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AIESEC Craiova

Street Marina, no 1, Craiova, Romania

CUI: 7262866
10th of April 2024

To Shehryar Ahmed,


My name is Foanța Florentina Ana-Maria (Identification Card DZ 500013, issued on

31.08.2021), President and legal representative of the organization AIESEC in Craiova.
In this letter we want to request short term visa for Shehryar Ahmed, citizen of Pakistan, passport
number QZ1170432, valid from 10.05.2023 until 08.05.2028, who will be a volunteer on Global
Classroom Project in Craiova, project organized by AIESEC in Craiova, between 1 September 2024
until 13 October 2024.. The contribution to the project involves educational, intercultural and
humanitarian activities.
In accordance with the Article 40 of the Emergency Ordinance no. 194/02, AIESEC in Craiova will be
responsible for the participant and will provide the accommodation for the whole period of the
volunteering project ( Details of Accomodation: Rovinari 26 Street, flat R3, apartment staircase:3,
apartment 1 - authorized by AIESEC Craiova ), assistance during the project’s period, and will cover
the removal expenses in case the allowed length
of stay is exceeded.

AIESEC is the largest student organization in the world. AIESEC is non-political, not-for-profit
organization and it is led by students and provides young people the opportunity to develop
leadership, volunteer abroad, build a personal network of friends worldwide and explore the direction
and ambition of their future. In Romania, AIESEC has 12 Local Committees in: Brasov, Bucuresti, Cluj,
Constanta,Craiova, Galati,Iasi,Oradea,Pitesti,Sibiu,and,Timisoara.

Kind regards,

Foanța Florentina Ana-Maria

AIESEC Craiova

Contact: Firan Alexandru-Daniel

Director of Incoming Volunteering Projects

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