AICE - Milestone 01 - Wilson - Mavuto - 02.02.2024

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ALX AICE: Milestone #1 Worksheet

Part A
Step 1: Your AI-generated image and prompt
Locate the image you generated using Runway ML in the Fun Activity: Try Runway AI

Then, Click"Share" (under the 3 dots) and adjust the settings to “Anyone with the
link can view.” Next, paste the link and the prompt you used to generate the image
in the box below;

Step 1: Individual AI Image and prompt

Image Link:

Prompt: create a picture of 3 children playing along the futuristic river. clouds touching
the horizon that shines rainbow of light.

Step 2: AI Toolkit
To access your AI Toolkit, Go to your personal ALX AICE Google Drive, then locate your AI Toolkit
Spreadsheet from your activity on Building Your AI Toolkit.

Next, Click "Share" (under the 3 dots) and adjust the settings so that it looks like
Then, copy the link and paste it into the box below.

Step 2: Your AI Toolkit

If you need more help with this, Google for video instructions on sharing files in
Google Drive, or ask a peer.

Step 3: Reflection on the use of AI

Take a moment to reflect on everything you’ve learned and how AI might shape your
future. Then, create a short paragraph based on your reflection; your paragraph
should answer the questions in the box below;

Step 3: Reflection on the use of AI

Which aspects of interacting with AI in your daily life are you most excited or
concerned about?

The exciting aspect of AI is when it assists in promoting ideas quickly. When you design a
prompt in order to create an image it becomes very interesting. AI simplifies work and difficult
decisions to undertake. However there is a need to learn more aspects and its features in order
to master many parameters.

In what ways do you think AI will impact your current or future career?

Ai will help me in scheduling my work plan. It will create simple tasks for me. Ai will do my
work in writing letters, emails and stories. Ai will make my business easy to run because it
helps assist me running business by deciding for me with just a concise prompt. It will lessen
my future studies such that it will help with writing assignments for me.
What are some of the ethical challenges posed by AI that you are most worried or
curious about?

Some of the ethical challenges should be in terms of bias. AI models designed by one cultural
setting. It is likely to pattern that particular aspect of people. Issues of recognising facial
expressions are not tailored to all populations. It may recognise some while others not.

What skills do you think will be important to learn or improve upon to coexist and
thrive in an AI-driven world?

Coding skills are necessary to master in order to have the ability to come up with unique AI
tools. There is a need to be computer literate. People should understand that not AI toolkits can
perform what they wish. It's important to have skills of recognising particular AI tools for
specific tasks. There is also a need to know how to prompt in AI tools. This helps to generate
images or text as needed.

How do you see AI evolving in the next decade, and what societal changes do you
anticipate as a result?

Societies will change due to AI tools. People in the community will use AI tools as a
platform to seek help for their business. Marketing will rely on AI tools to come up
with best models of customer service satisfaction. Ai tools will assist the community to
detect health problems using several tools. However, since AI tools are designed by
man, it means man will still be superior over Ai tools. AI tools depend on the person to
programme it.
Which AI tools have you tried while going through this module? How was your

The AI tool I have used is Runway. This helps to create an image from text using a prompt. It is a good
tool for starters in the AI industry. There could be other tools which will learn in due course.

Please go back to Savanna and continue with your learning

content. You will be prompted on when to return to complete Part

Part B

Step 4: Target industry & role reflection and PICS

Locate your Personal Mission Statement Worksheet in your personal ALX AICE Google Drive.
Next, click "Share" (under the 3 dots) and adjust the settings so that it looks like this:

Copy the link and paste it in the box below.

Target industry and role reflection and PICS

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