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Quest on Paper, CLL Explain A\pha-Bela Tree search & cade RE - Yocedure | i i 0. s Pruning means Cutoll ln game search ib ‘resembles lo clipping a branch in the i Is on ‘0 _ Prnidfaly i ~ At any chhice pain clang tae path for Maz is Considered at the value af the beat Po ible choice found te highest LNalue + for each “set if x" ig porte be \esstr Nalue than vidlue dhen, piax wlll IN) i . ar ‘ ‘3 L | Foor MEN: _ + & B pruning i an ex aber lon 7 moiarmax + ma voc eI S @ ons @ach Ven ode of ~ ee = only fhe isp nodet for quality oukpad are Con ¢idertil fn decision akin 4d 1 CUO e in i “cthe seavch 4 more © PRiclent- - - ing. Ke 8 r o! . | tree hich Contribude in tmproulnd - dhe quality ot the vesuld scemating pers —_- ot Hoe dee ave nernoved « or = consider Pre. Pollowing Game pee to - for cohich we have do calralate min- ma vane, Por roe node 7 FOR EDUCATIONAL USE @ scanned with OKEN Scanner J of xeod he e = — 7, Piaime - 6 Ww l> rly 7 max Cr ® : ee a cacy SH A a Xs P- a € 1 %, Xa>- 33 ova AAO > il 28 6 A. 6, Je} us see hor Fo ak ep ep MAK 6 (cod » tod * ff. Zt < FTN. Y4 a pate Goh M4) ; 4 00 4) hey rH : VY 4 to —& -lriax ACen 4) pray CoA FO) (bea (4.13), hon Nea) fru Neen) ¥ Faq Ae 4—w—¢ lo 6 re FOR EDUCATIONAL USE @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ; \ssued 1 DE Addressed for So ming eXpd efPicient|4 2 Explain the soludans 46 4 ene : Erpclend Solving of Fse touolved add resin Several key {scte) : v uw, t Fier supe: Prom lack of reliable te \oeQ + Srvludion! Lqoxt Xperi fan i208 to — improve data _quadits, & slaticdical Significance Nas Con Anitynduce bes ac con found fay ‘ ’ * aye 0 1 Nave} Ader mein, 7 Sola \ iw , Mond rleadlan sand cantrals do enaire the- joes icky of dhe experimental’ desig 3: Perl abdlity i Many Ese studiey Struggle _soidh yep \t gre euatente dieticutt do nealidate Plndings : a\Ps9 ee “rreplicuds sudl providing Aedailed prodocela & staring dada openty to Posder drain peretey & Co boradion i’ the clerhiBie cannnouny. Ay Poycholeg ical Factor? 3 = parti ipant belies , expackatient & motivations can motivations Cun influence FSP gubromel: Pee eee FOR EDUCATIONAL USE @ scanned with OKEN Scanner “ 9 y Sol Contre! for pov i oe Careful poscod are eg, & sha . | to account Pox : — | ~& ai p_deterth Facet [S-skep sea Re Biat_t- FSP repHclsm & bod. fiom bodh_sclendistt & the Ideneral | ics hindering eee & Pwd ples ae 2 in _opem beac publish | wesulte wn “vepatabje —f 28 fournals,— & adept o male discipling — Taease ho address Skeptic Spee throug h diverse Perspectives & imet}hodoleg tek. Explain in ca Ane concep f OF jets backtracking _k con tva'ind = ropaqadton & salve ther N=queent problena olny ‘theoe culyorishnn. 47 Qo. atin wn are hoth’ techatued used. in" problem sol ts lacs} in _constralad sradte Packt on. Problere. f es epee ae Rack4@acketny 1S a ycherscitlc way OR _Seamchtay Poy Y Solupond fo a ‘pra blen by sayy: GiePevend paths, & if o path “dees nad’ lead “too Tsol®, ik bares up & Aries a__difPerend ene, Seb i OF er used IN problemas oo ere Ore mult decision Paints & nod oth combinations FOR EDUCATIONAL USE @ scanned with OKEN Scanner | The elt 1 [S_soludian butld incrementally «ane. piece daty if at any Poin id ‘hecameg Clear Trad ne Current + ath soil! nod lead do. Nalid solution bath track to the lad decision Poind dry di lCerent SpA B- Con Avalnd Pro oqadion SA Constralint prupoaadion involve! using Constrolnd's to “reduce the search space of Possible solutions. Constraint ave wuleg that rucd he Sati sfle. Por a Soludion Ao be Naltd, Bu enforel ng trege constraints U propogady'ng thet ePPecks ide Po able to elimina e = corkatn Combi inadion’ OF Nariable? Por waluep Ind king cHhe _problenn eaer to sawes ' 4 Tn constraind’ ProPoga tion, edhen’a Nariable 7 Parr a_Nalue the tconstrains are used - update the domains of ddhor Navlables alinliadng NralweS yo de ave ho longer con gl stand wth che Chactal nh - R- Queen > Prob learn La The’ N- Queen Problems Tauolued plutng - N queens art oan Nxn Chee echoued uch — “ot _“LSaxh that no Arion queen Achweaten each - Arner. This means that ing dyno quee - Share the same Ww! column of didgana - FOR EDUCATIONAL USE @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Algorictthrs 3 Ds Start with an empty hoaed + . : dev Place a queen 19 The Pivsd Os Colureny by ColUnr oe fo 3). TP a queen Canned be placed’ ustthoad Nivlating Ahe consdratnds , backtrack to Fhe previous Yow & dey placing He queen In difPerent eolursn, Unt] all Jdeens ae Placed A. Conknne PHS procets or unk! “ne wald Posihdne awe JePd.. TP all queens cre -SuccereAully placed, the sol” S). ts and. otherwise, there [Sno soliton: 4b). Wate A Short Rote on Monte Carla Tree Search Nenttattons. Q Vist its — Monte Carlo Tree search Cmers) to a probabitish'c & hearts driven search Al Qor] then. rad combines the classic tree Search * i ations allong side machine learning irsplemen* ‘ . of reinforcement are e@ fs atloag ¢ principles -— For tree search ¢ HN Ane possibility that the current be®t achon actually nod Vhe most ophirmal achons Tr edomes useful cg 1s such caseg mers Algo risth en Jo Praluade other dldernadived id continuous : ertodicall # during ~he learning phase ba executing dram , Instead OP Phe curvend perceied @ scanned with OKEN Scanner G=r ( + This is known ao the + —_— 4 explovutian « ex ploitadion trade oP P'" — Vinitadions Aa al = a) As the 4vee qrooth become’ smapid dP bto — ideraHong 1 a hug resin _— of memory | 4) Ta combeinn ceenanbaletnare fright be a = Single branch or path , that aight \ead $0 —— os \ © tay hen Leap lemented — Far those darn hated gamed. “Thic 1s omrainisy _— due do the Vack cmount of combination Ca each of the nodec tight nek be visited _— —ehough Dumher of times Jo understand tt iF mresuld ov oudcome tn the long un Se — —wellabi tty, lssue can arise: — 3\ Mets allgoridnen need? a huge number of © ttevradions ho be able do ePPecdively rq _dectde the vost ef Pcl and path there bx la veut ing Ahe speed _{ssue. = Apply consdycind ais Patton method do Solve Pol lows ble: = SEND -+MoRE = Money (Two + Too =RUR, — Cross + Rofps = PANGERY. Two | FTO z Fouy: if FOR EDUCATIONAL USE @ scanned with OKEN Scanner 1 O24 ,R=8 ue 7 rOese’ getting, Fe\ 434 +434 1468: st sENe MW strP ms] + tore eh Money 4s ’ st =lotG 3 ori “l08# = GH Se 849 : S=84$ rah ° a ‘ , ' m= GG oC FrO4(=N } | geo QEND Nip clot £; N4+R4L=10 FE Sug, el sOrRE Elie slot E+1 tet] =lote Rad aay Ras, No» a N=6 Der a ENP —E=— Loos c ‘ : PtP 2 lt ; € Y=2 lo NFY pu ai. 7 Oy #0 OF pee ' Bes 64 wr. 0 ¢ 5 > ‘ 6 > a 1S an : CROSS ¢ 8O8S TAReARs => RoA(l(s DANGER. TANGER @ scanned with OKEN Scanner hehever any sentences Of Si ne ead Sins d Singnal Red be infereved The inference, v single Red") can be drawn: VQ: 71a FP). nr) ln i dugel a clate-l disjunct clawte. 5) unit resolute unrd regoluhion : oe ikerals & a itera CaP aiNce ae eS 4) Rego\y on !> (ele nv The unit vreslation Tue can be gererlired Jo the Pall revelation sles jae Ne ein Ye Neon a Nolin SOE NUR ins ecea o> b) Explain Syntax & semantics of Fivst order Jogic im detail: 3 Syndak I t ¢ DY Model — : 1 : Model OP Jeqical anquoge ave the Pormc| atruchures thad constitle the possible world under Consideration , Th ‘First order language. modelg have objects In therm « >) porsain of a model & J+ Js a Non empty set of Objet#s Im model. These objerd? are digo veferred do aS domain element @ scanned with OKEN Scanner a i cet - 6 bh Be A A) Punchon t= 4 Th | ectcr\ tu 1 in a | a_a\ i el Oxactly — ee in this wurst a 5). Symbols P : a Srmallext Syadic element ta Firat ordew fogic — are symbols. _-Hhack can Stan Por ob cde 2 sceladions & Punclions. E 4 Semante oP Pirst orden logic. t- E led Phe Domain p be a nonemphy se¢ + = An interpreta dion qvee DP 1S ci 2 Wsigrimend _— OP the entific) of O fa oath of he x Constaed, Naclabie , Predizato. © Puncdor = suyrshols De 4 predicate colailaa.€xpre as — guch Prag to c j — ) Fach constand sass igned an elemend pw 6F OF d oo 2) Bach Naviable is assqned to on Hon- empas wi _cabsek of Oy dete cive the cillomable Usabstitudions Por “the Vovie ble+ [2) Each Gunction “P' of cavity m' Is —dePined On m cirgument of D \ defined FOR EDUCATIONAL USE @ scanned with OKEN Scanner

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