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Instructions: Identify the stage of information processing being described in each scenario.

1. In a lively debate, Sarah tunes out surrounding chatter and focuses solely on the
arguments being presented.
2. Jack is studying for his French exam and employs a technique of visualizing scenarios
related to each new vocabulary word to enhance his memory retention.
3. Months after her history class, Emily is asked to recall specific historical events from a
particular era.
4. Thomas is trying to remember a list of mathematical formulas and repeats them to
himself several times to keep them fresh in his mind.
5. While reading a challenging text, Maria focuses on extracting the main themes rather
than getting bogged down by minutiae.
6. Oliver is trying to recall the steps of a complex scientific experiment he learned last
7. Sarah studied for her math test all night, but when she takes the test the next day,
she can't remember any of the formulas.
8. In preparation for a geography quiz, Lucas visualizes maps and mentally places
countries in their correct locations.
9. During a lecture, Ethan actively directs his attention to the speaker's voice, blocking
out distractions in the environment.
10. Sophia effortlessly recalls relevant information from various sources to support her
arguments while writing an essay.

1. Content (25%)
 The speech effectively captures the essence of the original piece, with thorough
understanding and insight. The message is clear and compelling, engaging the
audience throughout.
2. Delivery (25 %)
 The speaker's delivery is confident, articulate, and well-paced. They effectively use
vocal variety, gestures, and facial expressions to enhance their message and engage
the audience.
3. Memorization (20 %)
 The speaker demonstrates complete mastery of the material, delivering the speech
without any reliance on notes or prompts. Their delivery is natural and fluid,
enhancing the impact of the performance.
4. Overall Effect (30 %)
 The speech leaves a lasting impression on the audience, effectively conveying the
emotions and message of the original piece. The speaker connects with the audience
on a deep level, eliciting strong emotional responses and engagement.

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