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Definition and Meaning of Aromatherapy: Aromatherapy is the science of using essential herbal oils to treat illnesses (following Hrner

& Pohl 2002). The term comes from the French aromathrapie, coined by the French chemist Ren-Maurice Gattefoss who published the first book titled Aromatherapy in 1937. The word aromatherapy is known to many, but few people know what it really means. This is due to the fact that cosmetics and other kinds of products are often commercialized as aromatherapy or with essential oils even though no therapeutical effect can be expected from them. Click [here] to discover everything about the therapeutical use of essential oils. Aromatherapy is no alternative medicine. In reality, it has helped our physicians to rediscover the lost origins of their own science*. In this sense, for Prof. Dietrich Wabner (TU, Munich) aromatherapy is an essential part of the so-called classic western medicine. Therefore it is no wonder that in Europe more and more doctors, natural medicine practitioners and pharmacists use this kind of therapy in their daily work * Ref:Quotations from Prof. Dr. Dr. Dietrich Wabners introduction to Eliane Zimmermanns book Aromatherapie fr Pflege u. Heilberufe (1998) Aromatherapie eine Renaissance: Herkunft und Bedeutung The healing properties of essential oils were well known long before Gattefosss discovery [Link]. The use of essences can be traced back to ancient Egypt, the alleged cradle of medicine and perfumery. The Egyptians possessed a deep knowledge of the effects of aromatic substances on the human body and on the human mind. Other early users of essential oils were the Chinese, whose combination of herbal essences and acupuncture accounted for a highly effective activation of the bodys self-healing powers. Also the Incas, the Aztecs and the Tibetans practiced aromatherapy, and massages with aromatic oils are one of the most important therapies of Ayurveda, the traditional Indian medicine with a history of over a thousand years. Further applications can be found in ancient Greece. During a plague epidemic raging throughout Europe, Hippocrates, known as the Father of Medicine, advised the citizens of Athens to burn aromatic plants at crossroads to prevent the spreading of the disease. Meanwhile, aromatherapy has gained strong popularity among European physicians and therapists, particularly in France and England.

Aromatherapie eine Renaissance: Herkunft und Bedeutung The healing properties of essential oils were well known long before Gattefosss discovery [Link]. The use of essences can be traced back to ancient Egypt, the alleged cradle of medicine and perfumery. The Egyptians possessed a deep knowledge of the effects of aromatic substances on the human body and on the human mind. Other early users of essential oils were the Chinese, whose combination of herbal essences and acupuncture accounted for a highly effective activation of the bodys self-healing powers. Also the Incas, the Aztecs and the Tibetans practiced aromatherapy, and massages with aromatic oils are one of the most important therapies of Ayurveda, the traditional Indian medicine with a history of

over a thousand years. Further applications can be found in ancient Greece. During a plague epidemic raging throughout Europe, Hippocrates, known as the Father of Medicine, advised the citizens of Athens to burn aromatic plants at crossroads to prevent the spreading of the disease. Meanwhile, aromatherapy has gained strong popularity among European physicians and therapists, particularly in France and England. Historical Figures and Holistic Approach Some of the most important pioneers of aromatherapy are Ren-Maurice Gattefoss, Jean Valnet, Marguerite Maury, Micheline Arcier, Robert T. Tisserand, Dr. Lawless and Shirley Price. Over the years, they and many others have continued to discover new areas in which herbal essences can contribute to fighting disease, so that aromatherapy has countless indications now. A short list of the first-discovered applications of essential oils can serve as an example: heal wounds, regulate blood pressure, strengthen the immune system and alleviate depression. Moreover, the research conducted by Professor Rovesti (University of Milan), Dr. Gatti and Dr. Cayola proved the holistic effects of essential oils as early as the 1920s. As the aromatherapy specialist Bernd Griasch explains, Essential oils affect the bodys functions as well as the mind and the soul. Therefore aromatherapy is the perfect solution to the quest for a holistic therapy. Aromatherapy is on the Rise Aromatherapy with essential oils is becoming ever more popular for many people around the world. Many of these people have found that essential oils allow relaxation to take place and overall health improvement. Essential oils are derived from plants. Each special aroma is special for many different ailments. There are no man-made chemicals within essential oils, only all natural ingredients. Essential oils are inhaled in aromatherapy. These oils enter the body and the brain is then sent a signal. This signal has an effect on emotional well being and other major functions of the body. These oils are also used in massage therapy. Along with an emulsifier, the oils are massaged into the body. There are different uses for each different oil, depending on the trigger response wanted. The physiological body system is greatly influenced by essential oils. Here are a few of the benefits: Pain can be alleviated by using essential oils. One powerful pain killer that can be used is in Peppermint oil. Your emotions and mental well being can be affected by use of essential oils. The mind being cleared, deeper relaxation, and tension relief are powerful benefits. There are a number of scents which help induce calmness and others that simply lift the spirit. If you would like to feel uplifted, peppermint does just that. Ylang-Ylang and Jasmine are good for inducing excitement. For a good night's sleep, try Lavender. For a natural repellent for insects, citronella is best. Tea Tree Oils works very well as an anti-fungal and anti-bacterial. This oil kills viruses,

fungi, and bacteria. To reduce inflammation, Chamomile and Eucalyptus work wonders. Both of these are an anti-inflammatory. If you consume just a couple of drops of peppermint by mouth, this will aid in digestion. While a few essential oils help with relaxation, they also help lower blood pressure at the same time. These essential oils imitate a tranquilizer but more the way mother nature intended. There are some essential oils which help the respiratory system. These oils are inhaled. One example is Mesolithic oil. You can also add Lemon or Peppermint to your home humidifier. For eczema or psoriasis, Calendula helps a great deal. This condition of the skin can be alleviated with these oils. For muscle and skin conditions, Lavender speeds up cell re-growth. To relax your muscles, try Marjoram, Lemon, Eucalyptus or Rosemary. Using an oil diffuser reduces toxins and bacterial in the air by ridding the air of negative ions present. To have healthier looking skin, Juniper Berry is great for wrinkles, dry or cracked skin. In order to have improved function of the brain, many essential oils can do this. Just the presence of these oil aromas has an effect. There are many cultures who have used these oils for years. These essential oils help an individual become more healthy and stronger. Your specific needs will determine which essential oil is right for you. Please note that these oils have been proven to help your pets as well.

The International Popularity of Aromatherapy Today Essential oils are very common practice in France and England, where aromatherapy walks hand in hand with medical school. The French and the Italians have long experience in the internal use of essences, but intake is allowed only under the supervision of an experienced therapist. It is therefore little surprising that France alone numbers more than one thousand therapist actively working with aromatherapy. The British use aromatherapy mostly for massages (over 95%) and even the United States and Japan have a large number of users and therapists. Another country to be mentioned as an example is Switzerland, where essential oils are to be found in any good pharmacy. Aromatherapy enjoys more and more favour in Germany as well, and the number of people who are returning to basics and rely on the healing powers of nature is constantly growing. Until the year 2000, aromatherapy in Germany was limited almost exclusively to the use of

oils burners including in hospitals. This kind of therapy works well for respiratory and psychological problems, but fragrances are insufficient in the case of diseases such as arthritis or neurodermatitis. The successful therapies of embrocation and aromapressure are often less known. Therapeutical Applications Aromatherapy can be extremely effective, especially in case of frequent, minor complaints such as small wounds, cough, flue, migraine, skin abrasions, pimples or immunitary weakness. With the approval of the treating physician, aromatherapy can effectively give support to classic therapies for serious diseases. Aromatherapy has the advantage of combining successfully with other kinds of treatments with the exception of homeopathy. In all other cases, aromatherapy can support the effect of natural remedies and support medical treatments. Examples of indication: According to the experiences of French and British therapists aromatherapy can support with the following indications: Acne Appetite (loss of) Burns Cellulite (also sensitive and couperose skin) Colds Concentration problems Cramps (all kinds of) Dandruff Dizziness Eczema Exhaustion Finger nails (flaky, fragile) Hair loss Headache Inflammation (with pus, fever) Insects (protection from, bites, etc.) Insomnia Intestinal diseases (colic, inflammation, diarrhoea etc.) Itching Joint pain Muscle ache Muscular pain, cramps Nausea Nervousness Nightmares Pregnancy (stretch lines, perineal tear, childbirth etc.) Sensitivity to weather changes Scars Stress (all kinds of)

Sunburns Varicose veins Warts Wounds (healing, treatment of) Wrinkles

Use Natural Medicine No. 11 Essential Oils Based on Chapter 10 from The Beginners Guide to Natural Living by Larry Cook, host Zoe Simpson explains how essential oil therapy works and why using it can help us heal from certain conditions. Distributed by Tubemogul. (01:27)

5 Stress Tips Using Aromatherapy will teaches you 5 stress tips using aromatherapy. Learn what are essential oils that are good for stress relief and how to use them. (02:19)

Softball Nutrition - Why Fat is Good For You

Coach Marc explains why female softball players need a good amount of essential fatty acids (EFAs or the good type of fats) to maintain high levels of performance on the softball field. (08:50)

How to make an Aromatherapy Inhaler Learn how to assemble and use an aromatherapy inhaler. Certified clinical aromatherapist Andrea Butje guides you through the simple assembly. Inhalers offer portable relief and relaxation. (03:15)

Sea Side Sanctuary on Eagle Beach in Aruba Discover the simple life at the Spa Del Sol on Eagle Beach in Aruba. Relax with a Balinese massage and scrub using an herb and spice mixture and a cooling wrap of fresh aloe, essential oils and cucumber, and hear the waves crash at this beachfront oasis. (04:19)

POPULARITY OF AROMATHERAPY INCREASES Released on = May 28, 2006, 9:06 pm

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Industry = Entertainment


Press Release Body = POPULARITY OF AROMATHERAPY INCREASES AS PEOPLE SEARCH FOR WAYS TO UNWIND FROM THEIR HECTIC LIVES Los Angeles, CA- People around the world, of all ages, races, cultures and backgrounds, have come to enjoy the calming scent of fresh burning incense and the soothing aromas of perfume oils and aromatherapy products. Aromatherapy has never been more popular than it is today. With the constant bombardment of unpleasant sensory stimulations, as well as the stress of increasingly hectic lifestyles, people are desperate for ways to help themselves unwind. Fresh incense, aromatherapy, and perfume oils can provide the perfect escape. offers an extensive collection of incense and aromatherapy products, available on the net, so everyone can find a smell that suits them. The makers of products take extreme pride and care in their work, ensuring that each stick of incense is fresh and hand-dipped, made with only the finest oils. They also offer incredibly low prices, with a pack of 20 incense sticks selling for only $1.

But the owners of don\'t expect their customers to go on faith. They are currently offering a free pack of fresh hand-dipped, long-burning incense so each customer has a chance to test out the products before making a purchase. To receive a free pack of incense, just send three 37-cent stamps for postage along with your name, address and zip to:, P.O. Box 91098 Los Angeles CA 90009.

It is no exaggeration to say that incense has been around since the beginning of human history. With millions of people looking for a way to sooth their nerves after a long day at work or a stressful day school, it will be around for a long time to come.

This new website is completely secured and accepts both visa and Mastercard. For more information about, contact Herb King by phone at 310 676-6318 or email to Visit the website and view the extensive collection of incense, incense holders, aromatherapy and perfume oils at contact person: Herb King

atherapy Products in the Market at claim to be aromatic products will often be poorly scented to get the aromatic effect nt for you to know the exact types in the aromatic products. Proceed with the article to e about the aromatic products.This article covers

es of aromatic products y of making interesting aromatherapy gifts Buying Aromatherapy Products

Basics Of Aromatherapy Aromatherapy is a natural means o various illnesses using the Natural obtained form different parts of a p in medicinal values. Basics Of Ar Aromatherapy Info Aromatherapy Aromatherapy For Kids Suggest An Article

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popularity of aromatherapy, many new aromatherapy products have come onto the please suggest your article. We val f the most popular products are aromatherapy candles, massage oils and other ifts. These products use the principles of aromatherapy, where essential oils are used for suggestions and comments. therapeutic effect. Some products that claim to be aromatherapy products may only be t the essential oils that are necessary for a therapeutic effect.

herapy Products Available f aromatherapy products available in the market as follows

APY OILS matherapy oils are essential oils extracted from plants. They are used for the aroma they resulting therapeutic effect. Aromatherapy oils can be used in a variety of different in an oil burner, in a bath or in massage oil.There are also some oils available that are nted oils are not essential oils. They will still smell nice, but there will be no therapeutic

APY DIFFUSERS diffusers are items that are used to spread the scent into the air. The most popular form of iffuser is an oil burner. The oil is placed on top, and a candle is lit and placed underneath, nd spreading it throughout the room. There are also aromatherapy inhalers, nebulizers One convenient way of taking (and benefiting from) your essential oils when you go out matherapy beads. These beads contain a vessel where the essential oils can be placed.

APY CANDLES candles are candles that are made using essential oils. You can find candles that have the ential oil, and candles that have a blend of scents for a nice smell producing effect. There dles, sensual candles and stress-relieving candles, just to name a few. Many candles on cented, and may even claim to have a therapeutic effect, but it is only those candles that s or plant extracts that will have the benefits of aromatherapy.

APY COSMETICS AND BATH SALTS bath salt, hand cream and massage oil have been popular for quite some time. Now there body cream, aromatherapy moisturizer and even aromatherapy lipstick. These products s to normal cosmetics, bath salts and skin care products.

a mixture of dried plant parts. They may include leaves, bark, seeds and other parts of the pourri includes only the plant, allowing the plant parts by themselves to produce the e any effect. Other pot pourris add essential oil to the mixture. Generally, pot pourris that ils added to the mixture will smell stronger and be more beneficial. You can also find ot pourri. These pot pourris use synthetic products that look like plants and add scented

therapeutic effect to these types of products.

APY PERFUMES AND AIR FRESHENERS perfumes and air fresheners use essential oils in a carrier (like jojoba oil or distilled herapy perfumes can be applied like any other normal perfume. However, the perfume is e oil than cologne or other perfume. Aromatherapy air fresheners often come in nonottles. They can be used just like any ordinary air freshener.

APY MOUTHWASH mouthwash is a mouthwash made out of essential oils in alcohol. It is usually more raditional mouthwash. It may also include baking soda. The oils used in aromatherapy mostly oils that are good for teeth and gums.

APY PENS pens are an interesting way to benefit from essential oils. They are special roller ball pens end of essential oils. There are also a wide range of scented pencils and pens available. of these will not contain essential oils.

APY HERBS atherapy usually relies on the use of essential oils, aromatherapy herbs can also be used and therapeutic effect. You can buy dried herbs from health food shops or aromatherapy ou can grow your own. These may be steeped in water, used in teas, added to baths or ourris. You can also used dried herbs to make some interesting aromatherapy gifts. They f you add a few drops of essential oil. With the right equipment, you can also extract the nt.

ips for Buying Aromatherapy Products

s Bath Products Cosmetics and Skin Care Products Air Fresheners and Perfumes romatherapy Provide Essential Relief? ewelry - Enfolded in Subtle Fragrance romatherapy with Vaporizers and Oil Burners Accessories - Your Budget, Your Choice!

matherapyAromatherapy has a solution for every problem that is sensed both physically th the help of traditional practicing treatment system.

Stress Reduction Aromatherapy for Pets Aromatic Candles Guide Aromatherapy matherapy Oxygen Bar Aromatherapy Candle Making How to grow herbs?

Products Oil extracts are of unique collection blessed with special features on therapies vailable in the form of easy to use aromatic products in the aromatherapy medicinal open for public usage with labels specifying their utility, dosage and ingredients that

general health issues.

atherapy Products Aromatic Bath Products Aromatic Skin care Products Aromatic Air ism And Aromatherapy Aromatherapy Jewelry Aromatherapy Oil Burners Natural

Aromatherapy Today | Author: Pier55 | Posted in Aromatherapy

Using Essential Oils in the Modern World. Aromatherapy today, is not unlike the ancient use of plants and their leaves, flowers, bark, seeds and peel. Ancient cultures used the aromatic properties for healing and spiritual uplift and these same uses can be seen in the practice of modern aromatherapy. Aromatherapy has only recently become a popular form of healing but it has been around for thousands of years. This is due to a general move toward more holistic methods of healing in an attempt to integrate mind, body and spirit. It is also and attempt at avoiding the many toxic side effects that accompany some modern medicines. So aromatherapy today, can be seen as a tool for a more integrated approach to healing. A variety of studies have been done and continue to be done to establish the actual benefits of aromatherapy today. Anecdotal evidence, however, remains the cornerstone of this combination of art and science. The popularity of aromatherapy today is perhaps a reflection of the fact that society as a whole is ready for change. We want to find other ways to heal. Most of us have or will experience mild to severe illness in our lifetimes. While modern medicine has much to offer in terms of health care, many drugs are also ineffective and toxic to the body. This is particularly so in the case of medications used to treat anxiety and depressive illness. Aromatherapy today can be a great help in these cases since they can help to lift and balance mood. The rising cost of orthodox medicine may be another reason why aromatherapy is gaining in popularity. Many people claim to get the same results from a cheaper essential oil as those from conventional medicine. This is true for minor complaints like headaches as well as more painful conditions like arthritis. Aromatherapy today should be seen as an adjunct to modern medicine and does not seek to replace it in more serious conditions.

Using holistic medicine is one way in which society can begin to take personal responsibility for their health and well-being. No longer do we view herbal medicine and aromatherapy as ancient practices. Instead they are seen as complementary solutions to a problem or illness. Of particular importance is the gentle way that these methods help the body to heal itself naturally. Thus aromatherapy today can help us get better faster. We all know how much of an effect an aroma can have on us. Even the simple act of cooking a fragrant dinner, lighting a scented candle or smelling scented flowers changes our mood and perspective. Science recognizes the important link between what we breathe in and our physical state. Most of us know that a relaxing bath with a scented product uplifts or relaxes us. Aromatherapy today is no different. I urge you to begin your journey with aromatherapy today. Start with a single essential oil that suits your physical, mental or emotional condition and begin experimenting. Use the oil to fragrance your home, in the bath, add it to a massage oil or aromatherapy diffuser and notice the results. Be Sociable, Share!

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