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Functional features extended table and topological class diagram for the course

„DPI508-Methods and Evolution Trends of Applied Computer Science”

1. The author: Yash Karan Singh Rathore (231ADM194)
2. The name of the problem domain : Connecting and Dating through Instagram contacts
3. The description of problem domain (as in the previous assignment):

The app aims to provide a seamless experience for users looking to connect and
potentially date people from their Instagram network. Upon logging in, users
authenticate their Instagram accounts, granting access for the app to fetch their list of
followed contacts. These contacts are then displayed, allowing users to swipe right to
express interest or left to pass. In the event of mutual interest (both users swiped
right), the app notifies them of the match, enabling them to initiate a conversation
through a chat feature and plan potential dates. Users can view detailed profiles of
their matches, adjust privacy settings to control who can view their profile, and utilize
search and filtering options based on criteria like location and interests. Additionally,
features like sorting, blocking, unmatching, and reporting inappropriate contacts
enhance the user experience. Push notifications keep users informed of important
events, while settings allow customization of account details and notification
preferences. Help and support sections offer assistance, and terms and conditions are
provided for transparency. Ensuring data security and privacy, the app allows users to
logout, delete their account, and provide feedback for continuous improvement. With a
user-friendly onboarding process, intuitive interface, and focus on performance,
accessibility, and localization, the app aims to cater to diverse user needs while
complying with relevant laws and regulations.

Functional features extended table and topological class diagram for the course
„DPI508-Methods and Evolution Trends of Applied Computer Science”

4. Functional features extended table:

Id / Action-ing a(n) Object Preconditions Postconditions Providers Executors /

Label (A) The Result (R) (O) (PreCond) (PostCond) (Pr) Actors (Ex) S N/M Class Operation

User gains
Authentication Instagram User has valid
1 User logs in access to app App User N Authentication Authenticate
successful account credentials

App fetches Instagram User is logged User's contacts
2 fetched App App N Data retrieval FetchContacts
contacts contacts in are displayed

User swipes Interest User is viewing Contact is

3 Contact User App N Interaction SwipeRight
right expressed a contact marked as liked

User swipes User is viewing Contact is

4 Pass Contact User App N Interaction SwipeLeft
left a contact dismissed

Mutual Match Two users Both users

5 interest notification - swiped right on notified of App App N Notification NotifyMatch

detected sent each other match

Functional features extended table and topological class diagram for the course
„DPI508-Methods and Evolution Trends of Applied Computer Science”
User initiates Match is
6 Chat initiated Chat room between users App App N Interaction InitiateChat
chat established

Date details
User plans a Match is
7 Date planned Date details shared between App App N Interaction PlanDate
date established

Profile details
User views Profile Match Match is
8 presented to App User N Data retrieval ViewProfile
match profile displayed profile established

Privacy settings
User adjusts
Settings Privacy User is logged changed as per
9 privacy App User N Configuration UpdatePrivacySettings
updated settings in user's

User initiates Relevant contact
10 searches for Contact found Contact App User N Data retrieval SearchContact
search displayed

User initiates
User applies Contacts matching
11 Filter criteria filter App User N Data retrieval ApplyFilters
filters filtered criteria

Functional features extended table and topological class diagram for the course
„DPI508-Methods and Evolution Trends of Applied Computer Science”

Contacts Contacts User initiates displayed

12 Contacts App User N Data retrieval SortContacts
sorted sorted sorting according to

sorting criteria

User blocks Contact User chooses Contact added

13 Contact App User N Interaction BlockContact
contact blocked to block to block list

User Match removed

Match User initiates
14 unmatches Contact from both users' App User N Interaction UnmatchContact
terminated unmatching
with contact lists

User identifies Contact

User reports Contact
15 Contact inappropriate reported to app App User N Interaction ReportContact
contact reported
behavior administrators

Push Notification
Notification Relevant event
16 notification Device delivered to App App N Notification SendNotification
sent occurs
sent user's device

User adjusts
Settings Notification User is logged preferences UpdateNotificationSetting
17 notification App User N Configuration
updated settings in changed as per s
user's choice

Functional features extended table and topological class diagram for the course
„DPI508-Methods and Evolution Trends of Applied Computer Science”
Help section User navigates Help content
18 accesses Help section App User N Interaction AccessHelp
accessed to help section displayed
help section

Terms &
Terms & Terms & User accesses
Terms & conditions
19 conditions conditions terms & App User N Data retrieval DisplayTerms
conditions displayed to
displayed displayed conditions

Logout User is logged User logged out

20 User logs out - App User N Authentication Logout
successful in of the app

User account
User deletes Account User is logged
21 - removed from App User N Authentication DeleteAccount
account deleted in

User User chooses

Feedback Feedback
22 provides Feedback to provide App User N Interaction ProvideFeedback
submitted recorded by app
feedback feedback

User User completes

Onboarding User is new to
23 completes - onboarding App User N Configuration CompleteOnboarding
completed the app
onboarding process

Functional features extended table and topological class diagram for the course
„DPI508-Methods and Evolution Trends of Applied Computer Science”

User User interacts

Interface Interface User is using
24 interacts with with app App User N Interaction InteractWithInterface
interaction elements the app
interface interface

App displays
App handles Error Error occurs in
25 Error handling appropriate App App N Error handling HandleError
errors message app
error message

App loads within

App loads User opens the
26 Fast loading - acceptable time App App M Performance LoadApp
quickly app


complies User with App accessible

27 with - disabilities to users with App App N Accessibility EnsureAccessibility
accessibility uses app disabilities


App supports User selects App displayed in

28 multiple - language selected App App N Localization SupportMultilingual
languages preference language

Functional features extended table and topological class diagram for the course
„DPI508-Methods and Evolution Trends of Applied Computer Science”

App ensures Data security User's data is App secures

29 - App App N Security EnsureDataSecurity
data security ensured stored in app user's data

App ensures Data privacy User's data is App protects

30 - App App N Privacy EnsureDataPrivacy
data privacy ensured stored in app user's privacy

Support Support User seeks Support section
31 accesses App User N Interaction AccessSupport
accessed section assistance displayed

Functional features extended table and topological class diagram for the course
„DPI508-Methods and Evolution Trends of Applied Computer Science”

5. Functional requirements and mappings to functional features (optional):

6. The graph of problem domain objects:

Functional features extended table and topological class diagram for the course
„DPI508-Methods and Evolution Trends of Applied Computer Science”
7. The topological UML class diagram:

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