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Solution Manual for Essentials of

Modern Business Statistics with

Microsoft Excel, 7th Edition, David R.
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Solution Manual for Essentials of Modern Business Statistics with Microsoft Excel, 7th Editi

Solution Manual for Essentials of Modern Business

Statistics with Microsoft Excel, 7th Edition, David R.

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Chapter 5
Discrete Probability Distributions

Learning Objectives

1. Understand the concepts of a random variable and a probability distribution.

2. Be able to distinguish between discrete and continuous random variables.

3. Be able to compute and interpret the expected value, variance, and standard deviation for a discrete
random variable.

4. Be able to construct an empirical discrete distribution from available data.

5. Be able to compute the covariance and correlation coefficient for a bivariate empirical discrete

6. Be able to compute and work with probabilities involving a binomial probability distribution.

7. Be able to compute and work with probabilities involving a Poisson probability distribution.

8. Know when and how to use the hypergeometric probability distribution.

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Chapter 5


1. a. Head, Head (H,H)

Head, Tail (H,T)
Tail, Head (T,H)
Tail, Tail (T,T)

b. x = number of heads on two coin tosses

Outcome Values of x
(H,H) 2
(H,T) 1
(T,H) 1
(T,T) 0

d. Discrete. It may assume 3 values: 0, 1, and 2.

2. a. Let x = time (in minutes) to assemble the product.

b. It may assume any positive value: x > 0.

c. Continuous

3. Let Y = position is offered

N = position is not offered

a. S = {(Y,Y,Y), (Y,Y,N), (Y,N,Y), (N,Y,Y), (Y,N,N), (N,Y,N), (N,N,Y), (N,N,N)}

b. Let N = number of offers made; N is a discrete random variable.


Experimental Outcome (Y,Y,Y) (Y,Y,N) (Y,N,Y) (N,Y,Y) (Y,N,N) (N,Y,N) (N,N,Y) (N,N,N)
Value of N 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 0

4. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

5. a. S = {(1,1), (1,2), (1,3), (2,1), (2,2), (2,3)} where the first value of each pair represents the number
of steps used in the first procedure and the second value represents the number of steps used in the second


Experimental Outcome (1,1) (1,2) (1,3) (2,1) (2,2) (2,3)

Number of Steps Required 2 3 4 3 4 5

6. a. values: 0,1,2,...,20

b. values: 0,1,2,...

c. values: 0,1,2,...,50

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Discrete Probability Distributions


d. values: 0  x  8
e. values: x > 0

7. a. f (x)  0 for all values of x.

 f (x) = 1 Therefore, it is a proper probability distribution.

b. Probability x = 30 is f (30) = .25

c. Probability x  25 is f (20) + f (25) = .20 + .15 = .35

d. Probability x > 30 is f (35) = .40

8. a. Let x = number of operating rooms in use on any given day

x f (x)
1 3/20 = .15
2 5/20 = .25
3 8/20 = .40
4 4/20 = .20
Total 1.00


c. f (x)  0 for x = 1,2,3,4.

 f (x) = 1

9. a.
x f(x)
1 0.253
2 0.195
3 0.155
4 0.109
5 0.288

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Chapter 5

b. Each probability is ≥ 0 and .253 + .195 + .155 + .109 + .288 = 1.

c. f(4) + f(5) = .109 + .288 = .397

10. a. Senior Executives

x f (x)
1 0.05
2 0.09
3 0.03
4 0.42
5 0.41

b. Middle Managers
x f (x)
1 0.04
2 0.10
3 0.12
4 0.46
5 0.28

c. P(4 or 5) = f (4) + f (5) = 0.42 + 0.41 = 0.83

d. Probability of very satisfied: 0.28

e. Senior executives appear to be more satisfied than middle managers. 83% of senior executives have
a score of 4 or 5 with 41% reporting a 5. Only 28% of middle managers report being very satisfied.

11. a.
Duration of Call
x f (x)
1 0.25
2 0.25
3 0.25
4 0.25

f (x)



0 1 2 3 4

c. f (x)  0 and f (1) + f (2) + f (3) + f (4) = 0.25 + 0.25 + 0.25 + 0.25 = 1.00

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Discrete Probability Distributions

d. f (3) = 0.25

e. P(overtime) = f (3) + f (4) = 0.25 + 0.25 = 0.50

12. a. Yes; f (x)  0.  f (x) = 1

b. f (500,000) + f (600,000) = .10 + .05 = .15

c. f (100,000) = .10

13. a. Yes, since f (x)  0 for x = 1,2,3 and  f (x) = f (1) + f (2) + f (3) = 1/6 + 2/6 + 3/6 = 1

b. f (2) = 2/6 = .333

c. f (2) + f (3) = 2/6 + 3/6 = .833

14. a. f (200) = 1 - f (-100) - f (0) - f (50) - f (100) - f (150)

= 1 - .95 = .05

This is the probability MRA will have a $200,000 profit.

b. P(Profit) = f (50) + f (100) + f (150) + f (200)

= .30 + .25 + .10 + .05 = .70

c. P(at least 100) = f (100) + f (150) + f (200)

= .25 + .10 +.05 = .40

15. a.
x f (x) x f (x)
3 .25 .75
6 .50 3.00
9 .25 2.25
1.00 6.00

E(x) =  = 6

x x- (x - )2 f (x) (x - )2 f (x)
3 -3 9 .25 2.25
6 0 0 .50 0.00
9 3 9 .25 2.25

Var(x) = 2 = 4.5

c.  = 4.50 = 2.12

16. a.
y f (y) y f (y)
2 .2 .4
4 .3 1.2
7 .4 2.8
8 .1 .8

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Chapter 5

1.0 5.2

E(y) =  = 5.2

y y- (y - )2 f (y) (y - )2 f (y)
2 -3.20 10.24 .20 2.048
4 -1.20 1.44 .30 .432
7 1.80 3.24 .40 1.296
8 2.80 7.84 .10 .784

Var ( y ) = 4.56
 = 4.56 = 2.14

17. a.
Score (x) Frequency f(x)
3 4 0.0090
4 57 0.1287
5 212 0.4786
6 139 0.3138
7 27 0.0609
8 4 0.0090
443 1.00

b. P(4 or less) = f(3) + f(4) = .01 + .13 = .14

c. E ( x ) =  xf ( x ) = = 3(.0090) + 4(.1287) + 5(.4786) + 6(.3138) + 7(.0609) + 8(.0090) = 5.316

d. Var ( x) =  ( x − E( x) ) f ( x) = = (3 – 5.316)2(.0090) + (4 – 5.316)2(.1287) + (5 – 5.316)2(.4786) +


(6 – 5.316)2(.3138) + (7 – 5.316)2(.0609) + (8 – 5.316)2(.0090) = .7037

e.  = .7037 = .8389

18. a/b/ Owner occupied

x f (x) xf (x) x- (x - )2 (x - )2 f (x)

0 .2188 .0000 -1.1825 1.3982 .3060
1 .5484 .5484 -.1825 .0333 .0183
2 .1241 .2483 .8175 .6684 .0830
3 .0489 .1466 1.8175 3.3035 .1614
4 .0598 .2393 2.8175 7.9386 .4749
Total 1.0000 1.1825 1.0435
 
E(x) Var(x)

c/d. Renter occupied

y f (y) yf (y) y- (y - )2 (y - )2 f (y)
0 .2497 .0000 -1.2180 1.4835 .3704
1 .4816 .4816 -.2180 .0475 .0229
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Discrete Probability Distributions

2 .1401 .2801 .7820 .6115 .0856

3 .0583 .1749 1.7820 3.1755 .1851
4 .0703 .2814 2.7820 7.7395 .5444
Total 1.0000 1.2180 1.2085
 
E(y) Var(y)

e. The expected number of times that owner-occupied units have a water supply stoppage lasting 6 or
more hours in the past 3 months is 1.1825, slightly less than the expected value of 1.2180 for renter-
occupied units. And, the variability is somewhat less for owner-occupied units (1.0435) as compared
to renter-occupied units (1.2085).

19. a. f (x)  0 for all values of x.

 f (x) = 1 Therefore, it is a valid probability distribution.

b. Probability x > 30 is f (40) + f (50) + f (60) = .20 + .35 + .20 = .75

c. Probability x   = f (10) = .05

d. Expected value and variance computations follow.

x f (x) xf (x) x- (x - )2 (x - )2 f (x)

10 .05 .5 -33.0 1089.0 54.45
20 .10 2.0 -23.0 529.0 52.90
30 .10 3.0 -13.0 169.0 16.90
40 .20 8.0 -3.0 9.0 1.80
50 .35 17.5 7.0 49.0 17.15
60 .20 12.0 17.0 289.0 57.80
Total 1.00 43.0 201.00
 
E(x) Var(x)

20. a.
x f (x) xf (x)
0 .85 0
500 .04 20
1000 .04 40
3000 .03 90
5000 .02 100
8000 .01 80
10000 .01 100
Total 1.00 430

The expected value of the insurance claim is $430. If the company charges $430 for this type of
collision coverage, it would break even.

b. From the point of view of the policyholder, the expected gain is as follows:

Expected Gain = Expected claim payout – Cost of insurance coverage

= $430 - $520 = -$90

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Chapter 5

The policyholder is concerned that an accident will result in a big repair bill if there is no insurance
coverage. So even though the policyholder has an expected annual loss of $90, the insurance is
protecting against a large loss.

21. Excel Tables Computations for a, b, and c

a. E(x) =  x f (x) = 0.05(1) + 0.09(2) + 0.03(3) + 0.42(4) + 0.41(5) = 4.05

b. E(x) =  x f (x) = 0.04(1) + 0.10(2) + 0.12(3) + 0.46(4) + 0.28(5) = 3.84

c. Executives:  2 =  (x - )2 f(x) = 1.25

Middle Managers:  2 =  (x - )2 f(x) = 1.13

d. Executives:  = 1.12

Middle Managers:  = 1.07

e. The senior executives have a higher average score: 4.05 vs. 3.84 for the middle managers. The
executives also have a slightly higher standard deviation.

22. a. E(x) =  x f (x) = 300 (.20) + 400 (.30) + 500 (.35) + 600 (.15) = 445

The monthly order quantity should be 445 units.

b. Cost: 445 @ $50 = $22,250

Revenue: 300 @ $70 = 21,000
$ 1,250 Loss

23. a., b. and c. follow.

The total number of responses is 1014, so f(0) = 365/1014 = .3600; f(1) = 264/1014 = .2604;
and so on.

x f (x) xf (x) x- (x - )2 (x - )2 f (x)

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Discrete Probability Distributions

0 0.3600 0.0000 -1.3087 1.7126 0.6165

1 0.2604 0.2604 -0.3087 0.0953 0.0248
2 0.1903 0.3807 0.6913 0.4779 0.0910
3 0.0897 0.2692 1.6913 2.8606 0.2567
4 0.0996 0.3984 2.6913 7.2432 0.7215
Total 1.0000 1.3087 1.7104

E(x) = 1.3087 and Var(x) = 1.7104

d. The possible values of y are 1, 2, 3, and 4. The total number of responses is 649, so f(1) = 264/649 =
.41; f(2) = 193/649 = .30; and so on.

y f (y) yf (y)
1 .4068 .4068
2 .2974 .5948
3 .1402 .4206
4 .1556 .6225
Total 1.0000 2.0447

E(y) = 2.0447. The expected value or mean number of cups per day for adults that drink at least one
cup of coffee on an average day is 2.0447 or approximately a mean of 2 cups per day. As expected,
the mean is somewhat higher when we only take into account adults that drink at least one cup of
coffee per day.

24. a. Medium E(x) =  x f (x)

= 50 (.20) + 150 (.50) + 200 (.30) = 145

Large: E(x) =  x f (x)

= 0 (.20) + 100 (.50) + 300 (.30) = 140

Medium preferred.

b. Medium
x f (x) x- (x - )2 (x - )2 f (x)
50 .20 -95 9025 1805.0
150 .50 5 25 12.5
200 .30 55 3025 907.5
 2 = 2725.0

y f (y) y- (y - )2 (y - )2 f (y)
0 .20 -140 19600 3920
100 .50 -40 1600 800
300 .30 160 25600 7680
 2 = 12,400

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Chapter 5

Medium preferred due to less variance.

25. a. E ( x) = .2(50) + .5(30) + .3(40) = 37

E ( y ) = .2(80) + .5(50) + .3(60) = 59

Var ( x) = .2(50 − 37)2 + .5(30 − 37)2 + .3(40 − 37)2 = 61

Var ( y) = .2(80 − 59)2 + .5(50 − 59)2 + .3(60 − 59)2 = 129

x+y f (x +y)
130 .2
80 .5
100 .3


x+y f(x +y) (x + y)f(x + y) x + y – E(x + y) [ x + y − E( x + y)]2 [ x + y − E( x + y)]2 f ( x + y)

130 .2 26 34 1156 231.2
80 .5 40 -16 256 128.0
100 .3 30 4 16 4.8
E(x + y) = 96 Var(x + y) = 364

d.  xy = [Var ( x + y) − Var ( x) − Var ( y)] / 2 = (364 − 61 −129) / 2 = 87

Var(x) = 61 and Var(y) =129 were computed in part (a), so

 x = 61 = 7.8102  y = 129 = 11.3578

 xy 87
 xy = = = .98
 x y (7.8102)(11.3578)

The random variables x and y are positively related. Both the covariance and correlation coefficient
are positive. Indeed, they are very highly correlated; the correlation coefficient is almost equal to 1.

e. Var ( x + y) = Var ( x) + Var ( y) + 2 xy = 61 + 129 + 2(87) = 364

Var(x) + Var(y) = 61 + 129 = 190

The variance of the sum of x and y is greater than the sum of the variances by two times the
covariance: 2(87) = 174. The reason it is positive is that, in this case the variables are positively
related. Whenever two random variables are positively related, the variance of the sum of the
randomly variables will be greater than the sum of the variances of the individual random variables.

26. a. The standard deviation for these two stocks is the square root of the variance.

 x = Var ( x) = 25 = 5%  y = Var ( y ) = 1 = 1%

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Discrete Probability Distributions

Investments in Stock 1 would be considered riskier than investments in Stock 2 because the standard
deviation is higher. Note that if the return for Stock 1 falls 8.45/5 = 1.69 or more standard deviation
below its expected value, an investor in that stock will experience a loss. The return for Stock 2
would have to fall 3.2 standard deviations below its expected value before an investor in that stock
would experience a loss.

b. Since x represents the percent return for investing in Stock 1, the expected return for investing $100
in Stock 1 is $8.45 and the standard deviation is $5.00. So to get the expected return and standard
deviation for a $500 investment we just multiply by 5.

Expected return ($500 investment) = 5($8.45) = $42.25

Standard deviation ($500 investment) = 5($5.00) = $25.00

c. Since x represents the percent return for investing in Stock 1 and y represents the percent return for
investing in Stock 2, we want to compute the expected value and variance for .5x + .5y.

E(.5x + .5y) = .5E(x) + .5E(y) = .5(8.45) + .5(3.2) = 4.225 + 1.6 = 5.825

Var (.5 x + .5 y ) = .52Var ( x) + .52Var ( y ) + 2(.5)(.5) xy

= (.5)2 (25) + (.5)2 (1) + 2(.5)(.5)(−3)

= 6.25 + .25 − 1.50 = 5

 .5 x +.5 y = 5 = 2.236

d. Since x represents the percent return for investing in Stock 1 and y represents the percent return for
investing in Stock 2, we want to compute the expected value and variance for .7x + .3y.

E(.7x + .3y) = .7E(x) + .3E(y) = .7(8.45) + .3(3.2) =5.915 + .96 = 6.875

Var (.7 x + .3 y ) = .7 2Var ( x) + .32Var ( y ) + 2(.7)(.3) xy

= .72 (25) + .32 (1) + 2(.7)(.3)(−3)

= 12.25 + .09 − 1.26 = 11.08

 .7 x +.3 y = 11.08 = 3.329

e. The standard deviations of x and y were computed in part (a). The correlation coefficient is given by

 xy −3
 xy = = = −.6
 x y (5)(1)

There is a fairly strong negative relationship between the variables.

27. a. Dividing each of the frequencies in the table by the total number of restaurants provides the joint
probability table below. The bivariate probability for each pair of quality and meal price is shown in
the body of the table. This is the bivariate probability distribution. For instance, the probability of a
rating of 2 on quality and a rating of 3 on meal price is given by f(2, 3) = .18. The marginal
probability distribution for quality, x, is in the rightmost column. The marginal probability for meal
price, y, is in the bottom row.

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Chapter 5

Meal Price (y)

Quality (x) 1 2 3 Total
1 0.14 0.13 0.01 0.28
2 0.11 0.21 0.18 0.50
3 0.01 0.05 0.16 0.22
Total 0.26 0.39 0.35 1

b. E(x) = 1(.28) + 2(.50) + 3(.22) = 1.94

Var(x) = .28(1 – 1.94)2 + .50(2- 1.94)2 + .22(3 – 1.94)2 = .4964

c. E(y) = 1(.26) + 2(.39) + 3(.35) = 2.09

Var(y) = .26(1 – 2.09)2 + .39(2 – 2.09)2 + .35(3 – 2.09)2 = .6019

d.  xy = [Var( x + y) − Var( x) − Var( y)] / 2 = [1.6691 − .4964 − .6019] / 2 = .2854

Since, the covariance  xy = .2854 is positive we can conclude that as the quality rating goes up, the
meal price goes up. This is as we would expect.

 xy .2854
e.  xy = = = .5221
 x y .4964 .6019

With a correlation coefficient of .5221 we would call this a moderately positive relationship. It is
not likely to find a low cost restaurant that is also high quality. But, it is possible. There are 3 of
them leading to f (3,1) = .01.

28. a. Marginal distribution of Direct Labor Cost

y f (y) yf (y) y - E(y) (y-E(y))2 (y-E(y))2f (y)

43 .3 12.9 -2.3 5.29 1.587
45 .4 18 -.3 .09 .036
48 .3 14.4 2.7 7.29 2.187
45.3 Var(y)= 3.81
E(y) = 45.3 y = 1.95

b. Marginal distribution of Parts Cost

x f (x) xf (x) x - E(x) (x-E(x))2 (x-E(x))2f (x)

85 .45 38.25 -5.5 30.25 13.6125
95 .55 52.25 4.5 20.25 11.1375
90.5 Var(x)= 24.75
E(x) = 90.5 x= 4.97

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Discrete Probability Distributions

c. Let z = x + y represent total manufacturing cost (direct labor + parts).

z f (z)
128 .05
130 .20
133 .20
138 .25
140 .20
143 .10

d. The computation of the expected value, variance, and standard deviation of total manufacturing cost
is shown below.

z f (z) zf (z) z - E(z) (z-E(z))2 (z-E(z))2f(z)

128 .05 6.4 -7.8 60.84 3.042
130 .20 26 -5.8 33.64 6.728
133 .20 26.6 -2.8 7.84 1.568
138 .25 34.5 2.2 4.84 1.21
140 .20 28 4.2 17.64 3.528
143 .10 14.3 7.2 51.84 5.184
135.8 Var(z)= 21.26
E(z) = 135.8 z = 4.61

e. To determine if x = parts cost and y = direct labor cost are independent, we need to compute the
covariance  xy .

 xy = (Var( x + y) − Var ( x) - Var ( y)) / 2 = (21.26 - 24.75- 3.81) / 2 = -3.65

Since the covariance is not equal to zero, we can conclude that direct labor cost is not independent of
parts cost. Indeed, they are negatively correlated. When parts cost goes up, direct labor cost goes
down. Maybe the parts costing $95 come from a different manufacturer and are higher quality.
Working with higher quality parts may reduce labor costs.

f. The expected manufacturing cost for 1500 printers is

E (1500 z ) = 1500 E ( z ) = 1500(135.8) = 203,700

The total manufacturing costs of $198,350 are less than we would have expected. Perhaps as more
printers were manufactured there was a learning curve and direct labor costs went down.

29. a. Let x = percentage return for S&P 500

y = percentage return for Core Bond fund

The formula for computing the correlation coefficient is given by

 xy
 xy =
 x y

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Chapter 5

In this case, we know the correlation coefficient and both standard deviations, so we want to
rearrange this formula to find the covariance.

 xy = xy x y = (−.32)(19.45)(2.13) = −13.26

b. Letting r = portfolio percentage return, we have r = .5x + .5y. The expected return for a portfolio
with 50% invested in the S&P 500 and 50% invested in Core Bonds is

E (r ) = .5E ( x) + .5E ( y ) = (.5)5.04% + (.5)5.78% = 5.41%

We are given  x and  y , so Var ( x) = 19.452 = 378.3025 and Var ( y) = 2.132 = 4.5369 . We can now

Var (.5 x + .5 y ) = .52Var ( x) + .52Var ( y ) + 2(.5)(.5)( xy )

= .25(378.3025) + .25(4.5369) + .5(−13.26)

= 89.08

Then  x + y = 89.08 = 9.44

So, the expected return for our portfolio is 5.41% and the standard deviation is 9.44%.

c. Letting r = portfolio percentage return, we have r = .2x + .8y. The expected return for a portfolio
with 20% invested in the S&P 500 and 80% invested in Core Bonds is

E (r ) = .2 E ( x) + .8 E ( y ) = (.2)5.04% + (.8)5.78% = 5.63%

We are given  x and  y , so Var ( x) = 19.452 = 378.3025 and Var ( y) = 2.132 = 4.5369 . We can now
Var (.2 x + .8 y ) = .22Var ( x) + .82Var ( y ) + 2(.2)(.8)( xy )

= .04(378.3025) + .64(4.5369) + .32( −13.26)

= 13.79

Then  x + y = 13.79 = 3.71

So, the expected return for our portfolio is 5.63% and the standard deviation is 3.71%.

d. Letting r = portfolio percentage return, we have r = .8x + .2y. The expected return for a portfolio
with 80% invested in the S&P 500 and 20% invested in Core Bonds is

E (r ) = .8 E ( x) + .2 E ( y ) = (.8)5.04% + (.2)5.78% = 5.19%

We are given  x and  y , so Var ( x) = 19.452 = 378.3025 and Var ( y) = 2.132 = 4.5369 .

We can now compute

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Var (.8 x + .2 y ) = .82Var ( x) + .22Var ( y ) + 2(.8)(.2)( xy )

= .64(378.3025) + .04(4.5369) + .32( −13.26)

= 238.05

Then  x + y = 238.05 = 15.43

So, the expected return for our portfolio is 5.19% and the standard deviation is 15.43%.

e. The portfolio in part (c), investing 20% in the S&P500 fund and 80% in the Core Bond fund has the
largest expected return: 5.63%.

The portfolio in part (c), investing 20% in the S&P 500 fund and 80% in the Core Bond fund also
has the smallest standard deviation: 3.71%.

Since the portfolio in part (c) has the highest expected return and the smallest standard deviation (our
measure of risk) it is the preferred investment choice.

f. Since the expected returns of each portfolio are very close to each other (less than 0.5% difference in
any of them), investors might be more interested is the risk assessments of each (standard deviation).
A larger standard deviation is a riskier investment with potential of larger losses in a poor market,
but also larger returns in a strong market. Optimists who are willing to take the risk might look to
the riskier investments, while older investors will likely choose less risky investments. Although the
portfolio in part (c), investing 20% in the S&P500 fund and 80% in the Core Bond fund has the
largest return and least risk, the portfolio in (d) investing 80% in the S&P500 fund and 20% in the
Core Bond fund has the potential for the highest returns in a strong market due to the very large
standard deviation.

30. a. Let x = percentage return for S&P 500

y = percentage return for Core Bond fund
z = percentage return for REITs

The formula for computing the correlation coefficient is given by

 xy
 xy =
 x y

In this case, we know the correlation coefficients and the 3 standard deviations, so we want to
rearrange the correlation coefficient formula to find the covariances.
S&P 500 and REITs:  xz =  xz x z = (.74)(19.45)(23.17) = 333.486

Core Bonds and REITS:  yz =  yz y z = (−.04)(2.13)(23.17) = −1.974

b. Letting r = portfolio percentage return, we have r = .5x + .5y. The expected return for a portfolio
with 50% invested in the S&P 500 and 50% invested in REITs is

E (r ) = .5E ( x) + .5E ( z ) = (.5)5.04% + (.5)13.07% = 9.055%

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We are given  x and  y , so Var ( x) = 19.452 = 378.3025 and Var ( z) = 23.172 = 536.8489 . We can
now compute

Var (.5 x + .5 z ) = .52Var ( x) + .52Var ( z ) + 2(.5)(.5)( xz )



Then  x + y = 395.53 = 19.89

So, the expected return for our portfolio is 9.055% and the standard deviation is 19.89%.

c. Letting r = portfolio percentage return, we have r = .5y + .5z. The expected return for a portfolio
with 50% invested in Core Bonds and 50% invested in REITs is

E (r ) = .5E ( y ) + .5E ( z ) = (.5)5.78% + (.5)13.07% = 9.425%

We are given  x and  y , so Var ( y) = 2.132 = 4.5369 and Var ( z) = 23.172 = 536.8489 . We can now

Var (.5 y + .5 z ) = .52Var ( y ) + .52Var ( z ) + 2(.5)(.5)( yz )

= .25(4.5369) + .25(536.8489) + .5(−.04)

= 135.33

Then  y + z = 135.33 = 11.63

So, the expected return for our portfolio is 9.425% and the standard deviation is 11.63%.

d. Letting r = portfolio percentage return, we have r = .8y + .2z. The expected return for a portfolio
with 80% invested in Core Bonds and 20% invested in REITs is

E (r ) = .8E ( y ) + .2 E ( z ) = (.8)5.78% + (.2)13.07% = 7.238%

From part (c) above, we have Var ( y ) = 4.5369 and Var ( z ) = 536.8489 . We can now compute

Var (.8 y + .2 z ) = .82Var ( y ) + .22Var ( z ) + 2(.8)(.2)( yz )

= .64(4.5369) + .04(536.8489) + .32(−.04)

= 24.36

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Then  y + z = 24.36 = 4.94

So, the expected return for our portfolio is 7.238% and the standard deviation is 4.94%.

e. The expected returns and standard deviations for the 3 portfolios are summarized below.

Portfolio Expected Return (%) Standard Deviation

50% S&P 500 & 50% REITs 9.055 19.89
50% Core Bonds & 50% REITs 9.425 11.63
80% Core Bonds & 20% REITs 7.238 4.94

The portfolio from part (c) involving 50% Core Bonds and 50% REITS has the highest return.
Using the standard deviation as a measure of risk, it also has less risk than the portfolio from part (b)
involving 50% invested in an S&P 500 index fund and 50% invested in REITs. So the portfolio
from part (b) would not be recommended for either type of investor.

The portfolio from part (d) involving 80% in Core Bonds and 20% in REITs has the lowest standard
deviation and thus lesser risk than the portfolio in part (c). We would recommend the portfolio
consisting of 50% Core Bonds and 50% REITs for the aggressive investor because of its higher
return and moderate amount of risk.

We would recommend the portfolio consisting of 80% Core Bonds and 20% REITS to the
conservative investor because of its low risk and moderate return.

31. a.

 2 2!
b. f (1) =   (.4)1 (.6)1 = (.4)(.6) = .48
1 1!1!

Using Excel: BINOM.DIST(1,2,.4,FALSE) = .48

 2 2!
c. f (0) =   (.4)0 (.6) 2 = (1)(.36) = .36
0 0!2!

Using Excel: BINOM.DIST(0,2,.4,FALSE) = .36

 2 2!
d. f (2) =   (.4) 2 (.6)0 = (.16)(1) = .16
 
2 2!0!

Using Excel: BINOM.DIST(2,2,.4,FALSE) = .16

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e. P(x  1) = f (1) + f (2) = .48 + .16 = .64

f. E(x) = n p = 2 (.4) = .8

Var(x) = n p (1 - p) = 2 (.4) (.6) = .48

 = .48 = .6928

32. a. f (0) = BINOM.DIST(0,10,.1,FALSE) = .3487

b. f (2) = BINOM.DIST(2,10,.1,FALSE) = .1937

c. P(x  2) = f (0) + f (1) + f (2) = .3487 + .3874 + .1937 = BINOM.DIST(2,10,.1,TRUE) = .9298

d. P(x  1) = 1 - f (0) = 1- BINOM.DIST(0,10,.1,FALSE) = 1 - .3487 = .6513

e. E(x) = n p = 10 (.1) = 1

f. Var(x) = n p (1 - p) = 10 (.1) (.9) = .9

 = .9 = .9487

33. a. f (12) = BINOM.DIST(12,20,.7,FALSE) = .1144

b. f (16) = BINOM.DIST(16,20,.7,FALSE) = .1304

c. P(x  16) = 1 - BINOM.DIST(15,20,.7,TRUE) = .2375

d. P(x  15) = 1 - P (x  16) = 1 - .2375 = .7625 OR BINOM.DIST(15,20,.7,TRUE) = .7625

e. E(x) = n p = 20(.7) = 14

f. Var(x) = n p (1 - p) = 20 (.7) (.3) = 4.2

 = 4.2 = 2.0494

34. a. Yes. Since the teenagers are selected randomly, p is the same from trial to trial and the trials are
independent. The two outcomes per trial are use Pandora Media Inc.’s online radio service or do not
use Pandora Media Inc.’s online radio service.

Binomial n = 10 and p = .35

f ( x) = (.35) x (1 − .35)10− x
x !(10 − x )!

b. f (0) = (.35)0 (.65)10−0 = .0135 OR BINOM.DIST(0,10,.35,FALSE) = .0135
0!(10 − 0)!

c. f (4) = (.35) 4 (.65)10−4 = .2377 OR BINOM.DIST(4,10,.35,FALSE) = .2377
4!(10 − 4)!

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Discrete Probability Distributions

d. Probability (x > 2) = 1 - f (0) - f (1)

From part (b), f(0) = .0135

f (1) = (.35)1 (.65)10−1 = .0725
1!(10 − 1)!

Probability (x > 2) = 1 - f (0) - f (1) = 1 - (.0135+ .0725) = .9140

OR 1 - BINOM.DIST(1,10,.35,TRUE) = .9140

35. a. Binomial n = 10 and p = .40

f ( x) = (.40) x (1 − .40)10− x
x !(10 − x )!

f (0) = (.40)0 (.60)10−0 = .0060 OR BINOM.DIST(0,10,.4,FALSE) = .0060
0!(10 − 0)!

b. f (1) = (.40)1 (.60)10−1 = .0403 OR BINOM.DIST(1,10,.4,FALSE) = .0403
1!(10 − 1)!

c. Probability (x > 2) = 1 - f (0) - f (1)

Using the results from parts (a) and (b)

Probability (x > 2) = 1 - f (0) - f (1) = 1 - (.0060 + .0403) = . .9536

OR 1 - BINOM.DIST(1,10,.4,TRUE) = .9536

d. Probability more than half = f (6) - f (7) + f (8) + f (9) + f (10)

Using the binomial probability table:

Probability more than half = .1115 + .0425 + .0106 + .0016 + .0001 = .1662
OR 1 - BINOM.DIST(5,10,.4,TRUE) = .1662

36. a. Probability of a defective part being produced must be .03 for each part selected; parts must be
selected independently.

b. Let: D = defective
G = not defective

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Experimental Number
1st part 2nd part Outcome Defective
D (D, D) 2

(D, G) 1 .

D (G, D) 1

(G, G) 0

c. 2 outcomes result in exactly one defect.

d. P(no defects) = (.97) (.97) = .9409 OR BINOM.DIST(0,2,.03,FALSE) = .9409

P (1 defect) = 2 (.03) (.97) = .0582 OR BINOM.DIST(1,2,.03,FALSE) = .0582

P (2 defects) = (.03) (.03) = .0009 OR BINOM.DIST(2,2,.03,FALSE) = .0009

37. a. Yes. Since the adults are selected randomly, p is the same from trial to trial and the trials are
independent. The two outcomes per trial are use the Internet and do not use the Internet.

Binomial n=10 and p = .15

f ( x) = (.15) x (1 − .15)10 − x
x !(10 − x)!

b. f (0) = (.15)0 (1 − .15)10 −0 = BINOM.DIST(0,10,.15,FALSE) = .1969
0!(10 − 0)!
c. f (3) = (.15)3 (1 − .15)10 −3 = BINOM.DIST(3,10,.15,FALSE) = .1298
3!(10 − 3)!
d. f ( x 1) = 1 − f (0) = 1 − .1969 = .8031 OR 1 - BINOM.DIST(0,10,.15,FALSE) = .8031

38. a. .90

b. P(at least 1) = f (1) + f (2)

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Discrete Probability Distributions

f (1) = (.9)1 (.1)1
1! 1!

= 2(.9)(.1) = .18
OR BINOM.DIST(1,2,.9,FALSE) = .18
f (2) = (.9)1 (.1) 0
2! 0!

= 1(.81)(1) = .81
OR BINOM.DIST(2,2,.9,FALSE) = .81

 P(at least 1) = .18 + .81 = .99


P(at least 1) = 1 – f(0)

f (0) = (.9)0 (.1) 2 = .01
0! 2!

Therefore, P(at least 1) = 1 - .01 = .99 OR 1 - BINOM.DIST(0,2,.9,FALSE) = .99

c. P(at least 1) = 1 - f (0)

f (0) = (.9)0 (.1)3 = .001
0! 3!

Therefore, P(at least 1) = 1 - .001 = .999 OR 1 - BINOM.DIST(0,3,.9,FALSE) = .999

d. Yes; P(at least 1) becomes very close to 1 with multiple systems and the inability to detect an attack
would be catastrophic.

39. a. Binomial n=20 and p = .2037

f ( x) = (.2037) x (1 − .2037)10− x
x !(20 − x)!
f (8) = (.2037)8 (1 − .2037)10 −8 = .0243 = BINOM.DIST(8,20,.2037,FALSE) = .0243
8!(20 − 8)!

b. f ( x  3) =1 − f (0) − f (1) − f (2)

f (0) = (.2037)0 (1 − .2037) 20 −0 = BINOM.DIST(0,20,.2037,FALSE) = .0105
0!(20 − 0)!
f (1) = (.2037)1 (1 − .2037) 20 −1 = BINOM.DIST(1,20,.2037,FALSE) = .0538
1!(20 − 1)!
f (2) = (.2037)2 (1 − .2037) 20 − 2 BINOM.DIST(2,20,.2037,FALSE) = .1307
2!(20 − 2)!

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f ( x  3) =1 − f (0) − f (1) − f (2) = 1 − .0105 − .0538 − .1307 = .8051

Although the answer appears to be .8050 based on rounded prior answers, the answer of
.8051 results when more decimals are carried for calculations.
OR 1 - BINOM.DIST(2,20,.2037,TRUE) = .8051

c. E ( x) = np = 20(.2037) = 4.0740

d. Var ( x) = np(1 − p) = 20(.2037)(1 − .2037) = 3.2441

 = Var ( x) = 3.2441 = 1.8011

40. a. Yes. Since the 18- to 34-year olds living with their parents are selected randomly, p is the same
from trial to trial and the trials are independent. The two outcomes per trial are contribute to
household expenses or do not contribute to household expenses.

Binomial n = 15 and p = .75

f ( x) = (.75) x (1 − .75)15− x
x !(15 − x )!

b. The probability that none of the fifteen contribute to household expenses is

f (0) = (.75)0 (1 − .75)15−0 = .0000 OR BINOM.DIST(0,15,.75,FALSE) = .0000
0!(15 − 0)!

Obtaining a sample result that shows that none of the fifteen contributed to household expenses is so
unlikely you would have to question whether the 75% value reported by the Pew Research Center is

c. Probability of at least ten = f (10) + f (11) + f (12) + f (13) + f (14) + f (15)

Using binomial tables

Probability = .1651 + .2252 + .2252 + .1559 + .0668 + .0134 = .8516

OR 1 - BINOM.DIST(9,15,.75,TRUE) = .8516

41. a. f (0) + f (1) + f (2) = BINOM.DIST(2,20,.2,TRUE) = .2061

b. f (4) = BINOM.DIST(4,20,.2,FALSE) = .2182

c. 1 - [ f (0) + f (1) + f (2) + f (3) ] = 1 - BINOM.DIST(3,20,.2,TRUE) = .5886

d.  = n p = 20 (.20) = 4

42. a. f (4) = (.30)4 (.70)20−4 = .1304 OR BINOM.DIST(4,20,.3,FALSE) = .1304
4!(20 − 4)!

b. Probability (x > 2) = 1 - f (0) - f (1)

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Discrete Probability Distributions

f (0) = (.30)0 (.70) 20−0 = .0008
0!(20 − 0)!

f (1) = (.30)1 (.70)20−1 = .0068
1!(20 − 1)!

Probability (x > 2) = 1 - f (0) - f (1) = 1 - (.0008+ .0068) = .9924

OR 1 - BINOM.DIST(1,20,.3,TRUE) = .9924

c. E(x) = n p = 20(.30) = 6

d. Var(x) = n p (1 - p) = 20(.30)(1 ̶ .30) = 4.2

 = 4.2 = 2.0494

43. a. E ( x) = np =100(.71) = 71

b. Var ( x) = np(1 − p ) = 100(.71)(1 − .71) = 20.59

 = Var ( x) = 20.59 = 4.5376

3x e−3
44. a. f ( x) =

32 e−3 9(.0498)
b. f (2) = = = .2240
2! 2

Using Excel: POISSON.DIST(2,3,FALSE) = .2240

31 e−3
c. f (1) = = 3(.0498) = .1494

Using Excel: POISSON.DIST(1,3,FALSE) = .1494

d. P(x  2) = 1 - f (0) - f (1) = 1 - .0498 - .1494 = .8009

Using Excel: 1 - POISSON.DIST(1,3,TRUE) = .8009

2 x e−2
45. a. f ( x) =

b.  = 6 for 3 time periods

6x e−6
c. f ( x) =

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22 e−2 4(.1353)
d. f (2) = = = .2707
2! 2

Using Excel: POISSON.DIST(2,2,FALSE) = .2707

66 e−6
e. f (6) = = .1606

Using Excel: POISSON.DIST(6,6,FALSE) = .1606

45 e−4
f. f (5) = = .1563

Using Excel: POISSON.DIST(5,4,FALSE) = .1563

46. a.  = 48 (5/60) = 4 per 5 minutes

43 e−4
f (3) = = .1954 = POISSON.DIST(3,4,FALSE) = .1954

b.  = 48 (15 / 60) = 12 per 15 minutes

1210 e−12
f (10) = = POISSON.DIST(10,12,FALSE) = .1048

c.  = 48 (5 / 60) = 4 I expect 4 callers to be waiting after 5 minutes.

40 e−4
f (0) = = POISSON.DIST(0,4,FALSE) = .0183

The probability none will be waiting after 5 minutes is .0183.

d.  = 48 (3 / 60) = 2.4 per 3 minutes

2.40 e−2.4
f (0) = = POISSON.DIST (0,2.4,FALSE) = .0907

The probability of no interruptions in 3 minutes is .0907.

47. a. 30 per hour

b.  = 1 (5/2) = 5/2

(5 / 2)3 e−(5 / 2)
f (3) = = POISSON.DIST(3,2.5,FALSE) = .2138

(5 / 2)0 e−(5 / 2)
c. f (0) = = POISSON.DIST(0,2.5,FALSE) = .0821

48. a. For a 15-minute period the mean is 14.4/4 = 3.6

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Discrete Probability Distributions

3.60 e −3.6
f (0) = = e −3.6 = .0273 OR POISSON.DIST(0,3.6,FALSE) = .0273

b. probability = 1 - f(0) = 1 - .2073 = .9727

c. probability = 1 - [f(0) + f(1) + f(2) + f(3)]

= 1 - [..0273+ .0984 + .1771 + .2125] = .4848

OR 1 - POISSON.DIST(3,3.6,TRUE) = .4848

Note: The value of f(0) was computed in part (a); a similar procedure was used to compute the
probabilities for f(1), f(2), and f(3).

100 e−10
49. a. f (0) = = POISSON.DIST(0,10,FALSE) = .000045

b. f (0) + f (1) + f (2) + f (3) = POISSON.DIST(3,10,TRUE) = .0103

c. 2.5 arrivals / 15 sec. period Use  = 2.5

2.50 e−2.5
f (0) = = POISSON.DIST(0,2.5,FALSE) = .0821

d. 1 - f (0) = 1 - .0821 = .9179

50. a.  = 18/30 = .6 per day during June

.60 e −.6
b. f (0) = = .5488 OR POISSON.DIST(0,.6,FALSE) = .5488

.61 e −.6
c. f (1) = = .3293 OR POISSON.DIST(1,.6,FALSE) = .3293

d. P(More than 1) = 1 - f (0) - f (1) = 1 ̶ .5488 ̶ .3293 = .1219

OR 1 - POISSON.DIST(1,.6,TRUE) = .1219

51. a. Poisson with  = 7 tweets / hour

 x e− 
f ( x) =

70 e−7
f (0) = = .0009 OR POISSON.DIST(0,7,FALSE) = .0009

b. f ( x  4) =1 − f (0) − f (1) − f (2) − f (3) =

71 e−7 72 e−7 73 e−7
1 − .0009 − − − =1− .0009 − .0064 − .0223 − .0521 = .9182
1! 2! 3!
Although the answer appears to be .9183 based on rounded prior answers, the answer of
.9182 results when more decimals are carried for calculations.

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= 1- POISSON.DIST(3,7,TRUE) = 1-.0818 = .9182

c.  = 7 per hour

 = 7 / 2 = 3.5 per 30 minutes

3.50 e−3.5
d. f (0) = = .0302 OR POISSON.DIST(0,3.5,FALSE) = .0302

52. All parts involve the hypergeometric distribution with N=10, r=3

 3 10 − 3   3!  7! 
  
1 4 − 1   1!2! 
 3!4!  (3)(35)
a. f (1) =   = = = .50 n=4, x=1
10  10! 210
  4!6!

Using Excel: HYPGEOM.DIST(1,4,3,10,FALSE) = .5000

 3 10 − 3 
  
2 2 − 2  (3)(1)
b. f (2) =   = = .0667 n=2, x=2
10  45
 

Using Excel: HYPGEOM.DIST(2,2,3,10,FALSE) = .0667

 3 10 − 3 
  
0 2 − 0  (1)(21)
c. f (0) =   = = .4667 n=2, x=0
10  45
 

Using Excel: HYPGEOM.DIST(0,2,3,10,FALSE) = .4667

 3 10 − 3 
  
2 4 − 2  (3)(21)
d. f (2) =   = = .30 n=4, x=2
10  210
 

Using Excel: HYPGEOM.DIST (2,4,3,10,FALSE) = .3000

e. The scenario of n=4, x=4 is not possible with r=3 because it is not possible to have 4 actual
successes (x) out of 3 possible successes (r).

 4 15 − 4 
  
3 10 − 3  (4)(330)
53. f (3) =   = = .4396 N=15 r=4, n=10, x=3
 15  3003
 
10 
OR HYPGEOM.DIST(3,10,4,15,FALSE) = .4396

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Discrete Probability Distributions

54. Hypergeometric Distribution with N = 10 and r = 7

 7  3 
  
f (2) =    =
2 1 (21)(3)
a. = .5250 n=3, x=2 OR HYPGEOM.DIST(2,3,7,10,FALSE) = .5250
10  120
 

b. Compute the probability that 3 prefer shopping online.

 7  3 
  
f (3) =    =
3 0 (35)(1)
= .2917 n=3, x=3 OR HYPGEOM.DIST(3,3,7,10,FALSE) = .2917
10  120
 

P(majority prefer shopping online) = f (2) + f (3) = .5250 + .2917 = .8167

55. Parts a, b & c involve the hypergeometric distribution with N = 52 and n = 2

a. r = 20, x = 2

 20  32 
  
f (2) =    =
2 0 (190)(1)
= HYPGEOM.DIST(2,2,20,52,FALSE) = .1433
 
52 1326
 

b. r = 4, x = 2

 4  48 
  
f (2) =    =
2 0 (6)(1)
= HYPGEOM.DIST(2,2,4,52,FALSE) = .0045
 52  1326
 

c. r = 16, x = 2

16  36 
  
f (2) =    =
2 0 (120)(1)
= HYPGEOM.DIST(2,2,16,52,FALSE) = .0905
 52  1326
 

d. Part (a) provides the probability of blackjack plus the probability of 2 aces plus the probability of
two 10s. To find the probability of blackjack we subtract the probabilities in (b) and (c) from the
probability in (a).

P(blackjack) = .1433 - .0045 - .0905 = .0483

56. N = 60 n = 10

a. r = 20 x = 0

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 20  40   40! 
   (1) 
 0  10   10!30! 
f (0) = = = HYPGEOM.DIST(0,10,20,60,FALSE) = .0112
 60  60!
  10!50!
 10 

b. r = 20 x = 1

 20  40 
  
f (1) =    = HYPGEOM.DIST(1,10,20,60,FALSE) = .0725
1 9
 60 
 
 10 

c. 1 - f (0) - f (1) = 1 - .0112 - .0725 = .9163 ≈ .92

d. Same as the probability one will be from Hawaii. In part b that was found to equal approximately
.07. This is also shown with the hypergeometric distribution with N=60, r=40, n= 10, and x=9
OR HYPGEOM.DIST(9,10,40,60,FALSE) = .0725

57. All parts involve the hypergeometric distribution with N=15, r=5
 5 10 
  
a. f (0) =    =
0 3 (1)(120)
= HYPGEOM.DIST(0,3,5,15,FALSE) = .2637 n=3, x=0
15  455
 

 5 10 
  
f (1) =    =
1 2 (5)(45)
b. = HYPGEOM.DIST(1,3,5,15,FALSE) = .4945 n=3, x=1
15  455
 

 5 10 
  
f (2) =    =
2 1 (10)(10)
c. = HYPGEOM.DIST(2,3,5,15,FALSE) = .2198 n=3, x=2
 
15 455
 

 5  10 
  
f (3) =    =
3 0 (10)(1)
d. = HYPGEOM.DIST(3,3,5,15,FALSE) = .0220 n=3, x=3
 
15 455
 

58. Let x be the number of boxes in the sample that show signs of spoilage. This is a hypergeometric
random variable with N = 100 and r = 8. For n = 10 and x = 2 we have:

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Discrete Probability Distributions

 8  92   8!  92! 
     
f (2) =    =  2!6!  8!84!  = HYPGEOM.DIST(2,10,8,100,FALSE) = .1506
2 8
100  100!
  10!90!
 10 

59. a. The probability distribution for x follows.

x f (x)
0 .0960
1 .5700
2 .2380
3 .0770
4 .0190
Total 1.0000

b. and c follow.

x f (x) xf (x) x- (x - )2 (x - )2 f (x)

0 .0960 .0000 -1.3530 1.8306 .1757
1 .5700 .5700 -.3530 .1246 .0710
2 .2380 .4760 .6470 .4186 .0996
3 .0770 .2310 1.6470 2.7126 .2089
4 .0190 .0760 2.6470 7.0066 .1331
Total 1.0000 1.3530 0.6884

E(x) = 1.353, Var(x) = .6884,  = .6884 = .8297

d. The expected value of 1.353 indicates that the mean wind condition when an accident occurred is
slightly greater than light wind conditions.

60. a.
x f (x)
1 .150
2 .050
3 .075
4 .050
5 .125
6 .050
7 .100
8 .125
9 .125

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Chapter 5

10 .150
Total 1.000

b. Probability of outstanding service is .125 + .150 = .275

x f (x) xf (x) x- (x - )2 (x - )2 f (x)
1 .150 .150 -4.925 24.2556 3.6383
2 .050 .100 -3.925 15.4056 .7703
3 .075 .225 -2.925 8.5556 .6417
4 .050 .200 -1.925 3.7056 .1853
5 .125 .625 -.925 .8556 .1070
6 .050 .300 .075 .0056 .0003
7 .100 .700 1.075 1.1556 .1156
8 .125 1.000 2.075 4.3056 .5382
9 .125 1.125 3.075 9.4556 1.1820
10 .150 1.500 4.075 16.6056 2.4908
Total 1.000 5.925 9.6694
E(x) = 5.925 and Var(x) = 9.6694

d. The probability of a new car dealership receiving an outstanding wait-time rating is 2/7 = .2857. For
the remaining 40 – 7 = 33 service providers, 9 received and outstanding rating; this corresponds to a
probability of 9/33 = .2727. For these results, there does not appear to be much difference between
the probability that a new car dealership is rated outstanding compared to the same probability for
other types of service providers.

61. a.
x f (x)
9 .30
10 .20
11 .25
12 .05
13 .20

b. E(x) = x f (x)

= 9(.30) + 10(.20) + 11(.25) + 12(.05) + 13(.20) = 10.65

Expected value of expenses: $10.65 million

c. Var(x) = (x - )2 f (x)

= (9 - 10.65)2 (.30) + (10 - 10.65)2 (.20) + (11 - 10.65)2 (.25)

+ (12 - 10.65)2 (.05) + (13 - 10.65)2 (.20) = 2.13

d. Looks Good: E(Profit) = 12 - 10.65 = 1.35 million

However, there is a .20 probability that expenses will equal $13 million and the college will run a

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Discrete Probability Distributions

62. a. There are 600 observations involving the two variables. Dividing the entries in the table shown by
600 and summing the rows and columns we obtain the following.

Reading Material (y)

Snacks (x) 0 1 2 Total
0 .0 .1 .03 .13
1 .4 .15 .05 .6
2 .2 .05 .02 .27
Total .6 .3 .1 1

The entries in the body of the table are the bivariate or joint probabilities for x and y. The entries in
the right most (Total) column are the marginal probabilities for x and the entries in the bottom
(Total) row are the marginal probabilities for y.

The probability of a customer purchasing 1 item of reading materials and 2 snack items is given by
f( x = 1, y = 2) =.05.

The probability of a customer purchasing 1 snack item only is given by f(x = 1, y = 0) = .40.

The probability f(x = 0, y = 0) = 0 because the point of sale terminal is only used when someone
makes a purchase.
b. The marginal probability distribution of x along with the calculation of the expected value and
variance is shown below.

x f (x) xf (x) x - E(x) (x - E(x))2 (x-E(x))2f (x)

0 0.13 0 -1.14 1.2996 0.1689
1 0.60 0.6 -0.14 0.0196 0.0118
2 0.27 0.54 0.86 0.7396 0.1997
1.14 0.3804
E(x) Var(x)

We see that E(x) = 1.14 snack items and Var(x) = .3804.

c. The marginal probability distribution of y along with the calculation of the expected value and
variance is shown below.

y f (y) yf (y) y - E(y) (y - E(y))2 (y-E(y))2f (y)

0 0.60 0 -0.5 0.25 0.15
1 0.30 0.3 0.5 0.25 0.075
2 0.10 0.2 1.5 2.25 0.225
0.5 0.45
E(y) Var(y)

We see that E(y) = .50 reading materials and Var(y) = .45.

d. The probability distribution of t = x + y is shown below along with the calculation of its expected
value and variance.

t f (t) tf (t) t-E(t) (t-E(t))2 (t-E(t))2f (t)

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1 0.50 0.5 -0.64 0.4096 0.2048

2 0.38 0.76 0.36 0.1296 0.0492
3 0.10 0.3 1.36 1.8496 0.1850
4 0.02 0.08 2.36 5.5696 0.1114
1.64 0.5504
E(t) Var(t)

We see that the expected number of items purchased is E(t) = 1.64 and the variance in the number of
purchases is Var(t) = .5504.

e. From part (b), Var(x) = .3804. From part (c), Var(y) = .45. And from part (d), Var(x + y) = Var(t) =
.5504. Therefore,

 xy = [Var ( x + y ) − Var ( x) − Var ( y )] / 2

= (.5504 − .3804 − .4500) / 2

= −.14

To compute the correlation coefficient, we must first obtain the standard deviation of x and y.
 x = Var ( x) = .3804 = .6168

 y = Var ( y ) = .45 = .6708

So the correlation coefficient is given by

 xy −.14
 xy = = = −.3384
 x y (.6168)(.6708)

The relationship between the number of reading materials purchased and the number of snacks
purchased is negative. This means that the more reading materials purchased the fewer snack items
purchased and vice versa.

63. a. The All World stock fund would be considered the more risky because it has a larger standard
deviation. Indeed, the stock fund will experience a loss if the return is one standard deviation of
18.9% below the mean or 7.80%.

b. To answer this question we need to compute the expected value, variance, and standard deviation of
.75x + .25y.

E (.75 x + .25 y ) = .75 E ( x) + .25E ( y ) = .75(7.8) + .25(5.5) = 7.225

To compute the variance and standard deviation of the portfolio, we need to first compute the
variance for x and y.
Var ( x) = 18.92 = 357.21 and Var ( y) = 4.62 = 21.16

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Discrete Probability Distributions

Var (.75 x + .25 y ) = .752Var ( x) + .252Var ( y ) + 2(.75)(.25) xy

= .752 (357.21) + .252 (21.16) + 2(.75)(.25)(−12.4)

= 197.60

and  xy = 197.6 = 14.06

Expected return ($10,000 investment) = 10,000(.07225) = $722.50

Standard deviation ($10,000 investment) = 10,000(.1406) = $1406

c. To answer this question we need to compute the expected value, variance, and standard deviation of
.25x + .75y.

E (.25 x + .75 y ) = .25E ( x) + .75E ( y ) = .25(7.8) + .75(5.5) = 6.075

Var (.25 x + .75 y ) = .252Var ( x) + .752Var ( y ) + 2(.25)(.75)(−12.4)

= .252 (357.21) + .752 (21.16) + 2(.25)(.75)(−12.4)

= 29.5781

 .25 x +.75 y = 29.5781 = 5.4386

Expected return ($10,000 investment) = 10,000(.06075) = $607.50

Standard deviation ($10,000 investment) = 10,000(.054386) = $543.86

d. I would recommend the portfolio in part (b) for an aggressive investor because it has a larger return.

I would recommend the portfolio in part (c) for a conservative investor because it has a smaller
standard deviation and is, thus, less risky.

64. a. n = 20, p =.53 and x = 3

 20 
f (3) =   (.53)3 (.47)17 = BINOM.DIST(3,20,.53,FALSE) = .0005

b. n = 20, p = .28 and x = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

P(x  5) = f (0) + f (1) + f (2) + f (3) + f (4) + f (5) = BINOM.DIST(5,20,.28,TRUE) = .4952

c. E(x) = n p = 2000(.49) = 980

The expected number who would find it very hard to give up their smartphone is 980.

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d. E(x) = n p = 2000(.36) = 720

The expected number who would find it very hard to give up their E-mail is 720.

 = np (1 - p) = 2000(.36)(.64) = 460.8

= 460.8 = 21.4663

65. a. We must have E(x) = np  25

For the 18-34 age group, p = .16.

n(.16)  25
n  156.25

For the 18-34 age group you need to sample at least 157 people to have an expected number of at
least 25.

b. For the 35-44 age group, p = .12.

n(.12)  25
n  208.3
For the 35-44 age group you need to sample at least 209 people to have an expected number of at
least 25.

c. For the 65 and over age group, p = .02.

n(.02)  25
n  1250

For the 65 and over age group you need to sample at least 1250 people to have an expected number
of at least 25.

d.  = np(1 − p ) = 157(.16)(.84) = 4.59

e.  = np(1 − p) = 209(.12)(.88) = 22.07 = 4.70

66. Since the shipment is large we can assume that the probabilities do not change from trial to trial and
use the binomial probability distribution.

a. n = 5

f (0) =   (0.01)0 (0.99)5 = BINOM.DIST(0,5,.01,FALSE) = .9510

b. f (1) =   (0.01)1 (0.99) 4 = BINOM.DIST(1,5,.01,FALSE) = .0480

c. 1 - f (0) = 1 - .9510 = .0490

d. No, the probability of finding one or more items in the sample defective when only 1% of the items
in the population are defective is small (only .0490). I would consider it likely that more than 1% of
the items are defective.

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Discrete Probability Distributions

67. a. E ( x) = np = 50(.394) = 19.7

b. Var ( x) = np(1 − p) = 50(.394)(1 − .394) = 11.9382

 = Var ( x) = 11.9382 = 3.4552

68. a. E(x) = 200(.235) = 47

b.  = np(1 − p ) = 200(.235)(.765) = 5.9962

c. For this situation p = .765 and (1-p) = .235; but the answer is the same as in part (b). For a binomial
probability distribution, the variance for the number of successes is the same as the variance for the
number of failures. Of course, this also holds true for the standard deviation.

69.  = 15

Probability of 20 or more arrivals = f (20) + f (21) + · · ·

= .0418 + .0299 + .0204 + .0133 + .0083 + .0050 + .0029

+ .0016 + .0009 + .0004 + .0002 + .0001 + .0001 = .1248

Using Excel: 1 – POISSON.DIST(19,15,TRUE) = .1248

70.  = 1.5

Probability of 3 or more breakdowns is 1 - [ f (0) + f (1) + f (2) ].

1 - [ f (0) + f (1) + f (2) ]

= 1 - [ .2231 + .3347 + .2510]

= 1 - .8088 = .1912

Using Excel: 1 - POISSON.DIST(2,1.5,TRUE) = .1912

 x e−  104 e−10
71.  = 10 f (4) = POISSON.DIST(4,10,FALSE) = .0189 f ( x) = = = .0189
x! 4!

33 e−3
72. a. f (3) = = POISSON.DIST(3,3,FALSE) = .2240

b. f (3) + f (4) + · · · = 1 - [ f (0) + f (1) + f (2) ]

0 -3
f (0) = 3 e
= e = .0498

Similarly, f (1) = .1494, f (2) = .2240

 1 - [ .0498 + .1494 + .2240 ] = .5768

Using Excel: 1 - POISSON.DIST(2,3,TRUE) = .5768

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62.4 Op. cit., ii. pp. 642-644.
63.1 Cumont, Voyage d’exploration dans le Pont, p. 139.
64.1 Vide Perrot et Chipiez, op. cit., vol. iv. fig. 107; cf. the relief-
figure of Cybele on a Phrygian rock-tomb, wearing on her head a
polos, with two lions rampant raising their paws to her head,
published by Ramsay, Hell. Journ., 1884, vol. v. p. 245; cf. Perrot et
Chipiez, iv. fig. 110 (“little more than the earlier columnar form of the
goddess slightly hewn,” Evans, Hell. Journ., 1901, p. 166).
64.2 Vide “Mycenaean Stone and Pillar-cult,” Hell. Journ., 1901.
65.1 Evans, “Report of Excavations,” Ann. Brit. School, 1902-1903,
p. 92, fig. 63.
65.2 Ann. Brit. School, 1900-1901, p. 29, fig. 9.
65.3 Published by Evans in Hell. Journ., 1901, p. 170, fig. 48.
65.4 Vide Paribeni’s publication in the Monumenti Antichi della

Accademia dei Lincei, 1908 (xix.), pp. 6-86, pls. i.-iii.

65.5 Cf. Ann. Brit. School, 1900-1901, p. 59, fig. 38; young god with

shield and spear and lioness or mastiff by his side, on clay seal
69.1 Ann. Brit. School, 1901-1902, p. 29.
70.1 Op. cit., p. 98, fig. 56.
70.2 Trans. Cong. Hist. Relig., ii. p. 155.
70.3 P. 65.
71.1 Op. cit., i. p. 254.
71.2 Ann. Brit. School, 1900-1901, p. 29, n. 3.
71.3 Ib., p. 98.
72.1 Lucian, De Dea Syr., 34; cf. Diod. Sic. 2, 5. Dove with “Astarte”

on coins of Askalon, autonomous and imperial, Head, Hist. Num., p.

72.2 According to Aelian, certain sparrows were sacred to

Asklepios, and the Athenians put a man to death for slaying one
(Var. Hist., v. 17). Did Asklepios as an anthropomorphic divinity
emerge from the sparrow? What, then, should we say of the sacred
snake who might better claim to be his parent? Was Hermes as a
god evolved from a sacred cock? Miss Harrison believes it (op. cit.,
ii. p. 161), because he is represented on a late Greek patera
standing before a cock on a pillar. But the cock came into Europe
perhaps one thousand years after Hermes had won to divine
manhood in Arcadia. On the same evidence we might be forced to
say that the goddess Leto came from the cock (vide Roscher’s
Lexikon, ii. p. 1968, cock on gem in Vienna, with inscription Λητω
73.1 Ann. Brit. School, 1900-1901, p. 30; cf. the paper by M.
Salomon Reinach, “Anthropologie,” vi., “La sculpture en Europe
avant les influences Gréco-Romaines,” p. 561.
74.1 Evans in Hell. Journ., 1901, p. 169; Winter, Arch. Anz., 1890,
p. 108.
74.2 Hogarth, Hell. Journ., 1902, p. 92.
74.3 Vide gem from Vapheio, published by Evans, Hell. Journ.,

1901, p. 101, fig. 1; cf. p. 117, figs. 13, 14.

75.1 Hogarth, op. cit., pp. 79, 91.
75.2 Evans, Palace of Cnossus, p. 18, fig. 7a.
76.1 Vide my Cults, iv. p. 115.
77.1 Protrept., p. 34, P.
77.2 Protrept., p. 34, P.; Aelian, Nat. An., xii. 5. Similarly, when

Diodorus tells us that “the Syrians honoured doves as goddesses”

(2, 5), the statement lets little light on the real religious feeling and
religious practice of the people.
77.3 Op. cit., pp. 129-152.
78.1 See my Cults, v. pp. 165, 167, R. 79.
78.2 Anthropological Essays presented to E. B. Tylor, p. 99.
78.3 Cults, iv. p. 115.
78.4 This view of the passage is more probable than that which I
have taken in Cults, i. p. 37 (R. 8, p. 141).
79.1 Commentary on Pausanias, vol. iii. p. 55.
80.1 Bull. Corr. Hell., 1899, p. 635 (plate).
82.1 Archiv. für Religionswissenschaft, 1904, “Sociologic
hypotheses concerning the position of women in ancient religion.”
83.1 Vide supra, p. 43.
83.2 Vide Jastrow, op. cit., i. p. 216.
83.3 Zimmern, Bab. Hymn. u. Gebete, p. 20.
83.4 Ib., p. 24.
84.1 A. Jeremias in Roscher’s Lexikon, vol. iii. p. 62, s.v. “Nebo.”
84.2 Zeitschr. f. Assyriologie, 1890, p. 72.
84.3 Jastrow, op. cit., vol. i. p. 525; cf. the inscription of the last of
the Babylonian kings, Nabuna’id, who prays to Ningal, the mother of
the great gods, to plead for him before Sin (Keilinschr. Bibl., iii. p.
85.1 Der Alte Orient (1904), p. 20.
85.2 Weber, op. cit., p. 19.
85.3 C. I. Sem., 2, 1, n. 2, 113.
85.4 Sanda, Der Alte Orient, “Die Aramäer,” p. 24.
85.5 Lagrange, Études sur les religions sémitiques, p. 492.
86.1 xxi. 29.
86.2 Von Landau, Die phönizischen Inschriften, p. 13.
86.3 C. I. Sem., 1, ii. ad init.
86.4 Ib., 1, 7, p. 2.
86.5 Von Landau, op. cit., p. 14.
87.1 Adonis, Attis, Osiris, 2nd ed., p. 108; Garstang, op. cit., pl. lxv.
87.2 Messerschmidt, Die Hettiter, pp. 27, 28.
87.3 Perrot et Chipiez, op. cit., figs. 280, 281.
87.4 Garstang, op. cit., pl. lxxiii. pp. 262-263, 267-268.
88.1 Der Alte Orient, 1908; Der Tel-Halaf und die verschleierte
Göttin, pp. 33, 36.
88.2 Vide Cook, Religion of Ancient Palestine, p. 73; Winckler, Tel-
el-Amarna Tablets; Garstang, op. cit., p. 348.
88.3 Published by Ramsay, Cities of St. Paul, p. 134, fig. 7.
88.4 Garstang, op. cit., pp. 175-176, interprets the figure as a
89.1 Vide my Cults, vol. ii., Artemis-References, R. 79m.
89.2 Adonis, etc., 2nd ed., p. 129.
89.3 Religion of the Semites, p. 52.
89.4 In lecture delivered in Oxford on “Apollo,” and published 1909;
cf. his article in Hermes, 1903, p. 575.
90.1 Cults, vol. ii., “Artemis” Coin-Pl. B, n. 28.
90.2 Pp. 651, 652, 665.
91.1 The inscriptions throwing light on the cult at Panamara are
contained in Bull. Corr. Hell., 11, 12, 15 (years 1887, 1888, 1891); cf.
the article in Roscher’s Lexikon, vol. iii., s.v. “Panamaros.”
91.2 Vide my Cults, vol. iv. p. 173; cf. ib., Apollo Geogr. Reg., s.v.
“Phrygia,” p. 452, and R. 57.
91.3 The type with many breasts might have been suggested by
Babylonian symbolism, for the Goddess of Nineveh is spoken of as
four-breasted (vide Jeremias in Roscher’s Lexikon, vol. ii., s.v.
“Nebo”), but Dr. Hogarth’s excavations have shown that this form of
the Ephesian idol is late.
92.1 Hell. Journ., 1901, p. 168.
93.1 Vide op. cit., p. 108, fig. 4, and p. 175, fig. 51.
93.2 Cults, vol. i. pp. 36-38; vol. iii. pp. 294-296.
93.3 Cf. those cited in note 1 above, and the shield-bearing figure
painted on the tomb of Milato in Crete (ib. p. 174).
94.1 Mutter Erde, 1905.
94.2 Vide my Cults, v. pp. 345-365.
95.1 The Celtic question is more difficult: Prof. Rhys in his excellent
paper on Celtic religion, read as a Presidential address at the
Congress of the History of Religions, 1908 (Transactions, ii. pp. 201-
225), gives the impression that the goddess was more in evidence
than the god in old Irish mythology, and doubts whether to attribute
this to the non-Indogermanic strain in the population; he notices also
certain “matriarchal” phenomena in the religion; cf. ib., p. 242.
95.2 Herod., 1, 94; 4, 45 (note here the Thracian associations of
96.1 The Romanised-Celtic cult of a vague group of “Sanctae
Virgines,” attested by an inscription found near Lyons (Rhys, Hibbert
Lectures, p. 102), counts very little against this induction.
96.2 The warlike character of these Virgin Goddesses, Athena,
Ishtar, might be explained on a sociologic hypothesis that would also
account for Amazonism; in modern Albania the girl who refuses
marriage is allowed to wear man’s dress and to bear arms, vide
Journ. Anthrop. Inst., 1910, p. 460.
96.3 But in a recent paper (Athenische Mittheilungen, 1911, p. 27)
Frickenhaus and Müller give reasons for dating the earliest Heraeum
to the eighth century. At any rate, the goddess-cult in this locality
was vastly older.
100.1 Bab. Hym. u. Gebet., p. 11.
100.2 Jastrow, op. cit., p. 230.
100.3 In Roscher’s Lexikon, ii. 2371; cf. ib., 2367.
101.1 Roscher, Lexikon, iii. p. 364.
101.2 Jeremias, op. cit., iii. p. 250.
101.3 Langdon, Sum. Babyl. Psalms, p. 83.
101.4 Roscher, Lexikon, p. 252.
102.1 Jastrow, op. cit., p. 484.
102.2 Roscher, Lexikon, iii., s.v. “Nebo.”
102.3 As Jeremias supposes, Roscher, op. cit., iii. p. 60.
102.4 Vide Tiele, Histoire des anc. relig., p. 242.
103.1 Vide Winckler, Himmels und Weltenbild der Babylonier, pp.
10-11. Jeremias, Roscher, Lexikon, iii. p. 58. But Jastrow, op. cit., p.
84, seems to believe in the planetary origin of Ishtar, and would
explain her character as the planet Venus.
103.2 Winckler, ib., p. 11.
103.3 Roscher, Lexikon, iii. pp. 66-67.
104.1 Langdon, Hymn xiii. p. 199.
104.2 Ib., p. 221.
104.3 Ib., p. 277.
104.4 Ib., p. 223.
104.5 Jastrow, op. cit., p. 55.
104.6 Langdon, op. cit., p. 257.
105.1 Pinches, Babylonian and Assyrian Religions, p. 104; cf.
“Nidaba,” Jastrow, op. cit., p. 95, a goddess of agriculture.
105.2 “Der Babylonische Gott Tamuz,” in Abh. König. Sächs.

Gesell. Wiss., xxvii. (1909).

105.3 Zimmern regards Dumuzi or Damuzi as shortened from
Dumuzi-Abzu, but Jastrow (op. cit., p. 90) would keep the two names
distinct, and interprets Dumuzi simply as “Son of Life.”
105.4 Vide Zimmern in Sitzungsb. König. Sächs. Gesell. Wiss.,
105.5 Zimmern, ib., p. 208; cf. Langdon, op. cit., p. 307.
106.1 Zimmern, Sitzungsb. König. Sächs. Gesell. Wiss., p. 220.
106.2 Eus., Praep. Ev., 1, 9, 29.
106.3 Ib., 1, 10, 6.
107.1 Eus., Praep. Ev., 1, 10, 7.
107.2 Rel. of Sem., pp. 96-100.
107.3 Polyb., 7, 9 (the Carthaginian oath of alliance with Philip of
108.1 Garstang, op. cit., p. 348.
108.2 Vide supra, p. 88.
108.3 Vide my Cults, vol. iii. pp. 295-300.
109.1 Vide Ramsay, Hell. Journ., v. p. 261; my Cults, iii. p. 299.
109.2 Ramsay, ib., p. 242.
109.3 Cults, vol. v. p. 296 (Dionysos, R. 63d).
109.4 The axe, the thunder-fetish, is attached to her at times, either
because it was the prevalent religious symbol in Crete or because of
her union with the Thunder-God.
110.1 E.g. the “Tile-God,” the lord of foundations and tiles,
mentioned in the inscription of Nabonid in Keilinschr. Bibl., iii. p. 101;
but cf. Jastrow, op. cit., p. 176, who regards him as a special form of
111.1 Vol. v. 417-420.
111.2 For Sun-worship indicated by Minoan monuments vide Evans,
Hell. Journ., 1901, pp. 172-173; on a stone at Tenos we find a
curious inscription, Ἡλιοσαρπήδονος (Cults, v. p. 451, R. 37), and
Sarpedon is a Minoan-Rhodian figure.
112.1 Vide Cults, v. pp. 450-453, for references.
113.1 E.g. Plutarch, Vit. Agid., c. 11 (the Spartan ephors every nine
years watch the sky, and if a star falls take it for a sign of some
religious offence of one of the kings, who is suspended until the
Delphic oracle determines about him).
113.2 Cults, vol. i., “Zeus,” R. 30.
113.3 Ib., vol. v. p. 452, R. 41.
113.4 Ib., p. 450, R. 24.
113.5 Lakonische Kulte, p. 316.
117.1 Müller, Frag. Hist. Gr., ii. 497.
117.2 Vide Pinches, op. cit., p. 76.
117.3 Jastrow, op. cit., p. 246.
117.4 Id., p. 146.
117.5 Id., p. 297.
118.1 Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia, p. 681.
118.2 Vide Margoliouth, Life of Mahomet, pp. 7, 8.
119.1 Keilinschr. Bibl., iii. 1, p. 87.
119.2 King, Hammurabi, pl. 191, no. 97, col. ii.; Jeremias, in
Roscher, Lexikon, iv. p. 29, s.v. “Ramman.”
119.3 Jeremias, s.v. “Nebo,” in Roscher, op. cit., iii. p. 62.
119.4 Zimmern, K.A.T.3, p. 379.
120.1 Schiel in Rev. de l’histoire des religions, 1897, p. 207.
120.2 Jeremias, Bab. Assyr. Vorstellungen von dem Leben nach
dem Tode, p. 91.
120.3 Zimmern, K.A.T.3, p. 430.
120.4 Jastrow, op. cit., vol. i. p. 34.
120.5 Johns, Babylonian and Assyrian Laws, etc., p. 27.
121.1 Reproduced on title-page of Winckler, Die Gesetze

121.2 Winckler, op. cit., p. 10.
121.3 Ib., p. 39.
121.4 Keilinschr. Bibl., ii. p. 47.
121.5 Vide Knudtzon, Assyrische Gebete an den Sonnengott, p.

121.6 Vide Langdon, Expositor, 1909, p. 149; cf. Jeremias, s.v.

“Nebo,” Roscher, op. cit., iii. p. 55.

122.1 Jeremias, Die Cultus-tafel von Sippar.
122.2 See Jeremias, Roscher, Lexikon, iii. pp. 62-63.
122.3 Op. cit., p. 170.
122.4 Op. cit., p. 223.
122.5 K.A.T.3, pp. 639-640.
123.1 Vide Hilprecht in Babyl. Exped. Univ. Pennsylv., vol. v. series
D, pp. 24-29.
123.2 Vide Langdon, Transactions of Congress of History of
Religions, vol. i. p. 251.
123.3 Keilinschr. Bibl., iii. 1, p. 97.
123.4 Vide Frazer’s paragraph on the divine character of Semitic

kings in Adonis, Attis, Osiris2, pp. 12-13.

123.5 Lagrange, Études sur les religions sémitiques, p. 492.
123.6 Op. cit., p. 481.
124.1 C. I. Sem. 1, 1, 1 (cf. “Die Phönizischen Inschriften,” by

Freiherr von Landau, in Der Alte Orient, 1907, p. 13).

124.2 Ezek. xxix. 2, 9; quoted by Frazer, supra.
124.3 The same figure which I interpret as the priest-king occurs in
other religious scenes of Hittite sculpture; the type might often have
been used for the priest pure and simple, as Dr. Frazer would always
interpret it (vide op. cit., pp. 103-108).
125.1 Op. cit., pp. 57-58.
125.2 Strab., p. 535.
125.3 Vide Ramsay, Hell. Journ., x. p. 158; cf. Hyginus, 191 (Midas
Rex Mydonius filius matris Deae).
125.4 Chil., 1, 473; vide Cook in Class. Rev., 1903, p. 408.
126.1 Vide my Cults, v. pp. 350-354; Frazer, Journ. Philol., xiv. “The

Prytaneum, Temple of Vesta.”

127.1 C. D. Gray, The Samas Religious Texts (Brit. Mus.), Hymn 1.
127.2 Keilinschr. Bibl., ii. p. 131.
127.3 Cook, Religions of Ancient Palestine, p. 109.
127.4 Jeremias, Hölle u. Paradies, p. 17.
128.1 Sterrett, Epigraphical Journey, No. 65.
128.2 Vide Cults, vol. v. p. 19.
128.3 Vide Frazer, Psyche’s Task, pp. 18-30.
129.1 Vide Winckler’s “Die Gesetze Hammurabi” in Der Alte Orient,

1906; an English version of the code in Johns’ Babylonian and

Assyrian Laws and Contracts.
130.1 The son of the slain man could claim compensation for
manslaughter. In an Assyrian document a slave-girl is handed over
to the son at the grave of the slain man. This is interesting, for it
seems to point to some consideration for the feelings of the ghost
(vide Johns, op. cit., p. 116).
132.1 Vide Johns, op. cit., p. 77.
132.2 Op. cit., p. 83.
132.3 Op. cit., p. 85.
132.4 Op. cit., p. 86.
132.5 Op. cit., p. 90.
133.1 Translated by Scheil in Rev. de l’hist. des Religions, 1897, p.

133.2 Zimmern in K.A.T.3, p. 455; cf. his Beiträge zur Kenntniss der

Babyl. Religion, ii. p. 147, “for the House-God, the House-Goddess,

for the House-daimon thou shalt erect three altars.”
134.1 For exceptions, vide infra, pp. 213, 217.
134.2 Vide Johns, op. cit., p. 133; quoting from paper by Dr.
Pinches in Proceedings of the Victoria Institute, 1892-93, “Notes on
some recent Discoveries in the Realm of Assyriology.”
134.3 Johns, op. cit., p. 154, etc., treats Babylonian adoption wholly

as a secular business based on secular feelings.

136.1 Il., 18, 505.
137.1 Od., 3, 215.
137.2 Vide Cults, iv. pp. 201-202.
137.3 Ib., p. 202.
137.4 Ib., pp. 104-106.
138.1 Vide my Cults, iii. pp. 80-81.
138.2 Ib., pp. 53-55.
138.3 Vide supra, pp. 129-131.
139.1 Vide my Cults, v. p. 345.
139.2 Evolution of Religion, pp. 139-152.
142.1 Zimmern, Babylonische Hymnen und Gebete, p. 20.
142.2 Pinches, op. cit., p. 77.
142.3 Vide Jeremias, Bab. Assyr. Vorstellungen vom Leben nach
dem Tode, p. 68.
142.4 Zimmern, K.A.T.3, pp. 433-434.
143.1 Zimmern, op. cit., pp. 412, 587.
143.2 Langdon, op. cit., p. 83.
143.3 Roscher, Lexikon, vi. p. 47, s.v. “Ramman.”
144.1 Certain other minor powers or daimones, such as the corn-
deity, the Lord of Watercourses (Shuqamunu), may have remained
purely “functional,” and have acquired no moral attributes beyond the
beneficent exercises of their special function. But the habitual
Babylonian tendency is to moralise all the gods and goddesses.
145.1 Ἀφροδίτη ἀνδροφόνος or ἀνόσιος, Cults, ii. p. 665, and

Διόνυσος ἀνθρωπορραίστης, ib., v. p. 156.

146.1 Zimmern, K.A.T.3, pp. 416-418; Jastrow, op. cit., pp. 297, 487.
148.1 Weber, Dämonenbeschwörung bei den Babyloniern und
Assyrern, p. 8.
148.2 Il., 9, 312.
150.1 Od., 22, 334.
150.2 Il., 9, 63.
150.3 Il., 15, 204.
150.4 Od., 11, 280.
151.1 Weber, op. cit., p. 8.
152.1 Gray, Samaš Religious Texts (British Museum), Hymn 1.
152.2 Zimmern, Babylonische Hymnen u. Gebete, p. 18.
153.1 Weber, op. cit., p. 9.
153.2 Zimmern, op. cit., p. 23.
154.1 “I have sinned and am therefore ill,” is the conventional

formula in the confessional exorcism (Zimmern, op. cit., p. 26).

154.2 Zimmern, op. cit., pp. 23-24.
155.1 Op. cit., pp. 28-30.
157.1 Vide my Evolution of Religion, p. 128.
159.1 Roscher, Lexikon, iii. p. 49.
159.2 Langdon, op. cit., p. 269.
159.3 Jastrow, op. cit., p. 536. For the idea of the goddess as the

pleader for man before the high god, cf. the prayer of Ashurbanapal
to Ninlil (Jastrow, p. 525).
159.4 Zimmern, op. cit., p. 15; ib., p. 11.
159.5 Jastrow, op. cit., p. 200.
160.1 Il., 9, 497; cf. my Cults, i. pp. 72-73, 75-77.
160.2 Vide Jeremias in Roscher’s Lexikon, ii. p. 2355.
160.3 Langdon, op. cit., p. 225.
160.4 Jastrow, op. cit., p. 490.
160.5 Ib., p. 529.
160.6 Langdon, op. cit., p. 3.
161.1 Langdon, op. cit., p. 319.
161.2 Cults, iii. p. 33.
163.1 Roscher, Lexikon, ii. p. 2354.
163.2 Vide Jeremias, Die Cultus-Tafel von Sippar, p. 29.
165.1 Langdon, op. cit., p. 191.
165.2 Ib., p. 193.
165.3 Ib., p. 289.
165.4 Ib., p. 3.
165.5 Tabl. 9, 1, 11.
165.6 Choix des textes religieux Assyriens Babyloniens, p. 270.
165.7 Vide Zimmern, K.A.T.3, p. 423; but cf. his Beiträge zur
Kenntniss d. Babyl. Relig., ii. p. 179, “trefflich ist die grosse Buhle die
herrliche Istar.”
166.1 E.g. by Dhorme, op. cit.
166.2 Keilinschr. Bibl., ii. p. 47.
166.3 Langdon, op. cit., p. 11.
166.4 Ib., p. 289.
166.5 Jastrow, op. cit., 460.
168.1 Only a late Greek inscription from Berytos designates Baal as
the pure God θεῷ ἁγίῳ (Dittenberger, Orient. Graec. Inscr., 590).
168.2 Lagrange, Études sur les religions sémitiques, p. 482.
168.3 Vide Weber, Arabien vor dem Islam, p. 18.
168.4 Epiphanius, Panarium, 51; cf. my Cults, ii. 629.
168.5 C. I. Sem., 1, 1, 195.
169.1 De Civ. Dei, 2, 4; cf. Roscher, Lexikon, i., s.v. “Caelestis.”

C.I.L., 8, 9796.
169.2 Perrot et Chipiez, op. cit., iv. fig. 280.
169.3 Year 1909.
170.1 Vide Cults, iii. pp. 305-306; Sir William Ramsay, in Amer.
Journ. Arch., 1887, p. 348, expressed his belief in the prevalence of
the cult of an Anatolian goddess in the later period, regarded as a
virgin-mother and named Artemis-Leto; the fact is merely that the
goddess Anaitis was usually identified with Artemis, but occasionally
with Leto; but we nowhere find Artemis explicitly identified with Leto,
and the interpretation which he gives to the Messapian inscription
(Artamihi Latho[i], vide Rhein. Mus., 1887, p. 232, Deeke) appears to
me unconvincing.
170.2 The fact that a part of her temple at Kyzikos was called

Παρθενών does not indicate a virgin-goddess. M. Reinach is, in my

opinion, right in explaining it as “the apartment of the maidens”
where the maiden priestesses assembled (Bull. Corr. Hell., 1908, p.
171.1 Cults, vol. i., “Athena,” R. 66.
171.2 A different view of the whole question might be presented if I

was dealing here with the evidence gleaned from the period just
before Christianity.
172.1 Cults, iii. p. 206.
172.2 8, 44, 5.
173.1 Langdon, op. cit., pp. 1, 7.
174.1 Vide Langdon, op. cit., p. 225.
174.2 Vide Roscher, Lexikon, ii. p. 2348.
174.3 Vide Zimmern, K.A.T.3, p. 401.
175.1 Even the Pythian Apollo, in our earliest record of his oracle, is
only the voice of “the counsels of God” (cf. Hom. Od., 8, 79).
176.1 Weber, Dämonenbeschwörung bei den Babyloniern und
Assyrern, p. 7.
176.2 Roscher, Lexikon, ii. p. 2355, quoting Hymn iv. R. 29, 1.
176.3 Dhorme, Choix, etc., p. 25, l. 39.
176.4 E.g. Langdon, op. cit., pp. 39-41; cf. p. xix.
176.5 Zimmern, Babyl. Hymne u. Gebete, p. 8.
177.1 Dhorme, Choix, etc., p. 343.
177.2 Roscher, Lexikon, ii. p. 2367 (iv. R. 26, n. 4).
177.3 Langdon, op. cit., pp. 39, 99.
177.4 Vide my essays in Evolution of Religion, pp. 184-192.
177.5 Langdon, op. cit., p. 129.
177.6 Dhorme, op. cit., p. 5, l. 7.
177.7 Jeremias, Hölle und Paradies, p. 12; Roscher, Lexikon, s.v.
“Ninib,” iii. p. 368.
178.1 Vide infra, pp. 291-293.
179.1 Evolution of Religion, pp. 186, 187.
179.2 Zimmern, K.A.T.3, pp. 490, 491, 497.
180.1 Pp. 52-100; cf. Pinches, Religion of Babylonia and Assyria, p.
30, etc.; Zimmern, op. cit., 488-506.
180.2 Il., 14, 246, 302.
180.3 E.g., vide A. Lang, Myth Ritual and Religion, pp. 182, 198,
203; cf. Macdonell, Vedic Mythology, pp. 13, 14; Golther, Handbuch
der German. Mythologie, pp. 512-514.
182.1 Macdonell, op. cit., pp. 12, 13.
182.2 Zimmern, K.A.T.3, p. 497.
182.3 Vide A. Lang, Myth Ritual and Religion, ii. pp. 29, 30.
183.1 Zimmern, K.A.T.3, p. 498; cf. King, op. cit., pp. 84-86.
183.2 Vide Strab., p. 626; others placed it in the volcanic region of
Lydia (ib., p. 579).
183.3 Cf. King, op. cit., pp. 101, 102 (plate); and Zimmern, K.A.T.3,
pp. 502, 503, n. 2.
184.1 Zimmern, K.A.T.3, p. 497.
184.2 King, op. cit., pp. 88-91; Zimmern, op. cit., p. 498 (b).
185.1 Ad Ov. Metam., 1, 34 (the authenticity of the Lactantius
passage is doubted; vide Bapp in Roscher’s Lexikon, iii. p. 3044).
185.2 The first is specially Babylonian, the second in Esarhaddon’s

inscriptions (vide Jastrow, op. cit., pp. 248, 249).

185.3 “La Trinité Carthaginoise” in Gazette Archéol., 1879-1880.
185.4 Evans, in Hell. Journ., 1901, p. 140.
186.1 Vide, however, Zimmern, K.A.T.3, p. 419, who tries to derive
the Christian Trinity ultimately from Babylon.
186.2 Vide Roscher, Lexikon, iii. p. 67, s.v. “Nebo.”
187.1 Vide Cults, v. p. 431.
187.2 Vide op. cit., vol. iii. pp. 284-285.
187.3 Vide op. cit., vol. i. pp. 84, 85.
187.4 Made by Weber in Arabien vor dem Islam, p. 19.
188.1 Vide Pinches, op. cit., p. 118; Jastrow, op. cit., p. 203, n. 1.
188.2 Quoted by Jeremias in his article on “Nebo” in Roscher,

Lexikon, iii. p. 49.

189.1 It is interesting to note the cult of the supreme god under the

title of Μέγιστος in the remote district and city of Boulis, which

excited the attention of Pausanias. Yet the men of Boulis were no
monotheists, for they had temples of Artemis and Dionysos (Paus.,
10, 37, 3; cf. my article in Anthropological Essays presented to E. B.
Tylor, 1907, p. 92).
192.1 Vide Langdon, Transactions of Congress of Rel., 1908, i. p.
192.2 Zimmern, Babylon. Hymn. u. Gebete, p. 27.
192.3 Langdon, Sumerian and Babylonian Psalms, p. 269.
192.4 Keilinschr. Bibl. (Schrader), vol. ii. pt. ii. p. 69.
192.5 iv. R. 3, 5; quoted by Jeremias in Bab. Assyr. Vorstell. vom
Leben nach dem Tode.
192.6 Keilinschr. Bibl., iii. 2, p. 11.
193.1 In Aesch. Agam., l. 70, the words οὔτε δακρύων are spurious,
as I have argued in Class. Review, 1897, p. 293.
193.2 We might perhaps infer their recognition from the occasional
use of the word δεισιδαίμων in a partly good sense, e.g. Aristot. Pol.,
5, 11, 25; Xen. Ages., 11, 8; but its bad sense is more emphasised
by Theophrastos in his “Characters.”
193.3 Nebukadnezar (of all people) calls himself more than once
“the humble, the submissive,” e.g. Keilinschr. Bibl., iii. p. 63.
193.4 We find the phrase δοῦλος ὑμέτερος also in the Greek magic
papyri, but these are charged with the Oriental spirit; Kenyon, Greek
Pap., i. p. 108, ll. 745-6.
194.1 C. I. Sem., 1, No. 122.
194.2 These facts are collected and exposed in a valuable article by
Perdrizet in Archiv. für Relig. Wissensch., 1911, pp. 54-129; cf.
Revue des Études anciennes, 1910, pp. 236-237; Hell. Journ., 1888,
pl. vi.
195.1 Vide O. Weber, Arabien vor dem Islam, p. 21.
196.1 Dittenberg, Orient. Graec. Inscr., 619 (= Lebas-Waddington,

Inscr., iii. 2393); the reading here is Θεὸν Αὐμόν, probably a mistake
for Αὐμοῦ; cf. Lebas-Wadd., 2395 and 2455.
196.2 Vide Roscher’s Lexikon, ii. p. 2752.
196.3 Vide ib., iii. p. 1496.
196.4 Cults, vol. i., “Athena,” R. 96b (Paus., 1, 42, 4); as regards
“Apollo Sarpedonios” we are uncertain whether the title was not
merely local-geographical.
197.1 Langdon, op. cit., pp. 309, 321; cf. the lines in the hymn, p.
335: “I am the child who upon the flood was cast out—Damu, who on
the flood was cast out, the anointed one who on the flood was cast
197.2 Bergk’s Lyr. Graec., iii. p. 654.
199.1 Pp. 222-223.
199.2 Vide supra, p. 42.
199.3 Keilinschr. Bibl., ii. p. 191.
200.1 Keil. Bibl., ii. p. 11.
200.2 Ib., p. 69.
200.3 Ib., p. 257.
201.1 Keil. Bibl., ii. pp. 133-134.
201.2 Ib., pp. 203, 207.
201.3 Ib., p. 205.
202.1 We note the indication of a cruel human sacrifice—
consecration of a child to a god or goddess by fire—as a legal
punishment for reopening adjudicated causes (Johns, Babylonian
and Assyrian Laws, etc., p. 95).
205.1 Vide Dr. Langdon’s paper on “Babylonian Eschatology;” in
Essays in Modern Theology (papers offered to Professor Briggs,
1911), p. 139.
205.2 Vide Jeremias, Hölle und Paradies, p. 30; cf. King, Bab. Rel.,
p. 46—formula for laying a troubled and dangerous ghost—“let him
depart into the west; to Nedu, the Chief Porter of the Underworld, I
consign him.” The west was suggested to the Hellene because of the
natural associations of the setting sun; to the Babylonian, perhaps,
according to Jeremias, op. cit., p. 19, because the desert west of
Babylon was associated with death and demons.
205.3 The “waters of death” figure in the Epic of Gilgamesh, e.g.

King, op. cit., p. 169.

205.4 Vide inscr. of Sargon II. in Keil. Bibl., ii. 2, pp. 75-77, 79: “Ea,

Sin, Shamash, Nabu, Ramman, Ninib, and their benign spouses,

who were rightfully born on Iharsaggalkurkurra, the Mountain of the
206.1 Passage in “The Descent of Ishtar,” Jeremias, op. cit., p. 20.
206.2 King, op. cit., pp. 45-46.
208.1 Vide Langdon, op. cit.
209.1 Cook, Religion of Ancient Palestine, p. 36.
209.2 Vide Langdon, op. cit.
209.3 Vide Prof. Margoliouth’s article on “Ancestor-worship” in

Hastings’ Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics.

210.1 King’s translation in Babyl. Relig., pp. 48-49. Cf. Jeremias,

Hölle u. Paradies, p. 12.

211.1 Cook, The Religion of Ancient Palestine, p. 35.
211.2 E.g. Eur. Troad., 1085, σὺ μὲν φθίμενος ἀλαίνεις ἄθαπτος,
212.1 Langdon, op. cit.
212.2 King, op. cit., p. 176.

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