Rewrite Each Statement About The Playwright William Shakespeare

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Name :- ------------------------------------- group--------

Rewrite each statement about the playwright William Shakespeare as a yes / no question.

1- He came from a rich family.

Q ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ?
A No, not really. His father was a glove maker.
2- He grew up in London.
A No, in Stratford upon Avon, a small town about 160 km from London.
3- He went to school.
A Yes, we think so.
4- He knew Latin.
A Yes, he learnt Latin at school, and some Greek as well.
5- He got married.
A Yes, he was only 18 when he married Anne Hathaway, aged 26.
6- They had children.
Q -----------------------------------------------------------------------------?
A Yes, a daughter Susanna, and twins, a hoy Harnnet and a girl Judith.

Complete the sentence with the past simple form of the verb in brackets.
1 Aztec civilization (develop) ------------------------ in the Valley of Mexico, 7,500 feet above sea level.
2 The Aztecs -------------------- (leave ) their own land of Aztlan at some time during the 12th or 13th century.
3 They -------------------- (believe) that Huitzilopochtli their war god (want) them to search for a new land.
4 They -------------------- (arrive) in the Valley of Mexico during the 12th or 13th century AD.
5 They -------------------- (build) their capital city, Tenochtitlan, on an island in Lake Texcoco.
6 They -------------------- (plant) trees on the island to make the land better, -------------------- (work) hard and-------------------- (improve) the land.
7 When the Spanish-------------------- (see) the Aztecs'gold, they -------------------- (decide) to conquer the city.
8 Later they -------------------- (kill) Montezuma, -------------------- (defeat) the Aztecs and -------------------- (destroy) Aztec religion and culture.
Complete the text with the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
Good afternoon, everybody. I --------------------------- (speak) to you from Mount Surprising, the giant volcano. A team of scientists ------------------ (visit)
the volcano, and I'm here for Big TV, just in case anything exciting happens. I -------------------------------- (stand) here near the top of the crater, and
---------------------------- (look) down into the volcano. At the moment the four scientists-------------------- (climb) down into the crater. It doesn’t look very
dangerous, I must say, but they------------------- (wear) special clothes and a rescue team ----------------------------- (stand by) just in case! A little bit of smoke ----
-----------------------(rise) from the volcano, but that's normal. Now the scientists----------------------(set) up their equipment. They -------------------------------(try)
to collect some gas, which will help them understand what exactly-------------------------- (go on) under the volcano. Wait a minute! Something ----------------------
(happen) ! The ground -------------------------------- (shake) ! The four scientists --------------------------- (climb) out of the volcano as quickly as they can. They
---------------------------(shout) something as well. I think it's time to leave!

Make questions. Example:

Where are you parking? I am parking near here.
1- What ............................................................... at the moment?
I am writing a test.
2- Which ............................................................. ?
I am doing exercise 1.
3- ......................................................................... ?
No, nobody is helping me.
4- Which ............................................................. ?
Well, I am making question 3.
5- ............ your friends ....................................... ?
No, they are not making question 3.
6- And what ................................................. now?
I'm sorry, I don't know what they are doing.

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