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Republic of the Philippines

Region 1
Province of La Union
Municipality of Luna
Barangay Pila

Office of the Punong Barangay


Punong Barangay
Barangay Fiesta
Pila, Luna, La Union
April 20, 2024


Off-raid Riders La Union

Dear Sir,

I hope this letter finds you in great spirits. As we gear up for the much-anticipated
Barangay Fiesta on May 2, 2024, at 8:00 am, we are thrilled to extend an invitation to
Off-raid Riders La Union to participate in our Endurocross Exhibition, an electrifying
highlight of our festivities.

Our annual Barangay Fiesta brings together our vibrant community for a day of
celebration, camaraderie, and entertainment. This year, we aim to elevate the
excitement with an exhilarating Endurocross Exhibition, showcasing the adrenaline-
pumping skills of riders against the backdrop of our festive atmosphere.

We believe that the participation of Off-raid Riders La Union would significantly enhance
the appeal of our event and provide an unforgettable experience for our attendees. Your
expertise and passion for motorcycling would undoubtedly captivate our audience and
contribute to the success of our Barangay Fiesta.

We cordially invite Off-raid Riders La Union] to join us on May 2, 2024, at 8:00 am, to
showcase your talent and passion for motorcross. Your presence would not only enrich
our event but also offer valuable exposure to your brand within our community.

Please let us know at your earliest convenience if you can participate in our Endurocross
Exhibition. We are more than happy to discuss any specific requirements or
arrangements to ensure a seamless and enjoyable experience for all involved.

Thank you for considering our invitation. We eagerly anticipate the possibility of
collaborating with you and making our Barangay Fiesta an unforgettable celebration.

Warm regards,

Hon. Delmer C. Nitura

Punong Barangay

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