اجابات اولي ثانوي

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‫ي‬ٛٔ‫ي اٌثب‬ٚ‫اٌصف اال‬

1 ُ‫رج اجبثٗ اِزحبْ سل‬ّٛٔ

Reading comprehension 6 marks
1. This text talks about ………..... .
a) the difficulties finding pilots in Egypt.
b) the problems women have had in finding jobs.
c) the inspirational determination of one woman.
d) the documentary which is important for many women.
2. The sentence which best summarises the final paragraph is ................ .
a) Watching the documentary will help you learn to fly.
b) Learning about Lotfia‟s life will help you create your own dreams.
c) Even if you cannot fly, you can still be famous.
d) Even though this woman is no longer alive, we can still learn a lot from her.
3. Lotfia Elnadi's achievements ……………… .
a) helped other Arab women to become pilots.
b) taught Arab women they will have problems learning to fly.
c) and her story were made into a film.
d) caused anger in the world of aviation.
4. Lotfia earned her pilot's licence …………..... .
a) when she was seventy. b) on her birthday in 1933.
c) before she was thirty years old. d) at the age of 95.
5. Lotfia Elnadi made the headlines ……………. .
a) winning a race to Alexandria. b) for flying alone in a race.
c) for crashing a plane in a race. d) coming second in a race to Cairo.
6. From the text, find the expression that means 'make it possible for someone.
a) opened doors for b) pursue her dream
c) overcome the difficulties d) continue to encourage
Translation 2 marks
7- We can read thousands of newspapers and magazines from around the globe
online. Subscribers get access to more than 7,000 of the world's top publications as
soon as they're available for free or according to the rules.
‫ي إٌى‬ٛ‫ص‬ٌٛ‫ ٌّىٓ ٌٍّشزشوٍٓ ا‬.‫اٌّجالد ِٓ جٍّغ أٔحبء اٌؼبٌُ ػجش اإلٔزشٔذ‬ٚ ‫ ٌّىٕٕب لشاءح آالف اٌصحف‬-a
.‫اػذ‬ٛ‫فمًب ٌٍم‬ٚ ٚ‫فش٘ب ِجبًٔب أ‬ٛ‫ساد فً اٌؼبٌُ ثّجشد ر‬ٛ‫ ِٓ أفعً إٌّش‬0777 ِٓ ‫أوثش‬
‫ي إٌى‬ٛ‫ص‬ٌٛ‫ ٌّىٓ ٌٍّشزشوٍٓ ا‬.‫اٌّجالد ِٓ جٍّغ أٔحبء اٌؼبٌُ ػجش اإلٔزشٔذ‬ٚ ‫ ٌّىٕٕب لشاءح ِئبد اٌصحف‬-b
.‫اػذ‬ٛ‫فمًب ٌٍم‬ٚ ٚ‫فش٘ب ِجبًٔب أ‬ٛ‫ساد فً اٌؼبٌُ ثّجشد ر‬ٛ‫ ِٓ أفعً إٌّش‬0777 ِٓ ‫أوثش‬
‫ي‬ٛ‫ص‬ٌٛ‫ ٌّىٓ ٌٍّشزشوٍٓ ا‬.‫اٌّجالد ِٓ جٍّغ أٔحبء اٌؼبٌُ ػجش اإلٔزشٔذ‬ٚ ‫ ٌّىٕٕب لشاءح ِالٌٍٓ اٌصحف‬-c
.‫اػذ‬ٛ‫فمًب ٌٍم‬ٚ ٚ‫فش٘ب ِجبًٔب أ‬ٛ‫ساد فً اٌؼبٌُ ثّجشد ر‬ٛ‫ ِٓ أفعً إٌّش‬0777 ِٓ ‫إٌى أوثش‬
‫ي إٌى‬ٛ‫ص‬ٌٛ‫ ٌّىٓ ٌٍّشزشوٍٓ ا‬.‫اٌّجالد ِٓ جٍّغ أٔحبء اٌؼبٌُ ػجش اإلٔزشٔذ‬ٚ ‫ ٌّىٕٕب لشاءح آالف اٌصحف‬-d
.‫اػذ‬ٛ‫فمًب ٌٍم‬ٚ ٚ‫فش٘ب ثحشٌخ أ‬ٛ‫ساد فً اٌؼبٌُ ثّجشد ر‬ٛ‫ ِٓ أفعً إٌّش‬0777 ِٓ ‫أوثش‬
‫لذ‬ٌٛ‫فش ا‬ٌٛ ٖ‫س‬ٚ‫٘زا ثذ‬ٚ .‫ًٍٔب‬ٚ‫اٌجٍغ إٌىزش‬ٚ ‫ً ػٍى اٌؼذٌذ ِٓ إٌبط اٌششاء‬ٙ‫ٍٔخ ِٓ اٌس‬ٚ‫ جؼٍذ اٌزجبسح اإلٌىزش‬.-8
.ً‫ال‬ٚ‫ٍه أ‬ٙ‫د ثبٌفبئذح ػٍى اٌّسز‬ٛ‫ذ ثبإلظبفخ إٌى خٍك ثٍئخ رٕبفسٍخ رؼ‬ٙ‫اٌج‬ٚ
a. E-commerce has made it easier for many people to buy and trade electronically.
This, in turn, saves time and effort in addition to creating a competitive climate that
benefits the producer first.
b. E-learning has made it easier for many people to buy and sell electronically. This,
in turn, saves time and effort in addition to creating a complete climate that benefits
the consumer first.
c. E-commerce has made it easier for many people to buy and sell electronically.
This, in turn, saves time and effort in addition to creating a competitive environment
that benefits the consumer first.
d. E-commerce has made it easier for many people to buy and sell electrically. This,
in turn, saves time and effort in addition to creating a competitive environment that
fits the consumer first.
Choose 16 m
1. We can no longer have confidence in the quality of the air we ……………….
a. breath b. breeze c. breathe d. breathing
2. My friend was given ……….….. by a medical doctor, to save his life.
a. CPR b. BCE c. DVD d. USA
3. You must leave immediately. You‟re in great ………………. here.
a. dangerous b. danger c. safe d. safety
4. It‟s illegal to use the fire alarm except in case of ……………….. .
a. fluency b. allergy c. frequency d. emergency
5- You …………….. eat too much salt.
a) should b) must c) shouldn't d) mustn't
6- When driving, you …………….. always stop at the red light.
a) should b) must c) shouldn't d) mustn't
7. I like reading ( inline – online – outline – offline ) posts about the advantages of
new technology on different websites.
8. I read an essay about the advantages and disadvantages of ( making – doing –
meeting – having ) technology in the house.
9. We had a fruitful discussion ( on – in – at – for ) how technology can improve
10- If you ……………….. the time of his arrival, please tell me.
a) knew b) know c) had known d) will know
11- If you stand on the table, it …………………. .
a) will collapse b) would collapse c) would have collapsed d) has collapsed
12. The teacher asked us to write a ( summarize – summer – summary – sumered ) of
Jane Eyre
13. We had a fruitful ( discuss – decisive – discussed – discussion ) on the new novel.
14. The committee ( agreed – disagreed – objected – praised ) strongly on our
opinion. They all opposed it.
15- At the age of seven, my parents ( are taking – were taking – took – take ) me to
16- He ( gave – was given – has given – had given ) a prize for a drawing of an
The novel 3m
1- How do you think Jim get to the fort?
2- Why do you think the fort is very important for captain
Smollett and his men?
3- do you think captain Smollett is a good captain and why?

Essay 3m

Healthy food
ٍٗ‫ٌىٓ سززُ اٌّحبسجٗ ع االخؽبء االِالئ‬ٚ ٗ‫اي جًّ فً اٌسٍبق صحٍح‬
‫ي‬ٛٔ‫ي اٌثب‬ٚ‫اٌصف اال‬
2 ُ‫رج اجبثٗ اِزحبْ سل‬ّٛٔ
Reading comprehension 7 marks
1. What is the main idea of the passage?
a) Thonis-Heracleion was explored in the year 2000 CE.
b) An exciting discovery in Egypt.
c) Important ports on the Mediterranean.
d) 97% of the site of Thonis-Heracleion could be explored.
2. The underlined word “erupted” in the second paragraph is similar in meaning to….. .
a) exploded b) blew c) broke down d) appeared
3. Thonis-Heracleion ……….. .
a) was a name of a famous archaeologist
b) is a modern Egyptian city
c) was an ancient Egyptian port city
d) was a French archaeologist
4. The baskets discovered in site of Thonis-Heracleion were filled with
fruit dating back to ……….. .
a) the year 2000 CE b) 79 AD
c) the third century BCE d) the fourth century BCE
5. Historians learned what the Romans ate due to finding ……….. dating
back to 79 AD.
a) a spoon b) grape seeds c) baskets of fruit d) bread
6. According to the article, which of the following is incorrect?
a) Achaeologists are likely to find many more inspiring objects in the future.
b) There was bread in the basket at Thonis- Heracleion.
c) Achaeologists could learn from everyday objects more than metal
objects and statues.
d) Archaeologists lifted many large statues and metal objects from the sea
at Thonis-Heracleion.
7. The underlined word this in the second paragraph refers to ……….... .
a) the astonishing discovery of the basket of fruit.
b) the remains inside the site.
c) the site of Thonis-Heracleion. d) an expensive metal.
Translation 2 marks
‫ٌّجٍخ اٌصٍفٍخ‬ٚ‫سح األٌؼبة األ‬ٚ‫ فً د‬.ْ‫الد اٌسبثمخ حممذ اٌشٌبظخ اٌّصشٌخ ٔجبحًب وجٍشًا فً اٌٍبثب‬ٛ‫ ِمبسٔخ ثبٌج‬-8
.‫ وجُ سٍذاد‬61+ ‫ص ثٍّذاٌٍخ ر٘جٍخ فً حذس‬ٛ‫ي الػجخ ِصشٌخ رف‬ٚ‫ أصجحذ فشٌبي أششف أ‬، 2727 َ‫ٌؼب‬
A. Like previous rounds, Egyptian sports have achieved a great deal of success in
Japan. At the 2020 Summer Olympics, Feryal Ashraf became the first Egyptian
player to win a gold medal in the women's +61kg event.
B. In comparison to previous rounds, Egyptian sports have achieved a great deal of
success in Japan. At the 2020 Winter Olympics, Feryal Ashraf became the first
Egyptian player to win a gold model in the women's +61kg event.
C. In comparison to previous rounds, Egyptian sports have achieved a great deal of
success in Japan. At the 2020 Summer Olympics, Feryal Ashraf became the second
Egyptian player to win a silver medal in the women's +61kg event.
D. In comparison to previous rounds, Egyptian sports have achieved a great deal of
success in Japan. At the 2020 Summer Olympics, Feryal Ashraf became the first
Egyptian player to win a gold medal in the women's +61kg event.
9 - Women stand side by side with men in making progress everywhere. Yet, do you
think that women can occupy jobs that have a risk factor as efficiently as men?
ٍٓ‫ ً٘ رؼزمذ أْ إٌسبء ٌّىٓ أْ ٌشغ‬، ‫ ٌزٌه‬.ْ‫ رمف اٌّشأح جٕجًب إٌى جٕت ِغ اٌشجً فً إحشاص اٌزمذَ فً وً ِىب‬-a
‫ي ػٍى ػبًِ خؽش ثىفبءح ِثً اٌشجبي؟‬ٛ‫ظبئف رٕؽ‬ٚ
ْ‫ ً٘ رؼزمذ أْ إٌسبء ٌّىٓ أ‬، ‫ِغ رٌه‬ٚ .ْ‫ رمف اٌّشأح جٕجًب إٌى جٕت ِغ اٌشجً فً إحشاص اٌزمذَ فً وً ِىب‬-b
‫ي ػٍى ػبًِ خؽش ثؼذَ وفبءح ِثً اٌشجبي؟‬ٛ‫ظبئف رٕؽ‬ٚ ٍٓ‫ٌشغ‬
ْ‫ ً٘ رؼزمذ أْ إٌسبء ٌّىٓ أ‬، ‫ِغ رٌه‬ٚ .ْ‫ رمف اٌّشأح جٕجًب إٌى جٕت ِغ اٌشجً فً إحشاص إٌصش فً وً ِىب‬-c
‫ي ػٍى ػبًِ خؽش ثىفبءح ِثً اٌشجبي؟‬ٛ‫ظبئف رٕؽ‬ٚ ٍٓ‫ٌشغ‬
ْ‫ ً٘ رؼزمذ أْ إٌسبء ٌّىٓ أ‬، ‫ِغ رٌه‬ٚ .ْ‫ رمف اٌّشأح جٕجًب إٌى جٕت ِغ اٌشجً فً إحشاص اٌزمذَ فً وً ِىب‬-d
‫ي ػٍى ػبًِ خؽش ثىفبءح ِثً اٌشجبي؟‬ٛ‫ظبئف رٕؽ‬ٚ ٍٓ‫ٌشغ‬
Choose 16 m
1. The body often ………………… to stress by becoming ill.
a. responds b. calls c. answers d. asks
2. She has an …………………. to cow‟s milk
a. alligator b. alacrity c. allergy d. energetic
3. The disease ………………… at least 120 people in England last year
a. saved b. rescued c. killed d. cured
4. There were four or five boxes …………….. toys and books.
a. containing b. consisting c. including d. sustaining
5- We …………….. to have different bins everywhere for food waste.
a) should b) must c) ought d) mustn't
6- There‟s a lot of dust on the bookshelf. You ……….. clean your room more often.
a) should b) must c) need d) have
7- He can borrow the money ……………..….. he pays it back tomorrow .
a) provided b) unless c) in case of d) without
8- He won't join the university ………….…..… he passes the exam.
a) unless b) but for c) in case of d) provided that
9. People have different views ( related – relating – relation – relationship ) to
10. The internet is the most useful invention if you need help ( at – about – for –
with ) your school work.
11. Hybrid vehicles use ( either – neither – each – both ) petrol and electricity to
drive the engine.
12- She fainted after she ( cook – was cooked – was cooking – had cooked ) the
13- After my car ( was mending – had been mended – has mended – had mended ), I
went shopping.
14. You should ( make – do – take – have ) a good reason for supporting her
15. Although they are twins, they are very ( differentiate – differ – duffer – different )
in personality.
16. He is a famous ( reader – authorized – author – router ) he writes great works.
The novel 2m
1- Why do you think captain Smollett want to find Ben Gun?
2- What was Jim's plan when he saw the little boat? Was his plan
successful in the end?

Essay 3m
What is the best invention that we have today
ٍٗ‫ٌىٓ سززُ اٌّحبسجٗ ع االخؽبء االِالئ‬ٚ ٗ‫اي جًّ فً اٌسٍبق صحٍح‬
‫ي‬ٛٔ‫ي اٌثب‬ٚ‫اٌصف اال‬
3 ُ‫رج اجبثٗ اِزحبْ سل‬ّٛٔ
Reading comprehension 6 marks
1. The general idea of the text is that .................... .
a) the possibility of working from home was discovered as a result of the pandemic
b) most people only find positive things about working from home
c) there are advantages and disadvantages to working from home
d) working at home allows you to eat your favourite meals
2. Which one is not an advantage of working from home mentioned in the text?
a) more time with family b) higher levels of productivity
c) more time to work d) increased feeling of well-being
3. Which one is not a disadvantage of working from home mentioned in the text?
a) headaches due to lots of screen time b) less social contact with colleagues
c) increased mental health problems d) higher cost of bills
4. The text says that the global pandemic increased internet use by nearly 50% ........ .
a) so people suffered mental health problems at home
b) as workers were encouraged to work from home
c) of offices closed as a result
d) to continue working in the office
5. The text says that the employees who had to work from home during the
pandemic said ................. .
a) they frequently ate too much
b) they enjoyed seeing their families more
c) they liked being able to work in informal clothes
d) they were frequently working a higher number of hours
6. Which expression in the text means 'very important'?
a) take into account b) play a vital role
c) a significant advantage d) need to be remembered
Translation 2 marks
7- If you want to achieve more success in life, you'll need a lot of determination.
So, if you fail at the beginning, never lose hope or give up.
ً‫ إرا فشٍذ ف‬، ‫ ٌزا‬.ٍُّ‫ فسزحزبج إٌى اٌىثٍش ِٓ اٌزص‬، ‫ إرا وٕذ رشغت فً رحمٍك اٌّضٌذ ِٓ اٌزمذَ فً اٌحٍبح‬.a
.‫ رسزسٍُ أثذًا‬ٚ‫ فال رفمذ األًِ أ‬، ‫اٌجذاٌخ‬
ً‫ إرا فشٍذ ف‬، ‫ ٌزا‬.‫ فسزحزبج إٌى اٌىثٍش ِٓ اٌّثبثشح‬، ‫ إرا وٕذ رشغت فً رحمٍك اٌّضٌذ ِٓ إٌجبح فً اٌحٍبح‬.b
.‫ رسزسٍُ أثذًا‬ٚ‫ فال رفمذ األًِ أ‬، ‫اٌجذاٌخ‬
ً‫ إرا فشٍذ ف‬، ‫ ٌزا‬.ٍُّ‫ فسزحزبج إٌى اٌىثٍش ِٓ اٌزص‬، ‫ إرا وٕذ رشغت فً رحمٍك اٌّضٌذ ِٓ إٌجبح فً اٌحٍبح‬.c
.‫ رسزسٍُ أثذًا‬ٚ‫ فال رفمذ األًِ أ‬، ‫اٌجذاٌخ‬
ً‫ إرا ٔجحذ ف‬، ‫ ٌزا‬.ٍُّ‫ فسزحزبج إٌى اٌىثٍش ِٓ اٌزص‬، ‫ إرا وٕذ رشغت فً رحمٍك اٌّضٌذ ِٓ إٌجبح فً اٌحٍبح‬.d
.‫ رسزسٍُ أثذًا‬ٚ‫ فال رفمذ األًِ أ‬، ‫اٌجذاٌخ‬
ِٓ ُٙ‫رّٕؼ‬ٚ ُٙ‫ٌز‬ٛ‫ُ ِٓ ؼف‬ِٙ‫ رشٍش ظب٘شح ػًّ األؼفبي إٌى اسزغالي األؼفبي فً ِخزٍف أشىبي اٌؼًّ اٌزً رحش‬-8
.ً‫أخاللٍب‬ٚ ً‫اجزّبػٍب‬ٚ ‫ُ جسذًٌب‬ٍٍٙ‫رؤثش ػ‬ٚ ‫اٌز٘بة إٌى اٌّذسسخ‬
A. Child labour refers to the exploitation of children in different forms of crime that
deprives them of their childhood, prevents them from going to school and affects
them psychologically, physically, socially and morally.
B. Child labour aims at the exploitation of children in different forms of work that
frightens them of their childhood, prevents them from going to school and affects
them physically, socially and morally.
C. The phenomenon of child labour refers to the exploitation of children in different
forms of work that deprives them of their childhood, prevents them from going to
gardens and affects them physically, socially, and economically.
D. The phenomenon of child labour refers to exploiting children in various forms of
work that deprives them of their childhood, prevents them from going to school and
affects them physically, socially, and morally.
Choose 16 m
1. My brother and I always had ……………… rooms.
a. despair b. desperate c. promising d. separate
2. Her forehead was ……………. with sweat.
a. vet b. wet c. shit d. net
3. It isn‟t yet known whether these chemicals are ……………… to humans.
a. dangerous b. fabulous c. fascinating d. attending
4. We were told to stay …………… as help was on the way.
a. calm b. claim c. column d. cattle
5- We ………….…. drop any food on the floor in the library.
a) needn‟t b) oughtn‟t c) shouldn't d) mustn't
6- I think you ……….. keep a person still if he or she has broken his or her arm.
a) ought b) must c) „d better d) shall
7. I ( had – would – did – could ) never be able to do my homework without the
8. By just a few ( clocks – clicks – cloaks – clauses ) on the mouse you can buy what
you want.
9. To operate this machine just press this ( desk – button – parton – bitty ).
10. We can also ( contact – communicate – connect – touch ) with your friends easily
through the internet .
11- If you go out, please ……………… me some cookies.
a) get b) will get c) would get d) would have got
12- ................................. he study hard, he will get high marks.
a) If b) Were c) Should d) Had
13. Charlotte Bronte's ( more – many – must – most ) famous book is Jane Eyre.
14. He was born into a very ( poor – wealth – wealthy – worthy ) family. They had a
great deal of money.
15. Jane was happy ( to go – go – going – gone ) to Lowood School.
16- As soon as my mother had arrived home, my father ( leaves – left – had left –
leaving )
The novel 3m
1- Why do you think Jim wanted to take down the flag of the
pirates from the ship?
2- What does a flag mean to the ship?
3-In what way can Hands help Jim?

Essay 3m
Modern technology in education
ٍٗ‫ٌىٓ سززُ اٌّحبسجٗ ع االخؽبء االِالئ‬ٚ ٗ‫اي جًّ فً اٌسٍبق صحٍح‬
‫ي‬ٛٔ‫ي اٌثب‬ٚ‫اٌصف اال‬
4 ُ‫رج اجبثٗ اِزحبْ سل‬ّٛٔ
Reading comprehension 7 marks
1. The main idea in the first paragraph is .................... .
a) different mental health problems
b) space exploration
c) the situations astronauts have to face in space
d) the depression the Russian astronaut had
2. Due to the different time in space, .................. .
a) many astronauts have heart diseases
b) a lot of astronauts face problems
c) all astronauts refuse to go to space
d) astronauts find it easy to sleep there
3. Those who want to work as astronauts have to ..................... .
a) accompany their families to avoid loneliness
b) make the time of the journey to planets such as Mars less
c) forget all about mental health
d) learn how to cope with stress
4. The underlined word “conditions” in the first paragraph is a synonym of ....... .
a) terms b) results c) causes d) circumstances
5. The underlined word “This” in the third paragraph refers to ............. .
a) International Space Station b) blue light
c) the different time d) the light of the moon
6. The astronauts of the future will surely have a lot more ............... than
they had in the past.
a) difficulties b) facilities c) time difference d) problems
7. In the future, mental health problems that astronauts could face are
likely to be ........... .
a) fewer b) more c) less d) the same
Translation 2 marks
8 -Burnout is a mental problem that affects more people today. Therefore, we must take some
rest to get rid of burnout, which affects the accuracy of the work we do.
‫ ٌزٌه ٌجت أخز لسػ ِٓ اٌشاحخ ٌٍزخٍص ِٓ اإلس٘بق اٌزي ٌؤثش ػٍى دلخ‬.ٌٍَٛ‫ اإلس٘بق ِشىٍخ ػمٍٍخ رؤثش ػٍى اٌّضٌذ ِٓ إٌبط ا‬.a
.ٗ‫َ ث‬ٛ‫اٌؼًّ اٌزي ٔم‬
‫ ٌزٌه ٌجت أخز لسػ ِٓ اٌشاحخ ٌٍزخٍص ِٓ اإلس٘بق اٌزي ٌؤثش ػٍى دلخ‬.ٌٍَٛ‫ اٌحشائك ِشىٍخ ػمٍٍخ رؤثش ػٍى اٌّضٌذ ِٓ إٌبط ا‬.b
.ٗ‫َ ث‬ٛ‫اٌؼًّ اٌزي ٔم‬
‫ ٌزٌه ٌجت أخز لسػ ِٓ اٌشاحخ ٌٍزخٍص ِٓ اإلس٘بق اٌزي ٌؤثش ػٍى دلخ‬.ٌٍَٛ‫ اإلس٘بق ِشىٍخ جسذٌخ رؤثش ػٍى اٌّضٌذ ِٓ إٌبط ا‬.c
.ٗ‫َ ث‬ٛ‫اٌؼًّ اٌزي ٔم‬
‫ ٌزٌه ٌجت أخز لسػ ِٓ اٌشاحخ ٌٍزخٍص ِٓ اإلس٘بق اٌزي ٌؤثش ػٍى وٍّخ‬.ٌٍَٛ‫ اإلس٘بق ِشىٍخ ػمٍٍخ رؤثش ػٍى اٌّضٌذ ِٓ إٌبط ا‬. d
.ٗ‫َ ث‬ٛ‫اٌؼًّ اٌزي ٔم‬
‫ْ شذٌذًا‬ٛ‫ٌى‬ٚ ‫ غبٌجًب ِب ٌشرجػ ثبٌؼضٌخ االجزّبػٍخ‬.ً‫و‬ٍٛ‫اٌس‬ٚ ‫س اٌفىشي‬ٛ‫ف اٌجٍئٍخ اٌزً رحفض اٌزؽ‬ٚ‫ غٍبة اٌظش‬ٛ٘ ً‫ اٌحشِبْ اٌجٍئ‬-9
.‫ٌذسجخ أٔٗ ٌسجت ثؼط األِشاض اٌؼمٍٍخ‬
A. Environmental deprivation is the result of environmental conditions that stimulate intellectual
and behavioural development. It is often associated with social isolation and may be so severe that
it causes social problems.
B. Environmental deprivation is the absence of emotional conditions that stimulate intellectual
and behavioural development. It is often associated with economic isolation and may be so severe
that it causes harmful diseases.
C. Environmental deprivation is the absence of environmental conditions that stimulate
intellectual and behavioural development. It is often associated with social isolation and is so severe
that it causes some mental illnesses.
D. Environmental deprivation is the presence of social conditions that stimulate intellectual and
behavioural development. It is often associated with social isolation and is so severe that it causes
mental illnesses.
Choose 16 m
1. Protestors threw stones at police, who …………….. with rubber bullets.
a. amended b. mended c. intended d. responded
2. Air ........................ has reached dangerous levels in some cities.
a. pollution b. population c. expression d. evacuation
3. The public was not aware of the …………… from nuclear tests in Korea.
a. endanger b. endangered c. dangerous d. danger
4. There were clouds of …………….. in the distance as the truck approached.
a. cluster b. master c. mystery d. dust
5- You …………….. talk when the teacher is explaining things to you.
a) should b) must c) oughtn‟t d) mustn't
6- I …………….. breathe here. Please, open the windows.
a) can‟t b) must c) shouldn't d) mustn't
7. GPS stands for Global ( Positioning – Positioned – Positional – positions )
8. The Chinese were the first to ( do – make – invite – give ) the invention of
papyrus .
9. What qualities shoud you have to ( make – be – do – invent ) a good inventor?
10. GPS helps you to ( navigate – investigate – magistrate – state ) your journey
from one place to another.
11- You ........................... get there in time unless you hurry.
a) won't b) couldn't c) wouldn't have d) can
12- If you hear any news, .............................. you let me know immediately?
a) would b) should c) can d) might
13. Jane decided to apply ( for – in – with – to ) join a job in teaching.
14. Haneen applied ( for – in – with – to ) writing for the new job.
15. All applicants should apply ( for – in – with – on ) the internet.
16- After the robbers ( arrested – had been arrested – arresting – are arrested ),
they were taken to jail.

The novel 2m
1- Do you thin Jim was right to cut the rope on the Hispaniola?why?.
2- Of course, I will sail the ship wherever you want to go? Did Hands
really help Jim? How?
‫‪Essay 3m‬‬
‫اي جًّ فً اٌسٍبق صحٍحٗ ‪ٌٚ‬ىٓ سززُ اٌّحبسجٗ ع االخؽبء االِالئٍٗ‬
‫ي‬ٛٔ‫ي اٌثب‬ٚ‫اٌصف اال‬
5 ُ‫رج اجبثٗ اِزحبْ سل‬ّٛٔ
Choose 10 m
1. Most people nowadays are aware of some of the …….. rules of healthy living.
a. basic b. base c. boss d. please
2. Restaurants are closed if they fail to maintain minimum standards of ……… .
a. sanitary b. hygiene c. hygienic d. healthy
3. Environmental groups want a total …………. on the dumping of nuclear
a. promotion b. prohibition c. cultivation d. proportion
4. Always wear ………. on your hands when gardening in order to protect them.
a. helmets b. socks c. gloves d. trousers
5- When you cook frozen food, you ....................... heat it to about 75°C or more.
a) need b) must c) ‘d like d) ought
6- We …………….. always cook chicken before we eat it.
a) should b) must c) shouldn't d) mustn't
7- If he ............................. late, we will go without him.
a) was b) were c) is d) can be
8- He won't catch the train if he .............................. soon.
a) didn't pack b) will not pack c) doesn't pack d) hadn't packed
9. I love travelling and ( inventing – exposing – discovering – looking ) new
cultures and meeting new people.
10. When you travel ( aboard – broad – board – abroad ) you should learn
foreign languages well.
dialogue 4 m
Yes, I have found one
Where is it?
How big is it?
I will come to see it.
Reading comprehension 8 marks
1 Which of these questions did the manager ask?
a Do you do volunteering?
b Can you do volunteering?
c Have you done any volunteering?
d Why don’t you do volunteering?
2 Which information did the manager find surprising?
a Ola helps a charity.
b Ola was wet.
c Ola is fluent in English.
d Ola likes weightlifting.
3 Why did the manager want to know if she had done any volunteering?
a Because he can’t pay her.
b To find out if she is a kind person.
c Because he works for a charity.
d Because he needs someone to work with children.
4 What is the main idea of the email?
a Ola knows she has got the job.
b Ola doesn’t know if she has got the job yet.
c Ola can’t get the job.
d Why Ola will start the job in a few days.
5 What does the underlined word it refer to?
a the tour guide b the job c the manager d the company
6 What do you think that disadvantaged means?
a rich b having problems c strong d voluntary
• 7- When was Ola’s interview?
• On tuesday
• 8 Do you think that Ola will get the job? Why/Why not?
• Yes, because the mnager was very happy with her
The novel 6m
1-Why did dr livesy leave the fort?
To meet ben gun and get the treasure
2- where did Jim find the boat?
By a white rock inside a tent made of animal
3-what did Jim give Hands?
Some water
4- Some of the …………… tried to climb the fence, but Joyce
shot two of them and one ran back to the trees
5- The pirates did not return that day, so we had time to eat
and look …………. the people who were hurt
6- At the end of the beach I climbed a hill. I could see the
Hispaniola , with the pirate ……………. flying in the wind.

paragraph 8 m
Write paragraph of 80 words about your dream job.
ٍٗ‫ٌىٓ سززُ اٌّحبسجٗ ع االخؽبء االِالئ‬ٚ ٗ‫اي جًّ فً اٌسٍبق صحٍح‬
Translation 4 m
ً‫اًِ اٌز‬ٛ‫ ٌؼزجش اٌزوبء االصؽٕبػً ِٓ أُ٘ اٌؼ‬.ً‫ْ ِخزٍفخ رّبًِب فً اٌّسزمج‬ٛ‫ف اٌؼًّ سزى‬ٚ‫ ٌؼزمذ اٌؼٍّبء أْ ظش‬.
.‫سزمًٍ ِٓ ػذد اٌؼبٍٍِٓ فً اٌّجبالد اٌّخزٍفخ‬
Without motivation in life, it is difficult to pursue inner happiness. Try to achieve
more success for yourself first try to achieve success.
‫ العطاء النتيجى النوائيى‬2 ‫ درجى ثم تقسم الدرجى علي‬04 ‫ يتم رصد االمتحان من‬: ‫ملحوظى هامى‬
‫ي‬ٛٔ‫ي اٌثب‬ٚ‫اٌصف اال‬
6 ُ‫رج اجبثٗ اِزحبْ سل‬ّٛٔ
Choose 10 m
1. Teachers have to …………………. love among pupils.
a. publish b. speared c. print d. remove
2. Don‟t …………….. with me – you know I‟m right.
a. urge b. rage c. enlarge d. argue
3. Anyone caught driving dangerously will automatically lose their
………….. .
a. lining b. credit c. thirst d. licence
4. You‟d better come in or you‟ll get ………………. .
a. witty b. pet c. wet d. wood
5- Drivers ……..…….. stop their cars when the traffic lights are red.
a) should b) must c) shouldn't d) mustn't
6- You ………………… drink this. It is poison.
a) shouldn't b) mustn't c) oughtn't d) needn't
7. You should have a good ( degree – grade – grid – label ) to get through
the final exam.
8. He was praised for the great project he had ( made – done – given –
taken ).
9. You should never share your ( personnel – personally – person –
personal ) information online.
10- I wouldn't be able to read if I ………………… my glasses.
a) lose b) lost c) will lose d) had lost
dialogue 4 m
1. I‟m hungry. / I‟m starving.
2. I want to eat an omelet.
3. Why not?
4. What about buying some eggs? / Would you like
me to go and buy some?
Reading comprehension 8 marks
A: Answer the following questions;
1. Give a suitable title to the passage.
Education in Finland ‫او اي اجابه اخري‬
2. Why is education successful in Finland?
They consider education itself to be the most important goal than
a way to get a well-paid job.
3. What does the underlined word "status" mean?
Good position
4. What does the underlined word "They" refer to
The Finns
5. Why are Finnish students happy?
There are no standardized national tests, which means they're not
under the pressure as other European students to get the highest
marks they can in all-important end-of-year exams
B: Choose the correct answer:
6. Finland doesn't spend .................... money on education.
d) some c) a little b) little a) much
7. The Finns .................... learning.
d) devalue c) neglected b) are respected a) value
8. Finnish teens dream of being .................... .
d) teachers c) vets b) engineers a) doctors
Islamic selections 6 marks
1- Honesty has implications in ………..... with others.
a) dealing b) speaking c) walking d) a & b
2- We ought to ……….... towards honesty in all aspects of our lives.
a) survive b) strive c) thrive d) arrive
3-Honesty in speech ………... telling the truth in all situations.
a) supplies b) memorize c) delays d) implies
1. What are honesty and truthfulness related to?
They are related to our deeds and actions
2. What are the essential virtues in Islamic teachings?
Honesty, sincerity, and goodwill are essential virtues in
Islamic teachings
3. What is plagiarism?
Plagiarism is taking someone else's work or ideas and
presenting them as our own.
paragraph 8 m
Write paragraph of 80 words about the role of women in the
ٍٗ‫ٌىٓ سززُ اٌّحبسجٗ ع االخؽبء االِالئ‬ٚ ٗ‫اي جًّ فً اٌسٍبق صحٍح‬
‫‪Translation 4 m‬‬
‫رزأثش اٌّشبسوخ ‪ٚ‬اإلٔزبجٍخ فً ِىبْ اٌؼًّ ثؼذح ػ‪ٛ‬اًِ‪ٔ .‬زٍجخ ٌزٌه ‪ ،‬ال ٌشؼش‬
‫اٌىثٍش ِٓ إٌبط ثبالٔخشاغ فً اٌؼًّ ػٕذِب ٌؼٍّ‪ ْٛ‬فً ثٍئخ غٍش ِٕبسجخ‪.‬‬
‫‪It is clear that the environment pollution has‬‬
‫‪affected greatly on climatic conditions‬‬

‫ملحوظى هامى ‪ :‬يتم رصد االمتحان من ‪ 04‬درجى ثم تقسم الدرجى علي ‪ 2‬العطاء النتيجى النوائيى‬
‫ي‬ٛٔ‫ي اٌثب‬ٚ‫اٌصف اال‬
0 ُ‫رج اجبثٗ اِزحبْ سل‬ّٛٔ
Reading comprehension 7 marks
1. The general idea of the text is ……......... .
a) that technology will continue to offer solutions for teachers and
b) that artificial intelligence will allow teachers to have more free time.
c) that jobs in the future are in danger as a result of artificial intelligence.
d) that teachers will have more work to do in the future.
2. According to the passage, AI can ……………. .
a) help students only. b) help teachers and students.
c) replace teachers. d) hinders teachers‟ productivity.
3. How does the text say AI can help teachers in the future?
a) It will allow them to create tests for students more quickly.
b) It will increase their productivity by taking on repetitive jobs.
c) It will allow teachers to enjoy new hobbies and interests.
d) It will mean they will get paid less as they will work less.
4. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage:
a) A lot of people are afraid that technology will replace them.
b) We should not depend on technology.
c) AI can reduce teachers‟ workloads.
d) Technology can help teachers to be more creative.
5. Learning Management Systems offer AI solutions which ……….. .
a) will replace many classroom teachers in the future.
b) might provide solutions to some teachers online.
c) will not be so effective for teachers who do not teach online.
d) can help online teachers with many of the things they need to do.
6. Which expression in the text means 'things you have to do every day'?
a) every other day b) needs c) day-to-day d) ever since
Translation 2 marks
.‫احزشاَ آساء اَخشٌٓ أٌعًب‬ٚ ‫ ٌّىٕه اٌزؼجٍش ػٓ سأٌه‬.‫ي اَخشٌٓ جبٔت ِزحعش ٌٍغبٌخ ٌجت أْ ٔزحٍى ثٗ جٍّؼًب‬ٛ‫ إْ لج‬.7
a. Accepting others is a highly civilised aspect that we all should have. You can
express your opinion and respect the opinions of others as well.
b. Accepting others are a highly civilised aspect that we all should have. You can
express your opinion and respect the opinions of others as well.
c. Accepting others is a highly civilised aspects that we all should have. You can
express your opinion and respect the opinions of others as well.
d. Accepting others is a highly civilised aspect that we all should be. You can
express your opinion and respect the opinions of others as well.
8-. In the labour market, experience alone is no longer the main factor that employers take
into consideration; there are work skills that are no less important than experience.
‫بساد ػًّ ال رمً أٍّ٘خ‬ِٙ ‫حذ٘ب ً٘ اٌؼبًِ اٌشئٍسً اٌزي ٌأخزٖ أصحبة اٌؼًّ فً االػزجبس ؛ ٕ٘بن‬ٚ ‫ ٌُ رؼذ اٌخجشح‬، ٌٍَٛ‫ق ا‬ٛ‫ فً س‬.a
.‫ػٓ اٌخجشح‬
‫بساد ػًّ ال رمً أٍّ٘خ‬ِٙ ‫حذ٘ب ً٘ اٌؼبًِ اٌشئٍسً اٌزي ٌأخزٖ أصحبة اٌؼًّ فً االػزجبس ؛ ٕ٘بن‬ٚ ‫ ٌُ رؼذ اٌخجشح‬، ًّ‫ق اٌؼ‬ٛ‫ فً س‬. b
.‫ػٓ اٌخجشح‬
ً‫بساد ػًّ ال رم‬ِٙ ‫حذ٘ب ً٘ اٌؼبًِ اٌشئٍسً اٌزي ٌأخزٖ أصحبة اٌؼًّ فً االػزجبس ؛ ٕ٘بن‬ٚ ‫ ٌُ رؼذ اٌزجبسة‬، ًّ‫ق اٌؼ‬ٛ‫ فً س‬. c
.‫أٍّ٘خ ػٓ اٌخجشح‬
‫بساد ػًّ رمً أٍّ٘خ‬ِٙ ‫حذ٘ب ً٘ اٌؼبًِ اٌشئٍسً اٌزي ٌأخزٖ أصحبة اٌؼًّ فً االػزجبس ؛ ٕ٘بن‬ٚ ‫ ٌُ رؼذ اٌخجشح‬، ًّ‫ق اٌؼ‬ٛ‫ فً س‬. d
.‫ػٓ اٌخجشح‬
Choose 16 m
1. Most people nowadays are aware of some of the …….. rules of healthy living.
a. basic b. base c. boss d. please
2. Restaurants are closed if they fail to maintain minimum standards of ……… .
a. sanitary b. hygiene c. hygienic d. healthy
3. Environmental groups want a total …………. on the dumping of nuclear
a. promotion b. prohibition c. cultivation d. proportion
4. Always wear ………. on your hands when gardening in order to protect them.
a. helmets b. socks c. gloves d. trousers
5- When you cook frozen food, you ....................... heat it to about 75°C or more.
a) need b) must c) ‘d like d) ought
6- We …………….. always cook chicken before we eat it.
a) should b) must c) shouldn't d) mustn't
7- If he ............................. late, we will go without him.
a) was b) were c) is d) can be
8- He won't catch the train if he .............................. soon.
a) didn't pack b) will not pack c) doesn't pack d) hadn't packed
9. I love travelling and ( inventing – exposing – discovering – looking ) new
cultures and meeting new people.
10. When you travel ( aboard – broad – board – abroad ) you should learn
foreign languages well.
11. He likes to cycle around town as he prefers to travel on ( cars – vans –
planes – two wheels ).
12- The bus ( was broken – broke – breaks – has been broken ) down suddenly
13- The play ( was performed – performed – was performing – performs )
without a break.
14. The ( housekeeper – orphan – tutor – nurse ) showed the guest to her room.
15. He was very (cruel – polite – strange – tender ). He was unkind and hurting
16. A ( governess – housekeeper – servant – maid ) is a person who works for
people in their house doing the housework.
The novel 3m
1- How do you think Jim get to the fort?
2- Why do you think the fort is very important for captain Smollett and
his men?
2- do you think captain Smollett is a good captain and why?

Essay 3m

ٍٗ‫ٌىٓ سززُ اٌّحبسجٗ ع االخؽبء االِالئ‬ٚ ٗ‫اي جًّ فً اٌسٍبق صحٍح‬
‫ي‬ٛٔ‫ي اٌثب‬ٚ‫اٌصف اال‬
8 ُ‫رج اجبثٗ اِزحبْ سل‬ّٛٔ
Reading comprehension 7 marks
1. The best title for the passage is ................. .
a) Mental health b) The effects of work on health
c) Work and productivity d) Creativity and productivity
2. According to the passage, we should ................. .
a) increase productivity according to the money we get
b) do extra work however tired we are
c) work even when we are exhausted to earn more and feel happier
d) work when we aren‟t exhausted to be productive and feel happier
3. The economist, Nolan Pope, ............... .
a) considered the relation between working hours and pay
b) stated that a person doing 70 hours a week could do the same amount of work as a
person doing 55 hours
c) studied the relation between the time of day and productivity
d) concluded that extra working hours do not increase productivity
4. People in Egypt work an average of nearly .............. hours a day, six days a week.
a) five b) seven c) nine d) eleven
5. Extra working hours do not ................. .
a) necessarily mean increasing productivity
b) mean getting extra pay
c) cause burnout
d) happen all over the world
6. According to the passage, working hours in Egypt are …….…… most other countries.
a) nearly the same as b) a lot fewer than
c) different from d) aren‟t like
7. A. People's productivity could decline after they work 50 hours a week. Decline is
an antonym of …………… .
a) agree b) increase c) decrease d) remove
8. The underlined word these in the fourth paragraph refers to ………… .
a) effects of work b) other studies c) certain times d) working hours
Translation 2 marks
‫األحٍبء‬ٚ ‫اؼٍٕٓ فً اٌّجزّؼبد األوثش احزٍبجًب فً اٌشٌف‬ٌّٛ‫ذف ِجبدسح "حٍبح وشٌّخ" إٌى رخفٍف األػجبء ػٓ ا‬ٙ‫ ر‬. 9
.‫ُ اٌّؼٍشٍخ‬ٙ‫ف‬ٚ‫رحسٍٓ ظش‬ٚ ‫زٖ اٌفئخ‬ٌٙ ‫ رسؼى ٘زٖ اٌّجبدسح إٌى ظّبْ حٍبح وشٌّخ‬.‫ائٍخ‬ٛ‫اٌحعشٌخ اٌؼش‬
A. The “Haya Karima” initiative hopes to alleviate burdens off citizens in the neediest
communities in Upper Egypt and urban slums. This initiative seeks to ensure a dignified
life for this category and to improve their living conditions.
B. The “Haya Karima” initiative aims to alleviate burdens off employees in the neediest
communities in the countryside and urban slums. This initiative is adopted to ensure a
dignified life for this category and to improve their living conditions.
C. The “Haya Karima” initiative aims to alleviate burdens off citizens in the neediest
communities in the countryside and urban slums. This initiative seeks to ensure a dignified
life for this category and improve their living conditions.
D. The “Haya Karima” initiative aims to alleviate burdens off citizens in the neediest
communities in the countryside and urban slums. This initiative is adopted to provide a
dignified life for this category and remove their living conditions.
10. Technology plays a vital role in modern lives and profoundly affects the course of human
civilisation. Technological advancement has made our lives easier and faster.
َ‫ ٌمذ جؼً اٌزمذ‬.‫رؤثش رأثٍشاً ػٍّمبً فً ِسبس اٌحعبسح اإلٔسبٍٔخ‬ٚ ‫ٌ ًب فً اٌحٍبح اٌمذٌّخ‬ٍٛ‫ساً ح‬ٚ‫جٍب د‬ٌٕٛٛ‫ رٍؼت اٌزى‬-a
.‫أسشع‬ٚ ًٙ‫جً حٍبرٕب أس‬ٌٕٛٛ‫اٌزى‬
َ‫ ٌمذ جؼً اٌزمذ‬.‫رؤثش رأثٍشاً ؼفٍفب فً ِسبس اٌحعبسح اإلٔسبٍٔخ‬ٚ ‫ٌ ًب فً اٌحٍبح اٌحذٌثخ‬ٍٛ‫ساً ح‬ٚ‫جٍب د‬ٌٕٛٛ‫ رٍؼت اٌزى‬-b
.‫أسشع‬ٚ ًٙ‫جً حٍبرٕب أس‬ٌٕٛٛ‫اٌزى‬
َ‫ ٌمذ جؼً اٌزمذ‬.‫رؤثش رأثٍشاً ػٍّمبً فً ِسبس اٌحعبسح اإلٔسبٍٔخ‬ٚ ‫ٌ ًب فً اٌحٍبح اٌحذٌثخ‬ٍٛ‫ساً ح‬ٚ‫جٍب د‬ٌٕٛٛ‫ رٍؼت اٌزى‬-c
.‫أسشع‬ٚ ًٙ‫جً حٍبرٕب أس‬ٌٕٛٛ‫اٌزى‬
َ‫ ٌمذ جؼً اٌزمذ‬.‫رؤثش رأثٍشاً ػٍّمبً فً ِسبس اٌحعبسح اٌجبٍٍ٘خ‬ٚ ‫ٌ ًب فً اٌحٍبح اٌحذٌثخ‬ٍٛ‫ساً ح‬ٚ‫جٍب د‬ٌٕٛٛ‫ رٍؼت اٌزى‬-d
.‫أسشع‬ٚ ًٙ‫جً حٍبرٕب أس‬ٌٕٛٛ‫اٌزى‬
Choose 16 m
1. Teachers have to …………………. love among pupils.
a. publish b. speared c. print d. remove
2. Don‟t …………….. with me – you know I‟m right.
a. urge b. rage c. enlarge d. argue
3. Anyone caught driving dangerously will automatically lose their ………….. .
a. lining b. credit c. thirst d. licence
4. You‟d better come in or you‟ll get ………………. .
a. witty b. pet c. wet d. wood
5- Drivers ……..…….. stop their cars when the traffic lights are red.
a) should b) must c) shouldn't d) mustn't
6- You ………………… drink this. It is poison.
a) shouldn't b) mustn't c) oughtn't d) needn't
7. You should have a good ( degree – grade – grid – label ) to get through the final
8. He was praised for the great project he had ( made – done – given – taken ).
9. You should never share your ( personnel – personally – person – personal )
information online.
10- I wouldn't be able to read if I ………………… my glasses.
a) lose b) lost c) will lose d) had lost
11- If I can't sleep at night, I ………………… an aspirin.
a) take b) would take c) might take d) took
12. I ( will go – had gone – would go – did go ) along with you have said .
13. Your talk is right and I agree with it. I ( can't – don't – couldn't – will not ) agree
14. Mr. and Mrs. Osman employed a ( governess – housekeeper – servant – maid ) to
teach their children at home.
15- What had you done ( until – till – after – before ) you came to school this
16- Where ( did you live – have you lived – had you lived – will you live ) before you
moved to your home?
1- What does a flag mean to the ship?

Essay 3m

ٍٗ‫ٌىٓ سززُ اٌّحبسجٗ ع االخؽبء االِالئ‬ٚ ٗ‫اي جًّ فً اٌسٍبق صحٍح‬

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