CSEL302 Week 11 Quiz

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CSEL302 - Week 11 Quiz

1. Which of the following is NOT a step typically conducted in data preprocessing?

a. Data cleaning
b. Model training ✔
c. Feature selection
d. Data splitting
2. What technique is used to impute missing data in preprocessing?
a. Mean imputation ✔
b. Model training
c. Data splitting
d. Feature engineering
3. What is the purpose of feature selection in data analysis?
a. To add noise to the data
b. To reduce the dimensionality of the dataset ✔
c. To introduce outliers
d. To overfit the model
4. Before modeling, the dataset is typically split into:
a. Training, validation, and test sets ✔
b. Data cleaning, transformation, and splitting
c. Feature selection, engineering, and transformation sets
d. None of the above
5. Which step involves scaling numerical features to prevent domination by larger
a. Data cleaning
b. Data splitting
c. Normalization/Standardization ✔
d. Feature selection
6. What is the primary goal of model evaluation?
a. Preprocessing data
b. Training AI models
c. Assessing model performance ✔
d. Feature selection
7. What technique is used to assess how well a model generalizes to new data?
a. Data cleaning
b. Cross-validation ✔
c. Feature engineering
d. Normalization/Standardization
8. Which analysis involves plotting learning curves and confusion matrices?
a. Statistical analysis
b. Visualization of performance ✔
c. Error analysis
d. Hyperparameter tuning
9. Which technique is used to interpret the decisions made by AI models?
a. Data cleaning
b. Feature importance analysis
c. SHAP ✔
d. Data splitting
10. What is the primary goal of data-driven decision making in AI systems?
a. Preprocessing data
b. Training AI models
c. Extracting insights from data ✔
d. Feature engineering
11. What type of analysis is used to identify patterns and trends in large datasets?
a. Statistical analysis ✔
b. Hyperparameter tuning
c. Model evaluation
d. Feature engineering
12. Which technique enables AI systems to perform predictive maintenance?
a. Statistical analysis
b. Predictive analytics ✔
c. Personalization and recommendations
d. Risk management and fraud detection
13. What does LIME stand for?
a. Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations ✔
b. Local Importance Model Evaluation
c. Limited Interpretation for Model Enhancement
d. Localized Impact Model Evaluation
14. Which technique explains individual predictions of machine learning models?
a. Feature importance analysis
b. SHAP ✔
d. Model evaluation
15. Which analysis is used to analyze feedback data and improve AI systems iteratively?
a. Statistical analysis
b. Error analysis
c. Continuous improvement ✔
d. Predictive analytics
16. What does PCA stand for?
a. Principal Component Analysis ✔
b. Predictive Component Analysis
c. Primary Component Assessment
d. Principal Classification Analysis
17. What is the primary purpose of hyperparameter tuning?
a. To preprocess data
b. To evaluate models
c. To optimize model performance ✔
d. To perform feature selection

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