Task 2 Reply - Prachi Dixit

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Task no.

2 - reply of legal notice

You are an employee of XYZ company and the company sent you a legal notice that you
are being absent since last 15 days without any explanation therefore as per the clause
13(5) of the agreement (made at the time of appointment) company can terminate an
employee if the employee is absent for unreasonable time without any notice. Hence the
notice was sent to be present on the very next day of service of that notice otherwise the
company has all the rights to terminate you without providing any benefit and without
any reference letter.
(You can reply with any personal reasons or medical reasons or anything else to justify
your absence) To,

The HR,
XYZ Company,
Having office at:
A-wing ,298/2/2
PQR office building,
Mumbai- 638090
Subject: - Reply to the legal notice

Dear HR,
With a heavy heart and sincere regret, I am writing to address my unexplained absence from
work for the past 15 days. I understand the gravity of this situation and the potential
consequences outlined in clause 13(5) of our employment agreement. However, I humbly
request your compassion and understanding as I explain the excuse circumstance which leads
to this unnecessary mistake of mine to being absent without notifying you.
Two weeks ago, I received a devastating call from my family that shook me to my core. My
beloved grandmother, who resides in a distant city, had suffered a catastrophic health
emergency. She had been rushed to the hospital after experiencing a severe stroke that left her
partially paralyzed and unable to communicate effectively. As her eldest grandchild and the
one closest to her, I felt an overwhelming sense of responsibility and urgency to be by her
side during this critical time.
My grandmother has been a constant source of love, guidance, and wisdom throughout my
life. She has been the anchor that has kept our family together, and the thought of her
suffering alone was unbearable to me. Without hesitation, I made the necessary arrangements
to travel to her city, leaving behind my professional duties temporarily, as my family's well-
being took precedence.
Upon arriving at the hospital, the scene that unfolded before me was truly heartbreaking. My
once vibrant and lively grandmother lay frail and helpless, her familiar warmth replaced by a
vacant stare. The medical team informed us that her recovery would be a long and arduous
process, requiring constant care and support. As her primary caregiver, I dedicated every
waking hour to her well-being, ensuring that she received the necessary medical attention,
emotional support, and comfort.
I attended to her personal needs, assisted her with daily activities, and coordinated with the
medical staff to understand her treatment plan and progress. I held her hand, spoke gently to
her, and tried to provide her with as much familiarity and comfort as possible in those trying
moments. It was a rollercoaster of emotions, as we celebrated small victories and prepared
ourselves for potential setbacks.
During this period, my focus was solely on my grandmother's recovery, and I regrettably
failed to inform the company about my absence promptly. I understand that this is a violation
of the company's policies and the agreement I signed upon my appointment. However, I want
to assure you that my absence was not intentional or motivated by a lack of commitment to
my work or the company.
Throughout my tenure with XYZ Company, I have maintained a strong work ethic and have
always striven to uphold the highest standards of professionalism. My dedication to my
responsibilities has never been in question, and I am deeply committed to the company's
success and growth. I take great pride in my work and the contributions I have made to the
As of now, my grandmother's condition has stabilized, and arrangements have been made for
her ongoing care. With a heavy heart, I have had to make the difficult decision to return to my
professional duties, but I remain steadfast in my commitment to ensuring her well-being from
afar. I will continue to support her recovery process while balancing my work responsibilities.
I understand that my absence has undoubtedly caused disruptions and delays in the company's
operations, and I am prepared to work tirelessly to make up for any missed deadlines or tasks.
I am willing to provide any necessary documentation or proof regarding my grandmother's
health condition if required. I will collaborate closely with my colleagues and supervisors to
ensure a smooth transition back into my role and prioritize any outstanding tasks or projects.
I kindly request that you consider my situation with compassion and understanding. Family is
of utmost importance to me, and the well-being of my loved ones has been my primary
concern during this trying time. I assure you that an incident like this will not occur again, and
I will strictly adhere to the company's policies and communication protocols moving forward.
Thank you for your consideration and understanding. I look forward to resuming my duties
with renewed dedication and commitment, and contributing to the continued success of XYZ

Yours Sincerely,

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