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Transact Security Management System Learning Commur,iby'

Practice 2 » Solution » Non-blocked Override

Enter values as shown. Try Validate button to check and then Commit, see override message, Accept
Keep your transfer command and number in notepad (here : TELLER,ACCT.TFR and TT211056X7ZT )

I Practice 2 » Solution » Non-blocked Override

• Enter values as shown.
• Try Validate button to check and then Commit, see override message,
• Keep your transfer command and number in notepad (here : TELLER,ACCT.TFR and
TT21 1056X7ZT )

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Transact Security Management System Learning Commur,iby'

Practice 2 » Solution » Non-blocked Override

Check Audit fields: Override and record status Note les override messages and INAU status

I Practice 2 » Solution » Non-blocked Override

• Check Audit fields: Override and record status
• Note les override messages and INAU status


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Transact Security Management System Learning Commur,iby'

Practice 2 » Solution » Non-blocked Override

Log as a different user: AUTHOR Authorise this transfer with : TELLER,ACCT.TFR A TT211056X7ZT Or Menu filter :
transfer > "Authorise/delete Account Transfer"

I Practice 2 » Solution » Non-blocked Override

• Log as a different user: AUTHOR
• Authorise this transfer with : TELLER,ACCT.TFR A TT21 1056X7ZT
Or Menu filter : transfer > "Authorise/delete Account Transfer"

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Transact Security Management System Learning Commur,iby'

Practice 2 » Solution » Non-blocked Override

Check Audit and Authoriser: the 200 USD have been transferred.

I Practice 2 » Solution » Non-blocked Override

• Check Audit and Authoriser:
the 200 USD have been transferred


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Transact Security Management System Learning Commur,iby'

Practice 2 » Solution » Non-blocked Override

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Transact Security Management System Learning Communiby'

Practice 3 » Solution »
Class Override
You are going to make a funds transfer with Override, this time the override will be Blocked by
defining a Class. Log in as INPUTT Create a Class on Funds transfer Create a User of this Class
Create a funds transfer from an account with balance O Accept the override, check the status
Authorise with a user without Class, check status Authorise with a user with Class, check status

Practice 3 » Class Override

• You are going to make a funds transfer with Override, this time the
override will be Blocked by defining a Class.
• Log in as INPUTT
• Create a Class on Funds transfer Create a User of this Class
• Create a funds transfer from an account with balance O

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Transact Security Management System Learning Commur,iby'

Practice 3 »
• Accept the override, check the status
• Authorise with a user without Class, check status
• Authorise with a user with Class, check status

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Transact Security Management System Learning Communiby'

Practice 3 » Solution »
Create Class
Setup OVERRIDE application by configuring the record ACCT.UNAUTH.OD. Two fields turn this override record
into a blocked override that requires specific user group to override: APPLICATION CLASS Type command

I Practice 3 » Solution » Create Class

• Setup OVERRIDE application by configuring the record
ACCT.UNAUTH.OD. Two fields
turn this override record into
a blocked override that
requires specific user group
to override:

• Type command :

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Transact Security Management System Learning Commur,iby'

Practice 3 »
• Commit

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Practice 3 » Solution »
Solution » User with Class
Create a user: OVAUTHOR.I from copy of INPUTTER USER, I OVAUTHOR.I Add Overide.class TM.A

I Practice 3 » Solution » User with Class

• Create a user: OVAUTHOR.I from copy of INPUTTER (USER, S INPUTTER)
• Paste from INPUTTER
• Update minimal fields
• Add Overide.class TM.A
• Commit

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Transact Security Management System Learning Commur,iby'

Practice 3 »
Funds Transfer with Override
Using a debit account with zero balance, perform a funds transfer to Debit this account (in this example we
have used account 76619) with the amount with say, USD 900, and credit this to another account whose
balance does not matter (in this example we have used account 76686). FUNDS.TRANSFER,ACTR I F3 or Menu
User Menu> Retail Operations> Account Transaction>
Draft Issue/Account Transfer> Transfer between Accounts If you want to use your own
accounts, find them with: ACC L L > search with Category = 1001 , and Arrangement Id = and same

I Practice 3 » Solution » Funds Transfer with Override

• Using a debit account with zero balance,
perform a funds transfer to Debit this account
(use account 100552) with the amount USD
200, and credit this to another account whose
balance does not matter (use account 101 1

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Transact Security Management System Learning Communiby'

Practice 3 » Solution »
Menu> Retail Operations>
Account Transaction>
Draft Issue/Account Transfer>
Transfer between Accounts
SA - s


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Practice 3 » Solution »

Transact Security Management System TEMENOS

Learning Commur,iby'

Practice 3 » Solution » Accept Override

Commit the transaction. You should see an override pop up. Accept

I Practice 3 » Solution » Accept Override

• Commit the transaction.
• You should see an override pop up.
• Accept

SA - dl s


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Transact Security Management System Learning Communiby'

Practice 3 » Solution »

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Funds Transfer Audit

Switch to the Audit table to view Override message and Record Status. Keep your Funds Transfer
number in Notepad

I Practice 3 » Solution » Funds Transfer Audit

• Switch to the Audit table to view Override message and Record Status.
• Keep your Funds Transfer number in Notepad

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Transact Security Management System Learning Communiby'

Practice 3 » Solution »
Authorize with user AUTHOR
Login as user AUTHOR. To authorise, enter FUNDS.TRANSFER,ACTR A FT19108FC93S and execute.
Click Authorise Button as below

I Practice 3 » Solution » Authorize with user AUTHOR

• Login as user AUTHOR.
• To authorise, enter: FUNDS.TRANSFER,ACTR A FT21 1058YGWF
• Click Authorise Button as below

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Transact Security Management System Learning Communiby'

Practice 3 » Solution »
Class Override
The screen that pops up when you authorise will look like this: This means that the user AUTHOR does not
belong to the right authoriser group that can override such transaction.

Practice 3 » Solution » Class Override

• The screen that pops up when you authorise will look Fike this:

• This means that the user AUTHOR does not belong to the right authoriser
group that can override such transaction.

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Transact Security Management System Learning Communiby'

Practice 3 » Solution »
Class Override
View more details from the Audit tab. Here, you notice that the attempt to authorise the transaction has led
to the transaction being placed into another status from INAU to INAO.

I Practice 3 » Solution » Class Override

• View more details from the Audit tab.
• Here, you notice that the attempt to authorise the transaction has
led to the transaction being placed into another status from INAU to

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Practice 3 » Solution »
Autorise with OVAUTHORI
Login as user OVAUTHORI. To authorise, enter FUNDS.TRANSFER,ACTR A FT19108FC93S Click Authorise

I Practice 3 » Solution » with OVAUTHORI

• Login as user OVAUTHORI.
• To authorise, enter
• Click Authorise Button

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Practice » Solution »


3 Audit fields
Check further on the Audit tab to confirm this Override message contains Class and User No status
anymore, it's Live.

I Practice 3 » Solution » Audit fields

• Check further on the Audit tab to confirm this
• Override message contains Class and User
• No status anymore, it's Live.

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Transact Security Management System Learning

Practice » Solution »

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