Fgb-Mins-24 01 18

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Present: Matt Adkin Mark Bowring, (Chair) Lucinda Curtis, Matthew Ewens, Colin Kemp, Sally
King, Michaela Luckett, Jo Miller (Vice-Chair) Vanessa Russell, Rob Stanton, Jenny Stiff (DHT),
Paul Tanner, Dan Turvey (Head Teacher), Giles Walter
Clerk: Jan Davies

1. Opening Prayer – GW opened the meeting with a prayer and a reading.

2. Apologies for absence – Received and approved from Roy Bullock.
3. Declaration of business interests – None declared.
4. Update from Head Teacher- At the meeting Governors were provided with a written update
outlining the actions arising from the recent Ofsted inspection and SIAMS inspection. Ofsted
had been impressed with the SEF and there was little to add in terms of new actions because
the school had already evaluated what actions should be taken.
Ofsted Action 1
The new keep up not catch-up strategies were in place for all year groups. Yr 6 have different
types of interventions running during the week to ensure that children are keeping up.
New writing targets have been introduced which will be monitored closely to ensure
consistency across the year groups. Teachers had responded to Ofsted recommendations
which is evidenced in children’s books. The English subject leader had shared different
activities with the staff which could be adapted to be age appropriate.
The maths subject leader and another teacher had participated in a long-term project with Kent
Maths Hub to raise standards in Maths.
Staff participating in Achievement for All (AFA) programme with learning conversations taking
place with specific parents of nominated pupils with the aim that parents and teachers work
Action 2
Leadership & Management – Tracking progress of low, middle and high attaining children
through to Y6 as a whole year group. Teachers will record their class data in March and whole
year group tracking will commence after that.
SLT have introduced a more personalised PDM programme with teachers being asked what
they would like to see in these twilight sessions.
Subject leaders participated in joint moderation sessions with LCT colleagues and MLT were
meeting on a more regular basis.
CPD for all new Middle and senior staff was in place with individual staff involved I quality
external training courses.

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AFA has a financial impact on the school’s budget, how will the school monitor the children
taking part in the project to ensure that it is cost effective? 42 children were involved this year
with additional children taking part next year. Progress was tracked on a termly basis to ensure
that those children were at least making expected levels of progress.

On the joint moderation sessions with other schools had there been any general findings as to
how St John’s were assessing children compared with other schools? English, maths and
science compare favourably, and the school’s moderation is in line with what other schools are

Regarding the development of the MLT how does the school plan this as there are financial
implications with regard to the training budget? The DHT is currently undertaking training which
will help her to support the development of the MLT. The School does have to be mindful of
the cost of training as there are supply cost implications which add to the total cost.

How much more can the School gain from the MLT? The training provided last year by Darren
Elsom empowered them to undertake next steps which involved them in strategic decision

Action 3
Early Years outdoor area – Governor support will be required when the School sets its budget
for the new financial year to enable the development of the EY to provide high quality learning
opportunities. In depth plans are being drawn up by EY staff for this development which will be
submitted to the FGB for approval.

Was Ofsted’s view that this was a physical issue or was it about the children being outside
more? Children needed to be more focused in their outdoor learning e.g. being engaged in
outdoor activities that would inspire boys writing.

Action 1 – not separating what the School perceived as Christian values from the School’s
own values. The HT was mindful that the SIAMS process is changing in September 18 and
they would be moving away from the emphasis on school values and more on how people live
their lives. The HT would be attending training in March and would report changes to the FGB.
Action 2 – RE and worship displays needed to be separate to ensure that everyone
understood they were different activities. Some changes have been made already by staff and
this will continue to be monitored by the RE subject leader.
Action 3 – Widening the active participation of pupils in collective worship has resulted in
children who were not leading lights leading and helping in assemblies.

LC congratulated the School on their successful SIAMS inspection report and was pleased that
it had had such a successful outcome.

Update on Pupil Progress – PPMs are now carried out as a year group to enable SLT better
to identify solutions. The purpose is to identify those children who are not on track to make the

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expected progress that they should and to determine what measures need to be taken to
improve progress. Governors were provided with summary data across all year groups up to
the end of November17. Predicted outcomes at the end of Term 6 are lower than originally
predicted as staff generally exercise caution when assessing at the beginning of the academic

What does exceeding mean? – These are children who are working at Greater Depth (GD) or
exceeding age-related expectations.
How can Governors monitor progress throughout the year? – The Teaching & Learning
Governor should carry out book looks with SLT to see evidence of progress. The DHT will
email governors with dates.

5. Strategy Team – The Team had met on the 17th January and Governors received a copy of
the draft minutes, together with the suggested revised Governor Action Plan and Strategic Risk
Register for approval by the FGB. The suggested changes to both documents were approved
by the FGB. The Strategy Team had considered how governors could be more proactive in
linking their monitoring priorities to the SIP. The HT was in the process of adding relevant
governor names/groups to specific actions identified in the Plan which would provide a
monitoring focus for Governors. As actions were identified to take place in specific terms
Governors would know when their monitoring visits needed to take place in a timely way to
enable their reports to be tabled at FGB meetings. This would give Governors ownership and
responsibility for arranging their own monitoring visits with the lead professional.

The minutes contained an update on the Long-Term School Strategic Plan (LTSSP) which had
also been circulated to Governors prior to the meeting.

In addition, the Vice-Chair will lead a working party who will focus on reviewing/improving
communication with all stakeholders. RS/VR/LC will join the group. Feedback to be given at
the next FGB meeting.

What is the strategy as regards the review of the School’s IT? The IT working party were
putting together a costed plan for upgrading or adding to the school’s current IT equipment
including upgrading of smartboards. The plan would be made available for consideration by
the FGB finance monitoring group when finalising the new 3YP.

6. Monitoring Group Reports – The Finance Monitoring report was taken under Agenda item 9

7. Monitoring Priorities for Term 4 – Monitoring roles including those for new governors had
been firmed up at the last FGB. The CofG to link up with the DHT as the link governor for
quality of teaching.

8. Chair and Vice-Chair actions – The V-C and two other governors had met to update the
Complaints Policy which will be tabled for approval at the next FGB meeting. LC wanted to
explore the possibility of having a database of documents on Dropbox to support Governors
with the updating of policies. LC/CK to meet with Clerk.

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9. 9-month statutory monitoring return – A finance monitoring visit had been carried out and a
report circulated to governors prior to the meeting. The position as at December 17 showed an
in-year deficit forecast at year end of £43,322 down from £57,795 when the budget was set,
with a final outturn surplus of £91,150 up from £76,677. The capital budget showed a year end
deficit of £34,972 which related to the loan the school had taken out for the kitchen extension.
Revenue savings were due in part to an overall reduction in staffing costs and more in-house
staff training. Further savings had been made in the running of the Early Birds Breakfast Club
as the catering was now done in house.

10. New Behaviour Policy – due to the number of changes to this Policy in order to build
consistency in its implementation thus making it easier to follow, the DHT provided a short
presentation to Governors outlining the differences which relate to sanctions and rewards.
Following consultation with children and staff a new behaviour chart had been drawn up which
was shared with Governors.

A new on-line rewards system has been introduced called Class Do Jo which is very visual,
and rewards can be given for a specific reason, e.g. school values so that children know what
they are being rewarded for. Any member of staff can award points and these are linked to the
School’s House system. Feedback from both children and staff has been positive.

The School’s Certificates which are awarded to children have been tweaked so that they are
now rewarded for school values as well as growth mindsets.

11. Approval of Policies – Governors unanimously approved the new Behaviour Policy. The
Medical Needs Policy is due for approval by the FGB and will be tabled at the March FGB
meeting. Governors were informed that the following policies, which did not require FGB
approval, were now in place and copies placed on Governor Dropbox.
- Collective Worship Policy
- Visiting speakers and external groups Policy

12. Governor Training – The Clerk had attended updated training on Managing Appeals and
Hearings including exclusions and complaints and provided a written report to the T&D
governor. Other training due to be attended included Governor Briefing, on-line safety, outdoor
learning, monitoring visits, Governance and Admissions and HT Appraisal training.

13. Minutes of last FGB meeting – The minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed by
the Chair as a true record.

14. Matters arising – All actions arising from the last meeting had been completed.

15. AOB – Catering Contract- The School’s Catering contract ends on the 31st July and in order
to comply with KCC Procurement procedures the process of tendering needs to begin by the
end of January. The full value of the contract would be in the region of £190,000 and the SBM
asked Governors for their approval in using B4Schools (B4S) to carry out the tendering process
on the School’s behalf. She had consulted with other local schools who had used B4S and had

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received positive feedback on their professionalism and ability to see the tendering process

What control was there around the quality of meals? B4S would continue to monitor the
contract after it was awarded.
Would current staff be TUPE’d – Yes.
How did B4S make their money? – B4S add a percentage to the contract which would
equate to approximately 2p per meal.

Governors unanimously agreed that the School should use B4S to carry out the tendering
process for a new catering contract.

The letter which a parent had sent to some governors had been dealt with by the HT using
stage 2 of the school’s complaints policy.

Governors were informed that the cold-water tank needed urgent repair/replacing and there
was a leak in one of the hot water tanks. The AEO and KCC Property Services had been
informed and the school was awaiting a report and cost of repairs. Primary Schools were
required to meet the first £7,500 cost of any repairs/replacement and the SBM was in talks with
the relevant departments to allow the School to waive this cost in view of the submission of a
Deficit Recovery Plan. She will update governors via email.

Actions regarding the Shared Community Area will be tabled at the next FGB meeting.

16. Confidential Items – None


Meeting closed at 8.25pm

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Governor actions
Agenda No Action Lead Governor
4 Email governors with dates for book looks DHT
5 Update GAP and RR as approved by FGB Clerk
5 Set up working party who will focus on Vice-Chair
reviewing/improving communication with all
stakeholders. RS/VR/LC will join the group.
Feedback to be given at the next FGB meeting.

7 Arrange to meet with DHT re quality of teaching Chair

8 Complaints Policy to be finalised and tabled at Vice-Chair
March FGB
15 Shared community area update – add to March FGB SBM/Clerk

SIGNED: M Bowring Date: 20.03.18

Chair of Governors

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