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Refi Mariska – 41032102211016 / PLB

UNICEF Executive Director, Henrietta Fore, says “The practice of child marriage is a violation
of human rights. It robs children of their childhood life denies them an education, and puts
them at the risk of violence and abuse.”

My name is Refi Mariska the representative of Pendidikan Luar Biasa for Pemilihan
Mahasiswa Berprestasi Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Islam Nusantara
2024. I stand before you today to discuss an issue that has plagued our society for far too long-
child marriage.

The Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection reveals that by the end of 2022,
there were 55,000 child marriage dispensation request, with the highest number of cases
concentrated in West Nusa Tenggara and South Sumatera. To illustrate the case, child marriage
has been a major concern of Suistainable Development Goals point 5, gender quality
particulary 5.3. to eliminate all harmfull practices such as child early enforced marriage.

Here, i would like to deliver a persuasive speech to address the issue of child marriage. So,
what is the major problem of this issue?
Allow me to shed light on the problem. Reffering to the Marriage Law in Indonesia. No. 16 of
2019, the age limit of marriage for both men and women is 19 years old.

Ladies and gentleman, based on the law of Republic of Indonesia Article 26 verse 1, child
marriage often leads to the violation of child’s rights on education and health.
My first focus is when a child gets married, it often leads to dropping our of school depriving
them of the opportunity to make choices, reach their full potential, pursue their dreams, and
eventually contribute to society.
My second focus is on how child marriage, violated a child’s human right to health, as it causes
significant negative impact, both physically and mentally.

According to a study by Sekarayu and Nurwati in 2021, the risk of child marriage include the
emergence of cervical cancer, sexually transmitted diseases, disability, anemia, and even death.
The toll on mental health is equally devasting with anxiety, stress, and depression becoming

Ladies and gentleman, it will be inhumane for us to raise all children just to marry them off
and rub them of their choices and opportunity at such a young age.

Children are our future.

Yet, we must not lose hope.

The aforementioned problems can be addreased trough various solutions that i am going to
explain. First, an enganging socialization program will be an effective way to increase
awareness about child marriage, especially in junior and senior high schools. Second,
implementing a school literacy movement with more knowledge about their rights, such as
providing book that highlight the advantages of pursuing education and maintaining good
health at young age. Lastly, collaboration between children, parents and communities is crucial.
By changing perpectives and advocating them for protection of child rights, we can effect
lasting change.

Ladies and gentleman, as a Mahasiswa, i firmly believe that we can break the cycle of child
marriage. This requires a concerted effort from all sectors, including the government, civil
organizations, religious leaders and communities. By working together, we can create a world
where every child has the opportunity to reach their full potential, live a brighter future and
contribute to the realization of Golden Indonesia by 2045.

So, let us stand together solidarity and commit to ending child marriage together. Thank you!

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