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a BooKxsnoP NATOMY DEP CHM 1231 (INORGANIC CHEMISTRY) BAYERO UNIVERSITY, KaNO FACULTY OF SCIENCE e DEPARTMENT OF PURE AND INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY ~ r (Codlage of Sieaith Scumces! | 2026/2017 First Semeste; Examinations (CHM1231; Inorganic Chemistry _ Instructions: Answer Ary Three Questions _ Kimealiowed 2hee 1. (@) State two (2) differences and ron (2) similardsies henymer Ruthaed"s and’ Babe's ‘mode! of an atom. : (bi) An element X has stomie number 28, Write the sinceranile emaguracion of element X i) Ste the group, the period md the block 2 which slamamrX Selomgs (ci) What type of bond is farmed between a3¥ amd 2. i) State with reeson whether the aompound Farmed will $e anu @ ane at at, ‘@) Give the commion name andi chemiat foci af che main ave 22 the dhllewing, Dimon) Aluminium i) Copper (a) Give the set of four (4) quarmum mumbers ache 4" siaumon of ux siemens wit omic ‘number 13, . () Tie following slemems yA, 3B and y\C belong w wie sume rerio’ in the periodic table, Amange then in order of Inoweasing 1) Auronitzalag) i Eleeonegaciviny (© Why wansitior elements heve variable Bidasinn sumed (@ Sum the rutes governing the sarangemear af iecoon tne aac (] Commie ts ae wing me nase . ~~ - +f ) yo +e + e& (97 Weir the names, symbols end elecomis eanfigauton te she tase Sve (Scere of the first transition series. ~ ™ ive eny two (2) Types of chemical ventions ane Mewes each using suasle examples cas c4@) State the types of radiations emimed by 2 rasioastive ‘ characteristics with respect to; f ee ORCS Oa Pea hse dete da { ‘A moth repellent, paredichlorsbenans, ts comanabies 42.:t¢ toms a Oia rartert oe we formulee (C~12, H=1, C=35.5) “ — Gey State the type of bond in each of the Hilowing company ) Me CRC kD Bey $97Saaia the condition ecessary for hydrangea Re soem - } ‘of molecules with hydrogen hone sad give any tee @) [- oktiticeatetn £ AF. Siement and cheir general RAYERO UNIVERSITY, KANO DEPARTMENT OF PURE AND INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY 201672017 Seon, CHM1231: Inorganic Chemity how ee gy An Element X has atomic number 25, i) Wyte the electronic configuration of X {i) State the Group, Period and the block to which element X belongs. \W'An organic compound was analyzed to have the percentage composition of C, H and Cl as ‘49.1%, 2.72% and 48.18% respectively. If the molecule weight is 147, what are the empirical ‘and molecular formulae of the compound? (C= 12, H= 1, C1= 35.5). Fare the Ores and chemjcal formulae from which te following metals are obtain; Zing i) Lead ti) Copper ‘P @iuaxe the type of bonding that exist in each ofthe following compounds Sad "DNaBr i)CHOH AYO" 9) Cu a : wi Pave tne tree (3)types of radiation you know i) Complete and balance the following nuclesr equations, CX” : =Pui+ 2 28cm + in 2Mo (alc cee?) 4 ‘uansition metals and list any four (4) properties that are peculiar to transition metals. ut a a an $e eset 8 Bae tos - t eh Yad. | EE 318.1. YERO UNIVERSITY, KANO, | : RTMENT OF PURE AND INDUSTRIAL CHEM-STRY, W627 FURS) SEN TER TEST DATE: Apeili2017 CHM 1231: INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. TLM& ALLOWED: 30M Ss ALL QUES TIONS (MICROBIOLOGY STUDENT'S) € the tem radioactivi ne the e the group and the period to slement “Q" belongs? q . the following dtttals in order of indtasing eneray 45,64, 2p, 3, Sd any rola gehen 1.09 grams of glucose (Cattn09? (Cpa H=1, 0 #16) three 2) se avolved in the extraction of metals, ‘he help ofcherlgal quetion only, show the extraction of lead ffom is ore (elena). arned and formula. of iron and aluminiug ores. three pltietnods of purifying metals. ent of electrons inn atom, _¢) State Hund’s rule, - = FACULTY OF SCHENCK ik KX BAYERO UNIVERSITY, KANO Le DEPARTMENT OF PURI AND INDUSTRIAL CHEM 2012/2013 FIRST SEMES TIER EXAMINATIONS: 1M 1231; Tnorgunic Chemistry (Selence and Medical students) Do not write on the Question paper 1 a) Define the term chemical bond und state the octet rue. fh) An atoms consist while B is electri ly neutral, Hoth are located in w place D.C is usually negativesy variable oxidation state 4) Consider at element X with atomie number 34, i Using electronic configuration, determine the group, period and black of X ii) Give the set of the quontum numbers of the lat elvetron of K. ny Ow. by A anleea arou, 6.72% hydrogen and $3.28% oxygen, What are the eiplrcal and Feemula of the naotecue? (11 1, 12, 0-16, «Cli dhe following int either polar or non-polar compounds: SCC iF HCHCL,. 1) £40. J uae the Autbaw principle, — $8) Detine dhe term transition metals ' Naterally occurring carbon consist of %C and "4, Their wnctidie masses wre (2.05 Y¥-13.0034uunu, respectively. Ifthe atomic mass of carton is 12,0tamu, what are percentage abundances of these isotopes? ©) Ditferenriate between covalent and coordinate bunds. ¢) Starting with sulphur, give a balanced chemical equation for the preparation of fetraoxosulphate (YI) ai (112800). ions emitted by radioactive isotopes und state the a) List the 3 most comnion radi characteristies. (PM htorent £ with atome aunber 11 is smaller than another element Y with ators 12, True or fase? Relate the shove elements (X ind Y) in terms. of their _. Dléetron affinity. in) Electronegativity iii) Density © Slate the conditioi for hydrogen bond formation. 1 ‘tefine the term Stoichiometry ads INSTRUCTIONS: Answer any three (3) questions ‘Vime allowed: 2.118 F three most important particles A, Hand C, A is positively ehary-od yed and located in a place 1, Use the information above to identity A. 1 C.D sn i «) Why do transition wetals i) form complexes, ii) form coloured ions in solution itiy hive Je with molecular weight of 180.18g/mol is analysed and found to cousin 40% + -_ ES ERYERU UNIVERSITY KAR! me chen : FACULTY OR SCIENCE —__-ggggury OF “LENE | “MeN OF PURE AND INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRN, 2 an rat) SESSION FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS 2), INORGANIC CHEMISTRY mY ime (3) gestions rime ate RS BES by a tne Sect Ata Sam (i) a com peat ‘bond is formed between 43x indehlosee? a ‘saat Sula tte compe 1s yes properties he compocel formed & Eakin ie lowing no polar nd nonpolar sets sori eet. Cogan Weegee vi, CH,COOHT } Arange the following elements in order of increasing nization eneruy (i) Atomic size (ii) Blectronegativity Hanelement X, has electronic configuration 1S" 28° 2P* 38?. What willbe the group wet sheperind to which the element X belongs? «.ifan element Y is next to X in (b) above, as you move across the pétiod. What wit! happen to electron affinity value from X to ¥? {How many moles are there in 1.09grams of ylucase (Cell “What do you understand! by the term “Empirical formula ii Calculate the empirical formula of a compound containing 40.20% potassium, 26.9 chromium and the remaining being oxygen. (K=39, Cr= 52, O= 16) [0#12,H=1,0= 14) 9). State the radiotions emitted by « radioactive element and thee general sharacterst Relative mass (i) Relative charge (ii) Penetration power (iv) Effet in magnetic Fek! Anclement ¥ has atomic number 35. 1. Write the electron configuration of the ion Y iLGive the set of four quantum numbers forthe Jas three electrons of the ion in b() aby Draw the Rutherford’s und Bohs model of an atom. Hi Sate the type of bonding tht exists in each of the followings; AKC) ii, NH. iiiCHa iv. A ). Enumerate any three methods of reducing metals. . . With the help of chemical equations only, show the extraction af lead from its ore (Chl i give the names and formula of Iron and Aluminium ores. ii, state the method of extraction of the above metals. list the ules governing arrangement of electrons in an atom. State Hund’s rule,

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