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School of Management

Evaluation of Select Educational Softwares: Grammarly and Canva on Class Activities

Among APC College Students

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirement for the Course
Extensive Competency Program 1 (EXCOMP1)

Submitted by:
Djonn Lorenz Dadivo
Bryne Louis Rabajante

Presented to:
Marie Endrita P. Celeste
EXCOMP1 Instructor




In the current digital age, technology has become a vital tool for enhancing the learning

experience of students. With the advent of various educational software and tools, teachers and

students are continuously searching for new ways to improve the classroom environment.

Among these tools, Grammarly and Canva stand out as two of the most popular (Fischer &

Thompson, 2019; Kim & Kim, 2020). Grammarly is a grammar checking software that helps

improve writing skills, while Canva is a graphic design platform that assists students in creating

professional-looking presentations and projects (Sivakumar & Umasankar, 2018). The purpose

of this study is to evaluate the impact of these tools on the class activities of students. The main

objective is to determine the effect of using Grammarly and Canva on students’ writing and

presentation skills and to examine the ways in which they can contribute to the overall success of

the class. This research will be of great significance to instructors, students, and researchers as it

will provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of these tools and inform future decisions on

their use in the classroom.

A. Background of the Study

Grammarly and Canva are educational software programs that assist students in

improving their writing abilities and participation in class activities (Kim & Kim, 2020;

Sivakumar & Umasankar, 2018). These tools are used in education to help students create high-

quality writing assignments and aesthetically appealing designs (Fischer & Thompson, 2019).

This assessment will look at their efficacy, usability, and impact on students' writing and design

skills. The goal is to evaluate how these technologies might help instructors create interactive

classes that promote student engagement and learning.

B. Statement of the Problem

The integration of technology into education has led to the widespread use of software

like Grammarly and Canva in the classroom. However, there is limited research on the actual

impact of these tools on class activities and student learning outcomes. This study evaluates the

effects of using Grammarly and Canva in a classroom setting and understands how they affect

student writing skills and the overall quality of class activities. This research is needed to supply

insights into the effectiveness of these tools and inform educators about their potential benefits

and limitations.

1. What are the factors that influence the students of APC to use Grammarly and

Canva in accomplishing class activities?

2. Does Grammarly and Canva have an impact on the writing skills and creativity of

APC students?

3. What are the positive and negative effects of using these softwares?

C. Objectives

This study's goal is to examine the effects of using Grammarly and Canva on student

writing skills and class activities in a classroom. Specifically, the research aims to:

1. Determine the impact of using Grammarly on student writing quality, including

accuracy, clarity, and coherence.

2. Assess the effectiveness of Canva in improving the visual appeal and overall

quality of class activities.

3. Compare the impact of using Grammarly and Canva separately in combination on

student learning outcomes.

D. Significance of the Study

The importance of this study comes in its ability to contribute to the realm of education

by offering useful insights regarding the influence of Grammarly and Canva on APC students.

The findings of this study have the potential to guide technology integration decisions as well as

improve student writing abilities and class activities.


The findings of this study can assist APC students understand the possible benefits and

drawbacks of utilizing Grammarly and Canva in the classroom, as well as how these tools can

help improve their writing abilities and enrich their learning experiences. It can also:

● Give educators with information regarding the impact of utilizing Grammarly and Canva

in the classroom, as well as evidence-based recommendations for their use. This data may

be utilized to improve teaching and learning processes, as well as to improve the

classroom experience.

● Add to the current body of research on the influence of technology on APC Student

learning outcomes, as well as serve as a foundation for future research in this area.

Finally, the study's findings have the potential to help a wide variety of stakeholders,

including students, educators, and academics, by giving useful insights on the influence of

Grammarly and Canva on student writing abilities and class activities.

E. Scope and Limitations

Scope of the Study:

This study aims to investigate the impact of using two digital tools, Grammarly and

Canva, on the writing and design skills of students at Asia Pacific College (APC). Specifically,

the study will focus on how these tools affect students' participation in class activities, with

participants drawn from a specific educational institution.


The study will assess key features of Grammarly and Canva, such as their ease of use and

user friendliness, and how these features contribute to students' effective utilization of the tools

for writing and design projects. By shedding light on the benefits and drawbacks of these tools in

the classroom, the research seeks to enhance our understanding of their potential impact on

students' learning.


While the goal of this research is to give insight about the influence of Grammarly and

Canva on APC students, it is vital to recognize its limitations. The study's sample size is small,

which may limit the findings' applicability to all students and teachers. Additionally, the study's

findings may just provide a preliminary look at the effects of these technologies, and further

research may be required to properly understand their influence across diverse educational


As a result, while evaluating the study's findings, it is critical to keep these limitations in mind.

The findings should be seen as an addition to the body of information on the use of educational

software tools in the classroom, rather than a final solution. Further study is needed to fully

evaluate the impact of Grammarly and Canva on students and to determine best practices for

using these tools into classroom activities.


F. Definition of Terms


Grammarly is a writing-assistance program driven by artificial intelligence that aims to help

people improve the quality of their written work. It delivers real-time feedback on grammar,

spelling, and punctuation, making it an invaluable tool for students wishing to improve their

writing abilities.


Canva is a graphic design program that allows users to generate a variety of visual material such

as posters, flyers, and presentations. The program has an easy-to-use interface and a large library

of templates, making it accessible and simple to use for anyone with little to no design


Class Activity

Any assignment or project assigned by an instructor as part of a course or lesson is referred to as

a class activity. These activities, which can range from writing assignments to group projects, are

intended to help students improve their abilities and knowledge in a certain subject area.


Software refers to a set of instructions or programs that tell a computer what to do. It is a

collection of data or computer instructions that tell the computer how to work, and it provides the

tools and functions needed to perform specific tasks, such as word processing, data management,

graphics, and more. Examples of software include operating systems, productivity software,

communication software, and entertainment software.

This section's definitions are intended to offer a thorough knowledge of the important topics and

phrases used throughout the study. A precise description of words is critical for establishing

consistency in the usage of language and minimizing reader misunderstanding.



Review of Related Literature

In recent years, the use of technology in education has been the subject of numerous

studies (1). The integration of educational tools and software into the classroom has been shown

to have a positive impact on students' learning and overall academic performance (2). One such

tool that has gained popularity in recent years is Grammarly. Grammarly is a grammar checking

software that provides suggestions to improve writing skills (3). Several studies have

demonstrated the effectiveness of Grammarly in improving the writing skills of students,

particularly in terms of grammar and vocabulary (4, 5).

Similarly, Canva is a graphic design platform that helps students to create professional-

looking presentations and projects (6). A number of studies have investigated the impact of

graphic design tools on students' learning and creativity (7). These studies have shown that the

use of graphic design tools such as Canva can enhance students' presentation skills, encourage

creativity, and improve their overall academic performance (8, 9).

In this study, we aim to evaluate the effects of Grammarly and Canva on students' class

activities. This review of related literature highlights the positive impact that these tools have had

on students' writing and presentation skills, and provides a foundation for the proposed research


It is important to note that while a number of studies have investigated the use of

technology in education, few have specifically focused on the impact of Grammarly and Canva

on students' class activities (11). This study aims to fill this gap in the literature and provide

insights into the effectiveness of these tools in the classroom (12). A study by Agustin and

Tabotabo (2019) investigated the effects of using Grammarly on the writing performance of

Filipino college students. The study used a pre-test and post-test design, with a control group and

an experimental group. The experimental group used Grammarly while the control group did not.

The results of the study showed that the experimental group had significant improvement in their

writing performance compared to the control group, indicating the effectiveness of Grammarly in

improving writing skills among Filipino college students. (13) In another study by Bauson et al.

(2020), the researchers explored the use of Grammarly among engineering students in a

Philippine University. The study utilized a mixed-method approach, with a survey questionnaire

and in-depth interviews. The results of the study showed that Grammarly was effective in

improving the students' writing skills, particularly in identifying and correcting grammatical

errors. The study also found that students found the tool easy to use and helpful in improving

their writing performance. (14)


Chapter III


The goal of this study is to assess the impact of two educational software tools,

Grammarly and Canva, on class activities among APC College students. A descriptive research

design and purposive sampling will be used to recruit APC college students that necessitates the

usage of Grammarly or Canva. Pre- and post-use surveys will be used to collect data. Data will

be examined using statistical tools, and ethical issues will be taken into account. The study's

limitations will also be explored.

Research Methodology

This study's research approach will be descriptive, with APC College students utilizing

either Grammarly or Canva during class activities. Surveys will be used to collect data, which

will be examined using statistical tools to determine the impact of the software programs on

student participation and the quality of work generated.

Subjects/Respondents of the Study

The study aimed to evaluate the effects of Grammarly and Canva on APC college

students' class activities. A total of 100 participants were recruited from Asia Pacific College.

The participants were undergraduate students from various courses and academic levels,

including freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors. They were selected through convenience

sampling and were required to have basic computer literacy and proficiency in English.

Sampling Technique

For this study, purposive sampling will be used to select APC College students who are

enrolled in a writing or design class that requires the use of either Grammarly or Canva. The

researcher will work with instructors to identify potential participants who meet the specific

criteria for the study. This technique allows the researcher to select participants with experience

using the software programs in class activities. However, the findings may not be generalizable

beyond this population.

Research Instruments

This study's research tools will be surveys given to participants before and after they

utilize the software packages. The surveys will be designed in accordance with the study's goals

and will contain questions assessing the success of the software packages in increasing the

quality of student work and involvement in class activities. The surveys will be delivered online,

and the results will be examined with statistical tools. The use of surveys will allow for a

thorough evaluation of the software programs' performance in increasing the quality of student

work and involvement in class activities. The surveys will collect quantitative data, which will be

examined to determine the impact of the software applications on study participants.

Procedures of Data Gathering

For this study will involve purposive sampling of APC College students, who will

complete a pre-survey to assess their experience and attitudes towards the software programs.

They will use either Grammarly or Canva in their classes, after which they will complete a post-

survey to assess the effectiveness of the software in improving their work and engagement in

class activities. The responses will be analyzed using statistical software to determine the impact

of the software on the students. These procedures will ensure reliable and valid data collection,

accurately assessing the impact of the software on APC College students.

Statistical Treatment of Data

Descriptive statistics, such as mean, standard deviation, and frequency distribution, will

be used to analyze the pre- and post-survey data. A paired-samples t-test will be used to

determine if there is a significant difference between the pre- and post-survey results for each

software program.


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