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ME 2



Prepared by : Engr. Julius B. Codilla

Mechanical Engineering-PIT


Learning Outcomes:

able to :
At the end of1:
this topics,Introduction
you shall be of the concepts of kinematics of machineries

Lesson 2: Motion and Machineries: Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration

• Define and understand the terminologies
involve in kinematics of machineries
Lesson 3:
• Identify different pairs in mechanism Velocity Analysis Method: Resolution and Composition
• Understand how four-bar linkage works
Lesson 4:
• Perform laboratory exercise on how the four-Center: Location of instant center
bar linkage works
Lesson 5:
• Identify different classification of motion
Acceleration Analysis Method
• Solve problems involving displacement, speed
and acceleration according to the type of motion
• Plot the displacement, velocity and
acceleration in a form of graph
• Perform laboratory exercise in solving the
time, displacement, velocity and acceleration
using Graphical

Watch the video on the link and answer the

Start Here questions below.

Click the link

ACTIVITY ___________ pairs in which the elements are kept in contact by external forces.
13. It consists of a number of pairs of elements
1. Define mechanism. Identify the two parts of connected by links.
14. If the combination of elements is such that
2. What is machine. Enumerate different parts of a
relative motion of the links is possible, and the
motion of each piece relative to the others is
3. Define the pairs of elements. Identify the different
definite, the linkage becomes a
pair of elements
4. What is link and linkages. ______________________.
5. What is four bar linkage means. Identify the part of 15. The combination of rigid bodies is a
a four-bar linkage. _____________ when used to transmit or
modify motion and a _____________ if energy
is transferred or work is done.
Write the correct answer below.
1. If one of the links of a kinematic chain is fixed,
then the chain becomes a
_______________________. (ANALYSIS)
2. Ball and roller bearings are example of
____________________ pairs of elements. From the video shown. How important
3. That piece of a mechanism which causes motion kinematics in design of machine elements.
is called _______________ and the one whose
Write your thoughts here!
motion is effected is called the
_______________. _____________________________________
4. It refers to a body that is assumed not to suffer _____________________________________
any distortion by the forces that may act on it. _____________________________________
5. A term used to a flexible connector which is _____________________________________
supposed to be inextensible, and is capable only _____________________________________
of transmitting a pull. _____________________________________
6. A structure that supports the moving parts and _____________________________________
regulates the path, or kind of motion, of many
of the parts. _____________________________________
7. It may be represented on a drawing by a point _____________________________________
and is often referred to as a point. _____________________________________
8. An assemblage of parts interposed between the _____________________________________
source of power and the work, for the purpose _____________________________________
of adapting the one to the other. ____________________________________
9. Bolt and nut is an example of __________pairs
There are lots of purposes behind studying of
of elements.
kinematics of machine. These are the following, to
10. In such a pair, surface contact exists between gain practical knowledge of relative motion .To
the two members. calculate factor of safety by calculating all the
11. The exchange of the fixedness of an element forces occurring on the vehicle or any other part.
with its partner is called the ___________ of To calculate the degree of freedom, so that we can
the pair. calculate that in which direction the motion is
12. Railway wheels kept in contact with the rails by possible and which direction motion is restricted.
Robotics mechanism is based in the kinematics of
the force of gravity are examples of
machine specially study of link and pair.
We come to know about the various types of
combination of links available to achieve certain
kind of motion as an output from an Input motion
(generally rotary from the motor). We come across
the famous mechanisms, which together
constitute to make big machinery. All the
machines which are used are made of many small
mechanisms, which we study in KOM (kinematics
of machines) with all details and technicalities. We
achieve mechanical benefits in our machines by
handling the maximum and minimum angles
between links to get a rupture free motion. Other
advantages are achieving quick return mechanisms
in the shapers, knowledge about gear making and
its kinematics, and synthesis of machines. All the

Lesson I
machines that are working in present days are gifts
of Kinematics of machinery. From tripper dumper,
to vehicle engines, to car wind shield wiper etc.
Finally the analysis move ahead to velocity and (Abstraction)
acceleration of mechanism links, which give us a
great knowledge of its possible use. The science of mechanism treats of the laws governing
the motion of the parts of a machine and the forces
transmitted by these parts.

In designing a machine, or in studying the

design of an existing machine, two distinct but closely
related divisions of the problem present themselves.
First, the machine parts must be so proportioned and so
related to one another that each has the proper
motion. Second, each part must be adapted to
withstand the forces imposed upon it. The nature of the
movements does not depend upon the strength or
absolute dimensions of the moving parts. This can be
shown by models whose dimensions may vary much
from those requisites for strength, and yet the motions
of the parts will be the same as those in the machine.

Therefore, the force and the motion may be considered

separately, thus dividing the science of mechanism into
two parts:

1. Pure Mechanism or Kinematics of Machines – It

treats of the motion and forms of the parts of a
machine, and the manner of supporting and
guiding them, independent of their strength.

2. Constructive Mechanism or Machine Design – It

involves the calculation of the forces acting on
different parts of the machine; the selection of
materials on the basis of strength, durability,
and other physical properties in order to
withstand these forces, the convenience for
repairs and facilities for manufacture also being
taken into account.


Machine – is a combination of resistant bodies so

arranged that by their means the mechanical forces of
nature can be compelled to produce some effect or
work accompanied with certain determinate motions. In
general, it may properly be said that a machine is
assemblage of parts interposed between the source of
power and the work, for the purpose of adapting the
one to the other. Each of the pieces in a machine either
moves or helps to guide some of the other pieces in
their motion.

Cranks, levers, bearings, journals, shafts, crossheads,

cams, gears, screws, ropes, chains, belts, pulleys,
wheels, keys, collars, cylinders, pistons, connecting rods
and piston rods, are forms of the parts which may be
found in a machine.
Structure – is a combination of resistant bodies
capable of transmitting forces or carrying loads but
having no relative motion between parts. An
example of a structure is the frame of a machine
consisting of several parts welded, bolted, or
riveted together with no relative motion between the
Mechanism – a combination of rigid bodies so
arranged that the motion of one compels the motion
of the others, according to a law depending on the
nature of the combination. The terms mechanism
and machine are often use synonymously, but
actually the combination is a mechanism when
used to transmit or modify motion and a machine if
energy is transferred or work is done.

Frame – is a structure that supports the moving

parts and regulates the path, or kind of motion, of
many of the parts. The frame may be either fixed to
the earth or moving relative to the earth.
Particle – is an infinitesimal part of a body. It may
be represented on a drawing by a point and is often
referred to as a point. A line on a body may be
thought of as a series of contiguous particles
arranged in a line.
Rigid body – is one whose component particles
remain at a constant distance from one another;
that is, the body is assumed not to suffer any
distortion by the forces that may act on it.
Driver and Follower – is that piece of a
mechanism which causes motion is called the
driver, and the one whose motion is affected is
called the follower.
Modes of Transmission – If the action of natural
forces of attraction and repulsion considered, one
piece cannot move another unless the two are in
contact or are connected to each other by some
intervening body that is capable of communicating
the motion of the one to the other. Thus, motion
can be transmitted from driver to follower by direct
contact, either sliding or rolling, or by intermediate
connectors that may be rigid, flexible, or fluid.
If an intermediate connector is rigid, it is Inversion of Pairs – The exchanged of the
called a link, and it can either push or pull, such as fixedness of an element with its partner.
the connecting rod of a steam engine. Pivots or
Bearings – The word bearing is applied , in general,
other joints are necessary to connect the link to the
to the surfaces of contact between two pieces that
driver and follower. If the connector is flexible, it is
have relative motion, one of which supports or
called a band, which is supposed to be
partially supports the other. One of the pieces may
inextensible, and is capable only of transmitting a
be stationary, in which case the bearing may be
pull. A fluid confined in a suitable receptacle may
called a stationary bearing; or both pieces may be
also serve as a connector, as in the hydraulic
Bearings may be arranged, according to the
Pairs of Elements – In order to compel a body to
relative motions they will allow, in three classes.
move in a definite path, it must be paired with
another, the shape of which is determined by the 1. For straight translation, the bearings must
nature of the relative motion of the two bodies. have plane or cylindrical surfaces,
cylindrical being understood in its most
Closed or Lower Pair – If one element not only
general sense. If one piece is fixed the
forms the envelope of the other, but also encloses
surfaces of the moving pieces are called
it, the forms of the elements being geometrically
slides; those of the fixed pieces, slides or
identical, the one being solid or full, and the other
being hollow or open, we have that may be called a
closed pair, also called a lower pair. In such a pair, 2. For rotation, or turning, the bearings must
surface contact exists between the two members. have surfaces of circular cylinders, cones,
conoids, or flat disks. The surface of the
On the surfaces of two bodies forming a
solid or full piece is called a journal, neck,
closed pair, coincident lines may be supposed to be
spindle, or pivot; that of the hollow or open
drawn, one on each surface; and if these lines are
piece, a bearing, gudgeon, pedestal,
of such form as to allow them to move along each
plumber-block, pillow-block, bush, or step.
other, that is, allow a certain motion of the two
bodies paired, three forms only can exist: (1) a 3. For translation and rotation combined
straight line which allows straight translation; (2) a (helical motion), they must have a helical or
circle which allows rotation, or revolution; (3) a helix screw shape. Here, the full piece is called a
which allows a combination of rotation and straight screw and the open piece a nut.
Collars and Keys – It is very often required that
Higher Pairs – are pairs which do not enclose pulleys or wheels turn freely on their cylindrical
each other and the elements are either in point or shafts and at the same time have no motion along
line contact. Ball and roller bearings are examples them. For this purpose, rings or collars are used.
of higher pairs.
Cranks and Levers – A crank may be defined in a
Incomplete Pairs of Elements – It sometimes only general way as an arm rotating or oscillating about
necessary to prevent forces having a certain an axis. When two cranks on the same axis are
definite direction from affecting the pair, and then it rigidly connected to each other the name lever is
is no longer absolutely necessary to make the pair often applied, particularly when the motion is
complete; one element can be cut away where it is oscillating over a relatively small angle.
not needed to resist the forces. The bearings for
railway axles, the thrust bearings for hydraulic The two arms of a lever may make any
turbine shafts, the ways of a planer, and railway angle with each other from 1800 down to 00. When
wheels kept in contact with the rails by the force of the angle between the two arms is less than 90 0, it
gravity are examples of incomplete pairs in which is often called a bell crank lever, and when the
the elements are kept in contact by external forces. angle is more than 900, it is often called a rocker.
Link – may be defined as a rigid piece or a non-
elastic substance which serves to transmit force
from one piece to another or to cause or control
Linkage – It consists of a number of pairs of
elements connected by links. If the combination is
such that relative motion of the links is possible and
Learning Check (Enrichment Problems)
the motion of each piece relative to the others is
definite, the linkage becomes a kinematic chain. If
one of the links of a kinematic chain is fixed, then SOLUTION FOR PROBLEM SOLVING ITEMS.
the chain becomes a mechanism. 1. AXES Q2 AND Q4 ARE FIXED. Q2A = 1 ½ INCH.,AB
The four-bar linkage – It consists of two cranks, a = 3 IN., Q4B = 2 IN., AND Q2Q4 = 3 IN. CRANK 2 IS
connecting rod, and a line of centers, or a THE DRIVER TURNING COUNTERCLOCKWISE.
combination of four-bar linkages. THE PROPORTIONS ARE SUCH THAT, WHILE 2



1. AXIS Q2 OF CRANK 2 IS FIXED ON 1. Q2A = 1 ½

15. Bolt and nut is an example of __________pairs
of elements.


3. In such a pair, surface contact exists between  Elements of Mechanism Reviewer by Ricardo C. Asin
the two members.  Machine Elements by Heard K. Baumeister
4. The exchange of the fixedness of an element  Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery by Robert L.
with its partner is called the ___________ of Norton
 Elements of Mechanism by V.L Doughtie and W.H
the pair.
5. Railway wheels kept in contact with the rails by  Introduction to Mechanisms by Yi Zhang and Susan
the force of gravity are examples of Finger
___________ pairs in which the elements are 
kept in contact by external forces. 
6. It consists of a number of pairs of elements 
connected by links. 
7. If the combination of elements is such that 
relative motion of the links is possible, and the
motion of each piece relative to the others is
definite, the linkage becomes a
8. The combination of rigid bodies is a
_____________ when used to transmit or
modify motion and a _____________ if energy
is transferred or work is done.
9. That piece of a mechanism which causes motion
is called _______________ and the one whose
motion is effected is called the
10. It refers to a body that is assumed not to suffer
any distortion by the forces that may act on it.
11. A term used to a flexible connector which is
supposed to be inextensible, and is capable only
of transmitting a pull.
12. A structure that supports the moving parts and
regulates the path, or kind of motion, of many
of the parts.
13. It may be represented on a drawing by a point
and is often referred to as a point.
14. An assemblage of parts interposed between the
source of power and the work, for the purpose
of adapting the one to the other.

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