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Basic Parts of a Business Letter:

1. **Letterhead**: Includes the company's logo, name, address, and contact information.

2. **Dateline**: Date when the letter is written. Using abbreviations is not allowed.

3. **Inside Address**: Recipient's name, title, company name, and address.

4. **Salutation**: Greeting to the recipient (e.g., "Dear Mr. Smith," or "To Whom It May Concern,").

5. **Body of the Letter**: Main content of the letter, organized into paragraphs.

6. **Complimentary Close**: Polite closing phrase (e.g., "Sincerely," "Best regards,").

7. **Signature Line**: Space for the sender's name and title.

8. **Written Signature**: Handwritten signature of the sender.

Optional Parts of a Business Letter:

1. **Attention Line**: Indicates the specific recipient within the organization if the letter is not
addressed to the main recipient.

2. **Subject Line**: Briefly summarizes the content or purpose of the letter.

3. **Identification Initials/Reference Initials**: Author's initials or other reference codes. Used when
you have others write the letter for you.

4. **Enclosed Reference**: Mentions documents or items enclosed with the letter.

5. **Copy Notation**: Indicates if copies of the letter are sent to other parties. 2 types. Carbon (CC) and
Blind Carbon (BCC). The difference between the two is that CC is indicated on the main letter and every
duplicate meanwhile BCC is only indicated on the copies.

6. **Mailing Notation**: Special instructions for mailing or handling the letter (e.g., "Certified Mail,"
"Personal and Confidential").
[Your Company Letterhead]

XYZ Consulting Services

123 Business Street

Metropolis, State 54321

Phone: (555) 123-4567


[Dateline: February 22, 2024]

[Inside Address]

Ms. Emily Brown

ABC Industries

789 Corporate Avenue

Cityville, State 67890


Dear Ms. Brown,

[Body of the Letter: Concise example - "Thank you for considering our proposal."]

[Complimentary Close]

Best regards,

[Written Signature: Your handwritten signature]

[Signature Line]

John Smith

Director of Operations
[Optional Parts:]

Attention Line: Attention: Human Resources Department

Subject Line: Proposal for Marketing Campaign

Identification Initials/Reference Initials: JS/EB

Enclosed Reference: Enclosed please find the marketing plan.

Copy Notation: CC: Mr. Michael White, CEO

Mailing Notation: Urgent: Please reply by March 1st, 2024.

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