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A review study of ChatGPT applications in

2023 International Conference on Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications (INISTA) | 979-8-3503-3890-4/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/INISTA59065.2023.10310439

1st Marwa Zaabi 2rd Walid Hariri 3nd Nadia Smaoui

CEM Laboratory Labged Laboratory CEM Laboratory
ENIS, Sfax University Badji Mokhtar Annaba University ENIS, Sfax University
Tunisia Algeria Tunisia

Abstract—Recent advances in large-scale language models have

pushed the boundaries of natural language processing and set
new performance standards. It is amazing how convincingly
artificial intelligence can imitate human behavior and writing
style. Deep learning and natural language processing (NLP)
have recently driven the development of large language models.
One of these models is ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-trained
Transformer), created by OpenAI in 2022 for chats with open-
ended questions. Numerous fields such as education effectively
used ChatGPT in several applications to create exam questions
and answers, customise learning experiences, and facilitate online
dialogues, among other things. It is an effective tool for natural
language processing due to its adaptability and precision. An
overview of ChatGPT in the educational space is given in
this article. We review the recent innovations and powerful of Fig. 1. Process Flow Diagram for GPT Implementation
ChatGPT in many education tasks, and future challenges.
Index Terms—ChatGPT, artificial intelligence, education
Additionally, ChatGPT has been used for tailored sugges-
I. I NTRODUCTION tions, language translation, and medical diagnosis and treat-
ment. For instance, by analyzing a sizable amount of medical
Artificial intelligence (AI) has fundamentally altered many data, ChatGPT has been used to create a model that may
industries and the way people interact with technology. Natural diagnose medical disorders or suggest suitable treatments.
language processing (NLP), which entails the creation of In effect, the Transformer architecture, a neural network
models and algorithms that can comprehend and produce architecture made exclusively for NLP tasks, served as the
human language, is one of the most exciting applications of foundation for the development of ChatGPT. Figure 2 shows
AI. One of these NLP tools, ChatGPT, was created by OpenAI the evolution from transformer architecture to ChatGPT.
and is available to the public. It is based on the GPT language ChatGPT does have several restrictions despite its wide
model technology. range of uses. For instance, if it is not trained on inclusive
ChatGPT is a useful tool in our daily life because it has and varied data, it may produce biased replies and perpetuate
been effectively used in a number of real-world applications. detrimental linguistic trends. As a result, while using ChatGPT
An application example is the development of chatbots for in practical applications, ethical considerations must be taken
customer service, technical support and virtual assistants. into account.
Customers can communicate with these chatbots in a natural We can use this great weapon more wisely and efficiently in
and human-like fashion, receiving information and having their our daily lives if we have a better knowledge of its potential.
inquiries answered. For instance, the National Health Service In this article, we will explore the use of ChatGPT in the field
(NHS) chatbot in the UK uses ChatGPT to give people health of education.
advice and information. This paper is organized as follows: In Section II, we present
The implementation of ChatGPT in the creation of content, an overview about ChatGPT in the education domain. Section
like news articles and product descriptions, is another example. III explains the main advantages and limitations of ChatGPT
The model can automatically produce high-quality, pertinent in NLP and education. Section IV ends the paper.
content by being trained on relevant data. ChatGPT is utilized
by the Associated Press to produce financial news pieces, and II. OVERVIEW OF C HAT GPT IN EDUCATION
OpenAI’s GPT-3 language model has been used to produce Due to the wide range of applications that huge lan-
everything from computer code to poetry [1]. Figure 1 shows guage models provide, it has been determined that this is
how ChatGPT functions. a prospective area of study. The use of these models will

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Fig. 2. Evolution from transformer architecture to ChatGPT

provide chances to improve learning and teaching experiences. papers that are systematic, accurate, informative, and coher-
Additionally, given that every person has different learning ent. The essay was completed in 2 to 3 hours with very
styles, aptitudes, and demands, huge language models present little assistance from the author’s professional experience.
a special chance to deliver tailored and efficient learning ex- Overall, ChatGPT epitomizes cutting-edge AI and is crucial
periences. Both teachers and students can utilize ChatGPT as in the improvement of education. This piloting investigation
a learning tool to help them find knowledge and information. demonstrates that ChatGPT is capable of accurately, quickly,
ChatGPT has been utilized to create intelligent tutoring pro- systematically, and informatively processing information. It
grams that may offer students individualized learning expe- greatly lessens the workload for human intellect and might
riences. According to the findings in [2], ChatGPT may be be able to meet the market’s demand for qualified people.
able to address the most difficult issues in science learning Using Rogers’ perceived theory of attributes as a theoretical
by developing assessments, grading assignments, providing framework, Raman et al. [4] conducted a study involving 288
learning support, and recommending educational resources university students to further our understanding of the effects
automatically (Figure 3). of ChatGPT on students. The study’s goal was to identify the
factors that influence students’ intentions to use ChatGPT in
higher education. The study looked at Relative Advantage,
Compatibility, Ease of Use, Observability, and Trialability
as the five parameters that affect the adoption of ChatGPT.
According to the study’s examination of data by gender, male
students give compatibility, usability, and observability top
priority when deciding whether to utilize ChatGPT. When it
comes to deciding whether to embrace ChatGPT, however, fe-
male students place more value on elements like compatibility,
convenience of use, relative advantage, and trialability.
In their study, AlAfnan et al. [5] look into the benefits
and drawbacks of using the ChatGPT chatbot for academic
purposes. The writers’ goal is to offer advice to academics
who work as instructors in schools and universities. Three key
inquiries are the focus of the study: (1) How might employing
ChatGPT in academic settings be advantageous? (2) What
drawbacks are there to using ChatGPT in a classroom setting?
Secondly, what suggestions may be made to teachers who
employ ChatGPT in their lessons? The similarity index of
Fig. 3. Automatic learning guidance via ChatGPT text created by ChatGPT and sentences that were paraphrased
using Turnitin was also assessed by the authors in this study.
In [3], a study entitled Artificial Intelligence for Education Cooper [6] has also examined the application of ChatGPT in
was written using ChatGPT as the pilot. According to the science instruction by addressing three issues: (1) How do
piloting results, ChatGPT can assist researchers in producing

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you reply to questions about science education on ChatGPT? tion and the creation of other kinds of scientific manuscripts. It
(2) How may instructors include ChatGPT into their science is important to make sure that ChatGPT are utilized ethically
instruction? (3) How was ChatGPT used in this study, and and responsibly for scholarly research and publishing even
what conclusions did the author draw from using it as a if they represent significant developments in artificial intel-
research tool? Impressively, ChatGPT’s output often aligned ligence. On the other hand, with its ability to quickly return
with key themes in the research. It is likely to be a useful tool knowledge on diverse medical topics, ChatGPT has the poten-
for educators designing science units, rubrics, and quizzes. tial to alter the way students learn about biomedical sciences.
Additionally, due to ChatGPT’s ability to write articles on For example, it can respond to inquiries and offer explanations
a variety of subjects, questions have been raised about its pertaining to anatomy, histology, and other medical topics
effect on education. To gauge its capabilities, from a class in a way that is simple to access and comprehend. Despite
on scientific denial at George Washington University, it has ChatGPT’s current advantages and potential in the future, the
been given an exam and a final project. It was able to locate main challenge is ensuring the accuracy and dependability of
factual solutions, although its scholarly writing abilities may the data the AI system provides because medical education
use some work. This may inspire teachers to reconsider their demands a high level of precision [12]. Regarding plagiarism,
lesson plans and homework in order to foster creativity and Halaweh [13] argues that using ChatGPT to compose an article
critical thinking rather than depending solely on AI. Figure 4 while properly attributing the concepts discovered by reverse
shows an example response from ChatGPT [7]. searching is not considered plagiarism. Without ChatGPT, it is
still possible for students or researchers to plagiarize, but now
they can do it much more quickly. However, this shouldn’t be
used as a justification to avoid using ChatGPT. It is the users’
job to utilize it responsibly by being adequately informed and
trained on how to do so, whether they are students or teachers.
This study also provided an overview of the concerns regarding
the use of ChatGPT as shown in Figure 5.

Fig. 4. The response from ChatGPT regarding how to write a chatbot


Moreover, the study revealed that many users found Chat-

GPT’s capacity to deliver precise and pertinent information on
a range of subjects, including science, history, business, health,
and technology, to be helpful. This could lessen the work-
load of teachers and give students immediate feedback. For
instance, Temara et al. [8] examined how ChatGPT might be
used to obtain valuable reconnaissance data using a case study
technique. When it comes to particular targets, ChatGPT may
produce a wide range of intelligence, including Internet Pro-
tocol (IP) address ranges, domain names, network topology, Fig. 5. The concerns of using ChatGpt
vendor technologies, ports, services, and even the operating
systems the target is using. Although, some users had problems The authors in [14] looked at how well ChatGPT does when
with ChatGPT’s response accuracy and its limited capacity to asked to respond to sample questions from a software testing
provide specific contextual information [9]. There were some course. They discovered that ChatGPT can answer 77.5%
instances where ChatGPT offered contradictory responses to of the questions they looked at. According to this research,
earlier answers given on the same subject. According to Teo ChatGPT may be used to lead students through a series of
Susnjak [10], the ability of ChatGPT to demonstrate analytical exercises to help them better understand the subject matter. In
thinking skills and write extremely convincing language in the [15], V. Božić showed that the use of ChatGPT in education
setting of exams makes it a potential threat to the validity of has the potential to completely transform the educational
online assessments, particularly in higher education contexts process by allowing for individualized and interactive learning
where such exams are becoming more prevalent. and giving students access to a wealth of information and
Besides, Brady D. Lund’s [11] study of ChatGPT’s effects knowledge. Also, they demonstrated that using GPT technol-
on academia, scholarly publishing, and research revealed that ogy has drawbacks and restrictions, such as worries about data
ChatGPT could serve as a model for automated essay prepara- privacy, prejudice, and cheating. With regard to producing a

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research paper, the study of E.M. Ferrouhi [16] intends to TABLE I
evaluate the quality of ChatGPT’s responses and investigate ADVANTAGES AND LIMITATIONS OF C HAT GPT
its potential to help researchers with scientific writing. The Advantages of ChatGPT Limitations of ChatGPT
findings show that ChatGPT could give inaccurate information Language Flexibility: ChatGPT is Bias and harmful language pat-
for a literature review. The outcomes also demonstrate that linguistically flexible since it can terns: ChatGPT is trained on a
be trained using data from a variety massive amount of data that may
ChatGPT needs human help and post-transaction verification of languages and dialects. include negative stereotypes and
of the veracity of the information provided. prejudiced language. This might be
In [17], ChatGPT is examined also as a teaching and a concern in chatbot applications
because the responses might rein-
learning tool looks into ChatGPT as a teaching and learning force negative stereotypes and con-
resource. It examines the opportunities that ChatGPT offers to tinue prejudice.
the students in communication, business writing, and com- Better Response Quality: Chat- Response time: Despite the fact
GPT can deliver responses of a that ChatGPT typically responds in
position courses as well as the instructors. Following the high standard because to its exten- a reasonable and trustworthy man-
completion of 30 tests, it was discovered that ChatGPT has sive training and capacity to pro- ner, it has been noted that the Chat-
the potential to replace search engines by giving students duce human-like responses. GPT occasionally makes errors and
has limited information available
accurate and trustworthy information (It was discovered that (as of 2021, according to OpenAI),
ChatGPT gives students a venue to prepare for submissions depending on the user request.
and review various examples). The study in [18] used a three- Enhanced Efficiency: ChatGPT Limited comprehension of con-
can help simplify natural language text: ChatGPT could find it dif-
stage instrumental case study methodology that included social processing activities like text sum- ficult to comprehend a message
network analysis of tweets, content analysis of interviews, marization and language transla- or discussion the same way a hu-
and user experience research to investigate the issues with tion. man would. For instance, ChatGPT
might not be able to fully compre-
using ChatGPT in the classroom. The findings showed that hend the context of a query that
even though ChatGPT is an effective educational tool, it still is confusing or unclear and give a
needs to be utilized with greater prudence, and more rules suitable answer.
Scalability: ChatGPT can swiftly Requires a lot of training data:
regarding how to do so should be set. Moreover, the potential and effectively analyze enormous For ChatGPT to perform at the
of ChatGPT-generated justifications for offering transparent volumes of natural language data. highest level, a lot of training data
and comprehensible evaluations was demonstrated in [19] as This qualifies it to handle complex is needed. Additionally, it’s crucial
language processing jobs. to consider the data’s quality. The
they studied the implementation of ChatGPT in student re- training data must accurately re-
sponse assessment. Three prompt tactics with varied degrees of flect the language and be free of
reasoning difficulty are examined together with the proposed biases and errors that can affect the
model’s accuracy.
framework for rational development. The results are more Accessibility: People with differ- Cybersecurity risks: The imple-
accurate than human annotations highlighting the need for ent levels of linguistic proficiency mentation of ChatGPT entails a
automated response assessment models. can utilize ChatGPT. For those who number of cybersecurity vulnera-
find it difficult to communicate or bilities that need to be addressed.
The authors in [20] looked into how students used ChatGPT be understood while using tradi- If a user receives a malicious link
and perceived it. According to their findings, the majority tional written or spoken language, or file over chatGPT, their device
of students had excellent experiences using ChatGPT for it can help. may occasionally become infected
with malicious malware.
personal, academic, and essay-writing needs. They unveiled
RECIPE, a cutting-edge language learning platform that makes
use of ChatGPT to meet the demands of students and im-
prove their abilities with two different sorts of prompts. They across a range of applications, it’s critical to comprehend these
concluded that a strong paradigm for integrating ChatGPT in constraints. In addition to the study presented in Table 1, in
academic settings might be developed using interaction data education, ChatGPT offers advantages such as personalized
collected with RECIPE. On the other side, in [21], the authors learning support and 24/7 availability for students, supple-
examined Twitter data (16,830,997 tweets from 5,541,457 menting classroom teaching and aiding language practice [22].
users) to better understand how people felt about ChatGPT in However, its limitations include potential misunderstanding of
relation to education. They gave a summary of international context, lack of emotional intelligence, and ethical concerns.
perceptions and responses to ChatGPT regarding education It may not replace human educators but can serve as a useful
based on subject modeling. Education was the subject matter supplementary tool in education.
that received the most tweets in response to ChatGPT.
III. A DVANTAGES AND LIMITATIONS OF C HAT GPT In conclusion, ChatGPT is a potent artificial intelligence
Table 1 shows the main advantages and limitations of technology that has important societal ramifications. This
ChatGPT in connection with NLP domains. analysis demonstrates how its capacity to produce human-like
Even while ChatGPT has many benefits and has been language has already given rise to a wide range of practi-
successfully used in many real-world situations, there are cal applications, including chatbots and language translation
still some restrictions and potential difficulties to take into software. To ensure that technology has a positive impact on
account. To assure the efficient and moral usage of ChatGPT society, however, possible ethical issues must be addressed,

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO DE JANEIRO. Downloaded on February 01,2024 at 10:32:04 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
just like with any other technology. [19] J. Li, L. Gui, Y. Zhou, D. West, C. Aloisi, and Y. He, “Distilling
The potential for bias and bad language patterns to be main- ChatGPT for Explainable Automated Student Answer Assessment.”
tained through ChatGPT is one of the most crucial ethical [20] J. Han, H. Yoo, Y. Kim, J. Myuang, M. Kim, H. Lim, J. Kim, T.Y. Lee,
issues. It is crucial that ChatGPT’s creators and users take H. Hong, S. Ahn, and A. Oh, “RECIPE: How to Integrate ChatGPT into
action to reduce these risks and make sure the technology is EFL Writing Education,” 2023.
[21] T. Fütterer, C. Fischer, A. Aleksseva, X. Chen, T. Tate, M. Warschauer,
used morally and responsibly. On the other hand, ChatGPT and P. Gerjets, “ChatGPT in Education: Global Reactions to AI Inno-
has the potential to improve communication and collaboration vations, ” 2023.
across a wide range of areas, from healthcare and education [22] Hariri, Walid. Unlocking the Potential of ChatGPT: A Comprehen-
sive Exploration of its Applications, Advantages, Limitations, and
to business and entertainment, by enabling more natural and Future Directions in Natural Language Processing. arXiv preprint
intuitive interactions with technology. There is no doubt that arXiv:2304.02017, 2023.
the tool will play a significant part in determining the future
of human-computer interaction as it develops and gets better.
Finally, the caliber of the input prompts has a significant
impact on ChatGPT’s performance. In order to direct the
system to provide correct and pertinent outputs while simul-
taneously addressing any limitations and biases, clear and
explicit prompts are essential. For ChatGPT to perform to
its full capacity in natural language processing applications,
prompts must be used properly.

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[2] X. Zhai, “Chatgpt for next generation science learning,” The ACM
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