Harry Potter English Presentation Assignment

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Rubric for "Presentacion para el dia del idioma: Harry Potter" - 9th Grade

2 - Needs
Criteria 5 - Excellent 4 - Good 3 - Satisfactory Unsatisfactor

Content is
Most content Content is Content is
All content is often
is accurate somewhat mostly
accurate and inaccurate
and shows a accurate and inaccurate
Content shows a deep and shows a
good shows basic and shows no
Accuracy understandin lack of
understandin understanding understanding
g of the Harry understandin
g of the Harry of the Harry of the Harry
Potter series. g of the Harry
Potter series. Potter series. Potter series.
Potter series.

English is English usage

English usage
used English is English is used is very poor
is limited by
flawlessly used correctly with some with frequent
Use of English with with good minor errors in and severe
errors in
advanced vocabulary vocabulary and errors in
vocabulary and grammar. grammar. vocabulary
and grammar.
and grammar. and grammar.

Presentation Presentation is
Presentation Presentation Presentation
is highly somewhat
Creativity and is creative and has limited lacks creativity
creative, creative but
Originality somewhat creativity and and
engaging, and lacks
engaging. engagement. engagement.
original. engagement.

Slides are Slides are

Slides are Slides have Slides are not
exceptionally appealing,
somewhat limited appeal appealing,
appealing, with good
appealing with due to poor with very poor
Visual Appeal with high- quality
fair use of image quality image quality
quality images images and
images and or font and font
and well- well-chosen
fonts. choice. choice.
chosen fonts. fonts.

Presentation The The The The The

2 - Needs
Criteria 5 - Excellent 4 - Good 3 - Satisfactory Unsatisfactor

presentation presentation is presentation
is articulate presentation
is clear and understandable is unclear and
and is hard to
interesting, , with monotonous,
Skills captivating, follow, with
with good satisfactory with very poor
with excellent poor voice
voice voice voice
voice modulation.
modulation. modulation. modulation.

Fully meets meets the
Adherence to Meets nearly Does not
and exceeds Meets the basic assignment
Assignment all of the meet the
all the assignment requirements
Requirement assignment assignment
assignment requirements. but misses
s requirements. requirements.
requirements. several key

This rubric is designed to assess the students' ability to present a literary work, specifically from
the Harry Potter series, in English. The evaluation criteria focus on content accuracy, use of
English, creativity and originality, visual appeal, presentation skills, and overall adherence to the
assignment's requirements. Each aspect is rated on a scale from 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest
score, indicating excellence in meeting the set standards and expectations for the 9th-grade
English presentation.

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