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2 Slice Volume

The volume of a slewing slice can be calculated with:

θ =π 2

V= ∫ A ⋅ r ⋅ dθ
θ =0


− h ⋅ ∆x[∆x ⋅ sin(2θ ) + 2 ⋅ ∆x ⋅ θ − 4 ⋅ R ⋅ sin(θ )]θ 1 +

1 θ2

− h ⋅ ∆x[∆x ⋅ sin(2θ ) + 2 ⋅ ∆x ⋅ θ − 4 ⋅ R ⋅ sin(θ )]θ 2 +
1 θ3

− h ⋅ ∆x[∆x ⋅ sin(2θ ) + 2 ⋅ ∆x ⋅ θ − 4 ⋅ R ⋅ sin(θ )]θ 3
1 θ4

h = reclaim height [m]
∆x = travelling step of the reclaimer [m]
θ1-θ4 = The slewing angle where the condition of h change

3.1.3 Slewing Velocity

It is desirable to have a constant reclaiming capacity.

Therefore the slewing velocity has to be inversely directly proportional with the slice thickness. When
the slice thickness (∆r) is halved, the velocity is doubled.

∆r ≈ ∆x ⋅ cos(θ )

v= 8
cos(θ )
V0= is the velocity at θ0 [m/s]

or in terms of angular velocity;

ω = ω 0 cos(θ ) (3.10)

ω0= is the velocity at θ0 [rad/s]

Figure 3.9 shows the velocity (ω) as a function of the slewing angle (θ)
Equation (3.7) can lead to a higher velocity then the technically feasible velocity. The velocity
becomes then constant. See Figure 3.10
(Accelerations and decelerations are not included in those figures)

Figure 3.9 velocity

Figure 3.10 velocity with maximum velocity

This is confirmed on the website off ABB, see reference IV
3.1.4 Time

Time calculation9 for slewing

ω = angular velocity
ds = change of angular displacement [m]
dt = change in time [s]

∆t =
[sin(θ1 ) − sin(θ 0 )]

3.1.5 Capacity
The current capacity can be determined for a specific position and time. This can be done with
multiplying the cross-sectional area of a slice, at that point, with the velocity at that point.

Capacity (θ ) = A(θ ) ⋅ v(θ )

= h ⋅ ∆r ⋅ cos(θ ) ⋅ v(θ )

The capacity over the entire slice can be plot as a function of the slewing angle, like the figure below
(Figure 3.8 multiplied by Figure 3.9)
Q (m3/min)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
angle (degrees)

Figure 3.11 Capacity (as function of the slewing angle)

The capacity can also be calculated as an average over time with the volume divided by the time.

Capacity = (3.12)

For the capacity over a longer time or distance can the volume of more slices be summed. Also the
time for travelling can be included.

Capacity =
∑V (3.13)

Appendix A7 shows the details of this calculation
3.2 Reclaiming capacity using the long-travel reclaiming method)

Using the long travel method, the reclaimer reclaims only during travelling and only slew/luff the
boom at the end or begin of the stockpile.
Figure 3.12 indicates a long travel reclaiming situation.

Figure 3.12 Reclaiming bulk materials using the Long travel reclaiming method

3.2.1 Capacity

The capacity calculation of the long travel reclaiming method can be done in the same way as
capacity calculation for slewing reclaiming methods.
The differences are the shape of a slice and the direction of motion.

3.2.2 Cross-sectional area of a slice

The cross-sectional area of a slice (A [m2]) is the same as described in chapter 3.1.1.

A ≈ h ⋅ ∆r (3.14)

The difference is that the slice thickness is constant and therefore the cross-sectional area is constant
during reclaiming. Except the begin and end where the stockpile slant is.

3.2.3 Slice volume

The volume of a slice of the long travel reclaiming method can be calculated with:

V ≈ A ⋅ (L − ) 10
tan(ϕ )

A = cross sectional area of the slice [m2]
L = length of the reclaimed layer [m]
h = reclaim height [m]
φ = angle of repose [o]

The longitudinal slant sides and the corners of the stockpile influence this volume.
The corners can be include by decrease the length.
The longitudinal slant side can be include by a decrease of the height. (the first slice at the edge of
the stockpile is not reclaimed with a maximum reclaim height)

Elabored in Appendix A8
3.2.4 Travel Velocity

Since the cross sectional area is constant, the travel velocity is also constant.

3.2.5 Travel Time

Since the travel velocity is constant the time for one slice can be calculate with:

∆t = (3.16)

L= length of a slice [m]
v = travelling velocity [m/s]

3.3 Example situations.

3.3.1 Example 1 determination of the capacity

Assume a stockpile with:

Length = 150m
Width = 80m
Height = 24m
Angle of repose: φ=400
Which is reclaimed from two sides.

Reclaimer specifications:
Slew velocity: ω = (n = 0,0132 - 0,0928 min-1) = 0.083 – 0.583 rad/min
Travel velocity: v = 3-30 m/min
Length of the boom: R=50m
Bucket wheel diameter: rb=4.5m
Reclaim depth: ∆x=1m (maximum)
Reclaim height: h=4.8 (this results in 24/4.8= 5layers
Distance from rails center to pile: Y=10m
Distance reclaimer from begin of the pile: X = 12m

Acceleration is neglected for now.

Assume ω0 = ωmin

Using the Bench reclaiming method. What is the capacity of the reclaimer at this position as an
average for this slice? Reclaiming the 4th layer (height: 4.8 – 9.6m)
This slice is the hatched area.


5,7 12

5,7 5,7


Figure 3.13 example situation

The distances of the slant sides are:


x = y =5.7m (4.8/tan(40))
Y = 10 + 5.7 = 15.7m
X = 12 + 5.7 = 17.7m

Determine the slewing angles:
Y 10 + 5.7 15.7
θ 1 = arctan( ) = arctan( ) = arctan( ) = 0.32rad (= 18.7 0 )
R 2 − Y 2 − ∆x 50 − 10 − 1
2 2
2400 − 1

Y+y (15.7 + 5.7)

θ 2 = arctan( ) = arctan( ) = 0.45rad (= 25.80 )
R − (Y − y ) − ∆x
2 2
50 − (15.7 + 5.7) − 1
2 2

R 2 − (∆x + x + X ) 2 50 2 − (1 + 5.7 + 17.7) 2

θ 3 = arctan( ) = arctan( ) = 1.07 rad (= 61.8 0 )
x+ X 5.7 + 17.7
R 2 − (∆x + X ) 2 50 2 − (5.7 + 17.7) 2
θ 4 = arctan( ) = arctan( ) = 1.16rad (= 68.2 0 )
X 17.7

Determine the volume:


− h ⋅ ∆x[∆x ⋅ sin(2θ ) + 2 ⋅ ∆x ⋅ θ − 4 ⋅ R ⋅ sin(θ )]θ 1 +

1 θ2

− h ⋅ ∆x[∆x ⋅ sin(2θ ) + 2 ⋅ ∆x ⋅ θ − 4 ⋅ R ⋅ sin(θ )]θ 2 +
1 θ3

− h ⋅ ∆x[∆x ⋅ sin(2θ ) + 2 ⋅ ∆x ⋅ θ − 4 ⋅ R ⋅ sin(θ )]θ 3
1 θ4

V =

− 4.8 ⋅ 1[1 ⋅ sin( 2θ ) + 2 ⋅ 1 ⋅ θ − 4 ⋅ 50 ⋅ sin(θ )]0.32 +

1 0.45

− 4.8 ⋅ 1[1 ⋅ sin(2θ ) + 2 ⋅ 1 ⋅ θ − 4 ⋅ 50 ⋅ sin(θ )]0.45 +
1 1.07

− 4.8 ⋅ 1[1 ⋅ sin( 2θ ) + 2 ⋅ 1 ⋅ θ − 4 ⋅ 50 ⋅ sin(θ )]1.07
1 1.18

This number is checked with a 3d-cad program. Which gives a result of 117.42m3 (See figure below)
The calculation has an error of 0.7% compared with the 3dcad-

Figure 3.14 Volume check 3d-cad program

Check ωmax

ω = ω 0 cos(θ ) = 0.083 cos(1.19) = 0.22rad / min ≤ ω max = 0.583rad / min


The velocity does not exceed the maximum velocity.


∆t =
[sin(θ 4 ) − sin(θ1 )]
∆t =
[sin(1.19) − sin(0.33)] = 7.3 min

The average capacity for this slice is:

V = 116.65 = 15.55m 2 / min = 933m 3 / hr

∆t 7 .5

This number is very low compared to a real situation. This is explainable because the max slewing
velocity is not reached. For example, a higher value for ω0 can be chosen.

3.3.2 Example 2: determination reclaim efficiency

Assume a stockpile with:

Length = 150m
Width = 80m
Height = 24m
Angle of repose: φ=400
Which is reclaimed from two sides.
The volume of this stockpile is approximately 150677 m3 The half stockpile is 75338.5 m3.

Reclaimer specifications:
Slew velocity: ω = (n = 0,0132 - 0,0928 min-1) = 0.083 – 0.583 rad/min
Travel velocity: v = 3-30 m/min (acceleration for 5sec) (assume 10m/min during reclaiming and
30m/min during travel back)
Length of the boom: R=50m
Bucket wheel diameter: rb=4.5m
Reclaim depth: ∆x=1m (maximum)
Reclaim height: h=4.8 (this results in 24/4.8= 5layers
Distance from centor of the rails to pile: Y=10m
The maximum reclaiming capacity therefore will be:
C max = v ⋅ h ⋅ ∆x ⋅ R / 60 = 10m / min⋅ 4.8m ⋅ 1m ⋅ 50m / 60

Assume ω0=0.145rad/min

An efficiency for bench reclaiming and long travel reclaiming can be determined as follows:
For each slice the volume is calculated as described in chapter 3.1.2 and the time for each slice is
calculated as described in 3.1.4. summed with 5 seconds for acceleration and 5 seconds deceleration.
The average capacity is the summation of the volume of all the slices ( ∑V [m ]) divided by the

summation of the times for all slices ( ∑ t [hr]).

Qavg =
∑V (3.17)
This average capacity divided by the maximum capacity results in a reclaim efficiency ( ε )

ε= (3.18)

Bench reclaiming results in an efficiency of 44.3%

Time reclaiming back
layer 1 358.5 6.1 minutes
layer 2 518.7 6.6 minutes
layer 3 698.1 7.1 minutes
layer 4 891.5 7.6 minutes
layer 5 1098.5
Total 3592.626 Minutes

max capacity 2880 m3/hr

total volume 75338.5 m3
total time 59.9 hr
avg. Capacity 1258.219 m3/hr
efficiency 44.3%

The figure below shows the reclaim capacity during the first hour.
reclaim capacity bench reclaim. Layer 1 (top layer) slice 1-35

3 500

3 000

2 500
Capacity (m3/hr)

2 000

1 500

1 000


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Time (minutes)


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