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Phase-1 Phase-2 Phase-3

Portals Features (5 Months} (2 Months} (2 Months) Remarks

Customer Portal Login+ signup - google auth + mobile/email otp ✔
Customer Profile - show and edit details page ✔
Customer orders dashboard- show and manage orders ✔ ✔ ✔
Customer orders dashboard- orders - feedback and review ✔ ✔
Landing page- with trending puja services+ products + astrologers ✔
Puja list- puja details- select pujari ✔ ✔ ✔
Product list - product details ✔
Pujari list- pujari details- select service ✔ ✔ ✔
Checkout page ✔
Payment functionality ✔
SMS + Email update functionality upon order creation and
payment successful ✔
Invoice creation and send to email upon order successful ✔
Astrology Functions - Kundli+ Generic Predictions
(Daily,Monthly,Yearly) ✔ ✔
Helpdesk- contact us- query raise functionality ✔
Blog pages-20 pages ✔ ✔ ✔
Multi-language support (2-3 languages) ✔ ✔ ✔
Pujari portal Login+ signup - google auth + mobile/email otp ✔
Pujari onboarding page- fill all details ✔ ✔ ✔
Pujari Profile - show and edit details page ✔
Pujari dashboard- show and manage services booked for him by
customers ✔ ✔ ✔
Pujari dashboard- payment details- paid, due and commissions ✔ ✔ ✔
Helpdesk- contact us- query raise functionality ✔
Multi-language support (2-3 languages) ✔ ✔ ✔
Admin Portal Login+ signup - google auth + mobile/email otp ✔
Admin dashboard- customer , pujari, order details, ✔ ✔ ✔
Payment -transactions- overview- disbursal payment for Pujari’s ✔ ✔ ✔
pujari listing - approval/denial -manual verification ✔
Manage products and puja services - add, edit, delete ✔ ✔ ✔
Manage Query complaint ✔ ✔ ✔
Devops Aws 2 instances- qa and prod, Data Base Server- aws As per billing -
As per billing + digital
marketing expert
Digital Marketing Through Facebook, Google etc charges ✔ ✔
Third party api services for sms, email, google account, astrology
Third party apis apis, and many more- if required any more then that too As per billing

8,00,000 + additional 2,30,000 + additional 2,00,000 + additional

charges for aws, third charges for aws, third charges for aws, third
party api party api party api

project timeline
day 0 to day 30 - project requirement analysis, ux designing ( 2-3 revesion + additional revesion will be charged accordingly), database modeling
day 31 - deployment starts, and qa instance will be made for admin, pujari and customer portal
day 31 to day 130 -deployment
day 131 to day 150 - testing + feedback implementation + bug fixes
day 151 go-live to prod

Payment details- note:

amount required for buying third party apis and aws
instances need to be paid when required
Phase 1
1st payment 30% of 1st phase (2.4lkhs) before starting the project
2nd payment 30% of 1st phase (2.4 lkhs) at day 30th
3rd payment 20% of 1st phase (1.6 lkhs) at day 70th
4th payment 20% of 1st phase (1.6 lkhs) at day 150th, before pushing it to prod

Phase 2
1st payment 50% of 2nd phase (1.15 lkhs) before starting the 2nd phase
2nd payment 30% of 2nd phase (69 k) at day 30th
3rd payment 20% of 2nd phase (46k) at day 60th before pushing it to prod

Phase 3
1st payment 50% of 3rd phase (1 lkh) before starting the 3rd phase
2nd payment 30% of 3rd phase (60k) at day 30th
3rd payment 20% of 3rd phase (40k) at day 60th before pushing it to prod

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