaries or limits

Q.896. A secret or disguised way of
Ans. Rigid - कठोर Ans. Infinite - अनंत
Q.864. A group of wolves Q.881. One who studies the occult Ans. Cypher - गु िलखावट
Ans. Pack - समूह meanings of numbers and their
supposed influence on human life Q.897. A person who entertains people
Q.865. The scientific study of the Ans. Numerologist - अंक ोितषी by doing difficult feats
nervous system and brain Ans. Acrobat - कलाबाज़
Ans. Neuroscience - तंि का िव ान Q.882. A sentimental longing for a period
in the past Q.898. A family of young birds
Q.866. One who is mentally not sound Ans. Nostalgia - अतीत की घटनाओं की याद Ans. Brood - िकसी जीव के ब ों का समूह
Ans. Lunatic - उ
Q.883. A large cage, building, or Q.899. Short rest or sleep taken after
Q.867. Stop something from burning enclosure to keep birds lunch
Ans. Extinguish - बुझाना Ans. Aviary - प ीशाला Ans. Siesta - दोपहर का आराम

Q.868. Confirm or support something Q.884. Soft, inner part of a nut or Q.900. A corporation made up of a
Ans. Corroborate - प रपु करना fruit-stone number of different companies that Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 42
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operate in diversified fields live composition
Ans. Conglomerate - क िनयो का समूह Ans. monastery - मठ Ans. Geology - भूगभ शा

Q.901. An examination of a dead body to Q.916. A large bundle bound for storage Q.932. a seven-sided figure
determine the cause of death or transportation Ans. Heptagon - सातकोणक
Ans. Post-Mortem - शव परी ा Ans. Bale - गां ठ
Q.933. Withdraw from a forward position
Q.902. A person employed to drive a Q.917. Doctor who deals with bone in battle
private or hired car problems Ans. Retreat - पीछे हटना
Ans. Chauffeur - मोटर-चालक Ans. Orthopaedist - हि यों का डॉ र
Q.934. Relating to the present time
Q.903. The art of effective or persuasive Q.918. Someone who studies elections Ans. Contemporary - समकालीन
speaking or writing and voting statistics
Ans. Rhetoric - भाषण कला Ans. Psephologist - चुनाव िव ेषक Q.935. A person who composes the
sequence of steps and moves for a
SSC CPO 2019 Tier - 2 Q.919. Doing something awkwardly or in dance performance
( 26/07/2021) a clumsy manner Ans. Choreographer - को रयो ाफर
Ans. Fumbling - लड़खड़ाना
Q.904. A person who shows people their Q.936. The scientific study of the

seats Q.920. The act of thinking now about universe and planets
Ans. Usher - वेश करवाने वाला something in the past Ans. Astronomy - खगोल
Ans. Retrospection - अतीत के बारे म सोचना
Q.937. Eat or drink food quickly and in
Q.905. A statement open to more than
Q.921. A place where coins are large amounts
one interpretation
Ans. Ambiguous - अनेकाथ

Q.906. A speech expressing

thoughts aloud to oneself
Ans. Soliloquy - आ भाषण
Ans. Mint - थान जहाँ िस े बनते ह

Q.922. A person authorised to examine

and verify accounts.
Ans. Auditor - लेखा परी क
Ans. Gulp - ज ी ज ी खाना या पीना

Q.938. A government-run by the wealthy

Ans. Plutocracy - अमीर लोगों ारा संचािलत
Q.907. People who work together at the Q.939. That which is incapable of being
same place Q.923. In exactly the same words as read or understood
Ans. Colleagues - सहकम were used originally Ans. Illegible - अ
Ans. Verbatim - ितश
Q.908. To give one’s authority to another Q.940. A person who formally requests
Ans. Delegate - िज ेदारी दे ना Q.924. A person who presents and acts something, especially a job
as a link in a radio or news programme Ans. Applicant - आवेदक
Q.909. One who rides horses in races Ans. Anchor - ुतकता
Ans. Jockey - घुड़सवार Q.941. Continuing for a long time
Q.925. Animal that can live both on land Ans. Prolonged - लंबे समय से
Q.910. The introductory section of a and in water
literary work Ans. Amphibian - उभयचर Q.942. Fond of company
Ans. Prologue - ावना Ans. Gregarious - झु म रहनेवाला
Q.926. An act of breaking or failing to
Q.911. A fictitious name used by an observe a law Q.943. A person who arranges and sells

author Ans. Breach - उ ंघन cut flowers

Ans. Pseudonym - कृि म नाम Ans. Florist - फूलवाला
Q.927. Based on chance rather than on
Q.912. One who studies God and religion reason or a plan Q.944. The branch of physics concerned
Ans. Theologian - धमशा ी Ans. Arbitrary - मनमाना with the properties of sound
Ans. Acoustics - िन-िव ान
Q.913. Someone taken a prisoner to Q.928. A child whose parents are dead
fulfill demands Ans. Orphan - अनाथ Q.945. A new project or business activity
Ans. Hostage - बंधक involving some risk
Q.929. So small or unimportant as to be Ans. Venture - जो खम उठाने वाला
not worth considering
SSC CHSL 2020 Tier - 1 Ans. Negligible - न के बराबर
(12/04/2021 - 19/04/2021) and Q.946. Instrument that measures the
altitude of the land surface
(04/08/2021 - 12/08/2021) Q.930. In an enthusiastic way Ans. Altimeter - ऊंचाई मापने का यं
Ans. Heartily - उ ाहपूण तरीके से
Q.914. Speed greater than that of sound
Q.947. A place or scene of activity,
Ans. supersonic - परा िनक Q.931. The branch of science concerned debate, or conflict
with the study of Earth and its Ans. Arena - अखाड़ा
Q.915. A place where Buddhist monks Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 43
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Q.948. Relating to soldiers or war Q.966. Someone who runs away from िचंता करने वाला
Ans. Martial - सैिनको से संबिधत justice
Ans. Fugitive - भगोड़ा Q.982. A person who is trained for
Q.949. One who pretends to be what he travelling into space
is not Q.967. A place where a dead person's Ans. Astronaut - अंत र या ी
Ans. Hypocrite - पाखंडी body is burnt
Ans. Crematorium - शान Q.983. The dates when days and nights
Q.950. Killing of one’s mother are of equal length
Ans. Matricide - मातृह ा Q.968. An institution for the care of Ans. Equinox - जब िदन और रात सामान
people who are mentally ill ल ाई के हों
Q.951. A period of two weeks Ans. Asylum - अ ताल
Ans. Fortnight - पखवाड़ा Q.984. Arrangement of events according
Q.969. One who investigates and solves to the dates of occurrence
Q.952. Something which cannot be taken crimes Ans. Chronology - काल म
by force Ans. Detective - जासूसी
Q.985. A large bedroom for a number of
Ans. Impregnable - अभे
Q.970. A person who helps others in
Ans. Dormitory - शयनक
Q.953. Not active or growing need
Ans. Dormant - सु Ans. Samaritan - जो दू सरों की ज रत म Q.986. A person who believes everything

मदद करे easily
Q.954. A strong interest in something or Ans. Credulous - भोला - भला
someone Q.971. One who eats human flesh
Ans. Fixation - िकसी चीज या म ती Ans. Cannibal - नरभ क Q.987. A deceased holy person’s remains
िच or belongings kept for reverence

Q.955. To come to an end

Ans. Expire - समय सीमा समा

Q.956. A person who presents a

radio/television programme
Ans. Anchor - ुतकता
Q.972. A hunting weapon which comes
back, used by Australian Aborigines
Ans. Boomerang - बुमेरां ग

Q.973. Causing a strong dislike

Ans. Repulsive - ितकारक
Ans. Relic - अवशेष

Q.988. To go around an area to keep a

Ans. Patrol - ग त लगाना

Q.989. A nature reserve for birds or

SSC CPO 2020 Tier - 1 Ans. Sanctuary - अभयार
Q.957. The nest of a squirrel, typically in
the form of a mass of twigs in a tree
(23/11/2020 - 25/11/2020)
Ans. Drey - िगलहरी का घोंसला Q.990. A particular form of a language
Q.974. Be more successful than that is peculiar to a specific region
someone Ans. Dialect - उपभाषा
Q.958. A large cage, building or
Ans. Outdo - आगे बढ़ना
enclosure to keep birds
Ans. Aviary - प ीशाल Q.991. Government-run by a small group
Q.975. A place where games are played of people
for money Ans. Oligarchy - अ तं
Q.959. Leather straps put around a
Ans. Casino - जुआखाना
horse’s head to control it
Ans. Bridle - लगाम Q.992. A factual written account of
Q.976. An exact or a very close copy (of important or historical events in the order
something) of their occurrence.
Q.960. A professional who works with

Ans. Replica - ितकृित Ans. Chronicle - काल म से अिभलेखन

patients who have heart problems
Ans. Cardiologist - दय रोग िवशेष
Q.977. Something done because one Q.993. A young person trending to
wants to, not by force commit crimes, particularly minor
Q.961. The study of ancient civilisations
Ans. Voluntary - वै छक crimes.
and cultures by examining their sites
Ans. Archaeology - पुरात Ans. Delinquent - अपराधी
Q.978. One who changes sides
Ans. Turncoat - दलबदलू Q.994. To cross streets on foot
Q.962. The arrangement of events or
dates in the order of their occurrence. carelessly
Q.979. A person with the same name as Ans. Jaywalk - रा ा पार करने म लापरवाह
Ans. Chronology - काल म
another होना
Q.963. Certain to happen
Ans. Namesake - हमनाम
Ans. Inevitable - अिनवाय
Q.995. Travelling under a name other
Q.980. Study of environment than one’s own
Q.964. A quick, sudden movement
Ans. Ecology - पयावरण - िव ान Ans. Incognito - गु प से
Ans. Flick - झटका

Q.981. A person who is unduly anxious Q.996. The downfall that satisfies natural
Q.965. A busy, main road for public use
about his/her health justice
Ans. Thoroughfare - माग
Ans. Valetudinarian - बीमारी की अ िधक Ans. Nemesis - िनयित Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 44
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 11 TG @M00n_Ligt One Word Substitution
Q.997. An irresistible impulse to steal. Q.1012. One who does not care for art or SSC SELECTION POST
Ans. Kleptomania - चोरी करने की बीमारी literature.
Ans. Philistine - अिशि त
Q.998. To separate the husk from the
( 06/11/2020 - 10/11/2020)
grain Q.1013. A government by the nobles GRADUATE-LEVEL
Ans. Winnow - फटकना Ans. Aristocracy - े जनों के ारा रा
शासन Q.1028. A collection of bees
Ans. Swarm - मधुम यों का झुंड
SSC CGL 2019 Tier - 2
(15/11/2020 - 18/11/2020) Q.1014. A very large impressive
residence Q.1029. A period of ten years
Ans. Mansion - हवेली Ans. Decade - दशक
Q.999. Place where two or more rivers
Q.1015. A place where gambling games HIGHER SECONDARY LEVEL
Ans. Confluence - संगम
are played
Ans. Casino - जुआखाना Q.1030. A disease that is found in a
Q.1000. The date on which an event took
particular place and is difficult to get rid
place in a previous year
Q.1016. The science concerned with the of
Ans. Anniversary - सालिगरह
properties of sound Ans. Endemic - थािनक

Q.1001. A set of rooms forming one Ans. Acoustics - िन - िव ान

Q.1031. A speech made without
residence in a building
Q.1017. An extreme fear of darkness preparation
Ans. Apartment - िकसी ईमारत म कमरों का
Ans. Nyctophobia - अँधेरे का डर Ans. Extempore - अिवचा रत

Q.1018. A state governed by old people Q.1032. A quiet person who prefers to
Q.1002. Two lengths of rope, wood or
metal with cross-pieces are used for
climbing up and down walls
Ans. Ladder - सीढ़ी

Q.1003. Medical doctors who specialise

in diagnosing diseases using X-rays, CT
Ans. Gerontocracy - वृ - शासन

Q.1019. A statement which cannot be

Ans. Irrefutable - अखंडनीय

Q.1020. A group of cattle

spend time alone
Ans. Introvert - अंतमुखी

Q.1033. A person who is trained to travel

in space
Ans. Astronaut - अंत र या ी
scans, and ultrasound
Ans. Herd - झु Q.1034. One who is incapable of making
Ans. Radiologist - िविकरण िचिक क
mistakes or being wrong
Q.1021. Obsessive desire to lose weight Ans. Infallible - अचूक
Q.1004. Persons who rob ships
Ans. Pirates - समु ी डाकू by refusing to eat
Ans. Anorexia - वजन कम करने के िलए MATRICULATION LEVEL
भोजन ाग

Q.1005. A slowly moving mass or river of

Q.1035. A state of perfect balance
Q.1022. Not supporting any side in an Ans. Equilibrium - संतुलन
Ans. Glacier - िहम - नदी
Ans. Impartial - िन प Q.1036. A list of books
Q.1006. The organic component of soil,
Ans. Catalogue - सूची
formed by the decomposition of leaves
and other plant material Q.1023. Act of giving up the throne
Ans. Abdication - पद ाग Q.1037. Pertaining to the heart
Ans. Humus - खाद
Ans. Cardiac - दय से स ंिधत

Q.1007. A ruler with complete power Q.1024. A group of people travelling

together, especially in a desert Q.1038. Fear of high places
over a country
Ans. Caravan - क़ाि़फला Ans. Acrophobia - ऊँचाई का डर
Ans. Dictator - तानाशाह
Q.1039. Incapable of being read
Q.1008. The state of being married to Q.1025. A fast-moving stream of water
Ans. Illegible - अपठनीय
one person at a time Ans. Torrent - बौछार
Ans. Monogamy - एकिववाह था Q.1040. The production of silk and the
Q.1009. A word or law no longer in use Q.1026. A detailed list of things in a
rearing of silkworms for this purpose
Ans. Obsolete - अ चिलत place
Ans. Sericulture - रे शम उ ादन
Ans. Inventory - िव तृत सूची
Q.1010. A group of lions Q.1041. The main body of an aircraft
Ans. Pride - शेरों का समूह Q.1027. A glass container in which fish
Ans. Fuselage - वायुयान का ढाँ चा
can be kept
Q.1011. A group of stars that make a Ans. Aquarium - मछलीघर
SSC CHSL 2019 Tier - 1
(17/03/2020 - 19/03/2020 ) and
Ans. Constellation - तारामंडल
(12/10/2020 - 26/10/2020)

Q.1042. Something that is genuine Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 45
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 11 TG @M00n_Ligt One Word Substitution
Ans. Authentic - ामािणक Q.1060. To laugh at something in a cruel Q.1077. Something that is extremely
way unpleasant
Q.1043. That which is no longer useful Ans. Deride - उपहास करना Ans. Horrendous - अि य
Ans. Redundant - फ़ालतू
Q.1061. Come in the way of Q.1078. Satisfied, with no desire to
Q.1044. Having moral principles Ans. Hamper - अव द् घ होना change or improve
Ans. Ethical - नैितक Ans. Complacent - संतु ट
Q.1062. An unforeseen happening that
Q.1045. Steal or misappropriate money creates some damage Q.1079. To make perfect or complete
Ans. Embezzle - ग़बन करना Ans. Mishap - अशुभ संग Ans. Complement - पूरक

Q.1046. To spread out something Q.1063. One whom it is impossible to Q.1080. A person weak and disabled by
Ans. Scatter - िबखरा दे ना defeat illness
Ans. Invincible - अजेय Ans. Invalid (noun) - ल े समय से बीमार
Q.1047. Very careful and precise
Ans. Meticulous - ब त सतक Q.1064. Soon passing out or of a short
duration Q.1081. Happening every two years
Q.1048. A natural skill at doing Ans. Evanescent - िणक Ans. Biennial - ि वािषक

Ans. Knack - कौशल Q.1065. Arrangement of events or dates Q.1082. A part of the city especially the
in the order in which they happen slum area
Q.1049. A collection of drawings, Ans. Chronology - काल म Ans. Ghetto - ब ी
documents, etc. that represent a
person’s, especially an artist’s, work Q.1066. Incapable of making mistakes Q.1083. Making one feel very sad
Ans. Dossier - द ावेज

Q.1050. A group of
Ans. Fleet - जहाजी बेड़ा
ships sailing

Q.1051. Lasting for a very short time

Ans. Infallible - अचूक

Q.1067. One who examines accounts

Ans. Auditor - लेखा - परी क

Q.1068. Repetition of an initial sound in

Ans. Heart - wrenching - दु खी करने वाला

Q.1084. The life history of a person

written by himself.
Ans. Autobiography - आ मकथा

Q.1085. Something that is expressed in a

Ans. Ephemeral - िणक two or more words of a line confusing way
Ans. Alliteration - अलंकार Ans. Incoherent - अ प ट
Q.1052. Act of giving up the throne
Ans. Abdication - पद या स ा का याग Q.1069. A period of one thousand years Q.1086. Covered with a material or
Ans. Millennium - हज़ार वष substance in order to stop heat, sound
etc. from entering or escaping.
Q.1053. A person who is blamed for
something that someone else has done Q.1070. A plantation of grapes Ans. Insulated - िवद् युत् - रोिधत
Ans. Scapegoat - बिल का बकरा Ans. Vineyard - अंगूर का बाग़
Q.1087. Unable to think clearly because
of a mental illness
Q.1054. One who tells future from the Q.1071. A small compartment in an
Ans. Deranged - अ व थत, िवि
stars aircraft for the pilot
Ans. Astrologer - योितषी Ans. Cockpit - वायु - यान म चालक - क Q.1088. A person working on a trial
Q.1055. Movement of people or animals Q.1072. A garden with fruit trees Ans. Probationer - काम सीखने के िलए

from one area to another Ans. Orchard - फलो ान िनयु

Ans. Migration - वास
Q.1073. Flesh - eating animal Q.1089. A large natural or artificial lake
Q.1056. One who studies the elections Ans. Carnivore - माँ साहारी used as a source of water supply
and voting trends Ans. Reservoir - बड़ा जलाशय
Ans. Psephologist - चुनाव िव ेषक Q.1074. A type of magic in which spirits,
especially evil ones, are used to make Q.1090. Government by a king or a
Q.1057. Relating to the healing of things happen queen
diseases Ans. Sorcery - जादू - टोना Ans. Monarchy - राजतं
Ans. Immunity - ितर ण
Q.1058. A group of people who have Q.1075. A deep fissure in the earth's Q.1091. A vertical passageway into a
come together in a religious building for surface mine
worship and prayer Ans. Chasm - खाई Ans. Shaft - ऊ ाधर माग
Ans. Congregation - धािमक सभा
Q.1076. Something like an opening, Q.1092. A place where wild animals live
Q.1059. A situation in which many particularly one in the body such as a Ans. Lair - मां द
people leave a place at the same time nostril
Ans. Exodus - िनगमन Ans. Orifice - िछ Q.1093. A person who is neither well
experienced nor professional Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 46
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 11 TG @M00n_Ligt One Word Substitution
Ans. Amateur - शौकीन Q.1110. Open refusal to obey orders. Ans. Prophet - पैगंबर
Ans. Defiance - अव ा
Q.1094. Something which is considered Q.1127. A game in which neither party
to be very important Q.1111. Morals that govern one's wins.
Ans. Cardinal - मुख behavior. Ans. Draw - बराबरी पर ख़ होना
Ans. Ethics - आचार िवचार
Q.1095. A small room where dishes are Q.1128. That cannot be satisfied.
washed Q.1112. One who loads and unloads Ans. Insatiable - अतृ
Ans. Scullery - बतन मां जने की जगह ships.
Ans. Stevedore - जहाज़ पर का माल उतारने - Q.1129. A place where plants are grown
Q.1096. Person or thing that is the centre चढ़ानेवाला for sale.
of attention Ans. Nursery - पौधशाला
Ans. Cynosure - आकषण - िबंदु Q.1113. A sudden and a large number of
frightened people or animals. Q.1130. Putting to death painlessly to
Q.1097. A person who speaks always in Ans. Stampede - भगदड़ end suffering.
praise of himself Ans. Euthanasia - इ ामृ ु
Ans. Egotist - अहं वादी Q.1114. One who is preoccupied with his
own interests. Q.1131. To rise in value
Q.1098. Painless death given to patients Ans. Egoist - ाथ Ans. Appreciate -:मान करना

to relieve suffering.
Ans. Euthanasia - इ ामृ ु Q.1115. A geometrical figure with eight Q.1132. To brighten up with lights
sides. Ans. Illuminate - रोशन करना
Q.1099. A song or music in praise of God Ans. Octagon - अ भुज
Ans. Hymn - तुित Q.1133. Person or animal living on

Q.1100. Things which are of the same

kind and of the same dimensions
Ans. Homogenous - सम प

Q.1101. A situation requiring a choice

between equally undesirable alternatives
Q.1116. Incapable of paying debts.
Ans. Insolvent - िदवािलया

Q.1117. A long and aggressive speech.

Ans. Harangue - भावशाली भाषण

Q.1118. The school or college in which

Ans. Parasite - परजीवी

Q.1134. The central character in a story

or play.
Ans. Protagonist - नायक
or confusion one has been educated. Q.1135. Having something more than
Ans. Dilemma - असमंजस Ans. Alma mater - जहाँ से िश ा पायी वो required.
सं था Ans. Surplus - अित र
Q.1102. A person living in the same age
as another Q.1119. An enclosed area where aircraft Q.1136. Anger about an unfair situation
Ans. Contemporary - समकालीन
are kept and repaired. or about someone's unfair behavior.
Ans. Hangar - िवमान घर Ans. Indignation - आ ोश
Q.1103. A person who studies the
structure of the earth Q.1137. A building where grain is kept or
Q.1120. A short story with a moral,
Ans. Geologist - भूिव ानी stored.
usually with animals as characters.
Ans. Fable - क त कहानी Ans. Granary - अ ागार
Q.1104. Condition of sleep during certain
parts of the year Q.1138. Working very hard and very
Ans. Hibernation - शीतिन ा Q.1121. Having two opposing feelings at
the same time.

Ans. Diligent - मेहनती

Ans. Ambivalent - उभयभावी
SSC CGL 2019 Tier - 1
(3/03/2020 - 9/03/2020) Q.1122. A group of ships. SSC CPO 2019 Tier - 1
Ans. Fleet - जहाज़ों का बेड़ा (9/12/2019 - 13/12/2019)
Q.1105. A song sung at a burial
Ans. Dirge - शोकगीत Q.1123. Pertaining to an individual from Q.1139. A person who can endure pain
birth. or hardship without showing his feelings
Q.1106. One who leaves his own country Ans. Congenital - ज जात or complaining.
to settle in another. Q.1124. To increase the speed. Ans. Stoic - साहसी
Ans. Emigrant - वासी Ans. Accelerate - गित बढ़ाना
Q.1107. A period of ten years Q.1140. Words are written on a
Ans. Decade - दशक Q.1125. A person who attracts attention tombstone in the memory of the person
with a flashy style. who has died
Q.1108. A person very reserved in Ans. Flamboyant - चमकीला Ans. Epitaph - समािध - लेख
Ans. Reticent - मौन रहने वाला Q.1126. A person who preaches religion Q.1141. A small building or room used
and is considered to be a messenger of for Christian worship in a school, prison,
Q.1109. A place where clothes are kept. God. hospital or large private house.
Ans. Wardrobe - अलमारी Ans. Chapel - छोटा िग रजाघर Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 47
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 11 TG @M00n_Ligt One Word Substitution
Q.1142. A person who held a job or office Ans. Orthodox - िढ़वादी SSC SELECTION POST
before the current holder
Ans. Predecessor - पूवािधकारी Q.1158. Statement open to more than
one interpretation
(14/10/2019 - 18/10/2019)
Q.1143. A person who believes that war Ans. Ambiguous - अ GRADUATE-LEVEL
and violence are unjustifiable
Ans. Pacifist - शा वादी Q.1159. One who travel by foot Q.1174. A widespread outbreak of a
Ans. Pedestrian - पैदल या ी disease
Q.1144. A word formed from the initial Ans. Epidemic - महामारी
letters of other words Q.1160. A large building or group of
Ans. Acronym - संि प buildings used to house soldiers HIGHER SECONDARY LEVEL
Ans. Barracks - सैिनकों के िलए बने घर
Q.1145. A government-run by a king or a Q.1175. The study of nerves
queen Q.1161. A list of items to be discussed at Ans. Neurology - तंि का-िव ान
Ans. Monarchy - राज - तं a formal meeting
Ans. Agenda - कायसूची Q.1176. Fear of small things
Q.1146. One who hold a post without any Ans. Microphobia - सू भय
salary Q.1162. A sea or stretch of water having
Q.1177. One who spends money
Ans. Honorary - स ाननीय many islands

Ans. Archipelago - ीपसमूह
Ans. Spendthrift - अप यी, उड़ाऊ
Q.1147. That cannot be approached
easily Q.1163. A cup or other decorative object
Ans. Inaccessible - प ं च से बाहर awarded as a prize for a victory or
Q.1178. Far away from the other places
Q.1148. Not revealing one’s thoughts or
feelings readily
Ans. Reticent - मौन रहने वाला

Q.1149. Two lengths of rope, bamboo or

wood with rungs used for climbing up
and down walls, sides of ships etc.
Ans. Trophy - टॉफी

Q.1164. All the people in a country or

area who are entitled to vote in an
Ans. Electorate - िनवाचक समूह
Ans. Isolated - पृथक

Q.1179. Suggesting that something

unpleasant is likely to happen
Ans. Ominous - अशुभ
Q.1180. A long sea journey
Ans. Ladder - सीढ़ी Q.1165. One who is sixty years old
Ans. Voyage - समु ी या ा
Ans. Sexagenarian - साठ वष का
Q.1150. To prepare written material for
Q.1181. A person having the same name
publication by correcting or modifying it Q.1166. That which cannot be seen
as the other.
Ans. Edit - संपादन करना through
Ans. Namesake - हमनाम
Ans. Opaque - अपारदश

Q.1151. A list of the books referred to in

a scholarly work Q.1167. A place where weapons and SSC CPO 2018 Tier - 2
Ans. Bibliography - सूची ammunition are stored (27/09/2019)
Ans. Arsenal - श ागार
Q.1152. To spend winter in a dormant Q.1182. One who plans the steps and
state Q.1168. Giving up one's authority or moves in a dance.
Ans. Hibernate - िन य रह कर शीतकाल throne Ans. Choreographer - नृ रचना-कार
तीत करना Ans. Abdication - पद ाग

Q.1183. An arrangement of events or

Q.1153. A detailed plan for a journey Q.1169. Careful in performing duties dates in the order of their occurrence
especially a list of places to visit Ans. Punctilious - अित-िश ाचारी Ans. Chronology - घटना म
Ans. Itinerary - या ा काय म
Q.1170. A box or cage for rabbits or Q.1184. Branch of physics dealing with
Q.1154. One who denies oneself ordinary small animals the properties of sound
bodily pleasures Ans. Hutch - छोटे जानवरों के रहने का घर Ans. Acoustics - िनक
Ans. Ascetic - तप ी Q.1171. The science or philosophy of
law Q.1185. Sound of horses
Q.1155. A protected place for birds and Ans. Jurisprudence - िविधशा Ans. Neigh - िहनिहनाना
Q.1186. An underground hole dug by a
Ans. Sanctuary - अ ार Q.1172. The sound of a crow
small animal as a dwelling
Ans. Caw - कां व
Q.1156. A shortened form of a word or Ans. Burrow - िबल
phrase Q.1173. The therapeutic use of sunlight
Ans. Abbreviation - सं ेप Q.1187. A room or building with
Ans. Heliotherapy - सूय िचिक ा
equipment for doing physical exercise
Q.1157. One who holds established Ans. Gymnasium - ायामशाला
opinions Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 48
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 11 - 12 TG @M00n_Ligt One Word Substitution
SSC CGL 2018 Tier - 2 Ans. Integrity - ईमानदारी SSC MTS 2019 Tier - 1
(11/09/2019 - 13/09/2019) (02/082019 - 22/08/2019)
Q.1205. Causing no harm.
Q.1188. Causing great damage or Ans. Innocuous - अहािनकर Q.1221. A place where nuns live and
suffering. work
Ans. Catastrophic - तबाही Q.1206. A decision on which one cannot Ans. Convent - मठ
go back.
Q.1189. A strong feeling of dislike Ans. Irrevocable - थर Q.1222. A building where an audience
towards someone or something sits
Ans. Antipathy - घृणा Q.1207. The height of an object or point Ans. Auditorium - सभागार
in relation to sea level or ground level.
Q.1190. To express in an unclear way. Ans. Altitude - ऊंचाई Q.1223. A book of names and addresses
Ans. Garbled - िवकृत Ans. Directory - िनदिशका
Q.1208. The feeling of being upset or
Q.1191. Something happening by chance annoyed as a result of being unable to Q.1224. Something which leads to death
in a happy and beneficial way. change or achieve something. Ans. Fatal - घातक
Ans. Serendipity - आक क लाभ Ans. Frustration - िनराशा/ हताशा
Q.1225. Something no longer in use
Q.1192. Lacking in variety and interest. Q.1209. Exercising a compelling charm Ans. Obsolete - अ चिलत

Ans. Monotonous - नीरस Ans. Charismatic - क र ाई
Q.1226. An area of grassland where
Q.1193. Something causing shock or Q.1210. Diverse in character or event. animals graze
dismay. Ans. Heterogeneous - िविवध Ans. Meadow - घास का मैदान
Ans. Appalling - भय उ करनेवाला

Q.1194. Continuing for a very long time.

Ans. Interminable - अनंत

Q.1195. Impossible to satisfy.

Ans. Insatiable - लालची
Q.1211. The act of compelling or forcing
authority on others.
Ans. Coercion - ज़बरद ी

Q.1212. Found everywhere.

Ans. Omnipresent - सव ापी
Q.1227. An internal
framework of bones
Ans. Skeleton - कंकाल
or external

Q.1228. Full of criticism and mockery

Ans. Satire - हा ं
Q.1196. Splendid and expensive-looking. Q.1213. The belief that events are Q.1229. Group of singers
Ans. Sumptuous - शानदार predetermined and therefore cannot be Ans. Choir - िगरजाघर गायक
Q.1197. Seeming reasonable. Ans. Fatalism - भा पर भरोसा करने का Q.1230. The art of creating and
Ans. Plausible - संभा िस ा arranging dances

Ans. Choreography - नृ कला

Q.1198. The fear of water. Q.1214. The exact opposite.
Ans. Hydrophobia - जल का डर Ans. Antithesis - ितप Q.1231. A violent windstorm
Ans. Tempest - तूफ़ान
Q.1199. A distinguished conductor or Q.1215. Touching along the side or
performer of classical music boundary. Q.1232. The highest point
Ans. Maestro - कलाकार Ans. Contiguous - िनकटवत Ans. Zenith - शीषिबंदु

Q.1200. The Science which studies the Q.1216. One who studies human Q.1233. One who can’t speak

crust of the earth. societies and their culture. Ans. Dumb - गूंगा
Ans. Geology - भूिव ान Ans. Anthropologist - मानविव ानी
Q.1234. A group of lions
Q.1201. The cultivation of grapevines. Q.1217. Consisting of many things or Ans. Pride - शेरों का समूह
Ans. Viticulture - अंगूर की खेती parts.
Ans. Multitudinous - ब सं क Q.1235. A group of ships
Q.1202. A room where medicines are Ans. Fleet - जहाज़ों का बेड़ा
prepared and provided. Q.1218. Making a show of being morally
Ans. Dispensary - औषधालय superior to others. Q.1236. The killing of pests
Ans. Sanctimonious - पाखंडी Ans. Pesticide - कीटनाशक दवाएं
Q.1203. The science dealing with X-rays
and other high-energy radiation, Q.1219. A private conversation between Q.1237. A yearly celebration of a date or
especially for the diagnosis and two people. an event
treatment of disease. Ans. tête-à-tête - एकां ितक वाता Ans. Anniversary - सालिगरह
Ans. Radiology - िविकरण िचिक ा िव ान
Q.1220. Proceeding in a gradual way and Q.1238. A person with no fixed abode
secretly intending to cause harm. Ans. Nomad - बंजारा
Q.1204. The quality of being honest and
having strong moral principles. Ans. Insidious - धोखेबाज़ Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 49

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 12 TG @M00n_Ligt One Word Substitution
Q.1239. Polygons with eight sides and hates spending it work.
eight angles. Ans. Miser - कंजूस Ans. Prologue - आरं भ
Ans. Octagon - अ भुज
Q.1257. One who loses temper very soon Q.1273. A gentle song is sung to put a
Q.1240. The state of growing to maturity Ans. Hot-headed - ग़ु ैल child to sleep.
Ans. Adolescence - िकशोराव था Ans. Lullaby - लोरी
Q.1258. A list of names or things in a
Q.1241. A person travelling on foot special order Q.1274. Friendly and welcoming to
Ans. Pedestrian - पैदल या ी Ans. Catalogue - सूची visitors
Ans. Hospitable - मेहमाननवाज़
Q.1242. Something which lasts forever Q.1259. The branch of science is
Ans. Eternal - अन concerned with the bodily structure of Q.1275. An institution for the care of
humans, animals, and other living people who are mentally ill.
Q.1243. Medicine was given to organisms. Ans. Asylum - पागलखाना
counteract a poison Ans. Anatomy - शरीर - रचना - िव ान
Ans. Antidote - िवषहर Q.1276. The government is not
Q.1260. The study of human societies connected with religious or spiritual
Q.1244. A young child just beginning to and culture and their development. matters.
walk Ans. Anthropology - मनु जाित का िव ान Ans. Secular - धम िनरपे

Ans. Toddler - ब ा
Q.1261. The stage of growth between Q.1277. A critical judge of any art and
Q.1245. A period of two weeks boyhood and youth craft
Ans. Fortnight - दो स ाह का समय Ans. Adolescence - िकशोराव था Ans. Connoisseur - िवशेष

Q.1246. Resistant to
Ans. Immune - ितर ा

Q.1247. A speech made to oneself

Ans. Soliloquy - आ भाषण

Q.1262. A person who has had long
experience in a particular field.
Ans. Veteran - अनुभवी

Q.1263. One who loves books

Ans. Bibliophile - पु क ेमी
Q.1278. A large number
swimming together
Ans. Shoal - मछिलयों का समुदाय

Q.1279. A set of twenty

Ans. Score - बीस का एक सेट
of fish
Q.1248. Who believes easily and can be Q.1264. A hollow space in a wall for a Q.1280. A person who rules without
cheated statue or ornament consulting the opinion of others
Ans. Gullible - सीधा - सादा Ans. Niche - दीवार म छोटी सी जगह कुछ Ans. Autocrat - अिनय त शासक
सजावटी चीजों के िलए
Q.1249. An introduction to a book Q.1281. A set of 52 playing cards
usually states its purposes Ans. Pack - ताश की ग ी
Q.1265. A specialist who treats diseases
Ans. Preface - ावना of the nervous system.
Ans. Neurologist - तंि का -िव ान का िवशेष Q.1282. An abnormal fear of water
Q.1250. A contest between two people Ans. Hydrophobia - पानी से भय
to settle a point of honor. Q.1266. A person who rides in horse
Ans. Duel - ं यु races, especially as a profession. Q.1283. An act of murdering one’s
Ans. Jockey - घुड़दौड़ का सवार brother
Q.1251. One who works very hard Ans. Fratricide - भातृह ा
Ans. Industrious - मेहनती Q.1267. The policy of racial

discrimination Q.1284. The lack of government control

Q.1252. A large bundle bound for storage Ans. Apartheid - रं गभेद or rule of law
or transport Ans. Anarchy - अराजकता
Ans. Bale - ग र Q.1268. An animal that lives by killing
and eating other animals Q.1285. One who does not express
Q.1253. One who studies the evolution of Ans. Predator - िहं सक जानवर himself freely
mankind Q.1269. A large crowd of people is intent Ans. Introvert - अ मुखी
Ans. Anthropologist - मानविव ानी on causing trouble or violence. Q.1286. The study of stars and planets
Ans. Mob - उ भीड़ Ans. Astronomy - खगोल - िव ान
Q.1254. The decision that is given by the
jury or judge at the end of the trial Q.1270. Rearing of silkworms SSC CHSL 2018 Tier - 1
Ans. Verdict - िनणय Ans. Sericulture - रे शम के कीड़ों का पालन
(01/07/2019 - 11/07/2019)
Q.1255. An extremely large mass of ice Q.1271. A person motivated by irrational
Q.1287. A person belonging to a foreign
that moves very slowly, often down a enthusiasm
mountain valley. Ans. Fanatic - क रपंथी
Ans. Alien - िवदे शीय
Ans. Glacier - िहमनदी
Q.1272. An introduction to a literary
Q.1288. A group of singers in a Church
Q.1256. A person who loves money and Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 50
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 12 TG @M00n_Ligt One Word Substitution
Ans. Choir - गायक मंडली Q.1306. Willing to be guided or SSC CGL 2018 Tier - 1
controlled (04/06/2019 - 13/06/2019)
Q.1289. A large impressive house Ans. Amenable - आ ाकारी
Ans. Mansion - हवेली Q.1322. A person, animal or plant much
Q.1307. One who eats too much below the usual height
Q.1290. A rabbit’s dwelling. Ans. Glutton - खाऊ , पेटू Ans. Dwarf - बौना
Ans. Burrow - िबल
Q.1308. A short statement of a general Q.1323. A student who idly or without
Q.1291. Rapid increase in the number or truth or rule of conduct excuse absents himself/herself from
amount of something. Ans. Maxim - िस ां त school.
Ans. Proliferation - सार Ans. Truant - पढ़ाई से मन चुराने वाला बालक
Q.1309. The art of cleaning and
Q.1292. Living in the air. preserving animal skins Q.1324. A person without a settled home
Ans. Aerial - हवाई Ans. Taxidermy - चम साधक or regular work who wanders from place
to place and lives by begging.
Q.1293. The study of human history and Q.1310. One who makes and sells Ans. Vagrant - आवारा
prehistory through the excavation of sweets and pastries
sites. Ans. Confectioner - हलवाई Q.1325. A person, animal or plant
Ans. Archaeology - पुरात belonging originally to a place

Q.1311. A person who is skilled at Ans. Native - िनवासी
Q.1294. An instrument used for writing beautifully
measuring atmospheric pressure. Ans. Calligrapher - सुलेखक Q.1326. A cylindrical container bulging
Ans. Barometer - वायुदाबमापी out in the middle, traditionally made of
Q.1312. The statistical study of the wooden staves for keeping oil, beer etc.
Q.1295. A person who can speak only
two languages.
Ans. Bilingual - ि भाषी

Q.1296. Guide the course of a ship,

especially by using instruments or maps.
Ans. Navigate - मागिनदशन करना

Ans. Demography - जनसां की

Q.1313. A place for collection of dried

plant specimens
Ans. Herbarium - सूखी वन ितयों का सं ाह
Ans. Barrel - व पदाथ रखने का पीपा

Q.1327. A large cage, building, or

enclosure for keeping birds in.
Ans. Aviary - प ीशाला
Q.1328. A phrase or form of words
Q.1314. A group of stars found close written in memory of a person who has
Q.1297. A remedy for all diseases together died, especially as an inscription on a
Ans. Panacea - रामबाण Ans. Constellation - न tombstone.
Ans. Epitaph - समािधलेख
Q.1298. One who is in charge of a Q.1315. A person or thing that has the
museum or art gallery. same name as another Q.1329. The belief that people cannot
Ans. Curator - सं हा Ans. Namesake - हमनाम change the way events will happen
Ans. Fatalist - भा वादी
Q.1299. One who is difficult to please Q.1316. The original inhabitants of a
Ans. Fastidious - ढीठ, हठी country Q.1330. A person appointed by two
Ans. Aborigines - मुलिनवासी parties to resolve a dispute.
Q.1300. An office with high salary but no
Ans. Arbitrator - म थ
work Q.1317. One who treats skin diseases
Ans. Sinecure - आराम की नौकरी Ans. Dermatologist - चा िवशेष Q.1331. A family of young animals.

Q.1301. The state of remaining Ans. Brood - एक ही मादा प ी के सब ब चे

Q.1318. A person who sells and arranges
cut flowers Q.1332. An arrangement of flowers
Ans. Celibacy - अिववािहत जीवन
Ans. Florist - फूलवाला, माली Ans. Bouquet - गुलद ता
Q.1302. A previous case that might serve
Q.1319. A game in which no one wins Q.1333. A large metal pot with a lid and
as an example or guide in subsequent
Ans. Draw - अिनण त handle, used for cooking over an open
Ans. Precedent - िमसाल
Q.1320. A strong and fast-moving Ans. Cauldron - बड़ी कड़ाही
stream of water
Q.1303. One who is indifferent to Q.1334. A large, deep pot used both in
Ans. Torrent - धारा
pleasure or pain the oven and as a serving vessel.
Ans. Stoic - उदासीन Q.1321. One who can use both hands Ans. Casserole - बड़ा बतन
Q.1304. One who walks on foot Ans. Ambidextrous - उभयह Q.1335. An arrangement of flowers
Ans. Pedestrian - पैदल या ी leaves or stems fastened in a ring and
used for decoration or for laying on a
Q.1305. An official pardon grave.
Ans. Amnesty - सव - मा Ans. Wreath - फूलों की गोलाकार माला Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 51
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 12 TG @M00n_Ligt One Word Substitution
Q.1336. To give up the throne. Q.1354. That which can be drawn into a Q.1371. The base frame of a car or other
Ans. Abdicate - याग करना thin wire. wheeled vehicle.
Ans. Ductile - तार खींचने यो Ans. Chassis - ढां चा
Q.1337. A trade that is prohibited by law.
Ans. Illicit - अवैध, ग़ैरकानूनी Q.1355. Too unimportant to consider. Q.1372. Things or people of the same
Ans. Trivial - तु kind.
Q.1338. One who is indifferent to art and Ans. Homogeneous - सम प
culture Q.1356. Liable to break easily.
Ans. Philistine - अिशि त Ans. Brittle - नाज़ुक Q.1373. A large bound bundle of paper,
hay or cotton.
Q.1339. One who embraces voluntary Q.1357. Impossible to satisfy. Ans. Bale - गठरी
death for the sake of one’s country. Ans. Insatiable - जो तृ न हो
Ans. Martyr - शहीद Q.1374. A wooden drum in which beer
Q.1358. An instrument for measuring the or oil is stored .
Q.1340. Fit to be eaten. atmospheric pressure. Ans. Barrel - पीपा
Ans. Edible - खाने यो Ans. Barometer - वायुदाबमापी यं
Q.1375. A system of government in
Q.1341. Something which cannot be Q.1359. The part of a country's which priests rule in the name of Gods or
understood. government responsible for its legal a god.

Ans. Incomprehensible - समझ से बाहर system. Ans. Theocracy - धमत
Ans. Judiciary - ाियक
Q.1342. A charitable or helpful person.
Q.1376. An instrument for measuring
Ans. Samaritan - नेक आदमी
SSC CPO 2018 Tier - 1 time accurately in spite of motion or
(12/03/2019 - 16/03/2019) variations in temperature, humidity and
Q.1343. Sole right to make and sell some
Ans. Patent - एक अिधकार

Q.1344. One who is a great lover of

Ans. Bibliophile - पु क - ेमी
Q.1360. The keeper of a museum.
Ans. Curator - सं हा

Q.1361. An animal who eats human flesh

Ans. Carnivore - मां सभ ी
air pressure.
Ans. Chronometer - िबलकुल ठीक समय
बताने वाली घड़ी

Q.1377. Something made impure by

exposure to polluting substances
Ans. Contaminated - दू िषत
Q.1345. A fictitious name used by an Q.1362. A large enclosure for keeping
the birds in. Q.1378. Relating to speeds close to that
Ans. Aviary - प ीशाला of sound.
Ans. Pseudonym - उपनाम
Ans. Transonic - लगभग हवा म िन के
Q.1363. A fortress typically one on high बराबर गित
Q.1346. Place where fruit trees are

grown. ground above a city.

Ans. Citadel - नगर - दु ग, गढ़, ि़कला Q.1379. A thing that motivates or
Ans. Orchard - फलों का बाग़
encourages someone to do something.
Q.1364. A medical specialist who Ans. Incentive - ेरक
Q.1347. A place for storing guns and
military equipment. administers drugs for relieving pain
during surgery. Q.1380. An obsessive desire to set fire to
Ans. Arsenal - श शाला
Ans. Anesthetist - िन चेतनािव ानी things.
Ans. Pyromania - आग लगाने का पागलपन
Q.1348. That which cannot be satisfied
Q.1365. To shorten a piece of writing

Ans. Insatiable - जो तृ न हो
without losing the sense Q.1381. Extreme fear of water.
Ans. Abridge - संि ीकरण Ans. Hydrophobia - पानी से भय
Q.1349. The action of looking back on or
reviewing past events or situations,
Q.1366. A place where coins are made. Q.1382. Someone who is satisfied with
especially those in one's own life.
Ans. Mint - टकसाल life in general.
Ans. Retrospection - प ावलोकन
Ans. Contented - संतु ट
Q.1367. A gigantic statue.
Q.1350. A state in which opposing forces
Ans. Colossus - भीमाकार Q.1383. Obsession with one particular
or influences are balanced.
Ans. Equilibrium - संतुलन Q.1368. A place where bees are kept. Ans. Monomania - एक ही बात की धुन
Ans. Apiary - मधम यों के पालने का थान
Q.1351. One who walks in sleep.
Q.1384. A sum of money added to a
Ans. Somnambulist - नींद म चलनेवाला Q.1369. A person who compiles
person’s wages as a reward for good
Q.1352. One who does not tire easily. Ans. Lexicographer - कोशकार
Ans. Bonus - अिधलाभ
Ans. Indefatigable - न थकनेवाला
Q.1370. Instrument used for coding and
Q.1385. An apparatus for reducing or
Q.1353. Incapable of being read. decoding messages.
increasing the voltage of an alternating
Ans. Illegible - अपाठ् य Ans. Cryptograph - कूटलेखन Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 52
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 12 TG @M00n_Ligt One Word Substitution
current. makes or sells sweets or chocolate.
Ans. Transformer - प रवतक Ans. Confectioner - हलवाई

Q.1386. Method of talking in a Q.1401. A harsh chaotic mixture of

roundabout way sounds
Ans. Circumlocution - घुमा - िफराकर बात Ans. Cacophony - कोलाहल
Q.1402. To show or state that someone
Q.1387. Something which is easily or something is not guilty of something
breakable Ans. Vindicate - दोष मु करार दे ना
Ans. Fragile - नाज़ुक
Q.1403. The hard remains of a
Q.1388. Identification with another prehistoric animal or plant that are found
person’s feelings inside a rock.
Ans. Empathy - समानुभूित Ans. Fossil - जीवा म

Q.1389. Person who pretends to have Q.1404. The science and art of growing
special knowledge or skill fruits, vegetables, flowers, or ornamental
Ans. Charlatan - पाखंड करने वाला य plants.

Ans. Horticulture - उ ान िव ा
Q.1390. A person claiming to be superior
in culture and intellect to others Q.1405. Power of reading thoughts of
Ans. Highbrow - अिभजातवग य others.
Ans. Telepathy - दू र - बोध
Q.1391. A person who is one of the first
to do something
Ans. Pioneer - अ णी य

Q.1392. Open rebellion of soldiers and

sailors against lawful authority
Ans. Mutiny - सैिनक िव ोह
Q.1406. Excessive bureaucratic fuss.
Ans. Red-tape - काग़ज़ी कारवाई

Q.1407. A place for the collection of

dried plants.
Ans. Herbarium - वन ित सं हालय
Q.1393. A person who knows a lot about Q.1408. Constitutional right to cast vote.
and enjoys one of the arts, or food, drink, Ans. Franchise - मतािधकार
Ans. Connoisseur - पारखी, िवशेष SSC SELECTION POST

Q.1394. A mode of behavior or way of
thought peculiar to an individual (not
(16/01/2019 - 18/01/2019)
sub-or abnormal in any way) GRADUATE-LEVEL
Ans. Idiosyncratic - सनकभरा
Q.1409. A van which carries the dead
Q.1395. A transport vehicle for bodies
conveying the coffin at a funeral Ans. Hearse - शवयान
Ans. Hearse - शवयान

Q.1410. A person who draws map

Q.1396. A table or flat surface where Ans. Cartographer - मानिच कार
offerings are made to a deity.

Q.1397. An arrangement of flowers that Q.1411. A partner in crime

is usually given as a present. Ans. Accomplice - अपराधसंगी
Ans. Bouquet - गुलद ा
Q.1398. To send back a criminal or an
unwanted person to the country of Q.1412. The man was accused of
his/her origin. murdering his own father
Ans. Extradite - पण करना Ans. Patricide - िपतृह ा

Q.1399. A person who advocates Q.1413. The action of reviewing past

complete political or social change. events in one’s life
Ans. Radical - सुधारवादी Ans. Retrospection - िसंहावलोकन

Q.1400. A company or person that Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 53
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 13 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases


List of idioms-Alphabetical Order

Idioms beginning with ‘ A ’

1. A bundle of nerves ⇒ A very stressed person/ब त घबराया आ

2. A backstabber ⇒ A person is a backstabber who unexpectedly betrays your trust/ पीठ म छु रा भोंपने वाला
3. A bad omen ⇒ An indication that something bad is about to happen / अंशुभ संकेत
4. A ballpark figure ⇒ An acceptable, rough accurate approximation/मोटा मोटा सा अनुमान लगाना
5. A barefaced - lie ⇒ A bold and brazen untruthful statement; a shameless, obvious lie/सफेद झूठ
6. A bit beyond my ken ⇒ Above my level of understanding; beyond my ability to grasp / मेरी समझ के बाहर
7. A bit dicey ⇒ A little risky / थोड़ा जो खम भरा
8. A bit dodgy ⇒ Dishonest/ बेईमान
9. A dose of your own medicine ⇒ Being bad to people so people are bad to you in turn/जैसे को तैसा
10. A breath of fresh air ⇒ Something refreshing / ताजी हवा का झोंका
11. A bundle of energy ⇒ A person who is packed-full of power and energy / ब त ऊजावान
12. A backslider ⇒ A lazy, irresponsible person who does not support a combined effort/एक आलसी,लापरवाह

इं सान
13. Above Board ⇒ Honest and straightforward / ईमानदार
14. A cipher ⇒ An insignificant person / मह हीन
15. A distant corner of the world ⇒ A far off place / कहीं दू र
16. A clean slate ⇒ Starting with a clean record / नए िसरे से शु आत करना ⇒नई शु आत करना
17. A close call
18. A close shave
19. Achilles Heel
20. A crushing blow
21. A crying-shame
22. A cushy job

A narrow escape / बाल बाल बचना
a narrow escape from serious danger or trouble / बाल बाल बचना
Weakness that proves to be fatal / कमजोर प
A hurtful action / एक आहत करने वाला काय
A very unfortunate situation / ब त ही दु भा पूण थित
An easy job that is not demanding or difficult / आरामदायक नौकरी
Higher than normal; Better than normal standards / सामा से बिढ़या
23. A cut above the average ⇒
24. Add fuel to fire ⇒ To make matters worse / आग म घी डालना
25. Adam's ale ⇒ Pure water / शु पानी
26. Add a feather in one's cap ⇒ To acquire a new honour or distinction / नयी उपल हािसल करना
27. A drop in the bucket ⇒ Very little compared to the total amount / सागर म बूंद के समान
28. A drop in the ocean ⇒ Just a small amount compared to the size of the whole /सागर म बूंद के समान
29. A free bit of advice ⇒ A suggestion given that isn’t requested/मु की सलाह िजसकी ज रत नहीं है
30. A frog in your throat ⇒ A physical condition that makes your voice sound deeper/एक ऐसी अव था िजसम आवाज
ब त भारी लगती है
31. A good omen ⇒ A good sign that something good or something better is going to happen / शुभ संकेत
32. A greenhorn ⇒ A beginner / नौिस खया
33. A gut feeling ⇒ An instinct or intuition that tells you when something is going to go wrong / अंदर से महसूस
34. A hard nut to crack ⇒ A difficult, inflexible person who is hard to way of thinking/बेहद िज ी / ढीढ
35. A harrowing experience ⇒ A Frightening ⇒occurrence/ एक डरावना अनुभव

36. At death’s door ⇒ About to die / मौत के दरवाजे पर

37. At ease ⇒ Free from pain, trouble, and anxiety / दद, परे शानी और िचंता से मु
38. A hothead ⇒ Someone who quickly gets angry and furious for almost no reason and reacts / गरम/तुनक
39. A jarring ⇒ experience An unexpected occurrence / एक अ ािशत घटना
40. A joy to behold ⇒ Seeing someone or something and being filled with love and joy at that moment/िकसी को
या िकसी चीज को दे खकर ार और आनंद से भर जाना
41. A leopard can’t change ⇒ Some people are so fixed in their ways that they cannot change / बंदर िकतना भी बूढ़ा हो जाए
its spots पर गुलाटी मारना नहीं छोड़ता
42. A little green ⇒ Young and inexperienced / नौिस खया
43. A little leery ⇒ A bit dubious, doubtful / िजस पर शक हो
44. A load off my mind ⇒ To feel mental relief / िदमाग से बोझ हटाना
45. A lot of balls ⇒ A bold, straightforward manner; a lot of nerve; courage and impudence mixed / िजस म
िह त हो
46. A lot of baloney ⇒ A lot of lies / दु िनया भर के झूठ
47. A miserly sort ⇒ A stingy person / कंजूस
48. A new lease on life ⇒ A chance to start life afresh and do it better next time / नया जीवनदान पाना
49. A new slant ⇒ A different way of looking at something / चीजों को दे खने का नया नज रया Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 54

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 13 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
50. A nobody ⇒ A person of no importance / गैर मह पूण
51. A nose for it ⇒ To have the ability to sense or find something कुछ पाने या महसूस करने की मता होना
52. A one ⇒ track mind Thinking about one thing only / एक िदशा म सोचने वाला िदमाग
53. A pack of lies ⇒ A string of falsehoods and mistruths / दु िनया भर के झूठ
54. A piece of cake ⇒ Something easy to do / बेहद आसान काम
55. A poor little petunia in ⇒ A sensitive person placed within a group of rough, insensitive people / an onion patch एक
संवेदनशील जो असंवेदनशील लोगों के समूह के बीच म हो
56. At large ⇒ Absconding / फरार
57. A real dynamo ⇒ An energetic person / एक ऊजावान
58. Arousing sendoff ⇒ Bidding someone farewell with good wishes and a loud round of applause / िकसी को पूरे
जोश और शोर-शराबे के साथ िवदा करना
59. A run ⇒ in A conflict / टकराव की थित
60. At the drop of a hat ⇒ Immediately/ तुरंत
61. A sharp tongue ⇒ A tongue that makes hurtful, sarcastic, cutting remarks / तीखी जुबान
62. A slap in the face ⇒ An unexpected, undeserved act of disloyalty / िव ासघात का अ ािशत कृ
63. A slap on the wrist ⇒ A gentle reprimand for an oversight, mistake or misdeed गलती या दु म के िलए एक ह ी
64. A slow burn Becoming ⇒ More-and-more angry, allowing resentment to grow gradually to the point where
increasingly it will finally burst out into a fire of revenge or retaliation / अंदर ही अंदर धधकना

65. A straw man ⇒ A weak person / कमजोर
66. A storm in a teacup ⇒ When people make a big fuss about nothing / बात का बतंगड़ बनाना
67. A subtle hint An understated ⇒ suggestion, To tell something indirectly / ह ा सा इशारा
or Intimated
68. A toss ⇒ up Even chance; fifty/fifty/ बराबर की संभावना होना
69. A turn for the worse
70. A weight off my mind
71. A whale of a time
72. At the end of the day
73. A word to the wise is enough
74. A world of difference
75. Abandon all hope

Things have developed into a worse condition than before / प र थित का और बुरा हो जाना
Release or freedom from a mental burden / िदमाग से बोझ उतरना
A whole lot of fun / अ ा समय िबताना
Finally, in the end / आ खरकार
A bit of advice for those willing to gain from listening is enough / समझदार को इशारा काफी है
No comparison / िदन रात का फक होना यािन बेहद अंतर
Give up your last hope of getting what you want / उ ीद छोड़ना

76. Abandon ship ⇒ A person is about to abandon a business or a cause when there is no hope of
success.Comparison to a sinking ship / िकसी ऐसे काम या वसाय को छोड़ना िजसम तर ी की
उ ीद ना हो
77. Aberrant behaviour ⇒ Abnormal, deviant, unusual behaviour / असामा वहार
78. Abide by the rules ⇒ Follow the rules and regulations / िनयमों का पालन करना
Total and utter hopelessness that could not be worse/ हताशा
79. Abject despair ⇒
80. Able-and-ready ⇒ Healthy, capable and prepared for action / थ और तैयार
81. Able ⇒ bodied Strong, vigorous and healthy in body / थ
82. Abominable behaviour ⇒ Highly offensive, despicable, repulsive, immoral actions or deeds / घृिणत वहार
83. Abortive action ⇒ An act performed to stop something bad from happening / िनरथक यास
84. About ⇒ face Changing one’s opinion and doing the exact opposite / राय बदलना
85. Above all else ⇒ The thing of most importance / सबसे ादा मह पूण
86. Above ⇒ board Clear and honest / ईमानदार
87. Above my head ⇒ Too difficult for me to understand because of my lack of intelligence / सर के ऊपर से जाना

88. Abreast-of-the-situation ⇒ Being aware of the latest information / हालात के बार म जानकारी लेना
89. Absent ⇒ minded Forgetful / भुल ड़
90. Asking for trouble ⇒ Doing something that will likely get you into trouble / मुसीबत को बुलावा दे ना
91. As fit as a fiddle ⇒ Strong and healthy / िब ु ल थ
92. Assume airs ⇒ To pretend superiority / अपने आप को महान समझना
93. Absolved from guilt ⇒ Pronounced innocent of all charges / दोषमु करना
94. Absorbed in thought ⇒ Concentrated and thinking very deeply / िवचारों म म
95. Abstain from ⇒ To refrain from consuming something or doing some activity / िकसी चीज का सेवन करने या
कुछ गितिविध करने से बचना
96. Abuse of privileges ⇒ Incorrect use of rights or benefits that go with a job or position / िवशेष अिधकारों का
दु पयोग करना
97. Accede to pressure ⇒ To act as you are pressurized by other people in a group / दबाव म आ जाना
98. Acceptable behaviour ⇒ Acting according to the standards of society/ ीकार करने यो वहार
99. Accident ⇒ prone a place where accidents occur frequently / दु घटना संभािवत
100. At loggerheads ⇒ Cannot compromise and agree / आपस म उलझना , िकसी िन ष पर ना प ं च पाना
101. At one's finger's ends ⇒ To have complete knowledge / उं गिलयों पर होना
102. At peace with the world ⇒ Calm and tranquil / शां ित
103. At the point ⇒ blank range Close enough / बेहद करीब से Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 55

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 13 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
104. At sea ⇒ To be confused / दु िवधा म होना
105. Achieve the impossible ⇒ To achieve what does not seem possible / असंभव को पा लेना
106. Acting-up ⇒ Behaving badly / बुरी तरह वहार करना
107. Adamant in opinion ⇒ Inflexible / िज ी
108. Ad-lib ⇒ Impromptu speaking, without any prior preparation / िबना तैयारी के बोलना
109. Add insult to injury ⇒ To harm as well as humiliate and insult / जले पर नमक िछड़कना
110. Adrenalin rush ⇒ A moment of high energy and power / ऐसा ण जब आप ब त ऊजावान महसूस करते ह
111. Advanced in years ⇒ Getting ⇒old / उ बढ़ना
112. Affable personality ⇒ Pleasant, Friendly, sociable, easy-going, likable character / उ बढ़ना
113. Affirmative action ⇒ Doing something to right a wrong / िकसी गलत को सही करने के िलए कुछ करना
114. Afraid of your own shadow ⇒ Timid / आसानी से डरनेवाला/डरपोक
115. Afterthoughts ⇒ To have doubts when you want to change your mind after something / पुनः िवचार के बाद
116. At the eleventh hour ⇒ At the last moment / िब ु ल अंितम समय पर, आ खरी ण
117. Against the current ⇒ Trying to go against the common opinion / बहाव के िव
118. Against the stream ⇒ Opposite to the natural flow of things / सामा प र थितयां के िव
119. Ahead of time ⇒ Before the set time / िनि त समय से पहले
120. Aid-and-abet ⇒ To help somebody to do something that is not allowed by law िकसी य की ग़ैर-क़ानूनी
काम म मदद करना
121. Air of pretension ⇒ Pretending to be or trying to appear to be better than you are / िदखावा करना

122. Air your opinion ⇒ Say openly what you think / अपनी राय रखना या खुलकर अपने िवचार करना
123. All boils down to ⇒ In the final analysis; To put it simply / अंितम िन ष म
124. All brawn and no brain ⇒ Big and strong and but not very intelligent / लंबा चौड़ा ह ा क ा पर िदमाग ब त कम
125. All by myself ⇒ Alone / अकेले
126. All ears ⇒ Ready to listen / सुनने को तैयार
127. All fingers and thumbs
128. All in a day’s work

129. All in one piece

130. All in your mind
131. At someone’s beck and call
132. All set to go

Clumsy / गंदे तरीके से
What is expected of you in the performance of your daily routine as a job / रोजमरा के काम
म शािमल होना
Uninjured; unharmed; undamaged / िबना कोई चोट या नुकसान प ं चाए
All in your head; illusory; imaginary / यह िसफ तु ारे िदमाग की उपज है
Always available and ready / आवाज लगाई और बंदा हािजर
Prepared and ready to begin / शु करने को तैयार

133. At sixes and sevens ⇒ In disorder / अ व थत तरीके से
134. All the time in the world ⇒ Taking time to do something as if there were no need to hurry / दु िनया भर का समय
135. All washed-up ⇒ Ruined with no hope of recovery; having lost everything / िब ु ल बबाद हो जाना
136. All-out-effort ⇒ Try your maximum - best / पूरा जोर लगा दे ना
137. Allow nature ⇒ Let the natural flow of nature continue / ाकृितक वाह को जारी रहने द
Near to reaching the goal / ल को करीब-करीब पा लेना
138. Almost there ⇒
139. Along the beaten track ⇒ Following the same path in life that everybody else takes जीवन म वही करना जो सब करते ह
140. Along the way ⇒ During some event or timeframe / िकसी घटना या समय सीमा के दौरान
141. Always on the go ⇒ Never stopping / कभी न कना
142. Ambivalent attitude ⇒ Unsure / प ा न होना
143. Amiable attitude ⇒ Likeable; easy to get along with; agreeable / िमलनसार
144. Amounts to nothing ⇒ Not important / ना के बराबर
145. An abysmal failure ⇒ A terrible failure that could hardly be worse / बुरी तरह से हारना
146. An airhead ⇒ Someone with no brain / िजसम िदमाग ना हो

147. An armchair job ⇒ An easy and comfortable job / आरामदायक काम

148. An auspicious occasion ⇒ An important, favourable occasion / शुभ समय
149. An eyewash ⇒ A pretence / िदखावा
150. A hairbreadth escape ⇒ Very narrow escape / बाल बाल बचना
151. An inopportune moment ⇒ An inconvenient, ill-timed, awkward moment / गलत समय
152. An iron will ⇒ Strong will power / ढ़ इ ाश
153. An old battle-axe ⇒ An aggressive, old woman who fights to win / एक लड़ाकू भाव की बुजुग मिहला
154. An old flame ⇒ Someone with whom one had romantic relations in the past / पुराना ार
155. An old head on young ⇒ A person mature and sensible for his age / एक जो अपनी उ से ादा सुलझा आ और
shoulder समझदार है
156. An olive branch ⇒ Peace request/ peace treaty / शां ित का संकेत
157. Apple of discord ⇒ Matter of dispute/ cause of quarrel / िववाद का कारण
158. Apple of one's eye ⇒ Very lovable / आं ख का तारा
159. Apple pie order ⇒ Perfect order / िब ु ल आडर म
160. Answer for something ⇒ Take responsibility for / जवाबदे ही होना
161. Ants in your pants ⇒ Restless; can not keep still one moment / बेचैन
162. Any day now ⇒ Coming soon; expected to arrive or happen within the next few days / आजकल म कभी भी
163. Any port in a storm ⇒ A person may have to turn to anyone available when he is in trouble / डूबते को ितनके का Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 56

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 13 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
164. At stake ⇒ At-risk / दां व पर लगना
165. At a loss ⇒ To be unable to decide / दु िवधा म
166. At a pinch ⇒ In trouble / मुसीबत म
167. Anything’s possible ⇒ There’s no certainty; anything can happen / कुछ भी हो सकता है
168. Arbitrary decision ⇒ Random, illogical choice or ruling / अतािकक िवक
169. Ardent admirer ⇒ Strong, dedicated, devoted admirer / क र शंसक
170. Arduous task ⇒ A job that is difficult in the extreme; laborious and demanding / मु ल काम
171. At a stone's throw ⇒ At a little distance / काफी करीब
172. Arm and a leg ⇒ An extremely high price to pay / भारी कीमत
173. Armed and dangerous ⇒ Carrying a weapon and likely to use it to harm and kill others / हिथयारबंद और खतरनाक
174. Armed to the teeth ⇒ Heavily armed / हिथयारो से लैस
175. Arm-twisting ⇒ To apply pressure on someone to get him to do something we want / िकसी पर दबाव
डालकर कुछ करवाने की कोिशश करना
176. Attend to business ⇒ Apply yourself to the work at hand/ काम पर लगना
177. Around the clock ⇒ Twenty-four hours a day continuously/ चौबीसों घंटे
178. Artsy-crafty ⇒ Be very good at arts and handicrafts/ ह कला म ब त अ ा होना
179. As a last resort ⇒ A last attempt after everything else has failed / आ खरी यास
180. At arm's length ⇒ Avoid becoming too friendly / एक हाथ की दू री बनाना

181. As clear as black and white ⇒ Obvious contrasting opposites /
182. At daggers drawn ⇒ To have bitter enmity / कटु श ुता करना
183. At an impasse ⇒ At a point where further progress /mutual understanding is impossible जहाँ से आगे बढ़ना
मु ल हो
184. As the crow flies ⇒ The shortest route / सबसे छोटे माग से
185. As tough as nails
186. At a moment’s notice
187. All at sea
188. A white elephant
189. All moonshine
190. At one’s wit’s end
191. All might and main

Tough / ब त स

Immediately, the moment someone is informed / तुरंत
Puzzled / असमंजस की थित
Costly or troublesome possession / महं गा और परे शानी का ोत
Superficial / बनावटी
Puzzled / Confused/Perplexed / इतना िचंितत होना की मालूम ना हो की आगे ा करना है
With full force / पूरी ताकत के साथ

192. An open book ⇒ One that holds no secrets / खुली िकताब/िबना िकसी रह के
193. At a stretch ⇒ Continuously / िनरं तर
194. An axe to grind ⇒ A private interest to serve / ाथ से भरा उ े
195. A sore point ⇒ Something which hurts / पीड़ा का कारण
196. Add fuel to the fire ⇒ Worsen the situation / थित को और खराब करना/ आग म घी डालना/ थित को ब र बनाना
Very near / नज़दीक
197. At stone’s throw ⇒
198. A dark horse ⇒ An unforeseen competitor / अ ािशत िवजेता
199. At snail’s pace ⇒ To do things very slowly / ब त धीमी गित से
200. At one’s wit end ⇒ Puzzled- Confused -Perplexed / घबराया आ
201. At stake ⇒ In danger- that can be lost or won depending on the success of a particular action / दां व
पर लगा आ
202. All ears ⇒ Attentive / चौकस
203. A close shave ⇒ A narrow escape from danger / बाल बाल बचना
204. A close-fisted person ⇒ A miser / कंजूस

205. A black sheep ⇒ A person with bad reputation / कुल का कलंक

206. An about turn ⇒ Complete change of opinion or situation / पूण प रवतन
207. A damp squib ⇒ A disappointing result / ऊंची दु कान फीका पकवान
208. At daggers drawn ⇒ Enmity / श ुता होना
209. Average out ⇒ Balance / रािश या सं ा म बराबर होना
210. At random ⇒ Without any aim or target / िबना िकसी ल के
211. Above board ⇒ Honest ⇒Without any secret / िन पट
212. A little gush of gratitude ⇒ Feeling grateful /आभारी होना
213. A sacred cow ⇒ A person never to be criticized / अिनंदनीय
214. A dog’s breakfast ⇒ A total mess ⇒ A thing that has been done badly / एक काम जो बुरी तरह से िकया गया है
215. A red letter day ⇒ A day memorable for joyful event / मह पूण िदन
216. At loggerheads ⇒ In strong disagreement / असहमत होना
217. Alma mater ⇒ Institution where one got education / जहां से िश ा पाई वह सं था
218. A closefisted man ⇒ A miser / कंजूस
219. As daft as a brush ⇒ Very silly / ब त मूख
220. At one’s wit’s end ⇒ To be so worried by a problem that you don’t know what to do next / घबराना/ समझ म न
221. A man of letters ⇒ A literary person / ानी Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 57

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 13 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
222. A golden mean ⇒ Middle course between two extremes / म माग
223. A close fisted man ⇒ Miser / कंजूस
224. A bee hive ⇒ A busy place / थल
225. Arm chair critic ⇒ A person who gives advice based on theory not on practice / वह जो उस िवषय पर
िट णी या आलोचना दान करता है िजस िवषय म वह ब त कम वहा रक ान या अनुभव रखता है
226. A chip of the old block ⇒ Someone who resembles their parent in character or appearance / जो अपने माता-िपता जैसा
िदखता है
227. A hard nut to crack ⇒ A difficult problem to solve / किठन सम ा
228. All moonshine ⇒ Concocted / बकवास
229. A red letter day ⇒ An important day / एक मह पूण िदन
230. A shot in the dark ⇒ An attempt to guess something / अनुमान लगाना
231. As hard as nail ⇒ Emotionless-To show no sympathy, kindness or fear / िनदयी
232. Allow a free hand ⇒ Complete liberty / खुली छूट
233. At a snail’s pace ⇒ Slowly / धीमी गित से
234. Achilles’s heel ⇒ Weak spot / कमजोर कड़ी
235. At a stone’s throw ⇒ At short distance / ब त नज़दीक
236. A cakewalk ⇒ An easy achievement / आसान जीत
237. A left hand compliment ⇒ An ambiguous compliment / एक ऐसी तारीफ़ जो वा िवक प से अपमान है
238. A month of Sundays ⇒ A long time / ल ा समय

239. A closed book ⇒ A mystery / रह
240. A wild goose chase ⇒ Fruitless pursuit / िनरथक खोज
241. A bolt from the blue ⇒ A complete surprise / आक क घटना
242. A cuckoo in the nest ⇒ An unwelcome intruder / घुसपैिठया
243. A house of cards ⇒ An insecure scheme / कमजोर योजना
244. A wild-goose chase
245. A dark horse
246. A drop in a bucket
247. A live wire
248. A gentleman at large
249. A storm in a teacup
250. At loose ends

Pointless search / थ य
Unexpected winner /अ ािशत िवजेता
A very insignificant amount / ऊँट के मुंह म जीरा
Lively and active / िजंदािदल और जोशीला
A man without a job / बेरोज़गार
Big fuss over a small matter / बात का बतंगड़
In an uncertain situation / अिनि त हालात म

251. A laughing stock ⇒ An object of laughter / उपहास का पा

Idioms beginning with ‘ B ’

252. Button-up ⇒ Close your lip / शां त रहना

253. Babes in the woods ⇒ Young people so innocent that they have no idea of the dangers around them / एक िनद ष
या भोला , िवशेष प से किठन या खतरनाक वातावरण म
254. Buzzing with activity ⇒ Busy, with people moving about; like bees in a beehive / बेहद चहल पहल होना
255. Backstairs gossip ⇒ Talk among servants/ unfair talks / नौकरों के बीच गपशप
256. Backstairs influence ⇒ Improper and private influence. अनुिचत और िनजी भाव /
257. Back out of ⇒ Fail to fulfil an obligation. दािय को पूरा करने म िवफल /
258. Butterflies in your stomach ⇒ A state of uneasiness/ बेचैनी या घबराहट की थित।
259. Back to earth ⇒ Return to reality from a world of fantasy and illusion/ क ना और म की दु िनया से
वा िवकता पर लौट आना

260 . Back to square one ⇒ To go back to the beginning of a project or task and start over again from the
scratch/जहाँ से शु िकया था वही लौट आना .
261. Back to the drawing board ⇒ Scrap or cancel a project and go back and start to draw up new plans again/ िब ु ल शु
से दु बारा शु करना
262. Back to the wall ⇒ In an indefensible position so it’s hard to fight your way out/एक ऐसी थित म होना जहां से
आप अपना बचाव नहीं कर सकते
263. Backbiting-bitch ⇒ A quarrelsome woman / एक झगड़ालू भाव की मिहलाA quarrelsome woman /
264. Back-breaking work ⇒ Hard labour /कमर तोड़ काम करना
265. Backfire ⇒ to have the reverse of the desired or expected effect/ उ ी िति या.
266. Back-to-back ⇒ Two things one after another / एक के बाद एक
267. Backward and forwards ⇒ move repeatedly first in one direction and then in the opposite direction/ आगे पीछे एक िदशा
म बढ़ना और िफर िवपरीत होना।
268. Bad blood between ⇒ Enmity/ आपसी दु नी
269. Bad bunch/bad lot ⇒ A group of bad people who can lead you into doing wrong/ गलत लोगों का संगत होना
270. Bad egg ⇒ A worthless person/ खोटा िस ा
271. Bad judgement ⇒ to show, to demonstrate bad or unwise decision-making/ खराब या नासमझ िनणय लेने का
दशन करने के िलए
272. Bad shape ⇒ In poor physical or mental condition / बुरी प र थित म होना Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 58

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 13 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
273. Bad taste in your mouth ⇒ to make someone feel bad or disgusted/ िकसी को बुरा या बुरा महसूस कराना
274. Bad terms ⇒ Unfriendly relations/ बुरे स होना.
275. Bad-mouth ⇒ To say bad things about/ िकसी के बारे म बुरा कहना
276. Bad-tempered ⇒ Easily angered/ शी ोिधत हो जाना
277. Bag and baggage ⇒ With all belongings/ बो रया िब र समेत
278. Bags under your eyes ⇒ Pockets or pouches under your eyes due to tiredness or old age/ थकावट, बीमारी या उ के
कारण आं खों के नीचे बड़े ग े पड़ना
279. Baker's dozen ⇒ Thirteen in number/ तेरह का दजन होना
280. Balancing act ⇒ मानिसक संतुलन बनाए रखना / To maintain mental balance- when one has to deal with
conflicting situations.
281. Band-aid solution ⇒ Fixing a problem in a temporary way/ अ थाई समाधान
282. Bandy words ⇒ To argue/ बहस करना , जुबान लड़ाना
283. Bane of my life ⇒ A curse/ जीवन का अिभशाप
284. Bank on ⇒ Depend on/ िनभर होना
285. Barbed-tongue ⇒ A sharp and hurtful tongue/ कड़वी जुबान
286. Barely made it on time ⇒ Arrived just in time to avoid missing an appointment or deadline/ िब ु ल अंितम समय पर
287. Buck the system ⇒ Go against the overall system which controls you/ उस व था के खलाफ जाना जो आपको
िनयंि त करता है
288. Basic decency ⇒ Common politeness/ मूल शालीनता और िश ाचार

289. Bated breath ⇒ Holding breath in anxiety/ घबराहट म सां स रोकना
290. Battle it out ⇒ Fight against someone or something to win or achieve your goal/ हमेशा त र रहना (यु या
ल ा करने म
291. Be in the bad books of ⇒ not liked or treated nicely by someone/ लोगों का आपसे नाराज़
292. Be in the good books of ⇒ To have a favourable opinion in someone’s mind about oneself/ लोगों के ारा आपके बारे म

293. Be a buffer between

294. Bear the palm

295. Beat the air
296. Bee in one's bonnet

अ ी राय होना

Negotiate and mediate between opposing parties/ िवरोधी दलों के बीच बातचीत और म थता

To be victorious / िवजयी होना

To make useless efforts / िनरथक यास करना
To keep talking about something which other people think is not important/ अपने ही धुन म
297. Be born with a silver spoon ⇒ To be born in a rich family/ धनी प रवार म पैदा होना
298. Be in the driving seat ⇒ Bearing all responsibilities/ सभी िज ेदा रयां लेना
299. Be on your toes ⇒ Be careful, prepared and ready / सि य और सतक रहना।
300. Beaming with pride ⇒ Feeling pleased and proud because of an accomplishment or achievement/ गव महसूस
A boy who is very tall and thin/ ब त दु बला लड़का ।
301. Bean-pole ⇒
302. Bear in mind ⇒ Remember/ ान म रखना।
303. Bear the brunt of ⇒ To bear the main part of something unpleasant/ िकसी अि य या सम ा थित का
प रणाम भुगतना।
304. Bear the burden ⇒ Take responsibility/ िज ेदारी लेना।
305. Bucket of worms ⇒ Taking over an unpleasant situation that no one else wants to solve/ ऐसी अि य थित को
संभालना िजसे कोई और नहीं सुलझाना चाहता ।
306. Beat a hasty retreat ⇒ Run away quickly/ दु म दबाकर भागना ।
307. Beat about the bush ⇒ Speak indirectly or in a roundabout manner/ घुमा िफरा कर बात करना ।

308. Beat the daylight out of ⇒ To beat until you make someone unconscious/ बुरी तरह से पीटना।
309. Beat hollow ⇒ To defeat very badly/ बुरी तरह से हराना ।
310. Beat to a pulp ⇒ To beat severely/ पीटकर कचूमर बना दे ना
311. Beat your breast ⇒ Showing off and pretending to be bigger than one is/ िदखावा करना और बड़ा और िवशालकाय
होने का नाटक करना
312. Become reconciled with ⇒ Accept; get used to/ ीकार करना
313. Become unglued ⇒ Fall apart emotionally/ िकसी के ित भावनाएं और लगाव समा हो जाना
314. Becoming accustomed to ⇒ Getting used-to/ आिद होना
315. Becoming acclimated ⇒ Getting used to/ अनुकूिलत होना
316. Bed of nails ⇒ A task or situation that is difficult or painful / कां टों की सेज
317. Bed of roses ⇒ State of happiness and comfort/ फूलों की सेज
318. By the rule of thumb ⇒ According to practical experience/ ावहा रक अनुभव से
319. Beef-up ⇒ Strengthen or To make stronger/ अिधक श शाली बनाना
320. Before one’s time ⇒ Prematurely/ समय से पहले
321. Beginner’s luck ⇒ Win or succeed- the very first time you try/ पहले यास म सफलता पाना /
322. Beginning to take shape ⇒ When things can be visualise/ चीजों का आकार लेना शु करना ⇒जब चीजों की क ना की जा
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Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 13 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
323. Behind closed doors ⇒ Secretly/ गु प से
324. Behind the scenes ⇒ A lot of unseen and maybe even secret activities going on behind the scenes/ परदे के पीछे
325. Behind the times ⇒ Not up-to-date/ समय से पीछे चलना
326. Behind your back ⇒ secretly or deceitfully/ पीठ पीछे बाते करना
327. Beholden to someone ⇒ Grateful/ आभारी
328. Being grouchy ⇒ bad-tempered; complaining/ गंदे भाव वाला
329. Being stonewalled ⇒ Being blocked from going forward/ िकसी को आगे बढ़ने से
330. Belabor the point ⇒ Repeat or stress your view/point etc/ िकसी बात पर ब त ादा जोर दे ना
331. Belittle someone ⇒ Speak about someone with humiliating intentions/ िकसी को नीचा िदखाना
332. Belligerent attitude ⇒ Defiant/ िव ोही
333. Bell the cat ⇒ To take a personal risk/ गत जो खम लेना
334. Belly-up ⇒ A venture/business investment goes Belly-up when it fails to achieve success/ िकसी काय
का असफल होना।
335. Below the belt ⇒ To strike unfairly/ नाजायज हार / वार
336. Bend in the wind ⇒ To surrender under pressure/To be flexible/ दबाव म समपण करना
337. Bend someone’s ear ⇒ Make someone listen to you who is not particularly interested/ िकसी को अपनी बात सुनने के
िलए मजबूर करना
338. Bend the rules ⇒ Not to follow the rules exactly/ िनरं कुश होना

339. Bending over backward ⇒ Doing everything possible to accomplish the goal of pleasing someone/ हर संभव यास
करना तािक िकसी को खुश िकया जा सके
340. Between Scylla and Charybdis ⇒ Between two great dangers/ एक तरफ कुआं दू सरी तरफ खाईं
341. Benign condition ⇒ A favourable condition/ एक अ ी थित/ एक अनुकूल थित होना
342. Beside the point ⇒ Not significant / एक बात जो मह पूण नहीं है
343. Best bet
344. Best of the bunch
345. Better luck next time

346. Better yourself

347. Beyond a shadow of a doubt
348. Burning-desire

The best option or possibility/ सबसे अ ा िवक या संभावना
The best person in the group/ ुप म सबसे बिढ़या होना
When you fail in an attempt at something, hope for better luck next time/ जब आप िकसी
यास म असफल हो जाते ह, तो अगली बार बेहतर भा की उ ीद कर।
To improve your social or financial condition/ खुद म सुधार लाना
Proven with absolute certainty/ पूण िनि तता के साथ सािबत होना
An overpowering, compulsive need for someone, something/ िवशेष प से ती या उ ट

इ ा
349. Beyond expectation ⇒ Better than expected/ उ ीद से ादा
350. Burn the candle at both ends ⇒ To overspend/ आव कता से अिधक खच करना
351. By dint of ⇒ Due to something/ िकसी चीज के कारण /
352. Beyond your means ⇒ More expensive than you can afford/ मता से बाहर होना /
Beyond imagination/ क ना से परे
353. Beyond your wildest dreams ⇒
354. Bide your time ⇒ Wait a while/ थोड़ा इं तजार करना
355. Big and burly ⇒ Tall and heavily-built/ ब त लंबा-चौड़ा ह ा क ा
356. Big bully ⇒ One who threatens and tries to scare others/ एक ऐसा इं सान जो डराए धमकाए
357. Bird-brain ⇒ Someone stupid with a brain as small as a bird/ िचिड़या िजतना िदमाग/ ब त कम िदमाग
358. A bird of passage ⇒ One who comes sometimes only/ कभी कभी आने वाला
359. Birthday suit ⇒ Completely naked/ न होना
360. Bit by bit ⇒ Little by little/ थोड़ा-थोड़ा करके
361. Bite the dust ⇒ To Suffer a defeat/ धूल चाटना / हारना

362. Bite the hand that feeds you ⇒ Harm your own benefactorिकसी ऐसे को नुकसान प ं चाना जो आपका फायदा करता हो
363. By and large ⇒ On the whole / कुल िमलाकर
364. Bizarre behaviour ⇒ Acting in a strange, weird, out of the ordinary way/ अजीब वहार
365. Blabbermouth ⇒ A person who is always chatting and gossiping/ ब त ादा बकर बकर करने वाला
366. Black and white ⇒ In writing/ िल खत प से
367. Black Mark against you ⇒ An offence on your record which affects your reputation/ ध ा लगना
368. Black picture ⇒ Pessimistic outlook/ नकारा क सोच
369. Blank look on your face ⇒ Looking surprised and stupid/ चिकत हो जाना
370. Blatant criticism ⇒ Unashamed disapproval/ पूरी बेशम के साथ बुराई करना
371. Blend in with the ⇒ To mix into a crowded environment so that no one will notice / आस पास के माहौल म ढल
surroundings जाना /
372. Blind side ⇒ A person with one sided opinion/ एक ऐसा िजसकी एक तरफा राय हो
373. Blind alley ⇒ Where no further progress is possible/ जहां से आगे तर ी संभव ना हो
374. Blind date ⇒ To go to meet an unknown person/ अनजान से िमलना
375. Blink of an eye ⇒ Very quick/ पलक झपकते ही
376. Blockhead ⇒ Someone -stupid and stubborn/ बेवकूफ
377. Blow a fuse ⇒ Lose temper/ ब त गु ा आना
378. By and by ⇒ Gradually/ धीरे -धीरे Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 60

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 13 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
379. Blow your chances ⇒ Miss opportunities by making mistakes or committing wrong actions/ अवसर खो दे ना
380. Blown-away ⇒ Really impressed/ ब त आकिषत हो जाना
381. Blown-out-of- proportion ⇒ To overreact to or overstate/ बात का बतंगड़ बनाना
382. Blue blood ⇒ Royal or aristocratic person/ कुलीन प रवार से तालुक रखना
383. Bluebook ⇒ Government report/ सरकारी रपोट
384. Bluestocking ⇒ An educated intellectual lady/ ब त िशि त मिहला
385. Bolt from the blue ⇒ Unexpected occurrence/ आक क घटना
386. Blue-collar worker ⇒ A factory worker/ फै ी म काम करने वाला कमचारी
387. Boils down ⇒ What is left in the final analysis; the essence in the end/ अंितम िन ष
388. Bonehead ⇒ A stupid person/ बेवकूफ
389. Booted out ⇒ Fired from the job/ नौकरी से िनकाल दे ना
390. Burn the midnight oil ⇒ आधी रात तक जाग जाग कर मेहनत करना / To work very hard.
391. Borrowed time ⇒ Not long to live/ जो ज मरने वाला हो
392. Bosom friend ⇒ Very close friend/ िजगरी यार
393. Bottom drawer ⇒ The least-good of the lot/ िकसी समूह का सबसे घिटया
394. Bound and determined ⇒ Dedicated to making a strong effort to succeed or achieve a goal/ िकसी ल को पाने या
ा करने के िलए एक मजबूत यास करने के िलए समिपत
395. Boundless energy ⇒ A seemingly inexhaustible source of energy/ अ य ऊजा (अटू ट ोत)
396. Bow out of the running ⇒ Concede defeat in a contest/ हार ीकार लेना

397. Bowl of cherries ⇒ An easy, Enjoyable life/ आरामदायक जीवन
398. Box on the ear ⇒ A blow with the hand over the side of the ear, as a punishment/ एक सजा के प म, कान के
नीचे एक थ ड़ लगाना
399. Brass balls ⇒ Invulnerable to pain/ िजसे दद ना हो
400. By hook or by crook ⇒ By any means/ जैसे भी / िकसी भी तरीके से
401. Break even
402. By-the-book
403. Breathtaking view
404. By the thousands
405. Bright side
406. Bring someone out of his

Show -neither a profit nor a loss/ वसाय म एक ऐसी थित जहां ना लाभ हो न हािन
According to regulations and standard procedures/ िनयमानुसार
An attractive and inspiring view/ बेहद खूबसूरत नजारा
In countless numbers/ भारी मा ा म, संभवतः कई हजार की सं ा म
The Good or optimistic side/ सकारा क पहलू
To get a person to open up/ िकसी की संकोच और िझझक दू र करना
407. Bring someone to his senses ⇒ Make someone see reason; face reality/ होश िठकाने लगाना
408. Bring someone to task ⇒ Scold someone for something he has done wrong/ िकसी पर फटकार लगाना
409. Bring up the subject ⇒ Raise the question; mention something/ मु ा उठाना
410. Bring down the house ⇒ Receive great applause/ ब त ादा वाहवाही लूटना
411. Bring home ⇒ To explain/ समझाना
To punish/ सजा दे ना
412. Bring to book ⇒
413. Bring to light ⇒ To disclose/ खुलासा करना
414. Brink of disaster ⇒ Heading towards the point or peak or height at which disaster strikes/ बबाद होने की कगार
415. Broaden your horizon ⇒ Become more open-minded and tolerant/ अिधक खुले िवचारों का और सहनशील होना
416. Broad-minded ⇒ Open-minded and tolerant/ खुले िवचारों का होना
417. Broken dreams ⇒ Hopes and illusions that have become disappointments/ टू टे सपने
418. Broken-down ⇒ Out-of-order/ िकसी मशीन इ ािद का ठीक से काम न करना /.
419. Broken reed ⇒ A weak unreliable person/ कमजोर

420. Brooding over something ⇒ A person who thinks over something that happened in the past/ अतीत की िकसी बात पर िचंता
421. Burning question ⇒ Hot issue/ एक ज री या मह पूण मु ा
422. Burst a blood vessel ⇒ A state of anger which is so strong that a blood vessel may burst/ ब त अिधक ोिधत होना
423. Buy time ⇒ Find a way to gain more time as the deadline is approaching/ थोड़ा समय और मोहलत पा लेना
424. Burst the bubble ⇒ Shatter the illusion/ म दू र होना
425. Bustling with activity ⇒ Busy, full of life/ जीवन से भरपूर
426. Butter someone up ⇒ Get on the right side of someone by using sweet talk, false praise/ म न लगाना/चापलूसी
427. By fits and starts ⇒ Irregularly/ अिनयिमत
428. By leaps and bounds ⇒ Very Quickly/ ब त तेजी से आगे बढ़ना
429. By the skin of teeth ⇒ By the narrowest margin/ ब त कम अंतर से
430. Bury the hatchet ⇒ Make peace Forget the Quarrels/ झगड़ा ख करना
431. Batten down the hatches ⇒ Prepare for a difficult situation / मु ल प र थित के िलए तैयार रहना
432. Bad blood ⇒ Angry feeling/ संबंधों म खटास आना
433. Big draw ⇒ Huge attraction/ अिभभूत करना
434. Bear down ⇒ To move Quickly towards something/someone in a determined or threatening wayएक
धमकी भरे तरीके या लहजे से Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 61

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 13 - 14 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
435. Bolt from the blue ⇒ Something unexpected and unpleasant/ आक क घटना
436. Barking up the wrong tree ⇒ Trying to find someone at wrong way/ गलत माग का अनुसरण करना
437. Burn one’s boat ⇒ Leave no means of return/ पीछे लोटने के सभी रा े बंद करना
438. Black out ⇒ Lost consciousness/ बेहोश होना
439. Blow over ⇒ Pass off/ शां त होना
440. Back to the drawing board ⇒ Plan it all over again/ शु आत से योजना बनाना
441. Blue-eyed boys ⇒ Favorites/ पसंदीदा
442. Bone to pick ⇒ Cause of Quarrel/ झगड़े का कारण
443. Balloon goes up ⇒ The situation turns unpleasant or serious/ थित का अचानक अि य या गंभीर हो जाना /
444. Beyond the pale ⇒ Outside commonly accepted standards/ सीमा के बाहर होना
445. Blood running cold ⇒ Become very frightened/ ब त घबरा जाना
446. Bear with ⇒ To be patient with somebody or something (especially through difficulties) सहन करना
447. Bone of contention ⇒ Matter of dispute/ झगड़े का कारण
448. Break in ⇒ Forcible entry to a building/ बलपूवक वेश करना
449. Backseat driver ⇒ A person who gives unwanted advice/ एक जो अवां िछत सलाह दे ता है
450. Break off ⇒ Suddenly stop/ अचानक कना
451. Beat about the bush ⇒ Circumlocution ⇒Does not talk specifically/ घुमा िफरा कर बात करना
452. Bird’s eye view ⇒ An overview/ ऊपर से एक सामा
453. By fair or foul means ⇒ In honest or dishonest way/ िकसी भी तरह

454. Birds of the same feather ⇒ Persons of same character/एक ही थैले के च े -ब े
455. Be taken aback ⇒ Shocked or surprised / है रान
456. Bring down the house ⇒ Amuse the audience greatly ⇒To make everyone cheer/ वाहवाही पाना
457. Beside the mark ⇒ Irrelevant ⇒Not to be accurate/ अ ासंिगक
458. Break down ⇒ To lose control of your feelings and start crying ⇒Could not Proceed/ िह त हार जाना
459. Beggar description
460. Break up
461. Bull in a China shop
462. Be down with
463. Bone of contention
464. Bad hats
465. Burn your boats

Cannot be described/ िजसका वणन न िकया जा सके
Disband itself The breaking up of relationship or association/ संबंध तोड़ना
A clumsy person/ अनाड़ी
Suffering from/ बीमार होना
Matter of dispute/ झगड़े का कारण
People of bad character/ परे शानी बढ़ाने वाला / बुरे लोग
Do something that makes it impossible to return to the previous situation/ वापस जाने के

सभी संभािवत तरीकों को न करना
466. Butt in ⇒ Interrupt/ बाधा डालना /
467. Bring the house down ⇒ Make the audience applaud enthusiastically/ वाह-वाही पाना
468. Blow one’s own trumpet ⇒ Praise oneself/ अपने मुँह िमयाँ िमट् ठू बनना
469. Button one’s lips ⇒ Stop talking/ चुप हो जाना
Remember/ रण रखना
470. Bear in mind ⇒
471. Build castle in the air ⇒ Daydreaming हवा म िकले बनाना
472. Bite the dust ⇒ Suffer a defeat/ धराशायी होना /धूल चाटना
473. Blue-blooded ⇒ Of noble birth कुलीन वग का

Idioms beginning with ‘ C ’

474. Caged-in like a wild animal ⇒ To have no freedom/ जानवर की तरह कैद होना
475. Calculated-risk ⇒ A risk taken after careful thinking/ सोच समझकर खतरा उठाना

476. Call it quits ⇒ Give up/ हार मान लेना

477. Call a spade and spade ⇒ To be frank/ ईमानदारी से अपनी बात कहना
478. Call-off ⇒ Cancel/ र करना
479. Call names ⇒ To abuse/ गाली दे ना
480. Call the shots ⇒ Give the orders आदे श दे ना
481. Callous remark ⇒ Hurtful, insensitive comment showing lack of feeling for others/ असंवेदनशील िट णी करना
482. Can see a mile off ⇒ Quite clear and evident/ जो प से िदखाई दे रहा हो
483. Carry the coal to Newcastle ⇒ A useless effort. {Newcastle is a place known to have vast coal}/ बेकार की कोिशश
484. Cast pearls before swine ⇒ A right thing in wrong hands/ भस के आगे बीन बजाना
485. Can’t quite nail it down ⇒ Cannot quite figure-out or remember/ समझ म ना आना
486. Curtain lecture ⇒ A private scolding by wife to her husband/ फटकार लगाना
487. Can’t stand it ⇒ Can't tolerate/ बदा न कर पाना
488. Candid opinion ⇒ open honest expression of opinion/ िन पट िवचार
489. Capitalize upon an ⇒ Take advantage of a chance/ मौके का फायदा उठाना
490. Capital punishment ⇒ Death penalty/ मृ ुदंड
491. Carried-away ⇒ A person becomes so enthusiastic that he is overcome by excitement/ भावुक हो जाना
492. Carrot and stick policy ⇒ Reward and punishment policy/ दाम और दं ड की नीित Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 62

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 14 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
493. Case of the jitters ⇒ Shaking with fear before an event/ घबरा जाना
494. Carry matters with a high hand ⇒ To deal with a person strictly/ स ी से िनपटना
495. Cast a glance at ⇒ Take a look at/ नजर डालना
496. Cast a slur ⇒ To bring disgrace/ बदनाम करना
497. Cast aspersions upon ⇒ Making unkind remarks/ बुरी िट णी करना
498. Casual comment ⇒ remark made without thinking/ िबना सोचे समझे िट णी कर दे ना
499. Cat and dog life ⇒ Troublesome life/ परे शानी भरा जीवन
500. Catch a snooze ⇒ झपकी लेना / Take a nap.
501. Catch a tartar ⇒ To meet an unexpected opponent/ अपे ा से अिधक श शाली ित ं दी से सामना होना /
502. Catch hell ⇒ Be in big trouble/ बड़ी मुसीबत म पड़ना
503. Catch hold of ⇒ Get your hands on/ िकसी चीज को खुद करना
504. Curry favour ⇒ To win favour by flattery/ चापलूसी से जीतने का यास
505. Catch your breath ⇒ Pause for a minute to rest your lungs when you are short of breath/ सां स लेना
506. Catching on quickly ⇒ Learning fast/ तेजी से सीखना
507. Cater to someone’s wishes ⇒ Be prepared and willing to follow someone’s wants and demands/ जैसा कोई चाहे वैसा करना
508. Caught in the crossfire ⇒ To be caught between two opposing arguments/ दो लोगों के बीच म फंस जाना
509. Caught short ⇒ To be short of cash/ िजतने पैसो की आव कता है उससे कम होना
510. Cause for alarm ⇒ A reason to be fearful and careful/ सतक और सावधान होने का जायज कारण होना
511. Caustic remark ⇒ A sharp, comment intended to inflict harm/ कड़वी िट णी करना

512. Cave in under pressure ⇒ To surrender and succumb to pressure/ दबाव के कारण घुटने टे क दे ना
513. Challenge the status quo ⇒ Act in a way that goes against the accepted social system/ यथा थित को चुनौती दे ना
514. Chance encounter ⇒ Chance meeting/ इ ेफाक से िमलना
515. Chance of a lifetime ⇒ The best opportunity one will ever get/ सबसे बेहतरीन अवसर
516. Cross one's mind ⇒ To occur to oneself/ कोई बात िदमाग म आना
517. Count chickens before
they are hatched
518. Change of heart
519. Change of pace
520. Change your tune
521. Chapter and verse
522. Character assassination

To anticipate profit beforehand/ पहले से ही मुनाफे का पूवानुमान लगा लेना

Change of opinion/ दय प रवतन

Slow down or speed up/ गित बदलना
Reversal of attitude/ अपने िवचार बदलना
In full detail/ िव ार पूवक
To spread bad rumours about someone to make him lose his good reputation/ च र हनन

करना /
523. Charge your batteries ⇒ To restore your energy/ खोई ई ताकत/ऊजा दु बारा पाना
524. Cheap Charlie ⇒ A stingy person/ कंजूस
525. Cheesed-off ⇒ Annoyed / नाराज
526. Cheek by jowl ⇒ Close together/ काफी करीब
Give someone a good scolding/ िकसी को अ ी फटकार लगाना /
527. Chew someone out ⇒
528. Chew the cud ⇒ To ponder over/ To think over something/ िच न करना
529. Chicken hearted ⇒ Lacking courage/ coward/ कमजोर िदल वाला
530. Child's play ⇒ A very easy task/ब ों का खेल
531. Chilling scare ⇒ A frightening experience/ रोंगटे खड़े कर दे ने वाला
532. Chosen at random ⇒ Picked arbitrarily out of a large sample group/ िकसी बड़े समूह म से मनमाने ढं ग से चुनना .
533. Clandestine affair ⇒ Secret- concealed illicit love affair/ गोपनीय ेम संग
534. Class conscious ⇒ Awareness of differences in social status./ जो अपने सामािजक र के बार म ब त सचेत हो
535. Clean slate ⇒ Starting fresh/ नई शु आत करना

536. Clear as a bell ⇒ Hearing or understanding something clearly and distinctly/ साफ़ साफ़ सुनना
537. Clear conscience ⇒ Free of any sense of guilt in the mind/ साफ़ अंतर आ ा
538. Clear-cut ⇒ Straightforward/
539. Corporal punishment ⇒ शारी रक दं ड / Bodily punishment
540. Cool one's heels ⇒ To be kept waiting/ इं तजार करना
541. Clip one's wings ⇒ To weaken the power/ पंख कतरना
542. Close shave ⇒ Close encounter with death/ बाल बाल बचना.
543. Coarse words ⇒ Rude language- used in a rough and ready-to-fight Manner/ अभ भाषा का उपयोग करना
544. Cold fish ⇒ Someone with no warmth and no emotion/ िन ाह
545. Cold as ice ⇒ Showing no warmth, feelings, or emotions / गमजोशी नहीं
546. Cook-and-bull story ⇒ A concocted story/ झूठी कहानी
547. Cold-blooded ⇒ Merciless/ िनदयता से
548. Come true ⇒ To prove true/ सच सािबत होना
549. Comb the streets ⇒ Search the streets very closely, looking for somebody/ सड़कों को छान मारना
550. Come close to blows ⇒ Almost at the point of fighting/ मार िपटाई पर उतरना
551. Come out of one’s shell ⇒ Emerge from being shy and withdrawn/ अपनी संकोच और िझझक दू र करना
552. Come to nothing ⇒ Prove to be a vain effort./ िनरथक यास करना
553. Come to one’s senses ⇒ Suddenly return to being reasonable and having common sense/ होश िठकाने आना Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 63

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 14 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
554. Come to a pass ⇒ A difficult situation/ मु ल प र थित होना
555. Coming down in buckets ⇒ Raining heavily/ ब त ादा बरसात होना
556. Common error ⇒ A mistake that a lot of people make/ आम गलती
557. Complete and utter chaos ⇒ Total disorder and confusion/ दु िवधा म
558. Come in handy ⇒ To be useful/ लाभदायक सािबत होना
559. Come home to ⇒ To understand/ समझना
560. Concur with someone ⇒ Agree with someone/ सहमत होना
561. Come across ⇒ Meet by chance/ इ ेफ़ाक़न िमलना
562. Confront the problem ⇒ Face the problem/ मुसीबत का सामना करना
563. Considered opinion ⇒ To form an opinion after thinking about all factors from all sides/ सभी पहलुओं को ान म
रखकर राय बनाना
564. Consort with ⇒ Associate with/ िकसी से जुड़ना /
565. Conspire against Scheme ⇒ work against someone, with the help of another or others/ सािजश रचना
566. Contrary to expectations ⇒ The opposite of what is expected/ उ ीदों के िवपरीत
567. Control freak ⇒ Who is obsessed with having absolute control of everything/ वह िजसे ब त ादा िनयं ण
करने की आदत है
568. Cook up an excuse ⇒ Fabricate a made-up reason why one failed to do something/ झूठ मूठ का बहाना बनाना
569. Cooking the books ⇒ Keeping a false set of accounting records to deceive tax regulators/ बही-खातों म गड़बड़ी

570. Coping with the situation ⇒ Doing one’s best to control the situation/ प र थित का डटकर मुकाबला करना
571. Cordon off ⇒ To protect separate off or blockade a threatened area through police/ िकसी े की पुिलस
ारा नाकाबंदी करना
572. Core of the matter ⇒ The root cause of the problem/ मु े की बात
573. Corridors of power ⇒ The halls in government buildings where the offices of highly-placed are/ स ा के गिलयारों

574. Cost an arm and a leg

575. Cost the earth
576. Crocodile tears
577. Couldn’t care less
578. Count someone out
579. Count your blessings

A very expensive price/ मू वान कीमत
Very expensive/ भारी कीमत
An insincere display of grief/ false tears/ घिड़याली आं सू
Don’t give a damn/ िब ु ल परवाह न करना
Not to depend on someone/ िकसी पर िनभर न होना
Think of all the good things and talents that have been given to you/ आपके पास जो अ ी

चीज ह उन सब के बार म सोचना और आभार मानना
580. Courting disaster ⇒ Asking for trouble/ मुसीबत को बुलावा दे ना
581. Cover your tracks ⇒ Destroy the evidence that shows what you have done/ सबूत िमटाना
582. Crackdown on ⇒ Bring the pressure of government authority down on wrong-doers/ दबाव डालना
583. Crack of dawn ⇒ The earliest part of the morning/ सवेरे सवेरे
Mental breakdown/ मानिसक प से टू ट जाना
584. Crack-up ⇒
585. Crafty devil ⇒ A clever and devious person who tries to get the better of you/ एक चालु और धूत इं सान
586. Crawl into your shell ⇒ Withdraw within yourself and become uncommunicative / संकोच महसूस करना
587. Creature comforts ⇒ The essential things needed for one to have a comfortable life/ वो सभी चीज जो जीवन को
आरामदायक बनाती ह
588. Credible excuse ⇒ Believable, convincing, plausible reason/ िव सनीय
589. Creepy ⇒ डरावना / Scary.
590. Crop up ⇒ अचानक घिटत होना / Suddenly arise.
591. Cross the bridge when ⇒ Do not worry about something until it becomes a problem/ जब मुसीबत आएगी तब दे खगे

we come to it
592. Cross the line ⇒ Exceed the limits of what is considered proper behaviour/ सीमाएं लां गना
593. Cross with someone ⇒ Angry and annoyed with someone/ िकसी से नाराज होना
594. Cross your fingers ⇒ Hoping for luck/ अ े की उ ीद करना
595. Crowning achievement ⇒ The highest peak of attainment/ सफलताओं का सव िशखर
596. Crow’s feet ⇒ Little lines or wrinkles at the corners of one's eyes/ आखों के पास बारीक़ लकीर
597. Cry wolf ⇒ Call out for help when there is no danger, just to get attention/ भेिड़ये की तरह रोना
598. Cry your eyes out ⇒ Cry as if you will never stop/ ब त रोना
599. Crying shame ⇒ A very shameful thing/ ब त ादा ल ाजनक
600. Crystal clear ⇒ Very clear/ िब ु ल
601. Cry for the moon ⇒ To desire the unattainable/ िकसी असंभव चीज की इ ा करना
602. Cold reception ⇒ Not a hearty welcome/ दय से ागत न करना
603. Cut above the average ⇒ On a level that is superior and better than normal/ औसतन से अ ा
604. Cut a sorry figure ⇒ To give a poor show/ घिटया दशन करना
605. Cut back ⇒ Economize by reducing costs/ पैसों म कटौती करना
606. Cut both ways ⇒ Argue in favour of both sides/ दोनों प ों की ओर से बोलना
607. Cut one's coat according ⇒ To live within one's means/ अपनी आमदनी के अनुसार खचा करना
to one's cloth Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 64

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 14 - 15 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
608. Cut corners ⇒ Save money by cutting out unnecessary costs/सबसे आसान, स ा, या सबसे तेज़ तरीके से कुछ
हािसल करना
609. Cut down to size ⇒ To minimize the importance of something/ िकसी चीज के मह को कम करना.
610. Cut out of the deal ⇒ Exclude someone from sharing in the profits/ िकसी को िकसी सौदे से बाहर करना
611. Cut off all contact ⇒ Cut relations/ संपक ख करना
612. Cross swords ⇒ To quarrel or fight/ झगड़ा या लड़ाई करना।
613. Cut out for the job ⇒ Having the ideal qualities required/ िकसी काम के िलए जो यो ताएँ चािहए वो होना
614. Cut-and-dried ⇒ Definitely Determined/ ब त इ ा श वाला
615. Cut throat prices ⇒ Overpriced/ महं गी कीमत
616. Cutting ties with ⇒ Discontinuing relations with/ संपक ख करना
617. Cock a snook ⇒ To show impudent contempt/ अकड़ के साथ पेश आना
618. Carry out ⇒ Execute/ आ ा का पालन करना
619. Cut no ice ⇒ Have no influence/ कोई भाव न डालना
620. Cannot hold a candle to ⇒ Cannot be compared to/ दू सरे से तुलना न करना
621. Cut and dry method ⇒ Specific/
622. Currying favour with ⇒ Trying too hard to please somebody/ चापलूसी करना
623. Cut one -off, without a shilling ⇒ Disinheriting-To expel from fraternal property/ जायदाद से बेदखल होना
624. Come to light ⇒ Been revealed-To become known to people/ कट होना /जनता के सामने उजागर होना

625. Cool about working ⇒ Not tenseabout working/ िबना तनाव के काम करना
626. Cold Comfort ⇒ Slight satisfaction/ झूठी तस ी
627. Cock and bull story ⇒ Absurd and unbelievable story/ उटपटां ग बाते करना
628. Cope with ⇒ To face and deal with responsibilities /difficulties / सामना करना
629. Caught red handed ⇒ At the time of committing crime/ रं गे हाथों पकड़ना
630. Cool as a cucumber
631. Carry out
632. Cry over spilt milk
633. Close the book
634. Catch time by the forelock
635. Clean hands
636. Call for

Not nervous or emotional/ धैयवान या शां त होना
Complete something/ समा करना
Cry over irreparable loss/ थ म पछताना / अब पछताए होत ा जब िचिड़या चुग गई खेत
Stop working on something/ काय बंद करना
Seize opportunity/ अवसर का लाभ उठाना
िनरपराध / Innocent
To ask / मां गना

637. Come to grief ⇒ To suffer/ भुगतना
638. Chapter and verse ⇒ Providing minutes details / िव ारपूवक बताना
639. Carry weight ⇒ Be important/ मह पूण होना
640. Cat-nap ⇒ Short sleep/ झपकी
641. Caught red-handed ⇒ in the act of wrongdoing/ रं गे हाथों पकड़ना
not spend more money than you have/ िजतनी चादर ल ी हो ,उतना ही पैर फैलाना चािहए
642. Cut coat according to ⇒
one’s cloth
643. Change colours ⇒ To turn pale/ फीका पड़ना
644. Call on ⇒ Pay a visit/ भट करना
645. Cut a sorry figure ⇒ Make a poor impression / ख़ास भाव न बनाना /
646. Cool one’s heel ⇒ To keep waiting/ इं तजार करना
647. Chicken out ⇒ Withdraw-To decide not to do something because you are afraid/ डर के कारण कुछ न करने
का िनणय लेना
648. Couch potato ⇒ A person who prefers to watch television/a lazy person / आलसी /

649. Carry the ball ⇒ Be in charge/ उ रदािय होना

650. Catch a tartar ⇒ To deal with a person who is more than one’s match/ शेर को सवा शेर िमलना
651. Cap in hand ⇒ In a respectful manner/ स ानजनक भाव से
652. Cheek by jowl ⇒ Very close together/ साथ-साथ
653. Curry favours ⇒ Seek favourable attention/ चापलूसी कर के कृपा पा बनना
654. Call in Question ⇒ Challenge/ आपि करना/सवाल उठाना
655. Cock and bull stories ⇒ Absurd and unlikely stories/ मनगढ़ं त कहानी
656. Cloak-and-dagger ⇒ An activity that involves mystery and secrecy/ गु चर के ढं ग से
657. Cut short ⇒ interrupt/ रोक दे ना

Idioms beginning with ‘ D '

658. Damocles sword ⇒ Constant threat/ सर पर मंडराता आ िनरं तर खतरा .

659. Damp squib ⇒ A Complete failure/ कोई ऐसा काम जो पूरी तरह से असफल रहा
660. Dampen your hopes ⇒ To discourage your spirits and make you lose hope/ िब ु ल उ ीद न होना
661. Dance to one's tune ⇒ Obeying one's order/ िकसी को अपने इशारों पर नचाना
662. Dance attendance upon ⇒ To be in servile attitude all the time/ जी हजूरी करना
663. Dark days ahead ⇒ A dim and dismal future / अ िधक दु भा या किठनाई का समय Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 65

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 15 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
664. Dark horse ⇒ A little known, unexpectedly successful/ जीत की कोई संभावना न होना
665. Dash off home ⇒ Hurry or rush home/ सीधे घर जाना
666. Day and night ⇒ All around the clock continuously without stopping/ िनरं तर लगे रहना
667. Day in and day out ⇒ continuously or repeatedly over a long period of time/ लगातार/िनरं तर
668. Dead and buried ⇒ no longer used or accepted/ उपयोग म या िवचाराधीन नहीं होना, अ ासंिगक
669. Dead beat ⇒ Really tired/ब त थका आ होना
670. Dead- broke ⇒ Penniless/ गरीब /.
671. Dead end ⇒ A street that goes nowhere/ आगे रा ा न होना
672. Dead letter ⇒ A law or ordinance that is no longer enforced/ कोई ऐसा कानून जो अब लागू ना होता हो
673. Dead of the night ⇒ The darkest hour of the night/ रात का सबसे अंधकार का समय
674. Dead on target ⇒ Hitting exactly what you aimed for/ ठीक िनशाने पर
675. Deadset against ⇒ Opposed/ क र िवरोधी
676. Deadpan face ⇒ Showing no emotion/ चेहरे पर कोई हावभाव ना होना
677. Dead-set-against ⇒ Opposed to/ क र िवरोधी
678. Dead tired ⇒ So tired that you almost feel dead/ ब त थका आ
679. Death and taxes ⇒ Inevitable as death and taxes/ ऐसी चीज जो होकर रहे गी जैसे की मृ ु
680. Death toll ⇒ The number of dead counted/ मरने वालों का आं कड़ा
681. Death’s doorstep ⇒ The moment before death/ मौत के दरवाजे पर
682. Debatable point ⇒ An uncertain; questionable; doubtful/ िववाद का मु ा या बहस का मु ा

683. Deciding factor ⇒ The main contributing factor that determined the outcome/ वह व ु या बात िजस पर कोई
फैसला िनभर करता है
684. Deciding moment ⇒ The moment circumstances came together to result in the final effect/ फैसला करने की घड़ी
685. Decked out in your Sunday ⇒ All dressed up in your best clothes to make a good impression/ ब त अ े से तैयार होना
686. Decline an invitation
687. Decline comment
688. Deep down inside
689. Deepwater
690. Deep, dark secret
691. Deep-rooted
692. Drop of a hat

Not accepting / िकसी िनमं ण को अ ीकार करना
Refuse to say anything/ कोई िट णी करने से मना करना
Hidden in the unconscious mind/ भीतर ही भीतर कोई बात जानना
In deep trouble/ मुसीबत म होना
A well-kept secret that no one has ever known/ गोपनीय बात
deeply-embedded/ िकसी चीज की जड़े गहरी होना
Instantly/ तुरंत

693. Drop the subject ⇒ Change the topic/ िवषय बदलना
694. Defuse the situation ⇒ िकसी तनावपूण थित म तनाव दू र करना / Resolve and smooth out a tensed situation.
695. Degenerate behavior ⇒ Immoral behavior below generally accepted standards/ अनैितक/घिटया वहार
696. Degrading remark ⇒ disrespectful or dishonorable/ शमसार करने वाला
697. Delegate authority ⇒ Designate and entrust someone to do a job/ िकसी को कोई िज ेदारी दे ना
False Inflated ideas of your importance/ अपने बारे म ब त ादा सोचना
698. Delusions of grandeur ⇒
699. Depths of depression ⇒ The worst, lowest levels of sadness/ ब त ादा उदास होना
700. Dereliction of duty ⇒ अपने काम म लापरवाही िदखाना / Neglect and disregard for one’s delegated responsibilities
701. Derive from ⇒ Get gain or originate from/ ोत
702. Derogatory comments ⇒ Belittle, derisive, critical remarks/ घिटया िट णी
703. Deserve better ⇒ Be worthy of better treatment or circumstances/ जो िमल रहा है उससे बेहतर के हकदार होना
704. Deserving cause ⇒ लायक / Worthy; justifiable.
705. Despicable behavior ⇒ An appalling, dreadful, shameful way of behaving/ घिटया वहार
706. Despicable deed ⇒ A wicked and shameful act/ घिटया काम

707. Detained for questioning ⇒ Held by police for interrogation / पुिलस ारा पूछताछ के िलए रोकना
708. Drum-up support ⇒ Go out and talk to people or parties to get their support/ समथन जुटाना
709. Devil in disguise ⇒ A bad influencer dressed up as a good intention/ भेड़ की खाल म भेिड़या
710. Devious intentions ⇒ Deceitful and underhanded motives/ बुरे इरादे /
711. Devoted to the cause ⇒ Committed to the cause with loyalty and devotion/ िकसी मु े को समिपत
712. Diatribe against ⇒ Verbal attack/ कटु िनंदा
713. Die a dog's death ⇒ To die a shameful death/ कु े की मौत मरना/ल ा जनक मौत
714. Die down ⇒ Settle down and become quiet/ कोई ऐसा मामला जो अब ख हो चुका है
715. Die in harness ⇒ Die while in service/ काम करते-करते मरना
716. Die with your boots on ⇒ to die while you are still actively involved in work/ काम करते करते मृ ु होना /
717. Die-hard ⇒ One who is too old-fashioned and unwilling to change/ क र समथक
718. Different strokes for ⇒ Not everybody likes the same things/ अलग-अलग लोगों का अलग अलग वहार
different folks
719. Dig down deep into ⇒ To spend a lot of one's money/ ब त सारा धन खच करना।
your pockets
720. Dutch treat ⇒ Share the cost equally/ जो भी खचा आया बराबर म बां टना
721. Digging your own grave ⇒ Setting up the situation for your destruction/ खुद अपनी क खोदना
722. Dilly-dally ⇒ Wasting time hanging about/ समय बबाद करना Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 66

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 15 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
723. Dim-witted ⇒ A little dull when it comes to intelligence/ मंदबु
724. Dime-a-dozen ⇒ So plentiful as to be valueless/ ब त स ा
725. Dirt cheap ⇒ As cheap as dirt; for almost nothing/ िम ी के मोल
726. Dirt poor ⇒ Very poor/ ब त गरीब
727. Dirty deal ⇒ An unfair transaction in which someone is cheated/ कोई ऐसा सौदा िजसम बेईमानी ई हो /
728. Dirty looks ⇒ Looking displeased/ नाराज होना
729. Disadvantaged children ⇒ Children with no family, no means of support/ गरीब ब े िजनका प रवार न हो /.
730. Disappear into thin air ⇒ Do a disappearing act so no one can catch or find you/ हवा हो जाना
731. Duck in a thunderstorm ⇒ In a painful condition/ मुसीबत म होना
732. Disciplinary measures ⇒ Rules of discipline being imposed to encourage others to follow regulations/ अनुशासन
कायम करने के िलए िकया गया काम
733. Disdainful attitude ⇒ Scornful, derisive way of looking down on others/ दू सरों को नीचा िदखाने का अपमानजनक
734. Dismal end ⇒ A miserable, unhappy final result/ ब त बुरा अंत
735. Ducks and drakes ⇒ To waste money/ पैसे बबाद करना /
736. Dutch courage ⇒ Bravery under alcoholic influence/ वह साहस जो शराब पीने के बाद आता है
737. Don’t see eye-to-eye ⇒ Unable to agree with someone about something/ िकसी बात पर सहमत ना होना /
738. Distinguished gentleman ⇒ Eminent, prominent, well-known gentlemen/ जाना माना
739. Dwindling resources ⇒ Declining assets / संसाधनों म कमी आना

740. Disturbing the peace ⇒ Making noise that disturbs the peace of the neighbourhood/ शां ित भंग करना
741. Ditch somebody ⇒ Break off the relationship/ िकसी को छोड़ दे ना
742. Dying for a chance ⇒ Would do anything to get the opportunity/ अवसर के िलए तड़पना /
743. Do an about-face ⇒ Turn to face in the opposite direction/ अपनी बात या िवचार से पूरी तरह से पलट जाना
744. Do as you are bid ⇒ Follow orders/ जैसा तु कहा गया है वैसा करो
745. Do handstands
746. Dog in the manger

747. Do or die
748. Dying to know
749. Do the legwork

Acts to please a person/ िकसी को ब त खुश करने की कोिशश करना
A person who prevents others from enjoying what he cannot/ एक ऐसा
चीज का फायदा नहीं उठा सकता िकसी और को भी उठाने नहीं दे ता
To act in such a way as to avoid defeat or destruction/ करो या मरो
Very interested in knowing/ जानने के िलए ब त उ ुक होना
जो खुद िकसी

Perform the preparatory work to set things up for venture/ चीजों को थािपत करने के िलए
ारं िभक काय करना
750. Dying wish ⇒ Last wish made on the death bed before the moment of death/ अंितम इ ा
751. Do your level best/Do your ⇒ Try your hardest and do the best you can. /अपनी तरफ से सबसे बिढ़या दशन करना
752. Drive home the idea ⇒ Stress the point until you get it into the head of another person./ िकसी बात को तब
तक दोहराए जब तक आप इसे िकसी अ के िसर म नहीं डाल दे ते।
Separate two groups or persons. / दो लोगों/समूहों के बीच खाई पैदा करना
753. Drive a wedge between ⇒
754. Dodgy deal ⇒ Crooked, corrupt, dishonest agreement or transaction. /कोई ऐसा सौदा िजसम बेईमानी ई हो
755. Doesn’t hold water ⇒ Not arguable or logical./ राज़ रखने म असमथ होना
756. Drink like a fish ⇒ Be an alcoholic/ब त ादा शराब पीना
757. Drill with questions ⇒ Interrogate intensively /स ी से पूछताछ
758. Dog eat dog world ⇒ An uncivilised world. /बबर और ू रता से भरी दु िनया
759. Dog's life ⇒ Very miserable life. /कु े की िजंदगी
760. Dog’s years ⇒ Many long years/ ब त लंबा समय
761. Dogeared ⇒ When the corners of pages of books have often been folded/पु कों के प ों के मुड़े ए कोने

762. Dogmatic opinion ⇒ Inflexible, unbending, narrow view or attitude./िज ी

763. Donkey's years ⇒ A long time. / लंबा समय
764. Domineering manner ⇒ Bossy, dominant, assertive, authoritarian manner. /हावी होने का रवैया
765. Don’t badger me ⇒ Stop bothering again and again with the same thing./ बार-बार परे शान करना बंद करवाना
766. Drenched to the skin ⇒ Soaking wet from the rain./ बुरी तरह से भीग जाना
767. Dressing down ⇒ Scolding./ फटकार लगाना
768. Don’t be a quitter ⇒ Don’t be one of those people who gives up easily. / बीच म मत छोड़ो
769. Don’t be cross with me ⇒ Don’t be angry or annoyed or sore with me./मुझसे नाराज मत हो
770. Drawn battle/ match ⇒ A battle or match in which no party wins. /एक ऐसी थित िजसम कोई नहीं जीतता या हारता
771. Draconian law ⇒ Extremely severe law. /ब त स कानून
772. Drag someone over the coals ⇒ Give someone a good grilling or questioning./स ी से पूछताछ करना
773. Drained of energy ⇒ Lost all power. /खुद को ब त कमजोर महसूस करना
774. Draw a line ⇒ Set a limit. / सीमा िनधा रत करना
775. Draw the longbow ⇒ To tell large stories or to exaggerate. /बढ़ा चढ़ा कर कहना
776. Don’t tread on anyone’s toes ⇒ Not to do anything that hurts someone and makes aggressive/कुछ ऐसा मत करो िजससे कोई
नाराज हो जाए
777. Don’t befuddle me ⇒ Confuse me./ मुझे िमत ना करो
778. Don’t breathe a word ⇒ Don’t tell anyone./िकसी से ना कहना Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 67

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 15 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
779. Double standards ⇒ One standard applies to one group and another to another./ दोहरी नीित
780. Double trouble ⇒ Trouble from both sides./दोहरी मुसीबत
781. Double-dealing ⇒ The practice of working to people's disadvantage behind their backs./पीछे नु ान प ँ चाना
और सामने िम बनना
782. Don’t dwell on the past ⇒ Free yourself from the past by forgetting about it. /अपने अतीत को भुलाना
783. Don’t get along together ⇒ Cannot agree. /दो लोगों की आपस म नहीं बनती है
784. Don’t get hyper ⇒ Don’t get up-tight; over-stressed. / उ ेिजत मत हो
785. Double-edged sword ⇒ Act that will harm oneself as well as the others/ दो धारी तलवार
786. Don’t get your hopes up ⇒ Don’t be too optimistic; / ादा उ ीद मत करो
787. Don’t give a hoot ⇒ Don’t care /परवाह न करना
788. Don’t give me a hard time ⇒ Do not be so difficult, disagreeable and hard to get along with. / मेरे िलए मुसीबत पैदा मत करो
789. Down on my luck ⇒ Things are not going too well for me at the moment. / िक त साथ न दे ना
790. Down and out ⇒ Homeless,penniless and destitute./बेघर और गरीबी म
791. Down-hearted ⇒ Depressed /दु ख म
792. Don’t lose faith ⇒ Remain optimistic and follow what you believe in./आशावादी बने रह
793. Down in the dumps ⇒ Depressed; sad /उदास
794. Don’t take it personally ⇒ I have nothing personal against you / गत प से मत लो
795. Don’t stand a chance ⇒ No hope of success /कोई उ ीद नहीं है
796. Does not hold water ⇒ Cannot be believed / िव ास नहीं िकया जा सकता

797. Draw on fancy ⇒ Use imagination /क ना करना
798. Down in the dumps ⇒ Sad and depressed / उदास
799. Dot one’s I’s and cross one T’s ⇒ Be detailed and exact /सटीक
800. Died in harness ⇒ To die at one’s work/ सेवा म रहते ए मर जाना
801. Dropping names ⇒ Hinting at high connections- To mention famous people you know or have met in order to

802. Done for

803. Doctor the accounts
804. Dropping like flies
805. Draw the line
806. Dog in a manger
807. Die hard

impress others /रौब झाड़ना
Ruined /उजड़ा आ
To manipulate the accounts /बही खाते / िहसाब म गड़बड़ी करना
Collapsing in large numbers/बड़ी सं ा म िगरना या मरना
To set a limit/सीमा िनधारण करना
A selfish person / ाथ /
Unwilling to change/ना झुकने वाला /

808. Drag one’s feet ⇒ Be reluctant to act /टाल मटोल करना/
809. Drive home ⇒ Emphasise /ज़ोर दे ना /
810. Dressing-down ⇒ To give scolding /फटकारना /
811. Draw a blank ⇒ /Find no favour /असफल होना
812. Donkey’s year ⇒ A long time /ब त लंबा समय /
Highly successful /ती गित से छूना ऊंचाइयां छूना
813. Do a roaring trade ⇒

Idioms beginning with ‘ E ’

814. Each man for himself ⇒ Everyone looks out for himself with no help from anyone else. /हर इं सान यं के िलए कमाएं
815. Each to his own ⇒ Everyone has the right to his taste, opinion or choice./हर इं सान अपने िहसाब से सोच सकता है
और उसकी अपनी राय हो सकती है
816. Eagle-eyed ⇒ With eyes as sharp as those of an eagle./चील जैसी नजर
817. Early bird ⇒ Someone who catches the first opportunity before others get there/कोई काम समय से पहले

करने वाले लोगों को फायदा होता है

818. Early grave ⇒ Death before expected./समय से पहले मृ ु हो जाना
819. Earn your keep ⇒ Make money to live on./ इतना कमाना की आपकी गुजर बसर हो सके
820. Eyewash ⇒ A lot of lies/ छलावा/िदखावा
821. Eye to eye ⇒ See things the same way; share the same view; agree./िकसी बात पर सहमत होना
822. Easier said than done ⇒ That is easier to say than to do./कहना आसान है करना मु ल
823. Eyes in the back of your head ⇒ Can see what is going on behind your back/सर के पीछे आँ ख होना /बेहद सतक
824. Eye opener ⇒ An experience that serves as an awakening./आं ख खोलना
825. Easy come easy go ⇒ Taking things in a relaxed manner./आसानी से पाया आ, आसानी से खो जाता है
826. Easy money ⇒ Money that comes without one having had to work very hard for it./आसानी से कमाया आ
827. Easy option ⇒ The easier of two choices or alternatives./आसान िवक
828. Easy going ⇒ Relaxed and taking it easy in a friendly and happy way./जो ादा िचंता नहीं करता
829. Eat away at one’s resources ⇒ Keep slowly consuming something so it continues diminishing./ िकसी चीज को धीरे -धीरे
इ ेमाल करते रहना खासकर संसाधन और वह धीरे -धीरे ख होने लगे
830. Eat one's words ⇒ Take a statement back/अपने श वापस लेना
831. Eat humble pie ⇒ To apologize/माफी मां गना
832. Eats like a bird ⇒ One who eats very little./ ब त कम खाने वाला Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 68

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 15 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
833. Eavesdrop on someone ⇒ Listen to everything one says without him knowing it. /चुपके चुपके िकसी की बात सुनना
834. Eccentric individual ⇒ An odd, peculiar, unpredictable person who behaves unconventionally./ सनकी
835. Educated guess ⇒ A calculated guess based on the knowledge that one has. /सोच समझकर अंदाजा लगाना
836. Egg on ⇒ To urge somebody to do something that is generally wrong /िकसी को कुछ गलत करने के िलए
837. Egocentric person ⇒ A person who sees himself as the centre of the world. /अहं कारी
838. Eke out a living ⇒ Work hard to earn just barely enough to eat and survive. / िसफ इतना कमाना की गुजर बसर हो
839. Elbow room ⇒ Space in which to move freely, without being squeezed in-together./इतनी जगह िजसम एक
इं सान आराम से चल िफर सके
840. Express condolences ⇒ Convey or communicate sympathy, pity and kind understanding/सहानुभूित कट करना .
841. Elixir of life ⇒ Nectar of life. /जीवन का अमृत
842. Embezzle funds ⇒ Steal money in business or government by using dishonest bookkeeping. / पैसे म गड़बड़ी
843. Empty promise ⇒ Promises made with no intention of fulfilling them. /खोखले वादे
844. Empty threats ⇒ Threats made with no intention of carrying them out. /झूठा धमकी
845. End of smoke ⇒ Come to nothing. /कुछ हाथ न आना
846. Enduring effort ⇒ Non-stop effort with no pause or let-up./लगातार यास
847. Engage in conversation ⇒ Talk together with another or others. /िकसी को बातचीत म उलझाना

848. Enlarge upon ⇒ Explain in greater detail. /िव ार पूवक समझाना
849. Enlist support ⇒ Call for backing for. /समथन जुटाने का यास करना
850. Enough and to spare ⇒ Plentiful. /काफी मा ा म होना
851. Enough is enough ⇒ Too much./बस ब त हो गया
852. Enough to tide me over ⇒ Money enough to get through a lean patch./िकसी चीज का इतनी मा ा म होना िजससे बुरा

853. Enticing offer

854. Equal opportunity

855. Equal to the task
856. Equitable conditions
857. Erratic behaviour

समय बीत जाएगा
A tempting offer which attracts someone going through a lean patch and something that
will not necessarily be good for him./ब त ही आकषक ाव
बराबरी का मौका / The same opportunities as everyone else in society
Able to meet the challenge; Good enough for the task/िकसी काम के िलए सही होना .
Fair and balanced circumstances./िब ु ल बराबर की प र थितयां
Unpredictable, irregular, inconsistent ways of behaving. /िविच वहार

858. Erroneous belief ⇒ Mistaken, wrong, incorrect belief based on error. /गलतफहमी
859. Escape one's lips ⇒ Speak unintentionally or unexpectedly /जुबान से िनकल जाना
860. Error in judgement ⇒ Mistake in judging something. /दू सरों को परखने म गलती करना
861. Establish yourself ⇒ Get on good footing- in your professional foundation/खुद को कािबल बनाना
862. Evaporate into thin air ⇒ A person who disappears suddenly without a trace. /हवा हो जाना
Now and then. / अ र
863. Ever and Anon ⇒
864. Every dog has his day ⇒ Good fortune comes sooner or later /हर िकसी का िदन आता
865. Every Inch ⇒ Completely. /पूरी तरह से
866. Every man has his price ⇒ Everybody can be bribed for doing the wrong if he is paid enough. /हर इं सान की कीमत होती
867. Every trick in the book ⇒ All the devious, dishonest tactics and devices possible. /हर संभव चाल
868. Everything but the kitchen ⇒ A lot of unnecessary things; a lot of extra stuff but not the most important thing/ब त
Sink सारी फालतू की चीज ले लेना परं तु सबसे मह पूण चीज न लेना
869. Extract information from ⇒ To obtain or extract information from someone by questioning./िकसी से मह पूण जानकारी

someone िनकालना
870. Excruciating circumstances ⇒ Terrible, agonising, unbearable conditions. / ब त बुरी प र थित
871. Exercise restraint ⇒ Practice moderation. /संयम रखना
872. Exert yourself ⇒ Make your strongest effort/ ब त ादा यास करना
873. Exist on borrowed time ⇒ Live beyond life expectancy./जीने के िलए ादा समय ना होना
874. Expand your horizon ⇒ Broaden your point of view./िवचारों को बड़ा करना
875. Enough rope ⇒ Enough freedom for action /काय करने की तं ा होना
876. Emerge out of thin air ⇒ Appear Suddenly/अचानक कट होना
877. End in a fiasco ⇒ To turn or move backिवफलता के साथ अंत होना
878. Eat like a horse ⇒ Eat a lot /ब त खाना
879. End up in smoke ⇒ Come to nothing-Useless /कोई प रणाम न िनकालना
880. Eat humble pie ⇒ To say sorry for mistakes-Suffer Humiliation /माफी मां गना/िज त और अपमान महसूस करना
881. Eat anyone’s salt ⇒ To be anyone’s guest/िकसी का मेहमान होना
882. Every inch a gentleman ⇒ Entirely /पूणतया :
883. Egg someone on ⇒ To encourage somebody to do something ./आ ह करना
884. Evening of life ⇒ Old age/बुढ़ापा

Idioms beginning with ‘ F ’ Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 69

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 15 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
885. Fabricated excuse ⇒ A total lie which is made-up to get out of trouble. / सरासर झूठा बहाना
886. Fabian policy ⇒ Intentional slow policy/ policy of delaying decisions./जानबूझकर धीरे काम करना
887. Face reality ⇒ Face the facts. /स ाई का सामना करना
888. Face the challenge ⇒ Meet the confrontation with confidence and courage to overcome it. /चुनौती का सामना करना
889. Face the consequences ⇒ Accept and pay the penalty for what you have done. / प रणाम भुगतना
890. Face the music ⇒ Face the consequences and pay the penalty for what you have done./िकए का प रणाम
891. Face your fears ⇒ Meet your fears head-on and don’t run away from them. / अपने डर का सामना करना
892. Face-to-face ⇒ Being right in front of another person looking him straight in the face. /आमने-सामने
893. Facts of life ⇒ The realities of life the way it is. / जीवन की स ाई
894. Fail to see ⇒ Can not understand or comprehend. /समझ से बाहर
895. Faint-hearted ⇒ Weak-hearted. /कमजोर िदल
896. Fair and square ⇒ Honest and upright. /ईमानदार और स ा /
897. Fair or foul ⇒ Good or evil./अ ा और बुरा
898. Fair sex ⇒ Women. /मिहलाएं
899. Fair weather friends ⇒ Friends who are there only in good times. / ाथ िम
900. Fall all over yourself ⇒ Make a show of doing whatever ittakes to appear friendly and please others. /खुश करने के
िलए ब त कोिशश करना
901. Fall back on ⇒ To keep something in reserve for when it is needed in case of emergency./बुरे समय के िलए

जो चीज बचाकर रखी थी, बुरे समय म उसका इ ेमाल करना
902. Fall flat ⇒ Fail to entertain /fail to please./असफल होना
903. Fall flat on your face ⇒ Failed miserably in an attempt. /औंधे मुंह िगरना /
904. Fall for a line ⇒ Believe a lie / िकसी झूठ पर िव ास करना
905. Fall into step ⇒ Come into line and follow the expectations of others. /जो आप से उ ीद की जाती है वही करना
906. Fall on deaf ears
907. Fall on hard times
908. Fall out with someone
909. Fall prey to
910. Foul Play
911. Falling star
912. False alarm

With no one listening to what is said or suggested/अनसुना करना
Go from having enough money to being poor and almost penniless. /बुरा समय आना
Have a disagreement and no longer be friends/िकसी से झगड़ा होना .
Become a victim to something/ पीिड़त होना
Treachery/Cheating. / धोखेबाजी
A sign of good luck/टू टता आ तारा
An alarm that is based on a false report./िनद ष लोगों पर गलत रपोट का होना

913. False modesty ⇒ Pretending to behumble and unassuming when you are not./ऐसा वहार करना मानो िक आप
िवन है और अ े ह जबिक वा िवक प से नहीं ह
914. False pride ⇒ Pride based on a false evaluation of self. / झूठा िदखावा करना
915. Fan the flame ⇒ To aggravate/To make worse. /आग भड़काना
916. Fancy-free ⇒ With no ties and free to do whatever one wishes./ िजसे िचंता ना होती हो
At any cost/ at demanded price. /िकसी भी कीमत पर
917. Fancy price ⇒
918. Fancy that ⇒ Just imagine that. /जरा क ना करके दे खो
919. Far cry from ⇒ Nowhere near the intended expectation. /आपने जो उ ीद की थी उसके िब ु ल भी करीब ना होना
920. Far-fetched ⇒ Hard to believe because it is so fanciful./यकीन करना मु ल होना /
921. Far-sighted ⇒ Making predictions and plans for the future. /दू र ि होना
922. Fate is worse than death ⇒ Something that happens that you would consider to be worse than death/ब त बुरी िक त
होना .
923. Father figure ⇒ Someone we look up to as a father and role model. /िपता के समान होना
924. Feast or famine ⇒ Either too much or too little. /आिध मा ा म या ूनतम मा ा म

925. Feather in the cap ⇒ Additional success./उपल

926. Feather your nest ⇒ Get and set aside money for the future. /भिव के िलए बचाना
927. Fed-up with ⇒ Bored with. /िकसी से परे शान हो जाना
928. Feeble excuse ⇒ Weak explanation as justification / झूठा बहाना
929. Feeble-minded ⇒ Weak in the brain/कमजोर िदमाग वाला .
930. Feed to the wolves ⇒ Allow a person to be open to attack from his enemies./ िकसी इं सान का खुले म होना तािक उस
पर चौतरफा हमला हो सके
931. Feel it in your bones ⇒ Know something intuitively or through some sixth sense. /पूवाभास होना
932. French leave ⇒ Leave without information. /िबना बताए छु ी लेना
933. Feel no remorse ⇒ Without any sense of guilt, shame or regret. /िकसी कार का पछतावा न होना
934. Feel out of place ⇒ Having a sense that one does not belong in a certain group or location./ ऐसा महसूस करना
िक आप वहां के नहीं ह
935. Feel sorry for someone ⇒ Feel pity for someone./ िकसी के िलए दया या सहानुभूित होना
936. Feel the pinch ⇒ Suffering from lack of money in an economically-tight situation./आिथक प से मु ल
प र थित म होना
937. Feel used ⇒ Have the feeling that someone has taken advantage of you or your help. /ऐसा महसूस करना
जैसे आप का इ ेमाल िकया गया है
938. Feeling let down ⇒ Feeling disappointed in someone you trusted. /उदासीन होना Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 70

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 15 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
939. Feeling mellow ⇒ Feeling fully calm./शां त महसूस करना
940. Feeling out-of-sorts ⇒ Feeling ill or unwell / तबीयत खराब महसूस करना
941. Feeling under the weather ⇒ Not feeling well / ा महसूस करना
942. Few and far between ⇒ Very rarely found. /दु लभ
943. Fickleness of fate ⇒ Unpredictability of fortune. /िक त म ा होने वाला है उसके बारे म ना पता होना
944. Fidget about ⇒ Move nervously and restlessly without being able to keep still. /िहलते डु लते रहना,आराम से ना
बैठ पाना / िहलते डु लते रहना,आराम से ना बैठ पाना
945. Fierce temper ⇒ Violent, ferocious disposition. /आ ामक तेवर
946. Fight for your rights ⇒ Stand up and demand and defend your human, civil rights. /अपने अिधकारों के िलए लड़ना
947. Fight to the finish ⇒ To fight to the end./अंत तक लड़ना
948. Fight it out ⇒ Contest the issue until both sides are either satisfied or too worn-out to fight./ ित धा म
पूरी तरह से भाग लेना
949. Fight shy of ⇒ To attempt- to avoid a thing or person. / संकोच महसूस करना
950. Fight tooth and nail ⇒ Fight with all might. /पूरी ताकत लगा दे ना
951. Fighting a losing battle ⇒ Trying to accomplish the impossible; trying ineffectively to change things. /एक हारी ई
लड़ाई को लड़ना
952. Figment of the imagination ⇒ An illusion that exists only in a person’s mind and is only imaginary. / क ना की ऊपज
953. Fill-in for someone ⇒ Take someone’s place temporarily./िकसी अ का थान लेना
954. Filthy rich ⇒ Having too much money / ब त रईस होना

955. Final straw ⇒ One final insult or injury /आ खरी अपमान
956. Fringe benefits ⇒ An additional benefit apart from salary./ वेतन के अलावा सुिवधाएं
957. Find fault with ⇒ Look for mistakes to criticize. /किमयां ढू ं ढना
958. Find out about ⇒ Inquire. /पूछताछ करना
959. Find your calling ⇒ Become aware of your purpose in life./ यं के जीवन का उ े जानना
960. Fine and dandy
961. Finger in the pie
962. Finger-pointing
963. Fired-up
964. Firm resolve
965. First come first serve
966. First impression

Good /ब त अ ा

Taking part in an illegal deed./िकसी गलत काम म आपका हाथ होना
Laying blame on someone. / उं गली उठाना
All excited and enthusiastic and ready to go. /ब त जोश म होना
Strong determination./ ढ़ इ ाश होना
One who arrives first gets served first. /पहले आओ पहले पाओ
The impression we make when we first see somebody. /पहली छिव

967. First indication of ⇒ First sign or symptom to appear. /िकसी चीज का पहला संकेत
968. First things first ⇒ Follow priorities. / ाथिमकताओं पर ान दे ना
969. First-hand experience ⇒ Personal experience that can only be gotten by undergoing it oneself. /तजुब से
970. Fish in troubled waters ⇒ To take advantage of the problems of others. /मौके का फायदा उठाना
971. Fish out of water ⇒ Out of one's usual and comfortable place. /मु ल प र थित म होना
Very sincerely/Wholeheartedly/िदल की गहराई से
972. From the bottom of ⇒
one's heart
973. From hand to mouth ⇒ Providing only bare essentials/गुजारा बसारा चलना
974. Fit to hold a candle to ⇒ Match for, equal in quality, an equal match/िब ु ल बराबर की ट र का होना
975. Fixed for life ⇒ With enough money and security so one doesn’t have to worry for the rest of life./पूरे जीवन
के िलए पया मा ा म संसाधन होना
976. Flash in the pan ⇒ Something that became successful quickly and is unlikely to be repeated./कोई ऐसी चीज
िजसने अचानक से ब त कामयाबी पा ली
977. Flesh and blood ⇒ Human nature or physical existence, together with its weaknesses. /मानवीय भावनाएँ या

कमज़ो रयाँ होना

978. Flog a dead horse ⇒ To waste one's energy. /िनरथक यास करना
979. Fly in the face of ⇒ To defy/उ ंघन करना .
980. Fly into a passion ⇒ To be enraged /नाराज होना
981. Fool's errand ⇒ Fruitless mission or undertaking./कोई ऐसा काम िजसका कोई नतीजा नहीं िनकलेगा
982. Fool's paradise ⇒ A state of being happy for foolish or unfounded reasons/िबना वजह के खुश होना .
983. Foot the bill ⇒ Bear expenses /िबल का भुगतान करना
984. Forty winks ⇒ A nap/A short sleep./झपकी लेना
985. For the rainy day ⇒ Precaution for emergency or days of the financial crisis./आिथक तंगी वाले िदनों के िलए
986. Fell foul of ⇒ Got into trouble with /दु िवधा म फंसना/
987. Fair and square ⇒ Honest /ईमानदार
988. Flies off at a tangent ⇒ Start discussing something irrelevant /मु े से भटकना
989. Fed up ⇒ Annoyed / परे शान होना
890. Fight to the bitter end ⇒ To fight a losing battle /हारी ई बाज़ी लड़ना
991. Fall through ⇒ To fail /असफल होना
992. For good ⇒ Permanently/हमेशा के िलए
993. Floored ⇒ To surprise or confuse /अिभभूत होना
994. Feather in one’s cap ⇒ An achievement / उपल Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 71

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 15 - 16 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
995. Follow one’s nose ⇒ To go straight ahead /सीधे जाना
996. Fight shy of ⇒ To avoid someone- something /टालना
997. Flying visit ⇒ Very short visit /छोटी या ा
998. Fall short ⇒ Fail to meet expectation- Have no effect/उ ीद पर खरा न उतरना
999. Finish with something ⇒ Be through-To have something at the end-To stop doing something /अंत म कुछ प रणाम
ा होना
1000. Feather your nest ⇒ To make yourself richer, especially by spending money on yourself that should be spent
on something else /अपना घर भरना
1001. Fall flat ⇒ Fail to amuse people -Fail to produce intended effect/असफल होना
1002. For better or worse ⇒ Always In every condition/चाहे अ ा हो या बुरा /हर थित म
1003. From the bottom of ⇒ To speak frankly/िदल से सच- सच बोलना /
one’s heart
1004. Fit like a glove ⇒ Perfectly /पूरी तरह से
1005. For all intents and purposes ⇒ Practically/वा व म
1006. For keeps ⇒ Forever /हमेशा के िलए
1007. Feel blue , In trouble ⇒ depressed/िचंितत होना
1008. Feel one’s pulse ⇒ To find what one is thinking on some point/िकसी का िवचार जानना / िकसी के मन म ा चल रहा
है यह जानना
1009. Foam at the mouth ⇒ Angry /अिनयंि त ोध की थित म होना

1010. Face the music ⇒ Be punished /िकए का प रणाम भुगतना
1011. Fall back on ⇒ Resort to something / सहारा लेना/किठनाई म िकसी चीज का सहारा लेना
1012. From stem to stern ⇒ All the way from the front of a ship to the back /आगे से पीछे तक

Idioms beginning with ‘ G ‘

1013. Gala affair

1014. Gang up on somebody

1015. Gape at somebody

1016. Gasbag

Big festive celebration/ब त बड़ा उ व का आयोजन
Attack in a group against only one person, physically or verbally./ िकसी एक के खलाफ समूह
बनाकर डराने धमकाने का यास करना
Stare open-mouthed at someone./ िकसी को दे खकर मुंह खुला का खुला रह जाना
A person who talks too much./बातूनी
Preparing up for activities that will bring about success/ कमर कसना .
1017. Gearing-up for action ⇒
1018. General amnesty ⇒ A pardon for offenders and prisoners/अपरािधयों के िलए सामूिहक माफी
1019. Gentleman’s agreement ⇒ An unwritten agreement made between Honourable gentlemen./अनौपचा रक समझौता
1020. Get a good spanking ⇒ Take a beating. /अ ी तरह से िपटाई होना
1021. Get a grip on yourself ⇒ Control yourself and not to lose your temper./ खुद के गु े पर िनय ण रखना
1022. Get ahead ⇒ Make progress in business/ life./आगे बढ़ना
1023. Get going ⇒ Get started/ शु करना
1024. Get back at someone ⇒ Revenge oneself on someone. / बदला लेना
1025. Get butterflies in your ⇒ Be nervous before an event. /असहज या िचंितत महसूस करना
1026. Get cold feet ⇒ Become afraid and back-out drop or cop-out of a plan at the last minute./हाथ-पाँ व ठं डे होना
1027. Get cracking ⇒ Hurry-up./ ज ी-ज ी
1028. Get down to the nitty-gritty ⇒ Focus on the fine details of the matter; /छोटी छोटी बारीिकयों पर ान दे ना
1029. Get even with Payback ⇒ Revenge yourself on someone/िहसाब बराबर करना
1030. Give them a run for their ⇒ Try your best not to let the competition beat you./अजय होने की कोिशश करना

1031. Get in on the ground floor ⇒ Start employment with a company and work your way up quickly./नीचे से शु आत करना और
खूब तर ी करना
1032. Get in someone’s good books ⇒ Make someone begin to like you. /जब कोई आपको पसंद करता है
1033. Get into hot water ⇒ Being in trouble /सम ा म होना
1034. Get it off your chest ⇒ State your complaint to make yourself feel better. / िशकायत करके िदल ह ा करना
1035. Get lost ⇒ Go away/दफा हो जाओ
1036. Get miffed ⇒ Become angry/ ोिधत होना
1037. Get mugged ⇒ Get beaten-up and robbed/लुटना-िपटना
1038. Get off lightly ⇒ Receive light punishment./ह ी सजा िमलना
1039. Get off on the wrong foot ⇒ Begin by making a bad impression on someone./िकसी पर गलत छाप छोड़ना
1040. Get off-track ⇒ Deviate from the proper course./भटक जाना
1041. Get on the bandwagon ⇒ Join in to support a popular cause./शािमल होना(आं दोलन) आिद म
1042. Get somewhere ⇒ Climb up the ladder of success/सफलता की सीढ़ी चढ़ना .
1043. Get the boot ⇒ Get kicked-out of one’s job./नौकरी / ू ल से िनकाल िदया जाना
1044. Get the gist ⇒ Begin to understand and get the general idea./कोई चीज धीरे धीरे समझ म आना
1045. Get the hang of it ⇒ Become accustomed to doing something. /िकसी चीज़ का आदी होना
1046. Get the jitters ⇒ Become nervous and shaky./हाथ-पाँ व कां पना Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 72

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 16 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
1047. Get the nod ⇒ To be given official permission. /िकसी चीज के िलए औपचा रक अनुमित िमलना
1048. Get the thread ⇒ See the coherent line of argument and development in an explanation. /बात समझना
1049. Get to the bottom of things ⇒ Investigate to find the source of the problem/सम ा की जड़ खोजना / बात की तह तक जाना
1050. Get your act together ⇒ Start becoming serious /गंभीर होना
1051. Get your money’s worth ⇒ Make sure that you are getting what you paid for, and then some, if possible./पूरा पैसा
वसूल होना
1052. Get your second wind ⇒ After hard labour and effort to catch your breath so you can continue to go on/िफर से
जोश ा करना
1053. Get-the-ball-rolling ⇒ Make a beginning and get started./शु आत करना
1054. Getting across ⇒ Making your meaning understood./अपना मतलब समझाना
1055. Getting me down ⇒ Starting to bother me and make me depressed./परे शान तथा हतो ािहत करना
1056. Getting to the bottom of ⇒ Discover the reason for. /कारण ढू ँ ढना
1057. Getting used to it ⇒ Becoming accustomed to something with time/ समय के साथ आदत पड़ना
1058. Getting your own back ⇒ Getting what you deserve/वह पाना, आप िजसके यो ह
1059. Getting-on-my-nerves ⇒ starting to irritate me. /परे शान करना
1060. Getting-out-of-hand ⇒ As no one exercises control, things will become harder to manage,/हाथ से िनकलना
1061. Getting-settled-in ⇒ Getting used to a new job/नए काम म मन लगना
1062. Give them the slip ⇒ To escape/भाग जाना
1063. Give me some breathing ⇒ Don’t make me feel pressured./दबाव नहीं डालना

1064. Give my eye-teeth for ⇒ Give anything for; pay any price for/कोई भी कीमत दे ना
1065. Give someone a ribbing ⇒ Tease someone about something that he has done or is embarrassed about./ दु खती नस
पर हाथ रखना
1066. Give someone the benefit ⇒ Believe someone as long as there is no evidence to indicate he is wrong./जब तक गलत
of the doubt
1067. Give someone the cold
1068. Give someone the nudge

1069. Give the green light

1070. Green thumb

सािबत ना हो तब तक िकसी पर िव ास करना
Give someone a cool reception / To ignore someone /िकसी को नजरअंदाज करना

Give someone a little push to encourage him to get started on the right path./िकसी को कुछ
सही करने के िलए े रत करना
Approve go-ahead./ ीकृित दे ना
To have a natural interest in gardening /बागवानी म िच

1071. Going places ⇒ Talented and successful/ ितभावान और सफल
1072. Give the game away ⇒ Give out the secret/राज़ खोलना
1073. Give in ⇒ Yield / हार मानना
1074. Go through fire and water ⇒ Undergo any risk/कोई भी खतरा मोल लेना
1075. Get the sack ⇒ Dismissed from/बखा होना
1076. Good Samaritan ⇒ Helpful person/परोपकारी
1077. Going places ⇒ Talented and successful /कामयाब होना
1078. Got the sack ⇒ Dismissed from/ बखा होना
1079. Go to the winds ⇒ Disappear /लु हो जाना
1080. Give vent to ⇒ To emphasize or to express/ कट करना
1081. Go to the dogs ⇒ To be ruined / तहस नहस होना
1082. Give way ⇒ Collapse /पतन की अव था म होना
1083. Gift of the gab ⇒ Ability to speak well/ िज ा पर सर ती का वास होना
1084. Go haywire ⇒ Become out of control /अिनयंि त होना

1085. Go a long way towards doing ⇒ To be helpful/ मददगार सािबत होना

1086. Grease anybody’s palm ⇒ To give bribe/ र त दे ना
1087. Go down the drain ⇒ Lose forever/बरबाद होना
1088. Go for the jugular ⇒ Attack all out , To attack somebody’s weaker point during a discussion /कमजोर पहलू पर
आ मण करना
1089. Go Dutch ⇒ Divide the cost /साझा करना/खचा बां टना
1090. Go scot-free ⇒ To escape without punishment/िबना सजा के बच िनकलना
1091. Get on nerves ⇒ Annoying /िकसी की िचंता या ोध का कारण बनना
1092. Gut feeling ⇒ Strong instinct (based on feelings and emotions rather than thought and reason)/आं त रक
1093. Give a hand with ⇒ To help with something/ सहायता करना
1094. Give a wide berth to ⇒ दू री बनाना /To stay away from or avoid someone
1095. Give away ⇒ To distribute something/ बाँ टना
1096. Get on well ⇒ Have a friendly relationship/िमलजुल कर रहना
1097. Gate crasher ⇒ Uninvited guest /िबन बुलाए मेहमान
1098. Go out of one’s way ⇒ Do everything possible/हर संभव यास करना
1099. Give in ⇒ To agree to do something that you don’t want to do/झुक जाना Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 73

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 16 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
1100. Give and take ⇒ Adjustment Willingness in relationship to accept what somebody else wants and gives
up some of what you want /आपसी सूझबूझ रखना
1101. Get down to business ⇒ To begin work seriously/काय शु करना
1102. Giving a piece of one’s mind ⇒ Speak sharply/डाँ टना
1103. Go about ⇒ Go around ,To continue to do something/काय चालू रखना
1104. Gerrymandering way ⇒ In a manipulative and unfair way/जालसाज़ी करना
1105. Get the sack ⇒ Be dismissed / बरखा होना
1106. Grease the palm ⇒ To bribe / र त दे ना
1107. Go to rack and ruin ⇒ Get into a bad condition /बबाद होना

Idioms beginning with ‘ H ’

1108. Haggard look ⇒ Exhausted or worn-out expression / थका-थका सा िदखना

1109. Hair stand-on-end ⇒ Scary Terrifying / डरावना
1110. Hit the bull’s eye ⇒ Hit the center of the target with the arrow. /तीर िनशाने पर लगना
1111. Hit the ceiling ⇒ Explode with anger /गु े से फूट पड़ना
1112. Hunger for knowledge ⇒ Thirst for learning /सीखने की भूख
1113. Hit the nail on the head ⇒ Make the exact point; be right /िब ु ल सही और सटीक
1114. Half-hearted ⇒ Unenthusiastic without commitment or enthusiasm./आधे मन से

1115. Halcyon days ⇒ Peaceful days/शां ित वाले िदन
1116. Hit the road ⇒ Time to leave; time to go./ चलने का समय हो जाना
1117. Half-wit ⇒ Someone with only half the normal intelligence of others./मंदबु
1118. Hammer it in ⇒ Keep stressing/जोर दे ते रहना
1119. Hammer out an agreement ⇒ Bargain and negotiate./ िकसी समझौते के सभी िनयम िनधा रत करना
1120. Hammer and tongs
1121. Hand and glove with
1122. Hand to mouth existence
1123. Hand-picked
1124. Hands down
1125. Hunt down

With great effort or energy./ब त यास या ऊजा के साथ
In close co-operation/ िमलजुल कर.
With barely enough to eat and survive on a day-by-day basis./ िकसी तरह से गुजर बसर करना
Chosen from among the very best. /िकसी समूह म सबसे बिढ़या
Absolutely beyond question and without doubt./ िन ंदेह
Chase and follow someone/िकसी का पीछा करना
Be able to express your opinion to help in deciding on something./अपनी बात रखने म सफल
1126. Have a say in the matter ⇒
1127. Hive of activity ⇒ Too much activity/िकसी थान पर ब त गितिविध होना
1128. Hang by a thread ⇒ Be in a risky situation. /जो खम म होना
1129. Hold a grudge ⇒ resentment against someone for something. /मन म कड़वाहट होना
1130. Hobson's choice ⇒ No alternative/कोई िवक नहीं होना
1131. Hold anything against ⇒ To dislike someone for something that he did to you./ िकसी के िलए मन म बैर रखना
1132. Happy as a lark ⇒ As happy as a bird singing in a tree. /बेहद खुश
1133. Hold back ⇒ Hesitate or control your emotions/ भावनाओं पर काबू रखना
1134. Humorous anecdote ⇒ Telling of an incident as a funny story/िदलच और हा ा द घटना के बारे म बताना
1135. Hold on tight ⇒ Hold your seat so you don’t fall off. / जोर से पकड़कर बैठना
1136. Harbouring a grudge ⇒ Wanting to get revenge for something that happened in the past/बदले की भूख
1137. Hard feelings ⇒ Grudges/िशकायत
1138. Hard going ⇒ Difficult work; not so easy/किठन काय

1139. Hard knocks ⇒ Life’s disappointments and blows/जीवन के थपेड़े

1140. Hard nut to crack ⇒ A difficult person to convince or bring around to a different point of view,/ ब त िज ी या
1141. Hard-pressed ⇒ Facing financial crisis/िव ीय संकट का सामना करना
1142. Hard to swallow ⇒ Difficult to accept take or endure due to loss of face/मु ल से हजम करना
1143. Hold out for more ⇒ Wait until one gets a better offer /बेहतर ाव का इं तजार करना
1144. Hard-boiled ⇒ Been through a lot of sufferings./ब त पीड़ा से गुजरा आ
1145. Hard-fought battle ⇒ Struggled hard to get or achieve/किठन लड़ाई/ संघष .
1146. Hard-headed ⇒ Stubborn/िज ी
1147. Harmless lie ⇒ A lie told that hurts no one or does no harm./िजस झूठ से िकसी का भला हो
1148. Harping away at someone ⇒ Complaining repeatedly with anger and dissatisfaction./ गु े म िकसी की बार-बार िशकायत
1149. Has been Someone ⇒ One who has been someone important in the past but is not anymore./ िकसी जमाने म
मह पूण होना
1150. Hash it over ⇒ Argue it out to try to agree. /िकसी मु े पर बात करके िन ष पर आना
1151. Hassle someone ⇒ Irritate, annoy, bother, continue complaining / परे शान करना
1152. Hate crime ⇒ A crime committed motivated by hate./घृणा से े रत अपराध
1153. Hold still ⇒ Remain- still and don’t fidget./ थर रहना Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 74

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 16 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
1154. Hold your horses ⇒ Tell a person to slow down. /िकसी को गित धीमी करने के िलए कहना
1155. Haul someone over the coals ⇒ Give someone a good grilling or questioning./स ी से पूछताछ
1156. Have a fit ⇒ Become angry / ोिधत होना
1157. Hold your tongue ⇒ Don't tell anybody. /िकसी को मत बताना
1158. Have a head on your ⇒ Clever and well-balanced and trustworthy. /चतुर, संतुिलत, िव सनीय
1159. Have a heart ⇒ Show mercy /दया िदखाना
1160. Have one's way ⇒ The way one wants /अपने रा े पर चलना
1161. Have a premonition ⇒ Have a feeling beforehand of what is going to happen. /पूवाभास होना
1162. Have a run-in with ⇒ Have a clash, conflict, confrontation or argument with someone. /टकराव की थित होना
1163. Hit the jackpot ⇒ Gaining a big/ great success specially by luck. /बड़ी मछली हाथ लगना
1164. Have a skeleton in ⇒ Secret concerning something scandalous, immoral and indecent from your past./आपके
your closet बारे म कोई ऐसी गोपनीय बात जो आपके अतीत से संबंिधत है और आप की शिमदगी का कारण है
1165. Hush money ⇒ Money paid on the side to keep quiet./ पैसे से मुंह बंद करना
1166. Holding your own ⇒ Defending your position./अपने प का बचाव करना
1167. Hush-hush ⇒ To be kept secret/ गोपनीय रखना
1168. Honest mistake ⇒ mistake made unknowingly./अनजाने म ई गलती
1169. Have several irons in ⇒ To be involved in many projects activities at the same time/ एक समय पर ब त सारे काय म
the fire उलझा होना .

1170. Have your feet on the ground ⇒ Well-balanced; realistic, sensible and reliable./ पाँ व ज़मीन पर होना
1171. Hollow leg ⇒ Too eat too much./ ब त ादा खाना
1172. Have your hands full ⇒ Be so busy that you cannot take on any more work,/करने के िलए ब त सारा काम होना

1173. Have your heart in your ⇒ Overcome with intimidation and emotion/कलेजा मुंह को आना
1174. Hole-up for a while
1175. Haven’t got a leg to stand on
1176. Hawk-eyed
1177. Hothead
1178. Head and shoulders above
the rest

Go into hiding/िछप जाना
No basis for argument / बात म दम ना होना
With Sharp eyes like a hawk./चील की िनगाह होना
Someone who gets angry easily./गम िमजाज़
Far better than all the others; a cut above the rest./औरों से बेहतर होना
1179. Head in the clouds ⇒ Lost in illusion; overly-optimistic. / का िनक दु िनया म जीना
1180. Head over heels in love ⇒ Totally, illogically in love / ार म अंधा होना
1181. Heads will roll ⇒ People in high positions will be fired and removed from the position./उ पद वाले लोगों को
नौकरी से िनकाला जाएगा
1182. Hopeless case ⇒ Beyond help; cannot be cured or helped rehabilitated./ कोई उ ीद ना होना
Absolutely quiet/अ िधक शां ित
1183. Hear a pin drop ⇒
1184. Hear me out ⇒ At least listen to the end of what I have to say./कम से कम मेरी पूरी बात सुनो
1185. Heart in your mouth ⇒ A state of being so emotional that one is unable to speak./ब त ादा भावुक होना
1186. Heart of the matter ⇒ The central point /क िबंदु
1187. Heart’s desire ⇒ What the heart is set on having/िदली ािहश
1188. Hole and corner policy ⇒ Secret policy./ गु नीित
1189. Heartfelt gratitude ⇒ A feeling of thankfulness deep in one’s heart. /मन से आभार कट करना
1190. Heartfelt sympathy ⇒ A deep feeling of sympathy and at another’s sorrow./मन से सहानुभूित कट करना
1191. Heart-to-heart ⇒ An honest and open talk between two people./िदल से िदल तक

1192. Heaven-on-earth ⇒ Absolute bliss and contentment. /धरती पर ग

1193. Heavy-handed ⇒ Oppressive, forceful and against people's will./भारी मन से, लोगों की इ ा के िव
1194. Hornet’s nest ⇒ Open up a sensitive issue or topic. /िकसी संवेदनशील मु े को उठाना
1195. Height of ecstasy ⇒ Peak of joy and blissfulness. /खुशी की हद
1196. Height of his career ⇒ High-point / क रयर की ऊंचाई पर
1197. Hot under the collar ⇒ Becoming heated-up and getting angry/ गम िमजाज
1198. Hysteria broke out ⇒ Pandemonium broke loose/िव व होना
1199. Held in high esteem ⇒ Respected very highly./ब त ादा स ानजनक थित म
1200. Help for the needy ⇒ Charity for those not so well off as yourself. / ज़ रतमंदों की सहायता
1201. Hot and bothered ⇒ Excited; aroused; worked-up or displeased. /उ ेिजत
1202. Hot air ⇒ A lot of empty self- inflated egotistical or conceited talk./अपने आप को ब त महान समझना /
1203. Horsing around ⇒ Fooling around; playing around./बेवकूफ बनाना /
1204. Herculean task ⇒ Task requiring tremendous effort. /मह पूण िज़ ेदारी
1205. Hidden motives ⇒ Latent or concealed intentions which are not necessarily good./िछपे इरादे
1206. Hidden-agenda ⇒ A secret goal or plan / गु उ े
1207. Horns of the dilemma ⇒ To choose between two divergent alternatives. /दो भयंकर िवक ों के बीच होना
1208. Hide your face ⇒ Cover your face due to shame./शम से मुंह िछपाना
1209. Hot-tempered ⇒ Easily angered. /तुनकिमजाज Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 75

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 16 - 17 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
1210. High and dry ⇒ Left alone with no one to help you. /अकेला पड़ जाना
1211. High and mighty thinking ⇒ you are better than and superior to other people /आप अ लोगों से बेहतर तथा व र ह
1212. High profile ⇒ Having a well-known, respected image. / बड़े लोग
1213. High time ⇒ About time! /सही समय
1214. Higher than a kite ⇒ Under the influence of drugs or alcohol. /ड या शराब के नशे म
1215. High-handed ⇒ Arrogant; overbearing; bossy. / घमंडी
1216. House of cards ⇒ A plan that is poorly put together. /ताश के महल
1217. Household name ⇒ A name that everybody knows./घर-घर म जाना पहचाना
1218. Hue and cry ⇒ Any loud public outcry. /कोई भी सावजिनक शोर
1219. Human error ⇒ Caused by human negligence. / इं सान ारा की गई गलती
1220. Hit the books ⇒ Start to study. /पढ़ाई शु करना
1221. Hit the bottle ⇒ Start drinking excessively./ ब त अिधक शराब पीने लगना
1222. Hard and fast ⇒ Strict / स
1223. Heads will roll ⇒ Transfers will take place/ थानां तरण होना
1224. Hard and fast ⇒ That cannot be altered ⇒fixed / बंधा आ
1225. Hobson’s choice ⇒ No real choice at all/कोई िवक न होना
1226. Hold one’s horses ⇒ To keep waiting /इं तज़ार करना
1227. Have the last laugh ⇒ To be victorious at the end of an argument-To succeed when others thought you would
not / अंतत: िवजयी होना

1228. Helter-Skelter ⇒ In disorderly haste/अ -
1229. Hold water ⇒ With logical backing -To stand up to critical examination /िव ास -यो होना
1230. Hand in glove ⇒ In close relationship/घिन संबंध
1231. Have a finger in every pie ⇒ To be meddlesome -To involved in a lot of different activities and having influence over
them / ब त सारे काय म फंसा होना
1232. Horse sense
1233. High handed
1234. Heart to heart talk
1235. Had better

1236. Hold one’s tongue

1237. Hope against hope

Basic common sense / वहा रक ान
Using authority in an unreasonable way, overbearing /रोबदार
Frank talk/ ं द बातचीत /िदल खोलकर बात करना
Used for telling somebody what you think he ‘should’ do/सका उपयोग िकसी को यह बताने के
िलए िकया जाता है िक उसे ा करना चािहए
To be silent/चुप रहना
Nurture an impossible hope /झूठा िदलासा होना/दे ना

1238. Have a bee in one’s bonnet ⇒ To be preoccupied or obsessed with something/ िकसी चीज की धुन सवार होना
1239. Have something up your ⇒ Have an alternate plan/वैक क योजना होना
1240. Hard of hearing ⇒ To be deaf / िजसे सुनाई न दे
1241. Husband one’s resource ⇒ To save ⇒Economical /बचत करना
1242. Hold up ⇒ Delay /रोकना
1243. Have a chip on one’s ⇒ Nurse a grudge /ई ा रखना/मन म कड़वाहट पालना

Idioms beginning with ‘ I ’

1244. In a nutshell ⇒ In very brief form /सं ेप म

1245. In black and white ⇒ In printed or written form. / िल खत या कािशत
1246. In full swing ⇒ At the height of activity. /पूरे जोर-शोर से

1247. In the blues ⇒ In dumps depressed./उदासी

1248. In the long run ⇒ Ultimately./ अंततः
1249. In the nick of time ⇒ At the last possible moment. /अंितम ण म
1250. In the same boat ⇒ Sharing the same problems./एक जैसी प र थित म होना
1251. In vogue ⇒ In the current fashions/ इन िदनों चलन म .
1252. Ins and outs ⇒ Intricacies or complications/ full detail./ िव ार पूवक जानकारी होना
1253. In a fix ⇒ In a difficult mental state/ दु िवधा म होना
1254. Itch for Have a yearning for ⇒ have an unsatisfied desire for something./िकसी चीज के िलए ब त ादा इ ा होना
1255. In a tight corner ⇒ In a difficult situation /मु ल प र थित म
1256. Insolent attitude ⇒ Disrespectful, cheeky, impudent manner. /अपमानजनक
1257. Insolent remark ⇒ A rude or disrespectful comment. /अपमानजनक िट णी
1258. In-the-offering ⇒ About to begin; going to start soon. /िजसकी शु आत होने वाली हो
1259. Intimidate someone ⇒ Threaten someone. / िकसी को धमकाना
1260. Itchy feet ⇒ The need to move to other regions. /घूमने िफरने के िलए इ ा होना
1261. Invasion of privacy ⇒ Disturbing someone’s privacy./ िनजता का हनन
1262. Inviting trouble ⇒ Asking for trouble. /आ बैल मुझे मार
1263. Involved argument ⇒ Complicated argument. /ब त ही जिटल बहस
1264. Iron out your differences ⇒ Remove all misunderstandings.सभी गलतफहिमयाँ दू र करना Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 76

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 17 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
1265. Iron will ⇒ Unbending intent. / बल इ ाश
1266. It’s a cinch ⇒ Something easy to do. /ब त आसान काय
1267. It’s a crying shame ⇒ Very shameful. /बेहद शमनाक
1268. It’s a drag ⇒ It is very boring to have to do and endure. /ब त उबाऊ काम
1269. It’s a mystery to me ⇒ I cannot understand why it happened./यह ों आ मेरी समझ से परे है
1270. It’s a toss up ⇒ No one knows whether it will go one way or the other./दो चीजों के होने की संभावनाएं आधी
आधी है
1271. It’s all over now ⇒ That’s the end. /सब ख होना
1272. It’s no crime to ⇒ It is not against the law/यह क़ानून के िव नहीं है .
1273. It’s no hassle ⇒ It is no trouble at all./यह मु ल नहीं है
1274. It’s no picnic ⇒ It is not easy; no fun. /यह आसान नहीं है
1275. It’s not the end of the world ⇒ Don’t be so disappointed./दु िनया ख़ नहीं हो गयी
1276. It’s now or never ⇒ Act now for later will be too late. /अभी नहीं तो कभी नहीं
1277. It’s time to take stock ⇒ The time has come to size up and assess the situation./प र थित का मूलयां कन करने का
of the situation समय आ गया है
1278. In doldrums ⇒ To be depressed, /अवसाद म होना
1279. In embryo ⇒ Immature/ in the marking, /नौिस खया
1280. In no time ⇒ In a very short time, /तुरंत
1281. In one's teens ⇒ From thirteen to nineteen years of age, /तेरह से उ ीस वष की उ का समय

1282. In the air ⇒ In circulation/ in people's thoughts, / चलन म
1283. In the family way ⇒ Pregnant/ गभवती
1284. In the good books of ⇒ To be in favour with a person /जब कोई आपके बारे म अ ा सोचता है
1285. In the jaws of ⇒ In the grip of / िगर म
1286. In the limelight ⇒ It the centre of attention /चकाचौंध म
1287. In the lurch
1288. I’ve been duped
1289. I’ve got my eye on you
1290. Ice-breaker
1291. Icing on the cake
1292. Ideal couple
1293. Impending disaster

In a difficult and embarrassing position /शिमदगी वाली थित म
Someone has deceived me; fooled me./मेरे साथ धोखा आ
I have been watching you./मेरी नज़र तुम पर ह
Something to say to break the silence and get people talking./चु ी तोड़ना
Something extra special on top of everything else/सोने पर सुहागा
Two people wedded together in a perfect marriage which serves as an ideal./ आदश जोड़ी
Imminent catastrophe./ऐसी मुसीबत जो कभी भी, आ सकती है

1294. Implausible excuse ⇒ An unlikely and improbable excuse/एक असंभव बहाना .
1295. Impossible task ⇒ A feat that is too hard to accomplish/असंभव काय
1296. Impulsive action ⇒ An instinctual action made without thinking /िबना सोचे समझे उतावलेपन से िकया गया काम
1297. In a bind ⇒ Facing a dilemma situation. /दु िवधा म होना
1298. In a blind alley ⇒ A dead end /जहां से कोई रा ा संभव ना हो
In trouble. /मुसीबत म
1299. In a fix ⇒
1300. In a flash of the eye ⇒ In a second; in a moment./पलक झपकते ही
1301. In a goldfish bowl ⇒ Living in luxury where everyone can see and judge everything you do./ब त ऐशो आराम की
िजंदगी जीना जहां आपके जीवन का हर पहलू जनता के सामने हो
1302. In a pinch ⇒ Tight, difficult situation/मु ल प र थित .
1303. In a slump ⇒ Going through a bad period./बुरे दौर से गुजरना
1304. In a stupor ⇒ Incapable of understanding/जो समझने म स म ना हो .
1305. In broad daylight ⇒ Out in front of everyone so everyone can see. /िदन दहाड़े
1306. In cold blood ⇒ Mercilessly; without pity; with no feeling. /िनदयता से िकया आ

1307. It’s time to take ⇒ Conspiring together /साथ म जालसाजी करना

1308. In donkey’s years ⇒ For a long, long time./ब त लंबा समय
1309. In dribs and drabs ⇒ A little bit at a time. /एक समय म थोड़ा सा
1310. In his heyday ⇒ At the peak of his career and fame. /जब कोई अपने क रयर के िशखर पर था
1311. In hot water ⇒ In a big trouble. /बड़ी सम ा म
1312. In jeopardy ⇒ In danger./ खतरे म
1313. Itchy palm ⇒ A hand that is greedy for money, especially corruption money. /हाथ म खुजली होना
1314. In league with ⇒ In collusion with. /जालसाजी करना
1315. In line for a promotion ⇒ Due to be promoted soon. /कोई जो ज ही तर ी पाने वाला है
1316. In line with ⇒ Following the guidelines or provisions of. /िनदशों का पालन करते ए
1317. In my books ⇒ In my opinion; in my estimation; what I think. /मेरे िवचार से
1318. In my element ⇒ Feeling at home. ./आरामदायक प र थित म होना
1319. In no uncertain terms ⇒ Definitely, without question. / िनि त प से
1320. In quest of ⇒ Searching and striving towards. /तलाश म
1321. In so many words ⇒ In summary /संि म
1322. In someone’s good books ⇒ A person thinks well of you. /िकसी का आपके बारे म अ ा सोचना
1323. In the air Pending ⇒ Not yet concluded. /कोई काम जो पूरा नहीं आ है
1324. In the bag ⇒ It’s a sure thing/यक़ीनन Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 77

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 17 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
1325. In the blink of an eye ⇒ In a second./पलक झपकते ही
1326. In the bud ⇒ In the beginning phase. /शु आती चरण म
1327. In the cards ⇒ According to fate and fortune /िक त के अनुसार
1328. In the clear ⇒ Innocent of all charges free from difficulty. /िनद ष सािबत करना
1329. In the dark ⇒ Ignorant of with no knowledge /अनिभ ता
1330. In the doghouse ⇒ In disgrace/ल ा जनक थित म होना
1331. In the driving seat ⇒ In-charge; in control. /कमान संभालना
1332. In the final analysis ⇒ In the end; at the end of the day/अंत म
1333. In the foreseeable future ⇒ As far ahead as we can see or predict into the future. / िनकट भिव म
1334. In the heat of the moment ⇒ On the spur of the moment. / मौके की गहमागहमी म
1335. In the hole ⇒ In debt / ऋण म
1336. In the hot seat ⇒ In trouble; being blamed and questioned. /मुसीबत म
1337. In the know ⇒ Well-informed due to being close to the source. /जानकारी होना
1338. In the lap of luxury ⇒ Living in a situation of affluence with every comfort/ हर तरह के सुख और संसाधनों के बीच
1339. In the limelight ⇒ In the spotlight. /चकाचौंध म
1340. In the money ⇒ Having come into cash suddenly. /अचानक से संपि या पैसे ,िमलना
1341. In the next breath ⇒ In next to no time/अगले ही पल
1342. In the nick of time ⇒ At the last minute. /अंितम ण म
1343. In the pink of health ⇒ Very fit and healthy; / ब त थ

1344. In the red ⇒ In debt/ ऋण म
1345. In the same boat ⇒ In the same circumstances./एक ही प र थित म
1346. In the same breath ⇒ At the same time. /एक ही सां स म
1347. In the spotlight ⇒ To be at the center of attention. /आकषण का क
1348. In the time-being ⇒ Meanwhile; for the moment. /इस समय के िलए
1349. In the wrong
1350. In too deep already
1351. In touch with
1352. In your element
1353. In your way
1354. In your right mind
1355. Insane comment

Against what is right; against justice./ ाय के िव
Too deeply involved in trouble already./पहले से ही ब त मुसीबत म होना
Keeping up contact with./संपक म होना
If full mood /अ े मूड म
The way you want. /अपने तरीके से
Not crazy /अपने होशो हवास म
Stupid remark /बेवकूफों वाली िट णी

1356. Inflammatory remark ⇒ A comment that causes anger and outrage./ ोिधत करने वाली िट णी
1357. Inflated-opinion of yourself ⇒ Think too much of oneself./ खुद के बारे म ब त ादा सोचना
1358. Inform someone of ⇒ To give official notice of; to notify; to let someone know. /आिधका रक सूचना दे ना
1359. Inner solitude ⇒ Inner-peace. /आतं रक शां ित
1360. Inopportune moment ⇒ At an embarrassing or inconvenient moment./ गलत समय पर
An appetite that can never be satisfied. /ऐसी भूख जो शां त ना हो
1361. Insatiable appetite ⇒
1362. Inside-out ⇒ Backwards and forwards; really-well /कोई चीज ब त बिढ़या ढं ग से आना
1363. It’s your call ⇒ You decide / तुम तय करो
1364. It’s your funeral ⇒ You will be the cause of your undoing. / तुम अपनी बबादी के िलए खुद िज ेदार होंगे
1365. In cold blood ⇒ A murder done with intention and brutally /िनदयतापूवक ह ा
1366. In the long run ⇒ Ultimately /आ खरकार
1367. In high spirits ⇒ Full of hope and enthusiasm/आशा और उ ाह से भरा आ
1368. In the swim ⇒ Well informed and up-to-date / सूिचत और सि य
1369. In the loop ⇒ Informed regularly /िनयिमत प से सूिचत करना

1370. In the air ⇒ Able to be firmly relied on to happen or be the case-Specific but not explicitly named or
stated /चचाओं म
1371. In Dutch ⇒ In trouble /मुसीबत म होना
1372. In the nick of time ⇒ Just in time /ठीक समय पर
1373. In two minds ⇒ To be undecided / दु िवधा म होना
1374. In lieu of ⇒ Despite of/के थान पर/ बदले म
1375. In fits and starts ⇒ Irregularly/अिनयिमत
1376. In the soup ⇒ To be in trouble /मुसीबत म होना
1377. In a pickle ⇒ in an embarrassing or awkward situation/शमनाक या किठन प र थित म
1378. In the running ⇒ Has good prospects in competition / ित धा म शािमल होना और जीतने को दावेदार होना
1379. In apple pie order ⇒ In perfect order /सही म म
1380. Iron fist ⇒ To treat people in severe manner-strictly/लोगों के साथ गंभीर तरीके से/ स ी से वहार करना
1381. Ice breaking ⇒ Starting a conversation/वातालाप शु करना
1382. In the blues ⇒ Cheerless and depressed /उदासीन

Idioms beginning with ‘ J ’

1383. Jack of all trades master ⇒ Having worked in every kind of job but not being expert on anyone / थोड़ा-थोडा सब कुछ
of none आना लेिकन महारथ िकसी म भी नहीं Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 78

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 17 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
1384. Jam-packed ⇒ Crowded to the bursting point / खचाखच भरा आ
1385. Jaundiced-attitude ⇒ Pessimistic way of seeing /नकारा क ि कोण
1386. Jailbird ⇒ A person who is or has been confined to jail. /एक जो जेल म है
1387. Jaundiced eye ⇒ To look at something with a prejudiced view. /प पातपूण ि कोण
1388. Jealousy gets you nowhere ⇒ There is no benefit in being jealous. / ई ा करने से कोई लाभ नहीं है
1389. Jeering crowd ⇒ A large gathering of angry people who are shouting disapproval. / ोिधत भीड़
1390. Jittery nerves ⇒ Jumpy, shaky nerves. / ब त ादा घबरा जाना
1391. Jog the mind ⇒ Prod someone’s memory / िदमाग पर जोर दे ना
1392. Johnny-on-the-spot ⇒ Someone who responds and comes quickly when needed; /एक ऐसा इं सान जो तुरंत मदद के
िलए आता है
1393. Join the club ⇒ All are in the same boat; Welcome to the group. /सभी एक ही थित म
1394. Joking aside/Jokes- apart ⇒ In all seriousness. / ब त आ मजाक अब काम की बात
1395. Joyous occasion ⇒ Happy event. / खुशहाल काय म
1396. Judas kiss ⇒ False love. / झूठा ार
1397. Jump to a conclusion ⇒ To conclude prematurely. / िबना सोचे समझे िकसी िन ष पर प ं चना
1398. Judge a book by its cover ⇒ Decide based only on outward appearance./ केवल बाहरी िदखावे पर कोई राय बना लेना
1399. Judgement day ⇒ The day you die whether you go to heaven or hell. / क़यामत का िदन
1400. Jumbled-up ⇒ Cluttered; disorderly; messy. / अ -
1401. Jump at the chance ⇒ Grab the opportunity. / अवसर को लपक लेना

1402. Jump down someone’s ⇒ React aggressively. / आ ामक ढं ग से िति या दे ना
1403. Jump to conclusions ⇒ Jump to false conclusions /झूठा िन ष िनकालना
1404. Just as I expected ⇒ As I thought would happen. / जैसा िक मने सोचा था
1405. Just in the nick of time ⇒ At the very last moment possible. / अंितम ण म
1406. Just kidding
1407. Just punishment
1408. Just reward
1409. Just say the word
1410. Juvenile delinquent
1411. Jumping down one’s throat

Only joking; don’t take it seriously. / मज़ाक म
The punishment one deserves under the balance of the law. / जायज सजा
What you deserve; just the payback that you merit. (जायज़ पुर ार )
Whenever you are ready, just tell me.(बस एक बार कह दे ना)
Someone under age who breaks the law or gets into trouble. (अ वय / िकशोर अपराधी)
To react very angrily to somebody (गु ा करना)
Idioms beginning with ‘ K ‘

1412. Kangaroo court ⇒ A group of self-appointed court members set up hastily to judge and Punish. / ज ी से
सज़ा दे ने के िलए गिठत ायालय के सद ों का समूह
1413. Keen observe ⇒ Sharp in observing. /बा रकी से जाँ चने की िनगाह रखने वाला
1414. Keep a civil tongue in ⇒ Speak politely with good manners the way society expects. / िवन ता से बात कर
your head
1415. Keep a secret ⇒ Don’t tell anybody. / िकसी को मत बताना
1416. Keep abreast of ⇒ Stay up-to-date. / नवीनतम जानकारी होना
1417. Keep an eye on someone ⇒ Watch someone to see what he does. / नज़र रखना
1418. Keep an eye out for ⇒ Be on the lookout for. / िकसी चीज की तलाश म होना
1419. Keep in check ⇒ Restrain / िनयंि त करना
1420. Keep in step with the times ⇒ Up-to-date. /समय के साथ कदम िमलाकर चलना
1421. Keep in touch ⇒ Remain in contact. / संपक म रहना

1422. Keep it brief ⇒ Short and to the point / संि म

1423. Keep it to yourself ⇒ Don’t tell this to anyone. / खुद तक सीिमत रहना
1424. Keep it under your hat ⇒ Keep it a secret. / गु रखना
1425. Keep me posted ⇒ Keep me up to date; let me know what is going on / ा चल रहा है , मुझे इसकी खबर दे ते रहना
1426. Keep mum ⇒ Keep it quiet. / मुंह बंद रखो
1427. Keep one’s cards close ⇒ to one’s chest Not to reveal one’s plans. / अपनी योजनाये कट न करना
1428. Keep one's word ⇒ To keep one's promise. / वादा िनभाना
1429. Keep out of sight ⇒ Do not let yourself be seen. / नजरों से दू र रहना
1430. Keep pace with ⇒ Keep up with; keep abreast of. / कदम से कदम िमलाना
1431. Keep quiet ⇒ Stop talking and don’t say anything more . / शां त रहना
1432. Keep someone at a distance ⇒ Maintain distance from someone. / दू री बनाकर रहना
1433. Keep someone at-arm's ⇒ Keep your distance from a person / एक हाथ की दू री बनाकर रखना
1434. Keep tabs on someone ⇒ Watch and observe what someone says and does./ िकसी पर नजर रखना और दे खना िक वह
ा कर रहा है
1435. Keep the ball rolling ⇒ To maintain the progress of a project or plan./ काम जारी रखना
1436. Keep the faith ⇒ Don’t give up confidence in the struggle / संघष म आ िव ास नहीं खोना
1437. Keep the wolf from the door ⇒ To avert poverty/ starvation. / गरीबी को अपने दरवाजे से दू र रखना Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 79

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 17 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
1438. Keep track of ⇒ Follow the progress and development of / अपने काम पर नजर रखना िक िकतना काम आ है और
िकतना नहीं
1439. Keep up the good work ⇒ Continue doing the same kind of good work / ऐसे ही अ ा काम करते रहो
1440. Keep up with the times ⇒ Stay up-to-date. / समय के साथ चलना
1441. Keep your balance ⇒ Maintain equilibrium./ संतुलन बनाए रखना
1442. Keep your end of the bargain ⇒ Be true to your promise / अपने वादे पर खरा उतरना
1443. Keep your fingers crossed ⇒ A sign that you are hopeful. / आशावादी होना
1444. Keep your hands off me ⇒ Stay Away. / दू र रहो
1445. Keep your mouth shut ⇒ Keep it secret / अपना मुंह बंद रखो
1446. Keep your slate clean ⇒ Don’t let anything bad get on your record./ ान म रखना िक आपके रकॉड म कोई नकारा क
बात दज ना हो जाए
1447. Keep your temper ⇒ Don’t become angry and lose control of yourself / अपने गु े को िनयंि त रखना
1448. Keeping abreast ⇒ Staying up-to-date; having the very latest information. / हर पल की खबर रखना
1449. Keeping your head above ⇒ Just barely making a profit but earning enough to live on / िसफ इतना मुनाफा कमाना िजससे
Water िक आपका भरण-पोषण हो सके
1450. Keeping-up appearances ⇒ Trying for an impression that things are well for you when it’s not so actually / ऐसी छिव
बनाने का यास करना िक सब कुछ ठीक है जबिक वा िवक प से नहीं है
1451. Kept under wraps ⇒ Kept confidential, ready to be revealed/ गोपनीय रखी गयी चीज़ िजसे अब उजागर िकया जा सकता

1452. Key to success ⇒ Secret of becoming successful / सफलता की कुंजी
1453. Keyed-up ⇒ Excited /उ ािहत
1454. Kick the bucket ⇒ Die / मृ ु हो जाना
1455. Kick the habit ⇒ Give up an addiction. / िकसी लत को छोड़ दे ना
1456. Kick up your heels ⇒ To waste time waiting. / इं तजार म समय बबाद करना
1457. Kickback
1458. Kicking around an idea
1459. Kill two birds with one stone
1460. Killing time

1461. Kindred spirit

legal commission or percentage / अवैध दलाली
Considering something. / ऐसी चीज़ िजस पर आप िवचार कर रहे ह
Solve two problems with one action / एक तीर से दो िनशाने
Keeping yourself busy doing something to keep from being bored. / समय तीत करना
,बो रयत से बचने हे तु
Someone who feels exactly the same way you do./ कोई दू सरा इं सान जो िब ु ल वैसे महसूस
करता ह जैसे आप करते ह
1462. Kith and kin ⇒ Family and relatives; nearest and dearest. / िनकट संबंधी
1463. Knight in shining armour ⇒ A man who comes to the rescue of a woman in distress /एक ऐसा इं सान जो एक मिहला की
र ा करने आता है जब वह मुसीबत म होती है
1464. Knit-picker ⇒ Someone too attentive to small details./ एक ऐसा इं सान जो ब त ादा बारीिकयों पर ान दे ता
Frown./ भौहे चढ़ाना
1465. Knit one's brow ⇒
1466. Keep up with ⇒ Go at equal pace/ समान गित से चलना
1467. Know beans about ⇒ Well informed and intelligent / जानकार
1468. Know the ropes ⇒ Learn the procedures / ि या समझना
1469. Kith and kin ⇒ Relatives / र ेदार
1470. Keep your head ⇒ Remain calm / अपनी सुध बुध बनाये रखना
1471. Keep a level head ⇒ To remain calm and sensible in a difficult situation / किठन प र थित म शां त रहकर सूझबूझ से
काम लेना

1472. Kick up a row ⇒ Make a great fuss ⇒To complain loudly about something / हं गामा खड़ा करना
1473. Kicking heels ⇒ To be relaxed and enjoy ⇒Waste time / समय बबाद करना
1474. Keep the wolf from the door ⇒ Avoid starvation / िकसी तरह से गुजर करना
1475. Keep an open house ⇒ Welcome all members / सभी का ागत करना
1476. Keep body and soul together ⇒ To have just enough to sustain / गुज़ारा करना

Idioms beginning with ‘ L’

1477. Labor of love ⇒ Something that you do because you love doing it. / मनपसंद काम
1478. Labor under the illusion ⇒ Be under the false impression that. / म म जीना
1479. Laborious task ⇒ A lot of hard work and effort. / भारी मेहनत वाला काय
1480. Labor-the-point ⇒ Keep talking on-and-on about the same matter or point / एक ही मु े पर
बार-बार बात करना
1481. Lack of funds ⇒ Shortage of Funds/ धन की कमी
1482. Lack of understanding ⇒ Not to understand something / समझ की कमी
1483. Lady luck ⇒ Chance fortune; fate. /अ ी िक त
1484. Lady’s man ⇒ A man who likes the ladies and they like him. / एक ऐसा इं सान जो मिहलाओं को पसंद करता है
और मिहलाएं उसे पसंद करती ह. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 80

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 17 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
1485. Lag behind ⇒ Drop back/ पीछे छूटना
1486. Laid Back ⇒ Relaxed; easy-going; calm; cool. / ढीला-ढाला रवैया
1487. Laid to rest ⇒ An argument or disagreement may be finally settled and laid to rest./िकसी िववाद का अंत
1488. Laid-off ⇒ Made redundant/ जो काम का ना हो
1489. Lame excuse ⇒ A poor or weak excuse that no one will believe. / ऐसा बहाना, िजस पर कोई िव ास नहीं करे गा
1490. Lap of luxury ⇒ Living in a condition or position of luxury./ एक ऐसी थित म होना जहां आपके पास सभी सुख
साधन है
1491. Lapse of memory ⇒ Slip of the mind./ ान से िनकलना
1492. Lash-into someone ⇒ Attack verbally with criticism / कटु आलोचना करना
1493. Lash-out-at someone ⇒ Attack with harsh words / कठोर श ों म आलोचना करना
1494. Last breath ⇒ The moment of death. / अंितम सां स
1495. Last chance ⇒ Final opportunity / अंितम मौका
1496. Last-ditch attempt ⇒ One last desperate try before giving up. / हाथ खड़े करने से पहले
1497. Last for a lifetime ⇒ Forever / हमेशा के िलए
1498. Last of the lot ⇒ The final item in the list / अंितम चीज़
1499. Last resort ⇒ Last chance; only hope; final attempt / अंितम सहारा
1500. Last resting place ⇒ Burial ground. / क
1501. Last straw ⇒ The final cause that makes one lose. / ताबूत की अंितम कील

1502. Last words ⇒ The final words spoken before death. / अंितम श
1503. Lasting impression ⇒ Lasting effect / अिमट छाप छोड़न
1504. Last-minute decision ⇒ A quick unexpected decision before the act. / आ खरी समय म िकया गया फैसला
1505. Latch onto ⇒ Get your hands on; grab; get in your grasp. / लपक लेना
1506. Late-comer ⇒ A person who has recently arrived on the scene. / दे र से आने वाला
1507. Laudable effort
1508. Laugh it off
1509. Laughing stock
1510. Lax attitude
1511. Lay down the law
1512. Lay off workers

Praiseworthy attempt / शंसनीय यास
Just try to laugh and forget about it. / भूलो और मज़े करो
A person who is a subject of ridicule. / हं सी का पा
Not strict; Relaxed about following regulations. / ढीला रवैया
To set the rules. / िनयम बनाना
Give notice to workers that you have to terminate them due to financial factors. / आिथक
कारणों की वजह से कुछ लोगों को काम से हटा दे ना
1513. Lay your cards on the table ⇒ Speak openly / खुले तौर पर कह दे ना
1514. Lay your life on the line ⇒ Risk your life for a cause or in the line of duty. / अपने जीवन को खतरे म डालना
1515. Lazybones ⇒ Someone who is too lazy to get up and move his bones to do something. / आलसी लोग
1516. Lead someone astray ⇒ Lead them down a false path. / लोगों का गलत मागदशन करना
1517. Lead someone on ⇒ Keep telling someone a lie. / िकसी से झूठ बोलते रहना
Go first so the others can follow. / एक का आगे चलना और बाकी का पीछे आना
1518. Lead the way ⇒
1519. Lean time ⇒ A period in advance in which to become prepared for the deadline- किठन समय
1520. Lead to disaster ⇒ Doing something that will have a catastrophic effect./ कोई ऐसी चीज या घटना िजसके
प रणाम ब त बुरे हो सकते ह
1521. Leak to the press ⇒ Leak information / सूचना लीक कर दे ना
1522. Lean on him a little bit ⇒ Put the pressure on someone for something. / दबाव बनाना
1523. Lean over backwards ⇒ Do everything possible to oblige somebody. / िकसी को खुश करने का हर संभव यास करना
1524. Leaps and bounds ⇒ Going ahead very quickly / ब त तेज़ी से आगे बढ़ना
1525. Learn the ropes ⇒ A young person in a new job who has to learn a lot. / काम सीखना

1526. Leave a bad taste ⇒ To end in bitterness / मन म कड़वाहट छोड़ना

1527. Leave for good ⇒ Depart forever and never come back. / हमेशा के िलए चले जाना
1528. Leave in a lurch ⇒ Depart suddenly; abandon / अचानक चले जाना
1529. Leave it to chance ⇒ Let luck decide / िक त पर छोड़ दो
1530. Leave me alone ⇒ Don’t bother me / मुझे अकेला छोड़ दो
1531. Leave no stone unturned ⇒ Look and search very closely, absolutely everywhere. / हर संभव यास करना
1532. Left in the lurch ⇒ Deserted by someone and left to fend for yourself / िकसी को अकेले छोड़ दे ना
1533. Left on your own ⇒ Left all alone. /खुद के हाल पर छोड़ दे ना
1534. Left out in the cold ⇒ Excluded / बाहर करना
1535. Left-handed compliment ⇒ A compliment in a criticizing way. / ताना मारते ए शंसा करना
1536. Leg pull ⇒ Tease someone. / टां ग खींचना
1537. Legitimate excuse ⇒ Valid justification for absence or non-performance / उिचत कारण
1538. Leisure time ⇒ Free time / खाली समय
1539. Lend a hand ⇒ Help someone do something. / हाथ बढ़ाना
1540. Lengthy stay ⇒ Stay for a long time in a particular place. / एक िवशेष थान पर लंबे समय तक रहना
1541. Lenient punishment ⇒ Let off easy. / स े म छूट जाना
1542. Lesser-of-two-evils ⇒ The better of two bad choices. / दो बुराइयों म से जो कम बुरी है
1543. Let bygones be bygones ⇒ Forgive and forget what happened in the past. / जो बीत गई सो बात गई Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 81

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 17 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
1544. Let down your guard ⇒ No more alert and cautious. / ादा सतक नहीं होना
1545. Let down your hair ⇒ Relaxed / सुकून से
1546. Let it be ⇒ Accept things as they are; forget it; let it ride. / चीज जैसी ह उ वैसा ही ीकारना
1547. Let it go ⇒ Don’t hang on to anything that worries you/ कोई ऐसी चीज जो आपके िलए िचंता का कारण हो
उसके बारे म ादा ना सोचना / .
1548. Let it rest ⇒ Dead and buried in a cemetery; / दफ़न करना
1549. Let it ride ⇒ Don’t get upset; just let pass and let it go. / जाने दे ना, उदास नहीं होना
1550. Let it slide ⇒ Let it go and forget about it./ िकसी चीज को जाने दे ना और उस बारे म भूल जाना
1551. Let me look into it ⇒ Let me check / मुझे दे खने दो
1552. Let me ponder on that a ⇒ Allow me some time to think and consider the matter. / मुझे इस बारे म सोचने का समय दो
1553. Let me see ⇒ Allow me to think a moment. / मुझे इसके बारे म सोचने दो
1554. Let nature take its course ⇒ Wait and see what happens in the course of events
1555. Let off steam ⇒ Release pent-up pressure and emotions / मन की भड़ास िनकालना
1556. Let sleeping dogs lie ⇒ Don’t stir up old forgotten troubles / गड़े मुद मत उखाड़ो
1557. Let the cat out of the bag ⇒ Reveal a secret. / राज़ उजागर करो
1558. Let the dust settle ⇒ Wait until the crisis passes and things settle down. / चीज़े ठीक होने दो
1559. Let your hair down ⇒ Relax and behave naturally / सुकून महसूस करना
1560. Let yourself go ⇒ Relax so you are free of all your tensions / तनावमु रहना

1561. Let’s all pitch in and help ⇒ Let’s all join in and lend a hand / हाथ से हाथ िमलाकर मदद करो
1562. Let’s face it ⇒ We must accept the facts the way they are. / सच को ीकार करो
1563. Make it clear ⇒ Be sure you understand. / करना
1564. Let’s just forget it ⇒ Don’t dwell on it / भूल जाओ
1565. Let’s put some teeth into it ⇒ Let’s impose a penalty to make the punishment harsher. / िकसी कानून इ ािद को और स

1566. Let’s swap

1567. Level the playing field

1568. Level with me

1569. Level-headed
1570. Lie in wait


You give me yours and I give you mine. Exchange / अदला-बदली
Give the opposing sides a fair chance and equal opportunity / िवपरीत प को बराबर का मौका
और अवसर दे ना
Tell me the truth / सच बताओ
Calm and even-balanced. / शां त और संतुिलत
Waiting for someone in Hiding. / िकसी का िछपकर इं तजार करना

1571. Life or death situation ⇒ A very serious situation. /बेहद गंभीर प र थित
1572. Life-of-the-party ⇒ Live-wire / पाट की जान
1573. Light at the end of the tunnel ⇒ Hope amid despair that things will turn out in a good way at the end./ उ ीद की िकरण
1574. Light years away ⇒ Very far away. / ब त ब त दू र
1575. Lighten the burden ⇒ To make the task easier. / काय को आसान बनाना
Relax; cool down; don’t be so serious / माहौल को ह ा करना, तनाव मु महसूस करना
1576. Lighten-up ⇒
1577. Like a bolt out of the blue ⇒ Unexpected happening. / अ ािशत घटना
1578. Like a fish out of water ⇒ Like a person out of his element or natural condition. / असहज थित म होना
1579. Like a house on fire ⇒ Very-well; extremely-well very rapidly. / ब त बिढ़या तरीके से
1580. Like attracts like ⇒ People with the same interests are attracted to each other. / एक ही थाली के च े ब े
1581. Like it or not ⇒ Whether you like it or you do not like it / तु पसंद हो चाहे ना हो
1582. Like oil and water ⇒ Do not mix / आपस म सही स न होना
1583. Like the back of my hand ⇒ As well as I could know anything / ब त बिढ़या तरीके से िकसी चीज की जानकारी होना
1584. Like water off a duck’s back ⇒ Impervious to water. / पानी म अपारग

1585. Like-minded ⇒ People who think and feel the same way. / एक जैसी सोच वाले
1586. Lily-livered ⇒ Cowardly; faint-hearted; timid; gutless. / डरपोक
1587. Lily-white ⇒ Pure white and innocent. / सफेद और मासूम
1588. Linger awhile ⇒ To remain or stay on in a place longer than is usual or expected, / थोड़ी दे र के िलए को
1589. Link-up ⇒ Connect with / कड़ी से कड़ी जोड़ना
1590. Lion’s share ⇒ Best and most of the lot. / सबसे ादा बिढ़या या िह ा
1591. Little likelihood ⇒ That is very unlikely; almost impossible. / ना के बराबर संभावना
1592. Live and kicking ⇒ Active and healthy. / जीवंत
1593. Live and let live ⇒ Live the way you like and allow others to live the way they want / िजयो और जीने दो
1594. Live in an ivory tower ⇒ Live in a world of Illusions. / का िनक दु िनया म जीना
1595. Live it up ⇒ Have a good time. / अ ा समय िबताना
1596. Live wire ⇒ Someone who is vibrant and full of energy and the centre of activity. / जीवंत और ऊजावान
1597. Livid with anger ⇒ Very angry. / ब त ोिधत
1598. Living a lie ⇒ Pretending to be and do something that is not true. / झूठी िजंदगी जीना
1599. Living legend ⇒ A myth or legend in his period. / महान
1600. Living on a shoestring ⇒ Existing on very little money. / ब त कम पैसे म जीना
1601. Living on borrowed time ⇒ About to die soon / जो मरने वाला हो
1602. Loads and loads of money ⇒ Has a lot of money / ब त सारा पैसा Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 82

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 17 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
1603. Loafing-around ⇒ Lying around, taking it easy / यूं ही इधर-उधर भटकना
1604. Lock horns with ⇒ To get into a dispute. / िववाद म पड़ना
1605. Lock the door and throw ⇒ Put someone in jail forever. / िकसी को हमेशा के िलए जेल म डाल दे ना
the key
1606. Lodge a complaint ⇒ Express a grievance. / िशकायत करना
1607. Loitering around ⇒ Hanging around doing nothing. / कुछ करने के िलए ना होना
1608. Long arm of the law ⇒ The combined forces of all the police networks. / क़ानून के लंबे हाथ
1609. Long-range plans ⇒ Far-reaching plans for the future. / दीघकालीन योजनाएँ
1610. Long sojourn ⇒ A long time spent in one place / काफी समय तक एक जगह पर रहना
1611. Long time no see ⇒ I have not seen you in a long time. / काफी समय बाद िमलना
1612. Look after someone ⇒ Take care of a person. / दे खभाल करना
1613. Look after yourself ⇒ Take care of yourself. / खुद की दे खभाल करना
1614. Look alive ⇒ Be alert / सावधान रहो
1615. Look me in the eye ⇒ when you say that An expression indicating some doubt about the truth of a statement
and thinking one can see guilt in the eyes if the first speaker lies./ मेरी आँ खों म दे खकर बात
1616. Look of disdain ⇒ To treat with contempt / नापसंद करना
1617. Look of indignation ⇒ Angered at something / िकसी चीज़ पर ोिधत होना
1618. Look on the sunny side ⇒ Look on the bright side and be optimistic. / आशावादी होना

1619. Look out for ⇒ Be careful of; watch out for and be careful of. / सतक रहना
1620. Look out ⇒ Be careful what you do. / जो करो, ानपूवक करना
1621. Look sharp ⇒ Pay attention; hurry-up and get a move on / ान दो, ज ी करो
1622. Look the other way ⇒ Pretend you did not do something. / ऐसा वहार करना, जैसे आपने कुछ नहीं िकया है
1623. Look up to someone ⇒ Admire; respect; hold in high esteem. / शंसा, स ान करना
1624. Looks a bit-dated
1625. Looming on the horizon
1626. Loose talk

1627. Loose track of time

1628. Loosen up

Appears to be out-of-fashion, old-fashioned, not up-to-date / पुराना तीत होना
Coming soon; about to appear; immanent. / जो बस आने ही वाला हो
Making promises and threats without any intentions of fulfilling them. / खोखले वादे /

Become so absorbed that time passes by without you knowing it./ समय के बीतने का
एहसास ना होना
Stop being up-tight; relax. / स नहीं होना

1629. Losing battle ⇒ A fight you cannot win. / हारी ई लड़ाई
1630. Lose an opportunity ⇒ Miss an opportunity. / अवसर खो दे ना
1631. Lose appeaL ⇒ Become less popular, desirable. / कम लोकि य होना
1632. Lose confidence ⇒ Become discouraged. / हतो ािहत हो जाना
1633. Lose contact ⇒ Become out-of-touch with. / संपक म नहीं होना
Be embarrassed in front of others./ दू सरों के सामने ल त महसूस करना
1634. Lose face ⇒
1635. Lose faith ⇒ Give up confidence. / आ िव ास खो दे ना
1636. Lose favor ⇒ Become unpopular. / अलोकि य होना
1637. Lose heart ⇒ Give up hope and stop trying. / आशा और कोिशश छोड़ दे ना
1638. Lose interest ⇒ Cease to be interested / िदलच ी खो दे ना
1639. Lose out on ⇒ Miss an opportunity. / अवसर खो दे ना
1640. Lose sleep over ⇒ Feel anxiety about / नींद उड़ जाना
1641. Lose spirit ⇒ Give up hope. / आशा खो दे ना
1642. Lose your temper ⇒ Means to become angry / अपना आपा खोना

1643. Lost an arm and a leg ⇒ Lost a lot of money / ब त सारे पैसे चुकता करना
1644. Lousy weather ⇒ Very bad, terrible weather. / ब त खराब मौसम
1645. Low key ⇒ Relaxed and comfortable/ आरामदायक महसूस करना
1646. Lucky day ⇒ A day in which you have good luck. / भा शाली िदन
1647. Luke-warm reaction ⇒ Unenthusiastic / ठं डी िति या /
1648. Lump in your throat ⇒ To get choked with emotions. / अिधक भावुक हो जाना /
1649. Lust for power ⇒ Strong desire for power. /श /स ा की चाह होना /
1650. Look down upon ⇒ Hate intensely ⇒तु समझना
1651. Lay out ⇒ Spend / खच करना
1652. Laying off ⇒ Dismissal from jobs / नौकरी से बखा करना
1653. Look sharp ⇒ Pay attention / ान द/ कड़ी िनगरानी रखना
1654. Lay down arms ⇒ To surrender / आ समपण करना
1655. Leave in the lurch ⇒ Abandon in the midway-difficult situation / मुसीबत के पल साथ छोड़ दे ना
1656. Lose head ⇒ Panic / घबराना
1657. Leave high and dry ⇒ In a difficult situation without help or money-Leave alone to work / मुसीबत के समय साथ
1658. Lay it on thick ⇒ An exaggeration ⇒To talk about somebody or something in a way than they really are /
अितशयो /बढ़ा चढ़ाकर कहना Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 83

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 17 - 18 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
1659. Live from hand to mouth ⇒ Miserably / िकसी कार गुजारा करना
1660. Looking forward to ⇒ To expect something or someone / ख़ुशी से ती ा करना
1661. Lays out ⇒ To spend money / पैसे खच करना
1662. Look into ⇒ To investigate / जां च करना
1663. Let the grass grow under ⇒ Delay in getting things done / िवलंब करना
the feet
1664. Let sleeping dogs lie ⇒ Not to bring up an old controversial issue / गड़े ए मुद ना उखाड़ना
1665. Live-wire ⇒ A person who is lively or energetic / ऊजावान
1666. Leave no stone unturned ⇒ To try every possible way / कोई कसर न छोड़ना
1667. Lose face ⇒ Become embarrassed / नाक कटना

Idioms beginning with ‘ M ’

1668. Mad as a wet hen ⇒ Very angry. / ब त ोिधत

1669. Mad as a march hare ⇒ Crazy and insane. / सनकी
1670. Made-up ⇒ Imaginary; not true; fabricated / का िनक
1671. Magic moment ⇒ Special moment. / िवशेष ण
1672. Maiden name ⇒ A women's surname before Marriage. / िकसी मिहला का शादी से पहले का उपनाम
1673. Maiden voyage ⇒ A ship’s first voyage. / िकसी जहाज़ की पहली या ा जाना

1674. Maimed-for-life ⇒ Deformed by bodily injury for the rest of one’s life. / तमाम उ के िलए िवकलां ग हो
1675. Main ambition ⇒ Most important aim or goal in life. / मु ल
1676. Main man ⇒ The most important person. / मु
1677. Maintain balance ⇒ Equilibrium / संतुलन
1678. Maintain silence ⇒ Do not speak or give information about a subject. / शां ित बनाए रखो
1679. Make a beeline for the door
1680. Make a big fuss
1681. Make a bundle
1682. Make a clean break with
the past
1683. Make a clean breast of

Head straight towards the door. / सीधे बाहर िनकलने वाले दरवाजे की ओर जाना
Complain a lot / ब त िशकायत करना
Make a huge amount of money. / ब त सारे पैसे कमाना
Cut-off ties immediately and irrevocably. /अपने अतीत के साथ हर कार का संबंध ख कर दे ना

Tell everything one knows ; open your heart and tell all. / जो आप जानते ह, सब उगल दे ना
1684. Make a comeback ⇒ Return to being successful after a comedown. / वापसी करना
1685. Make a dash for the door ⇒ Run for the exit to try to escape. / िनकासी के तरफ भागना
1686. Make a difference ⇒ Do something to try to make the world better / िव को बेहतर बनाने की कोिशश म कुछ करना
1687. Make a fool of yourself ⇒ Do something that makes you look stupid / यं बेवकूफ बनना
1688. Make a fuss ⇒ Get upset and make a scene. / नाराज होना और हं गामा खड़ा कर दे ना
1689. Make a hasty retreat ⇒ Get out of there quickly to avoid further trouble./ इससे पहले की और कोई सम ा खड़ी हो, वहां
से िनकल जाना
1690. Make hay while the sun ⇒ To take the benefit of an opportunity. / अवसर का लाभ उठाना
1691. Make a mountain out of ⇒ To exaggerate a minor difficulty. / राई का पहाड़ बनाना
a molehill
1692. Make a mental note ⇒ Notice and remember for later. / अपने िदमाग म नोट कर लेना
1693. Make a mess of things ⇒ Do a poor job; not able to do something properly./ कोई चीज ढं ग से ना कर पाना
1694. Make a mockery out of ⇒ Scorn and make fun of. / मजाक उड़ाना

1695. Mysterious circumstances ⇒ No one knows the secret of exactly what happened / संिद प र थितयां
1696. Make a night of it ⇒ Party and drink all night. / पूरी रात पाट और शराब
1697. Mutual admiration ⇒ Two people who admire one another based on the same motives./ एक दू सरे के ित स ान
और ेम होना
1698. Make a pest of yourself ⇒ Make a nuisance of yourself / खुद के िलए बाधा उ करना
1699. Make a pile of money ⇒ Ear a lot of money. / खूब सारा पैसा कमाना
1700. Make an impression ⇒ Positive effect / छाप छोड़ना
1701. Make both ends meet ⇒ Balance your budget / इतना कमाना के खच पूरे िकए जा सके
1702. Make concessions ⇒ Relax the rules / िनयमों म ढील दे ना

1703. Make do with what you have ⇒ Do the best you can with what you have / जो आपके पास है , उसके साथ सबसे अ ा करना
1704. Make haste ⇒ Speed-up Hurry-up; move quickly. / ज ी करो
1705. Make hay while the sun ⇒ Make the best of an opportunity. / िकसी अवसर का पूरा लाभ उठाना
1706. Make head or tail out of it ⇒ Understand if it is one thing or the other / िकसी चीज को समझ पाना
1707. Make it big ⇒ Become a great success / कामयाब होना
1708. Make it or break it ⇒ Either succeed in a big way or break yourself trying. / करो या मरो की थित Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 84

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 18 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
1709. Make it snappy ⇒ Hurry-up / ज ी करो
1710. Make it up as you go along ⇒ Improvise; Improve / सुधार करना
1711. My lips are sealed ⇒ Cannot reveal a secret. / रह कट ना कर सकना
1712. Make no big difference ⇒ Doesn't matter. / कोई फक नहीं पड़ना
1713. Make no bones about it ⇒ Don’t complain; pick a bone. / िशकायत मत करो
1714. Make no mention of it ⇒ Don't talk about it. / इसके बारे म बात नहीं करो
1715. Make redundant ⇒ Be laid-off your job / नौकरी से िनकाला जाना
1716. Make the best of a bad ⇒ To do the best that one can do in a bad situation. / बुरी थित म अपना सव म दे ना
1717. Make the best of things ⇒ Make the best of what you have. / आपके पास जो भी है उसका सदु पयोग करना
1718. Make tracks ⇒ Get away quickly before you are caught. / पकड़े जाने से पहले िनकल जाना
1719. Make your hair stand on end ⇒ To be scared. / भयभीत होना
1720. Make your mark in life ⇒ Achieve something great. / कोई बड़ी उपल हािसल करना
1721. Make your move ⇒ Don’t hesitate; do something / िहचिकचाना नहीं; कुछ करना
1722. Make your way in life ⇒ Get ahead / जीवन म आगे बढ़ना
1723. Make yourself at home ⇒ Make yourself comfortable, as though you were in your own home. / घर जैसा महसूस करना
1724. Make-believe ⇒ Imaginary; made up in the mind. / मनगढं त
1725. Makes me mad ⇒ Causes you to become angry. / कोई चीज़ जो आपको गु ा िदलाती है
1726. Makes me nervous ⇒ Causes me to feel worried and anxious. / घबरा जाना

1727. Makes my blood boil ⇒ Causes me to become angry. / खून खोलना
1728. Makes my flesh crawl ⇒ To feel disgusted, afraid etc.. / घृणा, भय आिद महसूस करना
1729. Makes my mouth water ⇒ Looks appetizing and wanting to eat something / मुंह म पानी आना
1730. Makes no difference to me ⇒ Does not matter / मायने नहीं रखता
1731. Makes no sense at all ⇒ Hard to understand, illogical, unreasonable.. / समझने म बेहद जिटल,अतािकक और अनुिचत
1732. Make-up an excuse
1733. Make-up for
1734. Make-up your mind
1735. Making a fool of yourself
1736. Malicious intent
1737. Malign someone
1738. Man in the street

Think-up; fabricate. / बहाना बनाना
Repay / चुकता करना
Decide / िनणय लेना
Behaving stupidly and making yourself look silly. / खुद का बेवकूफ बनाना
Evil purpose; hateful plan. / बुरा उ े
Talk badly about a person with harmful intent. / िकसी पर कीचड़ उछालना
The common, normal person. / आम आदमी

1739. Man of means ⇒ A man with a good income and resources. / संसाधन वाला श शाली आदमी
1740. Man with a mission ⇒ A person set out to achieve something. / एक ऐसा इ ान जो िकसी िमशन पर है
1741. Man’s best friend ⇒ Dog / इं सान का सबसे अ ा दो -कु ा
1742. Manipulative person ⇒ Someone who forces others to do what he wants / जालसाजी करने वाला
1743. Man-to-man ⇒ Meet and solve your differences like a man, one on one, and face to face./ आमने -सामने

1744. March of time ⇒ The passing of time / समय का बीतना

1745. March to the beat of ⇒ Follow your internal instincts / िदल की सुनना
your drum
1746. Marching papers ⇒ Notice of termination. / िकसी को नौकरी से िनकाल दे ना
1747. Marginal difference ⇒ A very small difference / ब त कम अंतर
1748. Mark my words ⇒ Remember what I have said. / मेरी बात िलख लो
1749. Marked man ⇒ Someone who is going to be killed or punished for what he did./ कोई ऐसा इं सान जो ज ही
मारा जाएगा या उसे सजा िमलेगी

1750. Marked-difference ⇒ Noticeable difference. / फक जो साफ पता चले

1751. Marry into money ⇒ Marry someone from a rich family. / पैसे वाले से शादी करना
1752. Masochistic tendencies ⇒ Having the inclination to want to hurt others
1753. Mass hysteria ⇒ Everybody going madly into a panic / कोई ऐसा इं सान िजसकी वृित दू सरों को चोट प ं चाने की हो
and frenzy. / एक ऐसी थित िजसम हर कोई घबराए
1754. Matter of opinion ⇒ Something that can be seen differently depending on your point of view / अलग-अलग लोगों
की अलग-अलग राय होती है .
1755. Matter-of-fact ⇒ Realistic; plain and open to see. / वा िवक
1756. Meal ticket ⇒ Someone who will pay all your expenses from now on. / एक ऐसा इं सान जो अब से आपका सारा
खचा दे गा
1757. Mean well ⇒ Well-meaning individual / अ े इरादे होना
1758. Measure up to ⇒ Measure up to standard / मानक र की कोई चीज़
1759. Meat of the matter ⇒ The heart and meaning of the subject; the central point. / सबसे मह् पूण बात
1760. Meddle in someone’s ⇒ affairs Mix in someone else’s business. / मु े की बात
1761. Meek and mild ⇒ Timid and gentle. / डरपोक और िवन
1762. Meet someone halfway ⇒ Compromise. / समझौता करना
1763. Meet trouble half-way ⇒ Do what you can to avoid trouble before it arises. / मुसीबत खड़ी होने से पहले उससे बचने के
िलए जो भी बन पड़े , वो करना Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 85

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 18 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
1764. Meet your maker ⇒ Go to heaven at the time of your death. / ग जाना
1765. Meet your match ⇒ To find an equal competitor. / ट र का ित ं ी िमलना
1766. Melt-away ⇒ Disappear; fade away into the haze./ गायब हो जाना
1767. Memory like a sieve ⇒ Very Poor memory. / खराब याददा
1768. Mend your ways ⇒ Learn to behave in a better fashion. / सुधार लाना
1769. Menial task ⇒ Unskilled, boring, tedious job. / िन ेणी का काम
1770. Mental block ⇒ An inability to perform some action. / िदमाग म ्म पालना की कोई काम आपसे नहीं होगा
1771. Messed up ⇒ Mixed-up psychologically; screwed-up mentally / उलझन म, परे शान
1772. Meteoric rise to success ⇒ Sudden and rapid rise / अचानक और ती उभार
1773. Miles away ⇒ Lost in thought. / िवचारों म खोया आ
1774. My hands are tied ⇒ Not free to take any action./मेरे हाथ बंधे ए ह
1775. Mindset ⇒ A way of seeing things; with a set view or attitude. / नज रया
1776. Mind your manners ⇒ Take care to behave politely. / ान द और ढं ग से पेश आएं
1777. Mind your own business ⇒ Do not interfere in other’s affairs. / अपने काम से काम रखो
1778. Mind your P’s and Q’s ⇒ Be careful about what you say and do; look out; watch out. / जो भी कर ान पूवक कर
1779. Mingle with the crowd ⇒ Mix in with the crowd / भीड़ म घुल िमल जाना
1780. Mischief maker ⇒ Trouble maker / शरारत करने वाला
1781. Mischievous behaviour ⇒ Naughty / शरारती
1782. Misery loves company ⇒ People share their misery by talking to others in the same situation. / दु खी लोगों को

अपने दु ख के बारे म बात करना अ ा लगता है
1783. Miss the boat ⇒ Miss an important chance or opportunity because of your fault. / अवसर खो दे ना
1784. Miss the main chance ⇒ Pass up the best opportunity. / सबसे बिढ़या मौका खो दे ना
1785. Miss the mark ⇒ Fail to achieve your goal. / ल हािसल करने से चूकना
1786. Mixed-blessing ⇒ Something good that comes to you accompanied by bad side-effects./ कोई अ ी चीज

1787. Mixed-emotions
1788. Monkeying around
1789. Moral support
1790. Mortal enemies
1791. Mouthwatering
1792. Move heaven and earth

िजसका दु भाव भी हो
Mixed-feelings that are not clear one way or another. / िमली-जुली भावनाएं
Playing around and fooling about. / बेवकूफ बनाना
Inspiration and encouragement / ेरणा और ो ाहन
Enemies forever. / सदा के िलए दु न
Delicious looking, tasting. / मुंह म पानी आना
Do everything possible. / आकाश पाताल एक करना

1793. Move-in for the kill ⇒ Get ready to. / कोई काम करने के िलए तैयार होना
1794. Moved to tear ⇒ Aroused by emotion to the point of crying. / आँ ख भर आना
1795. Muddle-headed ⇒ Confused, mixed-up; incapable of thinking clearly. / िदमाग म इतनी खचड़ी हो जाना िक आप
फैसला न ले सके, सोचा ना जा सके
1796. Mudslinging ⇒ To make false or even true accusations against one another. / कीचड़ उछालना
Take time to think about it / िकसी चीज के बारे म सोचने के िलए समय लेना
1797. Mull something over ⇒
1798. Mum’s the word ⇒ Keep quiet / चुप रहना
1799. Muscle-in-on ⇒ Intrude by using force / ताकत के दम पर वेश करना
1800. Music to my ears ⇒ Happy to hear something. / कोई ऐसी खबर िजसे सुनकर ब त खुशी ई
1801. Mutter under your breath ⇒ Mumble and grumble to yourself so no one else can hear. / बड़बड़ाना
1802. Make one’s flesh creep ⇒ Horrify / डराना
1803. Mince matters ⇒ To confuse issues- to mix facts / त ों को िमला कर िमत करना
1804. Make ducks and drakes of ⇒ Squander / अप य करना
1805. Made a clean breast ⇒ Confess / अपराध ीकार करना

1806. Maiden speech ⇒ First speech / पहला भाषण

1807. Making hay while the ⇒ Taking advantage of a favorable opportunity / अ े मौके का लाभ उठाना
sun shines
1808. Make a mockery ⇒ To make something seem ridiculous or useless / कोई गंभीर प रणाम नहीं िनकालना
1809. Man of letters ⇒ Proficient in literary arts / सािह कार
1810. Make a mountain of a ⇒ Exaggerate a minor problem / छोटी सी बात का बतंगड़ बनाना
1811. Make amends for ⇒ Compensate the loss / ायि त करना
1812. Make believe ⇒ To pretend that something is true / सच होने का नाटक करना
1813. Make a beeline ⇒ Rush To go straight towards something as Quick as you can / िकसी थान पर तेजी से और
ज प ं चना
1814. Make room ⇒ Make space / जगह बनाना
1815. Mend your ways ⇒ Improve one’s behavior / आचरण सुधारना
1816. Make it light ⇒ Treat lightly / मह पूण नहीं मानना
1817. Make both ends meet ⇒ Live within means / आय य बराबर करना
1818. Make one’s mark ⇒ Distinguish oneself / िस ा जमाना
1819. Mare’s nest ⇒ Worthless thing / एक बेकार की चीज की खोज Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 86

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 18 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
Idioms beginning with ‘ N ’

1820. Nagging conscience ⇒ a conscience that causes worry or anxiety / िचंता पैदा करने वाली अंतरा ा
1821. Nagging wife ⇒ A wife who never stops complaining. / िशकायत करने वाली बीवी
1822. Name-calling ⇒ Calling each other bad names using bad words. / नाम लेकर िचढ़ाना
1823. Narrow escape ⇒ Near disaster or catastrophe / बाल बाल बचना
1824. Narrow-minded ⇒ Not open to others opinions. / संकीण िवचारों वाला
1825. Nature’s way ⇒ According to the law of nature./ कृित के िनयमों के अनुसार
1826. Near miss ⇒ Not quite successful / कामयाब ना होना
1827. Near to impossible ⇒ Almost beyond possibility / लगभग असंभव
1828. Nearest and dearest ⇒ Those closest to us / सबसे करीबी और सबसे ि य
1829. Necessary evil ⇒ Something bad that cannot be avoided / अिनवाय बुराई
1830. Neck and neck ⇒ Competing equally / बराबर की ट र दे ना
1831. Neck-breaking speed ⇒ Dangerously fast speed so that you would break your neck if you fell down./ जबरद गित
1832. Needless to say ⇒ It goes without saying / कहने की आव कता नहीं है
1833. Negligible difference ⇒ A difference so small that it is hardly noticeable. / ना के बराबर फक
1834. Nerve-racking ⇒ Hard on the nerves / अ िधक तनाव म होना
1835. Nervous wreck ⇒ a person suffering from stress or emotional exhaustion./ तनाव या भावना क थकावट से

1836. Never fear ⇒ Do not be afraid. / डरो नहीं
1837. Never lift a finger ⇒ Not attempt to assist. / सहायता करने का यास भी ना करना
1838. Never misses a trick ⇒ Tries every deception and device there is to get what he wants. / सभी चालािकयां और चाल
1839. Never raised a hand ⇒ Never hit me. / कभी मुझ पर हाथ नहीं उठाया
against me
1840. Never say die
1841. Never-ending
1842. New blood
1843. New-fangled
1844. Next to nothing

Never give up / िह त मत हारना
A story that goes on and on. / कभी ख़ ना होने वाली कहानी
Youth / युवा अव था
New; modern / नया, आधुिनक
Almost nothing at all. / ना के बराबर
Family relatives and relations. / सगे संबंधी, प रवार के लोग
1845. Next-of-kin ⇒
1846. Niche market ⇒ A small market for only a certain segment of the industry. / एक ब त छोटा सा माकट जो
केवल कुछ लोगों के िलए हो
1847. Nick-of-time ⇒ Just at the last moment. / िब ु ल आ खरी समय पर
1848. Night owl ⇒ Someone who likes to go out and prowl around at night. / एक ऐसा ाणी िजसको रात को बाहर
जाना पसंद हो
1849. Nine day's wonder ⇒ Something that arouses great interest but for a very short period. /चार िदन की चां दनी
1850. Nip in the bud ⇒ Cut in the beginning stage so it cannot develop further. / िब ु ल शु आती समय म िकसी चीज
को जड़ से ख करना
1851. Nippy weather ⇒ Cool and frosty weather. / ठं डा मौसम
1852. Nitty-gritty ⇒ Down into the smallest details. / छोटी-छोटी बारीिकयाँ दे खना
1853. No big deal ⇒ It’s not of any significance. / कोई बड़ी बात नहीं
1854. No cause for alarm ⇒ No reason to be afraid. / डरने की कोई बात नहीं है
1855. No chance ⇒ No hope / कोई उ ीद नहीं है
1856. No choice but to ⇒ No other option accept taking the one there / और कोई चारा ना होना

1857. No comparison ⇒ The one is better than the other. / कोई तुलना नहीं है
1858. No great shakes ⇒ Not very good / अ ा नहीं है
1859. No hard feelings ⇒ Let’s not hold a grudge against one another / हम एक दू सरे के ित कोई बैर नहीं पालना चािहए
1860. No harm in trying ⇒ There will be no harm in at least making an attempt / कोिशश करने म बुराई नहीं है
1861. No inkling ⇒ No hint, idea or clue / कुछ पता नहीं
1862. No laughing matter ⇒ Nothing to joke about; not funny but serious / ये हं सने वाली बात नहीं है
1863. No love lost between them ⇒ They do not like one another / उनके बीच अब ार नहीं
1864. No one is indispensable ⇒ Everyone can be replaced. / हर िकसी को हटाया जा सकता है
1865. No other recourse ⇒ No alternative way out / कोई वैक क माग नहीं है
1866. No qualms ⇒ No regrets / अफ़सोस नहीं
1867. No rhyme or reason ⇒ Makes no sense / इसका कोई मतलब नहीं
1868. No show ⇒ Someone who did not appear / जो िदखाई ना दे
1869. No spring chicken ⇒ No longer so young anymore. / एक ऐसा इं सान जो युवा नहीं रहा
1870. No strings attached ⇒ With no stipulations; free of any obligations. / िबना िकसी शत के
1871. No two ways about it ⇒ That is the only right way of viewing things that’s for sure. / कोई दो राय नहीं है
1872. Nobody’s fool ⇒ Someone smart who is not easily tricked / िजसे बेवकूफ नहीं बनाया जा सकता
1873. Nobody’s perfect ⇒ Everybody has faults. / हर िकसी म कुछ दोष होते ह
1874. Nodding-off ⇒ Dozing-off; falling-off to sleep / जो नींद म हो Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 87

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 18 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
1875. Non-applicable ⇒ Does not apply. / लागू नहीं होता
1876. None-of-your-business ⇒ Not your affair; nothing to do with you./ तुमसे मतलब
1877. Nose in the air ⇒ Thinking one is better than everyone else. / यह सोचना िक कोई बाकी सब लोगों से बेहतर
1878. Nosey ⇒ Curious, Inquisitive / िज ासु
1879. Not a leg to stand on ⇒ Lacks firm foundation in facts / बात म दम नहीं है
1880. Not a murmur out of you ⇒ Don’t make even the slightest sound / जरा भी आवाज़ नहीं होनी चािहए
1881. Not acceptable ⇒ Unacceptable; not good enough; not justified. / अ ीकाय
1882. Not anywhere near ⇒ Not even close. / आस पास भी नहीं होना
1883. Not for love or money ⇒ Not for anything in the world / दु िनया म िकसी भी चीज के िलए नहीं
1884. Not getting anywhere ⇒ Making no headway. / अटक जाना
1885. Nurse a grudg ⇒ Bear resentment for long period. / काफी समय के िलए नाराज़गी पालना
1886. Not much between the ears ⇒ With little brain. / कम बु वाला
1887. Not my cup of tea ⇒ Not quite what I prefer. / मेरी पसंद का नहीं
1888. Not necessarily so ⇒ That is not necessarily true / ज़ री नहीं िक यह सच हो
1889. Not the end of the world ⇒ It’s not so bad as you think / दु िनया ख़ नहीं हो गयी
1890. Not too bad ⇒ Fine; acceptable. / ठीकठाक
1891. Not up to par ⇒ Not good enough / फ़ालतू
1892. Null and void ⇒ Ineffective / अ भावी

1893. Not worth a damn ⇒ Useless / बेकार
1894. Nothing doing ⇒ No way. / िब ु ल भी नहीं
1895. Nothing to do with you ⇒ Not any of your business. / तुमसे लेना-दे ना नहीं है
1896. Nothing to fear ⇒ Nothing to be afraid of. / डरने की कोई बात नहीं है
1897. Nothing to gain ⇒ No benefit to received / कुछ नहीं िमलने वाला है
1898. Nothing to hide
1899. Nothing to say
1900. Nothing to write home about ⇒
1901. Nothing wrong
1902. Now and again
1903. Now or never
1904. Now, we’re even

No secret or hidden guilt / छु पाने की कोई बात नहीं है
No comment / कोई िट णी नहीं
Nothing special / कुछ ख़ास नहीं
Everything is OK / सब ठीक है
Sometimes, but not too often. / कभी-कभी
If you don’t do it now, you’ll never have the chance again. / अभी नहीं तो कभी नहीं
I’ve returned what I owe you and settled the score. / िहसाब चुकता

1905. Nail one’s colours to the mast⇒ Refuse to climb down ./ हार ीकार करने से इं कार करना
1906. Nine day’s wonder ⇒ A dazzling short-lived spectacle of no real value ./ चार िदन की चाँ दनी
1907. Null and void ⇒ Not binding ⇒Having no legal force / अमाननीय
1908. No hard and fast rules ⇒ Easy regulation / आसान िनयम
1909. Not fit to hold candle ⇒ Not so good as somebody or something else / इतना अ ा नहीं िजतना कोई और या कुछ और

1910. Not to look a gift horse ⇒ Not to find fault with the gift received/ उपहार म कमी ना िनकालना
in the mouth

Idioms beginning with ‘ O ’

1911. Oasis of calm ⇒ A place of absolute quiet /िब ु ल शां त जगह

1912. Obsequious manner ⇒ Submissive /िवन
1913. Occasion to celebrate ⇒ A happy occasion /ख़ुशी का अवसर

1914. Odd jobs ⇒ Any of various non-specialized, unrelated jobs /अजीब और िविच कार के काम
1915. Oddball character ⇒ Eccentric person or individual /सनकी
1916. Of no account ⇒ Not important /मह हीन
1917. Of sound mind ⇒ Mentally normal; not crazy; psychologically balanced. /मानिसक प से सामा
1918. Of the old school ⇒ Conservative; old-fashioned; /पुराने िवचारों वाला
1919. Of unsound mind ⇒ Not mentally stable; mentally imbalanced. /मानिसक प से असंतुिलत
1920. Of two minds ⇒ Cannot decide one way or the other./दु िवधा म
1921. Off the record ⇒ To speak unofficially; coming from Informed ⇒sources; not to be quoted/अनौपचा रक
बातचीत / खबर
1922. Off-beat ⇒ Unconventional /अपारं प रक
1923. Offer an olive branch ⇒ To Make an offer of peace. /शां ित का ाव दे ना
1924. Offer you cannot refuse ⇒ Something very tempting being offered /कोई ऐसा ाव िजसे मना न िकया जा सके
1925. Off-hand remark ⇒ Careless comment. /िबना सोची समझी िट णी
1926. Oil the wheels ⇒ Pay bribery money to get thing started. /चीज़ों को शु करने के िलए घूस दे ना
1927. Oily tongue ⇒ Flattering words/चापलूसी करना
1928. Old hand ⇒ A man who has been on the job a long time and knows all about it./अनुभवी
1929. Old hat ⇒ Old-fashioned; not up-to-date; a thing of the past./पुराने तौर-तरीकों वाला
1930. Old maid ⇒ Unmarried spinster; perhaps with old-fashioned views./उ दराज मिहला िजसकी शादी नहीं ई Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 88

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 18 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
1931. Old money ⇒ Money that has been in the family for a long time. /ऐसा पैसा जो प रवार के पास काफी समय से है
1932. Old-fashioned ⇒ Traditional; conventional; behind the times; outmoded; /पुराने ालों वाला
1933. On a power trip ⇒ Ego /घमंड
1934. On a shoestring ⇒ Starting with nothing /ब त कम या ना के बराबर से शु आत करना
1935. On account of ⇒ Because of /के कारण
1936. On alert ⇒ To be cautious /सावधान रहना
1937. On an on-going basis ⇒ Continuing /जारी रखना
1938. On bad terms with ⇒ Not getting along because of bad feelings./दो लोगों का आपस म अ ा तालमेल ना होना ोंिक
उनके बीच कड़वाहट है
1939. On easy street ⇒ Living well /अ ी िजंदगी जीना
1940. On good terms with ⇒ Having good relations with; getting along well with. /अ े संबंध
1941. On hold ⇒ Postponed for a while. /कुछ समय के िलए टालना
1942. On ice ⇒ Suspended; pending /िनलंिबत, िवलंिबत
1943. On impulse ⇒ Without thinking /आव दे खा ना ताव
1944. On its last legs ⇒ About to collapse /बस ढहने वाला है
1945. On my honour ⇒ Honestly /ईमानदारी से
1946. On one's guard ⇒ Vigilant. /सतक रहना
1947. On one’s last legs ⇒ On the verge of collapsing /ढहने के कगार पर

1948. On rare occasions ⇒ Only rarely./शायद ही कभी
1949. On second thought ⇒ After considering carefully. /ब त सोच िवचार करने के बाद
1950. On speaking terms ⇒ Having a friendly and cordial relationship with. /िम तापूण तथा सहयोगी संबंध
1951. On the brink of ⇒ Coming near to /होने की कगार पर
1952. On the dot ⇒ Exactly on time /पूणतः समय पर
1953. On the fence
1954. On the go
1955. On the grapevine

1956. On the hush

1957. On the level
1958. On the quiet

Cannot yet decide one way or the other./यह फैसला न कर पाना िक िकस ओर जाएं
Busy; always active /
News gets around according to gossip, or, on the grapevine /कोई ऐसी खबर जो अफवाहों की
वजह से फैल रही है
Without telling anyone/िबना िकसी को कहे
Fair, equal, and honest./िन , उिचत
Secretly, without telling anybody about it. /गु प से

1959. On the same wavelength ⇒ to think in a similar way to another person/एक ढं ग से सोचना
1960. On the shelf ⇒ Set aside or postpone for the moment. /एक ण के िलए टालना
1961. On the sly ⇒ To do something secretly. /गोपनीय ढं ग से करना
1962. On the suspicion of ⇒ Accused of/आरोप, शक के आधार पर
1963. On the threshold of ⇒ Something about to happen/जो बस होने वाला है
Not as long as I live /मेरे जीते जी यह काम नहीं होगा
1964. Over my dead body ⇒
1965. On the trail ⇒ Following someone/िकसी का अनुसरण करना
1966. On the upswing ⇒ The curve is improving upwards. /जब व ऊपर की ओर जाता है
1967. On the verge of ⇒ Nearing the point of./कगार पर
1968. On the wrong side of the law ⇒ Acting criminally; against the law./क़ानून के िव काय करना
1969. On thin ice ⇒ In a dangerous situation /खतरनाक थित म
1970. On top of the world ⇒ Happy and so successful that things could not be better. /खुशहाल और कामयाब
1971. On your best behaviour ⇒ Being careful not to do anything wrong. /ब त ान रखना िक कुछ गड़बड़ ना हो जाए
1972. On your guard ⇒ To be alert/सावधान रहना

1973. On your last legs ⇒ Using your last ounce of strength /अपनी पूरी ताकत लगाना
1974. On your own ⇒ All alone; with no one to help you /खुद के दम पर
1975. On your side ⇒ In your favour/आपके प म
1976. On your word ⇒ Trusting someone/िकसी पर िव ास करना
1977. Once bitten twice shy ⇒ A person who has suffered once will be alert in the future /दू ध का जला छाछ भी फूंक-फूंक
कर पीता है
1978. Once in a blue moon ⇒ Rarely/दु लभ
1979. Once for all ⇒ The last time/अंितम बार
1980. One foot in the grave ⇒ Half-dead /क म पाँ व होना
1981. One hand washes the other ⇒ Can’t do one thing without having he other /एक काम जो दू सरे के िबना नहीं कर सकते
1982. One of these days ⇒ Someday, sooner or later. /आज या कल, िकसी िदन
1983. One step at a time ⇒ One thing at a time, one after another. /एक समय म एक काम
1984. One step forward and ⇒ Move a bit ahead and then fall backward./एक कदम आगे दो कदम पीछे
two steps back
1985. One-track mind ⇒ Only thinking about one thing /एक ही िदशा म सोचने वाला
1986. One way or another ⇒ Somehow /िकसी भी तरह
1987. One-after-another ⇒ In sequence./एक के बाद एक..
1988. One-by-one ⇒ One after the other./एक-एक करके Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 89

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 18 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
1989. One-on-one ⇒ Face to face /आमने -सामने
1990. One-sided ⇒ Unfair/एक तरफा
1991. Orders are orders ⇒ Follow as told/जैसा कहा गया है वैसा करो
1992. Only a handful ⇒ A few. /बस थोडा
1993. Only kidding ⇒ Just joking/मजाक
1994. On-the-quiet ⇒ Secretly./गोपनीयता से/ चुपचाप
1995. Oodles and oodles of money ⇒ Lots of money; loads and loads; /ब त सारा पैसा
1996. Oozing-with-charm ⇒ Very attractive /बेहद आकषक
1997. Open fire ⇒ Attack /हमला
1998. Open book ⇒ Nothing secretive /कुछ भी िछपा नहीं
1999. Open doors ⇒ Everyone is welcome/सबका ागत है
2000. Open house ⇒ Everyone is welcome /सबका ागत है
2001. Open invitation ⇒ Everyone is welcome/सबका ागत है
2002. Open question ⇒ Something that has more than one answers/कोई ऐसी चीज िजसके एक से ादा उ र संभव हो
2003. Open secret ⇒ Something that should be kept hush-hush, but everybody knows. /कोई ऐसी बात जो सबको
पता हो पर खुलकर कोई उस बारे म बात ना करता हो
2004. Open to criticism ⇒ Ready for review /समी ा के िलए तैयार
2005. Open to the topic ⇒ Ready and willing to discuss it./िकसी मु े पर बात करने के िलए तैयार होना
2006. Open up ⇒ Get frank /खुलकर बात करना

2007. Open up and confess ⇒ Open up your heart and admit what you did wrong. /िदल खोलकर अपनी गलती मान लेना
2008. Open up and spill the beans ⇒ Reveal the secrets /राज़ खोल दे ना
2009. Open-hearted ⇒ Willing to spend /खूब खच करने वाला
2010. Open-minded ⇒ Liberal /उदार
2011. Opportune moment ⇒ The appropriate or right moment /सही व
2012. Opportunity knocks

2013. Opt for

2014. Opt-out
2015. Order people around
2016. Other-worldly

The opportunity of a lifetime suddenly opens up. ब त ही मह पूण अवसर जो जीवन म केवल
एक बार िमलता है
Choose the option that you prefer /वह िवक चुनना जो आप चुनना चाहते ह
Choose the option to drop out /छोड़ने का िवक चुनना
Be bossy, telling everyone what to do /लोगों पर धौंस जमाना
Intellectually or imaginatively in another realm beyond this world./बौ क या का िनक प
से इस दु िनया से बाहर
2017. Oust from office ⇒ Kick out of an elected position /िकसी िनवािचत पद से बाहर िनकालना
2018. Out and about ⇒ No longer confined to bed, but able to get out and move about. /जो अब िब र पर ना हो और
उठ कर इधर-उधर घूम सकता हो
2019. Out in the open ⇒ Unprotected from all sides /खुले म
2020. Outward-going ⇒ Extrovert/बिहमुखी
Broke; penniless with no money. /पैसे ख हो जाना
2021. Out of cash/ money ⇒
2022. Out of character ⇒ Untypical of one’s behavior /एक का असामा वहार
2023. Out of control ⇒ Not under control/हाथ से िनकलना
2024. Out of danger ⇒ Safe and sound /सुरि त
2025. Out of harm’s way ⇒ In a safe place /सुरि त थान पर
2026. Out of nowhere ⇒ Suddenly and unexpectedly /अचानक और अ ािशत
2027. Out of proportion ⇒ To blow up something to be bigger than the surrounding circumstances. /बात का बतंगड़
2028. Out of range ⇒ Too far away to hit as a target/ल से ब त दू र

2029. Out of sight out of mind ⇒ If you don’t see a person for some time you forget him. /अगर आप िकसी से कुछ िदनों
के िलए नहीं िमलते ह तो आप उसके बारे म भूल जाते ह
2030. Out of the blue ⇒ All of a sudden/अचानक
2031. Out of the picture ⇒ Unthinkable/िजसकी आप क ना भी नहीं कर सकते
2032. Out of touch ⇒ Not up to date with the circumstances./प र थितयों की जानकारी नहीं होना
2033. Out of this world ⇒ Unimaginably wonderful. /इतना शानदार की िजसकी क ना भी नहीं की जा सकती
2034. Outrageous action ⇒ Disgraceful, shocking, shameful deed. /शमनाक काय
2035. Outward appearance ⇒ How one looks from the outside. /बाहरी िदखावा
2036. Out of your mind ⇒ Crazy; mad; out of your senses; insane /पागल / सनकी
2037. Out of your skull ⇒ Crazy; mad./पागल / सनकी
2038.Out stay your welcome ⇒ Remain as a guest for longer than you are wanted./िकसी जगह पर लंबे समय के िलए ठहर जाना
2039. Out-foxed again ⇒ Outsmarted once more! /एक बार िफर से बेवकूफ बनना
2040. Out-in-the-open ⇒ Unprotected; defenceless; helpless; vulnerable असुरि त
2041. Out-of-context ⇒ Having nothing to do with the matter at hand /अ सां िगक
2042. Out-of-hand ⇒ Out-of-control /िनयं ण से बाहर
2043. Out-of-harm’s-way ⇒ Out-of-danger/खतरे से बाहर
2044. Out-of-hope ⇒ Despairing /आशा समा होना
2045. Out-of-order ⇒ Not functioning; broken; not working right. /िबगड़ना, टू टना Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 90

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 18 - 19 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
2046. Out-of-sorts ⇒ In a bad mood; not feeling well/खराब मूड म
2047. Out-of-the-ordinary ⇒ Extra-special / ब त ादा ख़ास
2048. Out-of-the-picture ⇒ to be no longer involved in a situation /अब िकसी थित म शािमल नहीं है ।
2049. Out-of-the-question ⇒ Not possible /संभव ही नहीं है
2050. Out-of-this-world ⇒ Too good to belong to this world/इतना बिढ़या िक आपको लगता ही नहीं है िक इस दु िनया का है
2051. Out-of-time ⇒ Running short of time /समय का अभाव
2052. Out-of-touch ⇒ Not in contact./ संपक म नहीं होना
2053. Out- of -your -mind ⇒ So crazy that you’ve got the wrong idea. /िदमाग खराब होना
2054. Over the hill ⇒ Very old /ब त पुराना
2055. Over the moon ⇒ So elated /ब त उ ेिजत
2056. Over the top ⇒ Too exaggerated/ब त ादा बढ़ा-चढ़ाकर
2057. Overbearing manner ⇒ Domineering; arrogant/घमंडी
2058. Over my head ⇒ Too difficult for me to understand. /मेरी समझ से बाहर
2059. Out and out ⇒ Totally / पूरी तरह से
2060. On the cuff ⇒ On credit /उधारी पर
2061. Off and on ⇒ Occasionally /कभी-कभी
2062.Of no avail ⇒ Useless / थ
2063. On the verge of ⇒ On the brink of/के कागार पर
2064. On the same page ⇒ Thinks in a similar way /सहमत होना

2065. Other fish to fry ⇒ Some important work to attend to /ब त ही ज री काय होना
2066. Over head and ears ⇒ Completely /पूणतः
2067. On cloud nine ⇒ Extremely happy /अ ंत खुश होना
2068. On the spur of the moment ⇒ To act suddenly, without planning/त ाल
2069. Out of sorts ⇒ Ill or sick, Upset -/अ थ
2070.Out of the Question
2071.On the horns of dilemma

2072.Out of hand
2073.Out of the world
2074. Once in a blue moon
2075. Out of wits

Undesirable- Not worth discussing /अनुपयु
in a situation where you have to make a choice between things that are equally
unpleasant/आगे कुआं पीछे खाई
Out of control, at once, immediately/िनयं ण से बाहर
Extraordinary /उ ृ
Very rarely /कभी-कभार
Greatly confused/उलझन म होना

2076. On tenterhooks ⇒ In suspense and anxiety /असमंजस म
2077. Old head on young shoulder ⇒ To be wise beyond one’s age/अपनी उ से अिधक समझदार होना
2078. Over-egg the pudding ⇒ Add unnecessary details to make something seem better or worse / थ िववरण

Idioms beginning with ‘ P ’


2079. Pack up and go ⇒ Leave /िनकलना / चलना

2080.Padding the accounts ⇒ Adding extra Hidden-costs to accounts to pocket the difference /खातों म गड़बड़ करना तािक
कुछ पैसे अपनी जेब म डाले जा सके
2081. Pain-in-the-neck ⇒ A nuisance./ब त ादा परे शान करना
2082. Painstaking effort ⇒ Paying careful, diligent and persevering attention to reaching a goal. /ब त मेहनत करना
तािक ल तक प ं चा जा सके
2083. Paint the town red ⇒ Go out and spend a lot of money and have a good time in the city/पैसे खच करना और मजे
करना .

2084. Palmy days ⇒ Prosperous/ affluent days. /समृ वाले िदन

2085. Paltry sum ⇒ Insignificant amount to pay. /
2086. Pandora's box ⇒ A source of extensive but unforeseen troubles. /मुसीबतों का िपटारा
2087. Pang of conscience ⇒ Feeling of guilt. /आ ािन महसूस करना
2088. Paper tiger ⇒ Appears strong but is not /केवल बाहर से स होना
2089. Parrot someone’s words ⇒ Repeat everything someone says word for word./िकसी का तोता बनना जो कुछ कहा गया है वह
ब दोहराना
2090. Part and parcel ⇒ Inseparable part./वह िह ा िजसे अलग नहीं िकया जा सकता
2091. Past master ⇒ An expert./िवशेष
2092. Pay through his nose ⇒ To pay dearly. /भारी कीमत चुकाना
2093. Part company ⇒ Separate /अलग होना
2094. Partial to ⇒ Have a liking for someone /िकसी को पसंद करना
2095. Pass the buck ⇒ Place the blame on someone else. /िकसी और पर इ ाम डाल दे ना
2096. Pass up an opportunity ⇒ Lose an opportunity /अवसर खोना
2097. Passing fancy ⇒ Attraction just for some time /बस कुछ समय के िलए आकषण
2098. Passing remark ⇒ A casual comment made without thinking./िबना सोचे समझे िट णी करना
2099. Passive resistance ⇒ To oppose non violently. /अिहं सा क िवरोध
2100. Pass-the-hat ⇒ Collect money; accept donations /पैसे इ ठे करना Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 91

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 19 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
2101. Past the blossom of youth ⇒ Getting older./उ बढ़ना
2102. Past your peak ⇒ Not as good as you once were./उतना अ ा नहीं है िजतना आ करता था
2103. Pat on the back ⇒ Gesture of congratulations./पीठ थपथपाना
2104. Patch-up ⇒ Settle differences/ मतभेद दू र करना .
2105. Patronizing attitude ⇒ Condescending way of viewing and addressing somebody; /िकसी के ित कृपालु होना
2106. Pave the way for ⇒ Make way for /रा ा बनाना
2107. Pay lip-service to ⇒ Say something without meaning anything. /कोई चीज केवल औपचा रकता के िलए कहना
वा िवक प से उसे करने का कोई इरादा ना होना
2108. Pay one’s dues ⇒ Spend time in service before gaining higher rank and privilege. /उ पद तथा िवशेषािधकार
ा करने से पहले सेवा म समय दे ना
2109. Pay peanuts ⇒ Pay little money; pay low salary/wages. /कौिड़यों के भाव होना
2110. Pay the piper ⇒ Pay for your bad behaviour./अपने बुरे वहार की कीमत चुकाना
2111. Pay through the nose ⇒ Pay much more than a fair price/ब त बड़ी कीमत अदा करना
2112. Pay your last respects ⇒ Visit a person upon his death/अंितम ां जिल दे ना.
2113. Paying-off ⇒ Finally beginning to show results./आ खरकार मेहनत का अ ा प रणाम सामने आना
2114. Peace of mind ⇒ Scolding/ भड़ास िनकालना
2115. Peak of insolence ⇒ Heights of behaving badly. /दु वहार और बदतमीजी की हद
2116. Peak of success ⇒ Very successful /सफल
2117. Pearls of wisdom ⇒ Words of wisdom; wise quotations /समझदारी की बात

2118. Peck away at ⇒ Eat like a bird /ब त कम खाना
2119. Peer pressure ⇒ Mental pressure created by your friend circle /दो ों का दबाव
2120. Penny-pincher ⇒ Someone who is very stingy; frugal. /एक ऐसा इं सान जो ब त कंजूस हो
2121. Penny wise pound foolish ⇒ Careful about trifles but wasteful in large ventures /छोटे छोटे खच करते समय सावधान परं तु बड़े
खच करते समय ब त ादा लापरवाही
2122. Pensioned-off
2123. Pep talk
2124. Perish the thought
2125. Perjure yourself
2126. Perk-up your ears
2127. Personal grudge
2128. Petty-minded

Removed from job /नौकरी से हटा दे ना
A speech intended to inspire enthusiasm and morale. /एक ऐसा भाषण जो आप म जोश भर दे
I tremble to think! /म सोचकर भी घबराता ं
Lie before a court of justice. /कोट म झूठ बोलना
Raise attentively/कान खड़े होना .
Personal hatred for someone/something /िकसी के ित कड़वाहट होना
One who thinks small and narrow-minded. /संकीण मानिसकता वाला

2129. Pick a quarrel ⇒ Purposely start an argument or verbal fight. /जानबूझकर बहस करना
2130. Pick and choose ⇒ Selective /चयना क
2131. Pick of the litter ⇒ Free to choose the best. /िकसी ुप/समूह से सबसे बिढ़या चुनना
2132. Pick on someone ⇒ Choose /चुनना
2133. Pick someone’s brains ⇒ Be similar to someone in thinking /एक जैसे िवचारों वाला होना
Get the clue/इशारा समझना
2134. Pick up the hint ⇒
2135. Pick up the gauntlet ⇒ To accept the challenge. /चुनौती ीकार करना
2136. Piece of cake ⇒ An easy task /एक आसान काय
2137. Piece of my mind ⇒ Scolding /फटकारना
2138. Piece things together ⇒ चीजों को एक साथ रखकर/जोड़कर कोई चीज को समझ पाना / Put the facts together so you can
figure out.
2139. Piece work ⇒ Work in which you are paid by the piece rather than by the hour or day./कोई ऐसा काम िजसम
आपको घंटे के आधार पर या िदन के आधार पर पैसे नहीं िदए जाते परं तु पीस के आधार पर पैसे िदए जाते ह
2140. Pig-headed ⇒ Stubborn/िज ी

2141. Pilfer the till ⇒ Steal from the cash register. /पैसे चुराना
2142. Pick holes in ⇒ To find fault with /गलती ढू ँ ढना
2143. Pinprick ⇒ Troubles that are for short time /कम समय तक रहने वाली सम ाएँ
2144. Pink of health ⇒ Best condition /सव े थित
2145. Pink slip ⇒ Dismissal notice from the company /कंपनी से िनकाल दे ने का नोिटस
2146. Pinpoint the problem ⇒ put your finger on/ऊँगली उठाना
2147. Pint-sized ⇒ Small /छोटा
2148. Pitch dark ⇒ Extremely dark/ब त अंधेरा
2149. Pitch-in for someone ⇒ Defend someone, Speak in his favour. /िकसी का बचाव करना, प म बोलना
2150. Pith of the matter ⇒ The central issue/मु मु ा
2151. Pitter-patter of little feet ⇒ The sound of little children running around. /छोटे ब ों की आवाज
2152. Place in the sun ⇒ To be successful/सफल होना
2153. Play along with ⇒ Cooperate to avoid conflict for your benefit /सहयोग करना तािक टकराव न हो और आपका
फायदा हो
2154. Play hooky ⇒ Skip classes. / ू ल और क ाओं से छु ी मारना
2155. Play ducks and drakes ⇒ To waste money./पैसे बबाद करना
2156. Play second fiddle ⇒ To be at a subordinate position./िनचले थान पर होना
2157. Play truant ⇒ To be absent from duty without permission./िबना अनुमित के ूटी से गायब होना Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 92

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 19 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
2158. Poke fun at ⇒ Tease or make fun of someone/िकसी का मज़ाक उडाना
2159. Play the fool ⇒ Not be serious about something /िकसी चीज़ को लेकर गंभीर नहीं होना
2160. Play your cards right ⇒ Play your tricks well /अपनी चाल सही चलना
2161. Play a double game ⇒ to act dubiously, /डबल गेम खेलना
2162. Play fast and loose ⇒ Be unreliable /अिव सनीय होना
2163. Play one false ⇒ to deceive/धोखा दे ना ,
2164. Play one's cards well ⇒ To do the correct things to achieve a desired result, /वां िछत प रणाम ा करने के िलए सही
चीज करना
2165. Play the fool ⇒ to act foolishly /बेवकूफों की तरह वहार करना
2166. Plenty of perks ⇒ Many benefits /कई फायदे
2167. Pocket an insult ⇒ to bear insult /अपमान सहना
2168. Poison one's ears against ⇒ To set a person against another /कान भरना
2169. Poignant moment ⇒ Emotional, touching, moving experience /भावुक ण
2170. Point blank range ⇒ Direct and immediate. /सीधा और तुरंत
2171. Point of contention ⇒ Matter of dispute /िववाद की जड़
2172. Poke one's nose ⇒ To Interfere/अपनी नाक घुसेड़ना.
2173. Pour oil on troubled waters ⇒ To pacify the matters./झगड़ा ख़ करना
2174. Point the finger at someone ⇒ Blame someone /िकसी पर ऊँगली उठाना
2175. Place blame ⇒ To accuse someone/आरोप लगाना

2176. Pull to pieces ⇒ To criticise sharply/कटु आलोचना करना
2177. Poke your nose into ⇒ business–Unnecessarily interfere. /िकसी के काम के अनाव क ह ेप करना
2178. Poker-faced ⇒ Showing absolutely no expression on one's face./चेहरे पर कोई हाव भाव ना होना
2179. Ponder the question ⇒ Think over the question. /िकसी मसले पर सोचना
2180. Pool resources
2181. Poor as a church mouse
2182. Pop the bubble
2183. Pop the question
2184. Pot calling the kettle black
2185. Practice makes perfect
2186. Practise what you preach

To pool in funds./फंड/पैसों का जुगाड़ करना
Very poor /ब त ादा गरीब
Prick the balloon; shatter an illusion/ म दू र होना.
Ask someone to marry you /िकसी को िववाह का

To improve keep practicing /अ ास करने से सुधार आता है

ाव दे ना
One thing is as bad as another./दो चीज िजनम दोनों ही बुराई म बराबर हों

To do yourself the same thing as one advises the others/जो सलाह आप दू सरों को दे ते ह खुद

भी उसका अनुकरण कर
2187. Prattle-on ⇒ talk a lot of blithering nonsense/ब त ादा बकर बकर करना .
2188. Preconceived-notion ⇒ An anticipation based on false expectation /झूठी उ ीद रखना
2189. Pressed for time ⇒ Short of time. /समय का अभाव होना
2190. Preventive action ⇒ Preventive measures/सुर ा क उपाय
The best time to do something /कुछ करने का सव े समय
2191. Primetime ⇒
2192. Pros and cons ⇒ For and against./अ ी और बुरी बात
2193. Pull out all stops ⇒ Use every effort./हर संभव यास करना
2194. Pull strings ⇒ Take advantage of connections with influential people to achieve your end.Puppeteer
/अपना काम िनकलवाने के िलए भावशाली यों की मदद लेना
2195. Pull through ⇒ Survive /जीिवत रहना
2196. Put the cat among ⇒ To do something that causes trouble/कुछ ऐसा करना िजससे िक मुसीबत खड़ी हो जाए
the pigeons
2197. Pull with all your might ⇒ To apply full force /पूरी ताकत लगाना

2198. Pull your punches ⇒ Soften the words or blows of your statements or criticisms /अपने श ों म नरमी रखना
2199. Pull up your socks ⇒ Improve your behavior /अपने वहार म सुधार करना
2200. Pull someone’s legs ⇒ To make fun of or to tease/टां ग खींचना.
2201. Pull the wool over ⇒ To mislead. /आँ ख म धूल झोंकना
somebody's eye
2202. Put a spoke in one's wheel ⇒ To obstruct./बाधा डालना
2203. Put in cold storage ⇒ To keep a work pending. /िकसी काय को लंिबत रखना
2204. Put one's foot down ⇒ To act firmly. / ढ़ वहार करना
2205. Put one's shoulders ⇒ To work or exert oneself heavily. /काय करना या िकसी पर भारी बोझ डालना
2206. Put the cart before ⇒ To do things wrongly./चीजों को गलत ढं ग से करना
2207. Played havoc ⇒ Caused destruction /तबाही मचाना
2208. Pay through nose ⇒ Pay an extremely high price/अ िधक मू चुकाना
2209. Put up with ⇒ Tolerate/बदा करना
2210. Pull no punch ⇒ Speaks frankly/ बोलना
2211. Putting one’s foot down ⇒ Asserting one’s authority/कड़ा ख अपनाना
2212. Put your feet down ⇒ Take a firm stand / To be very strict in opposing what somebody wishes to do / ढतापूवक
िवरोध करना.
2213. Playing to the gallery ⇒ Befooling the common man/लोकि यता ा करने के िलए आडं बरपूण वहार करना Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 93

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 19 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
2214. Pay on the nail ⇒ Pay promptly -Payment without delay /तुरंत भुगतान करना
2215. Penelope’s web ⇒ An endless job /अंतहीन काय
2216. Pore over ⇒ Go through/शु करना
2217. Put something by ⇒ To save money for a particular purpose / बचत करना
2218. Part and parcel ⇒ मह पूण िह ा / Important part
2219. Pot luck dinner ⇒ Dinner where somebody brings something to eat/एक समारोह जहां ेक अितिथ साझा करने के
िलए भोजन का एक िडश अ र घर का बना योगदान दे ता है
2220. Put across ⇒ To communicate your ideas, feelings, etc successfully/िवचारों या भावनाओं का सफलतापूवक
संवाद करना
2221. Play ducks and drakes ⇒ Spend lavishly ⇒To waste or squander /अ िधक खच करना
2222. Pull a long face ⇒ Look dejected-An unhappy or disappointed expression /मायूस िदखना
2223. Paled into insignificance ⇒ Seemed less important /कम मह पूण लगना
2224. Pros and cons ⇒ Advantages and disadvantage /फायदा और नुकसान
2225. Pull together ⇒ Work harmoniously /िमलजुल कर काय करना
2226. Putting the cart before ⇒ Doing things in the wrong way/गलत ढं ग से काय करना / चीजों को गलत म म करना
the horse
2227. Pour cats and dogs ⇒ Rain heavily/मूसलाधार बा रश होना
2228. Picking up holes in ⇒ Finding out faults with something/गलितयाँ िनकालना
2229. Pick on ⇒ Warn severely/चेतावनी दे ना

2230. Plain sailing ⇒ Very easy/ब त आसान
2231. Pin money ⇒ Additional money/अित र आय
2232. Put up the shutters ⇒ Go out of business / थाई प से वसाय बंद करना
2233. Pull a fast one ⇒ Play a trick /धोखा दे ना
2234. Palm off ⇒ To dispose off with the intent to deceive / धोखा दे ना

2235. Quack doctor

2236. Quaking in your boots
2237. Quality over quantity

Idioms beginning with ‘ Q ’

Someone who practises medicine without proper knowledge/झोलाछाप डॉ र

Full of fear /पूरी तरह डरा आ
Better to have high quality than just a large quantity. /िकसी चीज की गुणव ा मा ा से
मह पूण है
2238. Qualms and reservations ⇒ Feeling doubts, fears, misgivings and uncertainties. /िकसी चीज के बारे म शक होना
2239. Quarrel with one's ⇒ To fight with the employer. / वहार म झगड़ालू होना
bread and butter
2240. Quash a rebellion ⇒ Suppress and put down. /दबाना
2241. Quaver with fear ⇒ Quiver from weakness /डर से काँ पना
2242. Queasy stomach ⇒ Nauseous; unsettled in the stomach /पेट म गड़बड़ होना
2243. Quell an uprising ⇒ Control a riot/दं गा िनयंि त करना
2244. Quench the flame ⇒ Put off / थिगत करना
2245. Quench your thirst ⇒ To quench enough of something. / ास बुझाना / स ाई जानने की भूख/स ाई की खोज
2246. Quest for knowledge ⇒ To go in search of knowledge and wisdom. / ान की खोज
2247. Quest for truth ⇒ Struggling and striving in the search for truth./स की तलाश म
2248. Question your motives ⇒ Ask if your actions are based on good intentions. /िकसी के इरादों पर सवाल उठाना
2249. Queue up ⇒ To form a line and wait for one's turn./पं म खड़े होकर अपनी बारी का इं तज़ार करना
2250. Quick-tempered ⇒ Reactive /तुनकिमजाज

2251. Quiet as a mouse ⇒ Very quiet. /ब त शां त

2252. Quiet down ⇒ Shut up and be quiet /चुप हो जाओ और शां त रहो
2253. Quirky behavior ⇒ Eccentric, odd, peculiar, strange. /सनकी
2254. Quit kidding around ⇒ Be serious. /मजाक ब त आ
2255. Quit while you’re ahead ⇒ Stop,before you begin losing what you have gained. /िशखर पर िकसी चीज को छोड़ दे ना इससे
पहले िक आप हार कर छोड़
2256. Quite nice ⇒ Not bad. /उतना भी बुरा नहीं
2257. Quitter ⇒ Someone who gives-up easily./वह, जो ज ी हार मान लेता है /

Idioms beginning with ‘ R ’

2258. Rain cats and dogs ⇒ Rain very heavily/. मूसलाधार बा रश

2259. Rainy day ⇒ Future time of need, especially financial need. /मुसीबत के िदनों के िलए पैसे जोड़ना
2260. Reach out ⇒ To get in contact with someone/ संपक करना
2261. Reaching for the skies ⇒ Having high hopes about one’s future or career./ अपने भिव या कै रयर को लेकर ब त ादा
उ ीद होना
2262. Read between the lines ⇒ To understand the hidden meaning/ िछपा आ अथ समझना
2263. Ready and waiting ⇒ All prepared and ready to start /सभी तैया रयों के साथ लड़ने/संघष करने को तैयार Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 94

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 19 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
2264. Ready to go ⇒ Prepared and ready to start /हमेशा त र रहना
2265. Reconcile yourself ⇒ Accept the circumstances and get used to it/. प र थितयों को ीकारना और उनकी आदत पड़ना
2266. Recoup your losses ⇒ Make up for one’s losses /आपने जो नुकसान िकया उसकी भरपाई करना
2267. Red carpet treatment ⇒ Very special treatment/ िकसी के साथ ब त अ ा वहार करना
2268. Red herring ⇒ Something that distracts /कोई ऐसी चीज जो आपका ान हटा दे
2269. Red tape ⇒ Official procedure./ आिधका रक ि या
2270. Red handed ⇒ While committing a crime or doing something wrong on the spot. /रं गे हाथ पकड़ना
2271. Red-letter day ⇒ A memorable, important or happy occasion/. एक मह पूण िदन
2272. Rest on one's laurels ⇒ Depending on the achievement made in the past./ अतीत म हािसल की गयी उपल यों पर
िनभर रहना
2273. Reduced to rubble ⇒ Something that is demolished/. कोई ऐसी चीज जो कर दी गई है
2274. Refresh my memory ⇒ An expression meaning remind me or tell me again /िफर से बताना/याद िदलाना
2275. Regrettable incident ⇒ Something which is repented /कोई घटना िजस पर पछतावा हो
2276. Regular guy ⇒ One who comes often /जो अ र आता हो
2277. Reign head and shoulders ⇒ Much superior; above the rest. /दू सरों से बेहतर
2278. Relay a message ⇒ Pass on to; tell someone/ िकसी को बता दे ना
2279. Rely on someone ⇒ Depend on someone /िकसी पर िनभर होना
2280. Remain undaunted ⇒ To remain unfrightened/ घबराया आ ना होना
2281. Remedy the situation ⇒ Find a solution to the problem/ सम ा का हल ढू ँ ढना

2282. Reprimand for ⇒ Scold/ फटकारना
2283. Reproach for ⇒ To scold for something /डां ट लगाना
2284. Resigned to your fate ⇒ Accept something that cannot be changed /उस चीज़ को ीकार करना, िजसे बदल नहीं सकते
2285. Resist arrest ⇒ To oppose being arrested /िगर ारी का िवरोध करना
2286. Resolute action ⇒ Take firm action /स कायवाही करना
2287. Responsible to
2288. Restore order
2289. Return to your roots

2290. Rhyme or reason

2291. Ride out the storm
2292. Right-hand man

वही लौटना
Answerable to /जवाबदे ह
Return to normal/ सामा की तरफ वापसी
Go back to visit and study where your cultural tradition came from./जहां से आप मूल प से थे

Pattern and logic/ िबना िकसी तक के

survive the crisis/ संकट का सफलतापूवक सामना करना
One's most valuable assistant or supporter./ जो आपका सबसे मह पूण समथक हो

2293. Right of way ⇒ A law or statutory right granted to a vehicle, as an airplane or boat, to proceed/ कहीं से
गुजरने का अिधकार
2294. Right on target ⇒ Hit exactly on the target /सटीक िनशाना
2295. Right on the button ⇒ Exactly on the right spot /िब ु ल सही थान पर
2296. Right the wrongs of the ⇒ To rectify the wrongs of the world/ दु िनया म जो गलितयां /किमयां ह ,उ सही करना
2297. Right under your nose ⇒ It happens near you but you do not notice./ नाक के नीचे होना
2298. Rigorous action ⇒ To put in a lot of effort /काफी यास करना
2299. Rigorous discipline ⇒ Very disciplined/बेहद अनुशािसत
2300. Riotous behaviour ⇒ Unruly uncontrolled behaviour/ ऐसा वहार जो िनयं ण म ना हो
2301. Ripe for the picking ⇒ Time is right for something to happen/कुछ करने का सही समय आ गया है
2302. Ripe old age ⇒ Advanced in years/ उ दराज होना
2303. Rise and shine ⇒ Wake up and get ready./ जागृत होना और दु िनया म अपनी छाप छोड़ना
2304. Rise like phoenix from ⇒ To make a miraculous comeback after an insurmountable setback/. ब त बुरी तरह िवफल

its ashes होने के बाद और ध ा लगने के बाद दोबारा से शानदार वापसी करना
2305. Rise to the challenge ⇒ To do as the occasion demands/ अवसर की मां ग के अनुसार करना
2306. Risk life and limb ⇒ Put your life on the line for what you believe in or to do your duty/. जान खतरे म डालना
2307. Rock bottom ⇒ At the lowest level. /सबसे िनचले र पर
2308. Rocks in your head ⇒ No brains./ िदमाग ना होना
2309. Rock the boat ⇒ To disturb an otherwise stable situation. /बाधा उ करना
2310. Roll-out the red carpet ⇒ Make special preparations for the arrival of a person Red carpets are rolled out for VIPs
/ ागत म पलके िबछा दे ना
2311. Rolling stone ⇒ बेचैन / A restless person.
2312. Rotten egg ⇒ बुरा / A bad or despicable person
2313. Run-of-the-mill ⇒ साधारण / Ordinary; average
2314. Round of applause ⇒ Everyone around the room should clap their hands to thank or congratulate someone
िकसी को तािलयां बजाकर बधाई दे ना और शंसा करना
2315. Routine check ⇒ Normal check-ups /सामा चेकअप
2316. Rowdy bunch ⇒ Rough rustic people /अस लोग
2317. Rub elbows with/rub ⇒ To spend time with /िकसी के साथ समय िबताना
shoulders with
2318. Rub salt in your wounds ⇒ To intentionally make someone's unhappiness, shame, or misfortune worsened./जले पर Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 95

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 19 - 20 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
नमक िछड़कना ,
2319. Rub someone the wrong way ⇒ Say something to annoy someone /िकसी को परे शान करने के िलए कुछ कहना
2320. Rub-it-in ⇒ Enjoy making another suffer by pointing out his mistakes./िकसी की किमयों पर लगातार उं गली
उठाना तािक वह बुरा महसूस कर
2321. Ruddy-cheeked ⇒ Red-faced around the cheeks /गालों पर बेहद लाली होना
2322. Ruffle a few feathers ⇒ A remark or action made which may upset a few people./ कोई ऐसी िट णी कर दे ना िजससे
कुछ लोग नाराज हो जाए
2323. Rule of thumb ⇒ Follow the standard that is generally accepted/.सामा िनयमों के अनुसार
2324. Rule the roost ⇒ To dominate. /हावी होना
2325. Run amuck ⇒ out-of-control,./पागल
2326. Run-of-the mill ⇒ Average/ common /सामा / औसत
2327. Run the gauntlet ⇒ To go through an unpleasant experience. /कोई बुरा तजुबा होना /
2328. Run after someone ⇒ Chase /पीछा करना
2329. Run away from things ⇒ To avoid /चीज़ों से भागना
2330. Run for your life ⇒ Save yourself /खुद को बचाना
2331. Run-in with the law ⇒ To get into a legal problem /कानूनी सम ा म पड़ना
2332. Run of the mill ⇒ Common; ordinary; like something that comes off the assembly line in a factory. /सामा
2333. Run out of steam ⇒ To become unenthusiastic /जोश ठं डा हो जाना /
2334. Run rampant ⇒ Run around raging and out of control /गु े म िबना िनयं ण के इधर-उधर भागना /

2335. Running wild ⇒ Out of control /िनयं ण से बाहर /
2336. Run-in with the law ⇒ To find oneself in a legal problem. / यं को एक कानूनी पचड़े म पाना /
2337. Running battle between ⇒ Cause of dispute between /िववाद का कारण
2338. Runs in the family ⇒ A common characteristic that is passed on through generation /कोई ऐसी चीज जो िकसी
प रवार म पीढ़ी दर पीढ़ी चली आ रही है
2339. Run riot
2340. Reading between the lines
2341. Red herrings
2342. Rise like a phoenix from
the ashes
2343. Rub up the wrong way
2344. Run into

Act without restraint /आतंक मचाना
Understanding the hidden meaning/छु पे या अनकहे भाव को समझना /
Something to distract attention / ान से भटकना /
With a new life-rebirth-reincarnation/आपदा या िवनाश के बाद नए िसरे से उभरना

To irk or irritate someone /परे शान करना /

Incurred -To experience difficulties/मुसीबत का सामना करना

2345. Read between the line ⇒ To understand the inner meaning/छु पे ए अथ को समझना
2346. Run down ⇒ Criticise /आलोचना करना
2347. Run in the same groove ⇒ Advance in harmony /स ाव के साथ आगे बढ़ना
2348. Rise with the lark ⇒ Get up early -to get out of bed very early in the morning /सुबह ज ी उठना
2349. Rat race ⇒ Fierce competition for power/कड़ी ित धा/
An important day / मह पूण िदन
2350. Red-letter day ⇒
2351. Rack and ruin ⇒ Ransacked /तहस नहस होना
2352. Rides the high horse ⇒ Feel superior/खुद को े समझना
2353. Ruffle somebody’s feather ⇒ Annoy Somebody/उ ेिजत/नाराज करना

Idioms beginning with ‘ S ’

2354. Safe and secure ⇒ Safe and sound /सुरि त

2355. Said in jest ⇒ Only joking/केवल मजाक म

2356. Salt of the earth ⇒ Good persons on the earth /धरती के अ े लोग
2357. Same as always ⇒ Same as ever /हमेशा की तरह
2358. Same old story ⇒ The same reasons given again and again /वही पुरानी कहानी
2359. Sassy talk ⇒ Rude and disrespectful /अस तथा अपमानजनक
2360. Savage beating ⇒ Severe beating /िपटाई
2361. Save for a rainy day ⇒ To save for bad times /बुरे िदनों के िलए बचाना
2362. Save your own neck ⇒ Defend oneself /खुद का बचाव करना
2363. Save your own skin first ⇒ Self defence /आ र ा
2364. Saving grace ⇒ One quality that makes you deserve forgiveness in spite of many other unworthy
characteristics/कई अवगुणों के बावजूद कोई एक गुण िजसके कारण आपको माफ़ी िमल सकती है
2365. Scapegoat ⇒ Someone to lay the blame upon. /बिल का बकरा
2366. Scatter-brained ⇒ Absent-minded /भुल ड़
2367. Scorched-to-death ⇒ Thirsty from being in the heat. /धूप और गम म रहने की वजह से ासा
2368. Score points with ⇒ Win favor with someone./िकसी का िव ास जीतना
2369. Scratching your head ⇒ Trying to figure something out. /िदमाग पर जोर डालना
2370. Screaming mad ⇒ Extremely angry /ब त ादा गु ा
2371. Scum of the earth ⇒ People who commit heinous crimes against children /जो लोग ब ों के खलाफ अपराध करते ह
2372. Scuttle your hopes ⇒ Dash and break your hopes and desires/उ ीदों और इ ाओं को ख़ कर दे ना . Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 96

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 20 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
2373. Sedentary life ⇒ Living an inactive life/ऐसी िजंदगी जीना िजसम ादा सि यता ना हो
2374. See the point ⇒ Begin to understand /समझने लगना
2375. See which way the wind ⇒ Wait and see which way things will fall /हवा के ख को भां पना
is blowing
2376. Seed of discontent ⇒ Root cause of discontent /झगड़े की जड़
2377. Seed of doubt ⇒ Root cause of the doubt /शक का कारण
2378. Seeing things finally ⇒ Understanding things /चीज़ों को समझना
2379. Seeing-is-believing ⇒ You have to see it before you can believe it; /दे खोगे तो िव ास करोगे
2380. Seek refuge ⇒ Seek shelter /शरण माँ गना
2381. Seek solace ⇒ Find peace /शां ित ढू ँ ढना
2382. Seize control ⇒ Take over/िनयं ण लेना
2383. Seize the moment ⇒ Live the moment to the full /इस पल को पूरी तरह जीना
2384. Self-content ⇒ Satisfied with what one has /आ संतुि
2385. Said in jest ⇒ Only Joking /मजाक
2386. Self -reliant ⇒ Self-dependent / आ िनभर
2387. Self-serving ⇒ Thinking about one’s interests only/जो केवल यं के फायदे के बारे म सोच
2388. Sell for a song ⇒ Sell very cheaply /ब त स ा बेचना
2389. Serve as a go-between ⇒ To work as an intermediary./म थ के प म काम करना
2390. Serve notice ⇒ Give legal intention in writing to tell what will happen. /कानून का नोिटस भेजना

2391. Serve time ⇒ Spend time in jail; serve out one’s prison term./कारावास की सजा काटना
2392. Serves you right ⇒ You get what you deserve/तुम इसी के लायक थे
2393. Set a precedent ⇒ Set an example/िमसाल बनना
2394. Set aback ⇒ Unexpectedly surprised and shocked. /अ ािशत प से दं ग तथा हत भ रह जाना
2395. Set no store in ⇒ Have no confidence in; do not trust /िकसी चीज म भरोसा ना होना
2396. Set one’s sights on
2397. Set the bar higher
2398. Set things straight once
and for all
2399. Set tongues wagging

2400. Set your sights on something⇒
2401. Set your house in order
Aim for /िकसी ल को पाने का यास करना
Aim for higher/ऊँचा ल बनाना
Correct a misconception. /िकसी गलतफहमी को दू र करना

Start people gossiping. /लोगों का चुगली बाजी शु करना

Aim for something /िकसी चीज के िलए ल साधना
Set things in place /चीज़ों को व थत करना

2402. Set your mind at rest ⇒ Free yourself from worry /भय से मु होना
2403. Set-in-your-ways ⇒ Inflexible. /जो टस से मस ना हो
2404. Settle an old score ⇒ To get revenge for something that hppened in the past. /पुराना िहसाब बराबर करना
2405. Shady past ⇒ A dishonest and improper past-history. /ऐसा अतीत िजसम बेईमानी और शिमदा जनक घटनाएं
रही हो
Doing a thing with shame and embarrassment. /ल त महसूस करना
2406. Shame-faced ⇒
2407. Shape-up or ship-out ⇒ Do your job properly or get out of here/या तो आपअपना काम ढं ग से करो या िफर यहां से जाओ .
2408. Share a confidence ⇒ Confide a secret to someone/िकसी को राज़ की बात बताना / .
2409. Share the wealth ⇒ Give some of what you have got to each of the others. /आपके पास जो धन संपि है िकसी के
साथ बां टना
2410. Sharpen-up ⇒ Don’t be so stupid /बेवकूफी मत करो
2411. Shattered dreams ⇒ Shattered hopes /टू टे ए सपने
2412. Sheer delight ⇒ Extreme joy and happiness/ब त ादा खुशी
2413. Shell-out ⇒ Pay-up now./कीमत चुकाना

2414. Shirk responsibility ⇒ Avoid doing your duty /अपना काम नहीं करना
2415. Shiver went up and down ⇒ Very scared /ब त ादा घबरा जाना
my spine
2416. Short and sweet ⇒ Brief and good /छोटा था पर अ ा था
2417. Short of change ⇒ Do not have enough coins or bills to make up the difference./खुले पैसे ना होना
2418. Short-lived ⇒ Impermanent /अ थायी
2419. Short-tempered ⇒ Easily irritated and angered. /शी ोिधत होना
2420. Shoulder the burden ⇒ share the responsibility /िज़ ेदारी साझा करना
2421. Shoulder to cry on ⇒ Someone to support in times of emotional need /एक ऐसा कंधा िजस पर आप सर रखकर रो सके
2422. Shoulder-to-shoulder ⇒ Equal match /बराबर की ट र का
2423. Show your good side ⇒ Let someone see your best qualities so he will like You /सही रं ग सामने आना .
2424. Show your true colors ⇒ Show through your behavior what your true character is like/असली रं ग िदखाना.
2425. Show-off ⇒ Someone seeking attention by showing-off skills or talents./िदखावा करना
2426. Shrug it off ⇒ not care./परवाह नहीं होना
2427. Shrug your shoulders ⇒ A physical gesture meaning that you do not know./कंधे उचकाना
2428. Shunned-by-all ⇒ Avoided and rejected by everyone /वह जो सब के ारा खा रज िकया गया हो
2429. Shy guy ⇒ A shy man. /शम ला
2430. Sick and tired of ⇒ Fed-up with/तंग आ जाना Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 97

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 20 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
2431. Sigh of relief ⇒ An exhalation of air accompanied by a sense of release/राहत की साँ स लेना .
2432. Switched-on ⇒ Clever, quick and well-informed. /बु मान, िजसे सारी जानकारी हो
2433. Sworn enemies ⇒ Bitter enemies/दु न
2434. Signing your death ⇒ Doing something that will prove to be harmful to oneself later /अपनी ही मृ ु के फरमान पर
ह ा र करना अथात कुछ ऐसा करना जो आपको ही नुकसान प ं चाएगा
2435. Silent partner ⇒ An investor who takes no part in the operation of a business/मौन साझेदार.
2436. Silly goose ⇒ Silly fool/बेवकूफ
2437. Simmer down ⇒ Cool off; get your anger under control. /गु ा ठं डा होना
2438. Single combat ⇒ One-on-one./एक एक करके
2439. Single-file ⇒ In line, one behind the other/एक पं म.
2440. Single-handed ⇒ Done without anyone else’s help. /िबना िकसी की सहायता के
2441. Single-minded ⇒ Concentrating solely only on one thing./एक चीज़ पर ान कि त करना
2442. Sink or swim ⇒ Fail or succeed /या तो सफल होंगे या असफल
2443. Sinking fast ⇒ Deteriorating /तेज गित से िगरावट आना
2444. Sinking-in ⇒ Finally beginning to get the intended meaning. /धीरे -धीरे समझ म आना
2445. Sit tight ⇒ Sit still; don’t move; stay where you are and wait/ थर बैठना
2446. Sitting duck ⇒ An open target /आसान िशकार
2447. Sitting on the fence ⇒ Having trouble deciding one way or the other. /असामंज म होना
2448. Sitting on your hands ⇒ Being idle, with nothing to do but sit on your hands./हाथ पर हाथ धरे बैठना

2449. Six feet under ⇒ Dead and buried in the Christian tradition, six feet below the ground./धरती से 6 फुट नीचे
2450. Sixth sense ⇒ An intuitive, mental gift for seeing and knowing things that others do not /पूवाभास
2451. Size up the situation ⇒ Assess a situation./ थित काआकलन करना
2452. Sizeable amount ⇒ Reasonable substantial amount/अ ी मा ा म.
2453. Skating on thin ice ⇒ In a risky situation/जो खम भरी थित म
2454. Skeleton in your close

2455. Skin and bones

2456. Skin of your teeth
2457. Skip it Forget it
2458. Skirt the issue
2459. Sleek and slender

A secret about something bad you did in the past that no one knows about /आपके अतीत
के बारे म कोई ऐसी बात जो कोई नहीं जानता और जो शिमदा जनक हो
So very thin that you appear to be just skin and bones. /ब त ादा पतला-दु बला
Just barely /मु ल से
Just let the subject drop./इस मु े को छोड़ दो
Side-step the problem; go around it./सम ा के बगल से िनकलो

2460. Slim chance ⇒ Very narrow chances/ब त कम संभावना
2461. Slip of the tongue ⇒ Say something by mistake /मुंह से िनकल जाना
2462. Slip through your fingers ⇒ Unable to catch something as it is so slippery that you cannot get a grip on it./कोई ऐसी
चीज जो इतनी िचकनी है िक आप उसे पकड़ नहीं पा रहे ह और वह आपकी उं गिलयों म से िफसल जाए
2463. Slipped my mind ⇒ I forgot /भूल गया
Hard to grasp and keep a hold on. /कोई ऐसी चीज िजसको पकड़ने म ब त मु ल हो
2464. Slippery as an eel ⇒
2465. Slip-up ⇒ Make a mistake /गलती करना
2466. Slow as molasses ⇒ Very slow /ब त धीमा
2467. Small fry ⇒ insignificant person /मह हीन
2468. Small matter ⇒ A matter of little importance. /छोटी सी बात
2469. Smell a rat ⇒ Become suspicious /संिद होना
2470. Smooth sailing ⇒ Things going smoothly /चीजों का आराम से चलना
2471. Snail’s pace ⇒ Extremely slowly; dragging on for a long while /रगना
2472. Snake in the grass ⇒ An enemy who pretends to be a friend; someone low who cannot be trusted/आ ीन का

साँ प
2473. Snap decision ⇒ Quick decision made without taking time to think about it. /फटाफट फैसला करना
2474. Soaked to the skin ⇒ completely wet/पूणता गीला होना
2475. Sob story ⇒ A sad story intended to make the listener feel pity and offer help. /ऐसी कहानी जो इस इरादे से
सुनाई गई है ताएक िक सुनने वाला सुनाने वाले के िलए दया महसूस कर और िफर मदद कर या मदद का
ाव दे
2476. Soft life ⇒ An easy life with little to do and enough money to meet your needs. /आसान िजंदगी जहां पर
आपके पास काफी पैसे ह और करने के िलए ादा कुछ है नहीं
2477. Soften your stance ⇒ Become more flexible and less rigid in your view or position./िवन होना
2478. Soft-mannered ⇒ polite and humble/स तथा िवन
2479. Solemn occasion ⇒ a serious occasion /एक गंभीर अव था
2480. Solid as a rock ⇒ Firm / ढ़
2481. Solitary confinement ⇒ Kept alone in prison /कैद म अकेले रखना
2482. Something’s popped-up ⇒ Something’s sprung up /अचानक से कोई काम आ जाना
2483. Sore loser ⇒ Poor loser/हारनेवाला .
2484. Sore point ⇒ Vulnerable point; touchy topic/दु खती नस
2485. Sorry state ⇒ Miserable condition /बुरी अव था .
2486. Sort out your differences ⇒ Come to a compromise /समझौता करना Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 98

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 20 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
2487. Sort something out ⇒ To solve out a matter /िकसी मामले का समाधान करना
2488. Soul-searching ⇒ Looking into yourself to find answers and think about who you are. /खुद की खोज करना
2489. Sound somebody out ⇒ Ask someone for his opinion on a certain subject /िकसी इं सान से उसकी राय लेना
2490. Sounds fishy ⇒ Seems hard to believe. /यकीन करना मु ल होना
2491. Sour grapes ⇒ Jealousy and bitter resentment. /अंगूर ख े ह
2492. Sow your wild oats ⇒ To do something that will cause problems in the future /कुछ ऐसे करना जो भिव म आप के
िलए मुसीबत पैदा कर सकते ह
2493. Spare no expense ⇒ Spend a lot of money/ब त सारा पैसा खच करना
2494. Sparkle in your eye ⇒ The twinkle in your eyes. /आं खों म चमक
2495. Spic and span ⇒ Sparkling clean/साफ़-सुथरा
2496. Spill the beans ⇒ Tell us all you know./सब उगल दे ना
2497. Spill your guts ⇒ Tell all. /सब बताओ
2498. Spoilsport ⇒ Someone who ruins the fun for others./एक ऐसा इं सान जो दू सरों का मजा िकरिकरा कर दे
2499. Sporadic ⇒ Irregular, sporadic, infrequent/अिनयिमत.
2500. Spot on ⇒ Exactly/िनशाने पर
2501. Spring chicken ⇒ Young woman. /युवती
2502. Spruced-up ⇒ Make your self look clean-and well-groomed to meet the occasion /िकसी मौके पर या िकसी
अवसर पर ब त साफ़ सुथरा और तैयार होना /
2503. Stab in the back ⇒ Betray you in an unexpected way/पीठ पीछे वार करना

2504. Start from scratch ⇒ Start from the beginning /आरं भ से शु करना
2505. Start off with a clean slate ⇒ Start afresh/नयी शु आत
2506. Get off to a bad start ⇒ To begin in a bad way /खराब शु आत करना
2507. State of total collapse ⇒ In a condition of total exhaustion /सब कुछ ख हो जाने की कगार पर
2508. Staunch supporter ⇒ A strong, loyal and committed follower, devotee, backer. /क र समथक
2509. Stay in-touch
2510. Steal the show
2511. Steal your thunder
2512. Stern warning
2513. Stick around
2514. Stick by someone
2515. Stick to the point

Continue following the same course of actions./संपक म रहो
Get all the attention; upstage everyone else. /वाहवाही लूटना
Steal the limelight from someone /िकसी अवसर पर सारी वाह वाही लूट लेना
Strong and serious, strict and severe warning;/कड़ी चेतावनी
To be present /मौजूद रहना
Stand bysomeone/िकसी को समथन दे ना
Stay on topic and don’t ramble or wander off onto unrelated matters. /अपनी बात पर डटे

2516. Stick your nose into ⇒ Get involved in what is none of your business. /िकसी और के काम म बेवजह टां ग अड़ाना
2517. Stickler for detail ⇒ One who pays very close attention to the minutest facts./जो छोटी-छोटी बातों पर ान दे ता है
2518. Stiff-necked ⇒ Rigid and prudish/िज ी.
2519. Still waters run deep ⇒ A quiet or placid manner may conceal a passionate nature. /ठहरे ए द रया गहरे होते ह
Bitter statement /कटु िट णी
2520. Stinging remark ⇒
2521. Stone-broke ⇒ Having no more money than a stone. /िब ु ल पैसा ना होना
2522. Stone’s throw away ⇒ Very close /ब त पास
2523. Stop hounding me ⇒ Stop bullying me. /मुझे परे शान करना बंद करो
2524. Stop squabbling ⇒ Stop fighting and arguing./लड़ना झगड़ना बंद करो
2525. Stop your babbling ⇒ Stop talking nonsense. /बकवास करना बंद करो
2526. Stop your bawling ⇒ Stop crying. /रोना बंद करो
2527. Storm in a teacup ⇒ A big fuss about nothing important. /बात का बतंगड़ बनाना
2528. Straight from the ⇒ hear something from the person who has direct personal knowledge of it. /उस से

horse's mouth कुछ सुन, िजसे इसका गत ान है

2529. Straighten things out ⇒ Resolve a disagreement. /मतभेद सुलझाना
2530. Strained relations ⇒ Bitter relations / कड़वाहट भरे र े
2531. Stranded ⇒ Left all alone/अकेला छोड़ दे ना
2532.Stranger-than-fiction ⇒ Sometimes, a fact is more impossible to believe than a fictional idea of the imagination
/कभी-कभीक ना से अिधक वा िवकता पर यकीन करना मु ल होता है /
2533. Strike a balance ⇒ Balance out things /चीज़ों को संतुिलत करना
2534. Strike up a friendship ⇒ Meet somebody new and become friends/िकसी नए इं सान से िमलना और दो बन जाना.
2535. Sunnyside of the street ⇒ Looking on the bright side of things. /सकारा क पहलू
2536. Surge ahead ⇒ Push forwards /आगे बढ़ना
2537. Survival of the fittest ⇒ The best man will survive. /वह जो सबसे ादा िफट है वही कामयाब होगा
2538. Sweeten the deal ⇒ To offer an incentive to make the deal more attractive. /िकसी ाव म कोई और अ ी चीज
जोड़ दे ना तािक वह बेहतर बन सके
2539. Swell-headed ⇒ Thinking you are bigger than you are /घमंडी
2540. Swim against the current ⇒ To do things against the normal /लीक से हटकर चलना
2541. Swim with the current ⇒ To do things in the normal usual way /बहाव के साथ जाना
2542. Sweeping Statement ⇒ Thoughtless statement / ापक बयान /
2543. Swing of things ⇒ Normal flow of things/सामा प र थितयों म Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 99

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 20 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
2544. Strain every nerve ⇒ Make all efforts ⇒Try all tricks /खून पसीना एक करना
2545. Swan song ⇒ Last prayer (at funeral or farewell) /अंितम िवदाई
2546. Set the record straight ⇒ Give a correct account/सही ोरा दे ना
2547. Spilling the beans ⇒ Revealing the information indiscreetly/राज़ उजागर करना
2548. Sharp practices ⇒ Dishonest means/बेईमान तरीके से
2549. Shake in shoes ⇒ Tremble with fear /डर से काँ पना
2550. Stand-offish ⇒ Indifferent/तट थ रहना
2551. Sowing wild oats ⇒ Irresponsible pleasure-seeking in young age / युवा अव था म अ ाशी करना
2552. Struck a chill to the heart ⇒ to make somebody afraid/डराना
2553. Stand ⇒Hold your ground ⇒ Refuse to yield / To continue with your opinions or intentions when someone is opposing
you /अड़े रहना
2554. See eye to eye ⇒ To have the same opinion/एक तरह के िवचार रखना
2555. Salad day ⇒ Adolescence/ िकशोराव था
2556. Set one’s face against ⇒ oppose strongly/कड़ा िवरोध करना
2557. Stand on one’s own feet ⇒ To be independent /आिथक प से तं होना
2558. Stir up a Hornet’s nest ⇒ To create a lot of trouble/ब त सारी सम ाएं खड़ी करना
2559. Second thoughts ⇒ Reconsidering the original idea / पुनः : िवचार करना
2560. Sailing in the same boat ⇒ Being in the same difficult situation/समान थित म होना
2561. Soft option ⇒ Easy and agreeable option /आसान िवक

2562. Seamy side ⇒ Unpleasant and immoral /अनैितक
2563. Standstill ⇒ Complete halt /गितरोध
2564. Sail in the same boat ⇒ To be in same situation/एक जैसी प र थित म होना
2565. Shed crocodile tears ⇒ To pretend to be sympathetic /घिड़याली आँ सू बहाना
2566. Scapegoats ⇒ A person who is blamed for the wrongdoings with arrogant reactions/बिल का बकरा
2567. Stole the show
2568. Sit in judgement

2569. Snake in the grass

2570. Spill the beans
2571. Sought after
2572. Shot in the arm

Win everyone’s praise/दशकों का िदल जीत लेना
To pass judgment (or comment on someone ) especially when you have no authority/िबना
अिधकार के िनणय दे ना या िट णी करना
A hidden enemy /छु पा आ दु न
Reveal the secret information/ रह उजागर करना
Wanted by many people because it’s of good Quality or difficult to find y/लोकि य
Something that gives encouragement / ेरणा दायक

2573. Spread like fire ⇒ Spread rapidly/जंगल की आग की तरह फैलना
2574. Send packing ⇒ To tell somebody firmly or rudely to go away-Terminate service/बखा करना /िकसी को जाने
के िलए कहना
2575. Strike a bargain ⇒ To negotiate a deal/सौदा करना
2576. Show a clean a pair of heels ⇒ To run away fast /To flee swiftly /रफूच र होना
To help/Support somebody or be a friend, even in difficult times /साथ दे ना
2577. Stand by ⇒
2578. Sit on the fence ⇒ To avoid becoming involved in deciding or influencing something /तट थ रहना
2579. Shake off ⇒ To get away from somebody who is chasing or following you /छु टकारा पाना
2580. Stick to guns ⇒ Hold on to original decisions /अपनी बात पर अिडग रहना
2581. Slip off ⇒ Leave quietly /िबना सूचना िदए िनकल जाना
2582. See through ⇒ Detect-To realize the truth about someone or somebody/ भाव जानना/ िकसी चीज की
स ाई समझ जाना
2583. Stand by ⇒ Support /साथ दे ना
2584. Spick and span ⇒ Neat and clean ⇒Tidy /साफ़-सुथरा

2585. Sweep under the carpet ⇒ To hide something/छु पाना या नज़रअंदाज़ करना
2586. Smell the rat ⇒ Suspect that something is fishy/दाल म काला होना
2587. Selling like hot cakes ⇒ To have a very good sale/ब त अ ी िब ी होना
2588. Scot free ⇒ Unpunished /िबना सज़ा के बच िनकलना
2589. Show the white flag ⇒ To surrender/आ समपण करना
2590. Stick to one’s guns ⇒ Maintain own opinion /बात पर अड़े रहना
2591. Straw in the wind ⇒ An indication of what might happen /संभावनाओं का सू संकेत

Idioms beginning with ‘ T ’

2592. Tacky-looking ⇒ Something cheap and in poor taste/ जो घिटया और दे खने म स ा हो

2593. Take a breather ⇒ Take a moment to catch your breath; take a break, pause, rest/. एक ण के िलए सां स लेना
2594. Take a cat nap ⇒ a short light sleep/ छोटी नींद
2595. Take a chance ⇒ Take a risk /जो खम लेना
2596. Take a crack at it ⇒ To try to see if you can do something/.यह जानने की कोिशश करना िक ा कोई काम कर सकते ह
2597. Take a hammering ⇒ Subject to criticism /आलोचना का िवषय
2598. Take a hint ⇒ Understand the clue and act accordingly /इशारा समझना और उसके अनुसार काय करना
2599. Take a licking by some ⇒ To be given a thrashing/अ ी िपटाई होना Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 100

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 20 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
2600. Take a load off your mind ⇒ Be relieved of a psychological burden. /िदमाग से कोई भारी बोझ उतरना
2601. Two-faced ⇒ A person saying something in front and something at the back of a person./दोहरा च र
2602. Take into account ⇒ To consider/. िवचार करना
2603. Take one at one's word ⇒ To be convinced of one's sincerity and act by his/her statement. /जैसा कोई कहता है उस पर
िव ास कर लेना
2604. Take the bull by the horns ⇒ To adopt the most direct but the most/मुसीबत का डटकर सामना करना
2605. Take a shot in the dark ⇒ To take an uncalculated risk /िबना सोचे समझे जो खम उठाना
2606. Take a stab at ⇒ Give it a try; make an attempt/ कोिशश करना
2607. Take a stand ⇒ Take a position on something/प लेना
2608. Take a tip from me ⇒ Let me give you a hint and a bit of advice/. म आपको थोड़ी सलाह दे ता ं
2609. Take after someone ⇒ Resemble in appearance or behavior./िकसी के जैसा िदखना
2610. Take by storm ⇒ Make a vivid impression on, quickly win popular acclaim/ छाप छोड़ना
2611. Take center stage ⇒ Make yourself the center of attention./ आकषण का क होना
2612. Take comfort in ⇒ To find satisfaction in something /िकसी चीज म संतुि ढू ं ढना
2613. Take credit for ⇒ To falsely claim that you performed work that was done by another./िकसी चीज के िलए ेय
2614. Take exception to ⇒ Be offended; take offence or umbrage/ नाराज होना
2615. Take for granted ⇒ Fail to appreciate properly/ िकसी चीज की अहिमयत ना समझना
2616. Take great pains to ⇒ Make a big effort /बड़ा यास करना

2617. Take it back ⇒ Apologize for what you said/. अपने श ों के िलए माफ़ी माँ गना
2618. Take it from me ⇒ Listen to my advice; let me tell you what I know from experience./मेरी सलाह मानो
2619. Take it in stride ⇒ Accept the setback as if you expected it and move on /जो आ उसे ीकारना और आगे बढ़ना
2620. Take my word for it ⇒ Trust me in this/मेरा िव ास करो
2621. Take no account ⇒ Don’t believe it; pay no attention/.उस पर िव ास मत करो
2622. Take offence
2623. Take over
2624. Take pride in
2625. Take sides
2626. Take someone for a ride

2627. Take someone to task

Feel offended, feel insulted by something/ अपमािनत महसूस करना
Seize control /िनयं ण हािसल करना
Feel nice about something/ िकसी चीज़ के बारे म अ ा महसूस करना
Support one person or cause against another or others in a dispute or contest/ प लेना
To cheat someone of money by leading him along a path of false hopes /िकसी को झूठे सपने
िदखा कर धोखा दे ना
Reprimand or criticize someone severely for a fault or mistake/कड़ी फटकार लगाना

2628. Take something in ⇒ To misunderstand /िकसी चीज को गलत समझना
the wrong way
2629. Take the bait ⇒ Fall in the trap /जाल म फँसना
2630. Twist of fate ⇒ Turn of fate / िक त का पलटना
2631. Take the easy way out ⇒ Choose the path that requires the least effort/. वह रा ा चुनना िजसम सबसे कम मेहनत हो
Bear the criticism /आलोचना सहना
2632. Take the heat ⇒
2633. Take the plunge ⇒ Commit oneself to acourse of action about which one is nervous/वह रा ा चुनना िजसके बारे
म पहले कोई घबराया आ था
2634. Take the weight off your feet ⇒ To sit down and rest when one is tired /बैठना और आराम करना
2635. Take words out of ⇒ Say something someone else was about to say/ िकसी के मुंह की बात छीनना
someone’s mouth
2636. Take things as they are ⇒ To accept things as they are and take things as they come/.चीज जैसी है वैसे ीकारना
2637. Take time out ⇒ Take a short pause or break from sport or work for rest and recreation/. समय िनकालना
2638. Take to something like a ⇒ To be very comfortable doing something/ duck to water /कोई काम करने म ब त

आरामदायक महसूस करना

2639. Take to task ⇒ Blame someone for something he has done wrong/ िकसी पर उसके गलत काय का
आरोप लगाना
2640. Take turns first ⇒ one and then the other- one-by-one/. एक के बाद एक
2641. Take umbrage ⇒ Take offence ./बुरा लगना
2642. Take your breath away ⇒ Breathtaking./ लुभावनी
2643. Taken at face value ⇒ Believe what the person is saying and not looking for the hidden meaning/जो कुछ कोई
इं सान कह रहा है उस पर िव ास कर लेना और िछपे ए अथ को न समझ पाना
2644. Taken by surprise ⇒ To cause to feel wonder at something that was not anticipated/ आ य होना
2645. Taken for a ride ⇒ Taken for granted/अहिमयत नहीं समझना
2646. Taken in by someone ⇒ Fooled and deceived/बेवकूफ बनाना तथा धोखा दे ना
2647. Taken in small doses ⇒ Bearable in short periods of exposure /जो थोड़े थोड़े समय के िलए बदा िकया जा सके
2648. Taken seriously ⇒ To think seriously about something/ गंभीरता से लेना
2649. Taken to task ⇒ Criticized for one’s action.िकसी काय की आलोचना करना
2650. Takes two to tango ⇒ It takes two to fight/एक हाथ से ताली नहीं बजती
2651. Talk big ⇒ To boast or brag /लंबी-लंबी ढींगे मारना
2652. Talk of the town ⇒ To be the person or subject everyone is talking about. /हर िकसी की जुबान पर
2653. Talk gibberish ⇒ unintelligible talking/िबना सोचे समझे बात करना Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 101

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 20 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
2654. Turn up your nose at ⇒ To dislike something/िकसी चीज़ को नापसंद करना
2655. Talk rot ⇒ Speak nonsense/ बकवास करना
2656. Talk sense ⇒ Sensible talking /समझदारी से बात करना
2657. Talk through your hat ⇒ Talk foolishly wildly ignorantly/ बेवकूफी वाली बात करना
2658. Tall order ⇒ An order that is hard to fulfill./ कोई ऐसा आदे श िजसे पूरा करना बेहद मु ल हो
2659. Turn the tables ⇒ To change the situation/.बाजी पलटना
2660. Tangible evidence ⇒ Concrete, physical, solid facts, and details to prove a point/. ठोस सबूत
2661. Tangle with someone ⇒ To talk of matters which confuse./ उलझाने वाली बात करना
2662. Tangled-web ⇒ A very complicated situation/ब त जिटल थित
2663. Teacher’s pet ⇒ The teacher’s favorite pupil. /अ ापक का पसंदीदा ब ा
2664. Tear holes in ⇒ To find fault by pointing defects./ िकसी चीज म किमयां ढू ं ढना और किमयों की ओर इशारा करना
2665. Tear into somebody ⇒ To scold someone severel/ कड़ी फटकार लगाना
2666. Turn out for the best ⇒ To turn out fine towards the end./अंत म अ ा बन जाना
2667. Tearing my heart out ⇒ something that makes one very sad./ कोई ऐसा िवषय जो आपको ब त दु खी महसूस कराये
2668. Turn over a new leaf ⇒ Change your behavior/अपना वहार बदलना
2669. Teeming with activity ⇒ Full of activity /जहां ब त ादा सि यता हो
2670. Tell someone off ⇒ Give them a verbal reprimand; a tongue lashing/ तगड़ी फटकार लगाना
2671. Trying situation ⇒ Testing times/किठन व
2672. Tempest in a teapot ⇒ To make a big issue out of something very small/ बात का बतंगड़ बनाना

2673. Turn a blind eye ⇒ Refuse to see/अनदे खा करना
2674. Turn the other cheek ⇒ Do not react with anger when people hurt or insult you/ एक गाल पर थ ड़ मारे तो दू सरा गाल
आगे कर दे ना
2675. Testing times ⇒ Difficult times/. मु लव
2676. Testy situation ⇒ Highly-charged emotional situation/. ब त भावुक ण
2677. Thank your lucky stars
2678. That cuts no ice with me
2679. That doesn’t faze me
2680. That hits the spot
2681. That rings a bell
2682. That’ll do the trick
2683. That’s a lot of garbage

To be very thankful for something./ िकसी चीज के िलए आभारी होना
I am not impressed with that/ म इस से आकिषत नहीं आ
I am not impressed/. म इस से आकिषत नहीं आ
xactly how one wants/ठीक वैसा ही जैसा कोई चाहता है
That sounds familiar. /यह मुझे सुना सुना लग रहा है /
That’s just what is needed/ वही चीज िजसकी आव कता है
A lot of lies and nonsense /ब त सारे झूठ और बकवास

2684. That’s a novel idea ⇒ An original idea/ मूल िवचार
2685. That’s all ⇒ All one has to say and there’s nothing more to say. /म सबकुछ कह चुका ँ
2686. That’s it ⇒ Now I’ve finished talking and that’s what I wanted to say. That’s it/. मुझे जो कहना था मने कह
2687. Truth or consequences ⇒ Tell the truth or pay the consequences/.सच बोलो या प रणाम भुगतो
To try uselessly/बेकार म कोिशश करना
2688. Try in vain ⇒
2689. The apple of my eye ⇒ Object of my love and affection./मेरी आँ ख का तारा
2690. The ball’s in your court ⇒ The decision is up to you./फैसला तु ारे हाथ म है
2691. The best of both worlds ⇒ A situation wherein one can enjoy two different opportunities/दोनों हाथों म लड् डू
2692. The birds and the bees ⇒ Sex and reproduction/. यौन संबंध तथा जनन
2693. The bubble ⇒ Breaking of one’s dreams./ सपने टू टना
2694. The butt of the joke ⇒ The reason or aim of the joke esp if it’s a person/ हं सी का पा
2695. The coast is clear ⇒ No danger in sight, go ahead; nobody is looking/रा ा साफ़ है
2696. The icing on the cake ⇒ An extra-special, unanticipated part /सोने पर सुहागा

2697. The more the merrier ⇒ The more people who join in the activity the more fun there will be./ िजतने ादा लोग होंगे
उतना मजा आएगा
2698. The point of no return ⇒ The time in the process that there is no possibility of turning back. /लौटने के सभी रा े बंद
2699. The right spot at the ⇒ At the right place at the correct time. /सही समय पर सही जगह पर
right time
2700. The shoe is on the other foot ⇒ The situation is now the opposite of what it was before/.पासे पलट गए
2701. The time is ripe ⇒ Now is the time to act./ काम करने का समय आ गया है
2702. There’s more than meets ⇒ There are hidden inner meanings that can't be seen/ ब त सारे िछपे ए अथ है जो नजर नहीं आ
the eye रहे ह
2703. There’s not a lot to be said ⇒ Nothing more to say /ब त ादा कहने को नहीं है
2704. They’ll cut you to pieces ⇒ Sharp criticism./ कटु आलोचना
2705. Thick-as-thieves ⇒ Display honor among thieves/चोरों म भी ईमान होता है
2706. Thick -skinned ⇒ Insensitive; unfeeling; impervious to injury/मोटी चमड़ी वाला
2707. Thick-skulled ⇒ Stupid/ बेवकूफ
2708. Things look grim ⇒ Not very hopeful situation/ब त आशावादी थित नहीं है
2709. Think again ⇒ Think again about something /िफर से सोच लो
2710. Think nothing of ⇒ Not to consider something worth anything/ कुछ मत सोचो Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 102

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 20 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
2711. Thin-skinned ⇒ Oversensitive /अित संवेदनशील
2712. Third-degree ⇒ Intensive questioning /स ी से पूछताछ
2713. Thirst for knowledge ⇒ Desire to learn more/ ान की भूख
2714. This is the pits ⇒ This is as low as you go/. तुम इससे ादा नहीं िगर सकते
2715. Thrilled-to-bits ⇒ very happy /बेहद खुश
2716. Throttle someone ⇒ Choke by the throat/.गला दबाना
2717. Think twice to consider ⇒ carefully before deciding/ सोच समझ कर िनणय लेना
2718. Through thick and thin ⇒ In good and bad times /अ े और बुरे समय म
2719. Throw cold water upon ⇒ To discourage. /हतो ािहत करना
2720. Throw down the gauntlet ⇒ To challenge./ चुनौती दे ना
2721. Throw a scare into someone ⇒ Make someone afraid of the consequences/ िकसी को प रणामों से भयभीत करना
2722. Throw caution to the winds ⇒ No more careful/अब सतक नहीं है
2723. Throw it back in your face ⇒ To say unkind things about one's behaviour in the past in an argument/ िकसी बहस के दौरान
िकसी इं सान के अतीत के बारे म मु ा उछालना
2724. Throw someone off balance ⇒ To upset someone for a short time /िकसी को कुछ समय के िलए नाराज़ करना
2725. Throw up your hands ⇒ To show through body language that you have given-up/ हाथ खड़े करना
2726. Throw your weight around ⇒ Aggressively use your strength to get what you want/ आप जो चाहते ह उसे पाने के
िलए एक आ ामक तरीके से वहार करना
2727. Throw-in-the-towel ⇒ Give up the attempt./ यास छोड़ दे ना

2728. Thumbs down ⇒ To dislike /नापसंद करना
2729. Ticked-off ⇒ Angry; resentful; annoyed ; irritated/ ोिधत
2730. Tied-up ⇒ Busy/
2731. Tighten the purse strings ⇒ Start saving money, cut costs; economize /बचत करना शु करना
2732. Tighten the screws ⇒ Increase pressure./दबाव बढ़ाना
2733. Tighten your belt
2734. Tight-fisted
2735. Time is of the essence
2736. Time is ripe
2737. Time is ticking over
2738. Time-lapse
2739. Time on my hands

A notch Learn to economize; live on less income/. कम खच म जीना
Too stingy to part with his money/. ब त कंजूस
Act quickly to avoid failure or disaster/.ज ी करो वरना सब बबाद हो जाएगा
It’s the right time/. यही सही समय है
The clock is running; we are running against time./समय बीता जा रहा है
The time that has passed since a certain moment/.समय बीत चुका है
To have plenty of time/ब त समय होना

2740. Time to bow out ⇒ Often a person in a high rank or position decides or is forced to bow out Compared to a
performer in a show/ऊँचे पद का िजसे कोई पद ागने के िलए मजबूर िकया गया
2741. Time will tell ⇒ Wait and watch/. समय ही बतायेगा
2742. Time-consuming ⇒ It involves a lot of time / िजसम ब त ादा समय लगने वाला हो
2743. Tip of the iceberg ⇒ Just a small part of a big problem/ बड़ी सम ा का एक छोटा भाग
Reciprocity /जैसे को तैसा
2744. Tit for tat ⇒
2745. To a ‘T” ⇒ Perfectly, without a fault/ िबना िकसी दोष के
2746. To blame for ⇒ To be responsible for the bad effect/ बुरे भाव के िलए िज़ ेदार होना
2747. To cut a long story short ⇒ Say in a few words what normally takes many. /संि म
2748. To each his own ⇒ Everybody is entitled to his own opinion; live and let live. /हर िकसी की अपनी राय होती है
2749. To err is human ⇒ It is only human to make an error or a mistake/. गलितयाँ मनु से ही होती ह
2750. To have good connections ⇒ To have right links/. अ े संबंध होना
2751. To make a laughing ⇒ To do something that invites stock of yourself ridicule and laughter/ कुछ ऐसा करना िजससे
आपका मजाक बन जाए

2752. To put it bluntly ⇒ Say clearly even if it is rude/साफ़ श ों म कह दे ना

2753. To put it mildly ⇒ To understate; without exaggeration/ कड़वी बात को आराम से कहना
2754. To say the least ⇒ To say the bare minimum and to put it mildly /अगर कम श ों म क ं तो
2755. To the best of my knowledge ⇒ As far as I know./ जहाँ तक म जानता ँ
2756. To the end of my days ⇒ Till the very end as long as I am alive /अंितम सां स तक
2757. To the ends of the world ⇒ Ready to do anything/ कुछ भी करने को तैयार होना
2758. To the max ⇒ To the maximum./ अिधक से अिधक
2759. To your heart’s content ⇒ As much as one wants /आपके िदल की संतुि तक
2760. To your last gasp ⇒ up to one’s dying breath/ आखरी सां स तक
2761. Tongue-tied ⇒ Speechless /श कम पड़ जाना
2762. Tongue-in-cheek ⇒ Spoken in jest /मजाक म कहा था
2763. Tongue-lashing ⇒ A good scolding /जमकर फटकारना
2764. Tooth and nail ⇒ Violently./ िहं सक प से
2765. Too clever for your good ⇒ Overconfident /अित आ िव ास
2766. Try one’s hand ⇒ Try one’s luck/िक त आजमाना
2767. Too many irons in the fire ⇒ Involved in too many things at the same time/. एक समय म ब त सारे काम होना
2768. Top drawer ⇒ Best quality; most valued; most high class/ सव े गुण
2769. Top-notch ⇒ The very best, highest possible level/सबसे बिढ़या ािलटी का Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 103

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2770. Try your utmost ⇒ To put in maximum effort/अिधकतम यास करना
2771. Top of the pops ⇒ Number one in the popular music hit parade /वह गाना जो पहले पायदान पर बज रहा है
2772. Top-of-the-line ⇒ The best and highest quality level or item in the product line/सबसे बिढ़या /व ु
2773. Topsy-turvy ⇒ Upside down /उ ा होना
2774. Torn between two evils ⇒ Torn between two bad alternatives/.आगे कुआँ पीछे खाई
2775. Toss and turn all night ⇒ Unable to sleep due to a lot of stress and tension/पूरी रात करवट बदलना
2776. Toss your hat in the ring ⇒ Make a gesture showing that you want to give a try/. िकसी चीज के िलए यास करना
2777. Tossup between ⇒ Can't decide between one thing andAnother/दो चीज़ों के बीच फैसला न कर पाना .
2778. Totally above-board ⇒ Honest and transparent as compared to corrupt and under the table/. ईमानदार और पारदश
2779. Touching scene ⇒ Something that.moves the heart/ िदल को छूने वाला
2780. Touchy situation ⇒ Very emotional situation/बेहद भावुक थित
2781. Tough as nails ⇒ Very tough /ब त कठोर
2782. Tough going ⇒ Very difficult to make progress/आगे बढ़ना मु ल है
2783. Tough luck ⇒ too bad/ ब त खराब
2784. Tow the line ⇒ To do what you are expected or ordered to doजो कहा जाए वह करना
2785. Try one’s patience ⇒ To test one’s calm /स का इ ेहान लेना
2786. Track down ⇒ To search out where someone or something is /वहां प ं चना जहां कोई इं सान या कोई व ु है
2787. Track record ⇒ A record of actual performance or achievements/ लेखा-जोखा
2788. Traffic congestion ⇒ Traffic deadlock/ब त ादा टै िफक

2789. Trash can ⇒ Dustbin; garbage can./ कचरे का िड ा
2790. Trashy talk ⇒ Low dirty conversation / िन र की बात
2791. Tread on someone’s toes ⇒ To do something that annoys someone/िकसी को नाराज़ कर दे ना
2792. Treat someone like dirt ⇒ Behave towards someone in a demeaning and cruel fashion /िकसी से बुरा वहार करना
2793. Trend-setters ⇒ Someone who sets a trend/लीक से हटकर चलने वाला
2794. Trial and error

2795. Trial balloon

2796. Trials and tribulations

2797. Trick of the trade

Looking for an answer by trying and seeing your mistakes/अपनी गलितयां दे खकर कोई
समाधान ढू ं ढना
An idea advanced tentatively to test the reactions of other people/ एक ऐसा िवचार जो लोगों
की िति या जानने के िलए रखा गया है
Testing one’s patience/धैय की परी ा लेना
Special skills and knowledge associated with any trade or profession/िकसी वसाय म
सफलता पाने का गुण.
2798. Trickle-down ⇒ To seep or dribble downward to reach someone or something/ऊपर से नीचे धीरे -धीरे टपकना
2799. Trivial remarks ⇒ Trifling, silly, petty, insignificant, unimportant comments./ घिटया बात करना
2800. Troubled waters ⇒ A terrible situation/भयानक थित
2801. Troubling thought ⇒ Something that disturbs you/परे शान करने वाली बात
2802. Trudging along ⇒ Moving along/आगे बढ़ना
Loyal and faithful to the end/आ खर तक वफादार होना
2803. True blue ⇒
2804. True grit ⇒ Strength of mind and the courage to see through one’s convictions even in the face of
strong adversity/ ितकूल थितयों म भी वही कहना िजस पर आप िव ास करते ह
2805. True to nature ⇒ The real appearance of a person or thing/ असली प
2806. True to one another ⇒ Loyal /वफादार
2807. True to one's salt ⇒ Loyal person/वफादार
2808. Turn a deaf ear to ⇒ Not to pay attention to / ान नहीं दे ना
2809. Turn over a new leaf ⇒ To be entirely changed for good/पूरी तरह बदल जाना अ े के िलए
2810. Turn the corner ⇒ To pass through a critical point in a process/िकसी ि या म मह पूण पड़ाव से गुजरना

2811. Turn turtle ⇒ To overturn/बाजी पलट जाना

2812. Turn up one's nose at ⇒ To take lightly with contempt/िकसी चीज को घिटया समझना
2813. True-to-life ⇒ Representing things or actions or conditions as they are/चीज वा िवक प से जैसी है वैसी
2814. Trump card ⇒ Strongest and best support/तु प का इ ा
2815. Trumped-up charges ⇒ Made-up, invented, fabricated, false accusations of Wrongdoing/बनावटी, झूठे आरोप
2816. Token strike ⇒ Short strike held as warning/ चेतावनी दे ने के िलए की गई हड़ताल
2817. Took to heels ⇒ Run away in fear/डर कर भागना
2818. To keep up ⇒ To keep in touch/संपक म रहना
2819. Takes after ⇒ Resemble/एक जैसा होना
2820. To stave off ⇒ Postpone /टाल दे ना
2821. To give a piece of mind ⇒ To reprimand/फटकारना
2822. Turn an honest living ⇒ Make a legitimate living/ईमानदारी से जीना
2823. Talking through the hat ⇒ Talking nonsense/बकवास करना
2824. Turn up one’s nose at ⇒ To not accept something because you do not think it is good enough for you -To treat
with contempt/अवमानना करना
2825. To be always at one’s ⇒ At one’s disposal (ready to serve one’s master)/इशारे पर नाचने वाला/दू सरों के संकेत पर चलना
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2826. To fight tooth and nail ⇒ To fight in a determined way for what you want/जी जान से लड़ना
2827. The green-eyed monster ⇒ Used as a way of talking about jealousy/ई ा
2828. To go to the whole hog ⇒ To do it completely /पूण प से
2829. To cut one’s coat according ⇒ To live within one’s means/ अपने साधनो के भीतर रहना
to one’s cloth
2830. Take with a grain/pinch ⇒ To listen to something with considerable doubtशक के साथ ीकारना / संदेह होना
of salt
2831. To put a spoke in ⇒ Destroy the plan -Cause hindrance -to prevent somebody. from putting their plan into
someone’s wheel action बाधा उ करना
2832. To eat a humble pie ⇒ To apologizeमाफी मां गना
2833. To give the devil his due ⇒ To give encouragement even to the enemy बुरे या दु न को भी उसके अ े काम का ेय
दे ना
2834. To blow one’s own trumpet ⇒ Praise one’s own abilities and achievementsअपना गुणगान यं करना
2835. To get into hot water ⇒ To get into troubles दु िवधा म फंसना
2836. To keep under wraps ⇒ Secret गु रखना
2837. To Bring to light ⇒ To reveal clearउजागर करना
2838. To take into account ⇒ To considerिवचार करना
2839. Turn one’s head ⇒ To feel proud in a way that other people find it annoying घमंड करना
2840. The man in the street ⇒ An ordinary man (common man)आम आदमी

2841. To catch up with ⇒ To compete with धा करना
2842. Throw down a glove ⇒ To accept defeatहार मानना
2843. To have Too many iron ⇒ To get engaged in too many enterprises at the same timeब त सारे काय म एक साथ
in the fire होना
2844. To smell a rat ⇒ To suspect a trick\कुछ गलत है -यह महसूस कर लेना
2845. To the letter

2846. To blaze a trail

2847. To carve out a niche

2848. To beat a retreat

2849. To steer clear of

says \

Paying attention to every detail ⇒Doing or following exactly what somebody something
ेक िववरण का पालन करना
To lead the way as a pioneer\नई राह िदखाना
To work harder in order to have successful career-Develop a special position for oneself
\खुद के िलए िवशेष थित िवकिसत करना/अपने े म अपनी छाप छोड़ना
To run away in fear from a dangerous or unpleasant situation \डर कर भागना
Avoid\ टालना

2850. To get one’s own back ⇒ To get one’s revenge \बदला लेना
2851. To run across ⇒ To meet by chance\संयोग से िमल जाना
2852. To end in smoke ⇒ To come to nothing, no outcome\असफल यास
2853. To have something ⇒ Having a secret plan or solution\गु योजना
up one’s sleeve
To run away/ भग जाना
2854. To take to one’s heel ⇒
2855. To turn a deaf ear ⇒ To be indifferent/अनसुना कर दे ना
2856. Took after ⇒ Similar to look or behave like an older member of your family/स होना
2857. To run one down ⇒ To disparage someone/उपे ा करना
2858. To face the music ⇒ To bear the consequences/प रणाम सहना
2859. To take someone to task ⇒ To scold someone /डां टना
2860. Throw dust into one’s eye ⇒ To deceive / धोखा दे ना /आँ खों म धुल झोंकना
2861. To play to the gallery ⇒ To behave in an exaggerated way to attract people’s attention/लोकि यता ा करने के िलए
आडं बरपूण वहार करना

2862. To have not a leg to stand on ⇒ Unable to prove or explain why something is reasonable / मािणत ना कर पाना
2863. To tell in a nutshell ⇒ In a brief manner-Summarize / सं ेप म ुत करना
2864. To feather one’s nest ⇒ To enrich oneself when opportunity occurs /अपना घर भरना
2865. To gather roses only ⇒ To seek all enjoyments of life/ जीवन के सभी सुख को तलाशना
2866. To grease the palm ⇒ To bribe/ र त दे ना
2867. To call it a day ⇒ To stop doing something/ स ास लेना
2868. To put up with ⇒ To tolerate/बदा करना
2869. To take to hearts ⇒ To grieve over/िदल से लगा लेना
2870. To move heaven and earth ⇒ To try everything possible /जमीन आसमान एक करना
2871. To take someone for a ride ⇒ To deceive (cheat) someone/धोखा दे ना
2872. To bite the dust ⇒ To be defeated /परािजत होना
2873. To be all at sea ⇒ Lost and confused/दु िवधा म
2874. To die in harness ⇒ To die while in service /सेवा म रहते ए मर जाना
2875. To show a clean pair of heels ⇒ To escape-Run away/ भाग जाना
2876. Tall tales ⇒ Boasting/ डींगे हां कना
2877. To flog a dead horse ⇒ To waste one’s efforts / थ यास करना
2878. To strain every nerve ⇒ To make utmost efforts /खून पसीना एक करना
2879. To keep the wolf from ⇒ Escape starvation/ िकसी तरह से गुज़ारा करना Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 105

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the door
2880. To lose ground ⇒ To become less popular/ िस खोना
2881. To latch onto ⇒ To promote /बढ़ावा दे ना
2882. To fall back on ⇒ To use or do something else after other things have failed/आ य लेना
2883. To make one’s blood boil ⇒ To make somebody furious/खून खौलना
2884. To add fuel to the fire ⇒ To cause additional anger /हालात को बदतर बनाना /आग म घी डालना
2885. To be down to earth ⇒ To be realistic / वा िवक
2886. To make a mountain ⇒ To give great importance to little things /बात का बतंगड़ बना दे ना
of a molehill
2887. To speak one’s mind ⇒ To be frank and honest/ िवचार कट करना
2888. To shun evil company ⇒ To avoid or give up bad company/ बुरी संगत को ागना
2889. Take the bull by the horns ⇒ To face a difficulty courageously/ किठन सम ा का साहस से सामना करना
2890. To be in a Quandary ⇒ In a confusing situation / िमत होना
2891. Take French leave ⇒ Absenting oneself without permission/ िबना सूिचत िकए अवकाश लेना
2892. To put in a nutshell ⇒ To state something very concisely / संि म करना
2893. The genomes of Zurich ⇒ A slang term for Swiss bankers / स बकर
2894. To make up one’s mind ⇒ To decide what to do/ िन य करना
2895. To call it a day ⇒ Decide to finish working of the day/िदन की कायवाही ख करना
2896. To pay off old scores ⇒ To refund old dues/पुराना िहसाब चुकता करना

2897. Turn down ⇒ Refuse/ मना करना
2898. The jury is out ⇒ No decision has been reached /िकसी िनणय पर ना प ं चना
2899. To take after ⇒ To resemble an older member of family/ प रवार के िकसी अ बड़े सद जैसा िदखना
2900. Telling upon ⇒ Showing effectively -Having strong effect /गहरा भाव डालना
2901. Take fancy ⇒ To attract or please somebody/ आकिषत करना
2902. To cut teeth
2903. To hit below the belt
2904. To explore every avenue
2905. To burn the candle
at both ends
2906. To hit the jackpot
2907. To bring to light

To gain experience of something for the first time/ थम अनुभव ा करना
To attack unfairly /बेईमानी करना
To try every opportunity/हर संभव तरीका जां चना
To be extravagant -Spend without any worry/ पानी की तरह पैसे बहाना

To make money quickly /िक त का तारा चमक उठना

To reveal उजागर करना / काश म लाना

2908. To shed crocodile tears ⇒ To pretend grief /घिड़याली आं सू बहाना
2909. To look down one’s nose ⇒ To regard with contempt/ ितर ार करना
2910. To miss the bus ⇒ To miss an opportunity/मौका गवां दे ना
2911. To call spade a spade ⇒ To be frank/ बोलना
2912. Too fond of one’s own voice ⇒ To like talking without wanting to listen to other people- Very selfish/ ाथ
To copy what someone already did in past in order to be successfulिकसी से भािवत होकर
2913. Take cue from ⇒
2914. To have second thoughts ⇒ To reconsider/ सोच-िवचार म पड़ जाना/पुनः िवचार करना
2915. To break the ice ⇒ To start a conversation /बातचीत शु करना/ चु ी तोडना
2916. To add fuel to fire ⇒ To worsen the matter -To incite/हालात को बदतर बनाना
2917. To burn one’s fingers ⇒ To get physically hurt/ यं को मुसीबत म डालना
2918. To feel like a fish out of water⇒ Uncomfortable situation/असहज थित
2919. To foam at one’s mouth ⇒ To be very angry/बेहद गु ा होना
2920. To set the Thames on fire ⇒ Do a heroic deed -To do such a work that needs a strenuous effort /असाधारण काय करना

2921. To talk someone over ⇒ To convince over

2922. To win laurels ⇒ To earn great prestige/ िवशेष स ान ा करना
2923. To cut the Gordian knot ⇒ To perform a difficult task/ अ ंत किठन सम ा का समाधान करना
2924. Take a French leave ⇒ Being absent without permission / िबना सूिचत िकए अवकाश पर जाना
2925. To hail from ⇒ To come from/ उ होना
2926. To put an end to ⇒ Stop/अंत कर दे ना
2927. Throw up cards ⇒ To give in ⇒To blow away the plan / गु योजना का रह उजागर करना
2928. Turn up ⇒ To appear/ कट होना
2929. To pass away ⇒ Die /मर जाना
2930. To give a piece of mind ⇒ Scolding -To tell someone that you are angry with them or you disapprove of their
behavior / डां टना/फटकार लगाना
2931. To get wind ⇒ Come to know about something secret or private/रह जान लेना
2932. To give vent to ⇒ To express a feeling, especially anger, strongly/अपनी भावनाओं को िदखाने
2933. The salt of the earth ⇒ Very good and honest- Kind/आदश
2934. To pull a long face ⇒ Look sad/मायूस िदखना
2935. To angle ⇒ To get something in a roundabout way/ कुछ पाने की कोिशश
2936. To take to task ⇒ Punish/बुरी तरह से फटकारना
2937. To take to heart ⇒ To be greatly affected/ भािवत होना Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 106

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2938. To bring to light ⇒ To reveal / काश म लाना
2939. To toe the line ⇒ To follow the lead -To follow boss’s orders / आदे श का पालन करना
2940. Take hat off ⇒ Encourage -To admire somebody very much for something he has done/ ो ािहत करना
2941. To play second fiddle ⇒ Take a subordinate role/दोयम दज पर होना
2942. To bury the hatchet ⇒ To make peace/झगड़ा ख करना
2943. To give oneself airs ⇒ Behave arrogantly /घमंड से पेश आना
2944. Take a leap in the dark ⇒ To take risk /जो खम लेना
2945. To eat humble pie ⇒ To yield under humiliating circumstances/ िवन ता से माफी मां गना
2946. To end in smoke ⇒ To fail/To end without any practical results /कोई िनणय न ल पाना
2947. Time and again ⇒ Alway /बार बार
2948. To make things done ⇒ To manage/ बंधन करना
2949. To cast a die ⇒ To take a decision /िनणय लेना
2950. The gift of the gab ⇒ Ability to speak well/अ ा बोलने की कला
2951. Teething problems ⇒ Difficulties at the start / ार क किठनाइयाँ
2952. To take to task ⇒ Reprimand बुरी तरह से फटकारना
2953. To get cold feet ⇒ Fear /डर
2954. To cut one short ⇒ Criticize/ आलोचना करना
2955. To throw dust in one’s eye ⇒ To deceive /धोखा दे ना
2956. Throw cold water ⇒ Discourage/ हतो ािहत करना

2957. The Alpha and Omega ⇒ Beginning and end/शु से अंत तक
2958. Turn down ⇒ Reject /अ ीकार कर दे ना
2959. To keep in abeyance ⇒ In a state of suspension /िनलंबन की थित म
2960. To be in a fix ⇒ In a difficult situation /मुसीबत म होना/असमंजस म होना
2961. To break the ice ⇒ Make people comfortable and relaxed -/ Start conversation/ बातचीत शु करना
2962. To nip in the bud

2965. To play fast and loose

2966. Turn-turtle
2967. The seamy side
2968. Too many chiefs and

2963. To put a spoke in one’s wheel⇒
2964. To clip one’s wings ⇒

To stop something in the starting/ ादा बड़ा सम ा न हो जाए इसिलए तुरंत रोकना
To hinder/ उ ित म रोड़े अटकाना
To deprive one of power/पर कतरना
To act in an unreliable way / खलवाड़ करना
Complete over-turn of a situation/ उ
Unpleasant aspect /अि य पहलु

An inefficient situation (too many managers and not enough people to do the work/सब

not enough Indians मािलक ही मािलक कोई नौकर नहीं
2969. Throw in the towel ⇒ Acknowledge defeat/हार मान लेना
2970. Turn over a new leaf ⇒ Change one's behaviour for the better/ नया जीवन शु करना
2971. Take up the hatchet ⇒ Prepare for or go to war /यु की तैयारी करना
Idioms beginning with ‘ U ’

2972. Unbridled anger ⇒ Uncontrolled anger that has got totally out of reign and out of hand/बेलगाम गु ा
2973. Unburden yourself ⇒ Confess your sins/अपनी गलितयां मान लो
2974. Uncharted waters ⇒ A situation that is not familiar and may be dangerous /खतरनाक थित
2975. Unconditional surrender ⇒ Surrendering without conditions/ िबना शत आ समपण
2976. Use a civil tone ⇒ To be polite/िवन होना
2977. Upset the apple cart ⇒ Ruin plans or arrangements/कोई योजना िबगाड़ना
2978. Under duress ⇒ Compulsion by threat or violence /दबाव म

2979. Under false pretences ⇒ Making false pretences/ झूठा िदखावा

2980. Under investigation ⇒ A careful examination or search to discover facts/ जां च के अधीन
2981. Under lock and key ⇒ Locked away safely /कहीं ताले म बंद करके सुरि त रखना
2982. Under one’s thumb ⇒ Under full control/ पूण िनयं ण म
2983. Under scrutiny ⇒ Under sharp observation where everything is analysed / िजस पर तेज नजर हो
2984. Under suspicion of ⇒ To doubt something/ िकसी चीज़ पर शक करना
2985. Under the hammer ⇒ To be auctioned / िजसकी नीलामी की जाएगी
2986. Under the impression ⇒ Thinking of making assumptions /क नाएं करना
2987. Under the microscope ⇒ To study something very closely /िकसी चीज़ का बारीकी से अ यन करना
2988. Under the right ⇒ In the right conditions /सही प र थितयों म
2989. Under the table ⇒ Hidden from view something illegal/ अवैध और गु प से करना
2990. Under the weather ⇒ not well; sick /बीमार
2991. Under your breath ⇒ To say something very quietly so that someone can’t hear/ कुछ ब त तेज गित से कह दे ना िक
सामने वाला समझ ना सके
2992. Under your own steam ⇒ With no help/खुद के दम पर
2993. Under your wing ⇒ Under your protection.Comparison to a bird/िकसी को अपनी सुर ा म लेना
2994. Unintentional error ⇒ An accidental mistake that was not made deliberately or on purpose / भूलवश ई गलती Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 107

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 21 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
2995. Unruly behavior ⇒ Rude behaviour /राब वहार
2996. Untangle the mess ⇒ Sort out or solve a problem or situation/जो सम ा पैदा ई है उसे सुलझाओ
2997. Untested waters ⇒ A situation that can be risky and one is unaware about/ कोई ऐसी प र थित जो खतरनाक हो
सकती है और िजसके बारे म हम जानकारी नहीं है
2998. Until doomsday ⇒ For a very long time /क़यामत के िदन तक
2999. Until the cows come home ⇒ A long time when you are waiting for someone or something / ब त लंबे समय तक
3000. Up in arms ⇒ Protesting against something /िकसी चीज़ का िवरोध करना
3001. Up one notch ⇒ Move up one step/एक कदम आगे बढ़ना
3002. Up to my neck ⇒ To have something in plenty and abundance/ कोई चीज बड़ी मा ा म होना
3003. Up to something ⇒ Using some concealed trick or device/ कोई िछपी ई चाल चलना
3004. Up to you ⇒ Whatever you say; you decide; whatever you want/ये तुम पर है
3005. Up-and-coming ⇒ About to arrive soon/ जो बस आने वाला है
3006. Up-for-grabs ⇒ Available/ उपल
3007. Upper crust ⇒ The up-most level of the upper class; the highest level of high society /समाज का सबसे ऊँचा
3008. Urgent need ⇒ Greatly in need/िजसकी अभी ज़ रत हो
3009. Under a cloud ⇒ Under suspicion / शक के दायरे म होना
3010. Under the thumb of ⇒ Under the control of/िकसी के िनयं ण या भाव म
3011. Up to the mark ⇒ According to the required standard /कसौटी पर उतरना

Idioms beginning with ‘ V ’

3012. Vagabond life ⇒ A wandering life moving from place to place / एक ऐसी िजंदगी िजसम एक जगह से दू सरी जगह
भटकते रहे
3013. Vain attempt
3014. Vandalistic Action

3015. Vanishing act

3016. Variant behaviour
3017. Variety is the spice of life

useless effort /बेकार की कोिशश
Action due to anger or envy, or to spontaneous, opportunistic behavior/ऐसा काम जो गु े के
कारण िकया गया हो
To disappear; vanish into thin air/ गायब हो जाना
Behaviour that deviates from the norm/ ऐसा वहार जो सामा से हटकर हो
Trying something different for a change is what makes life interesting /िविवधता म ही जीवन
का मज़ा है
3018. Vehement argument ⇒ Passionate, heated, violent argument/बहस हो जाना
3019. Velvet gloves ⇒ Suggestive of handling with care िकसी चीज को ब त सावधानी पूवक रखना
3020. Vengeance is mine ⇒ I will seek revenge and punish you for your wrongdoings/ म बदला लूंगा
3021. Vengeful attitude ⇒ An attitude to seek revenge/बदला लेने की सोच
3022. Vent your frustrations ⇒ To show one’s emotions /अपनी भावनाएँ करना
3023. Verbal abuse ⇒ Use of abusive and demeaning language/अपश कहना
3024. Very slow-going ⇒ Proceeding with difficulty at a very slow rate /कछु ए की चाल से
3025. Vested-interest ⇒ Personal interest/ िनजी िहत
3026. Vexing behaviour ⇒ Annoying, troublesome worrying behavior /परे शान करने वाला वहार
3027. Vivid memories ⇒ Not very clear memories /धुंधली याद
3028. Voice an opinion ⇒ Give vent to one’s emotions and feelings/ अपनी राय बताना
3029. Voracious appetite ⇒ Consuming large quantities of food /जबरद खुराक
3030. Vouch for somebody ⇒ Give assurance; guarantee; speak for someone’s integrity/आ ासन दे ना.
3031. Vow of allegiance ⇒ Swear, promise or give your word to be loyal and faithful/वफ़ादारी की कसम खाना

3032. Vow of vengeance ⇒ Swear to punish and take revenge/ बदला लेने की कसम खाना
3033. Vulnerable point ⇒ Weakpoint /कमज़ोर नस
3034. Vexed Question ⇒ Controversial issue /िववाद िवषय
3035. Vote with your feet ⇒ Showing your disapproval/ अ ीकृित िदखाना

Idioms beginning with ‘ W ’

3036. Wad of money ⇒ A bankroll of paper -money carried loosely in the pocket /गोल लपेटे ए पैसे जो जेब म रखे जाते

3037. Wait in vain ⇒ To wait uselessly/फालतू म इं तजार करना
3038. Wait until I get my hands ⇒ When I catch hold of you I will punish you so you will be sorry for what you did / जब मेरी
on you पकड़ म आओगे तो ब त पछताओगे
3039. Wait until the heat is off ⇒ To become inactive until the matter cools down / मामले को शां त होने दो
3040. Walk all over someone ⇒ To treat someone very badly /िकसी से ब त खराब वहार करना
3041. Walk away from ⇒ Turn your back and “walk away” from trouble or opportunity / सम ा से भागना
3042. Walk away ⇒ Scott free Get off the hook without any punishment / सजा से बच िनकलना
3043. Walk the floor all night ⇒ Remain awake ; restless with worryबेचैन होना
3044. Walking disaster ⇒ A disaster that can happen any moment/ एक आपदा जो िकसी भी व आ सकती है Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 108

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 21 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
3045. Walking on air ⇒ Extremely happy /अ िधक खुश
3046. Walking papers ⇒ Notice of dismissal; written notice of termination of employment/ काम से िनकाल दे ने का
3047. Wandering aimlessly ⇒ about with no goal or purpose in mind/ िबना िकसी ल के चलते जाना
3048. Wash and wear ⇒ Not necessary to iron after washing/धो लो और पहन लो
3049. Wash one’s dirty linen in ⇒ Tell your dirty secrets in front of others/ अ लोगों के सामने अपने गंदे राज़ खोलना
3050. Wash your hands off ⇒ Disclaim responsibility /िज़ ेदारी से भागना
3051. Washed-up ⇒ Ruined, finished /समा
3052. Waste away ⇒ Slowly lose strength and energy to the point of dying/धीरे -धीरे श तथा ऊजा खोना
3053. Waste of breath ⇒ No use in talking to/ बात करने का कोई मतलब नहीं है
3054. Waste of energy ⇒ No point in making the effort to/ कोिशश करने का कोई लाभ नहीं है
3055. Watch like a hawk ⇒ Observe sharply and closely/चील की िनगाह होना
3056. Watch out ⇒ Be alert of danger/खतरे से सावधान होना
3057. Watch your mouth ⇒ Be careful of what you say/अपने श ों पर ान दे ना
3058. Watch your step ⇒ Be careful what you do/सावधानीपूवक काम करना
3059. Watch your tongue ⇒ Watch what you say / ान रहे तुम ा कह रहे हो
3060. Water under the bridge ⇒ Something that happened that cannot be changed in the present/ िकसी घटना को घिटत ए
काफी समय हो गया है और अब उसे बदला नहीं जा सकता

3061. Water-tight argument ⇒ An argument that cannot be proven wrong/कोई ऐसी बात जो गलत नहीं सािबत की जा सकती
3062. Waver between ⇒ Be undecided between two choices/दो िवक ों के बीच फैसला न कर पाना
3063. Way the wind is blowing ⇒ The popular trend of opinion/हवा का ख
3064. We go back a long way ⇒ We have known one another for a long time /हम एक दू सरे को लंबे समय से जानते ह
3065. We’ll cross that bridge ⇒ We’ll have to wait and see what happened and make a decision depending on the

3066. Weak point

3067. Wear and tea
3068. Wear one’s heart on
one’s sleeve
3069. Wear out your welcome
3070. Wear the trousers in

circumstances when we come to it/ जब मुसीबत आएगी तब दे खगे
Vulnerable point /कमज़ोर नस
Damage or deteri ⇒oration resulting from ordinary use/टू ट-फूट
To display one's feelings openly and habitually, rather than keep them private/अपनी
भावनाओं को खुले म करना
A visitor staying for long is not welcome/ अितिथ तुम कब जाओगे
Controlling authority at home./ घर पर जो िनयं ण रखता है

the family
3071. Weaving in-and-out ⇒ To move inand out of something /िकसी चीज के अंदर और बाहर होना
3072. Web of deceit ⇒ Too many lies and treachery/ ब त सारे झूठ
3073. Wee hours ⇒ The early hours after midnight /म राि के बाद आरं िभक घंटे
3074. Weed-out ⇒ Sort-out and discard / सुलझाना
To say and cry out everything/िदल खोल कर, सब कह दे ना
3075. Weep your heart out ⇒
3076. Weigh one’s words ⇒ Think carefully about what one says before speaking / अपने श नापतोल कर बोलना
3077. Weighty argument ⇒ A valid point /सही बात
3078. Welcome with open arms ⇒ Openly welcome someone/ िदल खोलकर ागत करना
3079. Well-kept secret ⇒ Well-kept secret /कोई गोपनीय बात
3080. Well-rounded ⇒ Developed and well balanced in a numerous aspects / कई पहलुओं म िवकिसत तथा संतुिलत
3081. Well-to-do ⇒ Affluent/धनी
3082. Wet blanket ⇒ One who spoils the enthusiasm or enjoyment /आनंद न करनेवाला आदमी
3083. Well-versed ⇒ Well-read Very well ⇒informed in many areas of knowledge/िजसे ब त सारे िवषयों की

जानकारी हो
3084. Went Scott-free ⇒ Was released, a let off the hook without being charged or punished \ िबना सजा के छूट जाना
3085. Wheels within wheels ⇒ A series of intricately connected Events\ जिटलता से जुड़ी घटनाओं की एक ृंखला
3086. What can I say ⇒ There is nothing more to say \ म ा क ँ
3087. While the going is good ⇒ Now, when things are going well\अब, जब चीज़ सही तरीके से चल रही ह
3088. Whistleblower ⇒ One who reveals the wrongdoings in an organization etc\जो िकसी संगठन म होने वाली
ग़लितयों की और ान खीच
3089. White elephant ⇒ Something of high value that is hard to maintain \कोई ऐसी चीज जो कम लाभदायक है परं तु
रखरखाव ब त ादा है
3090. White lie ⇒ A lie which is seen \सफ़ेद झूठ
3091. With a grain of salt ⇒ To accept with misgiving\ शक के साथ ीकारना
3092. With one accord/in one voice ⇒ Unanimously\ एक सुर म
3093. Whitewash something ⇒ Cover up \ लीपापोती करना
3094. Whiz kid ⇒ A brilliant and accomplished person \ एक समझदार
3095. Wild goose chase ⇒ Waste of time trying to\ कोिशश म समय बबाद करना
3096. Will to win ⇒ Desire to win\ जीतने की चाह
3097. Willing and able ⇒ reluctant \इ ु क
3098. Willing-victim ⇒ A supposed victim of a bad action, in which one is a willing-participant\ एक ऐसा पीिड़त Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 109

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 21 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
िजसकी खुद की लापरवाही की वजह से उसके साथ कुछ बुरी घटना घिटत ई
3099. Will-o’-the-wisp ⇒ Unobtainable\ जो पाया ना जा सके
3100. Win hands down ⇒ To win something very easily\ ब त आसानी से जीतना
3101. Window of opportunity ⇒ A short period during which an otherwise unattainable opportunity exists\ एक ऐसा अवसर
जो केवल कुछ समय के िलए उपल है
3102. Wink of the eye ⇒ The time it takes to blink your eye\ पलक झपकते ही
3103. Wipe off the map ⇒ Attack and destroy and wipe-out an enemy stronghold so it no longer exists anymore
\दु िनया के न े से िमटा दे ना.
3104. Wipe your slate clean ⇒ Clear off your record and start anew\ नए िसरे से शु आत करना
3105. Wise advice ⇒ Sensible advice \ बु मान सलाह
3106. Wise up ⇒ Be clever and don’t be so stupid\चतुर होना, बेवकूफी नहीं करना
3107. Wishful thinking ⇒ Formation of beliefs and making decisions according to what might be pleasing to
imagine instead of by appealing to evidence, rationality, or reality\ इ ाक त िचंतन
3108. Wishy-washy ⇒ Indecisive\ अिनणायक
3109. Wistful sigh ⇒ A sigh accompanying a wishful but melancholy moment of memory\ उदास आह
3110. Wit’s end ⇒ Not knowing what to do or how to proceed\समझ म ना आना ा कर
3111. With all your might ⇒ With all the power and strength that one has \अपनी पूरी ताकत से
3112. With flying colors ⇒ Great success\ जबरद सफलता
3113. With no frills ⇒ Very basic; with no extras or benefits\ब त बुिनयादी

3114. With no trace ⇒ Disappeared without a trace \गायब हो जाना
3115. With one hand tied behind ⇒ Very easily because you know it so well \ कोई ऐसी चीज जो आपको ब त अ े तरीके से आती है
my back
3116. With reservations ⇒ With some doubt in the mind\ शक के साथ
3117. Wolf in sheep's clothing ⇒ A malicious person in harmless or benevolent disguise\ भेड़ की खाल म भेिड़या
3118. Word for word
3119. Word of mouth
3120. Without a care in the world
3121. Without a leg to stand on
3122. Without a second thought
3123. Without blemish
3124. Woman’s prerogative

In the same word\उ ी श ों म
In an informal way\अनौपचा रक तरीके से
Free of any worry\. िकसी भी भय से मु
no basis or justification for an action \ िकसी काय का कोई आधार ना होना
Before taking even a moment to think\. िबना सोचे समझे
Pure and perfect\ शु तथा प रपूण
A woman’s right or privilege\मिहलाओं का अिधकार

3125. Won’t budge an inch ⇒ Is inflexible and stubborn/इं च मा भी पीछे नहीं हटना
3126. Wonders never cease ⇒ Unusual occurrences often happen/चिकत करने वाली घटनाएं होती रहती ह
3127. Word gets around ⇒ News travels fast; rumours spread rapidly./ अफवाह तेज़ी से फैलती ह
3128. Word of mouth ⇒ Told or passed on orally through speechमुंह की बात
3129. Word to the wise ⇒ Word of advice; a word of warning; a bit of wisdom for those ready to listen/समझदार की

3130. Wreak havoc ⇒ Prove to be ruinous /कोई ऐसी चीज जो बुरी सािबत हो सकती है
3131. Work for peanuts ⇒ To work for a very low pay/ब त कम वेतन म काय करना
3132. Work for pittance ⇒ Work for almost no pay; for peanuts/ ब त स े म काम करना
3133. Work in ⇒ Fit into a schedule or timetable /समय-सारणी के अनुसार िनधा रत करना
3134. Work like a charm ⇒ Work as if by some supernatural spell /जादू की तरह काम करना
3135. Work out ⇒ Solve in the sense of to work out a solution /समाधान ढू ं ढना
3136. Work wonders ⇒ Something that works very effectively/ कोई ऐसी चीज जो ब त बिढ़या तरीके से काम कर
3137. Work your way through ⇒ Start at the beginning and work your way forward /मेहनत करके आगे बढ़ना

3138. Worked-up ⇒ Excited; agitated; angry; upset. “ into a frenzy...” /उ ािहत

3139. Working against the clock ⇒ Trying to meet the deadline, as time is running out/ समय पर काय पूरा करने की कोिशश करना
3140. Wrap someone around ⇒ Influence someone who will do anything you say because he is Finger so fond and
your little devoted to you /िकसी चीज पर ब त ादा भाव होना
3141. Wild goose chase ⇒ A foolish and useless enterprise /िनरथक यास
3142. Went to the winds Dissipated ⇒ To be utterly lost/लु हो जाना
3143. Watching grass grow ⇒ Very boring /उबाऊ
3144. Within a stone’s throw ⇒ At a short distance /िनकट होना
3145. Wear and tear ⇒ Damage/टू ट-फूट
3146. Wears heart on sleeves ⇒ Express feelings openly /अपने अनुभव को खुलकर शेयर करना
3147. Wild goose chase ⇒ Useless search / थ यास
3148. Wet behind the ears ⇒ Young and without experience -Naïve / अनुभवहीन
3149. Weal and woe ⇒ Ups and downs/ उ ार चढ़ाव
3150. With one voice ⇒ Unanimously /सवस ित से
3151. Wide off the mark Irrelevant ⇒ Not accurate -Inadequate/यथाथ से परे होना
3152. Wet one’s whistle ⇒ To have a drink / शराब पीना
3153. Wet behind ears ⇒ Naive/ नौिस खया
3154. Weal and woe ⇒ Good times and bad times/ िहत -अिहत Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 110

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 21 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
3155. Wet behind the ears ⇒ Young and without much experience /अनुभवहीन
3156. Will-o-the-wisp ⇒ Unreal Imagining /िम ाभास

Idioms beginning with ‘ Y ’

3157. Yearning desire ⇒ A persistent desire /एक ढ़ इ ा

3158. Yellow press ⇒ It is a type of journalism that presents little or no legitimate well-researched news and
instead uses eye-catching headlines to sell more newspapers/ एक कार की प का रता जो
मसालेदार ख़बरों को बेचने के िलए सु खयों म रहती है
3159. Yellow-bellied ⇒ Cowardly / कायरता से
3160. Yeomen service ⇒ Excellent work /उ ृ काय
3161. You deal with it ⇒ It’s your problem /यह तु ारी सम ा है
3162. Your flesh and blood ⇒ A member of your own family/आपके प रवार का सद
3163. You light up my day ⇒ Seeing you makes me feel cheery and bright/ तुमसे िमलकर मेरा िदन बनगया
3164. You lily-livered coward ⇒ A faint-hearted, spineless, timid coward/डरपोक/ कायर
3165. You look like a million bucks ⇒ You look just great /तुम ब त अ े िदखते हो
3166. You make me sick ⇒ Your behaviour is so disgusting/तु े दे खकर िचढ़ आती है
3167. You scratch my back and I’ll ⇒ You do something for me and I will do something for you/ scratch your back

तुम मेरे िलए कुछ करो म तु ारे िलए कुछ क ँ गा
3168. You took the words right ⇒ Those are the exact words I was going to say to myself/ out of my mouth आपने मेरे मुंह से
श छीन िलए
3169. You’d better be on time ⇒ Don’t be late or else/ दे र मत करना अ था
3170. You’re a godsend ⇒ You come at a time as though God himself had sent you to help /तुम दे वदू त की तरह आए
3171. You’re a lifesaver

3172. You’re an angel

3173. You’re chicken
3174. You’re cracked
3175. You’re nuts

मदद करे

A person who proves to be healthful in times of need / एक इं सान जो ज रत के समय आपकी

You are a very nice person who came to me in my troubled times/ आप ब त अ े

You are afraid; a coward/ तुम कायर हो
Crazy सनकी
You are crazy; mad/ तुम सनकी हो
You are all alone on your own/आप अपने दम पर ह

3176. You’re on your own ⇒
3177. You’re pulling my leg ⇒ You are joking; you are kidding me/तुम मजाक कर रहे हो
3178. You’re-up-next ⇒ Get ready /तैयार हो जाओ
3179. You’ve got a lot of nerve ⇒ Bold /िनभ क
3180. Your best bet ⇒ The best option you can choose for your benefit/सबसे अ ा दां व
3181. Your fate is sealed ⇒ Your fate has been decided and cannot be changed/ आपका भा तय हो चुका है और बदला
नहीं जा सकता है
3182.Yeoman’s service ⇒ Social work /उ ृ काय

Idioms beginning with ‘ Z ’

3183. Zany behaviour ⇒ Strange behaviour /अजीब वहार

3184. Zeal of the moment ⇒ Total enthusiasm /पूरा उ ाह
3185. Zealous devotee ⇒ Keen, enthusiastic, passionate follower or supporter/ उ ाही
3186. Zenith of his career ⇒ The peak; the highest point; the climax of One’s career /अपने क रयर की चरम सीमा पर

3187. Zero-in-on ⇒ Set one’s sights and focus down on/ ल साधो और ान कि त करो
3188. Zigzag-about ⇒ To move or run taking sharp turns one way and then another/ टे ढ़ा-मेढ़ा
3189. Zip-on-over ⇒ Come by quickly to make a brief visit /छोटी मुलाक़ात करना
3190. Zip-your-lip ⇒ Don’t reveal what you know/ मुंह बंद रखना
3191. Zonked-out ⇒ Fast asleep/ गहरी नींद म सो जाना
3192. Zoom in on ⇒ With a camera lens we can zoom in on a certain spot, so we can Say an investigation is
focusing or zooming in on/ कैमरा ज़ूम करना
3193. Zoom-off ⇒ Depart quickly, as a rocket might zoom away/ ज ी से थान करना Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 111

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 22 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
SSC CGL 2023 Tier - 1 Ans. Feel extremely excited or happy - प र थित का बहादु री से सामना करना
(14/07/2023 - 27/07/2023) अ िधक उ ािहत या खुश महसूस करना
Q.32. Once in a blue moon
Q.1. Lily - livered Q.17. By the skin of your teeth Ans. Very rare - कभी कभी
Ans. Not brave (कमजोर और कायर) Ans. Just barely - बाल बाल बचना
Q.33. Under the cloud
Q.18. Through thick and thin Ans. Under suspicion, in trouble - शक के
Q.2. Tied herself up in the knot
Ans. In good times and in bad times - दायरे म होना
Ans. Become very confused when you
अ े और बुरे समय म
are trying to explain something - ब त
िमत और िचंितत हो जाना Q.34. Bad blood
Q.19. Falling foul of
Ans. Enmity - श ुता
Ans. Quarreling with - िकसी के काय के
Q.3. To kick the bucket
कारण िकसी से टकराव होना
Ans. To die - मर जाना Q.35. A perfect storm
Ans. The worst possible situation - सबसे
Q.20. To be in two minds
Q.4. Miss the boat खराब थित
Ans. To be uncertain - िनणय न ले पाना
Ans. Miss a good opportunity - मौका या
अवसर गँवाना Q.36. catch a tartar
Q.21. Get into a scrape
Ans. More powerful than what they
Ans. Involved in a problem - िकसी
Q.5. To bell the cat expected - मुसीबत म पड़ना

चुनौतीपूण या सम ा थित म होना
Ans. To face risk - कोई ब त खतरनाक या
किठन काय करना Q.37. as dead as a doornail
Q.22. Gift of the gab
Ans. Completely absolute - पूणतः या िनि त
Ans. Fluency of speech - आसानी से और
Q.6. Sharp practice प से मृत
आ िव ास से बोलने की मता
Ans. Dishonesty - बेईमानी करना

Q.7. A storm in a tea cup .

Ans. Make a big fuss about a small
problem - बात का बतंगड़ बनाना

Q.8. Rule the roost

Ans. To be in charge - भारी होना

Q.23. Blow something out of (all)

Ans. Behave as if something that has

happened is much worse than it really is -
िकसी चीज़ को वा व म उससे भी बदतर या
अिधक मह पूण मानना
Q.38. Hit the jackpot
Ans. Gaining a big success - बड़ी या
अ ािशत सफलता िमलना

Q.39. Cut corners

Ans. Not do a thing well in order to save
money or effort (स े और आसान तरीके से
कुछ करना)
Q.9. Keep someone in arm’s length Q.24. To go to the dogs
Ans. Avoid become friendly with someone Ans. To become worse - बदतर हो जाना
Q.40. weather the storm
- िकसी से िम ता करने से बचना Ans. To deal with a difficult situation
Q.25. Go back to the drawing board
without being harmed - िबना िकसी नुकसान
Q.10. Scrape the barrel Ans. Start over - दु बारा ार करना
या ित के िकसी किठन प र थित से िनपटना

Ans. To be forced to use one’s last and

weakest resource - िकसी के अंितम और Q.26. On the ball
Q.41. a blessing in disguise
सबसे कमजोर संसाधन का उपयोग करने के िलए Ans. Doing a job in a quick and
Ans. good luck came to him from bad
मजबूर होना competent manner - सतक, कि त होना और
circumstances - दु भा का फायदे म बदल
िकसी चीज़ पर तुरंत िति या करने म स म
Q.11. A dime a dozen होना।
Ans. Common and so of little value- ब त Q.42. Pass the buck
ही सामा िजसका मह कम है Q.27. Jumped the gun
Ans. Blaming another person - दू सरे

Ans. To start something before you

को दोष दे ना
Q.12. Beat about the bush should - ब त ज ी या सही समय से पहले काय
Ans. To avoid giving a definite answer or करना Q.43. Speaks his mind
position - घुमा िफरा कर बात करना Ans. To say what one thinks - िकसी थित
Q.28. To face the music के बारे म जो सोचते ह उसे ईमानदारी से कहना
Q.13. Back against the wall Ans. To bear the negative consequences
Ans. Be in a difficult situation from which of wrongful actions – अि य प रणाम Q.44. A pipe dream
escape is difficult.- सीिमत िवक ों के साथ ीकार करना Ans. An unreal hope on your part - एक
किठन प र थित म रहना का िनक आशा
Q.29. Stir up a hornets’ nest
Q.14. To prime the pump Ans. Provoke trouble - परे शानी उ करना Q.45. At cross purposes
Ans. Encourage the growth or action of Ans. Disagreeing with each other’s ideas
something - िकसी चीज़ की वृ या ि या को Q.30. raining cats and dogs - एक दू सरे के िवचारों से असहमत होना
ो ािहत करना Ans. Raining very heavily - ब त तेज़ बा रश
Q.46. Out of the blue
Ans. Unexpectedly - अचानक होना
Q.15. Bad iron
Ans. Bad luck - खराब िक त Q.31. Taking a bull by the horns
Ans. To deal with a difficult situation in a Q.47. You snooze, you lose
very direct or confident way - िकसी किठन Ans. If you are not alert, you are likely to
Q.16. walk on air Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 112
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miss opportunities - यिद आप ान नहीं दगे Ans. I am not convinced - म आ नहीं ँ Ans. Fix the limit - सीमा तय करना
तो आप एक अ ा अवसर चूक जायगे
Q.62. Pull yourself together Q.80. By word of mouth
Q.48. No smoke without fire Ans. Calm down - िनय त करना Ans. In spoken form - मौ खक पम
Ans. Things are said about someone or
something, there is probably a good Q.63. Hand and glove Q.81. Figured out
reason for it - अफवाह का हमेशा कोई न कोई Ans. Intimate - घिन स ् होना Ans. Finally understood - आ खरकार समझ
कारण होता है आया
Q.64. brought to book
Q.49. Call it a day Ans. Scolded his servant - अपने नौकर को Q.82. The whole nine yards
Ans. Stop working - काम करना बंद करना डां टना Ans. Everything - सब कुछ

Q.50. Gets on my nerves Q.65. Easier said than done SSC CHSL 2022 Tier - 2
Ans. Irritates me - परे शान करना या क द Ans. Not as easy as it appears to be. - यह (26/06/2023)
होना उतना आसान नहीं है िजतना यह िदखता है ।
Q.83. Keep him posted
Q.51. Saves for a rainy day Q.66. Hold good Ans. Keep sharing the latest information
Ans. Saves money for later - भिव म Ans. Remain valid - वैध या मा होना - नवीनतम जानकारी साझा करते रहना
गंभीर सम ाओं के िलए अपना कुछ पैसा

बचाना। Q.67. To show a clean pair of heels Q.84. Bad blood
Ans. To show a clean pair of heels - to Ans. Enmity - श ुता
Q.52. Familiarity breeds contempt run fast - तेजी से दौड़ना
Ans. The better you know someone the
less you like him - आप िकसी को िजतना Q.68. In dire straits
SSC MTS 2022 Tier -1
बेहतर जानते ह, आप उसे उतना ही कम पसंद
करते ह

Q.53. In a soup
Ans. In trouble - मुसीबत म होना

Q.54. To pour cold water

थित म

Ans. In a very bad situation - ब त ही ख़राब

Q.69. Left in the lurch

Ans. To desert or leave someone - िकसी
को छोड़ दे ना
(02/05/2023 - 20/06/2023)

Q.85. A blind spot

Ans. An area in your range of vision that
you cannot see properly - आपकी ि सीमा
का एक े िजसे आप ठीक से नहीं दे ख सकते
Ans. To be critical or doubtful of a plan Q.70. Made up his mind Q.86. Break sweat
that someone is excited about - Ans. To decide - िनणय लेना Ans. To use a lot of energy or effort - ब त
हतो ािहत करना अिधक ऊजा या यास का उपयोग करना
Q.71. Blowing own trumpet
Q.55. Hard nut to crack Ans. Praising herself - यं की शंसा करना Q.87. A bed of nails
Ans. A problem difficult to solve - एक Ans. A problematic or uncomfortable

सम ा िजसे हल करना किठन है Q.72. Throw caution to the wind situation - एक सम ा या असुिवधाजनक
Ans. To take a big risk or be reckless - थित
Q.56. First and foremost कोई बड़ा जो खम लेना या लापरवाह होना
Ans. Highest priority - सबसे मह पूण Q.88. Beat about the bush
Q.73. Through the grapevine Ans. Avoid talking about the main topic -
Q.57. Treading on thin ice Ans.Via gossip - अफवाह फैलना मु िवषय पर बात करने से बचना
Ans. To be in a dangerous risky position -
खतरनाक जो खम भरी थित म होना Q.74. To go down in flames Q.89. To have an itching palm

Ans. To fail miserably at something. - Ans. To be greedy for money - धन का

Q.58. Get up on the wrong side of the लालची होना
िकसी काम म बुरी तरह असफल होना
Ans. Someone who is having a horrible Q.90. To get on one's nerves
Q.75. Ruffle someone's feathers
day - िदन की शु आत ख़राब मूड से होना और Ans. To irritate or provoke one - िकसी को
Ans. Make someone annoyed.- िकसी को
पूरे िदन रहना। परे शान करना या उकसाना
नाराज़ करना

Selection Post Phase XI Q.76. Crocodile tears Q.91. Out of the woods
(27/06/2023 - 30/06/2023) Ans. Pretended sadness - दु ख का िदखावा Ans. Out of danger - खतरे से बाहर
Q.59. A cock and bull story Q.92. To make one's mouth water
Ans. A foolish and concocted story. - Q.77. To hold one’s tongue Ans. Feel hungry - भूख लगना
मूखतापूण और मनगढ़ं त कहानी। Ans. Learn to keep quiet - चु ी साधना
Q.93. To turn over a new leaf
Q.60. Die a dog's death Q.78. Crux of the matter Ans. To make a fresh start - नई शु आत
Ans. A shameful death Ans. main part of the problem - मु करना
- शमनाक,अपमानजनक या दु खद मौत मरना सम ा
Q.94. One swallow does not make a
Q.61. I don't buy it Q.79. Draw the line summer Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 113
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 22 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
Ans. A single fortunate event does not Ans. To commit a course of action - Ans. Free from difficulties and dangers -
mean that what follows will also be good कायवाही का माग श करना किठनाइयों और खतरों से मु होना
- िकसी एक भा शाली घटना का मतलब यह नहीं
है िक आगे जो होगा वह भी अ ा होगा Q.111. On the job Q.126. Hit the nail on the head
Ans. Working at a particular job - िकसी Ans. Find exactly the right answer -
Q.95. To meet one's eyes िवशेष नौकरी पर काम करना िब ु ल उिचत जवाब खोजना
Ans. To look at someone directly while
they are looking at you - जब कोई Q.112. To pull the trigger Q.127. Know the ropes
आपकी ओर दे ख रहा हो तो उसे सीधे दे खना Ans. To commit a course of action - Ans. To understand the details - िववरण
कायवाही का माग श करना को समझने के िलए
Q.96. A blast from the past
Ans. Something powerfully nostalgic - Q.113. pedal to the metal Q.128. To scratch one’s head
कुछ श शाली प से उदासीन Ans. To go full speed, especially while Ans. To think hard in a puzzled way-
driving a vehicle. - पूरी गित से चलना, िकसी चीज को समझने के िलए िदमाग पर जोर
Q.97. Against the clock िवशेषकर वाहन चलाते समय दे ना
Ans. Rushed and short on time. - हड़बड़ी
और समय की कमी Q.114. The life and soul of the party Q.129. Dead men's shoes
Ans. Person who brings lots of energy to Ans. Job that one takes over from
Q.98. In the groove the party - वह जो पाट को ऊजा से भर somebody who has left unexpectedly or

Ans. Starting to perform very well - ब त दे ता है । died - वह नौकरी जो िकसी को इसिलए
अ ा दशन करना शु करना िमलती है ोंिक नौकरी धारक की मृ ु हो गई है
Q.115. High horse
Q.99. French leave Ans. An attitude of moral superiorit - Q.130. The lion's share
Ans. Absence without permission - िबना नैितक े ता का भाव Ans. The largest portion - सबसे बड़ा िह ा
अनुमित के अनुप थित

Q.100. See eye to eye

Ans. Share the same opinion - सहमत होना

Q.101. Born with silver spoon in one's

Q.116. To throw up the sponge
Ans. To surrender or give up the contest -
समपण करना या ितयोिगता छोड़ दे ना

Q.117. Dead ringer

Ans. Someone having strong
Q.131. To stretch one's legs
Ans. To go for a walk after you have been
sitting for a long time - काफी दे र तक बैठे
रहने के बाद टहलने जाना

Q.132. Drastic times call for drastic

Ans. Born in a very rich family - ब त अमीर resemblance to someone else - कोई measures
प रवार म पैदा आ ब ा या व ु जो िब ु ल दू सरे जैसा िदखता हो Ans. When you are extremely desperate
you need to take extremely desperate
Q.102. Walk on air Q.118. In the long run actions - जब आप अ िधक िनराश हों तो
Ans. To be extremely happy - अ िधक Ans. In the end - अंत म आपको अ िधक हताशापूण कदम उठाने की
खुश होना आव कता होती है

Q.119. The black sheep

Q.103. Wet behind the ears Ans. The least reputable member of a Q.133. To sing a different tune
Ans. To be young and without experience group - िकसी समूह का सबसे कम िति त Ans. To change the way one talks about
- युवा और अनुभवहीन होना सद something - िकसी चीज़ के बारे म बात करने
का तरीका बदलना
Q.104. To have a foot in the grave Q.120. Draw a blank
Ans. To be near death - मृ ु के करीब होना Ans.To fail to get an answer or result - Q.134. With a pinch of salt
उ र या प रणाम ा करने म असफल होना Ans. Doubt the truth or value of

Q.105. To have the heart of stone something - िकसी बात की स ता या मू पर

Ans. To feel no pity - दया न करना Q.121. To see the light संदेह करना
Ans. Suddenly realize or understand
Q.106. Fit as a fiddle something - अचानक िकसी बात का एहसास Q.135. To work against the clocks
Ans. In a very good physical condition - होना या समझ आना Ans. To work fast - तेजी से काम करना
ब त अ ी शारी रक थित म
Q.122. From rags to riches Q.136. On account of
Q.107. A dead duck Ans. From extreme poverty to wealth - Ans. Because of - के कारण
Ans. Totally useless - पूणतः बेकार अ िधक गरीबी से अमीरी तक
Q.137. Gut Feeling
Q.108. Bell the cat Q.123. Go down like a lead balloon Ans. A personal intuition one gets,
Ans. To do a dangerous task - कोई जो खम Ans.To be received badly by an audience especially when one feels something
भरा काय करना - दशकों ारा बुरी तरह से ीकार िकया जाना may not be right - - अनुभूित

Q.109. Loaves and fishes Q.124. Got up on the wrong side of the Q.138. To fly into a rage
Ans. Material gain - भौितक लाभ bed Ans. To get very angry - अ िधक ोिधत
Ans. In a bad mood - खराब मूड म होना
Q.110. To pull the trigger
Q.125. Out of the woods Q.139. Between a rock and a hard place Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 114
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Ans. Stuck between two very bad options will greatly impact his life - एक ऐसा बदलाव Q.169. To pick holes in someone's coat
- दो हािनकारक िवक ों के बीच फंस जाना लाना, जो िकसी के जीवन पर ब त भाव Ans. To find fault with someone - िकसी म
डालेगा और वािपस नहीं िकया जा सकता दोष ढू ं ढना
Q.140. To bear the brunt of
Ans. To endure the impact of something - Q.155. Ethnic Cleansing Q.170. Add fuel to the fire
िकसी चीज का भाव सहना Ans. Killing of a certain ethnic or Ans. To make an argument or bad
religious group on a massive scale - िकसी situation worse - िकसी बुरी थित को और
Q.141. To mind one's P's and Q's िवशेष जाित या धािमक समूह की बड़े पैमाने पर बुरा बनाना
Ans. To be polite and careful in one's ह ा
behaviour and speech - अपने वहार और Q.171. As easy as pie
वाणी म न ता और सावधानी बरतनी चािहए Q.156. A wolf in sheep's clothing Ans. Very easy - ब त आसान
Ans. A dangerous person pretending
Q.142. At all costs harmless - हािनरिहत होने का िदखावा करने Q.172. Jumping in with both feet
Ans. Whatever is needed to achieve वाला एक खतरनाक Ans. Coming to conclusions too quickly -
something. - िकसी भी कीमत पर ब त ज ी िन ष पर प ँ चना
Q.157. In fits and starts
Q.143. Rolling in cash Ans. Irregularly - अिनयिमत प से Q.173. All and sundry
Ans. Have a large quantity of money - Ans. Everyone without distinction - िबना
ब त अिधक मा ा म धन होना Q.158. In the nick of time िकसी भेदभाव के ेक

Ans. Only just in time - ठीक कुछ समय पहले
Q.144. Queer somebody's pitch Q. 174. Rust bucket
Ans. Upset someone's plans - िकसी की Q.159. Got this game in the bag Ans. A vehicle that is old or almost
योजनाओं को िवफल करना Ans. Assured of success, virtually broken - एक वाहन, जो पुराना या लगभग टू ट
accomplished or won - सफलता या जीत का चुका है
Q.145. Bark up the wrong tree
Ans.To waste one's energy or effort by
pursuing the wrong thing - ग़लत चीज़ के
पीछे पड़कर अपनी ऊजा या यास बबाद करना

Q.146. Get the ball rolling

Ans. Set an activity in motion - कोई
िनि त होना

Q.160. Fixed in one's ways
Ans. Not willing or wanting to change
from your normal way of doing
something - कुछ करने के अपने सामा तरीके
को बदलने की इ ा न रखना
Q.175. Hit the hay
Ans. To go to bed - सो जाना

Q. 176. A baker's dozen

Ans. Thirteen - तेरह
गितिविध या ि या शु करना Q.177. To get under one's skin
Q.161. Cold fish Ans. To anger or irritate - गु ा करना या
Q.147. To go a long way Ans. A person lacking in sympathy - िजस परे शान होना
Ans.To become successful in life - जीवन म सहानुभूित की कमी हो
म सफल होने के िलए Q. 178. A dime a dozen
Q.162. Go bananas Ans. Anything that is common and easy
Q.148. Pros and cons Ans. To become excited or angry - to get - कुछ भी जो सामा है और ा करना
Ans. Arguments for and against उ ेिजत या ोिधत होना आसान है
something - िकसी चीज़ के प और िवप म
तक या िवचार करना Q.163. To pull your weight Q.179. A taste of his own medicine
Ans. To do your full share of work - िकसी Ans. when you are mistreated the same
Q.149. a small world काम म अपनी िह सेदारी िनभाना way you mistreat others - जब आपके साथ
Ans. Meeting someone not expected to वैसा ही वहार िकया जाता है , जैसा आप दू सरों
be at a certain place - िकसी ऐसे से Q. 164. Scraping the bottom of the barrel के साथ करते ह

िमलना िजसकी िकसी िनि त थान पर अपे ा न Ans. Selecting from the last or worst of
हो the resources left - बचे ए अंितम या सबसे Q. 180. A broth of a boy
खराब संसाधनों म से चयन करना Ans. a lively, energetic young person -
Q.150. Food for thought ती और ऊजावान
Ans. something to think about - िवचार Q.165. Greek to
यो बात Ans. Not understood - समझ म नहीं आया Q.181. To eat crow
Ans. To admit that one is wrong - यह
Q.151. In ones and twos Q.166. Give and take ीकार करना िक िकसी से गलती ई है
Ans. in small numbers - कम सं ाम Ans. Compromise, cooperation between
people - सहयोग करना Q. 182. A drop in a bucket
Q.152. In the heat of the moment Ans. Insignificant compared to the
Ans. At time when you cannot think Q.167. To strain every nerve required amount - आव क रािश की तुलना
carefully - ान कि त न करने का समय Ans. To make a great effort - ब त बिढ़या म नग
यास करना
Q.153. Fairly and squarely
Q.183. For better or (for) worse
Ans. Honestly - ईमानदारी से
Q.168. Be at a crossroads Ans. To accept whatever results; good or
Q.154. Crossed the Rubicon Ans. To make a very important decision - bad - अ ा या बुरा जो भी प रणाम हो उसे
Ans. made an irreversible change, that ब त ही मह पूण िनणय लेना ीकार करना Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 115

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 22 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
Q.184. Long in the tooth Ans. Anything from the past that isn’t Q.216. Bite the dust
Ans. To be old, often too old to do significant or important anymore - अतीत Ans. To die - मार जाना
something - बूढ़ा होना, ायः कुछ करने के िलए से कुछ भी जो अब मह पूण नहीं है ।
ब त बूढ़ा होना। Q.217. Pedal to the meta
Q.200. To keep an eye on Ans. To go full speed, especially while
SSC CHSL 2022 Tier - 1 Ans. To watch over closely - बारीकी से driving a vehicle - पूरी गित से जाना, िवशेषकर
(09/03/2023 - 21/03/2023) नजर रखना वाहन चलाते समय

Q.185. Body and soul Q.201. Green light Q.218. The whole ball of wax
Ans. Wholly and entirely – पूरी तरह से Ans. To permit something to proceed - Ans. Everything - सब कुछ
िकसी चीज को आगे बढ़ने की अनुमित दे ना
Q.186. Slap on the wrist Q.219. High and dry
Ans. A mild punishment - ह ी सजा Q.202. Wear your heart on your sleeve Ans. Abandoned - छोड़ा आ
Ans. To openly display one's emotions -
Q.187. To burn one’s finger अपनी भावनाओं को खुलकर करना Q.220. Dead lock
Ans. To suffer a loss by acting rashly - Ans. A state in which progress is
उतावलेपन से काय करके हािन उठाना Q.203. Sea change impossible - ऐसी थित िजसम गित असंभव
Ans. Major transformation - बड़ा बदलाव है
Q.188. Shot in the dark

Ans. Randomly doing something, the Q.204. Give cold shoulder Q.221. Method to my madness
outcome of which is unknown - बेतरतीब Ans. Ignore, avoid or be unfriendly Ans. Strange or crazy actions that appear
ढं ग से कुछ ऐसा करना िजसका प रणाम अ ात है towards someone - ान न दे ना, दू र रहना या meaningless but in the end are done for
िकसी के ित िम भाव नही रखना a good reason - अजीब या सनकी हरकत जो
Q.189. A Bull market अथहीन िदखाई दे ती ह लेिकन अंत म एक अ े
Ans. Market where prices are rising -
बाजार जहां कीमत बढ़ रही ह

Q.190. Take your eye off the ball

Ans. To stop paying attention for a
moment - एक पल के िलए ान दे ना बंद करना
Q.205. To twiddle one's thumbs
Ans. To be idle - कोई काम ना करना

Q.206. Armed to the teeth

Ans. Fully armed, having many weapons -
पूरी तरह से सश , कई हिथयारों से यु
कारण के िलए की जाती ह

Q.222. To lay someone by the heels

Ans. To confine somebody in prison -
िकसी को जेल म बंद करना

Q.223. To make one's mark

Q.207. To sleep like a dog Ans. To attain success - सफलता पाना
Q.191. To shake in one's shoes
Ans. To sleep soundly - गहरी नींद म सोना
Ans. To be afraid - डरना
Q.224. Have people rolling in the aisles
Q.208. Apropos of nothing Ans. Make an audience laugh
Q.192. To meet one’s waterloo
Ans. Having no relevance to any previous uncontrollably - दशकों को बेकाबू होकर
Ans. To be badly defeated in a contest -
discussion or situation - िकसी भी िपछली हं साना

िकसी मुकाबले म बुरी तरह से हार जाना

चचा या थित से संबंिधत नहीं होना

Q.193. Slack off Q.225. In the flesh

Q.209. Lion’s mouth Ans. In bodily form - सा ात् पम
Ans. To ease pressure on something -
Ans. A large share - एक बड़ा िह ा
िकसी चीज पर दबाव कम करना
Q.226. To breast the tape
Q.210. A bolt from the blue Ans. To win a race - कोई दौड़ जीतना
Q.194. Pig in a poke
Ans. An unexpected event - ऐसी घटना
Ans. Something that is bought without
िजसकी उ ीद न हो Q.227. Good grief
examining properly - कोई ऐसी चीज जो िबना

ठीक से जां चे-परखे खरीदी गयी हो Ans. An expression of surprise or

Q.211. Neck of the woods frustration - आ य या िनराशा वाले हाव-भाव
Ans. Neighbourhood - अड़ोस-पड़ोस
Q.195. Ace in the hole
Ans. A major advantage that one keeps Q.228. To jump out of one's skin
Q.212. At daggers drawn with Ans. To be extremely surprised - ब त
hidden until an ideal time - एक बड़ा फायदा
Ans. To be bitterly hostile towards each है रान होना
िजसे उिचत समय आने तक िछपाया गया हो
other - एक दू सरे के ित कटु श ुता रखना

Q.196. Over and above Q.229. All bark and no bite

Q.213. Zero tolerance Ans. Full of talk, but low on action - केवल
Ans. In addition to - के अलावा
Ans. A policy of not allowing any बात करना लेिकन कुछ काम ना करना
violations of a rule or law - िकसी िनयम या
Q.197. For old time's sake
कानून के उ ंघन की अनुमित नहीं दे ने की नीित Q.230. Appeal to Caesar
Ans. Because of sentimental memories
Ans. Appeal to the highest possible
of the past - अतीत की भावुक यादों के कारण
Q.214. To bridge the gap authority - उ तम संभव अिधकारी से आ ह
Ans. To reduce differences and reconcile करना
Q.198. Dead ringer
- मतभेदों को कम करना और सुलह करना
Ans. An exact duplicate - एक सटीक नक़ल
Q.231. To make a mountain of a mole hill
Q.215. In black and white Ans. To give great importance to trifles -
Q.199. Water under the bridge
Ans. In writing- िल खत प म छोटी-छोटी बातों को ब त मह दे ना Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 116
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 22 - 23 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
Q.232. A bite at the cherry शारी रक या मानिसक प से मजबूत Q.260. Bed of roses
Ans. An attempt or opportunity to do Ans. A pleasant condition of life - जीवन
something - कुछ करने का यास या अवसर Q.248. The whys and wherefores की सुखद थित
Ans. Reasons - कारण
Q.233. Burn your bridges Q.261. After one’s own heart
Ans. To eliminate the possibility of return SSC CGL 2022 Tier - 2 Ans. Having likes and dislikes similar to
or retreat - वापसी या पीछे हटने की संभावना (02/03/2023 - 07/03/2023) one’s own - अपने जैसी पसंद और नापसंद
को ख करना रखना
Q.249. My father’s office is at a close
Q.234. Save your breath distance from home Q.262. The whys and wherefores
Ans. To make an effort that will be futile - Ans. At a stone throw - ब त कम दू री पर Ans. Minute observation - सू िनरी ण
ऐसा यास करना जो थ होगा
Q.250. The youth involved in the accident Q.263. To call in question
Q.235. A beast of burden escaped by the skin of his teeth Ans. Challenge - सही होने का सबूत मां गना
Ans. An animal that carries luggage - Ans. Barely managed to escape - ब त
जानवर जो सामान ढोता है मु ल से बचके िनकालना Q.264. In dire straits
Ans. Very bad situation - ब त खराब थित
Q.236. To lose one's head Q.251. The team members seem to be
Ans. To lose one's self-control - अपना running around in circles Q.265. A Herculean effort

आपा खो दे ना Ans. To be very active but with few Ans. Difficult task - मु ल काय
results - ब त सि य रहना िफर भी कम
Q.237. New kid on the block प रणाम िमलना Q.266. Steal someone’s thunder
Ans. Someone new to the group or area - Ans. To take the credit for something
िकसी समूह या े म कोई नया Q.252. It was a Catch 22 situation for the someone else did - िकसी और के काम का

Q.238. Cast someone adrift

Ans. To leave someone without any
support or purpose - िकसी को बेसहारा
बनाके छोड़ दे ना

Q.239. To take the veil


Ans. A difficult situation in which the
solution to a problem is impossible - ऐसी
किठन प र थित िजसम िकसी सम ा का
समाधान असंभव हो
ेय लेने के िलए

Q.267. Flash in the pan

Ans. Something that looks promising in
the beginning but fails to deliver anything
in the end - कुछ ऐसा जो शु आत म
आशाजनक होता है लेिकन अंत म कोई भी
Q.253. Achilles’ Heel
Ans. To become a nun - तप न(नन) बन Ans. Vulnerable point - कमजोरी प रणाम दे ने म िवफल रहता है
Q.254. The actress’ daughter is just a Q.268. Go the extra mile
Q.240. To the manner born chip off the old block Ans. Do much more than required -
Ans. To do something as though it is Ans. Similar to one's parents in आव कता से ब त अिधक करना
coming naturally - ऐसे करना जैसे िक वह
behaviour - वहार म माता-िपता के समान
ाभािवक प से हो रहा हो Q.269. Get the picture
Q.255. The employee took the manager’s Ans. To understand what’s happening - ये
Q.241. Be my guest remark with a pinch of salt समझना िक ा हो रहा है
Ans. Please do it - बेशक या अव Ans. Doubt the truth or value of
something - िकसी बात की स ाई या Q.270. An axe to grind
Q.242. Buy a lemon अहिमयत पर संदेह करना Ans. Personal and selfish reason - एक
Ans. To buy something that is of much ाथ उ े या मकसद
less value - कोई ऐसी व ु खरीदना जो ब त Q.256. Water under the bridge

कम मू की हो Ans. Past events that are not important Q.271. Light at the end of tunnel
anymore - िपछली घटनाएं जो अब मह पूण Ans. Something that signals the end of a
Q.243. To miss the bus नहीं ह difficult situation - कुछ ऐसा जो एक किठन
Ans. To lose an opportunity - अवसर खोना प र थित के अंत का संकेत दे ता है

Q.244. To have a nodding acquaintance

SSC GD 2022
Q.272. Going for a song
Ans. Know somebody/something slightly (10/01/2023 - 13/02/2023) Ans. Incredibly inexpensive - अिव सनीय
- िकसी के बारे म थोड़ा जानना प से स ी
Q.257. A night owl
Q.245. To play with fire Ans. A person who prefers to be awake Q.273. Take it with a grain of salt
Ans. To take foolish risk - मूखतापूण जो खम late at night - एक जो आमतौर पर दे र Ans. To understand that something is
उठाना रात तक जागता है likely to be untrue - यह समझना िक कोई चीज
अस हो सकती है
Q.246. Backseat driver Q.258. At your beck and call
Ans. A person who offers unsolicited Ans. To have absolute control over Q.274. Wild goose chase
advice - एक जो अनचाही सलाह दे ता है someone - िकसी पर पूण िनयं ण रखना Ans. To do something pointless - ल हीन
होकर कोई काम करना
Q.247. As hard as nails Q.259. Bag and baggage
Ans. Physically or mentally tough - Ans. With all belongings - सारे सामान के साथ Q.275. Push the boat out Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 117
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 23 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
Ans. Spend a lot of money - ब त पैसा खच Q.291. Bone to pick Q.306. Wrangle for an ass’s shadow
करना Ans. Having a complaint that needs to be Ans. - Argue over petty issues - छोटी-छोटी
discussed - एक िशकायत िजस पर चचा करने बातों पर बहस करना
Q.276. Blow one’s own trumpet की आव कता है
Ans. To praise oneself - खुद की तारीफ Q.307. Keep an eye on
करना Q.292. Hangs in the balance Ans. Observe continually and carefully -
Ans. Remains undecided - असमंजस म लगातार और ान से दे खना
Q.277. Add fuel to the flames होना
Ans. Making a bad situation even worse - Q.308. Took heart
खराब थित को और भी बदतर बनाना Q.293. Out of the woods Ans. Felt encouraged - ो ािहत महसूस
Ans. Not in danger - खतरे से बाहर करना
Q.278. To put a spoke in one’s wheel
Ans. To thwart someone in execution of Q.294. break the bank Q.309. Chew someone out
one’s design - िकसी के िलए कुछ हािसल करने Ans. To be very expensive - ब त महं गा Ans. To scold someone - िकसी को डाँ टना
म मुसीबत खड़ी बनाना होना
Q.310. Burning question
Q.279. Hang in there Q.295. On the ball Ans. Most important issue - सबसे
Ans. Don’t give up - िह त न हारना Ans. Aware of any changes or मह पूण मु ा
developments and quick to react to them

Q.280. Bite off more than you can chew - िकसी भी प रवतन या िवकास के बारे म Q.311. The pot calling the kettle black
Ans. Take on a task that you cannot जाग क और उन पर तुरंत िति या दे ने वाला Ans. People are guilty of the very fault
finish - ऐसा काम लेना िजसे आप पूरा नहीं कर they identify in others - एक जो उस
सकते Q.296. Gate - crasher गलती के िलए दोषी है िजसे वह दू सरों म
Ans. A person who enters an event िनकालता है
Q.281. To be in the doldrums
Ans. To be in low and dull spirits -
िन यता या िनराशा की अव था

Q.282. The best thing since sliced bread

Ans. A really good invention - वा व म
अ ा आिव ार
without any invitation - एक

Q.297. Bear a grudge

जो िबना
िकसी आमं ण के िकसी काय म म वेश करता
है |

Ans. To feel angry against somebody for

a past incident - बीती ई घटना के िलए िकसी
Q.312. Explore all avenues
Ans. Try out every possibility to get a
result - प रणाम पाने के िलए हर संभव यास

Q.313. Spinning one’s wheels

के ित ोिधत होना Ans. To make a lot of effort without
Q.283. A herculean task achieving anything - िबना कुछ हािसल िकए
Ans. A tough job - एक किठन काम Q.298. Has a bee in her bonnet ब त यास करना
Ans. Talks incessantly - लगातार बात करना
Q.284. Bounce something off someone Q.314. Grease someone’s palm
Ans. To bribe one discreetly - चुपके से
Ans. Discuss ideas with someone to get Q.299. Promised the earth
their views - िकसी के िवचार जानने के िलए Ans. Promised an impossible thing - र त दे ना
उनके साथ चचा करना असंभव बात का वादा करना
Q.315. A man of means
Q.285. Level playing field Q.300. To grease the palm Ans. A wealthy man with lots of money
Ans. A fair competition - एक िन Ans. To bribe - घूस दे ना and assets - ब त धन और संपि वाला एक
ितयोिगता धनी
Q.301. Beating around the bush
Q.286. Let the cat out of the bag Ans. Speaking vaguely to avoid talking Q.316. Done for

Ans. Revealed the secret - रह उजागर about it - अ प से बात करना Ans. Ruined - बबाद
Q.302. An open book Q.317. Not fit to hold a candle to
Q.287. An arm and a leg Ans. Straightforward and honest - सीधा Ans.Cannot be compared with - तुलना नहीं
Ans. Very expensive - ब त महँ गा और ईमानदार की जा सकती

Q.288. In the blink of an eye Q.303. Risk life and limb Q.318. Called for
Ans. Happen fast and instantaneously - Ans. In danger of death or serious injury - Ans. To require something - िकसी चीज की
तेजी से होना मौत या गंभीर चोट के खतरे म आव कता होना

Q.289. Rain on someone’s parade Q.304. Throw caution to the wind Q.319. It takes two to tango
Ans. To spoil and ruin a happy moment - Ans. Ignore the risk - जो खम या नकारा क Ans. A conflict where both people are at
िकसी खुशनुमा पल को खराब और बबाद करना प रणामों की िचंता िकए िबना कुछ करना fault - मतभेद जहां दोनों लोगों की गलती है

Q.290. Miss the boat Q.305. Lay hands on Q.320. Fish out of water
Ans. Fail to take advantage of an Ans. To touch or grasp someone, often Ans. Not feeling comfortable in a new
opportunity - अवसर का लाभ उठाने म िवफल with the threat of violence - िहं सा की धमकी environment - नए माहौल म सुखी महसूस नहीं
होना दे कर िकसी को छूना या पकड़ना करना Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 118

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 23 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
Q.321. An old head on young shoulders Q.337. Blaze the trail Q.351. A cakewalk
Ans. Full of wisdom - बु म ा से प रपूण Ans. Be first to do something important - Ans. An easy task or victory - एक आसान
कुछ करने वाला पहला बन जाना काम या जीत
Q.322. Go cold turkey
Ans. Quite addictive or dangerous Q.338. Spick and span Q.352. Go back to the drawing board
behaviour - काफी सनी या खतरनाक Ans. To be neat and clean - साफ सुथरा Ans. Start it over again - दु बारा ार करना
वहार होना
Q.353. Be in seventh heaven
Q.323. Beyond a doubt Q.339. Keep a straight face Ans. To be extremely happy - अ ंत स
Ans. Without any question - िकसी से परे Ans. Look serious though you want to होना
laugh - गंभीर िदखना, खासकर जब हं सी आ रही
Q.324. Sow wild oats हो Q.354. A wry face
Ans. Engaging in rebelliousness or Ans. A disappointed look - िनराशाजनक
promiscuity - िव ोह या अनैितक यौन संबंध म Q.340. At the drop of a hat िदखना
संल होना Ans. Do something immediately without
hesitation - िबना िकसी िझझक के तुरंत कुछ Q.355. To go through fire and water
Q.325. Pull yourself together करना Ans. To face many challenges - कुछ
Ans. Calm down - शां त होना हािसल करने के िलए कई किठनाइयों या खतरों
Q.341. On the cards का सामना करना।

Q.326. Not turn a hair Ans. Probable - िजसके होने की संभावना है
Ans. To show no outward emotion Q.356. Taste of your own medicine
- कोई बाहरी भावना नहीं िदखाना Q.342. A vicious cycle Ans. Have the same bad treatment that
Ans. When one problem causes another you have given to others - िकसी के साथ वही
Q.327. Showed a clean pair of heels problem - जब एक सम ा दू सरी सम ा का बुरा वहार होना जो उसने दू सरों के साथ िकया
Ans. Ran away - भाग जाना

Q.328. A thorn in the flesh

Ans. Annoying and irritating
- क द और परे शान करने वाला

Q.329. Royal road

कारण बनती है

Q.343. Be riding high

Ans. To be very successful - ब त सफल

Q.344. Pulling someone's leg


Q.357. Missed the boat

Ans. Missed out an opportunity - एक
अवसर गंवा दे ना

Q.358. Forty winks

Ans. Achieving something trouble free - Ans. Teasing and making fun of people - Ans. To take a short nap - एक छोटी सी
िबना िकसी परे शानी के कुछ हािसल करना लोगों को िचढ़ाना और मजाक बनाना झपकी लेना

Q.330. Face the music Q.345. Gift of gab Q.359. A Penelope’s web
Ans. To face the unpleasant Ans. Gift of speaking - भावी तरीके से बात Ans. An endless job - कभी ख ना होने
consequences of one's actions करने की यो ता वाला काम

- अपने काय के बुरे प रणामों का सामना करना

Q.346. Will - o - the - wisp Q.360. Rock the boat
Q.331. Public enemy number one Ans. An unrealistic or unattainable goal - Ans. Upset the balance - संतुलन िबगाड़ना
Ans. Someone who is the greatest threat अवा िवक या ा नहीं होने वाला ल
to a group or community - कोई जो Q.361. Have your heart in your mouth
एक समूह या समुदाय के िलए सबसे बड़ा खतरा है Q.347. Better the devil you know than the Ans. To be very excited or nervous about
devil you don’t something - अ िधक घबराहट महसूस होना
Q.332. Silver tongue Ans. It is easier to be in a known bad

Ans. Speaking with an eloquent situation than being in an unknown Q.362. Head over heels
expression to convince people - लोगों को worse situation - अनजान बुरी थित म होने से Ans. To be madly in love - ार म पागल
समझाने के िलए भावशाली ढं ग से बोलना अ ा है िकसी ात बुरी थित म होना होना

Q.333. Where the shoe pinches Q.348. Like oil and water Q.363. A chip on one’s shoulder
Ans. Where the difficulty lies Ans. Two people who are different from Ans. An attitude that leads one to
- जहां किठनाई है each other - दो लोग जो एक दू सरे से िब ु ल become easily angered - एक ऐसा रवैया जो
अलग ह िकसी को आसानी से ोिधत होने वाला बना दे ता
Q.334. In the doldrums है |
Ans. In low spirits and despair Q.349. White elephant
- कम उ ाह और िनराशा म Ans. Something that costs a lot of Q.364. Pour out one’s heart
money but has no useful purpose - कुछ Ans. To express openly - खुलकर
Q.335. In the fast lane ऐसा िजसम ब त पैसा खच होता है लेिकन करना
Ans. In great excitement - बड़े उ ाह म िजसका कोई उपयोगी उ े नहीं है
Q.365. A slap on the wrist
Q.336. Penny wise and pound foolish Ans. A small punishment - एक छोटी सी
Q.350. Has bigger fish to fry
Ans. Careful in trivial matters but सजा
Ans. Has more important work to do -
wasteful in large - छोटी रकम के बारे म कोई और अिधक मह पूण काम होना
सावधान होना लेिकन बड़ी रकम के बारे म नहीं Q.366. Armed to the teeth Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 119
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Ans. Carrying a lot of weapons - कई Q.382. In cold blood. Q.399. On the ball
हिथयार से लैस Ans. Deliberately - जानबूझकर. Ans. To be alert. - चौक ा रहना

Q.367. In the long run Q.383. A skeleton in the cupboard Q.400. Yellow bellies
Ans. In the end - लंबे समय के बाद या अंत म Ans. An embarrassing fact to be kept Ans. Cowards. - कायर।
secret. - शिमदा करने वाली गु बात
Q.368. Judas kiss Q.401. A rolling stone gathers no moss
Ans. Deceitful pretence of friendship - Q.384. Fly into a passion Ans. A person who never settles down in
दो ी का झूठा िदखावा Ans. To become angry suddenly - अचानक one place - एक जो कभी एक जगह नहीं
ोिधत होना। िटकता ।
Q.369. A clean slate
Ans. Situation in which you can start Q.385. Break the ice Q.402. Breathed his last
again - ऐसी थित िजसम आप िफर से Ans. Make people meeting first time feel Ans. To die - मरना
शु आत कर सकते ह| more comfortable. - पहली बार िमल रहे
लोगों को अिधक सहज महसूस कराना । Q.403. Born with a silver spoon in his
Q.370. On the fence mouth.
Ans. Halting between two options - दो Q.386. Racked his brain Ans. Born to riches and luxury. - धन और
िवक ों के बीच उलझन म पडना Ans. Thought very hard - ब त अिधक िवलािसता के साथ पैदा आ

Q.371. To add fuel to fire Q.404. An olive branch
Ans. To make a bad situation worse - Q.387. Reached fever pitch. Ans. Gesture of peace. - शां ित का संकेत
खराब थित को और खराब कर दे ना Ans. To get so strong that one cannot
control them - अ िधक उ ेजना की थित Q.405. Cock and bull story
Q.372. Spic and span Ans. wildly exaggerated or falsified
Ans. Neat and clean - साफ सुथरा होना

Q.373. Wear your heart on your sleeve

Ans. Expressing emotions very openly -
भावनाओं को ब त खुलकर करना

Q.374. Up a creek without a paddle

Q.388. At an arm’s length.
Ans. At a short distance - थोड़ी दू री पर

Q.389. Cut a poor figure

Ans. To put a bad impression. - बुरा भाव
डालना ।
story. - झूठी कहानी ।

Q.406. In full swing

Ans. Very active. - ब त सि य।

Q.407. Take something at face value

Ans. Accept something as it looks
Ans. In a troublesome and serious Q.390. Bear the palm without thinking about whether it might,
situation - िवकट और गंभीर थित म Ans. To be a winner. - िवजेता बनना in fact, not be quite what it appears -
िकसी चीज़ को यह सोचे िबना ीकार कर लेना
Q.375. An ox on their tongue Q.391. Bob’s your uncle! िक यह वा व म वैसी है या नहीं जैसी यह िदखती
Ans. Bribed to remain silent - चुप रहने के Ans. It becomes easily and quickly है ।
िलए र त दे ना achievable. - यह आसानी से और ज ी से ा

होने यो हो जाता है । Q.408. Turn over a new leaf

Q.376. Get a second wind Ans. To begin again. - िफर से शु आत
Ans. Have renewed energy after having Q.392. Beating about the bush. करना।
been tired - थकान के बाद नई ऊजा ा Ans. Speaking in a confusing manner
करना without giving a correct answer. - िबना Q.409. A fair-weather friend
सही उ र िदए िमत करने वाले तरीके से बोलना Ans. A selfish friend. - एक ाथ दो ।
SSC CGL 2022 Tier - 1
(01/12/2022 - 13/12/2022) Q.393. Donkey’s years Q.410. Steer clear of.

Ans. Very long time. - ब त लंबा समय। Ans. To avoid or keep away from
Q.377. Like a cakewalk something/someone - िकसी से बचना या दू र
Ans. Easy task - आसान काय Q.394. Himalayan blunder रहना
Ans. A very serious mistake or error,
Q.378. All eyes grave error. - ब त गंभीर गलती या ुिट। Q.411. Cudgel one’s brain
Ans. Watching eagerly - उ ुकता से दे खना Ans. To think hard. - अ िधक िवचार करना
Q.395. In hot waters
Q.379. In weal and woe Ans. To be in trouble. - मुसीबत म होना। Q.412. By fits and starts
Ans. In prosperity and adversit - सुख और Ans. Irregularly - अिनयिमत प से
दु ख म Q.396. Quicken the pulse
Ans. Excited or interested - उ ािहत या Q.413. Come in handy
Q.380. A green horn इ ु क। Ans. Be useful. - उपयोगी होना
Ans. Inexperienced person. - अनुभवहीन
Q.397. Latin and Greek Q.414. Play it by ear
Ans. Incomprehensible. - िजसे समझा न जा Ans. To do something without special
सके। preparation.- िबना िकसी िवशेष तैयारी के कुछ
Q.381. Bag and baggage
Ans. With all of one’s possessions - अपनी
Q.398. Elbow room
सारी संपि या बो रया िब र समेत ।
Ans. little freedom - ब त कम आज़ादी Q.415. Bear in mind Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 120
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 23 - 24 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
Ans. Remember a fact or circumstance - Q.431. Steer clear of Q.446. Two peas in a pod
िकसी त या प र थित को ान म रखना Ans. Avoid someone or something Ans. Look very similar in appearance or
because it is dangerous for you. - िकसी character - िदखने या च र म ब त समान
Q.416. Someone’s heart is in the right चीज से दू र रहना ोंिक वह आपके िलए
place खतरनाक है Q.447. To keep a good table
Ans. Someone is good even if they Ans. To offer delicious food to one’s
sometimes behave in a wrong manner. - Q.432. Hold water guests - अपने मेहमानों को ािद भोजन पेश
कोई जो भले ही कभी-कभी गलत तरीके से Ans. Appear to be valid or reasonable. - करना
वहार करता है , िफर भी अ ा है | मा या तािकक तीत होना ।
Q.448. Bite the bullet
Q.417. Down the tubes Q.433. Fair and square Ans. To get something over with because
Ans. Failing completely. - पूरी तरह िवफल। Ans. An honest way - ईमानदारी से it is inevitable - िकसी मु ल काय को समा
करना ोंिक वह अटल है
Q.418. A stone’s throw away Q.434. Slow and steady
Ans. A very short distance - ब त कम दू री। Ans. Make consistent progress for Q.449. Apple of her mother’s eye.
success. - सफलता के िलए िनरं तर यास Ans. A person of whom her mother is
Q.419. Put his foot down करना। extremely fond and proud - एक
Ans. Refused to yield. - हार मानने से इनकार िजससे उसकी माँ अ ंत ेही और गौरवा त है
करना। Q.435. Ins and outs

Ans. Detailed description. - िव ृत िववरण। Q.450. By the skin of your teeth
Q.420. Nook and corner Ans. To just barely get by or make it -
Ans. Everywhere or every place - हर जगह Q.436. Went pear shaped िकसी काय को मु ल से बस पूरा कर पाना
Ans. Went terribly wrong - ब त गलत आ
Q.421. Fair-weather friends Q.451. Take away your breath
Ans. A person whose friendship cannot
be relied on in times of need . - एक
िजसकी दो ी पर भरोसा नहीं िकया जा सकता
है ।

Q.422. To get cold feet

Ans. To suddenly feel nervous about
Q.437. Aladdin’s cave
Ans. A place filled with a great number
and variety of strange or precious items.
- अजीब और कीमती व ुओं का एक िवशाल
सं ह थान।
Ans. Astonishing - आ यजनक

Q.452. Blow hot and cold

Ans. Vacillating - िहचिकचाने वाला

Q.453. Charley horse

Ans. Cramp - ऐंठन
doing something - घबराहट होना (17/11/2022 - 18/11/2022)
Q.454. Go through fire and water
Q.423. Greenhorn Q.438. To turn over a new leaf Ans. To pass through all types of
Ans. Inexperienced - अनुभवहीन। Ans. To start behaving in a better way - hardships - सभी मुसीबतों का सामना करना
बेहतर तरीके से वहार करना
Q.424. Hue and cry Q.455. Break fresh/new ground
Ans. A loud outcry - जोर से िच ाना Q.439. Separate the wheat from the Ans. To do something that was not done
chaff before - कुछ ऐसा करना जो पहली कभी नहीं
Q.425. Face the music Ans. Separate the valuable from the आ हो
Ans. To accept unpleasant worthless - मू वान को बेकार से अलग करना
consequences. - दु खद प रणामो को ीकार Q.456. Bore the palm
करना या भुगतना। Q.440. To be in the driving seat Ans. Won - जीतना
Ans. To be in charge or control of a
Q.426. Lose your marbles situation - िकसी प र थित का भारी या SSC CPO 2022 Tier - 1

Ans. To go Insane - पागल हो जाना िनयं क होना (09/11/2022 - 11/11/2022)

Q.427. Sitting on the fence Q.441. Argus - eyed Q.457. Take risk
Ans. Can’t take a decision - िनणय नहीं ले Ans. Vigilant - सतक Ans. Thrown caution to the wind - जो खम
पाना उठाना
Q.442. To win laurels
Q.428. Take with a grain of salt Ans. To achieve honours and glory - Q.458. Pull together
Ans. Not take too seriously - गंभीरता से न स ान और शौय की ा करना Ans. Work together in harmony - िमल-जुल
लना। कर एक साथ काम करना
Q.443. Stir up a hornet's nest
Q.429. To and fro Ans. To raise controversy - िववाद खड़ा Q.459. Cutting corners
Ans. Forward and backward - आगे - पीछे करना Ans. Doing something poorly in order to
save time or money - समय या पैसा बचाने के
Q.430. Red tape Q.444. Burn one’s fingers
िलए खराब तरीके से करना।
Ans. Official rules and bureaucracy that Ans. Get into trouble - मुसीबत म पड़ना
make it difficult to do something. - Q.460. Call it a day
आिधका रक िनयम और नौकरशाही जो कोई Q.445. Chew the fat
Ans. Gossip and make small talk - गपशप Ans. Stop working on something - िकसी
काम करने म मुसीबत बनते ह । चीज़ पर काम करना बंद करना
करना और छोटी-छोटी बात करना Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 121
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 24 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
Q.461. Close shave Q.478. Concentrate on Q.494. A lame excuse
Ans. A narrow escape - बाल बाल बचना Ans. Pay attention to - ान कि त करना। Ans. Weak excuse - बेकार बहाना

Q.462. Blue blood Q.479. An eagle eye Q.495. Heart goes out to
Ans. A person belonging to a high family Ans. A sharp vision - ब त तेज नजर Ans. To feel sympathy for someone
- उ कुल का when they are distressed - सहानुभूित दे ना
Q.480. Rain on the new bride’s parade
Q.463. To make matters worse Ans. To spoil a moment - कोई पल खराब Q.496. Toffee-nosed
Ans. Make the situation worse - थित को कर दे ना Ans. A person who thinks he is of a high
और खराब करना social class and looks down on people of
Q.481. At the drop of a dime lower class - अहं कारी
Q.464. Heart and soul Ans. Something that can happen very
Ans. With all the effort you can put. - पूरे fast without hesitation - कुछ ऐसा जो िबना Q.497. Bear up
यास के साथ िकसी िझझक के ब त तेजी से हो सकता है । Ans. To support, encourage something -
समथन दे ना या ो ािहत करना
Q.465. Apple-pie order Q.482. All ears
Ans. Completely arranged - पूरी तरह से Ans. listening attentively - ान से सुनने Q.498. A black sheep
व थत वाला Ans. Disgrace for the family - प रवार के
िलए अपमान।

Q.466. Be on the breadline Q.483. To pull someone’s leg
Ans. Be very poor - ब त गरीब होना Ans. To joke with someone - िकसी के साथ Q.499. The calm before the storm
मजाक करना Ans. A period of unusual tranquillity or
Q.467. Crying wolf stability that seems likely to presage
Ans. To ask for help when you don’t need Q.484. Snowed under difficult times - गड़बड़ी या संकट से पहले
it - तब मदद मां गना जब आपको इसकी
आव कता न हो

Q.468. Belly laugh

Ans. A loud and unrestrained laugh - तेज
और अिनयंि त हं सी
Ans. Busy -

Q.485. Beaming from ear to ear
Ans. Smiling broadly - मु ु राना।

Q.486. Bird's eye view

Ans. Good and comprehensive idea. -
शां ित का माहौल

Q.500. Burning your bridges -

Ans. Doing something that makes it
impossible to return to the previous
situation later - कुछ ऐसा कर दे ना िजसकी
वजह से सामा िथ म वापस जाना असंभव हो
Q.469. Chip off the old block अ ा और ापक िवचार।
Ans. A person who is similar in behaviour Q.501. Too many axes to grind
or actions to his/her parents. - एक Q.487. The elephant in the room Ans. To have one's own interests to serve
जो वहार या काय म अपने माता-िपता के समान Ans. A big problem everyone is ignoring - अपने ाथ की पूित करना
है । or afraid to talk about. - एक बड़ी सम ा या
घटना िजसको सब नजर अंदाज कर रहे ह
Q.502. Up in the air
Q.470. A mare’s nest Ans. Something that is unknown entirely
Ans. Complicated situation - जिटल थित Q.488. To stand one's ground - कुछ ऐसा जो पूरी तरह से अनजान हो
Ans. To maintain one's position - अपनी
Q.471. Beside oneself थित म बने रहना । Q.503. By hook or by crook
Ans. Almost out of one’s senses - लगभग Ans. Using whatever methods are
अपने होश से बाहर। Q.489. Give you the shirt off his back necessary - हर वो तरीका अपनाना जो ज री
Ans. Willing to do anything to help है
Q.472. Plain sailing another person - िकसी की मदद के िलए कुछ

Ans. Very easy - ब त आसान भी करने को तैयार। Q.504. Hand and glove
Ans. Very intimate - ब त ही घिन
Q.473. To give someone the cold Q.490. A slap on the wrist
shoulder Ans. A very mild punishment. - एक ब त ही Q.505. Point blank
Ans. To ignore someone - िकसी को कम सजा। Ans. Shot from up close - करीब से गोली
नज़रअंदाज़ करना मारना
Q.491. A lot on one’s plate
Q.474. True colours Ans. A lot to do - एक साथ ब त ादा काम Q.506. Bear garden
Ans. Real character - वा िवक च र करना Ans. A place of noise and disturbance -
शोर और अशां ित वाला थान
Q.475. To get your finger burned Q.492. To be on thin ice
Ans. To get into trouble - मुसीबत म पड़ना Ans. To be in a risky situation - जो खम भरी Q.507. Get on like a house on fire
थित म होना। Ans. Get on extremely well with someone
Q.476. Butterflies in his stomach - िकसी के साथ अ ा तालमेल होना
Ans. A nervous feeling - घबराहट होना Q.493. At a push
Ans. Something is probably possible,but Q.508. Against the clock
Q.477. Salt of the earth it will be difficult - कोई काम जो संभव है , Ans. In a great hurry, as fast as possible -
Ans. A very good and honest person - एक लेिकन करना मु ल है । बड़ी ज ी म
ब त अ ा और ईमानदार इं सान Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 122
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 24 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
Q.509. Get a second wind Q.523. Paid a flying visit Q.539. Cut a sorry figure
Ans. To have renewed energy - िफर से नई Ans. Took a quick trip - ब त ही कम समय Ans. Create a poor impression. - खराब
ऊजा ा करना। के िलये िनरी ण भट भाव डालना ।

Q.510. So far so good Q.524. In seventh heaven SSC SELECTION POST

Ans. Things are going well so far - चीज Ans. Extremely happy - अ ंत ख़ुशी
अभी तक अ ी चल रही ह।
Q.525. As good as gold
(01/08/ 2022 - 05/08/ 2022)
Q.511. Hang in there Ans. A person who is obedient and
Q.540. Speak of the devil
Ans. To persist in a difficult situation - well-behaved - आ ाकारी और अ े वहार
Ans. The person we were just talking
किठन प र थित म बने रहना। वाला
about showed up - िजस के बारे म
बात चल रही है , उसका हािजर हो जाना
Q.512. Left, right and centre Q.526. Came up with
Ans. Happening in a lot of places or to a Ans. To suggest or think of an idea or
Q.541. Pull someone’s leg.
lot of people - ब र सारी जगह पर या ब त plan - िकसी िवचार या योजना के बारे म सुझाव
Ans. To play a joke with someone - I
सारे लोगों के साथ होने वाला । दे ना
panicked when he said the test was
tomorrow, but then I realized he was just
Q.513. Nine times out of ten Q.527. To judge a book by its cover
pulling my leg. - िकसी के साथ मजाक करना -
Ans. In most cases - ादातर मामलों म Ans. To evaluate people’s worth by their

म घबरा गया जब उसने कहा िक परी ा कल है ,
outward appearance - लोगों के बाहरी
लेिकन तब मुझे एहसास आ िक वह िसफ मेरे
Q.514. To beat a retreat रं ग- प से उनकी अहिमयत को तय करना
साथ मजाक कर रहा था।
Ans. To leave a situation - िकसी प र थित
को छोड़ दे ना Q.528. Hold your horses
Q.542. Through the back door
Ans. To tell someone to stop and
Ans. In an indirect or unfair way - अ
Q.515. Fair-weather friend
Ans. A person not reliable in difficult time
- मु ल समय पर काम न आना

Q.516. Set aside

Ans. Declare a legal decision or process
to be invalid - िकसी मा फसले या ि या
consider carefully. - िकसी चीज पर कुछ पल
के िलये ान से सोचना

Q.529. Wet blanket

Ans. One who spoils other people’s fun -
जो दू सरों का मज़ा खराब करता हो
या अनुिचत तरीके से।

Q.543. Of two minds

Ans. Holding conflicting opinions - पर
िवरोधी राय रखना

Q.544. Stave off
को अवैध घोिषत कर दे ना Q.530. Carrot and stick approach
Ans. Prevent or delay something bad or
Ans. Mixture of rewards and
dangerous.- िकसी खराब या खतरनाक िथ
Q.517. To throw caution to the wind punishments - पुर ार और दं ड का िम ण
को रोकना या उसम दे री करना।
Ans. To do something without worrying
about the risk - जो खम की िचंता िकए िबना Q.531. The devil is beating his wife
Q.545. Laugh like a drain
कुछ करना।
Ans. The sun is shining while it rains -
Ans. Laugh loudly - ज़ोर से हँ सना
बा रश होने पर सूरज का चमकना
Q.518. Having a soft spot for him
Q.546. Set forth
Ans. Feeling a lot of affection for one SSC CGL 2021 Tier - 2 Ans. Explain - ा ा करना
particular person, often without knowing (08/08/2022)
why - अकारण अनजान से ब त अिधक
Q.547. Give way
ेह करना Q.532. Fight shy of Ans. Snap or to break - झुक जाना
Ans. To avoid - दू र रहना
Q.519. Be hard hit

Q.548. Clear the air

Ans. Severely affected by something Q.533. Bad blood Ans. To deal openly with
unpleasant - िकसी दु खद बात से बुरी तरह Ans. Ill feeling - दु भाव(आपसी दु नी) misunderstandings to get rid of them -
गलतफहिमयों से छु टकारा पाने के िलए उनसे
Q.534. Clam up खुलकर िनपटना।
Q.520. A black sheep Ans. To become silent - चुप रहना
Ans. A disgrace to his family - प रवार के
Q.549. Nothing ventured, nothing gained
िलए एक अपमान Q.535. Forty winks Ans. One has to make every effort in
Ans. A short nap - नींद की झपकी order to achieve something - कुछ हािसल
Q.521. Sit on the fence
करने के िलए हर संभव यास करना पड़ता है ।
Ans. A person's lack of decisiveness, Q.536. Hold your horses
neutrality or hesitance to choose Ans. Slow down - गित कम करना Q.550. Come up
between two sides in an argument or a
Ans. Raise - (मु ा) उठाना
competition - िकसी दो पर िथयों के बीच Q.537. All in all
सही गलत का फैसला करने म असमथ होना Ans. Having all authority - िजसके पास सारे
SSC MTS 2021 Tier - 1
अिधकार हों
Q.522. Go round in circles (05/07/2022 - 26/07/2022)
Ans. Make no progress in an argument or Q.538. Lend an ear
discussion - बेकार की माथा-प ी करना Ans. Pay attention to - ान दना Q.551. One’s cup of tea Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 123

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 24 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
Ans. One's chosen or preferred thing - Ans. Anything from the past that is not कुछ संदेह के साथ िव ास करना
िकसी की पसंदीदा चीज। significant or important anymore. - अतीत
की कोई बात जो अब मह पूण नहीं है । Q.584. Make a living
Q.552. Chew the scenery Ans. To earn enough money for things
Ans. To act overly emotional.- अ िधक Q.569. Added a feather in his cap you need - अपनी ज रत की चीजों के िलए
भावुक हो जाना। Ans. An achievement to be proud of - गव पया पैसा कमाना
करने लायक उपल
Q.553. Lion’s share Q.585. Ring a bell
Ans. The largest portion - सबसे बड़ा िह ा। Q.570. A stone’s throw Ans. To sound familiar - प रिचत लगना
Ans. A short distance - ब त कम दू री ।
Q.554. Tricks of the trade Q.586. Kick someone when they are
Ans. Special skills or knowledge - िवशेष Q.571. Set the wheels in motion. down
ान। Ans. To initiate a chain of events. - घटना Ans. To cause further trouble to
च शु करना someone already in a difficult situation -
Q.555. In a nutshell पहले से ही िकसी किठन प र थित म पड़े
Ans. Very briefly - सं ेप म। Q.572. On thin ice को और अिधक परे शानी म डालना
Ans. In a risky situation. - खतरे म होना ।
Q.556. Out for the count Q.587. To raise a dust
Ans. In a deep, insensible sleep - गहरी Q.573. Ignorance is bliss Ans. To cause disruption or confusion -

नींद। Ans. To remain ignorant of things that वधान या म पैदा करना
may cause stress. - उन बातों से अनजान
Q.557. Draw the line रहना जो तनाव का कारण बन सकती ह। Q.588. Have an axe to grind
Ans. To set a limit on something - सीमा Ans. To have an ulterior motive - कोई गु
तय करना। Q.574. Stealing the thunder मकसद होना

Q.558. Change of heart

Ans. Different opinion about someone or
something - िकसी
बारे म अलग राय

Q.559. An eye wash

या िकसी चीज के
Ans. get praise for doing something
before someone. - उस काम के िलये शंसा
लेना जो िकसी और ने िकया है

Q.575. Have a whale of a time

Ans. Have an exceptionally fun or
exciting experience. - अ िधक आनंिदत
Q.589. Out of the blue
Ans. Completely unexpectedly - पूरी तरह
अवां िछत

Q.590. An iron hand

Ans. Strict control - स िनयं ण
Ans. A pretence - िदखावा अनुभव करना।
Q.591. In the heat of the moment
Q.560. To lead one by the nose Q.576. Crocodile tears Ans. saying or doing something without
Ans. To control someone completely - Ans. False tears - झूठे आँ सू thinking due to anger - िबना सोचे-समझे गु े
पूरी तरह से िनयंि त करना। म कुछ कहना या करना
Q.577. An iron hand
Q.561. Play with fire Ans. Strict and harsh control - स और Q.592. That ship has sailed
Ans. To do something risky - कोई जो खम कठोर िनयं ण Ans. Too late to do something - कुछ करने
भरा काम करना । की िथ म ना होना
Q.578. Come rain or shine
Q.562. To foot the bill Ans. Whatever happens - चाहे जो भी हो Q.593. In raptures
Ans. To make payment - भुगतान करना। Ans. Extremely delighted - अ िधक स
Q.579. Chase rainbows
Q.563. Shooting fish in a barrel Ans. To pursue unrealistic goals - Q.594. Keep an eye on

Ans. Exceptionally easy to do - अ िधक अवा िवक ल ों का पीछा करना Ans. To watch over attentively - ान से
आसान काम करना दे खना
Q.580. Hold someone or something at
Q.564. Long in the tooth bay Q.595. No spring chicken -
Ans. Too old to do something - कुछ हाँ िसल Ans. Prevent someone or something Ans. A person who is no longer young -
करने के िलये ब त वृ या कमजोर from moving closer - िकसी चीज़ को पास वह जो अब युवा नहीं है
आने से रोकना
Q.565. The lion's share Q.596. Move the goalposts
Ans. The biggest and best part of a Q.581. Foaming at the mouth Ans. Unfairly alter the conditions or rules
whole - सबसे बड़ा िह ा Ans. To be enraged and show it - गु ेम of a procedure during its course - शत
होना िनयमों को गलत तरीके से बदलना
Q.566. To walk the tightrope
Ans. Be very cautious. - ब त सावधान रहना । Q.582. Back on one’s feet Q.597. Crying for the moon
Ans. Well or successful again - िफर से Ans. To make an impractical or
Q.567. At the drop of a hat. सफलता ा करना unreasonable request - ऐसी इ ा जािहर
Ans. Without delay - तुरंत करना जो पूरी नहीं की जा सके
Q.583. To take with a grain of salt
Q.568. Water under the bridge Ans. To believe with some scepticism - Q.598. Below the belt
Ans. Cruel and unfair - ू र और अनुिचत Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 124
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 24 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
Q.599. Keep body and soul together Ans. To gain honour - स ान ा करना Ans. Essence - सार
Ans. Stay alive during hard times - किठन
समय म जीिवत रहना Q.616. Skin of his teeth Q.633. Under duress
Ans. Barely managed to escape - ब त Ans. Under pressure - दबाव म
Q.600. Once in a blue moon मु ल से बचके िनकाल पाना
Ans. Very rarely - ब त मु ल से ही Q.634. To pay lip service
Q.617. Safe pair of hands Ans. To express loyalty, respect, or
SSC CHSL 2021 Tier - 1 Ans. A person who can be trusted to do support for something insincerely - िकसी
(24/05/2022 - 10/06/2022) something efficiently - एक िजस पर के ित िन ठाहीन प से वफादारी, स ान या
कोई काय कुशलता से करने के िलए भरोसा िकया समथन िदखाना
Q.601. A fly on the wall जा सकता है
Ans. An unperceived observer - एक Q.635. Every dog has his day
अनजान िनरी णकता Q.618. Let down Ans. Everyone has good luck or success
Ans. To fall - िगरना at a point of time - हर िकसी के पास एक
Q.602. In the same boat समय पर सौभा या सफलता होती है
Ans. To be in the same difficult situation Q.619. Go to the wall
as someone else - िकसी और के जैसी किठन Ans. To fail - असफल होना Q.636. Come about
थित म होना Ans. To happen - घिटत होना
Q.620. Knock down

Q.603. In high spirits Ans.To demolish - तबाह करना Q.637. Miss the boat
Ans. Cheerful - खुश Ans. Miss an opportunity - अवसर से चूक
Q.621. Beat around the bush जाना
Q.604. Gear up for Ans. To avoid talking about what is
Ans. Get ready for - तैयार होना important - जो मह पूण है उसके बारे म बात Q.638. Pull a long face

Q.605. Call upon

Ans. To order - आदे श दे ना

Q.606. Lose your touch

Ans. Not being as successful as
करने से बचना

Q.622. A kick in the teeth
Ans. A great disappointment - एक बड़ी

Q.623. Lion’s share

Ans. To look sad - उदास िदखना

Q.639. Bed of roses

Ans. Pleasant condition of life - जीवन की
सुखद थित

Q.640. Hit the books

previously - पहले की तरह सफल नहीं हो पाना
Ans. largest share - सबसे बड़ा िह ा Ans. To study very hard - खूब पढाई करना
Q.607. At one’s elbow
Ans. Next to someone - िकसी के बगल म Q.624. Get the axe Q.641. Heart skipped a beat
Ans. Lose the job - नौकरी छूटना Ans. Felt extremely nervous - अ िधक
Q.608. Blow up घबराहट महसूस होना

Ans. To destroy by an explosion - िव ोट Q.625. Wipe the floor with someone

से न करना Ans. To defeat someone badly - िकसी को Q.642. Crocodile tears
बुरी तरह से हरा दे ना Ans. Pretended show of sorrow - दु : ख का
Q.609. Within a hair's breadth नाटक करना
Ans. Narrow margin - ब त कम समय या दू री Q.626. Have a soft spot for someone
Ans. To like someone a lot - िकसी को ब त Q.643. To hold good
Q.610. Grease someone’s palm पसंद करना Ans. To remain valid- वैध बने रहना
Ans. Bribe someone - िकसी को र त दे ना
Q.627. Pull the plug Q.644. It's all Greek to me

Q.611. A storm in a tea cup Ans. End something - कुछ ख करना Ans. I cannot understand anything - कुछ
Ans. A lot of anger and worry about समझ न आना
trivial things - छोटी-छोटी बातों को लेकर ब त Q.628. At loggerheads
गु ा और िचंता Ans. Disagreeing with - असहमत होना Q.645. White elephant
Ans. Costly but useless possession -
Q.612. Tell upon Q.629. Devil’s advocate महं गी लेिकन बेकार चीज
Ans. To affect adversely - ितकूल भाव Ans. One who argues against something
डालना just for the sake of arguing - जो केवल Q.646. To put someone's back up
तक-िवतक करने के िलए िकसी बात का िवरोध Ans. To irritate someone - िकसी को परे शान
Q.613. Hard and fast करता हो करना
Ans. Strict - कठोर
Q.630. Back out Q.647. A chip off the old block
Q.614. Catch 22 Ans. To withdraw from - पीछे हटना Ans. Similar to one's parents in
Ans. A difficult situation in which the behaviour - वहार म माता-िपता के समान
solution to a problem is impossible - एक Q.631. Comparing apples with oranges
किठन प र थित िजसम िकसी सम ा का Ans. Unequal comparisons - असमान तुलना Q.648. Dark horse
समाधान असंभव है Ans. an unexpected winner-एक अ ािशत
Q.632. Sum and substance िवजेता
Q.615. Win laurels Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 125
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 24 - 25 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
Q.649. Be like chalk and cheese Q.666. Man of letters Q.682. Snail’s pace
Ans. Be absolutely different - िब ु ल अलग Ans. Schola r -पढ़ा िलखा या ानी Ans. Very slow - ब त धीमा

Q.650. Green eyed Q.667. Jump the gun Q.683. With a pinch of salt
Ans. Jealous - ई ालु Ans. To start something too soon or act Ans. Doubt the truth or value of
hastily - ब त ज कुछ शु करना या something - िकसी चीज की स ाई या कीमत
Q.651. Charley horse ज बाजी करना पर संदेह करना
Ans. Cramp - ऐंठन
Q.668. Chip off the old block Q.684. The movers and shakers
Q.652. Carried the day Ans. Someone who resembles their Ans. People who have a lot of power and
Ans. Winning - जीतना parent - जो अपने माता - िपता जैसा िदखता हो influence - िजन लोगों के पास ब त श और
भाव होता है
Q.653. Get away Q.669. Costs an arm and a leg
Ans. To leave - चले जाना Ans. Extremely expensive - ब त महं गा Q.685. Strain every nerve
Ans. To try extremely hard to do
Q.654. Be at a loose end Q.670. Call a spade a spade something - िकसी काम को करने के िलए
Ans. To have nothing to do - कुछ करने के Ans. To speak plainly without avoiding अ िधक यास करना
िलए न होना unpleasant or embarrassing issues -
अि य या शमनाक मु ों से बचे िबना प से Q.686. Jump the gun

Q.655. Have a long face बोलना Ans. To do something too soon - कोई
Ans. Look unhappy or disappointed - काम ब त ज ी करना
दु खी या िनराश िदखाई दे ना Q.671. Upset the apple
Ans. Cart - Spoil careful plans - सावधान Q.687. Hobson's choice
Q.656. The best of both worlds योजनाओं को िबगाड़ना Ans. A choice forced upon someone -
Ans. An advantageous situation from
two different things at a time - एक समय म
दो अलग-अलग चीजों का लाभ उठाना

Q.657. Made my flesh crawl

Ans. Frightened me - डरा दे ना
Q.672. Pocket an insult
Ans. Tolerate insult without protest - िबना
िवरोध के अपमान सहना

Q.673. Stab someone in the back

Ans. To betray someone and to harm
िकसी पर थोपा गया िवक

Q.688. Face up to
Ans. To accept a difficult situation - किठन
प र थित को ीकार करना

Q.689. To be running around in circles

Q.658. Start from scratch someone who trusted you - िकसी के साथ Ans. To be very active but with few
Ans. Start entirely from the िव ासघात करना और िकसी ऐसे को results - ब त सि य होना लेिकन कम प रणामों
beginning - शु से शु आत करना नुकसान प ं चाना िजसने आप पर भरोसा िकया हो के साथ

Q.659. Up in arms Q.674. In your birthday suit Q.690. Hale and hearty
Ans. In rebellion - िव ोह म Ans. Not wearing any clothes - िबना कोई Ans. Strong and healthy - मजबूत और थ

कपडा पहने ए
Q.660. Cut straight to the chase SSC CGL 2021 Tier - 1
Ans. Avoid unnecessary introduction and Q.675. To twist the arm (11/04/2022 - 21/04/2022)
go to the more important part - अनाव क Ans. To try to force someone to do
प रचय से बचना और अिधक मह पूण मु े पर Something - िकसी को कुछ करने के िलए Q.691. Be hard up
जाना मजबूर करने की कोिशश करना Ans. Have very little money - ब त कम
पैसा होना
Q.661. Make one’s blood boil Q.676. Cast aside

Ans. Make extremely angry - अ ंत ोिधत Ans. To reject - अ ीकार करना Q.692. In the same breath
करना Ans. Say two contradictory things at the
Q.677. Tick all the boxes same time - एक ही समय म पर र िवरोधी
Q.662. little hard of hearing Ans. To fulfill the required बात बोलना
Ans. Partially deaf - आं िशक प से बहरा norms - आव क मानदं डों को पूरा करना
Q.693. Cake walk
Q.663. Elbow grease Q.678. Child’s play Ans. Something easy - जो आसान है
Ans. Hard physical work, especially Ans. An easy task - आसान काम
vigorous polishing or cleaning - किठन Q.694. Rank and file
शारी रक काय, खासकर सफाई या चमकाने वाला Q.679. Get one’s dander up Ans. Ordinary people - सामा लोग
Ans. Lose one’s temper - अपना आपा खो
Q.664. Donkey's years दे ना Q.695. A long shot
Ans. A very long time - ब त ल ा समय Ans. A little chance of success - सफलता
Q.680. Be under a cloud की कम उ ीद
Q.665. To draw a blank Ans. To be untrustworthy - अिव सनीय होना
Ans. To be unsuccessful at eliciting a Q.696. Bitten off more than one can
response - िति या ा करने म असफल Q.681. In queer street chew
होना Ans. In debt - कज म Ans. To take on more than one can Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 126

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 25 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
handle - ब त ादा काम ले लेना िजसे करना Ans. To try to avoid something - िकसी चीज Ans. A person used as a tool by another
बेहद मु ल हो से बचने की कोिशश करना - अपने फायदे के िलये इ ेमाल िकया गया इं सान

Q.697. Take into account Q.714. Keep someone at arm’s length Q.731. In the limelight
Ans. Consider - िवचार करना Ans. Avoid being friendly with Ans. The centre of attraction - आकषण का
someone - िकसी से िम ता करने से बचना क
Q.698. To take after
Ans. To be similar in appearance - िदखने Q.715. A green horn SSC SELECTION POST
म एक जैसा होना Ans. Inexperienced - अनुभवहीन
Q.699. Foul play Q.716. Sticky fingers
(Feb 2022)
Ans. Unfair or dishonest Ans. An inclination to steal - चोरी करने की GRADUATE LEVEL
behaviour - अनुिचत या बेईमान वहार वृि
Q.732. Keep one's head
Q.700. On the wane Q.717. To hold water Ans. Remain calm - शां त रहना
Ans. On the decline - पतन की ओर Ans. To be valid and reasonable - वैध और
उिचत होना Q.733. To draw a blank
Q.701. Money does not grow on trees Ans. To become unconscious - बेहोश होना
Ans. Money is hard-earned and limited - Q.718. Play with fire

पैसा मेहनत से कमाया जाता है और सीिमत होता Ans. To do something dangerous - कोई Q.734. A wet blanket -
है | खतरनाक काम करना Ans. A person who spoils other people's
fun - मज़ा खराब करने वाला
Q.702. Lie low Q.719. Blow your own trumpet
Ans. Try not to be noticed - नज़रो म न आने Ans. Boast about one’s own qualities - Q.735. Losing ground
Ans. Becoming less acceptable - कम
की कोिशश करना

Q.703. Dark Horse

Ans. An unexpected winner - िजसके जीतने
की उ ीद न हो

Q.704. Stone’s throw

अपने गुणों का बखान करना

Q.720. Smooth sailing

Ans. Easy progress - आसान गित

Q.721. On purpose
Ans. Intentionally - जानबूझकर
ीकाय बन जाना

Q.736. Out of the blue

Ans. Completely unexpected - पूणतया
अ ािशत
Ans. Short distance - कम दू री HIGHER SECONDARY LEVEL
Q.722. Eat like a horse
Q.705. Hold the key Ans. Eating excessively - ज रत से ादा Q.737. Bite off more than you can chew
Ans. To have control of something - खाना Ans. Take on more work than you can
िकसी चीज पर िनयं ण रखना handle - अपनी मता से अिधक काय करने का
यास करना
Q.723. Pay heed to
Q.706. Left no stone unturned Ans. listen carefully with attention - ान
Ans. Made every possible effort - हर संभव से सुनना Q.738. Go back to the drawing board
यास करना Ans. Start planning all over again - िफर से
Q.724. Back out योजना बनाना
Q.707. A tight corner Ans. To withdraw - पीछे हटना
Ans. A difficult situation - एक किठन थित Q.739. Give someone the cold shoulder
Q.725. Have a change of heart Ans. Ignore someone - अनदे खा करना
Q.708. Nip in the bud Ans. change one’s opinion - अपनी राय

Ans. To destroy early - शु आत म ही न कर बदलना Q.740. Be the devil’s advocate

दे ना Ans. Present counter arguments - िवतक
Q.726. Hit a brick wall ुत करना
Q.709. Cool as a cucumber Ans. Not able to make any progress - कोई
Ans. Calm and composed - शां त गित नहीं कर पाना Q.741. A stitch in time saves nine.
Ans. It is better to solve a problem
Q.710. A hair in the butter Q.727. To sit on the fence straight away and not let it become
Ans. A challenging situation - एक Ans. Avoid taking sides - प लेने से बचना bigger. - सम ा को बड़ा होने से पहले तुरंत
चुनौतीपूण थित सुलझा लेना
Q.728. Feast one’s eyes on
Q.711. Easy money Ans. Gaze at something with pleasure - Q.742. Shed light on
Ans. Make money without much effort, िकसी चीज को मजे से दे खना Ans. To explain a situation - हालात बताना
maybe illegally - िबना ादा मेहनत के पैसा
कमाना, शायद अवैध तरीके से Q.729. Cold comfort Q.743. Hit a brick wall
Ans. Very little satisfaction - ब त कम Ans. Encounter an obstacle - बाधा का
Q.712. To bury the hatchet संतुि सामना करना
Ans. To end a quarrel - झगड़ा समा करना
Q.730. Cat’s paw Q.744. Hold your horses
Q.713. To fight shy of Ans. Be patient - धैय रखना Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 127
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Q.745. Lock horns Ans. To bring one suffering - क दे ना या Q.777. To take stock of
Ans. Fight with someone - िकसी के साथ दु ः ख दे ना Ans. To assess - आकलन करना
लड़ाई करना
Q.762. Lose count of Q.778. Read between the lines
MATRICULATION LEVEL Ans. Forget the accurate total - सटीक Ans. Discern the hidden meaning in the
सं ा भूल जाना text - िकसी िवषय म िछपे अथ को समझना
Q.746. Be in someone’s shoes
Ans. Face the same situation as another Q.763. To see the light of day Q.779. Wear your heart on your sleeve
person - िकसी अ जैसी थित का Ans. Become publicly known - सावजिनक Ans. To show your true emotions - अपनी
सामना करना प से ात हो जाना स ी भावनाओं को िदखाना

Q.747. All ears Q.764. A house of cards Q.780. On tenterhooks

Ans. To wait eagerly for some news - Ans. An insecure situation - एक असुरि त Ans. Anxious and tense - िचंितत और
िकसी बात का बेस ी से इं तजार करना थित तनाव

Q.748. Have cold feet Q.765. Take pains Q.781. Miss the boat
Ans. Lose confidence - िव ास खो दे ना Ans. Try hard - किठन यास करना Ans. To lose an opportunity - अवसर खोना

Q.749. To be ill at ease SSC CGL 2020 Tier - 2 Q.782. Don’t put all your eggs in the

Ans. To feel uncomfortable or worried in (29 /01/2022 - 03/02/2022 ) same basket
a situation - िकसी थित म असहज या िचंितत Ans. Don’t concentrate all your resources
महसूस करना Q.766. A square deal in one place - अपने सभी संसाधनों को एक
Ans. A fair and honest deal - एक उिचत जगह िनवेश नहीं करना
Q.750. Bottom line और ईमानदार सौदा
Ans. The most important fact - सबसे
मह पूण त

Q.751. In line with

Ans. In agreement - सहमित म
Q.767. To have an axe to grind
Ans. To have a selfish motive in doing
something - िकसी काम को करने म अपना
ाथ िस करना
SSC GD 2021
(16/11/2021 - 15/12/2021)

Q.783. Play for time

Ans. To make excuses or do things to
gain time - कोई काम दे र से करने की कोिशश
Q.752. A hot potato Q.768. To meet one’s Waterloo करना
Ans. A controversial issue - िववादा द मु ा Ans. To experience defeat - हार का अनुभव
करना Q.784. To breathe one’s last
Q.753. Flex one’s muscles Ans. To die - मरना
Ans. Give or make a show of one’s Q.769. To hit below the belt
strength - अपनी ताकत का दशन करना Ans. To attack in an unfair manner - Q.785. To be on the same page

अनुिचत तरीके से आ मण करना Ans. To agree on something - िकसी बात

Q.754. Full of hot air पर सहमत होना
Ans. Self-important - खुद को मह दे ने वाला Q.770. To turn the corner
Ans. To pass the critical stage - ख़राब Q.786. Tickled pink
Q.755. To raise a few eyebrows समय से गुजर जाना Ans. Very pleased - ब त खुश
Ans. To cause surprise or shock - आ य
या सदमे का कारण बनना Q.771. Keep your head Q.787. Come to blows
Ans. Remain calm - शां त रहना Ans. Get into a fight physically - लड़ाई
Q.756. Pain in the neck करना

Ans. Someone or something that is very Q.772. Against one’s grain

annoying - क द व ु अथवा Ans. Against one’s nature - अपने भाव के Q.788. Down in the dumps
िवपरीत Ans. In a depressed state of mind - उदास
Q.757. Make a bee line मनो थित म
Ans. Go straight to - सीधा जाना Q.773. To rise like a phoenix
Ans. To emerge with a new life - एक नए Q.789. Drop names
Q.758. follow suit जीवन के साथ उभरना Ans. Name famous people to impress
Ans. Do the same as others - दू सरों की others - दू सरों को भािवत करने के िलए िस
तरह करना Q.774. Full of hot air लोगों के नाम बताना
Ans. Talking nonsense - बकवास करना
Q.759. Swim with the tide
Q.790. To break new ground
Ans. Agree with the popular opinion -
Q.775. Not make head or tail Ans. To innovate or pioneer - कुछ नया
जनमत से सहमत
Ans. Not able to understand anything - करना या अ णी बनना
Q.760. Come to blows कुछ भी समझ म नहीं आना
Ans. Start fighting after adisagreement - Q.791. To break into tears
असहमित के बाद लड़ना शु कर दे ना Q.776. Not mince words Ans. To cry suddenly - अचानक रोना
Ans. To speak in a direct way सीधी बात
Q.761. Cost (someone) dearly करना Q.792. Big bucks Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 128

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Ans. A lot of money - ब त सारा पैसा Q.810. Toe the line Ans. To become upset or angry - परे शान
Ans. Follow the rules - िनयमों का पालन या ोिधत होना
Q.793. To break loose करना
Ans. To escape - बच िनकलना Q.828. To take stock of
Q.811. Hand in hand Ans. To think carefully - ान से सोचना
Q.794. Blow a fuse Ans. Together - साथ - साथ
Ans. To react very angrily - ब त गु े म Q.829. Full steam ahead
िति या करना Q.812. Having a soft spot for Ans. Move onward with determination -
Ans. Being fond of - िकसे से लगाव होना संक के साथ आगे बढ़ना
Q.795. Hold your horses
Ans. Be patient - धैय रखना Q.813. To be on pins and needles Q.830. To cut down
Ans. To be in an agitated state of Ans. Reduce - कम करना
Q.796. To pull a fast one on someone suspense - अिनि तता की थित म होना
Ans. To cheat someone - धोखा दे ना Q.831. Flea market
Q.814. To take pains Ans. A place where antiques and Second
Q.797. To kick the bucket Ans. To make efforts - यास करना - hand goods are sold - वह थान जहाँ ाचीन
Ans. To die - मर जाना व ुएँ और पुराने सामान बेचे जाते ह
Q.815. Child’s play
Q.798. Wee hours of the day Ans. Something that is very easy - आसान Q.832. The manager moved heaven and

Ans. Dawn - भोर काय earth to help the factory workers who
had lost their jobs.
Q.799. Chicken hearted Q.816. Blue blood Ans. Did everything possible - हर स व
Ans. Easily scared - आसानी से डरने वाला Ans. Noble birth - शाही प रवार म ज यास करना

Q.800. Not breathe a word

Ans. To remain silent about some
secret - िकसी रह के बारे म चुप रहना

Q.801. To give up the ghost

Ans. To stop working - काम करना बंद कर
दे ना
Q.817. In the same boat
Ans. In a similar situation - समान थित म

Q.818. To put something on hold

Ans. To postpone something - िकसी चीज
को थिगत करना
Q.833. Out of the blue
Ans. Unexpectedly - अ

Q.834. In the long run

Ans. Eventually - अंततः

Q.835. A can of worms

Q.819. In the long run Ans. A complicated situation or
Q.802. Wear and tear Ans. Ultimately - अंत म problem - एक जिटल थित या सम ा
Ans. Damage caused by use - उपयोग से
होने वाले नुकसान Q.820. Monkey business Q.836. Over and over again
Ans. Behaviour that is not acceptable or Ans. Do something repeatedly - बार-बार
is dishonest - बेईमान या अ ीकाय वहार कुछ करना
Q.803. To do the dishes
Ans. To wash and dry dishes - बतन धोना
और सुखाना Q.821. Once and for all Q.837. Worked like a dream
Ans. Finally - आ खरकार Ans. A plan succeeded perfectly - योजना
Q.804. Pass the baton पूरी तरह से सफल ई
Ans. Shift responsibility to others - दू सरों Q.822. To take the bull by the horns
को िज ेदारी दे ना Ans. To deal with difficult situations Q.838. Mark up
courageously - किठन प र थितयों से Ans. Put a clear label - प से िच त
Q.805. Keep in touch साहसपूवक िनपटना करना

Ans. Maintain contact - संपक बनाए रखना

Q.823. Down in the mouth Q.839. From far and wide
Q.806. Eagle eye Ans. To be depressed - उदास होना Ans. From all directions - सभी िदशाओं से
Ans. An eye with sharp visual powers -
तेज ि वाली नजर Q.824. To lag behind Q.840. Alive and kicking
Ans. To fail to maintain the pace or Ans. Healthy and doing well - थ
Q.807. To bear fruit progress - गित या गित को बनाए रखने म औरअ ा
Ans. To produce positive results - िवफल होना
सकारा क प रणाम दे ना Q.841. In a fix
Q.825. Lap up Ans. In a difficult situation - किठन
Q.808. Hands down Ans. Accept eagerly - उ ुकता से ीकार प र थित म
Ans. Easily and without doubt - आसानी से कर लेना
और िबना िकसी संदेह के Q.842. Open-ended
Q.826. Bite someone’s head off Ans. Having no planned ending - कोई
Q.809. Elephant in the room Ans. Speak angrily without any योजनाब अंत नहीं होना
Ans. An obvious issue left unaddressed reason - िबना िकसी कारण के गु े म बोलना
due to its sensitivity - संवेदनशील होने के Q.843. Ins and outs
कारण अनसुलझा एक मु ा Q.827. To lose one’s head Ans. Complete facts - पूण त Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 129

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 25 - 26 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
Q.844. See the light of day about someone - िकसी के बारे म ितदे य पता Q.877. To give up
Ans. Become publicly known - सावजिनक लगाना Ans. Stop doing it - कना, हार मानना
प से ात होना
Q.861. To land a job Q.878. Draw first blood
Q.845. To blow one’s own horn Ans. To be hired - रोजगार दे ना Ans. Be the first to gain an advantage or
Ans. To praise oneself - अपनी शंसा करना score against an opponent - िवरोधी के
Q.862. Drag one’s feet खलाफ बढत हािसल करना
Q.846. To go round in circles Ans. Do something deliberately at a slow
Ans. To waste one's time and energy pace - जन-बूझकर धीमी गित से कुछ करना Q.879. Take up room
doing trivial things - तु कामों म अपना Ans. Occupy space - थान घेरना
समय और ऊजा बबाद करना Q.863. Game is up
Ans. Game is over and winner declared - Q.880. To get wind of
Q.847. To catch someone’s fancy खेल समा होने के बाद प रणाम घोिषत करना Ans. To learn something secret - रह
Ans. To appeal to someone - िकसी से जानना
अपील करना Q.864. To rub salt in someone’s wound
Ans. To make a bad or painful situation Q.881. Maiden speech
Q.848. A dog’s life worse - िकसी बुरी या ददनाक थित को बदतर Ans. First speech - पहला भाषण
Ans. A miserable life - दयनीय जीवन बना दे ना
Q.882. To take up the gauntlet

Q.849. To let someone off Q.865. To know what’s what Ans. To accept a challenge - चुनौती ीकार
Ans. To punish someone lightly - िकसी को Ans. To know the facts of a situation - करना
कम सजा दे ना िकसी थित के त ों के बारे म जानना
Q.883. A cold fish
Q.850. Storm in a teacup Q.866. Think on your feet Ans. An unemotional person - एक भावहीन
Ans. Anger or fuss about something
trivial - िकसी तु
उप व

Q.851. On the cards

चीज़ के बारे म ोध या

Ans. Likely to happen - िजसके होने की

संभावना है
Ans. Adjust quickly to changes and make
fast decisions - बदलते हालत के अनुकूल
बनना और तेजी से िनणय लेना

Q.867. Go through the roof

Ans. Rise very high - ब त ऊपर हो जाना
Q.884. Vanish into thin air
Ans. Disappear completely - पूरी तरह से
गायब हो जाना
Q.868. Loaded words
(11/11/2021 - 15/11/2021)
Q.852. Between Scylla and Charybdis Ans. Words that carry more significance
Ans. Choice between two unpleasant than their literal meaning - ऐसे श जो
Q.885. A stuffed shirt
alternatives - दो अि य िवक ों के बीच चुनाव अपने शा क अथ से अिधक मह रखते ह
Ans. pompous person - आड रपूण या
अहं कारी
Q.869. Crack up
Q.853. For good
Ans. Forever - सदै व Ans. Laugh out loud - जोर से हं सना
Q.886. Make mouth water
Ans. very tasty and appetizing - ब त ही
Q.854. A fine state of affairs Q.870. lion’s share
ािद होना
Ans. A pleasant situation - सुखद थित Ans. The largest part - सबसे बड़ा िह ा

Q.887. eager beaver

Q.855. Hang up one’s boots Q.871. To have a yen for
Ans. A keen and enthusiastic person. -
Ans. Retire from a sport - िकसी खेल से Ans. To have a very strong and
एक उ ुक और उ ािहत
स ास लेना continuous desire or craving for

something - ती इ ा
Q.888. Bugs someone
Q.856. Out of the blue Ans. Irritates - परे शान करना
Ans. Completely unexpectedly - पूरी तरह Q.872. Go with the flow
से अ ािशत Ans. Do what others are doing - भेड़ चाल
होना SSC MTS 2020 Tier - 1
Q.857. Come of age (5/10/2021 - 2/11/2021)
Ans. Reach maturity - प रप बनना Q.873. As thick as two short planks
Ans. Extremely stupid - अित मूख Q.889. To get on the nerves
Q.858. To be off the hook Ans. To irritate - िचढ़ाना
Ans. To escape a difficult situation - Q.874. To beat the clock
किठन प र थित से बचकर िनकलना Ans. To perform a task within the time Q.890. By the same token
limit - समय सीमा के भीतर िकसी काय को पूरा Ans. In the same way - समान तरीके से
Q.859. Odd man out करना
Ans. Person who doesn’t fit into a group - Q.891. Keep someone in the loop
वह जो िकसी समूह म िफट नहीं होता है Q.875. Out of question Ans. Give them all the information - सारी
Ans. Impossible - असंभव जानकारी दना
Q.860. Dig up dirt on someone
Ans. Discover damaging information Q.876. Make head or Tail of Q.892. Old school
Ans. Understand - समझना Ans. Old fashioned in thought - पुराने Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 130
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जमाने की सोच वाला Q.910. Loudmouth Q.925. Wandered off
Ans. One who talks boastfully - शेखी Ans. To leave a place where one is
Q.893. Break new ground बघारना supposed to stay - अपने मूल िनवास से बाहर
Ans. Do or discover something new - कुछ घूमने िनकाल जाना
नया करना या खोजना Q.911. Change for the better
Ans. An improvement in the situation - Q.926. Polished it off
Q.894. Sell like hot cakes थित म सुधार Ans. Quickly finish or consume
Ans. Sell very fast - ब त तेज़ी से बेचना something - (भोजन) सफाचट करना
Q.912. Loosen the purse strings
Q.895. Close to one’s heart Ans. To increase the money available for Q.927. Chinks in the armour
Ans. Dear and important to oneself - यं expenditure - खच के िलए उपल धन को Ans. A weakness that can be taken
के िलए ि य और मह पूण बढ़ाना advantage of - ऐसी कमजोरी िजसका फायदा
उठाया जा सकता है
Q.896. Go bonkers Q.913. Fly the nest
Ans. Become crazy - पागल होना Ans. Children leaving their parents’ home Q.928. Hit the ceiling
to live on their own - अपने पैरों पर खड़ा होने Ans. Explode in anger - आग बबूला होना
Q.897. Turn a deaf ear के िलए घर छोड़ना
Ans. Ignore what someone says - अनसुना Q.929. Months on end
करना Q.914. Your guess is as good as mine Ans. Several months in a row - एक साथ

Ans. To have no idea of the answer - उ र कई महीने
Q.898. Pull someone up पता ना होना
Ans. Criticise someone - िकसी की Q.930. A rotten apple
आलोचना करना Q.915. Horses for courses Ans. A single bad person or thing in a
Ans. Different people are suited for group - िकसी समूह म एक बुरा या चीज
Q.899. Over the moon
Ans. Extremely happy - बेहद ख़ुश

Q.900. Copycat
Ans. One who imitates another closely -
सटीकता से नकल करना
होता है

different jobs - कोई भी काम सबके िलये नहीं

Q.916. Many a slip between the cup and

the lip
Ans. Bad things may happen before the
task is finished - काय समा होने से पहले
Q.931. Giving a false alarm
Ans. A situation when people wrongly
think that something bad is going to
happen - कुछ गलत होने की आशंका

Q.932. Call off

Q.901. Go off बुरी चीज हो सकती ह Ans. Cancel something - र करना
Ans. Stop working - काय रोकना
Q.917. Elbow grease Q.933. A piece of the pie
Q.902. Break in Ans. A lot of physical effort - ब त अिधक Ans. A share in money or business - पैसे
Ans. Enter a building illegally - अवैध प शारी रक मेहनत या ापार म िह ा
से एक इमारत म वेश करना

Q.918. Drop in Q.934. Follow suit

Q.903. Babe in the woods Ans. Pay a casual visit - आक क या ा Ans. To do as others have done - जैसा
Ans. A young defenceless person - एक दू सरों ने िकया है वैसा करना
युवा र ाहीन Q.919. A turning point
Ans. The time at which an important Q.935. Put off
Q.904. Be all ears change starts - वह समय जब एक मह पूण Ans. To delay - िवलंब करना
Ans. Eager to listen - सुनने को आतुर प रवतन शु होता है
Q.936. Be over the moon

Q.905. Raining cats and dogs Q.920. To be taken aback Ans. Very pleased about something -
Ans. Raining very heavily - ब त भारी बा रश Ans. To be surprised - है रान होना ब त स होना
Q.921. In the eye of the storm Q.937. At beck and call
Q.906. How time flies! Ans. Be in a controversial situation - Ans. Ready to do everything for someone
Ans. Time seems to move quickly - तेज़ी से िववादा द थित म होना - िकसी के िलए सब कुछ करने को तैयार
समय िनकलना
Q.922. Get on like a house on fire Q.938. Bear fruit
Q.907. To be off your food Ans. To become friends quickly - तेज़ी से Ans. Produce positive results - सकारा क
Ans. To have no appetite - भूख न लगना िम बनना प रणाम दे ना

Q.908. To go bananas Q.923. Have your heart set on something Q.939. Tighten one's belt
Ans. To become very excited or angry - Ans. To want something very much - Ans. To cut one's expenditure - अपने खच
ब त उ ेिजत या ोिधत होना िकसी चीज को ब त ादा चाहना म कटौती करना

Q.909. Comb through Q.924. Alive and kicking Q.940. Be Off

Ans. To carefully look through - ान से Ans. To be active and healthy - सि य और Ans. To go away - दू र जाना
दे खना थ रहना
Q.941. Carry on Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 131
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Ans. Continue doing something - काय Ans. Something that is the centre of a SSC CGL 2020 Tier - 1
करते रहना target - िकसी ल का क (13/08/2021 - 24/08/2021)

Q.942. Fall for Q.958. Off-colour Q.973. Raise the bar

Ans. To be tricked or fooled by - बहकावे म Ans. Feeling slightly ill - थोड़ा बीमार महसूस Ans. To set higher goals - उ तर ल
आना या मूख बनना करना िनधा रत करना

Q.943. Whet your appetite Q.959. Change hands Q.974. Bang for the buck
Ans. To want something more - कुछ और Ans. Pass from one person to another - Ans. Worth the money spent on
चाहना एक से दू सरे के पास भेजना something - िकसी व ु पर िजतना पैसा खच
िकया है उस लायक होना
Q.944. Get something off one’s chest Q.960. Out of the question
Ans. Talk about something that is Ans. Not possible at all - िब ु ल संभव नहीं Q.975. To walk on air
worrying you - िचंितत करने वाली सम ा होना Ans. To be very happy - ब त खुश
केबारे म बात करना
Q.961. Make no bones about something Q.976. To take a chill pill
Q.945. At loggerheads Ans. Be frank and open about something Ans. To calm down - शां त हो जाना
Ans. To disagree strongly - ढ़ता से - िकसी चीज के बारे म खुलकर बात करना
असहमत होना Q.977. Want to curl up and die

Q.962. To take for granted Ans. Feel terribly ashamed and sorry -
Q.946. At a stretch Ans. To accept without question or ब त शम और खेद महसूस करना
Ans. Without a stop - िनरं तर objection - िबना आपि के ीकार करना
Q.978. Be at a loss for words
Q.947. Bear the brunt Q.963. To go nuts Ans. Not know what to say - ये पता ना होना
Ans. Suffer the worst of something -
िकसी चीज के सबसे बुरे प रणाम का सामना

Q.948. Behind closed doors

Ans. Do something secretly - कुछ
रह मयी तरीके से करना
Ans. To become crazy - पागल हो जाना

Q.964. To be on a roll
Ans. To be experiencing a successful
period - एक सफलता से पूण अविध से गुजरना

Q.965. Back up
िक ा कहना है

Q.979. Full of beans

Ans. Full of energy - ऊजा से भरा आ

Q.980. To cut a long story short

Ans. Tell something briefly - सं ेप म कहना
Ans. Defend or support - बचाव या समथन
Q.949. Make out करना Q.981. To the nines
Ans. Understand someone or something Ans. To perfection - उ ृ प से
with difficulty - किठनाई से समझना Q.966. Work out
Ans. Exercise or develop a plan - ायाम Q.982. At the eleventh hour
करना या योजना बनाना
Q.950. Pick and choose Ans. At the very last minute - अंितम समय म
Ans. Select only the best from choices -
िवक ों म से केवल सव े का चयन करना Q.967. He who laughs last laughs Q.983. Pipe dream
loudest Ans. A dream or idea that is unlikely to
Q.951. To be moved to tears Ans. He who focuses on winning in the happen - एक सपना या िवचार िजसके सच होने
Ans. To be overwhelmed with emotion - long term is successful - जीत पर किदत की संभावना नहीं है
भावना से अिभभूत होना ही सफल होता है
Q.984. Go easy on something
Q.952. To gain ground Q.968. Much ado about nothing Ans. Use only a small amount of - थोड़ा स

Ans. To make progress - गित करना Ans. Making a big fuss over a small thing उपयोग करना
- छोटी-छोटी बातों पर झगड़ना
Q.953. Lean and mean Q.985. Pat on the back
Ans. Ready and efficient - तैयार और कुशल Q.969. A bolt from the blue Ans. Praise or approval for doing
Ans. Unexpected and surprising event - something good - कुछ अ ा करने के िलए
Q.954. Keep in check अ ािशत और आ यजनक घटना शंसा या ीकृित
Ans. To control something - कुछ िनयंि त
करना Q.970. Herculean task Q.986. A stumbling block
Ans. Very tough task - ब त किठन काय Ans. An obstacle to progress - गित म
Q.955. Play safe बाधा
Ans. Avoid risks and take precautions Q.971. Cover up
- जो खम से बचकर सुरि त प से काय करना Ans. Hide or conceal - गु रखना Q.987. A live wire
Ans. A very active or energetic person -
Q.956. Feel the pinch Q.972. Make up with (someone) ब त सि य या ऊजावान
Ans. Face financial difficulties - िव ीय Ans. Close or ignore the differences with
किठनाइयों का सामना करना (someone) - मनमुटाव ख करना Q.988. A bad egg
Ans. someone who is dishonest and
Q.957. Bull’s-eye unreliable - कोई जो बेईमान और
अिव सनीय है Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 132
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Q.989. Tide someone over Q.1004. Hands full Q.1018. To leave no stone unturned
Ans. give temporary help, usually Ans. Very busy - ब त Ans. To try everything possible to solve a
financial - अ थायी सहायता दे ना, सामा त : problem - िकसी सम ा को हल करने के िलए
आिथक Q.1005. Boils down to हर संभव कोिशश करना
Ans. The most basic part of something -
Q.990. To get the ball rolling िकसी चीज का सबसे मह पूण भाग Q.1019. Make big time
Ans. To begin a process - कोई ि या Ans. Attain fame and success - िस
आरं भ करना Q.1006. In full swing और सफलता ा करना
Ans. At the height of activity - गितिविध के
Q.991. Through thick and thin उ तम र पर Q.1020. A good turn
Ans. Under all conditions - सभी Ans. A helpful act - सहायतापूण काय
प र थितयोंम Q.1007. The ins and outs
Ans. Complete details - पूरा िववरण Q.1021. Be glad to see the back of
Q.992. On the horizon Ans. Be happy when a person leaves -
Ans. An event that is likely to happen Q.1008. Beat a retreat िकसी के जाने पर खुशी होना
soon - एक ऐसी घटना िजसके ज होने की Ans. Ran away from something
संभावना है dangerous - िकसी खतरनाक या भयावह चीज Q.1022. Go back to the drawing board
से दू र भागना Ans. Start planning again because earlier
Q.993. Draw the line at something plans failed - िफर से योजना बनाना ोंिक

Ans. Accept something up to a particular Q.1009. Make amends for पहले की योजनाएँ िवफल हो गईं
point - िकसी िवशेष प र िथ तक िकसी बात Ans. To correct a mistake - गलती सुधारना
को ीकार करना Q.1023. Provide a blueprint
SSC CHSL 2020 Tier - 1 Ans. Give a detailed plan or scheme - एक
Q.994. To be light years away (12/04/2021 - 19/04/2021) and िव ृत योजना बनाना
Ans. An extremely long time - ब त ल ा

Q.995. On edge
Ans. Nervous and unable to relax - बैचेन
और शां त होने म असमथ
(4/08/2021 - 12/08/2021)

Q.1010. The eradication of corona virus

is still a far cry.
Ans. Very distant - ब त दू र
Q.1024. Get One’s Ducks in a Row
Ans. Have everything properly organized
- सब कुछ ठीक से व थत करना

Q.1025. In cold blood

Ans. Cruelly, without any emotions -
Q.1011. Living in a fool’s paradise
Q.996. Feel at sea िनदयतापूवक,भावनाहीन तरीके से
Ans. To believe wrongly that your
Ans. Feel lost or confused - खोया आ या
situation is good - इस गलतफहमी म रहना
िमत महसूस करना Q.1026. A sea change
िक आपकी थित अ ी है l
Ans. A complete transformation - पूण
Q.997. Twiddling one’s thumbs प रवतन
Q.1012. Rule the roost
Ans. Feeling bored - ऊबा आ महसूस करना

Ans. Be in complete control - पूण िनयं ण

Q.1027. To drag one’s feet
Q.998. Out of the blue Ans. To delay taking a decision - िनणय लेने म
Ans. Completely unexpectedly - पूरी तरह दे री करना
Q.1013. To put one’s foot in one’s mouth
से अ ािशत या अक नीय
Ans. To accidentally embarrass or upset
Q.1028. To make both ends meet
someone - गलती से िकसी को शिमदा
Q.999. To fan the flames Ans. To have just enough money to live- -
यापरे शान करना
Ans. To make a bad situation worse - मु ल से गुजर बसर करना
प र थित को बद से बदतर बनाना
Q.1014. Caught red-handed

Q.1029. Getting butterflies in one's stomach

Ans. Caught in the act of doing
Q.1000. To fight tooth and nail Ans. To be anxious and nervous- - िचंितत या
something illegal - कोई अवैध काय करते ए
Ans. To fight or compete with great ाकुल होना
पकड़ा गया
ferocity and intensity - बड़ी ू रता और
ती ता के साथ लड़ना या मुकाबला करना Q.1030. A grey area
Q.1015. Wash your dirty linen in public
Ans. An unclear situation(अ प र थित)
Ans. Discuss private matters in front of
SSC CPO 2019 Tier - 2 others - दू सरों के सामने िनजी मामलों पर चचा
Q.1031. To be in the dark
( 26/07/2021) करना
Ans.To not know something others are
Q.1001. Come to light aware of - उसकी जानकारी न होना जो दू सरों
Q.1016. Speak volumes
Ans. To be revealed - खुलासा होना को पता है
Ans. To convey a great deal without
using words - श ों का उपयोग िकए िबना
Q.1032. Under wraps
Q.1002. On the wane ब त कुछ करना
Ans. Kept hidden from other people
Ans. On the decline - िगरावट की िथ म
/secretly - अ लोगों से िछपाकर रखना / गु
Q.1017. To run around like a headless
प से
Q.1003. Elbow room chicken
Ans. Freedom to do what one wants - जो Ans. To do many things in a disorganized
Q.1033. To go red in the face
करना चाहते ह उसे करने की आजादी manner - चीज़ो को अ व थत ढं ग से करना
Ans. To feel embarrassed - शिमदगी Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 133
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महसूस करना Q.1049. For good Q.1065. walks the talk
Ans. Forever - सदै व Ans. To do what one says - जो कहा है उस
Q.1034. Fall flat काम को करना
Ans. To fail to produce the effect that Q.1050. Burn the midnight oil
you wanted./ failed to have an effect - Ans. Work late into the night - दे र रात तक Q.1066. He does not have money to pay
इ त भाव उ करने/ डालने म िवफल मेहनत करना back the loan, he is in a tight corner.
होना Ans. In a difficult situation - एक किठन
Q.1051. To come round थित म
Q.1035. Pull something off Ans. Recover consciousness. - बेहोशी से
Ans. Make something happen - कुछ करने बाहर आना Q.1067. Hoping against hope
म सफल होना Ans. Hoping in a hopeless situation -
Q.1052. A lean patch आशाहीन थित म आशा करना
Q.1036. To have eggs on one’s face Ans. A period of poor performance - खराब
Ans. To be embarrassed because of दशन की अविध Q.1068. From the horse’s mouth
one’s action - िकसी के काम के कारण शिमदा Ans. To hear directly from someone who
होना Q.1053. Off and on knows - सीधे औपचा रक से सुनना
Ans. Sometimes but not regularly - कभी
Q.1037. Thick as thieves कभार Q.1069. The tip of an iceberg
Ans. Having a close friendship - गहरी Ans. Something which is a small part of

दो ी होना Q.1054. Hang on every word something much bigger - कुछ ऐसा जो
Ans. Listen very carefully - ान से सुनना िकसी बड़ी चीज का छोटा सा िह ा है
Q.1038. Butter fingers
Ans. To be clumsy - अनाड़ी होना Q.1055. To fish in troubled waters Q.1070. Keep at arm’s length
Ans. To take advantage of a difficult Ans. Avoid making friends with
Q.1039. Large-hearted
Ans. Generous - उदार

Q.1040. To poke one’s nose into

Ans. To take interest in others’ affairs -
दू सरों के मामलों म िदलच ी लेना
situation - दू सरे की मुसीबत का लाभ उठाना

Q.1056. A dime a dozen

Ans. Common and so of little value - ब त ही
सामा िजसका मह काम है

Q.1057. Keep up appearances

someone - िकसी से दो ी करने से बचना

Q.1071. Chip off the old block

Ans. One who resembles parents
strongly - वह जो माता - िपता के जैसा िदखता है

Q.1072. Head In The Clouds

Q.1041. To add insult to injury Ans. Maintain an expression of well Ans. Cut off from reality - वा िवकता से दू र
Ans. Act in a way that makes a bad being - अ े हालात का िदखावा करना
situation worse - इस तरह से काम करना Q.1073. Cool Your Heels
िजससे खराब थित और खराब हो जाए Q.1058. Method to one’s madness Ans. Unwillingly wait for something or
Ans. Seeming disorderly yet having a Someone - अिन ा से िकसी चीज या िकसी की
structure - एक िवशेष संरचना वाली ती ा करना
Q.1042. Without rhyme or reason
Ans. Without reasonable अ व थत िदखने वाली चीज
explanation. - उिचत ीकरण के िबना Q.1074. Bend Over Backwards
Q.1059. Not one’s cup of tea Ans. Try to accommodate and please
Q.1043. Know inside out Ans. Not according to one’s interest - someone - िकसी को समायोिजत करने और
Ans. To know something thoroughly - पूण अपनी पसंद के अनुसार नहीं होना खुश करने का यास करना
जानकारी होना
Q.1060. To cross one’s mind Q.1075. Achilles’ heel
Q.1044. In vogue Ans. To think of something - कुछ सोचना Ans. Weakness - कमज़ोरी

Ans. In vogue - in fashion - चलन म

SSC STENOGRAPHER 2019 Q.1076. Go to the dogs
Q.1045. To cut corners (22/12/2020 - 24/12/2020) Ans. Be ruined - बबाद हो जाना
Ans. Not do a thing well in order to save
money or effort - कोई काम अ े से ना करना Q.1061. A stuffed shirt Q.1077. Chicken feed
िजससे पैसे या म की बचत हो सके Ans. Pompous person - िदखावा करने वाला Ans. Very little money - ब त कम पैसा

Q.1046. Cook the books Q.1078. Cloak and dagger

Ans. To falsify financial records - अवैध Q.1062. Make my mouth water Ans. Mysterious - रह मय
प से त ों या आं कड़ों को बदलना Ans. Very tasty and appetising - ब त
ािद Q.1079. Dressed to kill
Q.1047. A fire in someone’s belly Ans. Dressed to attract attention - ान
Ans. One who is energetic and Q.1063. To break a leg आकिषत करने वाले कपड़े पहनना
enthusiastic about something - िकसी चीज Ans. To wish good luck - शुभकामना दे ना
के िलए ऊजावान और उ ाही होना Q.1080. Added insult to injury
Q.1064. Eager beaver Ans. To do something that makes a bad
Q.1048. Needle in a haystack situation even worse - बुरी थित को और भी
Ans. A keen and enthusiastic person -
Ans. Something impossible to find - िजसे बदतर बनाना
उ ाही
खोजना असंभव है Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 134
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 26 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
Q.1081. Too close for comfort भी फूंक फूंक कर पीता है Q.1113. High time
Ans. So close to be a cause for worry Ans. Past the appropriate time. - काफ़ी
because of being unwelcome - इतना पास Q.1097. Know like the back of one’s hand समय हो जाना
होना िक िचंता का िवषय बन जाए Ans. To have detailed knowledge of
something. - िकसी चीज को ब त अ ी तरह Q.1114. Sitting on a gold mine
Q.1082. Let your hair down से जानना Ans. To own something potentially
Ans. To take it easy and relax - आसानी valuable. - सोने की खान पर बैठना अथात िकसी
और सरलता से काम करना Q.1098. Make one’s mark के पास कोई ब त मू वान चीज होना
Ans. Attain recognition - अपनी पहचान
Q.1083. blessing in disguise बनाना. Q.1115. Make up one’s mind
Ans. Something good that seems bad at Ans. To decide. - फैसला करना - मन बनाना
first - कोई घटना जो आरं भ म बुरी लगे लेिकन Q.1099. Pocket an insult
बाद म अ ी Ans. Bear an insult quietly. - बे ती बदा SSC CGL 2019 Tier - 2
करना (15/11/ 2020 - 18/11/2020)
Q.1084. A laughing stock
Ans. An object of ridicule - उपहास की चीज Q.1100. Strike when the iron is hot Q.1116. Take exception too
Ans. Grab a favourite opportunity Ans. Object to - आपि ज़ािहर करना
Q.1085. Put our heads together promptly. - अवसर का सही लाभ उठाना
Ans. Consult and work together - परामश Q.1117. Eat one’s words

के साथ िमल-जुलकर काय करना Q.1101. Kith and kin Ans. Retract what one has said. - अपने
Ans. Family relations. - सगे संबंधी र ेदार श वापस लेना.
Q.1086. Pull the chestnuts out of fire.
Ans. Accomplishing a difficult job for Q.1102. Rise to the occasion Q.1118. A fair weather friend
someone else - िकसी के िलये मु ल काम Ans. Show you can deal with a situation Ans. An unreliable or disloyal friend - एक
को पूरा करना

Q.1087. Cock and bull story

Ans. Improbable story - अिव सनीय कहानी

SSC CPO 2020 Tier - 1

successfully. - प र थित के अनुसार काय
करना और कामयाब हो जाना

Q.1103. The sword of Damocles

Ans. An impending threat - िसर पर मंडराता
आ खतरा
अिव सनीय - बेवफा दो

Q.1119. On the spur of the moment

Ans. Acting impulsively without thinking.
- िबना सोचे समझे कुछ कर दे ना
(23/11/ 2020 to 25/11/2020) Q.1120. Over one’s head
Q.1104. Tide over Ans. Beyond one’s capability to
Ans. To overcome. - िकसी मुसीबत से understand something. - िकसी चीज को
Q.1088. Little by little
िनपटना समझने की मता ना होना
Ans. Gradually. - थोड़ा-थोड़ा करके - धीरे -धीरे

Q.1105. Kick up a row Q.1121. One-track mind

Q.1089. A dry run
Ans. Cause a disturbance. - हं गामा खड़ा

Ans. A rehearsal. - रहसल Ans. Always thinking of only one thing. -

करदे ना केवल एक ही चीज के बारे म सदा सोचना - एक
Q.1090. Call on ही िदशा म सोचना.
Q.1106. Through and through
Ans. To Visit. - िकसी से िमलने जाना
Ans. Completely. - पूरी तरह से Q.1122. A breath of fresh air
Q.1091. Look Out Ans. Someone or something new and
Q.1107. Snake in the grass refreshing. - कोई नई चीज ,जो तरोताजा कर दे
Ans. Be careful. - ान दे ना - सावधानी बरतना
Ans. A deceitful person. - आ ीन का सां प
Q.1092. Give a hand Q.1123. On the double

Q.1108. Egg on Ans. At a fast pace. - ब त तेज गित से

Ans. Assist. - िकसी की मदद करना
Ans. Encourage. - हौसला बढ़ाना
Q.1093. Speak one’s mind Q.1124. To call the shots
Q.1109. Get your money’s worth Ans. To be the person in charge - वह
Ans. To voice one’s thoughts plainly. - जो
Ans. To pay and get something of good जो सभी चीजों को िनयंि त कर रहा है
आपके िदमाग म है खुलकर कहना - मन की बात
value. - पैसा वसूल ,इं चाज है

Q.1110. A bird’s eye view Q.1125. Rose-coloured glasses

Q.1094. Grin from ear to ear
Ans. A cursory look. - चीजों को ऊपर से Ans. A positive outlook on life - चीजों के
Ans. To smile a lot because of
दे खना बारे म सकारा क सोच होना
happiness. - ब त ादा खुश

Q.1111. To take stock of Q.1126. To be brought to book

Q.1095. Walking on thin ice
Ans. To assess a situation. - थित का Ans. Held accountable - जवाबदे ही होना
Ans. Doing something risky. - ब त ादा
मू ां कन करना
जो खम म होना Eg : If anyone in the group commits a
mistake, he - she will To be brought to
Q.1112. Apple of discord book.
Q.1096. Once bitten twice shy
Ans. Something that causes friction. -
Ans. A bitter experience making one
िववाद का कारण
cautious for future. - दू ध का जला छाछ को Q.1127. Spread like wildfire Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 135

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 26 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
Ans. Spread rapidly - तेजी से फैलना words Ans. To annoy someone. - िकसी को नाराज
Ans. Actions reveal the real personality कर दे ना
Q.1128. Lay heads together of a person than what he speak. - करनी
Ans. Work in consultation. - िमलजुल कर कथनी से ादा मह पूण है Q.1159. To fall on deaf ears
काम करना Ans. To be ignored. - अनसुना करना
Q.1144. A piece of cake
Q.1129. Crying in the wilderness Ans. Something that is very easy. - ब त Q.1160. Eat humble pie
Ans. An unheeded - careless warning. - आसान काम Ans. Apologize, admit that you are
एक ऐसी चेतावनी िजस पर ान नहीं िदया गया wrong. - मान लेना िक आप गलत थे और माफी
Q.1145. Bite off more than one can chew मां गना
Q.1130. To cast a slur upon Ans. To take on more than one can deal
Ans. Damaged - नुकसान प ं चाना - छिव with - ब त ादा काम ले लेना िजसे करना Q.1161. Let off the hook
खराब करना बेहद मु ल हो Ans. Allowed to escape from blame. -
छोड़ दे ना कोई सजा ना दे ना
Q.1131. Not up to the mark Q.1146. Like talking to a brick wall
Ans. Not upto the required standard - Ans. Inattentive. - ान न दे ना Q.1162. Parthian shot
जैसा आप चाहते थे उसी र का ना होना Ans. Parting hit, final insult in an
Q.1147. Get the hang of argument. - िकसी लड़ाई म आ खरी बे ती
Q.1132. To grow by leaps and bounds Ans. Learn how to use - िकसी चीज का कैसे

Ans. At a rapid pace. - ब त तेज गित से योग करते ह यह सीख लेना Q.1163. To leave someone in the lurch
Ans. To desert someone in his
Q.1133. A nine days’ wonder Q.1148. Take the heat difficulties. - िकसी को मुसीबत म छोड़ना
Ans. A short-lived sensation - कोई ऐसी Ans. Receive criticism - िनंदा होना
सनसनीखेज बात जो ब त कम समय के िलए Q.1164. Get something off your chest
चचा म रही हो

Q.1134. First and foremost

Ans. Most important aspect - सबसे
मह पूण पहलू

Q.1135. An eye-wash
Q.1149. To have a gut feeling
Ans. To feel an instinct or intuition - अंदर
से/मन से कोई बात महसूस होना

Q.1150. Cash-strapped
Ans. Extremely short of money - पैसे की
कमी होना
Ans. Express something that has been
worrying you and you want to say. - िदल
ह ा करना जो आपके िदल म है वह कह दे ना

Q.1165. Plain as day

Ans. Very obvious and easy to
understand . - कुछ ऐसा जो समझना ब त
Ans. A deception. - छलावा - धोखा आसान हो
Q.1151. Pull yourself together
Q.1136. To blow one’s own trumpet
Ans. Regain composure - यं पर दु बारा से Q.1166. Call a spade a spade
Ans. Praise oneself - खुद की तारीफ़ करना
िनयं ण बनाना Ans. Say the truth about something, even
if it is not pleasant - िकसी चीज के बारे म वही
Q.1137. Apple of one’s eyes
कहना जैसी वह वा िवक प से हो - सच
Q.1152. Jump on the bandwagon
Ans. Very dear - ब त ि य
Ans. Get involved in an activity because it बोलना
is likely to succeed - वह काय करना जो सभी
Q.1138. Behind one’s back
कर रहे ह Q.1167. Be behind the times
Ans. In one’s absence. - िकसी की
Ans. Be old-fashioned - पुराने समय का होना
गैरमौजूदगी म
Q.1153. Old Hand
Q.1139. Do a good turn Ans. Experienced - अनुभव होना Q.1168. Look before you leap
Ans. Render a good service. - अ ी सिवस Ans. Think carefully of the
- सेवाएं दे ना Q.1154. Received a new lease of life consequences. - कुछ करने से पहले प रणामों

Ans. Became energetic again. - नया के बारे म सोचना

Q.1140. Carry the day जीवनदान पाना
Ans. Win a victory. - जीत जाना Q.1169. Chill out
Q.1155. Jumped the gun Ans. To calm down - शां त हो जाना
Ans. Acted hastily - ज बाजी म कोई काय
SSC CHSL 2019 Tier - 1 करना. Q.1170. Cool it
(17/03/2020 - 19/03/2020) and Ans. To relax. - शां त रहना
(12/10/2020 - 26/10/2020) Q.1156. Looking for a needle in a
haystack Q.1171. Go off at a tangent
Q.1141. Up in the arms Ans. Attempting something impossible. - Ans. Change the subject immediately. -
Ans. Protesting vigorously about कुछ असंभव करने का यास करना तुरंत मु ा बदल दे ना
something. Or angry about something -
िकसी चीज का पूरा िवरोध करना Q.1157. Not mince your words Q.1172. Make a beeline
Ans. State your opinion clearly without Ans. Go straight to - सीधे िकसी चीज की
Q.1142. Stir up a hornet’s nest hesitation. - जो आप कहना चाहते ह प ओर या िकसी थान की ओर जाना
Ans. To Provoke trouble - कोई िववादा द से कहना
मु ा छे ड़ दे ना
Q.1173. Look after
Q.1158. Rub the wrong way Ans. Take care of - िकसी का ान रखना
Q.1143. Actions speak louder than Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 136
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 26 - 27 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
Q.1174. Looking for greener pastures Ans. Congratulate someone. - िकसी को Ans. Something that is difficult to identify
Ans. Exploring new opportunities. - नए बधाई दे ना or classify or not recognizable or
अवसर तलाशना characteristic of any one particular thing.
Q.1190. Down-to-earth - कोई ऐसी चीज िजसको वग कृत करना बेहद
Q.1175. Keep a stiff upper lip Ans. Practical and direct. - बेहद िवन होना मु ल हो
Ans. Remained expressionless. - चेहरे पर
कोई हाव-भाव ना होना Q.1191. Pull up his socks Q. 1205. In a fog
Ans. Make a greater effort to improve. - Ans. Confused and dazed, Not fully
Q.1176. Flying off the handle मेहनत करने के िलए तैयार होना aware of something. - िकसी चीज के बारे म
Ans. Suddenly becoming enraged. - पूरी जानकारी ना होना
अचानक से नाराज हो जाना Q.1192. Back in the saddle
Ans. Resume duty. - िफर से काम पर जाना SSC CGL 2019 Tier - 1
Q.1177. To cost an arm and a leg (3/03/2020 - 9/03/2020)
Ans. Very expensive. - बेहद महं गा Q.1193. cross that bridge when you
come to it Q.1206. On shank's mare
Q.1178. Sleep on it Ans. deal with a problem when and if it Ans. Bare Foot - नंगे पां व
Ans. To wait before making a decision. - arises - िकसी सम ा से िनपटना जब वह सामने
कोई फैसला लेने से पहले इं तजार करना आ जाये Q.1207. Blow one's own trumpet
Ans. Praise oneself - अपने मुंह िमयां िमट् ठू

Q. 1179. Keep your shirt on Q.1194. Vanish into the air बनना - यं की तारीफ करना
Ans. Remain cool or calm - शां त रहना Ans. Completely disappear - गायब हो जाना
Q.1208. Back to square one
Q.1180. Take something with a pinch of Q.1195. Take one’s hat off to someone Ans. Come to the original point - जहां से
salt Ans. Show admiration. - िकसी के िलए शु आत की थी वहीं प ं च जाना
Ans. To believe only part of something -
िकसी चीज को शक के साथ ीकारना

Q.1181. Full of sound and fury

Ans. Merely loud and angry words but
ineffective. - िकसी बात को लेकर ब त शोर
शराबा होना परं तु बेअसर
शंसा जािहर करना

Q.1196. Touch all bases

Ans. Includes everything. - सब कुछ शािमल

Q.1197. The big fish

Q.1209. Dead heat
Ans. Close contest that ends in a tie -
िकसी ितयोिगता का बराबरी पर ख होना ,कोई
िवजेता ना होना
Q.1210. The bee's knees
Ans. Main leader - बड़ी मछली - मुख Ans. Extraordinary - ब त जबरद
Q.1182. The straw that broke the camel’s
back Q.1198. Cut to the chase Q.1211. Express extreme anger
Ans. To be the last in a series of events Ans. Talking about the important point Ans. To throw a fit - ब त ादा ोिधत होना
leading one to feel that it is intolerable. - and leaving out the detail - मु े की बात पर
कोई ऐसी घटना जो चीजों को असहनीय बना दे आना

Q.1212. Bring to light

Ans. Reveal clearly - प से जािहर कर
Q.1183. Upset someone’s applecart Q.1199. Keep a civil tongue दे ना - रोशनी म लाना
Ans. Do something that fails someone’s Ans. Speak with great politeness - िवन ता
plan - कुछ ऐसा करना जो िकसी योजना को से बात करना Q.1213. Hold water
फेल कर दे Ans. To be valid - बात म दम होना
Q.1200. Every cloud has a silver lining
Q.1184. Come hell or high water Ans. Something promising is there in any Q.1214. A close-fisted person
Ans. In spite of all the difficulties. - िवषम difficult situation. Or even a very bad Ans. A miserly person - एक कंजूस

प र थितयों म यास करना situation has a positive or hopeful side. -

हर बुरी प र थित म भी कोई अ ी चीज िछपी Q.1215. A bed of rose
Q.1185. Out of bounds होती है Ans. An easy and happy situation - फूलों
Ans. Beyond established limits. - िनधा रत की सेज - ब त आरामदायक िजंदगी
सीमाओं के परे Q.1201. Made out of whole cloth
Ans. Entirely false and fabricated. - पूरी Q.1216. To take the bull by the horns
Q.1186. Keep up appearance तरह से झूठ और जालसाजी वाला Ans. To handle difficulties - मुसीबत का
Ans. To pretend to be happier or richer so सामने से डटकर मुकाबला करना
as to conceal the real situation. - बाहरी Q.1202. Reinventing the wheel
िदखावा बनाए रखना Ans. Waste a great deal of time or effort Q.1217. To flog a dead horse
in creating something that already exists. Ans. To waste the efforts - बेकार की
Q.1187. In the blink of an eye - कुछ ऐसा बनाने या करने म ब त सारा समय कोिशश करना
Ans. Within a very short period of time. - लगाना जो पहले से ही मौजूद था
पलक झपकते ही Q.1218. Add fuel to the fire
Q.1203. Falling head over heels Ans. To make a bad situation worse - आग
Q.1188. Behind the scene Ans. Falling deeply in love with someone. म घी डालना - एक बुरी प र थित को और बुरा
Ans. Unknown to everyone. - परदे के पीछे - िकसी से ब त ादा ार करना कर दे ना

Q.1189. Hats off to someone Q.1204. Neither fish nor fowl Q.1219. Hobson's choice Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 137
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 27 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
Ans. An apparently free choice where up control over things - िकसी चीज का कम something) - िकसी चीज का प रणाम िनि त न
there is no real alternative - कोई िवक न मह पूण हो जाना होना
SSC CPO 2019 Tier - 1 Q.1251. Above board
Q.1220. By and By Ans. Honest and frank - ईमानदार
(9/12/2019 - 13/12/2019)
Ans. Gradually - धीरे धीरे

Q.1236. To welcome with open arms Q.1252. Made off

Q.1221. Chicken-hearted Ans. Ran away with - कुछ लेकर भाग जाना
Ans. Warmly - गमजोशी के साथ - बाह
Ans. Cowardly or fearful - चूजे जैसे िदल
वाला - डरपोक Q.1253. In the teeth of
Q.1237. Off and on Ans. In direct opposition to - िवरोध करना
Q.1222. Pull a fast one Ans. Periodically - कभी-कभी
Ans. Trick someone - िकसी पर कोई चाल Q.1254. A close shave
चलना Q.1238. To take heart Ans. A narrow escape - बाल बाल बचना
Ans. Gather Courage - िह त जुटाना
Q.1223. To paddle one's own canoe Q.1255. To fall flat
Ans. Depend on oneself - यं पर िनभर Q.1239. A needle in the haystack Ans. Failed to make an impact (Fall flat-
होना. Ans. Doing something impossible - To fail or be ineffective) - औंधे मुंह िगरना -
असंभव करने की कोिशश करना असफल होना

Q.1224. Dejected-sad and depressed
Ans. Dispirited - उदास - हताश महसूस करना. Q.1240. Green light Q.1256. For good
Ans. Got permission to go ahead with Ans. For new opportunities, For one's
Q.1225. Look down upon something - हरी ब ी - आगे बढ़ने की अनुमित benefit, even though it may not be
Ans. To consider someone inferior. - िकसी दे ना enjoyable or desired. - कामयाब होना
को खुद से नीचा समझना

Q.1226. Keep abreast of

Ans. Keep oneself updated -
जानकारी से अपडे टेड रखना

Q.1227. Come to the point

यं को सारी
Q.1241. Up in arms
Ans. To be angry - नाराज होना

Q.1242. To left in the cold

Ans. To be ignored - नज़र अंदाज़ होना
Q.1257. Carry the day
Ans. Won a victory - िवजयी होना
Carry the day-To do something that
makes one famous or successful; to do
something that is very important or
Ans. To speak plainly about the real Q.1243. Handle with kid gloves
issue - मु े की बात पर आना Ans. To treat someone with great care - Q.1258. To die in harness
िकसी का ब त ादा ान रखना Ans. To continue occupation till death. -
Q.1228. Give a piece of one's mind मृ ु के समय भी काम करते रहना
Ans. To rebuke someone strongly - िकसी Q.1244. Run around in circles
को फटकार लगाना
Ans. To keep doing something without Q.1259. Too many irons in the fire
achieving much - कुछ करने का यास करते Ans. She was involved in many activities
Q.1229. Cut and dried रहना भले ही उसम ादा सफलता नहीं िमली है - एक ही समय पर ब त सारे कामों म शािमल
Ans. Already decided - िजस पर फैसला िलया होना
जा चुका है Q.1245.Work against the clock
Ans. Work in a great hurry - ब त तेज गित Q.1260. To make a clean breast.
Q.1230. At large से काम करना Ans. Confessed his crime - अपना गुनाह
Ans. Not caught - भाग जाना ीकार करना
Q.1246. Bed of roses

Q.1231. Kill two birds with one stone Ans. An easy, comfortable situation. - Q.1261. To go out of hand
Ans. To achieve two results with a single फूलों की सेज - ब त आरामदायक प र थित Ans. Not in control anymore - िनयं ण म ना
effort - एक तीर दो िशकार होना
Q.1247. At the drop of a hat
Q.1232. Make off with Ans. Instantly - तुरंत Q.1262. To be thrown in at the deep end
Ans.To run away - भाग जाना Ans. Learn to do the difficult things too
Q.1248. Make a beeline for soon - मु ल कामों को ब त ज ी करना
Q.1233. Blind alley Ans. To head directly and quickly toward सीखना
Ans. A situation in which no further something or someplace. - तेज गित से
progress can be made - एक ऐसी थित जहां िकसी िनधा रत थान की ओर जाना Q.1263. Come rain or shine
से आगे तर ी संभव नहीं है Ans. Whatever happens - भले ही जो हो जाए|
Q.1249. Till the cows come home
Q.1234. The acid test Ans. For the long, long time - ब त लंबे Q.1264. Make a dent
Ans. A fact, event or situation that proves समय के िलए Ans. To reduce the amount of
something - एक ऐसा स जो सब कुछ something. - िकसी चीज पर कटौती करना
और सही सािबत कर द Q.1250. Touch and go
Ans. Uncertain (Touch and go-Extremely Q.1265. To blaze a trail
Q.1235. To take a back seat uncertain as to the outcome of Ans. To initiate something new - िकसी नई
Ans. To become less important or to give चीज की शु आत Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 138
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Q.1266. To be a dark horse MATRICULATION LEVEL Q.1293. Green fingers
Ans. An unknown genius - ल ी दौड़ का Ans. Good in gardening - बागवानी म ब त
घोडा Q.1279. Let’s discuss what happened. अ ा होना
Don’t beat about the bush.
Q.1267. To build castles in air Ans. Avoid talking about what is Q.1294. Left no stone unturned
Ans. To create impossible dreams or important - मह पूण बात को अनदे खा करना Ans. Try everything possible - हर संभव
hopes - हवाई िकले बनाना यास करना
Q.1280. In our office it is the Chief
Q.1268. Of the first water Accountant who calls the shots. Q.1295. Finger in every pie
Ans. Of the best Quality - सबसे बिढ़या Ans. To be in control - िनयं ण म Ans. Involved in the matter - हर मामले म
गुणव ा वाला शािमल होना
Q.1281. My blood boils when I hear
Q.1269. To left in the lurch people abuse children. Q.1296. Got cold feet
Ans. To be deserted when one is in Ans. To be very angry - ब त गु ा होना Ans. Loss of courage - हाथ पाँ व ठं डे पड़
trouble - िकसी को मुसीबत म छोड़ दे ना जाना - डर जाना
SSC CPO 2018 Tier - 2
Q.1270. The last straw Q.1297. Rare bird
Ans. Final irritant that made the situation Ans. An exceptional person or thing - एक
unbearable - आ खरी हार असाधारण या व ु

Q.1282. Face the music
Ans. Accept the blame - प रणाम भुगतना
Q.1271. To steal someone’s thunder Q.1298.Turn a blind eye
Ans. To win praise for oneself by Ans. Deliberately overlook - अनदे खा करना
Q.1283. Hit the sack
pre-empting someone else's attempt to
Ans. Went to bed - सो जाना
impress. - ादा ाित िमलना, दू सरे का ेय Q.1299. Nipped it in the bud

Q.1272. To went down in flames

Ans. Fail completely - पूरी तरह से फेल हो
सामना करना
Q.1284. Run into rough weather
Ans. Experienced difficulties. - मुसीबतों का

Q.1285. Build castles in the air

Ans. Have unrealistic ideas. - हवाई िकले
Ans. To stop (something) immediately so
that it does not become a worse problem
- िकसी चीज को जड़ से शु आती अव था म ही
ख कर दे ना

Q.1300. Took to the heels

Ans. Ran away - भाग जाना
Q.1301. At wit’s end.
(14/10/2019 - 18/10/2019) Q.1286. The gift of the gab
Ans. Quite perplexed - दु िवधा म होना
GRADUATE LEVEL Ans. Ability to speak eloquently. -
वाकपटु ता होना - बिढ़या बोलने की कला होना
Q.1302. Full of beans
Q.1273. Sirisha is sharp as a tack in her Ans. Lively and energetic - ऊजावान

Mathematics class. Q.1287. The apple of discord

Ans. Mentally active - मानिसक प से Ans. Reason for Quarrel. - िववाद का कारण
Q.1303. Off the record
सि य Ans. Not official - कोई ऐसी बात जो
Q.1288. Getting in everyone’s hair
अनौपचा रक ढं ग से कही गई हो
Q.1274. We bought a beautiful painting Ans. Annoying them - िकसी को ब त नाराज
but it cost us an arm and a leg. करना.
Q.1304. Kept in the dark
Ans. A lot of money - ब त सारा पैसा Ans. In ignorance - िकसी चीज के बारे म
Q.1289. Paying lip service
जानकारी ना होना
Ans. Saying they agree although they do


not support it. - िकसी बात को िसफ
Q.1305. Pie in the sky
Q.1275. Heera and her cousin are peas in औपचा रकता के िलए कहना
Ans. Something not possible - जो संभव ना
a pod. हो
Ans. Very similar - ब त समान Q.1290. A Hard nut to crack
Ans. Is difficult to solve. - कोई ऐसी सम ा
Q.1306. Sell like hot cakes
Q.1276. The ball missed the wicket by a िजसका समाधान करना मु ल हो
Ans. To sell quickly-ज ी से िबक जाना, हाँ थो
whisker. - हाँ थ
Ans. By a small margin - एक छोटे से अंतर से Q.1291. Bell the cat
Ans. Do the impossible task. - असंभव काय
Q.1307. In the same boat
Q.1277. The action taken to reduce Ans. In the same situation - एक जैसी
pollution is just a drop in the ocean. The प र थित म होना
town administration is not serious. SSC CGL 2018 Tier - 2
Ans. A tiny amount - एक छोटी रािश (11/09/ 2019 - 13/09/2019) Q.1308. In the driver’s seat
Ans. Situation in the control - थित िनयं ण
Q.1278. The teacher returned Ravi's Q.1292. Wrap my head around it म होना - वह िजस पर सबसे ादा िज ेदारी हो
assignment saying that his handwriting Ans. To find a way to understand - समझ
was unclear and not understandable. म आना Q.1309. Talked over
Ans. Illegible - अ Ans. Discussed - िकसी बात पर चचा करना Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 139
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 27 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
Q.1310. Told to fight his own battles होना Q.1340. To pull someone’s legs
himself Ans. To completely control someone -
Ans. To take complete responsibility for Q.1324. Nail biting िकसी पर पूरी तरह से िनयं ण रखना
oneself. - यं की लड़ाइयां यं लड़नी होती ह Ans. Suspenseful - स स से भरा आ
Q.1341. To pull someone’s legs
Q.1311. Taking a toll on Q.1325. Birds of same feather Ans. To play a joke on someone - िकसी से
Ans. To have a serious, bad effect on Ans. People with similar characteristics - मजाक करना
someone or something - िकसी चीज पर एक ही थाली के च े ब े /एक जैसे लोग
कोई दु भाव छोड़ना Q.1342. As clear as a bell
Q.1326. Cat’s Whiskers Ans. Really understood - िकसी चीज को
Q.1312. Few and far between Ans. To be highly impressive - ब त ादा समझना -
Ans. Something that doesn't happen very आकषक
commonly - ऐसी चीज जो ब त ादा नहीं Q.1343. Cup of tea
होती है Q.1327. Come to light Ans. Something that pleases one - कोई
Ans. To be known publicly - कोई बात ऐसी चीज जो आपके िलए नहीं बनी है और आप
Q.1313. Rollback सावजिनक हो जाना - रोशनी म आना उसम आरामदायक नहीं महसूस करते
Ans. A reduction or decrease in
something - िकसी चीज म कटौती करना Q.1328. Above one’s head Q.1344. On the tip of my tongue
Ans. Beyond one’s understanding - िकसी Ans. Readily available in my memory -

Q.1314. Pulled all the stops की समझ के परे कंठ थ होना
Ans. To do something with maximum
ability. - िकसी काम को पूरी मता से करना Q.1329. To feel at home Q.1345. To run amok
और माग म आने वाली बाधाएं दू र करना Ans. To feel comfortable - आरामदायक Ans. To run about in a frenzy - पागलों की
महसूस करना तरह इधर - उधर दौड़ना
Q.1315. Find yourself in troubled waters
Ans. A confusing part of the life - यं को
दु िवधा म पाना

Q.1316. Getting a new lease of life

Ans. A period when you feel more
energetic than before. - नया जीवन दान
Q.1330. Go getter
Ans. A real achiever - एक ऐसा इं सान िजसने
कोई उपल हािसल की हो

Q.1331. Out of date

Ans. Something old fashioned - कोई ऐसी
Q.1346. To have a jaundiced eye
Ans. To be prejudiced - प पात करना

Q.1347. Apples and Oranges

Ans. Different things - दो िब ु ल िभ चीज
पाना चीज जो ब त पुराने समय की है
Q.1348. At the drop of a hat
Q.1317. Upset the apple cart Q.1332. As a matter of fact Ans. Immediately - तुरंत
Ans. To cause trouble - गड़बड़ कर दे ना Ans. Actually, as it happened - जैसा
वा िवक प से घिटत आ था Q.1349. A wild goose-chase
Ans. Useless search - बेकार म ढू ं ढना, थ
Q.1318. Beating his brains out
Ans. To think about something very Q.1333. Pull up your socks यास करना
deeply. - िकसी चीज के बारे म ब त ादा Ans. To put in extra effort - अिधक यास
सोचना और िचंतन करना करना Q.1350. Be at your wit’s end
Ans. Be overwhelmed with problems -
Q.1319. In the eye of a storm Q.1334. Eyewash दु िवधा म होना
Ans. In the middle of a difficult situation - Ans. A deception - छलावा
तूफ़ान के क म होना - मुसीबत के बीच होना Q.1351. Be at your wit’s end
Q.1335. To pick up the threads Ans. All included - सब को शािमल करना

SSC MTS 2019 Tier - 1 Ans. To restart from the previous closing
(2/08/2019 - 22/08/2019) point - जहां पर पहले छोड़ा था वहीं से दोबारा Q.1352. Chip over the old block
शु आत करना Ans. Resembling parents - अपने माता िपता
Q.1320. The ball is in (one’s) court की तरह िदखना
Ans. To be responsible for further action Q.1336. Sail in the same boat
- आगे के िलए िज ेदार होना Ans. Be in the same situation as others - Q.1353. To pour oil in troubled water
एक जैसी प र थित म होना Ans. To calm a dispute - मामले को शां त
Q.1321. Bend over backwards करना
Ans. To exert a lot of effort towards Q.1337. Cut one short
some end - िकसी ल ा के िलए ब त Ans. To interrupt someone - िकसी की बात Q.1354. Fair’s fair
ादा मेहनत करना बीच म काटना Ans. Just treatment - जायज वहार करना

Q.1338. To take one’s hat off Q.1355. Cry over spilt milk
Q.1322. Over my dead body
Ans. To admire someone - िकसी की शंसा Ans. Regret about something that
Ans. Opposing something fiercely - िकसी
करना happened and cannot be changed - िकसी
चीज का भरपूर िवरोध करना
ऐसी चीज के बारे म पछतावा होना जो घिटत हो
Q.1339. Let bygones be bygones चुकी है और अब बदली नहीं जा सकती
Q.1323. To end in smoke
Ans. To forgive and forget - भूल जाना और
Ans. To come to nothing - अंत म असफल Q.1356. Far cry from
माफ कर दे ना Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 140
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 27 - 28 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
Ans. To be very different from - ब त अलग Q.1373. Get the ball rolling Ans. To deal with a difficult situation
होना - दो चीजों का ब त िभ होना Ans. To start doing something - कुछ करने directly - मुसीबत का डटकर सामना करना
की शु आत करना
Q.1357. Forty winks Q.1390. Come rain or shine
Ans. A short nap during the day - ब त Q.1374. A change of Heart Ans. Under any circumstances - हर
थोड़े समय के िलए िदन म सोना Ans. A change in one’s opinion - अपनी राय प र थित म
Q.1358. To be tight lipped Q.1391. Be glad to see the back of
Ans. To keep Quiet - चुप रहना Q.1375. To lose one’s head Ans. To be happy when a person leaves -
Ans. To lose self-control - अपना आपा खो िकसी के जाने पर खुशी महसूस करना
Q.1359. Hang one’s head दे ना
Ans. To be ashamed - ल त महसूस करना Q.1392. Once bitten, twice shy
Q.1376. A bull in China shop Ans. An unpleasant experience induces
Q.1360. A needle in a haystack Ans. An extremely awkward, clumsy caution - दू ध का जला छाज को भी फूंक
Ans. Something very difficult to locate - person - एक ऐसा इं सान जो गलत थान पर है फूंककर पीता है
कोई ऐसी चीज िजसको locate करना ब त
मु ल हो Q.1377. Hang up your boots SSC CHSL 2018 Tier - 1
Ans. To take retirement - रटायर हो जाना (01/07/2019 - 11/072019)
Q.1361. Butterflies in one’s stomach

Ans. A feeling of nervousness - घबराहट Q.1378. Jump on the bandwagon Q.1393. Dance to someone’s tune
Ans. To join a popular trend - कोई ऐसी Ans. Do what others want you to do -
Q.1362. Be on cloud nine चीज जो आजकल चलन म है उसम शािमल हो िकसी को अपने इशारों पर नचाना
Ans. To be in a state of extreme जाना
happiness - बेहद खुशी की अव था Q.1394. Leave no stone unturned

Q.1363. Give someone the cold shoulder

Ans. To ignore someone - िकसी को नजर
अंदाज करना

Q.1364. Child’s play

Ans. Something easy - कुछ ब त ही आसान
काम करना
Q.1379. Strike while the iron is hot
Ans. To act at the right time - सही समय पर

Q.1380. Cut the mustard

Ans. To succeed - कामयाब होना
Ans. Try everything possible - हर संभव
यास करना

Q.1395. To air dirty linen in public

Ans. To discuss private affairs in public -
अपने िनजी बात सावजिनक करना
काम Q.1381. Off the cuff Q.1396. Throw in the towel
Ans. Without preparation - िबना तैयारी के Ans. Admit defeat - हार मारना
Q.1365. Work like a charm
Ans. To work very well - जादू की तरह काम Q.1382. Best thing since sliced bread Q.1397. Tit for Tat
करना Ans. Most useful innovation in a long Ans. To do harm as done to you - बदला
time - काफी लंबे समय से सबसे मह पूण

Q.1366. In the nick of time आिव ार
Ans. At the last possible moment - आखरी Q.1398. Bite your tongue
समय पर Q.1383. Too close a call Ans. Stop yourself from saying
Ans. A very narrow margin - ब त ही कम something - यं को कुछ कहने से रोकना
Q.1367. Know something inside out अंतर से
Ans. To know everything about Q.1399. Spill the beans
something - िकसी चीज के बारे म सब कुछ Q.1384. Get someone’s goat Ans. Reveal a secret - कोई गोपनीय बात
जानना Ans. To irritate someone - िकसी को नाराज जािहर कर दे ना

Q.1368. Throw in the towel Q.1400. As clear as mud
Ans. To admit defeat or failure - हार मानना Q.1385. Miss the boat Ans. Impossible to understand - कोई ऐसी
Ans. To miss an opportunity - अवसर खो चीज िजसको समझना असंभव हो
Q.1369. Get a foot in the door दे ना
Ans. To have a chance to do something - Q.1401. The crux of the matter
कुछ करने के िलए मौका दे ना Q.1386. A penny for your thoughts Ans. The critical point - मु े की बात.
Ans. Way of asking what someone is
Q.1370. By and large thinking - िकसी की सोच का पता लगाना Q.1402. Four corners of the earth
Ans. In general - कुल िमलाकर Ans. From all parts of the world - दु िनया के
Q.1387. Shot in the dark हर कोने से
Q.1371. No strings attached Ans. To guess something - अंधेरे म तीर
Ans. Without condition or restrictions - चलाना - अंदाजा लगाना Q.1403. Hanging by a thread
िबना िकसी शत या बाधाओं के Ans. Be in a dangerous situation - मु ल
Q.1388. Feel a bit under the weather प र थित म होना
Q.1372. When pigs fly Ans. To feel sick or unhealthy - अ थ
Ans. A time that will never come - वह महसूस करना Q.1404. To shake off
समय जो कभी नहीं आएगा Ans. To get rid off - िकसी चीज से छु टकारा
Q.1389. To take the bull by its horns पाना Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 141
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Q.1405. Going over one’s head Q.1422. Acid test SSC CGL 2018 Tier - 1
Ans. Beyond one’s capacity to Ans. Definitive proof of truth or (4/06/2019 - 13/06/2019)
understand - कोई ऐसी चीज जो आपके समझने falsehood - एक ऐसा सबूत जो स ाई या झूठ
की मता से बाहर हो या सच को प से सािबत कर दे गा Q.1437. To play ducks and drakes
Ans. To use recklessly - लापरवाही से
Q.1406. Mad as a hatter Q.1423. At arm's length इ ेमाल करना
Ans. Eccentric - सनकी Ans. Avoiding too much closeness - एक
हाथ की दू री बनाना Q.1438. At daggers drawn
Q.1407. Feather your own nest Ans. Bitterly hostile - ब त ादा कड़वाहट -
Ans. Make money unfairly or to satisfy Q.1424. Hand in glove दु नी होना
your needs by wrong way - गलत तरीके से Ans. In partnership for something
पैसे कमाना dishonest - िकसी गलत चीज के िलए साझेदारी Q.1439. Get out of hand
होना| Ans.Get out of control - काबू से बाहर हो
Q.1408. Be an old hat जाना
Ans. Be outdated - जो चलन म ना हो Q.1425. Dark horse
Ans. Someone who unexpectedly Q.1440. Costs an arm and a leg
Q.1409. Green Thumb succeeds - एक ऐसा िजस से उ ीद Ans.Very expensive - बेहद महं गा
Ans. To have talent in gardening - बागवानी नहीं की गई थी पर कामयाब हो जाए - लंबी रे स
म अ ा होना का घोड़ा Q.1441. Actions speak louder than

Q.1410. Head in the clouds Q.1426. Draw a blank Ans. What you do is more important than
Ans. To daydream - िदन म सपने दे खना Ans. Be unsuccessful - कामयाब ना होना what you say - करनी कथनी पर भारी होती है

Q.1411. To grease the palm Q.1427. Late in the day Q.1442. Pull someone's leg
Ans. To bribe someone - िकसी को र त दे ना

Q.1412. To take the bull by the horns

Ans. To face danger boldly - मुसीबत का
डटकर सामना करना

Q.1413. Take to task

Ans. Too delayed to be of any use
- इतनी दे र से आना िक िकसी काम का ना रहना

Q.1428. Left-handed compliment

Ans. Insulting remark appearing as
praise - इस कार बेइ ती करना िक वह
तारीफ़ तीक हो
Ans. Joke with someone - िकसी से मजाक

Q.1443. Give someone the cold shoulder

Ans. Ignore someone - िकसी को नजरअंदाज
Ans. To rebuke or to blame someone for Q.1444. Pull yourself together
something that he has done wrong - िकसी Q.1429. Bolt from the blue Ans. Calm down - शां त करना
पर फटकार लगाना. Ans. Something sudden that happens
unexpectedly - कोई ऐसी चीज जो अचानक हो Q.1445. Couch potato
Q.1414. Turn a deaf ear जाए Ans. A person who watches too much
Ans. To pay no heed - ान ना दे ना

television - एक ऐसा इं सान जो ब त ादा

Q.1430. Put your best foot forward टीवी दे खता हो ,आलसी हो और सोफे पर पड़ा रहे
Q.1415. Face the music Ans. Try as hard as one can - पूरी मेहनत
Ans. Face the criticism and pay the करना Q.1446. Lead someone by the nose
penalty for what you have done - िनंदा का Ans. To dominate someone - िकसी पर
सामना करना और जो गड़बड़ की है उसका Q.1431. At snail's pace हावी होना
भुगतान करना Ans. Do something very slowly - ब त
धीरे -धीरे कुछ करना Q.1447. Butterflies in the stomach
Q.1416. Have one's hands full Ans. Being nervous - घबरा जाना

Ans. To be very busy that you can not Q.1432. Make short work of something
take on any work - ब त ादा होना Ans. Dispose of Quickly - ज ी िनपटारा Q.1448. Out of the woods
करने की कोिशश करना Ans. No longer in trouble - मुसीबत म ना
Q.1417. Pass the hat होना
Ans. To collect money - पैसे इक े करना Q.1433. Make no headway
Ans. Unable to progress ahead - जहाँ से Q.1449. Lock, stock and barrel
Q.1418. As the crow flies आगे तर ी संभव ना हो Ans. Completely - पूरी तरह से
Ans. The shortest route - सबसे छोटा रा ा
Q.1434. Be an open book Q.1450. In the Pink
Q.1419. In a pickle Ans. One about whom it is easy to know Ans. In a good health - अ ी सेहत म
Ans. In trouble - मुसीबत म everything - खुली िकताब
Q.1451. Lend an ear
Q.1420. Red-letter day Q.1435. cross the bridge when I come to Ans. To pay attention to - ान दे ना
Ans. A very special day - एक बेहद मह पूण it.
िदन Ans. Deal with something only when Q.1452. Bolt from the blue.
necessary - जब मुसीबत आएगी तब िनपटगे Ans. An unexpected disaster - एक ऐसी
Q.1421. Rule the roost आपदा िजसकी आपने उ ीद नहीं की थी
Ans. To make all the decisions - सभी Q. 1436. Of both worlds
फैसले करना Ans. All the advantages - सभी फायदे Q.1453. Kicked up a row. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 142
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 28 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
Ans. Created a fuss - हं गामा खड़ा कर दे ना शािमल होना Ans. Something that makes a good
situation even better - सोने पर सुहागा
Q.1454. Living from hand to mouth. Q.1472. Under the nose
Ans. Consuming daily what little is Ans. Right in front of him - ठीक सामने कुछ Q.1488. Donkey years
earned - जो आप रोज कमाते ह उसी का सेवन घिटत होना Ans. A very long time - ब त लंबे समय से -
करना. ब त लंबी अविध
Q.1473. To one’s heart content
Q.1455. Cut to the Quick Ans. As much as he wanted to - िदल Q.1489. Take heart
Ans. Hurt intensely - चोट प ं चाना खोलकर Ans. To take courage or to feel
encouraged - ो ािहत महसूस करना
Q.1456. A square peg in a round hole Q.1474. "Suit you to a T,"
Ans. A misfit in the environment - माहौल Ans. Look very good on your face - िकसी Q.1490. To get a gold star
म िफट ना होना चीज का िकसी पर ब त अ ा लगना Ans. To earn a merit point for doing well -
अ े दशन के िलए मे रट पॉइं ट पाना
Q.1457. Keep the wolf from the door. SSC CPO 2018 Tier - 1
Ans. Avoid starvation - भूखा मरने से बचाना (12/03/2019 to 16/03/2019) Q.1491. To be taken aback
Ans. To be surprised - चिकत होना
Q.1458. Ended in smoke. Q.1475. Inns and Outs
Ans. Yielded no result - कोई प रणाम न दे ना Ans. Details - िव ार पूवक जानना Q.1492. A lot on your plate

Ans. Having many responsibilities - ब त
Q.1459. The sword of Damocles. Q.1476. Left in the lurch िज ेदा रयां होना
Ans. A constant threat - लगातार मंडराता Ans. Leave someone in a helpless
आ खतरा condition - िकसी को एक असहाय Q.1493. A sea change
थित म छोड़ना Ans. A radical change - ब त जबरद
Q.1460. Walk the tight rope
Ans. Be very cautious - ब त

Q.1461. Blow one’s top

Ans. Be very angry - ब त
ादा सतक

ादा नाराज

Q.1462. Put the cart before the horse

Q.1477. Feather one’s own nest
Ans. Enrich oneself by dishonest means -
बेईमानी से पैसे कमाना

Q.1478. Pulling one’s legs


Q.1494. A safe pair of hands

Ans. A reliable person - िव सनीय

Q.1495. Hot potato

Ans. A controversial issue - कोई
Ans. Playing a joke with someone - िकसी
Ans. Do last things first - बाद वाली चीजों को के साथ मजाक करना िववादा द मु ा
पहले करना
Q.1479. To make both ends meet Q.1496. At stone’s throw
Q.1463. Speaks Volume Ans. Earn enough to survive - इतना कमाना Ans. A short distance - ब त छोटी दू री
Ans. Gives enough proof - िकसी चीज के िक गुजर बसर हो सके
िलए काफ़ी माण होना
Q.1497. A dog’s life
Q.1480. Fed up Ans. A miserable existence - कु े जैसी
Q.1464.Out of the woods Ans. Disgusted or annoyed - िकसी से िजंदगी - ब त बुरी िजंदगी
Ans. Out of danger - खतरे से बाहर परे शान हो जाना
Q.1498. To miss the boat
Q.1465. To feather one’s own nest Q.1481. Feather in the cap Ans. Lose an opportunity by not acting
Ans. Promote their own interest - यं के Ans. An accomplishment to be proud of - on it quickly enough - सि यता ना िदखाने
िनजी िहत के िलए काम करना एक ऐसी उपल िजसके िलए गव महसूस हो की वजह से कोई अ ा अवसर खो दे ना

Q.1466. All ears. Q.1482. In the long run Q.1499. A fish out of water
Ans. Very attentive - पूरा ान दे ना Ans. Eventually - आ खरकार Ans. In unfamiliar circumstances - एक
ब त ही मु ल प र थित म होना
Q.1467. Swollen- headed Q.1483. To go out of hand
Ans. To be conceited or to be arrogant - Ans. To become uncontrollable - िनयं ण Q.1500. Can’t cut the mustard
घमंडी से बाहर होना Ans. To be unable to do a job - िकसी काम
म सफलता न पाना
Q.1468. Playing with fire Q.1484. Drive up the wall
Ans. Taking a grave risk - खतरा उठाना Ans. To irritate someone very much - Q.1501. To left no stone unturned
िकसी को ब त नाराज कर दे ना Ans. To make all possible efforts - सभी
Q.1469. Turned a deaf ear संभव यास करना
Ans. Neglected - नजरअंदाज करना Q.1485. The whole nine yards
Ans. The entirety of something - शु आत Q.1502. To a pigeonhole
Q.1470. Nipped in the bed से अंत तक Ans. To typecast someone - गलत िच ण
Ans. Dropped at an early stage - शु आती करना
े ज पर ही ख कर दे ना Q.1486. Give a slip
Ans. To escape - बच िनकलना Q.1503. To make no bones about
Q.1471. In the running Ans. To state something clearly - कोई
Ans. Contesting the seat - ित धा म Q.1487. Icing on the cake बात कहना Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 143
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 28 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
Q.1504. To hold a brief for Ans. Beginning to understand the work Ans. Do something that is legal and
Ans. To support someone’s cause - िकसी and feeling confident. - धीरे धीरे चीज समझ acceptable - कुछ ऐसा कर जो कानूनी और
का समथन करना म आना और आ िव ास आना ीकाय हो

Q.1505. To blow hot and cold Q.1518. To lend ears to Q.1531. Twist someone’s arm
Ans. To be friendly and unfriendly at the Ans. To politely ask for someone’s full Ans. To force someone to do something
same time - एक ही समय पर दो िवपरीत बात attention - िवन ता पूवक िकसी से पूरी तरह से by making hard for them to refuse - िकसी
कहना या करना ान दे ने को कहना को मजबूर करना

Q.1506. Backseat driving Q.1519. Get down to brass tacks Q.1532. Get down to brass tacks
Ans. Interfering in affairs without having Ans. Start taking up the most important Ans. To start talking about the basic
knowledge - िबना ादा जानकारी ए िकसी facts of a situation - िकसी प र थित के facts of a situation - िकसी थित के मूल
मामले म ह ेप करना मह पूण त ों पर ान दे ना त ों के बारे म बात करना

Q.1507. To carry a chip on the shoulder Q.1520. Always a bridesmaid never a Q.1533. To dwell in an argument with a
Ans. Entertaining a grudge over a past bride foolish person is like beating the air
event - मन म कड़वाहट पालना Ans. Someone who always comes Ans. Useless task - बेकार काम
second - एक ऐसा इं सान जो सदा दू सरे पायदान
Q.1508. A wolf in the sheep's cloth. पर रहता है सबसे मह पूण कभी नहीं होता Q.1534. After the road accident, in which

Ans. A dangerous person pretending to Nilam was severely injured, everyday
be harmless - एक खतरनाक जो शरीफ Q.1521. Go against the grain believed that she was on her last legs
होने का ढोंग रच रहा है - भेड़ की खाल म भेिड़या Ans. Something in conflict with one’s Ans. Near to death - मौत के करीब
value system - एक ऐसा जो अपने ही
Q.1509. A flash in the pan मू ों के खलाफ जा रहा है Q.1535. His reckless behavior forced me
Ans. An early promise that fails to
materialize - एक ऐसा वादा जो िनभाया नहीं

Q.1510. To be greek to someone

Ans. Difficult to understand. - कुछ भी
समझ म ना आना
Q.1522. To beat a dead horse
Ans. A futile effort - थ की कोिशश

Q.1523. To caught red-handed

Ans. To catch someone doing something
illegal - रं गे हाथों पकड़ा जाना
to give him a piece of my mind
Ans. To scold - फटकारना

Q.1536. Imran wanted to be a wild life

photographer , but his father was dead
set against the idea
Ans. Disapproved - अ ीकृत
Q.1511. To put all the cards on the table Q. 1537. 'Having a whale of a time'
Ans. To be honest or to reveal something Ans. Enjoying oneself thoroughly - खुद म
that is kept secret - अपने प े खोलना - सभी
(05/02/2019 - 08/02/2019) खोना
चीज इमानदारी से बता दे ना
Q.1524. Smell a rat
Q.1538. The biker was coming at a great
Ans. Have a reason to suspect
Q.1512. To be Devil’s advocate speed, I escaped colliding with him by
something - संदेह का कारण
Ans. To present a counter argument just the skin of my teeth.
for the sake of it - खोट िनकालने वाला Ans. Having a narrow escape - एक संकीण
Q.1525. Move heaven and earth
Ans. Make every effort to achieve
Q.1513. To give cold shoulder
something - कुछ हािसल करने के िलए हर
Ans. Ignore or show indifference - ान न Q.1539. I met this girl at a party and to
संभव यास करना
दे ना - नजरअंदाज करना cut a long story short, I married her.
Ans. To tell something briefly - सं ेप म

Q.1526. In the nick of time

Q.1514. Get a taste of your own कुछ बताना
Ans. At the possible moment - संभािवत
Ans. Be given the same treatment that Q.1540. The two brothers don’t see eye
you have given to others - अपनी दवाई का to eye on property matters.
Q.1527. To turn over a new leaf
ाद खुद चखना - दू सरों का आपके साथ वही Ans. Agree with each other - एक दू सरे से
Ans. To change your behaviour in a
वहार करना जो आप उनके साथ करते ह सहमत
positive way - अपने वहार को सकारा क
तरीके से बदलना
Q.1515. If it's not one thing, it's another Q.1541. The children of a businessman
Ans. When one thing goes wrong, then learn the ropes at an early age.
Q.1528. Wash one’s hands off something
another, and another - एक के बाद एक सब Ans. Learn to do particular jobs - िवशेष
Ans. Refuse to be responsible for
चीज गलत होने लगना काय करना सीखना
something - िकसी चीज़ के िलए िज़ ेदार होने
से इं कार करना
Q.1516. Don’t count your chickens before Q.1542. They visit their once in a blue
they hatch moon
Q.1529. Give someone the cold shoulder
Ans. Do not count on a good thing that Ans. Very rarely - ब त मु ल से ही
Ans. Deliberately ignore someone -
has not yet happened - चीजों के घिटत होने
जानबूझ कर िकसी को नज़रअंदाज करना Q.1543. By working from home she is
से पहले ब त ादा उ ीद नहीं करना
able to work as well as look after the
Q.1530. Sail close to the wind house. This way she has the best of both
Q.1517. To find one’s feet Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 144
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 28 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
the worlds Q.1558. Play havoc Q.1575. When pigs fly
Ans. Enjoying two opportunities Ans. To worsen the situation - थित खराब Ans. Something that will never happen -
together - एक साथ दो अवसरों का आनंद लेना करना अस व

Q.1544. The graveyard shift Q.1559. Tall order Q.1576. Hear it on the grapevine
Ans. The work shift during the night, Ans. Difficult demand - मु ल मां ग Ans. To hear a secret from a third
often from midnight to 8 a.m. - रात म काम person - िकसी तीसरे से रह सुनना
करना Q.1560. Explore every avenue
Ans. To look for every possible means - Q.1577. A chip on your shoulder
Q.1545. Straight from the horse's mouth हर संभव साधन की तलाश करना Ans. You are holding a grudge - े ष रखना
Ans. Hear something from someone who
has direct, personal knowledge - िकसी ऐसे Q.1561. In the same boat Q.1578. Ball is in your court
से कुछ सुन िजसे , गत ान हो Ans. Having the same problem as of Ans. It is upto you to decide something -
others - सां झी सम ा दािय िकसी और का है
Q.1546. Take with a pinch of salt
Ans. Not believe completely something Q.1562. Stand one's ground Q.1579. Burst your bubble
that you are told - कहे सुने पर िव ास ना Ans. To maintain one’s position - अपनी Ans. To ruin someone's happiness - िकसी
करना थित बनाए रखना की खुशी को बबाद करना

Q.1547. Barking up the wrong tree Q.1563. Watch one’s step
Ans. Chasing a false trail - एक झूठे िनशान Ans. Warning to someone to walk or act
का पीछा करना carefully - चेतावनी दे ना

Q.1548. Do something at the drop of a Q.1564. Give oneself airs

Ans. Do something without having
planned beforehand - पहले से योजना बनाए
िबना कुछ करना


Ans. To act better than one really is -
बेहतरी से काय करना

Q.1565. Make ducks and drakes of

Ans. To waste - बबाद करना

Q.1566. Be an open book

(4/09/2017 - 7/09/2017)
Ans. To be easy to understand - समझने म
Q.1549. Break down आसान होना
Ans. To fall - टू टना
Q.1567. Wide of the mark
Q.1550. Lend one’s ear Ans. Inaccurate - ुिटपूण

Ans. To listen attentively - ान से सुनना

Q.1568. To have a bee in one’s bonnet
Q.1551. Bank on something Ans. To be obsessed with
Ans. To rely on something - िकसी चीज पर something - िकसी चीज़ के ित आस होना
भरोसा करना
Q.1569. Utopian
Q.1552. Make up one’s mind Ans. Idealistic - आदशवादी
Ans. To decide something - िकसी बात का
िनणय लेना Q.1570. Come to grief

Ans. To experience something

Q.1553. Catch on unpleasant - कुछ अि य अनुभव करना
Ans. To become popular - लोकि य बनना
Q.1571. Make a clean breast of it
Q.1554. To grease the palm Ans. To confess completely - पूरी तरह
Ans. To bribe someone - र त दे ना कबूल करना

Q.1555. Chicken out Q.1572. Put the saddle on right horse

Ans. To refuse to do something due to Ans. To blame the right party - उिचत
fear - डर के कारण कुछ करने से मना करना दोषारोपण

Q.1556. Cut the gordian knot Q.1573. Strike while the iron is hot
Ans. Removed the difficulty - मु ल को Ans. To make use of opportunity - मौके
दू र िकया जाना का लाभ उठाना

Q.1557. Long and short of it Q.1574. Best thing since sliced bread
Ans. The summary of the matter - मामले Ans. A good invention - एक अ ा
का सारां श आिव ार Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 145

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 29 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Antonyms - disperse, scatter, dissipate Antonyms - single, individual, separate
ANTONYMS 12. Accuracy - ( सटीकता ) 24. Aggressive - ( आ ामक )
Synonyms - correctness, exactness, Synonyms - hostile, militant, belligerent,
[A] precision, rightness attacking
Antonyms - inaccuracy, error, anomaly Antonyms - laid back, easy-going
1. Abandon - ( ाग दे ना )
13. Accuse - ( आरोप लगाना ) 25. Agree - ( ीकार करना )
Synonyms - desert, leave, quit, forgo,
Synonyms - arraign, charge, indict, Synonyms - accept, consent, nod,
renounce, surrender
denounce, incriminate, allege accede, tally, concur
Antonyms - continue, keep, pursue
Antonyms - absolve, defend, exonerate Antonyms - disagree, differ, contradict
2. Abash - ( शिमदा करना )
14. Acquire - ( अिधकार करना ) 26. Alert - ( सावधान )
Synonyms - discourage, confound,
Synonyms - gain, get, procure, obtain, Synonyms - observant, vigilant, wary,
secure, win watchful, keen
Antonyms - encourage, comfort,
Antonyms - forfeit, forgo, relinquish Antonyms - asleep, drowsy, inattentive

15. Acute - ( तेज़ ) 27. Alliance - ( गठबंधन )

3. Abolish - ( समा करना )

Synonyms - receptive, accurate, piercing, Synonyms - coalition, union, association,
Synonyms - cancel, nullify, annul,
sharp, incisive, shrill group
invalidate, negate
Antonyms - dim, dull, obtuse Antonyms -antagonism, discord, hostility
Antonyms - establish, set up, begin

16. Adamant - ( अटल ) 28. Alone - (अकेला )

4. Abound - ( भरपूर होना )
Synonyms - flourish, swell, teem, plentiful
Antonyms - deficient, destitute, want,

5. Abrupt - ( अचानक )
Synonyms - hurried, sudden, blunt, curt,
Synonyms - stubborn, obdurate,
inflexible, rigid
Antonyms - flexible, tender, adjusting

17. Adequate -( पया )

Synonyms - enough, satisfactory,
Synonyms - lonely, single, solitary ,
isolated, apart
Antonyms - together, accompanied,

29. Amazing - ( आ यजनक )

Synonyms - fantastic, fabulous,
Antonyms - deficient, wanting, incredible, marvelous
Antonyms - smooth, gradual
insufficient Antonyms - ordinary, commonplace,
6. Accomplish - ( पूरा करना )
18. Admire - ( शंसा करना )
Synonyms - achieve, attain, gain, reach, ,
Synonyms - appreciate, praise, value, 30. Ambitious - ( मह ाकां ी )
respect, like, regard Synonyms - aspiring, eager, longing,
Antonyms - fail, forsake, give up
Antonyms - blame, condemn, disapprove ardent
Antonyms - indifferent, disinterested,
7. Abstract - ( अमूत )
19. Adopt - ( गोद लेना ) unexcited
Synonyms - hypothetical, theoretic,
Synonyms - affirm, approve, confirm,
sanction, pass, ratify 31. Amend - ( संशोधन करना )
Antonyms- concrete, definite, factual
Antonyms - disclaim, disown, renounce Synonyms - improve, correct, rectify,
8. Absurd - ( बेतुका )
20. Adventurous - ( रोमांचकारी ) Antonyms - blemish, impair, worsen

Synonyms - foolish, idiotic, silly, insane,

Synonyms - bold, daredevil, daring,
enterprising, dangerous, risky 32. Amplify - ( बढ़ा - चढ़ाकर )
Antonyms - logical, reasonable, rational
Antonyms - cautious, safe, timid Synonyms - boost, enlarge, expand,
9. Abundant - ( चुर )
21. Adversity - ( मुसीबत ) Antonyms - lessen, compress,
Synonyms - ample, generous, heavy,
Synonyms - misfortune , haplessness, summarize
bountiful, plentiful
affliction, hardship
Antonyms - rare, shortage, scarce
Antonyms - prosperity, fortune 33. Amuse - ( मनोरं जन करना )
Synonyms - entertain, divert, delight,
10. Accelerate - ( तेज़ करना )
22. Affection - ( लगाव ) please
Synonyms - hasten, hurry/quicken,
Synonyms - attachment, liking, love, Antonyms - bore, annoy, fatigue
hustle, expedite, speed up
fondness, loyalty
Antonyms - decelerate, retard, slow
Antonyms - enmity, hatred, dislike 34. Ancient - ( ाचीन )
Synonyms - old, archaic, obsolete,
23. Aggregate - ( सकल, जोड़ ) outdated
11. Accumulate - ( जमा करना )
Synonyms - amount, sum, total, totality, Antonyms - modern, new, young
Synonyms - aggregate, amass, collect,
entirety, gross
garner, gather, pile up Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 146

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 29 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
35. Anonymous - ( अनाम ) 47. Attain - ( ा करना ) Antonyms - dexterous, adept, skillful
Synonyms - nameless, unnamed, Synonyms - achieve, accomplish, reach,
unidentified, mysterious gain, get, realize 59. Apparent - ( )
Antonyms - identified, known, named Antonyms - desert, forfeit, surrender Synonyms - evident, obvious, perceptible,
36. Anxiety - ( िचंता ) 48. Attentive - ( सावधान ) Antonyms - masked, obscure, indistinct,
Synonyms - unease, concern, worry, Synonyms - heedful, regardful, doubtful
angst considerate, responsive
Antonyms - composure, assurance, Antonyms - heedless, inattentive, 60. Allure - ( लुभाना )
quietude neglectful Synonyms - entice, fascinate, tempt,
37. Appealing - ( आकषक ) 49. Attract - ( आकिषत करना ) Antonyms - repulse, repel, deter, distaste
Synonyms - tempting, alluring, Synonyms - appeal, draw, entice, allure,
fascinating, charming fascinate 61. Abortive - ( िन ल )
Antonyms - disagreeable, unappealing Antonyms - repel, repulse, deter . Synonyms - vain, useless, fruitless,
38. Appreciate - (तारीफ़ करना ) 50. Auspicious - ( शुभ ) Antonyms - effectual, productive,
Synonyms - value, welcome, admire, Synonyms - opportune, propitious, successful

cherish, recognize favourable, fortunate
Antonyms - disregard, condemn, Antonyms - hopeless, unlucky, ill - fated 62. Abominable - ( िघनौना )
disapprove Synonyms - odious, detestable,
51. Authentic - ( असली ) repugnant, aversion
39. Apprentice - ( नौिस खया ) Synonyms - credible, genuine, valid, real, Antonyms - affectionate, enjoyable
Synonyms - learner, beginner, novice,
intern, trainee
Antonyms - mentor, teacher, experienced

40. Approve - ( मंज़ूरी दे ना )

Synonyms - accept, like, support, ratify,

Antonyms - counterfeit, fake, unreal

52. Autonomous - ( आज़ाद )

Synonyms - free, independent, sovereign,
Antonyms - dependent, bound, subject'
63. Allay - ( शांत करना )
Synonyms - pacify, soothe, lighten,
Antonyms - aggravate, excite

64. Axiom - ( िस ांत )

Antonyms - censure, deplore, disallow Synonyms - maxim, saying, dictum, truth
53. Average - ( औसत ) Antonyms - absurdity, ridiculousness,
41. Arrogance - ( घमंड ) Synonyms - moderate, usual, typical, irrelevant
Synonyms - haughtiness, insolence, ordinary
egotism, pride, superciliousness Antonyms - exceptional, outstanding, 65. Assiduous - ( प र मी )
Antonyms - humility, meekness, servility unusual Synonyms - constant, diligent,
42. Artificial - ( कृि म ) 54. Avoid - ( टालना ) Antonyms - indifference, careless,
Synonyms - synthetic, sham, fake, Synonyms - escape, shun, evade, elude, indolent,
deceptive, unnatural, false dodge
Antonyms - genuine, real, natural Antonyms - face, seek, want 66. Abjure - ( ागना )
Synonyms - forsake, renounce, retract,
43. Ascend - ( ऊपर उठना ) 55. Awake - ( जागना ) revoke
Synonyms - rise, mount, spring, climb, Synonyms - conscious, aware, alert, Antonyms - approve, sanction, patronise,

soar, increase roused, wakeful adopt

Antonyms - decline, descend, lower Antonyms - asleep, unconscious, lull
67. Abject - ( घृणा )
44. Assist - ( सहायता करना ) 56. Aware - ( जानकार ) Synonyms - despicable, servile, base,
Synonyms - help, support, aid, abet, Synonyms - cognizant, attentive, contemptible
relieve responsive Antonyms - commendable, praiseworthy,
Antonyms - hinder, oppose, thwart Antonyms - ignorant, unaware,
insensitive 68. Aversion - ( घृणा )
45. Assurance - ( आ ासन ) Synonyms - dislike, hatred, indifferent,
Synonyms - guarantee, promise, 57. Awful - ( डरावना ) apathy
certainty, belief Synonyms - dreadful, shocking, horrible, Antonyms - affection, fondness,
Antonyms - uncertainty, doubt terrible, appalling niceness, liking
Antonyms - pleasing, charming, beautiful
46. Astonishing - ( चौका दे ने वाला ) 69. Authentic - ( िव सनीय )
Synonyms - surprising, astounding, 58. Awkward - ( अजीब ) Synonyms - genuine, reliable/valid,
amazing Synonyms - clumsy, graceless, inept, guaranteed
Antonyms - dull, unimpressive, boring cumbersome Antonyms - fictitious, counterfeit, unreal,
false Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 147
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 29 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
70. Audacity - ( साहस ) Synonyms - terminate, end, abandon, call 93. Acumen - ( चतुर )
Synonyms - boldness, arrogance, off, stop, halt Synonyms - insight, wisdom, expertise,
insolence Antonyms - continue, keep, sustain sagacity, astuteness
Antonyms - mildness, humility, Antonyms - ineptness, stupidity,
cowardice, 82. Abscond - ( फ़रार होना ) ignorance
Synonyms - decamp, escape, flee, break
71. Abettor - ( सह-अपराधी ) out, run away, get away 94. Adjacent - ( सि कट )
Synonyms - accomplice Antonyms - remain, stay, emerge Synonyms - close, nearby, next,
Antonyms - opponent, adversary contiguous, bordering, flanking
antagonist, rival 83. Abstain - ( दू र रहना ) Antonyms - distant, remote, apart
Synonyms - refrain, withhold, desist,
72. Abate - ( कम करना ) withdraw, curb 95. Admonish - ( चेतावनी दे ना )
Synonyms - moderate, mitigate, lessen, Antonyms - persist, pursue, offer Synonyms - rebuke, reprimand, reproach,
decrease chide, reprove, scold
Antonyms - aggravate, intensify augment 84. Accessible - ( प ँ चने यो ) Antonyms - applaud, praise, approve
Synonyms - handy, nearby, available,
73. Arraign - ( दोष लगाना ) reachable, manageable, convenient 96. Adore - ( ब त पसंद करना )
Synonyms - charge, blame, accuse, Antonyms - restricted, inaccessible, Synonyms - idolise, revere, venerate,

complain limited worship, glorify, exalt
Antonyms - exculpate, pardon, condone Antonyms -abhor, despise, loathe
85. Accessory - ( सहायक )
74. Affront - ( अपमािनत करना ) Synonyms - ancillary, assistant, auxiliary, 97. Adulterate - ( िमलावट करना )
Synonyms - provoke, exasperate, collateral, subsidiary, supportive Synonyms - debase, pollute, taint,
indignity ,irreverence
Antonyms - conciliate, appease, mollify,

75. Antipathy - ( दु नी )
Synonyms - hostility, aversion disillusion,
Antonyms - principal, unsupportive, main

86. Accommodating - ( िमलनसार )

Synonyms - agreeable, obliging,
complaisant, willing, cooperating, helpful
Antonyms - alienating, disobliging,
impure, soil, infect
Antonyms - cleanse, filter, purify

98. Adverse - ( ितकूल )

Synonyms - opposing, unfavorable,
contrary, hostile, antagonistic,
Antonyms - admiration, approval, Antonyms - favorable, propitious,
fascination 87. Accomplice - ( सह-अपराधी ) advantageous
Synonyms - assistant, accessory,
76. Acrimony - ( कड़वाहट ) collaborator, partner, abettor, conspirator 99. Affluent - ( धनी )
Synonyms - harshness, bitterness, Antonyms - adversary, enemy, opponent Synonyms - moneyed, rich, wealthy,
inhumanity, enmity prosperous, well-off, well-to-do
Antonyms - sweetness, courtesy, 88. Accord - ( सहमत होना ) Antonyms - needy, impoverished,
humanity Synonyms - agreement, treaty, destitute
settlement, deal, concord, pact
77. Accumulation - ( जमा करना ) Antonyms - disagreement, denial, refusal 100. Aggravate - ( बढ़ाना )
Synonyms - store, amass, preservation, Synonyms - enhance, intensify, augment,
conservation 89. Acquaint - ( अवगत कराना ) annoy, bother, pester
Antonyms - scattering, dissipation, Synonyms - inform, apprise, notify, Antonyms - appease, mollify, relieve
separation familiarize, enlighten, tell

Antonyms - conceal, hide, withhold 101. Agile - ( फुत ला )

78. Abash - ( अपमािनत करना ) Synonyms - brisk, facile, nimble, swift,
Synonyms - humiliate, humble, denigrate, 90. Acquit - ( बरी करना ) sprightly, supple
debase, mortify, reduce Synonyms - absolve, vindicate, free, Antonyms -.clumsy, stiff, brittle
Antonyms - exalt, upgrade, dignify release, exonerate, exculpate
Antonyms - convict, sentence, limit 102. Agitate - ( आं दोलन करना )
79. Abhor - ( नफ़रत करना ) Synonyms - protest, stir, disturb, churn,
Synonyms - despise, detest, loathe, 91. Acme - ( िशखर ) perturb, ruffle
abominate, dislike, execrate Synonyms - peak, top, zenith, pinnacle, Antonyms - quiet, lull, soothe
Antonyms - love, yearn, admire culmination, apogee
Antonyms - bottom, nadir, minimum 103. Agony - ( था )
80. Abide - ( पालन करना ) Synonyms - anguish, distress, Misery,
Synonyms - accept, tolerate, stand for, 92. Acrid - ( तीखा ) torment, woe, affliction
withstand, bear, endure Synonyms - bitter, harsh, sour, vitriolic, Antonyms - peace, comfort, happiness
Antonyms - shun, quit, migrate acerbic, caustic
Antonyms - delicious, savory, 104. Aid - ( सहायता करना )
81. Abort - ( र करना ) complimentary Synonyms - abet, boost, help, succour, Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 148

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 29 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
facilitate, sustain 116. Animosity - ( दु नी ) Antonyms - contemporary, modern,
Antonyms - block, hinder, obstruct Synonyms - acrimony, antipathy, recent
malevolence, bitterness, malice, rancor
105. Alight - ( नीचे आना ) Antonyms - congeniality, harmony, 128. Assert - ( दावा करना )
Synonyms - land, get off, descend, benevolence Synonyms - affirm, avow, contend,
dismount, perch, settle proclaim, stress, emphasise
Antonyms - board,mount, get on 117. Annex - ( हड़पना ) Antonyms - deny, reject, refuse
Synonyms - affix, append, attach,
106. Alike - ( एक जैसा ) capture, seize, appropriate 129. Abdicate - ( ाग करना )
Synonyms - analogous, comparable, Antonyms - detach, relinquish, leave Synonyms - cede, relinquish, renounce,
identical, similar, uniform, equivalent abandon, render
Antonyms - distinct, diverse, dissimilar 118. Annoy - ( परे शान करना ) Antonyms - hold, retain, maintain
Synonyms - exasperate, fret, irk, infuriate,
107. Allege - ( आरोप लगाना ) upset, enrage 130. Aberration - ( असामा ता )
Synonyms - assert, claim, charge, Antonyms - gratify, gladden, delight Synonyms - divergence, anomaly,
contend, declare, maintain eccentricity, deviance, peculiarity,
Antonyms - contradict, deny, disagree 119. Anomalous - ( अिनयिमत ) derangement
Synonyms - aberrant, deviant, jarring, Antonyms - conformity, regularity,

108. Alleviate - ( कम करना ) inconsistent, unusual , unnatural sameness
Synonyms - allay, assuage, ease, Antonyms - conforming, regular, standard
mitigate, relieve, palliate 131. Abet - ( बढ़ावा दे ना )
Antonyms - aggravate, intensify, magnify 120. Apex - ( चोटी ) Synonyms - connive, incite, succour,
Synonyms - crest, crown, peak, summit, boost, aid, urge
109. Aloof - ( अलग )
Synonyms - reticent, solitary, withdrawn,
detached, snooty, standoffish
Antonyms - friendly, sociable, concerned

110. Alter - ( बदलना )

Synonyms - change, modify, vary, amend,
pinnacle, zenith
Antonyms - nadir, lowest point, zero level

121. Apparent - ( )
Synonyms - distinct, obvious, evident,
perceptible, visible, outward
Antonyms - hazy, indistinct, vague
Antonyms - hinder, inhibit, block

132. Aboriginal - ( ाचीन )

Synonyms - native, indigenous, endemic,
original, local
Antonyms - foreigner, outsider, immigrant
revise, rework 133. Accede - ( सहमत होना )
Antonyms - maintain, preserve, retain 122. Appease - ( खुश करना ) Synonyms - comply, grant, acquiesce,
Synonyms - assuage, conciliate, mollify, assent, subscribe, nod
111. Amateur - ( अनुभवहीन ) pacify, placate, soothe Antonyms - demur, denounce, protest
Synonyms - dabbler, unprofessional, Antonyms - aggravate, incite, provoke
134. Acclaim - ( शंसा करना )
slapdash, shoddy, inept, clumsy
Antonyms - professional, expert, 123. Applaud - ( तािलयाँ बजाना ) Synonyms - commend, eulogise, exalt,
proficient Synonyms - cheer, acclaim, commend, extol, glorify, laud
laud, root, compliment Antonyms - berate , damn , vituperate,
112. Amenity - ( सुिवधा ) Antonyms - boo, hiss, disparage blame , censure
Synonyms - facility, convenience,
comfort, cordiality, warmth, geniality 124. Apprise - ( सूचना दे ना ) 135. Accolade - ( पुर ार )
Antonyms - inconvenience, misbehavior , Synonyms - acquaint, advise, inform, Synonyms - distinction, honour, tribute,
disruption enlighten, educate, notify award, laurel, kudos

Antonyms - depreciate, undervalue, Antonyms - criticism, blame, accusation

113. Ambiguous - ( अ ) mystify
Synonyms - vague, obscure, uncertain, 136. Acquisition - ( अिध हण )
cloudy, nebulous, hazy 125. Apt - ( उिचत ) Synonyms - accession, Accomplishment,
Antonyms - explicit, lucid, clear Synonyms - appropriate, befitting, procurement, possession, gain,
pertinent, competent attainment
114. Analogous - ( अनु प ) Antonyms - improper, gauche, maladroit Antonyms - loss, dearth, lack
Synonyms - alike, comparable,
corresponding, akin, consonant, parallel 126. Arbitrary - ( मनमाना ) 137. Acrimonious - (कटु )
Antonyms - disparate, dissimilar, unlike Synonyms - random, illogical, capricious, Synonyms - bitter, rancorous, resentful,
indiscriminate, haphazard, discretionary virulent, discordant, hostile
115. Anguish - ( तड़प ) Antonyms - consistent, logical, Antonyms - affable, benign, forgiving
Synonyms - distress, wretchedness, reasonable
suffering, grief, sorrow, angst 138. Adept - ( कुशल )
Antonyms - contentment, solace, 127. Archaic - ( पुराना ) Synonyms - proficient, skilled, adroit,
happiness , comfort, joy Synonyms - ancient, antique, hoary, dexterous, masterly, crack
prehistoric, outdated, dowdy Antonyms - awkward, clumsy, inept Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 149

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 29 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
139. Adherent - ( अनुयायी ) Antonyms - worsen, aggravate, provoke Synonyms - disorder, lawlessness, chaos,
Synonyms - enthusiast, follower, mayhem, riot, misrule
151. Altercation - ( िववाद )
aficionado, cohort, disciple Antonyms -.order, rule, lawfulness
Antonyms - an opponent, cynic, Synonyms - argument, bicker, contention,
dispute, squabble, row
disbeliever 162. Annul - ( र करना )
Antonyms - agreement, concord, Synonyms - abolish, abrogate, void,
140. Adroit - ( िनपुण ) harmony rescind, negate, invalidate
Synonyms - deft, nimble, competent, Antonyms - retain, validate, keep
152. Altruistic - ( परोपकारी )
neat, slick
Synonyms - beneficent, benevolent,
Antonyms - inept, unskilled, stupid 163. Antagonism - ( िवरोध )
benign, selfless, philanthropic Synonyms - antipathy, animosity, enmity,
Antonyms - selfish, mercenary
141. Advent - ( आगमन ) hostility, resentment, contradiction
Synonyms - initiation, beginning, dawn, Antonyms - accord, rapport, agreement
153. Amalgamate - ( िमलाना )
appearance, arrival, coming
Antonyms - departure, end, culmination Synonyms - merge, mingle, mix, 164. Antithesis - ( िवरोध )
integrate, fuse, blend
Synonyms - contrast, opposition,
Antonyms - divide, separate, branch
142. Adversary - ( िवरोधी ) antagonism, polarity, contrariety,
Synonyms - antagonist, opponent, rival, converse
154. Amass - ( जमा करना )

foe, challenger Antonyms - same, conformity, uniformity
Synonyms - accrue, accumulate; garner,
Antonyms - ally, backer, supporter
hoard, stockpile, assemble
165. Apathy - ( उदासीनता )
143. Affinity - ( लगाव ) Antonyms - disperse, dissipate, scatter Synonyms - indifference, lassitude, ennui,
Synonyms - empathy, sympathy, kinship , droopiness, Listlessness, stolidity
155. Ameliorate - ( सुधारना )
Antonyms - dislike, hatred, dissimilarity

144. Affliction - ( रोग )

Synonyms - illness, infirmity, disorder,
indisposition, burden, scourge
Antonyms - aid, comfort, relief
degenerate ck
Synonyms - amend, improve, upgrade,
enrich, enhance, better
Antonyms - worsen, deteriorate,

156. Amenable - ( आ ाकारी )

Antonyms - care, concern, sympathy

166. Appalling - ( भयंकर )

Synonyms - awful, dreadful, ghastly,
horrendous, outrageous, atrocious
Antonyms - comforting, reassuring,
Synonyms - compliant, docile, obedient,
willing, docile, pliable
145. Affray - ( झगड़ा ) 167. Apposite - ( उपयु )
Synonyms - brawl, scuffle, commotion, Antonyms - defiant, noncompliant, Synonyms - Appropriate
tussle, tumult Antonym - Inappropriate
Antonyms - agreement, harmony, peace
157. Amicable - ( िम तापूण ) 168. Apprehension - ( डर )

Synonyms - friendly, warmhearted/

146. Aghast - ( डरा आ ) Synonyms - dread, fright, panic,
Synonyms - afraid, horrified, shocked, harmonious, good-humoured, polite, trepidation, detention, capture
appalled, apprehensive, funky Antonyms - calmness, contentment,
Antonyms - hostile, unfriendly,
Antonyms - unsurprised, unaffected, happiness
169. Ardent - ( उ ाही )
158. Amnesty - ( अपराध मा )
147. Agog - ( उ ाही ) Synonyms - fervent, passionate, avid,
Synonyms - ardent, avid, eager, Synonyms - forgiveness, pardon, sizzling, fiery, dedicated

remission, reprieve, absolution,

enthusiastic, curious, agape Antonyms - cold, dispassionate, frigid
Antonyms - incurious, uninterested,
Antonyms - censure, denunciation,
indifferent 170. Arduous - ( कमठ )
Synonyms - laborious, demanding,
148. Ail - ( पीड़ा दे ना ) exacting, rigorous, severe, strenuous
159. Amorous - ( कामुक )
Synonyms - distress, trouble, worry, Antonyms - easy, facile, effortless
Synonyms - erotic, lewd, lustful,
afflict, upset
passionate, ardent, infatuated
Antonyms - excite, comfort, cheer 171. Arid - ( बंजर )
Antonyms - unloving, detached, Synonyms - dry, parched, scorched,
149. Alienate - ( दू र कर दे ना ) barren/infertile,
Synonyms - disunite, estrange, distance, Antonyms - damp, moist, humid
160. Ample - ( चुर )
isolate, cede, separate
Synonyms - extensive, copious,
Antonyms - disarm, be friendly, conciliate 172. Articulate - ( ) /साफ़ साफ़ बोलना
substantial, abundant, bounteous,
Synonyms - eloquent, lucid, vocal,
150. Allay - ( शांत करना ) fecund, expressive, coherent
Antonyms - insufficient, meager, paltry
Synonyms - alleviate, assuage, lull, Antonyms - unintelligible, unclear,
palliate, calm, dispel misrepresented
161. Anarchy - ( अराजकता ) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 150

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 29 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
173. Aspersion - ( बदनामी ) Synonyms - keen, fervent, agog, 196. Bewilder - ( चिकत करना )
Synonyms - slander, smear, rapacious, ardent, solicitous Synonyms - baffle, confuse, daze,
disparagement Antonyms - dispassionate, indifferent, muddle, mystify
Antonyms - calmness, mildness, unenthusiastic Antonyms - enlighten, illuminate, explain
185. Awe - ( भय ) 197. Bewitching - ( जादु ई )
174. Assent - ( सहमत होना ) Synonyms - reverence, veneration, Synonyms - magical, fascinating
Synonyms - consent, nod, sanction , admiration, esteem, dread, fright Antonyms - repulsive, repugnant,
approbation, acquiescence, approval Antonyms - calmness, familiarity, disgusting
Antonyms - dissent, rejection, expectation
disagreement 198. Biased - ( प पाती )
[B] Synonyms - discriminating, favoring,
175. Assist - ( मदद करना ) partial, prejudiced, unfair
Synonyms - AId, Help, Facilitate 186. Baffle - ( है रान करना ) Antonyms -fair, impartial, judicious
Antonyms - obstruct Synonyms - amaze, confuse, puzzle,
rattle, stun, astound 199. Bind - ( बांधना )
176. Assuage - ( शांत करना ) Antonyms - enlighten, explain, clarify Synonyms - attach, fix, annex, append,
Synonyms - appease, mitigate, conciliate, secure

placate, dulcify, propitiate 187. Ban - ( रोक लगाना ) Antonyms - detach, break, free
Antonyms - upset, exacerbate, agitate Synonyms - boycott, restriction,
embargo, suppression 200. Bland - ( बे ाद )
177. Astounding - ( चौंकाने वाला ) Antonyms - permission, approval Synonyms - dull, flat, insipid,
Synonyms - astonishing, phenomenal, monotonous
prodigious, stupendous, wondrous,
Antonyms - boring, dull, satisfying

178. Astute - ( चतुर )

Synonyms - perceptive, judicious,
perspicacious, cagey, canny, shrewd
188. Banter - ( मजाक )
Synonyms - gossip, repartee
Antonyms - praise, flattery

189. Bankrupt - ( िदवािलया )

Synonyms - insolvent, penniless, ruined,
Antonyms - delicious

201. Blemish - ( कलंक )

Synonyms - fault, smirch, stigma, stain
Antonyms - purity, impeccable,
spotless, stainless
destitute, broke
Antonyms - idiotic, stupid, unintelligent Antonyms - solvent, prosperous, wealthy 202. Bleak - ( िनराशाजनक )
Synonyms - dismal, gloomy, chilly,
179. Atrocious - ( घिटया ) 190. Barbarous - ( ू र ) dreary
Synonyms - vile, heinous, horrid, Synonyms - brutal, cruel, ferocious, Antonyms - bright, please, balmy,
nauseating, awful, hideous ruthless cheerful
Antonyms - inoffensive, innocuous, Antonyms - polite, refined, sophisticated
unobtrusive 203. Blame - ( दोष लगाना )
191. Beat - ( पीटना ) Synonyms - reprove, upbraid, censure,
180. Audacious - ( िनडर ) Synonyms - bang, bash, batter, cane, reproach
Synonyms - foolhardy, impudent, heroic, castigate, drub Antonyms - commend, applaud, laud,
intrepid, plucky, undaunted Antonyms - aid, assist, help praise
Antonyms - meek, mild, timid
192. Beneath - ( नीचे की ओर ) 204. Blend - ( िमि त करना )
181. Augment - ( बढ़ाना ) Synonyms - combine, mix ,instil, mingle

Synonyms - below, underneath, under,

Synonyms - amplify, intensify, mount,- down, unworthy, covered Antonyms - separate, disintegrate,
proliferate, aggrandize, upsurge Antonyms - up, overhead, above dissociate
Antonyms - decrease, degrade, belittle
193. Benevolent - ( परोपकारी ) 205. Block - ( बाधा डालना )
182. Avarice - ( लालच ) Synonyms - benign, caring, chivalrous, Synonyms - bar ,obstruct, choke,
Synonyms - covetousness, cupidity, considerate, humane, generous congest, clog
avidity, acquisitiveness, greed Antonyms - malevolent, mean, spiteful Antonyms - open, clear, release
Antonyms - generosity, philanthropy,
charity 194. Beneficent - ( लाभकारी ) 206. Bloom - ( खलना )
Synonyms - charitable, kind, helpful, Synonyms - flourish, grow, thrive
183. Aversion - ( घृणा ) generous, philanthropic Antonyms - shrink, fail, wither
Synonyms - avariciousness, revulsion Antonyms - malicious, uncharitable
abhorrence, detestation, abomination, 207. Boast - ( डी ंग हाकना )
loathing, repugnance 195. Betray - ( धोखा दे ना ) Synonyms - Brag, praise, exult
Antonyms - attachment, fondness, liking Synonyms - deceive, delude, forsake, Antonyms - modest, deprecate
abandon, cross
184. Avid - ( लालची ) Antonyms -defend, protect, support 208. Bothersome - ( थकानेवाला ) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 151

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 29 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Synonyms - annoying, irksome, troubling, 220. Bare - ( नंगा ) 232. Boon - ( वरदान )
Irritating Synonyms - unclad, naked, empty, blank, Synonyms - advantage, benefit, blessing,
Antonyms - convenient, helpful, smooth vacant, shorn favour, gain, profit
Antonyms - clothed, robed, covered Antonyms - disadvantage, drawback,
209. Boundless - ( अंतहीन ) handicap
Synonyms - endless, unlimited, infinite, 221. Barren - ( बंजर भूिम )
immeasurable, plenty Synonyms - unfruitful, unproductive, 233. Bountiful - ( भरपूर )
Antonyms - limited, restricted, less futile, useless, devoid Synonyms - ample, generous, plentiful,
Antonyms - fertile, productive, useful substantial, voluminous, abundant
210. Brittle - ( नाज़ुक ) Antonyms - insufficient, meager, sparse
Synonyms - frail, fragile, delicate, 222. Batter - ( आ मण )
breakable Synonyms - assail, assault, beat, drub, 234. Brag - ( अपनी शंसा करना )
Antonyms - tough, enduring, hammer, pound Synonyms - boast, bluster, crow, gloat,
unbreakable, strong Antonyms - aid, assist, guard praise, exaggerate
Antonyms - be modest, be quiet,
211. Brisk - ( फुत ला ) 223. Belittle - ( छोटा करना ) deprecate
Synonyms - agile, quick, dynamic, Synonyms - decry, denigrate, derogate,
energetic, lively, vigorous disparage, downgrade, slight 235. Breach - ( तोड़ना )

Antonyms - slow, sluggish, dull Antonyms - praise, value, exaggerate Synonyms - break, gap, hole, perforation,
rupture, violation.
212. Bombastic - ( आड रपूण ) 224. Beloved - ( अिति य ) Antonyms - bridge, connect, join.
Synonyms - flowery, showy, overblown Synonyms - darling, dear, loved, precious,
Antonyms - humble, restrained, reserved intimate, cherished 236. Breathtaking - ( असाधारण )

213. Broadminded - ( खुले िवचारों वाला )

Synonyms - liberal, progressive, open,
tolerant, flexible,
Antonyms - orthodox, conservative,
Antonyms - despised, disliked, hated

225. Benediction - ( आशीवाद )

Synonyms - blessing, thanks, favour,
gratitude, approbation, grace
Antonyms - anathema, disapproval,
Synonyms - amazing, exciting,
magnificent, stunning, impressive,
Antonyms - disgusting, ugly, dull

237. Brevity - ( संि ता )

Synonyms - crispness, conciseness,
214. Bulky - ( भारी-भरकम ) economy, succinctness, transience,
Synonyms - massive, big, oversized, 226. Bicker - ( नोकझोक करना ) condensation
heavy, hefty, huge Synonyms - argue, contend, dispute, Antonyms - lengthiness, longevity,
Antonyms - small, thin, tiny quarrel, spat, tiff permanence
Antonyms - agree, concede, discuss
215. Bully - ( भयभीत करना ) 238. Bulldoze - ( ख कर दे ना )

Synonyms - intimidate, menace, threaten, 227. Bizarre - ( िविच ) Synonyms - flatten, raze, shove, thrust,
browbeat Synonyms - curious, eccentric, freakish, crash, decimate
Antonyms - support, ease, assuage odd, queer, strange Antonyms - build, construct, create
Antonyms - normal, reasonable, usual
216. Bustle - ( हड़बड़ाना ) 239. Baleful - ( खतरनाक )
Synonyms - haste, tumult, stir, flurry 228. Blatant - ( बेशम ) Synonyms - malign, sinister, calamitous,
Antonyms - slowness, sluggishness, Synonyms - brazen, shameless, pernicious, foreboding, dire
quiet unabashed, boisterous, clamorous, Antonyms - auspicious, favourable,

vociferous promising
217. Baleful - ( ख़तरनाक ) Antonyms - quiet, subtle, inconspicuous
Synonyms - deadly, evil, malevolent, 240. Banal - ( साधारण )
harmful, noxious, sinister 229. Bleak - ( िनराशाजनक ) Synonyms - commonplace, hackneyed,
Antonyms - auspicious, favourable, Synonyms - dismal, gloomy, sombre, overused, trite
promising joyless, cheerless, dreary Antonyms - fresh, new, original
Antonyms - bright, pleasant, sunny
218. Bane - ( अिभशाप ) 241. Bashful - ( संकोची )
Synonyms - destruction, devastation, 230. Bony - ( दु बला-पतला ) Synonyms - diffident, modest, shy, timid,
havoc, ruin, curse, evil Synonyms - lanky, skinny, slender, lean, copy, demure
Antonyms - blessing, advantage, fortune slim, thin Antonyms - confident, unabashed, bold
Antonyms - fat, heavy, plump
219. Banish - ( िनकाल दे ना ) 242. Bedlam - ( अ व था )
Synonyms - deport, exile, expatriate, 231. Boom - ( अचानक तेजी ) Synonyms - chaos, commotion, furor,
ostracise, dismiss, dispel Synonyms - bang, blast, roar, thunder, hubbub, tumult, pandemonium
Antonyms - allow, keep, welcome barrage, rumble Antonyms - calm, peace, quiet
Antonyms - collapse, failure, loss
243. Befit - (अनुकूल होना ) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 152
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 29 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Synonyms - agree, correspond, match, Synonyms - buoy, prop, sustain, support, 267. Cautious - ( सावधान )
serve, suit, behove hold, cushion Synonyms - careful, prudent, wary
Antonyms - misfit, mismatch, disagree Antonyms - hinder, obstruct, prevent Antonyms - rash, hasty, imprudent,
244. Beguile - ( बेवकूफ बनाना ) 256. Boorish - ( अिश )
Synonyms - betray, deceive, dupe, fool, Synonyms - crass, crude, uncouth, rude, 268. Cease - ( रोकना )
mislead, hoodwink vulgar, philistine Synonyms - check, discontinue,
Antonyms - be honest , give Antonyms - cultured, refined, halt, stall, arrest
sophisticated Antonyms - commence, continue,
245. Belie - ( झुठलाना ) initiate
Synonyms - distort, falsify, pervert, twist, 257. Bottleneck - ( अवरोध )
mislead, warp Synonyms - barrier, hindrance, 269. Certainty - ( िनि तता )
Antonyms - attest, prove, counsel obstruction, snag, jam, block Synonyms - assurance,
Antonyms - help, push, assistance confidence, conviction, sureness
246. Bellicose - ( लड़ाकू ) Antonyms - ambiguity, doubt,
Synonyms - belligerent, contentious, 258. Brash - ( बेशम ) uncertainty
combative, hostile, pugnacious, truculent Synonyms - impetuous, reckless,
Antonyms - calm, easygoing, peaceful impudent, pert, maladroit 270. Charming - ( आकषक )

Antonyms - cautious, discreet, careful Synonyms - delightful,
247. Bemoan - ( पछताना ) enchanting, attractive, appealing,
Synonyms - bewail, complain, cry, 259. Brazen - ( बेशम ) lovely
deplore, lament, rue Synonyms - pushy, audacious, nervy, Antonyms - offensive, repellent,
Antonyms - delight, rejoice, revel blatant, presumptuous, assuming terrifying

248. Bemuse - (

blunt, deaden
करना )
Synonyms - daze, benumb, stun, stupefy,

Antonyms - enlighten, illuminate, clear up

249. Benign - ( दयालु )

Antonyms - shy, meek, humble

260. Browbeat - ( धमकाना )

Synonyms - bludgeon, intimidate,
menace, threaten, bully
Antonyms - compliment, coax, praise
271. Chaos - ( अ व था )
Synonyms - clutter, confusion,
disarray, jumble, disorder
Antonyms - calm, harmony, order

272. Cheater - ( धोखेबाज़ )

Synonyms - benevolent, kind, altruistic, 261. Buffoon - ( मसख़रा ) Synonyms - swindler, trickster,
fortunate, propitious, good Synonyms - droll, fool, jester, zany, joker, crook, scammer, deceiver
Antonyms - hostile, malignant, hurtful wag Antonyms - honest, truthful,
Antonyms - charmer, enthusiast, exciter simple
250. Bestow - ( दान करना/अिपत करना )
262. Bungle - ( गड़बड़ करना0 ) 273. Check - ( जाँच करना )
Synonyms - give, present, contribute,
confer, grant, accord Synonyms - blunder, flounder, fudge, Synonyms - arrest, stop, quit,
Antonyms - deprive, refuse, take fumble, muddle, boggle stall, bridle, constrain
Antonyms - fix, manage, succeed Antonyms - allow, assist, permit
251. Bewitch - ( स ोिहत करना )
Synonyms - charm, enchant, enthrall, 263. Buoy - ( एक तैरती ई व ु ) 274. Committed - ( ितब )
spellbind, voodoo, beguile Synonyms - float , drift , guide Synonym - Devoted , Dedicated
Antonyms - disenchant, disgust,- turn off Antonyms - sink Antonyms - disloyal , unengaged

252. Bigoted - ( क र ) [C] 275. Cherish - ( पोषण करना )

Synonyms - intolerant, prejudiced, Synonym - nurture, treasure,
dogmatic, narrow-minded, chauvinistic, 264. Calm - ( शांत ) foster, encourage
fanatical Synonyms - peaceful, quiet, serene, Antonyms - abandon, forsake,
Antonyms - tolerant, liberal, lenient placed, detached, nonchalant renounce, discard
Antonyms - turbulent, violent, wild
253. Blandish - ( चापलूसी करना ) 276. Chastise - ( सजा दे ना )
Synonyms - cajole, coax, adulate,' flatter, 265. Casual - ( अनौपचा रक ) Synonyms - punish, admonish,
wheedle, butter up Synonyms - accidental, informal, natural, scold, reprove
Antonyms - bully, force, repel , discourage relaxed Antonyms - cheer, comfort,
Antonyms - planned, premeditated, encourage, stimulate
254. Boisterous - ( उ ं ड ) deliberate
Synonyms - blatant, clamorous, strident, 277. Clumsy - ( अनाड़ी )
vociferous, loudmouthed, effervescent Synonyms - awkward, graceless,
266. Caustic - ( तीखा )
Antonyms - calm quiet , 'restrained unskilled, inept
Synonyms - acerbic, biting, scathing,
Antonyms - expert, dexterous, adroit
sharp, pungent
255. Bolster - ( सहारा दे ना ) Antonyms - calm, mild, soothing
278. Coarse - ( खुरदरा ) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 153
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 29 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Synonyms - crude, rough, 290. Conquer - ( जीतना ) Synonyms - exaggeration, imitation,
uncivilized, uncouth, filthy Synonyms - defeat, overcome, subdue, ridicule, parody
Antonyms - smooth, refined, rout, surmount, vanquish Antonyms - exactness, precision, reality,
sophisticated Antonyms - retreat, succumb, yield truth

279. Collusion - ( िमलीभगत ) 291. Consensus - ( सवस ित से ) 302. Caress - ( दु लारना )

Synonyms - conspiracy, connivance, Synonyms - unanimity, accord, Synonyms - fondle, embrace, hug,
intrigue, plot agreement, consent snuggle
Antonyms - discord, separation, Antonyms - disagreement, discord, Antonyms - repulse, spurn, displease,
estrangement dissonance repel

280. Commence - ( शु करना ) 292. Consistent - ( अनुकूल ) 303. Captivity - ( कारावास )

Synonyms - begin, embark, inaugurate, Synonyms - accord, congruous, Synonyms - imprisonment, confinement,
initiate, launch, undertake harmonious, unchanging apprehend
Antonyms - cease, finish, end Antonyms - incongruous, varying, erratic Antonyms - freedom, liberty, liberation,
281. Compact - ( सघन ) 293. Criterion - ( मापदं ड )
Synonyms - dense, close, crowded, Synonyms - measurement, test, 304. Capable - ( लायक़ )

packed, tight, heavy standard Synonyms - competent, suitable,
Antonyms - loose, slack, uncondensed Antonyms - fancy, probability qualified, able
haphazard, conjecture Antonyms - incompetent, inefficient,
282. Compel - ( मजबूर करना ) imbecile, inept
Synonyms - coerce, oblige, pressure, 294. Covetous - ( लालची )
305. Cease - ( रोकना )
force, obligate, make
Antonyms - impede, obstruct, hinder

283. Competent - ( स म )
Synonyms - capable, skilled, proficient,
efficient, decent, sufficient
Antonyms - inefficient, incapable, inept

Synonyms - cupidity, avarice, greed,

Antonyms - liberality, benevolence,

selfless, magnanimous

295. Corpulent - ( मोटा तथा भारी )

Synonyms - obese, ugly, fat, awkward
Synonyms - terminate, pause, desist,
Antonyms - commence, continue, initiate,

306. Circumlocution - ( घुमा िफराकर कहना

Antonyms - thin, lean, slim, delicate /कपटपूण बात )
284. Compile - ( संकिलत करना ) Synonyms - redundancy, verbosity,
Synonyms - assemble, gather, garner, 296. Convert - ( प रवितत करना ) verbiage
collate , consolidate Synonyms - change, transform Antonyms - terseness, compression,
Antonyms - disperse, disassemble, Antonyms - persist, maintain, enduring, directness, brevity
scatter perpetual
307. Commotion - ( हलचल )
285. Complain - ( िशकायत करना ) 297. Convenient - ( सुिवधाजनक ) Synonyms - turmoil, disturbance,
Synonyms - grouch, grump, whine, fret, Synonyms - handy, suited, comfortable agitation, excitement
fuss, grieve Antonyms - unsuitable, tedious, Antonyms - tranquility, stillness,
Antonyms - applaud, commend, praise unpractical, fatiguing quietness, calm

286. Complex - ( पेचीदा ) 298. Contrary - ( िवरोधी ) 308. Cajole - ( चापलूसी करना )
Synonyms - complicated, intricate, Synonyms - dissimilar, conflicting, Synonyms - blandish, coax, honey,

elaborate, knotty, tangled contradictory, opposite wheedle, persuade, convince

Antonyms - evident, obvious, plain. Antonyms - similar, alike, homogeneous, Antonyms - bully, force, repel
287. Conceal - ( िछपाना ) 309. Candid - ( सरल/ साफ़ िदल का )
Synonyms - block, hide, obscure, clock, 299. Contradict - ( िवपरीत होना ) Synonyms - downright, forthright, honest,
shroud, mask Synonyms - impugn, deny, oppose, ingenuous, plainspoken, straight
Antonyms - disclose, divulge, expose confront Antonyms - deceitful, devious, crafty
Antonyms - approve, confirm, sanction,
288. Concise - ( संि करना ) endorse 310. Captivate - ( मोह लेना )
Synonyms - brief, compendious, laconic, Synonyms - beguile, bewitch, charm,
succinct, terse, summary 300. Catastrophe - ( तबाही ) allure, enchant, entrance
Antonyms - expansive, elaborate, lengthy Synonyms - disaster, calamity, Antonyms - disgust, disillusion, repulse
misfortune, mishap
289. Conflict - ( िवरोध करना ) Antonyms - prosperity, blessing, 311. Cessation - ( अंत )
Synonyms - confrontation, hostility, restoration, resurgence Synonyms - closure, completion, end,
strife, discord, dissent, variance termination, finish, discontinuation
Antonyms - agreement, concord, peace 301. Caricature - ( ं िच ) Antonyms - beginning, commencement,
inception Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 154
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 29 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
312. Chaste - ( पिव ) Synonyms - acknowledge, admit, avow, fearlessness
Synonyms - decent, modest, nice, pure, confess, grant, accord
virgin, virtuous Antonyms - contradict, repudiate, reject 335. Credible - ( िव सनीय )
Antonyms - corrupt, lewd, wanton Synonyms - believable, plausible,
324. Concord - ( मेल खाना ) authentic, convincing, true, trustworthy
313. Chivalrous - ( शौयवान ) Synonyms - accord, harmony, rapport, Antonyms - implausible, unlikely,
Synonyms - courtly, gallant, courageous, tune, symphony, pact improbable
gracious, knightly, stately Antonyms - discord, disunity,
Antonyms - cowardly, frightened, humble disagreement 336. Crooked - ( कुटील )
Synonyms - bending, curved, corrupt,
314. Circuitous - ( घुमावदार ) 325. Condone - ( माफ करना ) venal, dishonest, mercenary
Synonyms - meandrous, circular, devious, Synonyms - excuse, forgive, pardon, Antonyms - straight, honest, simple
indirect, oblique, tortuous remit, ignore, overlook
Antonyms - straight, direct, in-line Antonyms - censure, condemn, punish 337. Cumbersome - ( क कर/
भारी-भरकम )
315. Coax - ( चापलूसी से कोई काम कराना ) 326. Confine - ( सीमीत रखना ) Synonyms - heavy, .lumpish, ponderous,
Synonyms - blandish, cajole, honey, Synonyms - circumscribe, limit, restrict, hefty, inconvenient, unhandy
wheedle, persuade, convince bar, closet, imprison Antonyms - graceful, adroit

Antonyms - bully, force, repel Antonyms - free, liberate, release
338. Callous - ( कठोर दय )
316. Coherent - ( समझने म सरल ) 327. Confiscate - ( ज करना ) Synonyms - hardened, heartless,
Synonyms - congruous, consistent, Synonyms - grab, seize, snatch, annex, unfeeling, apathetic, careless
logical, meaningful, lucid, orderly usurp, impound Antonyms - compassionate, sensitive,
Antonyms - illogical, irrational,

317. Colloquial - ( बोलचाल संबंधी )

Synonyms - chatty, confabulatory,
conversational, informal, demotic,
Antonyms - give, offer, release

328. Congregate - ( एक करना )

Synonyms - assemble, convene, cluster,
muster, summon, gather
Antonyms - divide, scatter, separate

339. Camouflage - ( िछपने का साधन )

Synonyms - disguise, dissemble,
dissimulate, mask, masquerade,
Antonyms - reveal, show, uncover
Antonyms - formal, standard, stilted 329. Constraint - ( बाधा )
Synonyms - coercion, duress, 340. Canker - ( नासूर हो जाना )
318. Colossal - ( ब त बड़ा ) circumscription, confinement, restriction, Synonyms - infect, poison, brutalize,
Synonyms - behemoth, elephantine, inhibition debase, vitiate, pervert
gigantic, immense, jumbo, massy Antonyms - freedom, release, liberty Antonyms - bless, elevate, upgrade
Antonyms - small, teeny, tiny
330. Content - ( संतु करना ) 341. Censorious - ( स )
319. Combative - ( लड़ाकू ) Synonyms - gratified, happy, satisfied, Synonyms - captious, carping, critical,
Synonyms - bellicose, belligerent, complacent, fulfilled, pleased fault-finding, hypercritical, belittle
contentious, hostile, quarrelsome Antonyms - depressed, upset, wanting Antonyms - laudatory, praising,
Antonyms - agreeable, compromising, flattering
peaceful 331. Conventional - ( पारं प रक )
Synonyms - orthodox, recognized, 342. Chary - ( सावधान )
320. Compendious - ( संि ) sanctioned, traditional, formal, accepted Synonyms - cautious, circumspect,

Synonyms - brief, concise, laconic, Antonyms - exotic, unusual, strange prudent, wary, sparing, thrifty
succinct, summary, terse Antonyms - heedless, rash, careless
Antonyms - enlarged, unabridged, 332. Cordial - ( हािदक )
lengthened Synonyms - affable, amiable, congenial, 343. Chastise - ( सजा दे ना )
pleasant, sociable, warm Synonyms - castigate, penalize,
321. Complacent - ( संतु ) Antonyms - hostile, indifferent, discipline, admonish, rebuke, reprimand
Synonyms - conceited, satisfied, content, inhospitable Antonyms - cheer, comfort, encourage
serene, gratified, smug
Antonyms - dissatisfied, discontented, 333. Counterfeit - ( नक़ली ) 344. Cede - ( झुकना )
concerned Synonyms - bogus, fake, fraudulent, Synonyms - abandon, abdicate, demit,
phony, spurious, sham renounce, demit, waive
322. Comply - ( अनुपालन करना ) Antonyms - genuine, real, true Antonyms - defend, guide, fight
Synonyms - abide by, adhere, conform,
follow, obey, observe 334. Cowardice - ( कायरता ) 345. Chide - ( िनंदा करना )
Antonyms - obstruct, prevent, block Synonyms - cravenness, dastardliness, Synonyms - admonish, castigate, rebuke,
funk, pusillanimity, unmanliness, timidity reprimand, reproach, scold
323. Concede - ( ीकार करना ) Antonyms - bravery, courage, Antonyms - compliment, laud, praise Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 155

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 29 - 30 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
346. Circumspect - ( सावधान ) Antonyms - incompatible, unfriendly, 369. Dejected - ( उदास )
Synonyms - careful, cautious, chary, ill-suited Synonyms - depressed, gloomy, desolate,
wary, prudent, gingerly melancholic, sad
Antonyms - indiscreet, rash, audacious 358. Congruity - (उपयु ता ) Antonyms - cheerful, happy, joyous
Synonyms - accordance, agreement,
347. Clamorous - ( कोलाहलपूण ) conformity, harmony, consistency 370. Delicate - ( नाज़ुक )
Synonyms - blatant, boisterous, Antonyms - conflict, difference, variation Synonyms - elegant, exquisite, fine,
obstreperous, strident, vociferous, noisy feeble, fragile, sensitive
Antonyms - quiet, restrained, silent 359. Contravene - ( उ ंघन करना ) Antonyms - coarse, harsh, robust
Synonyms - breach, break, infringe,
348. Clandestine - ( गु ) violate, contradict, negate 371. Delight - ( आनंिदत होना )
Synonyms - covert, secret, closet, Antonyms - concur, consent, allow Synonyms - pleasure, joy, cheer, exult,
concealed, stealthy, surreptitious rejoice, gladden, gratify
Antonyms - forthright, truthful, open 360. Converge - ( िमलना ) Antonyms - trouble, sadden, dismay
Synonyms - close, centre, channel,
349. Clemency - ( दया/ तरस ) focalize, focus, meet 372. Demolish - ( न करना )
Synonyms - charity, grace, lenience, Antonyms - disperse, diverge, scatter Synonyms - destroy, destruct, raze,
mercy, compassion, forbearance shatter, wreck, smash

Antonyms - cruelty, harshness, 361. Copious - ( चुर ) Antonyms - build, repair, restore
meanness Synonyms - abundant, ample, bounteous,
generous, plentiful, substantial 373. Deny - ( मना करना )
350. Cognizant - ( जानकार ) Antonyms - meager, needy, scarce Synonyms - contradict, negate, disallow,
Synonyms - alive, awake, aware, sensible, reject, refuse, repudiate
362. Cozy - ( आरामदायक )
sentient, wise
Antonyms - ignorant, unaware,

351. Conciliate - ( संतु करना )

Synonyms - appease, assuage, calm,
mollify, placate, pacify
Synonyms - comfortable, easy, snug,
comfy, cushy, secure
Antonyms - uncomfortable, afflictive,

363. Crave - ( लालाियत होना )

Antonyms - admit, allow, confess

374. Depart - ( माग से िवचिलत होना )

Synonyms - exit,- leave, retire, drop,
demise, deviate
Antonyms - arrive, come, enter
Antonyms - aggravate, incite, provoke Synonyms - hunger, itch, lust, desire, 375. Depressed - ( उदास )
implore, plead Synonyms - dejected, desolate, gloomy,
352. Concoct - ( तैयार करना ) Antonyms - abjure, dislike, spurn sad, melancholic
Synonyms - contrive, devise, fabricate, Antonyms - elated, exalted, happy
formulate, hatch, invent 364. Cryptic - ( िछपा आ )
376. Deprive - ( वंिचत करना )
Antonyms - divide, separate, detach Synonyms - enigmatic, mysterious,
hidden, secret, puzzling Synonyms - dispossess, divest, rob, strip,
353. Conducive - ( सहायक ) Antonyms - obvious, plain, seen disinherit, bereave
Synonyms - contributive, helpful, leading, Antonyms - bestow, endow, confer
productive, accessory, promoting 365. Curt - ( संि )
Antonyms - adverse, hindering, Synonyms - abrupt, blunt, brief, brusque, 377. Despair - ( िनराश )
unfavorable crusty, gruff Synonyms - anguish, dejection,
Antonyms - gracious, lengthy, polite Melancholy, misery, sorrow
354. Conform - ( अनु प होना ) Antonyms - joy, cheerfulness, happiness

Synonyms - accord, chime, square, tally, [D]

match, befit 378. Detached - ( अलग )
Antonyms - differ, fight, refuse Synonyms - isolated, solitary, indifferent,
366. Deadly - ( ाणघातक )
Synonyms - fatal, lethal mortal, ghastly,
355. Confound - ( उलझाना ) Antonyms - attached, combined, involved
malignant, baneful
Synonyms - befuddle, bewilder, dizzy, Antonyms - nonfatal, harmless, lively
jumble, muddle, discomfit 379. Detain - ( बंदी बनाना )
Antonyms - clarify, enlighten, clear Synonyms - delay, retard, hold, lag,
367. Decline - ( पतन होना )
confine, imprison
Synonyms - refuse, reject, dismiss, fall,
356. Confront - ( सामना करना ) Antonyms - liberate, release, free
deteriorate, descend
Synonyms - accost, encounter/face, Antonyms - increase, rise, accept
dare, defy, stand up 380. Deteriorate - ( िबगड़ जाना / बबाद
Antonyms - back, surrender, yield होना )
368. Deficient ( कम )
Synonyms - decline, worsen, languish,
Synonyms - defective, lacking, wanting,
357. Congenial - ( अनुकूल, सौहा पूण ) degenerate, spoil
inadequate, scarce
Synonyms - affable, amiable, cordial, Antonyms - improve, strengthen, better
Antonyms - flawless, adequate, sufficient
genial, pleasant, grateful
381. Devastate - ( सवनाश करना ) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 156
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 30 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Synonyms - ravage, waste, plunder, Synonyms - gentle, meek, amenable, Synonyms - loiter, linger, lag, fiddle,
smash, pillage, raze compliant, submissive, mild procrastinate, delay
Antonyms - build, construct, enrich Antonyms - inflexible, obstinate, stubborn Antonyms - hasten, hurry, rush

382. Diligent - ( मेहनती ) 394. Doldrums - ( उदासी ) 406. Deface - ( िबगाड़ना )

Synonyms - assiduous, industrious, Synonyms - dejection, depression, blues, Synonyms - contort, disfigure, distort,
attentive, conscientious gloom, melancholy, mournfulness tarnish, trash, spoil
Antonyms - languid, lazy, lethargic Antonyms - elation, glee, joy Antonyms - adorn, decorate, mend

383. Din - ( शोर मचाना ) 395. Dominant - ( भावशाली ) 407. Defame ( बदनाम करना )
Synonyms - clamor, hubbub, noise, Synonyms - commanding, governing, Synonyms - asperse, malign, slander,
pandemonium, tumult, uproar ruling, authoritative, prevailing slur,- vilify, backbite
Antonyms - calm, peace, quiet Antonyms - humble, modest, reserved Antonyms - commend, praise,
384. Diplomatic - ( कूटनीितक ) 396. Downfall - ( पतन )
Synonyms - discreet, sensitive, tactful, Synonyms- descent, collapse, fall, bane, 408. Default - ( गलती करना )
politic, astute, adept ruination, undoing Synonyms - failure, neglect, omission,
Antonyms - artless, tactless, boorish Antonyms -ascent, rise, success delinquency, dereliction, error

Antonyms - advantage, perfection,
385. Discard - ( ागना ) 397. Drastic - ( श शाली ) success.
Synonyms - dispose of, jettison, Synonyms - dire, radical, strong, forceful,
abdicate, eliminate, expel, banish harsh, exorbitant 409. Defend - ( बचाव करना )
Antonyms - embrace, retain, keep Antonyms - calm, easy, superficial Synonyms - guard, protect, safeguard,

386. Disclose - ( भेद खोलना )

Synonyms - bare, show, unveil, convey,
transmit, impart
Antonyms - conceal, hide, withhold

387. Disgusting - ( खराब )

398. Dreadful - ( डरावना )
Synonyms - appalling, direful, fearful,
frightful, horrendous
Antonyms - pleasant, wonderful,
preserve, shield, ward
Antonyms - attack, quit, relinquish

410. Defer - ( िवलंब करना )

Synonyms - adjourn, delay, block, hinder,
prolong, procrastinate
Antonyms - expedite, forward, hasten
Synonyms - horrid, repulsive, abhorrent, 399. Drowsy - ( सु / आलसी )
repugnant, shabby Synonyms - dozy, sleepy, slumberous, 411. Deference - ( स ान )
Antonyms - pleasant, delightful, inviting somnolent, soporific, nodding Synonyms - honour, respect, compliance,
Antonyms - alert, awake, lively amenability, submission
388. Disperse - ( िबखरना ) Antonyms - disobedience,
400. Dubious - ( संिद )
Synonyms - dissipate, scatter, diffuse, noncompliance
disseminate, spread, strew Synonyms - doubtful, skeptical,
Antonyms - assemble, collect, garner uncertain, ambiguous, questionable 412. Defiance - ( अनादर )
Antonyms - certain, reliable, trustworthy Synonyms - challenge, contempt,
389. Disrupt - ( बािधत करना ) resistance, provocation
Synonyms - disturb, unsettle, upset, 401. Dumb - ( गूंगा ) Antonyms - regard, respect, submission
disarray, disorganized, derange Synonyms - inarticulate, mute, silent,
Antonyms - arrange, organize, reassure stupid, mute, dimwitted 413. Degradation - ( दजा घटाना )
Antonyms - articulate, vocal, smart Synonyms - demotion, reduction,

390. Distant - ( दू र थ ) abasement, debasement, mortification

Synonyms - far, far away, remote, offish, 402. Dupe - ( धोखा दे ना ) Antonyms - elevation, upgrade,
reticent, solitary Synonyms - deceive, beguile, misguide, promotion
Antonyms - adjacent, close, neighboring cross, fool, trick
Antonyms - guide, lead, advise 414. Deliberate - ( सोच िवचार के िकया
391. Distinct - ( िविश , अलग ) गया )
Synonyms - clear, sharp, pronounced, 403. Daredevil - ( िनडर ) Synonyms - intentional, purposeful,
visible, manifest, unambiguous Synonyms - bold, daring, enterprising, voluntary, calculated, considered,
Antonyms - fuzzy, hazy, vague adventurous, audacious, courageous premeditated
Antonyms - cautious, meek, prudent Antonyms - indeterminate, chance,
392. Distinguished - ( िस ) unintentional
Synonyms - eminent, famed, noted, 404. Dazzle - ( चकाचौंध करना ) 415. Deplete - (खाली करना)
prominent, celebrated, renowned Synonyms - awe, overpower, stupefy, Synonyms - drain, exhaust, impoverish,
Antonyms - obscure, unimportant, astonish, strike, surprise sap, use up, desiccate
inferior Antonyms - bore, calm, expect Antonyms - add, augment, fill

393. Docile - ( िवन ) 405. Dawdle - ( समय न करना ) 416. Depreciate - (घटना, ास) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 157

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 30 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Synonyms - devalue, downgrade, distinguish, mark, singularize, Synonyms - bleak, dismal, gloomy, dark,
denigrate, derogate, belittle, decry characterize somber, monotonous
Antonyms - fain, raise, increase Antonyms - associate, connect, group Antonyms - bright, pleasant, cheerful

417. Derogatory - (अपमानजनक ) 428. Disgrace - ( ल त करना ) 440. Drudgery - ( किठन प र म )

Synonyms - disparaging, slighting, Synonyms - humiliation, ignominy, Synonyms - labor, toil, grind, chore,
detractive, humiliating, disdainful disrepute, dishonour, shame travail, workout
Antonyms - appreciative, complimentary, Antonyms - esteem, honour, regard Antonyms - entertainment, fun, pastime
429. Dismal - ( उदास ) 441. Dumbfound - ( है रान करना )
418. Descent - ( पतन ) Synonyms - gloomy, depressing, sad, Synonyms - boggle, flabbergast, floor,
Synonyms - decline, fall, downfall, slide, bleak, desolate, somber stagger, amaze, overwhelm
ancestry, lineage Antonyms - bright, sunny, pleasant Antonyms - explicate, explain, clear up
Antonyms - ascent, elevation, upgrade
430. Dismantle - ( टु कड़े टु कड़े करना ) 442. Dwindle - ( कम करना )
419. Despot - ( तानाशाह ) Synonyms - disassemble, dismount, Synonyms - abate, diminish, decrease,
Synonyms - dictator, totalitarian, pulverize, raze, tear, wreck drain, taper, lessen
authoritarian, tyrant, oppressor Antonyms - assemble, construct, build Antonyms - enhance, intensify, magnify

Antonyms - democrat, subordinate,
underling 431. Disparity - ( असमानता ) 443. Dainty - ( सुहावना )
Synonyms - discrepancy, divergence, Synonyms - delicate, elegant, exquisite,
420. Deter - ( मना करना ) difference, incongruity, inconsistency fine, finicky, meticulous
Synonyms - discourage, dissuade, divert, Antonyms - equality, similarity, sameness Antonyms - clumsy, coarse, harsh
block, debar, obstruct
Antonyms - encourage, promote,

421. Detest - (घृणा करना)

Synonyms - abhor, abominate,
despise,-execrate, hate, loathe
432. Dispel - ( हटाना )
Synonyms - banish, dismiss, disperse,
dissipate, repel, scatter
Antonyms - accumulate, garner, recall

433. Dissuade - ( रोकना )

444. Damn - ( ाप दे ना )
Synonyms - condemn, doom, sentence,
curse, imprecate, cuss
Antonyms - bless, commend, laud

445. Dampen - ( नम करना )

Antonyms - adore, cherish, like Synonyms - deter, discourage, divert, Synonyms - moisten, deaden, muffle, wet,
disincline, remonstrate, derail sprinkle, stifle
422. Detrimental - ( हािनकारक ) Antonyms - induce, advise, persuade Antonyms - dry, scorch, shrivel
Synonyms - deleterious, harmful, evil,
adverse, inimical, pernicious 434. Distress - ( दु ः ख होना ) 446. Dastardly - ( डरपोक )
Antonyms - assisting, beneficial, Synonyms - affliction, anguish, agony, Synonyms - chickenhearted, cowardly,
advantageous angst; anxiety, concern craven, pusillanimous, unmanly,
Antonyms - comfort, happiness, pleasure faint-hearted
423. Devise - ( योजना बनाना ) Antonyms - brave, courageous,
Synonyms - concoct, hatch, fabricate, 435. Dogged - ( िज ी ) audacious
formulate, contrive, forge Synonyms - bullheaded, mulish,
Antonyms - destroy, ruin, destruct obstinate, tenacious, headstrong, willful 447. Daunt - ( िह त करना )
Antonyms - willing, weak, yielding Synonyms - appall, consternate, dismay,
424. Dexterous - ( िनपुण ) horrify, shake, shock

Synonyms - adroit, deft, artful, facile, 436. Dogmatic - ( क र ) Antonyms - assist, embolden, incite
skillful, nimble Synonyms - authoritarian, bossy,
Antonyms - awkward, clumsy, inept dictatorial, overbearing 448. Dearth - ( अभाव )
Antonyms - amenable, flexible, Synonyms - absence, lack, want, deficit,
425. Discrepancy - (असहमित ) submissive depletion, paucity
Synonyms - difference, disparity, Antonyms - abundance, affluence, plenty
divergence, inconsistency, incongruity 437. Dormant - ( सु )
Antonyms - concurrence, parity, Synonyms - inactive, latent, quiescent, 449. Debase - ( मू कम करना )
consistency abeyant, inert, inoperative Synonyms - cheapen, degrade, demean,
Antonyms - active, lively, bustling downgrade, adulterate, stain
426. Discrete - ( अलग ) Antonyms - laud, praise, upgrade
Synonyms - distinct, separate, singular, 438. Draconian - ( िनदयी ) 450. Debilitate ( कमज़ोर बनाना )
particular, individual, single Synonyms - brutal, cruel, oppressive, Synonyms - attenuate, devitalize,
Antonyms - attached, combined, joined rough, severe, drastic enervate, enfeeble, undermine, undo
Antonyms - kind, merciful, sympathetic Antonyms - assist, invigorate, energize
427. Discriminate - ( अंतर करना )
Synonyms - differentiate, discern, 439. Dreary - ( िनराशाजनक ) 451. Deceit - ( बेईमान ) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 158

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 30 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Synonyms - deception, duplicity, guile, Antonyms - stay, keep,-remain Synonyms - disdainful, contemptuous,
cunningness, craftiness haughty, overbearing
Antonyms - frankness, openness, 463. Devoid - ( ख़ाली ) Antonyms - meek, modest, humble
uprightness Synonyms - barren, destitute, empty,
lacking, void, wanting 475. Dissent - ( असहमत होना )
452. Decry - ( बदनाम करना ) Antonyms - occupied, full, filled Synonyms - confrontation, contention,
Synonyms - belittle, denigrate, discord, friction, strife, variance
depreciate, detract, disparage, slight 464. Diehard - ( मु ल से छूटना ) Antonyms - endorsement, ratification,
Antonyms - applaud, compliment, exalt Synonyms - adamant, grim, incompliant, approval
stubborn, relentless, unyielding
453. Deft - ( कुशल ) Antonyms - liberal, amenable, facile 476. Dissipate - ( िबगड़ना )
Synonyms - adroit, artful, dexterous, Synonyms - dispel, disperse, scatter,
facile, slick, nimble 465. Diffidence - ( संकोच ) consume, squander, waste
Antonyms - awkward, clumsy, inept Synonyms - bashful, coy, demure, timid, Antonyms - accumulate, gather, hoard
modest, retiring
454. Defunct - ( मरा आ ) Antonyms - bold, confident, aggressive 477. Distraught - ( परे शान )
Synonyms - dead, extinct, lifeless, Synonyms - demented, maniac, dotty,
vanquished, deceased, departed 466. Diminutive - ( अित छोटा ) insane, disordered, distracted

Antonyms - existent, operative, Synonyms - dwarf, pygmy, tiny, wee, Antonyms - untroubled, gladdened, calm
functioning minuscule, miniature
Antonyms - huge, giant, large 478. Divest - ( छीनना )
455. Defy - ( अनादर करना ) Synonyms - deprive, dispossess, rob,
Synonyms - brave, challenge, dare, flout, 467. Dingy - ( ग ा ) strip, bare, expose
disobey, violate
Antonyms - obey, surrender, yield

456. Demean - ( नीचा िदखाना )

Synonyms - abase, degrade, humble,
humiliate, degrade, downgrade
Antonyms - enhance, improve, upgrade
Synonyms - shabby , shoddy, sleazy,
tattered , decrepit , mangy
Antonyms - immaculate, spotless,

468. Dire - ( खतरनाक )

Synonyms - baneful, grave, ominous,
Antonyms - confer, bestow, cover

479. Divulge - ( कट करना )

Synonyms - expose, reveal, uncover,
betray, blab
Antonyms - conceal, hide, suppress
portentous, critical, apocalyptic 480. Dunce - ( मूख )
457. Denounce - ( िनंदा करना ) Antonyms - cheerful, promising, happy Synonyms -. blockhead, dullard, buffoon,
Synonyms - censure, condemn, deplore, chump, dolt, clod
accuse, arraign, charge 469. Discerning - ( समझदार ) Antonyms - brilliant, genius, charmer
Antonyms - approve, commend, Synonyms - discriminating, perceptive,
compliment clear, tactful, critical, perc ipient [E]
Antonyms - negligent, overlooking,
458. Deplore - ( खेद कट करना ) unobservant 481. Ebb - ( कम होना )
Synonyms - reprehend, reprobate, rue, Synonyms - abatement, letup, wane,
regret, repent, denounce 470. Discordant - ( ितकूल ) dwindling, drop, slackening
Antonyms - approve, rejoice, revel Synonyms - contradictory, disagreeing, Antonyms - incline, increase, rise
divergent, incongruous, antagonistic,
459. Deprecate - ( िवरोध करना ) discrepant 482. Efficacy - ( मता, भाव )
Synonyms - disapprove, derogate, Antonyms - harmonious, agreeing,

Synonyms - effect, potency, competence,

discountenance, detract, disfavor reconciled influence, strength, power
Antonyms - commend, endorse, Antonyms - inefficiency,
compliment 471. Disgruntled - ( िनराश, असंतु ) unproductiveness, uselessness
Synonyms - disappoint, discontent,
460. Deride - ( मजाक बनाना ) dissatisfy, annoy, irritate, irk 483. Elegant - ( सुंदर )
Synonyms - jibe, jeer, jest, mock, ridicule, Antonyms - delight, excite, please Synonyms - graceful, exquisite, delicate,
scoff fine, stylist, pleasing
Antonyms - flatter, revere, regard 472. Disguise - ( िछपाना ) Antonyms - crude, unrefined, rough
Synonyms -. cloak, facade, pretense,
461. Desist - ( छोड़ दे ना ) sham, semblance, masquerade 484. Elongate - ( लंबा करना )
Synonyms - abandon, quit, relinquish, Antonyms - honesty, truth, openness Synonyms - extend, lengthen, prolong,
remit, discontinue, break off 473. Dismay - ( िनराश करना ) stretch, spin, increase
Antonyms - endure, persevere, resume Synonyms - anxiety, apprehension, fright, Antonyms - construct, contract, shorten
462. Deviate - ( राह से भटकना ) Antonyms - assurance, confidence, 485. Eminent - ( िविश )
Synonyms - depart, digress, stray, Synonyms - celebrated, established,
swerve, veer, wander 474. Dismissive - ( खा रज करने यो ) illustrious, notable, famed, prominent Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 159

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 30 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Antonyms - unremarkable, lowly, Synonyms - debar, eliminate, bar, except,
unknown rule out, omit 509. Extravagant - ( खच ला )
Antonyms - accept, include, allow Synonyms - lavish, prodigal, exorbitant,
486. Emit - ( छोड़ना ) spendthrift, opulent, profuse
Synonyms - release, .vent, let out, let off, 498. Excuse - ( माफ़ करना ) Antonyms - stingy, thrifty, economical
project, radiate Synonyms - condone, remit, absolve,
Antonyms - contain, repress, withhold spare, relieve, discharge 510. Extrovert - ( बिहमुखी )
Antonyms - blame, condemn, incriminate Synonyms - gregarious, outgoing,
487. Enhance - ( बढ़ाना ) communicative, unreserved ,loud
Synonyms - aggravate, heighten, 499. Execute - ( पालन करना ) Antonyms - introvert, reserved, quiet
intensify, boost, plug, embellish Synonyms - do, perform, exercise,
Antonyms - lower, minimize, reduce implement, effectuate, administer 511. Egotism - ( अहं कार )
Antonyms - forego, mismanage, neglect Synonyms - pride, vanity, arrogance,
488. Enormous - ( िवशाल ) boastfulness, immodesty
Synonyms - giant, herculean, immense, 500. Exemplary - ( उदाहरणा क ) Antonyms - humility, meekness, servility
mammoth, massive Synonyms - admirable, commendable,
Antonyms - insignificant, minute, tiny meritorious, worthy, praiseworthy 512. Elaborate - ( िव ार म कहना )
Antonyms - contemptible, repugnant, Synonyms - amplify, develop,

489. Erase - ( िमटाना ) loathsome enlarge,expand, expatiate, explain
Synonyms - delete, efface, expunge, Antonyms - simplify, abridge, decipher
obliterate, abolish, extinguish 501. Exhaustive - ( थकाने वाला )
Antonyms - add, insert, create Synonyms - intensive, thorough, 513. Elated - ( उ ेिजत )
complete, extensive, profound, radical Synonyms - elevated, overjoyed, happy,
490. Erratic - ( अिनयिमत )
Synonyms - inconsistent, spotty,
capricious, temperamental, volatile
Antonyms - regular, steady, consistent

491. Essential - ( अिनवाय )

Synonyms - basic, fundamental, vital,
Antonyms - incomplete, deficient

502. Expel - ( िनकाल दे ना )

Synonyms - banish, deport, exile,
ostracize, dismiss, eject
Antonyms - allow, keep, welcome
cheerful, excited, stirred
Antonyms - depressed, dejected,

514. Elevate - ( ऊपर उठाना )

Synonyms - heightened, exalted,
eloquent, noble, august
integral, elementary, requisite 503. Expensive - ( महँ गा ) Antonyms - condemned, denounced,
Antonyms - auxiliary, subsidiary, Synonyms - costly, dear, high, exorbitant, humiliated
over-priced, lavish
492. Eternal - ( िनरं तर ) Antonyms - cheap, inexpensive, 515. Elicit - ( सार िनकालना )
Synonyms - everlasting, infinite, moderate Synonyms - draw, educe, evoke,
incessant, perpetual, immortal summon, extract, bring out
Antonyms - ephemeral, transient 504. Exile - ( दे श से िनकालना ) Antonyms - insert, repress, suppress
Synonyms - banishment, deportation,
493. Evident - ( सा ) expatriation, extradition, ostracism, 516. Elite - ( कुलीन वग )
Synonyms - apparent, obvious, transportation Synonyms - nobility, aristocracy, gentry,
pronounced, visible, manifest, noticeable Antonyms - import, arrival, entrance pick, quality, upper crust
Antonyms - obscure, vague, uncertain Antonyms - common, ordinary, mediocre
505. Extend - ( बढ़ाना )
494. Exaggerate - ( बढ़ा बढ़ाकर कहना ) Synonyms - expand, outstretch, prolong, 517. Eloquent - ( उ म बोली )

Synonyms - magnify, overstate, unfold, protract Synonyms -.articulate, exalted,

hyperbolize, boast, emphasize Antonyms - contract, curtail, shorten significant, meaningful, expressive, lofty
Antonyms - play down, understate, Antonyms - dull, insignificant,
depreciate 506. Extensive - ( ब त बड़ा ) meaningless
Synonyms - large-scale, considerable,
495. Excel - ( से बढ़कर होना ) far-reaching, expansive 518. Elucidate - ( करना )
Synonyms - outshine, surpass, outdo, Antonyms - narrow, restricted, limited Synonyms -. clarify, expound, illuminate,
exceed, transcend, better. illustrate, explain, elucidate
Antonyms - fail, lose, fall behind 507. Extinct - ( िवलु ) Antonyms - confuse, distract, obscure
Synonyms - dead, defunct, lifeless,
496. Excessive - ( अ िधक ) departed, vanished, lost 519. Elusive - ( मायावी )
Synonyms - exorbitant, extreme, Antonyms - alive, extant, existing Synonyms - evasive, slippery, cagey,
immoderate, extravagant, profligate deceptive, baffling, intangible
Antonyms - moderate, reasonable, 508. Extinguish - ( बुझाना ) Antonyms - comprehensible, forthright,
insufficient Synonyms - douse, quench, annihilate, upright
abolish, quash, obliterate
497. Exclude - ( िनकाल दे ना ) Antonyms - light, enact, establish 520. Emancipate - ( आज़ाद करना ) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 160

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 30 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Synonyms - discharge, free, liberate, Synonyms - aggrandize, amplify, Antonyms - funny, normal, silly
release, loosen, spring burgeon, mount, proliferate, upsurge
Antonyms - hold, imprison, incarcerate Antonyms - diminish, lower, weaken 544. Efface - ( िमटा दे ना )
Synonyms - annul, obliterate, cancel,
521. Embittered - ( कड़वाहट से भरा ) 533. Esteem - ( स ान करना ) erase, expunge, delete
Synonyms - acrimonious, bitter, Synonyms - admiration, respect, Antonyms - retain, validate, keep
rancorous, resentful, virulent, hard appreciation, consideration, regard,
Antonyms - content, genial, pleasant favour 545. Effuse - ( उं डेलना )
Antonyms - abuse, ridicule, mock Synonyms - decant, draw, pour, emanate,
522. Endeavour - ( यास करना ) radiate, gush
Synonyms - attempt, effort, exertion, 534. Eulogy - ( शंसा भाषण ) Antonyms - fill, close, stop
pain, strain, struggle Synonyms - acclamation, commendation,
Antonyms - idleness, laziness, ease compliment, kudos, laudation 546. Elude - ( टाल-मटोल करना )
Antonyms - calumny, condemnation, Synonyms - avoid, bypass, duck, shun,
523. Endorse - ( समथन करना ) criticism escape, eschew
Synonyms - approve, authorize, consent, Antonyms - encounter, entice, invite
advocate, champion, recommend 535. Evade - ( टाल-मटोल करना )
Antonyms - censure, reject, protest Synonyms - avoid, dodge, fudge, 547. Emaciated - ( दु बला )

circumvent, elude, eschew Synonyms - feeble, debilitated, drained,
524. Enduring - ( सहनीय ) Antonyms - face, meet, confront gaunt, cadaverous, shrunken
Synonyms - abiding, continuing, durable, Antonyms - heavy, overweight, plump
lasting, persistent, permanent 536. Exertion - ( यास )
Antonyms - ephemeral, fleeting, transient Synonyms - application, endeavour, 548. Empathy - ( सहानुभूित )

525. Enervate - ( कमज़ोर करना )

Synonyms - attenuate, weaken,
undermine, unnerve, enfeeble
Antonyms - energize, empower,
effort, pain, struggle, exercise
Antonyms - idleness, laziness, relaxation

537. Exhilarating - ( ख़ुश करना )

Synonyms - bracing, refreshing,
invigorating, stimulating, renewing,
Synonyms - sympathy, pity, compassion,
condolence, concord, rapport
Antonyms - apathy, discord, disdain

549. Emulate - ( नकल करना )

Synonyms - copy, follow, imitate,
contend, contest, rival
526. Enigmatic - ( रह मय ) Antonyms - agitating, depressing, boring Antonyms - abandon, desert, leave
Synonyms - mysterious, occult, puzzling,
cabalistic, cryptic, arcane 538. Expedite - ( ज ी करना ) 550. Enchant - ( मं मु होना )
Antonyms - simple, plain, obvious Synonyms - accelerate, hasten, hurry, Synonyms - bewitch, charm, enthrall,
quicken, hasten, facilitate spellbind, captivate, fascinate
527. Enmity - ( श ुता )
Antonyms - cease, hinder, halt Antonyms - disgust, repel, repulse
Synonyms - animosity, antipathy,
hostility, hatred, ill will, malice 539. Explicit - ( ) 551. Ennui - ( उब की भावना )
Antonyms - friendship, affinity, love Synonyms - categorical, definite, precise, Synonyms - boredom, monotony,
specific, unambiguous, clear listlessness, jadedness, fatigue, lassitude
528. Enthrall - ( मोिहत करना ) Antonyms - ambiguous, obscure, vague Antonyms - excitement, liveliness, vigor
Synonyms - bewitch, charm, enchant,
spellbind, mesmerize, rivet 540. Earnest - ( ढ संक , गंभीर ) 552. Euphemism - ( कठोर बात को कोमल
Antonyms - repel, bore, bother Synonyms - grave, sedate, serious, रीित से कहना )

somber, solemn, momentous Synonyms - pomposity, floridness,

529. Entice - ( लोभन दे ना ) Antonyms - flippant, frivolous, funny grandiloquence, pretense, hedge,
Synonyms - allure, appeal, lure, seduce, circumlocution
tempt, pull 541. Eccentric - ( सनकी ) Antonyms - conciseness, terseness,
Antonyms - dissuade, repulse, disgust Synonyms - bizarre, freaky, erratic, directness
quaint, weird, idiosyncratic
530. Eradicate - ( जड़ से उखाड़ना ) Antonyms - plain, regular, unusual 553. Evict - ( खा रज करना, िनकालना )
Synonyms - abolish, exterminate, Synonyms - dismiss, expel, oust, chuck,
extirpate, liquidate, uproot, purge 542. Ecstatic - ( उ िसत ) eject, bump
Antonyms - establish, institute, fix Synonyms - delirious, entranced, Antonyms - admit, include, welcome
frenzied, crazy, elated, euphoric
531. Erode - ( न करना ) Antonyms - tormented, sorrowful, 554. Evince - ( दिशत करना )
Synonyms - bite, corrode, wear, gnaw, despaired Synonyms - demonstrate, display,
consume, scour exhibit, manifest, proclaim, reveal
Antonyms - build, construct, fix 543. Eerie - ( भयानक ) Antonyms - conceal, hide, cover
Synonyms - uncanny, weird, mysterious,
532. Escalate - ( बढ़ाना ) scary, unearthly, spectral 555. Exacerbate - ( िबगाड़ना ) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 161

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 30 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Synonyms - annoy, embitter, enrage, Antonyms - blame, criticize, calumniate Synonyms - deadly, lethal, mortal, vital,
inflame, aggravate, provoke disastrous, critical
Antonyms - calm, comfort, soothe 567. Extraneous - ( िवदे शी ) Antonyms - nourishing, helpful/harmless
Synonyms - alien, extrinsic, foreign,
556. Exculpate - ( दोषमु करना ) impertinent, inapplicable, peripheral 579. Ferocious - ( िनदयी )
Synonyms - absolve, clear, exonerate, Antonyms - native, integral, appropriate Synonyms - barbarous, cruel, fierce,
vindicate, acquit, purge savage
Antonyms - blame, condemn, sentence 568. Extricate - ( मु कर दे ना ) Antonyms - gentle, mild, tender
Synonyms - untangle, extract, liberate,
557. Exalt - ( शंसा करना ) detach, release, liberate 580. Fictitious - ( का िनक )
Synonyms - glorify, uplift, eulogize, extol, Antonyms - entangle, involve, insert Synonyms - fanciful, invented, made-up,
laud, exhilarate artificial, assumed, fabricated
Antonyms - castigate, debase, denounce 569. Extrinsic - ( बाहरी ) Antonyms - actual, factual, genuine ‘
Synonyms - alien, foreign, outward,
558. Exasperate - ( िचढ़ाना ) superficial, outer, exotic 581. Filthy - ( ब त ही खराब )
Synonyms - annoy, bother, bug, irk, Antonyms - intrinsic, Integral, interior Synonyms - dirty, soiled, foul, abhorrent,
peeve, provoke detestable, rotten
Antonyms - placate, please, soothe [F] Antonyms - clean, pure, sterile

559. Exhort - ( समझाना ) 570. Fabricate - ( गढ़ना ) 582. Finite - ( सीिमत )
Synonyms - press, urge, encourage, Synonyms - devise, formulate, concoct, Synonyms - definite, limited, precise,
goad, prick, prod assemble, mold, fake restricted, specific, exact
Antonyms - approve, commend, Antonyms - destroy, ruin, wreck Antonyms - endless, infinite, unlimited

560. Exigency - ( ज़ रत )
Synonyms - distress, necessity, juncture,
need, trouble, want
Antonyms - easy, calmness, ordinariness
571. Fabulous - ( शानदार )
Synonyms - amazing, astounding,
phenomenal, splendid
Antonyms - ordinary, simple, common
583. Flatter - ( चापलूसी करना )
Synonyms - adulate, enhance, praise;
blandish, butter up, slaver
Antonyms - belittle, castigate, condemn

584. Flaw - ( ुिट )

572. Facilitate - ( आसान बनाना )
561. Exonerate - ( से मु करना ) Synonyms - ease, expedite, aid, promote, Synonyms - blemish, defect, bug,
Synonyms - absolve, vindicate, clear, further, speed up imperfection, shortcoming, fault
exculpate, purge, free Antonyms - block, detain, hinder Antonyms - perfection, strength, fine
Antonyms - accuse, incriminate, point
condemn 573. Fair - ( ठीक, आकषक )
585. Flexible - ( लचीला )

Synonyms - attractive, gorgeous, pretty,

562. Exorbitant - ( हद से ादा ) auspicious, benign, unbiased Synonyms - ductile, malleable, pliable,
Synonyms - excessive, immoderate, Antonyms - partial, unjust, ugly resilient, adaptable, supple
inordinate, undue, overabundant, Antonyms - rigid, stiff, unyielding
extravagant 574. Faithful - ( वफ़ादार )
Antonyms - moderate, inexpensive, Synonyms - allegiant, loyal, trustworthy, 586. Flourish - ( फलना-फूलना )
reasonable credible, rigorous, precise Synonyms - bloom, thrive, prosper, flower,
Antonyms - dishonest, unreliable, shine, brandish
563. Expunge - ( िमटा दे ना ) Antonyms - languish, stunt, hinder

Synonyms - cancel, delete, efface, undo,
wipe, obliterate 575. Fake - ( नकली चीज ) 587. Fluctuate - ( घटना बढ़ना )
Antonyms - build, construct, create Synonyms - bogus, counterfeit, Synonyms - alter, oscillate, swing, waver,
fraudulent, phony, spurious, sham shift
564. Exquisite - ( उ ृ ) Antonyms - genuine, original, true Antonyms - persist, hold, stay
Synonyms - dainty, delicate, elegant, fine,
graceful, ethereal 576. Familiar - ( प रिचत ) 588. Fluent - ( धारा वाह )
Antonyms - flawed, crude, inferior Synonyms - versed, acquainted, Synonyms - easy, effortless, flowing,
conversant, friendly, rude, brash fluid, graceful, smooth
565. Exterminate - ( उखाड़ना ) Antonyms - foreign, strange, Antonyms - uneven, intermittent, irregular
Synonyms - abolish, annihilate, eradicate, unremarkable
erase, obliterate, extirpate 577. Fascinate - ( वशीभूत करना ) 589. Foe - ( श ु )
Antonyms - establish, institute, enact Synonyms - beguile, bewitch, captivate; Synonyms - hostile, enemy, nemesis,
charm, enchant, enthrall adversary, antagonist, rival
566. Extol - ( गुणगान करना ) Antonyms - bore, disenchant, repel. Antonyms - friend, ally, protagonist
Synonyms - exalt, eulogize, panegyrize,
honor, laud, glorify 578. Fatal - ( जानलेवा ) 590. Foul - ( बेईमानी से ) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 162

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 30 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Synonyms - atrocious, disgusting, horrid, Synonyms - momentary, ephemeral, 614. Fury - ( रोष )
fetid, filthy, ribald temporal, transient, transitory Synonyms - ire, rage, wrath, ferocity,
Antonyms - flagrant, pure, pleasing Antonyms - long-lasting, permanent, vehemence, violence
staying Antonyms - calm, happiness, peace
591. Frank - ( वादी )
Synonyms - candid, forthright, ingenuous, 603. Flimsy - ( कमज़ोर ) 615. Fussy - ( आसानी से चीजों को न पसंद
straightforward, open, plainspoken Synonyms - frail, infirm, feeble, incredible, करने वाला )
Antonyms - secretive, evasive, divisive unbelievable, unsubstantial Synonyms - exacting, fastidious, finicky,
Antonyms - sturdy, substantial, tough meticulous, particular, squeamish
592. Fraud - ( धोखेबाज़ ) Antonyms - careless, indiscriminate
Synonyms - cheat, swindle, charlatan, 604. Flout - ( अवहे लना करना )
impostor, phony, fake Synonyms - break, defy, disobey, 616. Fallacious - ( झूठा )
Antonyms - honest, ethical, forthright transgress, violate, refuse Synonyms - false, illogical, invalid,'
Antonyms - honor, respect, follow erroneous, mistaken, deceptive
593. Fundamental - ( मौिलक ) Antonyms - correct, real, truthful
Synonyms - basic, elementary, essential, 605. Fail - ( हार )
rudiment, root, axiom Synonyms - defeat, frustrate, thwart, 617. Faraway - ( ब त दू र )
Antonyms - extra, trivial, unimportant checkmate, baffle Synonyms - distant, far, far-flung, remote,

Antonyms - abet, aid, assist bemused, distrait
594. Futile - ( बेकार ) Antonyms - close, near, attentive
Synonyms - barren, useless, vain, 606. Forbid - ( मना करना )
fruitless, unsuccessful, unprofitable Synonyms - ban, disallow, debar, inhibit, 618. Fastidious - ( अवगुण ढू ं ढ़नेवाला )
Antonyms - useful, productive, fertile interdict, prohibit Synonyms - meticulous, punctilious-,

595. Fainthearted - ( डरपोक )

Synonyms - chickenhearted, cowardly,
craven, pusillanimous, gutless
Antonyms - brave, courageous, fearless

596. Falter - (लड़खड़ाना )

Antonyms - approve, authorize, sanction

607. Forge - ( नकली बनाना )

Synonyms - beat, assemble, build,
construct, mold, fake
Antonyms - dismantle, raze, disjoint
scrupulous, painstaking, exacting
Antonyms - indifferent, informal, uncaring

619. Fathom - ( पूण प से समझना )

Synonyms - apprehend, comprehend,
grasp, understand
Antonyms - misunderstand, misinterpret,
Synonyms - dither, stagger, waver, 608. Formidable - ( डरावना ) confound
stumble, lurch Synonyms - direful, arduous, scary,
Antonyms - persist, endure, maintain exacting, taxing, rigorous 620. Feign - ( झूठा नाटक करना )
Antonyms - nice, light, easy Synonyms - fake, pretend,' sham, pose,
597. Fanatic - ( क र ) simulate, profess
609. Fragile - ( नाज़ुक )
Synonyms - extremist, radical, Antonyms - authenticate, corroborate,
revolutionary, ultra, zealot, votary Synonyms - brittle, delicate, puny, weak, substantiate
Antonyms - balanced, moderate, frail
conservative Antonyms - durable, strong, firm 621. Fervent - ( जोश से भरा आ )
Synonyms - ardent, blazing, fervid,
598. Fatigued - ( थका आ ) 610. Fragment - ( टु कड़े टु कड़े होना ) passionate, zealous, enthusiastic
Synonyms - bleary, drained, exhausted,' Synonyms - scrap, shard, stub, crumb, Antonyms - dispirited, impassive,
weary, worn-out, rundown iota, particle discouraged
Antonyms - lively, vivacious, refreshed Antonyms - entirety, total, whole

622. Fervor - ( उ ाह )
599. Feasible - ( वहाय ) 611. Frightful - ( डरावना ) Synonyms - ardour, passion, zeal, fire,
Synonyms - possible, practicable, viable, Synonyms - appalling, awful, dreadful; enthusiasm, heat
workable, probable horrendous, direful, scary Antonyms - apathy, calmness, pessimism
Antonyms - inconceivable, unreasonable, Antonyms - soothing, calming,
unlikely encouraging 623. Fickle - ( अ थर भाव वाला )
Synonyms - capricious, erratic, freakish,
600. Felicitate - ( अिभनंदन करना ) 612. Frugality - ( कम खच ) inconsistent, temperamental
Synonyms - commend, compliment, Synonyms - economy, thrift, parsimony, Antonyms - constant, reliable, stable
praise, honour, recommend, salute niggardliness.
Antonyms - condemn, reject, criticise Antonyms - generosity, lavishness, 624. Fidelity - ( वफ़ादारी )
601. Fierce - ( जंगली ) wastefulness Synonyms - faithfulness, loyalty,
Synonyms - ferocious, inhuman, allegiance, devotion, accuracy, veracity
barbarous, intense, vehement, violent 613. Frustrate - ( िनराश करना ) Antonyms - disloyalty, treachery, infidelity
Antonyms - gentle, tender, tame Synonyms - balk, checkmate, defeat, foil,
stymie 625. Flamboyant - ( भड़कीला )
602. Fleeting - ( िणक ) Antonyms - assist, facilitate Synonyms - florid, ornate, ostentatious, Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 163

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 30 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
pretentious, showy, splashy 637. Frigid - ( उदासीन, ठं डा ) relentless, stubborn, unyielding
Antonyms - modest, moderate, restrained Synonyms - frosty, wintry, icy, gelid, Antonyms - bright, joyful, sunny
inhibited, arctic
626. Fledgling - ( अनुभवहीन ) Antonyms - hot, warm, aggressive 649. Grumble - ( िशकायत करना,
Synonyms - beginner, greenhorn, novice, बड़बड़ाना )
neophyte, tyro, abecedarian 638. Frivolous - ( तु ) Synonyms - grunt, murmur, mutter, growl,
Antonyms - expert, veteran, professional Synonyms - frothy, giddy, silly, gaga, complain
trivial, scatterbrained Antonyms - compliment, praise,
627. Forestall - ( अनुमान करना ) Antonyms - grave, sensible, solemn appreciate
Synonyms -. avert, obviate, preclude,
prevent, forfend, stave off [G] 650. Gullible - ( सीधा साधा )
Antonyms - aid, help, permit Synonyms - credulous, , naïve,
639. Gaudy - ( भड़कीला ) exploitable, susceptible, simpleton
628. Forsake - ( ाग दे ना ) Synonyms - flashy, glaring, garish, tawdry, Antonyms - astute, discerning, perceptive
Synonyms - abandon, desert, leave, quit, tinsel, pretentious
desolate, abdicate Antonyms - modest, simple, dull 651. Grudge - ( कुढ़ना /अिन ा कट
Antonyms - rediscover, return, revert करना)
640. Genial - ( िमलनसार ) Synonyms - resentment, rancour,

629. Forthright - ( खरा ) Synonyms - affable, amiable, agreeable, animosity, aversion, malice
Synonyms - candid, direct, honest, cordial, congenial, pleasant Antonyms - liking, fondness, affection
plainspoken, straightforward, ingenuous Antonyms - aloof, cranky, irritable
Antonyms - devious, dishonest, truthful 652. Gain - ( लाभ होना )
641. Ghastly - ( डरावना ) Synonyms - acquire, procure, secure,
630. Fortify - ( मजबूत बनाना )
Synonyms -. brace, forearm, gird, ready,
confirm, strengthen
Antonyms - hurt, weaken, injure

631. Fortitude - ( साहस )

Synonyms - bravery, courage, mettle,
wonderful ck
Synonyms - horrible, horrid, appalling,
dire, scary, frightful
Antonyms - delightful, pleasant,

642. Glaring - ( )
accomplish, attain, realize
Antonyms - forfeit, lose, waste

653. Gala - ( ौहार )

Synonyms - festive, joyous, merry, jovial,
convivial, festal
Antonyms - gloomy, somber, depressed
Synonyms - flagrant , gross, flashy
pluck, valor, intrepidity Antonyms - concealed, hidden, subdued
Antonyms - cowardice, weakness, 654. Gallant - ( साहसी )
helplessness 643. Gluttonous - ( लोभी ) Synonyms - audacious, dauntless, heroic,
Synonyms - greedy, hoggish, piggish, plucky, valiant, mettlesome
632. Foster - ( पालन-पोषण करना ) ravenous, voracious, rapacious Antonyms - cowardly, timid, afraid
Synonyms - cultivate, nourish, nurse, Antonyms - quenched, satisfied, full
nurture, feed, promote 655. Generous - ( खच करना )
Antonyms - condemn, discourage, 644. Grandeur - ( भ ता ) Synonyms - lavish, liberal, magnanimous,
neglect Synonyms - glory, majesty, splendour, bountiful, copious, substantial
amplitude, immensity, brilliance Antonyms - mean, miserly, stingy
633. Foxy - ( चालाक ) Antonyms - insignificance, unimportance,
Synonyms - crafty, cunning, guileful, simplicity 656. Genius - ( ितभाशाली )
scheming, sly, sharp Synonyms - brilliance, aptitude, flair,
Antonyms - naive, unintelligent, honest 645. Gratify - ( संतु करना ) knack, talent, bent

Synonyms - enchant, gladden, please, Antonyms - inability, incapacity,

634. Fractious - ( झगड़ालू ) appease, content, please weakness
Synonyms - disorderly, intractable, Antonyms - annoy, frustrate, offend
refractory, unruly, untoward, recalcitrant 657. Gentle - ( स न )
Antonyms - complaisant, agreeable, 646. Grave - ( गंभीर/ संगीन ) Synonyms - mild, tender, delicate, faint,
pleasant, Synonyms - earnest, severe, serious, moderate, slight
weighty, ominous, portentous Antonyms - crude, rough, violent
635. Freak - ( सनक ) Antonyms - frivolous, ridiculous, funny
Synonyms - vagary, whim, fanatic, 658. Genuine - ( असली )
maniac, caprice, notion 647. Gregarious - ( िमलनसार ) Synonyms - authentic, real,
Antonyms - regular, ordinary, constant Synonyms - social, outgoing, extrovert, unquestionable, sincere, unfeigned,
affable, cordial, convivial hearty
636. Fret - ( झ ाहट ) Antonyms - introvert, unfriendly, Antonyms - counterfeit, illegitimate,
Synonyms - aggravate, annoy, bother, inhospitable sham
bug, irritate, peeve
Antonyms - calm, comfort, soothe . 648. Grim - ( िनदयी ) 659. Gigantic - ( ब त बड़ा )
Synonyms - austere, bleak, adamant, Synonyms - behemoth, colossal, Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 164

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 30 - 31 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
enormous, immense, massive, mighty merry, vivid, lesbian Antonyms - cheerful, delightful, excellent
Antonyms - miniature, minuscule, tiny Antonyms - depressed, upset, worried
683. Gritty - ( दानेदार )
660. Gloomy - ( उदास ) 672. Genteel - ( स न ) Synonyms - coarse, grainy, granular,
Synonyms - cheerless, bleak, dismal, Synonyms - courteous, polite, well-bred, rough, abrasive, lumpy
morose, sullen, melancholic prim, prudish, puritanical Antonyms - fine, smooth, refined
Antonyms - cheerful, sunny, bright Antonyms - boorish, callous, rugged
684. Gruelling - ( थकाऊ )
661. Glorify - ( गुणगान करना ) 673. Gibe - ( मज़ाक उडाना ) Synonyms - difficult, taxing, demanding,
Synonyms - exalt, acclaim, eulogize, laud, Synonyms - insult, jeer, scoff, taunt, twit, arduous, backbreaking, rigorous
praise, extol ridicule Antonyms - effortless, smooth, easy
Antonyms - condemn, criticize Antonyms - commendation, appreciation,
compliment 685. Gruesome - ( भयानक )
662. Gorgeous - ( शानदार ) Synonyms - ghastly, grim, grisly, hideous,
Synonyms - ravishing, stunning, glorious, 674. Giddy - ( च र सा आना ) lurid, macabre
magnificent, splendid, attractive Synonyms - dizzy, reeling, frivolous, Antonyms - pleasant, bright, sunny
Antonyms - homely, ugly, ordinary frothy, woozy, silly
Antonyms - sensible, mature, grave 686. Guile - ( छल-कपट )

663. Gracious - ( दयालु ) Synonyms - artifice, craft, cunningness,
Synonyms - affable, hospitable, courtly, 675. Glee - ( स ता ) foxiness, slyness, deception
amiable, compassionate, cordial Synonyms - gaiety, hilarity, joviality, Antonyms - frankness, naivety, openness
Antonyms - nasty, mean, rude merriment, mirth, blitheness
Antonyms - sadness, dullness, solemnity [H]
664. Grant - ( दान करना )
Synonyms - accord, award, concede,
give, vouchsafe/ confer
Antonyms - forfeit, lose, refuse

665. Grateful - ( आभारी )

Synonyms - appreciative, thankful,
करने वाला )

676. Glib - ( िचकनी चुपड़ी बात

Synonyms - facile, slick, artful, insincere,

flip, suave
Antonyms - inarticulate, stuttering,
687. Haphazard - ( आक क )
Synonyms - indiscriminate, unplanned,
random, arbitrary
Antonyms - systematic, organized,
congenial, agreeable, gratifying 688. Harass - ( तंग करना )
Antonyms - thankless, heedless, critical 677. Glitch - ( गड़बड़ ) Synonyms - beset, hound, annoy, plague,
Synonyms - bug, hitch, flaw, setback, pester, torment
666. Grief - ( दु ः ख ) malfunction, setback Antonyms - aid, facilitate, support
Synonyms - sorrow, anguish, despair, Antonyms - perfection, achievement,
heartbreak, distress, gloom advantage 689. Hardship - ( मुसीबत )
Antonyms - delight, exhilaration, ecstasy Synonyms - asperity, difficulty, adversity,
678. Glut - ( भरमार ) affliction, catastrophe, distress
667. Guilty - ( कसूरवार ) Synonyms - excess, fat, surplus, Antonyms - benefit, assistance, ease
Synonyms - culpable, censured, damned, superfluity, overflow, overrun
condemned, doomed Antonyms - insufficiency, lack, want 690. Harmony - ( तालमेल/सौहाद- थापन )
Antonyms - blameless, innocent, truthful Synonyms - accord, agreement,
679. Grandiose - ( िदखावटी ) conformity, rapport, symmetry
668. Gainsay - ( िवरोध करना ) Synonyms - imposing, magnificent, regal,

Antonyms - disagreement, discord,

Synonyms - contradict, contravene, deny, royal, sublime, pompous clash.
negate, disaffirm Antonyms - moderate, unpretentious,
Antonyms - concede, concur, reconcile calm 691. Harsh - ( कठोर )
Synonyms - coarse, jagged, rugged,
669. Garner - ( संिचत करना ) 680. Gratuitous - ( मु ) hoarse, jarring, acerbic
Synonyms - extract, glean, harvest, Synonyms - complimentary, gratis, Antonyms - mild, pleasing, soft I
accrue, cumulate, aggregate wanton, supererogatory, uncalled-for
Antonyms - dissipate, spread, disperse Antonyms - costly, expensive, essential 692. Hateful - ( घृणा करने यो )
Synonyms - malicious, malevolent,
670. Garrulous - ( बातूनी ) 681. Greenhorn - ( नौिस खया ) malignant, nasty, spiteful, vicious
Synonyms - talkative, loquacious, Synonyms - abecedarian, tyro, novice, Antonyms - amiable, harmless
voluble, chatty, eloquent, chattering neophyte, fledgling, tenderfoot
Antonyms - taciturn, reserved, Antonyms - expert, professional, veteran 693. Hazardous - ( खतरनाक )
uncommunicative Synonyms - dangerous, jeopardous,
682. Grievous - ( क दायक ) perilous, treacherous, chancy, risky
671. Gay - ( खुश ) Synonyms - deplorable, lamentable, Antonyms - guarded, safe, secure
Synonyms - blithe, mirthful, jocund, rueful, woeful, mournful, severe
694. Hoax - ( धोखा दे ना ) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 165

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 31 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Synonyms - con, deceit, fake, fraud, 706. Headlong - ( िसर के बल ) 718. Hapless - ( बदिक त )
gimmick, prank Synonyms - brash, foolhardy, impetuous, Synonyms - ill-fated, luckless,
Antonyms - frankness, openness, impulsive, slapdash, reckless unfortunate, cursed, jinxed, untoward
uprightness Antonyms - cautious, thoughtless' wary Antonyms - fortuitous, lucky; well-off

695. Homely - ( साधारण/घरे लु ) 707. Hearten - ( शंसा करना ) 719. Harrowing - ( खौफ़नाक , शोकजनक )
Synonyms - plain, unattractive, simple, Synonyms - buck up, cheer, encourage, Synonyms - agonizing, anguishing,
ordinary, comfortable animate, perk up, buoy excruciating, tormenting, tortuous,
Antonyms - attractive, modern, charming Antonyms - dishearten, undermine; frightening
obstruct Antonyms - calming, pleasant, straight,
696. Homogenous - ( एक समान ) headstrong
Synonyms - akin, alike,' analogous, 708. Hesitant - ( संकोची )
identical, uniform, similar Synonyms - indecisive, irresolute, 720. Headstrong - ( अिड़यल )
Antonyms - heterogeneous, varied, tentative, wavering, pendulous, halting Synonyms - bullheaded, dogged, mulish,
discrete Antonyms - certain, definite, resolute obstinate, perverse, tenacious
Antonyms - docile, submissive, tolerant
697. Horrific - ( डरावना ) 709. Heterogeneous - ( िविवध )
Synonyms - horrible, horrid, terrible, Synonyms - assorted, diverse, 721. Heartrending - ( शोकजनक )

awful, dreadful, beastly multifarious, sundry, varied Synonyms - agonizing, distressing,
Antonyms - comforting, reassuring, Antonyms - alike, conforming, identical pitiful, doleful, harrowing, tragic
satisfying Antonyms - delightful, endurable,
710. Hilarious - ( हा पूण ) soothing
698. Hostile - ( ितरोधी ) Synonyms - funny, amusing, jovial,
722. Heinous - ( जघ )
Synonyms - belligerent, combative,
contentious, pugnacious
Antonyms - agreeable, friendly, gentle

699. Humorous -( मजािकया )

Synonyms - amusing, comic, jocular,
witty, facetious, funny
gleeful, frolicsome
Antonyms - grave, somber, tragic

711. Hinder - ( अड़चन डालना )

Synonyms - encumber, obstruct, impede,
deter, curb, clog
Antonyms - forward, push, advance'
Synonyms - atrocious, monstrous,
outrageous, scandalous, shocking,
Antonyms - glorious, wonderful, pleasing

723. Heretic - ( धम िवरोधी )

Antonyms - morose, sad, tragic Synonyms - dissident, nonconformist,
712. Homage - ( ांजिल ) schismatic, sectarian, separatist,
700. Hurdle - ( बाधा डालना ) Synonyms - deference, honour, dissenter
Synonyms - bar, barrier, block, clog, obeisance, esteem, reverence, tribute Antonyms - adherent, faithful, loyalist
hamper, impediment Antonyms - scorn, treachery, disloyalty
724. Hideous - ( िघनौना )
Antonyms - furtherance, assistance, help
713. Hospitable - ( मेहमान नवाज़ी ) Synonyms - ugly, displeasing, grim,
701. Hackneyed - ( िघसा िपटा ) Synonyms - affable, warm, gracious, gruesome, lurid, macabre
Synonyms - banal, stale, timeworn, congenial, courteous, friendly Antonyms - pleasing, attractive, cheerful
overused, cliche, stereotyped Antonyms - alienating, estranged, rude
Antonyms - original, fresh, unused 725. Hoary - ( पुराना )
714. Humbug - ( छल-कपट ) Synonyms - ancient, antiquated, olden,
702. Hale - ( थ) Synonyms - charlatan, fake, fraud, archaic, venerable, timeworn
Synonyms - healthy, sound, wholesome, impostor, phony, pretender Antonyms - modern, recent,

fit, flourishing, robust Antonyms - genuine, truthful, original forward-looking

Antonyms - sick, unhealthy, weak
715. Humiliate - (अपमािनत करना ) 726. Hone - ( पैना करना )
703. Hamper - ( बाधा डालना ) Synonyms - abase, degrade, demean, Synonyms - acuminate, edge, sharpen,
Synonyms - fetter, manacle, shackle, tie, humble, mortify, denigrate whet, grind, taper
trammel, restrict Antonyms - elevate, laud, praise Antonyms - blunt, dull, round
Antonyms - expedite, promote, aid
716. Hypocrite - ( पाखंडी ) 727. Hubbub ( चहल-पहल )
704. Hardy - ( साहसी ) Synonyms - phony, charlatan,, spurious, Synonyms - tumult, clamor, din,
Synonyms - stout, stalwart, rugged, sham, pseudo hullabaloo, pandemonium, rumpus
intrepid, valiant, plucky Antonyms - genuine, real, sincere Antonyms - calm, order, peace
Antonyms - feeble, invalid, infirm
717. Hypothetical - ( प रक त ) 728. Hyperbole - ( िकसी बात को घटा
705. Haughty - ( घमंडी ) Synonyms - abstract, theoretical, बढ़ाकर कहना )
Synonyms - arrogant, insolent, presumptive, suppositious, inferential Synonyms - exaggeration, overstatement,
overbearing, proud, supercilious, lofty Antonyms - factual, measured, proven baloney, hogwash, elaboration, boasting
Antonyms - humble, meek, shy Antonyms - understatement, Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 166

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 31 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
condensation, suppression 740. Indifferent - ( तट थ ) interior, confidential, personal
Synonyms - dispassionate, objective, Antonyms - formal, incompatible, cool
[I] just, apathetic, nonpartisan
Antonyms - concerned, caring, 752. Invert - ( पलटना )
sympathetic Synonyms - reverse, transpose, turn, flip,
729. Ideal - ( आदश )
upturn, backtrack
Synonyms - exemplary, model, standard,
741. Industrious - ( मेहनती ) Antonyms - advance, forward, hold
perfect, supreme
Antonyms - flawed, imperfect, Synonyms -. assiduous, diligent,
753. Invincible - ( अजेय )
problematic hardworking, studious, sedulous,
Synonyms -. impregnable, indomitable,
unconquerable, unbeatable, unyielding,
730. Identical - ( एक जैसा ) Antonyms - indolent, lethargic, slack
Synonyms - same, similar, equal, Antonyms - beatable, conquerable,
equivalent, tantamount, even 742. Inevitable - ( अटल )
Antonyms - distinct, diverse, dissimilar Synonyms - certain,inescapable,
unavoidable, definite, sure, doomed 754. Irritate - ( िचढ़ाना )
731. Ignite - ( जलाना ) Antonyms - uncertain, unlikely, unsure Synonyms - aggravate, bug, exasperate,
Synonyms - kindle, fire, light, inflame, fret, peeve, nettle
alight, burn, incense 743. Infinite - (अनंत ) Antonyms - assuage, please, aid

Antonyms - extinguish, pacify, quench Synonyms - boundless, eternal, endless,
unlimited, countless, innumerable 755. Illuminate - ( कािशत करना )
732. Ignorant - ( अिशि त ) Antonyms - definite, limited, measurable Synonyms - lighten, clarify, elucidate,
Synonyms - illiterate, uneducated, illustrate, enlighten, edify
unaware, oblivious, unacquainted 744. Initial - ( आरं िभक ) Antonyms - obscure, darken, cloud
Antonyms - aware, knowledgeable,

733. Illegitimate ( अवैध )

Synonyms - illegal, illicit, outlawed,
bastard, spurious, misbegotten
Synonyms - inceptive, beginning,
introductory, maiden, primary ,primordial
Antonyms - closing, final, last

745. Innovative - ( नवाचारी )

Synonyms - ingenious, inventive, original,
improvised, unprecedented, novel
756. Illusive - ( ामक )
Synonyms - chimerical, deceptive,
fallacious, hallucinatory, visionary
Antonyms - real, factual, definite

757. Immaculate - ( बेदाग़ )

Antonyms - authorized, ethical, moral
Antonyms - customary, habitual, Synonyms - spotless, perfect, stainless,
traditional unsullied, unsoiled, errorless
734. Illicit - ( गैरकानूनी )
Antonyms - foul, filthy, tainted
Synonyms - lawless, unlawful,
clandestine, adulterous 746. Inquisitive - ( जानने को इ ु क )
Synonyms - curious, nosy, snoopy, 758. Immerse - ( डूबो दे ना )
Antonyms - legitimate, noble, proper
Synonyms - dip, douse, submerge, soak,
inquiring, questioning, investigative
Antonyms - disinterested, indifferent, consume, engross
735. Immense - ( ब त )
incurious Antonyms - dry, retrieve, surface
Synonyms - enormous, monumental,
vast, titanic, colossal, elephantine 759. Impair - ( ख़राब करना )
Antonyms - minute, tiny, paltry 747. Insane - ( पागल )
Synonyms - blemish, damage, tarnish,
Synonyms - crazy, daft, unsound, maniac,
vitiate, flaw, mar
736. Impartial - ( प पात रिहत ) lunatic, dotty
Antonyms - mend, fix, heal
Synonyms - dispassionate, equitable, Antonyms - sane, rational, logical
760. Imperative - ( अिनवाय )

indifferent, unbiased, just

748. Insignificant - ( मह हीन )
Antonyms - prejudiced, partial, Synonyms - pressing, urgent, obligatory,
Synonyms - trivial, inconsequent,
discriminating mandatory, emergent, requisite
inconsiderable, meager, negligible
Antonyms - optional, voluntary,
Antonyms - significant, substantial,
737. Impromptu - ( िबना तैयारी के ) secondary
Synonyms - extemporary, improvised,
offhand, unrehearsed 761. Imposing - ( भाव डालने वाला )
749. Intensify - ( ती होना )
Antonyms - deliberate, planned, Synonyms - grand, magnificent, princely,
Synonyms - aggravate, deepen, enhance,
premeditated splendid, stately, noble
heighten, redouble, increase
738. Inclusive - ( सिहत ) Antonyms - drab, paltry, unimpressive
Antonyms - weaken, soothe,lower
Synonyms - comprehensive, expansive,
extensive, widespread, extended 762. Impotent - ( श हीन )
750. Intervene - ( ह ेप करना )
Antonyms - exclusive, narrow, selective Synonyms - powerless, inadequate,
Synonyms - interfere, intrude, meddle,
barren, weak, infertile, sterile
obtrude, intercede, interpose
739. Increment - ( वृ ) Antonyms - productive, capable, strong
Antonyms - ignore, withdraw, avoid
Synonyms - advance, boost, hike,
increase, jump, raise 763. Impulsive - ( आवेगशील )
751. Intimate - ( अंतरं ग )
Antonyms - decrease, loss, slump Synonyms - brash, hasty, reckless,
Synonyms - close, familiar, friendly, Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 167
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 31 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
slapdash, instinctive, spontaneous effectuate, generate, trigger, bring about browbeat, bulldoze, bully
Antonyms - cautious, heedful, Antonyms - discourage, prevent, hinder Antonyms - assist, encourage, protect
775. Infamy - ( बदनामी ) 787. Instinctive - ( ाभािवक )
764. Inarticulate - ( धीरे से बोलना ) Synonyms - notoriety, abomination, Synonyms - intuitive, visceral, impulsive,
Synonyms - dumb, mute, faltering, mum, disrespect, ignominy, stigma, obloquy involuntary, unpremeditated
voiceless, reticent Antonyms - dignity, virtue, righteousness Antonyms - deliberate, conscious,
Antonyms - communicative, effusive, mediated
articulate 776. Infatuate - ( मोिहत करना )
Synonyms - allure, enamour, beguile, 788. Intrinsic - ( आतं रक )
765. Inception - ( आरं भ )
bewitch, fascinate, enthrall Synonyms - constitutional, inborn,
Synonyms - beginning, commencement,
Antonyms - disillusion, repel, disgust indigenous, ingrained, innate, inherent
inauguration, launch, onset
Antonyms - accidental, acquired,
Antonyms - conclusion, end, finish
777. Infer - ( िन ष िनकालना ) extrinsic
Synonyms - conclude, deduce, deduct,
766. Incessant - ( लगातार )
draw, guess, speculate 789. Irate - ( गु ा )
Synonyms - ceaseless, eternal,
Antonyms - doubt, misinterpret, Synonyms - furious, ireful, rabid, wrathful,
everlasting, perpetual, relentless
fuming, incensed
Antonyms - intermittent, interrupted,

778. Infuriate - ( गु ा करना ) Antonyms - calm, cheerful, pleased,
Synonyms - anger, enrage, incense,
767. Incite - ( उ ेिजत करना ) provoke, aggravate, exasperate 790. Irk - ( गु ा िदलाना )
Synonyms - excite, foment, impel, Antonyms - please, soothe, pacify Synonyms - annoy/bother, exasperate,
instigate, trigger, prod nettle, rile, ruffle
Antonyms - halt, dissuade, repress

768. Inconsequential - ( असंगत )

Synonyms - insignificant, trivial, petty,
negligible, meager, irrelevant
Antonyms - substantial, valuable,
779. Ingenious - ( िनपुण )
Synonyms - creative, innovative,
inventive, original, resourceful, novel
Antonyms - inept, dumb, customary

780. Inherent - ( ाभािवक )

Antonyms - delight, gratify, placate

791. Ironic - ( लोहे का )

Synonyms - cynic, sardonic, wry, acrid,
caustic, derisive
Antonyms - considerate, deferential;
significant Synonyms - elemental, inbred, innate,
intrinsic, ingrained, congenital
769. Incorporate - ( इक ा करना ) Antonyms - acquired, incidental, external 792. Isolate - ( अलग कर दे ना )
Synonyms - integrate, embody,combine, Synonyms - seclude, segregate, insulate,
weave, assimilate, merge 781. Inhibit - ( बाधा डालना ) separate, detach, remove
Antonyms - exclude, divide, drop Synonyms - bridle, constrain, curb, block, Antonyms - integrate, incorporate,
forbid, debar mingle
770. Incorrigible - ( िजसे ठीक नही ं िकया Antonyms - approve, assist, aid
जा सकता ) 793. Itinerant - ( घूमने िफरने वाला )
Synonyms - intractable, incurable, 782. Instigate - ( भड़काना ) Synonyms - nomadic, vagabond, vagrant,
hardened, irreparable, hopeless Synonyms - goad, propel, spur, stimulate migratory, migrant, wanderer
Antonyms - manageable, obedient, motivate, incite Antonyms - permanent, settled, resident
reparable Antonyms - halt, dissuade, discourage
794. Idiosyncrasy - ( पागलपन )
771. Indeed - ( वा व म ) Synonyms - eccentricity, peculiarity,
783. Integrity - ( ईमानदारी )

Synonyms - actually, certainly/genuinely, Synonyms - honesty, principle, honour, quirk, abnormality, freakishness
positively, truthfully Antonyms - normality, standard,
incorruptibility, strength, entirety
Antonyms - doubtfully, questionably, Antonyms - orruption, disgrace, regularity
795. Illusory - ( मायावी )
772. Indigenous - ( दे शी ) 784. Intense - ( अित कठोर ) Synonyms - fallacious, unreal, dreamlike,
Synonyms - aboriginal, native, endemic, misleading, delusive, hallucinatory
Synonyms - fierce, desperate, vehement,
ingrained, inherent, inbred Antonyms - real, certain, definite
violent, furious, concentrated
Antonyms - alien, foreign, extrinsic
Antonyms - moderate, mild, low-key
796. Imbibe - ( सोख लेना )
773. Indiscriminate - ( अंधाधुंध ) Synonyms - sip, guzzle, consume,
785. Intermittent - ( क- क कर )
Synonyms - haphazard, random, Synonyms - fitful, occasional, sporadic, absorb, assimilate, digest
unplanned, desultory, assorted, motley Antonyms - abstain, ignore, evade
periodical, cyclic, alternate
Antonyms - systematic, orderly,
Antonyms - perpetual, continual, regular
methodical 797. Imminent - ( अभी होने वाला )
Synonyms - impending, momentary,
786. Intimidate - ( धमकी दे ना )
774. Induce - ( े रत करना ) proximate, forthcoming, expectant,
Synonyms - frighten, threaten, menace,
Synonyms - convince, persuade, approaching Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 168
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 31 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Antonyms - distant, doubtful, later Synonyms - acute, keen, penetrating, Synonyms - hereditary, inborn,
sharp, probing, trenchant congenital, intrinsic, elemental, ingrained
798. Immune - ( ितरोधी ) Antonyms - stupid, dull, blunt Antonyms - extrinsic, acquired
Synonyms - impervious, insusceptible,
resistant, exempt, clear, safe 810. Incredulous - ( अिव ासी ) 822. Innocuous - ( नुकसान न
Antonyms - unguarded, vulnerable, Synonyms - disbelieving, questioning, प ं चानेवाला )
susceptible ‘ skeptical, dubious, hesitant, suspicious Synonyms - harmless, inoffensive,
Antonyms - convinced, credulous, jejune, vapid, washy
799. Impart - ( बतलाना ) believing Antonyms - destructive, injurious,
Synonyms - carry, communicate, convey, harmful
disclose, transmit, tel 811. Indefatigable - ( जो थकता नही ं )
Antonyms - conceal, hide/ withhold Synonyms - tireless, unfailing, untiring, 823. Inordinate - ( अ िधक )
weariless, inexhaustible Synonyms - excessive, exorbitant,
800. Impassioned - ( जोशीला ) Antonyms - tired, weary, fatigued, extravagant,overmuch,
Synonyms - ardent, blazing, fervent, undue,immoderate
glowing, passionate, scorching 812. Indict - ( आरोप लगाना ) Antonyms - moderate, reasonable,
Antonyms - frigid, uncaring, indifferent Synonyms - accuse, arraign, charge, warranted
denounce, incriminate, tax

801. Impel - ( रत ) Antonyms - absolve, acquit, exonerate 824. Insatiate - ( लालची )
Synonyms - galvanize, spur, mobilize, Synonyms - avaricious, avid, covetous,
propel, actuate, drive 813. Indignation - ( नाराज़गी ) craving, hoggish, desirous
Antonyms - dissuade, repress, suppress Synonyms - anger, ire, exasperation, fury, Antonyms - abstemious, benevolent,
pique, rage generous
802. Implicate - ( फंसाना )
Synonyms - embroil, involve, incriminate,
inculpate, entangle, mire
Antonyms - defend, pardon, release

803. Implicit - ( िनिहत )

Synonyms - inferred, tacit, unsaid,
Antonyms - glee, comfort, happiness

814. Indeterminate - ( संदेहा द )

Synonyms - ambiguous, dubious,
clouded, indecisive, equivocal, indefinite
Antonyms - definite, measurable,
825. Insidious - ( धोखेबाज़ )
Synonyms - astute, crafty, crooked,
cunning, deceitful, adroit
Antonyms -fair, sincere, open

826. Insipid - ( बे ाद )
unfaltering, absolute, wholehearted Synonyms - bland, savory, innocuous,
Antonyms - specific, explicit, restricted 815. Indolent - ( आलसी ) vapid, jejune, watery
Synonyms - lazy, slothful, sluggish, inert, Antonyms - exciting, exhilarating,
804. Impoverish - ( गरीब होना ) sluggard, lethargic pleasing
Synonyms - bankrupt, bust, pauperize, Antonyms - diligent, energetic, intent
827. Insolent - ( बदतमीज़ )
ruin, deplete, exhaust
Antonyms - enrich, stabilize, strengthen 816. Inept - ( अयो ) Synonyms - haughty, overbearing,
Synonyms - incongruous, infelicitous, supercilious, brazen, presumptuous
805. Impudence - ( साहस ) incompetent, maladroit, lumpish, clumsy Antonyms - modest, servile, humble
Synonyms - audacity, boldness, Antonyms - adroit, dexterous,; competent
effrontery, pertness, insolence, pushiness 828. Insurgent - ( राज ोही )
Antonyms - shyness, uncertainty, 817. Infringe - ( उ ंघन करना ) Synonyms - rebellious, mutinous, riotous,
modesty Synonyms - breach, break, contravene, seditious, anarchical
transgress, violate, encroach Antonyms - obedient, subordinate,

806. Inadvertent - ( असावधान, बेपरवाह ) Antonyms - comply, obey, observe compliant

Synonyms - unintentional, unplanned,
accidental, contingent, fortuitous 818. Ingenuous - ( सीधा सादा ) 829. Intangible - ( न छूने यो )
Antonyms - deliberate, intentional, Synonyms - guileless, naive, candid, Synonyms - impalpable, imperceptible,
attentive downright, unsophisticated, forthright invisible, unnoticeable, indiscernible,
Antonyms - deceitful, sly, dishonest insensible
807. Inanimate - ( ाणहीन ) 819. Inimical - ( ितकूल ) Antonyms - palpable, perceptible,
Synonyms - dead, insensate, defunct, Synonyms - hostile, unfriendly, adverse; tangible
extinct, inert, lifeless noxious, pernicious, repugnant
Antonyms - living, functioning, operative Antonyms - friendly, hospitable; kind 830. Intrepid - ( साहसी )
Synonyms - audacious, dauntless,
808. Inbred - ( ाभािवक ) 820. Iniquity - ( अधम, अ ाय ) gallant, mettlesome, plucky, valiant
Synonyms - native, natural, congenital, Synonyms - wickedness, unjustness, Antonyms - meek, timid, cowardly
constitutional, elemental, innate diablerie, immorality, misdeed, offence
Antonyms - extra, additional, foreign Antonyms - virtue, goodness 831. Irrelevant - ( अ ासंिगक )
Synonyms - extraneous, immaterial,
809. Incisive - ( तीखा ) 821. Innate - ( ज जात ) impertinent, inapplicable Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 169

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 31 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Antonyms - appropriate, relevant, Synonyms - blithe, jolly, mirthful, 854. Knit - ( बुनना )
pertinent convivial, gleeful Synonyms - fasten, affix, link, loop,
Antonyms - sad, unhappy, serious intermingle, weave
832. Irresolute - ( अिनि त ) Antonyms - detach, severe, break
Synonyms - halting, hesitant, indecisive, 844. Jubilant - ( फु त)
pendulous, tentative, timid Synonyms - exultant, happy, triumphant, 855. Knock - ( द क दे ना/ मारना )
Antonyms - definite, unyielding, obstinate elated, euphoric, gleeful Synonyms - censure, criticism,
Antonyms - depressed, sorrowful, condemnation, blame, rap, smash
[J] dejected Antonyms - compliment, praise,
833. Jade - ( थकाना ) 845. Judicious - ( ायसंगत )
Synonyms - wear, fatigue, drain, tire, Synonyms - prudent, rational, balanced, 856. Knotty - ( गांठदार )
down, enervate sensible, sound, reasonable Synonyms - complex, complicated,
Antonyms - amuse, excite, exhilarate Antonyms - reckless, thoughtless, convoluted, daedal, intricate, tangled
irrational Antonyms - unsnarled, systematic,
834. Jarring - ( झगड़ा ) uncoiled
Synonyms - rasping, agitating, harsh, 846. Jumble - (गड़बड़ी )
raspy, raucous, strident Synonyms - muddle, scramble, disarray, 857. Kudos - ( शंसा )

Antonyms - subdued, soft, quiet disrupt, befuddle, confound Synonyms - accolade, distinction,
Antonyms - order, organize, harmonize acclaim/applause, eulogy
835. Jeer - ( हं सी उड़ाना ) Antonyms - censure, condemnation,
Synonyms - deride, gibe, jest, mock, 847. Jumbo - ( िवशाल ) vituperation
ridicule, scoff Synonyms - behemoth, colossal,
858. Kindle - ( सुलगाना )
Antonyms - commend, revere, appreciate

836. Jeopardy - ( खतरा )

Synonyms - danger, hazard, peril,
endangerment, precariousness
Antonyms - protection, safety, surety
stupendous, mighty, mammoth, massy
Antonyms -miniature, tiny, small

848. Junk - ( कचरा )

Synonyms - discard, dispose of, scrap,
dump, jettison, chuck
Antonyms - keep, hold, preserve
Synonyms - ignite, inspire, arouse,
awaken, arouse, light
Antonyms - extinguish, discourage,

859. Kinetic - ( गितज )

837. Jest - ( मज़ाक करना ) Synonyms - brisk, dynamic, sprightly,
Synonyms - butt, joke, mockery, gag, 849. Just - ( उिचत ) strenuous, lively
quip, wit Synonyms - equitable, fair, square, Antonyms - lethargic, sluggish, dull
Antonyms - adulation, solemnity, appropriate, cogent, objective
seriousness Antonyms - inequitable, partial, unjust 860. Knack - ( कुशलता )
Synonyms - trick, adeptness, technique,
838. Jettison - ( खा रज करना ) 850. Justify - ( सफाई दे ना ) proficiency, bent, instinct
Synonyms - discard, dispose of, junk, Synonyms - rationalize, vindicate, Antonyms - ineptitude, lack, want
scrap, rid of, chuck corroborate, substantiate, apologize,
Antonyms - retain, embrace, absorb Defend 861. Knave - ( धोखबाज़ )
Antonyms - assail, impugn, protest Synonyms - fraud, miscreant, rogue,
839. Jiff - ( तुरंत ) scoundrel, swindler, reprobate
Synonyms - instant, flash, moment, wink, 851. Jittery - ( घबराया आ और परे शान ) Antonyms - gentleman, reputable,
Synonyms - edgy, fidgety, nervous, virtuous

twinkle, twinkling
Antonyms - delay, pause, long-term restless, tense, twitchy
Antonyms - assured, content, cool [L]
840. Jilt - ( धोखबाज )
Synonyms - deceive, ditch, dump, 852. Juncture - ( जोड़ ) 862. Labored - ( मकृत )
forsake, reject, oust Synonyms - connection, seam, coupling, Synonyms - contrived, strained,
Antonyms - adopt, accept, embrace joint, crisis, exigency ponderous, forced, effortful
841. Jostle - ( धकेलना ) Antonyms - disconnection, disjoint, Antonyms - relaxed, facile, easy
Synonyms - nudge, push, shove, anticlimax
scramble, elbow, hustle 863. Lack - ( अभाव होना )
Antonyms - aid, build [K] Synonyms - deficiency, inadequacy,
paucity, scarcity, shortcoming, dearth
842. Jocular - ( मजािकया ) 853. Keen - ( िदलच ी रखना ) Antonyms - abundance, plethora, surplus
Synonyms - comedic, facetious, Synonyms - alert, ardent, fervent,
humorous, funny, witty, frolicsome perceptive, sensitive, sharp 864. Lag - ( दे र लगाना )
Antonyms - morose, serious, grave Antonyms - reluctant, uninterested, Synonyms - dawdle, drag, linger, poke,
indifferent procrastinate, detain
843. Jovial - ( हं समुख ) Antonyms - push, expedite, hasten Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 170

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 31 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
865. Lament - ( शोक कट करना ) Antonyms - guide, instruct, conduct Synonyms - lavish, palatial, plush, rich,
Synonyms - grieve, mourn, sorrow, suffer, opulent, sumptuous
bemoan, deplore 877. Lurid - ( फीका ) Antonyms - destitute, tiny, scarce
Antonyms - celebrate, compliment, gloat Synonyms - murky, lowering, wan, dismal,
gloomy, sad 890. Laggard - ( ढीला )
866. Languish - ( ीण होना/ Antonyms - bright, luminous, bright Synonyms - loiterer, saunterer, dawdler,
कमज़ोर होना ) sluggard, drone, procrastinator
Synonyms - decline, degenerate, fade, 878. Lusty - ( कामुक ) Antonyms - quick, focused, hardworking
wane, fizzle, flag Synonyms - robust, vigorous, stout; burly,
Antonyms - flourish, improve, develop brawny, corpulent 891. Lanky - ( दु बला पतला )
Antonyms - infirm, ailing, effete Synonyms - lean, meager, gangly, slim,
867. Latent - ( िछपा आ ) feeble, bony
Synonyms - idle, unused, abeyant, 879. Lavish - ( खच ला ) Antonyms - robust, brawny, sturdy
dormant, inactive, quiescent Synonyms - luxurious, opulent,
Antonyms - apparent, obvious, manifest extravagant, prodigal, profuse, generous 892. Levity - ( ओछापन / िछछोरापन /
Antonyms - economical, scanty, scarce ह ापन )
868. Laud - ( शंसा करना ) Synonyms - inconstancy, volatility,
Synonyms - acclaim, eulogize, applaud, 880. Lean - ( दु बला पतला ) fitfulness, caprice, wavering, indecision

extol, glorify, commend Synonyms - bony, lanky, meager, slender, Antonyms - persistence, steadfastness,
Antonyms - blame, castigate, denounce succinct, brief tenacity
Antonyms - plump, chubby, overweight
869. Lax - ( ढीला ) 893. Licentious - ( अनैितक )
Synonyms - lenient, tolerant, derelict, 881. Legitimate - ( जायज़ ) Synonyms - voluptuous, dissolute, rakish,
negligent, remiss, slack
Antonyms - rigid, careful, virtuous

870. Lenient - ( उदार )

Synonyms - charitable, indulgent,
forbearing, lax, clement, tolerant
Antonyms - rigorous, surly, harsh
Synonyms - lawful, legal, licit, justifiable,
logical, valid
Antonyms - invalid, illegal, unwarranted

883. Lethargic - ( श हीन )

Synonyms - sluggish, torpid, apathetic,
detached, indifferent
debauched, profligate, unbridled
Antonyms - temperate, sober, ascetic

894. Limpid - ( पारदशक )

Synonyms - transparent, crystalline, pure,
lucid, clear, explicit
Antonyms - opaque, muddy, hazy
Antonyms - active, lively, vivacious
871. Limit - ( सीमा ) 895. Linger - ( िवल या दे री करना )
Synonyms - constraint, inhibition, 884. Liability -( दािय ) Synonyms - tarry, loiter, saunter, lag,
stricture, ceiling, curb, restriction Synonyms - obligation, arrears, debt, hesitate, wait
Antonyms - opening, infinity, expanse indebtedness Antonyms - haste, press, push
Antonyms - irresponsibility,
872. Listless - ( बेपरवाह ) accountability, assets 896. Livid - ( पीला /फीका )
Synonyms - eager, curious, indifferent, Synonyms - lurid, pale, pallid, dusky,
indolent, languid 885. Liberal - ( उदार ) bloodless, haggard,infuriate
Antonyms - ardent, earnest, engaged Synonyms - progressive, tolerant, Antonyms - lively, sanguine, incarnadine
broad-minded, modern, generous
873. Lofty - ( घमंडी ) Antonyms - conservative, narrow-minded 897. Loathe - ( घृणा करना )
Synonyms - elevated, eminent, dignified, ,orthodox Synonyms - abominate, detest, execrate,
stately, haughty, towering hate, despise, dislike

Antonyms - depressed, stunted, mean 886. Lively - ( उ ाहपूण ) Antonyms - desire, long for, love
Synonyms - brisk, sprightly, animated,
874. Lucid - ( सु ) vivacious, dynamic, vigorous 898. Lonesome - ( अकेला )
Synonyms - resplendent, pellucid, Antonyms - dispirited, boring, dull Synonyms - forlorn, dreary, forsaken,
rational, solitary, desolate, lonely
limpid, lucent 887. Loyal - ( वफ़ादार ) Antonyms - befriended, animated,
Antonyms - turbid, muddy, mystified Synonyms - faithful, staunch, steadfast, bustling
devoted, allegiant, trustworthy
875. Lucrative - ( लाभदायक ) Antonyms - unfaithful, undependable, 899. Long - ( ब त चाहना )
Synonyms - gainful, advantageous, disloyal Synonyms - desire, aspire, yearn, wish,
beneficial, useful, remunerative crave, want
Antonyms - vain, disadvantageous, 888. Lunatic - ( पागल ) Antonyms - avert, abhor, loathe
fruitless Synonyms - crazy, demented, insane,
distraught, maniac, unsound 900. Lop - ( कतरना / कटाव / काट - छांट )
876. Lure - ( लालच दे ना ) Antonyms - sane, sensible, balanced Synonyms - prune, curtail, shorten,
Synonyms - allure, entice, ensnare, retrench, amputate, truncate
entrap, seduce, tempt 889. Luxurious - ( िवलािसतापूण ) Antonyms - grow, elongate, trail Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 171

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 31 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
901. Lull - ( ठहराव ) Synonyms - repair, restore, rectify, Synonyms - august, imposing, grandiose,
Synonyms - quiet, assuagement, reform, amend, ameliorate lordly, stately, sublime
cessation, tranquil, subsidence Antonyms - impair, corrupt, pervert Antonyms - shabby, low, humble
Antonyms - tumult, tempest, storm.
913. Mercurial - ( सि य ) 925. Mammoth - ( िवशालकाय )
902. Luscious - ( ािद ) Synonyms - buoyant, capricious, Synonyms - colossal, enormous, huge,
Synonyms - sweet, delicious/ appetizing, effervescent, expansive, fickle, impulsive prodigious, mighty, heroic
delightful, savoury, tasty Antonyms - tranquil, unvarying, calm Antonyms -l ittle, miniature, tiny
Antonyms - sour, tart, bitter
914. Meritorious - ( शंसा यो ) 926. Marvel - ( अचंिभत होना )
903. Lustrous - ( चमकीला ) Synonyms - praiseworthy, commendable, Synonyms - miracle, phenomenon,
Synonyms - gleaming, glossy, radiant, honourable, creditable, exemplary, prodigy, sensation, wonder
refulgent, luminous, shiny virtuous Antonyms - anticipation, normalcy,
Antonyms - dull, leaden, opaque Antonyms - censurable, reprehensible, usualness
[M] 927. Masculine - ( मरदाना )
915. Messy - ( अ ) Synonyms - macho, male, manly,
904. Magnanimity - ( उदारता ) Synonyms - blotchy, careless, disheveled, manlike, mannish, virile

Synonyms - generosity, forbearance; unorganized, grubby, raunchy Antonyms - feminine, ladylike, womanly
clemency, philanthropy, benevolence Antonyms - uncluttered, clear, organized
Antonyms -meanness, pettiness 928. Meager - ( थोड़ा )
916. Microscopic - ( ब त छोटा ) Synonyms - scant, skimpy, sparse, tiny,
905. Malicious - ( बुरा चाहने वाला ) Synonyms - puny, wee, tiny, diminutive, lanky, slim
Synonyms - spiteful, malignant,
malevolent, vindictive, retaliatory, vicious
Antonyms - kind, benevolent, genial

906. Malign - ( बदनाम करना )

Synonyms - traduce, asperse,
minuscule, negligible
Antonyms - huge, gigantic, bulky

917. Mingle - ( घुलना िमलना )

Synonyms - compound, blend, confound,
confuse, associate, amalgamate
Antonyms - segregate, sift, sort
Antonyms - plenty, substantial, sufficient

929. Mean - ( मतलबी होना )

Synonyms - malevolent, spiteful, vicious,
ignoble, sordid, niggard
Antonyms - affectionate, gentle, dignified
calumniate, vilify, defame, slander
Antonyms - praise, commend 930. Mediocre - ( म म )
918. Mirage - ( मृगतृ ा ) Synonyms - average, common, plain,
907. Mandatory - ( अिनवाय ) Synonyms - delusion, fantasy, standard, mean, Shabby
Synonyms - binding, compulsory, hallucination, illusion, apparition, fallacy Antonyms - exceptional, unusual,
indispensable, essential, obligatory, Antonyms - reality, concreteness, extraordinary

requisite actuality
Antonyms - optional, voluntary, 931. Mentor - ( सलाहकार )
unnecessary 919. Malice - ( दु भावना ) Synonyms - advisor, consultant,
Synonym - Bitterness ,counselor, trainer, coach, guide
908. Manifold - ( कई गुना ) Antonym - Goodwill, kindness Antonyms - adversary, opponent, student
Synonyms - numerous, multifarious,
varied, sundry, diverse, multiplied 920. Miscreant - ( बदमाश ) 932. Merge - ( िवलय )
Antonyms - scant, rare, scarce Synonyms - rogue, vagabond, scamp, Synonyms - blend, fuse, mingle, stir, mix
rascal, swindler, villain Antonyms - divide, separate, part

909. Marred - ( खराब करना ) Antonyms - gentleman, honest, righteous

Synonyms - blemished, spoiled, 933. Meticulous - ( अितसावधान )
921. Modest - ( िवन ) Synonyms - careful, painstaking,
defective, deficient, faulty, fallible
Synonyms - mild, gentle, submissive, scrupulous, fussy, choosy, particular
Antonyms - perfect, consummate,
polite,yielding, unassuming Antonyms - careless, sloppy, unorganized
Antonyms - arrogant, self-asserting, bold

910. Meddle - ( ह ेप करना ) 934. Midst - ( म )

922. Momentary - ( िणक )
Synonyms - interpose, intervene, Synonyms - centre, median, midpoint,
Synonyms - instantaneous, fleeting,
interfere, arbitrate, mediate, insert deep, interior
transitory, ephemeral, cursory, flashing
Antonyms - withdraw, retract, recede Antonyms - exterior, outside
Antonyms - permanent, staying, lasting

911. Meek - ( द ू ) 935. Minute - ( ब त छोटा )

923. Magnificent - ( शानदार )
Synonyms - mild, gentle, submissive; Synonyms - diminutive, dwarf,
Synonyms - glorious, splendid, grand,
modest, yielding, unassuming minuscule, tiny, pygmy, wee
noble, splendid, outstanding
Antonyms - bold, arrogant, proud. Antonyms - giant, huge, mighty
Antonyms - atrocious, shameful, awful

912. Mend - ( मर त करना ) 936. Miserly - ( कंजूस )

924. Majestic - ( भ ) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 172

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 31 - 32 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Synonyms - close-fisted, niggard, 948. Manifest - ( घोषणाप ) 960. Mournful - ( दु ः ख भरा )
parsimonious, penurious, stingy, pinching Synonyms - evince, convey, proclaim, Synonyms - rueful, woeful, dolorous,
Antonyms - generous, lavish, prodigal embody, incarnate, express grievous, lugubrious, plaintive
Antonyms - conceal, harbour, hide Antonyms - hopeful, optimistic, pleasant
937. Misfortune - ( दु भा )
Synonyms - adversity, haplessness, 949. Measly - ( ब त कम मा ा म ) 961. Mundane - ( साधारण )
affliction, casualty, mishap, unluckiness Synonyms - exiguous, puny, negligible, Synonyms - earthen, secular, temporal,
Antonyms - blessing, fortune, favor mugatory , inconsiderate, trifling terrene, worldly
Antonyms - abundant, plenty, sufficient Antonyms - exciting, supernatural,
938. Mislead - ( धोखा दे ना ) extraordinary
Synonyms - beguile, betray, deceive, 950. Melancholy - ( गहरी उदासी )
dupe, hoodwink, trick Synonyms - depression, despondency, 962. Myopic - ( अदू रदश )
Antonyms - guide, counsel, lead glum, dumps, funks, dejection Synonyms - astigmatic, shortsighted,
Antonyms - joy, cheerfulness, happiness blind, prejudiced, partial
939. Mock - ( बनावटी ) Antonyms - farsighted, provident, fair
Synonyms - deride, gibe, jeer, ridicule, 951. Monotonous - ( नीरस / एकसमान )
imitate, mimic Synonym - Boring, Dull 963. Myriad - ( अनिगनत )
Antonyms - flatter, praise, exalt Antonym - Interesting, varied Synonyms - legion, many, numerous,

multitudinous, countless, immeasurable
940. Moderate - ( म म ) 952. Menacing - ( धमकी भरा ) Antonyms - limited, measurable, finite
Synonyms - modest, reasonable, Synonyms - dangerous, threatening,
temperate, conservative, restrained intimidating, endangering, impending [N]
Antonyms - outrageous, considerable, Antonyms - aiding, helping, assisting

941. Monopoly - ( एकािधकार )

Synonyms - cartel, consortium, holding,
syndicate, trust, corner
Antonyms - sharing, distribution,
953. Menial - ( तु )
Synonyms - servile, slavish, subservient,
demeaning, base
Antonyms - superior, talented, skilled

954. Metamorphosis - ( कायापलट )

964. Nab - ( पकड़ लेना )
Synonyms - apprehend, arrest, seize,
catch, clutch, grab
Antonyms - release, free, discharge

965. Native - ( मूल िनवासी )

Synonyms - congenial, inherited, inborn,
Synonyms - changeover, conversion, indigenous, aboriginal, raw
942. Monstrous - ( भयानक ) mutation, transformation, shift Antonyms - alien, foreign, outside
Synonyms - atrocious, heinous, Antonyms - stagnation, maintenance,
gruesome, scandalous, gigantic, mighty deactivation 966. Naughty - ( शरारती )
Antonyms - average, common, cultured Synonyms - mischievous, immodest,
955. Mettle - ( साहस ) indecent, unbecoming, unseemly
943. Motivate - ( े रत करना ) Synonyms - bravery, courage, gallantry/ Antonyms - modest, proper, behaved
Synonyms - goad, impel, prod, prick, intrepidity, nerve, valiancy
spur, stimulate Antonyms - cowardice, diffidence, 967. Neglect - ( ान ना दे ना )
Antonyms - depress, dissuade, impede timidity' Synonyms - disregard, ignore, slight,
default, fail, omit
944. Muddy - ( ग ा करना ) 956. Minuscule - ( ब त छोटा ) Antonyms - honor, respect, regard
Synonyms - murky, roiled, turbid, cloudy, Synonyms - diminutive, dwarf, miniature,
drab, murky minute, pigmy, tiny 968. Negligent - ( लापरवाह )

Antonyms - bright, lucid, explicit Antonyms - huge, big, tall Synonyms - derelict, lax, careless,
neglectful, remiss, slack
945. Mute - ( गूंगा ) 957. Mitigate - ( कम करना ) Antonyms - attentive, careful, mindful
Synonyms - dumb, inarticulate, mum, Synonyms - allay, alleviate, assuage,
silent, voiceless, wordless palliate, relieve, lessen 969. Negligible - ( ना के बराबर )
Antonyms - articulate,, communicative, Antonyms - aggravate, incite, irritate Synonyms - inconsiderable, paltry, petty,
vocal trifling, slender, slight
958. Momentous - ( मह पूण ) Antonyms - significant, major, important
946. Maladroit - ( बेअदब ) Synonyms - earnest, severe, grave,
Synonyms - awkward, clumsy, lumpish, weighty, fatal, significant 970. Nervous - ( घबराया आ )
gauche, inept, brash Antonyms - trivial, insignificant, petty Synonyms - agitated, anxious, concerned,
Antonyms - dexterous, skillful, adroit jittery, restive, tense
959. Morose - ( उदास ) Antonyms - calm, content, unconcerned
947. Malaise - ( बेचैनी / अ थता ) Synonyms - sullen, glum, saturnine, sour,
Synonyms - distress, infirmity, angst, sulky 971. Nominal - ( नाममा )
melancholy, debility, doldrums Antonyms - optimistic, cheerful, joyous Synonyms - formal, apparent, stated,
Antonyms - wellbeing, vigour, health purported, ostensible, seeming Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 173

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Antonyms - actual, real, true archaic, antique, superseded 994. Outstanding - ( उ ृ )
Antonyms - contemporary, current, Synonyms - noticeable, prominent,
972. Nurture - ( पालन-पोषण करना ) modern remarkable, salient, extraordinary,
Synonyms - cultivate, foster, nourish, singular
nurse, discipline, train 983. Obstacle - ( कावट ) Antonyms - inferior, ordinary, average
Antonyms - deprive, ignore, neglect Synonyms - bar, barrier, block, clog,
hurdle, hindrance 995. Obdurate - ( िज ी )
973. Nasty - ( ग ा ) Antonyms - assistance, clearance, Synonyms - callous, hardened, adamant,
Synonyms - filthy, atrocious, repellent, opening grim, remorseless, implacable
foul, profane, spiteful Antonyms - amenable, susceptible,
Antonyms - magnificent, wonderful, 984. Obvious - ( ) submissive
delightful Synonyms - apparent, clear, distinct,
visible, plain, evident 996. Obligatory - (अिनवाय )
974. Notable - ( उ ेखनीय ) Antonyms - ambiguous, obscure, vague Synonyms - compulsory, imperative,
Synonyms - celebrated, distinguished, mandatory, necessary, required, requisite
illustrious, prominent, eminent, renowned 985. Offensive - (आ ामक ) Antonyms - optional, voluntary, non
Antonyms - commonplace, insignificant, Synonyms - atrocious, disgusting, foul,
inconsequential repellent, sickening, vile 997. Obliged - ( आभारी )

Antonyms - agreeable, pleasing, Synonyms - beholden, bound, indebted,
975. Noteworthy ( ान दे ने यो ) wonderful obligated, attached, favored
Synonyms - exceptional, extraordinary, Antonyms - critical, let off, disparaged
outstanding, memorable, meaningful, 986. Omit - ( हटाना )
prominent Synonyms - drop, eliminate, remove, 998. Obscene - ( िघनौना )
Antonyms - ordinary, unimportant,

976. Notorious - ( बदनाम )

Synonyms - infamous, scandalous,
blatant, flagrant, glaring, opprobrious
Antonyms - obscure, unknown,
default, fail, neglect
Antonyms - include, insert, inject

987. Opaque - ( अपारदश )

Synonyms - blurred, dusky, foggy, hazy,
misty, sooty
Antonyms - lucid, unclouded, transparent
Synonyms - lewd, ribald, profane,
scurrilous, vulgar, ridiculous
Antonyms - moral, upright, decent

999. Observant - ( सावधान )

Synonyms - alert, vigilant, wakeful, weary,
heedful, conscious
unremarkable Antonyms - inattentive, unaware,
988. Opulent - ( धनी ) thoughtless
977. Novice - ( नौिस खया ) Synonyms - lavish, lush, luxuriant palatial,
Synonyms - beginner, freshman, rich, sumptuous 1000. Obstinate - ( िज ी )
greenhorn, neophyte, tyro, fledgling Antonyms - depressed, destitute, poor Synonyms - dogged, tenacious, indocile,
Antonyms - expert, professional, veteran
obstreperous, recalcitrant
989. Ordeal - ( किठन परी ा ) Antonyms - cooperative, flexible, yielding
978. Nullify - ( र करना ) Synonyms - trial, crucible, affliction,
Synonyms - abolish, abrogate, annihilate, agony, distress, tribulation 1001. Obstruct - ( रोकना )
negate, validate, counteract Antonyms - happiness, relief, pleasure Synonyms - interfere, hold, bog,
Antonyms - sanctify, validate, affirm encumber, impede, block
990. Original - ( असली ) Antonyms - abet, boost, promote
[O] Synonyms - fundamental, prime,
authentic, genuine, innovative 1002. Oddity - ( िविच ता )

979. Obedient - ( आ ाकारी ) Antonyms - derivative, latest, newest Synonyms - odd, curious, unusual,
Synonyms - compliant, conformable, original, strange, different
docile, submissive, supple 991. Orthodox - ( क रपंथी ) Antonyms - conventional, usual, normal!
Antonyms - insolent, mutinous, Synonyms - conventional, recognized,
conservative, traditionalist, conformist 1003. Offbeat - ( अपारं प रक )
980. Obese (मोटा ) Antonyms - heterodox, progressive Synonyms - atypical, novel,
Synonyms - corpulent, fleshy, gross, unconventional, unusual, unwonted, odd
portly, overweight, stout 992. Oscillate - ( आगे -पीछे होना, डोलना ) Antonyms - expected, normal, usual
Antonyms -emaciated, underweight, Synonyms - sway, swing, dangle, flicker,
skinny seesaw, vacillate 1004. Officious - ( अकारण ह ेप करने
Antonyms - stay, steady, remain वाला )
981. Objective - ( उ े ) Synonyms - interfering, intrusive,
Synonyms - concrete, substantial, 993. Oust - ( बेदखल करना ) meddlesome, meddling, obtrusive,
equitable, nonpartisan, realistic Synonyms - bump, dismiss, eject, evict, impertinent
Antonyms - prejudiced, partial, subjective expel, remove Antonyms - laid-back, modest, shy
Antonyms - hold, keep, retain
982. Obsolete - ( बेकार ) 1005. Ominous - ( अशुभ )
Synonyms - outdated, useless, discarded, Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 174
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 32 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Synonyms - apocalyptic, baneful, racket, rumpus 1028. Ponderous - ( भारी-भरकम )
direful,grave, portentous, unlucky Antonyms - quiet, silence, peace Synonyms - heavy, hefty, cumbersome,
Antonyms - auspicious, propitious, lumpish, elephantine, weighty
promising 1017. Pariah - ( अछूत ) Antonyms - airy, buoyant, delicate
Synonyms - deportee, derelict, expatriate,
1006. Oppressive - ( अ ाचारी ) ostracize 1029. Pragmatic - ( ावहा रक )
Synonyms - arduous, burdensome, Antonyms - confronting, permanent, Synonyms - prosaic, realistic, sober,
demanding, laborious, taxing, severe caring down-to-earth, logical, utilitarian
Antonyms - gentle, relieving, facile Antonyms - idealistic, unrealistic
1018. Parity - ( अनु पता )
1007. Ostentatious - ( िदखावटी ) Synonyms - equality, par, sameness, 1030. Prate - ( बकबक करना )
Synonyms - flamboyant, pretentious, affinity, conformity, consistency Synonyms - babble, chatter, gabble,
showy, splashy, splurgy, extravagant Antonyms - inequality, variation, blather, jabber, prattle
Antonyms - modest, plain, simple , irregularity Antonyms - sense, wisdom, drawl

1008. Ostracize - ( बिह ृ त करना ) 1019. Parsimonious - ( कंजूस ) 1031. Predicament - ( किठन प र थित )
Synonyms - blacklist, boycott, banish, Synonyms - cheap, niggard, pinching, Synonyms - corner, dilemma, hot spot,
exile, deport, expatriate penurious, miserly, stingy plight, quagmire, trouble

Antonyms - embrace, welcome, accept Antonyms -generous, lavish, liberal Antonyms - solution, fix, boon

1009. Outdo - ( अिधक होना ) 1020. Partake - (भाग लेना ) 1032. Preempt - ( रोकना )
Synonyms - exceed, excel, outmatch, Synonyms - contribute, engage, indulge, Synonyms - arrogate, assume, engage,
outrun, surpass, transcend participate, conduce, ingest monopolize, seize, usurp
Antonyms - fail, lose, fall behind

1010. Outrageous - ( अपमानजनक )

Synonyms - atrocious, heinous,
preposterous, ridiculous, shocking
Antonyms - sensible, reasonable,
Antonyms - abstain, refrain, distress

1021. Pedantic - ( िढ़वादी )

Synonyms - fastidious ,academic,
Antonyms - informal, ignorant, illiteracy
Antonyms - give, offer, release

1033. Preposterous - ( बेतुका )

Synonyms - ridiculous, idiotic, insane,
lunatic, moronic, outrageous
Antonyms - reasonable, sensible, sane
1022. Peeve - ( परे शान करना ) 1034. Presumptuous - (ढीठ )
1011. Outwit - ( चकमा दे ना ) Synonyms - aggravate, annoy, bother, Synonyms - rude, brash, brazen,
Synonyms - outmaneuver, Outsmart, exasperate, fret, nettle impertinent, impudent, insolent
outthink, overreach, hoodwink, outfox Antonyms - comfort, soothe, calm Antonyms - humble, modest, meek
Antonyms - give up, lose, fail
1023. Perpetuate - ( बनाए रखना ) 1035. Primeval - ( आिदकालीन, असली )

1012. Overlook - ( ान म ना ला पाना, Synonyms - bolster, eternize, Synonyms - earliest, early, primary,
जाँचना ) immortalize, conserve, maintain, primitive, pristine, original
Synonyms - scan, survey, command, preserve Antonyms - modern, current, present
dominate, oversee, superintend Antonyms - cease, prevent, stop
Antonyms - follow, obey, heed 1036. Pristine - ( असली )
1024. Pervade - ( फैलाना ) Synonyms - purified, refined, immaculate,
1013. Oversight - ( चूक ) Synonyms - imbue, impregnate, unadulterated, sterile, stainless
Synonyms - disregard, neglect, blunder, permeate, saturate, suffuse, transfuse Antonyms - impure, stained, dirty

default, laxity Antonyms - deplete, drain, exhaust

Antonyms - attention, care, watchfulness 1037. Procrastinate - ( दे र करना )
[P] 1025. Petite -( छोटे कद काठी का ) Synonyms - dally, dawdle, linger, loiter,
Synonyms - diminutive, miniature, slight, trail
dainty, tiny Antonyms - accelerate, advance, quicken
1014. Palliate - ( ह ा करना )
Antonyms - giant, huge, tall
Synonyms - allay, alleviate, assuage,
1038. Prod - ( उकसाना )
extenuate, mitigate, lighten
1026. Phlegmatic - ( सु ) Synonyms - foment, goad, impel, incite,
Antonyms -accuse, blame, condemn
Synonyms - apathetic, detached, instigate, prompt
impassive, stolid, indifferent, listless Antonyms - repress, suppress, dissuade
1015. Palpable - ( श करने यो )
Antonyms - ardent, friendly, warm
Synonyms - tactile, appreciable,
1039. Profane - ( अपिव करना )
detectable, discernible, perceivable,
1027. Piquant - ( तीखा ) Synonyms - blasphemous, sacrilegious,
Synonyms - pungent, sharp, spicy, zesty, temporal, ribald, scurrilous
Antonyms -elusive, subtle, imperceptible
poignant, spirited Antonyms - sacred, pious, reverent.
Antonyms - bland, dull, boring
1016. Pandemonium - ( कोलाहल )
1040. Profligate - ( च र हीन / ाचरण )
Synonyms - babel, clamour, din, hubbub, Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 175

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 32 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Synonyms - dissipated, dissolute, Antonyms - ambiguous, obscure, vague Synonyms - believable, credible, tenable,
licentious, unbridled, wanton, extravagant probable, logical, conceivable
Antonyms - chaste, moral, innocent. 1052. Perennial - ( सदाबहार ) Antonyms - improbable, unlikely,
Synonyms - abiding, continuing, unbelievable
1041. Promulgate - ( चार करना ) enduring, lasting, permanent, persistent
Synonyms - announce, proclaim, Antonyms - varying, intermittent, 1064. Plethora - ( अिधकता )
propagate, disseminate, enact, legislate interrupted Synonyms - deluge, extravagance,
Antonyms - conceal, hide, hinder excess, overabundance, superfluity,
1053. Perpetual - ( लगातार ) surfeit
1042. Propitious - ( अनुकूल, शुभ ) Synonyms - ceaseless, everlasting, Antonyms - rarity, scarcity, want
Synonyms - advantageous, beneficial, incessant, interminable, relentless
auspicious, opportune, benign, fortunate Antonyms - ephemeral, fleeting, transit . 1065. Poignant - ( मम श )
Antonyms - inauspicious, unpromising, Synonyms - affecting, impressive,
unfavorable 1054. Perplexed - (उलझा आ ) moving, stirring, touching, piquant
Synonyms - addled, confounded, turbid, Antonyms - soothing, pleasant
1043. Puerile - ( बचकाना ) fuddled, foxed, confused
Synonyms - childish, immature, infantile, Antonyms - unbaffled, clear, cognizant 1066. Precarious - ( संिद )
juvenile, naive, inane Synonyms - Shaky, tottering, wobbly,

Antonyms - mature, adult, intelligent 1055. Persist - ( डटे रहना ) rickety, unstable, weak
Synonyms - insist, persevere, hang on, Antonyms - firm, stable
1044. Painstaking - ( ब त मेहनती ) continue, survive, endure
Synonyms - careful,meticulous, Antonyms - cease, quit, leave 1067. Pretentious - ( कपटी )
punctilious, scrupulous, thoughtful Synonyms - grandiose, pompous,
1056. Pertinent - ( उिचत )
Antonyms - careless, thoughtless,

1045. Paltry - ( नग )
Synonyms - negligible, petty, trifling,
lousy, miserable, shoddy
Antonyms - significant, substantial,
Synonyms - applicable, apposite,
material, relevant
Antonyms - inappropriate, unsuitable,

1057. Perturb - ( बेचैन करना )

flamboyant, ostentatious, showy
Antonyms - modest, tasteful, simple

1068. Primordial - ( थम )
Synonyms - earliest, initial, maiden,
original, pioneer, first
Antonyms -last, latest, final
wealthy Synonyms - agitate, bother, flurry, rock,
toss, upset 1069. Procure - ( हािसल करना )
1046. Parody - ( नकल करना ) Antonyms - soothe, please, calm Synonyms - acquire, obtain, secure, gain,
Synonyms - imitation, burlesque, farce, get, receive
mock, sham, travesty 1058. Philanthropic - ( परोपकारी ) Antonyms - lose, forfeit, forsake
Antonyms - reality, sobriety, solemnity Synonyms - altruistic, benevolent,
charitable, benignant, humanitarian, 1070. Prodigy - ( चम ार )
1047. Passionate - ( आवेशपूण ) magnanimous Synonyms - marvel, miracle,
Synonyms - amorous, lustful, lewd, Antonyms - misanthropic, miserly, stingy astonishment, sensation, phenomenon,
ardent, fervent, impassioned wonder
Antonyms - cool, frigid, indifferent 1059. Pilfer - ( चुराना ) Antonyms - simpleton, buffoon, moron.
Synonyms - filch, purloin, snatch, steal,
1048. Paucity - ( अभाव ) thieve, lift 1071. Profound - ( गहन )
Synonyms - deficiency, inadequacy, lack, Antonyms - give, receive, contribute Synonyms - abysmal, deep, intense,

scarcity, shortcoming, defect abstruse, esoteric, recondite

Antonyms - abundance, affluence, plenty 1060. Pithy - ( संि ) Antonyms - lucid, plain, simple
1049. Pauper - ( िभखारी ) Synonyms - precise, terse, compact, 1072. Proliferate - ( चुर मा ा म उपल
Synonyms - beggar, indigent, destitute, crisp, succinct, epigrammatic होना )
insolvent; bum, supplicant Antonyms - verbose, wordy, loose Synonyms - propagate, augment,
Antonyms - rich, wealthy, affluent escalate, aggrandize, mount, upsurge
1061. Placate - ( संतु करना ) Antonyms - decline, degrade, diminish
1050. Pensive - ( िवचारम ) Synonyms - appease, assuage,
Synonyms - contemplative, cogitative, conciliate, mollify, propitiate, pacify 1073. Provincial - ( थानीय )
reflective, meditative, ruminative, Antonyms - agitate, upset, disturb Synonyms - insular, rustic, pastoral,
thoughtful bucolic, limited, local
Antonyms - heedless, inconsiderate, 1062. Placid - ( शांत ) Antonyms - liberal, metropolitan, modern
inattentive Synonyms - peaceful, serene, tranquil,
still, halcyon, calm 1074. Pacify - ( शांत करना )
1051. Perceptible - ( ) Antonyms - agitated, excited, troubled Synonyms - appease, assuage,
Synonyms - discernible, visible, conciliate, mollify, propitiate, soothe
appreciable, distinct, distinguishable 1063. Plausible - ( िव सनीय लगने वाला ) Antonyms - agitate, incite, upset Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 176

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 32 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
1075. Palatial - ( आलीशान ) Antonyms - inferior, secondary, Antonyms - languishing, stunted, losing
Synonyms - lavish, luxuriant, opulent, unimportant
plush, rich, sumptuous 1098. Provisional - ( अ थायी )
Antonyms - cramped, minor, tiny 1087. Prodigal - ( िफ़ज़ूल खच ) Synonyms - interim, temporary, acting,
Synonyms - extravagant, lavish, conditional, provisory, tentative
1076. Pardonable - ( मा के यो ) spendthrift, profuse, wasteful, luxuriant Antonyms - certain, definite, permanent
Synonyms - excusable, forgivable, venial, Antonyms - thrifty, stingy, reasonable
defensible, justifiable, passable 1099. Provoke - ( उ ेिजत करना )
Antonyms - unpardonable, inexcusable 1088. Proficient - ( अनुभवी ) Synonyms - enrage, incense, aggravate,
Synonyms - adept, crack, masterly, annoy, nettle, incite
1077. Partisan - ( प पातपूण ) professional, skilled, expert Antonyms - please/soothe, placate
Synonyms - biased, prejudiced, partial, Antonyms - clumsy, inept, incompetent
tendentious, prepossessed, one-sided 1100. Proximate - ( िनकट थ )
Antonyms - impartial, unbiased, fair 1089. Profuse - ( अित यी ) Synonyms - adjacent, close, contiguous,
Synonyms - luxuriant, exuberant, near, imminent, momentary
1078. Pathetic - ( दयनीय ) profligate, lavish, spendthrift, lush Antonyms - definite, distant, remote
Synonyms - pitiable, rueful, deplorable, Antonyms - lacking, sparse, wanting
lamentable, distressing, miserable 1101. Prudent - ( चतुर )

Antonyms - cheerful, worthwhile, 1090. Prohibit - ( िनषेध करना ) Synonyms - rational, sage, sapient,
delightful Synonyms - ban, debar, forbid, inhibit, sensible, cautious, circumspect
interdict, outlaw Antonyms - indiscreet, unrealistic,
1079. Peerless - ( अतुलनीय ) Antonyms - allow, favor, permit unwise
Synonyms - matchless, incomparable,
1091. Prolific - ( उपजाऊ, फलदार ) 1102. Pungent - ( कटु )
singular, unmatched, alone, unequal
- inferior, mediocre,

1080. Pessimist - ( िनराशावादी )

Synonyms - defeatist, cynic, doomsayer,
killjoy, downer, worrier
Synonyms - fecund, fertile, fruitful,
Antonyms - barren, impotent,

1092. Prolong - ( लंबा करना )

Synonyms - piquant, zesty, acerbic,
mordant, stinging, scathing
Antonyms - bland, dull, sweet

1103. Pushy - ( अित मह ाकां ी )

Synonyms - audacious, brazen, cheeky,
Antonyms - optimist, dreamer, hoper Synonyms - elongate, extend, lengthen, insolent, impertinent, sassy
stretch, prolongate Antonyms - unassuming, modest, quiet
1081. Pinnacle - ( िशखर ) Antonyms - abbreviate, shorten,
Synonyms - acme, apex, crest, crown, compress 1104. Puzzling - ( ामक )
peak, summit Synonyms - cryptic, enigmatic,
1093. Prominent - ( िति त )
Antonyms - base, bottom, nadir mysterious, occult
Synonyms - arresting, marked, Antonyms - comprehensible, intelligible,
1082. Potent - ( ताकतवर ) outstanding, remarkable, salient, understandable
Synonyms - mighty, strong, powerful, distinguished
commanding, dominant, authoritative Antonyms - inconspicuous,
Antonyms - fragile, incapable, ineffective unexceptional,

1083. Precise - ( सटीक ) 1094. Prompt - ( तुरंत ) 1105. Questionable - ( संिद )

Synonyms - categorical, definite, Synonyms - efficient, expeditious, Synonyms - debatable, uncertain,

accurate, Immediate, instantaneous, Quick, Rapid ambiguous, dubious, improbable, shady

specific, genteel, puritanical Antonyms - depress, halt, dissuade Antonyms - certain, definite,
Antonyms - ambiguous, inexact, false acknowledged
1095. Propagate - ( उ करना )
1084. Prescribe - ( नु ा / दवा िलखना ) Synonyms - breed, cultivate, procreate, 1106. Quixotic - ( िवल ण )
Synonyms - decree, dictate, fix, impose, proliferate, promulgate, spawn Synonyms - idealistic, romantic,
lay down, ordain Antonyms - destroy, decline, conceal unrealistic, utopian, visionary, chimerical
Antonyms - dismiss, reject, ban Antonyms - practical, unromantic, real
1096. Proscribe - ( ाग करना )
1085. Preserve - ( सुरि त रखना ) Synonyms - enjoin, debar, taboo, prohibit, 1107. Quack- (झूठा / फरे बी / अपने काम
Synonyms - conserve, save, guard, shield, inhibit, ban म स म नही ं)
maintain, sustain Antonyms - allow, favor, permit Synonyms - fake, fraud, humbug,
Antonyms - destroy, hurt, ruin impostor, phony
1097. Prosperous - ( समृ ) Antonyms - genuine, original, real
1086. Prime - ( थम अव था ) Synonyms - booming, flourishing,
Synonyms - superior, splendid, foremost, prospering, thriving, auspicious, 1108. Queer - ( अजीब )
paramount, premier, original propitious Synonyms - bizarre, cranky, eccentric,
freaky, idiosyncratic, odd Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 177
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 32 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Antonyms - regular, typical, usual Synonyms - amend, emend, redress, 1132. Relinquish - ( ागना )
reform, reconcile, resolve Synonyms - abandon, cede, waive,
1109. Quick-witted - ( हािज़र जवाब ) Antonyms - damage, ruin, worsen forswear, forgo, yield
Synonyms - alert, clever, intelligent, keen, Antonyms - hold, keep, claim
sharp, smart 1121. Rage - ( रोष करना )
Antonyms - slow, stupid, dim Synonyms - animosity, fury, ire, wrath, 1133. Relish - ( पसंद करना )
passion, frenzy Synonyms - enjoy, savour, adore,
1110. Quieten - ( शांत करना ) Antonyms - glee, calm, happiness appreciate, devour, feast on
Synonyms - hush, quiet, shush, shut, Antonyms - dislike, hate, detest
silence, still 1122. Ragged - ( खुरदरा )
Antonyms - agitate, excite, ruffle Synonyms - tattered, coarse, cragged, 1134. Remit - ( माफ करना / छोड़ना )
harsh, jagged, battered Synonyms - condone, pardon, subside,
1111. Quandary - ( असमंजस ) Antonyms - eve, kempt, smooth abandon, relinquish, postpone
Synonyms - puzzle, perplexity, Antonyms - remain, stay, hold
bewilderment, predicament, dilemma, 1123. Ratify - ( मािणत करना )
bind Synonyms - adopt, affirm, approve, 1135. Render - ( बनाना, पांत रत करना )
Antonyms - certainty, solution, fix sanction, confirm, pass Synonyms - demit, cede, portray,
Antonyms - renounce, revoke, veto rephrase, construe

1112. Quarantine - ( अलग करना ) Antonyms - assume, retain, guard
Synonyms - detention, seclusion, 1124. Ravage - ( िवनाश करना )
segregation, separation, disjunction, Synonyms - desolate, devastate, pillage, 1136. Renounce - ( ाग )
estrangement plunder, ransack Synonyms - disown, reject, repudiate,
Antonyms - freedom, liberation, release Antonyms - cultivate, protect, assist relinquish, disavow, yield

1113. Quash - ( कुचल दे ना )

Synonyms - crush, extinguish, quell,
suppress, quench, squash
Antonyms - aid, assist, help

1114. Quench - ( दबाना )

1125. Raze - ( तोड़ना )
Synonyms - demolish, destroy, dismantle,
pulverize, wreck, level
Antonyms - build, construct, develop

1126. Recede - ( पीछे हटना )

Antonyms - allow, approve, condone

1137. Remonstrate - ( िवरोध करना )

Synonyms - challenge, demur,
expostulate, object, protest, oppose
Antonyms - agree, concede, consent
Synonyms - douse, choke, gag, muffle, Synonyms - ebb, retract, retreat, 1138. Repeal - ( खंडन करना )
repress, smother, throttle retrocede, Synonyms - rescind, revoke, reverse,
Antonyms - set, release, free retrograde, retrogress nullify, annul, abrogate
Antonyms - forge, forward, advance Antonyms - enact, validate, enact
1127. Reckless - ( लापरवाह ) 1139. Repentant - ( पाप करने का पछतावा

1115. Random - ( अिनयिमत ) Synonyms - heedless, unconcerned, करने वाला )

Synonyms - desultory, haphazard, brash, foolhardy, impetuous, slapdash Synonyms - contrite, regretful,
indiscriminate, spot, unplanned, chance Antonyms - cautious, responsible, wary remorseful, sorry, apologetic, penitent
Antonyms - definite, specific, systematic Antonyms - satisfied, content, happy
1128. Redundant - ( अित र )
1116. Rash - ( अिववेकपूण ) Synonyms - verbose, prolix, inordinate, 1140. Reprimand - ( धमकी दे ना )
Synonyms - brash, foolhardy, impetuous, periphrastic, padded, wordy Synonyms - admonish, castigate,
Antonyms - concise, essential, chastise, chide, reprove, reproach

impulsive, reckless, temerarious

Antonyms - cautious, planned, thoughtful reasonable Antonyms - forgive, praise; reward
1117. Rational - ( तकसंगत ) 1129. Refrain - ( रोकना )
Synonyms - analytical, judicious, prudent, Synonyms - abstain, forbear, keep, 1141. Resentment - ( अ स ता )
sagacious, sapient, logical withhold, abjure, abnegate Synonyms - acrimony
Antonyms - ridiculous, unsound, illogical Antonyms - indulge, use, partake Antonyms - delight, pleasure, happiness

1118. Reasonable - ( िवचारपूण ) 1130. Rejoice - ( आनंिदत ) 1142. Resolute - ( ढ संक )

Synonyms - consequent, level headed, Synonyms - delight, exult, celebrate, Synonyms - decisive, determined, firm,
sage, discreet, restrained, modest revel, enjoy, make merry steadfast, unflinching, unwavering
Antonyms - immoderate, irrational, rash Antonyms - grieve, mourn, dislike Antonyms - cautious, cowardly, infirm

1119. Rebuke - ( फटकारना ) 1131. Relentless - ( िनदयी ) 1143. Respite - ( थिगत करना )
Synonyms - admonish, castigate, Synonyms - adamant, unbending, Synonyms - reprieve, breather, break,
chastise, chide, reprimand, reprove unyielding, ceaseless, perpetual, adjournment, intermission, recess
Antonyms - applaud, commend, extol incessant Antonyms - continuation, blame, rest
Antonyms - sympathetic, fleeting,
1120. Rectify - ( ठीक करना ) transient 1144. Resurgence - ( पुन ान ) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 178

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 32 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Synonyms - resumption, revival, renewal, solicitude, caution, cognizance Synonyms - affinity, alikeness, similarity,
resurrection, continuation Antonyms - neglect, thoughtlessness, analogy, correspondence
Antonyms - exhaustion, cessation, halt indifference Antonyms - contrast, diversity,
1145. Retaliate - ( बदला लेना ) 1157. Relevant - ( उिचत )
Synonyms - counter, reciprocate, retort, Synonyms - applicable, pertinent, 1168. Resist - ( ितरोध करना )
settle, strike back, hit back cognate, concerning, congruent Synonyms - withstand, buck, challenge,
Antonyms - forgive, pardon, surrender Antonyms - inappropriate, inapplicable, contest, dispute, traverse
unsuitable Antonyms - conform, comply, harmonize
1146. Retard (दे र करना )
Synonyms - delay, detain, lag, stall, 1158. Reliable - ( िव सनीय ) 1169. Resolve - ( हल करना )
check, choke Synonyms - dependable, responsible, Synonyms - conclude, determine,
Antonyms - advance, push, unblock trustworthy , loyal, decisive analyze, decipher, unravel, reconcile
Antonyms - deceptive, undependable, Antonyms - encode, scramble, tangle
1147. Retreat - ( कम होना, पीछे हटना ) disloyal
Synonyms - recede, retrograde, 1170. Resourceful - ( साधन संप )
backtrack, renege, retrogress 1159. Relieve - ( राहत ) Synonyms - ingenious, inventive,
Antonyms - advance, arrive, forward Synonyms - allay, alleviate, assuage, venturesome, enterprising

mitigate, lessen, palliate Antonyms - dull, unimaginative, inactive
1148. Retrograde - ( पीछे हटना ) Antonyms - harm, hurt, incite
Synonyms - ebb, decline, descend, 1171. Respect - ( स ान करना )
backpedal, atrophy, sink 1160. Reluctant - ( असंतु ) Synonyms - admiration, appreciation,
Antonyms - push, forward, flourish Synonyms - averse, indisposed, esteem, repute, prestige, regard

1149. Revamp - ( मर त करना )

Synonyms - fix, mend, overhaul, patch,
furbish, rejuvenate
Antonyms - preserve, sustain, retain’

1150. Revoke - ( र करना )

disinclined, loath, unwilling, diffident
Antonyms - anxious, eager, enthusiastic

1161. Rely - ( िव ास करना )

Synonyms - bank, depend, confide,
entrust, commit, reckon
Antonyms - distrust, doubt, disbelieve
Antonyms - disdain, dishonor, disrespect

1172. Restrain - ( ितरोध करना )

Synonyms - bridle, constrain, curb, hold
back, inhibit
Antonyms - free, liberate, release
Synonyms - lift, recall, repeal, rescind, 1173. Restrict - ( सीिमत करना )
reverse, annul 1162. Remarkable - ( उ ेखनीय ) Synonyms - circumscribe, confine, limit,
Antonyms - approve, enforce, authorize, Synonyms - arresting, marked, salient, constrict, cramp, demarcate
preeminent, outstanding, singular Antonyms - enlarge, extend, expand
1151. Rift - ( दरार ) Antonyms - ordinary, insignificant,
1174. Retain - ( कायम रखना )
Synonyms - chink, fissure, cleft, crevice, common
alienation, rupture Synonyms - hold, recollect, reminisce,
Antonyms - closure, joint, unity 1163. Remedy - ( उपचार ) revive, engage, hire
Synonyms - cure, antidote, nostrum, Antonyms - release, lose, spend
1152. Rot - ( सड़ना ) medicament, countermeasure,
Synonyms - decay, decompose, putrefy, medication 1175. Reveal - ( कट कर दे ना )
taint, spoil, disintegrate Antonyms - disease, injury, pain Synonyms - betray, divulge, expose,
Antonyms - germinate, improve, purify unmask, manifest, evince
1164. Renovate - ( नवीनीकरण करना ) Antonyms - conceal, hide, suppress

1153. Rouse - ( भड़काना ) Synonyms - reinstate, rejuvenate, 1176. Revengeful - ( ितिहं सक )

Synonyms - awaken, stir, kindle, raise, restitute, refurbish, restore, revamp Synonyms - spiteful, vengeful, vindictive,
stimulate, excite Antonyms - demolish, destroy, ruin rancorous
Antonyms - deaden, bore, hypnotize Antonyms - compassionate, merciful,
1165. Renowned - ( मश र ) considerate
1154. Rustic - ( गंवार , ामीण ) Synonyms - celebrated, eminent,
Synonyms - provincial, pastoral, bucolic, distinguished, illustrious, prominent, 1177. Revive - ( पुनज िवत करना )
unadorned, artless, rural noted Synonyms - restore, rekindle, reinstate,
Antonyms - metropolitan, urban, liberal Antonyms - unknown, inferior, restore, revitalize, renew
unremarkable Antonyms - destroy, kill, suppress
1155. Refute - ( खंडन करना )
Synonyms - disprove, rebut, abnegate, 1166. Repel - ( िवरोध करना ) 1178. Rewarding - ( पुर ार दे ना )
contravene, counter Synonyms - fend, repulse, keep off, ward Synonyms - advantageous, lucrative;
Antonyms - endorse, ratify, sanction off, cast aside, drive away profitable, remunerative, bountiful,
Antonyms - attract, draw, lure beneficial
1156. Regard - ( ान दे ना ) Antonyms - ungratifying, inopportune,
Synonyms - contemplation, concern, 1167. Resemblance - ( एक जैसा िदखना ) marginal Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 179

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 32 - 33 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
1179. Riddle - ( रह ) Antonyms - amenable, obedient, chockablock, full, packed, teeming
Synonyms - enigma, mystery, perplexity, accommodating Antonyms - empty, needy, wanting
Antonyms -solution, understanding, 1191. Recapitulate - ( सं ेप म दोहराना ) 1202. Repress - ( रोकना )
knowledge Synonyms - abstract, epitomize, review, Synonyms - choke, gag, block, muffle,
summarize, synopsize, outline smother, stifle
1180. Righteous -( नेक ) Antonyms - disperse, scatter, conceal Antonyms - permit, allow, let go
Synonym - Ethical, Decent, Honest
Antonym - Dishonest, Sinful, unethical 1192. Reconcile - ( सामंज थािपत [S]
करना )
1181. Ridicule - ( उपहास करना ) Synonyms - reunite, resolve, acclimatize,
Synonyms - deride, gibe, jeer, jest, mock, conform, adapt, attune 1203. Salvage - ( उबारना / ित से बचाना )
scoff Antonyms - dissent, object, estrange Synonyms - reclaim, recover, redeem,
Antonyms - praise, regard, consider rescue, glean, regain
1193. Redoubtable - ( भयानक ) Antonyms - endanger, hurt, lose
1182. Rigid - ( कठोर ) Synonyms - appalling, direful, scary,
Synonyms - inflexible, unyielding, illustrious, formidable, prominent 1204. Sane - ( समझदार )
adamant, incompliant, stubborn Antonyms - comforting, soothing, Synonyms - rational, judicious, prudent,
sapient, reasonable

Antonyms - bending, pliant, yielding unremarkable
Antonyms - crazy, unsound, unstable
1183. Rival - ( ित ं ी ) 1194. Redress - ( सुधारना )
Synonyms - competitor, contender, Synonyms - amend, rectify,reform, 1205. Sarcastic - ( ं ा क )
contestant, opponent, combatant remedy, repay, vindicate Synonyms - derisive, jeering, mocking,
satiric, scoffing, sneering
Antonyms - associate, partner, aide

1184. Ruthless - ( िनदयी )

Synonyms - unscrupulous, merciless,
unprincipled, fierce, callous
Antonyms - sympathetic, sparing,
Antonyms - accuse, damage, punish

1195. Refractory - ( दु द )
Synonyms - fractious,

Antonyms - manageable, obedient,

intractable, recalcitrant, disorderly, unruly
Antonyms - humble, believing, praising

1206. Scary - ( डरावना )

Synonyms - appalling, dire, dreadful,
redoubtable, dreadful, formidable
Antonyms - calming, soothing,
1185. Radical - ( मौिलक ) 1196. Refurbish - ( नवीकरण करना )
Synonyms - fundamental, primary, Synonyms - refresh, recreate, rejuvenate, 1207. Scintillating - ( चमकता आ )
extremist, underlying, rabid, fanatic renovate, revamp, renew Synonyms - animated, glittering,
Antonyms - extrinsic, conservative, Antonyms - demolish, destroy, ruin dazzling, ebullient, twinkling, flashing
Antonyms - dull, drab, boring
1197. Relegate - ( ह ांत रत करना )
1186. Ramble - ( पयटन ) Synonyms - commend, commit, confide, 1208. Scrutinize - ( जाँचना )
Synonyms - drift, meander, roam, stray, consign, entrust, hand over Synonyms - examine, check, inspect,
wander, saunter Antonyms - assume, hold, keep peruse, traverse, observe
Antonyms - direct, guide, stay Antonyms - ignore, neglect, forget
1198. Remiss - ( लापरवाह )
1187. Rancid - ( बासी ) Synonyms - derelict, lax, neglectful, 1209. Seclude - ( समाज से दू र रहना )
Synonyms - frowzy, fusty, moldy, musty, negligent, slack, careless Synonyms - insulate, isolate, segregate,

putrid, rotten Antonyms - mindful, scrupulous, cloister, confine, embargo

Antonyms - perfumed, fresh, pleasant thoughtful Antonyms - join, mingle, socialize

1188. Rankle - ( परे शान करना ) 1199. Remorseful - ( प ातापी ) 1210. Sedentary - ( िन य)
Synonyms - exasperate, bother, embitter, Synonyms - compunctious, contrite, Synonyms - settled, inactive, sluggish,
pester, rile penitent, regretful, repentant, sorry idle, sitting, torpid
Antonyms - delight, lease, placate Antonyms - callous, merciless, ruthless Antonyms - energetic, mobile, active

1189. Ravenous - ( भुखमरा, अित इ ु क ) 1200. Repercussion - ( िति या / 1211. Shackle - ( बेड़ी )
Synonyms - famished, starving, ितघात ) Synonyms - chain, fetter, hamper, hobble,
voracious, edacious, rapacious, avid Synonyms - force, impact, impression, leash, manacle
Antonyms - satisfied, indifferent, influence, echo, reverberation Antonyms - loosen, unbind, untie
generous Antonyms - cause, question,
ineffectuality 1212. Shun - ( बचना )
1190. Recalcitrant - ( हठी ) Synonyms - avoid, burke, bypass,
Synonyms - defiant, indocile, 1201. Replete - ( भरा आ ) circumvent, dodge, eschew
obstreperous, refractory, untoward, wild Synonyms - brimming, bursting, Antonyms - face, meet, confront Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 180

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1213. Solace - ( सां ना ) designate, postulate, impose Antonyms - encourage, stimulate,
Synonyms - comfort, consolation, Antonyms - generalize, withhold, imply release
alleviation, condolence, pity, relief
Antonyms - discord, disharmony, 1225. Strenuous - ( ज़ोरदार ) 1236. Surpass - ( आगे िनकल ज़ाना )
indifference Synonyms - knockabout, dynamic, lively, Synonyms - exceed, overreach, overstep,
sprightly, vigorous, forceful transcend, outmatch, better
1214. Soothe - ( शांत करना ) Antonyms - enervated, lethargic, inactive Antonyms - fall behind, lose, fail
Synonyms - appease, assuage,
conciliate, dulcify, placate, propitiate 1226. Stringency - ( कठोरता ) 1237. Sustain - ( बनाए रखना )
Antonyms - agitate, distress, upset Synonyms - austerity, hardness, Synonyms - maintain, preserve, support,
harshness, rigour, severity, rigidity bolster, abide, tolerate
1215. Sovereign - ( तं ) Antonyms - blandness, gentility, Antonyms - halt, stop, discontinue
Synonyms - autonomous, free, mildness
independent, imperial 1238. Scatter - ( िबखराव )
Antonyms - inferior, submissive, 1227. Strive - ( संघष करना ) Synonyms - dispel, disperse, dissipate,
subservient Synonyms - labour, moil, strain, toil, diffuse, disseminate, radiate
sweat, endeavour Antonyms - hoard, gather, accumulate
1216. Sparing - ( अ \ िमत यी ) Antonyms - skip, retreat, surrender

Synonyms - canny, chary, economical, 1239. Sever - ( काटकर अलग करना )
frugal, thrifty, prudent 1228. Stubborn - ( िज़ ी ) Synonyms - carve, cleave, slice, cut,
Antonyms - squandering, wasteful, Synonyms - adamant, implacable, separate, split
reckless relentless, obdurate, unyielding Antonyms - combine, join, unite
Antonyms - complacent, complying,
1217. Spat - ( झगड़ा ) 1240. Severe - ( कठोर )
Synonyms - altercation, bicker,
contention, dispute, squabble, spank
Antonyms - concord, harmony, unity

1218. Sporadic - ( िछटपुट / क- क कर )

Synonyms - fitful, intermittent,

1229. Sturdy - ( ढ़ )
Synonyms - robust, stalwart, stable,
substantial, vigorous, burly
Antonyms - weak, wobbly, unstable
Synonyms - demanding, stern, bleak,
brutal, dour, momentous
Antonyms - amenable, comprising,

1241. Shabby - ( फटा पुराना )

occasional, periodic, infrequent, rare 1230. Suave - ( िश ) Synonyms - decrepit, dilapidated,
Antonyms - constant, continuous, regular Synonyms - bland, smooth, urban, scruffy,tattered, abominate, loathsome
civilized, cultured, courteous Antonyms - kempt, tidy, preserved
1219. Spurious - ( नक़ली ) Antonyms - awkward, clumsy,
Synonyms - bogus, counterfeit, unsophisticated 1242. Shatter - ( टू ट )
fraudulent, phony, sham, fallacious Synonyms - fracture, rift, smash, ruin,
Antonyms - authentic, genuine, real 1231. Subside - ( कम होना ) splinter, wreck
Synonyms - abate, ebb, lapse/ moderate, Antonyms - fix, mend, repair
1220. Squander - ( गंवाना \ बबाद करना ) slacken, wane
Synonyms - devour, dissipate, waste, Antonyms - grow, develop, flourish 1243. Shield - ( र ा करना / बचाना )
fritter away, consume, trifle away Synonyms - defend, guard, preserve,
Antonyms - hoard, save, set aside 1232. Substantial - ( ठोस ) protect, secure, ward
Synonyms - concrete, corporeal, Antonyms - endanger, uncover, open
1221. Stall - ( ब कर दे ना ) phenomenal, tangible, plentiful 1244. Shortcoming - ( कमी )

Synonyms - arrest, hinder, cease, check, Antonyms - insignificant, unimportant, Synonyms - deficiency, defect,
discontinue, halt minor inadequacy, paucity, scarcity, flaw
Antonyms - advance, further, allow Antonyms - advantage, sufficiency,
1233. Subtle - ( सू ) plenty
1222. Stark - ( फीका / कठोर ) Synonyms - delicate, fine, nice, refined,
Synonyms - austere, bleak, dour, grim, exquisite, implied 1245. Shrewd - ( चालाक )
harsh, severe Antonyms - harsh, coarse, Synonyms - astute, canny, perspicacious,
Antonyms - bright, cheerful, sunny unsophisticated cagey, slick, smart
Antonyms - stupid, inept, silly
1223. Stifle - ( दबाना ) 1234. Succumb - ( मर जाना / झुक जाना )
Synonyms - repress, strangle, smother, Synonyms - bow, buckle, capitulate, yield, 1246. Significant - ( मह पूण )
dampen, deaden, censor surrender, expire Synonyms - eloquent, meaningful,
Antonyms - encourage, persuade, Antonyms - conquer, overcome, withhold suggestive, considerable, consequential,
facilitate monumental
1235. Suppress - ( दबाना ) Antonyms - meaningless, trivial,
1224. Stipulate - ( सौदा तय करना ) Synonyms - crush, extinguish, quell, put unimposing
Synonyms - specify, detail, particularize, down, muffle, throttle
1247. Slack - ( ढीला ) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 181
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Synonyms - sluggish, lax, loose, derelict, Synonyms - steadfast, firm, allegiant, 1270. Sympathetic - ( सहानुभूितपूण )
neglectful, remiss loyal, true, constant Synonyms - empathetic, compassionate,
Antonyms - stiff, taut, rigid Antonyms - irresolute, unreliable, condolatory, understanding, pitying,
undependable commiserative
1248. Slender - ( पतला ) Antonyms - callous, merciless,uncaring,
Synonyms - bony, fleshless, lanky, lean, 1259. Steadfast - ( ढ़ )
skinny, negligible Synonyms - determined, unbending, 1271. Swift - ( ती )
Antonyms - chubby, overweight, plump unflinching, unwavering, resolute, steady Synonyms - breakneck, expeditious, fleet,
Antonyms - disloyal, unreliable, shaky hurried, rapid, speedy
1249. Solitary - ( अकेला ) Antonyms - delayed, slow, sluggish
Synonyms - detached, isolated, 1260. Steep - ( खड़ा )
lonesome,secluded, reticent, singular Synonyms - abrupt, bold, precipitous, 1272. Sagacious - ( िनपुण )
Antonyms - accompanied, together, stiff, lofty, elevated Synonyms - wise, balanced, judicious,
sociable Antonyms - moderate, gentle, beneath rational, sane, sapient
Antonyms - stupid, ignorant, careless
1250. Sophisticated - ( िववेकी ) 1261. Stern - ( कठोर )
Synonyms - cosmopolitan, worldly, Synonyms - demanding, exacting,harsh, 1273. Satiate - ( पूरा करना )
intellectual, thoughtful rigid, severe, unyielding Synonyms - cloy, engorge, glut, pall, sate,

Antonyms - rustic, rural, simple Antonyms - lenient, tolerant, light surfeit
Antonyms - deprive, dissatisfy, perturb
1251. Spectacular - ( असाधारण ) 1262. Stingy - ( कंजूस )
Synonyms - dramatic, sensational, Synonyms - close-fisted, niggardly, 1274. Scoff - ( हँ सी )
theatrical, breathtaking, astounding, parsimonious, penurious, exiguous, Synonyms - deride, gibe, jeer, mock,
Antonyms - ordinary, usual, plain

1252. Speculative - ( का िनक /

िवचार यो )
Synonyms - contemplative, deliberative,
meditative, pensive, abstract

Antonyms - generous, unselfish, wasteful

1263. Straightforward - ( सरल )

- candid, downright,
ingenuous, forthright, plainspoken, frank
ridicule, taunt
Antonyms - respect, regard, praise

1275. Scrupulous - ( अितसतक )

Synonyms - careful, fastidious,
meticulous, painstaking, punctilious,
Antonyms - deceitful, devious, dishonest
Antonyms - practical, realistic, concrete Antonyms - negligent, careless, shallow
1264. Stun - ( चिकत होना )
1253. Spendthrift - ( खच ला ) Synonyms - daze, bemuse, stupefy, 1276. Seduce - ( बहकाना / लुभाना )
Synonyms - prodigal, profligate, numb, petrify, stupefy Synonyms - allure, entice, inveigle, lure,
extravagant, lavish, profuse, wasteful Antonyms - expect, calm, bore tempt, debauch
Antonyms - miser, economical, thrifty Antonyms - disenchant, repel, dissuade
1265. Subordinate - ( अधीन )
1254. Spontaneous - ( ाभािवक / अपने Synonyms - inferior, lower, petty, 1277. Serene - ( शांत )
आप ) collateral, dependent, subservient Synonyms - placid, tranquil, calm,
Synonyms - impulsive, instinctive, Antonyms - chief, vital, major halcyon, quiet, still
volitional, natural, unrestrained, Antonyms - agitated, disturbed, troubled
unpremeditated 1266. Summit - ( िशखर )
Antonyms - deliberate, intended, planned Synonyms - apex, crest, vertex, acme, 1278. Sinister - ( अशुभ )
Synonyms - baleful, malign, malicious,

pinnacle, zenith
1255. Stagnant - ( िन य) Antonyms - base, bottom, nadir deleterious, apocalyptic, foreboding
Synonyms - dormant, lifeless, listless, Antonyms - benevolent, auspicious,
inactive, static, still 1267. Superficial - ( बाहरी ) aiding
Antonyms - moving, active, lively Synonyms - cursory, shallow, sketchy,
apparent, ostensible, seeming 1279.Slipshod - ( मैला-कुचैला )
1256. Stalwart - ( बहादु र ) Antonyms - analytical, thorough, genuine Synonyms - messy, sloppy, slovenly,
Synonyms - indomitable, sturdy, disheveled, unkempt, untidy
dauntless, courageous, stout, 1268. Superfluous - ( ज़ रत से ादा ) Antonyms - polished, refined, meticulous
dependable Synonyms - excess, extra, spare,
Antonyms - coward, meek, weak supererogatory, supernumerary, surplus 1280. Slothful - ( आलसी )
Antonyms - valuable, necessary, intrinsic Synonyms - indolent, lazy, shiftless,
1257. Static - ( थर ) sluggard, idle, lethargic
Synonyms - immobile, gridlocked, stalled, 1269. Supplement - ( प रपूरक ) Antonyms - active, lively, enthusiastic
stationary, inert, latent Synonyms - accessory, adjunct,
Antonyms - active, changeable, variable appendage, appurtenance, attachment 1281. Slur - ( कलंक )
Antonyms - basic, fundamental, integral Synonyms - asperse, backbite,
1258. Staunch - ( िन ावान / प ा) calumniate, defame, malign, slander Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 182

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 33 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Antonyms - compliment, flatter, praise Synonym - Buoyant Synonyms - adulator, courtier, flatterer,
Antonym - Hopeless fawner, minion, puppet
1282. Sly - ( धूत ) Antonyms - leader, superior, proud, tacit
Synonyms - crafty, cunning, foxy, guileful, 1294. Stodgy - ( िघसा िपटा )
scheming, wily Synonyms - aseptic, lackluster, lifeless, 1305. Surge - ( तेज़ी से चढ़ना )
Antonyms - honest, straightforward, dull prosaic, sterile, stumpy Synonyms - flow, gush, pour, run, rush,
Antonyms - adventurous, fascinating, stream
1283. Sneer - ( उपहास ) classy Antonyms - abate, dwindle, stagnate
Synonyms - affront, belittle, disdain,
disparage, ridicule, jeer 1295. Stoic - ( उदासीन ) 1306. Surly - ( िचड़िचड़ा )
Antonyms - appease, compliment, Synonyms - apathetic/detached, Synonyms - morose, grouchy, crabby,
respect dispassionate, impassive, indomitable, peevish, petulant, querulous
phlegmatic Antonyms - gentle, please, animated
1284. Snob - ( घम ी ) Antonyms - passionate, concerned,
Synonyms - elitist, braggart, highbrow, responsive [T]
pretender, parvenu, name-dropper
Antonyms - social, polite, introvert 1296. Strident - ( तेज़ / ककश ) 1307. Tainted - ( दागी )
Synonyms - boisterous, clamorous, Synonyms - stained, contaminated,
1285. Snub - ( अपमान )

jarring, raspy, raucous, vociferous corrupt, defiled
Synonyms - rebuff, shun, spurn, Antonyms - restrained, circumspect, Antonyms - flourishing, dean, ripening
humiliate, offend, burr soothing
Antonyms - welcome, include, laud
1308. Tangle - ( उलझाना )
1297. Subdued - ( मंद , िनयंि त ) Synonyms - ensnarl, complicate, enmesh,
1286. Solicitous - ( ान रखने वाला )
Synonyms - anxious, agog, ardent,
bursting, considerate, courteous
Antonyms - unworried, laid-back,

1287. Somber - ( िनराशाजनक )

Synonyms - hushed, unobtrusive,
whispery, quiet, restrained, tasteful
Antonyms - boisterous, communicative,

1298. Subjugate - ( परािजत करना )

Synonyms - conquer, defeat, overcome,
entrap, bicker, spat
Antonyms - order, solve, clarify

1309. Tardy - ( म )
Synonyms - belated, overdue, laggard,
sluggish, delinquent, loitering
Antonyms - prompt, ready, punctual
Synonyms - cheerless, desolate, dreary, surmount, vanquish, enthrall
sedate, solemn, staid Antonyms - liberate, relinquish, capitate 1310. Tarnish - ( कलंिकत करना )
Antonyms - cheerful, lively, joyful
Synonyms - blemish, impair, mar,
1299. Submissive - ( िवन / आ ाकारी ) prejudice, besmear, denigrate
1288. Soporific - ( आल जनक ) Synonyms - acquiescent, amenable, Antonyms - clean, polish, uncorrupt
Synonyms - opiate, slumberous,
compliant, docile, tractable, passive
somnolent, drowsy, nodding, dozy Antonyms - intractable, resistant, 1311. Taxing - ( भार डालने वाला )
Antonyms - awake, invigorating, unyielding Synonyms - arduous, burdensome,
demanding, exigent, exacting, onerous
1300. Sulky - ( उदास ) Antonyms - motivating, facile, trivial
1289. Spurn - ( ठु कराना/ितर ार करना )
Synonyms - dour, gloomy, morose,
Synonyms - decline, dismiss, refuse,
saturnine, sour, sullen 1312. Tenacious - ( ढ़ )
reject, rebuff, shun
Antonyms - content, joyous, gratified Synonyms - dogged, mulish, obstinate,
Antonyms - embrace, welcome, want

pertinacious, perverse, willful

1301. Sullen - ( उदास / िज़ ी ) Antonyms - weak, yielding, surrendering
1290. Squeamish - ( नकचढ़ा )
Synonyms - glum, morose, sour, churlish,
Synonyms - dainty, exacting, fastidious,
fretful, perverse 1313. Tentative - ( अिनि त )
finicky, meticulous, persnickety
Antonyms - grinning, genial, uplifting Synonyms - sketchy, conditional,
Antonyms - willing, desirous, ready
provisional, hesitant, indecisive, timid
1302. Sumptuous - ( वैभवशाली / Antonyms - certain, decisive, definite
1291. Staid - ( गंभीर )
ब मू )
Synonyms - earnest, grave, sedate,
Synonyms - lavish, luxuriant, opulent, 1314. Tepid - ( गुनगुना )
demure, composed, dignified
palatial, gorgeous, grand Synonyms - half hearted, lukewarm,
Antonyms - adventurous, frivolous,
Antonyms - mean, inferior, crude apathetic, temperate, unenthusiastic
Antonyms - lively, warm, enthusiastic
1303. Swindle - ( ठगना )
1292. Stealthy - ( चोरी से िकया गया )
Synonyms - cozen, defraud, gull, mulct, 1315. Terse - ( संि )
Synonyms - feline, furtive, slinky,
rook, victimize Synonyms - brief, concise, laconic,
sneaking, clandestine, covert
Antonyms - donate, give, be forthright succinct, summary, compendious
Antonyms - forthright, candid, upright
Antonyms - prolific, wordy, elaborate
1304. Sycophant - ( चापलूस )
1293. Sanguine - ( आशावादी ) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 183

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 33 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
1316. Thriving - ( संप ) 1327. Turbulence - ( अशांित ) Synonyms - gentle, mild, soft, delicate,
Synonyms - booming, flourishing, Synonyms - agitation, commotion, dainty, frail
prosperous, roaring, developing, agitation, frenzy, tumult, unruliness Antonyms - hard, rough, tough
burgeoning Antonyms - calmness, tranquility,
Antonyms - languishing, declining stillness 1339. Terrorise - ( भयभीत करना )
Synonyms - alarm, frighten, panic,
1317. Tiff - ( मनमुटाव ) 1328. Turmoil - ( उथल - पुथल ) scare,startle, terrify
Synonyms - altercation, bicker, Synonyms - flutter, upset, tumult, Antonyms - assuage, assure, help
contention, dispute, spat, squabble disturbance, perturbation, ferment
Antonyms - agreement, harmony, Antonyms - calm, harmony, peace 1340. Thorny - ( कांटेदार )
concurrence Synonyms - prickly, spiny, thistly,
1329. Tyrannical - ( अ ाचारी ) nettlesome, barbed, stingy
1318. Timid - ( डरपोक ) Synonyms - autocratic, despotic, Antonyms - dull, smooth, soothing
Synonyms - coy, demure, modest, arbitrary, totalitarian, dictatorial
bashful, indecisive, diffident Antonyms - submissive, democratic, 1341. Thorough - ( संपूण )
Antonyms - bold, audacious, daring docile Synonyms - exhaustive, intensive, arrant,
outright, downright, unmitigated
1319. Tirade - ( कड़ी िनंदा ) 1330. Tactless - ( उ ं ड / अभ ) Antonyms - partial, superficial,

Synonyms - diatribe, fulmination, Synonyms - clumsy, gauche, impolitic, unfinished
harangue, censure, ranting maladroit, brash, undiplomatic
Antonyms - praise, harmony, Antonyms - refined 1342. Thrifty - ( कमखच )
commendation Synonyms - canny, chary, frugal, prudent,
1331. Talkative - ( बातूनी ) sparing, economical
1320. Tiresome - ( थकाने वाला ) Synonyms - chatty, conversational,
Synonyms - dreary, humdrum,
monotonous, tedious, dull, weary
- facile, stimulating,

1321. Torment - ( यातना दे ना )

garrulous, loquacious, talky, voluble
Antonyms - quiet, reserved,

1332. Tally - ( गणना )

Synonyms - quiet, reserved,
Antonyms - extravagant, spendthrift,

1343. Thrilling - ( रोमांचकारी )

Synonyms - electrifying, exhilarating,
stimulating, exciting, uplifting
Antonyms - depressing, discouraging,
Synonyms - torture, agonize, afflict, uncommunicative upsetting
scourge, haunt, annoy Antonyms - differ, deviate, contrast
Antonyms - please, gladden, assist twit 1344. Tidy - ( साफ )
Synonyms - orderly, spruce, taut,
1322. Tranquility - ( शांित ) 1333. Tame - ( पालतू ) uncluttered, moderate, snug
Synonyms - domesticate, moderate,
Synonyms - hush, peace, lull, placidity, Antonyms - chaotic, messy, sloppy
serenity, quietude soften, subdue, tone down, bust
Antonyms - chaos, turbulence, wildness Antonyms - arouse, incite, stimulate 1345. Toil - ( किठन प र म )
Synonyms - labor, strain, strive, travail,
1323. Transitory - ( णसाथी ) 1334. Taunt - ( उपहास ) plod, trudge
Synonyms - evanescent, fleeting, Synonyms - gibe, insult, jeer, scoff, , Antonyms - laze, skip, rest
fugacious, momentary, temporal, banter
ephemeral Antonyms - compliment, praise, respect 1346. Tolerant - ( सहनशील )
Antonyms - permanent, enduring, Synonyms - liberal, progressive,

everlasting 1335. Tease - ( िचढ़ाना ) broad-minded, lenient, merciful, lax

Synonyms - annoy, bait, beleaguer, beset, Antonyms - prejudiced, biased,
1324. Translucent - ( पारदश ) pester, torment disapproving
Synonyms - clear, crystalline, limpid, Antonyms - appease, mollify, gladden
lucid, see-through 1347. Transparent - ( पारदशक )
Antonyms - blocked, opaque, cloudy 1336. Tedious - ( थकाऊ ) Synonyms - lucid, see-through
Synonyms - dreary, humdrum, Antonyms - opaque, cloudy, blocked
1325. Trifle - ( छोटी सी बात ) monotonous, stuffy, weary, dry
Synonyms - trivia, bauble, crumb, Antonyms - entertaining, exciting, 1348. Treaty - ( संिध )
fragment, modicum interesting Synonyms - accord, agreement, concord,
Antonyms - lot, entirety, whole convention, pact, bond
1337. Tempting - ( मोहक ) Antonyms - disagreement, discord,
1326. Trivial - ( तु ) Synonyms - bewitching, enchanting, disunity
Synonyms - inconsequent, insignificant, enticing, fascinating, winsome, alluring
flimsy, meager, diminutive, incidental Antonyms - repulsive, revolting, 1349. Tremendous -( िवशाल /
Antonyms - valuable, worthwhile, disgusting श शाली )
significant Synonyms - enormous, gigantic, massive,
1338. Tender - ( मुलायम ) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 184
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 33 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
mighty, monumental, marvelous Antonyms - relax, dodge, ignore [U]
Antonyms - insignificant, tiny, petty
1361. Torpid - ( सु ) 1372. Unabated - ( िबना के )
1350. Tribute - ( ांजिल ) Synonyms - numb, stuporous, lethargic, Synonyms - incessant, persistent,
Synonyms - commendation, compliment, unresponsive, sluggish, insensitive tenacious, unfaltering, sustained
congratulation, testimonial Antonyms - energetic, lively, active Antonyms - intermittent, relenting,
Antonyms - accusation, criticism, blame yielding
1362. Torrid - ( भावयु )
1351. Tricky - ( म ार ) Synonyms - ardent, blistering, broiling, 1373. Underdog - ( कम मता का
Synonyms - crafty, cunning, foxy, guileful, scorching, fervent, passionate या समूह )
scheming, wily Antonyms - freezing, frigid, Synonyms - loser, miserable,
Antonyms - naive, ingenuous, dispassionate underprivileged, unfortunate, wretch,
unassuming small fry
1363. Tortuous - ( घुमावदार ) Antonyms - favourite, prized, winner
1352. Triumph - ( िवजय ) Synonyms - flexuous, meandrous,
Synonyms - conquest, victory, win, sinuous, Serpentine, devious, oblique 1374. Undermine - ( कमज़ोर कर दे ना )
exultation, jubilation, success Antonyms - direct, straight, untwisted Synonyms - attenuate, debilitate,
Antonyms - defeat, forfeit, failure unnerve, weaken, sabotage, subvert

1364. Totter - ( लड़खड़ाते ए चलना ) Antonyms - strengthen, support, assist
1353. Taciturn - ( अ भाषी ) Synonyms - sway, teeter, waver, wobble,
Synonyms - uncommunicative, reserved, stagger, stumble 1375. Undo - ( िमटा दे ना )
reticent, tight lipped, restrained Antonyms - ascend, scale, rise Synonyms - annul, efface, undermine,
Antonyms - communicable, voluble obliterate, wreck
1365. Traitorous - ( िव ासघाती )
1354. Tangible - ( वा िवक )
Synonyms - communicative, talkative,
Antonyms - palpable, concrete, material,
phenomenal, physical
Synonyms - disloyal, perfidious, recreant,
treacherous, cheater, faithless
Antonyms - ethical, moral, principled

1366. Transient - ( अ थायी )

Synonyms - evanescent, fleeting,
Antonyms - retain, validate, construct

1376. Unfold - ( फैलाना )

Synonyms - expand, extend, stretch,
unroll, develop, evolve
Antonyms - fold, wrap, cover
1355. Taut - ( स ) fugacious, momentary, temporal 1377. Unruffled - ( शांत )
Synonyms - bait, tease, annoy, badger, Antonyms - enduring, incessant, Synonyms - composed, detached,
baffle, thwart persistent imperturbable
Antonyms - disenchant, repulse, turned Antonyms - discomposed, stormy,
off 1367. Travail - ( कड़ी मेहनत करना ) nervous
Synonyms - drudgery, toil, labor, moil,
1356. Tenable - ( मा ) strain, childbearing 1378. Unruly - ( अिनयंि त )
Synonyms - stiff, firm, snug, stressed, Antonyms - entertainment, fun, pastime Synonyms - disorderly, lawless,
tidy, tense. refractory, untoward, wild
Antonyms - droopy, flabby, slack 1368. Treacherous - ( िव ासघाती ) Antonyms - compliant, obedient, yielding
1357. Tenuous - ( उिचत ) Synonyms - unfaithful, traitorous,
Synonyms - defensible, excusable, recreant, chancy, hazardous, perilous 1379. Upright - ( सीधा / ईमानदार )
justifiable, logical, plausible, fit Antonyms - forthright, true, guarded Synonyms - honest, incorruptible,
Antonyms - invalid, unjustifiable,

righteous, forthright, upstanding

unreasonable 1369. Truant - ( िबना अनुमित िलये Antonyms - fallen, corrupt, dishonest
अनुप थत )
1358. Testy - ( कमज़ोर ) Synonyms - astray, away, hooky, missing, 1380. Uprising - ( िव ोह )
Synonyms - feeble, flimsy, insubstantial, absent, adrift Synonyms - insurgence, mutiny, rebellion,
subtle, sketchy, slender Antonyms - staying, on course, available revolt, mounting, insurrection
Antonyms - significant, substantial, Antonyms - tranquility, peace, harmony
stable 1370. Tumultuous - ( अशांत )
Synonyms - stormy, tempestuous, 1381. Uproar - ( कोलाहल )
1359. Ticklish - ( अ थर ) turbulent, raging, roiled, wild Synonyms - turbulence, commotion,
Synonyms - capricious, erratic, fickle, Antonyms - orderly, peaceful, moderate tumult, pandemonium, clamour
inconsistent, unsteady, volatile Antonyms - quietude, repose, stillness
Antonyms - straightforward, stable, 1371. Tyro - ( नौिस खया )
constant Synonyms - beginner, fledgling, 1382. Urbane - ( िश )
greenhorn, initiate, neophyte, novice Synonyms - smooth, suave, civilized,
1360. Tinker - ( क ा काम करना ) Antonyms - veteran, expert, professional cultured, refined, polished
Synonyms - fiddle, meddle, mess, tamper, Antonyms - uncouth, uncivilized,
fidget, twiddle unsophisticated Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 185

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 33 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
1383. Utter - ( बोल ) importune, insistent, persistent unnecessary
Synonyms - pronounce, convey, vent, Antonyms - moderate, unimportant,
express, declare, state usual [V]
Antonyms - bumble, keep mum, hold
1395. Usual - ( सामा ) 1406. Vacant - ( र )
1384. Ugly - ( कु प, भ ा ) Synonyms - average, common, general, Synonyms - empty, void, idle, inane,
Synonyms - hideous, unsightly, horrid, ordinary, typical vacuous
roiled, rugged, cranky Antonyms - abnormal, atypical, irregular Antonyms - full, occupied, overflowing
Antonyms - lovely, pleasing, attractive
1396. Unbridled - ( िनरं कुश ) 1407. Vague - ( अ )
1385. Ultimate - ( परम ) Synonyms - dissolute, berserk, profligate, Synonyms - inexplicit, nebulous, obscure,
Synonyms - underlying, utmost, rakish, uninhibited, turbulent bleary, fuzzy, unresolved
transcendent, unsurpassable, Antonyms - justified, restrained Antonyms - certain, definite, clear
fundamental, essential
Antonyms - preliminary, trivial 1397. Uncanny - (िवल ण / िविच ) 1408. Vain - ( थ )
Synonyms - eerie, unearthly, weird, Synonyms - futile, hollow, conceited,
1386. Undue - (अनुिचत / अनाव क ) incredible, mystifying, scary egoistic, narcissistic
Synonyms - exorbitant, excessive, Antonyms - natural, usual, common Antonyms - modest, diffident, useful

inordinate, improper, inapt, forbidden
Antonyms - moderate, reasonable, 1398. Uncouth - ( गंवार ) 1409. Valiant - ( बहादु र )
sensible Synonyms - boorish, churlish, crude, Synonyms - courageous, doughty,
philistine, uncultured, vulgar gallant, heroic, intrepid, mettlesome
1387. Unearth - ( पता लगाना ) Antonyms - cultivated, refined, Antonyms - cowardly, timid, weak
Synonyms - dig, uncover, ferret, excavate,
reveal, ascertain
Antonyms - bury, conceal, hide

1388. Uniformity - ( एक समानता )

Synonyms - analogy, comparison,
correspondence, resemblance, harmony,

1399. Undaunted - ( िनडर )

Synonyms - audacious, courageous,
gallant, heroic, mettlesome, valiant
Antonyms - meek, coward, timid
1410. Valid - ( वैध )
Synonyms - cogent, just, authentic,
authoritative, convincing, credible
Antonyms - unsound, unacceptable,
similarity 1400. Unwarranted - ( अनुिचत ) 1411. Vanish - ( गायब )
Antonyms - discord, disagreement Synonyms - baseless, Synonyms - disappear, evanesce,
bottomless / groundless, idle, unfounded, evaporate, fade, exit
1389. Unify - ( एकता कायम करना ) gratuitous Antonyms - appear, arrive, come
Synonyms - coalesce, conjoin, conjugate, Antonyms - justifiable, reasonable,
1412. Variable - ( प रवतनशील )
consolidate, couple, meld warranted
Antonyms - disjoin, disperse, separate Synonyms - alterable, mutable,
1401. Ungainly - ( कु प, भ ा ) capricious, fickle, ticklish, volatile
1390. Unique - ( अि तीय ) Synonyms - awkward, clumsy, gawky, Antonyms - steady, fixed, constant
Synonyms - singular, solitary, matchless inept, lumpish, maladroit
peerless, exemplary, unrivaled Antonyms - agile, graceful, coordinated 1413. Vast - ( िवशाल )
Antonyms - commonplace, usual, Synonyms - enormous, giant, immense,
regularly 1402. Unleash - ( िनकालना ) heroic, monstrous, walloping
Synonyms - discharge, free, release, vent, Antonyms - bounded, limited, little

1391. Universal - ( सावभौिमक ) liberate, let go

Synonyms - cosmic, global, pandemic, Antonyms - block, restrain 1414. Veteran - ( अनुभवी )
planetary, ubiquitous, generic Synonyms - experienced, skilled,
Antonyms - confined, local, partial 1403. Untold - ( अनकहा / न कहा आ ) seasoned, adept, expert, hardened
Synonyms - countless, manifold, Antonyms - amateur, inexperienced,
1392. Upset - ( मु करना ) immense, monstrous, innumerous greenhorn
Synonyms - overthrow, topple, derange, Antonyms - few, little, tiny
unsettle, disarray, disrupt 1415. Vibrant - ( चमकीला )
Antonyms - organize, arrange, ready 1404. Uphold - ( कायम रखना ) Synonyms - mettlesome, vivacious,
Synonyms - boost, elevate, bolster, peppery, spirited, resonant, sparkling
1393. Urge - ( ब त जोर दे ना ) sustain, endorse, champion Antonyms - colorless, dull, dispirited
Synonyms - insist, press, appeal, call, Antonyms - weaken, obstruct, undermine
demand, plead 1416. Victimize - ( अ ाचार करना )
Antonyms - answer, reply, protest 1405. Utilitarian - ( उपयोगी ) Synonyms - defraud, gull, mulct, swindle
Synonyms - functional, handy, practical, Antonyms - assist, help, assist
1394. Urgent - ( अ ाव क/आ हपूण ) useful, serviceable, pragmatic
Synonyms - dire, emergent, exigent, Antonyms - impractical, useless, 1417. Vigilant - ( जाग क) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 186

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 33 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Synonyms - alert, observant, open-eyed, 1429. Vehemence - ( चंडता ) Antonyms - stable, steadfast, firm
wakeful,wary, watchful Synonyms - ferocity, fury, intensity, pitch,
Antonyms - indiscreet, negligent, severity, force 1441.Vulnerable - ( अितसंवेदनशील )
Inattentive Antonyms - frigidity, coldness, apathy Synonyms - liable, prone, susceptible,
attackable, defenseless, pregnable
1418. Vigour - ( ताक़त ) 1430. Venomous - ( िवषैला ) Antonyms - guarded, protected, secure
Synonyms - bounce, spirit, liveliness, Synonyms - toxic, virulent, malevolent,
verve, vim, energy malignant, spiteful, wicked 1442. Vagary - ( सनक )
Antonyms - lethargy, weakness, Antonyms - benign, harmless, Synonyms - conceit, caprice, freak,
enervation affectionate impulse, notion, whim
Antonyms - constancy, dependability,
1419. Violate - ( उ ंघन करना ) 1431. Venturesome - ( साहसी ) steadfastness
Synonyms - breach, contravene, infringe, Synonyms - adventurous, audacious,
transgress, flout, ravish daring, enterprising, hazardous, perilous 1443. Vagrant - ( आवारा )
Antonyms - obey, observe, comply, Antonyms - afraid, cowardly, cautious Synonyms - itinerant, nomadic,
vagabond, drifter, wanderer
1420. Visionary - ( िद दश / का िनक ) 1432. Verbose - ( वाचाल / श ब ल ) Antonyms - determined, resolute,
Synonyms - farsighted, chimerical, Synonyms - long-winded, periphrastic, motivated

delusive, illusive, fanciful, notional pleonastic, prolix, redundant
Antonyms - practical, real, realistic Antonyms - concise, succinct, sporadic 1444. Variance - ( िभ ता, झगड़ा )
Synonyms - difference, conflict,
1421. Vital - ( मह पूण ) 1433. Versatile - ( ब मुखी ) confrontation, discord, dissension, strife
Synonyms - animate, robust, sturdy, Synonyms - all-round, many-sided, Antonyms - agreement, peace, concord
vigorous, fundamental, integral
Antonyms - trivial, insignificant, petty

1422. Vivid - ( जीवंत /चमकीला )

Synonyms - bright, colourful, flamboyant,
graphic, expressive, meaningful
Antonyms - dull, inexpressive, vague
multifaceted, protean, adept, proficient
Antonyms - inflexible, limited, inept

1434. Viable - ( वहाय )

Synonyms - feasible, practical, doable,
usable, workable, possible
Antonyms - impossible, unpractical,
1445. Venerate - ( आदर करना)
Synonyms - adore, idolize, revere,
worship, deify, esteem
Antonyms - abhor, condemn, despise

1446. Vengeful - ( ितशोधी )

unreasonable Synonyms - spiteful, vindictive, inimical,
1423. Voluntary - ( ै क) punitive/antagonistic
Synonyms - willing, spontaneous, 1435. Vice - ( अवगुण ) Antonyms - condoning, forgiving, liking
unforced, deliberate, unintended Synonyms - bestiality, depravity,
Antonyms - obligatory, forced, immorality, perversion, turpitude, villainy 1447. Vex - ( तंग करना )
involuntary Antonyms - proprietary, virtue, morality Synonyms - aggravate, annoy, bother,
bug, chafe, exasperate
1424. Vulgar - ( अिश ) 1436. Virtuous - ( नैितक ) Antonyms - soothe, please, assist
Synonyms - humble, ignoble, mean, Synonyms - ethical, moral, principled,
boorish, crass, bawdy righteous, chaste, decent 1448. Vicarious - ( ितिनिधक )
Antonyms - decent, inoffensive, polite Antonyms - sinful, vile, wicked Synonyms - delegated, empathetic,
eventual, pretended, substitute
1425. Vagabond - ( आवारा ) 1437. Vitiate - ( न करना ) Antonyms - concrete, real, authentic
Synonyms - itinerant, nomadic, Synonyms - blemish, damage, impair,

peripatetic, vagrant, migrant, pastoral tarnish, canker, debase 1449. Vicious - ( शाितर / बुरा )
Antonyms - settled, native, endemic Antonyms - polish, uncorrupt, adorn Synonyms - immoral, iniquitous, peccant,
reprobate, malevolent, bestial
1426. Validate - ( मा ) 1438. Vivacious - ( उतेजना ) Antonyms - gentle, right, nice
Synonyms - attest, authenticate, Synonyms - animated, bouncy, chipper,
corroborate, justify, testify, endorse dashing, lively, pert 1450. Vie - ( ित धा करना )
Antonyms - contradict, disclaim, refute Antonyms - boring, unattractive, dull Synonyms - compete, contend, contest,
emulate, rival, challenge
1427. Vanquish - ( जीतना ) 1439. Void - ( र ) Antonyms - retreat, leave, desert
Synonyms - beat, conquer, defeat, Synonyms - empty, vacant, vacuous,
overcome, subdue, rout barren, destitute, hollow 1451. Vindicate - ( सािबत कर दे ना /
Antonyms - fail, lose, surrender Antonyms - full, occupied, overflowing ाय िदलाना )
Synonyms - absolve, exculpate,
1428. Vanity - ( घमंड ) 1440. Volatile - ( प रवतनशील ) exonerate, defend, avenge, redress
Synonyms - ego, conceit, pride, Synonyms - capricious, erratic, Antonyms - accuse, convict, punish
narcissism, vainness, futility changeable, freakish, unpredictable,
Antonyms - modesty, humility, propriety variable 1452. Vindictive - ( ितशोधी ) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 187

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 33 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Synonyms - revengeful, spiteful, vengeful, Synonyms - bond, combine, fix, join, 1475. Wary - ( सावधान )
malicious, venomous, grim solder, unite Synonyms - vigilant, wakeful, cautious,
Antonyms - forgiving, compassionate, Antonyms - disconnect, separate, detach chary, circumspect, prudent
charitable Antonyms - careless, indiscreet, reckless
1464. Whimsical - ( सनकी )
1453. Virtuoso - ( द / उ ृ ) Synonyms - arbitrary, capricious, 1476. Wax -( िव ा रत होना)
Synonyms - ace, adept, authority, champ, freakish, mercurial, temperamental, Synonyms - aggrandize, amplify,
prodigy, expert ticklish augment, burgeon, proliferate, soar
Antonyms - amateur, greenhorn, rookie Antonyms - behaving, sensible, Antonyms - shrink, constrict, decline
1454. Virulent - ( िवषैला ) 1477. Weary - ( थका आ )
Synonyms - baneful, noxious, pernicious, 1465. Wicked - ( दु ) Synonyms - drained, exhausted,
mephitic, embittered Synonyms - evil, iniquitous, reprobate, worn-out, dreary, humdrum, tiresome
Antonyms - harmless, beneficent, malignant, spiteful, venomous Antonyms - activated, energetic, lively
advantageous Antonyms - decent, moral, nice
1478. Weird - ( अजीब )
1455. Vitriolic - ( कटु या तीखी भाषा ) 1466. Widen - ( चौड़ा ) Synonyms - uncanny, cranky, outlandish,
Synonyms - acrid, scathing, stinging, Synonyms - broaden, expand, extend, quaint, singular

trenchant, truculent augment, enlarge, stretch Antonyms - conventional, standard,
Antonyms - kind, pleasant, uncritical Antonyms - cramp, narrow, restrict habitual

1456. Vociferous - ( कोलाहलपूण ) 1467. Widespread - ( बड़े पैमाने पर ) 1479. Wholesome - ( पौि क )
Synonyms - blatant, boisterous, Synonyms - all-inclusive, expansive, Synonyms - healthy, hygienic, salubrious,
Antonyms - quiet, silent, subtle

1457. Voluble - ( बातूनी )

Synonyms - chatty, conversational,
talkative, garrulous,loquacious, talky
Antonyms - reserved, reticent, unfriendly
extensive, sweeping, far-reaching
Antonyms - concentrated, local, harrow

1468. Withdraw - ( लौटा लेना )

Synonyms - remove, retract, draw in,
shove off, abjure, disengage
Antonyms - remain, fill, deposit
decent, modest, hale
Antonyms - impure, indecent, unhealthy

1480. Wither - ( मुझाना )

Synonyms - sear, shrivel, wizen, languish;
pine, petrify
Antonyms - bloom, grow, germinate
1458. Voluminous - ( अिधक मा ा म ) 1469. Withhold - ( रोक ) 1481. Withstand - ( सामना करना )
Synonyms - ample, capacious, abundant, Synonyms - abstain, forbear, hold; retain, Synonyms - resist, abide, bear, endure,
bountiful, copious, plentiful reserve, refrain sustain, tolerate
Antonyms - little, slight, tiny Antonyms - release, let go, free Antonyms - surrender, yield, give up

1459. Votary - ( अनुयायी ) 1470. Witty - ( प रहास यु ) 1482. Woe - ( शोक )

Synonyms - devotee, enthusiastic, Synonyms - comedic, facetious, Synonyms - affliction, agony, anguish,
fanatic, aficionado, zealot, supporter humorous, jocular, scintillating, sparkling distress, torment, torture
Antonyms - detractor, opponent, Antonyms - serious, grim, pensive Antonyms - happiness, joy, pleasure
1471. Wordy - ( अिधक श ों वाले ) 1483. Woo - ( समथन माँगना )
1460. Vouch - ( गारं टी दे ना ) Synonyms - verbal, diffuse, discursive, Synonyms - court, pursue, spark, caress,
Synonyms - attest, certify, testify, loquacious, prolix, rambling chase, beg

confirm, cosign, guarantee Antonyms - concise, restrained, subdued Antonyms - ignore, disregard
Antonyms - disavow, refute, reject
1472. Waive - ( माफ करना ) 1484. Wrath - ( ोध )
[W] Synonyms - abandon, abdicate, cede, Synonyms - furor, fury, ire, rage, acrimony,
demit, relinquish, renounce asperity
1461. Wayward - ( िनरं कुश ) Antonyms - retain, treasure, usurp Antonyms - happiness, glee, cheer
Synonyms - aberrant, balky, capricious,
erratic, fickle, forward 1473. Wander - ( भटकना ) 1485. Wretched - ( मन स )
Antonyms - controllable, manageable, Synonyms - drift, meander, ramble, rove, Synonyms - abominable, contemptible,
disciplined saunter, stroll despicable, nefarious, obnoxious,
Antonyms - stay, halt, remain repugnant
1462. Weaken - ( कमजोर ) Antonyms - comfortable, fortunate,
Synonyms - decline, degenerate, fade, 1474. Wane - ( पतन ) happy
languish, sink, wane Synonyms - abate, remit, slacken,
Antonyms - strengthen, boost, build subside, decline, languish 1486. Wail - ( िवलाप )
Antonyms - grow, increase, raise Synonyms - bawl, blubber, howl, weep,
1463. Weld - ( जोड़ना ) moan, sob Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 188

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 33 - 34 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Antonyms - exalt, gloat, vaunt listlessness Ans. Dutiful

1487. Wakeful - ( सतक ) 1498. Zenith - ( चरम िब दु ) Q.14. Verbose - बातूनी

Synonyms - awake, alert, observant, Synonyms - acme, apogee, crest, Ans. Talkative
vigilant, wary, watchful culmination, pinnacle, summit
Antonyms - sleepy, unaware, careless Antonyms - bottom, nadir, base Q.15. Explain - ा ा करना
Ans. Elaborate
1488. Warranted - ( अिधपि त ) 1499. Zeal - ( जोश )
Synonyms - baseless, gratuitous, Synonyms - ardour, enthusiasm, fervor, Q.16. Consequence - प रणाम
indefensible, undue, unfair, unjustified passion, intentness, alacrity Ans. Outcome
Antonyms - reasonable, justifiable Antonyms - apathy, indifference, lethargy
Q.17. Unbiased - िन
1489. Winsome - ( मनोहर ) 1500. Zigzag - ( टे ढ़ा मेढ़ा, घुमावदार ) Ans. Objective
Synonyms - attractive, bewitching, Synonyms - crinkled, crooked,
enchanting, enticing, alluring fluctuating, inclined, meandering, Q.18. Degradation - पतन
Antonyms - repulsive, repellent/ transverse Ans. Degeneration
unattractive Antonyms - straight, linear, plain
Q.19. Certain - िनि त

1490. Wisecrack - ( फ़ ी कसना ) Ans. Definite
Synonyms - crack, dig, quip, farce, retort, Synonyms
laugh Q.20. Benevolent - परोपकारी
Antonyms - question, request, praise SSC CGL 2023 Tier - 1 Ans. Generous
(14/07/2023 - 27/07/2023)
1491. Wistful - ( उदास ) Q.21. Eager - उ ुक
Synonyms - dejected, depressed,
desolate, downcast, melancholic, sad
Antonyms - cheerful, joyous, happy

1492. Wobble - ( लडखडाना )

Synonyms - sway, teeter, totter, falter,
Q.1. Zealous - उ ाही
Ans. Enthusiastic

Q.2. Feeble - कमजोर

Ans. Weak
Ans. Keen

Q.22. Tedious - थकानेवाला

Ans. tiresome

Q.23. Vendetta - िवरोध

reel, stagger Q.3. Ready - तैयार Ans. Disagreement
Antonyms - endure, persist, stay. Ans. Prepare
Q.24. Incredible - अिव सनीय
1493. Wrangle - ( लड़ाई ) Q.4. Hostile - अिम तापूण Ans. Unbelievable
Synonyms - altercation, bicker, Ans. Unfriendly
Q.25. Adamant - हठी
contention, dispute, quarrel, bicker,
squabble Q.5. Insidious - धोखेबाज Ans. Stubborn
Antonyms - agreement, consideration, Ans. Harmful
Q.26. Authentic - वा िवक
[ Y and Z ] Q.6. Abound - प रपूण होना Ans. Genuine
Ans. Flourish Q.27. Treacherous - िव ासघाती
Ans. Disloyal
1494. Yearn - ( इ ा करना )
Synonyms - covet, desire, hanker, long, Q.7. Peruse - ान से
Ans. Check Q.28. Follow - अनुकरण करना

pine, wish
Ans. Emulate
Antonyms - dislike, hate, disgust
Q.8. Matching - समान होना
Ans. Resembling Q.29. To sever - तोड़ना
1495. Yield - ( उपज )
Ans. Ramify
Synonyms - produce, earn, abandon,
relinquish, forgo, concede Q.9. Vain - बेकार
Ans. Useless Q.30. Scam - धोखाधड़ी
Antonyms - withhold, hold, keep
Ans. Swindle
1496. Zealot - ( क रपंथी ) Q.10. Consent - सहमित
Ans. Assent Q.31. Apathy - उदासीनता
Synonyms - enthusiastic, votary, fanatic,
Ans. Indifference
maniac, radical
Antonyms - apathetic, doubting, Q.11. Vigilant - सतक
Ans. Cautious Q.32. Diligent - सावधान
Ans. Careful
1497. Zest - ( उ ाह ) Q.12. Intriguing - लुभावना
Ans. Interesting Q.33. Hapless - भा हीन
Synonyms - flavour, relish, savour, gusto,
Ans. Unfortunate
smack, tang
Antonyms - blandness, dullness, Q.13. Respectful - कत परायण
Q.34. Temerity - गु ाख़ी Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 189
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 34 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Ans. Impudence Q.55. Extinct - िवलु Ans. Delivered
Ans. Vanished
Q.35. Vulnerable - असुरि त Q.75. Awful - अि य
Ans. At risk Q.56. Audacity - िह त Ans. Terrible
Ans. Courage
Q.36. luminous - चमकदार Q.76. Committed - ितब
Ans. Resplendent Q.57. Mortal - ाणघातक Ans. Devoted
Ans. Lethal
Q.37. Vast - लंबा-चौड़ा SSC CHSL 2022 Tier - 2
Ans. Extensive Q.58. Modest - संकोची
Ans. Shy
Q.38. Delight - स करना
Q.77. Flout - अव ा
Ans. Enchant Q.59. Imperishable - थायी
Ans. Defy
Ans. Sustainable
Q.39. Genial - आनंददायक
Q.78. Faithful - ईमानदार
Ans. Cheerful Q.60. Reduce - कम करना
Ans. Devoted
Ans. Cut down
Q.40. Absorbed - अवशोिषत
SSC MTS 2022 Tier -1

Ans. Soaked Q.61. Predators - परभ ी
Ans. Exploiters (02/05/2023 - 20/06/2023)
Q.41. Jargon - अनथक वचन
Ans. Slang Q.62. Credible - िव ास करने यो Q.79. Challenge- चुनौती
Ans. Dependable Ans. A calling into question
Q.42. Fierce - उ
Ans. Aggressive

Q.43. Education - िश ा
Ans. Pedagogy

Q.44. Transgression - उ ंघन

Q.63. Devastating - िवनाशकारी
Ans. Destructive

Q.64. Reproduce - ितिलिप बनाना

Ans. Replicates
Q.80. Radical - क र
Ans. Fanatical

Q.81. Expound - ा ा करना

Ans. Present and explain in detail.
Ans. Violation Q.65. Connote - अथ सूिचत करना Q.82. Ulterior - पूववत
Ans. Convey Ans. - Eventual
Q.45. Comprehensive - स ूण
Ans. Complete Q.66. Immerse - शािमल करना Q.83. Heartless - ूर
Ans. Involve Ans. Cruel
Q.46. Earnestly - न तापूवक

Ans. Sincerely Q.67. Enervated - कमज़ोर बनाना Q.84. Ability - यो ता

Ans. Weaken Ans. Skill
Q.47. Crooked - मुड़ा आ
Ans.Twisted Q.68. Fragile - नाज़ुक Q.85. Lying - गुमराह करना
Ans. Delicate Ans. Misleading
Q.48. Retaliation - बदला
Ans. Revenge Q.86. Convinced - आ करना
Selection Post Phase XI
Ans. Accepting

(27/06/2023 - 30/06/2023)
Q.49. Exuberance - जीवंतता , उ लास
Ans. Vibrancy Q.87. Wage - पा र िमक
Q.69. Hapless - भा हीन
Ans. Emolument
Ans. Ill-fated
Q.50. Judicious - िववेकपूण
Ans. Sensible Q.88. Panic - भय
Q.70. Plethora - चुरता / अिधकता
Ans. Fright
Ans. Excess
Q.51. Extol - शंसा करना
Ans. Praise, Glorify Q.89. Equivocal - अनेकाथ
Q.71. Updated - अ तन/नवीनीकरण करना
Ans. Ambiguous.
Ans. Latest
Q.52. Committed - समिपत
Ans. Dedicated Q.90. Gauge - मापना
Q.72. Paranoia- पागलपन
Ans. Measure
Ans. Anxiety
Q.53. Gentle - दयालु
Ans. Sympathetic Q.91. Spikes - बढ़ाना
Q.73. Sustainable - सतत
Ans. Increases
Ans. Maintainable
Q.54. Predicament - असमंजस
Ans. Quandary Q.92. Confirm - पुि करना
Q.74. Deposited - जमा िकया गया
Ans. Corroborate Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 190
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 34 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Q.93. Advantage - लाभ Q.113. Legend - पौरािणक कथाएँ Q.133. Subtle - नाजुक
Ans. Boon Ans. Tradition Ans. Exquisite

Q.94.Travesty - मज़ाक Q.114. Inquisitive - िज ासु Q.134. Consensus - सवस ित

Ans. Mockery Ans. Curious Ans. Agreement

Q.95. Withdraw - हट जाना Q.115. Victorious - िवजेता Q.135. Versions - सं रण

Ans. Retreat Ans. Variations
Ans. Champion

Q.96. Jaded - थका आ Q.136. Backstab - िव ासघाती

Q.116. Feat - परा म
Ans. Fatigued Ans. Betray
Ans. Accomplishment
Q.97. Kidding - मज़ाक करना Q.137. Villainous - उप वी
Ans. Joking Q.117. Nihilistic - शू वाद संबंधी Ans. Nefarious
Ans. Cynical
Q.98. Impede - बाधा डालना Q.138. Serious - गंभीर
Ans. Thwart Q.118. Virtuoso - कला वीण Ans. Sever
Ans. Maestro

Q.99. Distraction - ान भटकना Q.139. Alleviate - कमी करना
Ans. Confusion Q.119. Decapitate - िसर कलम करना Ans. Diminish
Ans. Behead
Q.100. Valet - सेवक Q.140. Hindered - बाधा डालना
Ans. Butler Q.120. Fall guy - बिल का बकरा Ans. Discouraged

Q.101. Paradise -
Ans. Bliss

Q.102. Calamity - िवफलता

Ans. Debacle

Ans. Scapegoat

Q.121. Argument - तक-िवतक

Ans. Explanation

Q.122. Debased- अवमू न करना

Q.141. Venial -
Ans. Pardonable

Q.142. Complex - जिटल

Ans. Convoluted
Q.103. Deadly - जानलेवा Ans. Corrupted Q.143. Upsetting - परे शान करना
Ans. Fatal Ans. Perturbing
Q.123. Self-esteem - आ स ान
Q.104. Abide - िनवास करना Ans. Pride Q.144. Trust - िव ास
Ans. Dwell Ans. Believe
Q.124. Consecutive - लगातार ाय शासी
Q.145. Autonomous -
Q.105. Judge - ायाधीश Ans. Successive Ans. Independent
Ans. Decide
Q.125. Arrogance - अिभमान Q.146. Contrite - पछतावा
Q.106. Console - सां ना दे ना Ans. Dominance Ans. Remorseful
Ans. Solace
Q.126. Attack - आ मण करना Q.147. Appropriate - उपयु
Q.107. Backfire - ितघात करना Ans. Assault Ans. Competent
Ans. Collapse

Q.127. Aptitude - यो ता Q.148. Damaged - ित

Q.108. Unfamiliar - अप रिचत Ans. Talent Ans. Marred
Ans. Strange
Q.128. Relocation - पुनवास Q.149. Opposite - िवपरीत
Ans. Migration Ans. Antagonistic
Q.109. Voluminous - िवशालकाय
Ans. Commodious
Q.129. Easiness - सुगमता Q.150. Enervate - बेजान बनाना
Ans. Gullibility Ans. Devitalize
Q.110. Fetish - इ ा
Ans. Desire Q.130. Gust - तेज हवा Q.151. Wraith - आ ा
Ans. Blow Ans. Spirit
Q.111. Description - िववरण
Q.131. Fabulously - शानदार ढं ग से Q.152. Excited - उ ािहत
Ans. Definition
Ans. Fantastically Ans. Eager

Q.112. Toddler - छोटा ब ा Q.132. Tale - कहानी/कथा Q.153. Happy - स

Ans. Newborn Ans. Story Ans. Blissful Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 191

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 34 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Q.154. Contradict - िवरोधाभास Ans. Worthless Q.195. Gallivant - आवारागद करना
Ans. Contravene Ans. Meander
Q.176. Gala - उ व
Q.155. Firmly - ढ़तापूवक Ans. Carnival Q.196. Glib - िचकना, आसान
Ans. Stiffly Ans. Easy
Q.177. Struggling - संघष करना
Q.156. Wealthy - धनवान Ans. Hustling Q.197. Calibrate - मापना
Ans. Affluent Ans. Gauge
Q.178. Assail - आ मण करना
Q.157. Prejudice - प पात करना Ans. Attack Q.198. Whimsical - मजािकया , सनकी
Ans. Intolerance Ans. Funny
Q.179. Disdain - अवहे लना करना
Q.158. Golden - सुनहरा Ans. Contempt Q.199. Instigate - उभारना , उकसाना
Ans. Shining Ans. Raise
Q.180. Support - समथन
Q.159. Dehydrated - िनजलीकृत Ans. Bolster Q.200. Eccentric - सनकी
Ans. Drained Ans. Idiosyncratic
Q.181. Habitant - िनवासी
Q.160. Welter - अ व थत Ans. Denizen

Q.201. Domicile - आवास, िनवास थान
Ans. Turmoil Ans. Home
Q.182. Enthuse - हिषत/उ ािहत
Q.161. Locks - ब करना Ans. Fondle Q.202. Jarred - झगड़ना, संघष
Ans. Shuts Ans. Altercated
Q.183. Advocate - समथक/वकील
Q.162. Confused - िमत होना
Ans. Puzzled

Q.163. Glorify - शंसा करना

Ans. Celebrate
Ans. Support

Q.184. Perceptions - धारणाएं

Ans. Approaches

SSC CHSL 2022 Tier - 1

Q.203. Blasphemous - िनंदा क, धम ोही
Ans. Disrespectful

Q.204. Efficacy - मता

Ans. Efficiency
Q.164. Continue - जारी रखना Q.205. Conscientious - कत िन , मेहनती
(09/03/2023 - 21/03/2023)
Ans. Maintain Ans. Sedulous
Q.185. Magnanimity - उदारता
Q.165. Liberty - ाधीनता
Ans. Altruism Q.206. Vigorous - बलवान, फुरतीला
Ans. Freedom
Q.186. Quandary - ाकुलता, Ans. Strenuous
Q.166. Deceive - धोखा दे ना
Ans. Impasse
Ans. Betray
Q.207. Edacious - भु ड़, लोभी
Q.187. Apologetic - माशील Ans. Gluttonous
Q.167. Empathy - समानुभूित
Ans. Contrite
Ans. Affinity
Q.208. Hostility - श ुता
Q.188. Slick - िचकना, Ans. Enmity
Q.168. Converge - िमलना/एकि त होना
Ans. Slippery
Ans. Coincide
Q.209. Oblivious - अनजान, भुल ड़
Q.189. Laggard - आलसी Ans. Ignorant

Q.169. Remarkable - उ ेखनीय

Ans. Dawdling
Ans. Noticeable
Q.210. Saboteur - तोड़-फोड़ करने वाला
Q.170. Subterranean - भूिमगत Q.190. Sacrilege - अपिव ीकरण Ans. Vandal
Ans. Underground Ans. Blasphemy
Q.211. Pacific - शां त करना
Q.171. Capricious - मनमौजी Q.191. Ponderous - वज़नदार Ans. Mollifying
Ans. Arbitrary Ans. Heavy
Q.212. Ferocious - भयंकर
Q.172. Small - छोटा Q.192. Ridicule - उपहास Ans. Frightful
Ans. Slight Ans. Derision
Q.213. Wager - दां व लगाना
Q.173. Departure - थान Q.193. Eagerly - उ ुकतापूवक Ans. Gamble
Ans. Exodus Ans. Avidly
Q.214. Vacillate - िहचकना, संदेह करना
Q.174. Irritated - िचढ़ा आ Q.194. Anxious - िचंितत Ans. Hesitate
Ans. Annoyed Ans. Apprehensive
Q.215. Genial - सुख द
Q.175. Useless - थ Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 192
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 34 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Ans. Convivial Q.236. Frequent - बार बार होने वाला SSC CGL 2022 Tier - 2
Ans. Incessant
(02/03/2023 - 07/03/2023)
Q.216. Vault - तहखाना, गुफा
Ans. Crypt Q.237. Shapeless - अ व थत
Q.257. Vogue - चलन म होना
Ans. Amorphous
Ans. Fashion
Q.217. Dandy - आकषक
Ans. Beautiful Q.238. Attune - अनुकूल होना
Q.258. Advised - सलाह दे ना
Ans. Assimilate
Ans. Prescribed
Q.218. Habitat - आवास
Ans. Niche Q.239. Obligation - अिनवाय Q.259. Unacknowledged - अ ात
Ans. Imperative
Ans. Unidentified
Q.219. Cajole - बहलाना - फुसलाना
Ans. Persuade Q.240. Faddish - चिलत Q.260. fruition - कायिस
Ans. Fashionable Ans. Accomplishment
Q.220. Malign - हािनकारक,
Ans. baleful Q.241. Depressed - दु ः खी
Q.261. Partially - आं िशक प से
Ans. Doleful
Ans. Partly
Q.221. Caginess - चालाकी

Ans. Guilefulness Q.242. Elucidate - करना
Q.262. Debris - मलबा
Ans. Explicate
Ans. Detritus
Q.222. Jape - प रहास करना
Ans. Quip Q.243. Craven - डरपोक Q.263. Spotted - माण
Ans. Cowardly Ans. Witnessed
Q.223. Fortitude - साहस
Ans. Grit

Q.224. Quail - घबरा जाना

Ans. Cringe

Q.225. Opaque - अ
Q.244. Buddy - सहयोगी,
Ans. Associate

Q.245. Jejune - नीरसता

Ans. Drab
Q.264. Peak - शीषिबंदु
Ans. Zenith

SSC GD 2022
(10/01/2023 -13/02/2023)
Ans. Arcane Q.246. Wallow - लड़खड़ाना
Ans. Flounder Q.265. Blast - धमाका
Q.226. Obliquity - अ ता Ans. Blow up
Ans. Opacity Q.247. Famine - अकाल
Q.227. Levitate - वायु म तैरना Ans. Drought Q.266. Colloquial - बोल-चाल का
Q.248. Lair - िछपने की जगह, माँ द Ans. Conversational
Ans. Float
Ans. Concealment
Q.228. Fabricate - जालसाजी करना Q.267. Conceal - िछपाना
Ans. Concoct Q.249. Bogus - नकली Ans. Hide
Ans. False
Q.229. Abandonment - ाग Q.268. Bankrupt - िदवािलया
Ans. Dereliction Q.250. Soar - उड़ना Ans. Insolvent
Ans. Fly
Q.230. Nark - ोिधत करना, िचढ़ाना Q.269. Sumptuous - वैभवशाली ,ब मू

Ans. Irritate Q.251. Fad - सनसनी Ans. Lavish

Ans. Sensation
Q.231. Remedy - उपचार करना Q.270. Rejuvenate - िफर से जवान करना
Ans. Panacea Q.252. Nacreous - चमकदार Ans. Refresh
Ans. Iridescent
Q.232. Nascence - उ ि Q.271. Lustre - आभा, चमक
Ans. Incipience Q.253. Corrective - सुधार करना Ans. Shine
Ans. Restorative
Q.233. Dreary - उदास Q.272. Abundant - चुर
Ans. Dull Q.254. Enigmatic - रह मय Ans. Ample
Ans. Mysterious
Q.234. Ecclesial - चच संबंधी Q.273. Ideal - आदश
Ans. Churchly Q.255. Decimate - न करना Ans. Excellent
Ans. Wreck
Q.235. Unbiased - िन Q.274. Orifice - मुहाना, िछ
Ans. Candid Q.256. Oblate - िभ ुक Ans. Opening
Ans. Mendicant
Q.275. Drowsy - सु Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 193

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 34 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Ans. Sleepy Ans. Eradicate Q.317. Affliction - क
Ans. Bane
Q.276. Conviction - दोषिस , धारणा Q.297. Espoused - समथन
Ans. Belief Ans. Adopted Q.318. Nasty - ब त खराब
Ans. Despicable
Q.277. Prosperity - समृ Q.298. Narrow - सँकरा
Ans. Richness Ans. Cramped Q.319. Indebted - ऋणी
Ans. Thankful
Q.278. Compact - सघन Q.299. Declining - अ ीकृत करना
Ans. Dense Ans. Decreasing Q.320. Proficient - अनुभवी ,कुशल
Ans. Skilful
Q.279. Benevolent - परोपकारी
Q.300. Courage - साहस
Ans. Gracious
Ans. Valor Q.321. Enough - पया
Ans. Sufficient
Q.280. Exciting - रोमां चक
Q.301. Static - थर
Ans. Electrifying
Ans. Inert Q.322. Stroll - चहलक़दमी
Ans. Saunter
Q.281. Conquer - जीत, िवजयी
Q.302. futile - थ
Ans. Defeat

Ans. Unsuccessful Q.323. Solitude - अकेलापन
Ans. Seclusion
Q.282. Omnipresent - सव ापी
Q.303. Titan - ब त बड़ा
Ans. Universal
Ans. Giant Q.324. Sedulous - प र मी
Ans. Diligent
Q.283. Auspicious - शुभ
Q.304. Despise - घृणा
Ans. Fortunate

Q.284. Yields - पैदावार

Ans. Produces

Q.285. Dazzling - चकाचौंध

Ans. Dislike

Q.305. Annoy - िचढ़ाना

Ans. Irritate

Q.306. Sombre - िनराशाजनक

Q.325. Handy - सुिवधाजनक
Ans. Useful

Q.326. Burgled - चोरी

Ans. Looted
Ans. Brilliant
Ans. Doleful Q.327. Mean - अथ, कम मू का
Ans. Greedy
Q.286. Cocoon - कोष
Q.307. Brazen - बेशम
Ans. Encasement
Ans. Bold Q.328. Beautiful - सुंदर
Q.287. Austere - सीधा-सादा, कठोर
Ans. Pretty
Ans. Strict
Q.308. Perilous - जो खम

Ans. Dangerous Q.329. Heyday - आनंद का समय

Q.288. Aghast - भौच ा Ans. Prime
Ans. Horrified
Q.309. Immune - ितर ा
Ans. Resistant Q.330. Annoyance - िचढ़
Q.289. Firewall - एक र ा क दीवार Ans. Anger
Ans. Bulwark
Q.310. Allude - संकेत करना
Ans. Refer Q.331. Gloomy - उदास
Q.290. Perturbed - घबरा दे ना Ans. Unhappy

Ans. Disturbed
Q.311. Sailor - नािवक
Ans. Mariner Q.332. Stratified - परतों म व थत
Q.291. Contagion - छूत Ans. Laminated
Ans. Infection
Q.312. Hallway - गिलयारा
Ans. Aisle Q.333. Strict - कठोर
Q.292. Negative - नकारा क Ans. Austere
Ans. Adverse
Q.313. Forbore - रोकना
Ans. Refrain Q.334. Bargain - मोलभाव करना
Q.293. Palpable - शनीय Ans. Deal
Ans. Detectable
Q.314. Admit - ीकार िकया
Ans. Acknowledged Q.335. Commerce - ापार
Q.294. Dodge - चकमा Ans. Trade
Ans. Cheat
Q.315. Eligible - यो
Ans. Qualified Q.336. Pious - धमिन
Q.295. Manifest - घोषणाप Ans. Devout
Ans. Apparent
Q.316. Ample - चुर
Ans. Sufficient Q.337. Debonair - ख़ुशिमज़ाज
Q.296. Exterminate - िवनाश Ans. ख़ुशिमज़ाज Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 194
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 34 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Q.338. Curious - िज ासु Q.359. Blend - िमलाना Ans. Degeneration
Ans. Inquisitive Ans. Fusion
Q.380. Swindle - धोखा, ताड़ना
Q.339. Reckon - समझना , अनुमान करना Q.360. Nepotism - भाई-भतीजावाद Ans. Fraud
Ans. Think Ans. Favoritism
Q.381. Calamity - आपदा, संकट
Q.340. Noble - महान Q.361. Lassitude - अवसाद, सु ी Ans. Disaster
Ans. Dignified Ans. Weariness
Q.382. Slack - मंदी, िनबल
Q.341. Hearth - चू ा Q.362. Queer - िविच Ans. Inactive
Ans. Fireside Ans. Strange
Q.383. Brusque - खा, अिश
Q.342. Entrap - फंदे म फंसना Q.363. Competent - स म Ans. Abrupt
Ans. Implicate Ans. Capable
Q.384. Accomplish - पूरा करना
Q.343. Glimpse - झलक Q.364. Fascinating - आकषक, मनोहर Ans. Achieve
Ans. Glance Ans. Interesting
Q.385. Grandeur - मह , शोभा
Ans. Magnificence

Q.344. Alight - दी करना Q.365. Hesitation - संदेह, दु िवधा
Ans. Descend Ans. Reluctance
Q.386. Paused - िवराम
Q.345. Grief - दु ख Q.366. Enmity - दु नी, े ष Ans. Halted
Ans. Anguish Ans. Hostility
Q.387. Judicious - ायसंगत, चतुर
Q.346. Daunt - डराना , िन
Ans. Discourage

Q.347. Counsel - सलाह

Ans. Advice
ाह करना
Ans. Admire

Q.367. Cherish - अ ा लगना

Q.368. Privilege - िवशेष अिधकार

Ans. Honour
Ans. Thoughtful
Q.388. Propel - े रत करना
Ans. Move

Q.389. Wily - कपटी, म

Ans. Crafty
Q.348. Plead - िनवेदन करना Q.369. Startled - भौंच ा
Ans. Beseech Ans. Frightened Q.390. Disclose - िदखाना, बताना
Q.349. Compulsion - बा ता Ans. Revealed
Ans. Obligation Q.370. Incompetent - अयो , अपूण
Ans. Inefficient Q.391. Amputate - काट डालना
Q.350. Serpentine - टे ढ़ा Ans. Sever

Ans. Zigzag Q.371. Attain - ा करना

Ans. Achieve Q.392. Graphic - सजीव,
Q.351. Solitary - अकेला Ans. Vivid
Ans. Single Q.372. Benevolent - परोपकारी
Ans. Malevolent Q.393. Leap - कूदना, छलां ग मारना
Q.352. Progress - गित Ans. Hop
Ans. Betterment Q.373. Cheerless - िनराश, उदास
Ans. Gloomy Q.394. Bliss - आनंद, क ाण

Q.353. Ruthless - ू र Ans. Joy

Ans. Merciless Q.374. Fleeting - िणक, अ थायी
Ans. Brief Q.395. Frantic - पागल, उ ेिजत
Q.354. Blunt - मुंहफट Ans. Violent
Ans. Dull Q.375. Antagonist - ित ं ी, श ु
Ans. Adversary Q.396. Capitulate - झुकना
Q.355. Esteem - आदर Ans. Surrender
Ans. Respect Q.376. Vacate - छोड़ना, मु करना
Ans. Depart Q.397. Impress - भाव डालना
Q.356. Adamant - अटल Ans. Influence
Ans. Stubborn Q.377. Impartial - िन ,स ा
Ans. Fair Q.398. Stimulate - ो ािहत करना
Q.357. Salty - नमकीन Ans. Energises
Ans. Saline Q.378. Deficient - कम, दोषयु
Ans. Insufficient Q.399. Supreme - सव , महान
Q.358. Early - ज ी Ans. Paramount
Ans. Beforehand Q.379. Decay - सड़न, नाश
Q.400. Gigantic - िवशाल, भारी Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 195
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 34 - 35 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Ans. Huge Q.420. Illness - बीमारी , अ थता Ans. Shallow
Ans. Sickness
Q.401. Confined - सीिमत Q.441. Plausible - शंसनीय , िव सनीय
Ans. Diluted Q.421. Nexus - बंधन , कड़ी Ans. Credible
Ans. Link
Q.402. Rudimentary - मूल, ाथिमक Q.442. Wrathful - कोप , आगबबूला
Ans. Elementary Q.422. Mutate - प बदलना , पां त रत होना Ans. Furious
Ans. Change
Q.403. Endeavours - यास Q.443. Old - पुराना , वृ
Ans. Efforts Q.423. Satisfaction - संतुि , समाधान Ans. Aged
Ans. Contentment
Q.404. Introvert - अंतमुखी Q.444. Consensus - सवस ित , आम राय
Ans. Shy Q.424. Deliberate - जानबूझकर , िवचारपूवक Ans. Agreement
Ans. Planned
Q.405. Valid - वैध, सही Q.445. Conspire - िमल जाना , ष ं रचना
Ans. Logical Q.425. Magnify - बढ़ाना , वृ करना Ans. Plot
Ans. Expand
Q.406. Fair - सही, वैध Q.446. Fatigue - थकान , प र म

Ans. Reasonable Q.426. Remorse - पछतावा , आ ा ािन Ans. Tiredness
Ans. Repentance
Q. 407. Peak - चोटी , िशखर Q.447. Belief - िव ास , भरोसा
Ans. Zenith Q.427. Stagnant - गितहीन , थर Ans. Faith
Ans. Motionless
Q.408. Hypocrisy - ढोंग, कपट Q.448. Inherent - अंतिनिहत , ज जात
Ans. Trickery

Q.409. Obliterate - िमटाना, िमटा दे ना

Ans. Erase

Q.410. Objective - उ े , बाहरी

Ans. Hazards

Q.428. Perils - जो खम , आपदा

Q.429. Void - खालीपन ,

Ans. Gap

Ans. Inborn

Q.449. Anticipated - पूवानुमािनत

Ans. Predicted

Q.450. Imparts - दे ना , बताना

Ans. Purpose Q.430. Obligatory - अिनवाय , बा कर Ans. Transmits
Q.411. Elaborate - िव ार म कहना Ans. Compulsory
Ans. Intricate Q.451. lighting up - काश करना ,
Q.431. Hysterical - उ ाद , हा जनक रोशन करना
Ans. Funny Ans. Illuminating
SSC CGL 2022 Tier - 1

(01/12/2022 - 13/12/2022)
Q.432. Inundated - बाढ़ , सैलाब Q.452. Judicious - ायसंगत , उिचत
Ans. Overwhelmed Ans. Extravagant.
Q.412. Confusion - उलझन, ां ित
Ans. Commotion
Q.433. Keen - उ ुक , इ ु क Q.453. Concise - संि , लघु
Ans. Enthusiastic Ans. Terse
Q.413. Competent - स म, िनपुण
Ans. Capable
Q.434. Perseverance - ढ़ता , हठ Q.454. Flout - अव ा , अनादर करना
Ans. Steadfastness Ans. Mock

Q.414. Announce - घोिषत करना,

घोषणा करना
Q.435. Amend - संशोधन करना , सुधारना Q.455. Obscene - अ ील , ग ा
Ans. Advertise
Ans. Rectify Ans. Dirty

Q.415. Sporadic - छु ट-फुट , कहीं-कहीं

Q.436. Impede - बाधा डालना , रोकना Q.456. Ponder - िचंतन करना , सोचना
Ans. Occasional
Ans. Hinder Ans. Contemplate

Q.416. Transient - अ थायी , िणक

Q.437. Vivacious - फुत ला , तेजमान Q.457. Retaliated - जवाबी कारवाई ,
Ans. Temporary
Ans. Energetic बदला लेना
Ans. Reciprocated
Q.417. Moral - नैितक , आचार
Q.438. Mercy - दया , तरस
Ans. Ethical
Ans. Clemency Q.458. Erroneous - ुिटपूण, अशु
Ans. Inaccurate
Q.418. Delectable - सुहावना , आनंदकर
Q.439. Tyranny - अ ाचार , जु
Ans. Delicious
Ans. Autocracy Q.459. Instilled - िश ा दे ना , मन म िबठा दे ना
Ans. Inculcate
Q.419. Exaltation - उमंग , आ ो ष
Ans. Ecstasy Q.440. Superficial - सतही , ऊपरी
Q.460. Empty - खाली , र Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 196
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 35 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Ans. Vacant Q.481. Futile - थ , िनरथक Ans. Booklover
Ans. Fruitless
Q.461. Wavering - डगमगाना , लहराना Q.501. Flagitious - कु ात अपराधी
Ans. Fluctuating Q.482. Distant - दू र थ , दू र का Ans. Criminal
Ans. Faraway
Q.462. Abundant - चुर , ब ल Q.502. Facile - सरल
Ans. Ample Q.483. Eccentric - िवल ण , अनोखा Ans. Oversimplified
Ans. Peculiar
Q.463. Concealed - िछपाना , गु रखना Q.503. Organizing - संगठनकारी
Ans. Disguised Q.484. Declined - अ ीकार करना, ीण होना Ans. Coordinating
Ans. Rejected
Q.464. Frugal - िमत यी , िकफ़ायती Q.504. Abandon - ाग दे ना
Ans. Economical Q.485. Chide - डां टना, धमकी दे ना Ans. Relinquish
Ans. Scold
Q.465. Calamity - आपदा , िवपि Q.505. Sycophant - चापलूस
Ans. Catastrophe SSC STENOGRAPHER 2022 Ans. Flatterer
(17/11/2022 - 18/11/2022)
Q.466. Demolish - करना , ढाना Q.506. Gregarious - िमलनसार

Ans. Ruin Q.486. Camouflage - वेश बदलना Ans. Sociable
Ans. Disguise
Q.467. Chary - होिशयार , सावधान Q.507. Utmost - अिधकतम
Ans. Cautious Q.487. Vice - अधम Ans. Greatest
Ans. Immorality
Q.468. Encountered - सामना करना , मुठभे़ड़ Q.508. Dulcet - सुरीला
Ans. Experiencing

Q.469. Anger -
Ans. Fury

Q.470. Apex - सव
ोध , गु

, िशखर

Ans. Clumsy

Q.488. Cumbersome - भारी - भरकम

Q.489. Knave - धोखेबाज़

Ans. Rogue
Q.490. Fortitude - साहस
Ans. Sweet and soothing

Q.509. Yield - उ
Ans. Produce

Q.510. Seizure - क़

ा करना
Ans. Pinnacle Ans. Bravery Ans. Capture

Q.471. Hoodwinked - धोखा दे ना , बहकाना Q.491. Lucky - शुभ Q.511. Imbued - भर दे ना

Ans. Deceived Ans. Auspicious Ans. Filled

Q.472. Permeate - िबखरा आ , िछ -िभ वहाय

Q.492. Erudite - िव ान Q.512. Viable -
Ans. Diffuse Ans. Scholarly Ans. Feasible

Q.473. Answer - उ र , जवाब दे ना Q.493. Audacious - साहसी Q.513. Capable - यो

Ans. Reply Ans. Brave Ans. Suitable

Q.474. Irrevocable - थर, अटल Q.494. Aplomb - आ िव ास Q.514. Ignominy - बदनामी

Ans. Irreversible Ans. Self-assurance Ans. Dishonour

Q.475. Boon - वरदान, लाभ Q.495. Bewilderment - ाकुलता Q.515. Crude - ाकृितक
Ans. Beneficial Ans. Confusion Ans. Natural

Q.476. Ignoble - नीच , अकुलीन Q.496. Dwindle - कम करना Q.516. Exaggeration - िव ार

Ans. Unworthy Ans. Reduce Ans. Amplification

Q.477. Guile - छल-कपट , म ारी Q.497. Flaw - दोष Q.517. Savoury - ािद
Ans. Deceit Ans. Defect Ans. Sweet

Q.478. Request - ाथना , अनुरोध करना Q.498. Fastidious - जो ज ी िव ास न करे , Q.518. Pardonable - मा के यो
Ans. Plea तुनुक िमजाज Ans. Venial
Ans. Careful
Q.479. Muddy - मैला , धुंधला Q.519. Confess - ीकार करना
Ans. Filthy Q.499. Rendezvous - पूविनि त मुलाकात Ans. Acknowledge
Ans. Pre-arranged meeting
Q.480. Vivid - सु , चमकदार Q.520. Obligation - कत
Ans. Evocative Q.500. Bibliophile - पु क ेमी Ans. Duty Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 197

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 35 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Q.521. Omission - िमटाना Ans. Deadlock Ans. Hapless
Ans. Deletion
Q.541. Prohibit - िनषेध , मना करना Q.561. Permit - अनुमित , इजाज़त
Q.522. Naughty - शरारती Ans. Ban Ans. Grant
Ans. Impish
Q.542. Restrain - िनयंि त करना, Q.562. Revoke - र करना , िनर करना
Q.523. Delegate - ितिनिध अधीन करना Ans. Repeal
Ans. Representative Ans. Constrain
Q.563. Preposterous - िनरथक, ऊटपटां ग
Q.524. Compunction - पछतावा Q.543. Guilt - अपराध , पाप Ans. Outrageous
Ans. Remorse Ans. Remorse
Q.564. Promote - पदो ित करना , वृ करना
Q.525. Observe - ान दे ना Q.544. Progress - गित , उ ित करना Ans. Boost
Ans. Watch Ans. Development
Q.565. Accredit - मा ता दे ना, मािणत करना
Q.526. Miscellaneous - अनेक कार के Q.545. Application - आवेदन , काया यन Ans. Certify
Ans. Various Ans. Implementation
Q.566. Conjure - जादू करना , तमाशा िदखाना,
आकिषत करना

Q.527. Lucid - समझने यो Q.546. Impute - मढ़ना , आरोप लगाना
Ans. Appeal
Ans. Comprehensible Ans. Attribute

Q.528. Gullible - सीधा-सादा Q.547. Consciousness - चेतना , जाग कता Q.567. Profit - लाभ , मुनाफ़ा , फ़ायदा
Ans. Benefit
Ans. Naive Ans. Awareness

Q.529. Nimble - फुत ला

Ans. Agile

Q.530. Clairvoyant - भिव सूचक

Ans. Prophetic
Q.548. Addicted - इ ु क, वशीभूत
Ans. Inclined

Q.549. Hoax - छल , चकमा

Ans. Trick
Q.568. Quandary - घबड़ाहट , आशंका
Ans. Dilemma

Q.569. Reason - कारण , तक

Ans. Logic
Q.570. Rebellious - बाग़ी , िव ोही
Q.531. Catalyst - उ ेरक Q.550. Penchant - लगन, िच Ans. Unruly
Ans. Activator Ans. Liking
Q.571. Reputation - ित ा , यश
Ans. Prestige
SSC CPO 2022 Tier - 1 Q.551. Peculiar - िविच , असामा
Ans. Unusual
(09/11/2022 - 11/11/2022) Q.572. Indignation - रोष , अपराध

Ans. Offense
Q.532. Ruin - बबाद करना , न करना Q.552. Contrary - िवपरीत , िवरोध
Ans. Opposite
Ans. Despoil Q.573. Bonhomie - खुशिमज़ाजी ,
अ ा भाव
Q.553. Portray - िच बनाना , अिभनय करना
Q.533. Radiant - चमकीला , स मूख Ans. Friendship
Ans. Depict
Ans. Glowing
Q.574. Partisan - प पातपूण , क रपंथी
Q.534. Glee - उ ास , आनंद Q.554. Cogent - िन या क , ज़ोरदार
Ans. Rational Ans. Biased

Ans. Mirth
Q.575. Gourmet - पेटू
Q.555. Pester - तंग करना , िचढ़ाना
Q.535. Prodigal - खच ला , िफजूलख़च Ans. Epicure
Ans. Annoy
Ans. Extravagant
Q.576. Daunted - भयभीत करना , डराना
Q.536. Populous - जनपूण , घनी आबादी वाला Q.556. Abridge - सं ेप करना , काट-छाँ ट
Ans. Intimidated
Ans. Crowded Ans. Shorten

Q.577. Stamped - िटकट , मोहर

Q.557. Mirage - मृगतृ ा , मृगजल , धोखा
Q.537. Lethargy - सु ी , आल Ans. Imprinted
Ans. Illusion
Ans. Hebetude

Q.558. Optimal - सव म, े Q.578. Cornucopia - गु कोष , िनखात िनिध

Q.538. Peril - जो खम, आपदा, िवपि Ans. Treasure trove
Ans. Danger Ans. Best

Q.579. Obliterate - िमटा दे ना , उ ूलन करना

Q.559. Obsequious - ख़ुशामदी , चापलूसी
Q.539. Erudite - वै ािनक, िव ान Ans. Abolish
Ans. Law-abiding
Ans. Scholarly
Q.580. Chaos - अ व था , गड़बड़
Q.540. Impasse - गितरोध, संकट Q.560. Unlucky - अशुभ, बदिक त
Ans. Disarray Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 198

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 35 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
SSC CGL 2021 Tier - 2 Ans. Obstruct Q.618. Exaggerated - अितशयो पूण,
बढ़ाकर कहा आ
Q.598. Malign - दु , हािनकारक Ans. Magnified
Ans. Besmirch
Q.581. Abandon - छोड़ना , ागना
Q.619. Innate - ज जात , पैि क
Ans. Leave
Q.599. Random - अिनयिमत , अ व थत Ans. Inherent
Ans. Chance
Q.582. Incumbent - कत , पदािधकारी
Q.620. Dissolve - भंग करना , समा करना
Ans. Occupant
Q.600. Modest - मामूली, िवनयपूण Ans. Fade
Q.583. Fictitious - का िनक , बनावटी Ans. Humble
Q.621. Banish - िनवािसत करना , दू र करना
Ans. Imaginary
Q.601. Segregate - अलग, पृथक Ans. Exile
Ans. Isolate
SSC SELECTION POST Q.622. Enforced - लागू करना , बा करना
PHASE (X) Q.602. Obtrusive - िनकला आ , मुख Ans. Imposed
(01/08/2022 - 05/08/2022) Ans. Prominent
Q.623. Intricate - जिटल , उलझा आ
Q.584. Blink - पलक मारना , िझलिमलाहट Q.603. Eccentric - िवल ण , सनकी Ans. Complicated

Ans. Flicker Ans. Bizarre
Q.624. Extravagantly - असाधारण प से ,
Q.585. Dismal - िनराशाजनक , उदास Q.604. Plausible - शंसनीय , मुमिकन अिधकता से
Ans. Gloomy Ans. Credible Ans. Expensively

Q.586. Alacrity - उ ाह , त रता Q.605. Gloomy - उदास , िवषादपूण Q.625. Hurdle - बाधा , कावट
Ans. Willingness

Q.587. Compunction - पछतावा , खेद

Ans. Scruples

Q.588. Abnegation - अ ीकृित , ाग

Ans. Depressing

Q.606. Critically - गंभीरता से , कठोरता से

Ans. Severely

Q.607. Advent - आगमन , अवतार

Ans. Impediment
Q.626. Laborious - प र मी , िमक
Ans. Assiduous

Q.627. Grieve - शोक , िवलाप

Ans. Mourn
Ans. Renouncement Ans. Arrival
Q.628. Alleviate - शा करना , छु ी दे ना
Q.589. Embellish - सजाना , अलंकृत करना Q.608. Merry - आनंिदत , हँ समुख Ans. Relieve
Ans. Decorate Ans. Happy
Q.629. Probe - तहक़ीक़ात , जाँ च-पड़ताल,
Q.590. Evince - कट करना , जताना Q.609. Callous - कठोर , िनदयी
Ans. Search
Ans. Show Ans. Brutal
Q.630. Clandestine - ग़ैरक़ानूनी , गु
Q.591. Corroborate - समथन-करना , Q.610. Caustic - तीखा Ans. Undercover
पु करना Ans. Acidic
Ans. Confirm Q.631. Pleasant - सुखद , आनंददायक
Q.611. Generic - सामा , साधारण Ans. Delightful
Q.592. Vindicate - दोषमु करना, Ans. General
मु करना Q.632. Vivacious - फुत ला , तेजमान

Ans. Exonerate Q.612. Intervene - ह ेप करना , दख़ल दे ना Ans. Sparky

Ans. Arbitrate
Q.593. Tenacious - ढ़ कठोर Q.633. Imbecile - मूख , बुद्धू
Ans. Persistent Q.613. Sinister - भयावह , बुरा , अशुभ Ans. Dunce
Ans. Evil
Q.594. Sybarite - िवलासी , सुखवादी Q.634. Fatal - घातक , ाणनाशक
Ans. Debauchee Q.614. Concede - ीकार करना , मना लेना Ans. Deadly
Ans. Permit
SSC MTS 2021 Tier - 1 Q.635. Blunt - कुंद , मंदबु का
Q.615. Protest - िवरोध करना , Ans. Dull
(05/07/2022 - 26/07/2022)
ढ़तापूवक कहना
Ans. Resist Q.636. Bulky - थूल , बडे आकार का
Q.595. Demolish - करना , ढाना
Ans. Raze Ans. Massive
Q.616. Deficient - अपूण , अधूरा
Q.596. Humble - िवन , सिवनय Ans. Incomplete Q.637. Maestro - कलाकार , ितभावान
Ans. Modest Ans. Genius
Q.617. Provoke - उकसाना , उ ेिजत करना
Q.597. Occlude - रोक दे ना , बंद करना Ans. Arouse Q.638. Garnish - सजावट , अलंकृत करना Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 199
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 35 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Ans. Embellish Q.658. Satiate - संतु , पूरा करना Ans. Defeat
Ans. Satisfy
Q.639. Uncanny - भयानक , रह मय Q.679. Bustle - हलचल , हड़बड़ी
Ans. Spooky Q.659. Enraged - ख़फ़ा , आगबबूला Ans. Rush
Ans. Furious
Q.640. August - ात , तापी Q.680. Reliable - भरोसेमंद , िव सनीय
Ans. Eminent Q.660. Flagrant - दु , खुला Ans. Dependable
Ans. Atrocious
Q.641. Mandate - शासनादे श , अिधकार-प Q.681. Encourage - ो ािहत करना ,
Ans. Command Q.661. Slim - दु बल , दु बला-पतला बढ़ावा दे ना
Ans. Skinny Ans. Stimulate
Q.642. Erring - पापी , बड़ी भूल
Ans. Blundering Q.662. Sporadic - िछटपुट , अजीब Q.682. Emphatic - भावी , बलपूवक
Ans. Infrequent Ans. Vigorous
Q.643. Penniless - द र , िनधन
Ans. Broke Q.663. Unique - अनोखा , अि तीय Q.683. Astute - चालाक, कपटी
Ans. Exclusive Ans. Shrewd
Q.644. Definite - िनि त , , एकदम सही
Q.664. Enthrall - मोिहत करना , दास बनाना

Ans. Precise Q.684. Tidy - साफ ,
Ans. Captivate Ans. Orderly
Q.645. Proficient - कुशल , अनुभवी
Ans. Accomplished Q.665. Interfere - ह ेप करना , दखल दे ना Q.685. Expository - ा ा क , वणना क
Ans. Restrict Ans. Illustrative
Q.646. Artful - कपटी , चालाक
Ans. Crafty

Q.647. Tenderness - कोमलता , दयालुता

Ans. Kindness

Q.648. Acute - ती ण , नोकीला , घातक

Ans. Stylish

Q.666. Dapper - फुरतीला , साफ-सुथरा

Q.667. Culpable - दं डनीय , अपराधी

Ans. Guilty
Q.686. Sparkling - शानदार , चमकनेवाला
Ans. Gleaming

Q.687. Delighted - स
Ans. Joyful
Ans. Dire Q.668. Appeased - संतु करना , शां त करना Q.688. Imitate - नकल करना
Ans. Pacified Ans. Copy
Q.649. Ardent - उ ाही , गु ैल
Ans. Passionate Q.669. Revile - गाली दे ना , िध ारना SSC CHSL 2021 Tier - 1
Ans. Abuse
(24/05/2022 - 10/06/2022)
Q.650. Propitious - अनुकूल , सौभा शाली

Ans. Auspicious Q.670. Fright - भय , डर लगना

Q.689. Amble - टहलना
Ans. Dread
Ans. Wander
Q.651. Sarcastic - ं पूण , िन ापूण
Ans. Caustic Q.671. Eternity - लगातार ,अनंत काल
Q.690. Benevolence - दया
Ans. Forever
Ans. Compassion
Q.652. Rebuke - डां ट-फटकार , िन ा करना
Ans. Scold Q.672. Perceptive - ानशील , अनुभवी
Q.691. Renounce - ाग दे ना
Ans. Astute

Ans. Forsake
Q.653. Collaborate - सहयोग , एक साथ काय
करना Q.673. Scold - डां टना , गाली दे ना
Q.692. Equivocal - संिद , अिनि त
Ans. Collude Ans. Chide
Ans. Ambiguous

Q.654. Polished - स , िवनीत Q.674. Voracious - लालची , पेटू

Q.693. Guile - धूतता , छल-कपट
Ans. Cultured Ans. Greedy
Ans. Slyness

Q.655. Bloom - पूल की तरह खलना , Q.675. Impetus - ेरणा , उ ेजना

Q.694. Cunning - चालाक
बहार आना Ans. Incitement
Ans. Slick
Ans. Flower
Q.676. Reveal - कट करना , कािशत करना
Q.695. Abundant - पया
Q.656. Vivid - सु , चमकदार Ans. Disclose
Ans. Plentiful
Ans. Lucid
Q.677. Hesitant - दु िवधा म पड़ जाना ,
Q.696. Bafflement - उलझन
Q.657. Confiscated - ज करना, पकड़ लेना अस ु
Ans. Confusion
Ans. Seized Ans. Reluctant

Q.697. Confront - िवरोध करना

Q.678. Vanquish - हराना , परािजत करना Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 200
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 35 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Ans. Challenge Ans. Dependable Q.738. Protract - बढ़ाना
Ans. Prolong
Q.698. Perturbed - उ ेिजत Q.718. Reconnoitre - तलाश
Ans. Agitated Ans. Inspect Q.739. Startle - चौंकाना
Ans. Surprise
Q.699. Perilous - खतरनाक Q.719. Rescind - र कर दे ना
Ans. Dangerous Ans. Revoke Q.740. Divisive - पृथक करना
Ans. Alienating
Q.700. Serendipity - आक क लाभ Q.720. Opulence - समृ
Ans. Godsend Ans. Prosperity Q.741. Pleasing - सुखदायक
Ans. Gratifying
Q.701. Hated - घृणा Q.721. Pertaining - से संबंिधत
Ans. Loathed Ans. Referring Q.742. Stymie - बाधा प ं चाना
Ans. Hinder
Q.702. Perilous - जो खम भरा Q.722. Incite - उकसाना
Ans. Treacherous Ans. Inflame Q.743. Hoarding - सं ह करना
Ans. Piling Up
Q.703. Complements - पूरक , सहायक Q.723. Fleck - ध ा

Ans. Matches Ans. Spot Q.744. Greed - लोभ
Ans. Cupidity
Q.704. Finicky - मु ल से खुश होने वाला, Q.724. Arraign - दोषी ठहराना
तुनुकिमज़ाज Ans. Prosecute Q.745. Laconic - कम बोलने वाला
Ans. Fussy Ans. Concise
Q.725. Admire - शंसा करना
Q.705. Inclined - तैयार , झुका आ
Ans. Motivated

Q.706. Sanguinity - आशावादी

Ans. Optimism
Ans. Appreciate
Q.726. Rampart - चारदीवारी
Ans. Bulwark

Q.727. Vanity - अिभमान

Ans. Conceit
Q.746. Resplendent - तेज
Ans. Magnificent

Q.747. Excruciating - क दायी

Ans. Piercing
ी , चमकीला
Q.707. Expended - य Q.748. Startlingly - आ यजनक प से
Ans. Exhausted Q.728. Profess - घोिषत करना Ans. Amazingly
Ans. Declare
Q.708. Vacant - ख़ाली, उजाड़ Q.749. Utilitarian - उपयोग संबंधी
Ans. Uninhabited Q.729. Allay - पीड़ा हटाना , शां त करना Ans. Functional
Ans. Relieve
Q.709. Disseminate - फैला दे ना Q.750. Abrogate - िनर करना
Ans. Circulate Q.730. Quaint - अनोखा Ans. Repeal
Ans. Queer
Q.710. Ecstasy - परम सुख Q.751. Inevitable - अिनवाय
Ans. Bliss Q.731. Pudgy - नाटा और मोटा Ans. Inescapable
Ans. Thick-bodied
Q.711. Scared - डरा आ Q.752. Slender - कमज़ोर
Ans. Afraid Q.732. Banter - हं सी उड़ाना Ans. Frail

Ans. Repartee
Q.712. Assassinate - ह ा करना Q.753. Chastise - अनुशासन करना
Ans. Murder Q.733. Austere - कठोर Ans. Discipline
Ans. Stern
Q.713. Pace - गित Q.754. Bestial - ू र
Ans. Speed Q.734. Salubrious - ा वधक Ans. Brutish
Ans. Beneficial
Q.714. Decipher - समझना Q.755. Robbed - लूटना
Ans. Interpret Q.735. Litigant - आवेदक Ans. Plundered
Ans. Petitioner
Q.715. Startle - चौंकना Q.756. Resolute - ठोस
Ans. Surprise Q.736. Boldness - बहादु री Ans. Strong
Ans. Bravery
Q.716. Overture - पूव सूचना Q.757. Quintessential - सव ृ
Ans. Preamble Q.737. Illogical - तकहीन Ans. Typical
Ans. Absurd
Q.717. credible - िव सनीय Q.758. Giddiness - अ थरता Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 201

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 35 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Ans. Unsteadiness Ans. React Q.799. Amass - इक ा करना
Ans. Gather
Q.759. Perverse - पथ Q.779. Avert - रोकथाम करना , टालना
Ans. Deviant Ans. Prevent Q.800. Commute - पां त रत करना
Ans. Convert
Q.760. Deception - धोखा Q.780. Taciturn - अ भाषी
Ans. Cunning Ans. Reserved Q.801. Monotonous - उबाऊ
Ans. Boring
Q.761. Benign - दयालु Q.781. Vertical - ल वत
Ans. Benevolent Ans. Upright Q.802. Abandon - ाग करना
Ans. Quit
Q.762. Satiate - संतु करना Q.782. Smooth - समतल
Ans. Satisfy Ans. Flat Q.803. Arid - नीरस , सूखा
Ans. Dry
Q.763. Savoury - नमकीन Q.783. Imminent - अभी होने वाला
Ans. Salty Ans. Impending Q.804. Tranquil - शा
Ans. Calm
Q.764. Modest - िवन Q.784. Duo - युगल
Ans. Shy

Ans. Pair Q.805. Saucy - गु ाख़ , ढीठ
Ans. Cheeky
Q.765. Stupendous - शानदार Q.785. Paranoid - अिव ासी
Ans. Stunning Ans. Distrustful Q.806. Robust - मजबूत
Ans. Sturdy
Q.766. Renounce - ागना Q.786. Fluke - आक क Q.807. Triumphant - िवजयी
Ans. Abjure
Q.767. Imprisonment - क़ैद करना
Ans. Incarceration

Q.768. Exorcise - िन
Ans. Expel
ािसत करना
Ans. Chance

Q.787. Inscrutable - अकथनीय
Ans. Inexplicable

Q.788. Urge - अनुरोध करना

Ans. Victorious

Q.808. Bare -
Ans. Basic

Q.809. Ravenous - भूखा

Ans. Appeal Ans. Starved
Q.769. Damage - ित प ँ चाना
Ans. Afflict Q.789. Lacuna - अंतराल , कमी Q.810. Lull - चुप करना
Ans. Hiatus Ans. Calm
Q.770. Hapless - भा हीन
Ans. Ill- fated Q.790. Solemn - िति त Q.811. Honest - िन पट

Ans. Dignified Ans. Sincere

Q.771. Affront - ितर ार
Ans. Insult Q.791. Succulent - रसीला Q.812. Imbue - असर डालना, िदल म बैठा दे ना
Ans. Juicy Ans. Instil
Q.772. Ravenous - भूखा
Ans. Esurient Q.792. Disrupt - भंग करना Q.813. Livid - उ
Ans. Breach Ans. Furious
Q.773. Destitute - गरीब

Ans. Indigent Q.793. Eventually - आ खरकार Q.814. Amusement - आन

Ans. Ultimately Ans. Pleasure
Q.774. Pugnacious - झगड़ालू
Ans. Truculent Q.794. Trendy - चिलत Q.815. Retaliate - बदला लेना
Ans. Popular Ans. React
Q.775. Eccentric - िविच
Ans. Queer
Q.795. Final - िन ष Q.816. Sagacious - समझदार
Ans. Concluding Ans. Judicious
Q.776. Ludicrous - मूखतापूण
Ans. Crazy
Q.796. Squawk - चीखना Q.817. Audacity - िह त
Ans. Scream Ans. Daring
SSC CGL 2021 Tier - 1
(11/04/2022 - 21/04/2022) Q.797. Threshold - सीमा रे खा
Ans. Doorway
Q.777. Ostentatious - िदखावटी
Ans. Showy Q.798. Perjury - अस ता
Ans. Falsehood
Q.778. Retaliate - बदला लेना Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 202
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 36 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
SSC SELECTION POST Q.835. Reckless - लापरवाह , असावधान Ans. Battle
Ans. Careless
Q.856. Detect - पता लगाना , भां पना
(Feb 2022) Q.836. Split - िवभािजत , खंिडत Ans. Discover
Ans. Divide
GRADUATE - LEVEL Q.857. Defer - टालना , थिगत
Q.837. Distinguished - िति त , स ािनत Ans. Postpone
Q.818. Implacable - िनदयी , कठोरिच Ans. Acclaimed
Ans. Relentless Q.858. Release - मु करना , छोड़ना
Q.838. Lofty - उ ृ ,उ , Ans. Free
Q.819. Mitigate - कम करना , मंद करना Ans. Noble
Ans. Alleviate Q.859. Morose - िचड़िचडा , उदास
Q.839. Interfere - ह ेप , िवरोध करना Ans. Mournful
Q.820. Envisage - क ना करना , Ans. Obstruct
िवचार करना Q.860. Conceit - घम
Ans. Imagine Q.840. Just - उिचत , यु पूण Ans. Vanity
Ans. Fair
Q.821. Appraise - आं कना , मू ां कन करना Q.861. Gloomy - उदास , िवषादपूण
Ans. Assess Ans. Dull

Q.841. Fragile - कमज़ोर , नाजुक
Ans. Frail
Q.842. Disaster - आपदा , ासदी (29/01/2022 - 3/02/2022)
Q.822. Annul - र , अमा Ans. Tragedy
Ans. Invalidate

Q.823. Mutant - पथ
Ans. Deviant
, िवकृत

Q.824. Strenuous - ज़ोरदार , अित उ ाही

Ans. Formidable
Q.843. Distinguished - िविश , िस
Ans. Honoured

Q.844. Recapitulate - पुनरावृि करना ,

सं ेप म दोहराना
Ans. Summarize
Q.862. Judicious - बु
Ans. Thoughtful

Q.863. Sequestered - एका

Ans. Secluded

Q.864. Inevitably - अिनवाय प से

Ans. Certainly
Q.825. Hardship - क , किठनाई
Q.845. Jostle - झटका , ध ा
Ans. Tribulation
Ans. Shove Q.865. Sentiment - भावना
Q.826. Devoid - रिहत , वंिचत Ans. Feeling
Q.846. Release - मु करना , यागना
Ans. Lacking
Ans. Free
SSC GD 2021
Q.827. Pertinent - उिचत , यो (16/11/2021 - 15/12/2021)
Q.847. Condone - माफ करना , मा करना
Ans. Relevant
Ans. Forgive
Q.866. Visible - मान ,
Q.828. Perilous - जो खम , खतरनाक Ans. Apparent
Q.848. Pious - धमिन , धािमक
Ans. Hazardous
Ans. Religious
Q.867. Threat - खतरा , जो खम
Q.849. Rejoice - आनंद , स होना

Ans. Exult
Q.829. Replace - बदलना , ित थािपत करना Q.868. Submissive - िवन , आ ाकारी
Ans. Substitute Ans. Obedient
Q.850. Camouflage - छलावरण , मुखोटा
Ans. Mask
Q.830. Pragmatic - ावहा रक, वहारमूलक Q.869. Recommend - अनुशंसा करना,
Ans. Realistic Q.851. Lure - आकषण , लुभाव िसफा रश करना
Ans. Attraction Ans. Approve
Q.831. Elegant - सुंदर , मनोहर
Ans. Graceful Q.852. Chaos - अराजकता , अ व था Q.870. Substitution - ित थापन ,
Ans. Disharmony अदला - बदली
Q.832. Triumph - िवजयो ास , सफलता Ans. Exchange
Ans. Victory Q.853. Reliable - थर , भरोसेमंद
Ans. Stable Q.871. Imperial - सं भु , शाही,
Q.833. Certain - िनि त , िनयत Ans. Sovereign
Ans. Sure Q.854. Blend - िमलाना , िम ण
Ans. Merge Q.872. Monotonous - नीरस , उबाऊ
Q.834. Hamper - बाधा , ितबंध करना Ans. Boring
Ans. Block Q.855. Conflict - टकराव , संघष Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 203

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 36 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Q.873. Defy - अवहे लना , उपे ा करना Q.894. Stray - बेघर , ख़ानाबदोश Ans. Exact
Ans. Disobey Ans. Homeless
Q.915. Rapid - तेज़ ,ती
Q.874. Stun - भौंच ा कर दे ना , आ यचिकत Q.895. Reliable - भरोसेमंद , िव सनीय Ans. Quick
Ans. Shock Ans. Trusted
Q.916. Fare - िकराया , गित
Q.875. Cruel - िनदयी , ू र Q.896. Precarious - अिनि त , संिद Ans. Progress
Ans. Brutal Ans. Insecure
Q.917. Rift - दरार , फटन
Q.876. Plead - िनवेदन करना , ाथना करना Q.897. Noble - कुलीन , गौरवमय Ans. Break
Ans. Request Ans. Dignified
Q.918. Brutal - ू र , िनदयी
Q.877. Enjoyable - सुखद , आनंदमय Q.898. Amusing - मनोरं जक , हा ा द Ans. Cruel
Ans. Delightful Ans. Laughable
Q.919. Perforate - छे द करना , भेधना
Q.878. Defer - टालना , थिगत Q.899. Hurdle - बाधा , कावट Ans. Pierce
Ans. Postpone Ans. Obstacle
Q.920. Maintain - परव रश करना , दे खभाल
Q.879. Radical - क रपंथी , अितवादी

Q.900. Coincidence - संयोग , दै वयोग Ans. Care
Ans. Profound
Ans. Chance
Q.921. Compose - रचना , इक ा करना
Q.880. Competent - सुयो ,स म
Q.901. Mirth - खुशी , आनंद Ans. Collect
Ans. Capable
Ans. Delight
Q.922. Wily - चतुर , चालाक
Q.881. Lure - आकषण , लुभाव
Ans. Attraction

Q.882. Supreme - सव
Ans. Matchless
, उ तम
Ans. Assess

Q.902. Estimate - आकलन , अनुमान लगाना

Q.903. Perceive - समझना , दे खना

Ans. Recognise

Q.904. Amiable - सौ , िम वत
Ans. Crafty

Q.923. Weary - थका , सु

Ans. Tired

Q.924. Rambling - पयटन , मण

Q.883. Convert - पा रण , बदलना
Ans. Friendly Ans. Long - Winded
Ans. Transform

Q.905. Immerse - डूबना Q.925. Aroma - सुगंध , खुशबू

Q.884. Similar - समान, सम प
Ans. Submerge Ans. Fragrance
Ans. Alike

Q.906. Facility - सुिवधा , सुगमता Q.926. Reckless - लापरवाह ,असावधान


Q.885. Appeal - आकषण , अपील

Ans. Skill Ans. Rash
Ans. Charm

Q.907. Kinship - समानता , सम पता Q.927. Aggregate - कुल

Q.886. Marvellous - अद् भुत ,शानदार
Ans. Relationship Ans. Total
Ans. Wonderful

Q.908. Restrain - रोकना , िनयंि त करना Q.928. Erect - सीधा , उठाना

Q.887. Choke - रोकना , बाधा
Ans. Control Ans. Raise
Ans. Block

Q.909. Vital - मह पूण , िनणायक Q.929. Eliminate - हटाना , िनकाल दे ना

Q.888. Secure (verb) - सुरि त , र ा करना
Ans. Crucial Ans. Exclude
Ans. Protect

Q.910. Lure - आकषण , लुभाव Q.930. Execute - लागू करना , काया त

Q.889. Assist - सहायता दे ना , मदद
Ans. Attraction Ans. Implement
Ans. Aid

Q.911. Desert - छोड़कर भाग जाना , Q.931. Scour - रगड़ कर साफ़ करना ,
Q.890. Humble - िवनीत , न
प र ाग करना साफ़ करना
Ans. Meek
Ans. Abandon Ans. Scrub

Q.891. Spurn - ितर ार , घृणा

Q.912. Mayhem - हाथापाई , अशां ित Q.932. Turbulent - उप वी , िहं सा क
Ans. Despise
Ans. Chaos Ans. Violent

Q.892. Attract - आकिषत करना , लुभाना

Q.913. Refuge - शरण , आ य Q.933. Absolutely - िब ु ल , िनि त प से
Ans. Entice
Ans. Shelter Ans. Definitely

Q.893. Deliberate - जानबूझकर , सुिवचा रत

Q.914. Accurate - सटीक ,सही Q.934. Crust - पपड़ी , पपटी
Ans. Planned Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 204

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 36 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Ans. Shell Ans. Mixture Q.975. Remedial - उपचारा क , सुधारा क
Ans. Corrective
Q.935. Disgust - घृणा , अ िच Q.955. Choosy - तुनुकिमज़ाज , नकचढ़ा
Ans. Dislike Ans. Picky Q.976. Sustain (V) - कायम रखना , सहायता
Ans. Support
Q.936. Chaos - अराजकता , अ व था Q.956. Treacherous - िव ासघाती , कपटी
Ans. Turmoil Ans. Unfaithful Q.977. Sullen - िज़ ी , हठी
Ans. Grim
Q.937. Layout - व था , न ा Q.957. Achieve - ा करना , पाना
Ans. Arrangement Ans. Accomplish Q.978. Disrupt - बािधत, भंग करना
Ans. Disturb
Q.938. Shuffle - िम ण , फेर-बदल Q.958. Retrieve - पुनः ा करना ,
Ans. Stagger भूल सुधारना Q.979. Coarse - खुरदु रा
Ans. Recover Ans. Crude
Q.939. Cunning - धूत , चालाक
Ans. Shrewd Q.959. Jubilation - आनंदो व , खुशी SSC STENOGRAPHER 2020
Ans. Rejoicing (11/11/2021 - 15/11/2021)
Q.940. Bonanza - उपहार , अिधलाभ
Ans. Bonus

Q.960. Excerpt - उ रण , भाग Q.980. Carnage - नरसंहार ,क ेआम
Ans. Extract Ans. Slaughter
Q.941. Hamper - बाधा , ितबंध करना
Ans. Hinder Q.961. Adversary - िवरोधी , ितवादी Q.981. Emblem - तीक, िच
Ans. Opponent Ans. Symbol
Q.942. Promotion - उ ित , उ यन
Ans. Elevation

Q.943. Irregular - अिनयिमत , अ थायी

Ans. Uneven

Q.944. Gleam - चमकना , ोित

Ans. Catch

Ans. Value
Q.962. Seize - पकड़ना , ज़ करना

Q.963. Worth - यो , लायक

Q.964. Sanction - मंजूरी , सं ीकृित

Q.982. Huge - िवशाल , बड़ा
Ans. Big

Q.983. Batter - पीटना , मारना

Ans. Beat
Ans. Shine Ans. Permit Q.984. Supporting - सहमत , समथन
Ans. Agreeing
Q.945. Regret - पछतावा करना , खेद Q.965. Eternal - शा त , अन
Ans. Repent Ans. Everlasting Q.985. Deficient - ून ,कम
Ans. Lacking
Q.946. Keen - उ ुक , उ ाही Q.966. Repel - पीछे हटाना , ितरोध करना

Ans. Eager Ans. Resist Q.986. Stationary - थर , थायी

Ans. Fixed
Q.947. Toil - मेहनत , प र म Q.967. Sturdy - बल , बलवान
Ans. Sweat Ans. Tough Q.987. Hospitable - मेहमाननवाज ,
स ारशील
Q.948. Opinion - राय , िवचार Q.968. Steady - िनयिमत , थर Ans. Congenial
Ans. Idea Ans. Stable
Q.988. Liberty - तं ता , ाधीनता

Q.949. Venture - जो खम उठाना , काय करना Q.969. Bargain - मोलभाव करना , सौदा Ans. Freedom
Ans. Attempt Ans. Deal
Q.989. Forthright - िन पट , वादी
Q.950. Investigate - छान - बीन करना, Q.970. Common - सामा , उभयिन Ans. Outspoken
जां च करना Ans. Usual
Ans. Examine Q.990. Hamper - बाधा , ितबंध करना
Q.971. Reliable - िव सनीय , भरोसेमंद Ans. Restrict
Q.951. Level - र, समतल Ans. Dependable
Ans. Flat Q.991. Consequence - प रणाम , नतीजा
Q.972. Cute - आकषक, सुंदर Ans. Outcome
Q.952. Adapt - अनुकूल बनाना , Ans. Charming
अनु प बनाना Q.992. Commence - आरं भ , ारं भ
Ans. Adjust Q.973. Alter - बदलना , प रवतन करना Ans. Initiate
Ans. Transform
Q.953. Concise - संि ,अ Q.993. Extract - िनकालना , िन ष
Ans. Short Q.974. Recover - वापस पाना , वसूल करना Ans. Withdraw
Ans. Regain
Q.954. Amalgam - िम ण , संलय Q.994. Vulnerable - कमज़ोर , असुरि त Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 205
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 36 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Ans. Exposed Q.1014. Fluorescent - ितदी , चमकना Q.1034. Pacify - शां त करना , संतु करना
Ans. Glowing Ans. Soothe
Q.995. Assist - सहायता दे ना , साथ होना
Ans. Facilitate Q.1015. Graceful - सुशोिभत , शोभायमान Q.1035. Symptomatic - रोगसूचक,
Ans. Elegant ल णा क
Q.996. Austere - सीधा - सादा Ans. Characteristic
Ans. Unadorned Q.1016. Calm - शां त ,उ ेजनाहीन
Ans. Quiet Q.1036. Rabid - क र , चरम
Q.997. Release - मु करना , रहा करना Ans. Extreme
Ans. Acquit Q.1017. Implore - ाथना करना ,
याचना करना Q.1037. Interrogate - पूछताछ करना,
Q.998. Tension - तनाव, खंचाव Ans. Plead करना
Ans. Strain Ans. Investigate
Q.1018. Iconic - उदाहरणा क, अनुकरणीय
Q.999. Scrawny - सूखा , दु बला - पतला Ans. Exemplary Q.1038. Comprehend - समझना
Ans. Skinny Ans. Understand
Q.1019. Fowl - प ी, पंछी
Q.1000. Conspicuous - िविश , सु Ans. Bird Q.1039. Yield - उपज , समपण करना

Ans. Evident Ans. Submit
Q.1020. Plentiful - चुर , पया
Q.1001. Grab - लपकना , पकड़ना Ans. Ample Q.1040. Inexpensive - िमत यी , स ा
Ans. Seize Ans. Cheap
Q.1021. Royal - शाही , राजवंशी
Q.1002. Alleviate - कम करना , घटाना Q.1041. Investigate - छान - बीन करना ,
Ans. Mitigate

Q.1003. Deficiency - कमी , अभाव

Ans. Shortage

Q.1004. Astonish - चिकत ,चौंकाना

Ans. Kingly

Ans. Depend
Q.1022. Rely - भरोसा करना , िव ास करना

Q.1023. Vacant - खाली , र

Ans. Bare
जां च करना
Ans. Search

Q.1042. Aim - ल
Ans. Purpose
Ans. Surprise Q.1043. Alarm - अलाम , चेतावनी
Q.1024. Appease - खुश , संतु करना Ans. Panic
Q.1005. Delegate - ितिनिध , मनोनीत Ans. Pacify
Ans. Nominate Q.1044. Agony - पीड़ा , था
Q.1025. Stern - कठोर , िनदय Ans. Pain

SSC MTS 2020 Tier - 1 Ans. Strict

Q.1045. Dejected - िन ािहत , उदास
(05/10/2021 - 02/11/2021)
Q.1026. Provoke - उ ेिजत करना , Ans. Depressed

Q.1006. Protest - िवरोध करना , ितवाद कृ करना

Ans. Enrage Q.1046. Tremendous - ज़बरद , भयानक
Ans. Object
Ans. Huge
Q.1027. Practical - वहारा क , समझदार
Q.1007. Indulgence - स ोष , िवलािसता
Ans. Sensible Q.1047. Regular - िनयिमत , सामा
Ans. Leniency
Ans. Usual

Q.1008. Lax - लापरवाह , असावधान Q.1028. Hardly - मु ल से , किठनाई से

Ans. Barely Q.1048. Concise - संि , सं ेप
Ans. Negligent
Ans. Brief

Q.1009. Tensile - लचीला Q.1029. Smudge - कलंक, ध ा

Ans. Stain Q.1049. Decrease - कमी , य
Ans. Stretchable
Ans. Decline
Q.1030. Priority - ाथिमकता , धानता
Q.1010. Potent - श शाली , भावकारी
Ans. Precedence Q.1050. Amiable - िमलनसार , िम वत
Ans. Powerful
Ans. Friendly

Q.1011. Limpid - सु , पारदशक Q.1031. Transparent - पारदश ,

Ans. Clear Q.1051. Conclude - िन ष िनकालना ,
Ans. Lucid
समापन करना
Q.1032. Pollution - दू षण , मैलापन Ans. End
Q.1012. Baffle - चकरा दे ना , ाकुल करना
Ans. Contamination
Ans. Perplex
Q.1052. Obstruction - बाधा , ितरोध
Q.1033. Rapturous - मनमौजी , जोशीला Ans. Hindrance
Q.1013. Outraged - उ , ोधी
Ans. Angry Ans. Delighted
Q.1053. Mimic - ब पिपया , नकलची Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 206
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 36 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Ans. Copy Q.1074. Fascinate - रझाना , मोिहत करना Q.1093. Debilitate - श हीन करना ,
Ans. Captivate दु बल करना
Q.1054. Magnanimous - उदार Ans. Weaken
Ans. Charitable Q.1075. Foment - भड़काना , उ ेिजत
Ans. Incite Q.1094. Wander - घूमना , भटकना
Q.1055. Proactive - अ सि य , उ ाही Ans. Roam
Ans. Enthusiastic Q.1076. Angry - नाराज़ , ोिधत
Ans. Enraged Q.1095. Grumble - बड़बड़ाना , भुनभुनाना
Q.1056. Strenuous - कठोर , किठन यास Ans. Groan , complain
Ans. Difficult Q.1077. Wane - पतन , य
Ans. Decline Q.1096. Testify - मािणत करना , सा ी होना
Q.1057. Elegant - मनोहर , सुशोिभत Ans. Affirm
Ans. Graceful Q.1078. Esteem - स ान , आदर Q.1097. Brat - छोकरा , िबगड़ै ल ब ा
Ans. Regard Ans. Spoilt child
Q.1058. Abuse - गाली , दु वहार करना
Ans. Harm Q.1079. Frigid - शीतल , ठं डा Q.1098. Deride - उपहास ,मजाक
Ans. Freezing Ans. Mock
Q.1059. Allow - अनुमित दे ना , ीकार करना

Ans. Permit Q.1099. Poignant - मम श , मािमक
SSC CGL 2020 Tier - 1
Ans. Touching
(13/08/2021 - 24/08/2021)
Q.1060. Exultation - उ ास , उमंग
Ans. Jubilation Q.1100. Calm - शां ित , शां त ,
Q.1080. Generic - जाितगत , सामा
Q.1061. Retort - ु र , जवाब दे ना Ans. Relaxed
Ans. Universal
Ans. Reply

Q.1062. Enthrall - ग़ुलाम बनाना , दास बनाना

Ans. Enchant

Q.1063. Isolate - अलग करना , पृथक करना

Ans. Detach
Q.1081. Regime - शासन , कूमत
Ans. Rule

Q.1082. Dedicated - समिपत ,

Ans. Committed
Q.1101. Detrimental - हािनकारक, िवघातक
Ans. Harmful

Q.1102. Tag - प ी , टै ग
Ans. Label
Q.1103. Commence - आरं भ , ारं भ करना
Q.1083. Prompt - ता ािलक , तुर
Q.1064. Banish - िनकाल दे ना Ans. Start
Ans. Quick
Ans. Exile
Q.1104. Principle - िस ां त , रीित
Q.1084. Yield (n) - पैदावार , फ़सल
Q.1065. Discover - खोज करना , Ans. Axiom
Ans. Harvest , produce , increase
ढू ं ढ िनकालना

Ans. Find Q.1105. Spill - छलकना , िगरना

Q.1085. Iota - ितलमा , िबंदुमा
Ans. Drop
Ans. Bit
Q.1066. Lucid - सु , सबोधग
Ans. Clear Q.1106. Breakthrough - सफलता , उपल
Q.1086. Transmit - भेजना , सा रत
Ans. Discovery
करना , संचा रत
Q.1067. Duct - वािहनी , निलका
Ans. Convey , give
Ans. Canal Q.1107. Absolve - दोषमु करना ,
मा करना

Q.1087. Chaos - अ व था , गड़बड़ी

Q.1068. Achieve - ा करना , सफल होना Ans. Pardon
Ans. Confusion
Ans. Succeed
Q.1108. Banner - पताका , झंडी
Q.1088. Rejuvenate - कायाक , जीण ार
Q.1069. Ominous - अमंगल, अशुभ Ans. Poster
Ans. Refresh
Ans. Threatening
Q.1109. Bang - धमाका , गरजना
Q.1089. Adjust - समायोिजत , ठीक करना
Q.1070. Breezy - तूफानी , हवादार Ans. Beat
Ans. Adapt
Ans. Airy
Q.1110. Ponder - िववेचन करना ,
Q.1090. Slack - असावधान
Q.1071. Pompous - शेखीबाज़ , िदखावा िच न करना
Ans. Careless
Ans. Boastful Ans. Mediate

Q.1091. Munch - चबाना , काटना

Q.1072. Active - सि य , ि या क Q.1111. Uncanny - अलौिकक ,अद् भुत
Ans. Chew
Ans. Busy Ans. Mysterious

Q.1092. Termination - समा , समापन

Q.1073. Bind - बाँ धना , जकड़ना Q.1112. Shimmer - िटमिटमाना , िझलिमलाना
Ans. Conclusion
Ans. Fasten Ans, Shine Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 207

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 36 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Q.1113. Leverage - उ ोलन , श , भाव Q.1131. Attract - आकिषत करना , मोह लेना Q.1151. Malignant - दु , हािनकारक
Ans. Influence Ans. Fascinate Ans. Vicious

Q.1114. Integrate - एकीकरण , संघटन Q.1132. Reckless - लापरवाह , असावधान Q.1152. Comply - पालन करना ,
Ans. Assimilate Ans. Thoughtless ीकार करना
Ans. Obey
Q.1115. Cadence - लय Q.1133. Deviate - पथ से हटना , िवकृत
Ans. Rhythm Ans. Veer Q.1153. Dearth - कमी
Ans. Shortage
Q.1116. Abstain - तट थता , परहे ज रखना Q.1134. Diffidence - संकोच , िझझक
Ans. Refrain Ans. Meekness Q.1154. Encroach - अित मण , उ ंघन
Ans. Intrude
Q.1117. Humdrum - नीरस , फीका Q.1135. Ragged - फटा-पुराना
Ans. Boring Ans. Torn Q.1155. Apparently - तीयमानतः
Ans. Seemingly
Q.1118. Drag - खींचना ,कषण Q.1136. Adulation - चापलूसी
Ans. Pull Ans. Adoration Q.1156. Despicable - घृिणत , ितर रणीय
Ans. Contemptible
SSC CPO 2019 Tier - 2

Q.1137. Dreaded - खतरनाक , भयानक
( 26th July 2021)
Ans. Feared Q.1157. Forbid - िनषेध , विजत
Ans. Prohibit
Q.1119. Aggravate - ोिधत करना ,
उ ेिजत करना Q.1138. Dictator - तानाशाह , एकािधपित
Ans. Tyrant Q.1158. Salient - मुख , मु
Ans. Intensify
Ans. Noticeable

Q.1120. Contradict - खंडन,

Ans. Refute

Q.1121. Disgrace - अपमान , िनरादर

Ans. Dishonor

Q.1139. Resplendent - चमकीला ,

Ans. Dazzling

Q.1140. Bull-headed - हठी , अिड़यल

Ans. Headstrong
Q.1159. Apathetic - उदासीन, भावहीन
Ans. Indifferent

Q.1160. Herald - अ दू त , संदेशवाहक

Ans. Announce
SSC CHSL 2020 Tier - 1 Q.1141. Lint - प ी, रोआँ Q.1161. Callous - िनदयी , संवेदनाहीन
(12/04/2021 - 19/04/2021) and Ans. Fur Ans. Insensitive
(04/08/2021 - 12/08/2021)
Q.1142. Wistful - उदासी , िच त Q.1162. Bonhomie - िमलनसा रता,
Q.1122. Prudent - िववेकी , समझदार खुशिमज़ाजी
Ans. Sorrowful
Ans. Cautious Ans. Companionship
Q.1143. Divulge - भेद खोलना , बताना
Q.1123. Stretch - फैलाना , िव ार Ans. Reveal Q.1163. Fascination - स ोहन , आस
Ans. Extend Ans. Appeal
Q.1144. Mandatory - आव क , अिनवाय
Q.1124. Precision - यथाथता , शु ता , Ans. Imperative Q.1164. Commence - आरं भ , ारं भ करना
सू तामापी Ans. Launch
Ans. Accuracy Q.1145. Abode - िनवास , घर

Ans. Dwelling Q.1165. Imitate - नक़ल करना ,

Q.1125. Priority - ाथिमकता , वरीयता अनुकरण करना
Ans. Preference Q.1146. Probe - जाँ च , अ ेषण Ans. Mimic
Ans. Investigate
Q.1126. Random - या क , बेतरतीब Q.1166. Paranoid - पागल , संिव म रोगी
Ans. Arbitrary Q.1147. Brace - बां धना , ढ़ करना Ans. Suspicious
Ans. Fortify
Q.1127. Bolster - सहारा दे ना , थामना Q.1167. Allege - आरोिपत करना ,
Ans. Strengthen Q.1148. Severity - कठोरता , कठोर अिभयोग लगाना
Ans. Seriousness Ans. Charge
Q.1128. Isolated - पृथक, अलग-थलग
Ans. Secluded Q.1149. Emerge - उभरना , कट होना Q.1168. Clean - साफ ,
Ans. Appear Ans. Honest
Q.1129. Emerge - आिवभाव होना , कट होना
Ans. Appear Q.1150. Wry - टे ढा , ं पूण हँ सी Q.1169. Complicated - जिटल , उलझा आ
Ans. Crooked Ans. Complex
Q.1130. Condescension - कृपालुता , भ ता
Ans. Disdain Q.1170. Delectable - ािद , मनोरम Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 208
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 36 - 37 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Ans. Luscious Q.1190. Accustomed - आदी , अ Ans. Compliance
Ans. Habituated
Q.1171. Forsake - ागना , छोड़ दे ना Q.1211. Denial - इनकार , अ ीकार
Ans. Desert Q.1191. Enthusiasm - जोश , उ ाह Ans. Dismissal
Ans. Zeal
Q.1172. Profuse - ब ल , चुर Q.1212. Explicit -
Ans. Abundant Q.1192. Mundane - सां सा रक, नीरस Ans. Clear
Ans. Commonplace
Q.1173. Dilemma - असमंजस , धमसंकट Q.1193. Shrewd - चालाक, समझदार Q.1213. Violation - उ ंघन , अपराध
Ans. Predicament Ans. Judicious Ans. Breach

Q.1174. Emerge - उभरना , कट होना Q.1194. Submerge - डूबना , जलम कर दे ना SSC CPO 2020 Tier - 1
Ans. Appear Ans. Drown
(23/11/2020 - 25/11/2020)

Q.1175. Silt - कीचड़ , गाद Q.1195. Promising - होनहार , ती बु

Q.1214. Foundation - नींव , बुिनयाद
Ans. Residue Ans. Bright
Ans. Base
Q.1176. Vacillate - िहचिकचाना , अिनि तता Q.1196. Puzzled - है रानी , उलझन
Q.1215. Just - केवल , तुरंत , िन
Ans. Waver Ans. Confused Ans. Fair

Q.1177. Travail - पीड़ा , क Q.1197. Tend - दे खभाल करना ,
Q.1216. Imitation - नकल
Ans. Agony रखवाली करना
Ans. Fake
Ans. Care For
Q.1178. Appalling - भयावह , कारी Q.1217. Fiction - का िनक
Q.1198. Sustain - कायम रखना , बनाये रखना
Ans. Shocking

Q.1179. Trail - िच , पगडं डी , रा

Ans. Path

Q.1180. Pollute - दू िषत करना , मिलन करना

Ans. Contaminate
Ans. Spin
Ans. Support

Q.1199. Whirl - च र , घूणन

Q.1200. Shudder - काँ पना , घृणा िदखलाना

Ans. Fantasy

Q.1218. Condone - मा करना , माफ़ करना

Ans. Forgive

Q.1219. Catastrophic - लय , आपदा

Ans. Calamity
Ans. Shiver
Q.1181. Anticipate - पूवानुमान, उ ीद करना Q.1220. Sumptuous - वैभवशाली ,ब मू ,
Ans. Expect Q.1201. Defect - दोष, ुिट

Ans. Flaw Ans. Opulent
Q.1182. Jeopardy - ख़तरा, संकट
Q.1202. Ardent - उ ाही ,जुनूनी
Ans. Peril
Q.1221. Wrench - झटके से खींचना
Ans. Passionate Ans. Wrest
Q.1183. Saga - कथा , आ ान
Ans. Narrative Q.1203. Thwart - िनयं ण करना , ितबंध Q.1222. Fasten - बा ना , कसना
Ans. Curb
Ans. Affix
Q.1184. Wreak - बदला लेना , ोध म करना
Ans. Cause Q.1204. Tousled - अ -
Q.1223. Gaudy - भड़कीला , भड़कदार
Ans. Disarranged Ans. Flashy
Q.1185. Repulsive - घृणा द , डरावना

Ans. Disgusting Q.1205. Predicament - थित , िवकट Q.1224. Lofty - गगनचु ी , अहं कारी
प र थित
Ans. Towering
Q.1186. Ban - िनषेध , मना करना Ans. Dilemma
Ans. Prohibit Q.1225. Coveted - िति त, आकां ि त
Q.1206. Inventory - सूची , िववरण Ans. Desired
SSC STENOGRAPHER 2019 Ans. Catalog
(22/12/2020 - 24/12/2020) Q.1226. Shove - ध ा , फकना
Q.1207. Consult - परामश , सलाह लेना
Ans. Poke
Ans. Discuss
Q.1187. Mortal - नाशवान ,न र
Ans. Deadly Q.1227. Tumult - कोलाहल , हं गामा
Q.1208. Erroneous - ग़लत , ुिटपूण
Ans. Uproar
Q.1188. Hapless - भा हीन , दयनीय Ans. Inaccurate
Ans. Unlucky Q.1228. Intriguing - मोहक , पहे लीनुमा
Q.1209. Valuable - मू वान , ब मू
Ans. Gripping
Ans. Precious
Q.1189. Tenacity - ढ़ता, मजबूती
Ans. Firmness Q.1229. Spontaneous - ै क,
Q.1210. Deference - स ान , आदर ाभािवक Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 209

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 37 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Ans. Impulsive Q.1247. Quarantine - अलग करना , पृथक Ans. Untiring
Ans. Isolation
Q.1230. Desolate - िनजन , उजाड़ Q.1265. Opulent - भ , शानदार
Ans. Bleak HIGHER SECONDARY - LEVEL Ans. Luxurious

Q.1231. Benign - सौ , कृपालु Q.1248. Survey - सव ण , सव Q.1266. Enrage - ोिधत , ु

Ans. Favourably Ans. Examine Ans. Infuriate

Q.1232. Prodigal - अप यी , खच ला Q.1249. Rough - खुरदु रा , कठोर Q.1267. Constraint - ितबंध , वरोध
Ans. Wasteful Ans. Coarse Ans. Control

Q.1233. Oblivious - बेख़बर , अनजान Q.1250. Supreme - सव , मु खया Q.1268. Foliage - पि यां , पणसमूह
Ans. Ignorant Ans. Head Ans. Greenery

Q.1234. Authentic - ामािणक , िव सनीय Q.1251. Disrupt - बािधत , भंग करना Q.1269. Nebulous - धुंधला , अ
Ans. Genuine Ans. Break Ans. Vague
Q.1235. Flabbergasted - दं ग , भौंच ा
Ans. Astonished MATRICULATION - LEVEL Q.1270. Rind - पपड़ी , िछलका

Ans. Peel
Q.1236. Auspicious - शुभ ,पिव , गुणकारी Q.1252. Protest - िवरोध करना
Ans. Favorable Ans. Oppose Q.1271. Aura - भामंडल , िद ोित
Ans. Halo
Q.1237. Gradual - मश:, िमक Q.1253. Accomplish - समा करना ,
Q.1272. Mandible - जबड़ा , चोंच
Ans. Continuous

SSC CGL 2019 Tier - 2

(15/11/2020 - 18/11/2020)

Q.1238. Estimate - आकलन , अनुमान

संपूण करना
Ans. Achieve

Q.1254. Decent - शालीन , स
Ans. Respectable

Q.1255. Supple - लचीला , मुलायम

Ans. Jaw

Q.1273. Prejudice - प पात , पूवधारण

Ans. Bias

Q.1274. Persecution - अ ाचार , पीड़ा

Ans. Assess
Ans. Flexible Ans. Oppression
Q.1239. Motive - उ े , कारण
Q.1256. Bleak - कठोर , उदास , ठं डा Q.1275. Mandate - जनादे श ,शासनादे श
Ans. Reason
Ans. Grim Ans. Official order
Q.1240. Ramification - जिटलता , प रणाम Q.1257. Courteous - िवन Q.1276. Rotund - गोलाकार

Ans. Consequence Ans. Polite

Ans. Round
Q.1241. Efficiency - काय मता , द ता Q.1258. Certain - िनि त , िनयत
Ans. Capability Q.1277. Holistic - स ूण प से , पिव
Ans. Sure
Ans. Comprehensive
Q.1242. Astonishment - आ य
Ans. Wonder SSC CHSL 2019 Tier - 1 Q.1278. Lurk - दु बकना , िछप कर बैठना
(17/03/2020 - 19/03/2020) and Ans. Prowl
(12/10/2020 - 26/10/2020)

Q.1243. Condescending - कृपालु , िवनीत

Ans. Patronising Q.1279. Integrate - एकीकरण , संघटन
Q.1259. Assertion - ढ़-वचन , दावा Ans. Unite
Q.1244. Accurately - यथाथतः , शु ता से Ans. Declaration
Ans. Correctly Q.1280. Tolerance - सिह ुता , सहनशीलता
Q.1260. Guile - छल ,कपट Ans. Endurance


Q.1281. Interspersed - िबखेरना
PHASE (VIII) Q.1261. Furtive - रह मय , गु Ans. Scattered
( 06/11/2020 - 10/11/2020) Ans. Secretive
Q.1282. Masqueraded - बहाना करना
GRADUATE - LEVEL Q.1262. Agile - फुत ला , चु Ans. Acted
Ans. Nimble
Q.1245. Perceive - समझना , दे खना Q.1283. Derogatory - ं ा क,
Ans. Notice Q.1263. Insidious - घातक , कपटी अपमानजनक
Ans. Crafty Ans. Sarcastic
Q.1246. Discontent - असंतोष , नाराज़गी
Ans. Dissatisfaction Q.1264. Diligent - प र मी , अनवरत Q.1284. Deplete - य करना , ीण बनाना Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 210

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 37 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Ans. Reduce Ans. Articulate Q.1325. Festivity - आन ो व , उ व
Ans. Celebration
Q.1285. Rowdy - उ , उप वी Q.1305. Assemble - एक करना , इक ा
Ans. Boisterous Ans. Amass SSC CGL 2019 Tier - 1
(03/03//2020 - 09/03/2020)
Q.1286. Barren - बंजर भूिम , फलहीन Q.1306. Reproach - डां टना
Ans. Desolate Ans. Berate
Q.1326. Obligatory - अिनवाय , अ ाव क
Ans. Mandatory
Q.1287. Idleness - आल , अकम ता Q.1307. Idleness - आल
Ans. Lethargy Ans. Lethargy Q.1327. Scintillating - चमकीला , चमकना
Ans. Glittering
Q.1288. Reproach - डां टना Q.1308. Despondent - िनराश , उदास
Ans. Berate Ans. Depressed
Q.1328. Pathetic - दयनीय , भावा क
Ans. Pitiful
Q.1289. Remorse -प ाताप , अफसोस करना Q.1309. Trust (n) - िव ास , धारणा
Q.1329. Penitence - प ा ाप
Ans. Regret Ans. Belief
Ans. Repentance

Q.1290. Glum - अ स , उदास Q.1310. Alluring - मनोहर , आकषक Q.1330. Glorious - तेज ी , यश ी

Ans. Dismal Ans. Attractive
Ans. Splendid

Q.1291. Opulent - भ , शानदार Q.1311. Surge - आवेश , हड़बड़ी

Q.1331. Implore - ाथना करना, याचना करना
Ans. Sumptuous Ans. Rush Ans. Plead

Q.1292. Reconcile - समाधान करना , मनवाना Q.1312. Cove - खाड़ी

Ans. Resolve

Q.1293. Salvage - बचाना, र ा

Ans. Save

Q.1294. Motif - पां कन , आकृित

Ans. Bay

Ans. Supple
Q.1313. Resilient - लचीला

Q.1314. Occur - घिटत होना, कट होना

Q.1332. Revere - आदर , स
Ans. Respect

Q.1333. Acknowledgment -
Ans. Confirmation

Q.1334. Prodigal - चुर , अप य
Ans. Design Ans. Happen
Ans. Extravagant

Q.1295. Accrue - लाभ होना , इक ा करना Q.1315. Jovial - आन त, स

Q.1335. Fury - कोप , च ता
Ans. Collect Ans. Joyous Ans. Anger

Q.1296. Delinquent -दोषी , अपराधी Q.1316. Choosy - नकचढ़ा , तुनुकिमज़ाज


Q.1336. Solitary - िनजन , अकेला

Ans. Offending Ans. Selective Ans. Singular

Q.1297. Prodigious - अिधक, िवशाल Q.1317. Kit - उपकरण Q.1337. Expensive - महं गा , भ
Ans. Immense Ans. Equipment
Ans. Dear

Q.1298. Fraudulent - धोख़ेबाज़ , कपटपूण Q.1318. Anodyne - पीडा नाशक , ददनाशक

Q.1338. Erudite - िव ान
Ans. Deceitful Ans. Benign Ans. Learned

Q.1299. Indomitable - अद , अजय Q.1319. Instigate - भड़काना , उ ेिजत करना Q.1339. Violent - िहं सक, उ
Ans. Invincible Ans. Kindle
Ans. Aggressive

Q.1300. Congenial - अनुकूल , सुखद Q.1320. Quarrelsome - झगड़ालू, िववादी Q.1340. Catastrophic - िवनाशकारी,
Ans. Compatible Ans. Querulous अनथकारी
Ans. Disastrous
Q.1301. Pedigree - वंश , न Q.1321. Adjustment - तालमेल समायोजन,
Ans. lineage Ans. Balancing
Q.1341. Deficiency - अभाव , दोष
Ans. Inadequacy
Q.1302. Altruist - जन िहतैषी , परोपकार Q.1322. Tarnish - बदनाम करना
Ans. Philanthropist Ans. Damage
Q.1342. Preferred - वरीयता ा
Ans. Favoured
Q.1303. Haughty - घमंडी , अहं कारी Q.1323. Pleasant - मनोहर, सुखद
Ans. Arrogant Ans. Refreshing
Q.1343. Ovation - अिभन न , जयजय
Ans. Applause
Q.1304. Enunciate - करना, Q.1324. Penury - द र ता
उ ारण करना Ans. Poverty Q.1344. Cordial - हािदक , ेहपूण Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 211

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 37 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Ans. Warm Q.1364. Apparent - , Ans. Deceive
Ans. Obvious
Q.1345. Disheartened - िनराश , िन ािहत Q.1385. Deference - आदर, स ान
Ans. Depressed Q.1365. Trivial - नग , सतही Ans. Obeisance
Ans. Superficial
Q.1346. Repercussion - िति या Q.1386. Disastrous - दु ः खद , िवनाशकारी
Ans. Reaction Q.1366. Fatigue - थकान , थकावट Ans. Calamitous
Ans. Weariness
Q.1347. Juvenile - िकशोर , लड़कपन Q.1387. Fatigue - थकान, थकावट
Ans. Childish Q.1367. Flourish - समृ होना , फलना Ans. Tiredness
Ans. Thrive
Q.1348. Weary - ऊब जाना , थक जाना Q.1388. Surreptitious - गु
Ans. Exhausted Q.1368. Perpetuate - बनाये रखना , Ans. Secretive
थायी बनाना Q.1389. Reprimand - डां टना , फटकार
Q.1349. Assault - हमला, धावा Ans. Preserve Ans. Rebuke
Ans. Attack
Q.1369. Discern - िवचार करना Q.1390. Malady - बीमारी , रोग
Q.1350. Thrive - समृ होना , पनपना Ans. Perceive Ans. Illness

Ans. Flourish
Q.1370. Inimical - े षी , श ुतापूण SSC SELECTION POST
Q.1351. Solemn - गंभीर , भावशाली Ans. Hostile
Ans. Serious
(14/10/2019 - 18/10/2019)
Q.1371. Venerable - पू , माननीय
Q.1352. Abort - समा
Ans. End

Q.1353. Exceed - अिधक होना , बढ़ जाना

Ans. Surpass

Q.1354. Relief - राहत, आराम

Ans. Esteemed

Q.1372. Sanction - मंज़ूरी ,

Ans. Approval

Q.1373. Jeopardy - जो खम , ख़तरा

Ans. Peril

Q.1391. Missive - राजनीितक संदेश , प

Ans. Letter

Q.1392. Insipid - फीका , नीरस

Ans. Bland
Ans. Aid
Q.1374. Ignominy - ितर ार , अपमान
Q.1355. Inclement - घमंडी , कठोर Ans. Disgrace HIGHER SECONDARY - LEVEL
Ans. Dignified
Q.1393. Proximity - िनकटता
Q.1375. Incessant - लगातार , ढ़
Ans. Closeness

SSC CPO 2019 Tier - 1 Ans. Persistent

(09/12/2019 - 13/12/2019) Q.1394. Corridor - गिलयारा , गैलरी
Q.1376. Opinion - िवचार , राय
Ans. Passage
Ans. View
Q.1356. Subsequent - पीछे आने वाला
Q.1377. Loyal - ईमानदार , वफ़ादार
Ans. Devoted
Q.1357. Adequate - पया , काफ़ी Q.1395. Agitated - उ ेिजत, िथत
Ans. Sufficient Ans. Upset
Q.1378. Incredible - अतु , अिव सनीय

Ans. Unbelievable
Q.1358. Tranquil - शा Q.1396. Eliminate - हटाना , िनकालना
Ans. Calm Q.1379. Aloof - अलग थलग Ans. Remove
Ans. Detached
Q.1359. Fascinating - आकषक Q.1397. Mandatory - अिनवाय , अ ाव क
Ans. Appealing Ans. Compulsory
Q.1380. Intensify - सश करना , ती करना
Ans. Strengthen
Q.1360. Condemn - िनंदा करना, भ ना Q.1398. Robust - मज़बूत , तगड़ा
Ans. Denounce Ans. Healthy
Q.1381. Exasperate - भड़काना , ु करना
Ans. Infuriate
Q.1361. Engulf - िनगलना
Ans. Inundate
SSC CPO 2018 Tier -2
Q.1382. Feign - बहाना करना
(27th Sept 2019)
Ans. Pretend
Q.1362. Offend - बुरा लगना , नाराज़ करना
Ans. Annoy Q.1399. Magnify - बड़ा करना
Q.1383. Efficacious - भावशाली , भु ड़
Ans. Enlarge
Ans. Voracious
Q.1363. Parsimony - कंजूसी
Ans. Frugality Q.1400. Solid - ठोस, ढ़
Q.1384. Beguile - धोखा दे ना , बहकाना Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 212
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 37 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Ans. Firm Q.1419. Lavish - िवपुल , चुर Ans. Scent
Ans. Bountiful
Q.1401. Applause - शाबाशी , समथन Q.1440. Confusion - म , ां ित
Ans. Approval Q.1420. Accountable - उ रदायी , जवाबदे ह Ans. Muddle
SSC CGL 2018 Tier - 2 Ans. Answerable Q.1441. Impolite - अस , अिश
Ans. Rude
(11/09/2019 - 13/09/2019)
Q.1421. Courteous - िवनीत , शालीन
Ans. Polite Q.1442. Remember - याद कराना ,
Q.1402. Philanthropist - परोपकारी,
क थ करना
Q.1422. Infuriate - ोिधत करना Ans. Recall
Ans. Humanitarian
Ans. Enrage
Q.1443. Slender - पतला , कमज़ोर
Q.1403. Impoverished - कंगाल, द र
Q.1423. Optimist - आशावादी , उ ीद Ans. Slim
Ans. Penniless
Q.1404. Stoical - उदासीन , भावहीन Ans. Idealist
Q.1444. Apparent - ,
Ans. Apathetic
Q.1424. Benevolent - परोपकारी , िहतकारी Ans. Obvious
Ans. Generous
Q.1405. Evidence - माण , सा
Q.1445. Fundamental - मु , आधारभूत
Ans. Indication

Q.1425. Harass - परे शान करना , छे डना Ans. Basic
Ans. Molest
Q.1406. Persist - लगातार , िनर र
Q.1446. Detain - अटकाना , रोकना
Ans. Continue
Q.1426. Profuse - अित यी , चुर Ans. Delay

Q.1407. Cogent - िन या क , भावशाली Ans. Aplenty

Q.1447. Calm - शां त , ठहराव
Ans. Convincing

Q.1408. Mercurial - चंचल, अ थर

Ans. Volatile

Q.1409. Onerous - दु भर , दु र
Q.1427. Rectify - संशोिधत करना , सुधारना
Ans. Amend

Q.1428. Forgive - माफ़ करना , मा करना

Ans. Pardon
Ans. Peaceful

Q.1448. Relevant - उपयु

Ans. Applicable

Q.1449. Swift - ती , तेज

, उिचत
Ans. Arduous
Q.1429. Agile - चु , फुत ला Ans. Quick

Q.1410. Diminutive - अित छोटा , अ Ans. Quick

Q.1450. Engage - संल होना , क ाकरना
Ans. Petite
Q.1430. Strange - असामा , आ यजनक Ans. Occupy
Ans. Abnormal
SSC MTS 2019 Tier - 1 Q.1451. Integration - एकीकरण , समाहार

(02/08/2019 - 22/08/2019) Q.1431. Tangled - जिटल , उलझा आ Ans. Unification

Ans. Knotted
Q.1411. Deepen - गहराना , बढ़ाना Q.1452. Acclaim - शंसा करना ,
Ans. Intensify Q.1432. Proclaim - घोिषत करना , ऐलान ागत करना
Ans. Declare Ans. Praise
Q.1412. Courage - साहस , वीरता
Ans. Valour Q.1433. Exceptional - िविश , अपवादा क Q.1453. Lucid - सु , साफ
Ans. Extraordinary Ans. Clear

Q.1413. Misfortune - दु भा , ासदी

Ans. Calamity Q.1434. Brisk - तेज़ , ू ितकारक Q.1454. Affluence - समृ , अमीरी
Ans. Quick Ans. Wealth
Q.1414. Capable - स म , समथ
Ans. Competent Q.1435. Enhance - बढ़ाना , ादा करना Q.1455. Zest - उ ाह , त रता
Ans. Improve Ans. Enthusiasm
Q.1415. Demolish - िगराना , न करना
Ans. Dismantle Q.1436. Hate - घृणा , नफरत Q.1456. Intricate - पेचीदा , जिटल
Ans. Detest Ans. Complicated
Q.1416. Chide - िझड़कना , फटकार
Ans. Rebuke Q.1437. Dedicate - समिपत करना , समपण Q.1457. Ferocious - खूंखार , उ
Ans. Devote Ans. Fierce
Q.1417. Immense - अिधक , िवशाल
Ans. Massive Q.1438. Awkward - भ ा , नाजुक Q.1458. Beneficial - गुणकारक , लाभ द
Ans. Clumsy Ans. Advantageous
Q.1418. Former - पहला , पूव
Ans. Previous Q.1439. Aroma - सुगंध Q.1459. Dubious - संिद , संदेहा द
Ans. Doubtful Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 213
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 37 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Q.1460. Abandoned - छोड़ा आ Ans. Sleepy Q.1499. Pathetic - दयनीय , क दायक
Ans. Deserted Ans. Pitiful

Q.1461. Advantageous - लाभदायक SSC CHSL 2018 Tier - 1 Q.1500. Opportune - सटीक , उपयु
Ans. Favorable Ans. Timely
(01/07/2019 - 11/ 07/2019)

Q.1462. Anthology - संकलन , सं ह Q.1501. Stern - कठोर , िनदय

Q.1481. Adversary - िवरोधी, श ु
Ans. Collection Ans. Strict
Ans. Rival

Q.1463. Absolved - दोषमु , माफ़ Q.1482. Expose - पदाफाश , उद् घािटत करना Q.1502. Thrifty - िमत यी , िकफ़ायती
Ans. Pardoned Ans. Frugal
Ans. Reveal

Q.1464. Popular - लोकि य , चिलत Q.1503. Temperate - संयिमत , संतुिलत

Q.1483. Hind - िपछला , पीछे
Ans. Favorite Ans. Rear Ans. Gentle , Pleasant , Mild

Q.1465. Humdrum - नीरस , सु Q.1504. Defiance - अव ा , अनादर

Q.1484. Innuendo - इशारा , संकेत
Ans. Monotonous Ans. Opposition , resistance ,
Ans. Implication

Q.1466. Obtain - ा करना , पाना
Q.1485. Current - वतमान , मौजूदा
Ans. Achieve Q.1505. Reprimand - भ ना , फटकार
Ans. Present
Ans. Objurgation , rebuke , reproach ,
Q.1467. Encumbrance - भार , बाधा Q.1486. Adhere - पालन करना , मानना reproof , riot act
Ans. Obstacle Ans. Comply
Q.1506. Sordid - अनैितक
Q.1468. Recently - हाल ही म
Ans. Lately

Q.1469. Artful - चालाक

Ans. Crafty
Q.1487. Embed - गाड़ना , अंतः थािपत करना
Ans. Bury

Q.1488. Combustible - दहनशील,

Ans. Muddy , nasty , smudged , smutty

Q.1507. Resolute - संक

Ans. Determined
वान , ढसंक

Q.1508. Intrepid - िनभय , िनडर

Ans. Inflammable
Q.1470. Morbid - घृणा द , िघनौना Ans. Gallant
Ans. Nasty Q.1489. Enthrall - मं मु करना , स ोिहत
Q.1509. Pitfall - किठनाई , ख़तरा
Ans. Mesmerize
Q.1471. Persuade - मनाना , फुसलाना Ans. Hazard
Ans. Coax Q.1490. Fortify - सु ढ़ करना , सुरि त
Q.1510. Vital - मह पूण, अ ाव क

Ans. Secure
Q.1472. Inclination - झुकाव , इ ा Ans. Essential
Ans. Aptitude
Q.1491. Erode - अप रण , िवघटन
Q.1511. Discover - खोजना , पता लगाना
Ans. Disintegrate
Q.1473. Impious - अधम , धमिव Ans. Find
Ans. Irreligious
Q.1492. Entangle - उलझाना , फंसाना
Q.1512. Ignominious - घृिणत , अपमान
Ans. Implicate
Q.1474. Judicious - बु मान , िववेकी Ans. Disgraceful
Ans. Prudent

Q.1493. Thwart - िवफल , रोकना

Q.1513. Quest - तलाश , अनुसंधान
Ans. Impede
Q.1475. Prodigy - िवल ण , ितभाशाली Ans. Search
Ans. Genius
Q.1494. Handy - सुिवधाजनक, आसान
Q.1514. Orthodox - क रपंथी , परं परागत
Ans. Convenient
Q.1476. Mock - हँ सी उड़ाना , उपहास Ans. Traditional
Ans. Taunt Q.1495. Avenge - द दे ना , सज़ा दे ना
Q.1515. Ideology - िवचारधारा , िस ां तवाद
Ans. Punish
Q.1477. Contempt - िनंदा , अवमानना Ans. Belief
Ans. Hatred
Q.1496. Scrap - फकना , ाग
Q.1516. Meddle - ह ेप , दख़ल दे ना
Ans. Reject
Q.1478. Anxious - िचंितत , ाकुल Ans. Interfere
Ans. Nervous Q.1497. Sane - समझदार , िवचारशील
Q.1517. Anomalous - अिनयिमत , अजीब
Ans. Sensible
Q.1479. Control - िनयं ण , संचालन Ans. Peculiar
Ans. Regulate
Q.1498. Candid - वादी , िनभ क
Q.1518. Fleeting - अ थायी , िणक
Ans. Frank
Q.1480. Drowsy - सु , नींद से भरा आ Ans. Momentary Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 214

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 37 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Q.1519. Identical - समान , एक जैसा Ans. Entrap Q.1559. Concise - लघु , संि
Ans. Similar Ans. Brief
Q.1539. Dubious - संिद ,
Q.1520. Ostentatious - िदखावटी, भड़कीला Ans. Fishy Q.1560. Renown - यश , ाित
Ans. Flashy Q.1540. Drag - खीचना Ans. Fame
Ans. Pull
Q.1521. Recapitulation - संि , पुनरावृ त Q.1561. Devout - भ मय , धमपरायण
Ans. Summary Q.1541. Engulf - िनगलना , ढं क लेना Ans. Pious
Ans. Envelop
Q.1522. Radiance - चमक , काश Q.1562. Intricate - पेचीदा , जिटल
Ans. Sparkle Q.1542. Lethal - हािनकारक , घातक Ans. Complex
Ans. Fatal
Q.1523. Wary - होिशयार , सावधान Q.1563. Assist - मदद करना , सुिवधा दे ना
Ans. Alert Q.1543. Prevalent - चिलत , ा Ans. Help
Ans. Common
Q.1524. Recede - घटना , छोड़ना Q.1564. Initiate - शु करना
Ans. Wane Q.1544. Rampant - अिनयंि त , Ans. Start
सामािजक बुराई
Q.1565. Obstacle - अवरोध , कावट

Q.1525. Dedication - समपण Ans. Excessive
Ans. Commitment Ans. Barrier
Q.1545. Exempt - मु , छूट दे ना
Q.1526. Miniature - लघुिच , सू Ans. Exclude Q.1566. Endeavour - य करना , यास
Ans. Diminutive Ans. Attempt
Q.1546. Reticent - कम बोलने वाला
Q.1527. Camouflage - छल , िछप जाना
Ans. Disguise

Q.1528. Climax - चरमाव था , पराका ा

Ans. Culmination
Ans. Silent

Q. 1547. Fury - कोप , च
Ans. Anger

Q. 1548. Precarious - खतरनाक , संकटपूण

Q.1567. Insult - अपमान , ितर
Ans. Offend

Q.1568. Hostility - श ुता , दु भावना

Ans. Enmity
Q.1529. Manual - ह चािलत , िनयमावली Ans. Dangerous Q.1569. Attribute - िवशेषता , सहजगुण
Ans. Handbook Ans. Quality
Q. 1549. Sterile - बां झ , जीवाणुहीन
SSC CGL 2018 Tier - 1 Ans. Barren Q.1570. Fuse - जुड़ना , एक- प होना
Ans. Combine
(04/06/2019 - 13/06/2019)
Q.1550. Pensive - िवचारम , िवषाद

Q.1530. Coerce - दबाव डालना , िववश करना Ans. Reflective SSC CPO 2018 Tier - 1
Ans. Pressurize (12/03/2019 - 16/03/2019)
Q.1551. Vindictive - बदला लेनेवाला
Q.1531. Chronic - दीघकािलक , िचरकािलक Ans. Revengeful Q.1571. Amplify - बढ़ाना
Ans. Persistent Ans. Magnify
Q.1552. Lament - िवलाप , शोक
Q.1532. Garrulous - झ ी , बातूनी Ans. Mourn Q.1572. Replete - तृ , भरा आ
Ans. Talkative

Ans. Full
Q.1553. Repudiate - ाग करना , नकारना
Q.1533. Tilt - झुकाव , झगड़ा Ans. Renounce Q.1573. Forego - ाग दे ना
Ans. Slant Ans. Give up
Q.1554. Perplex - ाकुल करना , घबराना
Q.1534. Inept - अयो , अनुपयु Ans. Bewilder Q.1574. Harass - तंग करना , उ ीिडत करना
Ans. Clumsy Ans. Bother
Q.1555. Defer - टालना , थिगतकरण
Q.1535. Inarticulate - अ ,अ Ans. Delay Q.1575. Massive - भीमकाय , िवशाल
Ans. Incoherent Ans. Huge
Q.1556. Mammoth - िवशाल , महाकाय
Q.1536. Indelible - थायी Ans. Gigantic Q.1576. Feign - बहाना करना ,अिभनय करना
Ans. Inerasable Ans. Pretend
Q.1557. Taciturn - कम बोलने वाला
Q.1537. Triumph - सफलता , िवजय Ans. Reticent Q.1577. Commendable - शंसनीय ,
Ans. Victory सराहनीय
Q.1558. Exalt - पदो त करना , शंसा करना Ans. Praiseworthy
Q.1538. Entice - फुसलाना , लुभाना Ans. Praise
Q.1578. Ecstasy - परमानंद , मंगल Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 215
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 37 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Ans. Happiness Q.1598. Vagabond - आवारा , घुम ड़ Q.1619. Pledged - िगरवी , ित ा करना
Ans. Tramp Ans. Promised
Q.1579. Dame - ी , गृिहणी
Ans. Lady Q.1599. Compliant - आ ाकारी Q.1620. Disproportionately - अनुपातहीन
Ans. Submissive प से , असंगित से
Q.1580. Affluent - समृ , धनी Ans. Unreasonably
Ans. Wealthy Q.1600. Launching - ारं भ करना
Ans. Introducing Q.1621. Preventive - िनवारक , िनरोधक
Q.1581. Awkward - अटपटा , फूहड़ Ans. Protective
Ans. Clumsy Q.1601. Stimulation - उ ेजना
Ans. Provocation Q.1622. Neglected - उपेि त, असेिवत
Q.1582. Immerse - डु बाना Q.1602. Replaced - ित थािपत , बदलना Ans. Ignored
Ans. Submerge Ans. Substituted
Q.1623. Beneficiaries - लाभाथ
Q.1583. Velocity - वेग , र ार Q.1603. Contaminating - मैला करना Ans. Recipients
Ans. Speed Ans. Polluting
Q.1624. Debacle - िव ंस ,सवनाश
Q.1584. Radical - ाभािवक , उ , पूण Q.1604. Infuse - उँ डेलना , उ ेिजत करना Ans. Fiasco

Ans. Absolute Ans. Fill
Q.1585. Excursion - पयटन , मण Q.1605. Persuade - मनाना , फुसलाना
(05/02/2019 - 08/02/2019)
Ans. Trip Ans. Convince
Q.1625. Vanquish - परा करना , जीतना
Q.1586. Nincompoop - मूख , पागल Q.1606. Indistinguishable - बराबर
Ans. Foolish

Q.1587. Execute - काया

पूरा करना
Ans. Implement
त करना ,
Ans. Equivalent

Q.1607. Discern - पहचानना , दे खना

Ans. Discriminate

Q.1608. Hardship - दु ख , क
Ans. Defeat

Q.1626. Emphasize - ज़ोर दे ना , बल दे ना

Ans. Stress

Q.1627. Conceited - अिभमानी

Ans. Smug
Q.1588. Remedy - उपचार , िचिक ा Ans. Misery
Ans. Cure Q.1628. Scrumptious - शानदार , ािद
Q.1609. Contravene - उ ंघन , अवहे लना
Ans. Delicious
Q.1589. Fillip - ो ाहन , वधक Ans. Breach
Ans. Boost Q.1629. Cherish - पालना , पोषण करना
Q.1610. Exasperating - उ ेजक , तंग

Ans. Nurture
Q.1590. Tread - रा ा बनाना , कुचलना , चाल करनेवाला
Ans. Walk Ans. Frustrating
Q.1630. Revamp - सुधार , पुनगठन
Ans. Restructure
Q.1591. Damsel - अिववािहत युवती , सेिवका Q.1611. Lyrical - का ा क, गीता क
Ans. Maiden Ans. Musical
Q.1631. Cordial - हािदक, सौहादपूण, दो ाना
Ans. Amicable
Q.1592. Visionary - िद दश , क त, Q.1612. Memoir - संसमरण , जीवनी
मह ाकां ी Ans. Diary

Q.1632. Competent - सुयो ,स म

Ans. Ambitious Ans. Capable
Q. 1613. Enigmatic - रह मय , गूढ़
Q.1593. Profess - दावे के साथ कहना , Ans. Mysterious
Q.1633. Vindictive - बदला लेनेवाला
घोषणा करना Ans. Revengeful
Ans. Proclaim Q.1614. Requisite - आव क
Ans. Obligatory Q.1634. Herculean - अ ंत किठन , मजबूत
Q.1594. Fake - नकली , फज
Ans. Strong
Ans. False Q.1615. Clinched - जकड , प ा करना
Ans. Finalized
Q.1635. Erstwhile - भूतपूव , पहला
Q.1595. Extricate - िनकालना , छु ड़ाना Ans. Former
Ans. Remove Q.1616. Elusive - पकड़ म न आने वाला
Ans. Intangible Q.1636. Mediation - म थता , दलाली
Q.1596. Substitute - थानाप , बदली
Ans. Intervention
Ans. Replace Q.1617. Detractors - आलोचक , समी क
Ans. Critics
Q.1637. Expandable - िव ार , लचीला
Q.1597. Gratuitous - िनः शु ,ऐ क
Ans. Flexible
Ans. Grateful Q.1618. Imminent - आस , िनकट थ
Ans. Forthcoming Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 216
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 37 - 38 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Q.1638. Leisurely - यथावकाश , आराम से Q.1653. Agony - पीड़ा , था Q.1674. Creep - रगना
Ans. Relaxed Ans. Torture Ans. Crawl

Q.1639. Commence - आरं भ , ारं भ Q.1654. Blaze - ाला , लौ Q.1675. Natural - ाकृितक , ाभािवक
Ans. Start Ans. Glow Ans. Usual

Q.1640. Prohibition - िनषेध , मनाही Q.1655. Stagnant - गंदा , गितहीन Q.1676. Decoy - फँसाना
Ans. Exclusion Ans. Fester Ans. Trap

Q.1677. Entice - लुभाना , फुसलाना

Q.1641. Complicated - जिटल , पेचीदा Q.1656. Restore - पुन थािपत करना , सुधारना
Ans. Allure
Ans. Complex Ans. Reconstitute
Q.1678. Pursuit - ल , पीछा
Q.1642. Alteration - प रवतन , संशोधन Q.1657. Regain - पुनः ा करना , प ं चना Ans. Trail
Ans. Modification Ans. Attain
Q.1679. Palpable - शनीय ,
Q.1643. Overwhelming - ज़बद Q.1658. Defer - टालना , थिगत करना Ans. Perceptible
Ans. Awesome Ans. Stall
Q.1680. Feeble - कमज़ोर ,श हीन

SSC SELECTION POST Q.1659. Validate - मा , मंज़ूर करना Ans. Weak
Ans. Corroborate
Q.1681. Plausible - िव सनीय , ीकाय
(16/01/2019 - 18/01/2019) Q.1660. Squander - गंवाना , अप य करना Ans. Reasonable
Ans. Frivol

Q.1644. Resolution - संक

Ans. Decision

Q.1645. Pernicious - हािनकारक, घातक

Ans. Spiteful
ाव Ans. Dismal

Q.1661. Sulky - आलसी , सु

Q.1662. Cardinal - बुिनयादी , मूलभूत

Ans. Essential
Q.1682. Arouse - उ ेिजत , सि य बनाना
Ans. Incite

Q.1683. Distinct - अलग , िविश

Ans. Clear

Q.1684. Condemn - िनंदा करना , भ ना

Q.1663. Stingy - कंजूस , लोभी Ans. Belittle
Q.1685. Dingy - गंदा , फीका
Q.1646. Distasteful - अि य , अ िचकर Q.1664. Bliss - परमानंद , परम सुख Ans. Drab
Ans. Unpleasant Ans. Euphoria
Q.1686. Clever - चतुर , बु मान

Ans. Intelligent
MATRICULATION - LEVEL Q.1665. Tarnish - ध ा
Ans. Blot
Q.1647. Efficient - कुशल , द Antonyms
Ans. Competent Q.1666. Compact - सघन , दबाया आ
Ans. Appressed
Q.1648. Fleeting - णभंगुर , संि SSC CGL 2023 Tier - 1
Ans. Brief Q.1667. Curtail - घटाना , कम करना (14/07/2023 - 27/07/2023)
Ans. Cramp

Q.1649. Spontaneous - अपने आप , Q.1. Under - नीचे

भाव से Q.1668. Genteel - िवन , िश Ans. Over - के ऊपर
Ans. Impulsive Ans. Courteous
Q.2. Servile - ग़ुलामी
SSC STENOGRAPHER 2017 Q.1669. Intoxicating - मादक , नशीला Ans. Arrogant - अिभमानी

(04/09/2017 - 07/09/2017) Ans. Stimulating

Q.3. Compelled - मजबूर
Q.1670. Peripheral - अनाव क Ans. Induced - े रत
Q.1650. Ache - दद
Ans. Suffering Ans. Inessential
Q.4. Adage - कहावत
Q.1671. Agitated - उ ेिजत , भड़का आ Ans. Misconstruction - गलत अथ
Q.1651. Adore - शंसा करना,
Ans. Aroused
ब त ेम करना
Q.5. Callous - िनदयी
Ans. Admire Q.1672. Concise - संि , लघु Ans. Sympathetic - दयालु
Ans. Abridged
Q.1652. Aerial - ऊंचा , हवाई
Q.6. Optimistic - आशावादी
Ans. Elevated Q.1673. Wrath - ोध , कोप
Ans. Gloomy - िनराशजनक
Ans. Exasperation Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 217

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 38 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Q.7. Curtail - घटाना Q.28. effervescent - उ ाहपूण Q.49. Nefarious - पापी
Ans. Increase - बढ़ाना Ans. subdued - िनयंि त Ans. Pious - पिव

Q.8. Spurious - नक़ली Q.29. Eloquent - सुव ा Q.50. Meticulous - अितसावधान

Ans. Authentic -असली Ans. Impotent - कमजोर Ans. Careless - लापरवाह

Q.9. Staunch - संतुिलत Q.30. Frugal - िमत यी Q.51. Sluggish - िन य

Ans. Unsteady - असंतुिलत Ans. Extravagant - अित यी Ans. Active - सि य
Q.31. Seldom - कभी कभी Q.52. Violent - उ
Q.10. Wicked - बुरा Ans. Frequently - लगातार Ans. Gentle - िवन
Ans. Virtuous - अ ा
Q.32. Disgrace - अपमान Q.53. Nervous - घबराने वाला
Q.11. Derision - उपहास Ans. Honour - स ान Ans. Courageous - साहसी
Ans. Admiration - शंसा
Q.33. Divergence - िभ ता Q.54. Hinder - अड़चन डालना
Q.12. Moderate - कम होना Ans. Convergence - संिमलन Ans. Aid - मदद करना
Ans. Reasonable - पया
Q.34. Blooming - फलना-फूलना Q.55. Unsure - अिनि त

Q.13. Gullible - सीधा-साधा Ans. Fading - मंद होना Ans. Certain - िनि त
Ans. Cynical - ाथ
Q.35. Plight - गंभीर थित Q.56. Perseverance - धीरज
Q.14. Redeem - मु करना Ans. Advantage - अनुकूल थित Ans. Irresolution - अ थरता
Ans. Forfeit - ज होना
Q.36. Calm Down - शां त करना Q.57. Modest - िवन
Q.15. Indolent - आलसी
Ans. Active - फुत ला

Q.16. Patriot - दे शभ
Ans. Traitor - दे श ोही
Ans. Agitate - भड़काना

Q.37. Delegate - सौंपना

Ans. Retain - रखे रहना

Q.38. Transient - िणक

Ans. Conceited - अहं कारी

Q.58. Acquitted - बरी करना

Ans. Convicted - अपराधी ठहराना

Q.59. Arrival - आगमन

Q.17. Lucid - साफ Ans. Permanent - थायी Ans. Departure - थान
Ans. Ambiguous - अ
Q.39. Innate - ज जात Q.60. Messy - अ
Q.18. Traitor - िव ासघाती Ans. Acquired - उपािजत Ans. Organised - व थत
Ans. Loyal - ईमानदार
Q.40. Absurd - अथहीन Q.61. Rowdy - उप वी

Q.19. Disadvantage - हािन Ans. Realistic - उिचत Ans. Compliant - आ ाकारी

Ans. Privilege - िवशेष लाभ
Q.41. Clandestine - िछपा आ Q.62. Misanthropic - मानव े षी
Q.20. Triumph - जीत Ans. Known - ात होना Ans. Humanitarian - मानवतावादी
Ans. Defeat - हार
Q.42. Randomly - अंधाधुंध तरीके से Q.63. Yell - िच ाना
Q.21. Notion - धारणा Ans. Systematically - व थत प से Ans. Whisper - फुसफुसाना
Ans. Reality - वा िवकता

Q.43. Brisk - तेज़ Q.64. Clear - साफ प से

Q.22. Wax - बढ़ना Ans. Slow - धीमा Ans. Opaque - धुंधला
Ans. Wane - घटना
Q.44. Partial - प पातपूण Q.65. Veteran - अनुभवी
Q.23. Scattered - िबखरा आ Ans. Unbiased - िन Ans. Novice - नौिस खया
Ans. Gathered - इक ा
Q.45. Trivial - तु Q.66. Waned - मुरझा जाना
Q.24. obtuse - मूख Ans. Significant - मह पूण Ans. Grew - िवकिसत होना
Ans. Astute - बु मान
Q.46. Abate - कम करना Q.67. Fetish - आव कता से अिधक ान
Q.25. Filthy - गंदा Ans. Increase - बढ़ाना दे ना
Ans. Clean - साफ़ Ans. Indifference - बेपरवाही
Q.47. Accepted - ीकृत
Q.26. Uncomfortable - तकलीफ़दे ह Ans. Rejected - अ ीकृत Q.68. Sweet - मधुर
Ans. Easeful - आरामदे ह Ans. Bitter - कड़वा
Q.48. Abandoned - ागा आ
Q.27. Sophisticated - जिटल Ans. Kept - रखना Q.69. Disheveled - मैला - कुचैला
Ans. Primitive - साधारण Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 218
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 38 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Ans. Tidy - Q.90. Flexible - लचकदार Q.110. Borrow - उधार लेना
Ans. Rigid - कठोर Ans. Lend - उधार दे ना
Q.70. Rectify - सुधारना
Ans. Worsen - िबगाड़ दे ना Q.91. Amateur - अनुभवहीन Q.111. Melancholy - उदासी
Ans. Expert - िनपुण Ans. Ecstasy - परमानंद
Q.71. Camouflage - िछपाना
Ans. Reveal - कािशत करना Q.92. Wisdom - बु मानी Q.112. Humane - दयालु
Ans. Ignorance - अ ान Ans. Merciless - दयाहीन/ िनमम
Q.72. Incompetent - अयो Q.93. Naive - सरल
Ans. Dexterous - अनुभवी Ans. Cynical - कुिटल Q.113. Unravelled - सुलझाना या तय करना
Ans. Garble - तोड़ना-मरोड़ना
Q.73. Compulsory - बा कारी Selection Post Phase XI
Ans. Voluntary - े ापूण
(27/06/2023 -30/06/2023) SSC CHSL 2022 Tier - 2
Q.74. Bumpy - अिनयिमत (26/06/2023)
Q.94. Prudent- िववेकी
Ans. Steady - थर
Ans. Stupid - बेवकूफ Q.114. Sanitise -
Ans. Pollute - दू िषत
Q.75. Superficial - सामा Q.95. Hasten - ज ी करना

Ans. Profound - गंभीर
Ans. Dawdle - धीरे धीरे चलना
SSC MTS 2022 Tier -1
Q.76. Melancholic - उदास (02/05/2023 - 20/06/2023)
Q.96. Conducive - अनुकूल
Ans. Jubilant - फु त Ans. Unfavorable - ितकूल
Q.115. Viscous - िचपिचपा
Q.77. Forbade - मना करना Ans. Watery - पानीदार
Ans. Allowed - अनुमित दे ना

Q.78. Absurd - िववेकशू

Ans. Sensible - िववेकपूण

Q.79. Tedious - उबाऊ

Q.97. Prejudice - प पात
Ans. Impartiality - िन ता

Q.98. Appreciation - शंसा करना

Ans. Disregard - नज़रअंदाज़ करना
Q.116. Curtailed - कटौती
Ans. lengthened - ल ा

Q.117. Positive - सकारा क

Ans. Depreciative - अवमू न
Q.99. Truthful - ईमानदार
Ans. Interesting - मनोरं जक
Ans. Deceitful - धोखेबाज़
Q.118. Abridge - संि ीकरण
Q.80.Persuaded - उकसाना Ans. Elongate - ल ा करना
Q.100. Infirm - कमजोर
Ans. Dissuaded - हतो ाह करना Ans. Robust - मज़बूत
Q.119. Disorder - अ
Q.81. Chided - िन ा करना Ans. Regulate - िविनयमन

Q.101. Artificial - कृि म

Ans. Applauded - शंसा करना Ans. Natural - ाकृितक
Q.120. Subtracted - घटाना
Q.82. Disenfranchise - वंिचत करना Ans. Adjunct - सहायक
Q.102. Rare - दु लभ
Ans. Authorised - अिधकार दे ना
Ans. Common - सामा
Q.121. Warned - चेतावनी
Q.83. Intentional - जानबूझकर Ans. Imperiled - ख़तरे म डालना
Q.103. Humble - िवन
Ans. Unplanned - अिनयोिजत
Ans. Pompous - अहं कार
Q.122. Unleashed - फैलाना

Q.84. Confronted - सामना होना Ans. Confined - सीिमत

Q.104. Fanatical - क र
Ans. Avoided - टाल जाना
Ans. Moderate - उदारवादी
Q.123. Proceed - आगे बढ़ना
Q.85. Selective - चयन करने म सावधान Ans. Withdraw - वापस लेना
Q.105. Elegant- सु िचपूण/सुंदर
Ans. Careless - असावधान, लापरवाह
Ans. Awkward - अजीब
Q.124. Misunderstand - गलत समझना
Q.86. Exultant - स Ans. Comprehend - समझना
Q.106. Common - सामा
Ans. Disconsolate - िनराश
Ans. Rare - दु लभ
Q. 125. Cherished - अिभलिषत/ पोिषत
Q.87. Memory - याद रखना Ans. Despised - ितर ार करना
Q.107. Abundance - अिधकता
Ans. Oblivion - भूल जाना
Ans. Dearth - कमी /आभाव
Q.126. Tactful - िवन
Q.88. Incessant - लगातार Ans. Ungracious - कृत
Q.108. Unworthy - अयो
Ans. Sporadic - अिनयिमत
Ans. Noble - महान
Q.127. Disregard - अवहे लना
Q.89. Object - मना करना Ans. Curiosity - िज ासा
Q.109. Despair - िनराशा
Ans. Assent - अनुमित दे ना
Ans. Optimism - आशावादी
Q.128. Suspicious - संिद Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 219
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 38 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Ans. Definitive - िनणायक Q.149. Anomaly - िवसंगित Ans. Evident - प ट
Ans. Regularity - िनयिमतता
Q.129. Reluctant - अिन ु क Q.170. Damp - नमी
Ans. Inclined - इ ु क Q.150. Adhere - अनुसरण करना Ans. Droughty - सूखा
Ans. Condemn - िनंदा करना
Q.130. Behemoth - िवशालकाय/िवराट Q.171. Absorb - अवशोिषत करना
Ans. Midget - ब त छोटा Q.151. Vendetta - ितशोध Ans. Dismiss - ख़ा रज करना
Q.131. Absence - कमी Ans. Harmony - सामंज Q.172. Discreet - िववेकशील, सावधान
Ans. Surfeit - आिध Ans. Imprudent - अिववेकी
Q.152. Humble - िवन
Q.132. Affinity - आ ीयता Ans. Assertive - िन या क Q.173. Maladroit - अयो
Ans. Dislike - नापस Ans. Skilful - कौशलपूण
Q.153. Doze - झपकी लेना
Q.133. Faded - फीका होना Ans. Wake - जागना Q.174. Accomplishment - उपल
Ans. Painted - रं गा आ Ans. Fiasco - असफलता
Q.154. Unbiased - िन
Q.134. Analogous - अनु प Ans. Prejudice - प पात Q.175. Administer - शासन
Ans. Dissimilar - असमान Ans. Forego - प र याग करना

Q.155. Amazingly - आ यजनक
Q.135. Infertility - बां झपन Ans. Obviously - तः Q.176. Gloomy - उदास
Ans. Fecund - उपजाऊ Ans. Buoyant - स िच
Q.156. Surrender - आ समपण करना
Q.136. Mad - उ Ans. Withstand - सामना करना Q.177. Tangle - अ व थत
थ Ans. Simple - साधारण
Ans. Sound-

Q.137. Disappointed - िनराशा

Ans. Encouraged - ो ािहत करना

Q.138. Rare - दु लभ
Ans. Familiar - प रिचत
Q.157. Lordly - अिभमानपूण
Ans. Ignoble - िनंदनीय

Q.158. Accountable - उ रदायी

Ans. Irresponsible - गैर िज ेदार
Q.178. Active - सि य
Ans. Abeyant - ा थिगत

Q.179. Hyped - चार करना

Ans. Reduced - कम करना
Q.159. Precious - अनमोल
Q.139. Reverence - ा Ans. Detested - घृणा करना Q.180. Tryst - मुलाकात
Ans. Scorn - घृणा Ans. Separation - अलगाव
Q.160. Wicked - दु
Q.140. Jolly - हँ समुख Ans. Admirable - शंसनीय Q.181. Desert - िनजन थान
Ans. Morose - उदास Ans. Populate - आबाद करना

Q.161. Lethargy - आल
Q.141. Discourage - हतो ािहत करना Ans. Attention - सावधान Q.182. Crude - अप र ृ त , ाकृितक
Ans. Persuade - राज़ी करना Ans. Ripe - पूण िवकिसत
Q.162. Poor - गरीब
Q.142. Apprentice - िश ु Ans. Opulent - धनी Q.183. Luminous - काशयु
Ans. Veteran - अनुभवी Ans. Gloomy - अंधकारपूण
Q.163. Abort - बंद कर दे ना
Q.143. Quotidian - दै िनक Ans. Commence - ारं भ करना Q.184. Abundant - चुर मा ा

Ans. Sporadic - अिनयिमत Ans. Meagre - अ

Q.164. Precarious - जो खमपूण
Q.144. Sluggishly - मंदगित Ans. Stable - थायी Q.185. Arguments - बहस
Ans. Promptly - त ाल Ans. Agreements - समझौता
Q.165. Calm - शां त
Q.145. Undermine - कमजोर Ans. Frenzy - उ ाद/आवेश Q.186. Plain - साधारण
Ans. Enhance - बढ़ाना Ans. Fancy - रोचक
Q.166. Harness - अघीन करना
Q.146. Impossible - असंभव Ans. Misapply - दु पयोग करना
Q.187. Frank - वादी
Ans. Applicable - उपयु
Ans. Evasive - टालमटोल करना
Q.167. Suspicion - संदेह
Q.147. Awful- भयानक Ans. Conviction - ढ िव ास
Q.188. Irreverent - अपमान जनक
Ans. Wonderful - अद् भुत
Q.168. Culpable - दोषी Ans. Respectful - स ानजनक
Q.148. Adjusts - समायोिजत Ans. Innocent - िनद ष
Ans. Disorganised - अ व थत Q.189. Gleaming - चमकना
Q.169. Mysterious - रह मयी Ans. Dusky - उदास Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 220

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 38 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Q.190. Mound - टीला Ans. Liberate - तं करना Ans. Competent - स म
Ans. Valley - घाटी
Q.209. Nearest - िनकटतम Q.227. Wane - कमी, पतन
Q.191. Evidence - सा Ans. Intensify - तेज करना
Ans. Remote - दू र थ
Ans. Concealment - िछपाव/परदा
Q.228. Delinquency - अपराध, दोष
Q.210. Incompetence - अ मता/अयो ता
Ans. Fulfilment - पूणता
Q.192. Similar - समान
Ans. Efficient - कुशल Q.229. Relentless - कठोर, लगातार
Ans. Unlike - िभ /असमान
Ans. Intermittent - सिवराम या क क कर
Q.211. Insecurity - असुर ा
Q.193. Rash - अिववेकी Q.230. Incredible - अिव सनीय,असाधारण
Ans. Firmness - ढ़ता / थरता
Ans. Considerate - िवचारशील Ans. Believable - िव ास करने यो

Q.212. Satisfactory - संतोषजनक

Q.194. Imperious - अिभमानी Q.231. Forthright - वादी, िन पट
Ans. Inadequate - अपया Ans. Blunt - कुंिठत
Ans. Meek - िवन /िवनयपूण

Q.213. Collapsed - होना/ढहना Q.232. Brittle - भंगुर, टू टने यो

Q.195. Obsession - जुनून
Ans. Mended - मर त िकया आ Ans. Robust - मजबूत
Ans. Dislike - नापस

Q.233. Opaque - धुंधला, नीरस
Q.196. Reservation - संदेह Q.214. Curious - िज ासु
Ans. Pellucid - साफ़
Ans. Openness - सादगी/ उदारता Ans. Uninterested - अिन ु क
Q.234. Partial - अधूरा, आं िशक
Ans. Whole - पूरा
Q.197. Youthful - युवा
Ans. Ripened - प रप

Q.198. Frequent - बारं बार

Ans. Seldom - कभी-कभी
SSC CHSL 2022 Tier - 1
(09/03/2023 -21/03/2023)

Q.215. Frustrate - हताश, िनराश करना

Ans. Foster - ो ाहन दे ना
Q.235. Famish - पीिड़त होना, भूखे रहना
Ans. Eat - खाना

Q.236. Interfere - दखल दे ना, ह

Ans. Advance - बढ़ावा दे ना
ेप करना
Q.216. Accessory - सहायक,अित र व ु
Q.199. Glamour - भावशाली
Ans. Essential - अ ाव क व ुएँ
Q.237. Reprove - िन ा करना, िध ारना
Ans. Dullness - नीरसता
Ans. Eulogize - शंसा करना
Q.217. Amiss - ग़लत, अनुिचत
Q.200. Impertinent - धृ ता/धु Ans. Impeccable - िनद ष
Q.238. Abeyance - काव, दु िवधा
Ans. Polite - िवन Ans. Continuation - जारी रहना

Q.218. Worried - िचंितत, परे शान

Ans. Unconcerned - बेपरवाह
Q.201. Key - मुख Q.239. Sinister - अशुभ , डरावना
Ans. Negligible - नग Ans. Propitious - शुभ
Q.219. Despondent - िनराश,आशाहीन
Ans. Hopeful - आशाजनक
Q.240. Abandon - ागना , छोड़ दे ना
Q.202. Pardon - मा करना Ans. Constraint - ितबंध
Ans. Condemn - िनंदा करना Q.220. Knack - कौशल , अ ास
Ans. Inability - असमथता
Q.241. Incongruous - असंगत, बेमेल

Q.203. Complicate - मु ल/जिटल Ans. Appropriate - यो

Q.221. Anomalous - अिनयिमत,
Ans. Enlighten - बु करना
Q.242. Annex - हड़प लेना , अिधकार कर लेना
Ans. Customary - रीित के अनूकुल
Q.204. Vital - अ ाव क Ans. Subtract - हटाना

Ans. Superfluous - ज़ रत से ादा Q.222. Objurgation - िनंदा

Q.243. Elucidate - करना , समझानI
Ans. Endorsement - समथन
Ans. Obfuscate - उलझाना
Q.205. Insanity - पागलपन
Ans. Wisdom - बु मान Q.223. Adequate - पया ,बराबर
Q.244. Timorous - डरपोक , कातर
Ans. Wanting - कम
Ans. Brazen - बेशम
Q.206. Topple - िगर पड़ना
Q.224. Celestial - खगोलीय, आकाशीय
Ans. Steady - ढ़ता से Q.245. Young - जवान , युवा
Ans. Terrestrial - पृ ी संबंधी
Ans. Mature - पूण िवकिसत
Q.207. Misdemeanour - अपराध
Q.225. Fiend - दु , ूर
Ans. Obedience - आ ाका रता Q.246. Cupidity - लालच
Ans. Saint - संत
Ans. Largesse - दानशीलता
Q.208. Subjugate - अधीन करना Q.226. Inept - अकुशल , अयो
Q.247. Contempt - उपे ा Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 221
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 38 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Ans. Approbation - शंसा Q.268. Coarse - खुरदरा Ans. Bold - िनडर
Ans. Buttery - िचकना
Q.248. sorcery - जादू Q.287. Steadfast - थर, प ा, वफ़ादार
Ans. Reality - वा िवकता Q.269. Absolute - पूण Ans. Dishonest - बेईमान
Ans. Incomplete - अपूण
Q.249. Credible - िव सनीय Q.288. lively - सजीव, ,
Ans. Unlikely - अिव सनीय Q.270. Polarize - फूट डालना Ans. Gloomy - धुंधला, उदास
Q.250. Frighten - भयभीत करना Ans. Combine - इक ा करना Q.289. Cruel - कठोर, ू र
Ans. Reassure - साहस िदलाना Ans. Kind - दयालु
Q.271. Desiccate - सुखाना
Q.251. Bulwark - बचाव करना Ans. Hydrate - जलयोिजत करना Q.290. Anxious - िचंितत, ाकुल
Ans. Assault - हमला करना Ans. Unconcerned - उदासीन, बेपरवाह
Q.272. Sane - मानिसक प से स ुिलत
Q.252. Amalgamate - िमि त करना Ans. Paranoid - पागलपन-संबंधी Q.291. Acceptance - ीकृित
Ans. Dismantle - िवघिटत करना Ans. Rejection - अ ीकृित
Q.273. Fanatic - अित उ ाही
Q.253. Temerity - उतावलापन Ans. Moderate - शा Q.292. Feeble - कमजोर
Ans. Diffidence - संकोच Ans. Sturdy - मजबूत

Q.274. Recondite - गु
Q.254. Tardy - सु Ans. Clear - करना Q.293. Compassionate - दयावान
Ans. Prompt - फुरतीला Ans. Cruel - िनदयी
Q.275. Algid - शीतल
Q.255. Sporadic - यदा-कदा Ans. Igneous - आग की तरह Q.294. Fatuity - मूखता, बेवकूफ़ी
Ans. Sapience - बु मानी
Ans. Systematic - िनयिमत

Q.256. Abstinence - संयम

Ans. Gluttony - लालच

Q.257. Antsy - ाकुलता

Ans. Collected - शा
Q.276. Fret - िचंता करना
Ans. Relax - शां त होना

SSC CGL 2022 Tier - 2

(02/03/2023 - 07/03/2023)
Q.295. Neglect - लापरवाही, अव ा
Ans. Remember - याद रखना

Q.296. Apparent -
Ans. Hidden - गोपनीय
, साफ
Q.277. Stern - कठोर
Q.258. Ideal - आदश प Ans. Lenient - नरम Q.297. Ancestor - पूवज
Ans. Flawed - दोषपूण Ans. Descendant - वंशज
Q.278. Accept - ीकार करना
Q.259. Inchoate - अिवकिसत Ans. Reject - अ ीकार करना Q.298. Just - उिचत, सही
Ans. Unfair - अनुिचत
Ans. Refined - बु
Q.279. Clandestine - गु
Q.260. Babble - अ Q.299. Insipid - फीका, मंद
Ans. Overt -
Ans. Sense Ans. Tasty - ािद
Q.280. Placid - शां त
Q.261. Leisure - िव ाम Q.300. Autonomy - ाय ता, शासन
Ans. Angry - ोिधत
Ans. Work - मेहनत Ans. Dependency - िनभरता
Q.281. Often - बार-बार
Q.262. Indispensable - अ ाव क Q.301. Invincible - अजय, अजीत

Ans. Seldom - कभी-कभी

Ans. Inessential - अनाव क Ans. Vulnerable - असुरि त
Q.282. Sneered - उपहास करना
Q.263. Ignominy - अपमान Q.302. Freedom - तं ता
Ans. Lauded - शंसा करना
Ans. Esteem - स ान Ans. Bondage - गुलामी
Q.283. Stable - थर
Q.264.Vivacity - िच, उ ाह या िचंता म कमी Ans. Mutable - अ थर Q.303. Benign - कृपालु
Ans. Apathy - िज़ंदािदली Ans. Wicked - शैतान

SSC GD 2022 Q.304. Generous - उदार,

Q.265. Abduct - अपहरण करना
Ans. Redeem - मु िदलाना (10/01/2023 -13/02/2023) Ans. Selfish - मतलबी

Q.284. Liability - दािय , भार

Q.266. Legit - वैध Q.305. Curtail - कम करना, घटाना
Ans. Asset - संपि
Ans. Illegal (अवैध) Ans. Amplify - आवाज़ बढ़ाना

Q.285. Rancid - बासी

Q.267. Cynical - ाथ Q.306. Exaggerated - अितशयो पूण
Ans. Fresh - ताज़ा
Ans. Credulous - िव ासशील Ans. Understate - ख़ामोश रहना

Q.286. Timid - कायर Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 222

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 38 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Q.307. Borrow - उधार, कज़ लेना Q.328. Doleful - उदास Q.349. Convivial - खुशनुमा, सामािजक
Ans. lend - उधार दे ना Ans. Joyous - आनंिदत Ans. Antisocial - असामािजक

Q.308. Brittle - भंगुर, नाज़ुक Q.329. Camouflage - छलावरण Q.350. Vanquish - जीतना
Ans. Resilient - लचीला Ans. Reveal - बताना Ans. Surrender - आ समपण
Q.351. Profound - गंभीर, गहराई
Q.309. Comical - हा ा द Q.330. Sensitive - संवेदनशील Ans. Shallow - िछछला
Ans. Serious - गंभीर Ans. Numb -
Q.352. Hasty - शी , ज ी
Q.310. Applaud - सराहना, बड़ाई करना Q.331. Jaded - मुरझाया Ans. Cautious - सतक, चौकस
Ans. Denounce - धमकाना Ans. Renewed - नवीकृत
Q.353. Subjugate - परािजत करना
Q.311. Ready - तैयार, इ ा Q.332. Shabby - नीच Ans. liberate - तं करना
Ans. Unresponsive - उदासीन Ans. Respectable - स ािनत
Q.354. Frail - दोष, मुलायम
Q.312. Frugality - िमत ियता Q.333. Feudal - साम ी, जागीर संबंधी Ans. Strong - मजबूत
Ans. Luxury - आराम, िवलािसता, ख़च ला Ans. Exciting - रोमां चक
Q.355. Quietness - शां ित

Q.313. Confident - िव , साहसी Q.334. Bleak - िन पट, खुला Ans. Agitation - आं दोलन
Ans. Cowardly - कायर Ans. Cordial - रोचक व ु
Q.356. Grumble - िशकायत, गुराना
Q.314. Significant - मह पूण, सूचक Q.335. Drenched - पूरी तरह से भीगा आ Ans. Praise - शंसा
Ans. Paltry - मामूली Ans. Fresh - ताज़ा
Q.357. Accuse - दोष लगाना
Q.315. Transient - अ थायी, िणक
Ans. Permanent - थायी

Q.316. Amused - खुश, स

Ans. Bored - उदास
Q.336. Ponderous - भारी - भरकम
Ans. Graceful - आकषक

Q.337. Alienate - हटाना, बेचना

Ans. Reconcile - मनवाना
Ans. Defend - र ा करना

Q.358. Spendthrift - खच ला
Ans. Miser - कंजूस

Q.359. Witty - तेज बु

Q.317. Exhaust - िनकास, थका दे ना Q.338. Cramped - तंग Ans. Stupid - मूख
Ans. Restore - िफर से ा करना Ans. Extensive - ब त बड़ा
Q.360. Honest - ईमानदार
Q.318. Dominate - मुख होना Q.339. Sustain - उठाना, जारी रखना Ans. Corrupt -
Ans. Surrender - हार मानना Ans. Obstruct - रोकना
Q.361. Succinct - संि

Q.319. Cease - ब करना, छोड़ना Q.340. Recede - धुँधला पड़ना Ans. Lengthy - ब त लंबा
Ans. Commence - आर करना Ans. Advance - गित
Q.362. Cluster - गु ा, समूह
Q.320. Sublime - उ ृ , बड़ा Q.341. Fragile - कोमल, कमज़ोर Ans. Individual - गत
Ans. Ordinary - सामा Ans. Healthy - िनरोग
Q.363. Erudite - वै ािनक, ानी
Q.321. Huge - ब त अिधक, ब त Q.342. Negotiate - बातचीत करना Ans. Ignorant - अनपढ़
Ans. Minute - सू Ans. Disagree - असहमत होना

Q.364. Lovely - ारा, सुंदर

Q.322. Put forth - उ होना, आगे रखना Q.343. Obedient - आ ाकारी Ans. Lousy - ब त खराब
Ans. Conceal - िछपाना Ans. Disobedient - अव ाकारी
Q.365. Blunt - मंदबु का
Q.323. Disdain - घृणा करना Q.344. Distasteful - बे ाद Ans. Sharp - मािहर
Ans. Respect - आदर Ans. Delicious - ािद
Q.366. Sage - ानी
Q.324. Scintillating - चमकना Q.345. Jovial - खुश, स Ans. Foolish - मूख
Ans. Dark - अँधेरा, अ Ans. Gloomy - दु खी
Q.367. Savage - अस , गंवार
Q.325. Austere - किठन , स Q.346. Horrible - भयानक, खराब Ans. Tame - स
Ans. Genial - आनंददायक Ans. Pleasant - सुखद
Q.326. Generous - उदार Q.368. Endurance - सहनशीलता
Ans. Stingy - लोभी Q.347. Subordinate - अधीन, नीचा Ans. Indolence - आल
Ans. Superior - धान
Q.327. Cynical - ाथ Q.369. Hyper - अशां त
Ans. Optimistic - आशावादी Q.348. Benevolence - दया, िहत Ans. Tranquil - शां त
Ans. Cruelty - कठोरता Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 223
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 38 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Q.370. Protest - िवरोध Ans. Active - ि याशील Ans. Rare - असामा
Ans. Support - समथन
Q.391. Betray - धोखा दे ना, बहकाना Q.412. Servile - दास संबंधी
Q.371. Misfortune - दु भा Ans. Protect - सुरि त करना Ans. Dominant - भावशाली
Ans. Blessing - सौभा Q.392. Quiet - शां ित, आनंद Q.413. Influence - भावशाली
Ans. Commotion - हलचल Ans. Deter - रोकना
Q.372. Compact - संि करना
Ans. Expand - फैलना Q.393. Salient - मु Q.414. Rival - िवरोधी, ित ं ी
Ans. Negligible - न के बराबर Ans. Comrade - सहयोगी
Q.373. Dispel - दू र करना
Q.415. Progressive - गितशीलता
Ans. Integrate - जोड़ना Q.394. Courtesy - िश ाचार
Ans. Conservative - दिकयानूसी
Ans. Crudeness - अस ता
Q.374. Arrogant - अहं कारी
Q.416. Candid - िन पट, मासूम
Ans. Humble - िवन Q.395. Benevolent - परोपकारी, दयालू
Ans. Tactful - चतुर
Ans. Malevolent - ोही
Q.375. Latent - गु , िनिहत
Q.417. Frankness - वािदता
Ans. Obvious - Q.396. Diminish - कम करना, घटना
Ans. Deception - धोखा
Ans. Grow - बढ़ना

Q.376. Propagate - चार करना
Q.418. Silent - ख़ामोश, शां त
Ans. Deplete - खाली करना Q.397. Cruel - कठोर
Ans. Noisy - शोर
Ans. Sympathetic - संवेदी
Q.377. Encircle - घेरा बनाना
Q.419. Dismal - भयानक, खराब
Ans. Exclude - छोड़ना Q.398. Naive - सीधा, सरल
Ans. Intelligent - बु मान
Ans. Sophisticate - वहार कुशल
Q.378. Flatter - चापलूसी करना
Ans. Insult - अपमान

Q.379. Humility - न ता
Ans. Pride - गव
Q.399. Causes - कारण
Ans. Consequences - प रणाम

Q.400. Presumable - संभव, मुमिकन

Ans. Improbable - असंभव
Q.420. Capture - िगर ारी, पकड़
Ans. Liberate - तं करना

Q.421. Courteous - सुशील, न

Ans. Discourteous - अभ
Q.380. Unfathomable - समझने म मु ल
Q.422. Busy - कायरत,
Ans. Comprehensible - समझने म आसान Q.401. Gratitude - आभार, कृत ता
Ans. Idle - बेकार रहना
Ans. Thanklessness - आभार न होना
Q.381. Perplex - उलझाना
Q.423. Accepted - ीकृत करना
Ans. Simplify - सरल Q.402. Escalate - बढ़ाना
Ans. Rejected - खा रज करना
Ans. Diminish - कम करना

Q.382. Boor - गँवार

Q.424. Gratification - खुशी, आनंद
Ans. Gentleman - स न Q.403. Malice - े ष, ोध
Ans. Dissatisfaction - नापसंदगी
Ans. Goodwill - िम भाव
Q.383. Symbolise - तीक ुत करना
Q.425. Divulgence - पदाफ़ाश करना
Ans. Hide - िछपा दे ना Q.404. Agree - राज़ी होना
Ans. Repudiation - इनकार करना
Ans. Refuse - मना करना
Q.384. Cranky - िविच
Q.426. Lucid - साफ,
Ans. Cheerful - स Q.405. Prosperity - समृ , िवजय

Ans. Dark - अंधेरा, बुरा

Ans. Failure - खराबी
Q.385. Dignify - गौरव बढ़ाना
Q.427. Verbose - अिधक श ों का इ ेमाल
Ans. Condemn - दोष लगाना Q.406. Perfume - खुशबू , ित ा
Ans. Brief - संि श ों का इ ेमाल
Ans. Stench - दु गध
Q.386. Dream -
Q.428. Derogatory - अपमानजनक
Ans. Reality - स ाई Q.407. Relevant - संब , यो
Ans. Appreciative - शंसक
Ans. Insignificant - तु
Q.387. Native - मूल िनवासी
Q.429. Smart - साफ़ सुथरा
Ans. Foreign - िवदे शी Q.408. Prompt - अनुबोध, शी
Ans. Shabby - फटा पुराना
Ans. Delayed - िवलंिबत
Q.388. Realm - े
Q.430. Esteem - स ान, आदर
Ans. Sky - आसमान Q.409. Annoying - परे शान
Ans. Condemn - दोष लगाना
Ans. Delightful - खुश
Q.389. Steady - थायी, थर
Q.431. Attend - उप थत होना
Ans. Wavering - अ थर Q.410. Hostility - िवरोध, बैर
Ans. Miss - छोड़ना
Ans. Friendship - िम ता
Q.390. Sluggish - सु
Q.411. Common - साधारण Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 224
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 39 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
SSC CGL 2022 Tier - 1 Ans. Unsatisfactory - असंतोषजनक Q.472. Pacify - शां त करना, मनाना
Ans. Aggravate - उ ेिजत करना
(01/12/2022 - 13/12/2022)
Q.452. Polite - िवन ,स
Ans. Rude - अिश ट Q.473. Penniless - द र , गरीब
Q.432. Sinks - डूबना ,िछपना
Ans. Rich - धनी
Ans. Floats - तैरना
Q.453. Adversity - मुसीबत, अभा
Q.433. Trivial - मामूली, नग Ans. Fortune - भा Q.474. Accept - ीकार करना
Ans. Serious - गंभीर Ans. Deny - अ ीकार करना
Q.454. Native - दे शी, मूल िनवासी
Q.434. Casual - अनौपचा रक, Ans. Foreign - िवदे शी Q.475. Vivid - जीवंत, चमकीला
Ans. Formal - औपचा रक Ans. Murky - उदास, फीका
Q.455. Consent - सहमित, अनुमित दे ना
Q.435. Conceit - अहं कार, गव Ans. Dissent - असहमित Q.476. Immune - ितर ा, बचा आ
Ans. Modesty - न ता Ans. Susceptible - आसानी से भािवत होने
Q.456. Valour - वीरता, साहस वाला
Q.436. Blessed - भा वान, सौभा शाली Ans. Cowardice - कायरता
Ans. Cursed - शािपत Q.477. Antonym - िवलोम, िवपरीताथ श
Q.457. Guilty - अपराधी, दोषी Ans. Synonym - समानाथक श

Q.437. MOBILE - गितमान, चलनशील Ans. Innocent - िनद ष
Ans. Standing - थर Q.478. Bulk - थोक, िव ृत
Q.458. Ruthlessly - बेरहमी से , िनदयतापूवक Ans. Handful - मु ीभर, अ मा ा
Q.438. Oppose - िवरोधकरना, Ans. Leniently - नरमी से
Ans. Encourage - ो ािहत करना Q.479. Influenced - भािवत, ित ा
Q.459. Cease - बंद करना, समा करना Ans. Bipartisan - अ भािवत
Q.439. Indispensable - अप रहाय, अिनवाय
Ans. Superfluous - ज़ रत से ादा

Q.440. Hospitality - मेहमाननवाज़ी,

अितिथ - स ार
Ans. Coldness - उपे ा करना
Ans. Begin - शु करना

Q.460. Consolidated - संगिठत, स

Ans. Weakened - कमजोर करना

Q.461.Gratified - बढ़ावा दे ना
Q.480. Loyal - िन ावान, वफ़ादार
Ans. Fickle - बेिठकाना, चंचल

Q.481. Ravaged - तबाह, िव ंस

Ans. Restored - पुनः थािपत
Ans. Displaced - िव थािपत करना
Q.441. Unprecedented - अभूतपूव,अि तीय Q.482. Vigilant - चौकस, जाग क
Ans. Familiar - प रिचत Q.462. Continued - जारी, िनरं तर Ans. Negligent - लापरवाह
Ans. Stopped - ठहराना
Q.442. Diversity - िविवधता, ब पता Q.483. Advanced - िवकिसत, उ
Ans. Uniformity - एक पता Q.463. Immoral - अनैितक, दु राचारी Ans. Rudimentary - ार क, अ िवकिसत

Ans. Decent - शालीन

Q.443. Precise - एकदम सही, यथाथ Q.484. Anxiety - िचंता, ाकुलता
Ans. Rough - खुरदु रा, लगभग Q.464. Intrinsic - आं त रक Ans. Relief - सुख
Ans. Extrinsic - बाहरी
Q.444. left - बचा आ
Q.485. Contracts - िसकुड़ना
Ans. Finished - ख Q.465. Identify - पहचान करना, करना Ans. Expands - िव ार करना
Ans. Overlook - असावधानी करना, ान म न
Q.445. Polite - िवन , स ला पाना Q.486. Part - भाग, िह ा

Ans. Rude - अिश .अस

Ans. Whole - संपूण
Q.466. Persuade - राज़ी करना, मनाना
Q.446. Ambition - मह ाकां ा, अिभलाषा Ans. Discourage - िनराश करना
Q.487. Care - दे खभाल , सावधानी
Ans. Laziness - आलसीपन,
Ans. Disregard - बेपरवाही
Q.467. leisure - अवकाश , फुरसत
Q.447. Attracts - आकिषत, लुभाना Ans. Working - ि याशील Q.488. Abundant - चुर , ादा
Ans. Deters - रोकना Ans. Minimal - ूनतम
Q.468. Cogent - ठोस, िन या क
Q.448. Humble - िवन , िवनीत Ans. Unconvincing - िहचिकचानेवाला Q.489. Irresolute - अ थर , अिन य
Ans. Arrogant - अिभमानी Ans. Decisive -
Q.469. Undesirable - अवां छनीय, अनुपयु
Q.449. laborious - प र मी, मेहनती Ans. Advisable - उपयु Q.490. Everlasting - िटकाऊ , अन
Ans. Facile - आसानी से होने वाला Ans. Transient - िणक, अ थायी
Q.470. Consent - अनुमित दे ना, सहमित
Q.450. Dispatch - ेषण, भेजना Ans. Interdiction - ितबंध Q.491. Acquisition - लाभ , ा
Ans. Acquire - ा करना Ans. Loss - खोना , नुकसान
Q.471. Nonchalant - बेपरवाह,लापरवाह
Q.451. Exemplary - उदाहरणा क, Ans. Considerate - ान रखनेवाला Q.492. Cacophony - शोर , कोलाहल Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 225

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 39 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Ans. Symphony - एक कार की संगीत रचना Ans. Good will - दया - भाव Ans. Disruptions - अवरोध

Q.493. Jeopardy - ख़तरा , संदेह Q.512. Rabble - िन वग Q.532. Denounced - आरोप लगाना
Ans. Safety - सुर ा Ans. Elite - उ वग Ans. Defended - बचाव करना

Q.494. Strange - अनोखा , असामा Q.513. Perceive - समझ लेना Q.533. Abide - ीकार करना
Ans. Mundane - नीरस Ans. Neglect - ान न दे ना Ans. Reject - अ ीकार करना

Q.495. Encourage - ो ािहत करना Q.514. Intrinsic - आं त रक Q.534. Primeval - अित ाचीन
, उ ेिजत करना Ans. Extraneous - बाहरी Ans. Recent - हाल ही का
Ans. Dishearten - हतो ाह करना
Q.515. Privilege - िवशेष लाभ Q.535. Infinite - अन
Q.496. Appropriate - उिचत , उपयु
Ans. Disadvantage - हािन Ans. Evanescent - िणक
Ans. Improper - अनुपयु

Q.516. Vain - अहं कारी Q.536. Gracious - सु र

Q.497. Feud - झगड़ा , सामंत
Ans. Modest - िवन Ans. Rude - भ ा
Ans. Harmony - सम य

Q.517. Acumen - चतुरता Q.537. Defile - दू िषत करना

Q.498. Abominable - अि य , नापस Ans. Clean - शु करना

Ans. Stupidity - अ ानता
Ans. Admirable - शंसनीय

Q.518. Prudent - बु मान Q.538. Solitude - एकां त

Q.499. Entrenched - आरोिपत करना, थाई Ans. Company - संगत
Ans. Imprudent - मूख
Ans. Transient - िणक, अ थायी Q.539. Blitz - आ मण करना
Q.519. Wisdom - बु म ा

Q.500. Purportedly - किथत , अिभ ाय

Ans. Impossibly - असंभव प से

Q.501. Intense - अ िधक, ती

Ans. Moderate - म म, कम
Ans. Imbecility - मूखता

Q.520. Confused - अ
Ans. Lucid -

Q.521. Propitious - शुभ

Ans. Inactivity - िन यता

Q.540. fanatical - प पाती

Ans. Liberal - उदार

Q.541. Anxieties - िचंता

Ans. Inauspicious - अशुभ Ans. Placidity - शां ित
Q.502. Cacophony - शोर , कोलाहल
Ans. Harmony - सामंज Q.542. Fame - िस करना
Q.522. Enigmatic - रह मय
Ans. Comprehensible - समझने यो Ans. Disgrace - कलंिकत करना
Q.503. Repulsive - अि य , ितकारक
Ans. Pleasant - लुभावना, सुखद Q.543. Native - मूल िनवासी
Q.523. distrustful - अिव ासी

Ans. Ingenuous - िन पट Ans. Exotic - िवदे शी

Q.504. Old - पुराना , ाचीन
Ans. New - नया
Q.524. Boundaries - सीमाएँ SSC CPO 2022 Tier - 1
Ans. Cores - म (09/11/2022 - 11/11/2022)
Q.505. Incoherent - असंब , असंगत
Ans. Rational - बु संप , तकयु
Q.525. Haughty - घमंडी Q.544. Emulate - अनुकरण, बराबरी करना
Q.506. Dwindle - सूखना , कम होना Ans. Humble - िवन Ans. Neglect - बेपरवाही करना
Ans. Complement - जोड़ना

Q.526. Diligent - मेहनती Q.545. Resume - िफर शु करना

Q.507. Inherent - अंतिनिहत , ज जात Ans. Inactive - आलसी Ans. Cease - रोकना
Ans. Extraneous - असंगत, बाहरी
Q.527. Admire - शंसा करना Q.546. Dull - सु , मंद
Ans. Ridicule - ताना मारना Ans. Bright - चमकीला
(17/11/2022 - 18/11/ 2022) Q.528. Permission - अनुमित दे ना Q.547. Spurious - कृि म , बनावटी
Ans. Hindrance - रोक टोक Ans. Genuine - वा िवक
Q.508. Renegade - आवारा
Ans. Follower - अनुयायी Q.529. languid - सु Q.548. Asperity - बोली म कठोरता
Ans. Energetic - चु Ans. Civility - िश ता, न ता
Q.509. Dazzling - चमकीला
Ans. lackluster - िबना चमक का Q.530. Emigration - बसने के िलए अपने दे श Q.549. Spry - फुत ला , चंचल
से दू सरे दे श म जाना Ans. Lethargic - आलसी, िन य
Q.510. Adipose - वसा Ans. Immigration - दू सरे थान से बसने के
Ans. Stringy - रे शेदार िलए आना Q.550. Deplete - समा करना, ीण बनाना
Ans. Restore - पुनः िनमाण करना
Q.511. Malice - दु भावना Q.531. Precedence - धानता Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 226
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 39 - 40 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Q.551. Concise - संि , लघु Q.571. Pensive - िचंता , परे शान Ans. Professional - अनुभवी
Ans. Lengthy - िव ृत Ans. Unreflective - असावधान Q.591. Barbaric - अस , अिश
Ans. Civilised - स
Q.552. Annoy - िचढ़ाना , दु :ख प ँ चाना Q.572. Dilemma - संदेह , दु िवधा
Ans. Satisfy - संतु करना, स करना Ans. Solution - समाधान Q.592. Detachment - सेना की टु कड़ी,
Q.553. Assiduous - प र मी , कमशील Q.573. Sane - समझदार Ans. Subjectivity - आ ीयता
Ans. Idle - आलसी, िन य Ans. Crazy - सनकी
Q.593. Integrate - एकीकृत , अखंड
Q.554. Stupendous - भावशाली Q.574. Vacant - र , थ Ans. Separate - अलग-अलग
Ans. Terrible - भ ा Ans. Occupied -
Q.594. Better - बेहतर, सुधार करना
Q.555. Immense - िवशाल Q.575. Assaulted - आ मण करना , Ans. Inferior - घिटया,
Ans. Tiny - छोटा वार करना
Ans. Guarded - र ा करना SSC CGL 2021 Tier - 2
Q.556. Obstruct - रोकना , बाधा डालना
(08th Aug 2022)
Ans. Assist - मदद करना Q.576. Vociferous - िच ानेवाला, चीख़नेवाला
Ans. Silent - ख़ामोश Q.595. Congenial - अनुकूल, सौहादपूण

Q.557. Consummate - समा , प रपूण
Ans. Mean - िनदय, मतलबी
Ans. Inept - अनुपयु Q.577. Reprieve - द िवराम ,अवकाश दे ना
Ans. Continuation - जारी रहना
Q.596. Impeccable - ुिटहीन, िनद ष
Q.558. Colloquial - बोलचाल की भाषा, Ans. Blemished - कलंिकत
अनौपचा रक भाषा Q.578. Sordid - िघनौना, लालची
Ans. Formal - औपचा रक Ans. Honourable - माननीय

Q.559. Straighten - सीधा करना , समझना

Ans. Crouching - ब त नीचे झुकना

Q.560. Awkward - अजीब, िच ाजनक

Ans. Adroit - िनपुण
Q.579. Capitalise - पूंजी बनाना, पूंजीकृत
Ans. Forfeit - जुमाना दे ना

Q.580. Utilitarian - उपयोगी, लाभदायक

Ans. Unnecessary - अनाव क
Q.597. Indolent - आलसी, िन
Ans. Energetic - सि य, चु

SSC Selection Post (X)

(01/08/2022 - 05/08/2022)

Q.598. Delusion - म, ग़लतफ़हमी
Q.561. Wily - चतुर , धोखेबाज़ Q.581. Underestimate - कम समझना, Ans. Reality - स ाई
Ans. Honest - ईमानदार कम आं कना
Ans. Exaggerated - अितशयो पूण Q.599. Frame - व थत, िविधपूवक
Q.562. Opulent - धनी , ब मू And. Disorganised - अ व थत
Ans. Destitute - अभाव Q.582. Tempting - मोहक ,आकषक

Ans. Repelling - िघनौना Q.600. Kindness - दयालुता, अनुकंपा

Q.563. Compress - संकुिचत ,संि Ans. Animosity - श ुता
Ans. Enlarge - बढ़ाना Q.583. Uncanny - अलौिकक ,रह मय
Ans. Ordinary - साधारण Q.601. Zeal - उ ाह , जोश
Q.564. Novel - नया Ans. Apathy - उदासीनता
Ans. Traditional - परं परागत Q.584. Disgruntled - असंतु ,नाराज
Ans. Pleased - स Q.602. Rescind - रोक दे ना , र करना
Q.565. Excelled - उ ृ दशन , िविश होना Ans. Reinstate - पुनः थापना करना

Ans. Failed - हारना Q.585. Subterfuge - छल ,बहाना

Ans. Honesty - ईमानदारी Q.603. Frail - दु बल, अनैितक
Q.566. Fascinating - मनोहर , रोचक Ans. Stout - मज़बूत
Ans. Repulsive - घृणा द Q.586. Vituperate - गाली दे ना , ितर ार
करना Q.604. Winsome - आनंदमय, सुखद
Q.567. Vigorous - ज़ोरदार , वसाियक Ans. Praise - शंसा करना Ans. Repelling - िघनौना
Ans. Frail - दु बल
Q.587. Penitent - अपराधी , प ातापी Q.605. Penurious - कंजूस ,गरीब
Q.568. Intense - अ , अिधकां श Ans. Unrepentant - बेरहम Ans. Munificent - उदार
Ans. Faint - कमज़ोर, मंद
Q.588. Vigorous - वसाियक, बलवान SSC MTS 2021 Tier - 1
Q.569. Separable - पृथ रणीय, िवभा Ans. Delicate - नाज़ुक (05/07/2022 - 26/07/2022)
Ans. Indivisible - भाग करने के अयो
Q.589. Approximately - लगभग,
Q.606. Improvident - अप यी, पैसों के खच
िनकटतम प से
Q.570. Indelible - अिवनाशी , अिमट करने म लापरवाह
Ans. Exactly - वा व म
Ans. Temporary - अ थायी Ans. Thrifty - िकफ़ायती

Q.590. Amateur - शौक़ीन , शौिकया Q.607. Perilous - खतरनाक, जो खम Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 227
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 40 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Ans. Safe - सुरि त Q.628. Credibility - िव सनीयता, आ ासन Q.649. Flared - चमक, भड़कीला
Ans. Improbability - असंभावना Ans. Darkened - अंधेरा करना
Q.608. Enlightened - बु , जाग क
Ans. Confounded - है रान Q.629. Frail - दु बल Q.650. Impolite - अस , अभ
Ans. Robust - मज़बूत Ans. Courteous - िवन
Q.609. Salient - मु , आगे िनकला आ
िह ा Q.630. Stormy - तूफ़ानी, च Q.651. Vanish - गायब होना, न होना
Ans. Insignificant - मह हीन Ans. Serene - िनमल, शां त Ans. Emerge - उभरना

Q.610. Pestering - परे शान करना, सताना Q.631. Moil - कड़ी मेहनत करना Q.652. Outstanding - असाधारण, िविश
Ans. Pacifying - शां त करना Ans. Discourage - िह त हारना Ans. Ordinary - साधारण

Q.611. Flabby - कोमल, मुलायम Q.632. Obedient - आ ाकारी, वफादार Q.653. Ambitious - मह ाकां ी, अिभलाषी
Ans. Firm - कठोर, ढ़ Ans. Resistant - ितरोधी Ans. Lazy - सु

Q.612. Upgrade - उ त करना, चढ़ना Q.654. Fleeting - िणक, अ थायी

Q.633. Mundane - सां सा रक, नीरस
Ans. Demote - पद घटाना Ans. Lasting - थायी
Ans. Exceptional - असाधारण

Q.613. Zenith - शीषिबंदु, चरम सीमा Q.655. Encourage - ो ािहत करना,

Q.634. Agitate - आं दोलन, उ ेिजत करना
Ans. Nadir - पतन बढ़ावा दे ना
Ans. Soothe - शा करना
Ans. Frustrate - हराना, िनराश करना
Q.614. Refute - खंडन, झूठा ठहराना
Q.635. Insatiable - लालची , कंजूस Q.656. Irrational - तकहीन, अ ानी
Ans. Endorse - समथन करना
Ans. Fulfilled - संतु Ans. Reasonable - मुनािसब
Q.615. Sagacious - मेधावी, बु
Ans. Dull - मंदबु , फीका

Q.616. Courageous - साहिसक, िनडर

Ans. Diffident - संकोची

Q.636. Alleviate - कम करना, शा
Ans. Aggravate - उ ेिजत करना

Q.637. Overrun - कुचलना, अित मण करना

Ans. Surrender - आ समपण
करना Q.657. Divergence - िवचलन, झुकाव
Ans. Confluence - संगम

Q.658. Glad - खुश, स

Ans. Gloomy - दु खी
Q.617. Decay - य , न होना
Q.638. Impure - अशु , िमलावटी Q.659. Strenuous - ज़ोरदार, अित उ ाही
Ans. Growth - वृ
Ans. Sterile - जीवाणुहीन Ans. Effortless - सहज, आसान
Q.639. Sturdy - बल, भावी
Q.618. Endure - सहन करना, भोगना
Ans. Delicate - कमज़ोर Q.660. Relapse - पतन, ावतन
Ans. Resist - िवरोध करना
Ans. Improve - सुधारना, बढ़ाना
Q.640. Miniature - लघु , अित सू

Q.619. Hilarious - आनंददायक , स

Ans. Mammoth - िवशाल Q.661. Robust - मज़बूत, ठोस
Ans. Humourless - िबना प रहास के
Ans. Weak - कमजोर
Q.641. Vicious - , दोषी
Q.620. Steady - िनयिमत, संतुिलत
Ans. Gentle - सौ , स न Q.662. Sprightly - उ ाहयु , आनंदपूण
Ans. Shaky - अ थर
Ans. Lethargic - आलसी
Q.642. Unfeigned - स ा, सरल
Q.621. Luminous - काशमान, चमकीला
Ans. Pretended - का िनक Q.663. Rigorous - किठन, स
Ans. Dim - धुंधला
Ans. Lenient - आलसी

Q.643. Insecure - असुरि त, अ थर

Q.622. Wicked - दु , नटखट
Ans. Confident - िव ासपा Q.664. Ebullient - जोशीला , उ ेिजत
Ans. Moral - नैितकता
Ans. Dejected - मुरझाया
Q.644. Resolute - साहसी , थर
Q.623. Abate - रोकथाम करना, कम होना
Ans. Wavering - अ थरता Q.665. Baffled - िमत, उलझा आ
Ans. Aggravate - बढ़ाना, उ ेिजत करना
Ans. composed - शा
Q.645. Brashness - धृ टता, िढठाई
Q.624. Brutality - िनदयता, ू र
Ans. Timidity - घबराहट Q.666. Inception - शु आत, ारं भ
Ans. Gentleness - कोमलता
Ans. Termination - समा
Q.646. Hideous - भयंकर, घृिणत
Q.625. Cowardly - कायर , बदमाश
Ans. Attractive - आकषक Q.667. Benign - उदार , सौ य
Ans. Valiant - बहादु र
Ans. Violent - िहं सक
Q.647. Laudable - शंसनीय , ीकाय
Q.626. Lucid - चमकदार
Ans. Disrespected - ितर ार Q.668. Exclusion - बिह रण, िनषेध
Ans. Ambiguous - अ
Ans. Admittance - वेश
Q.648. Irrelevant - असंगत, िन ल
Q.627. Impartial - िन , ायी
Ans. Meaningful - साथक Q.669. Blissful - आनंदमय, स
Ans. Biased - प पातपूण Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 228

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 40 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Ans. Miserable - अधम, दु खी SSC CHSL 2021 Tier - 1 Q.710. Ebb - कम होना
Ans. Flow - अिधकता
(24/05/2022 - 10/06/2022)
Q.670. Fatuous - बु हीन, मूख
Ans. Sensible - समझदार Q.711. Sceptic - संदेहवादी
Q.690. Jaded - थका आ
Ans. Believer - िव ास करने वाला
Ans. Refreshed - ू ितदायक
Q.671. Detrimental - हािनकारक
Ans. Benign - सौ या सुहाना Q.691. Malice - दु भावना Q.712. flummoxed - घबराया आ
Ans. Sympathy - दया-भाव Ans. Comfortable - आन त
Q.672. Cryptic - गु , िछपा आ
Ans. Definite - िनि त, Q.692. Praise - सराहना Q.713. extant - चिलत
Ans. Condemn - िन ा Ans. Extinct - अ चिलत
Q.673. Flexible - लचीला , न
Ans. Defiant - िव ोही, िनडर Q.693. Detrimental - हािनकारक Q.714. candid - साफ िदल का
Ans. Harmless - हािन रिहत Ans. deceitful - धोखेबाज
Q.674. Rational - तकसंगत, िववेकशील
Ans. Illogical - असंगत, तकहीन Q.694. Dwarf - बौना Q.715. Vulgar - अस
Ans. Giant - िवशाल Ans. Refined - स
Q.675. Relentless - दयाहीन, कठोर
Q.695. Succumbed - परा होना

Ans. Yielding - समपण, लचीला Q.716. Clamour - शोर मचाना
Ans. Overcame - परािजत करना Ans. Quiet - शा करना
Q.676. Malleable - लचीला
Ans. Stiff - कठोर Q.696. liberal - उदार पंथी Q.717. Ascertain - सुिनि त करना
Ans. Conservative - िढ़वादी Ans. Disprove - ख न करना
Q.677. Heinous - घृिणत, ितर ार यो
Ans. Delightful - मनोहर

Q.678. Preserve - र ा करना, संरि त करना

Ans. Neglect - लापरवाही

Q.679. Invigorate - मज़बूत करना, ढ़ करना

Q.697. Jeopardy - संकट
Ans. Safety - बचाव

Q.698. Primitive - पुराना

Ans. Sophisticated - गितशील
Q.718. Suffice - संतु करना
Ans. Dissatisfy - अस ु करना

Q.719. Pretence - िदखावा

Ans. Reality - वा िवकता
Ans. Tire - थकाना, ऊब जाना Q.699. Bestow - दान करना Q.720. Precocious - समय से पहले
Ans. Deny - इ ार करना पकनेवाला
Q.680. Serene - िनमल, शां त Ans. Backward - िवकिसत होने या सीखने म
Ans. Agitated - उ ेिजत Q.700. Impetuous - अिववेकी पीछे
Ans. Sensible - िववेकी
Q.681. Laconic - संि Q.721. Impudent - अ ड़

Ans. Verbose - श ों का अिधक इ ेमाल Q.701. Spurious - नक़ली Ans. Polite - िवन
Ans. Genuine - असली
Q.682. Pragmatic - ावहा रक, संभव Q.722. Judicious - बु मान
Ans. Impractical - असंभव Q.702. Former - दो म से पहला Ans. Foolish - बु हीन
Ans. Latter - बाद वाला
Q.683. Demote - अवनित , पद घटाना Q.723. Comely - उपयु
Ans. Elevate - पदो ित करना Q.703. Savage - गंवार Ans. Grotesque - असंगत
Ans. Civilised - स

Q.684. Rejuvenate -, पुनज िवत Q.724. Reinforce - मजबूत बनाना

Ans. Suppress - रोकना, दबाना Q.704. Variance - िभ ता Ans. Weaken - कमज़ोर करना
Ans. Harmony - समानता
Q.685. Console - सां ना दे ना, आ ासन दे ना Q.725. Dispensable - अनाव क
Ans. Agitate - उकसाना Q.705. penchant - िच Ans. Essential - अ ाव क
Ans. hatred - अ िच
Q.686. Admirable - शंसनीय, सराहनीय Q.726. Exonerate - िनद षी ठहराना
Ans. Blameworthy - अपराधी Q.706. intimate - अित िम ता Ans. Convict - अपराधी ठहराना
Ans. unfriendly - अिम तापूण
Q.687. Seclude - एकां त, पृथक रहना Q.727. Treacherous - िव ासघाती
Ans. Socialize - सामािजक बनाना Q.707. Pseudo - कृि म Ans. Faithful - िव सनीय
Ans. Genuine - अकृि म
Q.688. Escalate - ती करना, उ ेिजत करना Q.728. Imitation - कृि म, नकली
Ans. Plunge - डु बकी Q.708. persists - क़ायम रहना Ans. Genuine - असली
Ans. Discontinues - समा हो जाना
Q.689. Variety - िविवधता , िविभ ता Q.729. Squalid - गंदा
Ans. Similarity - समानता, उपमान Q.709. Assiduous - उ मी, मेहनती Ans. Clean - साफ़
Ans. Idle - आलसी Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 229

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 40 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Q.730. Solicitous - िचंताशील Q.751. Uniform - अप रवतनशील Ans. Leave - चले जाना
Ans. Heedless - बेपरवाह Ans. Variable - प रवतनशील
Q.771. CLENCH - जकड़ना
Q.731. Maverick - त िवचार वाला Q.752. Frivolous - चंचल Ans. Relax - ढीला करना
Ans. conformist - िढ़वादी Ans. Serious - गंभीर
Q.772. Rectify - सुधारना
Ans. Corrupt - िबगाड़ना
Q.732. Famous - िस Q.753. Warrant - समथन करना
Ans. Obscure - अ ात Ans. Breach - दरार पैदा करना
Q.773. Negligent - लापरवाह
Ans. Careful - सावधान
Q.733. Wax - अिधक होना Q.754. Fanatic - क रपंथी
Ans. Wane - कम होना Ans. Tolerant - उदार Q.774. Ransack - लूट लेना
Ans. Protect - र ा करना
Q.734. Desiderate - पसंद करना Q.755. Susceptible - भाव पड़ने यो
Ans. Disregard - उपे ा करना Ans. Immune - भावशू Q.775. Centre - क
Ans. Periphery - प रिध
Q.735. Exertion - प र म करना Q.756. Perfunctory - अचेत
Ans. Inaction - आल Ans. Careful - सचेत Q.776. Exonerate - मु करना
Ans. Engage - िनयु करना

Q.736. sublime - भावशाली Q.757. Defile - दू िषत करना
Ans. Inferior - घिटया Ans. Purify - शु करना Q.777. Obscure - अ
Ans. Apparent -
Q.737. Attract - आकिषत करना Q.758. Squalid - मैला
Ans. Repel - अ िच पैदा करना Ans. Clean - Q.778. OCCUPIED - अिधकृत

Q.738. Nibble - कुतरना

Ans. Gobble - घुरघुराना

Q.739. Marvellous - शानदार

Ans. Terrible - भ ा
Q.759. Tedious - उबाऊ
Ans. Exciting - रोमां चक

Q.760. Siege - अवरोध

Ans. Clearance - िनकासी
Ans. Free - तं

Q.779. sober - जो नशे म न हो

Ans. drunk - नशे म चूर

Q.780. Authentic - िव सनीय

Ans. Incredible - अिव सनीय
Q.740. Ardent - उ ाही Q.761. Contemptuous - ितर ारपूण
Ans. Apathetic - उदासीन Ans. Humble - िवनयपूण Q.781. Relay - आगे भेजना
Ans. Hold - रोकना
Q.741. Vain - तु Q.762. sturdy - बल
Ans. Modest - नरम Ans. feeble - दु बल Q.782. Altercation - कलह

Ans. Agreement - सुलह

Q.742. Exaggerate - बढ़ा चढ़ाकर कहना SSC CGL 2021 Tier - 1
Ans. Understate - कम करके बताना Q.783. Spacious - िव ृत
(11/04/2022 - 21/04/2022)
Ans. Cramped - तंग
Q.743. Meagre - थोड़ा
Q.763. Raze - न करना
Ans. Plentiful - ादा Q.784. Constrict - जकड़ना
Ans. Build - िनमाण करना
Ans. Stretch - फैलाना
Q.744. Doubtful - अिनि त
Q.764. Tenacious - कठोर
Ans. Decisive - िनणायक Q.785. Taut - दु

Ans. Yielding - नम
Ans. Slack - सु
Q.745. Ignominy - अपमान
Q.765. ROUGH - खुरदरा
Ans. Glory - शंसा Q.786. Feeble - कमज़ोर
Ans. Smooth - समतल
Ans. Strong - मज़बूत
Q.746. Negligent - असावधान
Q.766. Camaraderie - सौहाद
Ans. Attentive - सचेत Q.787. Famished - भूखा
Ans. Dislike - े ष
Ans. Satiated - तृ
Q.747. Cheerful - आनंिदत
Q.767. Rely - िव ास करना Q.788. Brittle - नाजुक
Ans. Gloomy - दु खी
Ans. Distrust - संदेह करना Ans. Durable - िटकाऊ

Q.748. Concealed - गु
Q.768. Appal - भयभीत करना Q.789. Pliable - कोमल
Ans. Disclosed - खुलासा करना
Ans. Assure - आ व करना Ans. Rigid - कठोर

Q.749. Comic - हा कारक

Q.769. Prey - िशकार Q.790. Admirable - शंसनीय
Ans. Tragic - दु ः खदायक
Ans. Predator - परभ ी Ans. unworthy - घृिणत

Q.750. Approached - बढ़ना

Q.770. Linger - ठहरना Q.791. Primary - मुख मह का
Ans. Receded - घटना Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 230
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 40 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Ans. Secondary - कम मह का Q.812. Revel - उ व मनाना Q.831. Equanimity - धैय, संतुलन
Ans. Mourn - दु खी होना Ans. Agitation - घबराहट, बेचैनी
Q.792. Obdurate - िज ी
Ans. Amenable - िवन Q.813. Downcast - उदास, िनराश Q.832. Resilience - लचीलापन
Ans. Cheerful - स Ans. Rigidity - कठोरता
Q.793. Multiple - िविवध
Ans. single - एक ही Q.814. Comfort -सुख,आराम Q.833. Diminish - घटाना, कम करना
Ans. Discontentment - असंतोष Ans. Extend - बढ़ाना
Q.794. Frenzy - बावलापन
Ans. Calm - शा Q.815. Hassled - परे शान, सताना HIGHER SECONDARY - LEVEL
Ans. Relaxed - नरम
Q.795. Graceful - आकषक Q.834. Hospitable - मेहमाननवाज
Ans. Awkward - भ ा Q.816. Fallacy - ां ित, म Ans. Unfriendly - अिम , खा ार
Ans. Truth - स ाई
Q.796. Proclaim - कािशत करना Q.835. Renew - नवीकरण करना
Ans. Conceal - गु रखना Q.817. Blemish - दोष, ुिट Ans. Exhaust - थका दे ना
Ans. Perfection - दोषरिहत
Q.797. Refined - संशोिधत Q.836. Impudent - िनल , बे दा,बेशम
Ans. Crude - असंशोिधत, क ा Q.818. Triumph - सफलता, िवजय Ans. Respectful- आदरणीय

Ans. Failure - असफलता
Q.798. Astound - आ यचिकत करना Q.837. Inscrutable - गु , रह मय
Ans. Clarify - ीकरण दे ना Q.819. Lavish - खच ला Ans. Comprehensible - समझने यो
Ans. Moderate - सामा
Q.799. Industrious - मेहनती Q.838. Establish - थािपत करना, लगाना
Ans. Indolent - आलसी

Q.800. Seize - ज करना, रोक लगाना

Ans. Loosen - ढील दे ना

Q.801. Putrefy - गलना, सड़ना

Q.820. Sabotage - िबगाड़ना ,तोड़-फोड़
Ans. Create - उ करना

Q.821. Fecund - उवर, उपजाऊ

Ans. Barren - बंजर भूिम
Ans. Displace - िव थािपत

Q.839. Enthusiasm - उ ाह, उमंग

Ans. Lethargy - सु ी

Q.840. Fervor - उ ाह, जोश

Ans. Combine - जोड़ना Q.822. Expunge - तोड़ना, हटाना Ans. Apathy - उदासीनता
Ans. Add - जोड़ना
Q.802. Pompous - अ िधक गव करना
Ans. Humble - िवन Q.823. Impoverished - कंगाल
Ans. Rich - धनवान Q.841. Collaboration - सहयोग से
Q.803. Widespread - ापक , बड़े पैमाने पर
Ans. Division - भाग, बाँ टकर

Ans. Limited - सीिमत Q.824. Ramify - फैलाना, िवभाजन

Ans. Unite - िमलाना
Q.842. Dumb - मौन, िबना आवाज के
Q.804. Toxic - िवषैला, िवष
Ans. Vocal - र
Ans. Healthy - िनरोग Q.825. Infirm - अ थर, कमजोर
Ans. Strong - मजबूत
Q.843. Hostile - श ुतापूण, ितरोधी
Q.805. Invade - आ मण, हमला करना
Ans. Friendly - दो ाना
Ans. Surrender - आ समपण Q.826. Delight - आन ,
Ans. Sorrow - दु खी
Q.844. Confirm - थायी करना, पुि करना

Q.806. Elated - खुश

Ans. Contradicts - िवपरीत होना
Ans. Depressed - उदास Q.827. Barbaric - ू र, िनदय
Ans. Civilised - िशि त
Q.845. Delay - िवलंब, दे री करना
Q.807. Stalwart - साहसी, वीर
Q.828. Lessen - घटना, कम होना Ans. Advance - समय से पहले
Ans. Cowardly - कायर
Ans. Increase - वृ
Q.846. Enrich - समृ बनाना, बढ़ाना
Q.808. Slur - कलंक, बदनामी Q.829. Controlled - सीिमत, संकुिचत
Ans. Deplete - य करना, काम करना
Ans. Compliment - शंसा Ans. Excited - उ ेिजत
Q.847. Generous - दयालु
Q.809. Waver - अ थर होना SSC SELECTION POST Ans. Miserly - लालची
Ans. Steady - िनयिमत, थर होना
Q.848. Conceit - अहं कार
Q.810. Dividing - िवभािजत करना (Feb 2022)
Ans. Humility - न ता
Ans. Connecting - जोड़ना
Q.849. Talkative - बातूनी, मुखर
Q.811. Segregate - अलग करना, पृथक
Ans. Withdrawn - एकां ितक
करना Q.830. Illicit - अवैध,अनैितक
Ans. Integrate - इक ा करना Ans. Ethical - नैितक
Q.850. Fret - ोध, झ ाहट Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 231
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 40 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Ans. Please - खुश करना SSC CGL 2020 Tier - 2 Ans. Powerlessness - श हीन
(29/01/2022 - 03/02/2022 )
Q.851.Defamatory - अपमान करने वाला Q.889. Crisp - कुरकुरा, ख ा
Ans. Complimentary - शंशनीय Ans. Tender - नाज़ुक
Q.870. Thwart - रोक लगाना
Ans. Allow - अनुमित दे ना
Q.852. Perennial - सदाबहार, थायी Q.890. Loathe - घृणा करना, नापस करना
Ans. Temporary - अ थायी Ans. Admire - शंसा करना
Q.871. Indigenous - दे शी
Ans. Alien - िवदे शी
Q.853. Melodramatic - नाटकीय Q.891. Beseech - ाथना करना, िनवेदन करना
Ans. Normal - सामा Ans. Command - आ ा
Q.872. Remorse - प ाताप
Ans. Satisfaction - संतुि
Q.854. Impatient - अशां त, बेचैन Q.892. Ravish - मोिहत करना,
Ans. Tolerant - सहनशील अित उ ािहत करना
Q.873. Scatter - फैलाना Ans. Repel - पीछे हटाना
Q.855. Starve - छीनना Ans. Gather - इ ा करना
Ans. Stuff - भरना Q.893. Opponent - ित ं ी, िवरोधी
Q.874. SUPPRESS - दबाना / दमन करना Ans. Supporter - समथक
Q.856. Prosper - सफल होना, समृ Ans. Release - मु करना

Ans. Decline - पतन Q.894. Maintain - बनाये रखना, क़ायम रखना
Q.875. EMBARK - आरं भ करना Ans. Abandon - छोड़ दे ना
Q.857. Humble - न Ans. Finish - समा
Ans. Arrogant - अिभमानी Q.895. Remember - रण करना,
SSC GD 2021 याद रखना
Q.858. Filthy - गंदा, मैला, Ans. Forget - भूल जाना
Ans. Clean - साफ

Q.859. Recede - घटना, कम होना

Ans. Enlarge - बढ़ना

Q.860. Boycott - हटाना, बिह ार करना,

(16/11/2021 - 15/12/2021)

Q.876. Vital - मह पूण, ज री

Ans. Trivial - मामूली

Q.877. Precarious - अिनयिमत, अिनि त

Q.896. Defend - र ा करना, समथन
Ans. Abandon - छोड़ दे ना

Q.897. Petty - अ
Ans. Big - बड़ा
, कम मा ा
Ans. Safe - सुरि त
Ans. Welcome - ागत
Q.898. Progress - गित, उ ित
Q.878. Spellbound - मं मु
Q.861. Accept - ीकार करना, मानना Ans. Decline - पतन
Ans. Disenchanted - मोहभंग
Ans. Deny - अ ीकार करना
Q.879. Fictitious - का िनक, मनगढ़ं त Q.899. Peculiar - िवशेष,अजीब
Q.862. Eliminate - हटाना, िमटाना Ans. Normal - सामा
Ans. Factual - वा िवक
Ans. Add - जोड़ना
Q.880. Criticize - आलोचना, समी ा करना Q.900. Deposit - जमा करना
Q.863. Moist - गीला, आ Ans. Approve - मंज़ूरी दे ना Ans. Withdraw - िनकालना
Ans. Dry - सूखा
Q.881. Prudent - िववेकी, चतुर Q.901. Awkward - अनाड़ी, गुणहीन,भ ा
Ans. Wasteful - अनाव क Ans. Graceful - सुंदर
Q.864. Somber - िनराशाजनक
Ans. Cheerful - खुश
Q.882. Enthusiasm - उ ाह, जोश Q.902. Persuade - मनाना, फुसलाना

Q.865. Restore - पुन थािपत करना Ans. Lethargy - सु ी Ans. Halt - रोकना
Ans. Damage - नुकसान प ँ चाना
Q.883. Deny - मना करना, नकारना Q.903. Monotonous - नीरस, एक ही कार के
Ans. Accept - ीकार करना Ans. Varied - अनेक कार के
Q.866. Expedite - शी , िबना कावट के
Ans. Hinder - बाधा प ं चाना
Q.884. Alert - चेतावनी, सतक Q.904. Obscure - अ , गुमनाम
Ans. Careless - लापरवाह Ans. Clear -
Q.867. Repress - हतो ािहत करना
Ans. Encourage - ो ािहत करना
Q.885. Vulnerable - असुरि त, भे Q.905. Reverence - ा, आदर करना
Ans. Secure - सुरि त Ans. Contempt - अनादर करना
Q.868. Compact - संकुिचत,सुगिठत
Ans. Loose - ढीला
Q.886. Detest - घृणा करना, नफ़रत करना Q.906. Diverge - िभ िदशाओं म जाना
Ans. Adore - ारा Ans. Converge - एक िबंदु की ओर जाना
Q.869. Industrious - मेहनती, प र मी
Ans. Inactive - िन य
Q.887. Hesitate - िहचिकचाना, संदेह करना Q.907. Damage - नुक़सान करना
Ans. Advance - बढ़ावा दे ना,आगे बढ़ाना Ans. Mend - सुधार करना

Q.888. Reign - शासन , रा काल Q.908. Aggressive - आ ामक, ोधी Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 232
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 40 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Ans. Calm - शां त Q.929. Certainty - िनि तता, िनि त Q.949. Oppose -िवरोध करना,
Ans. Doubt - संदेह अ ीकार करना
Q.909. Frivolous - गंभीरता से िवचार न करने Ans. Favour - समथन करना
वाला Q.930. Appoint - िनयु करना
Ans. Wise - बु मान Ans. Dismiss - नकार दे ना Q.950. Vast - िवशाल, महाकाय
Ans. Small - छोटा
Q.910. Distinctive - िविश , असामा Q.931. Stable - थायी, िटकाऊ
Ans. common - सामा Ans. Shaky - अ थर Q.951. Bliss - आनंद, परमानंद
Ans. Sorrow - दु ख
Q.911. Guilty - दोषी, अपराधी Q.932. Impel - े रत करना, ेरणा दे ना
Ans. Innocent - मासूम Ans. Repress - दबाना, रोकना Q.952. Dummy - कृि म, िदखावटी
Ans. Original - मूल
Q.912. Resource - संसाधन, संपदा Q.933. Retard - धीमा करना, मंद
Ans. Lack - कमी Ans. Hurry - ज ी Q.953. Persist - ढ़ रहना, क़ायम रहना
Ans. Discontinue - बंद, क जाना
Q.913. Collect - जमा करना Q.934. Mettle - उ ाह, जोश
Ans. Disperse - फैलाना Ans. Cowardice - कायरता Q.954. Hindrance - बाधा, ितरोध
Ans. Advantage - फ़ायदा
Q.914. Monumental - मह पूण

Q.935. Violent - िहं सक, उ
Ans. Insignificant - तु Ans. Gentle - स न Q.955. Demolish - िगराना, धराशायी करना
Ans. Construct - िनमाण
Q.915. Tropical - उ Q.936. Malice - घृणा, नफ़रत
Ans. Cold - ठं डा Ans. Kindness - दयालुता Q.956. Lenient - उदार, दयालु
Ans. Strict - कठोर
Q.916. Discreet - िवचारशील, समझदार
Ans. Tactless - सीधा

Q.917. Dull - सु , िन य
Ans. Exciting - रोमां चक
Q.937. Bleak - बेरंग, फीका
Ans. Bright - चमकदार

Q.938. Clumsy - भ ा, कु प
Ans. Graceful - आकषक
Q.957. Emerge - िनकलना, बाहर आना
Ans. Disappear - गायब होना

Q.958. Specific - िविश , िवशेष

Ans. General - आम
Q.918. Reticent - अ भाषी, मूक Q.939. Arouse - जगाना
Ans. Talkative - बातूनी Ans. Cease - बंद करना Q.959. Allure - आकषण, लुभाना
Ans. Repulsion - घृणा
Q.919. Ample - पया , चुर Q.940. Dissuade - रोकना, िनवारण करना
Ans. Meagre - अ Ans. Persuade - राज़ी करना Q.960. Obedient - आ ाकारी
Ans. Disobedient - हठी

Q.920. Rash - ज बाज, उतावला Q.941. Overlook - अवहे लना करना,

Ans. Careful - सावधान उपे ा करना Q.961. Never - कभी नहीं, कदािप नहीं
Ans. Notice - सूचना Ans. Always - हमेशा
Q.921. Contextual - ासंिगक, स ंिधत
Ans. Unrelated - असंबंिधत Q.942. Abstract - अमूत, क ना Q.962. Retreat - पीछे हटना, वापस होना
Ans. Concrete - ठोस Ans. Advance - अि म
Q.922. Desperate - उदास, मायूस
Ans. Content - संतु Q.943 Paltry - ु , तु मा ा Q.963. Commence - ारं भ, आरं भ

Ans. Substantial - संतोषजनक मा ा Ans. Conclude - िन ष िनकालना

Q.923. Naive - अनुभविहन, भोला-भला
Ans. Experienced - अनुभव Q.944. Resist - ितरोध, िवरोध Q.964. Generous - दयालु, िववेकी
Ans. Allow - अनुमित दे ना Ans. Inconsiderate - अिववेकी
Q.924. Remorse - पछतावा, प ाताप
Ans. Indifference - उदासीनता Q.945. Emerge - उभरना, िनकलना Q.965. Innocent - मासूम , िनरपराध
Ans. Disappear - गायब होना Ans. Cunning - चालाक
Q.925. United - संयु , संगिठत
Ans. Separated - अलग करना Q.946. Emerge - िनकलना, बाहर जाना Q.966. Cautious - सतक, सावधान
Ans. Disappear - गायब होना Ans. Reckless - लापरवाह
Q.926. Beneficial - लाभकारी, लाभदायक
Ans. Harmful - हािनकारक Q.947. Regret - अफ़सोस करना, Q.967. Vaguely - अ
पछतावा करना Ans. Distinctly - साफ़ तौर पर
Q.927. Stout - मोटा, श शाली, Ans. Contentment - संतोष
Ans. Thin - पतला Q.968. Connect - संबंध रखना, जोड़ना
Q.948. Humble - भ यु , िवनीत, न Ans. Detach - अलग करना
Q.928. Assuage - शां त करना, थर करना Ans. Arrogant - अिभमानी
Ans. Provoke - उकसाना Q.969. Callous - अस , कठोर Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 233
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 40 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Ans. Caring - दे खभाल करने वाला Q.989. Moderate - संतुिलत, म म SSC MTS 2020 Tier -1
Ans. Extreme - चरम
(05/10/2021 - 02/11/2021)
Q.970. Erase - िमटाना, लु करना
Ans. Create - बनाना Q.990. Negligent - लापरवाह, बेपरवाह,
Q.1009. Narrow - संकीण, संकुिचत
Ans. Careful - सावधान
Ans. Wide - चौड़ा
Q.971. Peculiar - अप रिचत , िवशेष
Ans. Familiar - प रिचत Q.991. Jubilant - फु त, खुश
Q.1010. Sly - कपटी, छली
Ans. Depressed - ब त दु खी
Ans. Honest - ईमानदार
Q.972. Emerge - उभरना, कट होना
Ans. Vanish - गायब होना Q.992. Apprise - सूिचत करना, अवगत कराना Q.1011. Zealous - उ ाही, जोशीला
Ans. Hide - िछपाना
Ans. Indifferent - उदासीन
Q.973. Dull - धीमा, सु
Ans. Keen - उ ुक Q.993. Feeble - कमजोर, दु बल Q.1012. Sleek - िचकना, िफसलनदार
Ans. Strong - मज़बूत Ans. Dull - उदासीन
Q.974. Possess - काबू करना,
Ans. Release - मु करना Q.994. Prevail - जीतना, चिलत होना
Q.1013. Valiant - बहादु र, साहसी
Ans. Surrender - हार मान लेना
Ans. Cowardly - कायर
Q.975. Originate - उ , आर

Ans. Terminate - बखा Q.995. Absorb - अवशोिषत करना
Q.1014. Efficient - कुशल, द
Ans. Emit - फकना , िनकालना
Ans. Idle - िनरथक
Q.976. Benign - स न, सौ
Ans. Malignant - घातक Q.996. Discard - नामंज़ूर करना, छोड़ना Q.1015. Stable - थर, थायी
Ans. Accept - ीकार करना Ans. Shaky - अ थर
Q.977. Candid - स ा, वादी
Ans. Biased - प पाती

Q.978. Dull - धीमा, सु

Ans. Keen - उ ुक

Q.979. Deny - ागना, अ ीकार करना

Q.997. Superficial -ऊपरी, बाहरी
Ans. Genuine - असली

Q.998. Shallow - उथला,कम गहरा

Ans. Deep-गहरा
Q.1016. Ridiculous - हा ा द, भ ा
Ans. Reasonable - तकसंगत

Q.1017. Flimsy - िनबल, दु बल

Ans. Strong - मज़बूत
Ans. Agree - सहमत Q.999. Tumult - कोलाहल, हं गामा
Q.1018. Defence - र ा, बचाव
Ans. Calmness - शां ित Ans. Offence - आ मण
Q.980. Advance - उ त , बढत
Ans. Retreat - पीछे हटना Q.1000. Confine - ितबंिधत करना, Q.1019. Confirm - पुि करना, ढ़ बनाना
सीिमत रखना Ans. Reject - अ ीकार करना
Q.981. Dispute - िववाद, झगड़ा Ans. Liberate - आजाद करना

Ans. Agreement - समझौता Q.1020. Protect - र ा करना, बचाना

Q.1001. Courteous - िवन , िश
Ans. Harm - सताना
Q.982. Invert - पलटना, प रवतन करना Ans. Rude - अिश
Ans. Straighten - सीधा करना
Q.1021. Contented - संतु , तृ
Q.1002. Impede - बाधा डालना, रोकना
Ans. Dissatisfied - असंतु
Q.983. Just - ायसंगत ,िन Ans. Expedite - शी , आगे बढ़ाना
Ans. Corrupt - Q.1022. Friend - दो , िम
Q.1003. Acquit - मु करना, दोषमु करना

Ans. Foe - श ु
Q.984. Delicious - िचकर, सुखद Ans. Condemn - िनंदा करना
Ans. Distasteful - अि य
Q.1023. Clear - , साफ़
Q.1004. Audacity - साहस
Ans. Murky - उदास
Q.985. Gallant - वीर, बहादु र Ans. Timidity - कायरता
Ans. Cowardly - कायर Q.1024. Fake - नकली, कृि म
Q.1005. Foreign - बाहरी, िवदे शी Ans. Genuine - असली
Q.986. Hearty - िदल के करीब Ans. Native - दे शी
Ans. Aloof - दू र
Q.1025. Remote - सुदूर, दू रवत
Q.1006. Shrink - िसकुडन, िसमटन
Ans. Close - बंद करना
SSC STENOGRAPHER 2020 Ans. Expand - बढ़ाना
(11/11/2021 - 15/11/2021) Q.1026. Neglect - उपे ा, नज़रअंदाज़
Q.1007. Incorporate - शािमल, समािव Ans. Care - दे खभाल
Ans. Exclude - िनकालना
Q.987. Boring - उबाऊ
Ans. Exciting - रोमां चक Q.1027. Tardy - मंदा, सु
Q.1008. Increase - बढ़ोतरी, वृ Ans. Early - ज ी
Ans. Diminish - घटाना
Q.988. Hospitable - मेहमाननवाज, िश
Ans. Rude - अिश Q.1028. Subtle - जिटल, पेचीदा Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 234

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 40 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Ans. Harsh - कठोर Q.1049. Acquire - अिध हण, ा करना Q.1070. Juicy - रसीला, रसदार
Ans. Disperse - फैलाना Ans. Dry - सूखा
Q.1029. Cease - अंत, समा
Ans. Start - शु Q.1050. Excited - उ ेिजत, परे शान, Q.1071. Stiff - अकड़न, कठोर
Ans. Bored - ऊबा आ Ans. Tender - नाज़ुक
Q.1030. Deliberate - जानबूझकर
Ans. Spontaneous - ाभािवक Q.1051. Thrive - फलना - फूलना , कामयाब Q.1072. Absorb - अवशोिषत करना,
Ans. Shrink - िसकुड़ना आ सात करना
Q.1031. Permanent - थायी Ans. Eject - िनकालना
Ans. Temporary - अ थायी Q.1052. Succeed - सफल होना, ा करना
Ans. Lose - खोना Q.1073. Add - जोड़ना , योग करना
Q.1032. Hefty - मज़बूत, श शाली Ans. Remove - िनकालना
Ans. Slight - थोड़ा Q.1053. Agree - सहमत होना, राज़ी होना
Ans. Oppose - िवरोध Q.1074. Farsighted - दू रदश , समझदार
Q.1033. Fatigue - थकान, थकावट Ans. Unwise - मूख
Ans. Strength - ताकत Q.1054. Unfeeling - ू र, िनमम
Ans. Affectionate - ेही Q.1075. Abandon - प र ाग, ाग
Q.1034. Glittering - चमकीला , शानदार Ans. Support - सहायता

Ans. Dull - उदासीन Q.1055. Initiate - शु करना, ारं भ करना
Ans. Conclude - िन ष िनकालना Q.1076. Ignorant - अ ानी, िनब ध
Q.1035. Radiance - चमक, काश Ans. Learned - सीखा
Ans. Dullness - मंदता Q.1056. Stationary - थर, अचल
Ans. Moving - गितमान Q.1077. Partner - साथी, भागीदार
Q.1036. Precise - सटीक, प रशु Ans. Opponent - ित ं ी
Ans. Vague - अ

Q.1037. Stunning - शानदार

Ans. Unattractive - बदसूरत

Q.1038. Renowned - िस , िव ात
Q.1057. Profuse - अिधक, चुर
Ans. Scant - अ

Q.1058. Distant - दू र
Ans. Near - पास
Q.1078. Difference - अंतर, मतभेद
Ans. Similarity - समानता

SSC CGL 2020 Tier - 1

(13/08/2021 - 24/08/2021)
Ans. Obscure - अ Q.1059. Alike - समान, तु
Ans. Different - अलग Q.1079. Hope - आशा
Q.1039. Irritate - परे शान करना, िचढ़ना
Ans. Doubt - शक
Ans. Delight - आनंद Q.1060. Prompt - तुरंत, ता ािलक
Ans. Sluggish - सु Q.1080. Pompous - अहं कार
Q.1040. Former - भूतपूव, पहला

Ans. Humble - िवन

Ans. Latter - बाद वाला Q.1061. Slacken - कम करना, िशिथल करना
Ans. Intensify - तेज
Q.1081. Widespread - फैला आ
Q.1041. Crooked - कुिटल, खा Ans. Limited - सीिमत
Ans. Straight - सीधा Q.1062. Cherish - संजोना, पोषण करना
Ans. Disregard - उपे ा Q.1082. Toxic - िवषैला
Q.1042. Bright - उ ल, चमकदार Ans. Healthy - थ
Ans. Bleak - बेरंग Q.1063. Nab - दबोचना, पकड़ना
Ans. Free - मु Q.1083. Invade - आ मण करना

Q.1043. Native - दे शी, थानीय Ans. Surrender - आ समपण

Ans. Alien - िवदे शी Q.1064. Barrier - बाधा , कावट
Ans. Opening - ारं िभक Q.1084. Elated - फु त
Q.1044. Admire - शंसा करना, पसंद करना Ans. Depressed - उदास
Ans. Dislike - नापस Q.1065. Clear - , साफ़
Ans. Dim - धुंधला Q.1085. Magnificent - तेज ी
Q.1045. Hinder - रोकना, बाधा प ं चाना Q.1066. Entire - संपूण, समूचा Ans. Modest - िवन
Ans. Help - मदद Ans. Partial - आं िशक
Q.1086. Stalwart - साहसी
Q.1046. Shallow - उथला, िछछला Q.1067. Classic - ाचीन, उ ृ Ans. Cowardly - कायरतापूण
Ans. Deep - गहरा Ans. Atypical - अिनयिमत
Q.1087. Slur - बदनामी
Q.1047. Receive - ा करना , पाना Q.1068. Disaster - िवपि , आपदा Ans. Compliment - शंसा
Ans. Give - दे ना Ans. Success - सफलता
Q.1088. Waver - लड़खड़ाना
Q.1048. Prominent - मु , धान Q.1069. Highlight - कािशत करना Ans. Steady - संतुिलत
Ans. Inconspicuous - अ Ans. Downplay - कम बताना Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 235

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 40 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Q.1089. Dividing - अलग करना Ans.Excited - उ ेिजत Q.1126. Bland - बे ाद, नीरस
Ans. Connecting - जोडना Ans. Exciting - रोमां चक
SSC CPO 2019 Tier - 2
Q.1090. Segregate - िवभािजत करना Q.1127. Pernicious - हािनकर, घातक
( 26th July 2021)
Ans. Integrate - एकीकरण करना Ans. Beneficial - लाभदायक
Q.1110. Amateur - शौिकया , अ वसायी
Q.1091. Revel - मौज मनाना Q.1128. Spurious - झूठा, िम ा
Ans. Professional - द तापूवक
Ans. Mourn - शोक मनाना Ans. Genuine - असली
Q.1111. Languid - सु
Q.1092. Downcast - उदास Ans. Energetic - भावशाली Q.1129. Hazy - धुंध से भरा, अ
Ans. Cheerful - आन त Ans. Clear - साफ

Q.1093. Comfort - सुख Q.1130. Malicious - दु भावनापूण, दु

Ans. Discontentment - असंतोष
SSC CHSL 2020 Tier - 1 Ans. Decent - अ ा
(12/04/2021 - 19/04/2021) and
Q.1094. Hassled - परे शान करना (04/08/2021 - 12/08/2021) Q.1131. Resign - इ ीफा दे ना, पद ाग
Ans. Relaxed - तनाव मु Ans. Join - जोड़ना
Q.1112. Resolve - संक करना,
िन य करना

Q.1095. Fallacy - म Q.1132. Plunge - डु बकी, गोता
Ans. Truth - स ता Ans. Refuse - मना करना Ans. Rise - वृ

Q.1096. Blemish - दोष Q.1113. Precious - ब मू , मू वान Q.1133. Graceful - सुंदर, सुशोिभत
Ans. Perfection - पूणता Ans. Cheap - स ा Ans. Awkward - भ ा

Q.1097. Censure - िनंदा

Ans. Applause - सराहना

Q.1098. Triumph - सफलता

Ans. Failure - हार
Q.1114. Vitiate - िनर करना, भंग करना
Ans. Affirm - पुि करना

Q.1115. Bias - प पात, पूवा ह

Ans. Fairness - सुंदरता
Q.1134. Sustenance - जीिवका, सहारा
Ans. Starvation - भुखमरी

Q.1135. Wisdom - बु , बु
Ans. Stupidity - मूखता
Q.1099 Lavish - आलीशान Q.1116. Fritter - थ करना, गँवाना Q.1136. Indignant - ोिधत, गु ा
Ans. Moderate - साधारण Ans. Hoard - कोष Ans. Pleased - खुश

Q.1100. Sabotage - तोड़फोड़ Q.1117. Frigid - ठ ा, जमा आ Q.1137. Harrowing - शोकजनक, दु :खद
Ans. Create - िनमाण Ans. Warm - जोशपूण, गरम Ans. Pleasant - खुश

Q.1101. Fecund - उपजाऊ Q.1118. Stretch - खंचाव, िव ार Q.1138. Disheveled - िबखेरा आ,

Ans. Barren - अनुपजाऊ Ans. Compress - संि करना उलझा आ
Ans. Ordered - मवार
Q.1102. Expunge - िनकालना Q. 1119. Innocuous - हािन रिहत
Ans. Add - जोड़ना Ans. Harmful - हािनकारक Q.1139. Accustomed - अ , आिद
Ans. Unusual - असाधारण
Q.1103. Impoverished - गरीब Q.1120. Corroborate - समथन करना,
Ans. Rich - धनी पुि करना Q.1140. Naive - अनाड़ी, िन पट

Ans. Oppose - िवरोध करना Ans. Sophisticated - बु

Q.1104. Ramify - अलग करना
Ans. Unite - जोड़ना Q.1121. Intrepid - िनभय, िनडर Q.1141. Compel - मजबूर, िववश
Ans. Cowardly - कायर Ans. Dissuade - िनवारण करना
Q.1105. Infirm - दु बल
Ans. Strong - मज़बूत Q.1122. Blunt - मुँहफट, वादी Q.1142. Restrictive - ितबंधक, बािधत
Ans. Sharp - िवशेष Ans. Liberal - दानशील आदमी
Q.1106. Delight - सुख
Ans. Sorrow - दु ख Q.1123. Contaminate - दू िषत करना, Q.1143. Neglect - उपे ा, लापरवाही
मैला करना Ans. Care - दे खभाल करना
Q.1107. Barbaric - अस Ans. Cleanse - साफ करना
Ans. Civilized - स Q.1144. Lavish - अित यी, अप यी
Q.1124. Pungent - कटु , तीखा
Ans. Frugal - िमत यी
Q.1108. Lessen - कम करना Ans. Mild - कोमल
Ans. Increase - वृ करना Q.1145. Bewilder - भुलाना, भटकाना
Q.1125. Inordinate - असामा , असाधारण
Ans. Enlighten - समझना
Q.1109. Controlled - िनयंि त Ans. Reasonable - उिचत Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 236

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 40 - 41 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Q.1146. Equilibrium - संतुलन Ans. Open - खुला Q.1185. Graceful - सुंदर, सुशोिभत
Ans. Imbalance - असंतुलन Ans. Awkward - ख़राब
Q.1167. Buoyant - तैरता आ, स
Q.1147. Savage - अस , अिश Ans. Weighted - भारी Q.1186. Denounce - िन ा करना,
Ans. Cultured - कृि म दोषी ठहराना
SSC STENOGRAPHER 2019 Ans. Compliment - शुभकामनाएँ
Q.1148. Bravery - वीरता, बहादु रता
(22/12/2020 - 24/12/2020)
Ans. Cowardice - कायरता Q.1187. Affiliation - संबंध, संब ीकरण
Ans. Detachment - अलग करना
Q.1168. Horrendous - खराब, भयावह
Q.1149. Clandestine - अवैध, ग़ैरक़ानूनी Ans. Pleasant - मनोहर
Ans. Honest - ईमानदार Q.1188. Ominous - अमंगल, अशुभ
Ans. Auspicious - शुभ
Q.1169. Discreet - िवचारशील, बु मान
Q.1150. Drab - धूसर, भूरा
Ans. Heedless - असावधान
Ans. Bright - चमकीला Q.1189. Impede - बाधा डालना, रोकना
Ans. Facilitate - आसान
Q.1170. Flaunt - अकड़ना,शान िदखाना
Q.1151. Disjointed - असंयु , असंब
Ans. Cover - ढकना
Ans. Connected - शािमल Q.1190. Ruthless - ू र, िनमम
Q.1171. Dignified - अिभमानी, गौरवशाली Ans. Compassionate - दयालु

Q.1152. Complete - पूण, स ूण
Ans. Ordinary - साधारण
Ans. Partial - आं िशक Q.1191. Shun - ागना,िनकाल दे ना
Ans. Cherish - पालना
Q.1172. Speculate - अंदाज़ लगाना,
Q.1153. Nondescript - िविच , िवल ण स ा लगाना
Ans. Distinguished - िविश Ans. Dismiss - िनकाल दे ना Q.1192. Acknowledge - ीकार करना,
Q.1154. Expunge - तोड़ना, हटाना
Ans. Insert - िनवेशन

Q.1155. Uphold - बनाए रखने, संभालना

Ans. Oppose - िवरोध करना
Q.1173. Tiresome - थकाऊ, उबाऊ
Ans. Energising - ू ितदायक

Q.1174. Vulnerable - असुरि त, भे

Ans. Secure - सुरि त
Ans. Decline - ढलना

Q.1193. Genuine - ामािणक, यथाथ

Ans. Dubious - संिद

Q.1194. Ominous - अमंगल, अशुभ

Q.1156. Repulsion - ितकषण , घृणा Ans. Auspicious - शुभ
Q.1175. Establish - थािपत करना,
Ans. Attraction - आकषण थर करना
Ans. Destroy - न करना SSC CPO 2020 Tier - 1
Q.1157. Lucid - ,साफ़
(23/11/2020 - 25/11/2020)
Ans. Confusing - पेचीदा Q.1176. Voluntary - ै क, यंसेवी

Ans. Mandatory - अिनवाय Q.1195. Alive - जीिवत, सजीव

Q.1158. Inept - अयो , अनाड़ी Ans. Dead - मृतक
Ans. Competent - अिधकारी
Q.1177. Seize - रोक लगाना, ज करना
Ans. Release - मु Q.1196. Warm - गरम,तापना
Q.1159. Abundance - चुरता, िवपुलता
Ans. Cool - ठं डा
Ans. Scarcity - कमी
Q.1178. Obsolescence - अ चलन,पुराना
Ans. Modernity - आधुिनकता Q.1197. Feeble - कमज़ोर, श हीन
Q.1160. Exclusive - िवशेष, अलग Ans. Strong - मजबूत
Ans. Inclusive - को िमलाकर

Q.1179. Dives - उतारना, छीनना

Ans. Give - दे ना Q.1198. Flaw - दोष, ुिट
Q.1161. Gloomy - अंधेरा, अ
Ans. Perfection - सुधार
Ans. Bright - उ ल
Q.1180. Ennui - थकान, उदासी
Q.1199. Spiritual - आ ा क
Q.1162. Curt - खा, अिश Ans. Excitement - उ ेजना
Ans. Material - साम ी
Ans. Polite - िवन Q.1181. Penury - द र ता, कंजूसी
Ans. Wealth - संपि
Q.1200. Impudent - साहिसक, अ ड़
Q.1163. Precious - कीमती, ब मू
Ans. Modest - पिव
Ans. Cheap - स ा Q.1182. Uncouth - अनोखा, अिश , गंवार
Ans. Refined - शु
Q.1201. Prestige - ित ा, गौरव
Q.1164. Infallible - अचूक, अमोघ
Ans. Disregard - उपे ा
Ans. Faulty - खराब Q.1183. Retrieve - पुन ा करना, लौटा दे ना
Ans. Damage - नुक़सान
Q.1202. Dishearten - िनराश , हताश करना
Q.1165. Morbid - रोगी, बीमार
Ans. Encourage - जोश िदलाना
Ans. Cheerful - फु Q.1184. Aggravate - भड़काना,
उ ेिजत करना
Q.1203. Exasperation - ोध, उ ेजना
Q.1166. Surreptitious - गु , िछपा आ Ans. Alleviate - कम करना
Ans. Enjoyment - आनंद Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 237

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 41 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Q.1204. Muster - एक करना, इक ा करना Q.1223. Perseverance - अटलता, ग ीरता Ans. Living - जीिवत
Ans. Disperse - िबखेरना Ans. Instability - अ थरता
Q.1241. Pale - धुंधला, पीला
Q.1205. Menace - खतरा, संकट Q.1224. Manifest - कट करना,घोषणाप , Ans. Bright - चमकीला
Ans. Comfort - सा ना Ans. Disguise - िछपाना
Q.1242. Appoint - सौंपना, िनयु करना
Q.1206. Depredation - लूट-पाट, डकैती Q.1225. Endorse - समथन, अनुमोदान Ans. Dismiss - िनकाल दे ना
Ans. Construction - िनमाण Ans. Renounce - ाग दे ना
Q.1243. Accept - ीकार करना, मान लेना
Q.1207. Distract - िवचिलत, ाकुल Q.1226. Gradually - धीरे - धीरे , मशः Ans. Reject - ाग
Ans. Clarify - करना Ans. Abruptly - अचानक
SSC CHSL 2019 Tier -1
Q.1208. Suave - िश , मधुर Q.1227. Bloated - फूला आ, सूजा आ
(17/03/2020 - 19/03/2020) and
Ans. Rude - मूख Ans. Deflated - िपचका आ
(12/10/ 2020 - 26/10/2020)

Q.1209. Defile -अशु , अपिव Q.1228. Abominable - िघनौना, अि य

Q.1244. Demolish - , िगराना
Ans. Elevate - पदो ित करना Ans. Delightful - सुहावना, आनंद दे नेवाला
Ans. Construct - बनाना

Q.1210. Expel - िनकालना , िन ािसत Q.1229. Temporary - अ थायी, सामियक
Q.1245. Surveillance - िनगरानी, चौकसी
Ans. Absorb - सोख लेना Ans. Lasting - थायी
Ans. Neglect - लापरवाही

Q.1211. Deficiency - कमी, अभाव SSC SELECTION POST Q.1246. Enigma - पहे ली, रह
Ans. Excess - उ ंघन PHASE (VIII) Ans. Clarity - ता

Q.1212. Diverge - िछतरना, फैलाना

Ans. Collect - संि ाथना

Q.1213. Ignite - आग लगना, भड़कना

Ans. Extinguish - बुझाना
( 06/11/2020 - 10/11/2020)

Q.1230. Dismay - बेचैनी, असुिवधा

Ans. Gladden - स करना
Q.1247. Reserved - सुरि त, आरि त
Ans. Friendly

Q.1248. Disillusioned - मोहभंग, म-मु

Ans. Enthusiastic - उ ाही
Q.1231. Forlorn - अनाथ, असहाय
Q.1214. Irrelevant - अ ासंिगक, असंगत Ans. Elated - फु त Q.1249. Malignant - घातक, कपटी
Ans. Consequential - मह पूण Ans. Benign - मामूली
Q.1215. Exonerate - दोषमु करना, Q.1250. Diverse - िविवध, िविभ
िवमु करना Ans. Identical - एक जैसा
Q.1232. Enliven - उ ेिजत करना, साहस दे ना

Ans. Sentence - वा
Ans. Dishearten - िनराश करना
Q.1251. Disclose - खुलासा,जािहर करना
Q.1216. Usurp - हड़पना, दबा लेना Ans. Conceal - िछपाना
Q.1233. Worsen - िबगड़ना, कमी
Ans. Release - रहाई
Ans. Improve - सुधारना
Q.1252. Altruistic - परोपकारी
Q.1217. Admonish - डाँ टना, िध ारना Ans. Selfish - ाथ
Q.1234. Adjacent - आस , िनकटवत
Ans. Applaud - सराहना
Ans. Distant - दू र
Q.1253. Metropolitan - महानगर, महानगरीय
Q.1218. Ignoble - अपमानजनक, बदनाम

Q.1235. Foresight - दू रदिशता, पूव ि Ans. Provincial - ां त का िनवासी

Ans. Dignified - स ािनत
Ans. Indiscretion - अिववेकपूण काय
Q.1254. Neat - , साफ़
Q.1219. Ferocious - भयंकर, जंगली Ans. Messy - गंदा
Ans. Gentle - ऊंचा करना
Q.1255. Responsible - उ रदायी,िज ेदार
Q.1236. Sarcasm - ं , कटा
Q.1220. Industrious - मेहनती, प र मी Ans. Irresponsible - लापरवाह
Ans. Flattery - चापलूसी
Ans. Indolent - आलसी

Q.1237. Enrich - समृ बनाना, संप बनाना, Q.1256. Provoke - उकसाना, भड़काना
Q.1221. Humility - िवन ता, दीनता Ans. Appease - शा करना
Ans. Deplete - य करना
Ans. Vanity - िदखावा

Q.1238. Inert - िन य, बेकार Q.1257. Disapprove - अ ीकृत, िनंदा करना

SSC CGL 2019 Tier - 2 Ans. Active - ि याशील
Ans. Commend - शंसा करना
(15/11/2020 - 18/11/2020)
Q.1258. Harsh - कठोर,
Q.1239. Callous - कठोर, िनदयी
Q.1222. Devout - तप ी,धािमक Ans. Merciful - मेहरबान Ans. Lenient - मुलायम
Ans. Passive - अ ितरोधी
Q.1259. Arrogance - अिभमान, हे कड़ी
Q.1240. Extinct - िवलु , लु Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 238
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 41 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Ans. Humility - न ता Q.1281. Formidable - ताकतवर ,डरावना Ans. Inflexible - अटल
Ans. Trivial - साधारणदु जय
Q.1303. Nebulous - अ , अिनि त
Q.1260. Agitate - आं दोलन, उ ेिजत करना
Ans. Calm - थरता Q.1282. Identical - समान, सम प Ans. Clear - खुली जगह
Ans. Different - अलग
Q.1261. Heinous - जघ , घृिणत Q.1304. Placate - सां ना दे ना, शा करना
Q.1283. Buoyant - तैरता आ, उ ावक Ans. Enrage - खजाना
Ans. Agreeable - अनु प
Ans. Gloomy - दु खी
Q.1305. Cloudy - धुंधला, धूिमल
Q.1262. Disable - असमथ, िनय करना
Q.1284. Caustic - कटु , कठोर Ans. Transparent - पारदश
Ans. Permit - अनुमित
Ans. Kind - दयालु
Q.1306. Plausible - शंसनीय, मुमिकन
Q.1263. Incite - उ ेिजत, भड़काना Q.1285. Pacifist - शां ितवादी, यु िवरोधी Ans. Unlikely - अिव सनीय
Ans. Restrain - रोकना Ans. Warmonger - यु ो ेजक
Q.1307. Casual - आक क, अनौपचा रक
Q.1264. Fragile - भंगुर, नाजुक Q.1286. Coarse - खुरदु रा, मोटा Ans. Planned - आयोिजत
Ans. Strong - मजबूत Ans. Refined - सुशील
Q.1308. Tame - सीधा, अधीन
Q.1265. Impromptu - िबना तैयारी के,अचानक Q.1287. Contemplate - िवचार करना, ान Ans. Upset - गड़बड़ी

Ans. Planned - आयोिजत से दे खना
Q.1309. Dispute - िववाद, झगड़ा
Ans. Ignore - उपे ा करना
Q.1266. Incoherent - असंगत,बेतुका Ans. Concede - मानना
Ans. Intelligible - साफ Q.1288. Ascend - चढ़ना, आरोहण
Q.1310. Unworthy - अयो , नालायक
Ans. Descend - नीचे उतरना
Ans. Deserving - अिधकारी
Q.1267. Concealed - गु , िछपाना
Ans. Revealed - कािशत , खुलासा करना

Q.1268.Admonish - िध
Ans. Applaud - सराहना

Q.1269. Spiritual - आ ा
ारना, भ ना

क, आ क
Q.1289. Harsh - कठोर, कड़ा
Ans. Gentle - ह ा

Q.1290. Invincible -अजेय, अपराजेय

Ans. Vulnerable - कमजोर
Q.1311. Maestro - िवशेष , उ
Ans. Amateur - शौकीन

SSC CGL 2019 Tier - 1

(03/03/2020 - 09/03/2020)
Ans. Physical - कृित Q.1291. Deport - िनकालना, िनवािसत
Ans. Permit - अनुमित Q.1312. Exodus - पलायन,िनगमन
Q.1270. Testimony - गवाही, सा Ans. Arrival - उप थित
Ans. Disproof - खंडन Q.1292. Outspoken - मुखर, वादी
Ans. Secretive - संकोची Q.1313. Quiescent - िन य, सु
Q.1271. Benevolent - परोपकारी, कृपालु Ans. Active - ि याशील

Ans. Stingy - लोभी Q.1293. Compatriot - हमवतन, दे शवासी

Ans. Outsider - बाहर का आदमी
Q.1314. Hilarious - हा द, फु त
Q.1272. Conspicuous - िविश , िवशेष Ans. Sad - दु खी
Ans. Obscure - अ ात Q.1294. Extensive - ापक, िव ृत
Ans. Intensive - गहन
Q.1315. Vicious - दु राचारी, शाितर
Q.1273. Sacred - पिव ,पावन
Q.1295. Abbreviate - संि , छोटा करना Ans. Virtuous - धािमक
Ans. Profane - िबगाड़ना
Ans. Expand - बढ़ना
Q.1316. Flexible - लचीला,न
Q.1274. Perish - न हो जाना ,मर जाना

Q.1296. Meddle - दखल दे ना, ह ेप करना Ans. Stiff - कठोर

Ans. Grow - उगाना
Ans. Ignore - ान न दे ना
Q.1317. Liberty - तं ता, ाधीनता
Q.1275. Revered - स ािनत , परम पूजनीय
Q.1297. Rueful - उदास, दु :खी Ans. Dependence - िव ास
Ans. Despised - ितर ृ त
Ans. Joyful - खुश
Q.1318. Broad - चौड़ा, ापक
Q.1276. Decay - य, सड़ना Ans. Narrow - सँकरा भाग
Q.1298. Prim - िनयमानुकूल, िनयम िन
Ans. Growth - वृ Ans. Disheveled - अ -
Q.1319. Obsolete - पुरानी, अ चिलत
Q.1277. Candid - स ा, वादी Q.1299. Exhale - ास छोड़ना, उ सन Ans. Recent - आधुिनक
Ans. Devious - कुिटल Ans. Inhale - खींचना
Q.1320. Derogatory - अपमानजनक,
Q.1278. Convenience - सुिवधा, स िलयत Q.1300. Obscure - अ ,अ ल ाजनक
Ans. Hinderance - कावट Ans. Clear - साफ Ans. Complimentary - शंसा क

Q.1279. Expunge - तोड़ना, हटाना Q.1301. Earthly - सां सा रक, पािथव Q.1321. Sparse - िवरल, अपया
Ans. Insert - िनवेशन Ans. Celestial - खगोलीय Ans. Abundant - पया
Q.1280. Apex - सव , शीष
Ans. Base - आधार Q.1302. Versatile - प रवतनशील, ब मुखी Q.1322. Friendship - िम ता , ेह Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 239

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 41 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Ans. Enmity - दु नी SSC CPO 2019 Tier - 1 Q.1364. Mortality - न रता, मरण
Ans. Birth - ारं भ, जीवन
(09/12/2019 - 13/12/2019)
Q.1323. Divide - िवभाजन, बां टना
Ans. Unite - िमलाना Q.1365. Discard - र करना,अलग करना
Q.1344. Lament - िवलाप, शोक
Ans. Adopt - अंगीकार करना
Ans. Celebrate - उ व मनाना
Q.1324. Dexterity - िनपुणता, कौशल
Ans. Ignorance - अ ानता Q.1345. Applaud - सराहना, शंसा करना Q.1366. Blunt - कुंद, खा
Ans. Denounce - धमकाना, आरोप लगाना Ans. Sharp - तेज़
Q.1325. Allure - ललचाना, आकषण
Ans. Repulse - खदे ड़ना Q.1346. Enraged - ख़फ़ा, नाराज
Q.1367. Innate - सहज, ज जात
Ans. Pleased - खुश
Q.1326. Bizarre - िविच , बेतुका Ans. Acquired - अिधगृहीत
Ans. Usual - सामा
Q.1347. Infinite - अनंत, असीम
Ans. Limited - सीिमत Q.1368. Turbid - गंदा, िघनौना
Q.1327. Sluggish - आलसी, सु Ans. Clear - साफ़ सुथरा
Ans. Active - ि याशील Q.1348. Contiguous - समीप थ, िनरं तर
Ans. Separated - िवभािजत, दू र दू र Q.1369. Aware - जाग क, सचेत
Q.1328. Hostile - िवरोधी, श ुतापूण
Ans. Ignorant - अिशि त
Ans. Amiable - सुशील Q.1349. Subside - कम होना, घटना

Ans. Enlarge - िव ार करना Q.1370. Reprimand - डां टना, फटकार
Q.1329. Persist - क़ायम रहना, िज़द करना
Ans. Reward - पुर ार
Ans. Cease - समा
Q.1350. Initiate - आरं भ करना
Ans. Finish - समा करना Q.1371. Comply - पालन करना, मानना
Q.1330. Glee - आन , स ता
Ans. Woe - िवषाद Ans. Oppose - रोकना
Q.1351. Consume - उपयोग करना,
Q.1331. Fickle - अ थर, चंचल
Ans. Stable - थर

Q.1332. Stringent - कठोर, स

Ans. Lenient - मुलायम
य करना

Ans. Save - र ा करना, बचाना

Q.1352. Stable - थर. थायी

Ans. Shaky - अ थर
Q.1372. Beseech - ाथना करना,
िनवेदन करना
Ans. Command - अिधकार

Q.1373. Sagacious - मेधावी, बु

Ans. Ignorant - अनिभ
Q.1333. Grotesque - िवकृत, िविच Q.1353. Wane - पतन, कमी
Ans. Attractive - मनोहर Ans. Increase - वृ Q.1374. Adorn - सजाना, सुंदर बनाना
Ans. Disfigure - िबगाड़ना
Q.1334. Native - दे शी, मूल िनवासी Q.1354. Erudite - िव ान
Ans. Foreign - िवदे शी Ans. Ignorant - अनजान
Q.1375. Soggy - गीला, आ
Ans. Dry - सूखा
Q.1335. Repulsive - ितकारक, अि य Q.1355. Offbeat - असामा , ग़ैरमामूली
Ans. Attractive - मनोहर Ans. Conventional - पार रक
Q.1376. Frail - अनैितक, कमजोर
Q.1356. Tense - तनाव म, तनाव Ans. Robust - ज़बद
Q.1336. Industrious - मेहनती, प र मी
Ans. Relaxed - िशिथल
Ans. Lethargic - िन य
Q.1377. Culpable - अपरािधक
Q.1357. Perturb - ाकुल, उप व करना Ans. Innocent - मासूम
Q.1337. Malice - दु भावना, े ष
Ans. Soothe - पीड़ा कम करना
Ans. Goodwill - साख, िम भाव
Q.1378. Exultant - स , हिषत

Q.1358. Impede - अटकाना, रोक लगाना

Q.1338. Foul - बेईमानी से, गंदा Ans. Depressed - दु ः खी
Ans. Expedite - शी िनपटना
Ans. Fair - िन

Q.1339. Rear - िपछला, अंितम भाग Q.1359. Repugnant - ितकूल, िव SSC SELECTION POST
Ans. Front - मुख, अगला भाग Ans. Pleasant - मनोहर PHASE (VII)
(14/10/2019 - 18/10/2019)
Q.1340. Persuade - राज़ी करना, समझाना Q.1360. Demean - अपमािनत करना,
Ans. Dissuade - मना करना नीचा िदखाना
Ans. Admire - शंसा करना
Q.1341. Emerge - िनकलना, उभरना Q.1379. Amateur - शौिकया, अ वसायी
Ans. Disappear - िछपना, गायब होना Q.1361. Insidious - कपटी, घातक
Ans. Professional - ावसाियक, प रप व
Ans. Sincere - स ा
Q.1342. Mellow - मधुर, मुलायम Q.1380. Arid - शु , बंजर
Ans. Hard - कठोर Q.1362. Reckless - लापरवाह, असावधान Ans. Fertile - चुर
Ans. Cautious - सावधान
Q.1343. Humane - मानवीय,दयालु
Ans. Cruel - िनदयी
Q.1363. Endurance - सहन, धीरज
Ans. Indolence - आल Q.1381. Widespread - ापक, बड़े पैमाने पर Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 240

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 41 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Ans. Limited - सीिमत Q.1398. Comic - िच कथा, हा Q.1419. Fragile - भंगुर,नाजुक
Ans. Tragic - भयंकर Ans. Tough - कठोर
Q.1382. Accuse - आरोप, दोष लगाना
Ans. Defend - र ा करना Q.1399. Inexpensive - स ा,िमत यी Q.1420. Delicious - ािद , मधुर
Ans. Dear - ि य Ans. Insipid - बे ाद
Q.1400. Fluctuate - उतार चढ़ाव, घटना-बढ़ना Q.1421. Adamant - अटल, हठी
Q.1383. Developed - िवकिसत, उ त Ans. Stabilize - थर Ans. Flexible - मुलायम
Ans. Backward - िपछड़ा
Q.1401. Disperse - िछतराना, िबखेरना Q.1422. Hopeful - आशापूण , उ ीद
Q.1384. Compassion - क णा, दया Ans. Gather - इ ा होना Ans. Pessimistic - िनराशावादी
Ans. Meanness - कमीनापन
Q.1402. Gloomy - उदास, िनराशाजनक Q.1423. Attract - आकिषत, मोह लेना
SSC CPO 2018 Tier - 2 Ans. Bright - चमकीला, खुश Ans. Repel - रोकना

(27th Sept 2019)

Q.1403. Impartial - िन , अप पाती Q.1424. Confront - सामना होना,
Ans. Biased - प पातपूण मुक़ाबला करना
Q.1385. Bold - साहिसक, िनभ क
Ans. Avoid - दू र रहना
Ans. Timid - कायर

Q.1404. Hidden - गु , अ
Ans. Apparent - साफ Q.1425. Quell - कुचलना, दबाना
Q.1386. Emaciated - ीण, िनबल
Ans. Agitate - उ ेिजत करना
Ans. Fat - मोटा
Q.1405. Goodwill - स ावना, ाित
Ans. Hostility - िवरोध Q.1426. Illusion - म
Q.1387. Sparse - िछटपुट, अपया
Ans. Reality - वा िवकता
Ans. Abundant - पया

SSC CGL 2018 Tier - 2

(11/09/2019 - 13/09/2019)

Q.1388. Predecessor - पूवज, पूवगामी

Q.1406. Current - वतमान, मौजूदा
Ans. Past - भूतकाल

Q.1407. Familiar - प रिचत, जानकार

Ans. Strange - अनोखा
Q.1427. Diminish - घटना, कम होना
Ans. Increase - वृ

Q.1428. Coarse - खुरदु रा, मोटा

Ans. Smooth - मुलायम
Ans. Successor - वा रस Q.1408. Cautious - सतक, सावधान
Ans. Negligent - लापरवाह Q.1429. Notorious - कु ात, कु िस
Q.1389. Lackadaisical - िन ाहपूण, Ans. Popular - लोकि य
िच ाकुल Q.1409. Linger - ठहराना, िवलंब करना
Ans. Enthusiastic - उ ुक Ans. Quicken - उ ेिजत करना Q.1430. Feasible - संभव, ावहा रक
Ans. Implausible - असंभव

Q.1390. Optimistic - आशावादी , आशा त Q.1410. Jovial - स , खुश

Ans. Pessimistic - िनराशावादी Ans. Gloomy - दु खी Q.1431. Curtail - कटौती, घटाना
Ans. Enlarge - बढाना
Q.1391. Alluring - मनोहर, आकषक Q.1411. Relaxed - तनावमु , सुकून
Ans. Repulsive - डरावना Ans. Tense - बेचैन Q.1432. Consensus - सवस ित,
Q.1392. Turbulent - अशां त , उप वी आम सहमित
Ans. Peaceful - शां ितपूण Q.1412. Steep - खड़ी ढाल, अित वण Ans. Disagreement - मतभेद
Ans. Flat - समतल

Q.1393. Empathy - सहानुभूित,हमदद Q.1433. Distant - दू र

Ans. Apathy - उदासीनता Q.1413. Approve - समथन करना, अनुमोिदत Ans. Close - पास
Ans. Reject - बेकार
Q.1394. Animosity - दु नी Q.1434. Better - बेहतर, अ ा
Ans. Benevolence - परोपका रता Q.1414. Loiter - दे र करना, धीरे चलना Ans. Worse - बेकार
Ans. Hasten - ज ी करना
Q.1395. Pandemonium - हं गामा, उप व Q.1435. Harmony - तालमेल, स ाव
Ans. Harmony - तालमेल, शां ित Q.1415. Progress - गित, उ ित Ans. Strife - िववाद
Ans. Decline - पतन, अ ीकार करना
Q.1396. Piquant - मसालेदार, चटपटा Q.1436. Facilitate - आसान, आगे बढ़ाना
Ans. Bland - िवनीत Q.1416. Crooked - टे ढा Ans. Hinder - रोकना
Ans. Straight - सीधा
SSC MTS 2019 Tier - 1 Q.1437. Affluence - समृ , संप ता
(02/08/2019 - 22/08/2019) Q.1417. Modest - िवन , शु Ans. Poverty - गरीबी
Ans. Vain - थ
Q.1397. Acute - ती , िवकट Q.1418. Persuade - मनाना , राजी करना Q.1438. Illicit - अवैध , अनुिचत
Ans. Blunt - कुंद Ans. Dissuade - रोकना Ans. Lawful - असली Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 241

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 41 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Q.1439. Applaud - सराहना, शंसा कर Ans. Prevent - बचाना Ans. Auspicious - शुभ
Ans. Criticize - आलोचना करना
Q.1459. Exotic - िवदे शी, मोहक Q.1479. Retaliation - ितशोध, ितकार
Q.1440. Congested - भरा आ, भीड़ भाड़ Ans. Ordinary - सामा Ans. Reconciliation - सुलह
Ans. Cleared - साफ़ होना
Q.1460. Succinct - संि , लघु Q.1480. Advance - आगे बढ़ाना ,उ त
Q.1441. Treacherous - कपटी, िव ासघाती Ans. Lengthy - िव ृत Ans. Retreat - पीछे हटना
Ans. Faithful - ईमानदार
Q.1461. Jeopardize - ख़तरे म डालना, Q.1481. Arrogant - घमंडी
Q.1442. Idle - आलसी Ans. Protect - बचाना Ans. Humble - िवन
Ans. Efficient - द
Q.1462. Inordinate - अ िधक,असामा Q.1482. Proceed - आगे बढ़ना, अ सर होना
Q.1443. Infallible - कभी गलती न करने वाला Ans. Reasonable - उिचत Ans. Recede - दू र जाना
Ans. Imperfect - अपूण
Q.1463. Corroborate - प ा करना , Q.1483. Mental - मानिसक,िदमाग़ी
Q.1444. Reward - इनाम, पुर ार समथन करना Ans. Physical - भौितक
Ans. Punish - सजा दे ना Ans. Contradict - िवपरीत होना
Q.1484. Chronic - िचरकािलक ,पुराना
Q.1464. Denounce - आरोप लगाना,

Q.1445. Deficit - घाटा, अभाव Ans. Infrequent - कभी-कभी
िनंदा करना
Ans. Abundance - ब लता
Ans. Applaud - शंसा करना Q.1485. Salient - मु , मुख
Q.1446. Awesome - ब त बिढ़या Ans. Negligible - नग
Q.1465. Opaque - अपारदश , अ
Ans. Amazing - आ यजनक
Ans. Clear - Q.1486. Shallow - उथला, िछछला
Q.1447. Vile - कमीना, दु
Ans. Decent - अ ा

Q.1448. Harsh - कठोर,िन ठु र

Ans. Gentle - ह ा
Q.1466. Exaggerate - बढ़ा चढ़ाकर कहना
Ans. Compress - संि करना

Q.1467. Reserved - संकोची, सुरि त

Ans. Communicative - िमलनसार
Ans. Deep - गहरा

Q.1487. Random - अिनयिमत, अ थायी

Ans. Specific - िविश

Q.1488. Amass - एक करना, सं ह करना

Q.1449. Vanity - घमंड Ans. Distribute - िवत रत
Q.1468. Accessible - प ं चने यो
Ans. Modesty - िवन ता
Ans. Restricted - सीिमत Q.1489. Porous - िछ पूण
Q.1450. Startle - डराना, धमकाना Ans. Impermeable - अभे
Q.1469. Urban - शहरी
Ans. Soothe - कम करना
Ans. Rural - ामीण Q.1490. Gaunt - पतला, दु बला

Q.1451. Attract - आकिषत ,मोह लेना Ans. Plump - मोटा

Q.1470. Meagre - अ , थोड़ा
Ans. Repel - रोकना
Ans. Plentiful - चुर Q.1491. Virulent - िवषैला,जहरीला
Q.1452. Glee - आन , स ता Ans. Amicable - मै ीपूण
Q.1471. Inferior - तु , महीन
Ans. Woe - शोक
Ans. Superior - े Q.1492. Conclusive - िनणया क,िन ायक
Q.1453. Pompous - आडं बरपूण , गिवत Ans. Ambiguous - अ
Q.1472. Prosperity - समृ , सफलता
Ans. Humble - िवन

Ans. Adversity - िवपि Q.1493. Routine - सामा , िदनचया,

Q.1454. Refined - प रमािजत, प र ृ त Ans. Different - अलग
Q.1473. Exceptional - असाधारण
Ans. Crude - क ा
Ans. Ordinary - साधारण SSC CGL 2018 Tier - 1
Q.1455. Slander - मानहािन, बदनामी (04/06/2019 - 13/06/2019)
Q.1474. Misery - क , दु ख
Ans. Admire - शंसा करना
Ans. Bliss - आनंद
Q.1494. Expansion - िव ार, सार
Q.1456. Entrance - वेश, िवि Ans. Compression - दबाव
Q.1475. Ferocious - भयंकर, जंगली
Ans. Exit - गमन, िनकास
Ans. Gentle - स न
Q.1495. Scarce - अपया ,थोड़ा
Q.1457. Yell - िच ाहट,िच ाना Ans. Ample - चुर
Q.1476. Ascent - आरोहण , चढ़ाई
Ans. Whisper - फुसफुसाहट
Ans. Descent - नीचे उतरना
Q.1496. Escalate - बढ़ना , वृ करना
SSC CHSL 2018 Tier - 1 Ans. Reduce - कम करना
Q.1477. Flexible - लचीला , नरम
(01/07/2019 - 11/07/2019) Ans. Stiff - कठोर
Q.1497. Tender - मुलायम , कमजोर
Q.1458. Perpetrate - पाप करना, दोष करना Q.1478. Ominous - अमंगल, अशुभ Ans. Rough - खुरदु रा Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 242

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 41 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Q.1498. Pardon - मादान, मा Q.1519. Weakness - कमज़ोरी, िनबलता Q.1540. Concentrated - सघन, कि त
Ans. Punish - सज़ा दे ना Ans. Strength - ताकत Ans. Diluted - पतला
Q.1520. Tyrant - तानाशाह, उ ीड़क
Q.1499. Eminent - िस , िव ात Ans. Benefactor - दान दे नेवाला Q.1541. Enigmatic - रह मय
Ans. Inconspicuous - अ Ans. Straightforward - सीधा
Q.1521. Progressive - गितशील,सुधारवादी
Q.1500. Finite - सीिमत, िनयत Ans. Conservative - िढ़वादी Q.1542. Vigorous - िह ती, ओजस
Ans. Endless - अनंत Ans. Spiritless - बेजान
Q.1522. Public - सावजिनक, जनता
Q.1501. Reprimand - डां टना, फटकार Ans. Private - िनजी Q.1543. Hideous - डरावना, भयावह
Ans. Compliment - शंसा Ans. Charming - आकषक
Q.1523. Illuminate - उजाला करना, काश
Q.1502. Comic - हा , हा पूण Ans. Darken - अंधेरा Q.1544. Somber - िनराशाजनक ,फ़ीका
Ans. Tragic - दु खद Ans. Cheerful - खुश
Q.1524. Deficit - घाटा,कमी
Q.1503. Gather - इक ा करना, एक करना Ans. Surplus - आिध Q.1545. Destination - अंितम ल , मंिज़ल
Ans. Disperse - फैलाना Ans. Origin - मूल
SSC CPO 2018 Tier - 1

Q.1504. Stale - बासी, पुराना (12/03/2019 - 16/03/2019) Q.1546. Uncanny - िविच , िवल ण
Ans. Fresh - ताज़ा Ans. Ordinary - साधारण
Q.1525. Enthusiasm - उ ाह,जोश
Q.1505. Sober - गंभीर, संयमी Ans. Apathy - उदासीनता Q.1547. Dye - रं गना, रं जक
Ans. Agitated - उ ेिजत Ans. Bleach - सफेद करना

Q.1506. Swerve - भटकना, झुकना

Ans. Straighten - सीधा करना

Q.1507. Liberty - तं ता
Ans. Slavery - गुलामी
Q.1526. Vanity - िदखावा, घमंड
Ans. Humility - िवन ता

Q.1527. Lively - फुत ला ,ऊजावान

Ans. Sluggish - सु

Q.1528. Bondage - ग़ुलामी, दास

Q.1548. Diurnal - दै िनक,िदनचर
Ans. Nocturnal - रात का

Q.1549. Appalling - भयावह, घिटया

Ans. Appealing - आकषक
Q.1508. Transient - िणक, अ थायी Ans. Liberty - तं ता Q.1550. Volition - इ ाश , सँक
Ans. Permanent - थायी Ans. Compulsion - बा ता
Q.1529. Assemble - इक ा,एक
Q.1509. Notorious - कु ात, बदनामी Ans. Disperse - फैलाना Q.1551. Sunder - अलग करना, तोड़ना
Ans. Famous - िस Q.1530. Stingy - कंजूस, लोभी Ans. Combine - िमलाना
Q.1510. Accept - ीकार करना, मानना
Ans. Generous - उदार
Ans. Reject - अ ीकार करना Q.1552. Recovered - बरामद करना,
Q.1531. Impeccable - िनद ष, ुिटहीन वसूल करना
Q.1511. Affinity - लगाव Ans. Imperfect - अपूण Ans. Lost - खोया
Ans. Aversion - घृणा Q.1532. Amiable - ेही, िमलनसार
Ans. Hostile - िवरोधी Q.1553. Threaten - धमकाना, धमकी दे ना
Q.1512. Prudent - िववेकी, चतुर Ans. Commend - सराहना
Ans. Indiscreet - असावधानीपूण Q.1533. Weary - थका, घबराया
Ans. Refreshed - नया करना, आनंिदत करना Q.1554. Compromise - समझौता करना,सुलह

Q.1513. Arrogance - अिभमान Ans. Dissent - मतभेद

Ans. Humility - िवन ता
Q.1534. Coherent - , समझने म सर
Ans. Illogical - तकहीन Q.1555. Muddle - गड़बड़, अ व था
Q.1514. Covetous - लालची, लोभी Ans. Order - आदे श
Ans. Benevolent - परोपकारी
Q.1535. Immaculate - साफ़ सुथरा, िनमल
Ans. Messy - अ Q.1556. Evasive - अ
Q.1515. Vigilant - जाग क Ans. Frank - वादी
Ans. Careless - लापरवाह
Q.1536. Deter - डराना, भय िदखाना
Ans. Encourage - ो ािहत करना Q.1557. Provincial - ा ीय, ादे िशक
Q.1516. Foreign - िवदे श, बाहरी Ans. Permanent - थायी
Ans. Native - दे शी Q.1558. Subdued - मंद, िनयंि त
Q.1537. Visionary - दू रदश , अ ावहा रक
Ans. Pragmatic - ावहा रक Ans. Excited - उ ेिजत
Q.1517. Scanty - अ , अपया
Ans. Profuse - भरपूर Q.1559. Provisional - अ थायी, सामियक
Q.1538. Elaborate - ा ा, िव ृत करना
Ans. Minimal - कम से कम Ans. Metropolitan - महानगर
Q.1518. Prolong - ल ा,टालना Q.1539. Dubious - संिद , संदेह
Ans. Shorten - छोटा Q.1560. Indicted - अिभयोग, दोषी
Ans. Certain - िनि त
Ans. Released - मु Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 243
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 41 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms And Antonyms
Q.1561. Assault - हमला, धावा SSC SELECTION POST Q.1598. Contempt - अपमान, उपे ा
Ans. Retreat - पीछे हटना Ans. Praise - तारीफ़ करना
(16/01/2019 - 18/01/ 2019)
Q.1599. Concede - ीकार करना,
दान करना
(05/02/2019 - 08/02/2019) GRADUATE - LEVEL
Ans. Reject - अ ीकार करना

Q.1562. Strange - अनोखा, अजीब Q.1581. Fidelity - िन ा, वफादारी

Q.1600. Chaste - पिव , शु
Ans. Familiar - प रिचत Ans. Treachery - िव ासघात
Ans. Lustful - कामुक
Q.1563. Shallow - उथला, िछछला
Q.1601. Degenerate - िवकृत, च र हीन
Ans. Deep - गहरा Q.1582. Suspend - िनलंबन ,रोकना Ans. Moral - नैितक , सदाचारी
Ans. Continue - जारी रखना
Q.1564. Vacate - मु करना, खाली करना
Q.1602. Derive - िनकालना, ा करना
Ans. Create - बनाना
Q.1565. Raucous - ककश,ग ीर ,भारी Q.1583. Outstanding - उ ृ , मुख
Ans. Subdued - मंद Q.1603. Intolerance - अनुदारता,
Ans. Ordinary - साधारण
असहनशीलता, असिह ुता

Q.1566. Ruined - बबाद, तबाह Ans. Justness - उिचत प
Ans. Mended - मर त िकया आ
(04/09/2017 - 07/09/2017) Q.1604. Condense - घटाना, छोटा करना
Q.1567. Profusion - चुरता, अित य Ans. Enlarge - बड़ा आकार
Q.1584. Duty - कत , काम
Ans. Scarcity - कमी
Ans. Irresponsibility - लापरवाही Q.1605. Crucial - मह पूण, िनणायक
Q.1568. Foremost - सवािधक, सव थम
Ans. Unimportant - मह हीन

Q.1569. Quiescent - िन
Ans. Active - सि य

Q.1585. Drift - वेग, वाह
Ans. Stumble - ठोकर

Q.1586. Dismantle - न , िवघिटत

Ans. Build - िनमाण
Ans. Trivial - तु , साधारण

Q.1606. Valour - वीरता, िनभयता

Ans. Fear - डर

Q.1607. Captivity - क़ैद, अधीनता

Q.1570. Vintage - ाचीन, पुराना Q.1587. Trigger - सि य करना Ans. Liberty - तं ता
Ans. Modern - आधुिनक Ans. Halt - िवराम
Q.1608. Sanguine - आशावादी, उ ाही
Q.1588. Persistent - िज़ ी, हठी, आघात Ans. Depressed - उदास
Q.1571. Lackluster - िबना चमक का
Ans. Lazy - आलसी
Ans. Radiant - दी मान
Q.1609. Solicit - मां गना, िवनती करना

Q.1589. Reinforce - मजबूत करना

Q.1572. Tyranny - िनरं कुशता, अ ाचार Ans. Answer - उ र
Ans. Weaken - कमजोर
Ans. Autonomy - ाय ता
Q.1590. Rage - ोध, रोष Q.1610. Aversion - घृणा
Q.1573. Lucrative - लाभदायक Ans. Fondness - लगाव
Ans. Happiness - ख़ुशी
Ans. Unprofitable - लाभहीन
Q.1591. Optimize - आशावादी होना, Q.1611. Ally - िम , सहयोगी
Q.1574. Verbose - श ब लता उपयु बनाना Ans. Enemy - दु न
Ans. Brief - संि Ans. Worsen - ख़राब

Q.1612. Intermittent - क- ककर

Q.1575. Squalid - मिलन, मैला Q.1592. Launch - शु करना, मोचन Ans. Regular - िनयिमत
Ans. Clean - साफ़ Ans. Hold - पकड़
Q.1613. Penalise - दं िडत करना, सज़ा दे ना
Q.1576. Submissive - आ ाकारी, िवन Q.1593. Dampen - िभगोना, नम करना
Ans. Legalise - वैध बनाना
Ans. Stubborn - िज़ ी Ans. Dry - सूखा
Q.1614. Lethargic - सु , िन य
Q.1577. Brisk - तेज, ती Q.1594. Compact - सुगिठत, सघन
Ans. Animated - सजीव
Ans. Slow - धीमा Ans. Slack - ढीला
Q.1615. Confine - सीिमत, ितबंिधत
Q.1578. Disparate - असमान, अलग Q.1595. Vulnerable - असुरि त,
Ans. Permit - आ ा दे ना
Ans. Similar - समान अितसंवेदनशील,
Q.1579. Comprehensive - ापक, िव ृत Ans. Secure - सुरि त
Q.1616. Defeat - हराना, पराजय
Ans. Restricted - विजत Q.1596. Allure - ललचाना, आकषण
Ans. Attainment - ा
Ans. Repel - पीछे हटाना
Q.1580. Dashed - धराशायी, आघात
Ans. Encouraged - ो ािहत Q.1597. Adroit - िनपुण, चतुर Q.1617. Fervent - गम , जोश
Ans. Clumsy - अनाड़ी Ans. Cold - ठं डा Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 244

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 42 TG @M00n_Ligt Spellings
57. Harrasment Harassment 108. Accomodate Accommodate
58. Sucsesful Successful
59. Modal Model SSC MTS 2022 Tier -1
SSC CGL 2023 Tier - 1 60. Cotarminous Coterminous (02/05/2023 - 20/06/2023)
(14/07/2023 - 27/07/2023) 61. Stetionery Stationery
62. Prefferance Preference
Wrong Right Wrong Right
63. Bellweather Bellwether
Part (highlighted Part) Part (highlighted Part)
64. Somthing Something
1. Gliterring Glittering 109. Saffety Safety
65. Pronounciation Pronunciation
2. Associasion Association 110. Valvve Valve
66. Robbust Robust
3. Hosting Hoisting 111. Protast Protest
67. Submisive Submissive
4. Spontanity Spontaneity 112. Tihgt Tight
68. Calender Calendar
5. Implimentation Implementation 113. Pumkin Pumpkin
69. Crucal Crucial
6. Appraoch Approach 114. Paralel Parallel
70. Acceptible Acceptable
7. Adolesense Adolescence 115. Sissors Scissors
71. Sufficeint Sufficient
8. Reciept Receipt 116. Artiset Artist
9. Patrrol Petrol 117. Happilly Happily
Selection Post Phase XI 118. Copous Copious
10. Nefew Nephew (27/06/2023 - 30/06/2023)
11. Wilfull Willfull 119. Acessory Accessory

12. Pattron Patron 120. Completlly Completely
Wrong Right
13. Abendance Abundance 121. Relie Rely
Part (highlighted Part) 122. Obsreve Observe
14. Prophane Profane 72. Protien Protein
15. Mysterous Mysterious 123. Industreis Industries
73. Suddeness Suddenness
16. Idoles Idols 124. Servise Service
74. Mosquitose Mosquitoes
125. Procceses Processes
81. Preists priests
24. Concent Consent 132. Weigh Weight
82. underated nderrated
25. Avarise Avarice 133. Contsant Constant
83. expidition Expedition
26. Devide Divide 134. Tightend Tightened
84. Elemenyts Elements
27. Solusion Solution 135. Fractoin Fraction
85. Bangel Bengal
28. Prrogres progress 136. Grrip Grip
86. Adress Address
29. Mispell Misspell 137. Neweset Newest
87. Ethickal Ethical
30. Trasury Treasury 138. Connievence Connivence
88. bussiness Business
31. lucreative lucrative 139. Twelth Twelfth
89. Vulnarability Vulnerability
32. Instructiones Instructions 140. Rhythme Rhythm
90. Entreprenur Entrepreneur
33. Biihaving Behaving 141. Reciept Receipt
91. secrte Secret
34. Aggreement Agreement 142. Sieze Seize
92. graps Grapes
35. Sovenir Souvenir 143. Flowwer Flower
93. Renonce Renounce
36. Conspirasy Conspiracy 144. Recomend Recommend
94. Leftinant Lieutenant
37. Luxurius luxurious 145. Anonyomus Anonymous
95. Corporeale Corporeal

38. Millioneire Millionaire 146. Exemples Examples

96. Bureacracy Bureaucracy
39. Docil Docile 147. Ilustrate Illustrate
97. Burgaler Burglar
40. Egalitarina Egalitarian 148. Jutsice Justice
98. Collegeue Colleague
41. Duel Dual 149. Juorney Journey
99. Inaffectual Ineffectual
42. Repulcive Repulsive 150. Momment Moment
100. insteal Instill
43. Allmost Almost 151. Shuok Shook
101. Timliness Timeliness
44. Instantanious Instantaneous 152. Currant Current
102. consistensy Consistency
45. Breaks Brakes 153. Workinng Working
103. Routeenes Routines
46. Remmission Remission 154. Brrand Brand
104. Consistensy Consistency
47. Wajes Wages 155. Stretagy Strategy
105. Inaffectual Ineffectual
48. Cowardise Cowardice 156. Calander Calendar
106. Quarrantine Quarantine
49. Guage Gauge 157. Splater Splatter
50. Charishma Charisma 158. Asasination Assassination
51. Obssess Obsess
SSC CHSL 2022 Tier - 2 159. Lattar Latter
52. Enouf Enough (26/06/2023) 160. Tisue Tissue
53. Statinary Stationery 161. Repayring Repairing
Wrong Right 162. Ornage Orange
54. Visious Vicious
Part (highlighted Part) 163. Consciuos Conscious
55. Sandwitch Sandwich
107. Milennium Millennium 164. Processess Processes
56. Allimony Alimony Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 245
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 42 TG @M00n_Ligt Spellings
165. Concensus Consensus 228. Gratful Grateful 291. Plased Placed
166. Beleive Believe 229. Endeiavor Endeavor 292. Plageriasm Plagiarism
167. Goverment Government 230. Positon Position 293. Comparsion Comparison
168. Commited Committed 231. Insigt Insight 294. Foriegn Foreign
169. Amatuer Amateur 232. Rubb Rub 295. Tyrany Tyranny
170. Customar Customer 233. Untill Until 296. Conssume Consume
171. Priorrity Priority 234. Humerous Humorous 297. Porpos Purpose
172. Satisfraction Satisfaction 235. Frouned Frowned 298. Considerr Consider
173. Domoneering Domineering 236. Cuaght Caught 299. wiling Willing
174. Neccesary Necessary 237. Rubing Rubbing 300. Posibility Possibility
175. Morelity Morality 238. Disgsting Disgusting 301. Wsated Wasted
176. Glovve Glove 239. Friying Frying 302. Throught Through
177. Prefunctory Perfunctory 240. Storry Story 303. Accomodation Accommodation
178. Contatcs Contacts 241. Writte Write 304. Persue Pursue
179. Emergancy Emergency 242. Minusulle Miniscule 305. Thre There
180. Coldn't Couldn’t 243. Weigts Weights 306. Apparant Apparent
181. Reaced Reached 244. Humorus Humorous 307. Adultary Adultery
182. Moking Mocking 245. Plege Pledge 308. Compairisons Comparisons
183. Lihgtning Lightning 246. Aquire Acquire 309. Viscious Vicious

184. Occassion Occasion 247. Calender calendar 310. Anarcy Anarchy
185. Millenium Millennium 248. Protesion Protection 311. Camoflague Camouflage
186. Heare Here 249. Aposite Apposite 312. Comparsion Comparison
187. Sventy Seventy 250. Staringg Staring 313. Guage Gauge
188. Huors Hours 251. Begining Beginning
SSC CHSL 2022 Tier - 1
(09/03/2023 - 21/03/2023)

(highlighted Part)
315. Glumy Gloomy
196. Everrything Everything 259. Accquire Acquire
316. Shuot Shout
197. Temparory Temporary 260. Awkard Awkward
317. Brroom Broom
198. Maintaen Maintain 261. Acheive Achieve
318. remiend remind
199. Stuod Stood 262. Eminant Eminent
319. somone Someone
200. Outcide Outside 263. Potantial Potential
320. Lites Lights
201. Bathrum Bathroom 264. Acqiant Acquaint
321. bussh Bush
202. Belieif Belief 265. Allegaince Allegiance
322. flikered Flickered
203. Mutualy Mutually 266. Buisness Business
323. Clovver Clover
204. Casies Cases 267. Sugestions Suggestions
324. Sharpan Sharpen
205. Expereinces Experiences 268. Publically Publicly
325. Sunrisse Sunrise
206. Stil Still 269. Grammer Grammar
326. Happan Happen
207. Deaath Death 270. Happend Happened
327. Hindar Hinder
208. Condision Condition 271. Irresistable Irresistible
328. Sobber Sober
209. Structrure Structure 272. Ofence Offense

329. Prunke Prank

210. shruged Shrugged 273. Lokcing Locking
330. Tenssion Tension
211. Sholders Shoulders 274. Equiptment Equipment
331. fthers Fathers
212. Truned Turned 275. Typiclly Typically
332. Figne Fine
213. Indispensible Indispensable 276. Leade Lead
333. Cremp Cramp
214. Liasion Liaison 277. Bloms Blooms
334. Daimp Damp
215. Privilige Privilege 278. Contaxte Context
335. Agravate Aggravate
216. Shuld Should 279. Graetar Greater
336. Staimp Stamp
217. Thankfull Thankful 280. Necesary Neccessary
337. Seriusly Seriously
218. Suposed Supposed 281. Similarlly Similarly
338. isue Issue
219. Losare Losser 282. Inevitible Inevitable
339. Leter Letter
220. Goverment Government 283. Concensus Consensus
340. Monstar Monster
221. Buget Budget 284. Contraversy Controversy
341. Scattar Scatter
222. Blamme Blame 285. Bouyant Buoyant
342. Transparant Transparent
223. Pleasurre Pleasure 286. Ubiqitous Ubiquitous
343. knowlege knowledge
224. Lotts Lots 287. Simulteneous Simultaneous
344. Expertice Expertise
225. Wondared Wondered 288. Mordern Modern
345. requir Require
226. Thinggs Things 289. Monetery Monetary
346. technichal Technical
227. Interupt Interrupt 290. Vallue Value
347. Viccous Viscous Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 246
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 42 TG @M00n_Ligt Spellings
348. Benevolant Benevolent 411. Mechenics Mechanics 474. Conscent Consent
349. Percieve Perceive 412. Sttone Stone 475. Impressin Impression
350. Boistarous Boisterous 413. Miyed Mined 476. Desparate desperate
351. Vacillatte Vacillate 414. Punich Punch 477. Tresure Treasure
352. Stilletoes Stilettos 415. Cranch Crunch 478. Poision Poison
353. Obsaquios Obsequious 416. Mallieable Malleable 479. Masion Mason
354. Maintainance Maintenance 417. Nasscent Nascent 480. Clouwn Clown
355. Prectical Practical 418. Obseequious Obsequious 481. Innocuos Innocuous
356. Gllowing Glowing 419. Dissiminate Disseminate 482. Ingenous Ingenious
357. Releesed Released 420. Involnerable Invulnerable 483. Inimicial Inimical
358. Frighter Fighter 421. Intreepid Intrepid 484. Invulnarable Invulnerable
359. defintely Definitely 422. Litegation Litigation 485. Gaoche Gauche
360. cokking Cooking 423. Fortuous Fortuitous 486. Fallecious fallacious
361. aheade Ahead 424. Blocke Block 487. Eruditte Erudite
362. Marinatte Marinette 425. Grudje Grudge 488. Harange Harangue
363. protiens proteins 426. Flouwn Flown 489. Prepaer Prepare
364. Wropes Ropes 427. Adhare Adhere 490. Mooshy Mushy
365. Deleble Delible 428. Avacados Avocados 491. Bussiest Busiest
366. Convence Convince 429. Peal Peel 492. Mattar Matter

367. Rubbar Rubber 430. Pitt Pit 493. Wasse Waste
368. Rost Roast 431. Slise Slice 494. Fittar Fitter
369. Gost Ghost 432. Articulete Articulate 495. Coureir Courier
370. Malte Malt 433. Arduos Arduous 496. Coursse Course
371. Holitisc Holistic 434. Arogate Arrogate 497. Temporery Temporary
379. Precission Precision 442. Tokan Token 505. Diye Die
380. Missionery Missionary 443. Loveble Lovable 506. Thught Thought
381. Sabotaege Sabotage 444. Brinjel Brinjal 507. Goinng Going
382. Mealign Malign 445. Muose Mouse 508. Beingn Benign
383. Dodeg Dodge 446. Sliede Slide 509. Beseige Besiege
384. Briliant Brilliant 447. Blinc Blink 510. Beneficiel Beneficial
385. Sieze Seize 448. Dorway doorway 511. Bifurcete Bifurcate
386. Receprocate Reciprocate 449. Voise Voice 512. Circumspact Circumspect
387. Emenent Eminent 450. Welcomng Welcoming 513. Camor Camera
388. Splandid Splendid 451. Sieds Seeds 514. Cloyinng Cloying
389. Indepandant Independent 452. Polination pollination 515. Choffer Coffer
390. Humourous Humorous 453. throuhg through 516. Gregerious Gregarious
391. Indicte Indict 454. Remarrk Remark 517. Emphetic Emphatic
392. Ingenous Ingenious 455. Revange Revenge 518. Liberanian Libertarian

393. Cateogry Category 456. Reccruit Recruit 519. Gangestar Gangstar

394. Circal Circle 457. Repeel Repeal 520. Debuchery Debauchery
395. Graed Greed 458. Trnuk Trunk 521. Dubios Dubious
396. Heep Heap 459. Blede Blade 522. Malignent Malignant
397. Motivatinal Motivational 460. Menttor Mentor 523. Consceince Conscience
398. qoutes quotes 461. Diner Dinner 524. Heirarchy Hierarchy
399. Guilde Guild 462. plased placed 525. Appaulling Appalling
400. Biuld Build 463. Strat Start 526. Pestillential Pestilential
401. Sheild Shield 464. Cursur Cursor 527. Malodoros Malodorous
402. Feild Field 465. Amatuer Amateur 528. Suport Support
403. Iresponsible Irresponsible 466. Reprimend Reprimand 529. Tunnal Tunnel
404. Dutes Duties 467. Minarat Minaret 530. Raport Rapport
405. perfroming performing 468. Pertiment Pertinent 531. Trebble Treble
406. Employes Employees 469. Ocured Occurred 532. Creem Cream
407. Acess Access 470. Relevent Relevant 533. Sleam Steam
408. Healhy Healthy 471. Splandid Splendid 534. Beem Beam
409. Sugest Suggest 472. Meager Meagre 535. Steram Steam
410. Quantam Quantum 473. Marraigeable Marriageable 536. Flufy Fluffy Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 247

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 42 TG @M00n_Ligt Spellings
537. Giffted Gifted 588. Aproximate Approximate 651. Proces Process
538. Jugglar Juggler 589. Catolog Catalog 652. Mischivious Mischievious
539. Strugler Struggler 590. Supercede Supersede 653. Acheive Achieve
540. Fstival festival 591. Technike Technique 654. Volunter Volunteer
541. Mornning Morning 592. Deseive Deceive 655. Addjacent Adjacent
542. Washinng Washing 593. Exklusive Exclusive 656. Recieved Received
543. Caling Calling 594. Necesity Necessity 657. Aknowledge Acknowledge
544. Burnig Burning 595. Auspicius Auspicious 658. Maintainance Maintenance
545. componants components 596. Citezen Citizen 659. Tendancy Tendency
546. Indepedently independently 597. Extrime Extreme 660. Frekqent Frequent
547. wrok work 598. Anamoly Anomaly 661. Maticulous Meticulous
599. Historigraphy Historiography 662. Willfull Willful
SSC CGL 2022 Tier - 2 600. Abbriviation Abbreviation 663. Bureacracy Bureaucracy
(02/03/2023 - 07/03/2023) 601. Adepted Adapted 664. Coutious Cautious
602. Adjuddicate Adjudicate 665. Diferent Different
603. Laggage Luggage 666. Triumpant Triumphant
Wrong Right
604. Illustreous Illustrious 667. Pioner Pioneer
Part (highlighted Part)
605. Compromizes Compromises 668. Unanemous Unanimous
548. Attampt Attempt
606. Enduering Enduring 669. Discersive Discursive

549. Phillosophy Philosophy
607. Seceade Secede 670. Venomos Venomous
550. Thinkh think
608. Intermitent Intermittent 671. Peramid Pyramid
551. Systametic Systematic
609. Condolance Condolence 672. Tolerence Tolerance
552. Desedent Decedent
610. Hierarchial Hierarchical 673. Discusions Discussions
553. granduor grandeur
611. Manufakturer Manufacturer 674. Menipulate Manipulate
554. monumants monuments
561. Acede Accede
619. Vaccum Vacuum 682. Conveneince Convenience
562. Absccess Abscess
620. Arivved Arrived 683. Defroded Defrauded
563. Daedline deadline
621. Cancelletion Cancellation 684. Subservint Subservient
564. Intrecate Intricate
622. Calandar Calendar 685. Incompitent Incompetent
565. Suceeded Succeeded
623. Circamference Circumference 686. Kaledoscope Kaleidoscope
566. earlire earlier
624. Addministration Administration 687. Rebber Rubber
567. Iregular Irregular
625. Apperance Appearance 688. Navaigable Navigable
568. Accademic Academic
626. Sergent Sergeant 689. Aplicable Applicable
569. Reveiw Review
627. Classifide Classified 690. Bactaria Bacteria
570. Afiliated Affiliated
628. Percist Persist 691. Succes Success
629. Catterpillar Caterpillar 692. Arckitecture Architecture
SSC GD 2022 630. Magnificentt Magnificent 693. Artisen Artisan
(10/01/2023 -13/02/2023) 631. Signifecently Significantly 694. Particepating Participating
632. Snaching Snatching 695. Quarrantine Quarantine

Wrong Right
633. Candidets Candidates 696. Aliagn Align
Part (highlighted Part)
634. Aquicsed Acquiesced 697. Phyziotherapist Physiotherapist
571. Permenent Permanent
635. Addopt Adopt 698. Endavor Endeavor
572. Occassion Occasion
636. Repugnent Repugnant 699. Psuedonym Pseudonym
573. Solvant Solvent
637. Referance Reference 700. Teelotaler Teetotaler
574. Aberation Aberration
638. Refridgeration Refrigeration 701. Vaccenation Vaccination
575. Spead Speed
639. Abboard Aboard 702. Confiedent Confident
576. Orthopidic Orthopedic
640. Consientious Conscientious 703. Covardice Cowardice
577. Skulptor Sculptor
641. Dinamics Dynamics 704. Acrettion Accretion
578. Fuetristic Futuristic
642. Uniqu Unique 705. Enterpreneur Entrepreneur
579. Lonelyness Loneliness
643. Vaccuum Vacuum 706. Hapily Happily
580. Curiculum Curriculum
644. Amplefication Amplification 707. Dalmation Dalmatian
581. Flovers Flowers
645. Reluctent Reluctant 708. Venirate Venerate
582. Phinomenon Phenomenon
646. Wrrapped Wrapped 709. Hypocresy Hypocrisy
583. Blinc Blink
647. Massenger Messenger 710. Oblitirate Obliterate
584. Imaginery Imaginary
648. Talen Talon
585. Seperate Separate
649. Inaccesible Inaccessible
586. Pasion Passion
650. Circuler Circular
587. Nueroloikal neurological Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 248
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 42 TG @M00n_Ligt Spellings
SSC CGL 2022 Tier - 1 769. Humurous Humorous 832. Anguiesh Anguish
(01/12/2022 - 13/12/2022) 770. Preceivable Perceivable 833. Ascessment Assessment
771. Poliseman Policeman 834. Comprihensive Comprehensive
772. Tyrany Tyranny 835. Innoculation Inoculation
Wrong Right
773. Serinity Serenity 836. Continueous Continuous
Part (highlighted Part)
774. Haremony Harmony 837. Acheivement Achievement
711. Hiest Heist
775. Kecthup Ketchup 838. Furroue Furrow
712. Finrey Finery
776. Pricise Precise 839. Enimity Enmity
713. Crenge Cringe
777. Flesihy Flashy 840. Suckess Success
714. Defar Defer
778. Dimolish Demolish
715. Peircing Piercing
716. Sliek Sleek
779. Condoct Conduct SSC CPO 2022 Tier - 1
780. Biopec Biopic (09/11/2022 - 11/11/ 2022)
717. Pei Pie
781. Craftmanship Craftsmanship
718. Icth Itch
782. Artellary Artillery Wrong Right
719. Dysenfranchised Disenfranchised
783. Effecient Efficient
720. Slaughtar Slaughter Part (highlighted Part)
784. Sergiant Sergeant
721. Croping Cropping 841. Vocifirous Vociferous
785. Compell Compel
722. Traffickng Trafficking 842. Afflection Affliction
786. Assidous Assiduous
723. Tyarnical Tyrannical 843. Episcopel Episcopal
787. Conjoiined Conjoined

724. Glamming Gleaming 844. Innocouus Innocuous
788. Equiliebrium Equilibrium
725. Cremitery Cemetery 845. Stipulete Stipulate
789. Antartic Antarctic
726. Accomodate Accommodate 846. Postulete Postulate
790. Thyriod Thyroid
727. Intrudar Intruder 847. Abcissoin Abscission
791. Amature Amateur
728. Neccessary Necessary 848. Abtrose Abstruse
792. Apparantly Apparently
729. Aboregines Aborigines 849. Incisoin Incision
736. Dismey Dismay 856. Demonstrton Demonstration
800. Longitutional Longitudinal
737. Beseiged Besieged 857. Aclaim Acclaim
801. Langiush Languish
738. Adoloscent Adolescent 858. Beleive Believe
802. Sabbotical Sabbatical
739. Belife Belief 859. Ilicit Illicit
803. Confluance Confluence
740. Beneth Beneath 860. Illegiible Illegible
804. Mythecal Mythical
741. Clemancy Clemency 861. Paniic Panic
805. Questionaire Questionnaire
742. Avariciuos Avaricious 862. Inflamatory Inflammatory
806. Higyene Hygiene
743. Hegamony Hegemony 863. Neurologicel Neurological
807. Milennium Millennium
744. Nostelgic Nostalgic 864. Realize Realise
808. Caribean Caribbean
745. Assoceate Associate 865. Purvay Purvey
809. Laparoscoopy Laparoscopy
746. Profesionnal Professional 866. Pervede Pervade
810. Quever Quiver
747. Dubeous Dubious 867. Paruse Peruse
811. Rudementary Rudimentary
748. Neferious Nefarious 868. Perspicous Perspicuous
812. Annonymous Anonymous
749. Consumate Consummate 869. Calender Calendar
813. Insedious Insidious
750. Rauceous Raucous 870. Wiggale Wiggle

814. Deseived Deceived

751. Occurrance Occurrence 871. Wreathhe Wreath
815. Eczima Eczema
752. Rhime Rhyme 872. Solvant Solvent
816. Foreseable Foreseeable
753. Rhythme Rhythm 873. Exubarant Exuberant
817. Exhelarate Exhilarate
754. Symbollical Symbolical 874. Sermonise Sermoinize
818. Consequenses Consequences
755. Judege Judge 875. Acquital Acquittal
819. Substantiel Substantial
756. Friwsk Frisk 876. Chivalruos Chivalrous
820. Catelouge Catalogue
757. Hystericaly Hysterically 877. Prophat Prophet
821. Couyture Couture
758. Foliege Foliage 878. Prodigi Prodigy
822. Agravate Aggravate
759. Irretating Irritating 879. Protage Protege
823. Subsestence Subsistence
760. Pedistrian Pedestrian 880. Ostracise Ostracize
824. Extarnal External
761. Beguillig Beguiling 881. Impovarish Impoverish
825. Anglle Angel
762. Acces Access 882. Connoissaur Connoisseur
826. Angale Angle
763. Striphe Strife 883. Enterpreneur Entrepreneur
827. Hieracsical Hierarchical
764. Inocense Innocence 884. Centenarain Centenarian
828. Downtrroden Downtrodden
765. Governence Governance 885. Merceniry Mercenary
829. Diabeetes Diabetes
766. Enforsement Enforcement 886. Extrect Extract
830. Exacerebating Exacerbating
767. Insuffecient Insufficient 887. Spoilege Spoilage
831. Excruciateing Excruciating
768. Harrassment Harassment 888. Ireversible Irreversible Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 249

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 42 TG @M00n_Ligt Spellings
889. Allitarate Alliterate 939. Legislatoin Legislation 996. Mejestic Majestic
890. Alimantary Alimentary 940. Developmant Development 997. Factering Factoring
891. Columnn Column 941. Sustaineble Sustainable 998. Revanue Revenue
892. Squere Square 942. Statutery Statutory 999. Exploitasion Exploitation
893. Circumsttances Circumstances 943. Cigarete Cigarette 1000. Perfeedy Perfidy
894. Indafinite Indefinite 944. Apprecaite Appreciate 1001. Ingenuous Ingenuos
895. Commitmant Commitment 945. Understend Understand 1002. Conducieve Conducive
896. Vorecity Voracity 946. Haritage Heritage 1003. Endoganous Endogenous
897. Vessal Vassal 947. Palatiel Palatial 1004. Bottelneck Bottleneck
898. Vorecity Voracity 948. Essantial Essential 1005. Apparantly Apparently
899. Realtty Reality 949. Ancestrel Ancestral 1006. Prestegious Prestigious
900. Deficiant Deficient 950. Magnificant Magnificent 1007. Breathe Breath
901. Dyying Dying 951. Aggresive Aggressive 1008. Instittute Institute
902. Sarrated Serrated 952. Argumants Arguments 1009. Innoculate Inoculate
903. Diarrheoa Diarrhoea 953. Counsalor Counselor 1010. Engaege Engage
904. Pseudonim Pseudonym 954. Posthumuos Posthumous 1011. Legetimate Legitimate
905. Discippline Discipline 955. Pedestrain Pedestrian 1012. Loppsided Lopsided
906. Intubete Intubate 956. Thershold Threshold 1013. Cridential Credential
907. Intermineble Interminable 957. Eucaliptus Eucalyptus 1014. Habbichuela Habichuela

908. Fluorescense Fluorescence 958. Racent Recent 1015. Advanturous Adventurous
909. Fourgo Forgo 959. Embarrasing Embarrassing 1016. Agravate Aggravate
910. Fourego Forego 960. Rebutal Rebuttal 1017. Millenia Millennia
911. Flonder Flounder 961. Incautiuos Incautious 1018. Monothiestic Monotheistic
912. Posthhumously Posthumously 962. Speach Speech 1019. Hypotheshis Hypothesis
920. Funerel Funeral 970. Versas Versus 1027. Meteculous Meticulous
921. Fortuituos Fortuitous 971. Optimel Optimal 1028. Exhillarate Exhilarate
922. Quarralsome Quarrelsome 972. Exclamatoin Exclamation 1029. Privillege Privilege
923. Ecclesaistical Ecclesiastical 973. Advarse Adverse 1030. Perseverence Perseverance
924. Calamituos Calamitous 974. Managemant Management 1031. Inadvartent Inadvertent
925. Subscribbe Subscribe 975. Visiible Visible 1032. Televission Television
926. Quadrent Quadrant 1033. Measer Measure
927. Miraage Mirage SSC MTS 2021 Tier - 1 1034. Suggesst Suggest
928. Mangel Mangle (05/07/2022 - 26/07/2022) 1035. Speciallist Specialist
929. Medalion Medallion 1036. Commpere Compere
Wrong Right 1037. Chauffuer Chauffeur
SSC CGL 2021 Tier - 2 Part (highlighted Part) 1038. Addamant Adamant
(08/08/2022) 1039. Amorfous Amorphous
976. Mastar Master
1040. Dyspotic Despotic
977. Perterb Perturb

Wrong Right 1041. Contantious Contentious

978. Prominyent Prominent
1042. Tolarate Tolerate
Part (highlighted Part) 979. Chauevinist Chauvinist
1043. Visseral Visceral
930. Paralel Parallel 980. Cosmopollitan Cosmopolitan
1044. Euforic Euphoric
931. Pasage Passage 981. Contemporery Contemporary
1045. Wondorous Wondrous
932. Plantian Plantain 982. Imigrant Immigrant
1046. Vulenrable Vulnerable
933. Plaquue Plaque 983. Bizare Bizarre
1047. Evedence Evidence
934. Plataeu Plateau 984. Infetuation Infatuation
1048. Excevation Excavation
935. Enmitty Enmity 985. Fortuenate Fortunate
1049. Expariences Experiences
936. Platinumm Platinum 986. Pickeeing Picking
1050. Institutionnalised Institutionalised
987. Picsure Picture
1051. Tramendous Tremendous
SSC SELECTION POST 988. Influance Influence
1052. Vehical Vehicle
PHASE (X) 989. Custudy Custody
1053. Focle Focal
990. Borowing Borrowing
(01/08/2022 - 05/08/2022) 1054. Precurser Precursor
991. Soveriegn Sovereign
1055. Religeosity Religiosity
Wrong Right 992. Presurve Preserve
1056. Ansestors Ancestors
993. Anti-terorist Anti-terrorist
Part (highlighted Part) 1057. Contenent Continent
994. Assemblly Assembly
937. Holered Hollered 1058. Indefatigueable Indefatigable
995. Strinjent Stringent
938. Maneger Manager Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 250
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 42 - 43 TG @M00n_Ligt Spellings
1059. Biulding Building SSC CHSL 2021 Tier - 1 1174. Mimikry Mimicry
1060. Portefolio Portfolio (24/05/2022 - 10/06/2022) 1175. Overrought Overwrought
1061. Evence Evince 1176. Appology Apology
1062. Secondery Secondary Wrong Right 1177. Extravert Extrovert
1063. Foriegn Foreign Part (highlighted Part) 1178. Lugubriuos Lugubrious
1064. Benefecial Beneficial 1116. Delicoius Delicious 1179. Collaboratee Collaborate
1065. Harrass Harass 1117. Decaffenated Decaffeinated 1180. Phramaeutical Pharmaceutical
1066. Repercusions Repercussions 1118. Nupteal Nuptial 1181. Mamorial Memorial
1067. Appealling Appealing 1119. Supplementery Supplementary 1182. Acquant Acquaint
1068. Petience Patience 1120. Noticiable Noticeable 1183. Guarentee Guarantee
1069. Remembar Remember 1121. Zylophone Xylophone 1184. Monotonus Monotonous
1070. Bureaucrate Bureaucrat 1122. Olgopoli Oligopoly 1185. Compitition Competition
1071. Sacrefice Sacrifice 1123. Robbust Robust 1186. Collaegue Colleague
1072. Uppcoming Upcoming 1124. Vennison Venison 1187. Warant Warrant
1073. Compitative Competitive 1125. Nosi Nosy 1188. Oportunity Opportunity
1074. Autocrecy Autocracy 1126. Yern Yearn 1189. Convarsation Conversation
1075. Escapide Escapade 1127. Rumenate Ruminate 1190. Equiane Equine
1076. Ressonate Resonate 1128. Supersticious Superstitious 1191. Equanemity Equanimity
1077. Discovary Discovery 1129. Commitee Committee 1192. Equillibrium Equilibrium

1078. Technnical Technical 1130. Effecient Efficient 1193. Encouregement Encouragement
1079. Uniaun Union 1131. Leyer Layer 1194. Achivement Achievement
1080. Harrness Harness 1132. Feeld Field 1195. Enviroment Environment
1081. Begaile Beguile 1133. Martenet Martinet 1196. Advertaisement Advertisement
1082. Blendishment Blandishment 1134. Congenitel Congenital 1197. Elegent Elegant
1141. Arguement Argument
1090. Crator Crater 1142. Cannopies Canopies 1205. Provinciel provincial
1091. Mentle Mantle 1143. Tasels Tassels 1206. Resanted resented
1092. Volkeno Volcano 1144. Damppened Dampened 1207. Exchequir exchequer
1093. Earthqueke Earthquake 1145. Treckled Trickled 1208. Privilages privileges
1094. Lovaly Lovely 1146. Ridikule Ridicule 1209. Sucessfull Successful
1095. Contantious Contentious 1147. Exemplifide Exemplified 1210. Fecilitation Facilitation
1096. Prevarecate Prevaricate 1148. Burlescue Burlesque 1211. Resplandent Resplendent
1097. Rifute Refute 1149. Doggeral Doggerel 1212. Jingostic Jingoistic
1098. Revare Revere 1150. Geilty Guilty 1213. Segregetion Segregation
1099. Sicure Secure 1151. Globel Global 1214. Chrouching Crouching
1100. Livlihood Livelihood 1152. Beautycian Beautician 1215. Innocous Innocuous
1101. Veretable Veritable 1153. Mathmatician Mathematician 1216. Demoliss Demolish
1102. Porposefully Purposefully 1154. Musitian Musician 1217. Shooddy Shoddy
1103. Panetrate Penetrate 1155. Technisian Technician 1218. Hudle Huddle

1104. Constituensy Constituency 1156. Informassional Informational 1219. Hostil Hostel

1105. Dimolish Demolish 1157. Enformal Informal 1220. Horor Horror
1106. Petronize Patronize 1158. Personnal Personnel 1221. Hospitel Hospital
1107. Yesterrday Yesterday 1159. Personel Personal 1222. Mandetory Mandatory
1108. Contennt Content 1160. Enthuciasm Enthusiasm 1223. Amnasia Amnesia
1109. Relay on Rely on 1161. Acomplishment Accomplishment 1224. Corteous Courteous
1110. Symultaneous Simultaneous 1162. Convenence Convenience 1225. Friggidity Frigidity
1111. Intreview Interview 1163. Auxilliary Auxiliary 1226. Nautrality Neutrality
1112. Exacutive Executive 1164. Occurrance Occurrence 1227. Satere Satire
1113. Bland Blend 1165. Accomodation Accommodation 1228. Augastan Augustan
1114. Contantious Contentious 1166. Priviledge Privilege 1229. Partysanship partisanship
1115. Privaricate Prevaricate 1167. Erronious Erroneous 1230. Discipiline Discipline
1168. Conciousness Consciousness 1231. Consceous Conscious
1169. Encyclopeadia Encyclopaedia 1232. Previlege Privilege
1170. Euphaemism Euphemism 1233. Belive Believe
1171. Embberassment Embarrassment 1234. Neighboar Neighbour
1172. Menistry Ministry 1235. Superceide Supercede
1173. Attension Attention 1236. Indefetigable Indefatigable Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 251

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 43 TG @M00n_Ligt Spellings
1237. Autopsi Autopsy 1300. Sttingy Stingy 1363. Curiocity Curiosity
1238. Anonymos Anonymous 1301. Culmminate Culminate 1364. Machurity Maturity
1239. Poccession Possession 1302. Picth Pitch 1365. Cretivity Creativity
1240. Jelous Jealous 1303. Hastty Hasty 1366. Generocity Generosity
1241. Suspecious Suspicious 1304. Noctrunal Nocturnal 1367. Imprudance Impudence
1242. Luxureous Luxurious 1305. Irespective Irrespective 1368. Consicience Conscience
1243. Correspondance Correspondence 1306. Repulcive Repulsive 1369. Neccessity Necessity
1244. Campagn Campaign 1307. Scorebord Scoreboard 1370. Reprrimanded Reprimanded
1245. Experement Experiment 1308. Movment Movement 1371. Magneficent Magnificent.
1246. Accommadation Accommodation 1309. Carreer Career 1372. Shreenes Shrines
1247. Protocal Protocol 1310. Carrierr Carrier 1373. Deties Deities
1248. Medel Medal 1311. Freadom Freedom 1374. Mercenery Mercenary
1249. Opponants Opponents 1312. Summarry Summary 1375. Narowest Narrowest
1250. Immitate Imitate 1313. Emegrate Emigrate 1376. Instanteneous Instantaneous
1251. Absolut Absolute 1314. Rivelry Ravelry 1377. Presumptous Presumptuous
1252. Abscent Absent 1315. Grandeor Grandeur 1378. Illegitimat Illegitimate
1253. Absarb Absorb 1316. Zodaic zodiac 1379. Lasecivious Lascivious
1254. Abstrract Abstract 1317. Audiance Audience 1380. Addmonish Admonish
1255. Unfortunetely Unfortunately 1318. Comprrehension Comprehension 1381. Avarise Avarice

1256. Slothe Sloth 1319. Competance Competence 1382. Adverase Adverse
1257. Beest Beast 1320. Attendence Attendance 1383. Biege Beige
1258. Wantanly Wantonl 1321. Kengaroo kangaroo 1384. Innvestigate Investigate
1259. Repitetion Repetition 1322. Vivecious Vivacious 1385. Innvite Invite
1260. Portry Portray 1323. Ambeguous Ambiguous 1386. Invant Invent
1268. Boredome Boredom 1331. Budhist Buddhist 1394. Elephantin Elephantine
1269. Kingdam Kingdom 1332. Theocraci theocracy 1395. Comittee Committee
1270. Neccessary necessary 1333. Brrusque Brusque 1396. Innoculate Inoculate
1271. Trustwarthy Trustworthy 1334. Boistrous Boisterous 1397. Lisure Leisure
1272. Bonaffide Bonafide 1335. Blizard Blizzard 1398. Medeval Medieval
1273. Solusion Solution 1336. Blondde Blonde 1399. Milennium Millennium
1274. Culturel Cultural 1337. Spacios Spacious 1400. dimonstrated Demonstrated
1275. Quear Queer 1338. Lyree Lyre 1401. Percusion percussion
1276. Antibadies Antibodies 1339. Irespective Irrespective 1402. Orchestr Orchestra
1277. Breg Brag 1340. Solubil Soluble 1403. Braught Brought
1278. Rasscal Rascal 1341. Audasious Audacious 1404. Manegement Management
1279. Tacctile Tactile 1342. Incradible Incredible 1405. Enthusism Enthusiasm
1280. Concentratte Concentrate 1343. Bafling Baffling 1406. Bibblography Bibliography
1281. Domecile Domicile 1344. Prevelent Prevalent 1407. Intelligance Intelligence

1282. Custumary Customary 1345. Retrrospect Retrospect 1408. aggreggate Aggregate

1283. Aquaintance Acquaintance 1346. Gaurmet Gourmet 1409. Succesion Succession
1284. Trecherous Treacherous 1347. Magnanimus Magnanimous 1410. Assessinate Assassinate
1285. Serendepity Serendipity 1348. Clandistine Clandestine 1411. Complacant Complacent
1286. Mallicious Malicious 1349. Vocablary vocabulary 1412. Aquerium Aquarium
1287. Redicalism Radicalism 1350. Commisarate Commiserate 1413. Certifficate Certificate
1288. Premitivism primitivism 1351. Deccennial Decennial 1414. Channal Channel
1289. Ragged Raged 1352. Nausia Nausea 1415. Champian Champion
1290. Debattes Debates 1353. Curiculum Curriculum 1416. Challange Challenge
1291. Glammour Glamour 1354. Commitee Committee 1417. Trysit Tryst
1292. Quaranteen Quarantine 1355. Expeled Expelled 1418. Yogart Yoghurt
1293. Guaranti Guarantee 1356. Sarttorial Sartorial 1419. Serrene Serene
1294. Queeuee Queue 1357. Impllicate Implicate 1420. Shopholic Shopaholic
1295. Phillosophy Philosophy 1358. Sabotege Sabotage 1421. Hilerious Hilarious
1296. Geogrraphy Geography 1359. Charactaristic Characteristic 1422. Dimolish Demolish
1297. Ecconomics Economics 1360. Apperance Appearance 1423. Magnificient magnificent
1298. Spychology Psychology 1361. Contrroversy Controversy 1424. Gargentuan Gargantuan
1299. Vecation Vacation 1362. Definetly Definitely 1425. Acstasy Ecstasy Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 252

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 43 TG @M00n_Ligt Spellings
1426. Copulete Copulate 1489. Coloquialism Colloquialism 1546. Seiize Seize
1427. Iginition Ignition 1490. Devaured Devoured 1547. Freind Friend
1428. Partion Portion 1491. Succesfully Successfully 1548. Neice Niece
1429. Horticultare Horticulture 1492. Trivea Trivia 1549. Scennic Scenic
1430. Allimony Alimony 1493. Nesecessary Necessary 1550. Boundery Boundary
1431. Halucinate Hallucinate 1494. Intarpretation Interpretation 1551. Photograpph Photograph
1432. Structral Structural 1495. Tremandous Tremendous 1552. Procesing Processing
1433. Holloween Halloween 1496. Perssistent Persistent 1553. Competancy Competency
1434. Merittorious Meritorious 1497. Pronounciation Pronunciation 1554. Profesional Professional
1435. Trumatic Traumatic 1498. Ingenous Ingenious 1555. Perpetuatte Perpetuate
1436. Stiggmatic Stigmatic 1499. Comittee Committee 1556. Dillema Dilemma
1437. Exgibitionistic Exhibitionistic 1500. Develope Develop 1557. Electrronics Electronics
1438. Heraditary hereditary 1501. Referance Reference 1558. Incriminatting Incriminating
1439. Phorts Forts 1502. Begining Beginning 1559. Embodimenet Embodiment
1440. Garisioned Garrisoned 1503. Accesories Accessories 1560. Deprressed Depressed
1441. Militery Military 1504. Dominent Dominant 1561. Viviidly Vividly
1442. Immigretion Immigration 1505. Pamplet Pamphlet 1562. Peity Piety
1443. Administretor Administrator 1506. Politicion Politician 1563. Sovereigntty Sovereignty
1444. Admmission Admission 1507. Levarage Leverage 1564. Astuond Astound

1445. Exploistation Exploitation 1508. Oscilate Oscillate 1565. Addrress Address
1446. Halucinate Hallucinate 1509. Bonefire Bonfire 1566. Adviec Advice
1447. Hiatous Hiatus 1510. Enssue Ensue 1567. Ammount Amount
1448. Sacrilage Sacrilege 1568. Comadian Comedian
1449. Launderete Launderette SSC CGL 2021 Tier - 1 1569. Camuoflage Camouflage
(11/04/2022- 21/04/2022)

(highlighted Part)
1513. Idlenass Idleness
1457. Affluance Affluence 1577. Securitty Security
1514. Indolense Indolence
1458. Mosqueteos Mosqueteros 1578. Certian Certain
1515. Anxiuos Anxious
1459. Knowlege Knowledge 1579. Casheir Cashier
1516. Viciuos Vicious
1460. Marrinate Marinate 1580. Custarrd Custard
1517. Miimic Mimic
1461. Collage College 1581. Caaravan Caravan
1518. Moisturre Moisture
1462. Joccular Jocular 1582. Catarpiller Caterpillar
1519. Arbitrrary Arbitrary
1463. Bowlagged Bowlegged 1583. Scorpiion Scorpion
1520. Scrutinise Scrutinize
1464. Planquins Palanquins 1584. Chameloen Chameleon
1521. Cerebrel Cerebral
1465. Urrchins Urchins 1585. Lizarrd Lizard
1522. Withhdrawal Withdrawal
1466. Bussinessman Businessman 1586. Gymnasttic Gymnastic
1523. Luxuriuos Luxurious
1467. Appetight Appetite 1587. Seasonel Seasonal
1524. Recluce Recluse
1468. Relience Reliance 1588. Celestail Celestial
1525. Virtous Virtuous
1469. Sucess Success 1589. Hygeinic Hygienic
1526. Profuce Profuse
1470. Confidance Confidence 1590. Helicoptar Helicopter
1527. Perfactionist Perfectionist

1471. Perticular Particular 1591. Censurre Censure

1528. Pessimiist Pessimist
1472. Queu Queue 1592. Subseqeuently Subsequently
1529. Opttimist Optimist
1473. Recommand Recommend 1593. Sentimantaly Sentimentaly
1530. Fatallist Fatalist
1474. Opposision Opposition 1594. Cadrre Cadre
1531. Creaturre Creature
1475. Humilliate Humiliate 1595. Solicitetion Solicitation
1532. Specifeid Specified
1476. Ignorent Ignorant 1596. Commiit Commit
1533. Decraese Decrease
1477. Intelligant Intelligent 1597. Carnivoruos Carnivorous
1534. Paeceful Peaceful
1478. Fassinate Fascinate 1598. Calender Calendar
1535. Extarminated Exterminated
1479. Persistance persistence 1599. Reciept Receipt
1536. Voilence Violence
1480. Harrass Harass 1600. Rhyeme Rhyme
1537. Wilderneess Wilderness
1481. Kinatic Kinetic 1601. Restuarant Restaurant
1538. Unmanagbeable Unmanageable
1482. Innkling Inkling 1602. Refered Referred
1539. Terorism Terrorism
1483. Joculer Jocular 1603. Headmastar Headmaster
1540. Alotment Allotment
1484. obsequous Obsequious 1604. Profesor Professor
1541. Borow Borrow
1485. Arrgument Argument 1605. Diractor Director
1542. Alowance Allowance
1486. Corporasion Corporation 1606. Teachar Teacher
1543. Sinsere Sincere
1487. Surreptitios Surreptitious 1607. Criticiism Criticism
1544. Grievanse Grievance
1488. Decception Deception 1608. Approvel Approval
1545. Leisuure Leisure Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 253
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 43 TG @M00n_Ligt Spellings
1609. Helicoptar Helicopter 1672. Anarchhy Anarchy 1735. Neccessary Necessary
1610. Articulatte Articulate 1673. Varbal Verbal 1736. Beggining Beginning
1611. Magnificant Magnificent 1674. Meloddy Melody 1737. Irelevant Irrelevant
1612. Collossal Colossal 1675. Spaek Speak 1738. Loccation Location
1613. Consansus Consensus 1676. Writen Written 1739. Advanture Adventure
1614. Duobt Doubt 1677. Tuttion Tuition 1740. Beneffit Benefit
1615. Dicttionary Dictionary 1678. Circiut Circuit 1741. Acquere Acquire
1616. Dentel Dental 1679. Genvine Genuine 1742. Pathatic Pathetic
1617. Druoght Drought 1680. Mannars Manners 1743. Contempllate Contemplate
1618. Adviseble Advisable 1681. Rettort Retort 1744. Cooperrate Cooperate
1619. Alternete Alternate 1682. Retireve Retrieve 1745. Temprate Temperate
1620. Adament Adamant 1683. Revange Revenge 1746. Syndiccate Syndicate
1621. Adequete Adequate 1684. Retturn Return 1747. Voluntery Voluntary
1622. Disapoint Disappoint 1685. Weeird Weird 1748. Disparitty Disparity
1623. Disastruos Disastrous 1686. Cansal Cancel 1749. Continuanse Continuance
1624. Discuorage Discourage 1687. Recieve Receive 1750. Convinsing Convincing
1625. Desparate Desperate 1688. Prepiar Prepair 1751. Alphabate Alphabet
1626. Ocasion Occasion 1689. Progrecc Progress 1752. Allargic Allergic
1627. Uniison Unison 1690. Mystary Mystery 1753. Altarnate Alternate

1628. Liason Liaison 1691. Pillgrim Pilgrim 1754. Alloted Allotted
1629. Vehemense Vehemence 1692. Symmtoms Symptoms 1755. Secratriat Secratariat
1630. SanctIity Sanctity 1693. Whitan Witan 1756. Heartbeet Heartbeat
1631. Escaletor Escalator 1694. Enlightan Enlighten 1757. Performence Performance
1632. Refarbish Refurbish 1695. Hastan Hasten 1758. Tonghue Tongue


1640. Preciuos Precious 1703. Corespondence Correspondence
(Feb 2022)
1641. Innovatoin Innovation 1704. Miscelaneous Miscellaneous
1642. Vacine Vaccine 1705. Exclaimation Exclamation GRADUATE-LEVEL
1643. Priroity Priority 1706. Disciplinerian Disciplinarian
1644. Detactive Detective 1707. Contrery Contrary Wrong Right
1645. Evidance Evidence 1708. Terribal Terrible
Part (highlighted Part)
1646. Impecable Impeccable 1709. Longgitude Longitude
1763. Forllorn Forlorn
1647. Incandescant Incandescent 1710. Mannars Manners
1764. Fiegn Feign
1648. Inconclussive Inconclusive 1711. Decieve Deceive
1765. Facsinate Fascinate
1649. Percieve Perceive 1712. Liesure Leisure
1766. Forfet Forfeit
1650. Reveiw Review 1713. Beleive Believe
1767. Maintenence Maintenance
1651. Decieve Deceive 1714. Wellfere Welfare
1768. Motivete Motivate
1652. Receipt Receipt 1715. Convrt Convert
1769. Occassion Occasion
1653. Asthetic Aesthetic 1716. Conect Connect
1770. Tendancy Tendency

1654. Licenes Licence 1717. Concent Consent

1771. Hygine Hygiene
1655. Chandeleir Chandelier 1718. Convect Convict
1772. Tolerent Tolerant
1656. Haphaazard Haphazard 1719. Tanure Tenure
1773. Catelogue Catalogue
1657. Acsetic Ascetic 1720. Digonal Diagonal
1774. Sechedule Schedule
1658. Boastting Boasting 1721. Partnar Partner
1775. Cuation Caution
1659. Evidence Evidence 1722. Obleque Oblique
1776. Gague Gauge
1660. Overide Override 1723. Ensuore Ensure
1777. Thrvie Thrive
1661. Cuosin Cousin 1724. Adjorn Adjourn
1778. Relesh Relish
1662. Naphew Nephew 1725. Puritty Purity
1779. Enthusaism Enthusiasm
1663. Niese Niece 1726. Exhast Exhaust
1780. Entety Entity
1664. Playright Playwrigh 1727. Disturbence Disturbance
1781. Exseptional Exceptional
1665. Unkle Uncle 1728. Genious Genius
1782. Emminent Eminent
1666. Playful Playfull 1729. Opportunitty Opportunity
1667. Plagiarice Plagiarise 1730. Connscious Conscious HIGHER SECONDARY LEVEL
1668. Plogh Plough 1731. Annivarsary Anniversary
1669. Monarchhy Monarchy 1732. Angush Anguish
Wrong Right
1670. Aristocrasy Aristocracy 1733. Anonimous Anonymous
1671. Tyrany Tyranny 1734. Anouncement Announcement
Part (highlighted Part)
1783. Iliterate Illiterate Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 254
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 43 TG @M00n_Ligt Spellings
1784. Asclimatise Acclimatise 1842. Prospur Prosper 1905. Prononce Pronounce
1785. Acommodate Accommodate 1843. Stoopped Stooped 1906. Propagenda Propaganda
1786. Ilegible Illegible 1844. Stagered Staggered 1907. Enviroment Environment
1787. Advanture Adventure 1845. Streseed Stressed 1908. Feihfully Faithfully
1788. Peculier Peculiar 1846. Strivde Strived 1909. Happenned Happened
1789. Excillent Excellent 1847. Delecious Delicious 1910. Bombsell Bombshell
1790. Grammer Grammar 1848. Anexious Anxious 1911. Lesseon Lesson
1791. Illigal Illegal 1849. Famuos Famous 1912. Leyopard Leopard
1792. Appeial Appeal 1850. Enorrmous Enormous 1913. Leysure Leisure
1793. Aprropriate Appropriate 1851. Minuet Minute 1914. Legisletor Legislator
1794. Iresponsible Irresponsible 1852. Minnus Minus 1915. Languege Language
1795. Illegel Illegal 1853. Ministter Minister 1916. Landskape Landscape
1796. Immidiate Immediate 1854. Minnimum Minimum 1917. Lapce Lapse
1797. Pethetic Pathetic 1855. Seram Serum 1918. Lantren Lantern
1798. Defenitely Definitely 1856. Seriel Serial 1919. Electorn Electron
1799. Suspiceous Suspicious 1857. Survice Service 1920. Effecient Efficient
1800. Swinddle Swindle 1858. Servnat Servant 1921. Elevan Eleven
1801. Suppliment Supplement 1859. Disatisfied Dissatisfied 1922. Egde Edge
1802. Sweter Sweater 1860. Encourege Encourage 1923. Resistence Resistance

1803. Listoner Listener 1861. Courtoeus Courteous 1924. Pendent Pendant
1804. Reguler Regular 1862. Ambision Ambition 1925. Resplandent Resplendent
1805. Prisioner Prisoner 1863. Classiccal Classical 1926. Saparate Separate
1806. Creattor Creator 1864. Classiccist Classicist 1927. Eleborate Elaborate
1807. Lyisure Leisure 1865. Classificetion Classification 1928. Elcetion Election

Wrong Right
Part (highlighted Part) 1873. Cemetory Cemetery 1936. Aditional Additional
1811. Punctuetion Punctuation 1874. Recieve Receive 1937. Adpat Adapt
1812. Irregation Irrigation 1875. Irrelegious Irreligious 1938. Adpet Adept
1813. Electrric Electric 1876. Rebillious Rebellious 1939. Insullt Insult
1814. Presure Pressure 1877. Irrellevant Irrelevant 1940. Rvere Revere
1815. Deligate Delegate 1878. Iritating Irritating 1941. Estaem Esteem
1816. Deliete Delete 1879. Tommorrow Tomorrow 1942. Scorrn Scorn
1817. Devoote Devotee 1880. Acommodate Accommodate 1943. Shrotfall Shortfall
1818. Desgin Design 1881. Marrathon Marathon 1944. Parralel Parallel
1819. Blockege Blockage 1882. Grammer Grammar 1945. Humbley Humbly
1820. Initialy Initially 1883. Propouse Propose 1946. Aceptable Acceptable
1821. Knowlege Knowledge 1884. Imagenary Imaginary 1947. Attendent Attendant
1822. Negociate Negotiate 1885. Ignorence Ignorance 1948. Speling Spelling
1823. Kean Keen 1886. Grecious Gracious 1949. Conveynience Convenience

1824. Kernal Kernel 1887. Inteligence Intelligence 1950. Autometic Automatic

1825. Keap Keep 1888. Intigrate Integrate 1951. Acheive Achieve
1826. Kettel Kettle 1889. Integrity Integrity 1952. Percieve Perceive
1827. Stublle Stubble 1890. Integrel Integral 1953. Foriegn Foreign
1828. Fabble Fable 1891. Gauzue Gauze 1954. Decieve Deceive
1829. Ediblle Edible 1892. Gazatte Gazette 1955. Gingre Ginger
1830. Falleble Fallible 1893. Gague Gauge 1956. Glaceir Glacier
1831. Gunnre Gunner 1894. Gezelle Gazelle 1957. Girddle Gridle
1832. Gullat Gullet 1895. Questionble Questionable 1958. Gliter Glitter
1833. Guzzlle Guzzle 1896. Flexable Flexible 1959. Prodcution Production
1834. Guttur Gutter 1897. Actuelly Actually 1960. Tachnology Technology
1835. Meterial Material 1898. Finelly Finally 1961. Pirmate Primate
1836. Machanism Mechanism 1899. Falce False 1962. Adrress Address
1837. Matcch Match 1900. Fasshion Fashion 1963. Violance Violence
1838. Meternal Maternal 1901. Fieary Fiery 1964. Yeild Yield
1839. Eddible Edible 1902. Feirce Fierce 1965. Feind Fiend
1840. Shreud Shrewd 1903. Prospre Prosper 1966. Sacretion Secretion
1841. Restorre Restore 1904. Propurty Property 1967. Milennium Millennium Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 255

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 43 TG @M00n_Ligt Spellings
1968. Welfere Welfare 2025. Whisttle Whistle 2088. Vegitable Vegetable
1969. Partnar Partner 2026. Ciereal Cereal 2089. Sumptous Sumptuous
1970. Appael Appeal 2027. Tunel Tunnel 2090. Prosparous Prosperous
1971. Adrress Address 2028. Rustel Rustle 2091. Pompuos Pompous
1972. Proteset Protest 2029. Quarentine Quarantine 2092. Complesory Compulsory
1973. Proposse Purpose 2030. Comittment Commitment 2093. Disturbence Disturbance
1974. Protien Protein 2031. Boquet Bouquet 2094. Audiance Audience
1975. Protesst Protest 2032. Prosedure Procedure 2095. Potantial Potential
1976. Dislogde Dislodge 2033. Ereser Eraser 2096. Sinceare Sincere
1977. Dilegent Diligent 2034. Eraode Erode 2097. Laufhter Laughter
1978. Divuelge Divulge 2035. Erossion Erosion 2098. Colide Collide
1979. Dissuede Dissuade 2036. Eratic Erratic 2099. Disobidient Disobedient
1980. Precsenter Presenter 2037. Senssible Sensible 2100. Disapproev Disapprove
1981. Supreior Superior 2038. Competible Compatible 2101. Proportionete Proportionate
1982. Menntor Mentor 2039. Acessible Accessible 2102. Overeact Overreact
1983. Cricketar Cricketer 2040. Fieasible Feasible 2103. Matal Metal
1984. Hospetality Hospitality 2041. Ommision Omission 2104. Brutle Brutal
1985. Hostle Hostel 2042. Remision Remission 2105. Fatle Fatal
1986. Hostille Hostile 2043. Recestion Recession 2106. Custerd Custard

1987. Hostege Hostage 2044. Priecision Precision 2107. Curtael Curtail
1988. Banefactor Benefactor 2045. Collcetion Collection 2108. Custudy Custody
1989. Sceintist Scientist 2046. Complent Complaint 2109. Cushoin Cushion
1990. Manufecture Manufacture 2047. Coresponding Corresponding 2110. Evolbe Evolve
1991. Disposel Disposal 2048. Consollidation Consolidation 2111. Fasetn Fasten
1999. Kithcen Kitchen 2056. Miscelaneous Miscellaneous 2119. Cepture Capture
2000. Greduate Graduate 2057. Flevour Flavour 2120. Strcuture Structure
2001. Grecious Gracious 2058. Figurre Figure 2121. Lacture Lecture
2002. Gretification Gratification 2059. Lyesure Leisure 2122. Megnificent Magnificent
2003. Gradetion Gradation 2060. Futture Future 2123. Gregerious Gregarious
2004. Pressume Presume 2061. Dicttate Dictate 2124. Committment Commitment
2005. Preserrve Preserve 2062. Dictionery Dictionary 2125. Persuesion Persuasion
2006. Primier Premier 2063. Defference Difference 2126. Unasuming Unassuming
2007. Perview Preview 2064. Dicision Decision 2127. Unflapable Unflappable
2008. Foriegn Foreign 2065. Substtitution Substitution 2128. Unrufled Unruffled
2009. Cleint Client 2066. Estemation Estimation 2129. Unannimous Unanimous
2010. Survyval Survival 2067. Presentesion Presentation 2130. Aquarrium Aquarium
2011. Cureous Curious 2068. Habbitation Habitation 2131. Honorrarium Honorarium
2012. Entreprenuer Entrepreneur 2069. Priecious Precious 2132. Boutiqe Boutique

2013. Fortunete Fortunate 2070. Valueble Valuable 2133. Bungalaw Bungalow

2014. Forwerd Forward 2071. Specail Special 2134. Negoteate Negotiate
2015. Forttify Fortify 2072. Infactious Infectious 2135. Miracullous miraculous
2016. Fosill Fossil 2073. Solitory Solitary 2136. Referre Referee
2074. Inddividual Individual 2137. Satelitte Satellite
SSC GD 2021 2075. Critaria Criteria 2138. Pronounciation Pronunciation
(16/11/2021 - 15/12/2021) 2076. Legiblle Legible 2139. Prolonge Prolong
2077. Hostle Hostel 2140. Procastination Procrastination
2078. Holld Hold 2141. Proactivitty Proactivity
Wrong Right
2079. Hospitallity Hospitality 2142. Progrress Progress
Part (highlighted Part)
2080. Hiost Hoist 2143. Viciuos Vicious
2017. Dilivery Delivery
2081. Summari Summary 2144. Acuse Accuse
2018. Stationnary Stationary
2082. Sumptous Sumptuous 2145. Aclaim Acclaim
2019. Dictionery Dictionary
2083. Sufferring Suffering 2146. Termitte Termite
2020. Voluntery Voluntary
2084. Sundrie Sundry 2147. Terabytte Terabyte
2021. Aniversary Anniversary
2085. Drainege Drainage 2148. Terestrial Terrestrial
2022. Felisitate Feliciate
2086. Openning Opening 2149. Termminal Terminal
2023. Congretulations Congratulations
2087. Spoonfull Spoonful 2150. Picknic Picnic
2024. Risponse Response Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 256
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 43 TG @M00n_Ligt Spellings
2151. Pictsure Picture 2214. Cherity Charity 2277. Fucture Future
2152. Pickel Pickle 2215. Hittch Hitch 2278. Ferrtile Fertile
2153. Piyano Piano 2216. Overal Overall 2279. Proccure Procure
2154. Ninetien Nineteen 2217. Ilicit Illicit 2280. Mediocer Mediocre
2155. Neutarlise Neutralise 2218. Elligible Eligible 2281. Messacre Massacre
2156. Nown Noun 2219. Relevent Relevant 2282. Aprrove Approve
2157. Nationallise Nationalise 2220. Tectics Tactics 2283. Proggress Progress
2158. Excleim Exclaim 2221. Contein Contain 2284. Prisent Present
2159. Exprress Express 2222. Certein Certain 2285. Dilicious Delicious
2160. Comuunity Community 2223. Vaiin Vein 2286. Privious Previous
2161. Harasment Harassment 2224. Quickk Quick 2287. Privete Private
2162. Suprress Suppress 2225. Woried Worried 2288. Prevelent Prevalent
2163. Wittness Witness 2226. Warroir Warrior 2289. Previlege Privilege
2164. Emberrass Embarrass 2227. Compleint Complaint 2290. Superrior Superior
2165. Existance Existence 2228. Passanger Passenger 2291. Intermedeate Intermediate
2166. Garantee Guarantee 2229. Environmentel Environmental 2292. Influance Influence
2167. Beleive Believe 2230. Equippment Equipment 2293. Intrefere Interfere
2168. Concensus Consensus 2231. Electrollite Electrolite 2294. Exceptionel Exceptional
2169. Accomodate Accommodate 2232. Experimentel Experimental 2295. Intenssfy Intensify

2170. Quarrantine Quarantine 2233. Calammity Calamity 2296. Intigrated Integrated
2171. Uniqce Unique 2234. Aflliction Affliction 2297. Impirative Imperative
2172. Intriggue Intrigue 2235. Casaulty Casualty 2298. Immacculate Immaculate
2173. Successfull Successful 2236. Dissaster Disaster 2299. Imense Immense
2174. Stretegy Strategy 2237. Specailist Specialist 2300. Impadiment Impediment
2182. Melodie Melody 2245. Flloor Floor 2308. Equippment Equipment
2183. Melodiuos Melodious 2246. Flok Flock 2309. Prenkster Prankster
2184. Melignant Malignant 2247. Flamme Flame 2310. Fraudstar Fraudster
2185. Saparate Separate 2248. Flodd Flood 2311. Gangstar Gangster
2186. Desparate Desperate 2249. Applliances Appliances 2312. Trickstre Trickster
2187. Considerete Considerate 2250. Phenomanon Phenomenon 2313. Medellion Medallion
2188. Disperate Disparate 2251. Accociated Associated 2314. Medlle Meddle
2189. Ommission Omission 2252. Cirrcuit Circuit 2315. Mechenical Mechanical
2190. Remision Remission 2253. Snatchh Snatch 2316. Mediete Mediate
2191. Commision Commission 2254. Betch Batch 2317. Alleteration Alliteration
2192. Submision Submission 2255. Cetch Catch 2318. Procastination Procrastination
2193. Brillient Brilliant 2256. Yecht Yacht 2319. Halucination Hallucination
2194. Ilusion Illusion 2257. Writinng Writing 2320. Superintandent Superintendent
2195. Scruteny Scrutiny 2258. Regullate Regulate 2321. Seperate Separate

2196. Abendon Abandon 2259. Ocurr Occur 2322. Abillity Ability

2197. Pretense Pretense 2260. Devalop Develop 2323. Defenitely Definitely
2198. Relience Reliance 2261. Betrey Betray 2324. Nesessary Necessary
2199. Allieance Alliance 2262. Ressist Resist 2325. Shiet Sheet
2200. Defeance Defiance 2263. Goverment Government 2326. Shede Shade
2201. Palece Palace 2264. Tactfuly Tactfully 2327. Scedule Schedule
2202. Panit Paint 2265. Laboretory Laboratory 2328. Sheeth Sheath
2203. Pockte Pocket 2266. Advertigement Advertisement 2329. Pitifull Pitiful
2204. Pedlle Peddle 2267. Relegious Religious 2330. Tectful Tactful
2205. Orcharrd Orchard 2268. Whien Whine 2331. Pleid Plead
2206. Archary Archery 2269. Mutaul Mutual 2332. Giulty Guilty
2207. Anerchy Anarchy 2270. Laurlle Laurelle 2333. Dieference Difference
2208. Monerch Monarch 2271. Versetile Versatile 2334. Conferance Conference
2209. Metalergy Metallurgy 2272. Voluntier Volunteer 2335. Presense Presence
2210. Observetory Observatory 2273. Mercanary Mercenary 2336. Referance Reference
2211. Prollogue Prologue 2274. Contengency Contingency 2337. Configueation Configuration
2212. Adolesence Adolescence 2275. Futiel Futile 2338. Auxeliary Auxiliary
2213. Afirm Affirm 2276. Fuernace Furnace 2339. Capillery Capillary Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 257

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 43 - 44 TG @M00n_Ligt Spellings
2340. Ancillery Ancillary 2403. Immidiate Immediate 2460. Passte Paste
2341. Corollery Corollary 2404. Appeel Appeal 2461. Closere Closure
2342. Thretened Threatened 2405. Arrogent Arrogant 2462. Beleive Believe
2343. Thermomiter Thermometer 2406. Bufet Buffet 2463. Prevelent Prevalent
2344. Thankgiving Thanksgiving 2407. Awasome Awesome 2464. Prudant Prudent
2345. Throuwout Throughout 2408. Paupre Pauper 2465. Praktice Practice
2346. Buoncing Bouncing 2409. Mischeif Mischief 2466. Pomegrenate Pomegranate
2347. Begining Beginning 2410. Playerr Player 2467. Plattar Platter
2348. Buyying Buying 2411. Ideil Ideal 2468. Neumonia Pneumonia
2349. Boxeing Boxing 2412. Aristocrete Aristocrate 2469. Iliterate Illiterate
2350. Gloreous Glorious 2413. Filiing Filling 2470. Resourseful Resourceful
2351. Concsious Conscious 2414. Ecsence Essence 2471. Maintanance Maintenance
2352. Courteuos Courteous 2415. Inocence Innocence 2472. Confidantial Confidential
2353. Viceous Vicious 2416. Conveynience Convenience 2473. Heavilly Heavily
2354. Syenergism Synergism 2417. Conveyiance Conveyance 2474. Gramer Grammar
2355. Lifelesness Lifelessness 2418. Agittate Agitate 2475. Allmighty Almighty
2356. Incridulous Incredulous 2419. Agression Aggression 2476. Pliesant Pleasant
2357. Recapetulate Recapitulate 2420. Agrreement Agreement 2477. Pursistent Persistent
2358. Rendar Render 2421. Aggrravate Aggravate 2478. Accountent Accountant

2359. Gnow Gnaw 2422. Flutering Fluttering 2479. Reluctent Reluctant
2360. Peopel People 2423. Menece Menace 2480. Contracter Contractor
2361. Toggether Together 2424. Abbriviations Abbreviations 2481. Instructer Instructor
2362. Joyuos Joyous 2425. Notoreity Notoriety 2482. Compititor Competitor
2363. Zeelous Zealous 2426. Bevarage Beverage 2483. Procecutor Prosecutor
2371. Transend Transcend 2434. Assestance Assistance 2491. Garrment Garment
2372. Transmmit Transmit 2435. Exchenged Exchanged 2492. Decoretive Decorative
2373. Transpirre Transpire 2436. Cureous Curious 2493. Eleborate Elaborate
2374. Expance Expanse 2437. Particepant Participant 2494. Extravagent Extravagant
2375. Absance Absence 2438. Mathmatics Mathematics 2495. Ornamentel Ornamental
2376. Entrence Entrance 2439. Gullibble Gullible 2496. Persuesion Persuasion
2377. Conferrence Conference 2440. Disimulation Dissimulation 2497. Erronious Erroneous
2378. Blarre Blare 2441. Magenanimous Magnanimous 2498. Poietry Poetry
2379. Blakc Black 2442. Indesisiveness Indecisiveness 2499. Seenic Scenic
2380. Bllede Blade 2443. Glittch Glitch 2500. Absense Absence
2381. Bleme Blame 2444. Glovve Glove 2501. Sulltry Sultry
2382. Immitation Imitation 2445. Gladde Glade 2502. Syymetry Symmetry
2383. Facsinating Fascinating 2446. Gleem Gleam 2503. Gantry Gentry
2384. Effactive Effective 2447. Garantee Guarantee 2504. Tourrist Tourist

2385. Arrogence Arrogance 2448. Dicsipline Discipline 2505. Cyeclist Cyclist

2386. Occurence Occurrence 2449. Apprreciate Appreciate 2506. Chemistt Chemist
2387. Adequete Adequate 2450. Gyidance Guidance 2507. Floerisst Florist
2388. Attendence Attendance 2508. Extansion Extension
2389. Nesessary Necessary SSC MTS 2020 Tier - 1 2509. Aveation Aviation
2390. Muter Mutter (05/10/2021 - 02/11/2021) 2510. Explaination Explanation
2391. Hotle Hotel 2511. Traddition Tradition
2392. Gaurd Guard 2512. Tripple Triple
Wrong Right
2393. Strrain Strain 2513. Actualy Actually
Part (highlighted Part)
2394. Occassion Occasion 2514. Probbly Probably
2451. Deeler Dealer
2395. Offerring Offering 2515. Appllication Application
2452. Hegitate Hesitate
2396. Occurence Occurrence 2516. Amible Amiable
2453. Queerr Queer
2397. Aucktion Auction 2517. Amiciable Amicable
2454. Obviuos Obvious
2398. Omited Omitted 2518. Aminable Amenable
2455. Eddible Edible
2399. Comitted Committed 2519. Approachhable Approachable
2456. Medle Meddle
2400. Remited Remitted 2520. Fastting Fasting
2457. Condiition Condition
2401. Submited Submitted 2521. Fabbulous Fabulous
2458. Authorrity Authority
2402. Attantion Attention 2522. Farthar Farther
2459. Pastoer Pastor Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 258
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 44 TG @M00n_Ligt Spellings
2523. Ferther Further 2586. Greive Grieve 2649. Posess Possess
2524. Suficient Sufficient 2587. Recieve Receive 2650. Pursuet Pursuit
2525. Diference Difference 2588. Decieve Deceive 2651. Cubbe Cube
2526. Emphasish Emphasis 2589. Suspansion Suspension 2652. Crustt Crust
2527. Emmigrate Emigrate 2590. Appllication Application 2653. Cubiclle Cubicle
2528. Emergancy Emergency 2591. Composision Composition 2654. Cristal Crystal
2529. Emminent Eminent 2592. Identifecation Identification 2655. Ecollogy Ecology
2530. Invallid Invalid 2593. Justifyeable Justifiable 2656. Ecllipse Eclipse
2531. Invitte Invite 2594. Identifyeable Identifiable 2657. Echoo Echo
2532. Invooke Invoke 2595. Eligyeble Eligible 2658. Econnomic Economic
2533. Invard Inward 2596. Legyeble Legible 2659. Matrress Mattress
2534. Recoginition Recognition 2597. Legand Legend 2660. Matiarial Material
2535. Stegnation Stagnation 2598. Leive Leave 2661. Matrerchy Matriarchy
2536. Amunition Ammunition 2599. Liase Lease 2662. Matriex Matrix
2537. Defenition Definition 2600. Legecy Legacy 2663. Matiarial Material
2538. Allready Already 2601. Ofence Offence 2664. Pridict Predict
2539. Intand Intend 2602. Oficiate Officiate 2665. Preferrence Preference
2540. Disruppt Disrupt 2603. Offsoot Offshoot 2666. Predominent Predominant
2541. Piasant Peasant 2604. Offsspring Offspring 2667. Prefece Preface

2542. Pllenty Plenty 2605. Recieve Receive 2668. Mudlle Muddle
2543. Pleese Please 2606. Seive Sieve 2669. Multipple Multiple
2544. Peerl Pearl 2607. Percieve Perceive 2670. Murrmur Murmur
2545. Delette Delete 2608. Tuetion Tuition 2671. Mumbble Mumble
2546. Dilicate Delicate 2609. Grammer Grammar 2672. Iminent Imminent
Dilightful `
2554. Ambulence Ambulance 2617. Esence Essence 2680. Capebilities Capabilities
2555. Preamblle Preamble 2618. Preferance Preference 2681. Opportunnities Opportunities
2556. Emminent Eminent 2619. Insistance Insistence 2682. Journeyys Journeys
2557. Prospact Prospect 2620. Greteful Grateful 2683. Responsibelities Responsibility
2558. Weery Weary 2621. Acident Accident 2684. Repell Repel
2559. Tolerence Tolerance 2622. Columm Column 2685. Parralel Parallel
2560. Happyness Happiness 2623. Posession Possession 2686. Exple Expel
2561. Bussiness Business 2624. Interupt Interrupt 2687. Foretelle Foretell
2562. Draedful Dreadful 2625. Threshhold Threshold 2688. Masivve Massive
2563. Inflamable Inflammable 2626. Guarrantee Guarantee 2689. Tamperature Temperature
2564. Emergancy Emergency 2627. Addrress Address 2690. Premmium Premium
2565. Gredual Gradual 2628. Evecuate Evacuate 2691. Glommy Gloomy
2566. Muttual Mutual 2629. Aparrtment Apartment 2692. Hypocresy Hypocrisy
2567. Mannual Manual 2630. Advertigement Advertisement 2693. Probbable Probable

2568. Usuual Usual 2631. Confesion Confession 2694. Gaietty Gaiety

2569. Leggible Legible 2632. Professer Professor 2695. Nuesance Nuisance
2570. Mediocer Mediocre 2633. Inteligent Intelligent 2696. Relavant Relevant
2571. Suggesstion Suggestion 2634. Possibble Possible 2697. Ilegible Illegible
2572. Opacue Opaque 2635. Dyalogue Dialogue 2698. Grouend Ground
2573. Crotton Croton 2636. Seringe Syringe 2699. Grumblle Grumble
2574. Caussed Caused 2637. Specious Spacious 2700. Growle Growl
2575. Crayyon Crayon 2638. Spurrious Spurious 2701. Grovve Groove
2576. Cotious Cautious 2639. Cotious Cautious 2702. Predominent Predominant
2577. Pairred Paired 2640. Stuedious Studious 2703. Participetion Participation
2578. Partlly Partly 2641. Primery Primary 2704. Preicision Precision
2579. Parrity Parity 2642. Summery Summary 2705. Parmanent Permanent
2580. Prepered Prepared 2643. Ryvalry Rivalry 2706. Adveretisement Advertisement
2581. Ioidine Iodine 2644. Galleiry Gallery 2707. Indecation Indication
2582. Enjoinn Enjoin 2645. Discendent Descendent 2708. Excuese Excuse
2583. Violant Violent 2646. Pricede Precede 2709. Waether Weather
2584. Loitter Loiter 2647. Sendwich Sandwich 2710. Queit Quiet
2585. Concieve Conceive 2648. Pursuade Persuade 2711. Guidence Guidance Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 259

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 44 TG @M00n_Ligt Spellings
2712. Quandery Quandary 2769. Dissapoint Disappoint 2825. Fragranse Fragrance
2713. Grapfic Graphic 2770. Ocassion Occasion 2826. Ficsation Fixation
2714. Suround Surround 2771. Esscalator Escalator 2827. Acustomed Accustomed
2715. Radietor Radiator 2772. Petete Petite 2828. Temporery Temporary
2716. Grephic Graphic 2773. Preshious Precious 2829. Resolate Resolute
2717. Clevar Clever 2774. Vacine Vaccine 2830. Evidance Evidence
2718. Parsial Partial 2775. Reciept Receipt 2831. Discusion Discussion
2719. Instent Instant 2776. Incandesent Incandescent 2832. Hautily Haughtily
2720. Particuler Particular 2777. Overide Override 2833. Invitasion Invitation
2721. Naturle Natural 2778. Playright Playwright 2834. Iritation Irritation
2722. Dillemma Dilemma 2779. Tyrany Tyranny 2835. Posessions Possessions
2723. Fulcrrum Fulcrum 2780. Speach Speech 2836. Protaction Protection
2724. Impresion Impression 2781. Secrete Secret 2837. Twinekle Twinkle
2725. Grammer Grammar 2782. relevent relevant 2838. Whispar Whisper
2726. Opportnity Opportunity 2783. besiech beseech 2839. Readible Readable
2727. Objecttive Objective 2784. Origenate Originate 2840. Secludad Secluded
2728. Contexttual Contextual 2785. descrete discrete 2841. Alltitude Altitude
2729. Explaination Explanation 2786. accertain ascertain 2842. Attrective Attractive
2730. Tellevision Television 2787. Disonour dishonour 2843. Atitude Attitude

2731. Refregerator Refrigerator 2788. Deligashion delegation 2844. Apptitude Aptitude
2732. Vacum-cleaner Vacuum-cleaner 2789. Monelogeu monologue 2845. Instalment Installment
2733. Mechine Machine 2790. pceudonim pseudonym 2846. Librairy Library
2734. Fusge Fuse 2791. minescole miniscule 2847. Boundry Boundary
2735. Fulfel Fulfill 2792. transgreis transgress 2848. Allready Already

SSC CHSL 2020 Tier - 1

(12/04/2021 - 19/04/2021) and
SSC CGL 2020 Tier - 1 2856. Aggrivate Aggravate
(04/08/2021 - 12/08/2021)
(13/08/2021 - 24/08/2021) 2857. Aplause Applause
2858. Seriuous Serious
Wrong Right
2859. Tradation Tradition
Wrong Right Part (highlighted Part)
2860. Arrivel Arrival
Part (highlighted Part) 2797. Temparature Temperature
2861. Modarn Modern
2742. Voilence Violence 2798. Twilfth Twelfth
2862. Applicasion Application
2743. Pieceful Peaceful 2799. Disapear Disappear
2863. Promosion Promotion
2744. Alottment Allotment 2800. Untile Until
2864. Compliation Compilation
2745. Liesure Leisure 2801. Accomodate Accommodate
2865. Noncomital Noncommittal
2746. Inershia Inertia 2802. Appropreate Appropriate
2866. Flaped Flapped
2747. Vishious Vicious 2803. Anihilate Annihilate
2867. Refeirred Referred
2748. Withdrawl Withdrawal 2804. Accelarate Accelerate
2868. Accomodate Accommodate
2749. Pessymist Pessimist 2805. Feiture Feature
2869. Convart Convert
2750. Luxuriaus Luxurious

2806. Secrifice Sacrifice

2870. Convarse Converse
2751. Photgraph Photograph 2807. Torchas Torches
2871. Convant Convent
2752. Prepetuate Perpetuate 2808. Highlite Highlight
2872. Conveane Convene
2753. Unpretensious Unpretentious 2809. Lustruous Lustrous
2873. Colide Collide
2754. Acquarium Aquarium 2810. Pompuous Pompous
2874. Consciuous Conscious
2755. Vivedly Vividly 2811. Vicous Vicious
2875. Grammer Grammar
2756. Casheir Cashier 2812. Trecherous Treacherous
2876. Existanse Existence
2757. Adress Address 2813. Enwoy Envoy
2877. Tolerence Tolerance
2758. Camoflage Camouflage 2814. Entraust Entrust
2878. Insistanse Insistence
2759. Hygeinic Hygienic 2815. Entraet Entreat
2879. Persistance Persistence
2760. Scorpeon Scorpion 2816. Envellope Envelope
2880. Endurence Endurance
2761. Proffesser Professor 2817. Hienous Heinous
2881. Assimmilate Assimilate
2762. Reciept Receipt 2818. Vicariuous Vicarious
2882. Readiable Readable
2763. Hellicopter Helicopter 2819. Calous Callous
2883. Acqoire Acquire
2764. Subseqently Subsequently 2820. Vicous Vicious
2884. Acknowlege Acknowledge
2765. Concensus Consensus 2821. Superflous Superfluous
2885. Conglomarate Conglomerate
2766. Calender Calendar 2822. Superstation Superstition
2886. Bussiness Business
2767. Dictonary Dictionary 2823. Suprame Supreme
2887. Multinasional Multinational
2768. Adviseable Advisable 2824. Superoir Superior Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 260
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 44 TG @M00n_Ligt Spellings
2888. Condemation Condemnation 2951. Tarriff Tariff 3014. Schems Schemes
2889. Coroporation Corporation 2952. Parachuite Parachute 3015. Countreis Countries
2890. Conscentious Conscientious 2953. Inspiare Inspire 3016. Individauls Individuals
2891. Spuriuous Spurious 2954. Instal Install 3017. Bussiness Business
2892. Defamasion Defamation 2955. Insteid Instead 3018. Tolerent Tolerant
2893. Peacefull Peaceful 2956. Instanse Instance 3019. Sheild Shield
2894. Presenttable Presentable 2957. Annax Annex 3020. Saldom Seldom
2895. Preshious Precious 2958. Exseed Exceed 3021. Condoctor Conductor
2896. Plenery Plenary 2959. Attampt Attempt 3022. Govarnor Governor
2897. Implaint Implant 2960. Addres Address 3023. Waitor Waiter
2898. Inheirit inherit 2961. Definately Definitely 3024. Inspactor Inspector
2899. Acceide Accede 2962. Mischivous Mischievous 3025. Discepline Discipline
2900. Suceed Succeed 2963. Existense Existence 3026. Deliscious Delicious
2901. Rinckle Rankle 2964. Violance Violence 3027. Depandence Dependence
2902. Muoscle Muscle 2965. Roguie Rogue 3028. Desparat Desperate
2903. Pluomp Plump 2966. Rockat Rocket 3029. Tatle Tattle
2904. Maiture Mature 2967. Rockiry Rockery 3030. Embatlle Embattle
2905. Gnuw Gnaw 2968. Roester Rooster 3031. Belitle Belittle
2906. Moistare Moisture 2969. Terriable Terrible 3032. Turttle Turtle

2907. Misrable Miserable 2970. Tendansy Tendency 3033. Inaplicable Inapplicable
2908. Mischeif Mischief 2971. Uprouted Uprooted 3034. Smallisch Smallish
2909. Temparary Temporary 2972. Avertion Aversion 3035. Forbiding Forbidding
2910. Subsikuent Subsequent 2973. Honted Haunted 3036. Seperate Separate
2911. Permanant Permanent 2974. Meditasion Meditation 3037. Cruiel Cruel
2919. Irepairable Irreparable 2982. Angryest Angriest 3045. Rifel Rifle
2920. Iresistible Irresistible 2983. Disintarest Disinterest 3046. Ried Ride
2921. Alliterasion Alliteration 2984. Healthist Healthiest 3047. Riht Right
2922. Alligation Allegation 2985. Proccesion Procession 3048. Rige Ridge
2923. Allert Alert 2986. Procliam Proclaim 3049. Changable Changeable
2924. Almity Almighty 2987. Problam Problem 3050. Acidentaly Accidentally
2925. Existanse Existence 2988. Procuremant Procurement 3051. Tomorow Tomorrow
2926. Alowance Allowance 2989. Sessoin Session 3052. Possesion Possession
2927. Forbarance Forbearance 2990. serpant Serpent 3053. Ordinanse Ordinance
2928. Acceptence Acceptance 2991. Serveice Service 3054. Throtle Throttle
2929. Subttle Subtle 2992. Seirvent Servant 3055. Persuit Pursuit
2930. Doubtfull Doubtful 2993. Manepulation Manipulation 3056. Bleac Bleak
2931. Kneod Knead 2994. Encoarage Encourage 3057. Fracsion Fraction
2932. Desscent Descent 2995. Stimolate Stimulate 3058. Principel Principle

2933. Disastruous Disastrous 2996. Crediatable Creditable 3059. Hounting Haunting

2934. Provake Provoke 2997. Greind Grind 3060. Fretion Freshen
2935. Canfidents Confidents 2998. Greive Grieve 3061. Seenary Scenery
2936. Dilenma Dilemma 2999. Grownd Ground 3062. Technoloigy Technology
2937. Ambuse Ambush 3000. Groun Groan 3063. Sceince Science
2938. Recurrant Recurrent 3001. Acknowladge Acknowledge 3064. Physcis Physics
2939. Unpretensious Unpretentious 3002. endevour Endeavor 3065. Approvel Approval
2940. Procur Procure 3003. Auspeacious Auspicious 3066. developmant development
2941. Excelence Excellence 3004. Indivedual Individual 3067. Failier Failure
2942. Provoce Provoke 3005. Convertion Conversion 3068. Saspense Suspense
2943. Destraction Distraction 3006. Addation Addition 3069. Committment Commitment
2944. Kindlle Kindle 3007. Condation Condition 3070. Suppres Suppress
2945. Cloistared Cloistered 3008. Durration Duration 3071. Suspiscion Suspicion
2946. Creativety Creativity 3009. Encouragament Encouragement 3072. Secracy Secrecy
2947. Donetions Donations 3010. Environmant Environment 3073. Adament Adamant
2948. Malijne Maligne 3011. Maintanance Maintenance 3074. Acheivmant Achievement
2949. Cergeant Sergeant 3012. Immedaite Immediate 3075. Elligibility Eligibility
2950. Partnor Partner 3013. Briges Bridges 3076. Relevent Relevant Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 261

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 44 TG @M00n_Ligt Spellings
3077. Cellibeat Celibate 3134. Existance Existence 3197. Explotion Explosion
3078. Separete Separate 3135. Proceid Proceed
3079. Segragate Segregate 3136. Seperate Separate SSC CGL 2019 Tier - 2
3080. Celeibrate Celebrate 3137. Vengance Vengeance (15/11/2020 - 18/11/2020)
3081. Principel Principal 3138. Momentery Momentary
3082. Pluaral Plural 3139. Beseige Besiege
Wrong Right
3083. Prectical Practical 3140. Bemaon Bemoan
Part (highlighted Part)
3084. Parallal Parallel 3141. Begile Beguile
3198. Batalion Battalion
3085. Relavant Relevant 3142. Bereive Bereave
3199. Paralel Parallel
3086. Surrander Surrender 3143. Tyrrany Tyranny
3200. Contemporery Contemporary
3087. Destinct Distinct 3144. Purscue Pursue
3201. Swalow Swallow
3088. Beseach Beseech 3145. Viciuous Vicious
3202. Sence Sense
3089. Bussiness Business 3146. Commosion Commotion
3203. Survay Survey
3090. Descrete Discrete 3147. Recomend Recommend
3204. Foriegner Foreigner
3091. Pursuet Pursuit 3148. Bowquet Bouquet
3205. Stratch Stretch
3092. Glorefy Glorify 3149. Adjorn Adjourn
3206. Suummon Summon
3093. Inharit Inherit 3150. Etiquete Etiquette
3207. Conjjure Conjure
3094. Ascerten Ascertain 3151. Inimicel Inimical
3208. Intrirgue Intrigue
3095. Supermacy Supremacy 3152. Afiliate Affiliate

3209. Prtner Partner
3096. Descrete Discret 3153. Ingenuty Ingenuity
3210. Aproach Approach
3154. Commitee Committee
3211. Florish Flourish
3155. Neglegible Negligible
SSC CPO 2020 Tier - 1 3156. Jeoperdy Jeopardy
3212. Souveniir Souvenir
(23/11/2020 - 25/11/2020) 3213. Palltry Paltry
3157. Riteous Righteous
3214. Releas Release

(highlighted Part)
3101. Occuring Occurring 3221. Estimete Estimate
3165. Boundery Boundary
3102. Sedimant Sediment 3222. Frantiic Frantic
3166. Migrent Migrant
3103. Experimant Experiment 3167. Migrain Migraine
3104. Presure Pressure 3168. Militent Militant SSC SELECTION POST
3105. Umbrela Umbrella 3169. Midgat Midget PHASE (VIII)
3106. Electreic Electric
3170. Decivel Decibel (06/11/2020 - 10/11/2020)
3107. Centarl Central 3171. Decieve Deceive
3108. Irigation Irrigation 3172. Descency Decency GRADUATE-LEVEL
3109. Optsion Option 3173. Desease Decease
3110. Dificult Difficult 3174. Fasceism Fascism Wrong Right
3111. Easiar Easier 3175. Fastedious Fastidious Part (highlighted Part)
3112. Braks Brakes 3176. Fasion Fashion 3223. Ambassedor Ambassador
3113. Suporting Supporting 3177. Fascinetion Fascination 3224. Acomplice Accomplice
3114. Refrence Reference 3178. Ommission Omission 3225. Acostics Acoustics

3115. Solusion Solution 3179. Occured Occurred 3226. Allienate Alienate

3116. Beakar Beaker 3180. Accomodate Accommodate 3227. Contemputous Contemptuous
3117. Impolre Implore 3181. Oppresed Oppressed 3228. Contegious Contagious
3118. Impeech Impeach 3182. Releive Relieve 3229. Creduelous Credulous
3119. Uniqua Unique 3183. Decieve Deceive 3230. Concensus Consensus
3120. Lastrous Lustrous 3184. Riegn Reign 3231. Bennefited Benefited
3121. Userp Usurp 3185. Peirce Pierce 3232. Misllaneous Miscellaneous
3122. Dilamma Dilemma 3186. Irritible Irritable 3233. Refered Referred
3123. Enigmetic Enigmatic 3187. Enmitie Enmity 3234. Pursuet Pursuit
3124. Succint Succinct 3188. Earnast Earnest
3125. Spectcles Spectacles 3189. Gallary Gallery HIGHER SECONDARY LEVEL
3126. Acquint Acquaint 3190. Misionary Missionary
3127. Superceede Supercede 3191. Magnificient Magnificent
3128. Virtualy Virtually
Wrong Right
3192. Medicore Mediocre
3129. Restaurent Restaurant Part (highlighted Part)
3193. Miraculuous Miraculous
3130. Immediatly Immediately 3235. Ilumination Illumination
3194. Catious Cautious
3131. Eventualy Eventually 3236. Apeall Appeal
3195. Carraige Carriage
3132. Dependant Dependent 3237. Grammer Grammar
3196. Deccent Descent
3133. Infinitly Infinitely 3238. Arrogence Arrogance Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 262

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 44 - 45 TG @M00n_Ligt Spellings
3239. Irrellevant Irrelevant 3290. Undergarmant Undergarment 3353. Acquirum Aquarium
3240. Inocence Innocence 3291. Resetlement Resettlement 3354. Secquence Sequence
3241. Specail Special 3292. Apreciate Appreciate 3355. Bouqeut Bouquet
3242. Immidiate Immediate 3293. Conseqeunce Consequence 3356. Interfear Interfere
3243. Toofee Toffee 3294. Fixasion Fixation 3357. Selecsion Selection
3244. Feild Field 3295. Musicain Musician 3358. Acqrimony Acrimony
3245. Iliterate Illiterate 3296. Providance Providence 3359. Electeorate Electorate
3246. Ignorence Ignorance 3297. Mimmic Mimic 3360. Atacked Attacked
3247. Shedule Schedule 3298. Respectfull Respectful 3361. Provizion Provision
3299. Esteim Esteem 3362. Clearify Clarify
MATRICULATION LEVEL 3300. Suvtle Subtle 3363. Implicatted Implicated
3301. Fatening Fattening 3364. Promoete Promote
Wrong Right 3302. Decieve Deceive 3365. Suppresion Suppression
Part (highlighted Part) 3303. Desert Dessert 3366. Coerscion Coercion
3248. Pricise Precise 3304. Busines Business 3367. Presurised Pressurised
3249. Reguler Regular 3305. Accomodate Accommodate 3368. Iritable Irritable
3250. Interupt Interrupt 3306. Aceptable Acceptable 3369. Irational Irrational
3251. Chocholate Chocolate 3307. Quizes Quizzes 3370. Apreciation Appreciation
3252. Compleint Complaint 3308. Begining Beginning 3371. Escaletion Escalation

3253. Delluge Deluge 3309. Lackuer Lacquer 3372. Masege Massage
3254. Fathome Fathom 3310. Rogeu Rogue 3373. Ammass Amass
3255. Genuinne Genuine 3311. Placque Plaque 3374. Messanger Messenger
3256. Clerify Clarify 3312. Boutiqeu Boutique 3375. Imediate Immediate
3257. Elestic Elastic 3313. Fassion Fission 3376. Iliterate Illiterate
3265. Voluntery Voluntary 3321. Inclution Inclusion 3384. Distanse Distance
3266. Elementery Elementary 3322. Excass Excess 3385. Comitment Commitment
3267. Concsiousness Consciousness 3323. Supportors Supporters 3386. Existance Existence
3268. Vecious Vicious 3324. Discrimintory Discriminatory 3387. Arguement Argument
3269. Proscesion Procession 3325. Wizdom Wisdom 3388. Changable Changeable
3270. Rivision Revision
3326. Witnes Witness 3389. Milaege Mileage
3271. Summery Summary 3327. Whimpor Whimper 3390. Arangement Arrangement
3272. Tuision Tuition 3328. Welth Wealth 3391. Practisce Practice
3273. Asignment Assignment 3329. Beligerent Belligerent 3392. Privilage Privilege
3274. Prevant Prevent 3330. Trouseau Trousseau 3393. Aligator Alligator
3275. Begining Beginning 3331. Pharmacuetical Pharmaceutical 3394. Judiciuous Judicious
3276. Respecteble Respectable 3332. Tumulttous Tumultuous 3395. Quontity Quantity
3333. Mariage Marriage 3396. Allimony Alimony
SSC CHSL 2019 Tier - 1 3334. Intriging Intriguing 3397. Quarrell Quarrel

(17/03/2020 - 19/03/2020) and 3335. Seperate Separate 3398. Aiscle Aisle

(12/10/2020 - 26/10/2020) 3336. Disaprove Disapprove 3399. Argumant Argument
3337. Sympony Symphony 3400. Extampore Extempore
Wrong Right 3338. Alegation Allegation 3401. Expidition Expedition
Part (highlighted Part) 3339. Permanant Permanent 3402. Extenct Extinct
3277. Faithfuly Faithfully 3340. Grammer Grammar 3403. Contemptouus Contemptuous
3278. Populerly Popularly 3341. Surender Surrender 3404. Experimant Experiment
3279. Unrully Unruly 3342. Suculent Succulent 3405. Biscuets Biscuits
3280. Undully Unduly 3343. Sucess Success 3406. Peity Piety
3281. Awfuly Awfully 3344. Sucumb Succumb 3407. Inscects Insects
3282. Sincearly Sincerely 3345. Unsustainaible Unsustainable 3408. Aggresive Aggressive
3283. Joculerly Jocularly 3346. Insinificant Insignificant 3409. Notoreity Notoriety
3284. Begarly Beggarly 3347. Changaeble Changeable 3410. Vizibility Visibility
3285. Ambasador Ambassador 3348. Immpending Impending 3411. Certainety Certainty
3286. Judicairy Judiciary 3349. Identificiation Identification 3412. Acertain Ascertain
3287. Virtaul Virtual 3350. Embodimant Embodiment 3413. Systemetic Systematic
3288. Embarassment Embarrassment 3351. Discriminiation Discrimination 3414. Denuounce Denounce
3289. Anouncement Announcement 3352. Frequensy Frequency 3415. Combinasion Combination Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 263

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 45 TG @M00n_Ligt Spellings
3416. Ecstacy Ecstasy 3479. Regularzation Regularization 3542. Flawer Flower
3417. Selecsion Selection 3480. Manifestasion Manifestation 3543. Flevor Flavour
3418. Complicent Complacent 3481. Iradication Eradication 3544. Flroe Floor
3419. Convicsion Conviction 3482. Obvuous Obvious 3545. Precidant Precedent
3420. Valedicsion Valediction 3483. Viceous Vicious 3546. Migrent Migrant
3421. Colaborate Collaborate 3484. Deliceous Delicious 3547. Permanant Permanent
3422. Defenition Definition 3485. Courgeous Courageous 3548. Adament Adamant
3423. Comemorate Commemorate 3486. Irational Irrational 3549. Advisible Advisable
3424. Carporate Corporate 3487. Iregular Irregular 3550. Invisable Invisible
3425. Conjuagate Conjugate 3488. Iradiate Irradiate 3551. Iritable Irritable
3426. Aprehensive Apprehensive 3489. Ireverent Irreverent 3552. Liason Liaison
3427. Pencive Pensive 3490. Gallary Gallery 3553. Capaible Capable
3428. Medetative Meditative 3491. Galey Galley 3554. Magistereil Magisterial
3429. Apended Appended 3492. Galop Gallop 3555. Meantain Maintain
3430. Propencity Propensity 3493. Galant Gallant 3556. Juerist Jurist
3431. Suceptible Susceptible 3494. Sereous Serious 3557. Sylabi Syllabi
3432. Impecable Impeccable 3495. Gorgious Gorgeous 3558. Aggrivate Aggravate
3433. Impresionable Impressionable 3496. Curuous Curious 3559. Zologist Zoologist
3434. Envioronment Environment 3497. Ambiteous Ambitious 3560. Luxurient Luxuriant

3435. Solvant Solvent 3498. Unpretensious Unpretentious
3436. Rescidual Residual 3499. Dilema Dilemma SSC CGL 2019 Tier - 1
3437. Polutant Pollutant 3500. Recurent Recurrent (03/03/2020 - 09/03/2020)
3438. Telipathy Telepathy 3501. Squirrell Squirrel
3439. Alopathy Allopathy 3502. Excelence Excellence Wrong Right
(highlighted Part)
3566. Ilegant Elegant
3447. Simultaneoues Simultaneous 3510. Conviencing Convincing
3567. Flexiable Flexible
3448. Simulasion Simulation 3511. Concusion Concussion
3568. Practicle Practical
3449. Syntheitic Synthetic 3512. Conviayance Conveyance
3569. Bouqet Bouquet
3450. Sympathise Sympathize 3513. Comemorate Commemorate
3570. Humilaition Humiliation
3451. Compromize Compromise 3514. Irreverant Irreverent
3571. Retlaite Retaliate
3452. Scrutinise Scrutinize 3515. Deterent Deterrent
3572. Sarceasm Sarcasm
3453. Colonise Colonize 3516. Diferent Different
3573. Ostentasion Ostentation
3454. Toleirate Tolerate 3517. Transaparent Transparent
3574. Manshion Mansion
3455. Accomodate Accommodate 3518. Delicuous Delicious
3575. Persuation Persuasion
3456. Tamperate Temperate 3519. Circeutous Circuitous
3576. Extansion Extension
3457. Promulugate Promulgate 3520. Momantous Momentous
3577. Patrner Partner
3458. Menifestation Manifestation 3521. Devation Deviation
3578. Pitious Piteous
3459. Manipulasion Manipulation 3522. Pnemonia Pneumonia
3579. Peirce Pierce
3460. Eradicasion Eradication 3523. Miscellanuous Miscellaneous
3580. Pusrue Pursue

3461. Regularizasion Regularization 3524. Expance Expanse

3581. Negligiable Negligible
3462. Prudoctive Productive 3525. Premble Preamble
3582. Necesary Necessary
3463. Reprecentative Representative 3526. Constaint Constraint
3583. Negociate Negotiate
3464. Paliative Palliative 3527. Resultent Resultant
3584. Nuisanse Nuisance
3465. Lucretive Lucrative 3528. Giat Gait
3585. Chraunology Chronology
3466. Unsurpasable Unsurpassable 3529. Milaege Mileage
3586. Compromice Compromise
3467. Inadvertant Inadvertent 3530. Conscentious Conscientious
3587. Consumation Consummation
3468. Eqiuvalent Equivalent 3531. Privilige Privilege
3588. Compitence Competence
3469. Imigration Immigration 3532. Diferently Differently
3589. Tamerind Tamarind
3470. Advisaible Advisable 3533. Truiscm Truism
3590. Tarmoil Turmoil
3471. Heveanly Heavenly 3534. Evidantly Evidently
3591. Tresure Treasure
3472. Disposeable Disposable 3535. Accidentaly Accidentally
3592. Truthfull Truthful
3473. Harrass Harass 3536. Profuze Profuse
3593. Embarassment Embarrassment
3474. Advantagious Advantageous 3537. Protruade Protrude
3594. Encouragment Encouragement
3475. Teduous Tedious 3538. Prudentlly Prudently
3595. Comotion Commotion
3476. Victoruous Victorious 3539. Profesional Professional
3596. Conscintious Conscientious
3477. Rebelleous Rebellious 3540. Professior Professor
3597. Veternary Veterinary
3478. Manipullation Manipulation 3541. Fluor Flour
3598. Employeed Employed Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 264

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 45 TG @M00n_Ligt Spellings
3599. Rehersal Rehearsal 3662. Afiliate Affiliate 3719. Effecent Efficient
3600. Seperable Separable 3663. Exclaimation Exclamation 3720. Efigy Effigy
3601. Itinerent Itinerant 3664. Aesthatic Aesthetic 3721. Fictitious Fictitious
3602. Impeech Impeach 3665. Anihilate Annihilate 3722. Capritious Capricious
3603. Influense Influence 3666. Fourty Forty 3723. Notorius Notorious
3604. Ignorence Ignorance 3667. Ninty Ninety 3724. Ambitius Ambitious
3605. Diliver Deliver 3668. Fifthy Fifty 3725. Discribe Describe
3606. Diter Deter 3669. Eightty Eighty 3726. Discent Descent
3607. Danial Denial 3670. Commitee Committee 3727. Deserrt Dessert
3608. Deciscion Decision 3671. Coleague Colleague 3728. Descern Discern
3609. Chauffer Chauffeur 3672. Corresspond Correspond 3729. Nemchh Nemch
3610. Champhion Champion 3673. Commision Commission 3730. Benethe Beneath
3611. Chuoir Choir 3674. Journy Journey 3731. Begen Begin
3612. Charishma Charisma 3675. Furiuous Furious 3732. Beholld Behold
3613. Creater Creator 3676. Delicuous Delicious 3733. Devine Divine
3614. Craker Cracker 3677. Failiur Failure 3734. Devide Divide
3615. Cricketor Cricketer 3678. Pamplet Pamphlet 3735. Dyve Dive
3616. Crimetor Cremator 3679. Persavere Persevere 3736. Daviate Deviate
3617. Defination Definition 3680. Potraite Portrait 3737. Authourity Authority

3618. Competiter Competitor 3681. Pagent Pageant 3738. Austre Austere
3619. Proliferete Proliferate 3682. Diliamma Dilemma 3739. Audibble Audible
3620. Recrutment Recruitment 3683. Athelete Athlete 3740. Audiance Audience
3621. Rembursement Reimbursement 3684. Gurantee Guarantee 3741. Dispise Despise
3622. Beaureacracy Bureaucracy 3685. Convenence Convenience 3742. Disire Desire
3630. Sieze Seize 3693. Presense Presence 3750. Hindrnce Hindrance
3631. Feirce Fierce 3694. Absense Absence 3751. Humur Humour
3632. Peece Piece 3695. Difinite Definite 3752. Horece Horace
3633. Greif Grief 3696. Labarotary Laboratory 3753. Ecentricity Eccentricity
3634. Reebel Rebel 3754. Echlon Echelon
3635. Delegaite Delegate SSC CPO 2019 Tier - 1 3755. Eclipce Eclipse
3636. Ediable Edible (09/12/2019 - 13/12/2019) 3756. Econnomy Economy
3637. Monarc Monarch 3757. Sacriligious Sacrilegious
3638. Oportunity Opportunity Wrong Right 3758. Maneouvre Manoeuvre
3639. Omision Omission 3759. Millenium Millennium
Part (highlighted Part)
3640. Ovscure Obscure 3760. Connoiseur Connoisseur
3697. Ridiculus Ridiculous
3641. Obsoleita Obsolete 3761. Gluton Glutton
3698. Mischivous Mischievous
3642. Agression Aggression 3762. Eliminete Eliminate
3699. Humorus Humorous
3643. Temprature Temperature 3763. Alergy Allergy
3700. Mysterius Mysterious

3644. Millionare Millionaire 3764. Reliaent Reliant

3701. Jamble Jumble
3645. cataleoge catalogue 3765. Burgllary Burgulary
3702. Journy Journey
3646. Greivance Grievance 3766. Nurserry Nursery
3703. Jovaill Jovial
3647. Soveriegnty Sovereignty 3767. Treasurry Treasury
3704. Juniior Junior
3648. Rennaissance Renaissance 3768. Aviarry Aviary
3705. Relable Reliable
3649. Itinarary Itinerary 3769. Averssion Aversion
3706. Realmm Realm
3650. Alein Alien 3770. Omision Omission
3707. Resamble Resemble
3651. Accross Across 3771. Aviattion Aviation
3708. Redius Radius
3652. Awfull Awful 3772. Evassion Evasion
3709. Pigon Pigeon
3653. Allready Already 3773. Auddible Audible
3710. Pilion Pillion
3654. Guarrantee Guarantee 3774. Articlle Article
3711. Puddel Puddle
3655. Guidence Guidance 3775. Conceel Conceal
3712. Pioner Pioneer
3656. Guardain Guardian 3776. Precius Precious
3713. Laboratery Laboratory
3657. Gulty Guilty 3777. Schedulle Schedule
3714. Lantrn Lantern
3658. Actualy Actually 3778. Vacum Vacuum
3715. Labor Labour
3659. Persuit Pursuit 3779. Aceleration Acceleration
3716. Literatture Literature
3660. Paralel Parallel 3780. Tranquillity Tranquility
3717. Efect Effect
3661. Opinon Opinion 3781. Acquaintence Acquaintance
3718. Efort Effort Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 265

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 45 TG @M00n_Ligt Spellings
3782. Acquisittion Acquisition SSC SELECTION POST SSC CGL 2018 Tier - 2
3783. Expllanation Explanation (11/09/2019 - 13/09/2019)
3784. Agregate Aggregate
(14 /10/2019- 18/10/2019)
3785. Humiliatted Humiliated
Wrong Right
3786. Omelete Omelette
GRADUATE-LEVEL Part (highlighted Part)
3787. Daignosis Diagnosis
3882. Umblical Umbilical
3788. Esctasy Ecstasy
Wrong Right 3883. Recalctrant Recalcitrant
3789. Athelete Athlete
Part (highlighted Part) 3884. Questionaire Questionnaire
3790. Accummulate Accumulate
3845. Collaegue Colleague 3885. Prophisy Prophesy
3791. Ameteur Amateur
3846. Concsious Conscious 3886. Asthetic Aesthetic
3792. Audasity Audacity
3847. Usualy Usually 3887. Accomodation Accommodation
3793. Acheivement Achievement
3848. Bizare Bizzare 3888. Accidentaly Accidentally
3794. Audiance Audience
3849. Ilegible Illegible 3889. Catastrophy Catastrophe
3795. Halucination Hallucination
3890. Consceince Conscience
3796. Discrimmination Discrimination
HIGHER SECONDARY LEVEL 3891. Chargable Chargeable
3797. Ilumination Illumination
3892. Conscientiuous Conscientious
3798. Intimetion Intimation
Wrong Right 3893. Equvocal Equivocal
3799. Micsellaneous Miscellaneous
3894. Definately Definitely
3800. Multiferious Multifarious Part (highlighted Part)

3895. Hiararchy Hierarchy
3801. Gregerious Gregarious 3850. Teritory Territory
3896. Idiosyncarsy Idiosyncrasy
3802. Hilerious Hilarious 3851. Dicsiple Disciple
3897. Iliterate Illiterate
3803. Tonge Tongue 3852. Intensional Intentional
3898. Exhilration Exhilaration
3804. Vauge Vague 3853. Viscuos Viscous
3899. Ilogical Illogical
3805. Vouge Vogue 3854. Advisary Advisory
3900. Ingeniuous Ingenious




Part (highlighted Part) 3907. Medeival Medieval
3813. Relagate Relegate
3858. Reallity Reality 3908. Machenic Mechanic
3814. Referbish Refurbish
3859. Multipal Multiple 3909. Messure Measure
3815. Retrosspect Retrospect
3860. Specaility Speciality 3910. Misellaneous Miscellaneous
3816. Embrrece Embrace
3861. Accomodate Accommodate 3911. Naucea Nausea
3817. Emmbody Embody
3862. Wisper Whisper 3912. Nuaghty Naughty
3818. Emberrass Embarrass
3863. Braethe Breathe 3913. Naturallistic Naturalistic
3819. Embelish Embellish
3864. Saparate Separate 3914. Nuatical Nautical
3820. Beniggn Benign
3821. Tranquellity Tranquillity 3865. Revael Reveal
3822. Hindrence Hindrance 3866. Queitly Quietly SSC MTS 2019 Tier - 1
3823. Conscintious Conscientious 3867. Famiely Family (02/08/2019 - 22/08/2019)
3824. Quarralled Quarrelled 3868. Immidiately Immediately
3825. Incrimental Incremental 3869. Homelly Homely Wrong Right
3826. Amanable Amenable 3870. Dicsipline Discipline Part (highlighted Part)

3827. Alignnment Alignment 3871. Contegious Contagious 3915. Financialy Financially

3828. Ferosious Ferocious 3872. Exccessive Excessive 3916. Hauhtiness Haughtiness
3829. Equippment Equipment 3917. Grammer Grammar
3830. Peraphernalia Paraphernalia SSC CPO 2018 Tier - 2 3918. Enthusism Enthusiasm
3831. Impliments Implements (27/09/2019) 3919. Disaese Disease
3832. Apparratus Apparatus 3920. Domenant Dominant
3833. Disaproval Disapproval Wrong Right 3921. Diminnish Diminish
3834. Oreintation Orientation Part (highlighted Part) 3922. Depandent Dependent
3835. Disapointment Disappointment 3873. Guaranttee Guarantee 3923. Existance Existence
3836. Coroborate Corroborate 3874. Gragarious Gregarious 3924. Bechelor Bachelor
3837. Occassion Occasion 3875. Genaral General 3925. Antiddote Antidote
3838. Violance Violence 3876. Garbege Garbage 3926. Calandar Calendar
3839. Feirce Fierce 3877. Punctution Punctuation 3927. Exhhausted Exhausted
3840. Resemmblance Resemblance 3878. Permmitted Permitted 3928. Emmigrate Emigrate
3841. Greif Grief 3879. Plesent Pleasant 3929. Inteligent Intelligent
3842. Neice Niece 3880. Pungant Pungent 3930. Equaly Equally
3843. Yeild Yield 3881. Favurite Favourite 3931. Allert Alert
3844. Ceilling Ceiling 3932. Genuinne Genuine Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 266

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 45 TG @M00n_Ligt Spellings
3933. Equiped Equipped 3996. Elimentary Elementary 4059. Foriegn Foreign
3934. Allert Alert 3997. Moderrn Modern 4060. Forwarrd Forward
3935. Exseed Exceed 3998. Essenntial Essential 4061. Feburary February
3936. Equiped Equipped 3999. Developp Develop 4062. Worthwile Worthwhile
3937. Emphasise Emphasize 4000. Scienttific Scientific 4063. Wedensday Wednesday
3938. Dillemma Dilemma 4001. Desecribe Describe 4064. Waether Weather
3939. Foriegn Foreign 4002. Diference Difference 4065. Wierd Weird
3940. Eddition Edition 4003. Disapear Disappear 4066. Pomppous Pompous
3941. Influance Influence 4004. Admministrator Administrator 4067. Possibbility Possibility
3942. Forwarrd Forward 4005. Dicsipline Discipline 4068. Posession Possession
3943. Extravegant Extravagant 4006. Dissastrous Disastrous 4069. Potensial Potential
3944. Jeallousy Jealousy 4007. Dorrmitory Dormitory 4070. Ommission Omission
3945. Interrest Interest 4008. Directary Directory 4071. Occurence Occurrence
3946. corruptt Corrupt 4009. Priorety Priority 4072. Occassion Occasion
3947. Peirce Pierce 4010. Beautifuly Beautifully 4073. Occuppation Occupation
3948. Minieture Miniature 4011. Jealuos Jealous 4074. Ketle Kettle
3949. Extrect Extract 4012. Disguice Disguise 4075. Britle Brittle
3950. Indevidual Individual 4013. Recommand Recommend 4076. Vessle Vessel
3951. Ignorence Ignorance 4014. Nouriss Nourish 4077. Parallal Parallel

3952. Luxerious Luxurious 4015. Repettition Repetition 4078. Feudel Feudal
3953. Thriler Thriller 4016. Refarence Reference 4079. Revennue Revenue
3954. Interupt Interrupt 4017. Reciept Receipt 4080. Exhoustive Exhaustive
3955. Colleborate Collaborate 4018. Temporery Temporary 4081. Nocturrnal Nocturnal
3956. Knowlege Knowledge 4019. Techniqque Technique 4082. Petrimony Patrimony
3964. Suspision Suspicion 4027. Outragoeus Outrageous 4090. Etiqeutte Etiquette
3965. Discusion Discussion 4028. Aesthatic Aesthetic 4091. Restaurent Restaurant
3966. Proseedings Proceedings 4029. Oreginal Original 4092. Repugnence Repugnance
3967. Adjourrn Adjourn 4030. Medeival Medieval 4093. Enginneer Engineer
3968. Subbmission Submission 4031. Maintanance Maintenance 4094. Tuision Tuition
3969. Explaination Explanation 4032. Mousteche Moustache 4095. Hygeine Hygiene
3970. Confedence Confidence 4033. Milennium Millennium 4096. Nuclaer Nuclear
3971. Conqeur Conquer 4034. Saparate Separate
3972. Oduor Odour 4035. Seige Siege SSC CHSL 2018 Tier - 1
3973. Jeallousy Jealousy 4036. Successfull Successful (01/07/2019 - 11/07/2019)
3974. Knowlege Knowledge 4037. Superficail Superficial
3975. Nesessary Necessary 4038. Undowbtedly Undoubtedly
Wrong Right
3976. Languege Language 4039. Uniqe Unique
Part (highlighted Part)
3977. Pierse Pierce 4040. Unforgetable Unforgettable

4097. Celibrate Celebrate

3978. Permmit Permit 4041. Unfortunetely Unfortunately
4098. Celibrity Celebrity
3979. Noticeing Noticing 4042. Godess Goddess
4099. Celibration Celebration
3980. Obstacal Obstacle 4043. Obedeint Obedient
4100. Celibrant Celebrant
3981. Aregue Argue 4044. Villian Villain
4101. Earlly Early
3982. Phillosophy Philosophy 4045. Trully Truly
4102. Eerrie Eerie
3983. Rogeue Rogue 4046. Aggrassion Aggression
4103. Eagel Eagle
3984. Vaggue Vague 4047. Appearence Appearance
4104. Earrn Earn
3985. Tonggue Tongue 4048. Assimillate Assimilate
4105. Assurre Assure
3986. Qoute Quote 4049. Assasination Assassination
4106. Assuredlly Assuredly
3987. Reqqire Require 4050. Surrendar Surrender
4107. Assureble Assurable
3988. Queuue Queue 4051. Previlege Privilege
4108. Assurence Assurance
3989. Indipendent Independent 4052. Desparate Desperate
4109. Barry Berry
3990. Accquire Acquire 4053. Facsinate Fascinate
4110. Berrel Barrel
3991. Defenitely Definitely 4054. Tyrany Tyranny
4111. Barreir Barrier
3992. Comittee Committee 4055. Tendancy Tendency
4112. Barrien Barren
3993. Aniversary Anniversary 4056. Tommorrow Tomorrow
4113. Curey Curry
3994. Supllementary Supplementary 4057. Twelth Twelfth
4114. Curce Curse
3995. Lubrricant Lubricant 4058. Forth Fourth
4115. Curiuos Curious Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 267
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 45 TG @M00n_Ligt Spellings
4116. Curser Cursor 4179. Febuary February
4117. Satelite Satellite 4180. Octover October
4118. Setlle Settle 4181. Discerrn Discern
4119. Secesion Session 4182. Concice Concise
4120. Satiete Satiate 4183. Particlle Particle
4121. Emollument Emolument 4184. Nurrture Nurture
4122. Emession Emission 4185. Tusion Tuition
4123. Emphashis Emphasis 4186. Tyrany Tyranny
4124. Emporrium Emporium 4187. Triviall Trivial
4125. Bootty Booty 4188. Typpical Typical
4126. Brrood Brood 4189. Giaety Gaiety
4127. Blossum Blossom 4190. Accellerate Accelerate
4128. Booast Boast 4191. Accummulate Accumulate
4129. Influance Influence 4192. Saparate Separate
4130. Inequality Inequality 4193. Accommplice Accomplice
4131. Ineffecient Inefficient 4194. Accomodate Accommodate
4132. Independance Independence 4195. Elligible Eligible
4133. Blliss Bliss 4196. Extrect Extract
4134. Behaeve Behave 4197. Extenssion Extension

4135. Boerd Board 4198. Explaination Explanation
4136. Bettar Better 4199. Opporrtunity Opportunity
4137. Glorry Glory 4200. Recieve Receive
4138. Goglles Goggles 4201. Purseu Pursue
4139. Goblle Gobble 4202. Greive Grieve
4147. Nurvous Nervous 4210. Genuiene Genuine
4148. Negetive Negative 4211. Accridited Accredited
4149. Reverrse Reverse 4212. Accustommed Accustomed
4150. Reproduse Reproduce 4213. Acknowlegment Acknowledgment
4151. Resembble Resemble 4214. Exseption Exception
4152. Requirre Require 4215. Reciept Receipt
4153. Niblle Nibble 4216. Preferantial Preferential
4154. Niether Neither 4217. Professionall Professional
4155. Ninetinth Nineteenth 4218. Proverbiel Proverbial
4156. Nightagale Nightingale 4219. Presidencial Presidential
4157. Schime Scheme 4220. Continuetion Continuation
4158. Scerce Scarce 4221. Commancement Commencement
4159. Scenty Scanty 4222. Resaintment Resentment
4160. Sceinery Scenery 4223. Triengulation Triangulation

4161. Aliance Alliance 4224. Turbulance Turbulence

4162. Affilliate Affiliate 4225. Whimssical Whimsical
4163. Attaindance Attendance 4226. Spectecular Spectacular
4164. Affluance Affluence 4227. Conteguous Contiguous
4165. Generel General 4228. Adjecent Adjacent
4166. Guillty Guilty 4229. Quietenn Quieten
4167. Ganerous Generous 4230. Questionneire Questionnaire
4168. Gennuine Genuine 4231. Quallification Qualification
4169. Jewelery Jewellery 4232. Quantiffy Quantify
4170. Elimentary Elementary 4233. Commamorate Commemorate
4171. Hareditary Hereditary 4234. Fomaentation Fomentation
4172. Missionery Missionary 4235. Pleteau Plateau
4173. Distruction Destruction 4236. Beureaucracy Bureaucracy
4174. Constrection Construction 4237. Horrizontal Horizontal
4175. Compitition Competition 4238. Contreption Contraption
4176. Repitition Repetition
4177. Januery January
4178. Novvember November Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 268

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 46 TG @M00n_Ligt Homonyms
to stay indoors because of the a wild idea:
extremely cold temperatures. ● If you think you can get a job by
studying for two hours daily you are
•A• 7. auger( छे द करने वाला उपकरण ) /augur under an illusion.
( भिव वाणी करना )
1. a lot (ब त) /allot (आवंिटत) An auger is a tool used for digging holes: 14. aloud ( ऊँची आवाज़ ) /Allowed (
A lot is two words meaning "much": ● It contains a very powerful auger to अनुमित दी )
● A lot of food was left after the party. crush snow. Aloud means "speaking so that someone
Allot means to give something to Augur means "to predict, forecast": else can hear you":
someone. ● These signs augur bad news. ● The teacher told him to read the
● He was allotted a house in Sector 13 paragraph aloud.
by the government. 8. aid ( सहायता ) /aide ( सहायता करने Allowed means "having permission":
वाला ) ● His boss allowed him to take the
2. a while (कुछ समय) /awhile Aid is help or assistance given: weekend off.
A while is two words meaning "a short ● Every Christmas the community
period ": gives aid to those less fortunate. 15. already ( पहले से ही ) /all ready ( सब
● I will meet you in a while. An aide is a person who helps: तैयार है )
A while means for a short time. ● The nurse worked for five years as a Already is an adverb that indicates an
● Stand here for a while. doctor’s aide. action is completed by a certain time:

● The chief guest had already hoisted
3. accede ( मान लेना) / exceed (से अिधक) 9. all right/alright ( ठीक है ) the flag when we reached.
Accede means "to agree or allow": All right is a phrase meaning "everything All ready means "everything is
● The principal finally acceded to is right": completely prepared":
accept the demands of its staff ● My answers were all right? ● The children were all ready to go for
● Exceed means "to go beyond, to
● The amount of alcohol in his blood
exceeded the level allowed.

4. accept ( ीकार करना ) /except ( के

अलावा ) /

Alright is a single word meaning

● Is everything alright here?

10. all together/altogether (कुल िमलाकर )

All together is applied to people or things
that are being treated as a whole:
the picnic.

16. annual ( वािषक ) /annul ( र करना )

Annual means "yearly":
● We must pay an annual tax.
Annul means "to make void or
Accept means "to take willingly": ● We always had fun when we were all ● They want to annul the marriage.
● He accepted the proposal. together.
Except is a preposition meaning Altogether is an adverb that means 17. any one ( कोई एक ) /anyone (
"excluding": "completely or totally": कोई भी )
● Everyone was disappointed with the ● You are altogether wrong. Any one means "any one person":
party except Rajiv.
● Any one of you may go, but not all of
Expect means to “look forward to 11. all ways( सभी कार से ) / always ( you.
something”: हमेशा ) ● Anyone means "anybody, any person
● We expect the chief guest to be here All ways mean "by every means or at all": Anyone can win a lottery.
any moment. method":
● He tried all ways to trick the police 18. apart ( टु कड़े होना, अलग होना ) /a part
5. adapt ( अनुकूिलत होना ) / adept(कुशल) but failed. ( एक िह ा )
Adapt means "to adjust": Always means "forever": Apart is an adverb meaning "in pieces"
● The hostellers quickly adapted ● My father, being a mature man, ● My plan for my vacation fell apart

themselves to the new atmosphere always responds calmly during due to the sudden death of my boss.
away from their homes. emergencies. Apart is a noun meaning "one
Adept means "skilled": section of":
● The guide is adept at speaking many 12. allude ( अ प से सुझाव दे ना ) ● A part of my heart left when he died.
languages fluently. /elude ( भाग जाना )
Adopt means to "accept as your Allude means "to suggest indirectly": 19. appraise (मू ांकन ) /apprise ( सूिचत
own": ● For the dedicated searchers, there करना )
● The actress wanted to adopt a child are clues hidden in the forest which Appraise is to assess or estimate the
after the earthquake. allude to the treasure’s location. worth of:
Elude means "to dodge or escape": ● To appraise a diamond.
6. advice (सलाह ) /advise ( सलाह दे ना ) ● He tried to elude the police but Apprise is to inform or notify:
Advice is a noun meaning "an opinion finally, he was caught. ● The officer apprised us of our rights.
given to help":
● My mother still gives me advice even 13. allusion ( संकेत ) /illusion ( म ) An 20. ascent ( ऊपर बढ़ना ) /assent (
though I'm 30 years old. allusion is a subtle reference or hint: सहमित )
Advise is a verb meaning "to give ● The author’s new book contains an Ascent is an upward movement:
counsel or advice": allusion to mythological gods. ● Ahaana’s ascent to the presidency
● The meteorologist advised listeners An illusion is a deception, mirage, or of the company came slowly. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 269

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 46 TG @M00n_Ligt Homonyms
Assent means "to agree to": A boar is a male pig: ● We will travel to the Capitol this
● Geeta could not begin the project ● Wild boars abound in this forest. weekend.
unless management assented. A boor is an unrefined, vulgar
person: 33. censor (अिभ पर रोक ) /sensor (
•B• ● What a boor Rajiv was to get drunk संवेदक ) /censure ( कड़ी आलोचना )
at the wedding and embarrass Censor is to prohibit free expression:
21. baited ( जाल म फंसाना ) /bated ( कम everyone. ● The board decided to censor all the
करना ) objectionable scenes in the movie.
Baited usually refers to traps: 27. born ( ज लेना ) /borne ( ढोना ) A sensor is something that
● Baiting deer to hunt them is illegal in Born is newly coming into life: interprets stimulation:
most states. ● A child was born at 12:01 on New ● The low oil sensor lit up indicating a
Bated is seldom used but means Year's day. lack of oil within the
"reduced, abated": Borne means "carried": engine.
● Virat bated his pace to let his ● All gossip is borne by an ill wind. Censure is rebuke, harsh criticism:
running mate catch up. ● He was severely censured for
28. brake ( कना ) /break ( तोड़ना ) putting the frog in the water cooler.
22. bare ( न ) /bear ( भालू ) / Brake means "to stop":
Bare means "naked": ● You should brake slowly on ice. 34. cite ( उ रण दे ना ) /site ( थल ) /sight
● Walking in the grass with bare feet is Break means "to smash": ( ि )

refreshing. ● To break a mirror brings seven years Cite means "to quote or mention":
Bear is the animal, and also means of worse luck than you are having ● He cited a famous theorist in his
"to carry": now. speech.
● Ram must bear the burden of Site is a noun meaning "a place":
flunking math twice. 29. breath( साँस ) /breathe ( साँस लेना ) ● At which site will we stage the party?

23. biannual ( एक वष म दो बार होने वाला

) /biennial ( दो वष म एक बार होने वाला )
Biannual is twice in one year:
● My trip to the dentist is a biannual
Breath is a noun meaning "the air pulled
into the lungs":
● Take a deep breath and relax.
Breathe, with an E on the end, is a
● Just breathe deeply and calm down.
Sight is a noun meaning "view":
● The sight from Burj Khalifa is

35. climactic ( चोटी, चरम ) /climatic

(जलवायु से संबंिधत )
Climactic refers to the peak:
Biennial means "every two years":
● These flowers are biennial; they 30. bridal ( दु न से संबंिधत ) /bridle ( ● The police reached right at the
bloom every two years. लगाम ) climactic moment of the movie.
Bridal has to do a bride and her wedding: Climatic refers to the climate and
24. by ( ारा ) /buy ( खरीदना ) /bye ( िवदा ● Sheela threw her bridal bouquet to weather:
लेने के दौरान बोला जाने वाला श ) the screaming crowd of single ● London is known for its sudden

By is a preposition meaning "next to": women. climatic changes.

● Park the car by the house. A bridle is a halter or restraint, such
Buy means "purchase": as a horse bridle. 36. coarse ( अप र ृ त ) /course ( माग,
● Grandpa buys an ice cream cone पा म)
every Sunday afternoon. •C• Coarse is an adjective meaning "rough,
Bye means "farewell or good-bye": big-grained, not fine"
● Bye, now; I'll see you later. 31. canvas ( कपड़ा ) /canvass ( वोट ● We need to use coarse sandpaper to
माँगना ) remove the paint from this wood.
25. board ( बोड ) /bored ( इ ु क नही ं ) Canvas is cloth or fabric: Course is a noun referring to a

Board means a few things. ● A canvas bag to bring to the beach. direction (the course of a ship) or a
● One is "a long sheet of wood" Canvass means "to seek votes": series of lectures on one subject.
● He had to cut the board to make the ● The meditation course that he took
shelves. 32. capital ( राजधानी, बड़ा अ र )/capitol last year changed the course of his
It also means "a committee": ( संसद या िवधानसभा की ईमारत ) life.
● The board of directors met to decide Capital is where the seat of government
the fate of the school. is: 37. complement ( पूरा करना )
Lastly, it can mean"to get onto": ● The capital of the United States is /compliment( शंसा या बधाई दे ना )
● She boarded the ship. Washington DC. Complement means "to supplement" or
Bored means "not interested": Capital can also mean "wealth" or "a "make complete":
● She is bored by the lecture. large letter". ● Their two personalities complement
● Write your name in capital letters. each other.
26. bore ( बो रं ग ) /boar ( नर सूअर ) ● We were short of capital for the Compliment means "to praise or
/boor ( खराब, अ ील ) business. congratulate":
A bore is a boring or tiresome person or The Capitol (usually capitalized) is ● She received a compliment on her
thing: the actual building in which the sense of fashion.
● Jasper is such a bore when he talks government and legislature meets
about his cats! 38. conform (एक जैसा होना ) / Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 270

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 46 TG @M00n_Ligt Homonyms
confirm ( पुि करना ) ● He deserted his family when he got ● Many Indians emigrated to the US.
Conform means "to be similar to": a good job in the city. Immigrate to means "to settle in
● These measurements conform to Dessert is the sweet course of a another country":
the blueprints. meal: ● Her family immigrated to the US four
Confirm is to make sure or ● The whole family wanted to have generations ago.
double-check: cake for dessert.
● To confirm a flight reservation. 51. enervate( कमज़ोर करना ) /innervate (
45. device ( उपकरण ) /devise ( अिव ार ) श उ करना )
39. co-operation ( सहयोग करना ) A device is an instrument used to Innervate means "to supply with nerves
/corporation ( िनगम, बड़ी कंपनी ) perform a task: or vitality":
Co-operation means "working together": ● This device will peel apples for you. ● The therapist innervated the
● I would like to thank you for your Devise is to create or invent: shoulders with massage.
cooperation on the project. ● They will devise a scheme to Enervate is to weaken or destroy the
A corporation is a large company: continue the business. vitality of:
● Presidents of large corporations ● The negative attitude enervated her
receive tens of millions of dollars in 46. divers ( कई ) /diverse ( िविवध ) enthusiasm.
salary. Divers means "several":
● You can take that statement in 52. everyone ( ेक ) /every one (
40. corps ( एक ल के ित समिपत लोगों diverse ways. ेक , चीज़ गत प से )

का संगठन ) /corpse ( शव ) Diverse means "different or varied": Everyone means "each person":
Corpse Corps (pronounced 'core') is an ● There are many diverse cultures in ● Everyone in the room must leave
organization of people dedicated to a the world. immediately.
single goal: Every one refers to each thing or
● Lucy joined the Peace Corps after 47. discreet (न तथा िववेकी ) /discrete person individually:
A corpse is a dead body:
● The corpse of Danny's dog was
lovingly laid to rest in the backyard.

41. council ( प रषद ) /counsel ( सलाह ) /

A council is a group of people called
(अलग तथा िवशेष)
Discreet means "modest and prudent":
● Please be discreet about the
surprise party, we don't want her to
find out.
Discrete means "separate and
● The baker put every one of the eggs
in the basket.


53. Fair ( मेला ) /fare ( भाड़ा )

A fair is an exhibition of farm produce
together to meet on an issue: ● Even though they were married, they usually with a collection of rides and
● The school board council meets kept their money in two discrete attractions
every Thursday evening. accounts. ● Every year our family goes to the
Counsel is advice: state fair.
● I always go to Chander for counsel •E• A fare is the fee you pay to ride
on the tough decisions in my life. public transportation:
48. illicit(अवैध)/Elicit ( िनकालना ; पिचयों ● The fare to ride the bus is affordable
42. creak ( चरमराना ) /creek ( छोटी धारा ) म से ) in our town.
Creak can be the noun or verb for a Elicit is a verb that means "to draw out":
squeak or groan: ● The teacher had trouble eliciting 54. faze ( बाधा डालना ) /phase ( चरण )
● The creak of the floorboards alerted responses from the students. Faze is to distress or disturb:
the sailor that the captain was Illicit is an adjective meaning "illegal ● The scrutiny of the media didn't faze
sneaking upon him. or illegitimate": the new leader.
A creek is a small stream: ● Illicit drugs or illicit behavior may A phase is a period of development

● The kids loved to play in the creek on help you enter jail. or a period in a cycle of events:
a hot summer day. ● The teenager went through a phase
49. emigrant (अपना मूल दे श छोड़कर दू सरे when all he did was eat junk food.
•D• दे श म जाकर बसना )/immigrant (नए दे श म
जाकर बसना ) 55. flare ( चमक, भभकना ) /flair ( ितभा )
43. dairy ( दू ध का कारखाना ) /diary ( An emigrant is a person who leaves his Flare is to increase greatly, burn brightly,
डायरी ) native country to settle in another or something that provides a bright flame
A dairy is a farm where milk and milk ● The emigrants left everything behind ● The fire in the grill flared brightly
products are produced: in search of something more. when Eva tossed gasoline on it.
● We get fresh milk from the dairy An immigrant refers is a person who Flair refers to a sense of style or a
every day. moves to a new country talent:
A diary is the daily journal kept: ● Many immigrants settle in this ● The host has a flair for entertaining
● The boy writes in his diary for two country every year. a group of men.
hours every night.
50. emigrate ( अपना दे श छोड़ दे ना ) 56. forbear ( बचना, दू र रहना ) /forebear
44. desert ( ागना ) /dessert ( िमठाई ) /immigrate ( दू सरे दे श म बसना ) (पूवज)
Desert means "to abandon": Emigrate from means "to leave one's Forbear means "to refrain from":
country": Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 271

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 46 TG @M00n_Ligt Homonyms
● The children simply could not 62. here ( यहाँ ) /hear ( सुनना ) supine or remain in a certain place"
forbear laughing in the library. Here refers to the place where you are: ● I have to lie down because I'm not
A forebear is an ancestor or ● You should come here more often. feeling well, or I like to lie in the
forefather: Hear is to listen with the ears: grass for hours.
● Our forebears who founded this ● Am I speaking loud enough for you Its forms are lie, lies, lay, has lain,
country centuries ago. to hear me? and is lying.

57. forth ( आगे ) /fourth ( चौथा ) 63. heroin ( अवैध डग ) /heroine ( अिभने ी ) 69. lessen ( कम करना ) /lesson ( पाठ या
Forth means "forward, from this point": Heroin is an illicit drug: सीख )
● Pankaj moved forth without looking ● Heroin is a very addicting substance. Lessen means "to decrease or make
back. A heroine is a female hero in a story less":
Fourth indicates an object that or movie. ● She lessened the headache pain
comes between No. 3 and No. 5: with aspirin.
● The maidservant just finished 64. hoard ( जमा करना ) /horde ( िवशाल A lesson is something you learn:
cleaning the fourth floor. समूह ) ● A teacher might say, "Today's lesson
Hoard means "to collect and keep for is about ancient Egypt."
58. foul ( बेईमानी, अपमानजनक ) /fowl ( oneself":
घरे लू प ी ) ● Squirrels hoard acorns during the 70. liable ( जवाबदे ह ) /libel ( प रवाद )
Foul can means "offensive, rotten, or winter. Liable means "legally responsible for or

unfavorable" A horde is a large group: subject to":
● Foul language, foul meat, and foul ● Hordes of people go Christmas ● Tom is liable to pay for the damage
weather are unacceptable at a shopping the day after if he doesn't prove his innocence.
picnic. Thanksgiving. Libel is a noun that means "a
Fowl refers to birds, especially slanderous statement that damages
domestic ones:
● Chickens, ducks, geese, and turkeys
are considered fowl.

65. hole ( छे द ) /whole ( संपूण )
A hole is a gap or space:
● A moth made a hole in my sweater.
Whole means "complete":
● Sheela ate the whole pizza herself!
another person's reputation":
● The man was sued for libel for what
he printed about his neighbor.

71. lightening (ह ा करना ) /lightning (

िबजली चमकना)
Lightening is a verb that means "to
59. gorilla ( गो र ा ) /guerrilla ( छापामार •I•
यु करने वाली सेना का सद ) reduce the weight of":
A gorilla is a large ape: 66. its ( इसका ) /it's ( it is का संि प) ● My course load needs lightening if I
● Gorillas live in the African tropical Its is the possessive form of it, like hers, am to complete this course
forest. his, and theirs: successfully.
A guerrilla is a member of an ● The dog licked its foot after stepping Lightning refers to the electrical

irregular military that uses surprise in maple syrup. discharge in the sky:
attacks on its enemy: It's is short for 'it is', a contraction of ● Fred captured the image of a bolt of
● Guerrilla warfare uses tactics such those two words: lightning on film.
as espionage, sabotage, and ● "Well, I guess it's [it is] time to wash
ambush. the dog again." 72. loathe ( भारी नफरत करना ) /loath (
अिन ु क )
Loathe is a verb meaning "to detest or
•H• •L•
dislike greatly":
● Maneka Gandhi loathes animal

60. hail ( बधाई दे ना या कही ं का रहने वाला ) 67. later ( बाद म ) /latter ( दो चीज़ों म से
/hale ( थ) बाद वाला )
Loath is an adjective meaning
Hail means "to greet or to come from": Later means "afterward":
"reluctant, unwilling":
She hails from California.: ● Come later than seven o'clock.:
● Lokesh was loath to ask for an
● Hail also means "balls of ice": Hail Latter means "the last of two things
extension on his term paper that
damaged the crops. mentioned"
Hale means "sound or healthy": ● If I have to choose between brains or
● Minny is hale and hearty enough to beauty, I'll take the latter.
run five miles daily. •M•
68. lay ( रखना ) /lie ( पड़ना. पड़े रहना )
61. herd/ (पशुओ ं का झु )/heard( सुनाई Lay is a transitive verb, which means it 73. manner ( तरीका ) /manor ( जागीर )
िदया) takes an object. It means "to set or put Manner is a way of doing or behaving:
A herd is a group of animals: down flat": ● My neighbor did the plumbing work
● My little son saw a herd of cows in ● The lady laid the child in the crib. in an expert-like manner.
the pasture. ● Lay a book on the table, please. A manor is a house on an estate:
Heard is the past tense of hear: Its forms are lay, lays, laid, has laid, ● The chauffeur drove slowly up to the
● The old lady heard the bells ringing and is laying. manor.
for the glorious leader who had Lie is an intransitive verb, so it does
recently died. not take an object.It means "to rest 74. mantel ( अि थान ) /mantle ( कंबल ) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 272

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 46 TG @M00n_Ligt Homonyms
A mantel is the shelf above a fireplace, or upset. •R•
face of one: ● My maternal uncle’s farm was on a
● The lady placed several candles on great plain where wheat grew well. 85. Rain ( बा रश ) /reign ( शासनकाल )
the mantel. A plane an airplane: /rein ( लगाम )
A mantle is a cloak or blanket: ● The new pilot landed the plane Rain is the water that falls from the sky:
● Karuna grabbed her mantle before successfully. ● People in dry areas look forward to
heading out the door. the rain.
80. pour ( उड़े लना ) /pore ( िछ ) Reign is the rule of a king or queen:
75. marshal ( उ पद पर बैठा अिधकारी ) To pour is to dispense liquid from one ● Rana Pratap reigned with an iron fist
/marshall ( एक साथ होना ) container into another: to keep peace in the land.
A marshal is an officer of ● She poured some milk into the A rein (usually plural, reins) are the
highest-ranking; glass. straps of leather used to control and
● The marshal gave orders to the Pore also means "a small opening in guide a horse:
troops. the skin through which moisture or ● No matter how hard the rider pulled
Marshall is a verb meaning "to air moves": on the reins, the horse would not
together": ● Pores are all over our bodies. slow down.
● The drunk boy gathered enough
strength to walk past the bar on his 81. precede ( पहले आना या जाना 86. raise ( बड़ा करना ) /raze ( न करना )
way home. )/proceed ( आगे बढ़ना ) Raise means "to build or grow":

The verb precede means "to come or go ● The farmer raises corn.
76. meet ( िमलना ) /mete ( बाँटना ) /meat before, in front of": Raze is to destroy:
( माँस ) ● The script precedes the selection of ● The school was razed and a new one
Meet means "to get together or connect the cast. built in its place.
with someone, to encounter": Proceed means "to move forward":
● Anu plans to meet a colleague for
Mete means "to distribute":
● We had to mete out the last of the
water when we were still 20 miles
from civilization on our hiking trip.
Meat is the flesh that may be eaten:
● Both the flower girl and the bride
proceeded down the aisle at the
same time.

82. principal ( धाना ापक ) /principle (

िस ांत )
A principal is the head of a professional
87. reality ( वा िवकता ) /realty ( भूिम या
रयल ए े ट )
Reality means "the perceived world as it
is, the true situation":
● She could not tell the difference
between reality and fantasy.
Realty is land or real estate:
● Nilesh is a vegetarian who doesn't business or school: ● Realty in large cities is markedly
eat meat at all. ● The principal of the middle school is expensive.
a woman of principles.
•P• A principle is a belief: 88. right ( अिधकार ) /rite ( सं ार )
● I avoid meeting school principals as /write (िलखना )

77. pasture ( चारागाह ) /pastor ( पुरोिहत a matter of principle. Right means "correct":
वग का सद ) ● She always knew the right thing to
A pasture is a place where farm animals 83. profit ( लाभ ) /prophet( पैगंबर ) say.
graze: Profit is the money earned above the A rite is a ceremony:
● The dairy owner leaves his cows out expense it took to complete the project: ● Final rites for the deceased were
into the pasture every morning. ● My parents made a Rs10, 00,000 held in the church.
A pastor is a member of the clergy, a profit when they renovated and sold To write is to express oneself in
minister of a church: their house. writing:
● Peter is the pastor of the local A prophet is a person who can ● The lady writes a page in her diary

Baptist Church. foretell the future and through which every night to vent her feelings.
a divine presence speaks:
78. peace ( शांित ) /piece ( टु कड़ा ) ● Atheism is a non- prophet religion. 89. role ( भूिमका ) /roll ( लुढ़कना )
Peace is a sense of calm and absence of A role is a part in a play or movie:
war or hostility: •Q• ● Once I did the role of Lakshman in
● We all hope for peace throughout our local Ram Lila.
the world. 84. quiet (आवाज़ रिहत ) /quite ( पूणतया ) Role can also mean "a function of":
A piece is a part or segment of Quiet means "without sound or mention ● What is the role of the police in the
something: of": present-day society?
● She just had a small piece of the ● You are supposed to be quiet in Roll is a verb meaning "to turn over
cake. hospitals and libraries. and over":
Quite can mean either "completely or ● I rolled the blanket and put it in the
79. plain ( समतल, मैदान ) /plane ( हवाई somewhat, rather", depending on trunk.
जहाज़ ) what you mean.
Plain means "simple" or "a large level ● I was quite alone that Saturday •S•
region": afternoon (completely) but the hours
● The doctor advised him to have plain passed quite quickly (rather). 90. sale ( िब ी ) /sail ( नाव खेना ) /sell (
food as long as his stomach was बेचना ) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 273
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 46 TG @M00n_Ligt Homonyms
A sale is a noun meaning "the selling of ● We shear sheep's wool in the spring ● There is a statue of a large bird in
something": and we shear the hedges in the her garden.
● Every car sale means a commission summer. A statute is a law:
for the salesman. Sheer means "pure, unadulterated": ● The government publishes new
A sail is the material used to catch ● Felicity found the amusement park a statutes each year.
the wind on a boat: sheer pleasure.
● The sail moved in the wind as the 102. storey ( तल ) /story ( कहानी )
boat moved across the water. 96. shore ( समु तट ) /sure ( िन ंदेह ) Storey refers to a floor of a building:
A sale is a noun meaning "the selling A shore is a beach: ● The upper storey of the building
of something": ● To spend a vacation on the shore. comprises apartments.
● Every car sale means a commission It also means "to brace or support" A story is a tale related to speech or
for the salesman. ● They shored up the leaning wall with writing by someone.:
To sell, the verb, is to offer goods for steel beams. ● This is an interesting story.
consumption at a cost: Sure means "without a doubt":
● The potter sells his pottery at art ● Maria was sure about the decision •T•
fairs. to move to another country.
103. taut ( कसकर ) /taught ( पढ़ाया )
91. scene ( प र ) /seen ( दे खा गया ) 97. straight ( सीधा ) /strait (खाड़ी ) Taut is a literary word that means "tight":
Scene is a place or view: Straight is an adjective that means ● Hold the string taut while I mark the

● The scene of the crime was just having "no bends or curve"s: line.
outside his window. ● My grandfather’s walking cane is as Taught is the past tense of teach:
Seen is the past tense of see: straight as an arrow. ● Kenneth taught etiquette and good
● I have seen that movie three times A strait is a narrow channel manners for several years.
already. connecting two bodies of water:

92. seam ( जहाँ दो टु कड़ों को जोड़ा जाता है

) /seem ( तीत होना )
A seam is where two pieces are joined:
● The seam of the roof fell apart under
heavy rains.
To seem is to appear or look as if:
● The Bering Strait lies between
Alaska and Siberia.

98. sole ( एक ) /soul( आ ा )

Sole means "single":
● The sole remaining person in the
room left.
104. than ( से ; तुलना करने के संदभ म )
/then ( तब )
Than is used to compare:
● She thinks she is smarter than any
of us.
Then is a word to describe a time
that is not now:
● Leena seemed unhappy when that It also means the bottom of a shoe: ● I prefer Friday; it would be better to
happened.. ● A chewing gum stuck to the sole of meet then because then I will be
his shoes. ready.
93. serf ( नौकर या गुलाम ) /surf( लहरों के A soul refers to the spirit of a living
बीच वाहन चलाना या इं टरनेट पर कुछ ढू ँ ढना) creature: 105. their ( उनका ) /there ( वहां ) /they're
A serf is a slave or servant: ● Do you believe animals have souls? ( वे ; They are का संि प)
● Jagdish came from a family of serfs Their is possessive of they:
but rose to become a landlord. 99. some time ( थोड़ा समय ) /sometime ( ● The twins left their books at home.
To surf is to ride the waves of water, िकसी समय ) There refers to a place that is not
or to search on the Internet.: Some time refers to a considerable here:
● You can surf the Internet some other period: ● We will be there in two hours.:
time. ● I need some time to think about your They're is a contraction for “they
Sit means "to rest upright with the proposal. are”:
weight on the buttocks or to move Sometimes refers to an indistinct or ● They're going to a concert tonight.

into such a position": unstated time in the future:

● She sits beside me in the class. ● I'll see you around sometime. 106. throes( भारी दद या मु ल समय )
Seat can be a verb meaning "to show Sometimes is an adverb meaning /throws ( फकना )
someone their seat or where to sit": continually, off and on, occasionally: Throes are severe pains or difficult times:
● The waiter seated the boy at his ● I found it difficult to listen to the
usual table by the door. 100. stationary ( थर ) /stationer ( लेखन lecture elaborating upon the throes
साम ी ) of battle.
94. sever ( पूरी तरह से काट दे ना ) /severe Stationary means "still and unmoving": Throws is the plural or present tense
( गंभीर ) ● The cat was stationary until it was of throw:
Sever means "to cut through completely": time to pounce on its prey. ● The bowler throws the ball to the
● One blow from the farmer's knife Stationery refers to writing materials batsman.
severed the rope. such as paper:
Severe means "strict, hard, extreme": ● He took out his best stationery to
● Severe winter weather came early write the answer. •V•
this year.
101. statue ( मूित ) /statute ( क़ानून ) 107. vane ( घूमने वाला ेड ) /vain ( बेकार,
95. shear ( काटना ) /sheer ( शु ) A statue is a carved or shaped imitation ) /vein ( नस )
Shear means "to cut off": of an object: A vane is a blade that rotates: Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 274

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 46 TG @M00n_Ligt Homonyms
● I don't know how hard the wind blew; 113. wear ( पहनना ) /ware ( बतन )
it blew the weather vane off the roof. Wear is a verb (wear, wore, worn)
Vain means "fruitless, hopeless, or meaning to have clothing on.:
without result": ● The actress always wears bright
● The poor child has a vain hope of evening gowns on formal occasions.
becoming a billionaire one day. Ware is an article of merchandise, a
Vein refers to the tubes that carry product (usually used in the plural):
blood back to the heart: ● The potter displayed her wares on a
● The veins are usually smaller than beautiful stand made by her
the arteries. husband.

108. verses ( छं द ) /versus ( बनाम ) 114. weather ( मौसम ) /whether ( यिद,

Verses is plural of verse, a line of poetry: चािहए या नही ं )
● Several Galib's verses were recited Weather has to do with the climate:
that evening. ● I hope we have beautiful weather for
Versus means "in comparison or my daughter's wedding.
opposition to": Whether means "if" and is used only
● The benefits of having a cell phone inside sentences:
versus not having one depend on the ● I don't know whether to fill the form

individual. or not.

• W/X/Y/Z • 115. wet ( गीला ) /whet ( उ ेिजत करना )

Wet is full of moisture:
109. waist ( कमर ) /waste ( अपिश ) ● We had to dry out the wet sleeping
Waist refers to the (often) narrow area of
a human body between the hips and ribs:
● We often wear a belt around our
Waste is garbage, or waste can be a
verb meaning "to use carelessly":
bag on our camping trip after a
sudden storm.
Whet is to stimulate or arouse:
● Smelling the soup whetted her

116. who's ( कौन है ) /whose ( िकसका,

● You shouldn't waste food and you
should recycle waste paper. िजसका )
Who's is a contraction for who is:
110. wary ( सावधान ) /weary (थका आ ) ● Who's going to vote today?
Wary means " cautious": Whose is the possessive of who
● The customer became wary when meaning "of whom":

the salesperson said he would ● Whose tickets are these?

guarantee the TV set for 100 years.
Weary means "tired and worn": 117. your ( तु ारा ) /you're ( तुम हो )
● After a day of harvesting corn, the Your is possessive for you:
farmer was very weary. ● Your idea is fantastic!
You're is a contraction for you are:
111. wave ( लहर ) /waive ( ागना, वापस ● You're the most treasured person in
नही ं माँगना ) my life.
To wave is to move back and forth:

● A wave is a swelling in a body of

water due to movement
● The drowning girl waved her hand to
the boat rocking in the waves.
Waive means "to give up, not require
or ask for":
● Never waive your right to a lawyer.

112. weak ( कमज़ोर ) /week ( स ाह )

Weak is not strong:
● Roger gave a weak performance;
maybe because he has a weak mind.
Week refers to the names of the
seven days, from Sunday to
● I go to the ice skating rink once a
week. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 275

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 47 TG @M00n_Ligt Confusing Word
Alternate means "something that occurs concrete plural expressions: several
in turns.": people, several attempts etc.
● We were advised to attend the ● A number of people are waiting for
•A• classes on alternate days. the bus.
Alternative means "as an option"
1. accept ( ीकार करना ) /except ( के िवक 12. amused ( मनोरं जक ) /bemused
अलावा ) /expect ( उ ीद करना ) ● He had no other alternative but to (िवचारों म खोया आ)
Accept means "to take willingly": accept his crime before the judge... Amused is when something is
● He accepted the proposal. entertaining:
Except is a preposition meaning 7. ambiguous ( अ ) /ambivalent ( दो ● The children were amused by
"excluding": िवरोधी मू ों को धारण करने वाला ) watching the kittens play.
● Everyone was disappointed with the Ambiguous describes a phrase or act Bemused means "bewildered" or
party except Rajiv. with more than one meaning or one that "lost in thought"
Expect means to “look forward to is unclear अ : ● Aayansh was bemused by the
something”: ● The ending of the short story is unexpected ending to the movie.
● We expect the chief guest to be here ambiguous.
any moment. Ambivalent means "uncertainty and 13. any one ( कोई एक ) /anyone (
having conflicting attitudes and कोई भी )
2. adapt ( अनुकूिलत होना ) /adept (कुशल) feelings" Any one means "any one person":

/adopt ( गोद लेना/ ीकार करना ) ● He was ambivalent as to which ● Any one of you may go, but not all of
Adapt means "to adjust": candidate to vote for. you.
● The hostellers quickly adapted ● Anyone means "anybody, any person
themselves to the new atmosphere 8. amiable ( िम तापूण ) /amicable ( at all": Anyone can win a lottery.
away from their homes. शांितवादी )
Adept means "skilled":
● The guide is adept at speaking many
languages fluently.
Adopt means to "accept as your
● The actress wanted to adopt a child
after the earthquake.
Amiable refers to a person who is
friendly, good-natured, and pleasant:
● Sheela was very amiable and liked it
Amicable means "friendly and
peaceable", and is used to describe
agreements or relationships
14. arcane ( िजसे कुछ ही लोग समझ सकते
ह ) /archaic ( पुरानी एवं अ ासंिगक चीज़ )
Arcane refers to things known and
understood by a few people:
● Archaic refers to things very, very
old, and outdated
● The Oxford English Dictionary
● After years of disagreement, the two contains many archaic words.
3. adverse ( ितकूल ) /averse (अिन ु क) countries came to an amicable
Adverse means "unfavorable, hostile": agreement. 15. as ( के तरह, िजतना ) /like ( जैसा,
● Those driving in adverse winter सम प )
conditions may be putting 9. among ( ब त सारे िवक ों म से एक ) As may be used as a conjunction that
themselves at risk. /between ( दो िवक ों म से एक )
introduces dependent clauses:
Averse means "unwilling or repelled": Among is used for three or more: ● George talks as his father does.
● She was averse to the idea of ● Sheela had to choose among three Informally, it may also be used as a
getting married at 18. universities she might attend. preposition in comparative
Between is used for two things: constructions like:
4. airs ( कृि म वहार ) /heirs ( वंशज ) ● I couldn't decide between blue and ● He is as forgetful as me (or as I
Airs refer to snobbish and artificial green. am).
behavior. Like is a preposition is followed by a
● She has developed airs from the 10. amoral ( नीित ) (/immoral ( noun or pronoun:

time she has gone to Delhi. अनैितक गुणों वाला ) ● George looks like his mother.
Heirs are people who, because they Amoral means "having no principles at It may also be used as an adjective
are family, will inherit an estate or all, good or bad" meaning "similar":
title. ● Pavan is amoral; he is either helping ● George and I have like minds.
● As she had no heirs she donated all others or helping himself at their
her property. expense. 16. ascetic ( स ासी ) /aesthetic ( सौंदय )
Immoral means "bad, lacking An ascetic is a person who renounces all
5. almost ( लगभग ) /most ( अिधकतर ) good principles" material comforts, often for religious
Almost means "nearly all"( करीब करीब): ● Cheating in exams is considered devotion.
● Almost all my friends have immoral behavior during student life. ● The young man leads an ascetic
graduated from college by now. lifestyle despite his parents' plans
Most is superlative of more, meaning 11. amount ( मा ा ) /number ( सं ा ) for him.
"the greatest or to the highest Amount is used with uncountable and It can also be used as an adjective:
degree": abstract nouns: ● The young man led an ascetic
● My son is the most brilliant boy I ● A large amount of money, amount of lifestyle which gave a lot of pain to
know. work, amount of happiness, or his parents.
amount of dirt. Aesthetic refers to the philosophy of
6. alternate ( बारी-बारी से ) /alternative ( Number is used with countable and beauty or the pleasing qualities of
वैक क या िवक ) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 276
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 47 TG @M00n_Ligt Confusing Word
something: ● Walking in the grass with bare feet is weather:
● The statue created by the novice refreshing. ● London is known for its sudden
was lacking in aesthetic qualities. Bear is the animal, and also means climatic changes.
"to carry":
17. ascribe ( जोड़ दे ना ) /describe ( वणन ● Ram must bear the burden of 29. collaborate( साथ काम करना ) /
करना ) flunking math twice. corroborate (सा ों के साथ समथन )
Ascribe means "to attribute to": Collaborate means "to work together":
● She ascribed her feelings of jealousy 23. bazaar ( बाज़ार ) /bizarre ( िविच ) ● Collaborate with the people on your
to insecurity. Bazaar is an exhibition, market, or fair. team.
Describe means "to show what ● The Saturday morning bazaar is Corroborate means "to support with
something is by drawing a picture worth seeing even if you buy evidence" or "prove true"
with words" nothing. ● The testimony was corroborated
● Describe in detail what the man Bizarre means "weird and unworldly": with evidence of his innocence.
looked like. ● Barry told us a bizarre story last
night. 30. complement ( पूरा करना )
18. aspersion ( कलंक ) /dispersion ( /compliment( शंसा या बधाई दे ना )
िछतराना ) 24. bimonthly ( हर दो माह पर ) Complement means "to supplement" or
Aspersion is slander, a damaging remark: /semimonthly ( एक माह म दो बार ) "make complete":
● The campaign was filled with one Bimonthly means "every two months": ● Their two personalities complement

aspersion after another. ● We order from the co-op bimonthly. each other.
Dispersion is the act of scattering Semimonthly means "twice a month Compliment means "to praise or
● The dispersion of seeds was (biweekly)": congratulate":
irregular because he sowed the ● We have our house cleaned ● She received a compliment on her
seeds by hand. semimonthly. sense of fashion.

19. assistance( सहायता ) /assistants (

सहायक ) Assistance is help or aid:
● The nurses assisted the patients.
Assistants are more than one
assistant, a person who gives help
● The emergency room assistants
25. blithe ( िचंतामु ) /lithe( लचीला )
Blithe, an adjective, means "lighthearted
and carefree":
● A blithe mood overcomes us in the
Lithe is also an adjective but it
31. compose ( रचना करना ) /comprise (
से िमलकर बनना )
Compose means to "makeup" and is
often used in the passive voice:
● The class at Pinnacle is composed of
students of various states in India.
were ready to help anyone who means "flexible, graceful, and supple" Comprise means "have, consist of,
came through the door. ● The lithe movements of the yoga or include":
instructor impressed us all. ● Students of several nationalities
20. assure ( गारं टी दे ना ) /ensure ( comprise the class.
सुिनि त करना ) /insure ( बीमा करना ) 26. belief ( िव ास, आ था ) /believe ( A rule to remember would be that the
िव ास करना )
Assure means "to guarantee": whole comprises its parts, and the
● He assured her it was a quality item. Belief is a noun: parts compose the whole.
Ensure means "to make sure by ● He had strong beliefs.
double-checking" Believe is a verb: 32. concurrent ( समवत ) /consecutive (
● The custodian ensured the doors to ● She believes she can do anything. लगातार )
the school were locked at night. Concurrent simultaneous or happening
Insure means "to provide insurance": •C• at the same time as something else:
● It is wise to insure your house ● Concurrent election rallies in three
against flood, fire, or theft. 27. censor (अिभ पर रोक ) /sensor ( different states.

संवेदक ) /censure ( कड़ी आलोचना ) Consecutive means "successive or

•B• Censor is to prohibit free expression: one after another":
● The board decided to censor all the ● The state had three consecutive
21. bad ( बुरा ) /badly ( बुरी तरह से ) objectionable scenes in the movie. floods that month.
Bad is an adjective used after verbs like A sensor is something that
am, feel, is, seem, and become. interprets stimulation: 33. Connote ( िनिहताथ ) /denote (
● They felt bad. (Using badly here ● The low oil sensor lit up indicating a िविश प से संकेत दे ना, िन िपत करना )
would mean that their skill at feeling lack of oil within the engine. Connote means to "imply or suggest"
is poor). Censure is rebuke, harsh criticism: ● Our body language connotes how
Badly is an adverb used after other ● He was severely censured for we feel even if we don’t say a word.
verbs: putting the frog in the water cooler. Denote means to "indicate
● They played badly. specifically, to mean":
Badly can also mean "greatly": 28. climactic ( चोटी, चरम ) /climatic ● A red light denotes that one has to
● They needed food badly. (जलवायु से संबंिधत ) stop.
Climactic refers to the peak:
22. bare ( न ) /bear ( भालू ) ● The police reached right at the 34. conscience ( चेतना ) /conscious (
Bare means "naked": climactic moment of the movie. सचेत )
Climatic refers to the climate and Conscience is the feeling or knowledge Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 277

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 47 TG @M00n_Ligt Confusing Word
of right and wrong: together to meet on an issue: ● Anita was just uninterested in the
● My conscience wouldn't allow me to ● The school board council meets offer.
compete with someone so much every Thursday evening.
weaker than me. Counsel is advice: •E•
Conscious refers to being awake ● I always go to Chander for counsel
and aware: on the tough decisions in my life. 45. each other ( एक-दू सरा ; केवल दो के
● The driver was still conscious after A consul is a diplomat appointed to संदभ म ) /one another ( एक-दू सरा ; दो से
the accident and he gave the details protect the citizens and commercial अिधक के संदभ म)
to the police. interests of one country in another: Use Each other when only two objects
● If you need help starting a business are involved:
35. continual( बीच म ेक लेकर दोहराना ) in France, talk to the US consul in ● The twins love each other.
/continuous( िबना के, लगातार ) Paris. Use one another in referring to more
Continual means "repeated with breaks than two objects:
in between" 40. credible ( िव सनीय ) /creditable ( ● The triplets all love one another.
● We need continual rain throughout शंसा के यो )
the summer for crops to grow. Credible means "believable or reliable": 46. Each (समूह म ेक गत प से )
Continuous means "without stopping" ● There is no credible evidence that it /every ( समूह म सभी सामूिहक प से )
● The continuous drumming of the was I who broke the lamp. These are singular distributive pronouns;
drum during the parade disturbed Creditable means "worthy of praise use them with a singular verb. Each

the peace of the neighbourhood. or respect" refers to a single individual in a group.:
● I couldn't have broken the lamp ● Each of us voted differently.
36. convince ( िव ास िदलाना ) /persuade because I have a creditable alibi. Every refers to all the members of a
( बहलाना फुसलाना ) group inclusively:
Convince us to cause another to feel sure 41. custom ( रवाज़ ) /costume/ ( व ) ● Every one of us voted the same.
or believe something to be true.:
● Well, this book ‘Green Pasture’ has
convinced me that aliens do exist.
Persuade is to talk someone into
doing something:
● My father persuaded me to help him
wash his car.
A custom is a cultural tradition:
● It is a custom in Japan to remove
your shoes when entering a home.
A costume is the outfit worn to
represent a particular time, event, or
● What is your costume for fancy
47. eminent ( उ पद वाला ) /emanant (
आगे भेजना या जारी करना ) /imminent (जो
होने वाला है )
Eminent means "of
outstanding, or prestigious":
high rank,
● An eminent author came to read at
dress going to be? the university.
37. corps ( एक ल के ित समिपत लोगों Emanant means "sending or issuing
का संगठन ) /core ( मूल भाग ) /corpse ( 42. Congenial ( अनुकूल ) /congenital forth":
शव ) (ज जात ) ● Emanant thoughts like those should
Corpse Corps (pronounced 'core') is an Congenial describes something likable, be kept to yourself.
organization of people dedicated to a suitable to taste Imminent means "close to
single goal: ● They enjoy the congenial happening or near":
● Lucy joined the Peace Corps after surroundings in their home. ● Everyone waited anxiously for an
college. Congenital refers to a condition imminent storm predicted to arrive
A core is the center of a fruit present at birth because of heredity: shortly.
containing seeds: ● The child has a congenital heart
● My dog eats the apple core along defect. 48. entomology ( कीट िव ान )
with the seeds. /etymology ( श ों के इितहास तथा उ ि
A corpse is a dead body: •D• का अ यन ) Entomology refers to the

● The corpse of Danny's dog was study of insects:

lovingly laid to rest in the backyard. 43. divers ( कई ) /diverse ( िविवध ) ● Danny couldn't be afraid of bugs if
Divers means "several": he wanted to get a degree in
38. correspondence ( प ाचार ) ● You can take that statement in entomology.
/correspondents ( संवाददाता ) diverse ways. Etymology is the study of the history
Correspondence is agreement or written Diverse means "different or varied": of words and where they come from
communication such as letters or news ● There are many diverse cultures in ● The etymology of mortify goes back
articles: the world. to Latin mortuus "dead"
● Rajiv and Ranjan continued their
correspondence for years. 44. disinterested ( िन ) /uninterested 49. ethereal (ह ा, वायवीय, अमूत )
Correspondents are those who write ( अिन ु क ) /ephemeral ( अ कािलक )
this communication: Disinterested is an adjective that means Ethereal describes something light, airy,
● Nilesh has lived abroad as a news "unbiased or impartial": and intangible:
correspondent for several years. ● Since she had nothing to do with the ● Ethereal clouds hovered above;
house, she was a disinterested party Everything in the ballroom looked
39. council ( प रषद ) /counsel ( in the matter. ethereal.
सलाह ) /consul ( वािण क दू त ) Uninterested means "not interested": Ephemeral refers to anything lasting
A council is a group of people called for a short period: Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 278

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 47 TG @M00n_Ligt Confusing Word
● Truth can be an ephemeral thing; A founded ( थापना की गयी ) ● Deepti resolved to hone her cooking
creek can be ephemeral if it Found in the past tense of find: skills as she was about to get
disappears in the middle of summer. ● I found my glasses only after I had married.
stepped on them!
50. everyone ( ेक ) /every one Founded is past tense of the verb •I•
( ेक , चीज़ गत प से ) found, meaning "to set up or
Everyone means "each person": establish": 60. immemorial ( ाचीन ) /immortal (
● Everyone in the room must leave ● My ancestors were the ones who िचरकािलक, अमर )
immediately. founded this institution. Immemorial refers to that which is
Everyone refers to each thing or beyond time, ancient:
person individually: •G• ● These artifacts have been here since
● The baker put every one of the eggs time immemorial.
in the basket. 56. gibe ( ताना मारना ) /gybe ( हँ सी ) Immortal describes things that live
/jibe ( सहमत होना ) forever:
51. explicit ( और ) /implicit ( Gibe means "to taunt, jeer, make fun of" ● The way the man drives, he must
अ , िनिहत ) ● His classmates gibed him for think that he is immortal.
Explicit means "clear and direct": wearing his underwear over his
● Please give me explicit directions. clothes during the fancy dress 61. implicate ( आपस म करीब से जुड़ा आ
Implicit means "indirectly, with some competition. ) / imply ( इं िगत करना ) / infer ( ात त ों

parts understood": Gybe means "to swing a fore-and-aft से िन ष िनकालना )
● They implicitly agreed to never talk sail from one side of a sailboat to Implicate means "to closely link or
on the subject again. the other to change course": connect":
● When the wind shifted, Ravi gybed ● The blood on his hands implicated
•F• when he should have tacked. him in the murder.

52. few ( कम, उनके िलए आता है िज

िगना जा सकता है ) / less (कम, उनके िलए
आता है िज िगना नही ं जा सकता)
Few is used when talking about things
that can be counted:
Jibe refers to agreeing:
● Our views on everything from
baseball to Socrates seem to jibe.

Imply means "to point to, or suggest
● The victim's friend implied he
thought he knew who the murderer
Infer means "to conclude from
● Leena has a few ideas; also a few 57. hanged ( फाँसी दे ना ) /hung ( चीज़ों known facts":
keys, को लटकाना ) ● He inferred that the answer was no
Also few clouds, few values, few Hanged is past tense of hang in the from her hesitation.
diseases. sense of executing someone by using a
Less is used when talking about rope around the neck: 62. incredible ( अतुलनीय ) /incredulous
things that can't be counted ● The terrorist was hanged amid tight ( िजसपर िव ास नही ं िकया जा सकता )

● Leena shows less perseverance than security. Incredible means "astonishing or difficult
we expected; Hung is the past tense of hang, but to grasp":
Also less distance, less pollution, is used for things: ● The incredible power of a tornado
less rain. ● My little son never hung up his attracts storm chasers.
clothes at the right place. Incredulous means "skeptical and
53. flammable/inflammable ( दोनों का disbelieving":
अथ लनशील है ) 58. historic ( इितहास की कोई मह पूण ● She was incredulous about Fred's
These two words both mean "easily set घटना ) /historical ( इितहास की कोई भी interpretation of the event.
on fire":

घटना )
● A highly flammable/inflammable Historic refers to something in history 63. intolerable ( बदा करने के लायक
substance. that was important: नही ं ) /intolerant ( असिह ु )
However, flammable is now used as ● The summit was a historic meeting Intolerable refers to something
a warning to avoid misinterpreting between the countries. unbearable:
the prefix in- as negation. Historical refers to anything in ● The heat during the summer of 2005
general history: was intolerable.
54. flaunt ( िदखावा करना ) /flout ( ● The whole class had to dress in Intolerant refers to a person who is
अव ा करना ) historical costumes for the play. unable to accept differences in
To flaunt means "to show off": opinion, habit, or belief:
● The young bride likes to flaunt her 59. home ( जब कोई चीज ल के समीप ● Maya is intolerant of anyone who
jewels at parties. जा रही हो ) /hone ( अिधक बेहतर बनाना ) chews with their mouth open.
To flout means "to show scorn or Home in is the correct phrase here is
contempt for": when referring to getting closer to a goal •L•
● Leena flouts the speed limit in every or target
state when it suits her ● The missile homed in electronically 64. latent ( िछपा आ ) /patent ( ,
schedule. on the target. सि य तथा )
Hone means "to sharpen": Latent means "present but not visible or
55. found ( खोजा गया ) / active": Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 279
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 47 TG @M00n_Ligt Confusing Word
● Just because I'm not in bed doesn't Noisome means "disgusting, offensive, Practicable means "feasible or
mean that I don't have a latent virus. and potentially harmful": possible":
Patent means "visible, active, or ● A noisome smell arose from the ● It is not always practicable to study
obvious" garbage can. for twelve hours a day.
● The claim that I pinched the girl is a Noisy means "making a lot of sound
patent lie as she stood ten meters or racket": 75. premise ( पूवधारणा ) /premises (
away from me! ● With so many children, the park प रसर )
became a noisy place in the evening. A premise usually means "assumption":
65. lay ( रखना ) /lie ( पड़ना. पड़े रहना ) ● Since the basic premise was wrong,
/ley •O• all the conclusions based on it were
Lay is a transitive verb, which means it wrong, too.
takes an object. It means "to set or put 70. obeisance ( िकसी को िदया गया स ान Premises are a house or building
down flat": ) /obsequious ( चापलूसी ) and the grounds around it:
● The lady laid the child in the crib. Obeisance is respect and homage paid ● Smoking is not allowed on the
● Lay a book on the table, please. someone: premises.
Its forms are lay, lays, laid, has laid, ● The man greeted the queen with
and is laying. sincere obeisance. 76. presence ( मौजूदगी ) /presents (
Lie is an intransitive verb, so it does Obsequiousness is submissiveness उपहार )
not take an object.It means "to rest and an eagerness to obey: Presence means "the state of being

supine or remain in a certain place" ● The obsequiousness of the waiter near":
● I have to lie down because I'm not made them roll their eyes. ● My sister’s presence was comforting
feeling well, or I like to lie in the in my time of sorrow.
grass for hours. 71. obtuse ( मंदबु ) /abstruse ( इतना Presents are gifts:
Its forms are lie, lies, lay, has lain, मु ल िक समझ ना आए ) ● The greatest gift is to let someone
and is lying.

66. lead ( नेतृ

in charge of":
करना ) /led ( सीसा )
Lead can be a verb meaning "to guide, be

● Divya will lead a group this

Obtuse means "lacking quickness of wit
or sensitivity, dull, dense":
● The boy is so obtuse he doesn't even
know when he is being insulted.
Abstruse means "too difficult to
understand for the average mind":
give you a present.

77. profligate ( अप यी ) /prolific ( चुर )

Profligate is to be wasteful and
Recklessly extravagant or wasteful in the
use of resources.:
● The professor presented an
It can also be a noun meaning "a abstruse metaphysical concept that ● The young lady is so profligate that
type of metallic element": went over our heads. she spent the entire million dollars
● Use a lead pencil to fill in your she won in the lottery in one year.
answer sheet. 72. overdo ( बढ़ा चढ़ाकर ) /overdue ( Prolific means "abundant, fruitful,
Led is the past tense of lead: समय सीमा के बाद ) producing much":
● Divya led the group this afternoon. Overdo is to exaggerate something: ● Nidhi is a prolific writer.
● The lady overdoes her makeup every
•M• morning before she goes to office. •Q•
Overdue indicates something
67. marital ( वैवािहक ) /martial (यु या that has missed its deadline: 78. quote (उ रण ) /quotation ( उद् धृत
यो ा से संबंिधत ) ● You must return these overdue िकया गया वा िवक कथन )
Marital refers to marriage: books to the library immediately. Quote is a verb meaning "to state the
● Both of them are having marital exact words someone else said":
problems. •P• ● There are various quotes of

Martial refers to war or warriors: Mahatma Gandhi on the Human

● Bunny has a black belt in martial 73. passed ( जो बीत चुका या जा चुका ) Kind..
arts. /past ( भूतकाल ) A quotation is the actual statement
Passed is the past tense of pass, to go being quoted:
68. militate (यु म भाग लेने के िलए by or move ahead of: ● The children of this class read a
उ ेिजत करना) /mitigate ( शमन करना ) ● The parade passed through town quotation every day.
Militate means "to influence toward or quickly.
against a change": Past is a place in time that was •R•
● His coming late to office militated before now:
against his promotion. ● We learn a lot from our past 79. real ( वा व ) /really ( सच म )
Mitigate means "to lessen, make experiences. Real is a variant of really:
easier, or bearable": ● I really believed the story..
● The medicine mitigated the pain. 74. practical ( ावहा रक ) /practicable Really is an intensifying adverb:
( वहाय या संभव ) ● My children were really tired after
•N• Practical refers to being easily used and playing outside all day.
put into practice:
69. noisome ( अपमानजनक ) /noisy ( ● A small folding knife has many 80. rebate ( छूट ) /refund ( सामान का पैसा
ब त ादा शोरगुल करना ) practical uses. लौटाना ) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 280
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 47 TG @M00n_Ligt Confusing Word
A rebate is a discount from the ● The new joinee became restive once Sometimes refers to an indistinct or
manufacturer to the customer after a he knew the boss was going to call unstated time in the future:
purchase has been made: him into his office. ● I'll see you around sometime.
● The Rs 6000 computer costs only Rs Restful means "full of rest, calm, Sometimes is an adverb meaning
4669 after all the rebates. quiet, and restorative": continually, off and on, occasionally:
A refund is a full repayment to a ● A restful vacation in Kerela was just ● I sometimes take coffee instead of
dissatisfied customer: what the doctor ordered. tea.
● I returned the mobile and demanded
a full refund. 86. rise ( वृ , उगना ) /raise ( बढ़ाना, 91. statue ( मूित ) /statute ( क़ानून )
उगाना ) /stature ( ित ा, कद)
81. regimen ( व थत योजना ) Rise is intransitive and does not have an A statue is a carved or shaped imitation
/regiment( सैिनकों की टु कड़ी ) object: of an object:
Regimen is a systematic plan: ● The sun rises in the east. ● There is a statue of a large bird in
● The actress is undergoing a regimen Raise always has an object: her garden.
for a healthier lifestyle. ● You can raise a crop on a farm or A statute is a law:
Regiment is a troop of soldiers: raise your hand in class. ● The government publishes new
● The army is made up of several statutes each year.
regiments. •S• Stature means "status, standing":
● Narender Modi is a man of

82. residence ( आवास ) /residents ( 87. sensual ( कामुक ) /sensuous (कोई substantial stature in Indian politics.
िनवासी ) A residence is where people live, भी कला क चीज़ जो भूख की अनुभूित को
the house or building: संतु करती हो ) •T•
● The mayor's residence is located in Sensual refers to physical, especially
the center of the city. sexual, pleasure: 92. tenant ( िकरायेदार ) /tenet ( िस ांत )
The residents are the people who
live at a specific place.:
● The residents of the community
think the mayor's residence is too

83. respectable ( स ान के यो )
● The model wears sensual dresses to
attract men.
Sensuous refers to anything artistic
that appeals to the senses or
● The chef had prepared a sensual
A tenant is someone who rents property:
● A new tenant moved into the vacant
apartment last week.
A tenet is a principle:
● The major tenets of all religions are
feast for her guests.
/respectful ( मन म स ान होना ) 93. threw ( फका ) /through ( से होकर
/respective (अपने -अपने ) 88. set (िकसी ठोस चीज़ को कही ं रखना ) गुजरना )
Respectable means "deserving respect or /sit ( बैठना ) /seat ( िबठाना ) Although these two words are
good behavior": Set is a transitive verb meaning "to put or pronounced the same, threw is the past
● Mother always told us to be place something solid somewhere": tense of the verb throw, meaning:
respectable in public. ● Mahesh set his new lamp on the "tossed, hurled in the air":
Respectful refers to showing table. ● I threw the keys to the car to my
respect: Sit means "to rest upright with the driver who was standing downstairs.
● Be respectful of the people around weight on the buttocks or to move Through is a preposition meaning
you, especially if they have sticks. into such a position": "entering the inside of something
Respective means "individual and ● She sits beside me in the class. and coming out the other side":
appropriate": Seat can be a verb meaning "to show ● The child accidentally threw a rock
● The summer camp kids were shown someone their seat or where to sit": through his teacher' living room
to their respective cabins. ● The waiter seated the boy at his window.

usual table by the door.

84. respectfully ( स ान के साथ ) / 94. tortuous ( कपटपूण, घुमावदार )
respectively ( मशः ) 89. singly (एक एक करके ) /singularly /torturous ( ब त ददनाक )
Respectfully means "politely and with (जबद तरीके से) Tortuous means "winding, crooked, with
respect": Singly means "one by one": many twists and turns":
● Everyone at Pinnacle always dealt ● The fire drill required everyone to ● My driver managed to drive on the
respectfully with every student. leave the building quietly and singly. tortuous mountain roads of Ladakh.
Respectively refers to the order in Singularly means "extraordinarily, in Torturous means "very painful, like
which things are given: an outstanding manner": torture":
● I gave the boy and the girl blue and ● He singularly fought the rebels off ● The Diwali cleaning is torturous with
green socks, respectively, means one by one. children running all around.
that I gave the boy blue socks and
the girl green ones. 90. some time ( थोड़ा समय ) /sometime •U•
( िकसी समय ) /sometimes ( कभी-कभी )
85. restive ( बेस ) /restful ( शांत ) Some time refers to a considerable 95. undoubtably/undoubtedly/indubitably
Restive means "impatient and nervous, period: ( तीनों श ों का अथ िन ंदेह है )
restless": ● I need some time to think about your These three words may be used
proposal. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 281

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 47 TG @M00n_Ligt Confusing Word
interchangeably, meaning "sure, without a
● Madhuri Dixit was (undoubtedly|
undoubtably|indubitably) the best
dancer of Bollywood.


96. vicious ( ू र ) /viscous ( मोटा और

िचपिचपा )
Vicious means "cruel and mean":
● A vicious dog attacked the young
Viscous means "thick and sticky":
● Honey and tar are viscous

M Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 282

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 48 TG @M00n_Ligt Root Words

Most Repeated Root Words

S.No. Root Word Meaning Example Words

1. ab away absent, abnormal, absorb

2. able/ible capable of reversible, breakable, visible

3. ad to; toward adhere, adjoin, adapt

4. al having to do with herbal, factual, seasonal

5. amb/ambi around; both ambient, ambiguous, amble

6. ante before anterior, antebellum, antecedent

7. anthrop human anthropology, misanthrope, philanthropist




water ck antibiotic, antisocial, antifreeze

aquarium, aqueduct, aquifer

10. ast star astronomy, astrology, asteroid

11. aud hear audio, audience, auditorium

12. auto self autograph, automobile, autobiography


13. ben/bene good benefit, benign, benevolent

14. bi two bicycle, bilingual, bisect

15. bio life biology, biography, biopsy


16. cent hundred century, percent, centipede

17. chrono time chronic, chronological, chronicle

18. circum around circumvent, circumscribe, circumference

19. co/con with; together construct, collaborate, confer

20. counter opposing counterbalance, counterfeit, counteract

21. cred believe incredible, discredit, credence

22. cycl circle Concyclic, cycle , cyclops Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 283

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 48 TG @M00n_Ligt Root Words

S.No. Root Word Meaning Example Words

23. dec ten decade, decimal, decibel

24. dem/demo people democracy, demographics, epidemic

25. di/du two duet, dissect, dialogue

26. dia across; through dialogue, diameter, diagnosis

27. dic/dict speak; say dictionary, dictate, contradict

28. dis not disagree, disinfect, disobey

29. ence/ance state; condition performance, conference, insurance

30. equ equal equator, equality, equation

31. ex former; past ex-girlfriend, ex-president, ex-mayor



frac/frag break
carry transfer, conifer, aquifer

fraction, fragment, fragile

34. ful full of thoughtful, painful, helpful

35. gen born gene, gender, genesis


36. geo earth geology, geode, geography

37. grad step graduation, graduate, gradual

38. graph write paragraph, calligraphy, autograph


39. hydro/hydra water hydrate, hydrogen, hydroplane

40. hyper over; beyond hyperactive, hyperlink, hyperventilate

41. ian related to; like librarian, pedestrian, historian

42. ic/tic having to do with realistic, organic, metallic

43. ile related to reptile, sterile, juvenile

44. in not incapable, incomplete, inaudible

45. inter between internet, intermission, international Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 284

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 48 TG @M00n_Ligt Root Words

S.No. Root Word Meaning Example Words

46. intra within intrastate, intramural, intrapersonal

47. ism condition; belief in racism, tourism, journalism

48. ist person who does soloist, artist, cyclist

49. ity state of being creativity, disability, equality

50. ject throw eject, reject, interject

51. junct join juncture, junction, adjunct

52. less without homeless, useless, wireless

53. log word monologue, prologue, eulogy





how; how often

large; great

bad; evil
quickly, hourly, carefully

magnify, magnitude, magnificent

malady, malaria, malice, malpractice

57. man hand manicure, manage, manual

58. medi middle mediocre, medium, medieval


59. mega large megabyte, megaphone, megalith

60. meter measure diameter, perimeter, thermometer

61. micro small microscope, microwave, microbe


62. min small miniature, minute, minimum

63. mis wrong misbehave, misspell, miscount

64. miss/mit send missile, transmit, dismiss

65. mon/mono one monument, monologue, monorail

66. mort death immortal, mortify, mortuary

67. multi many multicolored, multicolored, multigrain

68. non not nonviolent, nonstop, nonfiction Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 285

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 48 TG @M00n_Ligt Root Words

S.No. Root Word Meaning Example Words

69. oct/octo eight octopus, octagon, octave

70. ology study of biology, zoology, psychology

71. ortho straight orthodontist, orthopedic, orthodox

72. ous having virtuous, adventurous, hazardous

73. pan all panorama, pandemic, pantheon

74. para beside; related parallel, parasite, paramedical

75. path disease; feeling pathogen, psychopath, sympathy

76. ped foot pedal, pedestrian, pedometer







ck claustrophobia, hydrophobia, arachnophobia

telephone, saxophone, microphone

photon, photography, photosynthesis

80. phys body; nature physician, physical, physique

81. plex parts; units complex, cineplex, duplex


82. poly many polygon, polytheism, polygraph

83. port carry airport, transport, import

84. pos put; place position, compose, deposit


85. post after posterior, postscript, postpone

86. pre before pregame, preview, prepay

87. psych mind psychology, psychic, psychiatrist

88. quad four quadruple, quadrant, quadratic

89. re again rebuild, refund, renew

90. retro back; backwards retrospect, retroactive, retrograde

91. rupt break disrupt, interrupt, erupt Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 286

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 48 TG @M00n_Ligt Root Words

S.No. Root Word Meaning Example Words

92. scope look; see periscope, telescope, microscope

93. script/scrib write scribble, prescribe, manuscript

94. sect cut section, dissect, intersect

95. semi half semicircle, semifinal, semicolon

96. sens / sent to feel sentimental, sensitive, consent

97. soci people sociology, social, associate

98. sol alone solo, solitary, desolate

99. spec see inspect, spectacle, spectator







ck conspire, inspire, respiratory

construction, structure, instruct

subway, submarine, subtitle

103. super over; greater superior, supervisor, superimpose

104. syn/sym with; together sympathy, synonym, symptom


105. tech craft; skill technique, technology, technician

106. tele far television, telephone, telescope

107. terr/terra land; earth terrain, terrace, territory


108. the/theo god theology, monotheism, polytheism

109. therm heat thermometer, thermos, hypothermia

110. tion action; state of being infection, addition, celebration

111. tract drag; pull attract, subtract, contraction

112. trans across; through transform, transaction, translate

113. tri three tripod, tricycle, triple

114. un not unhappy, unhealthy, unsafe Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 287

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 48 TG @M00n_Ligt Root Words

S.No. Root Word Meaning Example Words

115. uni one unicycle, uniform, united

116. vac empty vacuum, vacant, evacuate

117. ven come prevent, venue, invent

118. vert/vers turn conversation, introvert, reverse

119. vid/vis see visible, video, television

120. zoo animal zoology, zookeeper, zoo

M Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 288

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 49 TG @M00n_Ligt Phrasal Verbs
6. Answer Back - पलट के जवाब दे ना or because of pressure from
It is used when we reply back rudely to authorities./यह तब उपयोग िकया जाता है जब
an elderly person or a person in कोई िवरोध के कारण, या अिधका रयों के दबाव
List of Phrasal Verbs - authority./ इसका उपयोग तब िकया जाता है के कारण कुछ नहीं करने का िनणय लेता है ।
Alphabetical Order जब हम एक बुजुग या िकसी ऐसे ● CBSE had to back down on its
को पलट कर जवाब दे ते ह जो िकसी अ े पद पर decision on the grading system due
PHRASAL VERBS BEGINNING हो । to stiff opposition from the students.
WITH ‘A’ ● He was thrown out of the job for
answering back to his manager. 13. Back out - पीछे हटना
1. Act for (on behalf of somebody) - Usage - It is used when one decides not
ितिनिध करना 7. Answer for (held liable) - िज ेदार होना to follow up something like an agreement
It is used when we represent any It is used when someone is held or a deal./इसका उपयोग तब िकया जाता है जब
person./इसका उपयोग तब िकया जाता है जब responsible for something./ इसका उपयोग कोई िकसी समझौते या सौदे जैसी चीज को
हम िकसी का ितिनिध करते ह। तब िकया जाता है जब िकसी को िकसी चीज के नहीं करने का िनणय लेता है ।
● During the legal trial, you can िलए िज ेदार ठहराया जाता है । ● I decided to back out of the
appoint a lawyer to act for you. ● The hostellers had to answer for partnership after I got to know my
their absence from the annual exam partner’s criminal track record.
2. Act on (upon something) -असर डालना before the committee. ● Politicians in India always back out
It is used when one follows someone’s of the promises they make during

advice, instructions, orders, etc./इसका 8. Ask around - पता लगाना election campaigns
उपयोग तब िकया जाता है जब िकसी की सलाह, It is used when we ask the people around
िनदश, आदे श आिद का पालन िकया जाता है । for something (information, address, 14. Back up - समथन दे ना
● The young batman acted on the direction etc) इसका उपयोग तब िकया जाता Usage 1 - It means to make an extra
advice of his coach and changed his है जब हम आसपास के लोगों से कुछ पूछते ह copy of something like digital

3. Act out - काया त करना

It is used when something is performed
well with actions and gestures like in a
play./इसका उपयोग तब िकया जाता है जब कुछ
अिभनय और इशारों के साथ अ ी तरह से पूछना
(जैसे की पता, िदशा,सूचना आिद)
● When the boy fainted suddenly in the
park his mother asked around for

9. Ask out - िकसी से बाहर चलने के िलए

information on the disc, flash drive,
external hard drive, etc. in case the
original is lost./
उपयोग 1 - िकसी चीज की अित र
बनाना तािक उसकी मूल खो जाने की थित म
िड ,

ैश डाइव, बाहरी हाड डाइव आिद जैसी

िडिजटल जानकारी उपल हो।
नाटक के पम ुत िकया जाता है । It is used when we want to invite ● It is always good to have a backup
● The story of Ramayan is acted out in someone and take the person out on a of your e notes
various parts of Delhi around Diwali. date / इसका उपयोग तब िकया जाता है जब हम
िकसी को डे ट पर ले जाना चाहते ह । Usage 2 - It is used when one has
4. Act up - बुरी तरह या अजीब बताव करना ● He has liked her since his college evidence and support to show that what
It is used when someone does not days but he never dared to ask her he is saying is true and correct./
behave properly or something does not out for dinner. उपयोग 2 इसका उपयोग तब िकया जाता है जब
function properly./ इसका उपयोग तब िकया िकसी के पास सबूत हो िक वह जो कह रहा है वह
जाता है जब कोई ठीक से वहार नहीं करता है 10. Ask after - अपने घर आमंि त करना सही है ।
या कोई उपकरण इ ािद ठीक से काम नहीं It is used when we want to to ask for ● She produced the receipts before
करता है । news about someone./इसका उपयोग तब the consumer court to back up her
● His mother gave him a good िकया जाता है जब हम िकसी के बारे म समाचार case.
thrashing as he acted up when the पूछना चाहते ह।
guests were around. ● He always asks after you in his 15. Bail out - सम ाओं म िकसी की मदद

● My car always acts up in cold letters. करना

weather. Usage 1- It is used when help is given to
11. Attend to - दे खभाल करना someone or something that's in serious
5. Add up - सं ाओं को जोड़ करना It is used when someone looks after trouble, especially financial trouble /
Usage 1- It is used when we are adding something/someone/इसका उपयोग तब उपयोग 1: इसका उपयोग उस समय िकया जाता
numbers together in calculations िकया जाता है जब कोई िकसी चीज़ की या है जब िकसी को मदद दी जाती है या वह
Usage 2- It is also used when something िकसी की दे खभाल करता है । गंभीर परे शानी म होता है , िवशेष कर िव ीय
does not make sense and looks ● We need a nurse to attend to my परे शानी।
unreliable. grandmother. ● The government had to bail out
उपयोग 1- जब हम गणना म सं ाओं को जोड़ ● The old man attends to his plants as many banks and financial
रहे ह तो इसका उपयोग िकया जाता है if they were his children. institutions in the 2008 financial
उपयोग 2- इसका उपयोग तब भी िकया जाता है crisis.
जब कुछ समझ म नहीं आता है और अिव सनीय PHRASAL VERBS BEGINNING Usage 2: It is used when money is given
लगता है । WITH ‘B’ to a court so that an accused person
● Seven and four adds up to eleven. doesn't have to stay in jail until their trial
● All the excuses that she gave for her 12. Back down - पीछे हटना begins./
absence seemed to add up. Usage- It is used when one decides not उपयोग 2: इसका उपयोग तब िकया जाता है जब
to do something because of opposition, अदालत म पैसा िदया जाता है तािक िकसी आरोपी Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 289

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 49 TG @M00n_Ligt Phrasal Verbs
को तब तक जेल म न रहना पड़े जब तक िकया जाता है जब हम आ होते ह िक कुछ क रयर को समा करने के िलए िकया जाता है ,
िक उसका मुकदमा शु न हो जाए होगा । आमतौर पर एक लंबे समय के बाद ।
● Not even his family members were ● I can bet on the actor receiving the ● The captain has decided to bow out
willing to bail him out as he had best actor award for this movie. after the World cup.
become a habitual offender
23. Bite off - िकसी चीज को काटना 29. Break down - काम करना बंद कर दे ना
16. Bank on - िकसी पर िनभर होना Usage - It is used when something is Usage 1 - It is used when a machine or a
It means to depend on something to separated from something to which it vehicle stops working because of a
happen or someone to do something./ was attached by biting it/ इसका उपयोग mechanical problem./ इसका उपयोग तब
िकसी चीज़ के होने या िकसी के कुछ करने तब िकया जाता है जब िकसी चीज़ को काटकर िकया जाता है जब कोई मशीन या वाहन यां ि क
पर िनभर होना । उस व ु/चीज़ से अलग कर िदया जाता है , िजससे खराबी के कारण काय करना बंद कर दे ता है ।
● The State government is banking on यह जुड़ी ई थी । ● Our bus broke down in the middle of
the Supreme court to revoke the ● The greased cartridges were to be the forest and the nearest village
President's rule in the state. bitten off before loading. was twenty km away.
● His finger was bitten off by the Usage 2 - If a person breaks down, it
17. Bear on / upon - भाव होना/ छोड़ना monkey when he tried to feed it. means he gets emotional and given vent
Usage - It means to influence to his feeling and begins to cry./ यिद कोई
something./ इसका अथ है िकसी चीज़ पर 24. Black out - बेहोश होना टू ट गया है , तो इसका अथ है िक वह
भाव होना/ छोड़ना Usage - It means to lose भावुक हो गया है तथा अपनी भावनाओं को

● In an interview grooming and consciousness/It means to faint/ इसका करते ए रो पड़ा है ।
appearance bear on the final अथ चेतना खो दे ना या बेहोश होना है । ● He broke down when he was handed
selection ● Some students blacked out during over his father’s dead body after the
the drill practice of the Republic Day post-mortem.
18. Become of - िकसी के बारे म जानना Parade.
Usage - It is used when you want to
know what happened
someone(curiosity)/ इसका योग तब िकया
जाता है जब आप जानना चाहते ह िक िकसी को
ा आ है । ( िज ासा )
● I am curious to know what has
become of Urmila as she was the

25. Blow away - आ यचिकत करना
Usage - It means to surprise or amaze
someone in a good way/ इसका अथ िकसी
को अ े तरीके से आ यचिकत करना है ।
● I was blown away during my
rehearsal when i saw sharukh khan
30. Break into/in - तालाबंद मकान या कमरे
म जबद ी घुसना
Usage- It is used when someone forces
their way in, usually to steal something./
इसका योग तब िकया जाता है जब कोई
जबरद ी वेश करता है , आमतौर पर कुछ
चुराने के िलए The thief broke into the
leading actor of the industry in her house from the rear.
days. 26. Blow out - बुझाना
Usage - It is used when a flame blows 31. Break out - एकाएक फैलना, चाहे वह
19. Beef up - मज़बूत करना out, it goes out because someone blows लड़ाई हो या महामारी
Usage - It is used when we wish to make on it or because of the wind./ इसका Usage - It is used concerning escaping
something stronger or more powerful/to उपयोग तब िकया जाता है , जब कोई लौ बुझ जाती from somewhere like a jail or a detention
strengthen something/ इसका उपयोग तब है । यह इसिलए बुझती है ोंिक िकसी ने फूंक center/ इसका उपयोग कहीं से भागने के िलए
िकया जाता है जब हम िकसी चीज़ को मजबूत मार दी है या यह हवा के कारण बुझी है । िकया जाता है । जैसे - जेल या कैदखाना ।
करने के िलए , कोई चीज़ अिधक श शाली ● The wind will blow the lamp out if ● The prisoners tried to break out by
बनाने की चाहत रखते ह । you keep the lamp outside. digging a tunnel.
● The PM’s security has been beefed The following can be blown out - lamp,
up because of the recent terrorist lantern, candle, flame 32. Bring about - उ करना
attacks. Usage 1- When we cause something to
27. Blow up - िव ोट करना happen or we make it happen./ जब हम

20. Begin with - शु आत करना Usage 1- It is used to blow up something, िकसी चीज़ के होने का कारण बनते ह या हमारे
Usage - It is used for the first thing that using explosives to damage or destroy कारण कोई चीज़ होती है ।
happens/start with/ इसका योग उस पहली something completely/ इसका उपयोग ● Everyone wants to free the society
चीज़ के िलए िकया जाता है , िजससे शु आत होती िव ोटकों का योग करके िकसी चीज़ को from corruption but who will bring
है उड़ाने के िलए िकया जाता है तािक वह पूरी तरह about this change?
● Most films begin with the names of से ित या न हो जाए । Usage 2 - Bring about can be used with
the actors and actresses. ● His Ship was blown up by a torpedo . development; collapse, crisis, decline,
Usage 2 - It is used to fill something with demise, failure change, reform, recovery,
21. Believe in - पूण िव ास होना air or gas to inflate something/ इसका improvement
Usage - It is used when we believe that उपयोग िकसी चीज़ को फुलाने के िलए उसम हवा
something exists./ इसका उपयोग तब िकया या गैस भरने के िलए िकया जाता है । 33. Bring back - कुछ पुराना याद
जाता है जब हम पूरी तरह यह मानते ह िक िकसी ● When I went to see her she was करना/वािपस लाना
चीज़ का वा व म अ है । blowing up the balloons for the party Usage 1 - It means to bring something
● Buddhism believes in life after death with you when you return from
. 28. Bow out - नौकरी या पद छोड़ना somewhere/ इसका अथ है कहीं से लौटने के
22. Bet on - शत लगाना Usage - It is used by a person to end his दौरान साथ म कोई चीज़ लेते आना ।
Usage - It is used when we are sure that career, usually after a long time / ● Whenever I visit Jammu I bring back
something will happen/ इसका उपयोग तब इसका उपयोग एक के ारा अपने almonds for all my friends. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 290

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 49 TG @M00n_Ligt Phrasal Verbs
Usage 2 - It is used to make something करके उसे अिधक श शाली या बड़ा बनाना । ● The teacher called out all the roll
from the past come back, such as a ● I began my weight loss program with numbers of all the students.
memory, a feeling, an idea, etc./ इसका a 2 km walk daily as I wanted to
अथ पूव की िकसी घटना को जीवंत करना है । build on stamina 45. Calm down - शांत होना या कराना
जैसे - याद, कोई भावना, िवचार आिद । Usage 2 - It means to gradually increase/ Usage - It means to become calmer and
● Visiting my grandmother’s house इसका अथ है धीरे -धीरे कम होना less excited or agitated./ इसका अथ शां त
brings back many memories of ● The anger in him against his होना तथा कम उ ेिजत या ोिधत होना है ।
childhood. manager kept building up and finally, ● The mob calmed down after they
he stabbed him were assured of Justice being done
34. Bring down - िगराना, कम करना in the matter.
Usage - It means to cause a government 39. Burn down - जलाकर बबाद कर दे ना
or a leader to lose power/It means to Usage - It means to be destroyed by 46. Care for - दे खभाल करना
topple/ इसका अथ है सरकार या नेता के हाथों fire./ इसका अथ आग के कारण पूरी तरह से न Usage - It means to look after/take care
से स ा खोने का कारण बनना / इसका अथ है होना है । of something/ इसका अथ िकसी चीज़ की
िगराना । ● Forest fires burn down hundreds of दे खभाल करना/ ाल रखना है ।
● People in power should realize that trees every year. ● Indian culture teaches us to care for
the masses can bring them down the elderly.
WITH ‘C’ 47. Carry on - काय जारी रखना

35. Bring out - कट या कािशत करना Usage - It means to continue doing
Usage 1 - It means to release a new 40. Call back - वापस टे लीफोन कॉल करना something/ इसका अथ है िकसी काय को जारी
product./ इसका अथ है नए उ ाद को Usage- It is used when you call रखना ।
जारी/पेश करना । someone back/make a telephonic call/ ● Despite the severe backache, she
● She'll bring out her latest range of इसका उपयोग तब िकया जाता है जब आप िकसी carried on with her work as she had
clothes in the fashion show to be
conducted this weekend.
Usage 2 - It means to make a quality in
someone or something show itself/
इसका अथ है िकसी
गुण का यं दिशत होना ।
या िकसी चीज़ म एक

● The birth of my grandchild brought

को वापस टे लीफोन कॉल करते ह ।
● I can’t talk to you now as I am busy
so I will call back.

41. Call for - िकसी चीज़ की मांग करना

Usage- It is used when someone
to meet a deadline.

48. Carry out - िकसी काय को करना

Usage- To carry out means to do
something./ इसका अथ है िकसी काय को
करना ।
● The police could not carry out the
demands something /It is publically
out the child in me. demanded/ इसका योग तब िकया जाता है orders as the people became violent
जब कोई िकसी चीज़ की मां ग करता है । / जब
36. Bring up - पालन पोषण करना जनता के ारा मां ग की जाती है । 49. Catch on - समझ िवकिसत करना
Usage 1- It is used to raise someone ● The opposition leader called for an Usage - It means to become popular./
from childhood to young adulthood./ investigation into the matter. इसका अथ लोकि य होना है ।
इसका अथ है बा ाव था से युवा वय ता तक
Used with- investigation, ban, inquiry, ● Example-The fashion of faded jeans
िकसी का पालन पोषण करना । laws, change, regulations, is catching on among the youth.
● It is not easy for a single working resignation, removal, reform
mother to bring up a child 50. Catch up - आगे िनकलना
Usage 2- It is also used to raise a topic 42. Call off - समा करना Usage 1 - It is used when someone is
for discussion/ इसका योग चचा करने के It means to cancel an event that was there ahead of you, but you go faster
उ े से िकसी मु े को उठाने के िलए भी िकया planned or scheduled/ इसका अथ पूव than them until you reach them./ इसका
जाता है । िनधा रत काय म को र करना है । योग तब िकया जाता है , जब कोई आपसे आगे है ,
● Whenever I bring up the issue of our ● The match was called off due to the लेिकन आप तब तक उनसे तेज़ चलते ह जबतक

marriage my boyfriend tries to avoid rain. िक उन तक प ँ च नहीं जाते ।

it. Used with - meeting, deal, talks, wedding, ● Pankaj was twenty meters ahead of
● Bring up can be used with the match, game, concert, event me in the race but when my mother
matter, point, topic, subject, or issue. cheered for me I soon caught up
43. Call on/upon - पूछना with him.
37. Brush up - पुनरावृि करना Usage- It means to visit someone for a Usage 2 - Catch up means to update
Usage- - It means to revise your short time/ इसका अथ है िकसी के पास जाकर someone about what all was gone on in
knowledge of something that you learned एक छोटी मुलाक़ात करना। his absence./ इसका अथ है िकसी को
in the past/ इसका अथ उस ान की पुनरावृि ● On the way to the market, I called on उसकी अनुप थित म ई सम घटनाओं की
करना है , िजसे आपने पूव म ा िकया था । a school friend. जानकारी दे ना ।
● You should brush up on all the ● Whenever I visit my school I catch
important points before you appear 44. Call out - ऊँची आवाज़ म कुछ बताना up with my old teachers.
for the exam Usage - It means to use a loud voice to
tell something to someone who's far 51. Cater to - आव यकताओं की पूित करना
38. Build-up - धीरे -धीरे बनाना away, or tell something to a large group./ Usage - It means to provide people with
Usage 1- : It means to work at इसका अथ दू र खड़े को ऊँची आवाज़ म what they need/ इसका अथ लोगों को वह
something and make it get stronger or कुछ बताना या एक बड़े समूह को कुछ बताना है । दान करना है िजसकी उ आव कता है ।
bigger/ इसका अथ है िकसी चीज़ पर काय ● This store is catching up as it caters Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 291

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 49 TG @M00n_Ligt Phrasal Verbs
to women who are more than 80 kgs in rehabilitation center/ इसका अथ होटल, साफ़-सुथरा बनाना है ।
weight. अ ताल या पुनवास क म रहने के बाद िबल का ● I asked my son to clean up his room
भुगतान करना है before he went to bed.
52. Change into - प रवतन करना ● The time for the team to check out is 66. Clear out - साफ़ करना
Usage - It means to change from one midnight. Usage- It is used to tidy a place by
state or form into another/ इसका अथ एक removing things that shouldn't be there/
अव था से दू सरी अव था म प रवतन है । 59. Check out - िकसी को दे खना वैसी चीज़ों को हटाकर एक थान को साफ़ करना,
● Water changes into vapour at 100 Usage - It means to look at something जो वहां नहीं होनी चािहए ।
degrees. or someone to see how it is./ िकसी चीज़ ● On Diwali time in India people clear
को या िकसी को दे खना तािक पता चल out their offices.
53. Change over - णाली प रवितत करना सके िक वह कैसा/कैसी है ।
Usage - It means to start using ● I went to check out my wedding 67. Close down - बंद करना
something else instead of what one is venue in the morning to see if all Usage - It means to shut down
already using./ इसका अथ है , िजस चीज़ का was in place. something, a business etc./ इसका अथ
इ ेमाल िकया जा रहा था, उसके बदले िकसी िकसी चीज़, वसाय आिद को बंद करना है ।
और चीज़ का इ ेमाल करना । 60. Check through - जाँच करना ● All the grinding machines operating
● It’s time you changed over to a new Usage - It means to examine/ इसका अथ in residential areas have been closed
mobile. जाँ च करना है down by government orders.
● The invigilator checked through all

54. Charge with - आरोप लगाना my documents before I could sit for 68. Come across - संयोगवश मुलाक़ात होना
Usage - It is used when one is officially the exam. Usage - It means to meet someone by
accused of doing something (crime)/ Used with bags, drawers, pockets, chance/ िकसी से संयोगवश मुलाक़ात हो जाना
इसका उपयोग तब िकया जाता है जब िकसी emails, accounts, files, essays, reports. ● I came across an old friend in the
पर औपचा रक प से कुछ करने ( market.
अपराध ) का आरोप लगाया जाता है ।
● In India, a lot of businessmen are
charged with tax evasion.
One can be charged with trespass, crime,
offense, theft, fraud, murder, or assault.

55. Cheat out of - धोखा दे ना

61. Cheer on - ो ािहत करना
Usage - It means to shout to encourage
someone, especially someone who's
playing sport or competing in a race/
इसका अथ िच ा कर िकसी को ो ािहत करना
है , िवशेष प से वह जो एक खेल या दौड़ म
ित धा कर रहा है ।
69. Come along - सुधार करना
Usage - It means to make progress or to
improve./ इसका अथ उ ित अथवा सुधार
करना है ।
● Our business is finally coming along
after a lot of ups and downs.
Usage - It means to get something from ● We all cheered on our favourite
somebody by cheating them/ इसका अथ athlete. 70. Come along - साथ जाना
िकसी को धोखा दे कर उससे कुछ ा करना है । Nouns are often used as objects to cheer Usage - It means to go with somebody
● He was cheated out of his life on players, team, athlete, runner, horse, when they're going somewhere/ जब कोई
savings by investing in a bogus competitor, performer कहीं जा रहा हो, तो उसके साथ जाना ।
scheme. ● I asked him to come along with us
62. Cheer up - ढाढस बंधाना for the movie to cheer up his mood.
56. Check-in - पंजीयन Usage- It is used when one feels happier
Usage - Check-in is used when one gives after being sad/ इसका उपयोग तब िकया 71. Come apart - टु कड़ों म तोड़ दे ना
one’s details at a hotel's reception desk, जाता है जब कोई उदास होने के बाद खुश महसूस Usage - It means to separate into
or at an airline's check-in counter, when करता है । several pieces, or to break into several
one arrives./ इसका उपयोग तब िकया जाता है ● Do you think that going to a concert parts/ कई टु कड़ों म अलग कर दे ना या कई
जब एक होटल के रसे शन डे पर या would cheer up the children? टु कड़ों म तोड़ दे ना
एयरलाइन के चेक-इन काउं टर पर प ँ चने के बाद ● The house was so old that its roof

अपनी जानकारी दे ता है । 63. Chop up - िकसी चीज़ के टु कड़े करना was coming apart
● I will tell them that we will check-in Meaning: to cut something into pieces
tomorrow. with an axe or a knife/ कु ाड़ी या चाकू से 72. Come down - नीचे आना
िकसी चीज़ के टु कड़े करना Usage - It means to move to a lower
57. Check on - जाँच करना ● The murderer chopped up the body level or a lower position/ इसका अथ िनचले
Usage - It means to look at someone or into many pieces and then threw र या िनचले पद पर जाना है ।
something to make sure that nothing is them in the river. ● We're all hoping the price of oil
wrong/ इसका अथ िकसी या िकसी चीज़ comes down again soon.
को दे खकर यह सुिनि त करना है िक कुछ भी 64. Clean out - साफ़ करना
गलत नहीं है । Usage- It means to clean the inside of 73. Come off - िकसी चीज से अलग होना
● When I could not call my parents for something/ इसका अथ िकसी चीज़ के भीतरी Usage - It is used when something
a week they came over to check on if िह े को साफ़ करना है । becomes separated from the thing it's
everything was fine. ● We needed to clean out the drains of usually attached to./ इसका उपयोग तब
any blockage before the monsoons. िकया जाता है जब कोई चीज़ उस व ु से अलग
58. Check out - छोड़ने की ि या का हो जाती है , िजससे यह आमतौर पर जुड़ी होती है ।
अनुसरण 65. Clean up - साफ़-सुथरा बनाना ● Everybody was shocked when a
It means to pay the bill and leave after Usage - It means to make something wing of the plane came off during the
staying at a hotel, a hospital, or a clean and tidy/इसका अथ िकसी चीज़ को take-off. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 292

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 49 TG @M00n_Ligt Phrasal Verbs
74. Come out - उपल होना Usage - It simply means handle or fade away/इसका अथ नरम पड़ जाना या गायब
Usage - It means to become available/ tackle./ होना है |
इसका अथ उपल होना है । इसका अथ िकसी चीज़ को संभालना या उससे ● The pain died away within a week of
● The new date sheet for the exams िनपटना है । the surgery.
will come out next month. ● A good salesman deals with
pressure very well. 88. Die down - कमजोर पड़ना
75. Come over - िकसी थान की या ा करना Usage - When something becomes
Usage - It means to visit a place, or to 82. Decide on - फैसला करना gradually weaker in strength or lower in
move from one place or country to Usage - When we decide on something, volume or magnitude/ जब िकसी चीज़ की
another/ इसका अथ िकसी थान की या ा we choose one thing from among two or श धीरे -धीरे कम होती जाती है या उसका
करना, या एक थान या एक दे श से दू सरे दे श more possible options./’ दो या अिधक आयतन या प रमाण कम हो जाता है ।
जाना है । संभािवत िवक ों म से िकसी एक को चुनना । ● No matter how big a controversy it
● My family decided to come over and ● After talking to their family and eventually dies down.
settle in Australia in the 1950s. relatives the young couple has Used with wind, storm, protest,
decided on getting married during controversy, anger, rage, fighting
76. Come through - खतरनाक प र थित म Christmas.
जीिवत रहना 89. Die-off - न होना
Usage - It means to survive a difficult or 83. Delight in - आनंद की ा होना Usage-It is used when a group of people,
dangerous situation or time/ इसका अथ Usage - It is used when we get a great animals, or plants die, all of them die

मु ल अथवा खतरनाक प र थित या समय म deal of pleasure from doing something/ over some time and none are left./ इसका
जीिवत रहना है । इसका उपयोग तब िकया जाता है जब हम िकसी उपयोग तब िकया जाता है जब लोगों, पशुओं या
● They came through the economic काय को करने से असीम आनंद की ा होती पौधों के एक समूह की मृ ु हो जाती है । वे सब
crisis by reducing their staff to half. है । एक समय अविध के दौरान मर जाते ह तथा कोई
● As a child, I took delight in climbing भी नहीं बचता है ।
77. Come up with - िकसी सम ा के
समाधान की योजना बनाना
Usage - It means to think of something
like a plan, an idea, or a solution to a
problem/ इसका अथ योजना, िवचार या िकसी
सम ा के समाधान जैसी िकसी चीज़ के बारे म
सोचना है ।

84. Depend on - भाव पड़ना

Usage 1 - It is used when one thing
cannot happen without the other, or it is
greatly affected by the other./ इसका
उपयोग तब िकया जा सकता है जब एक चीज़ का
● The plants in our garden slowly died
off due to the lack of water in our

90. Die out - िवलु होना

Usage - When something dies out it
means it is disappearing and could soon
● He came up with a bright idea to काम दू सरी के िबना नहीं चल सकता या िफर be lost forever./ िकसी चीज़ के die out होने
sort out the problem. दू सरी चीज़ का इसपर ापक भाव पड़ता है । का अथ है िक यह लु हो रही है तथा ज ही
● My coming home for lunch depends हमेशा के िलए खो सकती है ।
78. Count on - भरोसा करना on the workload in the office. ● Many species of animals found in
Usage - It means to depend on Usage 2 - Depend on is also used when cold areas will soon die out because
someone or something to do what is one depends on someone, to fulfill his of global warming.
expected or needed/depend/ िकसी needs and requirements/ इसका उपयोग
या िकसी अ चीज़ के उस काय पर िनभर रहना, तब भी िकया जाता है जब एक अपनी 91. Dish out - िवत रत करना
जो करने की उनसे उ ीद की जाती है । आव कताओं तथा ज़ रतों को पूरा करने के Usage - It is used when something is
● Indian farmers count on the rains to िलए िकसी पर िनभर रहता है । given to people, often without thinking
save their crops from the drought. ● Example - Most Indian farmers about the effects./ इसका उपयोग तब िकया
depend on the monsoon for जाता है , जब लोगों को भावों के बारे म सोचे िबना
PHRASAL VERBS BEGINNING irrigation. कुछ िदया जाता है ।
WITH ‘ D’ ● B Tech has lost its value as private

85. Deter from - हतो ािहत करना colleges dish out degrees to anyone
79. Date back - पुराना होना Usage - It is used to discourage who could pay for them.
Usage - It is used to show the time when someone from doing something/ इसका This phrasal verb often has a negative
something was made./ इसका उपयोग उस उपयोग एक को कोई काय करने से connotation. For example, if someone
समय को दशाने के िलए िकया जाता है , जब कोई हतो ािहत करने के िलए िकया जाता है । "dishes something out" they could be
चीज़ बनाई गयी थी । ● Strict implementation of the laws doing so for their benefit without thinking
● Some of the coins date back deters people from committing about the negative consequences.
thousands of years. offenses.
92. Dispose of - न करना
80. Deal in - कुछ खरीदना और बेचना 86. Devote to - समिपत होना Usage - It is used to get rid of something
Usage-It is used when one buys and sells Usage - It means dedicated to doing you don't need or don't want anymore/
something to make money and a living/ something or someone/ इसका अथ िकसी इसका उपयोग ऐसी चीज़ से मु होने के िलए
इसका उपयोग तब िकया जाता है जब एक चीज़ या िकसी के ित समपण है । िकया जाता है , िजसकी आपको ज रत नहीं है या
धन और आजीिवका कमाने के उ े से कुछ ● Most people devote their lives to िजसे आप अब और नहीं चाहते ह।
खरीदता और बेचता है । making money. ● I want to dispose of my old clothes
● We deal in grocery goods. before I shift to the new house.
87. Die away - गायब होना Use with: litter, rubbish, garbage,
81. Deal with - िकसी सम ा से िनपटना Usage - It means to become softer or cigarette, butt, waste, body Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 293

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 49 TG @M00n_Ligt Phrasal Verbs
93. Do away with - िकसी चीज़ से मु होना plan, a contract, guidelines, or a list of Usage - It means to fall asleep/ इसका अथ
Usage 1 - When we get rid of something some sort/इसका अथ िकसी योजना, अनुबंध, सो जाना है ।
we do away with it./ िकसी चीज़ से मु होना । िदशा िनदश को तैयार करना तथा िलखना है | ● I often drop off whenever I try to
● Governments must do away with ● I asked my lawyer to draw up the read lying in my bed.
laws that attempt to commit suicide contract as soon as possible.
as a punishable offence. Used with - schedule, itinerary, timetable, 107. Drop off - पतन/िगरावट
Usage 2 - It means to kill/murder list, budget, contract, proposal, plan, Usage - It means to become fewer in
somebody/ इसका अथ िकसी की ह ा करना guideline number or less in amount. It means
है । decline/decrease/ इसका अथ सं ा अथवा
● She decided to do away with her 100. Dream of - सपना स ा होना मा ा म कमी है । इसका अथ पतन/िगरावट है ।
parents as they were against her Usage - It is used when we want ● The attendance has dropped off
marriage to a man twenty years something to be a real part of our life./ since the time sir has begun to
elder than her. इसका उपयोग तब िकया जाता है जब हम चाहते check our homework.
ह िक कोई चीज़ हमारे जीवन का वा िवक िह ा
94. Do up - मर त करना बन जाए । 108. Drop out - बीच म ही छोड़ना
Usage - It is used when we make ● I dream of a world free of terrorism Usage - It means to leave a course of
something old look new again by and poverty. study in between before completing it/
repairing it, painting it, and so Used with - fame, wealth, peace, इसका अथ पढ़ाई के िकसी कोस को पूरा िकये
on/renovate/ इसका उपयोग तब िकया जाता है happiness, beauty, success िबना बीच म ही छोड़ दे ना है ।

जब हम िकसी पुरानी चीज़ की मर त, ● Many successful people, especially
रं गाई-पुताई करके उसे नए जैसा बना दे ते ह । 101. Dress up - औपचा रक व पहनना actors, dropped out of college.
● His business is to buy old houses Usage- It means to put on formal clothes Used with – semester, term, school,
and then do them up and sell them. for a special occasion./ इसका अथ िकसी college, university, course
िवशेष अवसर पर औपचा रक व पहनना है ।
95. Do without - िकसी चीज़ के िबना काम
Usage - It is used when one can manage
things without something./ इसका उपयोग
तब िकया जाता है जब एक िकसी चीज़ के
िबना बाकी चीज़ों को संभाल सकता है ।
● There's no more snacks , so I guess
● When Indian women dress up at
festivals they like to wear traditional

102. Drive away - चले जाना

Usage - It is used when we want
someone or something to leave a place/
109. Drum up - समथन जुटाना
Usage - It means to gather support for
something./ िकसी चीज़ के िलए समथन जुटाना

● The new party is trying to drum up
support in remote areas.
we'll just have to do without. इसका उपयोग तब िकया जाता है जब हम चाहते 110. Dry up - कुछ भी शेष ना रहना
ह िक कोई या कोई चीज़ िकसी थान को Usage - It means it's all over and nothing
96. Doze off - संयोगवश सो जाना छोड़ दे या वहां से चला जाए । is left. (used for liquids)/ इसका अथ है , सब
Usage - It means to fall asleep by ● The farmers use scarecrows to drive ख़ हो चुका तथा कुछ भी शेष नहीं है । ( तरल
chance./ इसका अथ संयोगवश सो जाना है । away the birds. पदाथ के िलए इ ेमाल िकया जाता है ) ।
● One of the backbenchers dozed off ● The peninsular rivers dry up in the
during the history class. 103. Drive out - िनकाल बाहर करना summer season.
Usage - It is used to force someone or
97. Drag on - लंबा चलना something out of a place/ इसका अथ िकसी 111. Dwell on - िकसी चीज के बारे म सोचते
Usage - It is used when something को एक थान से खदे ड़ना या भगाना है । रहना
continues for a longer period than it is ● He was driven out of the award Usage - When we dwell on something It
necessary./ इसका उपयोग तब िकया जाता है ceremony as he was badly drunk means to think about it too much or you
जब कोई चीज़ आव कता से अिधक समय तक and misbehaved with a lady. talk about it too much./ इसका अथ िकसी
बनी/चलते रहती है । चीज़ के बारे म ब त अिधक सोचना या उसके बारे

● In India, many cases drag on for 104. Drop by - छोटी या ा म ब त ादा बात करना है ।
many years. Usage - It means to make a short, casual ● We have been dwelling on the
The following can be dragged on lecture, visit somewhere/ कुछ समय के िलए कहीं problem for a year let’s fix it once
debate, movie, concert, lesson meeting, जाना । and for all.
speech, case, trial ● Could you drop by the dentist’s clinic Used with: problems, issues, the past,
and make an appointment for me? fears, regrets, loss, conflict.
98. Draw on - लाभ उठाना
Usage - It means to utilize something or 105. Drop off - ले जाना तथा छोड़ना 112. Dying for - िकसी के िलए मरना
make use of something that has been Usage-It is used to take someone to a Usage - When we want to get something
gained over time/ इसका अथ ऐसी चीज़ का place they need to go to and leave them very badly we are dying for it./ जब हम
योग करना या लाभ उठाना है , िजसे समय के there/ िकसी को ऐसे थान पर ले जाना तथा िकसी चीज़ को बुरी तरह से ा करना चाहते ह
साथ ा िकया गया है । छोड़ना, जहाँ जाना उसके िलए ज री है । िक मानो उसके िबना जान जा रही हो ।
● Many animals draw on their stored ● Every morning I drop my children off ● Many young actors and actresses
energy during the hibernation period. at school and then pick them up are dying for good break-in movies.
around 2 noon.
99. Draw up - योजना, िदशा िनदश तैयार
करना 106. Drop off (Same as doze off) - सो
Usage - It means to prepare and write a जाना Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 294

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 49 - 50 TG @M00n_Ligt Phrasal Verbs
PHRASAL VERBS BEGINNING 119. End with - के साथ समा करना 125. Even up - व थत होना
WITH ‘E’ Usage - It is used for the final part of Usage - It means to balance or equalize/
something/ इसका योग िकसी चीज़ के अंितम इसका अथ संतुिलत करना है ।
113. Ease off - कम होना/सुिवधा दे ना भाग के िलए िकया जाता है । ● We need to score five more points to
Usage - It means to become weaker or ● The Olympics ended with a even up the match.
less powerful./ इसका अथ है कमज़ोर या कम spectacular fireworks display.
श शाली बनना 126. Expose to - बेनकाब होना
● The pain eased off after the doctor 120. Engage in - संल होना Usage - When someone is exposed to
gave me a painkiller. Usage - It is used when one becomes something, one is introduced to
involved in something related to something they might not otherwise see
114. Eat into - कम करना competition or conflict, such as a debate, or experience./ अथ - संपक म आना ; जब
Usage - It means to use up, or reduce a battle, or a dispute./ इसका उपयोग तब कोई िकसी चीज़ के संपक म आता है , तो वह उसे
the amount of, something of value/ इसका िकया जाता है जब एक ित धा या संघष दे खता/ िमलता/ महसूस करता है , िजसे वह
अथ है िकसी चीज़ का इ ेमाल करना, या उसकी से संबंिधत िकसी घटना म शािमल होता है , जैसे - अ था दे ख या महसूस नहीं कर सकता था ।
मा ा को कम करना । ( मू से संबंिधत ) वाद-िववाद, यु , या झगड़ा । ● Children should not be exposed to
● The medical bills are eating into my ● These days I am engaged in the internet at a very young age.
savings preparing my son for the speech to
Eat into is used with savings, profits, be given on his annual day. 127. Expose to - खतरे या आपदा का
income, time, and free time. Used with: dispute, debate, conflict, war, सामना करना

warfare, battle, competition, struggle, Usage - It is used to make someone
115. Egg on - उकसाना face a danger or a hazard/ जब ( िकसी चीज़
Usage - It is used when we encourage 121. Enter into - शािमल होना के कारण ) िकसी को खतरे या आपदा का सामना
someone to do something risky or Usage - It is used when one gets करना पड़ता है ।
foolish/ इसका उपयोग तब िकया जाता है जब involved in something like a discussion, ● Nuclear weapons expose millions of
हम िकसी को जो खम भरा या मूखतापूण काय
करने के िलए ो ािहत करते ह|
Usage - His drunk friend egged him on
to increase the speed of the car to 100
km per hour which was the cause of the
an agreement, or a partnership./ इसका
उपयोग तब िकया जाता है जब एक

योजना म शािमल होता है ।

● The government has entered into
talks with the rebel soldiers.
चचा, समझौता या िफर साझेदारी जैसी िकसी

Used with: agreement, contract, deal,

people to deadly nuclear radiation.
Used with- danger, gunfire, radiation,
heat, sunlight, hazardous chemicals


WITH ‘ F ’
116. Embark on/upon - शु करना negotiations, partnership, relationship, 128. Face up to - मु ल से िनपटना
Usage - It means to begin something, talks Usage - It is used when there is a difficult
usually something that will be or challenging situation before us, we
challenging and time-consuming/ इसका 122. Entitled to - िकसी चीज का हकदार accept that we have to deal with it, and
अथ िकसी चीज़ की शु आत करना है , आमतौर होना then do something about it./ इसका उपयोग
पर वैसी चीज़ जो चुनौतीपूण होगी तथा िजसम Usage - It is used when one has a right तब िकया जाता है , जब हमारे सामने कोई मु ल
समय लगेगा। to have something or the right to do it./ या चुनौतीपूण थित आती है , हम ीकार कर
● I wished her all the best when she इसका उपयोग तब िकया जाता है जब एक लेते ह िक हम इससे िनपटना है , तथा िफर इस
embarked on her new job. के पास कुछ रखने या उसे करने का अिधकार संबंध म कुछ करते ह ।
Used with: career, campaign, venture, होता है । ● He had to face up to the fact that he
program, policy, project, course ● As a Citizen of India, you are entitled needed to go for rehabilitation to get
to many rights and privileges rid of his alcohol problem.
117. Empty out - ख़ाली करना Used with – challenge, fact, reality, truth
Usage - It means to remove everything 123. Entrust to - िज़ ेदारी सौंपना

from inside something/ इसका अथ िकसी Usage - It is used when we give 129. Face with - चुनौती का सामना करना
चीज़ के भीतर से सब कुछ हटा दे ना/ िनकाल लेना somebody responsible for something of Usage - It is used when there is a
है । importance or value/ इसका उपयोग तब problem or a challenge before us, and we
● At the immigration counter, he was िकया जाता है जब हम िकसी को कोई मह पूण have to deal with it./ इसका उपयोग तब
even asked to empty his pockets. िज़ ेदारी सौंपते ह। िकया जाता है , जब हमारे सामने एक चुनौती या
Empty out is used with pockets, purse, ● The responsibility of running the सम ा आती है तथा हम इससे िनपटना पड़ता है ।
bag, suitcase, bin, container, desk, household is entrusted to my wife. ● We are faced with the challenge of
drawer, cupboards. meeting such a huge order within
124. Entrust with - िकसी की िज़ ेदारी three days. Used with: challenge,
118. End in - अंत म सौंपना problem, difficulty, competition,
Usage - It is used when there is a certain Usage - It is used when someone is decision.
result at the end of something/ इसका given responsibility for something of
उपयोग तब िकया जाता है जब िकसी चीज़ के अंत importance or value/इसका उपयोग तब 130. Fade away - धीरे -धीरे कमज़ोर पड़ना
म एक िनि त प रणाम िमलने वाला हो । िकया जाता है जब हम िकसी को कोई मह पूण Usage - It means to slowly become
● The state government's policy of िज़ ेदारी सौंपते ह weaker, softer or dimmer/vanish/ इसका
banning alcohol completely in the ● He was entrusted with the important अथ है धीरे -धीरे कमज़ोर, मुलायम पड़ना या म म
state ended in a huge amount of files in the absence of his manager. / गायब हो जाना ।
financial loss to the treasury. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 295

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 50 TG @M00n_Ligt Phrasal Verbs
● The stretch marks on his legs faded Usage - When we feel for someone, we ● The police soon found out the
away after he applied the lotion. have sympathy for them or feel sad address of the accused.
because they are suffering./ जब हम िकसी Used with information, details, facts,
131. Fall apart - टु कड़ों म टू ट जाना के िलए महसूस करते ह, तो हमारे मन म उनके news and answer
Usage - When something falls apart, it िलए सहानुभूित होती है या हम उनकी पीड़ा को
breaks into pieces or parts start falling दे खकर दु खी हो जाते ह । 144. Finish off - समा कर डालना
off./ इसका अथ है टु कड़ों म टू ट जाना या बंट ● I feel for the children who beg on the Usage - It means to complete something,
जाना । streets. or to eat the last piece of something/
● The framers of the Indian इसका अथ िकसी चीज़ को पूरा करना या िकसी
constitution never wanted India to 138. Fight back - लड़ना चीज़ के अंितम टु कड़े को खाना है ।
fall apart therefore they gave the Usage - It is used when one decides to ● I've wanted to finish off his
states limited power. do what's needed to win a conflict or a homework before he goes to play.
battle after being attacked or
132. Fall behind - पीछे छूट जाना threatened./ इसका उपयोग तब िकया जाता है 145. Fire up - उ ेजना पैदा करना
Usage - It is used when one has fallen जब एक आ मण या खतरे म होने के बाद Usage - It is used to create enthusiasm
behind other people, they have advanced वह करने का िनणय लेता है जो िकसी संघष या or excitement, usually among a group of
faster./ इसका उपयोग तब िकया जाता है जब यु को जीतने के िलए आव क है । people or a crowd/ इसका उपयोग आमतौर
एक अ लोगों से पीछे छूट गया है , ोंिक ● Example- Although people advised पर लोगों के एक समूह या भीड़ म उ ाह अथवा
वे तेज़ी से आगे िनकल चुके ह । him to apologise to his boss as he उ ेजना पैदा करने के िलए िकया जाता है ।

● Most countries in Asia have fallen was powerful but he decided to file a ● The coach fired up his players with
behind China in industrial case and fight back. his half-time talk, and they tried
development. much harder in the second half.
139. Fight off - ितरोध करना
133. Fall for - बेवकूफ बनाना Usage - It is used to stop someone or 146. Fit in - पया जगह होना
Usage - It means to be fooled or tricked
by something./ इसका अथ िकसी चीज़ के ारा
बेवकूफ बनाना या झां सा दे ना है ।
● Don’t fall for schemes that promise
to double your money in six months.

134. Fall off - पतन /िगरावट

something from attacking you or hurting
you/ इसका उपयोग िकसी
को आप पर हमला करने या आपको तकलीफ
या िकसी चीज़

दे ने से रोकने के िलए िकया जाता है ।

● Girls should be trained in self
defence so that they can fight off
any molesters and eve-teasers.
Usage - It means to have enough space
for something, or to have enough time
for something/ इसका अथ है िकसी चीज़ के
िलए पया जगह या पया समय होना ।
● I was thrilled to fit in my old clothes
after the birth of my son.
Usage - It means to become less in 147. Fix up - मर त करना
amount or lower in level. It means to 140. Figure out - समझना Usage - It is used when one repairs
drop off, decrease, decline/ इसका अथ Usage - It means understand./ इसका अथ something or to improve the condition of
मा ा म कम होना या र म िगरावट है । इसका है समझ आना । something, especially something old or
अथ कम होना या पतन होना है । ● Her mood swings are so frequent second-hand/ इसका उपयोग तब िकया जाता
● The number of tourists visiting that I am unable to figure out what है जब एक िकसी चीज़ की मर त करता
Kashmir has fallen off due to she wants. है या उसकी थित म सुधार करता है । िवशेष
terrorism. प से कोई पुरानी अथवा इ ेमाल की ई चीज़।
141. Fill out - भरना ● The tap has been leaking all night
135. Fall out - झगड़ा करना Usage- It is used for filling a form etc./ and I called a plumber to fix it up.
Usage - It means one is no longer इसका उपयोग फॉम आिद को भरने के िलए
friendly because of a disagreement or a िकया जाता है । 148. Fix up - इं तज़ाम करना
problem they had/ जब लोग अपने बीच िकसी Note: Both "fill in" and "fill out" can have Usage - It is also used to arrange
मतभेद या सम ा के कारण िम नहीं रहते । this meaning, and both are correct. something for someone/ िकसी के

● The two fell out over the sharing of ● I filled out the form and gave it to the िलए िकसी चीज़ की व था/ इं तज़ाम करना ।
profits. receptionist. ● I need to fix up an appointment with
Used with Friends, relatives, partners, the dentist as I have a toothache.
colleagues, lovers, etc can fall out 142. Fill up - पूरा भरा होना
Usage - Fill up is used when something 149. Fizzle out - कमज़ोर होना
136. Fall through - असफल होना is made full/ जब िकसी चीज़ को भर िदया Usage - It is used when something
Usage - It is used with a plan or a deal. It जाता है । slowly loses its power or strength, and
means it doesn't work out and it's ● By when will all the vacancies be then ends weakly./ इसका उपयोग तब िकया
dropped./ इसका योग िकसी योजना या सौदे filled up. जाता है जब कोई चीज़ धीरे -धीरे अपनी ताकत या
के साथ िकया जाता है । इसका अथ है िक वह Used with container, glass, jar, bottle, श खो दे ती है तथा अंततः कमज़ोर हो जाती है
चीज़ सफल नहीं रही तथा उसे ठं डे ब े म डाल tank, car, bag, suitcase, vacancy. ● The TV serial was the most popular
िदया गया है । one on tv but it fizzled out after the main
● All my plans for our baby fell through 143. Find out - पता लगाना actor quit.
when my wife had a miscarriage. Usage - It is used when a fact or
Used with-plan, deal, arrangement, sale, information gets to be known about 150. Flood in - चुर मा ा म उपल होना
purchase something/इसका उपयोग तब िकया जाता है Usage - It means to be available in plenty
जब िकसी चीज़ के बारे म कोई त या जानकारी and abundance/ इसका अथ है पया तथा
137. Feel for - िकसी के िलए दु खी होना ा होती है । चुर मा ा म उपल होना । Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 296

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 50 TG @M00n_Ligt Phrasal Verbs
● Chinese goods are flooding the ● It is always easy to get across our 164. Get in - वाहन पर चढ़ना
Indian markets. ideas in our mother tongue. Usage - It means to enter a place or a
vehicle/ इसका अथ है कहीं वेश करना या
151. Focus on - ान के त करना 158. Get ahead - तर ी करना वाहन पर चढ़ना ।
Usage - It means to concentrate on Usage - It means to make progress in ● There were no signs of forced entry
something./ इसका अथ िकसी चीज़ पर ान your career./ इसका अथ है अपने क रयर म which made it clear that the robbers got
के त करना है । तर ी करना । in easily and probably they knew the
● These days the Delhi government is ● Honest hard work is the surest way victim.
focusing on controlling the pollution to get ahead in life. Used with: car, taxi, house, apartment,
levels in the city after the Supreme office, tent
Court’s order. 159. Get along - एक-दू सरे के साथ होना
Usage - It means two people like each 165. Get off - बस या टे न से उतर जाना
152. Fool around - सु ी म व गंवाना other and are friendly to one another./ Usage - It means to leave a means of
Usage - It is used when one takes his इसका अथ है , दो लोग एक-दू सरे को पसंद करते transport such as a bus or a train/ इसका
work lightly and is not serious about it./ ह तथा एक-दू सरे के अनुकूल ह । अथ है प रवहन के िकसी साधन जैसे बस या टे न
इसका उपयोग तब िकया जाता है जब एक ● I was able to get along well with my से उतर जाना ।
अपने काय को हलके म लेता है तथा इसे लेकर roommate although she was ● At 12 I got off the train and took an
गंभीर नहीं होता । Chinese. auto outside the station.
● Most students fool around the whole Used with: bicycle, motorbike, horse, cart,

year and study only before the 160. Get away - िकसी थान को छोड़ दे ना bus, train, plane, boat, rollercoaster, ride
exams. Usage - It means to leave a place/ इसका
अथ है िकसी थान को छोड़ दे ना/ वहां से चले 166. Get on - वाहन पर चढ़ना
153. Force into - बलपूवक काय करवाना जाना । Usage - It means to step onto a bus,
Usage-: It is used to make someone do ● I wanted to get away from the house train, ship, etc./ इसका अथ है िकसी बस, टे न,
something they don't want to do/ इसका
उपयोग तब िकया जाता है जब िकसी

चाहता है ।
● Many kidnapped children are forced
into begging.
वह काय करना पड़ता है , िजसे वह नहीं करना
on the highway so I shifted my
house to a nearby village.

161. Get away with - सज़ा िमलने से बच

Usage - It means to do something illegal
or immoral and not get caught or
जहाज़ आिद म चढ़ना ।
● She was an old lady so I helped her
to get on the bus.
Used with: bus, train, plane, boat, ship,
bicycle, motorbike

167. Get over - ठीक होना

154. Freak out - भयभीत या दु खी हो जाना punished/ इसका अथ है कुछ गैर-कानूनी Usage - It means to recover from
Usage-: When someone freaks out, it अथवा अनैितक काय करना और पकड़े जाने या something like an illness or a shock/
means they get very scared or upset by सज़ा िमलने से बच जाना । इसका अथ है िकसी बीमारी या सदमे से उबरना /
something./ इसका अथ है िकसी चीज़ के ● It is not easy to get away with an ठीक होना ।
कारण ब त भयभीत या दु खी हो जाना । offence in Dubai as they are very ● How long did it take you to get over
● I freaked out when I realized that my strict. the illness?
purse was missing. Used with: cheating, stealing, lying, Used with: illness, virus, cold, operation,
robbery, theft, fraud, corruption, murder accident, injury, shock, trauma,
155. Freshen up - बेहतर महसूस करना heartbreak
Usage-: When one washes his face and 162. Get back - िकसी थान पर लौटना
hands and makes himself look and feel Usage 1 - It means to return to a place/ 168. Get through-िकसी काय को पूरा करना
better./ जब एक अपना चेहरा तथा हाथ इसका अथ है िकसी थान पर लौटना । Usage 1 - It means to complete a
धोता है और बेहतर िदखता तथा महसूस करता है । ● When I got back from work I found task/clear something./ इसका अथ है िकसी
● After I wake up in the morning I the front door open. काय को पूरा करना/ कुछ चुकता करना ।

freshen up and pray for 10 minutes. Usage 2 - If you get something back, it ● Within an hour I had gotten through
means it is returned to you after you've all the emails.
PHRASAL VERBS BEGINNING lent it, lost it, or had it stolen./ जब आपको Usage 2 - It means to reach the person
WITH ‘G’ कोई चीज़ वापस िमलती है , तो इसका अथ है िक you want to talk to when making a
आपके ारा इसे उधार दे ने, खो दे ने अथवा चोरी telephone call/ इसका अथ है टे लीफोन कॉल
156. Gather around-चारों ओर इक ा करना होने के बाद यह आपको लौटा दी गयी है । करके उस तक प ं चना िजससे आप बात
Usage- It means people gather around, ● If you leave something in a taxi, you करना चाहते ह ।
something or someone./ जब लोग िकसी might get it back if you call the taxi ● It was difficult for me to get through
या िकसी चीज़ को घेर लेते ह । company. during the peak hours as all lines
● People gathered around the accident were busy.
victim but no one took him to the 163. Get down - नीचे उतरना
hospital. Usage - It means to move close to the 169. Get together - साथ म समय िबताना
ground, or to move from a higher position Usage - It means to meet and spend
157. Get across - संचार करना to a lower position/ इसका अथ है ज़मीन के time together/ इसका अथ है िमलना तथा साथ
Usage - It means to communicate समीप आना, या ऊँचे पद से िनचले पद पर जाना । म समय िबताना ।
something or make something ● When my gold earring fell, we all got ● We wanted to arrange a get together
understood by others/ इसका अथ है संचार down and looked for it. after the exams.
करना तथा अ लोगों को कुछ समझाना । Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 297

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 50 TG @M00n_Ligt Phrasal Verbs
170. Give away - भरोसा ना होना ● I went after the chain snatcher but amount of money/ जब कोई चीज़ एक िनि त
Usage - It means to give something to he was too fast for me. रािश म बेच दी जाती है ।
someone without expecting anything in ● At the auction, the house go for 20
return./ िकसी को कोई चीज़ दे ना तथा 177. Go against - असहमत होना lacs only.
बदले म कुछ भी िमलने की उ ीद नहीं रखना । Usage - It means to oppose, or disagree
● I gave away all my old clothes to with, something or somebody/ इसका अथ 184. Go off - िव ोट होना
charity on Diwali. िकसी का िवरोध करना या िकसी चीज़ से Usage - It means to explode./ इसका अथ
असहमत होना है । है , िव ोट होना/ फूटना ।
171. Give back - वािपस लौटना ● His parents disinherited him as he ● As the fireworks went off in the sky
Usage - If you give something back, you had gone against their wishes and people cheered and clapped at the
return it to whoever you got it from./ यिद converted to another religion. closing ceremony.
आप िकसी चीज़ को वापस करते ह, तो आप इसे Used with: bomb, grenade, gun, land
उस को लौटा दे ते ह, िजससे आपने इसे 178. Go ahead - िकसी काय को जारी रखना mine, fireworks, cracker
ा िकया था । Usage-It means to start doing
● After we make our name in the something, or to continue doing 185. Go on - काय करते रहना
education sector we plan to give something, usually after being given Usage 1 - It means to keep doing
back to society. permission or encouragement to do so/ something/ कोई काय करते रहना ।
इसका अथ िकसी काय की शु आत करना या ● If you go on with this kind of
172. Give off - उ िजत करना िकसी काय को जारी रखना है , आमतौर पर ऐसा careless behavior we will have to

Usage - It means to produce something करने के िलए अनुमित या ो ाहन िमलने के बाद terminate you.
like a smell, a gas, heat or light/ to emit/ ● We have got the go-ahead signal Usage 2 - It means to talk for too long/
इसका अथ है गंध, गैस, ऊ ा या काश जैसी from the environment ministry which इसका अथ है काफी दे र तक बात करना ।
चीज़ दे ना / उ िजत करना । was very crucial for our project. ● Some old people go on and on about
● Atomic power stations give off a lot their health problems.
of radiation.
Used with: smell, gas, fumes, odour,
scent, aroma, stink, heat, light

173. Give out - बांट दे ना

Usage - It means you distribute it to
many people, usually by hand./ जब आप
करना ।
179. Go along with - समथन करना
Usage- It means to agree with someone
or to support something/ इसका अथ है
िकसी से सहमत होना या िकसी चीज़ का समथन

● All the workers have decided to go

along with the union leader and put
186. Go over - जाँच करना
Usage - It means to look carefully at
something like a report, essay, document,
etc. to check for mistakes or to make
improvements/check, scrutinize/ इसका
अथ िकसी चीज़, जैसे - रपोट, िनबंध, द ावेज़
आमतौर पर अपने हाथों से इसे कई लोगों म बाँ ट forward their demands more आिद को ान से दे खना है तािक गलितयों की
दे ते ह । forcefully जाँ च की जा सके अथवा सुधार/ समी ा की जा
● Promotional material was given out सके ।
to all the guests at the trade 180. Go down - घटना या िगरना ● The teacher asked the students to
Usage 1 - It means to become go over their answers before they
174. Give up - हाथ खड़े करना
less/decrease, fall/ इसका अथ कम submitted it.
Usage - It means you stop trying to do होना/घटना या िगरना है । Used with: report, essay, article, answers,
something because it's too hard or ● Petrol prices have gone down. accounts, figures, details
because it can't be done/surrender/ Usage 2 - It means to be received in a
इसका अथ है आपने िकसी काय को करने की certain way, or to create a certain 187. Go through - मु ल प र थित से
कोिशश छोड़ दी है ोंिक यह ब त मु ल है reaction/ इसका अथ िकसी और प म अथ गुजरना
या इसे नहीं िकया जा सकता / हाथ खड़े करना । लगाना या एक िनि त िति या का िनमाण करना Usage - It means to live through a bad
● I did not give up trying for है । time or a difficult situation/ इसका अथ बुरे
government jobs until I got one. ● His decision to send his five-year-old समय या मु ल प र थित से गुजरना है ।

son to the hostel did not go down ● A lot of people go through a very bad
175. Give up - ाग करना well with his wife. time during recessions.
Usage - It means you give up something, Used with: illness, depression, loss,
you stop doing it because it's bad for 181. Go down - याद रखना heartbreak, bankruptcy, grief, pain,
you/quit/ इसका अथ है आपने ाग कर िदया, Usage - It means to be remembered or difficulty
आपने इसे करना छोड़ िदया ोंिक यह आपके recorded in some way/ इसका अथ है िकसी
िलए ठीक नहीं है / छोड़ना । तरीके से / िकसी प म याद रखना अथवा दज 188. Go together - सामंज होना
● If one wishes to lose weight one करना । Usage - If two things go together, they
must give up fried and fatty food. ● Alexander’s name will go down in harmonize/to match well/ जब दो चीज़ों के
Used with: cigarettes, alcohol, smoking, History as an overambitious general. बीच सामंज हो या काफी समानता हो ।
drinking, meat, desserts, sweets ● Do you think this piece of jewellery
182. Go for - कोिशश करना goes together with this dress?
176. Go after - पीछा करना Usage - It means to try to get something
Usage - It means to chase and try to or achieve something 189. Go up - ऊपर उठाना
catch someone or something/chase/ ● Are you planning to go for that job? Usage - It means to become higher/rise,
इसका अथ है िकसी या िकसी चीज़ का increase/ इसका अथ ऊँचा होना / ऊपर
पीछा करना तथा पकड़ने की कोिशश करना । 183. Go for - िनि त मू तय करना उठाना,
Usage - It means to be sold for a certain बढ़ना है । Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 298

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 50 TG @M00n_Ligt Phrasal Verbs
● Gold prices go up during the festive Usage - It means to distribute/ इसका अथ direction or towards a particular place./
season. िवतरण करना है । इसका अथ एक िनि त िदशा म अथवा िकसी
● The question papers were handed िवशेष थान की तरफ जाना है ।
190. Grow up - बड़ा होना out on time. ● The company was heading for
Usage - It means to change from being a Hand out: papers, booklets, brochures bankruptcy in the recession.
child to being an adult, or from being an Used with: home, the office, the airport,
immature adult to being a mature adult/ 197. Hand over - सौंपना the station; trouble, disaster, bankruptcy
इसका अथ बा ाव था से वय होना है अथवा Usage - It means to give something to 204. Head off - िकसी थान को छोड़ दे ना
एक अप रप वय से प रप वय someone who has demanded it./ इसका Usage - It means to leave a place/ इसका
बनना है । अथ सौंपना है , उस को, िजसने इसकी मां ग अथ है िकसी थान को छोड़ दे ना या वहां से चले
● I grew up in Rohtak. की थी । जाना ।
● After the thief had entered the bank, ● We'll have to head off early if we
PHRASAL VERBS BEGINNING he pointed his gun at the teller and want to get there by midday.
WITH ‘H’ told her to hand over the money.
205. Hear about - िकसी बारे म सुनना
191. Hammer out - हल िनकालना 198. Hang around - समय िबताना Usage - It means to hear about
Usage - It means to reach an agreement Usage - It means to spend time something, someone tells you about it or
or solution after a lot of negotiation or somewhere without doing anything you find out about it from somewhere/
discussion/ इसका अथ एक लंबी वाता अथवा useful/ इसका अथ है िकसी थान पर िबना कुछ इसका अथ िकसी के बारे म कुछ सुनना है । कोई

चचा के बाद िकसी समझौते या समाधान पर उपयोगी काय िकये, समय िबताना । आपको इसके बारे म बताता है या आपको
प ं चना है । ● The local boys would hang around इसके बारे म कहीं से पता चलता है ।
● The deal was too complicated to be girls' colleges in the evening. ● I heard about my neighbour’s death
hammered out. from the gardener.
Used with: agreement, contract, 199. Hang on - मजबूती से पकड़ना
settlement, deal, plan, policy, guidelines,

192. Hand around - अनुरोध करना

Usage - It means to offer around things
like drinks/tea/biscuits, you give one to
Usage 1 - It means to hold something
tightly./ इसका अथ है कोई चीज़ मजबूती से

● I hung on to the bar as I was

travelling on the footboard.
Usage 2 - It means to wait/ इसका अथ है
इं तजार करना ।
206. Hear from - िकसी अ से सुनना
Usage - When you hear from someone,
they call you, email you or contact you in
some other way./ इसका अथ है आपको िकसी
ने बुलाया, इमेल िकया अथवा िकसी अ मा म
से आपसे संपक िकया ।
● I have not heard from him since he
each person in a group./ इसका अथ है पेय
पदाथ/ चाय/ िब ट आिद लेने का अनुरोध ● Hang on a moment while I answer left the country
करना, आप समूह के ेक को यह दे ते this call.
ह। 207. Hear of - िकसी के बारे म जानना
● My mother handed out tea to 200. Hang onto - अपने पास रखना Usage - It means you know about
everyone present there. Usage - If you hang onto something, you someone who they are and what they do
keep it instead of throwing it away, giving etc./ इसका अथ है िक आप िकसी के बारे म
193. Hand back - वािपस करना it away, or selling it./ इसका उपयोग तब जानते ह िक वह कौन है तथा वह ा करता है
Usage - It means to give something िकया जाता है जब आप िकसी चीज़ को फकने, आिद ।
back to someone by hand/ िकसी को दे ने, अथवा बेचने के बजाय अपने पास रखते ह । ● It is strange when the present-day
कोई चीज़ हाथों से लौटाना ● People hang onto their old clothes generation says that they have never
● I handed back the brochure to her rather than giving them away. heard of Shankaracharya and Swami
after I saw it. Vivekananda.
201. Hang out -िकसी के साथ समय िबताना
194. Hand down - कौशल का ह ांतरण Usage - It means to spend time in a 208. Help out - सहायता करना

करना certain place, or with certain people/ Usage - It means you do something to
Usage - It means to pass knowledge or इसका अथ है िकसी िनि त थान पर अथवा कुछ help someone/assist/ जब आप िकसी
skills from one generation to the next/ लोगों के साथ समय िबताना । की सहायता करने के िलए कुछ करते ह ।
इसका अथ है एक पीढ़ी से दू सरी पीढ़ी म ान या ● After school, most of the kids hang ● The Indian Army is trained to help
कौशल का ह ां तरण करना । out in front of the bakery. out people in trouble.
● My grandmother handed down her
pickle making skills to the younger 202. Have against - खलाफ होना 209. Hide away - िछपना
females of the family. Usage - It means to have something Usage - It means to go to a place where
against someone, you don't like them very few people can find you./ इसका अथ
195. Hand on - ह ा रत करना because of something they've said or िकसी ऐसे थान पर जाना है जहाँ बेहद कम लोग
Usage- It means to pass something on, done in the past./ जब कोई िकसी के आपको ढू ँ ढ सक ।
you pass it to somebody else./ इसका अथ िव हो, आप उसे इसिलए पसंद नहीं करते ह ● The hidden away soldiers could not
है कोई चीज़ बढ़ाना, िकसी को दे ना । ोंिक उ ोंने पूव म कुछ िकया या कहा है । be traced by the British police.
● He handed on the baton to the next ● I don’t have ill feelings against you
runner. now because I believe in forgiving. 210. Hit back - पलटकर वार करना
Usage - It means when someone is
196. Hand out - िवतरण करना 203. Head for - िवशेष थान की तरफ जाना attacking you and you hit back, you fight
Usage - It means to go in a certain to defend yourself. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 299

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 50 TG @M00n_Ligt Phrasal Verbs
इसका उपयोग तब िकया जाता है जब कोई आप Usage - It means to you hunt down 224. Infer from - िन ष िनकालना
पर हमला कर रहा हो, तथा आप पलटकर वार someone, you try to find them and Usage - It means to believe something is
करते ह । आप अपनी र ा करने के िलए लड़ते capture or kill them./ इसका अथ है ढू ँ ढना true because you have some indirect
ह। तथा पकड़ना या मार दे ना । evidence of it/It means to draw some
● He hit back his opponent with equal ● The police are responsible to hunt conclusions from indirect evidence/
aggression. down criminals in society. इसका अथ है िकसी चीज़ को सच मानना, ोंिक
आपके पास उसके कुछ अ माण ह /
211. Hit on/upon - िवचार आना 218. Hurry up - फटाफट करना इसका अथ अ माणों से कुछ िन ष
Usage - It means to have an idea or to Usage - It means to do something िनकालना है ।
think of something faster./ इसका अथ है कोई चीज़ तेज़ी से/ ● It could be inferred from his behavior
/ इसका अथ है कोई िवचार आना या िकसी चीज़ फटाफट करना । and body language that he expected
के बारे म सोचना । ● I told my family to hurry up or we'd us to bribe him
● When Maggie was making a miss the start of the movie.
comeback after all the controversies 225. Insist on - जोर दे ना
the management hit on the idea of 219. Hush up - गु रखना Usage - It means that something must
marketing it online first to check out Usage - It means to try to keep be done./ इसका अथ है िक कोई काय अव
the response. something secret, especially something ही िकया जाना चािहए ।
that could damage the reputation of a ● My mother insists on leaving and
212. Hold back - आगे बढ़ने से रोकना person or an organization/cover-up/ कोई putting things back from where they

Usage - It means to stop someone or बात गु रखना, िवशेष प से वैसी बात िजससे are taken
something from going forward, or from एक अथवा एक संगठन की ित ा को
progressing in some way/ इसका अथ िकसी नुकसान प ँ च सकता है । / िछपाना 226. Interfere with - सामा तरीके से होने
या अ चीज़ों को आगे बढ़ने अथवा िकसी ● He tried to hush up his first marriage से रोकना
भी कार से गित करने से रोकना है । before his wife. Usage - It means to prevent something
● I can’t hold back my feelings in front
of my parents.

213. Hold down - दबा कर रखना

Usage- It means to stop something from
rising by pressing down on it or putting a
heavy object on it/इसका अथ िकसी चीज़ को

220. Identify with - समथन दे ना

Usage - It means you have a connection
from happening in the usual way or stop
it from developing normally/ इसका अथ
िकसी चीज़ को सामा तरीके से होने से रोकना है
/ या इसे सामा
रोकना है ।
तरीके से िवकिसत होने से

● The noise of the grinding machine in

the next house is interfering in my
with them and you can understand them
दबाकर अथवा उस पर कोई भारी व ु रख कर and share their feelings./ इसका अथ है िक day to day’s work
उसे बढ़ने से रोकना है । आपका उनके साथ कोई संबंध है तथा आप उ
● I held the board down with my foot समझ सकते ह और उनकी भावनाओं को साझा 227. Invest in - िनवेश करना
while I hammered it in place. कर सकते ह । Usage - It means to put your energy and
● I can identify with the problems of a resources into something that you think
214. Hold off - रोक कर रखना
young working mother will help you to achieve your goal/ जब
Usage - It means to delay doing आप िकसी ऐसी चीज़ म ऊजा तथा संसाधन झोंक
something until a later time/delay/ इसका 221. Impact on - भाव छोड़ना दे ते ह, िजसके बारे म आपको लगता है िक उससे
अथ िकसी काय को बाद के समय तक टालना है । Usage - It means to have a significant आपको अपना ल ा करने म सहायता
● We should hold off our business effect on something/ इसका अथ है िकसी िमलेगी ।
expansion plans until the end of the चीज़ पर ापक भाव छोड़ना ● She invested a huge amount of time
year. ● The wrong company leaves a lot of and work in setting up her business
negative impacts on teenage
215. Hold out for - इं तजार करना children 228. Involve in - शािमल होना

Usage - It means to wait until you get Usage - It means that one takes part in
what you want, especially when 222. Impose on - थोपना it./ जब कोई इसम भाग लेता / शािमल होता है ।
negotiating/ तब तक इं तजार करना जबतक Usage - It means you force someone to ● His phone records show that he was
िक आपको वह िमल ना जाए, िजसे आप चाहते ह, accept something even if they don't want involved in the deal
िवशेष प से वाता या मोलतौल के दौरान । to./ जब आप िकसी को कुछ ीकार करने के
● You must hold out for a better deal िलए बा करते ह, भले ही वे इसे ीकार करना 229. Iron out - समाधान करना
नहीं चाहते । / थोपना । Usage - It means to sort out the final
216. Hold up - अपेि त समय के बाद होने ● In a secular country, religious beliefs problems or issues./ इसका अथ अंितम
दे ना can’t be imposed upon others. सम ाओं या मु ों को सुलझाना है ।
Usage - It means to cause a delay, or ● If we have any differences or issues,
make someone or something later than 223. Improve on/upon - पूव की अव था से we'll have to iron them out before we
expected/ इसका अथ है टाल दे ना या िकसी बेहतर बनाना sign a deal.
या िकसी चीज़ को अपेि त समय के बाद Usage - It means to make something Used with: differences, disagreements,
होने दे ना । better than it was./ इसका अथ है िकसी चीज़ issues, problems, hitches,
● The flight was held up due to the को उसकी पूव की अव था से बेहतर बनाना । misunderstandings
fog. ● He has improved on his handwriting
during the last summer vacation. 230. Itching for - सच म कुछ चाहना
217. Hunt down - पकड़ना या मार दे ना Usage - It means you want something./ Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 300

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 50 TG @M00n_Ligt Phrasal Verbs
इसका अथ है िक आप सच म कुछ चाहते ह । रह or to stop something or someone from
● He is itching for a chance in the film ● The important dates of medieval going on something/ इसका अथ िकसी को
industry. Indian history got jumbled up in my जाने नहीं दे ना है , या िकसी चीज़ या िकसी
Used with: fight, drink, chance, mind during the exam. को होने या जाने से रोकना है ।
opportunity Used with: times, dates, names, faces, ● The students were requested to
numbers, files, papers keep off the stage.
WITH ‘J ’ 237. Jump at - ीकार करना 244. Keep off - बचना
Usage- It means to accept an offer or an Usage - It means to avoid something like
231. Jam into - ब त सारी चीज़ों एक छोटे opportunity, with enthusiasm./ इसका अथ a certain food or a certain topic in
से थान म रखना है िकसी ाव या अवसर को उ ाह के साथ conversation/ avoid/ इसका अथ िकसी चीज़,
Usage- It means to force too many ीकार करना । जैसे - कोई खा पदाथ या बातचीत के दौरान
things or people into a small space/ ● When I was offered the lead role in िकसी िवषय से दू र रहना है । / बचना
इसका अथ बलपूवक ब त सारी चीज़ों या लोगों the movie, I jumped at it. ● I was told to keep off cold things
को एक छोटे से थान म रखना है । Used with: chance, opportunity, offer, unless my health recovered.
● The students were forcefully idea, suggestion
jammed into the auditorium 245. Keep on - काय जारी रखना
although they were not interested in 238. Jump in - ह ेप करना Usage - It means to continue doing
the speech. Usage - It means to interrupt in a something./ िकसी काय को जारी रखना ।

conversation/ इसका अथ है बातचीत के दौरान ● Keep on practicing as long as you
232. Jam up - जाम हो जाना ह ेप करना । don’t get it perfect.
Usage - If something jams up, it can't ● He jumped in our conversation with
work properly./ ठीक से काम नहीं करना ( a very embarrassing question. 246. Keep out - बाहर करना/िनकालना
जाम हो जाना ) Usage - It means to exclude someone or
● The door had been locked for a long
time and it got jammed up.
Used with: printer, fax machine, lock,
door, window, gears

233. Join in - शािमल होना

239. Jump on - आलोचना करना
Usage - It means that someone is badly
criticized./ इसका अथ है िक िकसी की बुरी
तरह आलोचना की गयी है
● The National Commission for
Children jumped on the government
for causing the deaths of so many
something/ इसका अथ िकसी
चीज़ को बाहर करना/िनकालना है ।
या िकसी

● If people are drunk or not dressed

properly, the doorman keeps them
out of the club.

247. Keep out of - बाहर रखना

Usage - It means to take part or
participate in something/ इसका अथ है girls. Usage - It means to keep out of
िकसी चीज़ म भाग लेना या शािमल होना। something, and not to get involved in it./
● He joined in the discussion to help in PHRASAL VERBS BEGINNING बाहर रखना, शािमल नहीं होने दे ना ।
solving the rape cases. WITH ‘ K ’ ● It is always sensible to keep out of
Used with: discussion, conversation, other people’s conflicts and
game, fight 240. Keep away - िकसी को पास नही ं आने disagreements.
दे ना
234. Jot down - फटाफट कुछ िलखना Usage - It means not to let something or 248. Keep to - िकसी के भीतर रहना
Usage - It means to quickly write someone come near./ इसका अथ है िकसी Usage - It means to stay within
something down on a pad or piece of या िकसी चीज़ को पास नहीं आने दे ना । something like a limit, a budget or a
paper./ इसका अथ िकसी पैड या कागज़ के ● The scarecrows help to keep away schedule, you don't go over it or outside
टु कड़े पर फटाफट कुछ िलखना है । the birds. it./ िकसी चीज़ के भीतर रहना, जैसे - एक सीमा,
● I jotted down your address in my बजट, या समय सारणी, आप इसके बाहर/ऊपर
address book. 241. Keep back - िछपा लेना नहीं जाते ह ।

Used with: name, number, address, note, Usage - It means to keep something ● If you don’t keep to the budget you
message back, you don't tell someone about will have to borrow money.
it/withhold/ इसका अथ है िछपा लेना, जब आप ● Used with: budget, limit, schedule,
235. Juice up - श शाली बनाना इसके बारे म िकसी को कुछ नहीं बताते । timetable, route, plan
Usage - It means to make something ● The police suspected that he was
more exciting, more impressive, or more keeping back some important 249. Keep up - जारी रखना
powerful/ इसका अथ है िकसी चीज़ को और information. Usage - It means to continue doing
अिधक उ ाहजनक, शानदार, या अिधक something that has been
श शाली बनाना । 242. Keep down - धीमा करना successful/maintain/ ऐसे काय को जारी
● The actors of any movie juice up the Usage - It means to stop a noise from रखना जो सफल रहा है ।
movie with some controversies getting too loud/ इसका अथ शोरगुल को ब त ● I encouraged my son to keep up his
before it is released ादा बढ़ने से रोक दे ना है । good work in class.
● My father told me to keep the
236. Jumble up - अनुिचत म म करना volume of the tv down as he had a 250. Keep up - समान र पर बने रहना
Usage - It means you mix things so that headache. Usage - It means to stay at the same
they are no longer in their proper order or level and not to fall behind others./ इसका
formation./ जब आप चीज़ों को िमला दे ते ह 243. Keep off-िकसी चीज़ को होने से रोकना अथ समान र पर बने रहना तथा अ लोगों से
तािक वे अपने उिचत म अथवा िव ास म ना Usage- It means not to go on something, पीछे नहीं छूटना है । Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 301

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 50 - 51 TG @M00n_Ligt Phrasal Verbs
● When I take my dog for a walk in the 258. Known as - अित र नाम Usage- It means if you lay someone off,
evening it’s difficult to keep up with Usage - It means to be called a certain you stop employing them./ जब आप िकसी
it. name, even though it mightn't be a real or को काम पर रखना छोड़ दे ते ह ।
official name. ● Many companies laid off some of
251. Keep up - नी ंद नही ं ले पाना जब िकसी को एक िनि त नाम से बुलाया जाता है , their workers to cut down their
Usage - It means one is not able to get भले ही वह उसका वा िवक या आिधका रक expenses during the recession
proper sleep at night./ इसका अथ है िक एक नाम नहीं हो
रात म अ ी नींद नहीं ले पा रहा है । ● Mahatma Gandhi is also known as 265. Layout - फैला दे ना
● The noise from the religious function the father of the nation. Usage - It means you spread things out
in the next house forced me to keep so they're easy to see or easy to use./
up the whole night. 259. Known for - िस होना फैला दे ना; जब आप चीज़ों को फैला दे ते ह, तािक
Usage - It means to be well-known for उ दे खना या इ ेमाल करना आसान हो जाए ।
252. Kick around - बुरा वहार करना something or famous for something/ ● The pieces of the puzzle were laid
Usage - It means to treat someone इसका अथ है िकसी चीज़ के िलए िस होना । out before the child and the teacher
badly/ इसका अथ है िकसी से बुरा ● Orissa is known for the Jagannath asked him to fit them together.
वहार करना । Puri temple. Used with: pieces, parts, goods, samples
● During the recession, lots of people
felt as if they'd been kicked around PHRASAL VERBS BEGINNING 266. Laze around - आराम करना
by banks, insurance companies, and WITH ‘ L ’ Usage - It means to relax and do very

politicians. little/ इसका अथ है आराम करना तथा ब त
260. Lash out - जोर से मारना कम काम करना ।
253. Kick-off - कोई चीज़ शु करना Usage - It means to verbally or ● I would laze around in the house all
Usage - It means to start something like physically attack someone or something/ day during vacations.
a game, a meeting or a concert/start, जब िकसी पर मौ खक या शारी रक हमला
begin/ खेल, बैठक या कंसट जैसी कोई चीज़
शु करना ।
● The game kicked off at noon as
soon as the whistle blew.
Used with- game, match, show, meeting,
conference, convention, concert, tour,
िकया जाता है ।
● An angry customer lashed out at the
salesman but thankfully the other
customers intervened.

261. Laugh off - मजाक उड़ाना

267. Lead to - कारण बनना
Usage - It means to cause something to
happen/ इसका अथ है िकसी चीज़ के होने का
कारण बनना ।
● Being overweight leads to many of
her health problems.
Usage - It means to joke about
something to make it seem less serious/ 268. Leave behind - पीछे छोड़ दे ना
254. Kick out - जबद ी िनकाल दे ना इसका अथ िकसी का मजाक उड़ाना है तािक यह Usage - It means to leave something
Usage - If somebody is kicked out of a कम गंभीर तीत हो । behind, you forget to bring it with you./
place, they are forced to leave/expel, ● Fat people often laugh off their कोई चीज़ पीछे छोड़ दे ना, जब आप इसे अपने
throw out/ जब िकसी को जबद ी िनकाल jokes. साथ लाना भूल जाते ह ।
िदया जाए ।
● When I reached the office I realized
● Drunk people are kicked out of the 262. Lay aside - अलग रखना that I had left behind my phone.
bars by bouncers. Usage- It means to keep something for
the future, such as money/set aside, put 269. Leave out - शािमल नही ं करना
255. Knockdown - ट र मारना aside, save/ इसका अथ िकसी चीज़ को भिव Usage - It means you don't include it or
Usage - It means to hit someone with a के िलए रखना है , जैसे - धन । अलग रखना, बचत count it/omit/ इसका अथ है आप इसे शािमल
vehicle/run over/ गाड़ी से ट र मारना/ चढ़ा करना । नहीं करते या इसकी िगनती नहीं करते ।
दे ना ● Everyone must lay a small amount ● The receptionist told me to leave out
● The little child was knocked down aside every month for their old age. the blanks where it said “For official

right in front of the school gate. use only”

263. Lay down - आिधका रक प से
256. Knock out - ित धा से बाहर कर दे ना िनधा रत करना 270. Leave to - िकसी अ को िज़ ेदारी
Usage - If you knock somebody out of a Usage - It means to officially state दे ना
competition, they cannot continue something like a policy, or rules, Usage - It means to give someone
because you've defeated them./ िकसी को regulations, conditions, guidelines, etc./ responsibility for dealing with something
ित धा से बाहर कर दे ना, वे अगले चरण म नहीं इसका अथ आिधका रक प से िकसी चीज़ के or making a decision about
जा सकते ोंिक आपने उ हरा िदया है । बारे म बताना है , जैसे - नीित, िनयम, िविनयम, शत, something/leave up to/ जब एक को
● Everyone was very surprised to see िदशा िनदश आिद िकसी चीज़ से िनपटने की या िकसी चीज़ के िवषय
England get knocked out in the first ● The rules relating to the reservation म िनणय लेने की िज़ ेदारी दी जाती है ।
round of the tournament. policy of the government have been ● My parents have left it to me about
laid down. my marriage.
257. Know of - िकसी के बारे म जानना Used with: rules, regulations, guidelines,
Usage - It means that you are aware of laws, policy, conditions, requirements, 271. Let down - िनराश करना
something./ इसका अथ है िक आप िकसी चीज़ procedures, standards Usage - It means If you let someone
के बारे म जानते ह । down, you disappoint them by not doing
● The man asked me if I was aware of 264. Lay off - कमचा रयों की छं टनी what they expect you to do/disappoint /
any ATMs in the area. जब आप िकसी को िनराश करते ह, अथात वह Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 302

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 51 TG @M00n_Ligt Phrasal Verbs
काय नहीं करते, िजसे करने की आपसे उ ीद की meaning, or gives you a reason to live / ● These days children do not look
गयी थी इसका अथ यह मानना है िक िकसी चीज़ या िकसी after their parents in old age.
● I am blessed to have a wonderful व ु से आपके जीवन को अथ िमलता है , अथवा
secretary who has never let me इससे आपको जीने की एक वजह िमलती है । 286. Look at - ान से दे खना
down. ● Workaholic people just live for their Usage 1 - It means to focus your eyes
work. on something/ िकसी चीज़ को ान से दे खना
272. Let off - बेहद कम सजा दे ना ।
Usage - It means to give someone little 280. Live off - िकसी के सहारे पर जीना ● Everybody looked at the sun during
or no punishment for doing something Usage - It means to depend on the eclipse as such a phenomenon
wrong/ जब गलत काय करने के िलए िकसी को something for the money or food you occurs once in a century.
बेहद कम सजा िमलती है या िब ु ल भी सजा need to live/ जब आप जीिवत रहने के िलए Usage 2 - It means to think carefully
नहीं दी जाती है । भोजन अथवा धन हे तु िकसी चीज पर िनभर रहती before doing something/think about,
● I was let off with a warning by the है । consider/ इसका अथ कुछ करने से पहले
principal for being late. ● He lives off the pension he receives. ानपूवक सोचना / िवचार करना है ।
Used with: investments, savings, private ● After separating from her husband,
273. Let off - िव ोट करवाना income, profits, proceeds Radhika looked at various job
Usage - It means to make something options available in India and
explode/ इसका अथ है िव ोट करवाना/ कुछ 281. Live up to - उ ीद पर खरा उतरना abroad.
फोड़ना । Usage - It means to be as good as

● People let off fireworks and crackers expected/match/ इसका अथ है उतना अ ा 287. Look back on - बीती बात सोचना
when the Indians won the match. होना, िजतनी उ ीद की जाती है । Usage - It means if you look back on
Used with: fireworks, firecracker, bomb, ● The film was a sheer waste of something, you think about a period in
grenade, flare, a burst of gunfire money it did not live up to my the past or an event in the
expectations past/remember, recall/ जब आप िकसी बीते
274. Let out - छोड़ने की अनुमित दे ना
Usage - It means to allow somebody or
something to leave a place/ इसका अथ है
िकसी को एक थान से जाने/छोड़ने की अनुमित
दे ना ।
● My servant lets the dog out once in
the evening and once in the morning.
282. Live with - बदा करना
Usage - It means to accept something in
your life that you cannot change, even
though you don't like it or want it/put up
with, tolerate/ जब आप अपने जीवन म िकसी
ऐसी चीज़ को ीकार कर लेते ह िजसे आप बदल
ए समय या बीती ई घटना के बारे म सोचते ह /
याद करते ह ।
● When I look back on my college days
in Delhi, I'm amazed at the great
learning experiences I had.

288. Look down on - तु समझना

नहीं सकते, भले ही ये आपको पसंद हो या नहीं । Usage - It means to think that someone
275. Let out - िकराए पर दे ना बदा करना । is not as good as you are, or not as
Usage - It means to rent a room or a ● After the accident, he lost his left leg important as you are/ इसका अथ यह सोचना
building to somebody/rent out/ इसका अथ and now he has to live with this है िक कोई आपके िजतना अ ा नहीं है या
है िकसी को कमरा या भवन िकराए पर handicap for the rest of his life. आपके िजतना मह पूण नहीं है |
दे ना ।
● She looked down on her new
● A lot of people in the area around 283. Lock up - ब करना middle-class neighbours.
Delhi University let out rooms to Usage - It means to lock the doors and
students windows of a building or a car to make it 289. Look for - ढू ँ ढने की कोिशश करना
secure/secure/ इसका अथ है एक भवन के Usage - It means you're trying to find
276. Lift up - ऊपर उठाना दरवाजों तथा खड़िकयों को बंद कर दे ना तािक something/search for/ इसका अथ है िक
Usage - It means to move something to इसे सुरि त बनाया जा सके । आप कुछ ढू ँ ढने की कोिशश कर रहे ह ।
a higher position/raise/ इसका अथ है िकसी ● Don't forget to lock up the front door ● Every morning I have to look for my
चीज़ को ऊपर लाना/उठाना। when you leave as there are too mobile as I don’t keep it in one place.

● Arun lift-up the spirit of the team. many robberies these days.
290. Look forward to - आशा करना
277. Lighten up - कम गंभीर होना 284. Long for - िकसी चीज़ की चाहत Usage - It means you're looking forward
Usage - It means to become less Usage - It means to want something you to something that's going to happen, you
serious or more easy-going/ इसका अथ है miss very much/ इसका अथ िकसी ऐसी चीज़ feel excited or happy about it./ जब आप
कम गंभीर होना । की चाहत करना है िजसे आप ब त ादा याद िकसी ऐसी चीज़ के बारे म सोचते ह, जो होने वाली
● He lightened up the tense करते ह । है , आप इसे सोचकर खुश या उ ािहत हो जाते ह
atmosphere with his jokes. ● A lot of people long for a refreshing ।
cup of coffee after a day’s hard ● People always look forward to
278. Line up - पं म खड़ा होना work. holidays
Usage - It means to queue up/ इसका अथ Used with: holiday, weekend, party, trip,
है पं म खड़ा होना। 285. Look after - दे खभाल करना concert, celebration, future
● People lined up to get the autograph Usage - It means to make sure
of the renowned politician. something or someone has everything 291. Look into - जांच करना
they need and is healthy/ इसका अथ यह Usage - It means to investigate./ जां च/
279. Live for - जीवन को अथ िमलना सुिनि त करना है िक िकसी के पास वह अनुसंधान करना
Usage - It means to believe that सबकुछ हो, िजसकी उसे आव कता है तथा वह
something or someone gives your life थ रहे । Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 303

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 51 TG @M00n_Ligt Phrasal Verbs
● I was billed excessively last month 298. Makeup - मेल-िमलाप करना ● The teacher told the monitor to
but the customer care executive Usage - If you make up with someone, make sure that no one messes
assured me that he would look into you become friends again after having an around in his absence.
● the matter. argument or a disagreement with
Used with: case, matter, issue, problem, them/reconcile, patch things up/ जब आप 305. Mess up - गलत ढं ग से करना
question, circumstances, allegation िकसी के साथ बहस होने या मतभेद होने के बाद Usage - It means to do something
िफर से िम बन जाते ह । मेल-िमलाप करना । incorrectly, or to make a mistake/ इसका
292. Lookup - ढू ँ ढने की कोिशश करना ● Small children take no time to make अथ है कोई काय गलत ढं ग से करना या कोई
Usage - It means to try to find out up after fights. गलती करना ।
something by looking in a reference book ● He messed up his speech due to his
or on a reference website/ िकसी संदभ 299. Make up for - थित म सुधार करना carelessness
पु क या संदभ वेबसाइट को दे खकर कुछ ढू ँ ढने Usage - It means to do something to
की कोिशश करना । improve the situation after you've done 306. Miss out - अवसर खो दे ना
● You can look up the information on something wrong/ इसका अथ है कुछ गलत Usage - It means to miss the chance to
the internet. करने के बाद कुछ ऐसा करना िजससे थित म get something you'd like to have, or do
Used with: word, meaning, telephone सुधार हो । something you'd like to do/ इसका अथ है
number, address, information ● He had missed a lot of classes when िकसी ऐसी चीज़ को पाने/करने का अवसर खो
he was sick but now he is making up दे ना, िजसे आप पाना चाहते थे, या करना चाहते थे
293. Lookup - बेहतर होना by attending extra classes ● He reached the venue after the

Usage - It means If a situation is looking actress had left and he missed out
up, it seems to be getting 300. Map out - िव ृत योजना बनाना on meeting her in person
better/improve/ इसका अथ है िकसी थित म Usage - It means to plan something in
सुधार होना/ बेहतर होना । detail./ इसका अथ है िकसी चीज़ की िव ृत 307. Mistake for - गलत सोच बना लेना
● From the time the new government योजना बनाना । Usage - It means to wrongly think that a
has come to power, the stock market
is looking up.


WITH ‘ M ’
● Most parents map out the career of
their children from 10th Onwards
Used with: plan, future, career, options,

301. Mark off - िच त करना

Usage - If you mark off an area, you
person or thing is someone or something
else/ जब आप गलत सोच बना लेते ह िक एक
या व ु कोई और/कुछ और है ।
● These days gold plated jewellery can
be mistaken for real gold.

308. Mop up - साफ करना

294. Make of - अथ िनकालना
Usage - It means to understand, or to show where the boundaries are with Usage- It means to clean up something
make sense of, someone or something/ lines, strings, or other markers./ यिद आप that has spilled by using a mop or a
इसका अथ िकसी चीज़ को समझना या उससे अथ िकसी े को िच त करते ह, तो आप रे खाओं, cloth/clean up, wipe up/ जब कोई चीज़
िनकालना है । धागों तथा अ संकेतों से िदखाते ह की सीमाएँ छलक जाती है , तो उसे पोछे या कपड़े से साफ
● I could not make anything of the कहाँ ह । करना । / पोछना
secret code. ● The police marked the crime scene ● My helper took fifteen minutes to
off with yellow tape. mop up after washing the car.
295. Make out - समझ पाना
Usage - It means to see or hear 302. Match up - मेल खाना 309. Mount up - वृ होना
something, but only with difficulty/ इसका Usage - It means to find things that go Usage- It means to gradually become
अथ कुछ दे खना या सुनना है , लेिकन ब त together, or match in some way/ इसका larger or greater in amount/ धीरे -धीरे बड़ा
मु ल से । अथ ऐसी चीज़ों को ढू ँ ढना है , जो एक साथ होती ह होना या मा ा म वृ होना ।
● I could make out that there was अथवा िकसी कार से मेल खाती ह । ● I was sick the whole of last week
someone behind the wall in the dark ● Her mother asked her to match up and now the work pressure is

the pairs of shoes and then put them mounting up.

296. Makeover - बेहतर प दान करना in the cupboard.
Usage - It means to make someone or 310. Move in - बसना
something look better/ इसका अथ िकसी 303. Measure up - अपेि त मानक का होना Usage- It means to move your
या िकसी चीज़ को बेहतर प दान Usage - It means to be good enough or belongings into a new place and start
करना है । to be of the required standard/ इसका अथ living there/ इसका अथ है अपने सामान को
● Our drawing-room looked much पया मा ा म अ ा होना या अपेि त मानक का एक नए थान पर ले जाना तथा वहीं पर रहना
better after the makeover. होना है । /बसना ।
● The film did not measure up to my ● I moved into my hostel room after
297. Makeup - कहानी बनाना expectations. having stayed in the hotel for a
Usage - It means to invent a story or week.
think of an explanation for 304. Mess around - मूखतापूण वहार
something/think up, invent/ इसका अथ है करना 311. Move out - िकसी थान को छोड़ना
कोई कहानी बनाना या िकसी चीज़ की ा ा के Usage- It means to be wasting time or Usage- If you move out, you leave the
बारे म सोचना behaving in a silly way./ इसका अथ समय place in which you've been living or
● Latecomers are good at making up बबाद करना या मूखतापूण वहार करना है । working, and move to a new place to live
excuses or work/leave/ जब आप ऐसे थान को छोड़
Used with: story, excuse, explanation दे ते ह, जहाँ आप रह रहे या काय कर रहे थे तथा Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 304

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 51 TG @M00n_Ligt Phrasal Verbs
रहने अथवा काय करने के िलए एक नए थान पर ● We nailed down the edges of the Usage- If a thought or an idea occurs to
चले जाते ह । carpet on the stage so that no one you, it comes to you/come to/ उ होना,
● After having stayed with his brother would trip and fall. जैसे आपको कोई िवचार आना ।
for one year he decided to move out. ● When I was working with Infosys it
318. Name after - िकसी के नाम पर occurred to me to go abroad for my
312. Move up - ऊपर उठना नाम रखना higher studies.
Usage- It means to move someone to a Usage- If you name somebody after Occur to is used with: idea, thought,
higher position, a higher level, a higher someone else, you give them the same solution, plan
ranking, etc./ इसका अथ अव था, म, र name./ जब आप िकसी का नाम िकसी
आिद म ऊपर उठना है । और के नाम पर रखते ह, तब आप उसे 324. Open out - फैलाना, खोलना
● After winning the World cup, the समान नाम दे ते ह । Usage- It means to unfold and spread a
Indian team moved up in the ICC ● He named his son” Bhagat” after a folded map or newspaper to read
rankings. famous freedom fighter. it/spread out, unfold/ इसका अथ है बंद न शे
अथवा अखबार को खोलना तथा फैलाना तािक
313. Mow down - कई लोगों को मार दे ना 319. Narrow down - सं ा को कम करना इसे पढ़ा जा सके । / फैलाना, खोलना ।
Usage- It means to kill several people, Usage- It means to reduce the number ● I had trouble opening out and
usually by shooting them or driving a of possibilities, options or choices / reading the newspaper in the park as
vehicle into them/ इसका अथ है कई लोगों reduce/ इसका अथ संभावनाओं, िवक ों या it was too windy.
को मार दे ना, आमतौर पर गोली चलाकर या उन पसंद की सं ा को कम करना है ।

सब पर वाहन चढ़ाकर ● Thirty people applied for the job, but 325. Open up -भावनाओं को साझा करना
● A drunk driver lost control of his after the first round of interviews, Usage- If you open up to somebody, you
vehicle and mowed down several we'd narrowed it down to just three. share your feelings with them./ जब आप
people who were waiting at a bus Narrow down is used with: range, field, िकसी के साथ खुलते ह, तब आप उनसे अपनी
stop. number, total भावनाओं को साझा करते ह ।

314. Mull over - ानपूवक सोचना

Usage- It means to think carefully about
something before

ानपूवक सोचना / िवचार करना

decision/consider, ponder/ इसका अथ है
िनणय लेने से पहले िकसी चीज़ के बारे म
320. Nod off - नी ंद आ जाना
Usage- If you nod off, you fall asleep
without meaning to / doze off/ जब आपको
नींद आ जाती है , जबिक आपका सोने का उ े
नहीं था ।
● The boy nodded off halfway through
● In arranged marriages, it takes time
for the couple to open up with each

326. Open up - खोलना

Usage- If a country opens up, it
becomes easier to travel there and do
● She took time to mull over his the movie and started snoring. business./ जब कोई दे श खुलता है , तो इसका
proposal and then said yes. अथ है िक वहां जाना तथा वहां ापार करना
321. Note down - िलखकर दज करना आसान हो गया है ।
PHRASAL VERBS BEGINNING Usage- If you note down something, you ● The Indian economy opened up for
WITH ‘N’ write it on a piece of paper or in a foreign investors in the 1990s
notebook /write, write down, jot down/
315. Nag at - अफ़सोस होना कागज़ अथवा नोटबुक म िलखकर दज करना, 327. Open up - थापना करना
Usage- If someone is being nagged at िलखना । Usage- If you open up a new business,
by a fear, a doubt or a regret, they can't ● Note down everything that you need you set it up and start trading/establish/
stop thinking about it./ जब आपको भय, before we go to the market. िकसी चीज़ की शु आत करना या थापना करना
संदेह या अफ़सोस हो, िजसके िवचारों को आप Note down is used with: name, address, ● After retirement, he decided to open
चाह कर भी रोक नहीं पा रहे । number, detail, title up a small café at the crossroads.
● The thought of not being able to Open up is used with: store, shop, hotel,
arrange money for his wife’s PHRASAL VERBS BEGINNING guesthouse, clinic, small business

treatment nagged at him lifelong WITH ‘O’

Nag at is used with: fear, doubt, worry, 328. Opposed to - िवरोध करना
regret, guilt, thought 322. Object to - आपि जताना Usage- If you are opposed to something,
Usage- If you object to something, you you're against it or you don't support
316. Nail down - अंितम प दे ना don't think it's a good thing or a good it/against/ जब आप िकसी चीज़ के िवरोध म
Usage- If you nail something down, you idea, so you oppose it or you are against होते ह या उसका समथन नहीं करते ह ।
finally make a decision or agree on it/oppose/ आपि जताना; इसका अथ है आप ● The tribals in the area are opposed
something/ finalize/ जब आप अंततः कोई िकसी चीज़ या िवचार को अ ा नहीं मानते, to the plan to build a new dam in this
िनणय लेते ह या िकसी समझौते पर प ँ चते ह । / इसिलए आप इसका िवरोध करते ह या आप area.
अंितम प दे ना । इसके खलाफ जाते ह । Opposed to is used with: war, torture,
● Nail down is used with: deal, ● People in public places should corruption, pollution, crime, exploitation,
contract, time, date, price object to smoking. violence
Object to is used with: decision, verdict,
317. Nail down - जकड़ना plan, idea, proposal, law 329. Opt for - चयन करना
Usage- If you nail something down, you Usage- If you opt for something, you
fasten it to a surface, such as the floor, 323. Occur to - उ होना choose it from a range of possible
with a nail./ िकसी चीज़ को कील की सहायता options/choose/ जब आप संभािवत िवक ों
से एक सतह जैसे - फश म जकड़ना । की एक ृंखला म से िकसी एक का चयन करते ह Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 305

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 51 TG @M00n_Ligt Phrasal Verbs
● He opted for studying Economics in ● I owe my success to my parents. ● It's amazing how many things a
High school. young working mother fits into her
336. Owe to - बकाया होना day
330. Opt-in - िवक के प म ीकार Usage- If something happens owing to
करना something else, it happens as a result of 342. Pack up - भरना
Usage- If you opt-in, you choose to it./ एक चीज़ के प रणाम प दू सरी चीज़ होना | Usage- It means to put things into boxes
accept something or do something, that ● Owing to inflation a lot of people are or bags before moving them or sending
is offered to you as an option./ इसका अथ losing their jobs. them somewhere/ इसका अथ है व ुओं को
है आप िकसी चीज़ को ीकार करने के िलए Note: Often used in the continuous form कहीं भेजने से पहले उ िड ों या थैलों म भरना ।
चुनते ह या वह करते ह, िजसका आपको एक "owing to". ● The Company gave him two days to
िवक के पम ाव िदया जाता है । pack up all his stuff and join in
● If you opt-in for the classes, you’re 337. Own up - कबूल करना Chennai
expected to complete the course. Usage- If you own up to something, you Pack up is used with: stuff, things,
admit that you've done something wrong belongings, possessions, clothes, books
331. Opt-out - इनकार करना or made a mistake/ admit, confess, fess
Usage- If you opt-out of something, you up (informal)/ जब आप यह ीकार करते ह 343. Part with - अलग हो जाना
choose not to be involved in it./ इसका अथ िक आपने कुछ गलत िकया है या आपसे कोई Usage- It means to give something to
है शािमल होने से इनकार करना । गलती ई है । ीकार करना, कबूल करना someone else, especially when you'd
● He opted out of the partnership as ● He owned up to his crime before the prefer to keep it/ इसका अथ है कोई चीज़

he was in urgent need of money and police officer and the judge. िकसी और को दे दे ना, िवशेष प से तब,
was forced to withdraw his share. Own up is used with: to stealing, जब आप इसे अपने पास रखना पसंद करते ।
Opt out is used with: course, program, cheating, lying: to fraud, theft, crime, ● My son hated to part with his old
class, scheme, activity mistake, error, dishonesty toys but finally, I convinced him to
give it away to charity.
332. Order about/around - आदे श चलाना
Usage- If you order people about, you
tell them what to do in a bossy way./ जब
आप लोगों को बॉस की तरह बताते ह िक उ
ा करना है ।
● The students hate the way the
monitor orders them about.

338. Pack away - इ ेमाल के बाद वापस

वही रखना
Usage- If you pack something away, you
344. Pass around - बढ़ाना
Usage- It means to pass something
from person to person in a group/ िकसी
समूह म एक
दे ना या बढ़ाना
से दू सरे को कोई चीज़

● We passed around the form after the

put it back where it's usually kept after
you've finished using it/put away/ जब meeting for everybody to put down
333. Order off - वापस भेजना आप िकसी चीज़ का इ ेमाल करने के बाद इसे their signatures,
Usage- It means to tell a player to leave वापस उसी थान पर रख दे ते ह, जहाँ इसे
the field of play, or the court, usually आमतौर पर रखा जाता है । 345. Pass away - मृ ु होना
because they have committed a foul or ● Pack away your cricket kit after the Usage- If someone passes away, they
broken a rule/send off/ इसका अथ है िकसी
match is over and leave it in the car. die/ die, pass on/ मृ ु होना ।
खलाड़ी से खेल का मैदान अथवा कोट छोड़ने के ● The old man passed away in his
िलए कहना, जो आमतौर पर गलती करने अथवा 339. Pack in - भीड़ को आकिषत करना sleep.
िनयम तोड़ने के कारण कहा जाता है । / वापस Usage- It means to attract large
भेजना। audiences or large crowds of spectators/ 346. Pass by - गुजरना
● Our main player was ordered off the इसका अथ है दशकों या ोताओं की बड़ी सं ा Usage- It means to go past something
field for playing roughly. अथवा भारी भीड़ को आकिषत करना । or someone/ िकसी चीज़ या को पीछे
● The Prime ministerial candidate छोड़ दे ना या वहां से गुजरना
334. Overcome with - अिभभूत होना made a countrywide tour during the ● I pass by a temple on my way to the

Usage- It means to be strongly affected election campaign and managed to office every day.
by an emotion or a feeling/overwhelmed pack in huge crowds in his rallies.
with/ इसका अथ िकसी भावना या मनोभाव से 347. Pass off as - नक़ल को सच बताना
ब त अिधक भािवत होना है । / अिभभूत होना । 340. Pack into - ठूंसना, ध ा दे ना Usage- It means to make someone
● The boy was overcome with grief Usage- It means to fit into a small or believe that a copy or a replica is the real
after his dog died, crowded space/cram into, squeeze into/ thing/ िकसी को यह िव ास िदलाना िक नक़ल
Overcome with is used with: fear, इसका अथ है िकसी छोटी अथवा भीड़ भरी जगह या ितकृित ही असली चीज़ है ।
sadness, grief, joy, excitement, shame, म घुसना । ठूंसना, ध ा दे ना । ● He passed off the forged signatures
gratitude ● Over a hundred people packed into of his father on his report card as
the small room to pay their final real before his teacher.
335. Owe to - ऋणी होना respects to the deceased leader.
Usage- If you owe something to 348. Pass on - सौंपना
someone, you feel that you only have it 341. Pack into - ठूंसना Usage- If you pass something on, you
because of the person's help or support./ Usage- It means to fit a lot of activities give it to another person after receiving it
िकसी के ित ऋणी होने का अथ है , जब आप यह into a limited time/ cram into/ इसका अथ yourself/hand on/ जब आप कोई चीज़ लेकर
महसूस करते ह िक कोई चीज़ आपके पास केवल है एक सीिमत समय म कई गितिविधयों को दू सरे को दे दे ते ह या बढ़ा दे ते ह / सौंपना
इसिलए है ोंिक एक ने आपकी सहायता शािमल करना/ ठूंसना ● In a relay race, the baton is passed
की है । on. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 306

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 51 TG @M00n_Ligt Phrasal Verbs
359. Patch up - मर त करना and some of them end up paying a यह महसूस करवाना िक कोई चीज़ कम मह पूण
Usage- It means to fix something quickly lot. है अथवा वा व म ए नुकसान से कम नुकसान
so it can be used until it's repaired िदखाना / कम करके बताना
properly or replaces/ mend/ इसका अथ है 355. Pick on - आलोचना करना ● The government's spokesman tried
िकसी चीज़ को तुरंत ठीक करना तािक उिचत ढं ग Usage- If you pick on someone, you to play down the recession.
से मर त होने या नयी चीज़ आने तक उसका repeatedly treat them badly or criticize
इ ेमाल िकया जा सके । them./ जब आप िकसी से बार-बार खराब 362. Point out - संकेत दे ना
● The poor farmer patched up his roof वहार करते ह या उसकी आलोचना करते ह । Usage- It means to tell someone
with mud before the monsoon ● In the hostels, seniors pick on the something you think they should know/
season began. newcomers for ragging. indicate/ िकसी को वह चीज़ बताना, जो
Patch up is used with: jeans, clothes, आपको लगता है उसे पता होनी चािहए / संकेत
shoes, socks, road, roof, hole 356. Pick out - कई िवक ों म से एक चुनना दे ना
Usage- It means to pick out some from ● The teacher pointed out a few
350. Patch up - पुनः जुड़ जाना various options./ इ मतलब िदए गए grammatical errors in the essay.
Usage- It means to mend ties or repair a िवक ों म से एक को चुनना ।
relationship after a disagreement or a ● It was not easy for us to pick out a 363. Pour in - वेश करना
dispute/ िकसी मतभेद या झगड़े के बाद संबंध colour for our walls when we Usage - It means to arrive at or enter a
को ठीक करना या पुनः जुड़ जाना । decided to get the walls painted. place in great numbers and with great
● Small children fight a lot and even speed or force/ िकसी थान पर भारी सं ा म

patch up very fast. 357. Pick up - उठाना तथा ब त तेज़ी से या बलपूवक प ं चना या वेश
Patch up is used with: differences, Usage- If you pick up something, you करना
disagreement, quarrel, relations, take hold of it and lift it / lift/ िकसी चीज़ को ● Whenever there is an advertisement
relationship, things, rift पकड़ना या उठाना । for a government job applications
● If you pick up the computer for a pour in great numbers.
351. Payback - चुकता करना
Usage- If you pay someone back, you
return money that you borrowed from
them in the past/ Repay/ िकसी
पूव म उधार िलए गए धन को वापस करना /
चुकता करना
● I borrowed 2 lac rupees from my
minute I will wipe the table clean.
Pick up is used with: box, bag, case, pen,
phone, cup

358. Pick up - कही ं प ँ चाना

Usage- If you pick someone up, you
meet them somewhere to give them a lift
364. Print out - द ावेज़ की कािशत
Usage- It means to make a printed copy
of a document/ print off/ िकसी द ावेज़ की
कािशत ित ा करना।
● The lawyer told his secretary to take
friend and promised to pay back to somewhere else./ इसका अथ है एक a print out of the document and
within a year. से तय थान पर िमलना और उसे कहीं send it to the opposite party.
प ँ चाना । Print out is used with: document, letter,
352. Pay off - िक ों म भुगतान करना ● My parents came to pick me up from invoice, receipt, email, article, photo,
Usage- If you pay off a loan, you pay it the airport. picture
back in installments over some time./ जब

आप िकसी ऋण का भुगतान एक समय अविध के 359. Play around - सु ी म समय गंवाना 365. Pull down - िगरा दे ना
दौरान िक ों म करते ह । Usage- It means to waste time by being Usage - It means to destroy a building or
● Home loans are paid off over a long silly or stupid/ fool around/ इसका अथ है structure because it is old, dangerous, or
period, sometimes even more than बेवकूफ या मूख बनकर समय बबाद करना / no longer wanted/ demolish,
two decades. सु ी म समय गंवाना knockdown/ इसका अथ है िकसी भवन अथवा
Payoff is used with: loan, mortgage, debt, ● Our manager scolded us for playing संरचना को िगरा दे ना ोंिक यह पुराना,
house, car, credit card around and not being serious with खतरनाक हो गया है या अब इसकी ज़ रत नहीं
our work. है ।

353. Pay off - प रणाम िमलना ● The government has passed an

Usage- If something you do pays off, it 360. Playback - िकसी चीज़ को बजाना order to pull down all those hotels in
ends up giving you some benefit or a Usage- It means to play something Uttarkashi that have been
good result./ प रणाम िमलना; जब िकसी चीज़ that's just been recorded, such as a constructed too close to the bank of
से आपको लाभ अथवा अ ा प रणाम ा होता video, a message, or some music/ वीिडयो, the river
है । संदेश या संगीत जैसी िकसी चीज़ को बजाना, िजसे Pull down is used with: building, house,
● My early morning walks have paid अभी-अभी रकॉड िकया गया है । church, shed, wall, tent, billboard, shelter
off as I have begun to lose weight. ● People use answering machines on
their phone when they are away and 366. Pull off - सफल होना
354. Pay up - रािश चुकाना playback Usage - It means to succeed in doing
Usage- If somebody pays up, they pay Playback is used with: message, something difficult/ इसका अथ है िकसी
money they owe to someone even recording, song, clip, sequence, scene, मु ल काय को करने म सफल होना ।
though they don't want to./ िकसी से उधार track, video, music ● Although the boy has a stammering
ली गयी रािश को चुकाना, भले ही आप चुकाना problem, he pulled off his speech
नहीं चाहते ह । 361. Play down - कम करके बताना well.
● During the IPL in India, a lot of Usage- It means to try to make
people get involved in illegal betting something seem less important or less 367. Pull out - सौदे से बाहर होना
damaging than it is/minimize, downplay./ Usage- If you pull out of something Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 307

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 51 - 52 TG @M00n_Ligt Phrasal Verbs
you're participating in, like a competition people to consider/ suggest, offer/ अ Usage- If you queue up, you join a line of
or a deal, you stop लोगों के सामने कोई योजना, राय, या सलाह आिद people waiting for their turn to do
participating/withdraw/ िकसी ित धा या रखना तािक वे इस पर िवचार कर / सलाह या something/ line up/ लोगों की पं म खड़ा
सौदा से बाहर आ जाना, हाथ खींच लेना । सुझाव दे ना होना, जो कुछ करने के िलए अपनी बारी का
● Just one day ahead of the show the ● Everybody spoke behind the leader's इं तजार कर रहे ह।
main sponsor pulled out. back but they were scared to put ● A lot of people queued up at the
forward their views before the cash counter in the bank after the
368. Pull through - जीिवत बचना leader. three-day strike.
Usage- It means to recover from a Put forward is used with: suggestion, Queue up is used with: for a ticket, pass,
serious illness or injury/survive/ िकसी opinion, idea, argument, plan, proposal, token, coupon, taxi; in a bank, post-office,
गंभीर बीमारी या चोट से उबरना / जीिवत बचना theory supermarket; at a counter, ticket window,
● The doctors did everything they box-office
could to help pull him through. 374. Put in - कोिशश करना
Usage- It means to spend a certain 380. Quieten down - शांत हो जाना
369. Pull up - उखाड़ना/ िनकालना amount of time and effort on doing Usage- If someone quietens down, they
Usage- It means to pull something out something/devote/ इसका अथ है िकसी काय become calmer and less excited/calm
of the ground, such as a plant, a stake, or को करने म एक िनि त समय दे ना तथा कोिशश down, settle down/ जब कोई नरम तथा कम
a fence post/ पौधा, खूंटा या ख े जैसी िकसी करना / समिपत करना । उ ािहत हो जाता है / नरम पड़ना / शां त हो
चीज़ को जमीन से उखाड़ना/ िनकालना ● Good results can be achieved only जाना

● The monkeys pulled up a few plants when we put in hard work. ● The children usually quieten down
from the school garden when the when the principal is on around in
gardener was away. 375. Put out - बुझाना the corridor.
Pull up is used with: plant, bush, weed, Usage- It means to stop something from
carrot, vine, stake, peg, post burning/extinguish. / िकसी चीज़ को जलने से PHRASAL VERBS BEGINNING

370. Put aside - आरि त रखना

Usage- It means to save or reserve
something, like time, money, food, etc.,
for a particular purpose, or use in the
future/set aside, reserve/ िकसी चीज़ को,
जैसे- समय, धन, भोजन आिद को एक िवशेष
रोकना / बुझाना
● It took the firemen a long time to put
out the fire.

376. Put up - सूचना लगाना

Usage- It means to fix a notice or a
picture onto an upright surface such as a

381. Rally round/around - ज रतमंद होना

Usage- If people rally round someone in
need, they all do what they can to help
the person./ जब कोई ज रतमंद हो,
तथा लोग उसकी सहायता के िलए सबकुछ कर,
उ े के िलए या भिव म योग करने के िलए wall or a notice board/ इसका अथ है दीवार जो वे कर सकते ह ।
बचाना या आरि त रखना । या नोिटस बोड जैसी िकसी सीधी सतह पर एक ● After the train accident, a lot of
● Everybody should put aside some सूचना या त ीर लगाना । people from nearby villages rallied
money for their old age. ● He put up the notice about the round to help the injured
changed venue for the match on the passengers.
371. Put aside - नज़रअंदाज़ करना
club’s notice board.
Usage- It means to ignore a Put up is used with: picture, painting, 382. Reach out - कही ं तक प ँ च होना
disagreement or a problem you have with notice, poster, wall hanging Usage- It means to extend your arm to
someone so you can work together on touch or take something with your hand/
something/disregard, ignore/ इसका अथ है 377. Put up with - सहन करना जब आप िकसी चीज़ को हाथ से छूने के िलए या
िकसी के साथ ए मतभेद या सम ा को Usage- If you put up with something, you उसे हाथ से लेने के िलए अपना हाथ बढ़ाते ह ।
नज़रअंदाज़ करना तािक आप िकसी चीज़ पर एक accept it even though you don't like ● If you extend your finger in front of a
साथ काय कर सक / उपे ा, नज़रअंदाज़ करना । it/tolerate, stand/ जब आप िकसी चीज़ को baby, the baby will reach out and
● Many married couples put their पसंद नहीं करते ह, लेिकन िफर भी इसे ीकार grasp it.

unresolved issues aside for the sake कर लेते ह / बदा करना, सहन करना
of their children. ● Parents have to put up with a lot of 383. Reach out to- मदद की पेशकश करना
demands of their teenage children. Usage- It means to offer help to
372. Put away - सही थान पर रखना someone in need/ इसका अथ िकसी
Usage- If you put something away, you PHRASAL VERBS BEGINNING ज रतमंद को मदद की पेशकश करना है
put it where it's usually kept when it's not WITH ‘Q’ ● The program and syllabus is
being used./ जब आप िकसी व ु को उस designed to reach out to those
थान पर रखते ह, जहाँ यह तब रखी जाती है , जब 378. Quarrel with - असहमत होना children who can’t attend school or
इ ेमाल म नहीं आ रही होती है । Usage- It means to disagree about are too poor.
● You are expected to use the something, or to believe something is
equipment carefully and then put it untrue or incorrect / argue with, disagree 384. Reach out to - मदद माँगना
away. with/ इसका अथ है िकसी चीज़ से असहमत Usage- It means to ask someone for
Put away is used with: dishes, tools, होना, या यह मानना िक कोई चीज़ झूठी है या help when you have a problem/ इसका अथ
clothes, books, toys, pieces. गलत है / बहस करना, असहमत होना । िकसी से मदद माँ गना है , जब आप िकसी सम ा
● I don't think anyone can quarrel with म हों
373. Put forward - सलाह दे ना me on that point. ● If teenagers reach out to their
Usage- It means to offer an idea, an parents they can be helped to solve
opinion, a suggestion, etc. for other 379. Queue up - पं म खड़ा होना a lot of problems. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 308

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 52 TG @M00n_Ligt Phrasal Verbs
385. Read into - िछपा आ अथ ढू ँ ढना Usage- If you rely on something, you Usage- It means to call someone on a
Usage- It means to believe you've found need it to do something/depend on/ िनभर telephone/call, phone, ring/ िकसी को
more meaning in what someone says or रहना; यिद आप िकसी चीज़ पर िनभर रहते ह, तो टे लीफोन/ सेलफोन पर फोन करना ।
does than others have found/ इसका अथ कुछ ा करने के िलए आपको इसकी ज रत ● I don’t like anyone ringing me up
यह मानना है िक आप िकसी की बातों या वहार पड़े गी । before ten o'clock on Sunday
म अ लोगों की तुलना म अिधक अथ ढू ँ ढ लेते ह ● Mother Teresa opened orphanages morning.
● I could read into his behavior that he to rely on the charity of the people.
was expecting us to bribe him. 399. Roll out - नयी ृंखला पेश करना
392. Remind of - याद िदलाना Usage- It means to introduce a new line
386. Readout - ऊँची आवाज़ म पढ़ना Usage- If something reminds you of of products or services/launch, release/
Usage- if you read something out, you something else, it makes you think of it./ व ुओं या सेवाओं की नयी ृंखला पेश करना /
read it aloud so everyone can hear it./ जब याद िदलाना, िजसके कारण आप िकसी चीज़ के जारी करना ।
आप िकसी चीज़ को ऊँची आवाज़ म पढ़ते ह बारे म सोचने लगते ह । ● We will roll out our new line of
तािक हर कोई सुन सके । ● Mango orchards remind me of my jewellery on Diwali
● The students listened and summer vacations at my
responded as the teacher read out grandmother’s house. 400. Rollover - पलटना
their names and numbers. Usage- It means to change position
Readout is used with: names, scores, 393. Resign yourself to - इ ीफा दे ना when you're lying down so that you're on
results, verdict, and statement Usage- If you resign yourself to your back if you were face down, or face

something, you accept that it's true and down if you were on your back/turn over/
387. Read up on - जानकारी ढू ँ ढना that there's nothing you can do to change अपनी अव था म प रवतन करना ( जब आप लेटे
Usage- If you read up on something, you it./ जब आप ीकार करते ह िक यह सच है तथा ए होते ह ) तािक यिद आपका मुख पीछे की
read books about it, or find articles and आप इसे बदल नहीं सकते । तरफ है , तो वह आगे आ जाए, या आप पीठ के
information on the internet about it ● After being married for two years बल हो जाएँ । पलटना ।
िकसी चीज़ के िवषय म जानने के िलए पु क
पढ़ना, या इसके िवषय म इं टरनेट पर लेख और
जानकारी ढू ँ ढना
● I read up about the Taj Mahal before
going to see it.

388. Refer to - िकसी के संदभ म

she resigns herself to the demands
of her in-laws.

394. Result in - मा म बनना

Usage- It means to lead to a certain
outcome or to produce something/lead
to, cause/ इसका अथ है िकसी िनि त प रणाम
● The baby rolled over and fell on the

401. Root out - जड़ से उखाड़ना

Usage- It means to get rid of or
eradicate something
● How I wish terrorism and poverty
Usage- It means to look at something का कारण/मा म बनना । could be rooted out from this world
like a book, a map, or a website, to get ● The lemon drink is effective. It's
information about something/ इसका अथ helped me shed 2kgs weight in a 402. Rope in - डोरे डालना
है िकसी चीज़ के िवषय म जानकारी ा करने short span. Usage- If somebody ropes you in, they
के िलए पु क, न ा या िकसी वेबसाइट को persuade you to do something you don't
दे खना ।
395. Return to - वापस लौटना want to do.
● A lot of leaders who give speeches Usage- It means to go back to/ वापस ● The organizers are trying to rope in
refer to a piece of paper while लौटना as many people as they can for the
speaking. ● After the war ended life soon marathon next week.
Refer to is used with: notes, book, journal, returned to normal.
article, source, map, website, dictionary 403. Rub out - िमटाना
396. Revert to - पुराने तरीके से करना Usage- It means to erase something
389. Refer to - िकसी थान पर भेजना Usage- It means to go back to a that's been written or drawn/erase/ इसका
Usage- It means to direct someone to a previous way of behaving, or an old way अथ िकसी चीज़ को िमटाना है , जो िलखी गयी

place or a person for information, help or of doing things/ इसका अथ है पहले की तरह अथवा खींची गयी है ।
treatment/ इसका अथ एक को सूचना, वहार करना या चीज़ों को पुराने तरीके से करना ● If you make a mistake on your test
सहायता या उपचार के िलए िकसी थान पर ● After trying out a new production paper, rub out the bit that's wrong
भेजना है । technique, the factory reverted to its and write it again.
● The doctor in my town said that he old method after there were
was unable to diagnose my problem, problems with the new one. 404. Rule out - असंभव काय
so he referred me to a doctor in Usage- If you rule something out, you
Delhi. 397. Ring back - िफर से कॉल करना don't think it's possible./ जब आको नहीं
Usage- It means to return a telephone लगता िक यह संभव है
390. Reflect on/upon - िचंतन करना call or to call again later/call back/ इसका ● We thought she might have cancer,
Usage- It means to think deeply about अथ है वापस टे लीफोन कॉल करना या बाद म but after seeing the latest test
something/contemplate, ponder, think िफर से कॉल करना । results, I think we can rule that out.
about/ इसका अथ है िकसी चीज़ के िवषय म ● He said he'd ring me back in ten
गहराई से सोचना । िचंतन करना । minutes as he was busy in a 405. Run after - पीछा करना
● After he reflected on his behavior he meeting. Usage- If you run after someone, you
realized where he had gone wrong. chase them and try to catch up with
398. Ring up - फोन करना them by running/chase, pursue/ िकसी का
391. Rely on - िनभर रहना दौड़कर पीछा करना तथा पकड़ने की कोिशश Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 309

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 52 TG @M00n_Ligt Phrasal Verbs
करना ● These days there are new mobile आप उस थान ( जैसे - रे लवे े शन या एयरपोट )
● Dogs run after cars. phones that run on a battery that पर जाते ह, जहाँ से वे या ा शु करने वाले ह तथा
lasts for a month before it needs उ शुभकामनाएं भी दे ते ह ।
406. Run against - िव लड़ना recharging. ● I get emotional when I go to see off
Usage- It means to compete with Run-on is used with: oil, petrol, gasoline, family members.
someone in an election/ इसका अथ िकसी gas, electricity, battery, solar power,
के िव चुनाव लड़ना है । nuclear power 419. See through - धोखा न खाना
● I have decided to run against Ravi in Usage- If you see through something or
the next elections. 413. Run on - अपे ा से अिधक समय तक someone, you realize that you are being
बने रहना deceived or tricked, and you aren't
407. Run away - दू र भागना Usage- It means to continue for longer fooled./ जब आपको यह महसूस होता है िक
Usage- If you run away from something than expected/go on/ इसका अथ है आपको धोखा िदया जा रहा है तथा आप बेवकूफ
or someone, you run as fast as you can उ ीद/अपे ा से अिधक समय तक बने रहना/ नहीं बनते ।
to escape./िकसी चीज़ से बचने के िलए दू र चलते रहना । ● My friends told me I'd won the lottery,
भागना । ( िजतनी तेजी से हो सके ) ● The new auditorium is scheduled to but I saw through their little joke.
● As soon as the thief heard the sound be finished next June, but it looks
of the police car coming, he ran like it could run on a bit longer. 420. See to - िज ेदारी लेना
away so that the cops wouldn't Usage- If you see to something, you take
catch him. 414. Run out (of) - कमी होना responsibility for it and make sure it's

Usage- If you run out of something, you done./ इसका अथ है िकसी चीज़ की िज ेदारी
408. Run away from - प र थितयों से दू र don't have any left and you need some लेना तथा इसका ि या यन सुिनि त करना ।
भागना more./ जब आपके पास कोई चीज़ पूणतः ख़ ● The minister has promised that he
Usage- It means to try to avoid problems हो जाती है िकंतु आपकी आव कता बनी रहती will see to it that the match will take
or difficult situations/ इसका अथ सम ाओं है । place as scheduled.
या मु ल प र थितयों को टालना है ।
● Running away from problems is not
the solution.
Runaway from is used with: problems,
difficulties, responsibilities, obligations,
● We ran out of petrol during the
Nouns often used as objects with run out
(of): milk, sugar, petrol, money, paper


421. Send back - वापस करना
Usage- If you send back something
that's been delivered to you, you return it
because there's a problem with it/return/
जब कोई चीज़ आपको प ँ चाई गयी थी, लेिकन
आप उसे वापस कर दे ते ह, ोंिक उसम कोई
409. Run down - ध ा मारना सम ा है / वापस करना ।
Usage- It means to hit somebody with a 415. Save up - भिव के िलए संजोना ● I decided to send back the cake to
vehicle such as a car or a truck/run over, Usage- It means to put something aside the bakery as it smelled stale.
knockdown/ इसका अथ िकसी को कार या टक for the future/ इसका अथ है िकसी चीज़ को
जैसे वाहन से ट र मारना है / चढ़ा दे ना / ध ा भिव के िलए अलग हटाकर रख दे ना। 422. Send for - अपने पास बुलाना
● My son is saving up for a new cycle. Usage- Meaning: to ask for someone to
● The dog was run down by a come to you, or to ask for something to
speeding car. 416. Screw up - खराब कर दे ना be sent to you/ िकसी को अपने पास बुलाना,
Usage- If you screw something up, you या आपके पास कोई चीज़ भेजने को कहना ।
410. Run down - आलोचना करना ruin it or you do it the wrong way./ जब ● If someone gets hurt, send for an
Usage- It means to criticize someone/ आप िकसी चीज़ को खराब कर दे ते ह या गलत ambulance and a doctor straight
put down/ इसका अथ है िकसी की आलोचना तरीके से इ ेमाल करते ह । away.
करना या नीचा िदखाना ● The rain screwed up the outdoor Send for is used with: ambulance, doctor,
● If the principal is angry about party. mechanic, plumber, taxi, courier, tow

something, he runs everyone in the Screw up is used with: job, exam, test, truck
office down interview, presentation, demonstration
423. split up - ( अलग होना )
411. Run into - अचानक िकसी से मुलाक़ात 417. Seal off - घेराव करना Usage- split up (with somebody)
होना Usage- It means to stop people from ● to stop having a relationship with
Usage- If you run into someone, you going into an area or a building, often someone. My parents split up last
meet them by chance, or without because it isn't safe/ इसका अथ है लोगों को year. She's split up with her
expecting to./ जब आपकी अचानक िकसी से िकसी भवन या े म जाने से रोकना, ोंिक यह boyfriend.
मुलाक़ात हो जाए, िजसकी उ ीद नहीं की गयी सुरि त नहीं है My girlfriend and I split up because she
थी । ● After the explosion, the police sealed wanted to emigrate to Australia.
● I ran into an old friend at the movie off the whole area.
yesterday. 424 . Send-off - कुछ भेजना
418. See off - छोड़ने जाना Usage- If you send something off, you
412. Run on - ऊजा ोत Usage- If you see somebody off, you go post it or send it by a courier
Usage- It means to use a particular type to the place from where they're beginning service/post, mail, dispatch/ कू रयर सेवा/
of fuel or a particular power source/ a journey, like an airport or a railway डाक, मेल आिद के मा म से कुछ भेजना, ेषण।
इसका अथ एक िवशेष कार के ईंधन या िवशेष station, and wish them well as they
ऊजा ोत का योग करना है । leave./ जब आप िकसी को see off करते ह, तो Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 310

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 52 TG @M00n_Ligt Phrasal Verbs
● If you send the orders off on sort/startup, establish (formal)/ इसका Usage- It means to get rid of something
Tuesday, they should arrive on अथ एक कंपनी, सं था या िकसी कार के संगठन that's causing you problems, such as a
Friday. की शु आत करना है , ाटअप, थापना sickness, a fear, a bad image, a bad
Send off is used with: letter, parcel, (औपचा रक ) reputation, etc./throw off, get rid of/
package, order, application form ● Mother Teresa set up orphanages इसका अथ िकसी ऐसी चीज़ से मु होना है , जो
and charities all over the world. आपके िलए सम ाएँ खड़ी कर रही है । जैसे -
425.Set about - शु आत करना Set up is used with: company, business, बीमारी, भय, खराब छिव, खराब ित ा आिद /
Usage- It means to begin doing foundation, organization, network, fund, उतार फकना, मु होना ।
something that will probably take a lot of committee, political party ● I've had this cold for nearly two
effort or a long time/ begin, start/ इसका weeks and I just can't shake it off.
अथ है िकसी काय की शु आत करना, िजसम 432. Set up - एक साथ लगाना
संभवतः ब त यास करना पड़े गा या लंबा समय Usage- It means to put together or 438. Shoot up - ब त वृ होना
लगेगा । arrange the parts of something before Usage- It means to quickly increase in
● He took two days off from work and using it/ िकसी चीज़ का इ ेमाल करने से पहले size, number or level/soar/ इसका अथ है
set about looking for a better job. इसके िह ों को व थत करना या एक साथ आकार, सं ा या र म तेज़ी से वृ / ब त
लगाना । वृ होना ।
426. Set aside - अलग रखना ● Once the tent was set up we set out ● Oil prices shoot up nearly every
Usage- It means to keep a portion of collecting firewood. month.
something for use in the future/ put Set up is used with: stage, camera,

aside, reserve/ िकसी चीज़ का एक िह ा equipment, studio, drum kit, tent, 439. Shop around - दु कानों म घूमना
भिव म इ ेमाल करने के िलए अलग कर दे ना portable barbecue, deck chairs, volleyball Usage- If you shop around, you go to
/ अलग रखना, आरि त करना । net several shops to find the lowest price for
● I set aside some money every month something you want./ जब आप िकसी व ु
as I am planning to buy a new 433. Settle down - शांत होना को सबसे कम कीमत म ा करने के िलए ब त

427. Set back - िवलंिबत करना

Usage- It means to make something
happen more slowly, or at a later time,
than it would have/ delay/ िकसी चीज़ को
धीरे -धीरे अथवा तय समय के बाद होने दे ना /
Usage- It means to become calm and
quiet, especially after being excited or
noisy/calm down, quieten down/ इसका
अथ है शां त तथा चुप हो जाना, िवशेष प से
उ ािहत होने या शोर करने के बाद / शां त होना,
चुप होना ।
● Whenever the kids got too noisy,
सी दु कानों म घूमते ह ।
● Once you've decided what sort of
mobile you want, shop around to find
the best price.

440. Show off - ान आकिषत करना

Usage- It means to do something to get
िवलंिबत करना । their teacher would tell them to attention or admiration, but in a way that
● The building's completion date was settle down and get on with their annoys some people
set back a few weeks by the floods. work. जब आप ान आकिषत करने या शंसा ा
करने के िलए कुछ करते ह, लेिकन उस तरह से
428. Set down - िल खत म रखना 434. Settle down - बसना िजससे कुछ लोगों को परे शानी होती है ।
Usage- If you set something down, you Usage- It means to start living a ● Boys like to show off before girls
put it in writing/write down, put down/ conventional life with a steady job and a
जब आप िकसी चीज़ को िल खत म रखते ह या stable partner, especially after getting 441. Show up - उप थत होना
िलख लेते ह । married Usage- It means to arrive at an event or
● My secretary will set the details ● These days people generally settle a place where people are gathering/turn
down in an official company memo. down by the age of 30. up, appear/ इसका अथ ऐसे काय म या थान
पर प ं चना है , जहाँ लोग इक ा ए ह / उप थत
429. Set off - थान करना 435. Settle for - ीकार करना होना, सामने आना ।
Usage- It means to begin a journey/set Usage- It means to accept something, ● I could not turn up at the party as I

out, leave, set forth/ इसका अथ है िकसी even though it isn't what you want/ इसका was not in the town.
या ा की शु आत करना, चलना, िनकलना, अथ है िकसी चीज़ को ीकार करना, भले ही यह
थान करना । वो नहीं है , िजसे आप वा व म चाहते थे । 442. Shut down - बंद कर दे ना
● If they set off at ten o'clock, they ● If you want to be happy in life, don't Usage- It means to close something like
should arrive by midday. settle for a job just because it's easy a factory, school or hospital, usually
or it pays good money. forever/close down/ िकसी चीज़ को हमेशा
430. Set out - शु आत करना के िलए बंद कर दे ना । जैसे - कारखाना, िव ालय
Usage- It means to begin doing 436. Settle in - अनुकूल महसूस करना या अ ताल ।
something with a definite objective or Usage- It means to begin to feel ● All the factories in the area were
aim in mind/ इसका अथ िदमाग म एक िनि त comfortable in a new situation, such as a shut down by the government as
उ े लेकर िकसी काय की शु आत करना है । new home, a new job, or a new school/ they were polluting the Ganga.
● They set out with the aim of इसका अथ एक नयी प र थित म आरामदायक/ Shut down is used with: factory,
becoming one of the leaders in the अनुकूल महसूस करना है , जैसे नया घर, नयी business, school, hospital, mine
education industry. नौकरी या नए िव ालय म ।
● It took me about a month to settle in 443. Shut off - बंद करवा दे ना
431. Set up - थापना करना the new city. Usage- If a machine, a system or a
Usage- It means to start a company, a supply shuts off, or is shut off by
foundation, or an organization of some 437. Shake off - मु होना someone, it stops/turn off/ इसका योग Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 311

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 52 TG @M00n_Ligt Phrasal Verbs
तब िकया जाता है जब कोई मशीन, णाली, या 450. Slow down - धीमा कर दे ना ● Parents stand by their children if
आपूित काम करना बंद कर दे ती है या उसे बंद Usage- It means to become slower, or to they're accused of doing something
करवा िदया जाता है । make someone or something go slower/ wrong.
● The engine will shut itself off if it इसका अथ है धीरे होना, या िकसी चीज़ को धीमा
starts to overheat. कर दे ना । 457. Stand for - अथ
● The recession will slow down our Usage- If letters or symbols stand for
444. Shut out - रोकना growth rate this year. something, they represent that thing./ जब
Usage- It means to block out/ इसका अथ अ र या तीक िच कोई अथ दे ते ह।
है िकसी चीज़ को रोकना । 451. Sort out - व थत करना ● MA stands for Masters in Arts.
● The curtains were drawn to shut out Usage- If you sort things out, you
the sunlight. arrange them into some sort of order./ 458. Stand for - िस ांतों का समथन करना
इसका अथ है चीज़ों को िकसी म म व थत Usage- If a person or an organisation
445. Sign in - लॉग इन करना करना । stands for certain ideals or principles,
Usage- It means to sign a register when ● I need to sort out the receipts and they believe in and support those ideals
you visit a place, or to log in when you bills of the last month. or principles/represent/ इसका अथ है िकसी
visit a website/ कहीं जाने पर एक रिज र म या संगठन के ारा कुछ आदश या
ह ा र करना, या जब आप एक वेबसाइट पर 452. Speak out - बोलना िस ां तों म िव ास रखना तथा उन आदश और
जाते ह, तब लॉग इन करना । Usage- If you speak out, you publicly िस ां तों का समथन करना ।
● Don't forget to sign in when you get state your position on an issue, or ● India needs a strong political p[arty

to the office in the morning. publicly oppose or defend someone or that stands for a great party.
● If you want to read the articles on something/speak up/ जब आप सावजिनक
this website you have to sign in first. प से िकसी मु े पर अपनी बात रखते ह या 459. Stand out - असामा बात
िकसी या िकसी चीज़ का खुलकर िवरोध Usage- If somebody stands out, they are
446. Sign up - नया सद बनना करते ह या समथन करते ह । बोलना । easy to see because there is something
Usage- If you sign up to something like a
website or a gym, you become a
member/join/ जब आप सद बन जाते ह या
शािमल हो जाते ह । जैसे - िकसी वेबसाइट या
िजम का सद
● If you'd like to sign up for our French
program, fill out this application
● He was arrested after he spoke out
against the government.

453. Speed up - गित तेज़ करना

Usage- It means to move faster, or to
increase the speed
something/accelerate/ इसका अथ है तेज़ी से
unusual about the way they look or the
way they behave./ अलग िदखना, जब कोई
अलग िदखता है , तो उसके
वहार म कोई असामा बात होती है ।

● His green hair certainly makes him

stand out in a crowd.
form and submit it at the reception. बढ़ना या िकसी चीज़ की चाल म वृ करना / 460. Stand up for - समथन करना
गित तेज़ करना । Usage- It means to defend an idea or a
447. Sit back - खाली बैठे रहना ● If we don't speed up the person against criticism or attack/stick
Usage- It means to do nothing instead preparations for the wedding we'll be up for, defend/ इसका अथ है आलोचना अथवा
of making an effort to get what you in a big mess आ मण के िव िकसी िवचार या की
want/ अपनी पसंद की चीज़ ा करने के िलए र ा करना / समथन करना, बचाव करना ।

यास करने के बजाय खाली बैठे रहना । 454. Spread out - फैलना ● Every girl must learn martial arts so
● If you want to make friends, you Usage- If a group of people spread out, that she can stand up for herself in
have to make an effort. You can't they move apart so that there's more times of need.
just sit back and wait for people to space between them./ जब लोग एक समूह म
call you. फैल जाते ह, तािक उनके बीच अिधक जगह बन 461. Start off - आरं भ करना
सके । Usage- It means to begin in a particular
448. Sit through - जबरद ी बैठना ● The dancers spread out on the stage way or with a particular act / begin/
Usage- If you sit through something like and used it well. इसका अथ है एक िवशेष तरीके से अथवा एक

a long speech or a boring show, you wait िवशेष काय से शु आत करना / आरं भ करना ।
until it's over before leaving, even though 455. Stand by - मदद के िलए तैयार होना ● Ravi rings the bell to start-off the
you're not enjoying it./ जब आप कोई लंबे Usage- If you're standing by, you're ready match.
भाषण या पकाऊ काय म म शािमल होते ह तथा to do something or help somebody./ जब
वहां से िनकलने से पहले इसके ख़ होने का आप कुछ करने के िलए या िकसी की मदद करने 462. Start out - शु आत करना
इं तजार करते ह, भले ही आपको इसम मज़ा नहीं के िलए तैयार होते ह । Usage- It means to begin a life or a
आ रहा हो । ● A doctors team will stand by during career in a particular way/ इसका अथ है
● We had to sit through another of the the world cup football in case any िकसी िवशेष तरीके से जीवन या क रयर की
chairman's dull speeches before the player is injured. शु आत करना
awards were announced. ● Arun starts-out his career in Politics.
456. Stand by - साथ खड़ा होना
449. Slip up - छोटी गलती करना Usage- It means if you stand by 463. Stay away from - दू र रहना
Usage- It means to make a small someone, you support them or help them Usage- If you stay away from something
mistake, usually because of if they're in some sort of trouble./ साथ or someone, you don't go near the thing
carelessness/ इसका अथ है कोई छोटी गलती खड़ा होना, जब आप िकसी का समथन करते ह or the person/avoid / दू र रहना; जब आप
करना, आमतौर पर लापरवाही के कारण । या यिद वे सम ा म ह, तो उनकी सहायता करते िकसी चीज़ या से दू र रहते ह, तो आप
● When I am in a hurry I slip up in ह। उनके पास नहीं जाते या उससे बचने की कोिशश
mathematical calculations. करते ह । Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 312

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 52 TG @M00n_Ligt Phrasal Verbs
● My dog is dangerous, stay away दौरान एक थान पर कना तथा वहां एक-दो िदन ● I took my bicycle apart so that I
from it. के िलए रहना । could clean each part.
● I'm stopping over in Bangkok for one Take apart is used with: bicycle, engine,
464. Stay up - समय पर नी ंद न लेना night on my way to Sydney. motor, appliance, toaster, fan
Usage- If you stay up, you don't go to
bed at the usual time/जब आप सामा 471. Storm out - दू सरी जगह जाना 477. Take away - हटा दे ना
समय पर सोने नहीं जाते ह । Usage- It means to leave a place quickly Usage- It means if you take something
● I stayed up late to watch the world when you are angry or upset about away, you take it somewhere
cup final. something/ जब आप िकसी कारणवश गु ा else/remove / इसका अथ है िकसी चीज़ को
या उदास होने के कारण एक थान से उठकर ( दू सरी जगह ले जाना / हटा दे ना ।
465. Step down - पद छोड़ना तेज़ी से ) चले जाते ह । ● The waitress took away the dirty
Usage- It means to resign from a job or ● My mother stormed out and dishes and then brought our coffee
a position/stand down, resign/ इसका अथ slammed the door behind her when to the table.
है िकसी नौकरी या पद से इ ीफा दे ना / पद she saw the condition of my room.
छोड़ना या ागप दे ना । 478. Take back - वापस करना
● The team's manager said that he 472. Sum up - सं ेप करना Usage- It means if you take something
would step down after the world cup Usage- If you sum up something, you back, you return it to the place you got it
finals. give a quick summary of it./ सं ेप करना, from, or return it to the shop you bought
एक रत सारां श ुत करना । it from/return / जब आप कोई चीज़ उस थान

466. Step-up - बढ़ाना ● At the end of your essay, sum up पर रख दे ते ह, जहाँ से आपने इसे ा िकया था,
Usage- It means to increase the level of your main argument. या उस दु कान को लौटा दे ते ह, जहाँ से आपने इसे
strength of something/intensify, Sum up is used with: lecture, talk, ख़रीदा था । वापस करना
increase/ इसका अथ है िकसी चीज़ के र या proposal, idea, essay, argument, ● I took back the faulty camera to the
उसकी श म वृ करना / बढ़ाना viewpoint shop and exchanged it.
● The PM’s security was stepped up
last month after the threatening
Step up is used with: security, campaign,
efforts, pressure, pace, production, fight,
struggle to
473. Switch off - बंद करना
Usage- It means to turn something off
with a switch/ च दबाकर िकसी चीज़ ( जैसे
िबजली के उपकरण ) को बंद करना ।
● One must switch off the fan and
light before one leaves the room.
479. Take back - श वापस लेना
Usage- It means you take back
something you said, you admit that you
said the wrong thing and withdraw your
comments/withdraw/ अपने श
लेना; यह
ीकार करना िक आपने गलत बात
467. Stick out - बाहर िनकलना Switch off is used with: light, phone, कही थी तथा आप अपने कथन को वापस लेते ह ।
Usage- If something sticks out, it comes computer, printer, television ● He apologized and took back his
out beyond the edge of the end of statement when his mother made
something, protrude/ िदखाई पड़ना; जब 474. Switch on - चालू करना him realize his mistake.
कोई एक छोर से बाहर िनकल आती है तथा Usage- It means to turn something on
िदखाई दे ने लगती है । बाहर िनकलना ।
with a switch/ च दबाकर िकसी चीज़ ( जैसे 480. Take in - समझना
● I knew he had a gun because it was िबजली के उपकरण ) को चालू करना । Usage- It means to fully understand
sticking out of his pocket. ● My peon gets to the office first thing something you hear or read/grasp,
in the morning and then he switches comprehend, understand/ इसका अथ है
468. Stick to - बनाए रखना on all the computers. उस चीज़ को पूरी तरह समझना, िजसे आपने सुना
Usage- If you stick to something, you Switch on is used with: light, phone, या पढ़ा है । समझना ।
don't stop doing it or you don't stop trying computer, printer, television ● I had to read the question a second
to do it/maintain/ िचपक जाना; जब आप time to take in what was meant.
िकसी चीज़ को करना बंद नहीं करते या इसे करने PHRASAL VERBS BEGINNING

की कोिशश नहीं छोड़ते । बनाए रखना । WITH ‘T’ 481. Take off - कपड़े उतारना
● Stick to the diet and you'll lose Usage- It means to remove a piece of
weight. 475. Take after -िकसी की तरह िदखाई दे ना clothing, or the top of a
Usage- It means if you take after an container/remove/ कपड़े उतारना या िकसी
469. Stick with - साथ रहना older member of your family, you look पा का ढ न हटाना ।
Usage- It means to continue with the like them or you have a similar ● If you go to a temple you should
same thing, instead of changing to personality to them/resemble/ िकसी की take off your shoes before going in.
something else/ stick to, stay with/ इसका तरह िदखाई दे ना, या जब आपका उनसे Take off is used with: clothes, shirt,
अथ बदलाव करने के बजाय एक ही चीज़ के साथ िमलता-जुलता हो । स श होना । shoes, hat, glasses; lid, top, cap
बने रहना है । साथ रहना, वफादार होना । ● What do you think Sandy takes after
● He's decided to stick with his current her father or her mother? 482. Take off - उड़ान भरना
job for the time being as there are no Usage- It means if a plane takes off, it
better offers. 476. Take apart - िवघिटत करना leaves the ground and rises into the sky./
Usage- It means if you take apart इसका योग तब िकया जाता है , जब कोई हवाई
470. Stopover - कही ठहरना something, you separate it into the जहाज़ उड़ान भरना शु करता है ; अथात जमीन
Usage- It means to stop at a place and pieces it's made of/dismantle/ िकसी चीज़ छोड़ दे ता है तथा आसमान की तरफ उड़ जाता है
stay there for one or two days while on को खोलकर उसके टु कड़े अलग करना / िवघिटत ● The helicopter took off and rose
your way to somewhere else/ कहीं जाने के करना । straight up into the sky. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 313

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 52 TG @M00n_Ligt Phrasal Verbs
483. Take off - काय से दू र होना case you get robbed or have an ● Many people protested against the
Usage- It means to have a period away accident or whatever. plan to tear down the town's old
from work/ कुछ समय के िलए काय से दू र होना Take out is used with: loan, mortgage, library.
● My doctor says I need to take the injunction, insurance, patent, copyright, Tear down is used with: building, shed,
week off and rest. summons. church, factory, shelter, fence

484. Take off - लोकि य या सफल होना 490. Take over - िनयं ण हािसल करना 496. Think of - कोई िवचार आना
Usage- It means to become popular or Usage- It means to take control of Usage- It means to have somethingकोई
successful in a short time/ इसका अथ है something like a company, an िवचार आना come to mind/ म म कोई
कम समय म लोकि य या सफल होना। organization, a government, or a territory िवचार आना ।
● Sales of the book took off after it / इसका अथ है िकसी कंपनी, संगठन, सरकार या ● I looked everywhere I could think of,
was made into a movie. दे श पर िनयं ण हािसल करना । but I still couldn't find my phone.
Take off is used with: business, sales, ● A new management took over the
ratings, popularity, idea, style, sport company last year. 497. Think of - राय बनाना
Usage- It means to have an opinion
485. Take on - िज़ ेदारी लेना 491. Takeover - िकसी की जगह लेना about something or someone/ िकसी चीज़
Usage- It means if you take on Usage- It means to begin doing a job or या के िवषय म एक राय बनाना ।
something like a job, a responsibility, or a task that someone else had been doing ● What did you think of your
anything involving a challenge, you agree previously/ इसका अथ ऐसे काय की शु आत preparation? Is it good enough?

to do it/undertake/ जब आप कोई नौकरी, करना है , िजसे पहले कोई और कर रहा था ।
िज़ ेदारी लेते ह, िजसम चुनौती शािमल है , तथा ● The vice president takes over as the 498. Think over - िवचार करना
इसे करने/ शु करने के िलए सहमत होते ह । President if the President dies in his Usage- It means to think carefully about
● Jim took on too much work, and he office. something before making a
made himself sick with worry when Take over is used with: duties, decision/consider, reflect on, mull over /
he couldn't cope with it all.
Take on is used with: work, job,
responsibility, task, challenge, role,
position, duty, assignment

486. Take on - भत करना

Usage- It is to give someone a
responsibilities, task,

492. Take up - शौक पूरे करना

management, control, role, leadership,

It means to start doing

something new like playing a sport, doing
िनणय लेने से पहले िकसी चीज़ के बारे म ान से
सोचना / िवचार करना
● She said she needed time to think
over our job offer.

499. Throw away - फक दे ना

Usage - It means to get rid of something
job/recruit, employ/इसका अथ िकसी को a job, or pursuing a hobby/ िकसी नए काय you don't want, usually by putting it in a
काम दे ना/ भत करना है की शु आत करना, जैसे - कोई खेल खेलना, rubbish bin or a garbage can/throw out,
● We need to take on two more नौकरी करना, या शौक पूरे करना । discard/ इसका अथ है िकसी ऐसी चीज़ से मु
employees to complete the work on ● He's a great musician. He took it up हो जाना, िजसे आप नहीं चाहते । आमतौर पर इसे
the deadline. as a hobby when he was a kid, but कचरे के िड े म रख िदया जाता है । फक दे ना,
now he makes his living from music. खा रज कर दे ना ।
487. Take on - ित धा करना Take up is used with: jogging, bowling, ● Instead of throwing away his old
Usage- It means to fight, or compete photography, position, post clothes, he decided to give them
against, someone or away to the needy.
something/challenge/ इसका अथ िकसी 493. Talk back - पलटकर जवाब दे ना Throw away is used with: junk, rubbish,
या चुनौती से लड़ना या ित धा करना है Usage- It means to reply rudely to garbage, old clothes, old furniture
● India will take on Pakistan in the someone in a position of authority/
World cup finals. पलटकर जवाब दे ना; अथात उस को 500. Throw out - खा रज कर दे ना
बे खी से जवाब दे ना, जो पद म आपसे ऊँचा है । Usage - It means to discard something

488. Take out - बाहर चलने के िलए ● In Indian culture, it's rude to talk you don't want, usually by putting it in a
आमंि त करना back to elders. rubbish bin or a garbage can/throw away,
Usage- It means if you take somebody discard/ इसका अथ है िकसी ऐसी चीज़ को
out, you invite them to go out with you, 494. Tear apart - न कर दे ना छोड़ दे ना, िजसे आप नहीं चाहते । आमतौर पर
usually for a meal or entertainment./ जब Usage- It means to destroy something इसे कचरे के िड े म रख िदया जाता है । फक
आप िकसी को अपने साथ बाहर चलने के िलए by breaking it into two or more pieces/rip दे ना / खा रज कर दे ना ।
आमंि त करते ह, आमतौर पर भोजन या apart/ िकसी चीज़ को दो या अिधक टु कड़ों म ● My mother has thrown out all the
मनोरं जन के िलए । तोड़कर उसे न कर दे ना । unwanted stuff from the store.
● As it was a national holiday I took ● Sharks tear apart their prey.
the kids out. 501. Throw out - िनकाल दे ना
495. Tear down - तोड़ना Usage - It means to force somebody to
489. Take out - ा करना Usage - It means to demolish a building leave something like a club, a college or
Usage - It means to obtain something or other structure/pull-down, demolish, school, an organization, etc. /expel/
like a loan, an insurance policy, a patent, dismantle/ इसका अथ है िकसी भवन या अ इसका अथ है िकसी को एक ब, कॉलेज
etc / obtain/ इसका अथ है ऋण, बीमा पॉिलसी, संरचना को करना / िगराना, तोड़ना, या िव ालय, संगठन आिद छोड़ने के िलए बा
पेटट आिद जैसी कोई चीज़ लेना / ा करना । िवखंिडत करना । करना / िनकाल दे ना ।
● If you're going overseas, it's a good ● If you break a single rule of the club
idea to take out travel insurance in you will be thrown out immediately. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 314

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 52 TG @M00n_Ligt Phrasal Verbs
502. Throw up - उ ी करना ● One should try on shoes before ● The bank turned down my
Usage - It means if someone throws up, buying them. application for a loan because my
they vomit up the contents of their Try on is used with: clothes, shoes, jeans, papers were not complete.
stomach/vomit/ उ ी करना / पेट के अंदर jacket, sunglasses, ring Turn down is used with: offer, request,
की सामि यों का बाहर आना । appeal, proposal, invitation, application
● After I'd thrown my lunch up, I went 510. Try out - जां चना
to the hospital. Usage - It means to test something to 516. Turn into - बदलना
see what it's like, or to see if it works Usage - It means to change from one
503. Tidy up - साफ़-सुथरा करना properly/test/ िकसी चीज़ की जाँ च करके यह thing into another/ transform into/ इसका
Usage - It means to make a place look दे खना िक यह िकसके जैसी है या यह ठीक से अथ एक चीज़ से दू सरी चीज़ म बदलना/
neat and tidy/ इसका अथ है िकसी थान को काय करती है या नहीं / जां चना पां त रत होना है ।
साफ़-सुथरा बनाना ● I want to try out meditation to ● Infosys started from a small
● Don't forget to tidy up when you've reduce my stress level. company but soon it turned into a
finished. Try out is used with: software, printer, huge global corporation.
phone; relaxation technique, exercise
504. Tie-up - अंितम िसरों को बांधना routine, diet 517. Turn off - बंद कर दे ना
Usage - It means to tie together the Usage - It means to stop a machine or
ends of something/ िकसी चीज़ के अंितम 511. Turn around/round - असफल को an appliance from working by using a
िसरों को बां धना सफल म बदलना button or a switch/ switch off/ इसका अथ

● When around two years of age Usage - It means to change something है एक बटन या च दबाकर िकसी मशीन या
children learn to tie up their unsuccessful into something successful/ उपकरण को काम करने से रोकना ।
shoelaces. िकसी असफल चीज़ को सफल चीज़ म बदलना । ● Don’t forget to turn off the air
● The new government’s liberal conditioner.
505. Tie-up - रहना policies turned around the economy. Turn off is used with: light, computer,
Usage - It means to make somebody
busy with something/ जब कोई
चीज़ म रहता है

● I was tied up in meetings all


506. Touch on - सं ेप म बताना

512. Turn away - दू र भेजना
Usage - It means if someone turns you
away, they don't allow you to enter a
place/send away, refuse entry to/ वापस
लौटाना, जब कोई आपको िकसी थान पर वेश
करने नहीं दे ता है / दू र भेज दे ता है , अंदर आने से
phone, television, heater, air conditioner,
engine, motor

518. Turn on - चालू करना

Usage - It means to start a machine or
an appliance by pressing a button or
flicking a switch / switch on/ इसका अथ है
Usage - It means to talk briefly about मना कर दे ता है । एक बटन या च दबाकर िकसी मशीन या
something when speaking or writing ● You will be turned away at the door उपकरण को चालू करना।
about another topic/mention/ िकसी दू सरे because you don't have tickets. ● As soon as the kids get home they
िवषय पर बोलने या िलखने के दौरान सं ेप म turn on the TV and watch cartoons.
िकसी चीज़ के बारे म बात करना 513. Turn back - लौटा दे ना Turn on is used with: light, computer,
● The only major issue that the PM Usage - It means to return in the television, phone, heater, air conditioner,
didn't touch on was increasing direction from which you've come, or to engine, motor
unemployment make someone do this/ इसका अथ उसी
िदशा म लौट जाना या िफर िकसी को लौटा दे ना 519. Turn out - प रणाम ा होना
507. Toy with - गंभीरता से ना लेना है , जहाँ से आप या वो आए थे । Usage - It means to have a certain
Usage- It means to think about doing ● The police were turning everybody outcome, or to end in a certain way/
something, but not very seriously/ कुछ back because the road had been इसका अथ है एक िनि त प रणाम ा होना या
करने की सोचना, लेिकन ब त गंभीरता से नहीं । blocked by a landslide. िकसी िनि त तरीके से समा होना ।
● Are you serious about quitting your ● If one keeps working hard things

job and starting your business, or 514 Turn down - कमजोर करना generally turn out to be good.
are you just toying with the idea? Usage - It means to decrease or lower
the volume, heat, power, etc. of an 520. Turn over - प रवतन करना
508. Track down - पता लगाना appliance by turning a knob or pressing a Usage - It means to change the position
Usage - It means to find something after button/ इसका अथ नॉब घुमाकर या बटन of something so that the side facing
a long search/find, locate/ एक लंबी खोज दबाकर िकसी उपकरण की आवाज़, गम , श down is now facing up/ इसका अथ है िकसी
के बाद िकसी चीज़ का िमलना / ढू ँ ढना, पता आिद को कम करना है । चीज़ की अव था म प रवतन करना, तािक नीचे
लगाना । ● We'd better turn down the volume or की तरफ का िह ा ऊपर आ जाए ।
● I managed to track down all my the neighbours might complain. ● After distributing the exam papers, I
school friends through Facebook. Turn down is used with: television, TV, told my students to turn them over
volume, air conditioner, heater and start work.
509. Try on-खरीदने से पहले जांचना
Usage - It means to put on clothes or 515. Turn down - मना करना 521. Turn over - िवपरीत िदशा म मोड़ना
shoes before buying them to see if they Usage - It means if you turn down an Usage - It means to change your body's
fit properly and look good/ कपड़ों या जूतों offer or a request, you decide not to position when lying down so that you are
को खरीदने से पहले उ पहनकर दे खना िक वे accept it/refuse, reject/ इनकार करना; जब facing the opposite direction/ जब आप लेते
पूरी तरह से आते ह या नहीं तथा अ े िदखते ह आप िकसी अनुरोध को ीकार नहीं करने का ए होते ह तथा अपने शरीर की अव था म
या नहीं । िनणय लेते ह / मना करना । प रवतन करते ह तािक आपका मुख िवपरीत Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 315

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 52 TG @M00n_Ligt Phrasal Verbs
िदशा म आ जाए । ● He felt so dehydrated during the ● Each waiter is assigned certain
● My back was aching, and every time parade that he was almost on the tables and they only wait on people
I turned over it hurt. verge of fainting. at those tables.

522. Turn up - वृ करना 527. Vote in - सवािधक मत ा होना 532. Walkout - छोड़ना
Usage - It means to increase the volume, Usage - If a person or a political party is Usage - It means to leave a relationship
heat, power, etc. of an appliance by voted in, they have won the most votes in suddenly/ leave/ जब िकसी संबंध/ र े को
turning a knob or pressing a button/ an election/elect/ इसका योग तब िकया अचानक समा कर िदया जाए । छोड़ना ।
इसका अथ नॉब घुमाकर या बटन दबाकर िकसी जाता है , जब िकसी या राजनीितक दल को ● She walked out on her husband after
उपकरण की आवाज़, गम , श आिद म वृ एक चुनाव म सवािधक सं ा म मत ा होते ह he beat her up.
करना है । ।
● We turned up the volume of the ● In a democracy, you can vote in 533. Ward off - पास आने से रोकना
system and danced the whole night whoever you like. Usage - It means to stop something
on the new year. Vote in is used with: party, president, harmful or dangerous from coming near/
Turn up is used with: television, TV, prime minister, government, leader, िकसी ऐसी चीज़ को पास आने से रोकना, जो
volume, air conditioner, heater politician, representative हािनकारक या खतरनाक है ।
● It is believed that the neem tree
523. Turn up - उप थत होना 528. Vote off - पद छोड़ना wards off mosquitoes.
Usage - It means if someone turns up Usage - If somebody is voted off

somewhere, they arrive without being something, they have to leave because 534. Wash away - बह जाना
expected or without telling anyone they'd not enough people voted to keep them Usage - If something is washed away,
be coming/ appear, show up/ इसका अथ है on./ इसका योग तब िकया जाता है जब एक it's carried off by the force of running
िकसी का ऐसे थान पर प ं चना, जहाँ को जाना/ पद छोड़ना पड़ता है ोंिक water, as in a storm or a flood./ बह जाना /
उसके आने की उ ीद नहीं थी अथवा अपने आने उसके िलए पया लोगों ने मतदान नहीं िकया है । बहा दे ना; जब तूफ़ान अथवा बाढ़ के दौरान बहते
की सूचना िदए िबना कहीं जाना । उप थत होना,
कट होना ।
● The chief guest turned up an hour


● He voted-off from his position.

529. Vouch for - सा दे ना

If you vouch for someone or something,
you say that the person or thing can be
trusted and is of good character or
quality./ जब आप िकसी या चीज़ के बारे
पानी के दबाव से कोई चीज़ बह जाती है
● The river flooded and many roads
and bridges were washed away.

535. Washout - र करना

Usage - If an event is washed out, it's
stopped because of rain/ rainout/ जब
म कहते ह िक उस या उस चीज़ पर िकसी काय म को बा रश के कारण रोक/ र
524. Urge on - हौसला बढ़ाना िव ास िकया जा सकता है तथा वह अ े गुणों कर िदया जाए ।
Usage - If you urge somebody on, you वाला/वाली है । ● The final session of play in today's
encourage them to continue trying to do ● I will only vouch for someone if I cricket match was washed out.
something / encourage/ जब आप एक know them well and I'm sure they
536. Wash up - गंदे कपड़े /बतन धोना
को ो ािहत करते ह िक उसे िकसी काय can do a good job.
को करने की कोिशश जारी रखनी चािहए । Vouch for is used with: doctor, teacher, Usage - If you wash up, you wash dirty
हौसला बढ़ाना । hospital, school, course, diet dishes and cooking utensils/ do the
● Good teachers urge on their weaker dishes/ इसका योग गंदे कपड़े तथा खाना
students, and help them to do their PHRASAL VERBS BEGINNING बनाने के बतनों को धोने के संदभ म िकया जाता है
best. WITH ‘W’ ● I'll cook dinner if you wash up.
Wash up is used with: dishes, plates,
525. Use up - शेष नही ं छोड़ना 530. Wait around - इं तजार करना cups, pots, pans, cutlery
Usage - If you use up something, you Usage - If you have to wait around for

use all of it and have none left over./ something, you have to wait a long time 537. Watch out - खतरे की चेतावनी दे ना
िकसी चीज़ का पूरी तरह से इ ेमाल कर लेना for it./ जब आपको िकसी चीज़ के िलए लंबा Usage - If you tell someone to watch
तथा कुछ भी शेष नहीं छोड़ना । इं तजार करना पड़े । out, you tell them to be careful or warn
● I can't get any more sick days off ● Why do we always have to wait them of a danger/ lookout/ जब आप िकसी
work. I've already used them all up. around when we have an से सावधान रहने को कहते ह तथा उ िकसी
Use up is used with: resources, reserves, appointment with a doctor or a खतरे की चेतावनी दे ते ह । चौकसी करना ।
supplies, stocks, time dentist? ● There are lots of chain snatchers on
the streets so be careful
PHRASAL VERBS BEGINNING 531. Wait on - नौकर के प म काय करना
WITH ‘V’ Usage - It means to serve someone in a 538. Watch out for - चौक ा रहना
restaurant, or to act as a servant for Usage - If someone tells you to watch
526. Verge on - कगार पर होना someone and do whatever they ask you out for something, they're warning you
Usage - It means to be close to reaching to do/serve/ इसका अथ है रे ोरट म िकसी about it / be wary of/ जब कोई आपको िकसी
a certain state or condition/ एक िनि त को खाना परोसना, या िकसी के नौकर के चीज़ पर नज़र रखने के िलए कहता है , तो इसका
अव था या प र थित म प ँ चने के समीप होना, प म काय करना तथा वे जो भी कह, वह कर अथ है उसने आपको इसके बारे म चेतावनी दी है
कगार पर होना । दे ना । । चौक ा रहना ।
● Our guide told us to watch out for
snakes in the forests. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 316

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 52 TG @M00n_Ligt Phrasal Verbs
539. Wear down - धीरे -धीरे कमजोर होना 545. Win over - समथन करना Usage - It means to think about a
Usage - It means to gradually make Usage - If you win somebody over, you problem or a task and find a solution or a
someone lose their strength and vitality/ get them to believe you, trust you or strategy for dealing with it/ इसका अथ
wear out/ इसका योग तब िकया जाता है , जब support you./ यिद आप िकसी को जीत िकसी सम ा या काय के बारे म सोचना तथा
कोई धीरे -धीरे अपनी श तथा जीवन श लेते ह, तो वे आप पर िव ास, यकीन करने लगते उससे िनपटने के िलए िकसी समाधान या रणनीित
खोने लगता है ह या आपका समथन करते ह । की तलाश करना है ।
● The champion boxer gradually wore ● A good teacher knows how to win ● We have to work out a way of
down his opponent by hitting him over even the most difficult promoting our products without
with lots of hard punches to the students. spending too much money.
body. Work out is used with: solution, plan,
546. Wind up - समा करना strategy, way (to do sth)
540. Wear off - भाव खो दे ना Usage - It means to end something like
Usage - If something wears off, it a meeting, a lecture or a 553. Work out - ायाम करना
gradually loses its effect./ इसका योग तब discussion/finish/ इसका अथ िकसी बैठक, Usage - It means to do physical exercise
िकया जाता है , जब कोई चीज़ अपना भाव खो ा ान या चचा को समा करना है । to keep fit and healthy/ थ रहने के िलए
दे ती है । ● We wind up the work in our office at शारी रक ायाम करना ।
● The painkillers started to wear off, 8 in the evening. ● Every day after work, I go to the gym
so I began to feel the pain again. Wind up is used with: meeting, show, to work out.
Wear off is used with: pills, alcohol, concert, performance, debate,

drugs, feeling, excitement, novelty, effect discussion, lecture 554. Work out - समाधान िनकालना
Usage - It means to find the solution to a
541. Weed out - हटाना/िनकालना 547. Wipe away - साफ़ करना, हटाना numerical problem/ calculate, figure out/
Usage - It means to find and remove Usage - It means to remove something िकसी सं ा क सम ा का हल ढू ँ ढना/ गणना
people or things that are not needed or by wiping it with a tissue, a cloth or a करना / समाधान िनकालना
wanted/ इसका अथ ऐसे लोगों या चीज़ों की
खोज करना तथा हटाना/िनकालना है , िजनकी
आव कता नहीं है ।
● The new Prime Minister has
promised to weed out all the
members of the public service who
have become lazy or corrupt over
hand./ माल, कपड़े या हाथ से पोछकर िकसी
चीज़ को साफ़ करना, हटाना ।
● She wiped away her face with her
handkerchief after she had her

548. Wipeout - पूरी तरह से न करना

● There are five of us and the bill is
2800. Can you work out how much
we each have to pay?
Work out is used with: answer, solution,
total, result

555. Wrap up - साम ी से ढकना

the years. Usage - If something is wiped out, it is Usage - If you wrap something up, you
destroyed./ जब कोई चीज़ पूरी तरह से न कर cover it with a material like paper or
542. Weigh down - दब जाना दी जाती है । cloth./ लपेटना; कागज़ या कपड़े जैसी िकसी
Usage - It means if you're weighed down ● Rising sea levels could wipe out साम ी से ढकना ।
by problems or responsibilities, you feel many low-lying coastal cities. ● We spent hours wrapping up
stressed or unhappy because of them./ Christmas presents for our family
दब जाना ; जब आप सम ाओं या िज ेदा रयों 549. Wipeout - ह ा करना and friends.
तले दब जाते ह तथा उनके कारण तनाव या Usage - It means to kill a large number Wrap up is used with: present, gift, parcel,
उदास महसूस करते ह । of people or animals/ kill off/ इसका अथ है package
● Working women feel weighed down बड़ी सं ा म लोगों या जानवरों की ह ा करना ।
by all the responsibilities, both at ● The heatstroke wiped out many 556. Wrap up - िन ष पर प ँ चना
work and home. birds. Usage - It means to finish something
like a meeting or a discussion, or to
543. Weigh up - आकलन करना 550. Work at- सुधार के िलए कोिशश करना conclude something like a deal or a

Usage - It means to consider the good Usage - It means to try hard to achieve negotiation/ conclude/ इसका अथ बैठक या
and bad points before making a something, or try hard to improve your चचा जैसी िकसी चीज़ को समा करना या िकसी
decision/ assess/ इसका अथ िकसी िनणय ability to do something./ िकसी चीज़ को सौदे या वाता को अंितम प दे ना है । िन ष पर
को लेने से पहले अ ी तथा बुरी बातों पर िवचार ा करने या िकसी काय को करने के िलए प ँ चना
करना है । आकलन करना । अपनी मता म सुधार करने के िलए ब त ● After weeks of meetings and
● They'll need to weigh up the pros कोिशश करना । negotiations, we finally wrapped up
and cons of each location before ● A lot of people need to work on their the deal.
deciding where to build their factory. listening skills.
557. Write off - िनवेश म हािन होना
544. Win back - वापस जीतना 551. Work on - सुधार करने म समय दे ना Usage - It means to accept that a debt
Usage - If you win something back, you Usage - It means to spend time making, or loan won't be paid back, or that an
get it back again after having lost it./ fixing or improving something/ िकसी चीज़ investment has been lost/ इसका अथ यह
वापस जीतना; जब आप खोई ई िकसी चीज़ को को बनाने, ठीक करने या सुधार करने म समय ीकार करना है िक कोई उधारी या ऋण वापस
वापस ा कर लेते ह । दे ना नहीं िमल पायेगा अथवा उस िनवेश म हािन हो
● Trust once lost is difficult to be won ● These days he is working on his गयी है ।
back. accent. ● We won't get the money back, so
Win back is used with: money, trophy, we'll have to write it off as a bad
championship, title, trust, love 552. Work out - सम ा के बारे म सोचना debt. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 317

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 52 TG @M00n_Ligt Phrasal Verbs
Write off is used with: debt, loan,
investment, shares, stocks



558. Yearn for - लंबे समय से चाहत होना

Usage - It means to want something you
miss very much. इसका अथ है िकसी चीज़
की ब त ादा / लंबे समय से चाहत होना ।
● Even though I left my hometown a
long time ago, I still yearn for the
wonderful rains there

559. Yell out - जोर से िच ाना

Usage - It means to shout/call out,
shout/ जोर से िच ाना / आवाज़ लगाना
● The fans were yelling out as loud as
they could to cheer on their team.

560. Zero in on - ान कि त करना
Usage - If you zero in on something, you
focus on it or put your attention on it /
focus on/ इसका योग तब िकया जाता है , जब
आप िकसी चीज़ पर अपना ान कि त करते ह ।
● We conducted three rounds of
interviews and finally zeroed in
on three candidates.

561. Zonked out - आराम/नी ंद चाहना

Usage - If you're zonked out, you're very
tired and you feel like resting or going to
sleep due to the effects of alcohol or
drugs. इसका योग तब िकया जाता है , जब
आप ब त थके ए ह, और शराब या नशीली
दवाओं के भाव के कारण आपको आराम करने
या सोने जाने का मन करता है ।
● Some boys get frustrated easily and
tend to zonk out Source:

worn out / Someone who is worn out is

extremely tired after hard work . इसका
योग तब िकया जाता है , जब आप कड़ी मेहनत
के बाद बेहद थके ए होते है ।

● Insects, worn out after a night of

chirping, were quietly asleep.

562. Zoom in - कैमरे म ज़ूम करना

Usage - If a photographer or a camera
zooms in, the image changes so that it
looks as if the camera is moving closer
to the object being photographed or
filmed./ यिद कोई फोटो ाफर कैमरे म ज़ूम
करता है , तो त ीर इस कार बदलती है मानो
कैमरा उस व ु ( िजसकी त ीर ली जा रही है )
के पास आ रहा है ।
● After zooming in on his face, she
took the photo.
The opposite of "zoom in" is "zoom-out". Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 318

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 53 TG @M00n_Ligt Vocabulary for Speaking
Meaning: Difficult to understand 43. Affront -अपमान
VOCABULARY For 21. Abysmal- अथाह Meaning: Insult
SPEAKING Meaning: Without bottom
44. Aggregate -पूणयोग
1. Abase - अपमािनत करना 22. Accede- मान लेना Meaning: Combine, the whole
Meaning: To Lower, humiliate Meaning: To agree amount

2. Abate- कम करना 23. Accessible- सुलभ 45. Aghast -भौच ा

Meaning: To reduce, moderate or Meaning: Approachable, obtainable Meaning: Feared, dread, shocked
24. Acclimate- अनुकूल होना 46. Agility -चपलता
3. Abet- सहयोग दे ना Meaning: To adapt, to adjust to the Meaning: Quick and nimble
Meaning: To aid, assist environment
47. Agnostic-संशयवादी
4. Abetment- दु ाहन 25. Accolade- स ान Meaning: Confused about the
Meaning: To encourage or support, Meaning: Approval, praise knowledge of God
usually in wrongdoing.
26. Accoust- लेखा 48. Alias -उपनाम
5. Abeyance- िनल न Meaning: To approach Meaning: False or assumed name
Meaning: Suspension
27. Acme-प रपूणता 49. Allay - शां त करना

6. Abhor- घृणा करना Meaning: Pinnacle, highest point Meaning: Satisfy, relief
Meaning: To hate, to detest
28. Acoustics- िन-िव ान 50. Alleviate -कम करना
7. Abide- सहन करना Meaning: Study of sound Meaning: To provide physical relief,
Meaning: To comply with, to facilitate
tolerate 29. Acumen- कुशा ता


Abject- अधम
Meaning: Very humble, lacking

Abjure- ागना
Meaning: To renounce

Meaning: Ability to judge right and

Adage -कहावत
Meaning: Proverb, old and wise

Allure -ललचाना
Meaning: the power to entice or
attract through personal charm,

Meaning: passing reference
31. Addendum - अनुशेष
Meaning: Something that is added, 53. Aloof -अलग Meaning:
10. Abnegation-आ िनषेध
addition remote in manner, distant
Meaning: Self Sacrifice,
32. Adept-िनपुण Meaning: 54. Altruistic -परोपकारी Meaning:
Expert, very skilled showing unselfish concern for the
11. Abode- धाम
welfare of others
Meaning: Dwelling place, home
33. Adjourn- थिगत
Meaning: Suspended 55. Ambidextrous-कपटी Meaning:
12. Abominable- अि य
equally skillful with each hand
Meaning: Very unpleasant
34. Adore -आदर-स ार करना
Meaning: To love and to respect 56. Ambience -माहौल
13. Abortive- िन ल
Meaning: the atmosphere of an
Meaning: Unsuccessful
35. Adroit -िनपुण Meaning: environment
14. Abrasive- अपघषक
57. Ambivalence -दु िवधा Meaning:
Meaning: Harsh, rubbing away

36. Adversary - िवरोधी mixed feelings or emotion

Meaning: Opposition, antagonist
15. Abrogate-अिभिनषेध करना
58. Ambulatory -औषधालय
Meaning: To annul, cancel
37. Adversity -आपदा Meaning: a covered walkway
Meaning: Misfortune, hardship
16. Abscission- अलगाव
59. Amiable -िमलनसार
Meaning: To cut-off, seperation
38. Affable -िमलनसार Meaning: friendly,agreeable
Meaning: Friendliness, cordial
17. Abstain- संयम रखना
60. Amnesia -िव रण
Meaning: To refrain, not to do
39. Affected- भािवत Meaning: a state of forgetfulness
Meaning: Influenced, moved
61. Amnesty -सव मा
18. Abstemious-श ाहारी
40. Affiliation -संबंधन Meaning: Pardon
Meaning: sparing in eating or Meaning: Association, tie-up
drinking, temperate
62. Amputate -अंग भंग करना
41. Affix -जोड़ना Meaning: To Meaning: cutting off a part of the
19. Abstinence- परहे ज़ attach, supplement body
Meaning: To restraint for good
42. Affluence -समृ 63. Anarchist-अराजकतावादी
Meaning: Abundant, richness Meaning: a rebel, person against
20. Abstruse- दु ब ध the law or government Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 319
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 53 TG @M00n_Ligt Vocabulary for Speaking
64. Anecdote -िक ा Meaning: no longer used; belonging 107. Bigot -हठधम
Meaning: a short story depicting an to the past Meaning: one who is intolerant (in
event matters of religion or politics)
86. Archipelago - ीपसमूह
65. Anguish - था Meaning: Group of closely located 108. Blare -तुरही बजाना
Meaning: extreme pain or suffering islands Meaning: loud or harsh roar or
66. Animosity -वैरभाव 87. Archives -अिभलेखागार
Meaning: A feeling of hatred Meaning: Public record, place 109. Blasphemy -िन ा
towards something where public records are kept Meaning: irreverence; sacrilege;
cursing; bad language about God or
holy things
67. Anodyne-नीरस 88. Armada -जहाजों का बेड़ा
Meaning: pain relieving Meaning: Fleet of warships
110. Blatant -ज़बरद
Meaning: extremely (offensively);
68. Anomaly -िवसंगित 89. Arsenal -श ागार loudly offensive;
Meaning: something that is not Meaning: Storage place for military
how it should be equipment 111. Bliss -परमानंद
Meaning: complete happiness
69. Antagonism -िवरोध 90. Aspire -आकां ा
Meaning: hostility Meaning: Seek to attain 112. Bludgeon -मारना
Meaning: club; heavy-headed

70. Anthology -सं ह 91. Bard -किव weapon
Meaning: a collection of literary Meaning: poet
works 113. Boisterous -कलहकारी
92. Bareface -बेशम Meaning: violent; rough
71. Anticlimax -अवनित Meaning: a Meaning: shameless and
disappointing end to something noticeable 114. Bountiful -उदार


very good

Meaning: dislike, hostility

Antithesis -िवलोम
Meaning: a direct opposite to, in

94. ck
Barterer -व
ु िविनमय Meaning:

Bastard -घिटया इं सान Meaning:

illegitimate child
Meaning: generous

115. Brackish -खारा

Meaning: somewhat saline

116. Brazen -बेशम

Meaning: insolent, rude
contrast with 95. Beatitude -परम सुख 117. Brittle -भंगुर Meaning:
Meaning: blessedness; state of easily broken; difficult
74. Apathy -उदासीनता Meaning: great happiness
indifference, lack of care. 118. Brooch -जड़ाऊ िपन
96. Beeline -सीधा रा ा Meaning: ornamental clasp
75. Aperture -िछ Meaning: direct quick route
Meaning: an opening or a hole. 119. Bullion -बुिलयन

97. Beget -उ करना Meaning: gold and silver in the

76. Apolitical -अराजनैितक Meaning: father; become the father form of bars
Meaning: having no concern for of
political affairs 120. Buttress -सहारा दे ना Meaning:
98. Behemoth -िवशालकाय Meaning: support; prop up
77. Appall -धमकाना huge creature
Meaning: Dismay, shock deeply 121. Buxom- स िच
99. Belittle -छोटा Meaning: Meaning: full-bosomed
disparage; depreciate
78. Appease -खुश
122. Cabal -सािज़श

Meaning: Pacify, soothe

100. Belligerent -यु रत Meaning: small group of persons
Meaning: quarrelsome secretly united to promote their
79. Appraise -खुश
own interests
Meaning: Estimate value 101. Benediction -आशीवाद
Meaning: blessing 123. Cache -गु जगह
80. Apprehend -िगर ार Meaning: Meaning: hiding place
Arrest, dread, perceive, detain 102. Benevolent -दयालु
Meaning: generous; charitable 124. Cacophony-कोलाहल Meaning:
81. Apprise -सूचना दे ना Meaning: discord, unpleasant mixture of loud
Acquaint, inform, tell 103. Berate -डाँ टना sounds
Meaning: scold strongly
82. Arable-कृिष-यो 125. Cadaverous -पीला
Meaning: Fit for growing crops 104. Besiege -मुहािसरा करना Meaning: like a corpse; pale
Meaning: surround by armed forces
83. Arbitrary -मनमाना 126. Cadence -ताल
Meaning: Unreasonable 105. Betroth -सगाई करना Meaning: Meaning: rhythmic rise and fall
become engaged to marry
84. Arboreal -वृ वासी 127. Calamity -आपदा
106. Biennial -ि वािषक Meaning: disaster; misery.
Meaning: of or living in trees
Meaning: every two years
128. Caliber - मता
85. Archaic -पुरातन Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 320
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 53 TG @M00n_Ligt Vocabulary for Speaking
Meaning: ability; capacity 152. Cessation-समापन 173. Contiguous -समीप थ Meaning:
Meaning: stoppage adjacent to; touching upon
129. Calligraphy -सुलेख
Meaning: beautiful writing 153. Chameleon -िगरिगट 174. Contingent -िनभर
Meaning: lizard that changes color Meaning: dependent on; conditional
130. Callous -कठोर in different situations
Meaning: hardened; unfeeling 175. Contraband -विजत
154. Collaborate -सहयोग Meaning: goods whose importation
131. Calorific -ऊजादायक Meaning: Meaning: work together or exportation or possession is
heat-producing prohibited by law
155. Collateral -सहायक
132. Camaraderie -सौहाद Meaning: Meaning: security given for a loan 176. Contrite -प ातापी
good-fellowship Meaning: feeling or expressing pain
156. Collusion -सां ठ गां ठ or sorrow for sins or offenses;
133. Canine - ानीय Meaning: conspiring in a fraudulent penitent
Meaning: related to dogs; doglike scheme
177. Contrived -का िनक Meaning:
134. Canny -कपटी 157. Commensurate -आनुपाितक forced; artificial; not spontaneous
Meaning: shrewd; thrifty Meaning: corresponding in extent,
degree, amount 178. Contusion -गुमचोट
135. Cantankerous-झगड़ालू Meaning: the action of bruising, an
Meaning: ill-humored; irritable 158. Commodious -िवशालता injury to part of the body that does

Meaning: spacious and not break the skin
136. Capacious -िवशाल comfortable
Meaning: spacious 179. Conundrum-पहे ली
159. Compelling-स ोहक Meaning: Meaning: a difficult problem; riddle
137. Capitulate -आ समपण करना overpowering; irresistible in effect
180. Convene -एक करना Meaning: call
Meaning: surrender

138. Capricious-मनमौजी
Meaning: unpredictable; fickle

139. Carcinogenic-कसरकारी
Meaning: causing cancer
160. Complacency -शालीनता

161. Compliance -अनुपालन

Meaning: conformity in fulfilling
together; assemble

181. Conventional -पारं प रक

Meaning: ordinary; typical

182. Converge -एका

Meaning: come together so as to
form a single product; approach;
140. Cardinal - मुख 162. Composure-मानिसक संतुलन tend to meet; come together
Meaning: chief Meaning: mental calmness
183. Converse -उलटा
141. Carnage -नरसंहार 163. Comprise -समावेश करना Meaning: of words so related that
Meaning: destruction of life Meaning: include; consists of one reverses the relation denoted
by the other. opposite
142. Cartographer -मानिच कार 164. Concatenate- ेणीब करना

Meaning: map-maker Meaning: link as in chain 184. Convex-उ ल

Meaning: curving or bulging
143. Cascade-झरना 165. Concord -सामंज outward
Meaning: small waterfall Meaning: harmony
185. Conveyance -वाहन
144. Casualty -दु घटना 166. Conformity -अनुपालन Meaning: Meaning: vehicle; transfer;
Meaning: serious or fatal accident harmony; agreement something that serves as a means
of transportation
145. Catastrophe -तबाही 167. Congruent -अनुकूल
Meaning: calamity; disaster Meaning: in agreement; 186. Convivial-आनंदमय

corresponding Meaning: occupied with or fond of

146. Caucus -गुट बैठक करना the pleasures of good company;
Meaning: private meeting of 168. Conjugal -वैवािहक festive; gay; characterized by
members of a party to select Meaning: of or relating to marriage joviality
officers or determine policy
169. Connotation -ल ाथ 187. Convoke -समा ान करना
147. Cede -हार मानना Meaning: an idea that is implied or Meaning: call together
Meaning: yield suggested
188. Coquette-नखरा िदखाना
148. Celibate -अिववािहत 170. Consanguinity-र संबंध Meaning: a seductive woman who
Meaning: abstaining from sexual Meaning: related by blood, kinship uses her sex appeal to exploit men;
intercourse; unmarried a girl or woman who merely from
171. Constraint -बाधा vanity tries to get men‘s attention
149. Censure-िनंदा Meaning: compulsion; repression and admiration; flirt
Meaning: blame; criticize of feelings
189. Cordial -हािदक
150. Centripetal -के गामी Meaning: 172. Contempt-अव ा Meaning: diffusing warmth and
tending toward the center Meaning: lack of respect friendliness;
accompanied by a feeling of
151. Cerebral - म ीय Meaning: intense dislike 190. Corollary -प रणाम
pertaining to the brain or intellect
Meaning: an inference that follows Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 321
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directly from the proof of another 209. Crabbed -तीखा 228. Debut - थम वेश
proposition; consequence; Meaning: sour; bad-tempered; Meaning: first public appearance;
accompaniment peevish; difficult to read or formal presentation of a young
decipher, as handwriting; hard to woman to society
191. Corpulent -चब यु understand;
Meaning: excessively fat 229. Decimate-तबाह करना
210. Craven -डरपोक Meaning: destroy or kill a large part
192. Correlation-सह - संबंध Meaning: a Meaning: Cowardly; abject of
mutual relationship
211. Credence-िव ास 230. Declivity -उतराई
193. Corroborate -समथन करना Meaning: Belief;credit;trust Meaning: downward slope,
Meaning: confirm; support declination, decline
212. Credo -मूलमं
194. Corrode - य Meaning: Meaning: Creed; any system of 231. Decoy- लोभन
become destroyed by water, air, or principles or beliefs Meaning: cheat, trick
a corrosive such as an acid; destroy
by chemical action 213. Crestfallen -हताश 232. Defame -बदनाम
Meaning: dejected; dispirited Meaning: harm someone’s
195. Corrugated-नालीदार Meaning: reputation; malign
shaped into alternating parallel 214. Cringe -दु बक जाना
grooves and ridges Meaning: shrink back as if in fear; 233. Defiance -अव ा
cower Meaning: refusal to yield;

196. Cosmic - ां डीय resistance
Meaning: of or from or pertaining to 215. Criteria-मानदं ड
or characteristic of the cosmos or Meaning: standards used in judging 234. Defoliate-प ों से रिहत करना Meaning:
universe; the universe deprive of leaves
216. Crone -चुड़ैल Meaning: hag;
197. Coterie-गो ी Meaning: an ugly old woman 235. Defunct -मृत Meaning:
exclusive circle of people with a
common purpose

198. Countenance-मुखाकृित
Meaning: the human face; the
appearance conveyed by a person's
217. Dabble -िभगोना
Meaning: work at in a non-serious
fashion; splash around; move
noisily in a liquid

218. Dais -मंच

Meaning: a raised platform for
dead, no longer existing

236. Deliberate-िवमश करना

Meaning: consider; ponder

237. Delineate-िचि त करना

Meaning: portray; depict
199. Counterfeit -नक़ली speakers or other important people 238. Demagogue - जानायक
Meaning: not genuine; imitating Meaning: who appeals to people’s
something superior 219. Dank -गीला prejudice
Meaning: damp; unpleasantly wet
200. Coup-त ापलट 239. Depose -उतारना
Meaning: highly successful action 220. Daunt -धमकाना Meaning: dethrone; remove from
Meaning: intimidate; frighten; office
or sudden attack
discourage; dishearten
201. Couple-युगल 240. Desecrate-अपमान करना
Meaning: join; unite 221. Dawdle -समय न करना Meaning: Profane, violate the
Meaning: loiter; hang around; waste sanctity of
202. Courier-संदेशवाहक time doing nothing
Meaning: Messenger 241. Despise-घृणा
222. Deadlock-गितरोध Meaning: Regard as worthless or
203. Covenant-अनुबंध Meaning: standstill resulting from distasteful
Meaning: a binding agreement the opposition of two unrelenting
between two groups or people; forces; stalemate 242. Despot -तानाशाह

compact; Meaning: Tyrant, harsh ruler

223. Dearth-अकाल
204. Covert - Meaning: Scarcity 243. Dexterous - कुशल
Meaning: secret; hidden Meaning: Skillful
224. Debacle -पराजय
205. Covetous -लालची Meaning: sudden disastrous 244. Dialectical- ं ा क
Meaning: avaricious; desirous of downfall or defeat; a complete Meaning: Relating to the art of
(someone else’s possessions); disaster debate

206. Cower -दु बक जाना 225. Debase -मू घटाना 245. Diffidence-संशय
Meaning: shrink quivering as from Meaning: degrade; reduce in quality Meaning: Shyness
fear; cringe; to crouch, as in fear or or value; degenerate; lower in
shame esteem; disgrace 246. Dirge-शोकगीत
Meaning: Lament with music
207. Coy -िवनीत 226. Debauch -नाश करना Meaning:
Meaning: shy (flirtatiously); corrupt morally; seduce from virtue; 247. Disclaim-अ ीकार करना
showing a (pretended) lack of N. debauchery: Meaning: Disown or Deny
self-confidence; modest
227. Debilitate-दु बल करना Meaning: 248. Discomfit -गड़बड़ करना
208. Cozen-फुसलाना weaken (esp. through heat, hunger, Meaning: Put to rout; defeat
Meaning: cheat; hoodwink; swindle illness); enfeeble Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 322

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249. Discord-कलह 270. Droll -हा कर 292. Epoch-युग
Meaning: Conflict, lack of harmony Meaning: queer and amusing Meaning: period of time

250. Discourse - वचन 271. Drone -मु क़ोर 293. Equanimity -समभाव
Meaning: Formal discussion or Meaning: idle person; male bee Meaning: calmness of
conversation temperament, composure
272. Ductile -न Meaning:
251. Discretion-िववेक malleable; flexible; pliable 294. Equilibrium -संतुलन
Meaning: Prudence, ability to adjust Meaning: balance
actions to circumstances 273. Dupe-भोला-भाला
Meaning: someone easily fooled 295. Equinox -िवषुव
252. Dishearten -उ ाह भंग करना Meaning: period of equal days and
Meaning: discourage 274. Duplicity -कपट nights
Meaning: double-dealing; hypocrisy
253. Disingenuous-कपटी Meaning: not 296. Equitable - ायसंगत
naïve; sophisticated 275. Encumber-उलझाना Meaning: fair, impartial
Meaning: Burden
254. Dismantle -िवघिटत करना 297. Erode-अपरदन करना Meaning: eat
Meaning: take apart 276. Endemic- थािनक away
Meaning: prevailing among a
255. Disparity -असमानता specific group of people or in a 298. Errant -भटकनेवाला
Meaning: difference; condition of specific area or Country Meaning: wandering, uncontrolled

inequality motion that is irregular or
277. Enduring-िचर थायी unpredictable
256. Disperse -िततर िबतर करना Meaning: lasting, surviving
Meaning: scatter 299. Erroneous- ुिटपूण
278. Engaging -रमणीय Meaning: mistaken, wrong
257. Dissection -िव े दन Meaning: charming, attractive
Meaning: analysis; cutting apart in
order to examine

258. Dissipate-न करना

Meaning: squander; waste; scatter

259. Distinction -भेद करना Meaning:

honor ; contrast; discrimination
279. Engross -त ीन
Meaning: occupy fully, to devote
oneself fully

280. Enigma -पहे ली

Meaning: mystery, puzzle
300. Erudite -वै ािनक
Meaning: learned, scholarly

301. Eschew-परहे ज़ करना Meaning:


302. Espionage -जासूसी

Meaning: spying
281. Enrapture- फु करना
260. Diverge -िछतरना Meaning: please intensely 303. Espouse -सहायता दे ना Meaning:
Meaning: : vary; go in different adopt, support
directions from the same point 282. Entail -आव क बना दे ना
Mnemonic: deviate Meaning: require, necessitate, 304. Esteem-आदर करना
involve Meaning: respect, value
261. Divine -िद Meaning;:

perceive intuitively; foresee the 283. Enthrall -ग़ुलाम बनाना Meaning: 305. Estranged-अलग
future capture or enslave Meaning: separated, alienated

262. Docile -िवन Meaning: : 284. Entomology -कीटिव ान 306. Ethereal-आकाशीय

obedient; easily managed Meaning: a study of insects Meaning: light, heavenly, usually
263. Doctrine -िस ां त 285. Entreat-िवनती करना
Meaning: : teachings in general; Meaning: plead, ask earnestly 307. Ethnology -मानव जाित िव ान
particular Meaning: a study of humankind
286. Environ-घेरना

264. Dogged-हठी Meaning: Meaning: enclose, surround 308. Eulogistic- शंसा क Meaning:
determined; stubborn praising
287. Eon-क
265. Domicile -िनवास- थान Meaning: Meaning: long period of time, an 309. Euphony- ुितमधुरता
home age Meaning: Sweet Sound

266. Dormant- सु 288. Ephemeral-अ कािलक 310. Evanescent - णभंगुर Meaning:

Meaning; sleeping; lethargic; latent Meaning: short-lived, fleeting Vanishing

267. Dossier-फाइल 289. Epic-महाका 311. Evince - कट करना

Meaning: a collection of Meaning: long heroic poem, novel, Meaning: Show Clearly
documents concerning a particular or similar work of art
person or matter 312. Evoke -आ ान
290. Epilogue-उपसंहार Meaning: Call To Mind
268. Dote -अितशय ेह करना Meaning: short speech at the
Meaning: be excessively fond of; conclusion of dramatic work 313. Exacerbate-ख़राब करना
show signs of mental decline Meaning: Make Worse
291. Epitome - तीक
269. Draconian-कठोर Meaning: perfect example or 314. Exact-सटीक Meaning:
Meaning: extremely severe embodiment Demand And Obtain By Force Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 323

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315. Excerpt-अंश 338. Fatalism-दै ववाद Lacking Proper Seriousness
Meaning: A Passage Selected From Meaning: Belief That Events Are
A Larger Work Determined By Forces Or Fates 361. Flotsam-समु म िबखरे जहाज़ के टु कड़े
Beyond One's Control Meaning: the wreckage of a ship or
316. Excise -उ ाद शु its cargo found floating on or
Meaning: Cut Away , Remove By 339. Fauna-पशु washed up by the sea
Cutting Meaning: Animals of A Region
362. Flout -उ ंघन
317. Exemplify-उदाहरण दे ना 340. Feasible-संभव Meaning: Mock; Show Contempt
Meaning: Show By Example Meaning: Practical For

318. Exhale-साँ स छोड़ना 341. Fecundity-उपजाऊपन 363. Fluke -अ थायी

Meaning: Expel Air, Breathe Out Meaning: Fertility; Fruitfulness Meaning: Unlikely Occurrence;
Stroke Of Fortune
319. Existential -अ 342. Feign-बहाना करना
Meaning: Relating To Existence Meaning: Pretend 364. Flux- वाह
Meaning: Flowing; Series Of
320. Exonerate-दोषमु करना 343. Feline -िब ी के समान Meaning: Of A Changes
Meaning: Acquit Member Of The Cat Family
365. Foil- िवफलता Meaning:
321. Expatriate- वासी 344. Felon -अपराधी Defeat; Frustrate
Meaning: Exile Meaning: Person Convicted Of A

Grave Crime 366. Foment -भड़काना
322. Expeditious-चु Meaning: Stir Up; Instigate
Meaning: Done With Speed And 345. Ferment–उ ेजना
Quick Meaning: Agitation, Unrest 367. Foresight-दू रदिशता Meaning:
Ability To Foresee Future
323. Explicit- Meaning: 346. Ferocious- ू र Happenings; Prudence
Totally Clear

324. Expunge-िमटाना
Meaning: Cancel,

325. Extant-वतमान

Meaning: Still In Existence

Meaning: Fierce; Violent

347. Feud-बखेडा
Fierce; Violent

348. Command-आ ा

Meaning: Arbitrary Order

368. Forestall -पेशब ी करना
Meaning: Prevent By Taking Action
In Advance

369. Forte -िविश ता

Meaning: Strong Point Or Special
349. Fictitious-क त
326. Extenuate-बिह ृ त करना Meaning: Imaginary; Non-Existent 370. Fortuitous-आक क
Meaning: Weaken, Mitigate Meaning: Accidental; By Chance
350. Fidelity-ईमानदारी
327. Extrapolation-वा ार Meaning: Loyalty 371. Fraudulent-कपटपूण Meaning:
Meaning: Projection Cheating; Deceitful
351. Filial -संतानोिचत

328. Exuberance-अिधकता Meaning: Meaning: Pertaining To Or Befitting 372. Frenzied-उ ु

Overflowing Abundance A Son Or Daughter Meaning: Madly Excited

329. Facade-िदखावा 352. Filth-गंदगी Meaning: 373. Frugality-िमत ियता Meaning:

Meaning: Front Or Face Dirty Matter Thrift; Economy

330. Facile-सुगम 353. Finale -समापन 374. Fusillade -गोलीकां ड

Meaning: Easily Accomplished Meaning: Conclusion; Concluding Meaning: Simultaneous Firing Or
Part Outburst
331. Fallacious-दोषयु

Meaning: False; Based On A Fallacy 354. Finesse- नज़ाकत 375. Fusion-संयोजन

Meaning: Delicate, Skill Meaning: Union; Blending;
332. Fallible-अिव सनीय Synthesis
Meaning: Liable To Err 355. Firebrand-अशा फैलानेवाला
Meaning: Troublemaker; Person 376. Futile - थ Meaning:
333. Fanaticism -क रता Who Stirs Up Trouble Useless; Hopeless; Ineffectual
Meaning: Excessive Zeal; Extreme
Devotion To A Belief Or Cause 356. Fissure -दरार 377. Gaffe-अिश ता
Meaning: Crack Meaning: Social Blunder
334. Fancied-अनुमान
Meaning: Imagined; Unreal 357. Flair -िविश यो ता 378. Hibernal -शीतकाल का Meaning : Of,
Meaning: Talent Relating To, Or Occurring In Winter
335. Fanciful-का िनक
Meaning: Visionary; Imaginary 358. Flamboyant -भड़कीला 379. Hibernate -शीतिन ा करना
Meaning: Highly Elaborate, Showy Meaning : Sleep Throughout
336. Farce-तमाशा Winter
Meaning: Broad Comedy; Mockery 359. Flick -झटका
Meaning: Strike With A Light Quick 380. Hierarchy-सोपािनकी Meaning:
337. Fastidious-दु ोषणीय Blow Arrangement By Rank Or Standing
Meaning: Difficult To Please
360. Flippant -ग ीर न होना Meaning: 381. Hieroglyphic-िच िलिपक Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 324

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 53 TG @M00n_Ligt Vocabulary for Speaking
Meaning: Picture Writing 404. Hostility-श ुता Assumptions
Meaning : Unfriendliness, Hatred
382. Hilarity-उ ास 426. Ichthyology -म िव ान
Meaning: Great Merriment 405. Hovel -झोंपड़ी Meaning: Study Of Fish
Meaning : Shack; Small, Wretched
383. Hindmost -सब से िपछला House 427. Icon -मूित
Meaning: Located Farthest To The Meaning: Religious Image, Idol
Rear 406. Hover-मंडराना
Meaning : Hang About, Wait Nearby 428. Iconoclastic -रीित- रवाज से अलग
384. Hindrance-बाधा चलना
Meaning : Block, Obstacle 407. Hubbub -शोरगुल Meaning: Attacking Cherished
Meaning: Confused Uproar Traditions
385. Hinterlands-आं त रक इलाके
Meaning: Back Country (Farthest 408. Hubris -अिभमान 429. Ideology -िवचारधारा
Areas Of A Country) Meaning: Arrogance, Over-Bearing Meaning: An Orientation That
Pride Characterizes The Thinking Of A
386. Hireling-ठे केदार
Group Or Nation
Meaning: One Who Works For Hire. 409. Hue-रं ग
Meaning: Color, Aspect
387. Hirsute-रोयदार 430. Idiom-मुहावरा
Meaning: Hairy 410. Hue And Cry -शोरगुल Meaning : Meaning: Expression Whose
Outcry, Loud And Persistent Outcry Meaning As A Whole Differs From

388. Histrionic-नाटकीय From Many People The Meanings Of Its Individual
Meaning: Theatrical Words; Distinctive Style
411. Humane-मानवीय
389. Hoard (V.) -इक ा करना Meaning: Marked By Kindness Or 431. Idiosyncrasy -िवल णता
Meaning: Stockpile; Accumulate Consideration. Meaning: Individual Trait, Usually
For Future Use Odd In Nature.

390. Hoary - ेत रोिमल

Meaning: White With Age

391. Hoax -चकमा

Meaning: Trick

392. Holocaust-िव ंस
412. Humdrum -नीरस
Meaning: Dull And Monotonous

413. Humid -आ करना

Meaning: Damp

414. Humility-िवन ता
Meaning : Humbleness Of Spirit.
432. Idolatry -मूितपूजा
Meaning : Worship
Excessive Admiration

433. Idyllic -शां त और सुंदर Meaning:

Charmingly Carefree, Simple
Meaning: Destruction By Fire
434. Igneous-आ ेय
415. Hummock -छोटी पहाड़ी
Meaning: Produced By Fire;
393. Holster -िप ौलदान Meaning: Small Hill
Meaning : Pistol Case
416. Humus-खाद Meaning:
394. Homage - ां जिल Substance Formed By Decaying 435. Ignite - िलत
Meaning : Honor; Tribute Vegetable Matter. Meaning: Kindle, Light

395. Homeostasis -सम थित 417. Hurtle -ज़ोर से फकना Meaning: 436. Ignoble -पअमानजनक Meaning:
Meaning: Tendency Of A System To Crash, Rush Unworthy, Not Noble
Maintain Relative Stability.
418. Husband (V.) -िकफ़ायत से खच 437. Ignominy-अपयश
396. Homespun -घर का बुना आ करनाMeaning : Use Sparingly; Meaning: Deep Disgrace, Shame Or
Meaning : Made At Home, Conserve, Save Dishonor
419. Hybrid -संकर Meaning : 438. Illicit-अवैध Meaning:
397. Homily - वचन Mixed Breed

Meaning : Serious Warning,
Sermon 420. Hydrophobia -जलां तक Meaning: Fear 439. Illuminate-उजाला करना
Of Water; Rabies Meaning: Brighten, Clear Up Or
398. Homogenous -सम प
Make Understandable.
Meaning : Of The Same Kind 421. Hyperbole -अितशयो
Meaning: Exaggeration,
399. Hone -पैना करना 440. Illusion - म Meaning:
Meaning: Sharpen Misleading Vision.
422. Hypercritical-िछ ा ेषी
400. Hoodwink -चालाकी करना Meaning : Excessively Exacting 441. Illusory- ामक
Meaning: Deceive, Delude Meaning: Deceptive
423. Hypochondriac-रोग मी
401. Horde-झंुड Meaning: A Patient With Imaginary 442. Imbalance -असंतुलन Meaning:
Meaning: Crowd Symptoms And Ailments Lack Of Balance, Disproportion.

402. Hortatory -उपदे शकारी 424. Hypocritical -पाखंडपूण 443. Imbecility -मूखता
Meaning: Encouraging, Exhortive Meaning : Pretending To Be Meaning: Weakness Of Mind, A
Virtuous (Excellent), Deceiving Stupid Mistake.
403. Horticultural-बागवानी
Meaning : Pertaining To Cultivation 425. Hypothetical -का िनक 444. Imbibe -सोख लेना
Of Plants Meaning: Hypothesis, Based On Meaning: Drink In, Take In Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 325
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445. Imbroglio-अ व था Meaning: 465. Irresolute -अिनि त 485. Juncture-संकटकाल
Complicated Situation, A Very Meaning: Uncertain How To Act; Meaning: Crisis; Joining Point
Embarrassing Misunderstanding Weak
486. Junket -जनता के खच पर िकसी अफसर
446. Inveterate-अ , गहरा 466. Irretrievable -अ ा Meaning: का मण Meaning:
Meaning: Deep-Rooted; Habitual Impossible To Recover Or Regain; Trip, Especially One Taken For
Irreparable Pleasure By An Official At Public
447. Invidious-अपमानजनक Expense
Meaning: Designed To Create Ill 467. Irreverence -अ ा
Will Or Envy Meaning: Lack Of Proper Respect 487. Junta-शासक गुट
Meaning: Group Of Persons Joined
448. Invincible -अजेय 468. Irrevocable-अटल In Political Intrigue
Meaning: Unconquerable Meaning: Unalterable
488. Jurisprudence - ायशा
449. Invocation- ुित 469. Isotope -सम थािनक Meaning: Science Of Law
Meaning: Prayer For Help; Calling Meaning: Varying Form Of An
Upon As Reference Or Support Element 489. Justification-औिच Meaning:
Good Or Just Reason; Defense;
450. Invoke-आ ान 470. Isthmus -संयोग भूिम Excuse
Meaning: Call Upon; Ask For Meaning: Narrow Neck Of Land
451. Invulnerable -अभे Connecting Two Larger Bodies Of 490. Juxtapose -िनकट रखना

Meaning: Incapable Of Injury Land Meaning: Place Side By Side

452. Iota-ितलमा Meaning: 471. Itinerary -या ा काय म 491. Kaleidoscope -केलाइडो ोप
Very Small Quantity Meaning: Plan Of A Trip Meaning: Tube In Which Patterns
Made By The Reflection In Mirrors
472. Jaunt - मण Meaning: Of Colored Pieces Of Glass, Etc.,
453. Irascible- ोधी
Meaning: Irritable; Easily Angered

454. Irate - ोिधत


455. Iridescent-रं गिबरं गा


Meaning: Exhibiting Rainbow Like

Trip; Short Journey

473. Jaunty -अ ड़
Meaning: lighthearted; Animated;
Easy And Carefree

474. Jeopardize -जो खम म डालना

Produce Interesting Symmetrical

492. Ken- ान की सीमा

Meaning: Range Of Knowledge

493. Kernel-म भाग

Meaning: Endanger; Imperil; Put At Meaning: Central Or Vital Part
494. Kindle -जलाना
456. Ironic -िवडं बना क
475. Jettison -िनकाल फकना Meaning: Start A Fire; Inspire
Meaning: Occurring In An
Unexpected And Contrary Manner Meaning: Throw Overboard
495. Kinetic-गितज
476. Jibe-स ाव म रहने के िलए सहमत होना Meaning: Producing Motion
457. Irony -िवडं बना
Meaning: Hidden Sarcasm Or Meaning:
Satire; Use Of Words That Seem To Agree To Be In Harmony With 496. Kleptomaniac-चोरी करने की बीमारी से
Mean The Opposite Of What They पीिड़त Meaning:
Actually Mean 477. Jingoist-क र दे शभ Person Who Has A Compulsive
Meaning: Extremely Aggressive Desire To Steal
458. Irreconcilable -असंगत And Militant Patriot; Warlike
Meaning: Incompatible; Not Able Chauvinist 497. Knave -बेईमान
To Be Resolved Meaning: Untrustworthy Person
478. Jocose -चुलबुला

459. Irrefutable -अका Meaning: Given To Joking 498. Knead-गूंधना Meaning:

Meaning: Indisputable; Mix; Work Dough
Incontrovertible; Undeniable 479. Jocular -मजािकया
Meaning: Said Or Done In Jest 499. Knell -घंटा बजाना
460. Irrelevant -अ ासंिगक Meaning: Not Meaning: Sound Of The Funeral Bell
Applicable; Unrelated 480. Jollity - स ता
Meaning: Gaiety; Cheerfulness 500. Knoll -छोटी गोल पहाड़ी Meaning:
461. Irremediable -असुधाय Meaning: Little, Round Hill
Incurable; Uncorrectable 481. Jostle-ध ा दे ना
Meaning: Shove; Bump; To Push 501. Kudos- शंसा Meaning:
462. Irreparable-अपूरणीय Meaning: Not Roughly Or Hastily Honor; Glory; Praise
Able To Be Corrected Or Repaired
482. Jovial -आन त 502. Labile-अ थर
463. Irrepressible-अदमनीय Meaning: Good-Natured; Merry Meaning: Likely To Change;
Meaning: Unable To Be Restrained Unstable
Or Held Back 483. Jubilation-उ ास
Meaning: Rejoicing 503. Laborious-प र मी
464. Irreproachable-िन लंक Meaning: Demanding Much Work
Meaning: Blameless; Impeccable 484. Juggernaut- भावशाली श Or Care; Tedious
Meaning: Irresistible Crushing
Force 504. Labyrinth -भूलभुलैया Meaning: Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 326
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Maze 526. Limber-लचीला Influence
Meaning: Flexible
505. Laceration-फाड़ना 548. Magniloquent -आडं बरपूण
Meaning: Torn, Ragged Wound 527. Lineage-वंशावली Meaning: Boastful; Pompous
Meaning: Descent; Ancestry
506. Lachrymose-शोकपूण Meaning: 549. Maladroit-अकुशल
Producing Tears 528. Liquidate -समा Meaning: Clumsy; Not Skillful
Meaning: Settle Accounts; Clear Up
507. Lackadaisical -िन ाहपूण 550. Malady-रोग Meaning:
Meaning: Lacking Purpose Or Zest; 529. Litigation-मुकदमेबाज़ी Illness
Half-hearted; Languid Meaning: Lawsuit
551. Malapropism-दु योग ुिट
508. Lackluster -अभाव 530. Loath-अिन ु क Meaning: Comic Misuse Of A Word
Meaning: Dull Meaning: Reluctant; Disinclined
552. Malediction-मल ाग
509. Laconic-संि 531. Loathe-घृणा करना Meaning: Curse
Meaning: Brief And To The Point Meaning: Detest
553. Malefactor-अपराधी Meaning:
510. Laggard -सु 532. Loquacious -वाचाल Meaning: Evildoer; Criminal
Meaning: Slow; Sluggish Talkative
554. Malfeasance- ाचार

511. Lament -िवलाप 533. Lucid-सु Meaning: Wrongdoing; Misconduct
Meaning: Grieve; Express Sorrow Meaning: Easily Understood; Clear (By A Public Official)

512. Languid-िन ेज 534. Lucre-दौलत Meaning: 555. Malign-बदनाम करना Meaning:

Meaning: Weary; Sluggish; Listless Money; Profit Speak Evil Of

513. Larder-खा -भंडार

Meaning: Pantry; Place Where Food
Is Kept

514. Lascivious -कामुक

Meaning: Lustful
535. Ludicrous-हा ा द Meaning:
Laughable; Ridiculous

536. Lull -शां ित काल

Meaning: Moment Of Calm

537. Lumber-फूहड़पन से चलना

556. Malleable -आघातवधनीय
Meaning: Capable Of Being Shaped
By Pounding

557. Maniacal -उ ादी

Meaning: Raging Mad; Insane
515. Lassitude -थकावट Meaning: Move Heavily Or Clumsily 558. Mannered-िश ाचार Meaning:
Meaning: Languor; Weariness Affected; Not Natural;
538. Lunatic-पागल
516. Laud- शंसा Meaning: Meaning: Insane 559. Marked-िचि त
Praise Meaning: Noticeable
539. Lurid-भड़कीला
517. Lax -बेपरवाह Meaning: Wild; Sensational 560. Marsupial-िशशुधानी नी
Meaning: Careless Meaning: One Of A Family Of
540. Luscious -सु ाद Mammals That Nurse Their
518. Lechery - ाचार Meaning: Pleasing To Taste Or Offspring In A Pouch
Meaning: Gross Lewdness; Smell
Lustfulness 561. Martinet -कठोर अनुशासक
541. Lustrous-उ ल Meaning: Strict Disciplinarian
519. Leeway -छूट, अनुवात दू री Meaning: Shining; Brilliant
Meaning: Room To Move; Margin 562. Masochist -पीड़ा सुखभोगी
542. Luxuriant-समृ Meaning: Person Who Enjoys His

520. Leniency -कोमलता Meaning: Abundant; Growing Own Pain

Meaning: Mildness; Healthily And In Large Amounts
Permissiveness 563. Maul - त िव त करना Meaning:
543. Mace-गदा Handle Roughly
521. Levitate -वायु म तैरना Meaning: Meaning: Ceremonial Staff used as
Float In Air a symbol of Authority 564. Maverick-िव ोही
Meaning: Rebel; Nonconformist
522. Lewd-कामुक 544. Macerate-पानी म डालकर रखना
Meaning: Lustful Meaning: Soften By Soaking In 565. Maxim-कहावत
Liquid Meaning: Proverb
523. Lexicographer-कोशकार
Meaning: Compiler Of A Dictionary 545. Maelstrom-उथलपुथल 566. Mediocre-औसत दज का
Meaning: Violent Or Turbulent Meaning: Ordinary; Commonplace
524. Libel-मानहािन Situation
Meaning: Defamatory Statement 567. Medley -िम ण
546. Magnanimity -उदारता Meaning: Mixture
525. Lien - हणािधकार Meaning: Generosity
Meaning: Legal Claim On A 568. Megalomania-अहं कारो ाद
Property 547. Magnate- भावशाली Meaning: Mania For Doing
Meaning: Person Of Prominence Or Grandiose Things Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 327

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569. Memoir-जीवनी 590. Mutability-अ थरता 609. Novice-नौिस खया
Meaning: Autobiography; Meaning: The Quality Of Being Meaning : Someone New To A Field
Biography Capable Of Mutation, Ability To Or Activity
Change In Form
570. Mendacious-िम ा 610. Nullify -र करना
Meaning: Lying; Habitually 591. Myopic-अदू रदश Meaning: Make Ineffective By
Dishonest Meaning: Nearsighted., Unable To Counterbalancing The Effect Of
See Distant Objects Clearly
571. Mendicant-िभ ुक 611. Numismatist -मु ा शा ी
Meaning: Beggar 592. Myriad-असं Meaning: A Person Who Collects
Meaning: Very Large Number., Numismatic Items, Esp. Coins
572. Mercenary- ाथलोलुप Meaning: Large Indefinite Number
Motivated Solely By Money Or Gain 612. Nuptial-वैवािहक
593. Nadir-सबसे िन र Meaning: Related To Marital Or
573. Metamorphosis -कायापलट Meaning: Lowest Point Wedding
Meaning: Change Of Form
594. Narcissist-आ कामी Meaning: 613. Nurture-पालन-पोषण
574. Mettle-उ ाह Someone In Love With Themselves Meaning: To Feed And Protect
Meaning: Courage , Spirit
595. Nascent-नवजात 614. Nutrient -पोषक
575. Milieu -प रवेश Meaning: Being Born Or Beginning Meaning: Nourishing Substance

Meaning: Social Environment;
Means Of Expression 596. Nauseate-घृणा पैदा करना 615. Obdurate -िज़ ी
Meaning: To Affect With Nausea; Meaning: Stubborn
576. Miniature -लघु Sicken
Meaning: Small Model; Small 616. Obeisance -अिभवादन
Painting 597. Nebulous-अ Meaning: The Act Of Obeying

577. Misanthrope-मनु ोही

Meaning: One Who Hates Mankind

578. Misconstrue -ग़लत समझना

Interpret Incorrectly;
Meaning :Lacking Definition Or
Definite Content

598. Nefarious -अित दु

Meaning : Extremely Wicked

599. Nemesis -अप रहाय दं ड

617. Obfuscate-अंधेरा करना
Meaning: Make Obscure Or Unclear

618. Obituary-िनधन-सूचना
Meaning : A Notice Of The Death Of
A Person
Meaning: Something Causing
579. Missive-राजनीितक संदेश Misery Or Death 619. Obligatory -अिनवाय
Meaning: Letter Meaning : Compulsion Or
600. Neologism-नव श िनमाण ` Convention
580. Mnemonic- ृित सहायक Meaning: A Newly Invented Word
Meaning: Pertaining To Memory Or Phrase 620. Obliterate-िमटाना
Meaning : To Remove Or Destroy

581. Momentous- भावशाली 601. Nepotism-भाई - भतीजावाद All Traces Of; Do Away With
Meaning: Of Very Great Meaning: Favoritism Shown To
Significance, Very Important Relatives Or Close Friends By 621. Oblivion-िव रण
Those In Power Meaning : Obscurity; Forgetfulness
582. Monotheism-अ ै तवाद Meaning:
Belief In A Single God 602. Niggardly -कृपण 622. Obnoxious-अस ित
Meaning: Petty Or Reluctant In Meaning : Causing Disapproval Or
583. Moratorium- थगन Giving Or Spending Protest
Meaning: Legal Delay In Payment

603. Nocturnal -राि कालीन 623. Obscure -अ

584. Morbid-रोगी Meaning:
Meaning: Belonging To Or Active Meaning : Not Easily Understood
Diseased, Pathologic
During The Night
585. Mores-आचार-िवचार 624. Obsession -सनक
Meaning: Conventions, Moral 604. Nominal-नाममा Meaning: Related To Thinking
Standard, Customs Meaning: Being Such In Name Only About Something Constantly

586. Moribund-मरणास 605. Nonchalance-उदासीनता 625. Obsolete-अ चिलत

Meaning: Dying Meaning: Cool Indifference Or Lack Meaning: No Longer In Use
Of Concern; Casualness.
587. Mosaic-प ीकारी
Meaning: Art Consisting Of A 626. Obstinate- िज ी
606. Nonentity -तु ता
Design Made Of Small Pieces Of Meaning: Persist Stubbornly
Meaning: A Person Of No Influence
Colored Stone Or Glass
627. Occlude- ितरोध करना
607. Nostalgia-गृहिवयोग Meaning:
588. Mundane-सां सा रक Meaning: Block Passage Through
628. Occult-रह मय
608. Notoriety-बदनामी
589. Mural-िभि -िच Meaning: Supernatural Practices
Meaning: The State Of Being
Meaning: Wall Painting And Techniques
Known For Some Unfavorable Act
Or Quality Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 328
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 54 TG @M00n_Ligt Vocabulary for Speaking
629. Ominous-अपशगुन 648. Outwit-चतुरता 668. Parasite-परजीवी
Meaning: Presaging Ill Fortune Meaning: Beat Through Cleverness Meaning: animal or plant living on
And Wit another
630. Omnipotent-सवश मान
Meaning: Having Unlimited 649. Ovation-जय-जयकार 669. Pariah-अछूत Meaning:
Power Meaning: Enthusiastic Recognition social outcast

631. Omniscient-सव 650. Overt- 670. Parity-बराबरी

Meaning: Infinitely Wise Meaning: Open And Observable; Meaning: equality, close
Not Secret Or Hidden resemblance
632. Opalescent-सतरं गा
671. Parley-पर र वातालाप Meaning:
Meaning: Having A Play Of 651. Overweening-आ िव ास
Lustrous Rainbow Colors Meaning: Presumptuously Arrogant
672. Parochial-संकीण
633. Opaque -अपारदश 652. Pacifist-शां ितवादी
Meaning: narrow in outlook,
Meaning: Not Transmitting Or Meaning: one opposed to force
Reflecting Light
653. Painstaking-प र मपूण
Meaning: showing hard work, 673. Parody-नकल करना
634. Opportune-उपयु
taking great care Meaning: humorous imitation
Meaning: Suitable

635. Optimist-आशावादी 654. Palatable- ािद
Meaning: agreeable, pleasing to 674. Parsimony -कंजूसी
Meaning: A Person Disposed To
the taste Meaning: stinginess, excessive
Take A Favorable View Of Things
655. Paleontology-जीवा िव ान
636. Opulence-संप ता
Meaning: study of prehistoric life 675. Partiality-प पात
Meaning: Wealth As Evidenced By
Sumptuous Living

637. Oracular-रह मय
Meaning: Of Or Relating To An

638. Orator-व ा
656. Palliate- ूनीकरण
Meaning: ease pain, make less
severe or offensive

657. Palpable- शनीय

tangible. Easily,
Meaning: inclination, bias

676. Partisan-प पातपूण Meaning:

one-sided, prejudiced

677. Passé-पुराने जमाने का Meaning:

old-fashioned, past the prime
Meaning: A Person Who Delivers A
Speech Or Oration 658. Paltry-नग Meaning: 678. Pastoral-दे हाती
insignificant, petty, trifling Meaning: rural
639. Ordain-िनयु करना
Meaning: Issue An Order 659. Panacea-रामबाण
Meaning: cure-all, remedy for 679. Paucity-अ ता
640. Orientation -उ ुखीकरण diseases Meaning: scarcity

Meaning: A Course Introducing A

660. Pandemic-वैि क महामारी
New Situation Or Environment
Meaning: widespread, affecting the 680. Pauper-कंगाल
majority of people Meaning: very poor person
641. Orifice-िछ
Meaning: An Aperture Or Hole That 661. Pandemonium-हं गामा Meaning: a
Opens Into A Bodily Cavity 681. Philatelist -डाक के िटकट का सं हक
state of extreme confusion and
Meaning: a collector and student of
642. Ornate-अलंकृत postage
Meaning: Elaborated With 662. Panegyric- ुितपाठ

Decorative Details Meaning: formal praise 682. Philistine -िफिल ीनी

Meaning: a member of an Aegean
643. Ostensible - कट 663. Pantomime-मूक नाटक people who Settled Ancient
Meaning: Represented Or Meaning: acting without dialogue Philistia Around The 12th Century
Appearing As Such; Pretended
664. Parable-नीितकथा 683. Phobia -भय
644. Ostentatious-आडं बरपूण Meaning: short, simple story Meaning: An Anxiety Disorder
Meaning: Intended To Attract teaching a moral Characterized By Extreme And
Notice And Impress Others Irrational Fear
665. Paradigm-आदश
645. Ostracize-बिह ृ त करना Meaning: model 684. Phylum-समुदाय
Meaning: Avoid Speaking To Or Meaning: The Major Taxonomic
Dealing With 666. Paradox-िवरोधाभास Group Of Animals And Plants;
Meaning: something apparently Contains Classes
646. Oust-बाहर िनकालना contradictory in nature, a statement
Meaning: Remove From A Position that looks false but is actually 685. Piety-धमपरायणता
Or Office correct Meaning: Righteousness By Virtue
Of Being
647. Outspoken - वादी Meaning: 667. Paramount -सव
Given To Expressing Yourself Freely Meaning: foremost in importance, 686. Pillage-लूटना
Or Insistently supreme Meaning: The Act Of Stealing Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 329

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 54 TG @M00n_Ligt Vocabulary for Speaking
Valuable Things From A Place 705. Posthumous-मरणोपरां त 724. Pretext-बहाना
Meaning: Occurring Or Coming Meaning: Excuse
687. Pious-धमिन Into Existence After A Person's
Meaning: Having Or Showing Or Death 725. Prevail - चिलत होना
Expressing Reverence For A Meaning: Induce; Triumph Over
706. Potable-पेय
688. Piquant-आकषक Meaning: Any Liquid Suitable For
Meaning: Attracting Drinking 726. Prevaricate-झूठ बोलना
Meaning: Lie
689. Pitfall-ख़तरा 707. Potent -श शाली
Meaning: A Trap In The Form Of A Meaning: Having A Strong 727. Prey -िशकार Meaning:
Concealed Physiological Or Chemical Effect Target Of A Hunt; Victim

690. Pivotal -अ यिधक मह वपूण 708. Potion-औषिध 728. Primogeniture- े ािधकार

Meaning: Being Of Crucial Meaning: A Medicinal Or Magical Meaning: Seniority By Birth
Or Poisonous
691. Placate -तस ी दे ना 729. Primordial-आिदकालीन
Meaning: Cause To Be More 709. Pragmatic- ावहा रक Meaning: Existing At The Beginning
Favorably Inclined; Gain The Good Meaning: An Imperial Decree That (Of Time); Rudimentary
Will Of Becomes Part Of The Fundamental
Law Of The Land 730. Pristine-पूवकालीन

692. Plagiarize-चोरी करना Meaning: Characteristic Of Earlier
Meaning: Take Without Referencing 710. Precarious-अिनि त Times; Primitive, Unspoiled
From Someone Else's Writing Or Meaning: Affording No Ease Or
Speech; Reassurance 731. Privy-गु
Meaning: Secret; Hidden; Not
693. Platonic -आदशवादी 711. Preclude-रोकना Public
Meaning: Free From

694. Plausible - शंसनीय

Reasonable And Valid,


712. Precursor =पूववत

Meaning: Forerunner

713. Predilection-पूवा ह
732. Privilege-िवशेषािधकार Meaning:
Unquestionable Right

733. Probe-जाँ च-पड़ताल करना

Meaning: Explore With Tools
695. Plenary -पूण Meaning: Partiality; Preference 734. Probity-स र ता
Meaning: Full In All Respects Meaning: Uprightness;
714. Prefatory-प रचया क Meaning: Incorruptibility
696. Pliable -लचीला Introductory
Meaning: Capable Of Being Bent Or 735. Proclivity -झुकाव
Flexed Or Twisted Without 715. Prelude- ावना Meaning: Inclination; Natural
Meaning: Introduction; Forerunner
697. Plutocracy-धिनक त
Meaning: A Political System 716. Premeditated -पूविनयोिजत 736. Procrastinate-िवल करना
Governed By The Wealthy People Meaning: Plan In Advance Meaning: Postpone; Delay

698. Paediatrist-ब ों का िचिक क 717. Premise - ा ना Meaning: 737. Prod-उकसावा दे ना

Meaning: A Specialist In Care For Assumption; Postulate Meaning: Poke; Stir Up; Urge
The Children
718. Premonition-पूवबोध Meaning: 738. Prodigal -खच ला
699. Poignancy-मािमकता Meaning: A Forewarning Meaning: Wasteful; Reckless With

Quality That Arouses Money

719. Preponderance- धानता
700. Polity-रा व था Meaning: Superiority Of Power, 739. Profane -उ ंघन
Meaning: Shrewd Or Crafty Quantity, Etc Meaning: Violate; Desecrate(Holy)
Management Of Public Affairs
720. Prerogative -िवशेषािधकार 740. Profligate-अप यी
701. Polygamist -ब िववाही Meaning: a right or privilege Meaning: Dissipated; Wasteful;
Meaning: Someone Who Is Married exclusive to a particular individual Licentious
To Two Or More People At The or class
Same Time 741. Profound-गहराई
721. Presage-पूवाभास Meaning: Deep; Not Superficial;
702. Polyglot -ब भाषी Meaning: Foretell Complete
Meaning: A Person Who Speaks
More Than One Language 722. Prestige- ित ा 742. Progeny-संतान
Meaning: Impression Produced By Meaning: Children; Offspring,
703. Ponderous -भारी-भरकम Achievements Or Reputation
Meaning: Having Great Mass And 743. Proletarian - मजीवी
Weight And Unwieldiness 723. Presumptuous -अिभमान Meaning: Member Of The Working
Meaning: Arrogant; Taking Class
704. Posterity-भावी पीढ़ी Liberties, Going Beyond What Is
Meaning: All Future Generations Right Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 330
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 54 TG @M00n_Ligt Vocabulary for Speaking
744. Proliferate- चुर मा ा म उ होना 764. Provisional -अ कालीन Lacking In Courage And Manly
Meaning: Grow Rapidly; Spread; Meaning: Under Terms, Not Final Or Strength And Resolution
Multiply Fully Worked Out Or Agreed Upon
782. Pyromaniac-आितशबाज़ी
745. Prolific-उपजाऊ 765. Provocative-उ ेजक Meaning: A Person With A Mania
Meaning: Abundantly Fruitful Meaning: Serving Or Tending To For Setting Things On Fire
Provoke, Excite
746. Prolong-ल ा करना 783. Quadruped-चतु ोणीय
Meaning: Extend; Draw Out; 766. Proximity-िनकटता Meaning: An Animal Especially A
Meaning: The Property Of Being Mammal Having Four Limbs
747. Promiscuous-अ व थत Close Together Specialized For Walking
Meaning: Mixed Indiscriminately;
Haphazard; Irregular 767. Prudent-िववेकपूण 784. Quagmire-दलदल
Meaning: Careful And Sensible; Meaning: A Soft Wet Area Of
748. Prompt -उसकाना Marked By Sound Judgment Low-Lying Land That Sinks
Meaning: Cause; Provoke Underfoot
768. Pseudonym-उपनाम Meaning: A
749. Promulgate- ािपत करना Fictitious Name Used When The 785. Quaint -िवल ण
Meaning: Make Known By Official Person Performs A Particular Meaning: Strange In An Interesting
Proclamation Or Publication Social Role Or Pleasing Way

750. Prone-झुका आ 769. Psyche-मानिसकता 786. Quandary- ाकुलता
Meaning: Inclined To Meaning: That Which Is Meaning: State Of Uncertainty Or
Responsible For One's Thoughts Perplexity
751. Propagate -वंश बढ़ाना And Feelings; The Seat Of The
Meaning: Multiply; Spread Faculty Of Reason 787. Quarantine -एकां तवास
Meaning: Isolation To Prevent The
752. Propellant - णोदक
Meaning: Substance That Propels
Or Drives Forward.

753. Propensity-सहज वृ त
Meaning: Natural Inclination
770. Psychiatrist-मनोिचिक क
Meaning: A Physician
Specializes In Psychiatry

771. Psychopathic -मनोरोगमय

Meaning: Suffering From
Undiagnosed Mental Disorder

Spread Of Infectious Disease

788. Quarry -िशकार करना

Meaning: Animal Hunted Or Caught
For Food

789. Quell-दमन करना

754. Prophetic-भिव वाणी Meaning: Suppress; Put An End To
Meaning: Having To Do With 772. Puerile-बचकाना
Predicting The Future. Meaning: Of Or Characteristic Of A 790. Quench-शमन करना
Child Meaning: Assuage Or Satisfy
755. Propinquity -िनकटता (Thrust)
Meaning: Nearness; Kinship 773. Pugnacity-झगड़ालूपन Meaning: A
Natural Disposition To Be Hostile 791. Querulous-िशकायती

756. Propound- ितपादन करना Meaning: Given To Complaining;

Meaning: Put Forward An Idea 774. Puissant-श शाली Complaining
Meaning: Powerful
757. Proscribe- ितबंिधत करना 792. Quiescent-िन य
Meaning: Command Against 775. Pulmonary -फु ु सीय Meaning: Dormant; Temporarily
Meaning: Relating To Or Affecting Inactive
758. Proselytize -धमप रवतन The Lungs
Meaning: Convert To Another Faith 793. Quirk-अनोखी चाल
Or Religion 776. Pulverize-पीसना Meaning: Sudden Sharp Turn Or

Meaning: Make Into A Powder By Twist

759. Prosperity-समृ Breaking Up Or Cause To Become
Meaning: The Condition Of Dust 794. Quiver-कंपन
Prospering; Having Good Fortune Meaning: Tremble; Shake
777. Pummel-दमकल
760. Prostate-िन हाय कर दे ना Meaning: Strike, Usually With The 795. Quixotic-अ ावहा रक
Meaning: Render Helpless Or Fist Meaning: Idealistic But Impractical
778. Punctilious -अित िश ाचारी 796. Quorum-कायसाधक सं ा
Meaning: Marked By Precise Meaning: Minimal Number Of
761. Protocol -िश ाचार
Accordance With Details Members Necessary To Conduct A
Meaning: Code Of Correct Conduct
779. Punitive-द ा क
762. Prototype- ितमान
Meaning: Inflicting Punishment 797. Rabid -क र
Meaning: A Standard Or Typical
Example Meaning: Of Or Suffering Rabies;
780. Purge-िनमल करना Like A Fanatic
Meaning: An Abrupt Or Sudden
763. Provident-दू रदश
Removal Of A Person Or Group 798. Raconteur-मज़ेदार कहािनयाँ सुनाने
Meaning: Providing Carefully For
From An Organization Or Place वाला
The Future
Meaning: Story-Teller; One Who
781. Pusillanimous-डरपोकMeaning: Tells Stories With Wit And Skill Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 331
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799. Rail-िनंदा करना Punished 840. Renounce- ाग
Meaning: Complain Bitterly Meaning: Abandon, Disown
819. Recant-अ ीकार करना
800. Rally-एक करना Meaning: Disclaim Or Disavow; 841. Repartee-हािजर जवाबी Meaning:
Meaning: Come Or Bring Together Retract A Previous Statement Clever Reply

801. Ramification-उपशाखा 820. Recapitulate-सं ेप म दु हराना 842. Repeal-र करना

Meaning: Branching Out; Meaning: Summarize Meaning: Revoke, Annul, Cancel
Subdivision Officially
821. Receptive- हणशील
802. Ramp-ढलान Meaning: Quick Or Willing To 843. Repellent-िवकषक
Meaning: Slope; Inclined Plane Or Receive Meaning: Driving Away, Unattractive
822. Recluse-एकां तवासी 844. Repertoire-रं गपटल
803. Rampant-अिनयंि त प से बढना Meaning: Hermit; Loner Meaning: List Of Works Of Music,
Meaning: Growing Or Spreading Drama Etc.
Uncontrollably 823. Reconcile-सामंज थािपत करना
Meaning: Make Friendly Again 845. Replenish-पुन: पूित करना
804. Rampart-िकले की दीवार Meaning: Fill Up Again
Meaning: Defensive Mound Of 824. Recount-दोबारा कहना अथवा िगनना
Earth Meaning: Narrate Or Tell 846. Repository-भंडार गृह Meaning:

805. Rancid-दु गध 825. Rectify-सुधारना
Meaning: Having The Odor Of Stale Meaning: Set Right; Correct 847. Reprimand-फटकार
Or Decomposing Fat Meaning: Strong, Rebuke
826. Recuperate-पुनः ा करना
806. Rancor-श ुता Meaning: Recover; Return To 848. Repudiate-अ ीकार करना
Meaning: Long-Lasting Hatred

807. Rant-डींग मारना

Meaning: Speak

808. Rapport-घिन ता
Violently Or

827. Redress-िनवारण करना Meaning:
Remedy, Compensation

828. Refractory -दु द

Meaning: Stubborn, Unmanageable
Meaning: Disown, Disavow

849. Repugnance-घृणा
Meaning: Loathing

850. Repulsion- ितकषण

Meaning: Distaste, Act Of Driving
Meaning: Close Relationship; Back
Emotional Closeness 829. Refrain-अलग होना
Meaning: Abstain From, Resist 851. Reputable- िति त
809. Ratify-पुि Meaning: Respectable
Meaning: Approve Formally; 830. Refurbish- नवीकरण करना
Confirm Meaning: Renovate, Make Bright By 852. Repute- ित ा
Meaning: Supposed, Respect
810. Rationale-मूलाधार
Meaning: Fundamental Reason Or 831. Regal-शाही 853. Requisite-अपेि त
Principle Meaning: Royal Meaning: Necessary Requirement

811. Ravage-न करना 832. Rehabilitate-पुनवास 854. Requite-बदला लेना

Meaning: Devastate; Plunder Meaning: Restore To Proper Meaning: Repay, Revenge
812. Ravine-दरा 855. Sadistic-दु खद
Meaning: Narrow Valley With Steep 833. Reimburse - ितपूित करना Meaning: Inclined To Cruelty

Sides Meaning: Repay

856. Sagacious-समझदार
813. Raze-न करना 834. Rejuvenate -कायाक Meaning: Perceptive,Shrewd
Meaning: Destroy Completely Meaning: Make Young Again
857. Sage-ऋिष
814. Realm-दायरा Meaning: 835. Reminiscence-सं रण Meaning: Person Celebrated For
Kingdom; Field Or Sphere Meaning: Recollection Wisdom

815. Rebate-घटौती 836. Remnant-अवशेष 858. Salacious-कामातुर

Meaning: Return Of Part Of A Meaning: Remainder Meaning: Lascivious.Lustful
837. Rendezvous-िमलन थल 859. Saline-नमकीन
816. Rebuke-डाँ ट फटकार Meaning: Meaning: Meeting Place Meaning: Salty
Scold Harshly; Criticize Severely
838. Rendition-गायन 860. Salubrious- ा द Meaning:
817. Rebuttal-खंडन Meaning: Translation, Artistic Healthful
Meaning: Refutation Interpretation Of A Song Etc
861. Salutary-िहतकारी
818. Recalcitrant-अिड़यल 839. Renegade- धम ागी Meaning: Tending To Improve;
Meaning: Disobedient Or Resisting Meaning: Deserter, Traitor Beneficial
Authority Even After Being Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 332
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862. Sanctimonious-पाखंडी 883. Seasoned-अनुभवी 904. Shimmer -िटमिटमाना Meaning:
Meaning: Hypocritical, Displaying Meaning: Experienced Glimmer Intermittently
884. Secession-अलगाव 905. Shoddy-घिटया, र ी
863. Sanguinary-र पातपूण Meaning: Withdrawal Meaning: Sham; Not Genuine
Meaning: Bloody,Creating
Blood,Cruel 885. Seclusion-एकां त 906. Shrew-झगड़ालू ी
Meaning: Isolation Meaning: Scolding Woman
864. Sanguine-आशावादी
Meaning: Cheerful,Hopeful 886. Sedition-राज ोह 907. Shrewd -चतुर
Meaning: Resistance To Authority Meaning: Clever; Astute
865. Sap-श हीन करना
Meaning: Diminish; Weaken 887. Sedulous-प र मी 908. Shun-दू र करना
Meaning: Diligent; Assiduous Meaning: Keep Away From
866. Sardonic-ितर ारपूण Meaning:
Disdainful,Hateful 888. Seep- रसना 909. Sidereal -ना ि क
Meaning: Pass Slowly Through Meaning: Relating To The Stars
867. Sate-स ु करना Small Openings
Meaning: Satisfy To The Full; 910. Silt -गाद
Satisfy To Excess 889. Seismic-भूकंपीय Meaning: Sediment Deposited By
Meaning: Pertaining To Running Water

868. Satiate-संतृ करना Earthquakes
Meaning: Satisfy 911. Simile -उपमा
890. Seminal-अ ंत भावशाली Meaning: Comparison Of One Thing
869. Satirical-उपहासा क Meaning: Meaning: Influencing Future With Another,
Using Satire; Mocking Development
912. Sinecure -दािय हीन पद
870. Saturnine-उदास
Meaning: Gloomy

871. Saunter-टहलना
Meaning: Move Slowly

872. Savor-आनंद उठाना

891. Senility-बुढ़ापा

892. Sensual -कामुक

Feeblemindedness Of Old Age

Devoted To

Pleasures Of The Sense; Carnal

Meaning: Well-Paid Position With
Little Responsibility

913. Sinister-डरावना
Meaning: Evil

914. Sinuous -लहरदार तरं िगल

Meaning: Enjoy; Have A Distinctive Meaning: Winding; Bending In And
Flavor, Smell, Or Quality 893. Sententious-संि Out
Meaning: Pithy; Terse
873. Scaffold-चबूतरा 915. Skirmish =झड़प
Meaning: Temporary Platform For 894. Septic-िवषा Meaning: Minor Fight
Workers Meaning: Of Or Causing Sepsis
916. Slacken-कम करना

874. Scanty-अ Meaning: 895. Sequester-पृथक करना Meaning: Meaning: Slow Up; Loosen
Meager; Insufficient Retire From Public Life; Segregate
917. Slag -धातुमल
875. Scapegoat -बिल का बकरा 896. Sere -मुरझाया आ Meaning: Residue From Smelting
Meaning: Someone Who Bears The Meaning: Parched; Dry Metal
Blame For Others
897. Serendipity-आक क लाभवृि 918. Slander -बदनामी
876. Schematic-योजनाब Meaning: Of A Meaning: Gift For Finding Valuable Meaning: Defamation; Utterance Of
Schema Or Scheme; Relating To An Or Desirable Things By Accident; False And Malicious Statements

Outline Or Diagram
898. Serenity -शां ित 919. Sleight -कौशल
877. Schism-िवभाजन Meaning: Calmness; Placidity Meaning: Dexterity
Meaning: Split,Division
899. Servitude-दासता 920. Slight -अनादर
878. Scintillate-चमकना Meaning: Slavery; Compulsory Meaning: Insult To One's Dignity;
Meaning: Sparkle; Flash; Be Labor Snub
900. Severance -अलग करना 921. Sloth -आल
879. Scoff-उपहास Meaning: Division; Partition; Meaning: Laziness
Meaning: Mock,Ridicule Separation
922. Sluggard-आलसी
880. Scourge -चाबुक से पीटना 901. Sextant-समु ी से टट Meaning: Meaning: Lazy Person
Meaning: Severe Punishment Navigation Tool Used To Determine
A Ship's Latitude And Longitude 923. Sluggish -सु
881. Scrupulous-ईमानदार Meaning: Meaning: Slow; Lazy; Lethargic
Conscientious; Extremely Thorough 902. Shackle -हथकड़ी
Meaning: Chain; Fetter 924. Slur -कलंक
882. Scurrilous-अशोभनीय Meaning: Meaning: Insult To One's Character
Indecent 903. Sham -िदखावा Or Reputation
Meaning: Pretend Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 333
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 54 TG @M00n_Ligt Vocabulary for Speaking
925. Smirk -कृि म मु ु राहट Or Relating To Or Caused By A 962. Tribute- ां जिल
Meaning: Conceited Smile Toxin Or Poison Meaning: Payment Extorted By
Gangsters On Threat Of Violence
926. Sojourn-डे रा डालना 945. Tractable-सुिवधाजनक Meaning:
Meaning: Temporary Stay Easily Managed 963. Trigger-उ ेरक
Meaning: An Act That Sets In
927. Solace -सां ना दे ना 946. Trajectory - ेप-पथ Meaning: The Motion Some Course Of Events
Meaning: Comfort In Trouble Path Followed By An Object Moving
Through Space 964. Trilogy- यी
928. Solder -टाँ का लगाना Meaning: A Set Of Three Literary Or
Meaning: Repair Or Make Whole By 947. Tranquility-शां तिच ता Meaning: A Dramatic Works Related In Subject
Using A Metal Alloy Disposition Free From Stress Or Or Theme
929. Solecism-अिश ता 965. Trinket-स ा आभूषण Meaning:
Meaning: Construction That Is 948. Transcendent-उ ृ Meaning: Cheap Showy Jewelry Or Ornament
Flagrantly Incorrect Grammatically Beyond And Outside The Ordinary On Clothing
Range Of Human Experience Or
930. Solicit -आ हपूवक मनाना Understanding 966. Trite=िघसा-िपटा
Meaning: Request Earnestly; Seek Meaning: Repeated Too Often;
949. Transcribe - ितिलिप करना Overfamiliar Through Overuse
931. Soliloquy- भाषण Meaning: Rewrite In A Different

Meaning: Talking To Oneself Script 967. Trivia-साधारण, मामूली Meaning:
Something Of Small Importance
932. Solstice-अयनां त 950. Transfigure- पां तरण Meaning:
Meaning: Point At Which The Sun Is Change Completely The Nature Or 968. Truism- यंिस
Farthest From The Equator Appearance Of Meaning: An Obvious Truth

933. Solvent-िवलायक
Meaning: Substance That Dissolves

934. Somatic-दै िहक

Meaning: Pertaining To The Body;
951. Transgression-उ ंघन
Meaning: The Action Of Going
Beyond Or Overstepping Some
Boundary Or Limit

952. Transient-अ थायी

Meaning: One Who Stays For Only
969. Truncate-काट कर छोटा करना
Meaning: Make Shorter As If By
Cutting Off

970. Tumult-हं गामा

Meaning: The Act Of Making A
Noisy Disturbance
A Short Time
935. Topography - थलाकृित 971. Turbid-मटमैला
Meaning: The Configuration Of A 953. Transition-पारगमन Meaning: (Of Liquids) Clouded As
Surface And The Relations Among Meaning: The Act Of Passing From With Sediment
Its Man-Made And Natural Features One State Or Place To The Next
972. Turbulence -अशां ित
936. Torque -बलाघूण 954. Translucent-पारभासी Meaning: Meaning: Unstable Flow Of A Liquid

Meaning: A Twisting Force Allowing Light To Pass Through Or Gas

937. Torrent- चंड धारा 973. Turmoil-उथलपुथल Meaning:
Meaning: A Violently Fast Stream 955. Transpire-घिटत होना Meaning: Disturbance Usually In Protest
Of Water Come About, Happen, Or Occur
974. Turncoat-दलबदलू
938. Torrid-ब त गरम 956. Traumatic -ददनाक Meaning: Meaning: A Disloyal Person Who
Meaning: Extremely Hot Psychologically Painful Betrays Or Deserts His Cause Or
Religion Or Political Party Or Friend

939. Torso-धड़ 957. Traverse -पार करना Etc

Meaning: The Body Excluding The Meaning: Travel Across
Head And Neck And Limbs 975. Tutelage-संर ण
958. Travesty-िवडं बना Meaning: Attention And
940. Tortuous-कपटपूण Meaning: A Composition That Management Implying
Meaning: Not Straightforward Imitates Or Misrepresents Responsibility For Safety
Somebody's Style, Usually In A
941. Touchstone -कसौटी Meaning: A Humorous Way 976. Tycoon -श शाली उ ोगपित
Basis For Comparison; A Reference Meaning: A Very Wealthy Or
Point Against Which Other Things 959. Trek-दु गम या ा Powerful Businessman
Can Be Evaluated Meaning: Any Long And Difficult
Trip 977. Tyranny- जा पीड़क शासन
942. Touchy-संवेदनशील Meaning: A Form Of Government In
Meaning: Difficult To Handle; 960. Tribulation-आपि Which The Ruler Is An Absolute
Requiring Great Tact Meaning: An Annoying Or Dictator
Frustrating Or Catastrophic Event
943. Tout-दलाल 978. Ubiquitous-सव ापी
Meaning: One Who Sells Advice 961. Tribunal - ायािधकरण Meaning: An Meaning: Being Present
About Gambling Or Speculation Assembly (Including One Or More Everywhere At Once
Judges) To Conduct Judicial
944. Toxic-िवषैला Meaning: Of Business 979. Ulterior-बाद का, आगे का Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 334
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Meaning: Coming At A Subsequent 999. Urbane-शीलवान 1017. Verisimilitude-स ाभास
Time Or Stage Meaning: Suave; Refined In Manner; Meaning: Appearance Of Truth;
Elegant Likelihood
980. Ultimatum-अंितम चेतावनी
Meaning: Last Demand; Last 1000. Usury-सूदखोरी
1018. Versatile-प रवतनशील Meaning:
Warning Meaning: Lending Money
Having Many Talents; Capable Of
At Illegal High Rates Of
981. Umbrage -अपमान एवं ोध की भावना Working In Many Fields
Resentment; Anger; Sense Of Injury 1019. Vertigo -च र आना
Or Insult 1001. Uxorious-प ीपरायण Meaning:
Meaning: Dizziness
Excessively Submissive Or Devoted
982. Unanimity-सवस ित Meaning: To One's Wife
1020. Vicissitude -भा य-प रवतन
Complete Agreement
Meaning: Change Of Fortune
1002. Vacillate-डगमगाना Meaning:
983. Unassailable-अना मणीय Waver (In Opinion); Fluctuate
Meaning: Not Open To Attack; 1021. Vigor-श Meaning:
Impregnable Active Strength
1003. Vagabond-आवारा Meaning:
984. Unassuaged-असंतु 1022. Vindicate -िनद ष ठहराना
Meaning: Unsatisfied Meaning: Clear Of Charges

1004. Valedictory-िवदाई भाषण
985. Unbridled-िनरं कुश Meaning: Pertaining To Farewell
1023. Vindictive - ितशोधी
Meaning: Violent; Uncontrolled, Not
Meaning: Revengeful
Restrained 1005. Validate-पु करना Meaning:
Confirm, Ratify
986. Uncanny-अलौिकक 1024. Virtuoso-कला वीण
Meaning: Strange; Mysterious

987. Underlying -अंतिनिहत

Meaning: Lying Below;
Fundamental, Being Or Involving
Basic Facts Or Principles
1006. Valor-वीरता
Meaning: Bravery

1007. Vanguard-अ गामी सै टु कड़ी

Meaning: Forerunners; Foremost
Position Of An Army; Advance
Meaning: Highly Skilled Artist

1025. Vogue- चलन

Meaning: popular fashion

1026. Viscous-िचपिचपा
Meaning: Sticky, Gluey
988. Undulating -तरं िगत करना Forces
Meaning: Moving With A Wavelike
Motion 1027. Vitiate -दू िषत करना
1008. Vehement- बल
Meaning: Spoil The Effect Of; Make
Meaning: Forceful; Intensely
989. Unearth-पता लगाना Inoperative
Meaning: Dig Up; Discover Emotional
1028. Vivacious-फुत ला
990. Unequivocal-असंिद Meaning: 1009. Venal- ाचारी
Meaning: Lively Or Animated;
Plain; Clear; Obvious Meaning: Capable Of Being Bribed
991. Unfaltering-अिवचल 1010. Vendetta - ितशोध
Meaning: Steadfast; Firm; Not 1029. Vivisection-जीव े दन Meaning: Act
Meaning: Blood Feud
Changing Of Dissecting Living Animals
1011. Venerable-स ािनत Meaning:
Deserving High Respect
992. Uniformity -एक पता 1030. Vociferous -शोरगुलपूण
Meaning: Sameness; Monotony Meaning: Clamorous; Noisy

1012. Vent-िछ
993. Unpalatable-अ ािद Meaning: Meaning: Small Opening; Outlet
Distasteful, Disagreeable
1013. Ventriloquist -तरह तरह की आवाज़
994. Unravel-सुलझाना िनकाल सकनेवाला Meaning:
Meaning: Disentangle; Solve Someone Who Can Make His Or
Her Voice Seem To Come From
995. Unruly-अराजक
Another Person Or Thing
Meaning: Disobedient; Lawless

996. Unsavory-बे ाद 1014. Veracious-स िन

Meaning: Distasteful; Disagreeable Meaning: Truthful

997. Untoward-अभागा 1015. Verbatim -अ रश:

Meaning: Unexpected And Adverse; Meaning: Word For Word
Unfortunate Or Unlucky
1016. Verbose-श ाडं बरपूण Meaning:
998. Upbraid-फटकार लगाना
Meaning: Reprimand; Severely
Scold Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 335

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 55 TG @M00n_Ligt Miscellaneous
46. Cremnophobia Fear of steep cliffs
47. Cryophobia Fear of ice
48. Cyberphobia Fear of computers
List of “Phobia”
49. Cynophobia Fear of dogs
50. Cymophobia Fear of waves
1. Achluophobia Fear of darkness
51. Demophobia Fear of crowds
2. Acerophobia Fear of sourness
52. Dermatosiophobia Fear of skin disease
3. Acousticophobia Fear of sound
53. Doraphobia Fear of fur
4. Acrophobia Fear of heights
54. Dromophobia Fear of crossing streets
5. Agoraphobia Fear of open spaces
55. Dysmorphophobia Fear of physical deformities
6. Agliophobia Fear of crossing busy
56. Ecclesiophobia Fear of church
57. Ecophobia Fear of home
7. Aichmophobia Fear of needles or pointed
58. Eisoptrophobia Fear of mirrors
59. Electrophobia Fear of electricity
8. Ailurophobia Fear of cats
60. Eleutherophobia Fear of freedom
9. Algophobia Fear of pain
61. Emetophobia Fear of vomiting
10. Androphobia Fear of men

62. Entomophobia Fear of insects
11. Anemophobia Fear of wind
63. Epistolophobia Fear of correspondence
12. Anginophobia Fear of narrowness
64. Eremophobia Fear of solitude
13. Anglophobia Fear of English people and
65. Ergophobia Fear of work
66. Ermitophobia Fear of loneliness
14. Anthophobia
15. Anthrophobia
16. Antlophobia
17. Apiphobia
18. Aquaphobia
19. Arachnophobia
Fear of flowers
Fear of humans
Fear of floods
Fear of bees
Fear of water
Fear of spiders
ck 67. Erotophobia
68. Euphobia
69. Febriphobia
70. Francophobia
Fear of sex
Fear of good news
Fear of fever
Fear of French people and
71. Gallophobia Fear of French people and
20. Asthenophobia Fear of weakness
21. Astrapophobia Fear of lightening
72. Gampophobia Fear of marriage
22. Atelophobia Fear of imperfection
73. Genophobia Fear of sex
23. Atephobia Fear of ruin
74. Gephyrophobia Fear of bridges
24. Aurophobia Fear of gold

75. Gerascophobia Fear of growing old

25. Autophobia Fear of loneliness
76. Germanophobia Fear of German people and
26. Bacillophobia Fear of microbes
27. Bacteriophobia Fear of bacteria
77. Geumatophobia Fear of taste
28. Ballistophobia Fear of bullets
78. Glossophobia Fear of speech
29. Bathophobia Fear of depths
79. Graphophobia Fear of writing
30. Batophobia Fear of heights or being
80. Gymnophobia Fear of nudity
close to tall buildings

81. Hadephobia Fear of hell

31. Batrachophobia Fear of frogs and toads
82. Haemophobia Fear of blood
32. Bibliophobia Fear of books
83. Hagiophobia Fear of saints
33. Brontophobia Fear of thunder and
84. Hamartophobia Fear of sin
85. Haptophobia Fear of touch
34. Carcinophobia Fear of cancer
86. Harpaxophobia Fear of robbers
35. Cardiophobia Fear of heart disease
87. Hedonophobia Fear of pleasure
36. Cheimaphobia Fear of cold
88. Heliophobia Fear of sunlight
37. Chionophobia Fear of snow
89. Helminthophobia Fear of worms
38. Chrematophobia Fear of money
90. Herpetophobia Fear of snakes
39. Chronophobia Fear of colour
91. Hierophobia Fear of priests
40. Chrysophobia Fear of gold
92. Hippophobia Fear of horses
41. Claustrophobia Fear of closed spaces
93. Hodophobia Fear of travel
42. Clinophobia Fear of staying in bed
94. Homichlophobia Fear of fog
43. Cnidophobia Fear of insect stings
95. Homophobia Fear of homosexuals
44. Cometophobia Fear of comets
96. Hydrophobia Fear of water
45. Coprostasophobia Fear of constipation Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 336
Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 55 TG @M00n_Ligt Miscellaneous
97. Hydrophobophobia Fear of rabies 146. Parasitophobia Fear of parasites
98. Hypegiaphobia Fear of responsibility 147. Pathophobia Fear of disease
99. Hypnophobia Fear of sleep 148. Patroiophobia Fear of heredity
100. Hypsophobia Fear of high places 149. Peniaphobia Fear of poverty
101. Iatrophobia Fear of going to the doctor 150. Phagophobia Fear of eating
102. Ichthyophobia Fear of fish 151. Pharmacophobia Fear of drugs
103. Iconophobia Fear of religious works of 152. Phasmophobia Fear of ghosts
art 153. Phengophobia Fear of daylight
104. Italophobia Fear of Italian people and 154. Philosophobia Fear of philosophy
things 155. Phobophobia Fear of fear
105. Kakorrhaphiaphobia Fear of failure 156. Phonophobia Fear of noise or of speaking
106. Kenophobia Fear of empty spaces aloud
107. Keraunophobia Fear of thunder 157. Photophobia Fear of light
108. Kleptophobia Fear of stealing 158. Phronemophobia Fear of thinking
109. Kopophobia Fear of fatigue 159. Phthisiophobia Fear of tuberculosis
110. Lalophobia Fear of stuttering /speech 160. Pogonophobia Fear of beards

111. Leprophobia Fear of leprosy 161. Poinephobia Fear of punishment
112. Ligyrophobia Fear of loud noises 162. Politicophobia Fear of politics
113. Limnophobia Fear of lakes 163. Potamophobia Fear of rivers
114. Logophobia Fear of words 164. Potophobia Fear of drinks
115. Lygophobia Fear of darkness 165. Psychrophobia Fear of the cold
116. Mastigophobia
117. Mechanophobia
118. Mettalophobia
119. Metrophobia
120. Microbiophobia
Fear of beating
Fear of machinery
Fear of metal
Fear of poetry
Fear of microbes
ck 166.Pteronophobia

167. Pyrophobia
168. Russophobia
Fear of being tickled by
Fear of fire
Fear of Russian people and
121. Monophobia Fear of being alone 169. Satanophobia Fear of the devil/satan
122. Musicophobia Fear of music 170. Sciophobia Fear of shadows
123. Mysophobia Fear of contamination or 171. Scotophobia Fear of the dark
dirt 172. Selaphobia Fear of flesh
124. Necrophobia Fear of corpses 173. Siderodromophobia Fear of rail travel

125. Negrophobia Fear of blacks 174. Siderophobia Fear of stars

126. Nelophobia Fear of glass 175. Sinophobia Fear of Chinese people and
127. Neophobia Fear of novelty things
128. Nephophobia Fear of clouds 176. Sitophobia Fear of food or eating
129. Nosophobia Fear of illness 177. Stasophobia Fear of standing
130. Nyctophobia Fear of the night or 178. Stygiophobia Fear of hell
darkness 179. Symmetrophobia Fear of symmetry

131. Ochlophobia Fear of crowds 180. Syphilophobia Fear of syphilis

132. Ochophobia Fear of vehicles 181. Tachophobia Fear of speed
133. Odontophobia Fear of teeth 182. Taphephobia Fear of being buried alive
134. Oenophobia Fear or hatred of wine 183. Technophobia Fear of technology
135. Olfactophobia Fear of smell 184. Telephonophobia Fear of telephone
136. Ombrophobia Fear of rain 185. Teratophobia Fear of giving birth to the
137. Ommetaphobia Fear of eyes monster
138. Oneirophobia Fear of dreams 186. Teutophobia Fear of German people and
139. Onomatophobia Fear of hearing a certain things
word 187. Thalassophobia Fear of the sea
140. Ophidiophobia Fear of snakes 188. Thanatophobia Fear of death
141. Optophobia Fear of opening one's eyes 189. Thaasophobia Fear of idleness
142. Ornithophobia Fear of birds 190. Theophobia Fear of God
143. Osmophobia Fear of smell 191. Thermophobia Fear of heat
144. Paedophobia Fear of children; fear of dolls 192. Tocophobia Fear of pregnancy or
145. Pantophobia Fear of everything childbirth Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 337

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 55 TG @M00n_Ligt Miscellaneous
193. Tonitrophobia Fear of thunder 28. Doramania Obsession with owning a fur
194. Topophobia Fear of certain places 29. Drapetomania Intense desire to run away
195. Toxicophobia Fear of poisoning from home
196. Toxiphobia Fear of poison or being 30. Dromomania Compulsive longing for
poisoned travel
197. Traumatophobia Fear of injury 31. Egomania Irrational self-centered
198. Trypanophobia Fear of vaccination attitude or self-worship
199. Uranophobia Fear of heaven 32. Eleutheromania Maniac desire for freedom
200. Xenophobia Fear of foreigners 33. Empleomania Mania for holding public
201. Zelophobia Fear of jealousy office
202. Zoophobia Fear of animals 34. Enosimania Pathological Belief that one
has sinned
List of “Mania” 35. Entomomania Obsession with insects
36. Epomania Craze for writing epics
1. Ablutomania Mania for washing oneself 37. Ergasiomania Excessive desire for work
2. Agromania Intense desire to be in open 38. Ergomania Workaholic

spaces 39. Erotomania Abnormal and very powerful
3. Ailuromania Obsession for cats sex drive
4. Andromania Excessive or crazed sexual 40. Ethnomania Obsessive devotion to one's
desire own people
5. Anglomania Craze or obsession with 41. Eulogomania Obsessive craze for

England and the English
Obsession with flowers
Abnormal sexual interest
Excessive enthusiasm for
ck 42.


Craze for flowers
Craze or obsession with
France and the French
Obsession with issuing odd
9. Arithmomania Obsessive preoccupation marriage proposals
with numbers 45. Graecomania Obsession with Greece and
10. Automania Obsession with solitude the Greeks
11. Chionomania Excessive craze for snow 46. Graphomania Obsession with writing
12. Balletomania Abnormal fondness for 47. Gymnomania Mania for nakedness

ballet 48. Gynaecomania Abnormal sexual obsession

13. Bibliomania Craze for books or reading with women
14. Bruxomania Compulsion for grinding 49. Habromania Insanity featuring cheerful
teeth delusions
15. Cacodemonomania Pathological belief that one 50. Hagiomania Mania for sainthood
is inhabited by an evil spirit 51. Hamartiomania Obsession with sins
16. Catapedamania Obsession with jumping 52. Hexametromania Mania for writing in

from high places hexameter

17. Chrematomania A mania for money 53. Hieromania Pathological religious
18. Choreomania Dancing mania visions or delusions
19. Clinomania excessive desire to stay in 54. Hippomania Obsession with horses
bed 55. Hydromania Irrational craving for water
20. Copromania Obsession with feces 56. Hylomania Excessive tendency towards
21. Cynomania Obsession with dogs materialism
22. Cytheromania Excessive or crazed sexual 57. Hypermania Severe mania
desire 58. Hypomania Minor mania
23. Dacnomania Obsession with killing 59. Iconomania Obsession with icons or
24. Demonomania Pathological belief that one portraits
is possessed by demons 60. Idolomania Obsession or devotion to
25. Dinomania Mania for dancing idols
26. Dipsomania Abnormal craving for 61. Infomania Excessive devotion to
alcohol accumulating facts
27. Discomania Obsession with disco music 62. Islomania Craze or obsession for Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 338

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 55 TG @M00n_Ligt Miscellaneous
islands 95. Parousiamania Obsession with the second
63. Italomania Obsession with Italy or coming of Christ
Italians 96. Pathomania Moral insanity
64. Kinesomania Obsession with movement 97. Phagomania Excessive desire for food or
65. Kleptomania Irrational predilection for eating
stealing 98. Phaneromania Habit of biting one's nails
66. Logomania Pathological loquacity 99. Pharmacomania Abnormal obsession with
67. Lypemania Extreme pathological trying drugs
mournfulness 100. Phonomania Pathological tendency to
68. Macromania Delusion that objects are murder
larger than their natural size 101. Photomania Pathological desire for light
69. Megalomania Abnormal obsession with a 102. Phyllomania Excessive or abnormal
single thought or idea production of leaves
70. Melomania Craze for music 103. Phytomania Obsession with collecting
71. Methomania Morbid craving for alcohol plants
72. Metromania Insatiable desire for writing 104. Planomania Abnormal desire to wander

verse and disobey social norms
73. Micromania Pathological 105. Plutomania Mania for money
self-deprecation or belief 106. Polemomania Mania for war
that one is very small 107. Politico Mania Mania for politics
74. Monomania Abnormal obsession with a 108. Polymania Mania affecting several



single thought or idea

Obsession with music

Habitual craving or desire
for morphine

Lying or exaggerating to an


Abnormal compulsion to
Obsession with pornography
Abnormal desire to drink
abnormal extent 112. Pseudomania Irrational predilection
78. Narcomania Uncontrollable craving for for lying
narcotics 113. Pteridomania Passion for ferns
79. Necromania Sexual obsession with dead 114. Pyromania Craze for starting fires
bodies; necrophilia 115. Satyromania Abnormally great male

80. Nosomania Delusion of suffering from a sexual desire; satyriasis

disease 116. Scribbleomania Obsession with scribbling
81. Nostomania Abnormal desire to go back 117. Sebastomania Religious insanity
to familiar places 118. Sitiomania Morbid aversion to food
82. Nymphomania Excessive or crazed sexual 119. Sophomania Delusion that one is
desire incredibly intelligent
83. Ochlomania Mania for crowds 120. Squandermania Irrational propensity for

84. Oenomania Obsession or craze for wine spending money wastefully

85. Oikomania Obsession with home 121. Stampomania Obsession with stamp
86. Oligomania Obsession with a few collecting
thoughts or ideas 122. Syphilomania Pathological belief that one
87. Oniomania Mania for making purchases is afflicted with syphilis
88. Onomamania Mania for names 123. Technomania Craze for technology
89. Onomatomania Irresistible desire to repeat 124. Teutomania Obsession with Teutonic or
certain words German things
90. Onychotillomania Compulsive picking at the 125. Theatromania Craze for going to plays
fingernails 126. Theomania Belief that one is a god
91. Ophidiomania Obsession with reptiles 127. Timbromania Craze for stamp collecting
92. Opiomania Craving for opium 128. Typhomania Delirious state resulting
93. Opsomania Abnormal love for one kind from typhus fever
of food 129. Uranomania Obsession with the idea of
94. Orchid Mania Abnormal obsession with divinity
orchids 130. Verbomania Craze for words Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 339

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 55 - 56 TG @M00n_Ligt Miscellaneous
131. Xenomania Inordinate attachment to 43. Molluscicide Killing of mollusks
foreign things 44. Muscicide Substance for killing flies
132. Zoomania Insane fondness for animals 45. Neonaticide Killing or killer of a newborn
Words related to (Killer) murder 46. Ovicide Killing insect eggs
47. Paedocide Killing of a children
1. Aborticide Killing of a fetus; abortion 48. Parasiticide Killing of parasites
2. Acaricide Killer of mites and ticks 49. Parenticide Killing of one's parents
3. Algicide Killer of algae 50. Parricide Killing of parents or a parentlike
4. Amicicide Murder of a friend close relative
5. Aphicide Killer of aphids i.e of very small 51. Patricide Killing of one's father
insects 52. Pesticide Killing of pests
6. Avicide Killing of birds 53. Prolicide Killing of the human race
7. Avunculicide Killing of uncle 54. Pulicide Killer of fleas
8. Bacillicide Killer of bacteria 55. Raticide Substance or person who kills rats
9. Biocide Killing living material 56. Regicide Killing of a monarch

10. Bovicide Slaughter of cattle; one who kills 57. Rodenticide Killing of rodents
cattle 58. Senicide Killing of old men
11. Ceticide Killing of whales and other 59. Serpenticide killing of a snake
cetaceans 60. Siblicide Killing or killer of a sibling
12. Cimicide Substance used to kill bed-bugs 61. Silvicide Substance that kills trees


Destruction or killing of a God

their government
Destruction of the environment
One who destroys others'
Killing of any person or people by
Killing of one's own sister
Destruction of an entire species
Killing of sperm
Killing of spores
Killing of oneself
reputation 67. Taeniacide Killing of tapeworms
17. Felicide Killing of a cat 68. Tauricide Killing of a bull
18. Femicide Killing of a woman 69. Trypanocide Killing of trypanosomes
19. Feticide Killing of a fetus 70. Tyrannicide Killing of a tyrant
20. Filicide Killing of one's own child 71. Urbicide Destruction of a city

21. Floricide Killing of flowers 72. Ursicide Killing of a bear

22. Foeticide killing of a fetus 73. Uxoricide Killing of one's own wife
23. Formicide Substance that kills ants 74. Vaticide Killing or killer of a prophet
24. Fratricide Killing of one's brother 75. Verbicide Destroying the meaning of a word
25. Fungicide Killing of fungus 76. Vermicide Killing of worms
26. Genocide Killing of a race or ethnic group 77. Viricide Killing of viruses or killing of men
27. Germicide Substance that kills germs or of husbands

28. Giganticide Killing of a giant 78. Virucide Killing of viruses

29. Gynaecide Killing of women 79. Vulpicide Killing of a fox
30. Herbicide Killing of plants 80. Weedicide Something that kills weeds
31. Hereticide Killing of heretics
32. Homicide Killing of a human being Words related to ‘GRAPHY’
33. Infanticide Killing of an infant
34. Insecticide Killing of insects 1. Autobiography An account of a person's life
35. Larvicide Killing of larvae written by that person.
36. Liberticide Destruction of liberty 2. Oceanography The science of the sea
37. Lupicide Killing of a wolf 3. Biography An account of a person's life
38. Mariticide Killing or killer of one's husband 4. Bibliography List of books
39. Matricide Killing of one's mother 5. Cryptography The art of preparing or reading
40. Menticide Reduction of mind by codes
psychological pressure 6. Choreography The art of designing steps in
41. Microbicide Killing or killer of microbes ballet or another staged dance
42. Miticide Agent which kills mites 7. Cosmography The science of the universe Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 340

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 56 TG @M00n_Ligt Miscellaneous
8. Cinematography The art of making motion rodents
pictures 19. Technophile One who is fond of technology
9. Demography Study of statistics of human 20. Theophile One who loves or is loved by God
populations, the people
10. Discography The study of musical recordings Words related to the SCIENTIFIC STUDY of something
11. Filmography The study of films
12. Ethnography The study of different peoples 1. Abiology The study of inanimate, inorganic, or
13. Petrography The study of rocks lifeless things.
14. Lexicography The practice of compiling 2. Accentology The systematic analysis of word or
dictionaries phrase stress and accentuation
15. Orthography The study of spelling, especially in language.
correct spelling 3. Aerobiology A branch of biology that studies
16. Stenography Writing and transcribing organic particles, such as bacteria,
shorthand fungal spores, very small
17. Telegraphy The science of transmitting insects, pollen grains, and
information over a distance viruses, which are passively

18. Photography The study of taking of transported by the air.
photographs 4. Aerolithology The study of meteorites.
19. Pornography Writing and images designed to 5. Anthropology The holistic scientific and social
stimulate sexual excitement study of humanity, mainly
20. Radiography The production of images by X - using ethnography as its method.



Rays, gamma rays, etc.
A listing of pages on the World
Wide Web
A dry copying process
ck 6.


The study of honey bee ecology.
The scientific study of honey bees
and honey making.
An acknowledgment for a failure or
Words ending with “phile” 9. Arachnology Scientific study of spiders and related
animals such as scorpions,
1. Astrophile Person interested in astronomy
10. Aristology The art or study of cooking and
2. Audiophile One who loves accurately
reproduced recorded sound
11. Armenology The study of Armenian history,
3. Discophile One who loves and studies sound
language, and culture.
12. Arteriology The branch of angiology dealing with
4. Electrophile Substance having an affinity for
electrons or negative charge
13. Arthrology The branch of anatomy dealing with
5. Ergophile One who loves work
6. Europhile One who loves Europe
14. Astrology The study of the movements and
7. Francophile One who loves France or the French
relative positions of celestial

objects as a means for divining

8. Gallophile One who loves France or the French
information about human affairs
9. Hippophile Lover of horses
and terrestrial events.
10. Homophile One who prefers the company of
15. Bibliology The study of books as physical,
the same sex; a homosexual
cultural objects.
11. Logophile A lover of words
16. Biocenology The branch of biology dealing with
12. Lyophile Easily dispersed in a suitable
the study of biological communities
and the interactions among their
13. Negrophile One who is sympathetic toward
black people
17. Biology The study of life and living
14. Neophile One who loves novelty and trends
organisms and their morphology,
15. Oenophile One who is fond of or loves wine
anatomy, and physiology.
16. Sinophile One who admires China or the
18. Cacology Poor diction or word choice.
19. Caliology The study of nests of birds.
17. Slavophile One who admires the Slavs
20. Campanology The study of bells, their
18. Spermophile Member of the family of seed loving
casting, tuning, and ringing. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 341

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 56 TG @M00n_Ligt Miscellaneous
21. Cancerology The study of cancer. 46. Dinosaurology The branch of paleontology that
22. Cardiology The study of the heart. focuses on studying dinosaurs.
23. Cariology The study of dental caries 47. Entomology The scientific study of insects, a
and cariogenesis. branch of zoology.
24. Carpology The study of the structure of 48. Ecology The study of interactions among
seeds and fruit. organisms and their environment.
25. Cartology The creation of charts and maps 49. Embryology The branch of biology that studies
based on the layout of a the development of gametes
territory's geography. (sex cells) fertilization, and the
26. Cosmology The study of the origin, evolution, and development of embryos and
eventual fate of the universe. fetuses.
27. Criminology The scientific study of the nature, 50. Emetology The study of the causes of
extent, management, causes, control, emesis (vomiting).
consequences, and prevention of 51. Emmenology The study of menstruation.
criminal behavior, both on the 52. Emotionology The way a group of people thinks
individual and social levels. and speaks about their emotions.

28. Criteriology The part of logic dealing with the (The multidisciplinary study of
establishment of criteria. emotions.)
29. Cryobiology The study of biological material or 53. Enology The study of wines.
systems at temperatures 54. Enterology The study of the intestinal tract
below normal. 55. Entomology The scientific study of insects, a


The study of very low temperatures
and related phenomena.

encoded messages, in order

to decode them.
The study and practice of analyzing 56.
branch of zoology.

The study of cats.

The study of ferments
and fermentation.
32. Cyclonology The study of cyclones. 58. Microbiology The study of
33. Cynology The study of dogs. microorganisms.
34. Cytology The study of cells. 59. Galvanology The study of galvanism (of
35. Cytomorphology The study of the structure of biology, physics, and
cells. chemistry).

36. Cytopathology A branch of pathology that 60. Garbology The study of modern refuse
and diagnoses diseases on and trash as well as
the cellular level. the use of trash cans,
37. Dendrology The study of trees. compactors and various
38. Dactylology The representation of the letters types of trash can liners.
of a writing system and 61. Gastroenterology The branch of medicine
sometimes numeral systems focused on the digestive

using only the hands, especially system and its disorders.

by the deaf; fingerspelling. 62. Gastrology The branch of medicine
39. Daemonology The study of demons, especially focused on the digestive
the incantations required to system and its disorders.
summon and control them. 63. Geobiology An interdisciplinary field of
40. Demology The study of human populations, scientific research that
activities, social conditions, explores interactions
and behaviour. Between the biosphere
41. Lexicology The part of linguistics that and the lithosphere and/or
studies words. the atmosphere.
42. Dermonosology The science of nomenclature and 64. Geology An earth science comprising
classification of skin diseases. the study of solid Earth, the
43. Desmology The study of ligaments. rocks of which it is composed
44. Diabetology The study of Diabetes mellitus. and the processes by which
45. Dialectology The scientific study of linguistic they change.
dialect 65. Hedonology The study of the impact an Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 342

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 56 - 57 TG @M00n_Ligt Miscellaneous
injury or incident had on Words related to “Places”
a person's lifestyle.
66. Hippology The study of horses. 1. Nun Convent
67. Ideology A collection of doctrines 2. Peasant Cottage
. or beliefs shared by members 3. Soldier Barracks
of a group. 4. Bee Hive
68. Idiomatology The study of idioms and 5. Bird Nest
idiomatic language. 6. Eagle Eyrie
69. Idiomology The study of idiom, jargon, 7. Lion Den
or dialect. 8. Spider Web
70. Idiopsychology The psychology of one's 9. Lunatic Asylum
own mind. 10. Pig Sty
71. Imageology Study of images, especially 11. Eskimo Igloo
those produced by medical 12. Knight Man
imaging. 13. sion
72. Lithology The study of rocks, with 14. Hare Burrow

particular emphasis on their 15. Gypsy Caravan
description and classification. 16. Owl Barn
73. Bacteriology The scientific study of bacteria, 17. King Palace
especially in relation to disease 18. Horse Stable
and agriculture. 19. Cow Pen/Byre


A 1950s–60s movement of
theoretical study relating
to the film.
The science and study of
ck 20.

Words related of “Scientific Instruments”

1. Acidimeter Instrument for measuring
Words related to “Animals” the concentration of acids
2. Aerometer Instrument for measuring
1. Bovine An ox, cow, or related animal; weight or density of gas
having ox-like qualities; slow, dull, 3. Aethrioscope Instrument for measuring

stupid temperature variations due

2. Equine Horse; of, like, or a characteristic to sky conditions
of a horse. 4. Alcoholometer Instrument for measuring
3. Feline Of or relating to cats the proportion of alcohol in
4. Leonine Pertaining to, or solutions
characteristic of a lion. 5. Alcovinometer Instrument to measure the
5. Lupine Wolf-like; rapacious or ravenous strength of wine

6. Ovine Designating sheep or sheeplike; 6. Algometer Instrument for measuring

an ovine animal sensitivity to pain
7. Piscine Pertaining to, or typical of a 7. Alkalimeter Instrument for measuring
fish or fishes. the strength of alkalines
8. Porcine Of or pertaining to swine or pigs; 8. Audiometer Instrument for measuring
piglike. acuity of hearing
9. Saurian Of or having the characteristics of 9. Barograph Instrument for recording air
lizards; a lizard. pressure
10. Taurine Resembles a bull. 10. Barometer Instrument for measuring
11. Ursine Of or characteristic of a bear. air pressure
12. Vixen Female fox, a quarrelsome shrewish 11. Calorimeter Instrument for measuring
or malicious woman. absorbed or evolved heat
13. Vulpine, Resembling, or characteristic of a 12. Cardiograph Instrument for recording
fox; clever, devious, or cunning. movements of the heart
13. Coulombmeter Instrument for measuring
electric charge Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 343

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 57 TG @M00n_Ligt Miscellaneous
14. Cryometer Instrument for measuring small changes in pulse and
low temperatures respiration
15. Cytometer Instrument for counting 39. Potentiometer Instrument for measuring
cells electromotive forces
16. Declinometer Instrument for measuring 40. Potometer Instrument measuring the
magnetic declination rate at which plants absorb
17. Diaphanometer Instrument for measuring water
the transparency of air 41. Radarscope Instrument for detecting
18. Effusiometer Instrument for comparing radar signals
molecular weights of gases 42. Radiometer Instrument measuring
19. Electrometer Instrument for measuring radiation energy
gaseous pressure 43. Radioscope Instrument for viewing
20. Endoscope Instrument for visualizing objects using X Rays
the interior of a hollow 44. Seismograph Instrument for recording
organ earthquakes
21. Flowmeter Instrument for measuring 45. Solarimeter Instrument for measuring

properties of flowing liquids solar radiation
22. Galvanometer Instrument for measuring 46. Sonograph Instrument for recording
electrical current and analysing sound
23. Magnetometer Instrument for measuring 47. Spectroscope Instrument for forming
the intensity of magnetic spectra by dispersing rays



Instrument for measuring

the pressure of a liquid or
Instrument used to write on


of light
Instrument for measuring
Instrument for measuring
arterial blood pressure
a very small scale 50. Stethoscope Instrument for measuring
26. Microscope Instrument for magnifying small changes in
small objects atmospheric pressure
27. Nitrometer Instrument for measuring
nitrogen and its compounds Words related to “TYPES OF HOMES”

28. Oenometer Instrument for measuring

alcoholic strength of wine 1. Prison A convict lives in
29. Oncometer Instrument measuring the 2. Hermitage A hermit lives in
change in the size of 3. Palace A king and queen lives in
internal organs 4. Mansion A knight lives in
30. Ondograph Instrument measuring the 5. Asylum A Lunatic lives in
change in wave formations 6. Monastery A Monk lives in

of electricity 7. Cottage A Peasant lives in

31. Optometer Instrument for testing vision 8. Caravan A Gypsy lives in
32. Oscillograph Instrument for recording 9. Castle A Noble man lives in
alternating current 10. Convent A Nun lives in
waveforms 11. Presbytery A priest lives in
33. Pedometer Instrument for measuring 12. Barrack A Soldier lives in
distance travelled on foot 13. Kennel A dog lives in
34. Phonometer Instrument for measuring 14. Pen/Byre A cow lives in
sound levels 15. Hutch A tame rabbit lives in
35. Photometer Instrument for measuring 16. Burrow A rabbit lives in
light intensity 17. Sty A Pig lives]in
36. Planigraph Instrument for copying 18. Hole A fox lives in
drawings at a different scale 19. Eerie An eagle lives in
37. Polarimeter Instrument for measuring 20. Hive Bees lives in
polarised light 21. Den A lion lives in
38. Polygraph Instrument for measuring 22. Stable A horse lives in Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 344

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 57 TG @M00n_Ligt Miscellaneous
23. Tree A monkey lives in 18. Bench A group of magistrates
24. Nest A bird lives in 19. Tribe A group of people
25. Web A spider lives in 20. Caravan A group of merchants
26. Cooip A hen lives in 21. Congregation A group of worshiper
27. Hole A mouse lives in 22. Council A group of ministers
28. Pen A sheep lives in 23. Strings A group of coolies
29. Igloo Eskimo lives in 24. Museum A group of art
30. Lair The habitation of 25. Bale A group of cotton wool
26. Barrage A group of questions
Place where something is “MADE” 27. Bout A group of illness
28. Column A group of smoke
1. Brewery Bear is made in 29. Peal A group of thunder/Laughter
2. Tannery Leather is prepared in 30. Pool A group of blood
3. Mint Money coins are minted in 31. Mine A group of information
4. Distillery Alcoholic drinks 32. Train A group of followers
5. Hanger Aeroplane keeps in 33. Code A group of laws

6. Orchard Fruits trees are grown in 34. Catalogue A group of books
7. Mill Paper/ flower are placed in 35. Beam A group of rays
8. Wardrobe Clothe are kept in 36. Fleet A group of Cars/Ship
9. Depot Goods are stored in 37. Flotilla A group of boats
10. Aquarium Fish are kept in 38. Library A group of books
11. Apiary
12. Observatory
13. Granary
14. Cloakroom
15. Vineyard
Bees are kept in
Astronomical observation
Grains are stored in
Luggage is stored in
Grapes are grown in
ck 39.
A group of picture
A group of arrows
A group of Rooms
A group of suit
A group of Eggs
16. Armory Guns are kept in 44. Packets A group of Cigarette
17. Dockyard Ships are built or repaired in 45. Hoard A group of gold
18. Scullery Plates, pots are kept in 46. Heap A group of sand/stone/
19. Garage Motor cars are parked in ruins/books
20. Dairy Milk products are made in 47. Alliance A group of states, powers

21. Bakery Bread and cake are made in 48. Stock / Consignment A group of goods
22. Smith Iron Implements is made in 49. Cluster/ Galaxy A group of stars
50. Orchard A group of fruit trees
Words related to “ TYPES OF GROUPS” 51. Rosary A group of beads
52. Bunch,Garland A group of flowers
1. Swarm A large group of bees, 53. Assembly A group of listeners
insects 54. Horde A group of ruffians

2. Rookery A group of nesting rooks 55. Bevy A group of swans

3. Pack A group of foxes /dogs 56. Colony A group of termites
4. Circle A group of friends 57. Herd A group of swines
5. Gang A group of robbers 58. Troop A group of monkeys
6. Posse A group of constables 59. Litter A group of puppies, piglet
7. Union A group of workers 60. Muster A group of peacock
8. Choir A group of singer 61. Team A group of oxen
9. Quire A group of sheets of paper 62. Flock A group of sheep
10. Band A group of musician 63. String A group of camels
11. Troupe A group of Actor & Dancer 64. Hive A group of bees
12. Team A group of players 65. Herd/Drove A group of deer/swine/cattle
13. Board A group of Directors 66. Pack A group of wolves/hounds
14. Regiment/troop A group of soldiers 67. Flock A group of geese/sheep
15. Crew A group of sailors /birds
16. Galaxy A group of beauties 68. Flight A group of birds
17. Panel A group of jurymen 69. Brood A group of chickens/hens Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 345

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 57 TG @M00n_Ligt Miscellaneous
70. Shoal A group of fish through objects left behind
71. Brace A group of pigeon 28. Cartographer One who draw maps
72. Bevy A group of Girls/ Lady 29. Stenographer One who writes by
WORDS RELATED TO ‘PROFESSION’ 30. Astronomer One who studies about the
1. Oculist One who attends to the 31. Astrologer One who foretells things by
disease of the eye the star
2. Obstetrician Physician who delivers 32. Lexicographer One who compiles a
babies dictionary
3. Gynecologist One who treats female 33. Pilot One who flies an aeroplane
problems 34. Juggler One who performs tricks by
4. Optician One who test eyesight and sleight of hand
sells spectacles 35. Conjuror One who performs magic
5. Physician One who attends to sick trick by sleight of hand
people 36. Acrobat One who performs a daring

6. Surgeon One who treats disease by gymnastic feat
performing the operation 37. Hawker/Peddler One who travels from place
7. Dentist One who attends to the to place for selling his ware
teeth 38. Invigilator One who watches over
8. Psychologist One who studies the students taking an



to learn to communicate
One who treats heart
working of the human mind
One who treats deaf or mute 39.


A person in charge of a
One who converts raw into
11. Dermatologists One who studies the skin, its 41. Scavenger One who cleans the street
structure, functions, and 42. Usurer One who lends money at
diseases, exorbitant interest
12. Oncologist One who treats cancer 43. Usurper One who wrongfully or
patients illegally seizes and holds the

13. Ophthalmologist One who takes care of eyes place of another

and performs different eye 44. Mayor The head of a town
surgeries. councillor or corporation
14. Pale pathologist One who studies ancient 45. Poet One who writes poetry
diseases 46. Novelist One who writes a novel
15. Pediatricians One who treats problems of 47. Author One who write books
infants, children, babies 48. Horticulturist One Who Has Speciality In

16. Veterinarian One who treats animals Gardening

17. Lapidist / lapidary One who cuts precious
18. Compositor One who sets type for books
19. Architect One who design of the 1. Anarchy Absence of government
building 2. Aristocracy Government by the nobles/lords
20. Draftsman One who draw plans 3. Autocracy Government by one person
21. Florist One who deals in flowers 4. Autonomy The right of self government
22. Fruiterer One who deals in fruits 5. Bureaucracy Government run by the officials
23. Drover One who deals in cattle 6. Democracy Government by the people
24. Draper One who deals in clothes 7. Gerontocracy Government by the old men
25. Geologist One who studies rocks and 8. Kakistocracy Government by the worst citizen
soils 9. Neocracy Government by the inexperienced
26. Anthropologist One who the evaluation of persons
the man-kind 10. Ochlocracy Government by mob
27. Archeologist One who studies the past 11. Oligarchy Government by a few persons Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 346

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 57 TG @M00n_Ligt Miscellaneous
12. Panarchy Government run universally
13. Secular Government not by the laws of
14. Monarchy Government run by a king/ queen
15. Plutocracy Government by the rich
16. Thearchy Government by the Gods
17. Theocracy Government by the laws of religion


1. Adultery The practice of having extra

marital relations
2. Alimony An allowance paid to wife
on divorce
3. Bigamy The practice of having two
wives or husbands at a time

4. Celibacy A state of abstention from
5. Concubinage Live in relationship- a man
and a woman living without
being married


One who hates marriage
A state of being married
The practice of marrying
one at a time
The practice of marrying
more than one wife at a time
10. Polyandry The practice of marrying
more than one husband
11. Spinister An older women who
is not married
M Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 347

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 58 - 60 TG @M00n_Ligt Miscellaneous
‘I’ Before ‘E’ and ‘E’ Before ‘I’ Words Animals and their young ones
1. The young one of Pig is - Piglet
(ie) (ei) 2. The young one of Lion is - Cub
3. The young one of Deer is - Fawn
● Piece ● Either 4. The young one of Cow is - Calf
5. The young one of Dog is - Pup/ Puppy
● Friend ● Neither
6. The young one of Cat is - Kit/ Kitten
● Niece ● Feisty
7. The young one of Kangaroo is - Joey
● Piety ● Foreign 8. The young one of Goat is - Kid
● Science ● Forfeit 9. The young one of Hare is - Leveret
● Mischievous ● Heifer 10. The young one of Tiger is - Cub
● Shield ● Height 11. The young one of Elephant is - calf
● Achievement ● Heist 12. The young one of Frog is - Tadpole
● Besiege ● Leisure 13. The young one of Sheep is - Lamb
● Relieve ● Seize 14. The young one of Horse is - Foal/ Colt
● Pierce ● Weird 15. The young one of Gorilla is - infant
● Notoriety 16. The young one of Alligator is - Hatchling

● Receipt
● Grievance ● Deceive
● Gaiety ● Greive Animals and their Sounds
● Believe ● Heinous
● Cashier ● Reign S.No. Animals Sounds








● Belief ● Transceiver 4. Bees Hum And Buzz
● Retrieve ● Protein
● Hygiene ● Receive 5. Birds Chirrup, Chirp,
● Die ● Neigh Twitter, Tweet, Sing,
● Quiet ● Neighbor Whistle
● Conscience ● Caffeine 6. Bull Bellow
● Brief ● Perceive
● Grief ● Veil 7. Calves Bleat
● Patience ● Obeisance
8. Camels Grunt
● Pierce ● Sleigh
● Priest ● Beige 9. Cats Mew, Purr, Meow,
● Prescient ● Feign Hiss, Yowl
● Concierge ● Nonpareil

● Reprieve ● Seiche 10. Cattle Moo, Low, Bawl

● Lieutenant ● Surveillance (Calf), Bellow (Bull)
● Financier ● Kaleidoscope
● Retrieve 11. Chicks Cheep
● Deity
● Calorie ● Nuclei 12. Chickens Cluck, Cackle
● Eerie ● Swingeing
● Prairie ● Albeit 13. Cocks Crow
● Briefcase ● Antheism
14. Cows Low, Moo
● Fierce ● Reignite
● Collie ● Reinforcement 15. Crickets Chirp, Creak
● Sufficient ● Freight
● Species ● Sleigh 16. Crows Caw
● Relief ● Counterfeit
17. Chimpanzee Scream
● Forfeit Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 348

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 Day 60 TG @M00n_Ligt Miscellaneous

18. Deers Bell 49. Monkeys Chatter, Gibber, Whoop,

19. Dogs Bark
50. Mosquitoes Whine
20. Dolphins Click
51. Nightingales Pipe, Sing, Warble
21. Donkeys Bray

22. Doves Coo 52. Ostriches Chirp, Bark, Hiss, Low

23. Ducks Quack
53. Owls Hoot, Scream, Screech,
24. Eagles Scream Shriek

25. Elephants Trumpet, Roar 54. Oxen Bellow, Low

26. Flies Buzz, Hum 55. Parrots Talk, Screech, Squawk

27. Foxes Bark, Yelp, Simper 56. Peacocks Scream

28. Frogs Croak
57. Pigs Snort, Grunt, Squeal,
29. Giraffes Bleat Oink

30. Goats Bleat 58. Pigeons Coo



Geese/ Goose


Cackle, Quack


ck 59.


Squeak, Drum

34. Hares Squeak 61. Ravens Croak

35. Hens Cackle, Cluck 62. Rhinoceros Bellow

36. Humans Whisper, Whistle, Cry,

Scream, Sing, Talk 63. Rooster Crow

37. Hogs Grunt 64. Seagulls Scream, Squawk

38. Horses Neigh, Snort, Whinny,
Nicker 65. Seals Bark

39. Hummingbirds Hum

66. Sheep Bleat

40. Hyenas Laugh, Scream 67. Snakes Hiss


41. Hippo Growl

68. Tigers Growl, Roar
42. Jackals Howl
69. Turkeys Gobble
43. Kangaroos Chortle

44. Koalas Scream, Bellow, Wail 70. Vultures Scream

45. Lambs Bleat 71. Whales Sing

46. Larks Sing, Warble 72. Wolves Howl, Cry, Yell

47. Lions Roar, Growl

48. Mice Squeak And Squeal Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 349

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 TG @M00n_Ligt Phrasal verbs

Last Week Revision Plan

60 Most Repeated Phrasal Verb by TCS

S.No Word Part Meaning Exam Name

1. Backed up (समथन दे ना ) to support someone/something. CHSL 2022 TIER 1

2. Held back (आगे बढ़ने से रोकना) to prevent somebody/something from CHSL 2022 TIER 1
moving forward or crossing something.

3. Summed up (संि और प म बताना) to state the main points of something CHSL 2022 TIER 1
in a short and clear form

4. Sold on (राजी करना) to persuade someone to be CHSL 2022 TIER 1

enthusiastic about something

5. Set upon (आ मण करना ) to attack somebody suddenly. CHSL 2022 TIER 1

6. Set off (या ा ार करना) to begin a journey. CHSL 2022 TIER 1

7. Set aside (सु व थत तरीके से रखना) to save or keep something in order to CHSL 2022 TIER 1
use it.



Set in (शु करना)

Dispose of (से छु टकारा पाना)

Wiped out (पूरी तरह से न करना या हटाना)

to begin and seem likely to continue.

to get rid of somebody/something that

you do not want or cannot keep.

to destroy or remove
somebody/something completely.
CHSL 2022 TIER 1

CHSL 2022 TIER 1

CHSL 2022 TIER 1

11. Absolved in (बरी करना) to free someone from guilt, blame, or CHSL 2022 TIER 1
responsibility for something:

12. Turned off (िदलच ी न लेना) to make someone feel bored or not CHSL 2022 TIER 1

13. Counted in (िकसी गितिविध म िकसी को to include somebody in an activity. CHSL 2022 TIER 1
शािमल करना)

14. Went over (िकसी चीज को सावधानीपूवक या to examine or look at something in a CHSL 2022 TIER 1
िव ृत तरीके से जां चना या दे खना) careful or detailed way

15. Went under (सतह के नीचे डूबना) to sink below the surface. CHSL 2022 TIER 1

Went along (एक गितिविध के साथ जारी


16. to continue with an activity. CHSL 2022 TIER 1


17. To partake of (अनुभव करना या िह ा लेना) experience something along with CGL 2021 Tier 1
others or to have a portion

18. For partaking (िह ा लेना) to take a share or part. CGL 2021 Tier 1

19. To partake (अनुभव करना या िह ा लेना) to take part in or experience something CGL 2021 Tier 1
along with others.

20. Derived from (से ा करना) to get something from something CGL 2021 Tier 1

21. Ought to (उ ीद करना) used to express something that you CGL 2021 Tier 1
expect will happen

22. Climb up ( िमक या िनरं तर गित के साथ go upward with gradual or continuous CGL 2021 Tier 1
ऊपर जाना) progress. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 350

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 TG @M00n_Ligt Phrasal verbs

23. Stay away (से बचना) to not go near a particular person or CGL 2021 Tier 1

24. Speed off (ब त ज ी या ज बाजी म थान To leave or depart very quickly or CGL 2021 Tier 1
को छोड़ना) hastily, especially by driving.

25. Speed away (कहीं जाना या ब त तेजी से होना) to move somewhere or happen very CGL 2021 Tier 1

26. Speed up (तेजी से जाना या घिटत होना) to move or happen faster; to make CGL 2021 Tier 1
something move or happen faster.

27. Carried off (मु ल काय को करने म सफल to succeed in doing something that CGL 2021 Tier 1
होना) most people would find difficult.

28. Carried away (अ िधक उ ािहत होना) to be so excited that one is no longer in CGL 2021 Tier 1
control of one's behavior.

29. Held out (खतरनाक या किठन थित म काम continue in a situation that is CHSL 2021 Tier 1
जारी रखना) dangerous or difficult.

30. Passed in (िकसी चीज का िह ा बनना) to become a part of something. CHSL 2021 Tier 1

31. Get off (या ा शु करना) to leave a place or start a journey CHSL 2021 Tier 1



Walk over (बुरा

के अंदर वेश करना)

वहार करना)

Intrude over (िबना िनमं ण, अनुमित या

Burst in (िकसी शोरगुल वाले कमरे म


to treat somebody badly, without
considering them or their needs.

to thrust oneself in without invitation,

permission, or welcome.

to enter a room or building suddenly

CHSL 2021 Tier 1

CHSL 2021 Tier 1

CHSL 2021 Tier 1

करना) and noisily Suddenly

35. Ran along (िकसी को, िवशेष प से एक ब े used in orders to tell somebody, CHSL 2021 Tier 1
को दू र जाने के िलए कहने के िलए उपयोग िकया especially a child, to go away.
जाता है )
36. Ran into (किठन सम ा का अनुभव करना ) to experience a difficult situation or a CHSL 2021 Tier 1

37. Collapsed under (अचानक िगरना या to fall down or break into pieces CHSL 2021 Tier 1
टु कड़े -टु कड़े हो जाना) suddenly.

38. Swallow down (ब त ज ी-ज ी खाना या To eat or drink something, especially CHSL 2021 Tier 1
पीना) very quickly.

39. Ran across (एक कोने से दू सरे कोने तक to run from one corner of something to CHSL 2021 Tier 1
दौड़ना) the other.

40. Give up (कोिशश करना बंद कर दे ना) to stop trying to do something. CHSL 2021 Tier 1

41. Carved out (मुकाम हािसल करना) to create or obtain something that Graduate Level 01/08/2022
helps you by skillful activities

42. Pleaded over (िकसी से गंभीर तरीके से कुछ to ask somebody for something in a Higher Secondary 2022
माँ गना) very strong and serious way

43. Pleaded on (एक ज री व भावना क बयान) to make an urgent, emotional Higher Secondary 2022
statement or request for something

44. Pleaded of (िकसी चीज के समथन म बहस to argue in support of someone or Higher Secondary 2022
करना) something

45. Broke out (अचानक फैलना (कोई बीमारी to suddenly begin to have a rash Higher Secondary 2022
इ ािद)) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 351

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 TG @M00n_Ligt Phrasal verbs

46. Broke in (बाधा या िव डालना) to interrupt or disturb something CGL MAINS TIER 2 2021

47. Broke up ( र ाख करना) to end a relationship with someone CGL MAINS TIER 2 2021

48. Broke into (तोड़कर अंदर घुसना) to enter a building by force; to open a CGL MAINS TIER 2 2021
car, etc. by force.

49. Cut off (अलग करना) to separate them from things that they CGL 2022 Tier 1
are normally connected with.

50. Pulled through (सफल होना) to succeed in surviving a difficult CGL 2022 Tier 1

51. Come by (कुछ ा करने के िलए बंध to manage to acquire or obtain

करना) something. CPO 2020 TIER 2

52. Call off ( थिगत करना) to cancel something; to decide that CPO 2022 Tier 1
something will not happen.

53. Call in (मदद के िलए बुलाना) ask them to come and help you or do CPO 2022 Tier 1
something for you.



Call out (आपात थित म िकसी को मदद के
िलए बुलाना)

Call for (सावजिनक प से पूछना )

Lisp off (लड़खड़ाते ए या तुतलाकर बोलना)

to ask someone to come, especially to
an emergency

to publicly ask for something to


to utter falteringly or with a lisp.

CPO 2022 Tier 1

CPO 2022 Tier 1

CGL 2021 Tier 1

57. Lay off (कमचारी को अ थायी या थायी प से to discharge a worker temporarily or CGL 2021 Tier 1
छु ी दे ना) permanently because of economic
conditions or shortage of work.

58. Lie on (िनिद तरीके से भािवत करना) to affect (someone) in a specified way. CGL 2021 Tier 1

59. Lay on (भोजन या मनोरं जन दान करना) to provide something for somebody, CGL 2021 Tier 1
especially food or entertainment.

60. Call on/upon ( पूछना ) It means to visit someone for a short CPO 2020 TIER 2
M Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 352

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 TG @M00n_Ligt One Word Substitution
145 Most Repeated One Word Substitution by TCS

S.No. Word Part OWS Repetition of OWS Exam wise

1. A person who draws or produces map Cartographer - 10 (CGL 2022 Tier 1, CPO 2022 Tier 1, CHSL 2021 tier 1
मानिच कार MTS 2021, MTS 20, CPO 19 ,CGL 2018 Tier 1, CHSL

2. One who does not express oneself freely Introvert - अंतमुखी 6 (CHSL 2022 TIER 1,CPO 2022 TIER-1, SELECTION
POST PHASE-8 2020, MTS 2019 Tier 1,CGL 2022 Tier
1,CHSL 2021 TIER 1)

3. One who does a thing for pleasure and not Amateur - शौक़ीन 6 ( CPO 2022 Tier 1, MTS 2021, GD Constable 2021,
as a profession CHSL 2019 Tier 1, CGL 2022 Tier 1, CGL 2020 Tier 2)

4. An imaginary ideal society free of poverty Utopia - आदशलोक 7 GD 22, CGL 20, CHSL 19, CGL(II) 19, MTS 20, GD
and suffering 21, GD 21

5. One who does not believe in the existence of Atheist - ना क 5 CPO 2022 Tier 1,CGL 20, CPO 18, GD 21, SEL 9

6. Using the right and left hand equally well Ambidextrous - उभयह 6 CGL 20, CHSL 18, MTS 20, GD 21, SEL 8 , SEL 7

7. A person travelling on foot Pedestrian - पैदल या ी 6 (CGL 2021 Tier 1,GD Constable 2021,CPO 2019
TIER-1,CHSL 2018 TIER 1,MTS 2019 Tier 1,CHSL
2022 TIER 1)


One who adapts oneself readily to various
Something that is no longer in use

A group of stars
Versatile - ितभाशाली

Obsolete - अ चिलत

Constellation - न

(CHSL 2022 TIER 1, CHSL 2021 TIER 1,CHSL 2018
TIER 1, CGL 2022 Tier 1,CGL 2020 Tier 1,


2, CGL 2019 TIER 2, CHSL 2022 TIER 1, GD
CONSTABLE 2021,MTS 2019 Tier 1)
(CGL 2022 Tier 1, GD CONSTABLE 2021, CGL 2020
Tier 1, CHSL 2018 TIER 1 , CGL 2019 Tier 2 )

11. A large cage, building, or enclosure to keep Aviary - प ीशाला 5 CGL 20, CGL 18, CPO 18, MTS 20, GD 21

12. One who supervises in an examination hall Invigilator - िनरी क 5 ( CGL 2022 Tier 1, CGL 2021 Tier 1, GD CONSTABLE
2021, SELECTION POST X 2022 , CGL 2020 Tier 1)

13. A remedy for all diseases Panacea - रामबाण इलाज 6 (CHSL 2022 TIER-1,CHSL 2021 TIER-1,GD

14. A person living in the same age as another Contemporary - 5 CPO 2022 Tier 1,CHSL 19,CPO 20,CGL 18, CHSL 18

15. Study of heavenly bodies Astronomy - खगोल-िव ा 4 (CGL 2022 TIER-1,CGL 2021 TIER-1,CPO 2019
TIER-1,CHSL 2018 TIER-1)

16. The one who loves mankind Philanthropist - जनिहतैषी 4 ( CHSL 2022 TIER 1,CGL 2022 Tier 1, CHSL 2021
TIER 1, CHSL 2019 TIER 1)

17. A large enclosure for keeping the birds in. Aviary - प ीशाला 4 ( CPO 2018 Tier I, CGL 2018 Tier 1, CGL 2020 Tier 1,
MTS 2021 )

18. A person or thing living or existing at the Contemporaries - 4 ( CGL 2018 Tier 1, MTS 2019 Tier 1, CHSL 2018 TIER
same time as another. समकालीन I, CHSL 2021 tier 1 )

19. A game that results neither in victory nor in Draw - डा 5 (MTS 2021 Tier 1,CHSL 2022 TIER 1,GD Constable
defeat 2021,CGL 2019 Tier 1,CHSL 2018 TIER 1)

20. A place where coins, medals, or tokens are Mint - टकसाल 4 ( CGL 2022 Tier 1, CGL 2020 Tier 1, CPO 2018 Tier I,
made GD Constable 2021)

21. A large bedroom for a number of people in a Dormitory - शयनागार 4 CGL 20, CHSL 19,CPO 20,SEL 9
school or institution.

22. A group of people, typically with vehicles or Caravan - क़ािफ़ला 4 CGL 20, CGL(II) 19,GD 21, SEL 9
animals, travelling together.

23. Tending to associate with others of one's Gregarious - िमलनसार 4 CHSL 19, CPO 19, CPO 18 , CPO(II)18
kind Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 353

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 TG @M00n_Ligt One Word Substitution

S.No. Word Part OWS Repetition of OWS Exam wise

24. Arrangement of events or dates in the order Chronology - काल म 4 ( CPO 2018 Tier II, CHSL 2019 Tier 1, CPO 2020 Tier
1, CPO 2022 Tier 1)
in which they happen

25. A garden with fruit trees Orchard - फलो ान 3 CHSL 19, CGL 18, GD 21

26. A ruler with total power over a country, Dictator - तानाशाह 3 CHSL 19, CGL (II) 19, GD 21
typically one who has obtained control by

27. Close-fitting cover for a sword or knife Sheath - ान 4 CGL 2021 TIER 2, GD 2021, CHSL 19 , CGL(II) 19

28. Something that cannot be heard. Inaudible - न सुनाई 4 CGL 19, CGL 18, CPO 18,
पड़नेवाला CPO (II )18

29. That cannot be satisfied Insatiable - अतृ 2 CGL 19 , CHSL 18

30. One who does not care for art or literature. Philistine - अिशि त 4 (MTS 2021, CHSL 2022 TIER 1, CGL 2019 Tier 2 ,
CGL 2018 Tier 1 )

31. An irresistible impulse to steal. Kleptomania - चोरी करने 4 ( GD Constable 2021 , CHSL 2022 Tier 1, CPO 2020
की बीमारी Tier 1, MTS 2020 Tier I)

32. One who collect stamps Philatelist - डाक के िटकट 4 (CGL 2021 Tier 1, CHSL 2022 TIER 1,MTS 2019 Tier
का 1, CHSL 2018 TIER 1)
सं हक



Book giving information about everything

A large group of people

Helping other people willingly without

expecting any payment for her services.
Encyclopedia - सारसं ह

Horde - भीड़

Volunteer - यं सेवक

(CHSL 2022 TIER-1, CGL 2021 TIER-2,CPO 2018
( CPO 2022 Tier 1, CGL 2021 Tier 2, CGL 2020 Tier 2)

( CHSL 2021 tier 1, CHSL 2022 Tier 1, GD Constable

2021 )
36. A person who attacks or criticizes cherished Iconoclast - मूित तोड़ने 3 ( CHSL 2022 TIER 1,MTS 2021, CGL 2022 Tier 1)
beliefs or institutions वाला

37. Place where bees are kept. Apiary - मधुमि शाला 3 (CHSL 2022 TIER 1,CPO 2018 TIER-1,MTS 2021 Tier

38. A speech made without preparation Extempore - अिवचा रत 3 ( SELECTION POST PHASE-8 2020 , CGL 2022 Tier
1,CHSL 2022 TIER 1)

39. The science and art of growing vegetables, Horticulture - बागवानी 3 ( CGL 2022 Tier 2, CGL 2022 Tier 1, CPO 2018 Tier I )
fruits and flowers

40. The main character in a story Protagonist - नायक 3 ( CPO 2022 Tier 1, CGL 2020 Tier 2, CGL 2019 Tier 1)

41. Incapable of being read. Illegible - अपाठ् य 3 ( CGL 2018 Tier 1, SELECTION POST

42. One who believes in fate Fatalist - भा वादी 3 ( CPO 2022 Tier 1, CGL 2021 Tier 2, CGL 2018 Tier 1,

43. One who runs away from law Fugitive - भगोड़ा 3 (CGL 2022 TIER 1, MTS 2021 ,CHSL 2022 TIER 1)

44. A person who is trained to travel in a Astronaut - अंत र या ी 3 CGL 20,CPO 20, SEL P9

45. One who does not take any alcoholic drink Teetotaller - म ागी 3 CGL 20, MTS 19, GD 21

46. A large building with an extensive floor area, Hangar - िवमानशाला 3 ( CGL 2022 Tier 1 , CGL 2019 Tier 1, CGL 2020 Tier 1)
typically for housing aircraft

47. An arrangement of flowers is usually given Bouquet - गुलद ा 3 CGL 20, CGL 18, CPO 18
as a present.

48. An incongruous or chaotic mixture Cacophony - कोलाहल 3 CGL 20, CPO 20, CPO 18

49. One who rides horses in races Jockey - ितिनिध 3 (CHSL 2022 TIER-1,CPO 2020 TIER-2, MTS 2019

50. A group of ships sailing together. Fleet - जहाजी बेड़ा 3 CHSL 19, CGL 19, CPO 20 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 354

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 TG @M00n_Ligt One Word Substitution

S.No. Word Part OWS Repetition of OWS Exam wise

51. Act of giving up the throne Abdication - पद या स ा 3 CHSL 19, CGL(II) 19, CGL 18
का याग

52. Incapable of making mistakes Infallible - अचूक 3 CHSL 19, MTS 21, SEL 8

53. A fast-moving stream of water Torrent - बौछार 3 ( CHSL 2018 TIER I, CPO 2022 Tier 1, CGL 2019 Tier
II )

54. The fear of being enclosed in a small space Claustrophobia - छोटी 3 MTS 19, CPO 18 , CHSL 18
or room जगह म होने का अ िधक डर

55. A gentle song is sung to put a child to sleep. Lullaby - लोरी 2 MTS 19 , CHSL 18

56. A large number of fish swimming together Shoal - मछिलयों का समुदाय 3 MTS 19, CPO 18, GD 21

57. A place where weapons and ammunition are Arsenal - श ागार 3 ( CGL 2018 Tier 1, CPO 2019 Tier 1, CPO 2022 Tier 1 )

58. Something which cannot be understood. Incomprehensible - समझ 2 CGL 18, CHSL 18
से बाहर

59. A strong feeling of dislike towards someone Antipathy - घृणा 3 CGL(II) 18, GD 21, GD 21
or something

60. A person who compiles dictionaries. Lexicographer 2 CPO 18, CHSL 18

61. Something that can not be avoided. Inevitable - अिनवाय 3 CHSL 18, CHSL 18, GD 21



Cinema show in the afternoon

Rearing of silkworms

One who loves his country.

Matinee - मैिटनी

Sericulture - रे शम के कीड़ों
का पालन
Patriot - दे श-भ

CHSL 18, GD 21, SEL 9

MTS 19, SEL 8

CGL 19, GD 21, GD 21

65. A transport vehicle for conveying the coffin Hearse - शवयान 3 CPO 18, GD 21, SEL 6
at a funeral

66. Something that catches fire easily Inflammable - लनशील 3 CHSL 18, GD 21, GD 21

67. Safe to drink Potable - पेय 2 CGL 19, SEL 9


68. Having complete power Omnipotent - सवश मान 2 GD 21, SEL 8

69. A partner in crime Accomplice - अपराधसंगी 3 CGL(II) 19, GD 21, SEL 6

70. An exaggerated statement not to be taken Hyperbole - अितशयो 2 (CGL 2022 Tier 1,CHSL 2022 TIER 1 )
seriously or literally

71. A letter, poem etc. whose author is unknown Anonymous - गुमनाम 2 ( CHSL 2021 tier 1, CPO 2022 Tier 1)

72. A person who is recovering after an illness or Convalescent - पुनः ा 2 (MTS 2019 TIER-1, CHSL 2022 TIER-1)
medical treatment ा करने वाला

73. One who is preoccupied with his own Egoist - ाथ 2 (CGL 2019 TIER-1,CHSL 2022 TIER-1)

74. A person who admires himself or herself too Narcissist - आ ममु ध 2 ( CGL 2022 Tier 2, CGL 2022 Tier 1)
much, especially their appearance

75. Something which is worth believing Credible - िव सनीय 2 ( CGL 2022 Tier 1, GD Constable 2021 )

76. A happy development or happening of Serendipity - नसीब 2 ( CGL 2018 Tier 2, CPO 2022 Tier 1)
events by chance.

77. Person hired to drive our car Chauffeur - चालक 2 ( CGL 2020 Tier 1, CPO 2022 Tier 1)

78. A perfectionist Meticulous - अित सतक 2 ( CGL 2022 Tier 1 , CHSL 2019 Tier 1 ) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 355

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 TG @M00n_Ligt One Word Substitution

S.No. Word Part OWS Repetition of OWS Exam wise

79. A sentimental longing for a period in the past Nostalgia - अतीत की याद 2 CGL 20 , MTS 19

80. A person appointed by two parties to solve a Arbitrator - पंच 2 CGL 20, CGL 18

81. A family of young birds Brood - िकसी चीज का ब ा 2 CGL 20. CGL 18

82. A statement open to more than one Ambiguous - अनेकाथ 2 CPO 20, CPO 19

83. A speech expressing one’s thoughts aloud to Soliloquy - आ भाषण 2 CPO 20, MTS 19

84. People who work together at the same place Colleagues - सहकम 2 CPO 20, CPO 18

85. The introductory section of a literary work Prologue - ावना 2 CPO 20, MTS 19

86. A fictitious name used by an author Pseudonym - छ नाम 2 CPO 20, CGL 18

87. A natural skill at doing something Knack - कौशल 2 CHSL 19 , GD 21

88. A person who has unnatural anxiety about Hypochondriac - रोग मी 2 CPO 18, SEL 8
one’s own health typically involves imagined
symptoms of illness.



One who examines accounts officially

The life history of a person written by

Government by a king or a queen
Auditor - लेखा-परी क

Autobiography - आ मकथा

Monarchy - राजतं

CHSL 19, GD 21

CHSL 19, MTS 19

CHSL 19, CPO 19

92. A person who speaks always in praise of Egotist - अहं वादी 2 CHSL 19, GD 21

93. Painless death given to patients to relieve Euthanasia - इ ामृ ु 2 CHSL 19, CGL 19

94. One who leaves his own country to settle in Emigrant - वासी 2 CGL 19 , CPO 18

95. A person very reserved in speech. Reticent - मौन रहने वाला 2 CGL 19 , CPO 19

96. A geometrical figure with eight sides. Octagon - अ भुज 2 CGL 19 , MTS 19

97. One who does not tire easily. Indefatigable - न थकने 2 CHSL 18, CGL 18

98. A slowly moving mass or river of ice Glacier - िहम-नदी 2 CGL(II) 19 , CPO 20

99. A group of lions Pride - शेरों का समूह 2 CGL(II) 19 , CPO 20

100. A very large impressive residence Mansion - हवेली 2 CGL (II) 19, CPO(II) 18

101. A place where gambling games are played Casino - जुआखाना 2 CGL (II) 19, CPO 20

102. A doctor who treats skin disease Dermatologist - चा 2 CGL (II) 19, CHSL 18

103. The science concerned with the properties Acoustics - िन-िव ान 2 CGL (II) 19, CPO 18
of sound

104. Something did because one wants to, not by Voluntary - वै छक 2 CGL (II) 18, CPO 20

105. One who is easily deceived Gullible - भोला-भाला 3 CPO 20, CPO 19, MTS 20

106. Holding an office without receiving a pay Honorary - अवैतिनक 2 CPO 20, CPO 19

107. Government-run by a small group of people Oligarchy - अ तं 2 CPO 20, CGL 18 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 356

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 TG @M00n_Ligt One Word Substitution

S.No. Word Part OWS Repetition of OWS Exam wise

108. One who pretends to be what he is not Hypocrite - पाखंडी 2 MTS 19, MTS 19

109. Something which leads to death Fatal - घातक 2 MTS 19, GD 21

110. Group of singers Choir - िगरजाघर गायक 2 MTS 19, CHSL 18

111. The state of growing to maturity Adolescence - 1 MTS 19

िकशोराव था

112. Medicine was given to counteract a poison Antidote - िवषहर 2 MTS 19, MTS 20

113. A large bundle bound for storage or Bale - ग र 2 MTS 19, CPO 18

114. One who studies the evolution of mankind Anthropologist - 2 MTS 19 , CGL 18
मानविव ानी

115. One who loves books Bibliophile - पु क ेमी 2 MTS 19 , CGL 18

116. A critical judge of any art and craft Connoisseur - िवशेष 2 MTS 19, CPO 18

117. An abnormal fear of water Hydrophobia - जलां तक 3 MTS 19, CGL(II) 18, CPO 18

118. The study of stars and planets Astronomy - खगोल-िव ान 2 MTS 19, MTS 20



A person who can endure pain or hardship
without showing his feelings or complaining
Words are written on a tombstone in the
memory of the person who has died
A word formed from the initial letters of
other words
ckStoic - साहसी

Epitaph - समािध-लेख

Acronym - संि प

(CHSL 2022 TIER-1,CGL 2022 TIER-1,CGL 2021
TIER-1,CPO 2019 TIER-1,CHSL 2018 TIER-1)
CPO 19, CGL 18

CPO 19, CHSL 18

122. A protected place for birds and animals Sanctuary - अ ार 2 CPO 19, CPO 20

123. A decision which cannot be taken back Irrevocable - थर 2 CPO 19 , CGL(II) 18

124. That which cannot be seen through Opaque - अपारदश 2 CPO 19 , CPO(II) 18

125. A box or cage for rabbits or small animals Hutch - छोटे जानवरों के 2 CPO 19, GD 21
रहने का घर

126. A person, animal or plant much below the Dwarf - बौना 2 CGL 18, GD 21
usual height

127. A person, animal or plant belonging Native - िनवासी 2 CGL 18, MTS 20
originally to a place

128. A cylindrical container bulging out in the Barrel - व पदाथ रखने का 2 CGL 18, CPO 18

middle, traditionally made of wooden staves पीपा

for keeping oil, beer, etc

129. An instrument for measuring the Barometer - वायुदाबमापी 2 CGL 18, CHSL 18
atmospheric pressure यं

130. Fear of heights. Acrophobia - ऊंचाई का डर 2 CGL(II) 18, SEL 8

131. The keeper of a museum Curator - सं हा 2 CPO 18, CHSL 18

132. A company or person that makes or sells Confectioner - हलवाई 2 CPO 18, CHSL 18
sweets or chocolate

133. A place for the collection of dried plants. Herbarium - वन ित 2 CPO 18, CHSL 18
सं ालय

134. An underground hole dug by a small animal Burrow - िबल 2 CPO(II) 18, CHSL 18
as a dwelling

135. A person who can speak only two Bilingual - ि भाषी 2 CHSL 18 , MTS 20
languages. Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 357

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 TG @M00n_Ligt One Word Substitution

S.No. Word Part OWS Repetition of OWS Exam wise

136. The point at which the earth and the sky Horizon - ि ितज 2 MTS 20, GD 21
appear to meet

137. Study of environment Ecology - पयावरण-िव ान 2 CPO 20, GD 21

138. A person who knows everything Omniscient - सव ानी 2 MTS 20, GD 21

139. Incapable of being corrected. Incorrigible - असुधाय 2 CGL 18, GD 21

140. To brighten up with lights Illuminate - रोशन करना 2 CGL 19, GD 21

141. A detailed plan for a journey especially a list Itinerary - या ा काय म 2 CPO 19 , GD 21
of places to visit

142. One who devotes one's life to the welfare of Altruist - परोपकारी 2 CPO 19, SEL 7
other people.

143. One who is unable to read and write Illiterate - अनपढ़ 2 MTS 19, SEL 7

144. A person who is blamed for something that Scapegoat - बिल का बकरा 1 CHSL 19
someone else has done

145. A type of dome-shaped shelter built from Igloo - िहम-कुटी 3 CGL(II) 18, CHSL 18 , GD 21
blocks of solid snow.
NOTE- SEL- Includes Exam Selection Post Phase 6/7/8/9 Graduate level / High secondary level and Matriculation level

M Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 358

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 TG @M00n_Ligt One Word Substitution

48 New OWS Asked by ‘TCS’

S.No. Word Part OWS Exam Name

1. A detailed description of a series of real or fictional Saga - िव ृत कथा SSC CGL 2023 TIER 1
events taking place over a long period of time

2. Under the influence of drugs and alcohol Inebriated - नशे म धुत SSC CGL 2023 TIER 1

3. A homeless, neglected, or abandoned person, Waif - लावा रस ब ा SSC CGL 2023 TIER 1
especially a child

4. A person who is never happy with what he has Malcontent - असंतु CHSL 2022 TIER 1

5. An arched structure in a garden having climbing plants Pergola - ितगोला कवर CGL 2022 Tier 2

6. The sound made by a hen Cluck - कुड़कुड़ाना CHSL 2022 TIER 1

7. A part of the city especially the slum area Ghetto - ब ी CHSL 2019 TIER 1

8. Compulsory enlistment for military service Conscription - सेना म अिनवाय भरती CHSL 2022 TIER 1

9. One who is against religion. Heretic - िवधम CHSL 2022 TIER 1


or principle.

Lion like characteristics

A person who renounces a religious or political belief Apostate - िव ासघाती

Leonine - िसंह जैसा

CHSL 2022 TIER 1

CHSL 2022 TIER 1

12. A lover of good food Gourmand - पेटू CHSL 2022 TIER 1

13. The study of chemistry in a medieval fashion Alchemy - रसायन िव ा GD 2022

14. To send back a criminal or an unwanted person to the Extradite - पण करना CPO 2018 Tier I
country of his/her origin.

15. The study of ancient writings and scriptures Palaeography - ाचीन GD 2022

16. Photographers who follow celebrities to get their Paparazzi - त फोटो ाफर CGL 2022 Tier 2
pictures to sell them

17. A mode of behavior or way of thought peculiar to an Idiosyncratic - सनकभरा CPO 2018 Tier I
individual not sub-or abnormal in any way

18. A piece of a living tissue or plant that is transplanted Graft - कलम लगाना या ारोिपत करना CGL 2022 Tier 1

19. A small island Islet - छोटा ीप CGL 2022 Tier 1

20. A battle or anything involving or causing much Sanguinary - र मय CGL 2022 Tier 1

21. A large, deep pot used both in the oven and as a Casserole - बड़ा बतन CGL 2018 TIER I
serving vessel.

22. A short statement of a general truth or rule of conduct Maxim - िस ां त CHSL 2018 TIER 1

23. A previous case that might serve as an example or Precedent - िमसाल CHSL 2018 TIER 1
guide in subsequent situations

24. That which can not be taken by force. Impregnable - अभे MTS 2019

25. The state of being full or complete Plenitude - चुर CHSL 2021 TIER 1 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 359

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 TG @M00n_Ligt One Word Substitution

S.No. Word Part OWS Exam Name

26. A journey undertaken by a group of people with a Expedition - अिभयान CHSL 2021 TIER 1
particular purpose, especially that of exploration or

27. A sudden unsteady movement ; a stagger Lurch - अचानक एक ओर को लड़खड़ाहट CHSL 2021 TIER 1

28. Something that is pertaining to controversy Polemical - िववादा क CHSL 2021 TIER 1

29. Bring up for discussion Broach - चचा के िलए िवषय छे ड़ना CPO 2022 TIER 1

30. One who is extravagantly romantic, chivalrous and Quixotic - िवल ण Selection Post X

31. An omission of duty Delinquency - दोष CHSL 2021 TIER 1

32. Fall back or sink again into a worse state after an Relapse - बीमारी का पुनरावतन CHSL 2021 TIER 1


33. A seat for a passenger on a bicycle or motorbike Pillion - िप ली सीट CGL 2021 TIER 1

34. A room or large cupboard for storing food Larder - भंडार CGL 2021 Tier 1


against a bright background

All the customers of the business

The dark shape and outline of something visible Silhouette - छायािच

Clientele - ाहक

37. Rhythmic flow of sounds or words Cadence - धुन CHSL 2022 TIER 1

38. Allowing or assisting to discover Heuristic - अनुमानी CHSL 2021 TIER 1

39. Something that is pertaining to controversy Polemical - िववादा क CHSL 2021 TIER 1

40. Evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret Poignant - मािमक CPO 2022 TIER 1

41. A person who is unduly anxious about his/her health Valetudinarian - बीमारी की अ िधक CPO 2020 TIER 1
िचंता करने वाला

42. Something like an opening, particularly one in the body Orifice - िछ Chsl 2019 tier 1
such as a nostril

43. Exaggerated claims, not meant to be taken seriously Hyperbole - िकसी बात को घटा बढ़ाकर GD 2022


44. Person who pretends to have special knowledge or Charlatan - पाखंड करने वाला य CPO 2018 TIER 1

45. A large metal pot with a lid and handle, used for Cauldron - बड़ी कड़ाही CGL 2018 TIER 1
cooking over an open fire.

46. To cross streets on foot carelessly Jaywalk - रा ा पार करने म लापरवाह CPO 2020 TIER 1

47. A short rest or sleep taken after lunch Siesta - दोपहर का आराम CGL 2020

48. Sharp and direct Acerbic - तेज और सीधा CGL 2022 Tier 1 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 360

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases

110 Most Repeated Idioms by TCS

S.No. Idioms Meaning Repetition of Idioms Exam wise

1. Once in a blue moon Rarely - कभी-कभार 8 CHSL 2022 TIER 1, CPO 2022 TIER 1, MTS
2021, CHSL 2021 Tier I, GD CONSTABLE
2021, CGL 2019 Tier II, CPO 2018 Tier II,

2. Once in a blue moon Things which happen very rarely - (ब त दु लभ होना ) 8 CHSL 2022 TIER 1, CPO 2022 TIER 1, MTS
2021, CHSL 2021 Tier I, GD CONSTABLE
2021, CGL 2019 Tier II, CPO 2018 Tier II,

3. A snake in the grass A deceitful person - कपटी 7 CGL 2022 Tier 2, CHSL 2021 Tier I, CGL
2021 Tier I, CGL 2019 TIER 1, CPO 2020
TIER 1, CPO 2020 Tier 2 , GD CONSTABLE
- 2022

4. Spill the beans To leak the secret - ( कोई गोपनीय बात जािहर कर दे ना) 7 GD CONSTABLE - 2022, CPO 2022 TIER 1,
MTS 2021,GD 21, CGL 19,MTS 19, CHSL 18

5. Raining cats and dogs Raining very heavily - ब त भारी बा रश 6 MTS 2020 Tier I, MTS 2019 TIER 1, SEL 9
GD CONSTABLE - 2022, GD 21

6. With a pinch of salt Doubt the truth or value of something - िकसी चीज की 5 CHSL 2021 Tier I, CHSL 2019 TIER 1,
स ाई या मू पर संदेह करना SELECTION POST PHASE 8 ,


Piece of cake

Blessing in disguise
Something which is very simple - कुछ ऐसा जो ब त ही
सरल है

Event that seemed bad at first but resulted in

something good later - आर म कोई घटना बुरी लगे और

STENOGRAPHER 2018, CGL 2022 Tier 2
Selection Post (X) , CHSL 2021 Tier I, CHSL
CHSL 2022 TIER 1, Selection Post (X) ,
बाद म अ ी
STENOGRAPHER 2019, GD Constable 2021,

9. To get out of hand To become uncontrollable - (बेकाबू होना) 3 CGL 18 , GD 21 , SEL 9

10. See eye to eye Agree with each other - (सहमत होना) 5 CGL 19, CGL (II) 18, MTS 20, SEL 8, STENO

11. Sailing in the same boat Being in the same difficult situation - (एक जैसी 5 CGL(II) 18 , MTS 19 , GD 21, STENO 20
प र थित म होना) ,STENO 17,

12. To take the bull by the To face danger boldly - (मुसीबत का डटकर सामना करना) 5 CHSL 18 , CGL 19 , CPO 18,MTS 19, GD 21

13. Hit the sack Go to bed - ( सो जाना) 5 CHSL 2021 Tier I, GD Constable 2021 , CPO
2018 Tier II, GD CONSTABLE - 2022,


14. Give someone the cold Deliberately ignore someone - (िकसी को नजरअंदाज 5 CGL 18, CPO 18,MTS 19, SEL 9, STENO 18
shoulder करना)

15. Face the music To face the unpleasant consequences of one's 5 GD CONSTABLE - 2022, CGL 2022 TIER 1,
CPO 2018 Tier II, CPO 2018 TIER I,CHSL
actions - काय के अि य प रणामों का सामना करना

16. Bury the hatchet To end a quarrel - झगड़ा ख करना 6 CGL 2021 Tier 2, GD CONSTABLE - 2022,
CGL 2018 TIER I, CGL 2021 Tier I, CPO 18 ,

17. Miss the boat Fail to take advantage of an opportunity - अवसर का 4 CGL 2020 Tier 2, MTS 2019 TIER 1, CPO
लाभ उठाने म िवफल 2018 TIER I, GD CONSTABLE - 2022,

18. Chip off the old block A person who is similar in behaviour or actions to 4 CPO 2022 TIER 1, CHSL 2021 TIER 1,
his/her parents. - एक जो वहार या काय म अपने STENOGRAPHER 2019, CGL 2022 Tier 2
माता-िपता के समान है ।

19. In black and white In writing - िल खत पम 4 CHSL 2022 TIER 1, CGL 2022 TIER 1, MTS
2021, CGL 2018 TIER I Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 361

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases

S.No. Idioms Meaning Repetition of Idioms Exam wise

20. To look like a fish out of Uncomfortable and restless. - जो आरामदायक ना हो - 6 CHSL 2021 Tier I, CGL 2019 Tier II, CPO
water एक मु ल प र थित म होना 2018 TIER I, CHSL 2022 TIER 1, CGL 2018,
CPO 19

21. To have the gift of the gab Speak very well - (बिढ़या बोलने की कला होना) 4 CPO 18, CHSL 18,GD 21 ,STENO 18

22. To turn a deaf ear Neglected - (नजरअंदाज करना) 4 CGL 18, CHSL 19,CGL 20 , CPO 18

23. Through thick and thin Support under all circumstance - (हर प र थित म 4 CGL 18, CPO 19, CPO 20, CPO(II) 18
समथन दे ना)

24. Make a beeline for To move directly towards something - (िकसी चीज़ की 3 CPO 19, CHSL 19, STENO 20
ओर बढना )

25. Hit the nail on the head Do or say something exactly right - (सही जगह हार 4 CPO 18, CPO 18, STENO 20, STENO 17
करना )

26. Make both ends meet Manage expenses with just enough funds - ( इतना 4 CGL 19, SEL 8, STENO 19, STENO 18
कमाना िक गुजर बसर हो सके )

27. Pull yourself together Calm down - शां त होना 3 GD CONSTABLE - 2022, MTS 2019 TIER 1,



Back to square one

Keep an eye on

Be an open book
Having to start all over again - सब कुछ िफर से शु
करना है

Observe continually and carefully - लगातार और

दे खना

To be easy to understand - समझने म आसान होना

ान से

GD CONSTABLE - 2022, CGL 2019 TIER 1,


1, MTS 2021

STENOGRAPHER 2017, CGL 2022 Tier 2,

31. To grease the palm To bribe someone - िकसी को र त दे ना 3 CHSL 2018 , GD CONSTABLE - 2022,

32. By hook or by crook By one or the other means - िकसी न िकसी मा म से 3 STENOGRAPHER 2019, CPO 2022 TIER 1,

33. An axe to grind Personal and selfish reason - एक ाथ उ े या 3 CGL 2020 Tier 2, GD CONSTABLE - 2022,
मकसद MTS 2021

34. To steal someone’s To win praise for oneself by pre-empting someone 3 CGL 2022 Tier 2, GD CONSTABLE - 2022,
thunder else's attempt to impress. - ादा खयाती िमलना CPO 2019 TIER 1

35. A bed of rose An easy and happy situation - फूलों की सेज - ब त 3 CGL 2019 TIER 1, CPO 2019 TIER 1, GD
आरामदायक िजंदगी CONSTABLE - 2022

To lose one's self-control - अपना आपा खो दे ना


36. To lose one's head 3 CHSL 2022 TIER 1, GD CONSTABLE 2021,

MTS 2019 TIER 1

37. Wear your heart on your To show your true emotions - अपनी स ी भावनाओं को 3 CGL 2020 Tier 2, CHSL 2022 TIER 1, GD
sleeve िदखाना CONSTABLE - 2022

38. Water under the bridge Anything from the past that isn’t significant or 3 CGL 2022 Tier 2, CHSL 2022 TIER 1, MTS
important anymore - अतीत से कुछ भी जो अब मह पूण 2021
नहीं है ।

39. Bolt from the blue A sudden calamity - (एक ऐसी आपदा िजसकी आपने 3 CGL 18, CPO 18 , MTS 19
उ ीद नहीं की थी )

40. To end in a smoke End without any practical result - (कोई प रणाम न दे ना) 3 MTS 19, STENO 18,CGL 18

41. Feather one’s own nest To profit in a dishonest way - ( यं के िनजी िहत के िलए 3 CGL 18 , CPO 18, CHSL 18
काम करना)

42. All ears Very attentive - (सुनने को आतुर) 3 CGL 18 , MTS 20 , SEL 9 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 362

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases

S.No. Idioms Meaning Repetition of Idioms Exam wise

43. Cry over spilt milk To complain about a loss from the past - (िकसी चीज 3 CGL(II) 19 , MTS 19 , STENO 19
पर थ म पछताना )

44. Cost an arm and a leg Very expensive - ( बेहद महं गा) 8 CGL 18, CHSL 19, SEL 8, GD CONSTABLE -
2022, CGL 2019 Tier II, CGL 2018 TIER I,
Tier I

45. Fit as a fiddle Healthy and strong - ( थ होना) 4 CHSL 19, MTS 19 , MTS 20, GD
CONSTABLE - 2022 ,

46. Spick and span Very neat and clean - (ब त साफ और ) 3 GD 21, GD 21, SEL 8

47. Out of the woods Out of danger - (खतरे से बाहर) 4 CGL 18, CGL 18, MTS 20, GD 22

48. Far and wide In all directions - (सभी िदशाओं म) 3 CGL 19 , GD 21, STENO 17

49. A needle in a haystack Doing something impossible - (कुछ असंभव करने का 3 CPO 19, CHSL 19, MTS 19
यास करना)

50. A Hard nut to crack A difficult problem - (कोई ऐसी सम ा िजसका समाधान 3 CGL 19, CPO 20, STENO 18
करना मु ल हो)


A dime a dozen

A piece of cake

Carry the day

Very common and of no particular value. - (सामा
मह की व ु )

Something that is very easy - ( ब त आसान काम)

Win a victory - ( िवजयी होना)


CHSL 19, GD 21, SEL 9

CHSL 19, MTS 20, SEL 9

CGL 19, CPO 19 , GD 21


54. Left in the lurch To be deserted when one is in trouble - (िकसी को 3 CGL 19, CHSL 19, CPO 19
मुसीबत म छोड़ दे ना)

55. Actions speak louder than Actions reveal the real personality of a person than 3 CGL 18, CHSL 19, SEL 8
words what he speak - (करनी कथनी से ादा मह पूण है )

56. Penny wise and pound Careful in trivial matters but wasteful in large - छोटी 2 CHSL 2022 TIER 1, GD CONSTABLE - 2022
foolish रकम के बारे म सावधान होना लेिकन बड़ी रकम के बारे म नहीं

57. A herculean task A tough job - एक किठन काम 2 CGL 2022 Tier 2, MTS 2020 Tier I

58. In the doldrums In low spirits and despair - कम उ ाह और िनराशा म 1 GD CONSTABLE - 2022

59. Grease someone’s palm To bribe one discreetly - चुपके से र त दे ना 2 GD CONSTABLE - 2022, CHSL 2021 Tier I

60. Throw caution to the wind Ignore the risk - जो खम या नकारा क प रणामों की िचंता 2 CPO 2022 TIER 1, GD CONSTABLE - 2022
िकए िबना कुछ करना

61. Beside oneself Feeling overwhelming fear or worry - अ िधक भय या 2 GD CONSTABLE - 2022, CPO 2022 TIER 1
िचंता महसूस करना

62. On the ball To be alert. - चौक ा होना 2 CGL 2022 TIER 1, GD CONSTABLE - 2022

63. In the blink of an eye Within a very short period of time. - पलक झपकते ही 2 CHSL 2019 TIER 1, GD CONSTABLE - 2022

64. Bite off more than you can Take on more work than you can handle - अपनी मता 2 HIGHER SECONDARY LEVEL, GD
से अिधक काय करने का यास करना CONSTABLE - 2022

65. Lose your marbles To go Insane - पागल हो जाना 2 CGL 2022 TIER 1, GD CONSTABLE - 2022

66. Hang in there Don’t give up - िह त न हारना 2 CGL 2022 Tier 2, CPO 2022 TIER 1

67. Blow one’s own trumpet To praise oneself - खुद की तारीफ करना 2 GD CONSTABLE - 2022, CGL 2019 Tier II

68. Wild goose chase Futile search - थ खोज 2 GD CONSTABLE - 2022, CPO 2022 TIER 1 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 363

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S.No. Idioms Meaning Repetition of Idioms Exam wise

69. A flash in the pan An early promise that fails to materialize - एक ऐसा 2 GD CONSTABLE - 2022, CPO 2018 TIER I
वादा जो िनभाया नहीं गया

70. Bag and baggage With all belongings - सारे सामान के साथ 2 GD CONSTABLE - 2022, CGL 2022 TIER 1

71. Achilles’ Heel Vulnerable point - कमजोर मु ा 2 STENOGRAPHER 2019, CHSL 2022 TIER 1

72. Running around in circles To be very active but with few results - ब त सि य होना 2 CHSL 2021 Tier I, CGL 2022 Tier 2
लेिकन प रणाम कम

73. The whys and wherefores Minute observation - सू अवलोकन 2 CHSL 2022 TIER 1, CGL 2022 Tier 2

74. Get into hot water To get into trouble - परे शानी म पड़ना 2 STENOGRAPHER 2022, CHSL 2022 TIER 1

75. In the flesh In bodily form - सा ात् पम 2 CHSL 2022 TIER 1, GD CONSTABLE - 2022

76. A bolt from the blue Unexpected and surprising event - अ ािशत और 2 MTS 2020 Tier I, CHSL 2022 TIER 1
आ यजनक घटना
To give cold shoulder Ignore or show indifference - ान न दे ना - नजरअंदाज 2 CPO 2018 TIER I, CHSL 2022 TIER 1


78. A sea change A radical change - ब त जबरद बदलाव 2 CPO 2018 TIER I, CHSL 2022 TIER 1

79. All and sundry Everyone without distinction - िबना भेद के सभी 2 CHSL 2022 TIER 1, GD CONSTABLE 2021



Green light

To meet one’s waterloo

A slap on the wrist

Keep body and soul

Got permission to go ahead with something - हरी ब ी
- आगे बढ़ने की अनुमित दे ना
To be badly defeated in a contest.

A very mild punishment. - एक ब त ही ह ी सजा।

Stay alive during hard times - किठन समय म जीिवत रहना


CPO 2019 TIER 1, CHSL 2022 TIER 1

CGL 2020 Tier 2, CHSL 2022 TIER 1

CHSL 2022 TIER 1, CPO 2022 TIER 1

CHSL 2022 TIER 1, MTS 2021


84. In a nutshell Express very briefly - (संि म बताना ) 2 CHSL 18 , CPO 18

85. Blow one’s own trumpet To boast about their achievements - (खुद की तारीफ़ 2 CGL 19(I) , CGL 19(II)

86. To flog a dead horse Waste energy on an unalterable situation - (बेकार की 2 CGL 19(I), MTS 19
कोिशश करना)

87. Throw in the towel To admit defeat or failure - (हार मारना) 2 CPO 18 , MTS 18

88. Hold your horses Be patient - (धैय रखना) 2 GD 2021, SEL 9 2021

89. Take heart To take courage or to feel encouraged - ( ो ािहत 2 CPO 19 , CPO 18
महसूस करना)
Bed of roses An easy, comfortable situation. - (ब त आरामदायक 2 CPO 19 , CGL 19


91. The apple of one’s eye A person who is very dear - (एक जो ब त ि य है ) 2 CGL(II) 19 , MTS 20

92. Pain in the neck Someone or something that is very annoying - (क द 3 CHSL 18, GD 21, SEL 9
व ु अथवा )

93. To take pains To make efforts - ( यास करना) 2 GD 21, SEL 9

94. Beat around the bush Avoid the topic - (िकसी िवषय पर बात करने से बचना ) 3 CPO 18, MTS 20 , SEL 8

95. Sell like hot cakes To sell quickly - (ब त तेज़ी से बेचना ) 3 CGL 18, MTS 20, SEL 7

96. Alive and kicking Healthy and doing well - ( थ और अ ा) 2 MTS 20, GD 21

97. Couch potato A person who watches too much television - (एक ऐसा 4 CGL 18, CPO 18, CHSL 19, SEL 9
जो बेहद आलसी हो सोफे पर पड़ा रहे और टीवी दे ख)

98. Be on cloud nine To be in a state of extreme happiness - ( बेहद खुशी की 2 MTS 19 , GD 21

अव था) Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 364

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S.No. Idioms Meaning Repetition of Idioms Exam wise

99. Apple of discord Reason for Quarrel - (िववाद का कारण) 2 CPO(II) 18 , CPO 20

100. Chill out To calm down - ( शां त हो जाना) 2 CHSL 19, STENO 20

101. Donkey’s years A long time - (एक ल ा समय) 2 STENO 17, CPO 18

102. Break the ice Start a conversation - ( बातचीत शु कर) 2 STENO 18, GD 21

103. When pigs fly A time that will never come - (वह समय जो कभी नहीं 2 MTS 19, STENO 17
आएगा )

104. Come rain or shine Under any circumstances - (हर प र थित म ) 2 CPO 19, MTS 19

105. The sword of Damocles A constant threat - (लगातार मंडराता आ खतरा ) 2 CGL 18, CPO 20

106. Smell a rat Detected something wrong - (िकसी गलत चीज का पता 2 CGL 18, STENO 18

107. Barking up the wrong tree Chasing a false trail - (एक झूठे िनशान का पीछा करना) 2 CHSL 18, STENO 18

108. Be an open book One about whom it is easy to know everything - ( खुली 2 STENO 17 , CHSL 18

109. Dark horse Someone who unexpectedly succeeds - (एक ऐसा 2 CPO 19, CPO 18
िजस से उ ीद नहीं की गई थी पर कामयाब हो जाए)

110. To lose one’s head

To become upset or angry - (अपना आपा खो दे ना) 2 GD 21, MTS 19

NOTE- SEL- Includes Exam Selection Post Phase 6/7/8/9 Graduate level / High secondary level and Matriculation level
M Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 365

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases
59 New Idioms Asked by ‘TCS’

S.N. Idioms Meaning Exam Name

1. Scrape the barrel To be forced to use one’s last and weakest resource - िकसी SSC CGL 2023 TIER 1
के अंितम और सबसे कमजोर संसाधन का उपयोग करने के िलए
मजबूर होना

2. To prime the pump Encourage the growth or action of something - िकसी चीज़ की SSC CGL 2023 TIER 1
वृ या ि या को ो ािहत करना

3. Break sweat To use a lot of energy or effort - ब त अिधक ऊजा या यास का SSC MTS 2022 TIER 1
उपयोग करना

4. Go down like a lead balloon To be received badly by an audience - दशकों ारा बुरी तरह से SSC MTS 2022 TIER 1
ीकार िकया जाना

5. A broth of a boy a lively, energetic young person - ती और ऊजावान SSC MTS 2022 TIER 1

6. Hit the hay To go to bed - सो जाना SSC MTS 2022 TIER 1

7. Rust bucket A vehicle that is old or almost broken - एक वाहन, जो पुराना या SSC MTS 2022 TIER 1
लगभग टू ट चुका है



Queer somebody's pitch

Crossed the Rubicon

The whys and wherefores

Upset someone's plans - िकसी की योजनाओं को िवफल करना

Made an irreversible change, that will greatly impact his life

- एक ऐसा बदलाव लाना, जो िकसी
डालेगा और वािपस नहीं िकया जा सकता

Reasons - कारण या तक
के जीवन पर ब त भाव


SSC CHSL 2022 TIER 1 ,

SSC GD 2022

11. Dead ringer An exact duplicate - एकदम ितिलिप SSC CHSL 2022 TIER 1

12. Be my guest Please do it - कृपया इसे कर SSC CHSL 2022 TIER 1

13. Ace in the hole A major advantage that one keeps hidden until an ideal SSC CHSL 2022 TIER 1
time. - एक बड़ा फायदा
जो एक का िनक समय तक िछपा रहता है ।

14. Good grief An expression of surprise or frustration - आ य या िनराशा की SSC CHSL 2022 TIER 1

15. To breast the tape To win a race - दौड़ जीतने के िलए SSC CHSL 2022 TIER 1

16. To the manner born To do something as though it is coming naturally - कुछ ऐसा SSC CHSL 2022 TIER 1
करना जैसे िक वह ाभािवक प से आ रहा हो

17. Cast someone adrift To leave someone without any support or purpose - िबना SSC CHSL 2022 TIER 1
िकसी सहारे या उ े के िकसी को छोड़ना

18. A beast of burden An animal that carries luggage - एक जानवर जो सामान ढोता है SSC CHSL 2022 TIER 1

19. Neck of the woods Neighbourhood - अड़ोस-पड़ोस SSC CHSL 2022 TIER 1

20. Slack off To ease pressure on something - िकसी चीज पर दबाव कम SSC CHSL 2022 TIER 1
करने के िलए

21. Save your breath To make an effort that will be futile - ऐसा यास करना जो थ SSC CHSL 2022 TIER 1

22. A bite at the cherry An attempt or opportunity to do something - कुछ करने का SSC CHSL 2022 TIER 1
यास या अवसर Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 366

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases

S.N. Idioms Meaning Exam Name

23. The whole ball of wax Everything related to a particular situation; the whole thing. SSC CHSL 2022 TIER 1
- िकसी िवशेष थित से संबंिधत सब कुछ; पूरी बात

24. Pig in a poke Something that is bought without examining properly SSC CHSL 2022 TIER 1
- कोई ऐसी चीज जो िबना ठीक से जां चे-परखे खरीदी जाती हो

25. Over and above In addition to - के अलावा SSC CHSL 2022 TIER 1

26. Apropos of nothing Having no relevance to any previous discussion or situation SSC CHSL 2022 TIER 1
- िकसी भी िपछली चचा या थित के अनुकूल न होना

27. Penny wise and pound foolish Careless with large amounts, but not small - छोटी रकम के SSC CHSL 2022 TIER 1
बारे म सावधान रह लेिकन बड़ी रकम के बारे म नहीं।

28. Appeal to Caesar Appeal to the highest possible authority - उ तम संभव SSC CHSL 2022 TIER 1
अिधकारी से अपील करना

29. To take the veil To become a nun - तप न बनने के िलए SSC CHSL 2022 TIER 1

30. Reached fever pitch. To get so strong that one cannot control them - अ िधक SSC CGL 2022 TIER 1
उ ेजना की थित

31. Bob’s your uncle! It becomes easily and quickly achievable. - यह आसानी से और


Elbow room

Take something at face value

ज ी से ा करने यो हो जाता है ।

Little freedom - थोड़ी आज़ादी

Accept something as it looks without thinking about

whether it might, in fact, not be quite what it appears

GD 2022 , CPO 2019 TIER 1


- िबना सोचे समझे ीकार करना

34. Down the tubes Failing completely - पूरी तरह िवफल। SSC CGL 2022 TIER 1

35. Nook and corner Everywhere or every place - हर जगह SSC CGL 2022 TIER 1

36. Went pear shaped Went terribly wrong - ब त गलत आ SSC CGL 2022 TIER 1

37. Rain on the new bride’s parade To spoil a moment - मह पूण ण खराब करना SSC CPO 2022 TIER 1

38. Beaming from ear to ear Smiling broadly - मु ु राना। SSC CPO 2022 TIER 1

39. Toffee - nosed A person who thinks he is of a high social class and looks SSC CPO 2022 TIER 1

down on people of lower class - अहं कारी

40. Left, right and centre Happening in a lot of places or to a lot of people - ब त तेज SSC CPO 2022 TIER 1
और अिनयंि त तरीके से।

41. Stave off Prevent or delay something bad or dangerous. - िकसी खराब SSC CGL 2021 Tier 2
या खतरनाक चीज को रोकना या दे री करना।

42. Have a whale of a time Have an exceptionally fun or exciting experience. SSC MTS 2021
- रोमां चक अनुभव।

43. Tickled pink Very pleased - ब त खुश SSC GD 2021

44. Wee hours of the day Dawn - भोर SSC GD 2021

45. Lap up Accept eagerly - उ ुकता से ीकार करना SSC GD 2021 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 367

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 TG @M00n_Ligt Idioms and Phrases

S.N. Idioms Meaning Exam Name

46. To have a yen for To have a very strong and continuous desire or craving for SSC GD 2021
something - लंत इ ा

47. Go bonkers Become crazy - पागल होना SSC MTS 2020

48. Lean and mean Ready and efficient - तैयार और कुशल SSC MTS 2020

49. To lay someone by the heels To confine somebody in prison - िकसी को जेल म बंद करना SSC CHSL 2022 TIER 1

50. Have people rolling in the aisles Make an audience laugh uncontrollably - दशकों को बेकाबू SSC CHSL 2022 TIER 1
होकर हं साना

51. Buy a lemon To buy something that is of much less value - कोई ऐसी व ु SSC CHSL 2022 TIER 1
खरीदना जो ब त कम मू की हो

52. To have a nodding acquaintance Know somebody/something slightly - िकसी को या कुछ को SSC CHSL 2022 TIER 1
थोड़ा जानना

53. In dire straits Very bad situation - ब त खराब थित SSC GD 2022

54. The pot calling the kettle black People are guilty of the very fault they identify in others - SSC GD 2022
एक िकसी और की आलोचना कर रहा है , वही खुद पर भी लागू
हो सकता है



Going for a song

Break fresh/new ground

Charley horse
Incredibly inexpensive - अिव सनीय प से स ी

To do something that was not done before - नई खोज करना

Cramp - पैरों की मां सपेशी म ऐंठन

SSC GD 2022


58. Break a leg Good luck - भा तु ारे साथ हो STENOGRAPHER 2022

59. To be light years away To be too distant for human beings to reach - मनु ों की प ँ च SSC CGL 2020-2021
से दू र होना
M Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 368

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms and Antonyms

85 Most Repeated Synonym Asked by ‘TCS’

S.No. Word Synonym Repetition of Synonyms Exam wise

Eccentric - सनकी Idiosyncratic, Peculiar, Bizarre, Queer 4 CHSL 2021 tier 1, CHSL 2022 Tier 1, CGL 2022
Tier 1, MTS 2021

2. Perilous - जो खम Dangerous, Treacherous, hazardous 4 HIGHER SECONDARY LEVEL, CHSL 2021 tier 1
(2 times), GD 2022

3. Adversity - आपदा Misfortune, haplessness, casualty 4 CGL 2022 Tier 1, GD 2022,

GD 2021 , MTS 2019

4. Calm - शां त Peaceful, quiet, serene, placed, detached, 4 MTS 2019, MTS 2021 , CGL 2020 ,CPO 2019

5. Lucid - Explicit , Clear , crystalline 3 CHSL 2019,MTS 2021 , CHSL 2019

6. Timid - डरपोक Coy, demure, modest, bashful 4 GD 2022, CHSL 2019 Tier 1, SELECTION POST

7. Hostility - श ुता Enmity, animosity, antipathy 3 CHSL 2022 Tier 1, GD 2022,CGL 2018 TIER I

8. Auspicious - शुभ Fortunate, optimistic, propitious 3 GD 2022, MTS 2021, CPO 2020 Tier 1

9. Colossal - िवशाल, िवराट Immense, Mighty, Gigantic 3 CPO 2022 Tier 1, STENOGRAPHER 2022, GD



Affluent - समृ

Apparent -

Ache - दद
Prosperous, Wealthy, well-to-do,

Distinct, obvious, evident, perceptible,

visible, outward
Suffering, anguish, pain, soreness, hurt

CPO 2018 , CHSL 2019

CPO 2019, MTS 2019 , GD 2021,

STENOGRAPHER 2017 , GD 2021, CPO 2019

13. Agony - पीड़ा Anguish, distress, Misery, torment, woe, 2 STENOGRAPHER 2017,CHSL 2020

14. Defer - टालना Adjourn, delay, block, hinder, prolong, 3 STENOGRAPHER 2019 , STENOGRAPHER 2017
procrastinate , CGL 2018

15. Grim - िवकट Fierce, awful, hideous, horrid, frightful 3 GD 2021, GD 2021,SEL 2020

16. Huge - िवशालकाय Massive, Enormous, Tremendous 3 STENOGRAPHER 2020, STENOGRAPHER 2018
,MTS 2019

17. Obvious - Apparent, Evident, clear, 3 STENOGRAPHER 2017, CPO 2019 , MTS 2019

18. Dismal - िनराशाजनक, उदास Gloomy, Sulky, Glum 3 Selection Post X, STENOGRAPHER 2017, CHSL
2019 Tier I,

19. Quandary - घबड़ाहट, आशंका Dilemma, Impasse, fortuity 2 CHSL 2022 Tier 1, CPO 2022 Tier 1

20. Oblivious - अनजान Ignorant, unaware, unmindful 2 CHSL 2022 Tier 1, CPO 2020 Tier I

21. Ferocious - भयंकर Frightful, Fierce, Savage 2 MTS 2019, CHSL 2022 Tier 1

22. Vacillate - िहचकना, संदेह करना Hesitate, fluctuate, waver 2 CHSL 2022 Tier 1, CHSL 2020 Tier 1

23. Thrifty - िमत यी Parsimonious, economical, frugal 2 CHSL 2022 Tier 1, CHSL 2018 Tier 1

24. Austere - कठोर Strict, abstemious, chaste 2 GD 2022, CHSL 2021 tier 1

25. Palpable - शनीय, Perceptible, detectable, discernible 2 STENOGRAPHER 2017, GD 2022

26. Enigmatic - रह मय Mysterious, cryptic, bewildering 2 CPO 2018 Tier 1, CHSL 2022 Tier 1

27. Anxious - िचंितत Apprehensive, Nervous, worried 2 CHSL 2022 Tier 1, MTS 2019

28. Instigate - उभारना , उकसाना Raise, kindle, incite , foment 2 CHSL 2022 Tier 1, CHSL 2019 Tier I

29. Proficient - वीण Skilful, Accomplished, expert 2 MTS 2021, GD 2022 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 369

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms and Antonyms

S.No. Word Synonym Repetition of Synonyms Exam wise

30. Benign - सौ , कृपालु Favourably, friendly, amiable 2 CHSL 2021 tier 1, CPO 2020 Tier 1

31. Perturbed - घबड़ा दे ना Disturbed , anxious, restless, bothered 2 CHSL 2021 tier 1, GD 2022

32. Solitary - िनजन, अकेला Singular, Single, lonely, antisocial 2 GD 2022, CGL 2019 Tier I

33. Ostentatious - िदखावटी Showy, pretentious, flamboyant, fancy 2 CGL 2021 Tier 1, CHSL 2018 Tier 1

34. Futile - थ, िनरथक Fruitless, useless, unsuccessful 2 GD 2022, CGL 2022 Tier 1

35. Wily - चतुर, चालाक Crafty, shrewd, clever, canny 2 GD 2022, GD CONSTABLE 2021

36. Abandon - प र ाग करना Desert , forgo, abdicate 2 MTS 2019 , GD 2-021 ,

37. Adept - िनपुण Skilled, sharp, Masterly 2 CHSL 2020 , CPO 2018

38. Agitated - उ ेिजत Aroused, Upset, concerned 2 SEL 2019 , STENOGRAPHER 2017

39. Awkward - अटपटा Clumsy, Inept, fiddly 2 CGL 2018 , CGL 2018

40. Accede - सहमत होना Comply, grant, accept 2 CHSL 2020 , CHSL 2018

41. Abstain - परहे ज रखना Refrain, ignore, forbear 2 CGL 2020 , CPO 2018




Accurate - शु ता से

Acute - तेज़

Amiable - मै ीपूण

Annihilate - न ट कर दे ना
Precise, Exact, definite

Critical, crucial, piercing

Affable, congenial, pleasant, sociable, warm

Destroy , wipe out, obliterate


MTS 2021 , GD 2021

GD 2021 , MTS 2021

MTS 2021 , GD 2021

GD 2021 , MTS 2019

46. Annoy - परे शान करना Exasperate, fret, irk, infuriate, upset, enrage 2 CPO 2019 , SEL 2019

47. Apposite - उपयु Appropriate,applicable,material, relevant 2 MTS 2019, SEL 2019

Arcane - रह मय
48. Mysterious, occult, puzzling, cabalistic, 2 CGL 2020 , CPO 2018

49. Arduous - कमठ Laborious, demanding, rigorous, severe, 2 SEL 2019, MTS 2021

50. Articulate - Eloquent, lucid, vocal, fecund, expressive, 2 CHSL 2019, CGL 2018

51. Baffle - चकरा दे ना Amaze, confuse, puzzle, rattle, stun, 2 MTS 2021, GD 2021

52. Barren - बंजर Desolate, infertile, unproductive 2 CHSL 2019,CGL 2018

53. Chaos - अराजकता Clutter, confusion, disarray, jumble, disorder 2 GD 2021, SEL 2022

54. Congenial - अनुकूल Affable, amiable, cordial, genial, pleasant, 2 SEL 2019,CHSL 2019

55. Coarse - खुरदरा Crude, rough, uncivilized, uncouth, filthy 2 GD 2021, SEL 2020

56. Condemn - िनंदा करना Condemn, doom, sentence, curse, 2 STENOGRAPHER 2017,CPO 2019
imprecate, cuss

57. Chaos - अराजकता Confusion , Turmoil, Mayhem 2 GD 2021 , CGL 2020

58. Copious - चुर Abundant, ample, generous, plentiful, 2 CHSL 2020 , STENOGRAPHER 2018

59. Crucial - मह पूण, अहम Vital , unimportant, trivial 2 GD 2021 , CHSL 2018 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 370

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S.No. Word Synonym Repetition of Synonyms Exam wise

60. Drag - खींच Traction, drag, dragging, draught, haulage 2 CGL 2018 , CGL 2020

61. Dubious - संिद Suspected, suspicious, Doubtful, doubtful, 2 MTS 2019 , CHSL 2018

62. Determined - ढ़, थर Resolute faltering, hesitant, indecisive 2 CHSL 2019 , CHSL 2018

63. Discern - िवचार करना Consider, ponder, mull, think, contemplate, 2 CPO 2018 , CPO 2019

64. Exult - आनंद, स होना Rejoice,Jubilation , cheer 2 MTS 2021 , SEL 2022

65. Estimate - आकलन Assess, Appraise, judge, approximate 2 CGL 2019 , SEL 2022

66. Elegant - सुंदर Delightful, Winsome, lovely, fascinating, 2 SEL 2022 , MTS 2021
colourable, comely

67. Emerge - उभरना Abandon, hide, end, drop 2 CHSL 2020,CHSL 2020

68. Hostile - श ुतापूण Obstructive, resistive, counteractive, 2 STENOGRAPHER 2019,CPO 2019

69. Harass - तंग करना Molest , Bother, pester, provoke 2 CPO 2018, MTS 2019

Hazardous - जो खमभरा Dangerous, perilous, khatarnak, parlous, 2 MTS 2021, GD 2021



Isolate - अलग रखना

Lure - आकषण

Lethal - जानलेवा
Put aside, reserve, isolate, lay up, defer,

Attraction, charm, fascinate


MTS 2021,
CPO 2019

GD 2021,SEL 2022
73. Deadly, fatal, mortal, vital, destructive, 2 CGL 2018,
ruinous GD 2021

74. Mitigate - कम करना Lay, alleviate, assuage, palliate, relieve, 2 SEL 2022, STENOGRAPHER 2020

75. Mandatory - अिनवाय Binding, compulsory, indispensable, 2 CHSL 2020, CGL 2019
essential, obligatory , requisite

76. Morose - उदास Sullen, glum, saturnine, sour, sulky 2 CHSL 2019, SEL 2019

77. Opulent - धनी Lavish, lush, luxuriant palatial, rich, 2 CPO 2020 ,CHSL 2019

78. Prevent - रोकना Avert, Block, cease 2 CGL 2019 ,CPO 2018

79. Perceive - समझना Recognise, Notice, appraise 2 GD 2021, GD 2021


80. Tranquil - शां ित Hush, peace, lull, placidity, serenity, 2 CPO 2019, SEL 2019

81. Tarnish - कलंिकत करना Blemish, impair, mar, prejudice, besmear 2 STENOGRAPHER 2017,CGL 2019

82. Corroborate - समथन-करना, पु Confirm, justify, validate, support 2 STENOGRAPHER 2017, Selection Post X

83. Wily - चतुर, चालाक Crafty 2 GD 2022, GD CONSTABLE 2021

84. Conceited - अिभमानी Smug, Arrogant, egotistical 2 STENOGRAPHER 2019,CPO 2019

85. Dearth - अकाल Absence, lack, want, deficit, depletion, 2 CHSL 2020 , SEL 2019

NOTE- SEL- Includes Exam Selection Post Phase 6/7/8/9 Graduate level / High secondary level and Matriculation level Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 371

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms and Antonyms
75 Most Repeated Antonyms Asked by ‘TCS’

S.N. Word Antonyms Repetition of Antonym Exam wise

1. Curb - ितबंध करना Free, liberate, release ,encouragement 6 STENO 20 , STENO 2017, CPO 20 , CPO 18 , GD
2021, STENO 20

2. Applaud - शंसा करना Denounce, Admonish, whistle 2 CPO 20 , CPO 19

3. Barren - बंजर Damp, moist, Fertile 5 CPO 19, MTS 19, MTS 20, CGL 20,CPO 20

4. Flexible - लचीला Firm, obstinate, stiff, 5 STENO 2020, CGL 2019 , MTS 2019, CHSL
2021, CGL 2018

5. Genuine - िव सनीय Doubtful, uncertain, unreal 5 MTS 2020, STENO 2020, STENO 19, STENO
2017, CHSL 2021

6. Humility - िवन ता Arrogance, Vanity,Audacity 5 CGL 18 ,CPO 18 , MATRIC LEVEL,CPO 20

,CHSL 19

7. accept - ीकार करना Reject अ ीकार करना, 4 CGL TIER 2 2022, GD 2022, SELECTION POST
PHASE 8 2020, CGL TIER 1 2018

8. Abundant - चुर Rare , shortage, scarce 2 MTS 19 , CGL 18



Progress - गित

Dormant - सु

Inept - अयो
Decline, decrease, down

Active, lively, bustling

adroit, dexterous,; competent


MTS 19, GD 21,SLE 20

CGL 19,MTS 20 , SLE 2022, STENO 18

CHSL 2022 Tier 1,CHSL 2021 , CPO 19 ,MTS 19

12 Opaque - अपारदश Lucid, unclouded, transparent 6 CHSL 2022 Tier 1, GD CONSTABLE 2021
CHSL 18 ,CPO 18, GD 2021, STENO 18

13. Shallow - उथला Important, aware, full 4 MTS 20, STENO 20, STENO 18,CHSL 18

14. Widespread - फैला आ Limited सीिमत , general, ubiquitous 3 CGL 2020 TIER 1, CGL 2021 TIER 1,


15. Pompous - अहं कार Humble िवन , imperious, magisterial 3 CGL 2021 TIER 1, CGL 2020 TIER 1, MTS 2020

16. Feeble - कमज़ोर Strong मज़बूत 3 CGL 2021 TIER 1, STENOGRAPHER 2020 ,
CPO 2020 TIER 1

17. Arrogant - घमंडी Humble, meek, shy 3 CHSL 18, GD , SEL 9

18. Assemble - एक करना Destroy, ruin, wreck 2 SLE 20 , STENO 19


19. Generous - दयालु Miserly, biased, selfish 3 CHSL 19, SEL 9, GD 2021

20. Shrink - िसकुडन Expand, outstretch, grow 3 STENO 20 , CPO 19 , CHSL 19

21. Despair - िनराश Joy, cheerfulness, happiness 3 CHSL 18, MTS 20, CHSL 18

22. Dubious - संिद Certain, reliable, trustworthy 3 CPO 18 , CGL 20 , GD 2021

23. Lively - फुत ला Lethargic, inactive, sluggish, 3 GD 2022, CPO 18 , MTS 20

24. Meager - थोड़ा Plenty, substantial, sufficient 3 CGL 18, GD 2021, MTS 20

25. Delay - टालना Advance, expedite, go ahead 3 CGL 19,CHSL 18 , SEL 20,

26. Peace - शां त Agitated, disturbed, troubled 3 CGL 18, MTS 19,CPO 18

27. Transparent - पारदश Opaque, cloudy, blocked 3 CPO 18 , STENO 18 ,CHSL 2021,

28. Nadir - पतन, घटती Climax, Zenith, apex, peak 2 CHSL 2022 Tier 1 , GD 2021 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 372

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S.N. Word Antonyms Repetition of Antonym Exam wise

29. .Vain - थ , घमंडी Productive, Modest, narcissistic 2 CHSL 2022 Tier 1, CHSL 2021 Tier 1

30. Forthright - वादी, िन पट Blunt, Devious, outspoken 2 CHSL 2022 Tier 1, MTS 2021

31. Brittle - भंगुर, टू टने यो Robust, Resilient, frangible 2 CHSL 2022 Tier 1, GD 2022

32. Abandon - ागना , छोड़ दे ना Constraint , forswear, renounce 2 CHSL 2021 Tier 1,
MTS 2020 Tier I

33. Elated - फु त Depressed, overjoyed, jubilant 2 CGL 2020 TIER 1, CGL 2021 TIER 1

34. Invade - आ मण करना Surrender आ समपण , conquer , win 2 CGL 2020 TIER 1, CGL 2021 TIER 1

35. Toxic - िवषैला, िवष Healthy - िनरोग, venomous , 2 CGL 2021 TIER 1, CGL 2020 TIER 1

36. Absurd - िनरथक,असंगत Sensible - समझदार, ludicrous, silly 2 CGL 2018 TIER 1 , CHSL 2021 TIER 1

Abrupt - आक क Smooth , gradual, sudden 2 CGL 20 , CGL 19


38. Beseech - ाथना करना Command , refuse, answer 2 CHSL 21, GD 21

39. Contemplate - ान से दे खना Overlook, disregard, ignore 2 GD , CHSL 19



Ascend - ऊपर उठना

Captivity -

Callous - कठोर दय
ाय ता ck
Decline, descend, lower

Freedom, liberation, liberty

Compassionate, sensitive, sympathetic




STENO 19, GD 2021

43. Candid - साफ़ िदल का Deceitful, devious, crafty 2 CHSL 2021 ,CHSL 2021

44. Compulsory - अिनवाय Optional, voluntary, unnecessary 2 CHSL 19 , STENO 20

45. Dubious - संिद , संदेह Certain, sure, definite,peaceful 2 CPO 18 , STENO 20


46. Coherent - समझने म सरल Illogical, irrational, unorganized 2 CPO 18 . GD 2021

47. Detest - घृणा करना Adore, cherish, like 2 GD CONSTABLE, STENO 19

48. Deficit - अभाव Abundance, affluence, plenty 2 CHSL 2021,MTS 19

49. Descent - पतन Ascent, elevation, upgrade 2 CHSL 18 ,CGL 18

50. Flexible - न Inflexible, obstinate, stubborn 2 CHSL 19, STENO 20


51. Divulge - कट करना Conceal, hide, suppress 2 CHSL 19,CHSL 19

52. Distant - दू र थ Adjacent, close, neighboring 2 MTS 19 , MTS 20

53. Derogatory - अपमानजनक Appreciative, complimentary, flattering 2 CGL 19, SEL 9

54. Desecration - अपिव ता Respect, reverence,praise 2 GD 2021, SLE 20

55. Expand - िव ारणीय Contract, curtail, shorten 2 CPO 18 , MTS 19

56. Evasive - टालने वाला Clear, honest, direct 2 MTS 2020,CHSL 2021

57. Futile - िनरथक Useful, productive, fertile 2 MTS 2020, CGL 2019

58. Gather - इक ा करना Disperse, disassemble, scatter 2 MTS 19,CHSL 18

59. Illicit - गैरकानूनी Legitimate, noble, proper 2 SEL 9,MTS 19

60. Infallible - अचूक Imperfect , fallible, faultless 2 MTS 19, CPO 18 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 373

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S.N. Word Antonyms Repetition of Antonym Exam wise

61. Keen - िदलच ीरखना Reluctant, uninterested, indifferent 2 GD 2021, GD 2021

62. Mitigate - कम करना Aggravate, intensify ,augment 2 STENO 20, MTS 20

63. Mournful - दु ः ख भरा Hopeful, optimistic, pleasant 2 MTS 19, CPO 18

64. Notorious - कु ात, Obscure, unknown, unremarkable 2 MTS 19, CGL 18

65. Obstinate - िज ी Conventional, usual, normal 2 STENO 20, CPO 19

66. Lucid - Obscure, unclear,secret 2 CHSL 2021 , CHSL 19

67. Stingy - कंजूस Generous, lavish, liberal 2 CPO 18,CHSL 19

68. Prudent - चतुर Indiscreet, unrealistic, unwise 2 CGL 18 , GD 2021

69. Repulsive - ितकारक Pleasant, delightful, inviting 2 CGL 19,CGL 18

70. Sacred - पिव Sacrilegious, temporal, , scurrilous 2 CGL 18, CHSL 19

71. Seize - हड़पना Releasegive, offer, release 2 CGL 20 ,CPO 18

72. Wary - सावधान Careless, indiscreet, reckless 2 GD 2021,CGL 18



Satiated - तृ

Approbation - शंसा

Pompous -गिवत ck
Abandon , insatiable, unsatiable

Pliable , admiration, endorsement

Humble, modest

MTS 2020 Tier I, CHSL 2021 Tier 1

CHSL 2022 Tier 1, CGL 2022 Tier 1

CGL 2020 Tier 1, MTS 2019 Tier 1

NOTE- SEL- Includes Exams Selection Post SEL 6/7/8/9/10 Graduation level/ High Secondry level/ Matriculation level
M Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 374

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms and Antonyms

50 New Synonyms Asked by ‘TCS’

S.N. Word Synonyms Exam wise

1. Predicament - (असमंजस) Quandary SSC CGL 2023 TIER 1

2. Exuberance - जीवंतता , उ लास Vibrancy SSC CGL 2023 TIER 1

3. Plethora - चुरता / अिधकता Excess SSC SELECTION POST PHASE XI

4. Valet - सेवक Butler SSC MTS 2022

5. Quail - घबरा जाना Cringe SSC MTS 2022

6. Nark - ोिधत करना, िचढ़ाना Irritate SSC MTS 2022, SSC CHSL 2022 TIER 1

7. Jape - प रहास करना Quip, Badinage , gag SSC CHSL 2022 TIER 1

8. Heathen - अस Boor, Impolite, ill-mannered SSC CHSL 2022 TIER 1

9. Fad - सनक Furore, vagary, quirk SSC CHSL 2022 TIER 1

10. Algid - शीतल Icy, Frigid, gelid, SSC CHSL 2022 TIER 1




Rabble - िन वग

Desiccate - सुखा दे ना

Scoffing - उपहास

Sap - कमज़ोर बनाना

Underclass, inferior,

Dry, dehydrate, arid

Mockery, jeering, derisive

Deplete, exhaust, erode





15. Vim - ताक़त Energy, muscularity, Vigour SSC CHSL 2022 TIER 1

16. Quail - घबरा जाना Cringe, tremble, mystify SSC CHSL 2022 TIER 1

17. Tyrant - तानाशाह Despot, Autocrat, dictator SSC CHSL 2022 TIER 1

18. Assail - हमला करना Attack, assault, snipe, SSC CHSL 2022 TIER 1

19. Caginess - चालाकी Guilefulness, cunning, slyness SSC CHSL 2022 TIER 1

20. Quandary - ाकुलता Perplexity, Dilemma, Impasse SSC CHSL 2022 TIER 1

21. Nascence - उ ि Incipience, birth, nativity SSC CHSL 2022 TIER 1


22. Nacreous - चमकदार Iridescent, lustrous, shining SSC CHSL 2022 TIER 1

23. Morose - उदास, िचडिचडा Sullen, Gloomy, melancholic SSC CHSL 2022 TIER 1

24. Occlude - रोक दे ना, बंद करना Obstruct, impede, hinder SSC MTS 2021

25. Fleck - ध ा Spot, blot, smirch SSC CHSL 2021 TIER 1

26. Overture - पूव सूचना Preamble, preface, introduction SSC CHSL 2021 TIER 1

27. Condescension - कृपालुता Kindness, humaneness, mercy SSC CHSL 2020 TIER 1

28. Wry - टे ढा, उलटा Crooked, asymmetrical, contort SSC CHSL 2020 TIER 1

29. Rind - पपड़ी, िछलका Peel, bark, covering SSC CHSL 2019 Tier I

30. Glum - अ स , उदास Dismal, dejection, Morose SSC CHSL 2019 Tier I Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 375

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S.N. Word Synonyms Exam wise

31. Inclement - बेदद, घमंडी Dignified, haughty, supercilious CGL 2019 Tier I

32. Nincompoop - मूख ,पागल Foolish, imbecile, idiot SSC CPO 2018 Tier I

33. Tousled - गुदगुदी, अ व थत Disarranged, rumpled, chaotic SSC STENOGRAPHER 2019

34. Din - (शोर मचाना ) Pandemonium, Tumult, Uproar SSC STENOGRAPHER 2019

35. Scrumptious - शानदार, तेज ी Delicious, Marvellous, Stunning SSC STENOGRAPHER 2018

36. Squander - गंवाना, अप य करना Frivol, dissipate, dilapidate SSC SELECTION POST PHASE 6 2017

37. Drudgery - किठन प र म Hard labor, toil, travail SSC STENOGRAPHER 2017

38. Pusillanimous - डरपोक Cowardly, Dastardly SSC CHSL 2021 TIER 1

39. Finicky - मु ल से खुश होने वाला Fussy, selective, sniffy SSC CHSL 2021 TIER 1

40. Jejune - नीरसता Drab, mundane, drab, dull SSC CHSL 2022 TIER 1

41. Wallow - लड़खड़ाना Flounder, waver, vacillate SSC CHSL 2022 TIER 1

42. Winsome - (मनोहर) Attractive, enchanting, alluring CPO 2022 TIER 1



Totter - (लड़खड़ाते ए चलना)

Travail - (कड़ी मेहनत करना)

Clairvoyant - भिव सूचक

Sway, wobble, stumble

Drudgery, toil, strain

Prophetic, Fortune teller, Seer

CGL 2021 TIER 2



46. Canker - (नासूर हो जाना) Abscess, Sore, blister SSC CHSL 2020 TIER 1

47. Ecclesial - चच संबंधी Churchly, religious, cleric SSC CHSL 2022 TIER 1

48. Sybarite - िवलासी, सुखवादी Debauchee, luxuriant, voluptuary SSC Selection Post (X)

49. Pudgy - नाटा और मोटा Thick-bodied, dumpy, chubby SSC CHSL 2021 TIER 1

50. Missive - राजनीितक संदेश, प Letter, memorandum, epistle SSC SELECTION POST PHASE 7
M Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 376

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 TG @M00n_Ligt Synonyms and Antonyms

New (40) Antonyms Asked by ‘TCS’

S.N. Word Antonyms Exam wise

1. Adage - कहावत Misconstruction SSC CGL 2023 TIER 1

2. Volition - इ ाश , सँक Rejection, Refusal, Compulsion CPO 2018 TIER 1

3. Tacit - मौन, चुप Explicit, Express, Apparent CHSL 2018 TIER 1

4. Succinct - संि , लघु Lengthy, wordy, repetitious GD 2022

5. Glee - आन , स ता Woe, sorrow, sadness CGL 2019 TIER 1

6. Loiter - दे र करना, धीरे चलना Hasten, hurry, rush MTS 2019

7. Suave - िश , मधुर Rude, uncouth, clownish CPO 2020 TIER 1

8. Fleeting - िणक, अ थायी Lasting, permanent, eternal MTS 2021

9. Subterfuge - छल, बहाना Honesty, sincerity, alertness SSC CPO 2022 TIER 1

10. Vituperate - गाली दे ना, ितर ार करना Praise, commend, compliment CPO 2022 TIER 1



Penitent - अपराधी , प ातापी

Fiend - दु , ूर

Objurgation - िनंदा, आ ेप
Unrepentant, ruthless, cruel

Saint, hero, angel

Endorsement, citation, tribute

CPO 2022 TIER 1

CHSL 2022 TIER 1

CHSL 2022 TIER 1

14. Frustrate - हताश, िनराश करना Foster, promote, encourage CHSL 2022 TIER 1

15. Accessory - सहायक,अित र व ु Essential, requirement, necessity CHSL 2022 TIER 1

16. Amiss - ग़लत, अनुिचत Impeccable, perfect, flawless CHSL 2022 TIER 1

Worried - िचंितत, परे शान

17. Unconcerned, easy, relaxed CHSL 2022 TIER 1

18. Despondent - िनराश,आशाहीन Hopeful, optimistic, exultant CHSL 2022 TIER 1

19. Inchoate - अिवकिसत, अपूण Refined, mature, adult CHSL 2022 TIER 1

20. Antsy - ाकुलता, उ ेिजत Easy, Calm, Collected CHSL 2022 TIER 1

21. Desiccate - सुखाना, शु Hydrate, stimulate, energize CHSL 2022 TIER 1


22. Fret - िचंता करना, कुढ़ना Relax, restore, renew CHSL 2022 TIER 1

23. Fatuity - मूखता, बेवकूफ़ी Sapience, discretion, wisdom GD 2022

24. Presumable - संभव, मुमिकन Improbable, uncertain, doubtful GD 2022

25. Rife - भरा आ, चिलत Scarce, devoid, empty CPO 2022 TIER 1

26. Penurious - कंजूस ,गरीब Munificent, generous, liberal SELECTION PHASE 10

27. Unfeigned - स ा, सरल Pretended, false, artificial MTS 2021

28. Precocious - समय से पहले पकनेवाला Backward, late, slow CHSL 2021 TIER 1

29. Squalid - गंदा, मिलन Clean, unsoiled, spotless SSC STENOGRAPHER 2018

30. Solicitous - िचंताशील, ान रखने वाला Heedless, thoughtless, unthinking CHSL 2021 tier 1 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 377

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S.N. Word Antonyms Exam wise

31. Frivolous - चंचल, ओछा Serious, important, meaningful GD 2021

32. Stalwart - साहसी, वीर Cowardly, timid, spineless CGL 2020 Tier 1

33. Fervor - उ ाह, जोश Apathy, insensitivity, insensibility SELECTION POST PHASE 9

34. Starve - छीनना, भूखा Satisfied, Stuff, full HIGHER SECONDARY LEVEL PHASE 9

35. Fret - ोध, झ ाहट Please, restore, revive HIGHER SECONDARY LEVEL PHASE 9

36. Dashed - धराशायी, आघात Encouraged, dragged, strolled STENOGRAPHER 2018

37. Lackadaisical - िन ाहपूण , िच ाकुल Enthusiastic, energetic, active CGL 2018 Tier 2

38. Abstinence - संयम, परहे ज़ Gluttony, greed, repacity CHSL 2022 Tier 1

39. Reprove - िन ा करना, िध ारना Eulogize, approve, endorse CHSL 2022 Tier 1

40. Timorous - डरपोक , कातर Brazen, daring, hardy CHSL 2022 Tier 1

M Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 378

Pinnacle @mrcrackerfree2 TG @M00n_Ligt Spelling
75 Most Repeated Spellings S.No. Spellings Repetition

S.No. Spellings Repetition 33. Guarantee 4

34. Gallery 4
1. Accommodate 10
35. Advertisement 4
2. Grammar 9
36. Temperature 4
3. Vicious 9
37. Schedule 4
4. Committee 8
38. Versatile 4
5. Conscientious 7
39. Quiet 4
6. Magnificent 7
40. Eminent 4
7. Omission 7
41. Nuisance 4
8. Occasion 6

42. Commemorate 4
9. Receipt 6
43. Definite 3
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