Representa-Te Comercial

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BR Power 631-875-5334

7475 Avenida Del Mar, Boca Raton, FL

Dear Luis Gustavo Cortez de Araujo Goncalves

BR Power Maintenance is pleased to offer you the full- me posi on of Construc on Manager.

We are very excited about the poten al you and your experience brought to the table. We an cipate your start
date to be 03/20/2024. As discussed during your interview, you will be working at our Orlando loca on. You will
report directly to Carlyle Garcia JR as your immediate supervisor. Once you complete orienta on you will begin
training and working in your posi on as a Construc on Manager. If you decide to accept this offer of
employment, your employment job responsibili es shall be as follows:

- The responsibility of job is we need someone who plan ,coordinate ,budget and supervise construc on project
from start to finish

Your beginning rate of compensa on will be an annual salary of $90,000.00.

You or the Company may terminate the employment rela onship at any me. Your employment shall be deemed
as voluntary in nature and shall be considered employment at will and both par es acknowledge and agree that
employment is not set for a specific dura on of me.

If you decide to accept our offer of employment, and if you are in agreement with the above terms and
condi ons, we will formalize our discussion with an employment agreement that shall be presented to you on
your first day of employment. This le er itself does not cons tute an employment agreement, only an offer of

Please confirm your acceptance of this offer of employment by 03/21/2024. I will be contac ng you on
03/21/2024 to confirm your start date and to answer any ques ons you may have at that

I look forward to welcoming you on board and to working together.

Sincerely, BR Power Maintenance

Carlyle Garcia JR - (OWNER)

Owner Signature: _________________________

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