UBD Stages 1, 2, and 3 - Amanda Gunter

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UBD Lesson Plan Template Stage 1 Desired Results

Grade/Subject: Title: Teacher(s): Length of Time Unit: Date the Unit was reviewed: Summary of the Unit:

2nd grade/Science Position of the sun and moon throughout the year. Amanda Gunter 2 weeks

The children will learn about the seasons of the year and how the sun and moon are positioned at those times.
Title of Content Standard Students will investigate the position of sun and moon to show patterns throughout the year. Students will observe and record changes in their surroundings and infer the causes of the changes.

Number S2E2 S2E3

Students will understand or know how to [Learning outcomes] 1. Students will understand the position of the sun and moon during each season. 2. Students will understand why it is cold in the winter and hot in the summer. 3. Students will learn how animals are affected by the seasons of the year. 4. Students will know how to measure shadows to calculate the approximate time of day. 5. Students will understand how the moon affects the oceans.

Essential Questions:
Unit concepts that reside at the heart of the subject. Ex. What was the position of the characters in this story? 1. How do the sun and moon relate to each other? 2. How does the position of the sun and moon affect the seasons of the year? 3. Why is it hot in the summer and cold in the winter? 4. How can you tell the time of day by the position of the sun? 5. What are the different phases of the moon? 6. When are shadows longer or shorter during the day? 7. How do the different seasons affect plants and animals? 8. What did other cultures call the sun and moon? 9. How does the moon affect the oceans? 10. How long is the cycle of the moon?


Students will need to know: c. Relate the length of the day and night to the change in seasons (for example: Days are longer than the


Students will need to do: a. Investigate the position of the sun in relation to a fixed object on earth at various times of the day.

night in the summer.) d. Use observations and charts to record the shape of the moon for a period of time.

b. Determine how the shadows change through the day by making a shadow stick or using a sundial.

UBD Lesson Plan Template Stage 2 - Evidence of Learning

Performance Task
Title of Content Standard: GOAL The students will determine how shadows change throughout the day. Students will understand the pattern of the sun and moon throughout the month and the year. Students will investigate the phases or cycles of the moon during a one month time period. ROLE

Students will play the role of the sun, earth, and moon. AUDIENCE Second grade students SITUATION Students will perform how the sun, earth, and moon's relationship is contrast with the seasons of the year. PRODUCT, PERFORMANCE AND PURPOSE A video will be produced by the students demonstrating the relationship of the sun, earth and moon during the different seasons of the year. Students will gain knowledge of the relationship of the sun, earth, and moon through worksheets, internet inquiry, books from the library, and through observations and recordings by the student. The purpose is for students to develop an understanding of the relationship of the sun, earth, and moon. STANDARDS AND CRITERIA S2E2. a. Investigate the position of the sun in relation to a fixed object on earth at various times of day. c. Relate the length of the day and night to the change in seasons (for example: Days are longer than the night in the summer.) d. Use observations and charts to record the shape of the moon for a period of time.

Other Evidence
(e.g., tests, quizzes, prompts, work samples, observations) Students will observe and record, in a journal, the shape of the moon each night for a month prior to the actual study of Earth Science. Students will discuss their findings with each other and the teacher in class the next day. The students will record the length of their shadows at three different times of the day. These findings will be recorded in their journal and compared. The students will be directed to preapproved websites to find information about the relationship of the sun, earth, and moon. Books from the school library, our textbook, and worksheets will be provided for this activity. A vocabulary quiz on terms affliated with this study will be done. True-False and short answer tests will be given on the subject throughout the study.

Student Self-Assessment and Reflection Students will record their observations of the moon and add their predictions of what will occur next in their journals each day. The journals will be read by the teacher to make sure the student is doing the work. Students will discuss with the teacher what they are finding in their observations of the moon and the length of their shadows during the day. Students and parents will be informed of the rubric for this Earth Science study.

Rubric for Performance-Based Assessment

RUBRIC FOR THE PERFORMANCE TASK List Criterion Directions Beginning 0-3 points Did not follow directions. Developing 4-6 points Somewhat followed directions, got some of the basic ideas covered. Accomplished 7-8 points Followed the directions and has an understanding of relationship of the sun, earth and moon. Exemplary 9-10 points Went above and beyond the directions and can thoroughly explain the relationship of the sun, earth, and moon. There was a journal entry for every day of the month. Student participates very well and is encouraging to others and has a good attitude. Score

Journal Entries

There were no journal entries. Student does not participate in the class.

There were less than 15 journal entries. Student participates, but does not interact well with peers.

Class Participation

There were more than 15, but less than 20 journal entries. Student participates and interacts well with peers.

UBD Lesson Plan Template Stage 3 Learning Plan

Students will learn about the sun and the phases of the moon and how those affect the seasons on earth.

Instructional Process:
Where is it going? Students will learn how the suns position in the sky makes our shadows short or tall. Students will understand the pattern of the sun and moon throughout the month and the year by accumulating information about the different seasons of the year. Hook the students. Students will be shown by a model in the classroom how the earth and moon rotate around the sun. This will be reinforced by a different video presentation each day showing the rotation of the earth and moon, and how the seasons are changed because of the earths rotation on its axis.

Explore and equip. The students will define words important to this unit of study and record these along with definitions in a journal entry each day. Students will look each night into the sky to see the moon phase and record this by drawing what they saw in their journal each day. Students will find books about the four seasons and take notes about the characteristics of each season. An extra learning activity using a website will be used by students to gage their learning about the moon phases. Rethink and revise. Students will make a journal entry each day about the phase of the moon. Students will record, in the journal, the length of their shadow at different times of day for one week to discover a pattern in the length of their shadows. Students will take notes from the books they read, the videos watched and the websites about the seasons of the year and discuss their findings with the classmates on their Explorer team. Students will create a video or dramatization of their season with classmates to present to the class. A rubric will be provided for classmates to critique the presentation. Exhibit and evaluate Students will exhibit knowledge to answer the following questions: 1. What is the position of the sun and moon during each season? 2. Why is it hot in the summer and cold in the winter? 3. What are the different phases of the moon? 4. When are shadows longer or shorter during the day? 5. What is an equinox and when does it occur? Journal entries will be evaluated and recommendations given to help the student further their learning or to help gain a better understanding of concepts. Tailor to students. 1. Aesthetic Window: Videos will be provided along with a classroom model of how the earth and moon rotate around the sun. 2. Narrative Window: Books from the library will be read in class by the teacher or classmates describing the rotation of the earth and moon. 3. Logical/Quantitative Window: The student will measure the length of their shadows each day for a week. Students will assess when their shadow is longer or shorter at a given time of day. 4. Foundational Window: The class will discuss their guesses about the length of their shadows and their thoughts on how the earth and moon rotate around the sun. Questions will be presented for discussion prior to finding the answers in studying the unit. 5. Experiential Window: Students will make a sun clock for their Explorer team to use. At the end of the unit, students will present the class with a presentation of their season. Activities will be presented on the Smartboard for the class or for an Explorer group to explore the season they are studying. Advanced learner Prepare extra thought provoking questions for them to find the answers and present their findings to the class for discussion. Slow learner This student will be paired with an average learner. The Special Education Teacher will work with me to provide the best way for the student to learn the material and feel a sense of accomplishment for this unit. Hearing impaired Students will be seated closer to the front of the room. Extra time will be given for explanation one on one to the student. Attention deficit disorder Provide smaller task to accomplish that will build a foundation for the student. Send some work home for help. Wheel chair bound students Have a caring student help this student with measuring shadows. Provide a metal tape measure to help the student measure their teams shadows.

Organize. Day

Open with a video Demonstrating the Rotation of the earth and Moon around the sun Give out a worksheet With directions to make A Sundial. Watch a video On the history of sundials.

Powerpoint and write observations in Word

Essential Questions
How long does it take for the earth to rotate around the sun? How long does it take for the moon to rotate around the earth? How does a sundial work? How long have sundials been around?


DVD, and write an opinion in Word


Measure shadows and Record findings. Video from Web View video on the rotation Of the moon around the earth. Repeat Wednesday. View video on the Phases Of the Moon Webquest on the Seasons Of the year. Repeat Wednesday.

Tape measure and Journal.

Essential Questions
What time of day was it when The shadow was measured? Was the shadow long or short? Thursday Repeat


How long does it take for the moon to rotate around the earth? Video from Web Write an opinion on Word Computor Lab and Journal What are the phases of the moon? How long is there between each Full Moon? What are the characteristics of each season of the year? Tuesday



Repeat Wednesday. Smartboard Smartboard activity about The seasons. Wednesday Explorer teams Compare the lengths of Shadows of each student. Notebooks and Video To compile work into a video Clip to present to class. Video, powerpoint, or

What is a specific holiday in each season? What is your favorite season? Why? When was the shadow longer or shorter? What is your conclusion? Thursday Work in

Excel Worksheet on The Smartboard

What did you find out about your season and the earth, moon and sun? Friday Explorer Can you tell the difference between Smartboard the seasons of the year? Can you The different phases of the moon?

team presentations

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