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1. A(7*6) matrix, find the Rank of A?

2. Z COS(1/Z), residue at z=0, IZI=1
3. Sinh z/z^3, residue at z=0,IzI=1
4. After getting INTA , what cpu does?
5. Page replacement question(FIFO,OPTIMAL)
6. Why is it called optimal page replacement algo,
7. Curvature of a given equation,
8. F(x)=2x, 0<=x<=2, 0 otherwise, find E(x)?
9. How many binary strings possible of length 8 with exactly 5 1s’
10. 50% of length 1/8cm ,30% of 1/4cm, 20% of 3/4cm sticks are there.10 sticks are chosen at
random then find the probability of getting 5 1/8cm sticks, 4 1/4cm sticks and 1 3/4cm stick
11. 5-6 questions on oops theory concept(class,abstraction,objects etc.)
12. Main memory size of 128kb with cache of size 512bytes. If the line size is 32bytes then find
tag bit if direct mapping is used
13. Line integration question on complex variable
14. Spatial aptitude question(3)
15. Error check and sentence arrangement
16. Tuple t1 is deleted from relation r1. If t1 has 4 references in r2 and r2 has 16 references in r3
then how many extra tuple will be deleted overall
17. Data structure used in round robin
18. Advantages of pipeline
19. Advantages of Shortest job first
20. Which is true- subset and superset among NP,P,NP HARD, NP COMPLETE
21. Which languages are CFL
22. Charcteristics of DFA
23. Right sequence to find sector in a disk
24. 8086 microprocessor question(theory)
25. If interrupt is disabled then can mutual exclusion be achived for
26. Normalization can be achived - single/joined/multi dependent relation?
27. Which algo uses memorization (dp,greedy,divide and conqure)
28. Algo to find shortest path to all vertex- bellman/dijkastra/Floyd warshal
29. Acylic connected unweighted graph of n vertex has ---- edges
30. Preorder of bst is given then find the postorder traversal
31. Labelled traversal of tree is also called as ----
32. Sagement reassembles at ---
34. Header structure was given , find what is it—udp/tcp/ipv4
35. In the context of DNS, what does MX(mail exchange) means
36. is n/w id then find DBA

PS:- 1. Above questions are memory based

2. No further clarification will be provided regarding above questions

3. please excuse me for spelling, grammar and stuff

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