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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements
For the award of Degree


SESSION (2022-23)

Submitted To: Submitted By:

Ms. Mandeep Kaur Vikas Kushwaha
Project guide Roll No. 22014000780
Class: BBA, 2nd semester

Axis Institute of Higher Education (KN115)

Rooma, Kanpur (UP)

I hereby certify that this project report entitled " DISCRIMINATION AND
UNTOUCHABILITY" submitted by Vikas Kushwaha to Department of
of Bachelor Of Business Administration is a bonafide in original research work carried
out under my guidance and supervision. The assistance and help rendered in the form
of basic source material and information have been duly acknowledged.

Ms. Mandeep Kaur Dr. Neetu Singh

Assistant Professor Principal, AIHE
Project guide

I hereby declare that the Project Report entitled “ DISCRIMINATION AND

UNTOUCHABILITY ” submitted to Axis Institute of Higher Education Kanpur
in partial fulfillment of Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration is the original
work conducted by me. The information and the data given in the report is authentic
to the best of my knowledge.

The Project Report is not being submitted to any other University for award of any
other degree, Diploma and Fellowship.

Place-Kanpur Vikas Kushwaha

Date: Roll No: 22014000780


I would also like to extend my gratitude to the Principal, AIHE “Dr.Neetu Singh” for
providing me all the facility that was required.

I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my guide “Ms.Mandeep

Kaur” for her able guidance and support in completing my project .

I would also like to thank my parents and friends who helped me a lot in finalizing
this project within the limited time frame.

Submitted By:
Vikas Kushwaha
Roll No: 22014000780
BBA { 2nd semester}

Untouchability is a form of social institution that legitimises and enforces practices

that are discriminatory, humiliating, exclusionary and exploitative against people
belonging to certain social groups.
Untouchability is the practice of discriminating various individuals and groups based
on their cast and the jobs done by them. Untouchability is practiced for a very long
time. It works on the Indian caste system hierarchy. The untouchables usually bear
inhuman treatment because they belong to the lower caste.
Untouchability is a form of social institution that legitimises and enforces practices
that are discriminatory, humiliating, exclusionary and exploitative against people
belonging to certain social groups. Although comparable forms of discrimination are
found all over the world, untouchability involving the caste system is largely unique
to South Asia
Untouchability has been outlawed in India, Nepal and Pakistan. However,
"untouchability" has not been legally defined.[citation needed] The origin of
untouchability and its historicity are still debated. A recent study of a sample of
households in India concludes that "Notwithstanding the likelihood of under-reporting
of the practice of untouchability, 70 percent of the population reported not indulging
in this practice. This is an encouraging sign.
The 1989 Prevention of Atrocities Act revised and strengthened the legal provisions
punishing acts of violence or humiliation against Dalits and Adivasis. Article 15 of
the Constitution notes that no citizen of India shall be discriminated against on the
basis of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth.
All people are equal in the eyes of law. We shall not discriminate and dominate others
on the basis of their caste. We should teach our children about the importance of
sensibility, generosity, and equality with all people. The Dalits face discrimination
majorly because of their jobs such as cleaning public areas etc. Basically, we shall
respect them the most as they keep our society clean and healthy. Therefore, the
young generation should take charge and fight for its complete abolition.


1} Introduction 07

2} Importance and significance of the study 11

3} Objectives of the study 17

4} Overview of the Social Problem 19

5} Impact of the Problem on Society 27

National Policies and 31

Regulatory framework analysis

Conclusion and suggestions for eradication 35


8} References 39


Discrimination and untouchability are social phenomena that have been prevalent in
various societies throughout history. They involve the unjust and unequal treatment of
individuals or groups based on certain perceived characteristics, such as race, caste,
religion, gender, or other factors. These practices often result in the marginalization,
exclusion, or oppression of certain individuals or communities.

Discrimination can manifest in various forms, including institutionalized policies,

social attitudes, stereotypes, prejudices, and acts of bias or violence. It can be overt,
such as laws or regulations that explicitly enforce unequal treatment, or it can be more
subtle and implicit, embedded in social norms and practices. Discrimination can have
significant negative effects on the targeted individuals or groups, limiting their
opportunities, denying them basic rights, and perpetuating social inequality.

Untouchability, specifically associated with the caste system in India, is a form of
discrimination deeply rooted in social and religious beliefs. Historically, the caste
system divided Indian society into rigid hierarchical groups, with Dalits (formerly
known as "untouchables") placed at the bottom. Dalits faced severe social exclusion,
were subjected to degrading and menial occupations, and were considered impure or
polluted. They were often denied access to basic amenities, places of worship,
education, and opportunities for social mobility.

Over the years, efforts have been made globally to address discrimination and
untouchability. Many countries have implemented laws and policies to promote
equality, protect individuals from discrimination, and foster inclusivity. International
human rights frameworks, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
condemn discrimination and advocate for the equal treatment of all individuals.

Various social movements, activism, and advocacy groups have emerged to challenge
discriminatory practices and promote social justice. These movements aim to raise
awareness, change attitudes, and push for legislative reforms to eliminate
discrimination in all its forms.

While progress has been made in combating discrimination and untouchability, these
issues persist in different parts of the world. It remains crucial to continue promoting
inclusive societies, educating people about the harmful effects of discrimination, and
working towards creating a world where every individual is treated with dignity,
respect, and equality, regardless of their background or characteristics.




The study of discrimination and untouchability is of utmost importance for several


Human Rights: Discrimination and untouchability are clear violations of human

rights. The study of these issues helps raise awareness about the rights and dignity of
every individual, promoting equality and justice.

Social Justice: Discrimination and untouchability perpetuate social inequalities and

injustices. Understanding the root causes, manifestations, and consequences of these
practices is crucial for developing strategies and policies to address them effectively.

Historical Context: Discrimination and untouchability have deep historical roots in

various societies. By studying their history, we can gain insights into how these
practices have evolved over time, their social, cultural, and economic implications,
and the progress made in challenging and overcoming them.

Intersections with Other Forms of Discrimination: Discrimination and untouchability

intersect with other forms of discrimination based on race, gender, religion, caste,
ethnicity, and more. An interdisciplinary study helps in comprehending the complex
dynamics between different systems of oppression and how they reinforce each other.

Impact on Marginalized Communities: Discrimination and untouchability

predominantly affect marginalized communities, leading to their exclusion,
marginalization, and denial of basic rights and opportunities. By understanding these
issues, we can work towards empowering these communities and creating inclusive

Legal and Policy Reforms: The study of discrimination and untouchability contributes
to the development of legal frameworks and policies that safeguard the rights of
marginalized groups. It provides evidence-based research to support legal reforms,
affirmative action, and social programs aimed at reducing discrimination and
promoting social equality.

Cultural and Attitudinal Change: Discrimination and untouchability are deeply

entrenched in societal attitudes, prejudices, and stereotypes. By studying these issues,
we can challenge and change discriminatory beliefs and behaviors, fostering a more
inclusive and tolerant society.

International Perspective: Discrimination and untouchability are not limited to

specific regions or countries. The study of these issues helps create a global
understanding of human rights and social justice, promoting cross-cultural dialogue
and cooperation to address discrimination at a broader level.

In summary, the study of discrimination and untouchability is essential for promoting
human rights, achieving social justice, understanding historical contexts, addressing
intersections of discrimination, empowering marginalized communities, driving legal
and policy reforms, fostering cultural change, and fostering international cooperation.



The study of discrimination and untouchability is of immense significance due to its

impact on individuals, societies, and the overall pursuit of equality and social justice.
Here are some key reasons why this field of study holds great importance:

Human Rights and Dignity: Discrimination and untouchability undermine the

fundamental human rights and dignity of individuals. Understanding the nature,
causes, and consequences of discrimination helps in advocating for and protecting the
rights and dignity of all people, regardless of their race, caste, gender, or any other

Social Justice and Equality: Discrimination and untouchability create and perpetuate
social inequalities. By studying these issues, researchers can identify systemic biases
and work towards addressing them. It helps in formulating policies, laws, and social
interventions that promote equality, fairness, and justice for marginalized groups.

Historical and Cultural Understanding: Discrimination and untouchability are deeply

rooted in historical, cultural, and societal contexts. Studying these phenomena
provides insights into the origins, development, and persistence of discriminatory
practices and beliefs. It sheds light on the historical experiences of marginalized
communities, enabling a better understanding of their struggles and resilience.

Policy Development and Implementation: Research on discrimination and
untouchability informs the development of effective policies and strategies to combat
these problems. It helps policymakers and activists to design interventions that
challenge discriminatory practices, promote inclusion, and create opportunities for
marginalized groups to thrive.

Education and Awareness: By studying discrimination and untouchability,

educational institutions, researchers, and civil society organizations can raise
awareness about these issues. It fosters empathy, encourages dialogue, and promotes
social change by challenging prejudiced attitudes and behaviors. Education about
discrimination and untouchability contributes to building more inclusive and tolerant

Economic Implications: Discrimination and untouchability often result in economic
disparities, limiting access to education, employment, and resources for marginalized
communities. Understanding these economic implications helps in developing
strategies to promote economic empowerment, entrepreneurship, and financial
inclusion for historically disadvantaged groups.

Global Perspective: Discrimination and untouchability are not limited to a specific

region or culture. The study of these issues allows for cross-cultural comparisons,
enabling a broader understanding of the universality of discrimination and
untouchability, as well as the unique challenges faced by different communities in
various parts of the world.

Overall, the study of discrimination and untouchability is essential for advancing

social justice, promoting equality, and ensuring the full realization of human rights for
all individuals. It is a crucial step towards building inclusive, equitable, and
harmonious societies.


1. To Identify forms of discrimination

2. To Examine historical and cultural factors

3. To Assess impacts on individuals and communities

4. To Investigate underlying causes

5. To Examine legal and policy frameworks

6. To Explore societal attitudes and perceptions

7. To Propose interventions and solutions

8. To Assess the impact of interventions

9. To Promote social inclusion and equality


The study of discrimination and untouchability encompasses a multidisciplinary
examination of social phenomena related to the unequal treatment of individuals or
groups based on their social, cultural, racial, ethnic, or caste identities. It involves
investigating the historical, sociological, psychological, legal, and economic aspects
of discrimination, with a specific focus on the practice of untouchability.

Untouchability is a form of social exclusion that has been historically prevalent in

certain societies, particularly in South Asia, most notably in India. It is based on the
hierarchical caste system, where individuals are categorized into different castes, and
those deemed "untouchables" or "Dalits" are considered to be at the bottom of the
social hierarchy. Untouchability involves the denial of basic human rights, social
segregation, and the imposition of social, economic, and religious restrictions on
individuals and communities.

The study of discrimination and untouchability aims to analyze the causes,

consequences, and mechanisms through which discrimination occurs. Scholars in this
field examine the historical origins and development of discriminatory practices, the
social and cultural factors that sustain them, and the impact of discrimination on
individuals and societies.

Researchers investigate various forms of discrimination, including caste-based

discrimination, racial discrimination, gender discrimination, religious discrimination,
and discrimination based on other social identities. They analyze how discrimination
manifests in different contexts, such as education, employment, housing, healthcare,
and access to resources and opportunities.

The study of discrimination and untouchability also involves examining the legal
frameworks and policies aimed at combating discrimination and promoting equality.
Scholars analyze the effectiveness of anti-discrimination laws, affirmative action

measures, and social justice movements in challenging and addressing discriminatory

Additionally, the field explores the psychological processes underlying

discrimination, including stereotyping, prejudice, bias, and intergroup dynamics.
Researchers investigate how individuals' attitudes and beliefs contribute to
discriminatory behavior and the ways in which discrimination shapes individuals'
self-perception and social identity.

The study of discrimination and untouchability is crucial for understanding and

addressing social inequalities and injustices. It provides insights into the complexities
of discrimination, informs policy-making, and contributes to the development of
strategies to promote equality, social justice, and human rights for all individuals,
irrespective of their social identities.

Cause of discrimination and untouchability

Discrimination and untouchability have complex and multifaceted causes that vary
across different societies and historical contexts. It is important to note that
discrimination and untouchability have been pervasive issues in various parts of the

ethnicity, religion, gender, and other social identities. Here are some common causes
that contribute to these problems:

Historical and cultural factors: Discrimination and untouchability often have deep
roots in a society's history and culture. Traditional beliefs, social hierarchies, and
customs can perpetuate inequalities and create divisions between different groups. In
some cases, discriminatory practices and notions of untouchability have been justified
and normalized through religious or cultural traditions.

Prejudice and stereotypes: Discrimination arises from prejudiced attitudes and

stereotypes that people hold against certain groups. These biases can be based on
misinformation, ignorance, fear, or deeply ingrained prejudices passed down through
generations. Stereotypes can reinforce discriminatory behavior and create a hostile
environment for marginalized communities.

Power imbalances: Discrimination is often linked to power imbalances within society.

Those in positions of power may exploit their authority to marginalize and
discriminate against certain groups, denying them access to resources, opportunities,
and basic rights. These power imbalances can be based on factors such as wealth,
social status, political influence, or historical privilege.

Economic factors: Socioeconomic disparities and poverty can contribute to

discrimination and untouchability. Lack of economic opportunities and resources can

result in the marginalization of certain groups, leading to further stigmatization and
discrimination based on their socioeconomic status.

Legal and institutional factors: Discriminatory laws, policies, and institutional

practices can perpetuate and reinforce discrimination and untouchability. These can
include laws that explicitly discriminate against certain groups or fail to provide
adequate protection and redress for victims of discrimination. Biased institutional
practices can also contribute to the perpetuation of discriminatory behavior and
unequal treatment.

Lack of awareness and education: Limited awareness and education about the rights
and dignity of all individuals can contribute to the persistence of discrimination and
untouchability. Lack of understanding about the harm caused by discriminatory
practices and the importance of equality can perpetuate biased attitudes and behaviors.

Addressing discrimination and untouchability requires a comprehensive approach that

includes legal reforms, public education, awareness campaigns, and efforts to
challenge deeply entrenched social norms and biases. It is essential to promote
inclusivity, equality, and respect for all individuals, regardless of their background or
social identity.

Factors affecting discrimination and untouchability

Discrimination and untouchability are complex social issues that can be influenced by
a variety of factors. Here are some key factors that can contribute to discrimination
and untouchability:

Caste system: The caste system, prevalent in some societies, particularly in India, is a
significant factor contributing to discrimination and untouchability. The caste system
assigns individuals to different social groups based on birth, and those belonging to
lower castes often face discrimination and are treated as "untouchables."

Cultural and traditional beliefs: Cultural and traditional beliefs can play a significant
role in perpetuating discrimination and untouchability. These beliefs may reinforce
social hierarchies, norms, and practices that discriminate against certain groups,
leading to their marginalization and exclusion.

Lack of education and awareness: Limited access to education and lack of awareness
about the principles of equality and human rights can contribute to discrimination.
When individuals are not exposed to ideas of inclusivity and respect for all, they may
perpetuate discriminatory attitudes and behaviors.

Economic factors: Socioeconomic disparities can contribute to discrimination and

untouchability. Poverty and lack of economic opportunities can exacerbate social
inequalities and reinforce discriminatory practices against marginalized groups.

Political and legal factors: Weak implementation of anti-discrimination laws and

inadequate legal protection for marginalized groups can contribute to the persistence
of discrimination and untouchability. Ineffective governance and lack of political will
to address these issues can hinder progress towards equality.

Prejudice and stereotypes: Prejudice and stereotypes based on factors such as caste,
race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or disability can fuel discriminatory attitudes and
behaviors. Stereotypes often devalue certain groups and perpetuate discriminatory

Intersecting forms of discrimination: Discrimination and untouchability can be

influenced by multiple intersecting factors, such as caste, gender, race, and religion.
Individuals who belong to marginalized groups facing multiple forms of
discrimination may experience compounded disadvantages and exclusion.

Historical and societal factors: Historical and societal factors, including colonization,
systemic oppression, and deep-rooted social structures, can contribute to the
perpetuation of discrimination and untouchability. These factors may have long-
lasting effects on social attitudes and structures.

Addressing discrimination and untouchability requires a comprehensive approach that

includes legal reforms, education, awareness campaigns, and efforts to challenge
ingrained cultural and societal norms. It also necessitates promoting inclusivity,
equality, and social justice at individual, community, and institutional levels.


Impact of discrimination and untouchability

Discrimination and untouchability have far-reaching negative impacts on individuals,

communities, and societies as a whole. Here are some key impacts of these practices:

Social Exclusion: Discrimination and untouchability lead to the exclusion of certain

groups of people from mainstream society. This exclusion denies them equal access to
opportunities, resources, and basic services, leading to marginalization and isolation.

Human Rights Violations: Discrimination and untouchability violate fundamental

human rights, such as the right to equality, dignity, and non-discrimination.
Individuals subjected to these practices are often denied their basic rights and
freedoms, including access to education, employment, healthcare, and participation in
public life.

Psychological and Emotional Impact: Discrimination and untouchability have a

significant psychological impact on individuals. Constant exposure to discriminatory
practices can lead to low self-esteem, feelings of inferiority, depression, anxiety, and a
diminished sense of belonging. This can severely affect the mental well-being and
overall quality of life of those targeted.

Economic Disadvantage: Discrimination and untouchability limit opportunities for

economic advancement and financial stability. Marginalized groups often face
barriers in education, employment, and entrepreneurship, leading to lower incomes,
higher poverty rates, and limited access to resources and social benefits.\

Inter-generational Transmission: Discrimination and untouchability can perpetuate a
cycle of disadvantage across generations. When individuals from marginalized
communities are denied opportunities, their children also face similar barriers and
limitations, resulting in a continuation of social inequality and exclusion.

Social Cohesion and Harmony: Discrimination and untouchability undermine social

cohesion and harmony within societies. These practices create divisions, hostility, and
conflict among different groups, hindering the development of inclusive and
harmonious communities.

Undermining Democracy and Justice: Discrimination and untouchability undermine

the principles of democracy and justice. In a just and equal society, every individual

should have equal rights and opportunities. However, discrimination and
untouchability perpetuate unequal power structures, reinforcing social hierarchies and
preventing the full realization of democratic values.

Addressing discrimination and untouchability requires comprehensive efforts,

including legal measures, social awareness, education, and policies promoting
equality and inclusivity. By combating these practices, societies can strive towards
building a fairer and more just environment for all individuals, fostering social
cohesion and sustainable development.


The eradication of discrimination and untouchability is a critical issue in both national
and international politics. Discrimination and untouchability are social evils that have
deep-rooted historical and cultural origins in many societies. Governments,
international organizations, and civil society groups are actively engaged in
addressing these issues and working towards their eradication. Here's an overview of
how national and international politics contribute to this cause:

National Legislation: Governments play a crucial role in combating discrimination

and untouchability by enacting legislation that promotes equality and protects the
rights of marginalized communities. Laws prohibiting discrimination based on caste,
race, ethnicity, religion, gender, and other factors have been implemented in various
countries to ensure equal treatment under the law.

Affirmative Action: Many nations have implemented affirmative action policies to

address historical injustices and promote social inclusion. These policies aim to
provide preferential treatment, such as quotas in education, employment, and political
representation, to historically marginalized groups, including those affected by

International Human Rights Frameworks: The international community has

established human rights frameworks that condemn discrimination and
untouchability. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Covenant
on Civil and Political Rights, and International Covenant on Economic, Social, and
Cultural Rights, among others, emphasize equality, non-discrimination, and the
elimination of caste-based discrimination.

United Nations Initiatives: The United Nations (UN) has been actively involved in
addressing discrimination and untouchability globally. The UN Human Rights
Council and its special rapporteurs regularly investigate cases of discrimination and
untouchability, raise awareness, and make recommendations to member states. The
UN also observes International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination and
International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition, which
are relevant to eradicating discrimination and untouchability.

Civil Society Movements: Grassroots movements and civil society organizations play
a vital role in advocating for the eradication of discrimination and untouchability.
They raise awareness, provide support to affected communities, challenge
discriminatory practices, and push for policy changes.

Education and Awareness: National and international efforts focus on education and
awareness programs to challenge discriminatory beliefs and attitudes. Promoting
inclusive education that teaches tolerance, respect, and equality is crucial for
eradicating discrimination and untouchability in the long run.

International Cooperation: Collaboration among nations is essential in addressing
discrimination and untouchability. Countries can share best practices, learn from each
other's experiences, and work together to develop effective strategies for combating
discrimination at a global level.

It is important to note that eradicating discrimination and untouchability is a complex

and ongoing process that requires sustained commitment and effort from
governments, civil society, and individuals alike. While progress has been made, there
is still much work to be done to create a world free from discrimination and


Conclusion and suggestions for eradication of discrimination and

In conclusion, the eradication of discrimination and untouchability requires

comprehensive efforts from multiple stakeholders, including governments,
international organizations, civil society, and individuals. Here are some suggestions
for addressing these issues:

Strengthen Legislation: Governments should enact and enforce comprehensive anti-

discrimination laws that explicitly address untouchability and caste-based
discrimination. These laws should ensure equal rights and opportunities for all
individuals, regardless of their caste, race, religion, gender, or any other characteristic.

Education and Awareness: Promote inclusive and human rights-focused education

that fosters understanding, empathy, and respect for diversity. Educational institutions
should incorporate curricula that teach the history of discrimination and
untouchability, as well as the principles of equality and social justice.

Empower Marginalized Communities: Implement affirmative action policies and

provide targeted support to marginalized communities affected by discrimination and
untouchability. This can include providing access to education, healthcare,
employment opportunities, and political representation.

Civil Society Engagement: Encourage and support civil society organizations that
work towards eradicating discrimination and untouchability. These organizations can
play a crucial role in advocating for the rights of marginalized communities, raising
awareness, and providing support to affected individuals.

International Collaboration: Foster international cooperation and exchange of best
practices to address discrimination and untouchability on a global scale. Collaborate
with international organizations and learn from successful initiatives implemented in
different countries.

Address Socio-cultural Factors: Challenge and change deep-rooted discriminatory

beliefs, stereotypes, and social norms that perpetuate discrimination and
untouchability. Engage with religious and community leaders, promote intercultural
dialogue, and encourage inclusive social practices.

Access to Justice: Ensure that marginalized communities have equal access to justice
and legal remedies. Establish mechanisms to address and redress cases of
discrimination effectively, including the establishment of specialized courts or

Monitoring and Evaluation: Regularly monitor progress in the eradication of

discrimination and untouchability through data collection, research, and evaluation.
This will help identify gaps, assess the effectiveness of policies and interventions, and
guide future actions.

Public Awareness Campaigns: Launch public awareness campaigns to challenge
stereotypes, promote equality, and foster a culture of inclusivity. Utilize various
media platforms to reach a wider audience and encourage public dialogue on the

Empowerment through Economic Opportunities: Provide economic empowerment

opportunities to marginalized communities by promoting entrepreneurship, skill
development programs, and access to financial resources. Economic empowerment
can contribute to breaking the cycle of discrimination and untouchability.

It is important to recognize that eradicating discrimination and untouchability is a

long-term process that requires sustained commitment, collaboration, and a multi-
dimensional approach. By implementing these suggestions and working together, we
can strive towards a society that upholds the principles of equality, justice, and dignity
for all individuals, regardless of their background or identity.













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