Mathematics - CH7 PART 1

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Indices and Logarithms

7.1 Indices

Imagine you have a piece of paper. You tear it into two. You then proceed to tear both
pieces again into another two. Now, you have 4 pieces of paper. If you tear it a third
time, how many pieces would you have? What about 6 times? What about fifteen times?

Based on what you already know, tearing it a third time would give you:

2 x 2 x 2 = 8 pieces.

The sixth time would give you:

2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 64 pieces.

Writing 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 ... endlessly is not only time consuming, but also a waste of space as
well as impractical. This is where the indices come in. Let’s define the index as follows:

If a is any number and n a positive integer (whole number) then the product of a
with itself n times is called a raised to the power n, and written an ; i.e.,

a n = a × a × ...× a

n times

where a is the base and n is the index.

Referring to the above example,

23 = 2×2×2 =8 base 2, index 3

26= 2×2×2×2×2×2 = 64 base 2, index 6

7.1.1 Rules of Indices

For all positive values of a and all values of m and n, the following important rules
apply to indices:

1. a m × an = am+n
2. a m ÷ an = a m−n
3. (am )n = amn
4. a1 = a
5. a0 = 1

Other properties of indices:


a) 22 ×23 = (2×2)×(2×2×2) = 25 = 22+3

b) 35 ÷32 = 3×3×3×3×3 = 3×3×3 = 33 =35−2
3× 3
c) (2 ) = (2×2×2)×(2×2×2) = 26 = 23×2
3 2

d) From rule 2, a n+1 ÷ a n = a(n+1)−n = a1

a × a × ...... a × a
Also, a n+1 ÷ a n = a × a..... × a = a

∴ a1 = a
e) a n × a0 = a n+0 = a n = a n ×1

∴ a0 =1

7.2 Negative powers, Fractional powers, Square roots, Cube roots

7.2.1 Negative Indices


7.2.2 Fractional Indices

7.5. Logarithms: Definition, laws of logarithms

Let a and y be positive real numbers and let y = ax : Then x is called the logarithm of y
to the base a. We write this as
x = loga y


1. Since 8 = 23 , then 3 = log2 8

2. Since 81 = 34 , then 4 = log3 81

7.5.1 Rules of Logarithms
Let a, X, Y be positive real numbers and k be any number. Then the following rules
apply to logarithms.

1. loga xy = loga x + loga y

2. loga ( x / y) = loga x − loga y
3. loga (xk ) = k loga x
4. loga a = 1
5. loga 1 = 0

1. Logarithm of Product

loga XY = loga X + loga Y


2. Logarithm of Quotient

loga ( X \ Y ) = loga X − loga Y


a) log2 40 − log2 5 = log2 405 = log2 8 = 3

b) If log3 5 = 1.465 then we can find log3 0.6 .
As 3/5=0.6, log3 0.6 = log3 (3 / 5) = log3 3 − log3 5
As log3 3 = 1 from rule 4, log3 5 = 1 − 1.465 = −0.465

3. Logarithm of a Power
loga ( X k ) = k loga X


a) Find log10 (1/100000).

log10 (1/100000) = log10 (1/105 ) = log10 (10−5 ) = −5 log10 10
As log10 10 = 1, log10 (1/100000) = −5
b) Find log81 9.

7.6. Calculate the logarithm of a number to any base

While the most commonly used base in finding logarithms is base 10, finding the
logarithms to other bases are also required. The following rule relates logarithms in one
base to logarithms in a different base.

loga c = loga b × logb c


Let x= loga b and y= logb c

Then by the definition of logarithms, b = ax and c = b y

i.e., c = b y = (ax ) y = axy

by the definition of logarithms,

loga c = loga a xy
= xy
= loga b × logb c


a) log10 3 = 0.47712 and log10 7 = 0.84510 . Find log3 7 .

By rearranging the above rule, we have
loga c
logb c =
loga b
log10 7 0.84510
So, log3 7 = = = 1.77124
log10 3 0.47712

b) log10 5 = 0.69897 . Find log2 5.

Since 2=10/5,
log10 2 = log10 (10 / 5)
= log10 10 − log10 5
= 1 − 0.69897
= 0.30103
log10 5 0.69897
log2 5 = = = 2.32193
log10 2 0.30103

7.8. Properties and graph of the logarithm function

7.8.1 Graph of exponential functions

An exponential function is any function that can be written in the form

where a is a positive real number other than 1.

Let’s now sketch the graph of the exponential function y = 2x using the above (x,y)
coordinates. Marking these (x,y) points on the graph paper and connecting them with a
smooth curve, we have the graph of y = 2x shown in the following figure.

Notice that the graph approaches x-axis without actually intersecting the x-axis. In
order for the graph of y = 2x to intersect the x-axis, there must be a value of x such that
0 = 2x . As no such value of x exists, the graph of y = 2x cannot intersect the x-axis.

7.8.2 Graph of logarithmic functions

An logarithmic function is any function that can be written in the form

y = loga x
where a is a positive real number other than 1.

eg. y = log2 x

The equation y = log2 x is, by definition, equivalent to the exponential equation

x = 2y
Therefore, we can consider logarithmic functions as exponential functions.

The graph of y = 2x was given in the previous subsection. If we simply exchange the x
and y in y = 2x , we will get x = 2y . Therefore, we say the logarithmic function is the
inverse of an exponential function. Hence, the graph of x = 2y can be drawn as in the
following figure, which is also the graph of y = log2 x .

Note: Simply reflect the graph of y = 2x about the line y = x to get the graph of
x = 2y .

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