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1. The scientific quality of a research project is essentially determined by the validity of each
aspect (planning, implementation, conclusions) thereof.
2. The implementation of a research project is steered by the aim of the research.
3. The planning of the research is valid if it is completely in line with the research problem.
4. If any aspect of the research raises questions regarding the validity thereof, the scientific
value of the research project is seriously compromised.
5. Research conclusions are derived from the research focus and the data which has been
collected and interpreted to shed light on the research problem.

The scientific quality of a research project is essentially determined by the validity of each
aspect which are planning, implementation and conclusions, the implementation of a
research project is steered by the aim of the research and the planning of the research is
valid if it is completely in line with the research problem. If any aspect of the research raises
questions regarding the validity of the scientific value of the research project is seriously
compromised then the research conclusions are derived from the research focus and the
data which has been collected and interpreted to shed light on the research problem.

Yes there is a logical link because the first sentence is talking about curriculum
implementation and the importance of it and how it should be done correctly to help
learners understand and embrace knowledge with ease. The they tell us that experts say
that curriculum implementation always promotes thinking and learning meaning that have
done their research and experts have confirmed it and then they tell us how generally
teachers basically have experience in tackling knowledge and curriculum implementation yes
there is defiantly a logic they tell us of the implementation and then they tell us it is being
done but it must be done correctly and thirdly they tell us the teachers have experience in
curriculum implementation so the learners are in safe experienced hands.

Yes I have noticed on “phenomenal importance”” teachers have excellent knowledge and
wisdom” and also “teachers are the stronghold “the author strengthens his point by using
those strong adjective and emotional language

The statement generally, “teachers have excellent knowledge and wisdom of tackling the obstacles
in the curriculum” the author did not provide any prove to back his/her statement. We can’t really
go by that without any written prove of the claims being made.
The statement “there can be no doubt about policy experts view that curriculum
implementation always promotes thinking and learning of new things in the daily working
environment of all educators” is an example of improper appeal to the authority.

Yes, because it concludes that the success of leaners depends on the teachers
implementation of the curriculum the are the ones that will help the learners and teach
them and if the children accept the knowledge being passed down to them from the
teachers then it will be seen in their progress, it is also a proper conclusion because mainly it
shows the success of the implementation of curriculum that promotes thinking and learning
of new things.

A child headed family is a family where there are no adults due to the parents or parent
working far away from home and can only come home once a month or after many months,
it can also be due to deaths caused by accidents or diseases. This results in the oldest child
having to step up and act as the parent making decisions and taking care of his or her
siblings and while doing that her school work is being neglected and no one to attend
parent’s teacher meetings.

Research problem: many high schools have to deal with learners who come from child-
headed families due to parents working far from home. The impact of this problem is a lack
of support with schoolwork and the attendance of school meetings.

Research question: what are the key factors and solutions in dealing with learners from
child-headed families in selected high schools? They are starving and do not have enough
food and must find a way to provide food for their families and clothes they don’t have they
can’t provide basic sanitary products for them and toiletries and sometime they are turned
back home for not having proper uniform or not having finished their school work they get
punished for that, some teachers don’t even care to ask why a child’s behaviour has
changed. The solution would be for teachers to engage more with their learners ask them
what is the problem before they punish them, do proper background check on their learners
and where there is a red flag they do thorough check and visit their homes to see their living
conditions and ask the government to help them by providing them with food and sanitary
products or a household grant to assist them, provide a social worker to make weekly visits
to the disadvantaged homes.

First premise: so many high school children have become the head of their families because
their parents work far away from home and as they focus more on taking care of their house
hold and siblings their school work lacks and their performance drops because they can’t do
everything on their own and being forced to grow up before their time does not help at all.

Second premise: I am focusing on secondary schools particularly because secondary

education is the most important part of our career without proper secondary education you
cannot go to university to study towards the career path you have chosen and we want our
future doctors and teachers to be well trained and educated and in my experience children
from child –headed families don’t do well in school you will find intelligent and well
performing children’s grades dropped and they become average and poor performing or
they fail decimally and they end up having to repeat the grade because they simply do not
have time to focus on their school work at home and whilst they are at school its either they
are getting punished turned away and told to come back with their parents/parent of which
that parent is unable to come back and the end result is dropping out or failing secondary
classes hence why it is important I focus on secondary education to find out why and how
we help this learners excel in their secondary education without distractions.

Third premise: my research will help the government gather data and proof needed to show
that this problem is real and that stronger solutions should be implemented as soon as
possible and it will also help with new and better solutions or to open more solutions that
can help resolve this problem and help the educational practice of this all to go smoothly
without any delays for the learners with the help of new and improved solutions.

It is necessary because our future of country depends on the success of this learner’s
secondary education. Without it then we won’t have doctors, teachers, nurses and police


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