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Indus Fire re Safety Pvt. Ltd Forms and Reports ~~] Form No: IFS/2020/012 | TITLE sina ee Location: India Revision No 00 Effective Date: 01.10.2020 Minutes of Meeting : | Revisi mn Date: 01. j0.2020 Subject Final Inspection of DMC Dahej ERRV. a | Reference | GIDC/EE/M&E/BRH/AB/144 & 17.06.2023 a MOM Date | 21.12.2023. inal Inspection of DMG Dahej Emergency Response Cum Rescue Vehicle Purpos CERRY). List of participants : 1. Mr. MB Patel (DMC Dahej) Mr. Kaushal Patel (DMC Dahej) Mr, Atul Dave (DMC Dahej) Mr, Hitesh Shah (DMC Dahej) Mr, Bharat Jakhaniya (DMC Dahej) Mr. Divakar Pandey (Manager Works. IFSPL) Mr. Riyaz Rathod ( QC Engineer, IFSPL) Mr. Divyadip Maru (Production Engineer, IFSPL) Mr. Rahul Kumar (AGM, IFSPL) © SEN aM ae @ actions from IFSPL: ally high-pressure water mist performance test and found Points from © Checke satis ‘*Vehicle"s painting condition checked and found satisfactory. * Checked physically water monitor performance test, found satisfactory ‘© Verified all T.C, found as per specification. © Checked light bar with P.A. system and all electrical lights functioning test found satisfactory * Checked & verified accessories & TC found as per P.O. and satisfactory. * Checked and verified available documents like test certificates, PESO certificates (SCBA), schematic diagrams, GA drawing, supplier's test certificates of accessories. shicle acceleration & Brake test conducted on dry road test with fully loaded including all accessories and found en (Report should be submitied with the client). Re OC B®, Indus Fire Safety Pvt. Ltd Forms and Reports ] i al Form No:IF5/2020/012 TITLE a ae | Location: India | | Revision No: 00 Effective Date: 01.10.2020 Minutes of Meeting | Revision Date: 01.10.2020 _ > Observations during inspection: - | 1. FORM-10 required for lifting tools and tackles. 2. PESO certificate for CO2 extinguisher. 3. Air quality certificate required for SCBA set. 4, Calibration certificate and Carrier gas certificate for VOC, LEL, 02 & co, | Remarks from IFSPL: Joint inspection done with “DMC Dahej” & “IEVPL” representatives on date 21/12/2023 regarding ERRV in reference the above P.O and release clearance for dispatch subject to compliance with the observations. Signatures of Participants in MOM: 1. Mr. MB Patel (DMG ,Dahej) ee i Mr. Kaushal Patel (DMG ,Dahej) YS Mr. Atul Dave (DMC ,Dahej) o *) Mr. Hitesh Shah (DMC ,Dahejy . ‘ . Mr. Bharat Jakhaniya (DMG ,Dahej) 0 Os 6. Mr. Divakar Pandey (Manager Works. IFSPL) 7. Mr. Riyaz Rathod ( QC Engineer, IFSPLT®iXN - age 8. Mr, Divyadip Maru (Production Engineer, TFSPL) 9, Mr. Rahul Kumar (AGM, IFSPL) . Aes Ael Date: 21/12/2023 Place: Dashrath, Vadodara. er we

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