BIS&IHF - Project Proposal Draft1

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Architecture is the art of solving

puzzles in three dimensions;
where each solution is a
manifestation of both form and
function. Architectural ingenuity
converges with healthcare
optimization in our proposal
seeking to empower and
actively collaborate to enhance
and elevate the “healthcare
service delivery puzzle”
through the documentation of
crucial building infrastructure
data. Ultimately, facilitating in
ensuring the puzzle piece that
is the ‘WSPHA Building
Infrastructure’, is sufficiently
prepped to fit in the entire
puzzle that is ‘WSPHA’ and its
goal of delivering quality
healthcare to the people of

Rodgers K. Hemo
Architect – HemRod Archi-
Building Solutions

An Architectural Service Project Proposal by

HemRod Archi-Building Solutions

Document Control
Document Information

Document Id HR/prp:01/2024
Document Owner HemRod Archi - Building Solutions
Issue Date 01/08/2024
Last Saved Date 30/11/2023
Prp:01/2024 – WSPHA building infrastructure survey &
File Name inventory handbook formulation

Document History

Version Issue Date Changes

1.0 01/11/2023 original
1.1 24/11/2023 1st draft

Document Approvals

Role Name © Signature Date




Other major District DEVELOPMENT
stakeholders AUTHORITIES
NUKU, Telefomin

Table of Contents

DOCUMENT CONTROL ....................................................................................................................... I

TABLE OF CONTENTS.......................................................................................................................II
1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY............................................................................................................ 1
2 BACKGROUND........................................................................................................................ 2
2.1 HISTORY ............................................................................................................................................................... 2
2.2 REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................................................................................... 2
2.3 SOLUTION ............................................................................................................................................................. 3

3 PROPOSAL ............................................................................................................................ 4
3.1 VISION AND GOALS ................................................................................................................................................. 4
3.2 DELIVERABLES ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
3.3 TIMEFRAME ........................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.4 RESOURCES .......................................................................................................................................................... 7
3.5 BUDGET ............................................................................................................................................................... 8
3.6 OWNERSHIP ........................................................................................................................................................ 10
3.7 REPORTING ......................................................................................................................................................... 10
3.8 RISKS & ISSUES ................................................................................................................................................... 12
3.9 IMPLICATIONS ...................................................................................................................................................... 14
3.10 SUCCESS CRITERIA ............................................................................................................................................... 15

4 AUTHORIZATION ................................................................................................................. 16
4.1 TERMS & CONDITIONS ........................................................................................................................................... 16
4.2 SIGN-OFF ........................................................................................................................................................... 18
4.3 NEXT STEPS ........................................................................................................................................................ 18

5 APPENDIX ........................................................................................................................... 19

1 Executive Summary
The Proposed WSPHA Building Infrastructure Survey & Inventory Handbook Formulation
Project is a personal initiative resulting from six (6) years on the job experience as a former
employee of the West Sepik Provincial Health Authority (WSPHA) within the Architecture &
Building Section. This proposed project ultimately aims to collaboratively empower the
WSPHA in achieving its infinite goal of “Delivering Quality Health-Care to the people of West
Sepik”; through its building infrastructure.

As an employee, I noticed a recurrent and persistent need for a comprehensive assessment

of the existing building infrastructure relevant to WSPHA’s Annual Budget and PSIP/DSIP
Submissions in minor and major building infrastructure upgrading or expansion projects.
Even though the WSPHA has since expanded its capacity in key functional areas such as
Human Resources, cutting-edge Finance & Management Systems, cutting-edge Information
& Technology Systems, etc.; its scope of responsibilities has also expanded exponentially in
relative proportion necessitating the need for regular and comprehensive data updating
readily available in one document.

Thus, this proposal outlines a comprehensive plan for conducting a detailed building
infrastructure survey and creating a comprehensive building infrastructure inventory
handbook for the West Sepik Provincial Health Authority in West Sepik Province, Papua
New Guinea. As a seasoned architectural professional, I propose to lead a small technical
team committed to providing an in-depth assessment of the existing building infrastructure,
with the primary aim of capturing Two-Dimensional (2D) and Three-Dimensional (3D)
Models of each individual Health Facility and building within the health facility. Subsequently,
Values (based on current property market and hardware materials pricing trends) shall be
calculated for each building and facility as a whole. The secondary aim of the project is
aimed at providing data inventory system available online to enhance the overall
functionality, safety, and longevity of the surveyed health facilities, identifying structural
strengths, weaknesses, potential areas for improvement and value.

Our approach emphasizes a meticulous examination of each building's physical condition,

compliance with safety regulations, and adherence to international and national building
standards and our National Health Services Standards (N.H.S.S.). By leveraging cutting-
edge architectural/survey software, tools and our extensive expertise in architectural design
and assessment, we will deliver a comprehensive inventory handbook that serves as a
reliable reference for future maintenance, upgrades, and expansions. The handbook will
include detailed documentation of each structure's architectural specifications, maintenance
schedules, and recommended renovation strategies, providing the West Sepik Provincial
Health Authority with an actionable roadmap for sustainable infrastructure development.

Our proposal is driven by a commitment to promoting the long-term sustainability and

operational efficiency of the West Sepik Provincial Health Authority's facilities. We
understand the critical role that a well-maintained infrastructure plays in fostering a
conducive environment for delivering quality healthcare services to the local community.
With our tailored approach, we aim to empower the Authority to make informed decisions,
optimize resource allocation, and prioritize the well-being of the community through
improved infrastructure management.

We look forward to the opportunity to collaborate with the West Sepik Provincial Health
Authority to achieve our shared vision of fostering a safe, sustainable, and technologically
advanced healthcare infrastructure that meets the evolving needs of the people of West
Sepik Province.

2 Background

2.1 History
West Sepik Provincial Health Authority plays a pivotal role in providing essential healthcare
services to a diverse and geographically dispersed population encompassing Four (4)
Districts and Four (4) Sub-Districts of West Sepik Province. The Authority has faced
significant challenges in maintaining and managing its building infrastructure, which
comprises a network of health facilities (158 facilities as per 2020 Health Facilities Map
[Refer to Appendix - Exhibit 4]), administrative buildings, and support structures spread
across the province. Prior to the formation of the WSPHA and during its subsequent
‘Adjustment’ period; inadequate maintenance, limited resources, and a lack of
comprehensive documentation; have contributed to the deterioration of critical infrastructure,
hindering the Authority's ability to deliver optimal healthcare services.

Recognizing the urgent need for a comprehensive assessment of the existing building
infrastructure of all WSPHA health facilities, HemRod Archi - Building Solutions© (HRATS)
has developed a strategic plan to address the maintenance, renovation, and long-term
management of these facilities. In line with this objective, HRATS seeks to conduct a
thorough building infrastructure survey and create a comprehensive Building Infrastructure
Inventory Handbook for WSPHA

This initiative aims to lay the foundation for a sustainable and well-managed infrastructure
system that can accommodate the evolving healthcare needs of the local population. The
comprehensive documentation of the current state of the infrastructure, along with detailed
recommendations for improvements and maintenance, will enable the Authority to prioritize
its resources effectively, enhance operational efficiency, and ensure the safety and well-
being of both the patients and the healthcare staff.

By undertaking this ambitious project, the West Sepik Provincial Health Authority
demonstrates its commitment to providing high-quality healthcare services and fostering a
conducive environment for the local community's well-being. The successful execution of the
proposed building infrastructure survey and inventory handbook formulation will serve as a
cornerstone for the Authority's long-term infrastructure management strategy, aligning with
its mission to deliver accessible, sustainable, quality, and resilient healthcare services to all
residents of the West Sepik province.

2.2 Requirements
By presenting a thorough analysis of the Problems and Opportunities associated with the
current state of the building infrastructure within the WSPHA health facilities, the proposal
will effectively demonstrate the crucial need for the proposed project and its potential to
address the identified challenges and capitalize on the available opportunities.

The implementation of the proposed project is justified by the following problems and
opportunities identified within the current state of the building infrastructure of the West
Sepik Provincial Health Authority (WSPHA):

▪ Inadequate Infrastructure Assessment:

- Problem: The lack of a comprehensive and/or up-to-date assessment of the
building infrastructure within the WSPHA health facilities has resulted in a
limited understanding of the current state of these facilities, leading to
challenges in prioritizing necessary improvements and expansions.
- Opportunity: Conducting a thorough building infrastructure survey will provide
the necessary data to assess the condition of the existing infrastructure,

identify potential deficiencies, and prioritize areas for improvement, thereby

enhancing the overall quality and efficiency of healthcare services provided
by the WSPHA

▪ Budget Allocation Inefficiencies:

- Problem: Inefficient allocation of budgetary resources without a clear
understanding of the specific infrastructure requirements of each health
facility has led to suboptimal utilization of funds and hindered the timely
implementation of critical infrastructure development projects.
- Opportunity: Developing the WSPHA Building Infrastructure Handbook will
enable the establishment of a structured and data-driven approach to budget
planning and allocation, ensuring that the allocated funds are directed
towards addressing the most pressing infrastructure needs within each health
facility, thereby maximizing the impact of the budget on the overall healthcare
service delivery.

▪ Lack of Comprehensive Planning for Future Development:

- Problem: The absence of a detailed and professional building infrastructure
status report has hindered the WSPHA's ability to devise a comprehensive
long-term plan for the sustainable development and expansion of its health
facilities in the West Sepik Province.
- Opportunity: Creating the WSPHA Building Infrastructure Handbook will
facilitate the formulation of a strategic development plan that outlines the
necessary steps for future infrastructure improvements and expansions. This
will enable the WSPHA to proactively plan for the region's evolving healthcare
needs and ensure that the health facilities are equipped to meet the growing
demands of the local population effectively.

2.3 Solution

The Solutions subsection is structured with a Purpose, Scope, and Delivery Approach for
each proposed solution, to clearly explain and demonstrate a comprehensive understanding
of the project's requirements and a well-thought-out strategy for addressing the identified

1. Data Collection and Management Solution:

▪ Purpose: The primary purpose of this solution is to ensure the efficient and
accurate collection, organization, and management of comprehensive data on the
existing building infrastructure within the WSPHA health facilities in West Sepik

▪ Scope: This solution will involve the implementation of a robust data collection
strategy, utilizing advanced surveying techniques and digital tools to capture detailed
information on the current state of each health facility's infrastructure. It will also
encompass the development of a centralized data management system to organize
and analyze the collected data effectively.

▪ Delivery Approach: The solution will be delivered through a systematic approach,

involving trained personnel proficient in data collection methodologies. Utilization of
digital data collection tools will be prioritized to ensure accuracy and efficiency.
Furthermore, the implementation of a secure and user-friendly data management
system will enable the seamless organization and analysis of the gathered
information, facilitating its accessibility for future reference and decision-making

2. Budget Planning and Resource Allocation Solution:

▪ Purpose: The purpose of this solution is to establish a strategic framework for

budget planning and resource allocation, aiming to optimize the utilization of
available funds and resources for the improvement and expansion of the WSPHA
building infrastructure.

▪ Scope: This solution will involve the development of a comprehensive budget

planning model tailored to the specific needs and priorities identified through the
building infrastructure survey. It will encompass the identification of key areas for
resource allocation, considering both short-term and long-term infrastructure
development goals within the WSPHA health facilities.

▪ Delivery Approach: The solution will be delivered through a collaborative

approach, involving financial experts and stakeholders from both HemRod Archi -
Building Solutions and the WSPHA A series of strategic planning workshops and
consultations will be conducted to assess the current budget allocation framework
and devise an optimized resource allocation strategy. The utilization of data-driven
insights from the infrastructure survey will be integrated into the budget planning
model to ensure its alignment with the identified infrastructure needs and priorities.

3 Proposal

3.1 Vision and Goals

By aligning our goals with the vision of the West Sepik Provincial Health Authority, we aim to
contribute to the establishment of a sustainable and technologically advanced healthcare
infrastructure that serves as a cornerstone for the region's healthcare delivery system and
supports the well-being of the local population.

Project Vision:
“Our vision for this project is to collaboratively empower the West Sepik Provincial Health
Authority to establish a robust and sustainable infrastructure framework that fosters a safe
and conducive environment for delivering high-quality healthcare services.”

Project Goals:
1. Conduct a detailed and comprehensive building infrastructure survey to assess the
current state of the West Sepik Provincial Health Authority's facilities, identifying areas
for improvement, structural vulnerabilities, and opportunities for optimization.

2. Create a comprehensive building infrastructure inventory handbook that serves as a

reliable reference for the Authority, encompassing detailed documentation of each
structure's architectural specifications, maintenance schedules, and recommended
renovation strategies.

3. Provide actionable recommendations and strategies for the maintenance, renovation,

and sustainable management of the Authority's infrastructure, with a focus on optimizing
resource allocation, enhancing operational efficiency, and ensuring the safety and well-
being of both patients and healthcare professionals.

4. Foster a culture of proactive infrastructure management within the West Sepik Provincial
Health Authority, emphasizing the importance of regular maintenance, compliance with

safety regulations, and the integration of innovative architectural solutions that align with
international standards and best practices.

5. Enable the Authority to make informed decisions regarding infrastructure development,

upgrades, and expansions, aligning with its mission to provide accessible, resilient, and
patient-centric healthcare services to all members of the local community.

3.2 Deliverables
By delivering these comprehensive and tailored resources, we aim to equip the West Sepik
Provincial Health Authority with the necessary tools and data to effectively manage,
maintain, and optimize its building infrastructure, fostering a safe and resilient healthcare
environment for the province.

Key Project Deliverables

Title Description
1. Comprehensive - Detailed assessment of the current state of the West Sepik
Building Provincial Health Authority's infrastructure, including an analysis of
Infrastructure structural integrity, safety compliance, and potential areas for
Survey Report improvement.
- In-depth documentation of the survey findings, accompanied by
comprehensive visual representations, such as photographs,
diagrams, and 3D models, to provide a comprehensive overview of
the existing infrastructure.

2. Building - A detailed handbook encompassing a comprehensive inventory of

Infrastructure each building's architectural specifications, maintenance schedules,
Inventory and recommended renovation strategies.
Handbook - Clear and accessible documentation outlining the structural
components, building materials, and necessary maintenance
protocols for each facility within the West Sepik Provincial Health
Authority's infrastructure.
3. Actionable - Detailed recommendations and strategies for the proactive
Recommendations maintenance, renovation, and sustainable management of the
and Strategies Authority's infrastructure, tailored to address specific structural
vulnerabilities and prioritize safety and functionality.
- Clear guidelines for implementing recommended upgrades,
adhering to safety regulations, and integrating innovative
architectural solutions to enhance the overall efficiency and longevity
of the healthcare facilities.
4. Training and - Customized training materials and workshops designed to
Capacity Building empower the Authority's staff with the necessary knowledge and
Materials skills to effectively use the Building Infrastructure Inventory
Handbook (WSPHA-BIIH).
- Training resources and guidelines for the use of the WSPHA-BIIH
made available in hard & soft copies.
5. Ongoing Support - Provision of continued support and consultation services to
and Consultation address any inquiries, concerns, or additional infrastructure
development needs that may arise following the delivery of the
survey report and infrastructure inventory handbook.
- Access to a dedicated team of architectural experts for ongoing
guidance, troubleshooting, and strategic planning to ensure the
successful implementation of recommended strategies and the long-
term sustainability of the healthcare facilities.

3.3 Timeframe
Conducting a large-scale architectural building survey and inventory handbook formulation
project for the West Sepik Provincial Health Authority in West Sepik Province, Papua New
Guinea, requires careful planning, efficient resource management, and the use of
appropriate tools and technologies. The following comprehensive plan outlines the best
approach to completing this project successfully within the allocated time frame of Five (5)

❖ Phase 1: Preliminaries (1 week)

1. “Sign-Off” of project proposal established and bilateral and/or collaborative
communications opened between Project Sponsor and Proposal Creator.
2. WSPHA introduced to Project Proposal.

❖ Phase 2: Project Preparation (3 weeks)

1. Project Scope Definition: Clarify the specific requirements and scope of the
project in collaboration with West Sepik Provincial Health Authority and establish a
clear understanding of the project's objectives and deliverables.
2. Resource Allocation: Assemble a skilled Building Infrastructure Survey & Data Entry
Team. In collaboration with WSPHA, allocate resources, including budget, equipment
and logistical support, for the project's smooth execution.
3. Formulate Service Contract: Input above data into a Standard Service Contract/
4. Formal Service Contract Signing: (As Required by Client for a more detailed
contractual agreement because “Sign-Off” Section should be sufficient in a Service
Oriented Agreement)
- Sign Copies (x3) Service Contract
- 1 x for Service Provider
- 2 x for WSPHA (1 for WSPHA Executive File & 1 for WSPHA PMC)
- and for any other deemed necessary party
5. Research and Familiarization: Survey Team to conduct preliminary research
on the existing architectural landscape and regulatory framework in West Sepik
Province. Familiarize the team with health facility locales & range; strategic systems
for data collection & entry; the timeframe; the project budget; strategic routes and
logistics; and NHSS & PNGS Building Code.
6. HRATS to submit formal letter of final preparations and notice of commencement of

❖ Phase 3: Data Collection (8 weeks)

1. Field Survey and Data Collection: Utilize modern surveying equipment, including
Total Stations, 3D laser scanners, and drones, to collect comprehensive data on
existing buildings and infrastructures. Ensure that data collection is systematic and
covers all relevant aspects, including structural integrity, electrical systems, and
2. Data Entry: Utilize Building Information Modeling (BIM) software like
Autodesk Revit or ArchiCAD and MS Excel to record, filter and organize collected
field survey data.

❖ Phase 4: Data Analysis and Inventory Formulation (4 weeks)

1. Data Verification and Validation: Thoroughly verify and cross-check collected
data to ensure accuracy and reliability. Use specialized software tools for data
analysis and visualization, such as Tableau or Power BI, to identify patterns and
generate meaningful insights.
2. Inventory Handbook Formulation: Develop a standardized handbook template that
encompasses detailed inventory information, including building layouts, technical
specifications, maintenance schedules, and emergency procedures. Use

professional publishing software like Adobe InDesign or Microsoft Publisher to create

visually appealing and informative handbooks.

❖ Phase 5: Quality Assurance and Finalization (4 weeks)

1. Quality Control Measures: Implement stringent quality assurance protocols to
review the accuracy and completeness of the inventory handbook. Conduct thorough
peer reviews and inspections to identify and rectify any discrepancies or errors.
2. Stakeholder Collaboration: Engage with the West Sepik Provincial Health Authority
stakeholders to gather feedback and ensure that the inventory handbook aligns with
their specific requirements and expectations.
3. Documentation and Delivery: Compile a comprehensive project report detailing the
entire process, including challenges faced, methodologies employed, and
recommendations for future improvements. Deliver the finalized inventory handbook
in both physical and digital formats to the designated authorities within the West
Sepik Provincial Health Authority.

Scope of Health Facilities to be surveyed:

West Sepik Province Health Facilities (as of 2020)
1 1 10 30 8 50
Green River
Aitape-Lumi 1 5 1 18 3 9 37
Nuku 1 8 1 12 9 31
Telefomin 1 4 31 4 40
1 3 1 27 2 91 3 30 158
1. PH _ Provincial Hospital
2. DH _ District Hospital
3. CHP _ Community Health Post
4. HC _ Functioning Health Centers
5. HC+_ Health Centers with Obstetrics Facilities
6. AP _ Aid Posts
7. AP- _ Aid Posts requiring Maintenance
8. AP _ Aid Posts not functioning

Refer to Appendix, Exhibit 1 for Project Implementation Schedule for comprehensive.

3.4 Resources
By leveraging these comprehensive resources, we aim to provide the West Sepik Provincial
Health Authority with the necessary expertise, tools, and support to effectively manage,
maintain, and optimize its building infrastructure, fostering a safe and resilient healthcare
environment for the local community.

Project Resources
Type Quantity Description
Expert 5 - A small team led by a seasoned architectural professional with
Architectural personals extensive experience in conducting comprehensive building
Team infrastructure surveys and formulating detailed inventory
- Experts proficient in utilizing advanced technological tools and
software for accurate data collection, analysis, and
documentation of building infrastructure.

1 x Project Manager/Architect, 1 x Data Entry, 3 x Building

Survey Helping Hands (w/ Building Construction Background), 1
x Knowledgeable Local Guide (to be engaged on hire-fire basis
from district-to-district)
Cutting-Edge - State-of-the-art surveying equipment, including 3D scanners,
Technological drones, and digital mapping tools, to ensure precise and
Tools comprehensive data collection during the infrastructure survey.
- Advanced software for data analysis, visual representation,
and the creation of detailed architectural documentation for the
building infrastructure inventory handbook.
Building Info Modelling: Autodesk AutoCAD, Autodesk Revit,
SketchUp Pro, BIM Estimator, Google Earth Pro,
Mobile Apps: PlanGrid, Procore, GPS Distance, Image Meter,
Distance Bearing
Survey Equipment: 3D Laser Scanners & Distance Meters,
Data Analysis & Visualization Tools: Tableau, Power BI
Publishing Software: Adobe InDesign, Microsoft Excel &
Publisher, PDF Merger/Splitter, Foxit PDF Reader,
Publishing Equipment: A4 Printer & Scanner, Cloud Printing,
Research 3 Sources - Access to an extensive network of research resources,
and Data architectural databases, and industry publications to facilitate
Analysis comprehensive data analysis and ensure the formulation of
Support accurate and informed recommendations.
- Data analysis experts proficient in interpreting complex
architectural data and deriving actionable insights for
infrastructure improvement and maintenance strategies.
Internet Access: Digicel/Telikom Mobile Internet,
Digicel/Telikom WiFi Router Kit
Mobile Airtime Access: Digicel/Telikom Mobile
Daily/Weekly/Monthly Calls & SMS Combos
GPS Access: Mobile Applications

3.5 Budget
By leveraging these comprehensive resources, we aim to provide the West Sepik Provincial
Health Authority with the necessary expertise, tools, and support to effectively manage,
maintain, and optimize its building infrastructure, fostering a safe and resilient healthcare
environment for the local community.

Option 1. With Active ‘Collaboration’ with WSPHA: networking and sharing of resources
for Transport & Logistics and Accommodations for on-site surveys:
1. Direct Job Costs: K88,594.00
2. In-Direct Costs: K22,148.50

Total Estimated Budget: K110, 742.50

Option 2. Service provider working Independently: all cost components, tasks & risks
handled by the service provider:
1. Direct Job Costs: K112,844.00
2. In-Direct Costs: K37,651.00

Total Estimated Budget: K150,495.00


1. The proposed budget is subject to adjustments based on the specific scope of work,
project requirements, and any additional considerations outlined by the West Sepik
Provincial Health Authority. We are committed to maintaining transparency and cost-
effectiveness throughout the project, ensuring that the allocated budget is utilized
efficiently to deliver high-quality results and meet the Authority's infrastructure
management objectives.
2. Refer to attached Exhibit 2 - Project Cost Estimate Summary 1 (for Option 2) and
Exhibit 3 - Project Cost Estimate Summary 2 (for Option 1).

Return On Project Investment:

1. Cut-down on Annual Budgetary Spending on Routine Maintenance in the Long-Term:
Millions of Kina Saved Annually to be used in other essential areas of healthcare

3.6 Payment Terms

A ‘District by District’ Project Payment approach is recommended to efficiently deliver this
proposed project. As such, total costs per district must first be identified as shown below:
Under Option #1:
I. Vanimo – K19,268.50
II. Aitape - K19,268.50
III. Lumi - K19,268.50
IV. Nuku - K24,268.50
I. Telefomin - K28,668.50
Confirmed Grand Total: K110,742.50
Under Option #2:
I. Vanimo – K25,819.00
II. Aitape - K27,319.00
III. Lumi - K24,319.00
IV. Nuku - K34,319.00
V. Telefomin - K38,719.00
Confirmed Grand Total: K150,495.00

Thus, based on the above cost break-down, the Lump Sum method of payment is
recommended for efficiency and practicality as the survey requires traversing very remote
routes before returning to analyze and undertake data entry works.

3.7 Ownership
The following table defines and details the stakeholders for this proposed project.

• Project Sponsor: This is the person responsible for the delivery of the project. The
Project Manager will report correctly to them.
• Customer: This is the person who will take ownership of the deliverables once the
project is complete. This is also usually the person paying for the project.
• Project Manager: The team leader of the service provider.

Project Ownership
Role Name Contact Details
Project Customer West Sepik Provincial Health Office of the CEO, West Sepik
Authority Provincial Health Authority, PO Box
Mr. Adrian Lohumbo – CEO 331, Vanimo, WSP.
WSPHA Chief Executive Officer Ph: 457119/ 45711544/ 457080
Project Sponsor Mr. Symphorien Sumun – DPH/ PMC Office of the Director, Public Health
Chairman Services Directorate, West Sepik
Provincial Health Authority, PO Box
Director Public Health & Chairman of 331, Vanimo, WSP.
WSPHA Project Monitoring Ph: 457119/ 45711544/ 457080
Project Monitoring Mr. Symphorien Sumun – DPH/ PMC West Sepik Provincial Health
& Review Chairman Authority, PO Box 331, Vanimo,
WSPHA Project Monitoring Ph: 457119/ 45711544/ 457080
Project Sponsor’s All District Health Managers Architecture & Building Section,
Delegate Corporate Services Directorate,
Vanimo-Green River, Aitape, Nuku & West Sepik Provincial Health
Telefomin Authority, PO Box 331, Vanimo,
Ph: 457119/ 45711544/ 457080
Project Manager Rodgers K. Hemo – Architect C/- PO Box 122, Vanimo, WSP
HemRod Archi-Building Solutions © Ph: +675 70004253 [Digicel]/ +675
77040073 [BMobile]/ +675
81257171 [VodaFone]

3.8 Reporting
The Project Reporting Plan aims to ensure effective communication, transparency, and
timely updates throughout the project duration. Regular progress reports will enable both
parties to stay informed and address any issues promptly, fostering a collaborative and
productive working relationship.

Within this proposed project, regular progress reports will be submitted to WSPHA on a
monthly basis, outlining the achievements, challenges, and any significant findings during
each phase of the project’s duration.

Project Status Reporting Plan:

Phase 1. Project Preparation (1 week):
• No Report Required

Phase 2. Project Preparation (3 weeks)

• Report Outlining Defined Scope of Project & Resource Allocation to be used
as guide for formulation of Service Agreement.
• Monthly Project Status Report #1: Report on Preparations & Notice of
departure for commencement of next phase. Report shall be submitted in
person and in hard & soft copies.

Phase 3. Data Collection (2 Month)

• Monthly Project Status Report #2: Report shall be submitted Online via email/
WhatsApp and in MS Office Word/Excel or PDF formats.
• Mid Term assessment Report #1: Depending on progress, extensions or
change orders may be formally requested and/or mutually agreed upon.

Phase 4. Data Analysis and Inventory Formulation (1 Month)

• Monthly Project Status Report #3: Report shall be submitted Report shall be
submitted in person and in hard & soft copies.
• Submission of WSPHA Building Infrastructure Inventory Handbook in person
and in hard & soft copies in MS Office Word/Excel or PDF formats.
• Conduct MS Office PowerPoint Presentation of Handbook and Training on
how to effectively use the Building Infrastructure Inventory Handbook

Phase 5. Quality Assurance and Finalization (1 Month)

• Final Project Report: Comprehensive project report detailing the entire
process, including challenges faced, methodologies employed, and
recommendations for future improvements. Report shall be submitted in
person and in hard & soft copies.

Types of Documents that will be submitted:

1. Monthly Project Status Reports:
▪ Content:
- Overview of activities completed during the month.
- Data collection progress and challenges faced.
- Preliminary analysis of infrastructure status.
- Milestones achieved and any deviations from the initial plan.
- Budgetary updates and resource allocations.
▪ Recipients:
- Project Management Team at HemRod Archi - Building Solutions.
- Designated representatives from WSPHA
▪ Delivery Date:
- Last working day of each month.

2. Mid-Term Assessment Report:

▪ Content:
- Comprehensive analysis of data collected so far.
- Initial recommendations for the WSPHA Building Infrastructure Handbook.
- Evaluation of challenges faced and strategies employed to overcome them.
- Budget utilization overview and any proposed changes.
- Proposed adjustments to the project plan if necessary.
▪ Recipients:
- Project Management Team at HemRod Archi - Building Solutions.
- Key decision-makers at WSPHA
▪ Delivery Date:
- End of the Third month.

3. Draft WSPHA Building Infrastructure Handbook:

▪ Content:
- Comprehensive data analysis and interpretations.
- Detailed recommendations for annual budget planning and funding submissions.
- Building infrastructure status report for each facility.
- Proposed guidelines for future improvements and expansions.
▪ Recipients:
- WSPHA authorities for review and feedback.
▪ Delivery Date:
- End of the fourth month.

4. Final Project Report:

▪ Content:
- Finalized WSPHA Building Infrastructure Handbook.
- Summary of the entire project's scope, objectives, and accomplishments.
- Detailed insights into challenges, strategies, and solutions.
- Budget utilization and recommendations for future projects.
▪ Recipients:
- WSPHA & other Major Project Stakeholders (refer to Document Control section)
▪ Delivery Date:
- End of the fifth month.

3.9 Risks & Issues

In any complex project like the one proposed, there are inherent risks and potential issues
that may arise during its execution. It is essential to identify and address these risks and
issues proactively to ensure the smooth progress of the project. Here are some potential
risks and issues associated with the proposed project:

• Risks: A risk as defined as “any event which could take place in the future that will
prevent the project from producing the deliverables on time”. For instance, a risk
might be that the business is unable to resource the project fully as required. For
each risk, you need to specify the likelihood of it occurring (high/medium/low).
• Issues: An issue is “something that is right now affecting the project”. For instance, it
might be that an issue is that at the moment, there is little funding available to initiate
a new project such as this one. For each issue, you need specify the impact it is
having on your ability to kick off the project.

Project Risks
Risk Details Likelihood
Data Collection - Risk: Difficulties in collecting accurate and High
Challenges comprehensive data on the existing building
infrastructure due to inadequate or outdated
records or logistical challenges in accessing
remote or rural areas.
- Mitigation: Implement a detailed data collection
plan, utilize advanced surveying techniques, and
establish effective communication channels with
the relevant personnel at each health facility.
Budget Constraints - Risk: Unforeseen budget constraints or delays in Moderate
and Funding Delays funding from the WSPHA, which might impede the
timely execution of the project.
- Mitigation: Establish clear communication
channels with the WSPHA to monitor budget
allocations, create a contingency plan for potential

funding delays, and consider alternative funding

sources if necessary.
Technical and - Risk: Inadequate technical expertise, limited Low
Resource resources, or insufficient workforce may hinder the
Limitations project's progress and impact the quality of data
collection and analysis.
- Mitigation: Conduct a thorough assessment of
the required technical expertise beforehand,
ensure adequate resource allocation, and consider
collaborating with external experts if needed.
Stakeholder - Risk: Potential conflicts or misunderstandings Low
Management between the project team, WSPHA authorities, and
Challenges staff at the health facilities, which may lead to
delays or communication gaps.
- Mitigation: Establish effective communication
protocols, conduct regular stakeholder meetings,
and promote transparency and collaboration to
ensure all parties are aligned with the project's
objectives and requirements.
Regulatory and - Risk: Potential discrepancies between the Very Low
Compliance Issues project's execution and the regulatory standards or
compliance requirements set by local authorities or
government bodies.
- Mitigation: Conduct a thorough review of the
regulatory framework beforehand, ensure
compliance with all relevant guidelines and
standards, and engage legal advisors if necessary
to navigate any regulatory challenges.
Unforeseen - Risk: Unexpected structural issues or Very High
Infrastructure complications in the existing health facilities that
Complications were not identified during the initial assessment,
leading to potential delays and increased project
- Mitigation: Conduct a comprehensive
preliminary site assessment, engage experienced
structural engineers, and include contingency plans
in the project timeline and budget to address any
unforeseen infrastructure complications.
Data Collection Risk: The possibility of encountering difficulties in High
Challenges obtaining accurate data from remote or
inaccessible health facilities may impede the
survey process. Mitigation involves utilizing local
expertise, employing advanced data collection
methods, and establishing contingency plans for
challenging locations.
Technology Risk: Technical challenges in implementing 3D Low
Integration animation and data analysis tools may arise,
potentially affecting the project's progress.
Mitigation: A comprehensive training program and
ongoing technical support will be in place to
address any issues promptly and ensure the
seamless integration of technology.
Coordination Issues Risk: Ensuring seamless coordination with various High
health facilities and stakeholders may face hurdles,
leading to delays. To mitigate this, regular

communication channels, a dedicated project

coordinator, and a proactive approach to
addressing coordination challenges will be
Budget Overruns Risk: Unforeseen circumstances leading to budget Very High
overruns can occur, impacting the financial aspects
of the project.
Mitigation: A contingency fund is incorporated into
the budget to address unexpected expenses,
ensuring the project stays within financial
constraints and avoiding any negative

Project Issues
Issue Details Impact
Data Accuracy Despite efforts to collect accurate data, there is a High
potential for discrepancies in the information gathered
from different health facilities. Rigorous validation
processes and cross-checking mechanisms will be
implemented to address and rectify any data accuracy
Timeline Adherence Unforeseen circumstances could lead to deviations from High
the project timeline. Continuous monitoring and periodic
reviews will be conducted to identify potential delays
early on, allowing for proactive adjustments to ensure
the project stays on schedule.
Price Inflation Unforeseen ‘price hikes’ in services & goods in remote High
locations may result in premature depletion of budget.
Especially for Accommodation and food rations.
Stakeholder Challenges in engaging and maintaining effective High
Engagement communication with stakeholders may arise, impacting
the overall coordination of the project. Regular
stakeholder meetings, clear communication channels,
and a dedicated engagement strategy will be
implemented to address any issues and foster

By identifying these potential risks and issues in advance and implementing effective
mitigation strategies, the project can progress smoothly, and the likelihood of any significant
disruptions can be minimized. Regular monitoring and proactive management of these risks
will be crucial throughout the project's lifecycle.

3.10 Implications
The proposed project of conducting a thorough building infrastructure survey and formulating
the WSPHA Building Infrastructure Handbook has several significant implications for both
HemRod Archi - Building Solutions and the West Sepik Provincial Health Authority
(WSPHA). These implications can be categorized as follows:

1. Enhanced Data-Driven Decision Making:

- By conducting a comprehensive survey and creating the handbook, the WSPHA
will have access to a comprehensive and accurate data source for its health
facility infrastructure. This will enable the authority to make informed decisions

regarding annual budget allocations, funding submissions, and resource

management for future infrastructure improvements.

2. Improved Planning and Resource Allocation:

- The detailed Building Infrastructure Status report provided in the handbook will
offer insights into the current conditions of all health facilities under the WSPHA
This will help the authority to prioritize its resources and strategically plan for
future infrastructure development and expansion projects based on the identified
needs and priorities of each facility.

3. Facilitation of Sustainable Growth and Development:

- The project's comprehensive approach will facilitate the identification of key areas
for improvement and expansion within the existing infrastructure. This will enable
the WSPHA to plan and implement sustainable growth strategies that are tailored
to the specific needs of each health facility, thereby fostering sustainable
development and improved healthcare services for the citizens of the West Sepik

4. Strengthened Collaborative Partnerships:

- Through the collaboration between HemRod Archi - Building Solutions and the
WSPHA, the project will foster a strong working relationship and collaborative
partnership between the architectural firm and the government authority. This
collaboration will not only facilitate the successful completion of the project but
also pave the way for future joint initiatives aimed at enhancing the overall
healthcare infrastructure and services in the region.

5. Increased Accountability and Transparency:

- The creation of the WSPHA Building Infrastructure Handbook will ensure
transparency in resource allocation and utilization, providing a clear record of the
budget requirements, funding allocations, and infrastructure development
projects. This transparency will enhance accountability within the WSPHA and
promote public trust in the management and allocation of healthcare resources.

Generally, the successful implementation of the proposed project will contribute significantly
to the improvement of healthcare infrastructure in the West Sepik Province, leading to better
healthcare services, increased accessibility, and improved health outcomes for the local

3.11 Success Criteria

The success of this project will be evaluated based on the comprehensive and accurate data
provided in the WSPHA Building Infrastructure Handbook, enabling WSPHA to make
informed decisions and allocate resources effectively. We seek the formal authorization and
acceptance of this proposal by WSPHA to initiate the project and contribute to the
sustainable development of healthcare infrastructure in the region.

1. Comprehensive and Accurate Data Collection:

Successful completion of a comprehensive building infrastructure survey, ensuring the
accurate and detailed documentation of the West Sepik Provincial Health Authority's
facilities, including thorough assessments of structural integrity, safety compliance, and
areas for improvement.

2. Creation of a Detailed and Actionable Inventory Handbook:

Development of a comprehensive building infrastructure inventory handbook that
provides the Authority with detailed documentation of each building's architectural

specifications, maintenance schedules, and recommended renovation strategies,

aligning with international standards and best practices.

3. Implementation of Recommended Strategies and Practices:

Successful implementation of the recommended maintenance, renovation, and
infrastructure management strategies outlined in the inventory handbook, leading to
improved operational efficiency, enhanced safety standards, and the long-term
sustainability of the healthcare infrastructure.

4. Empowerment of Authority Staff:

Equipping the West Sepik Provincial Health Authority's staff with the necessary
knowledge, skills, and training to effectively manage and maintain the healthcare
infrastructure, fostering a culture of proactive infrastructure management and ensuring
the continued well-being of the local community.

5. Positive Stakeholder Feedback and Satisfaction:

Positive feedback and satisfaction from the West Sepik Provincial Health Authority
stakeholders, indicating their confidence in the accuracy, relevance, and usefulness of
the survey findings and the inventory handbook in guiding future infrastructure
development and maintenance decisions.

6. Long-Term Sustainability and Resilience:

Establishment of a sustainable and resilient healthcare infrastructure system that meets
the evolving needs of the local community, prioritizes safety and functionality, and aligns
with the West Sepik Provincial Health Authority's mission of delivering accessible and
patient-centric healthcare services.

By achieving these success criteria, we aim to demonstrate the tangible impact of our
architectural services in supporting the West Sepik Provincial Health Authority's mission and
fostering a safe and sustainable healthcare environment for the communities it serves. Our
commitment to delivering measurable and impactful outcomes remains at the forefront of our
project execution and management approach.

4 Authorization

4.1 Terms & Conditions

I. Scope of Work: ** HemRod Archi - Building Solutions will conduct a comprehensive
building infrastructure survey of all health facilities under the jurisdiction of the West
Sepik Provincial Health Authority (WSPHA). The survey will be followed by the
formulation of a detailed WSPHA Building Infrastructure Handbook.

II. Project Timeline: ** The project duration shall be Five (5) months from the date of the
‘Sign-Off’. HemRod Archi - Building Solutions will provide a detailed timeline outlining
the various stages of the survey, analysis, and handbook development within the
initial four (4) weeks of the agreement.

III. Payment Terms: ** The total project cost, including all necessary expenses, is
outlined in the financial proposal. A 25% deposit of the total cost is required upon the
signing of this agreement, followed by subsequent payments as per the agreed-upon
milestones and deliverables outlined in the project timeline.

IV. Data Collection and Usage: ** HemRod Archi - Building Solutions shall collect and
use data solely for the purpose of creating the WSPHA Building Infrastructure

Handbook. All data collected during the survey will be the property of the WSPHA
and will be handled with strict confidentiality and in compliance with data protection

V. Deliverables: ** HemRod Archi - Building Solutions will provide the WSPHA with the
following deliverables:
A comprehensive building infrastructure survey report for all health facilities.
A detailed WSPHA Building Infrastructure Handbook including current status,
recommendations, and future improvement plans.
Digital and hard copies of all reports and documents related to the project.

VI. Intellectual Property Rights: ** All intellectual property rights, including but not limited
to reports, surveys, and the WSPHA Building Infrastructure Handbook, shall belong
exclusively to the WSPHA upon the successful completion and final payment of the

VII. Compliance with Regulations: ** HemRod Archi - Building Solutions shall comply with
all relevant local laws, regulations, and ethical standards during the execution of the
project. The firm will also obtain all necessary permissions and approvals required for
the conduct of the survey and the use of data.

VIII. Quality Assurance: ** HemRod Archi - Building Solutions assures the WSPHA
that all work shall be conducted with the utmost professionalism, accuracy, and
diligence. The firm shall make necessary revisions as per the WSPHA's feedback
within a reasonable timeframe.

IX. Termination Clause: ** In the event of a breach of contract or unsatisfactory

performance, either party has the right to terminate the agreement with a 30-day
written notice. In such an event, the WSPHA shall be liable only for the services
rendered up to the date of termination.

X. Dispute Resolution: ** In the case of any disputes arising out of this agreement, both
parties agree to attempt to resolve the matter amicably through mediation. If
mediation fails, the dispute shall be resolved through arbitration in accordance with
the laws of Papua New Guinea.

XI. Governing Law: ** This agreement shall be governed by and construed in

accordance with the laws of Papua New Guinea. Any legal action arising out of this
agreement shall be within the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Papua New

XII. Amendments: ** Any amendments or modifications to this agreement shall be made

in writing and agreed upon by both parties.

The ‘Sign-Off’ document below does not constitute a contractual agreement in the legal
sense but is rather to be construed as a ‘Proforma Service Agreement’ to facilitate talks
between HemRod Archi - Building Solutions and the West Sepik Provincial Health Authority,
to define the ‘Contractual Agreement’ as required by WSPHA as per PNG Go FMA policy.
The finalized contractual document shall supersede all prior agreements, whether written or
oral, relating to the subject matter herein.

4.2 Sign-Off
We the undersigned have perused this document and hereby affix our signature and/or seal
as approval for this proposal to proceed to the next stage:


Signatory 1 Signatory 1
Name: Adrian Lohumbo (Mr.) Name: Symphorian Sumun (Mr.)

Designation: Chief Executive Officer Designation: Director Public Health &

Project Monitoring
Committee Chairman

Date: Date:

Signature: Signature:

4.3 Next Steps

1. Initiation Meeting: Following the ‘Sign-Off’, HemRod Archi - Building Solutions proposes
an initiation meeting with key stakeholders from the WSPHA to discuss the project's
specific requirements, expectations, and any additional details that may be necessary for
the successful execution of the project.

2. Project Kickoff: HemRod Archi - Building Solutions will commence the project according
to the agreed-upon timeline and deliverables. Our team will begin the necessary
preparations, including the deployment of the survey team, data collection procedures,
and initial data analysis in line with the project's objectives and methodology.

3. Regular Progress Updates: HemRod Archi - Building Solutions will provide regular
progress updates to the WSPHA, ensuring transparency and effective communication
throughout the project duration. The updates will include milestones achieved,
challenges encountered, and any necessary adjustments made to the project plan.

4. Review and Feedback Sessions: HemRod Archi - Building Solutions encourages the
WSPHA to actively participate in review and feedback sessions during the project's
lifecycle. Your valuable input and insights will contribute to the accuracy and relevance of
the final WSPHA Building Infrastructure Handbook.

5. Final Presentation and Delivery: Upon the completion of the project, HemRod Archi -
Building Solutions will present the final WSPHA Building Infrastructure Handbook to the
designated representatives of the WSPHA The presentation will include a
comprehensive overview of the survey findings, recommendations, and a detailed
explanation of the handbook's contents and its potential uses for future development and
budget planning.

6. Post-Project Support: HemRod Archi - Building Solutions is committed to providing post-

project support, including any necessary clarifications, additional information, or further
assistance required by the WSPHA in the utilization of the WSPHA Building
Infrastructure Inventory Handbook.

We look forward to the opportunity to collaborate with the West Sepik Provincial Health
Authority (WSPHA) and contribute to the enhancement of the healthcare infrastructure in the
West Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea. If there are any queries or additional information
required, please do not hesitate to contact us.

5 Appendix
5.1 Supporting Documentation

Exhibit 1. Project Implementation Schedule

Exhibit 2. Project Cost Estimate Grand Summary – Option 1
Exhibit 3. Project Cost Estimate Grand Summary – Option 2
Exhibit 4. WSP Health Facilities Map [2020]
Exhibit 5. Project Cost Estimate Districts Summary – Option 1
Exhibit 6. Project Cost Estimate Districts Summary – Option 2

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