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Assignment Brief Academic Year 2020-2021

Module code and title: BM522 Project Management Module leader: Dr Muhammad Hijazy

Assignment No. and type: CW1 Assessment weighting: 50%

Submission time and date: 14.00 UK Time, 29th April 2021 Target feedback time and date: 3 Weeks after the submission deadline

Task requirements

This coursework is a 1500 (+/- 10%) word report designed to assess learner’s ability to demonstrate an in depth knowledge and systematic understanding of
project management theory and tools linked to the planning of projects.

Project Management – Camden Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Service Group – Project Brief
Case Study
Dear Consultant,
I wanted to thank you for taking on this contract at short notice, but to express my confidence in your ability to provide the service sustainable ways of raising
fund over the coming months. Last year the Camden sickle cell and thalassaemia unit found a large proportion of our society/community are unaware of the
services we run. We are currently in the process of appointing a group of consultants to move quickly to organise musical concert to create awareness with the
under listed activity list. Using these activity please kindly provide us with a 1500 words document detailing project management knowledge areas that should
be considered in this event.
The aim of this project is to provide a sustainable way of raising fund for the Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Care Forum.

Below is Table A, consisting of all the major tasks, dependencies and timescales required for each task.

Main Activities with Predecessors
Name of the Task Duration Predecessors

1 Budget Approval 1 day -

2 Hire Publicity Director 14 days 1

3 Hire Set Designer 14 days 1

4 Hire Place For Auditions 7 days 2

5 Advertising To Hire Crew and Cast 7 days 2

6 Hire Production & Publicity Crew 28 days 4, 5

7 Set Designed and Built 35 days 3,6

8 Train Production Crew 12 days 3,6

Internal approval:Suzanne Doria, October 2020
External approval:
9 Auditions To Hire Cast 2 days 4, 5

10 Cast Rehearsal 66 days 9

11 Hire Orchestra 7 days 1

12 Music 7 days 11

13 Photograph Cast And Crew & Collect Biographies 35 days 6, 9,11

14 Enter Information Into Computer 1 day 13

15 Printing 5 days 14

16 Develop an Advertising Plan 7 days 6

17 Advertising Media 21 days 16

18 Orchestra rehearsal 4 days 12

19 Order Costumes 7 days 9

20 Costume Parade And Alterations 5 days 7,19

21 Dress Rehearsal 1 day 8,10,18,20

22 Performance 10 days 15,17,21

Internal approval:Suzanne Doria, October 2020
External approval:
You are to assume that it is 28th of September 2020, the Monday of the first week of the project. While the project team is being formed, the Project Manager
asks you to prepare a 1500 (+/-10%) word report to be with him on 11th November 2020 and which he can present to Camden Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia
Service Group – board and other senior managers of the University. The project has only 101days available to be completed which means all tasks on the
activity list below must be completed within the 101days. (However, for extra consultancy fee of £5000 you could also advise Camden Sickle Cell and
Thalassaemia Service Group – the alternative approach to shorten the project duration and if this is the case, should Camden Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia
Service Group want to finish this project ealier than expected how soon can this be done beside finishing within 101days? Support with PERT analysis and an
additional network diagram)
The title of the report is ‘Camden Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Service Group – Project Brief’
1) Develop a network diagram manually, AS TAUGHT (activities on arrows) clearly showing the relationship between all the activities listed above, the
dependencies, the likely duration for each activity, the likely completion date (expected total project time). Calculate the earliest starting time, the latest
starting time (EST,LST) and the earliest finishing time and latest finishing time (EFT, LFT) for each activity including an outline description of the critical
path, highlighting the critical activities and the shortest possible time in days in which the project can be completed as scoped above (give reasons for
your choice). [20 marks]
Task 2
2) Undertake a stakeholder analysis for this project. This should clearly identify internal and external stakeholder, group stakeholders according to their
interest and power i.e. stakeholder management matrix, communication strategies (20 marks)

Task 3
Using the activity list above, develop a clearly numbered Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) alongside an organizational structure for this music event
[10 marks]

Internal approval:Suzanne Doria, October 2020
External approval:
Task 4
You are required to prepare a Risk Analysis for 20 different risks that could affect your project. Analyse the risks involved and develop strategies for dealing with
them in detail. Present your Risk Analysis and Risk Management strategies/mitigations in the form of a table, AS TAUGHT in class. [20 marks]

Task 5
You are required to determine what the quality expectation, acceptance criteria, quality specification, and what measures would be put in place to control the
event. In other words you write up in this section must cover these heading. (15 marks)

Task 6
Provide a critical analysis of what methodology would be appropriate for this project and why? Support just justification with examples of where this methodology
has been previously used as well as the benefits of using this methodology in your project. (15 marks)

This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes:

LO 1 Evaluate and explain the major factors and performance requirements of project management.

LO 2 Plan projects using appropriate project management software

LO 3 Analyse and critically evaluate projects using an appropriate industry standard methodology.

Internal approval:Suzanne Doria, October 2020
External approval:
Referencing and research requirements

Please reference your work according to the Harvard style as defined in Cite Them Right Online ( This information is also
available in book form: Pears, R. and Shields, G. (2016) Cite them right: the essential reference guide. 10th edn. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Copies are
available via the university library.

How your work will be assessed

Your work will be assessed on the extent to which it demonstrates your achievement of the stated learning outcomes for this assignment (see above) and
against other key criteria, as defined in the University’s institutional grading descriptors. If it is appropriate to the format of your assignment and your subject
area, a proportion of your marks will also depend upon your use of academic referencing conventions.

This assignment will be marked according to the grading criteria attached below

Submission details

This assignment should be submitted electronically. Please use the relevant submission point in the Submit your work area in your VLE module shell.
You can submit your work as many times as you like before the submission date. If you do submit your work more than once, your earlier submission will be
replaced by the most recent version.
Once you have submitted your work, you will receive a digital receipt as proof of submission, which will be sent to your forwarded e-mail address (provided
you have set this up). Please keep this receipt for future reference, along with the original electronic copy of your assignment.
You are reminded of the University’s regulations on academic misconduct, which can be viewed on the University website: In submitting your assignment, you are acknowledging that you have
read and understood these regulations

Internal approval:Suzanne Doria, October 2020
External approval:
Submission date and time

This assignment should be submitted before 14.00 UK Time, 29th April 2021.
Work that is submitted up to 10 working days beyond the submission date will be accepted as a late submission. Late submissions will be marked and the
actual mark recorded but will be capped at the pass mark (typically 40%), provided that the work is of a passing standard. Work submitted after this period will
not be marked and will be treated as a non-submission.
Feedback and marks for this assignment will be available 3 weeks after the submission deadline.

Internal approval:Suzanne Doria, October 2020
External approval:
Marking Scheme A B C D E
70-100% 60-69% 50-59% 40-49% 35-39%

Activity List, Network Network Diagram done in Excel, Network Diagram done in Excel, or by Largely correct Network Diagram done Network Diagram contains some Network Diagram illogical and
or by hand and shows the activity hand and shows the activity node in Excel, or by hand and shows the anomalies; CP largely correct; OR critical path (CP) not identified or
diagram, and Critical
node values; Network Diagram values; Network Diagram good with activity node values; the relationship Network diagram presented in MS incorrect. Optional - Approach
Path neat and correct showing some errors in calculation on ES & between activities and their Project format. Optional - Some used to shorten project duration
relationship between activities LST as well as EFT & LFT. Critical dependencies; Network diagram questionable logic on project duration not shown, no new network
and their dependencies; Critical Path correct. Project duration largely correct some calculations. shortened, with some attempt to draw a diagram, no new critical path
Path clear & correct; Excellent shortened to reflect new completion Critical Path identified. Optional - new network diagram showing new identified
calculation of Activity EST & LST date and new critical path identified. Project duration shortened to reflect critical path
as well as EFT & LFT for each (Optional -Few errors at clearly new completion date. This reflecting in
activity. Project duration justifying approach used to shorten a new network diagram showing new
shortened to reflect new duration of project. critical path.
completion date and new critical Attempt made to justify approach used
path identified. Optional - to shorten duration of project but with
Approach used to shorten significant mistakes.
duration of project cleared
justified, readable and well
analysed. All resources identified
for each activity.

Internal approval:Suzanne Doria, October 2020
External approval:
Stakeholder Analysis Comprehensive, believable and Good but the justification for Completes the following stakeholder Completes at least 3 of the following: Does not complete at least 3 of
logical with good use of PM theory stakeholder analysis elements may analysis: identified internal and identified stakeholders, grouped them the following: identified
and communication
and concepts Completes not be clear. However identified external stakeholders, their interest into internal and external stakeholders, stakeholders, grouped them into
plan (20%) stakeholder analysis to a high internal and external stakeholders, and power at least to a satisfactory their interest and power, and establish internal and external
standard; identified internal and their interest and power and standard: communication plan to an acceptable stakeholders, their interest and
external stakeholders, their communication strategy missing. standard. power, and establish
interest and power, established communication plan to an
communication plan for all acceptable standard.
stakeholders group identified.

Internal approval:Suzanne Doria, October 2020
External approval:
WBS and Excellent complete, correct, Complete and correct WBS showing Good WBS, complete, but query on Acceptable WBS, but incomplete. Poor WBS. Very poor attempt at
clearly numbered and detailed all relevant work packages but with content/logic. Correct diagrammatic form. a developing or drawing a WBS.
Organogram (10%)
WBS/PBS. An excellent some errors in numbering. A good organogram but query on An acceptable but incomplete Poor organogram with poor
organogram showing hierarchical A very good organogram showing hierarchical structure of the project organogram showing hierarchical attempt to show the hierarchical
structure of the project hierarchical structure of the project organization structure of the project organization structure of the project
organization organization with minor errors. organization
Risk Analysis (20%) Innovative approach to risks Very good risks identification and Risks identified and analyzed, attempt Risks identified, initial analysis conducted An attempt made at identifying
identification and analysis, analysis, Some responses planned but made at planning responses with questionable responses to risks risks, but not at risk
detailed and excellent responses not to great extent. identified management.
planned, with proximity of risks.
Quality Assurnce Excellent identification and Very good identification and Good identification and classification Acceptable attempts made at identifying Poor identification and
and Control (15%) classification of stakeholders’ classification of stakeholders’ quality of at least 3 of stakeholders’ quality and classifying and addressing at least 2 classification of stakeholders’
quality expectation, acceptance expectation, acceptance criteria, expectation, acceptance criteria, of the stakeholders’ quality expectation, quality expectation, acceptance
criteria, quality specification, with quality specification, but not detailed quality specification, with detailed acceptance criteria, quality specification, criteria, quality specification, with
detailed measures put in place to measures put in place to control measures put in place to control with questionable measures put in place no clear measures put in place to
control quality aspects of the quality aspects of the event quality aspects of the event to control quality aspects of the event control quality aspects of the
event event
Introduction, Overall aim, objectives & reason Overall aims & objectives of the project Overall aim can be inferred but some Overall aim and/or objectives in some Aim unclear, some or all
aim/justification for for undertaking the project clearly clearly stated; strategic lack of clarity in objectives; strategic doubt; uncertainty over strategic or broader objectives missing; little or no
the project, stated and aligned to with relevance/justification of project or wider relevance/justification of project relevance; methodology chosen strategic relevance/justification of
evaluation/analysis strategic goal of the organization. indicated; most of the issues with the project can be discerned with some unclear with some arbitrariness discernible; project stated; Methodology
of appropriate Issues discussed in the methodology indicated; Methodology assumptions necessary; key aspects of the methodology appear to unstated. Overall, the reader left
project management methodology section entirely adopted generally appropriate with methodology chosen not entirely be omitted. Overall, reader placed in a in a position of guessing or
methodology and appropriate, with the approach to some argument possible over its rigour. clear and/or lacks consistent ignorance over above
position of having to assume or guess at
quality of report be taken clearly described, Almost all sources used are generally demonstration of relevance. components. Key sources
presention (15%) appropriate & rigorous. Material understood with occasional omissions Some sources omitted but with some elements of the above components. omitted, much misunderstanding;
reviewed from all appropriate with respect to the argument; some reasonable grasp of those consulted Omission of sources relevant to objectives, argument must be guessed at,
sources, with good evidence of originality; generally systematic & with sensible relevance to the some seriously so; some misunderstanding; with little or no case made; reader
originality; methodology adopted presentation without complete argument; no particular originality; argument not following a clear thread, confused as to the thrust of the
and material followed a logical, persuasiveness; generally relevant to some unevenness in presentation; unconvincing where discernible, with little argument, having to refer
systematic & persuasive objectives. occasional doubt as to relevance to attempt to summarize the gist; objectives constantly to the objectives and/or
approach with direct relevance to the objectives rarely referred to. conclusions, where available
Quality Assurance Record

Internal External
Approval: Suzanne Doria 02/10/2020 Approval:

Internal approval:Suzanne Doria, October 2020
External approval:

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