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Organizing ideas

1. What kind of place is Dollars?

DOLARES is a quite beautiful street, of the entire community I feel that it is the
most beautiful street, the people are mostly calm and you always receive a nice
smile from each one of them, everyone takes care of their homes and respects the
spaces of others.

2. What kind of people live there?

I feel that the majority of people are very hard-working and I have come to see
that when someone needs some kind of help, everyone is willing to help, there are
all ages and all the houses are made up of families, there is no one who lives alone.

3. What can you do there?

In reality, we all do different activities, despite supporting each other, everyone is

with their family and has their meetings within them, what we do among all of us
is that every year at Christmas we hold street posadas, where we all cooperate and
we make a beautiful party for children and adults.

4. What are the bad points?

As I had already mentioned, there are people who are not so calm and have their
personal problems, especially a neighbor who got out of jail a few years ago and
since he arrived there have often been problems and the police even come to
control him.

5. Overall opinion?

I love my street, I have always felt safe there, the neighbors are the same as when I
was a child, I don't talk to everyone but in general I am very happy with the place
where I live.

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