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Дедушкина Ольга
Казарина Елизавета
Portrait of Paul Revere
Paul Revere by J. S. Copley c. 1768 Courtesy
Museum of Fine Arts Boston
The Boston Massacre
Boston Massacre by Paul Revere c. 1770
courtesy the MET
Portrait of Samuel Adams
Portrait of Samuel Adams by John Singleton
Copley, c. 1772 courtesy Museum of Fine Arts
Boston, Massachusetts
Declaration of
Declaration of Independence by
John Trumbull c. 1819 courtesy of
United States Capitol
Washington Crossing
the Delaware
Washington Crossing the
Delaware by Emanuel Leutze c.
1851 courtesy MET
Washington Rallying
the Troops at Monmouth
Washington Rallying the Troops
at Monmouth by Emanuel Leutze
c. 1851 and circa 1854 courtesy
Doe Memorial Library
American Commissioners
of the Preliminary
Peace Negotiations with
Great Britain
American Commissioners of the Preliminary
Peace Agreement with Great Britain by
Benjamin West c. 1783 and 1784 courtesy
Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum
Scene at the Signing of
the Constitution of the
United States
Scene at the Signing of the
Constitution of the United States
by Howard Chandler Christy c.
1940 courtesy United States
Portrait of
George Washington
George Washington by Gilbert Stewart c. 1796
courtesy National Portrait Gallery of
Smithsonian Institution
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