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 1. Are you familiar with pastillas?

1 – Never
2 – Rarely
3 – Sometimes
4 – Often
5 - Always
 2. On a scale of 1 to 5, how frequent do you eat pastillas?
1 – Never
2 – Rarely
3 – Sometimes
4 – Often
5 - Always
 3. Have you heard of the product "Patatillas" (pastillas that is made from potatoes) before?
1 – Never
2 – Rarely
3 – Sometimes
4 – Often
5 - Always
 4. On a scale of 1 to 5, how likely will you purchase Patatillas.
1 – Very Unlikely
2 – Unlikely
3 – Neutral
4 – Likely
5 – Very Likely
 5. On a scale of 1 to 5, how likely are you to recommend Patatillas to a friend or colleague?
1 – Very Unlikely
2 – Unlikely
3 – Neutral
4 – Likely
5 – Very Likely
 How likely are you to recommend potato pastillas to friends or family if you enjoy them?

1 – Very Unlikely
2 – Unlikely
3 – Neutral
4 – Likely
5 – Very Likely
 1. What did/do you like most about our product?
A. Consistency
B. Flavor
C. Appearance
D. Quality
E. Others: specify
 2. If you were to buy our product, how much do you think you are willing to spent per
A. 1-25 pesos
B. 26-50 pesos
C. 51-75 pesos
D. 76-100 pesos
 3. Which of the two do you think has more nutritional content/benefit?
A. Patatilla (Pastillas made out of Potatoes)
B. Traditional/Regular Pastillas

 4. In your opinion, who will more likely to enjoy/appreciate patatillas?

A. Kids
B. Teens
C. Adults
D. Seniors

 5. Do you often, eat pastillas in a day or a month?

Less often
More often

 6. Would you rather try new different flavor of pastillas?


 7. When do you eat pastillas?


 8. To whom, will you share the new flavor pastillas?

Love one's

 9. What do you pay attention the value of the product?

Nutritional value

 10. Which type of pastillas texture do you find more appealing?

Moist and tender
Soft and chewy
Crispy and crunchy
Rough and crumbly

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