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Part III.

Test of Significant Relationship between the Respondents’ Age and

the Factors that Influence Health-conscious Individual’s Decision in Selecting

Healthy Meals in Cebu City

This section presents the findings of the hypothesis test on the significance

of the link between the respondent’s age and the factors that influence a health-

conscious individual in terms of decision-making in selecting meals.

Table 3.1 shows that there is no significant relationship between age of the

respondents and the factors that influence health-conscious individual’s decision in

selecting healthy meals in Cebu City.

Table 3.1
Test of Significant Relationship between the Respondents’ Age and the
Factors that Influence Health-conscious Individual’s Decision in Selecting
Healthy Meals in Cebu City

Computed Critical Cramer’s

Variables df P-value Decision Interpretation
Chi-Square Value V
Menu 0.89 6 12.59 0.9890 0.0589 Accept Ho Not Significant
Price 0.87 6 12.59 0.9888 0.0519 Accept Ho Not Significant
Ingredient Quality 0.92 6 12.59 0.9893 0.0536 Accept Ho Not Significant
Nutritional Value 0.92 6 12.59 0.9893 0.0536 Accept Ho Not Significant
Aggregate Mean 0.90 6 12.59 0.9891 0.0545 Accept Ho Not Significant
*P-value is significant if it is ≤ 0.05

As seen from the data in Table 3.1, there was no significant relationship

between the age of the respondents and the factors that influence health-conscious

individuals' decisions to select healthy meals in Cebu City, as obtained from the
computed values of the chi-square, which were less than the critical values. It was

also revealed in the factor average that the computed value of chi-square was 0.90,

which was less than the critical value of 12.59. The P-value of 0.9891 was greater

than the significance level of 0.05. Cramer’s v value of 0.0546 showed no

correlation. This led to the acceptance of the null hypothesis. It denotes that the age

of the respondents had no impact on the factors that influence health-conscious

individuals' decisions to select healthy meals in Cebu City. Bartkiene et al. (2019)

proved that the age of respondents significantly influences the emotional

motivation of food in customers; however, it was later found out in their analysis

that the age of customers does not influence the food selection of meals.

Table 3.2
Test of Significant Relationship between the Respondents’ Lifestyle and the
Factors that Influence Health-conscious Individual’s Decision in
Selecting Healthy Meals in Cebu City

Computed Critical Cramer’s

Variables df P-value Decision Interpretation
Chi-Square Value V
Menu 17.03 9 16.92 0.0490 0.7302 Reject Ho Significant
Price 17.08 9 16.92 0.0481 0.7297 Reject Ho Significant
Ingredient Quality 17.04 9 16.92 0.0491 0.7305 Reject Ho Significant
Nutritional Value 17.09 9 16.92 0.0494 0.7308 Reject Ho Significant
Aggregate Mean 17.02 9 16.92 0.0489 0.7303 Reject Ho Significant
*P value is significant if it is ≤ 0.05

Table 3.2 shows a significant relationship between the respondent's lifestyle and

the factors that influence a health-conscious individual’s decision to select healthy

meals in Cebu City, as shown in the computed value of chi-square in the factor

average of 17.02, which was greater than the critical value of 16.92. The P-value of

0.489 was less than the significance level of 0.05. The Cramer’s v value of 0.7303

showed a strong correlation. Thus, the null hypothesis was rejected. This means

that the lifestyle of the respondents has an impact on the factors that influence

health-conscious individuals' decisions to select healthy meals in Cebu City at a

5% level of significance. This is similar to the findings of the study conducted by

Géci et al. (2020), who found that the healthy lifestyle of health-conscious

individuals has a significant influence on their food selection when buying healthy

food. The result showed that consumers are more interested in the quality of

products that have healthy components.

Table 3.3
Test of Significant Relationship between the Respondents’ Dietary
Preferences and the Factors that Influence Health-conscious Individual’s
Decision in Selecting Healthy Meals in Cebu City
Computed Critical Cramer’s
Variables df P-value Decision Interpretation
Chi-Square Value V
Menu 31.61 12 21.03 0.0018 0.7499 Reject Ho Significant
Price 31.63 12 21.03 0.0017 0.7503 Reject Ho Significant
Ingredient Quality 31.61 12 21.03 0.0014 0.7501 Reject Ho Significant
Nutritional Value 31.65 12 21.03 0.0015 0.7505 Reject Ho Significant
Aggregate Mean 31.62 12 21.03 0.0016 0.7502 Reject Ho Significant
*P value is significant if it is ≤ 0.05
Concerning the relationship between the dietary preferences of the respondents and

the factors that influence health-conscious individuals' decisions to select healthy

meals in Cebu City, Chi-square P-value and Cramer’s v-value analyses were

carried out to identify any relationship if available. As shown in Table 3.3, it

indicates that the computed value of chi-square in the factor average of 31.62 was

greater than the critical value of 21.03. The P-value of 0.0016 was less than the

0.05 (5%) level of significance. Cramer’s V value of 0.7502 showed a strong

correlation. Therefore, it is considered significant and can be concluded that there

was a correlation between the dietary preferences of the respondents and the

factors that influence health-conscious individuals' decisions in selecting healthy

meals in Cebu City. This means that the dietary preferences of the respondents can

influence the factors that influence health-conscious individuals' decisions to select

healthy meals in Cebu City. Menghini et al. (2020) stated that dietary preferences

impact the satisfaction of consumers with their food. It is also emphasized that

dietary preferences are perceived to be a factor in food choice, portion size, overall

satisfaction, and spicy food intake, as they were examined closely to influence the

various preferences associated with consumers selecting healthy foods.


This study was conducted to determine the food dietary preferences of

health-conscious individuals in Soul Sierra, Busay Cebu City, to formulate a

proposed dietary program as an intervention plan.


This study aims to evaluate the food dietary preferences of health-conscious

individuals that were enrolled in the different health programs of Soul Sierra and

must dine-in at the establishment’s restaurant in Soul Sierra, Busay Cebu City. The

result will be the basis for a proposed dietary intervention plan.

Specifically, this study refers to address the following sub-questions;

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of;

1.1 age;

1.2 lifestyle;

a. eating habits;

b. sleeping habits;

c. consumption of tobacco and alcohol; and

d. food dietary preferences

1.3 purpose of maintaining healthy diets; and

2. What are the factors that influence health-conscious individual’s decisions

in selecting healthy meals in terms of:

2.1 menu;

2.2 price;

2.3 ingredient quality; and

2.4 nutritional value?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the profile of the respondents

and the factors that influence health-conscious individual’s decision in

selecting healthy meals in Cebu City?

4. Based on the findings, what dietary program may be proposed?


Based on the abovementioned findings and discussions, the researchers

concluded that the lifestyle and dietary preferences serve as effective factors that

influence health-conscious individuals' decisions to select healthy meals in Soul

Sierra, Busay Cebu City. Lifestyle holds a high level of efficiency in the decision-

making process for health-conscious individuals in terms of healthy food selection,

which includes eating habits, sleeping habits, consumption of tobacco and alcohol,

and dietary preferences. Moreover, the factors that influence health-conscious

individuals' decisions in selecting healthy meals in terms of menu, price, ingredient

quality, and nutritional value promote ideal selection for health-conscious

individuals to choose their own healthy meals in restaurants as it influences their

decision-making in purchasing healthy meals. Further, the study shows that there

was no significant relationship between the age of the respondents and the factors

that influence health-conscious individuals' decisions to select healthy meals in

Cebu City.

Furthermore, Maslow's Theory of the Hierarchy of Needs states that people

prioritize fulfilling certain needs before moving on to higher-level ones. The

perceived hierarchy of needs drives people to meet their needs, as they are more

likely to make healthier food choices since it is valuable for motivation and
decision-making processes (Kampuis et al., 2015). On the other hand, the Theory

of Planned Behavior [TBP] predicts human behavior based on individual attitudes,

subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control, which predict and explain a

wide range of health-related behaviors and intentions (Rizkita & Windasari, 2019).

Lastly, the Cognitive Dissonance Theory is recognized for influencing healthy

food choices as it uses effective nutrition programs and communication strategies

to promote healthy eating behaviors s (Ong et al., 2016). The effectiveness of the

incorporation of these predictors influences health-conscious individuals' decisions

to select healthy meals in the restaurants they dine at.


These are the recommendations of the researchers to the following groups or

individuals that will benefit from the results of the study.

Health-Conscious Individuals. This study can educate them through

different programs and plans that are concerned about their 29 dietary preferences

and choices. The study's results can provide insights into the factors that influence

their food choices, and recommendations based on the findings may help them

make more informed decisions about their dietary habits.

Food Industry. The result of this study provides insights into the dietary

preferences of health-conscious individuals. Through this study, the food industry

can adjust and offer specialized menu options that align with the preferences of

health-conscious individuals. By conceptualizing more appealing and healthy food

choices, establishments can attract health-conscious customers who prioritize

nutritious and balanced meals, which can lead to enhanced customer loyalty.

Department of Health. Findings from this study will help the Department

of Health better understand the dietary behaviors and preferences of health-

conscious individuals. The findings can help DOH inform public health initiatives,

nutritional guidelines, and educational programs aimed at promoting healthy eating

habits, which can contribute to efforts to reduce the prevalence of diet-related

diseases, promote overall well-being, and support their efforts to promote healthy

eating habits and reduce diet-related diseases.

Soul Sierra Management. Findings from this study will allow Soul Sierra

Management to benefit from the study's findings by designing and implementing

tailored dietary programs that cater to the preferences of health-conscious

individuals. The study's insights on demographic profiles, factors influencing

dietary choices, and the relationship between preferences and influencing factors

can inform the development of menu options, pricing strategies, and ingredient

sourcing practices that are ideal for the preferences of health-conscious


Department of Trade and Industry. The findings of the study will provide

additional support for the Department of Trade and Industry to better understand

the dietary behaviors and preferences among health-conscious individuals, which

contribute to evidence of whether there is an inflation of health consciousness in

the country. Through the results of this study, this department can increasingly

promote, coordinate, facilitate, and regulate trade, industry, and investment in the

Philippines as a support for consumers to fulfill and align their services with the

increasing demand for industry products, which will lead to overall success and

competitiveness for both DTI and the study.

Researchers. The result of this study can contribute to the personal and

professional growth of the researcher by enhancing their own knowledge and skills

in data collection, analysis, and scientific writing. It can also provide them with an

opportunity to make a meaningful contribution to the scientific community and the

food industry.

Future Researchers. Future researchers should further explore the

potential relationship between dietary preferences and the factors that influence

health-conscious individuals' decisions to select healthy meals in the Philippine

setting, specifically in Cebu City, in order to add to the existing literature regarding

the said variables and inspire further investigations and advancements in the

field. They should also expound on the working definition of dietary preferences

in a larger context in order to understand the concept from a different


Moreover, future researchers should use a larger sample size and a more

diverse set of health-conscious respondents with regards to dietary preferences for

better representation of the population and better data analysis. They should

attempt to find better instrumentation with regards to the various dietary

preferences of health-conscious individuals and how these factors influence their

decision-making in the food selection of healthy meals. They should also screen
for better instrumentation with regards to health-conscious individuals that will

objectively measure the level of health consciousness of the respondents in order to

avoid underreporting.

Furthermore, future researchers must ensure that the participants really

understand the instructions in every given questionnaire, for the reason that

uncertainty with questions might lead to unsure or guessed answers that will affect

the results of the study. In addition to that, the researchers also recommend

working on the briefing of participants as well as conducting a brief discussion

about the study and its ethical concerns in order to lessen the possibility of getting

guarded or hesitant answers from the participants.


Bartkiene, E., Steibliene, V., Adomaitiene, V., Juodeikiene, G., Cernauskas, D., Lele, V., Klupsaite, D.,

Zadeike, D., Jarutiene, L., & Guiné, R. P. F. (2019). Factors Affecting Consumer Food

Preferences: Food Taste and Depression-Based Evoked Emotional Expressions with the Use of

Face Reading Technology. BioMed Research International, 2019, 1–10.

Géci, A., Krivošíková, A., Nagyová, Ľ., & Cagáňová, D. (2020). The influence of lifestyle on consumer

behavior and decision making in research aimed at protein bars. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal

of Food Sciences, 14, 318–327.

Menghini, M., Singh, R., & Thyagarajan, B. (2020). Understanding Food Preferences and Their

Connection to Health Perception among Lean and Non-Lean Populations in a Rural State.

INNOVATIONS in Pharmacy, 11(4), 17.

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