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General Complications

Athletics Repair
1-4 Torn: Non-Athletic clothing is ruined. 1-4 Give me a minute: Takes twice as long
5-8 Off-Balance -1 Defense until your next turn 5-8 Try it another way: +1 Diff to this repair
9-12 Tangled: +1 Diff all rolls until Minor action to fix 9-12 Problematic: +50% materials needed
13-16 Cramp! Take one damage and +1 Diff to next roll 13-16 Fouled: All materials wasted, repair fails
17-18 Player’s Choice: Player creates appropriate complication 17-18 Player’s Choice: Player creates appropriate complication
19-20 Overseer’s Fiat: OS creates appropriate complication 19-20 Overseer’s Fiat: OS creates appropriate complication

Barter Science
1-4 Where did I put that: Item no longer available 1-4 Locked Out/Rebuild: Cannot try again for 30 minutes
5-8 Tough Haggle: +1 Diff and roll again 5-8 Custom System: +1 Diff to this task
9-12 Overvalued: +10% final purchase price 9-12 Shocking: Take 3D Energy damage to random location
13-16 Shoddy Goods: Item becomes broken after first use 13-16 Complexity/Triggered: Lost materials /or/ turret activates
17-18 Player’s Choice: Player creates appropriate complication 17-18 Player’s Choice: Player creates appropriate complication
19-20 Overseer’s Fiat: OS creates appropriate complication 19-20 Overseer’s Fiat: OS creates appropriate complication

Big Guns Small Guns

1-4 Wasteful: +1 shot consumed 1-4 Wasteful: +1 shot consumed
5-8 Click… Jammed, Minor action to clear 5-8 Click… Jammed, Minor action to clear
nd nd
9-12 Wear and Tear: -1D or Effect, 2 time = Broken 9-12 Wear and Tear: -1D or Effect, 2 time = Broken
13-16 Massive Recoil: Cannot move or sprint next turn 13-16 Ricochet: Stray shot hits ally or something unfortunate.
17-18 Player’s Choice: Player creates appropriate complication 17-18 Player’s Choice: Player creates appropriate complication
19-20 Overseer’s Fiat: OS creates appropriate complication 19-20 Overseer’s Fiat: OS creates appropriate complication

Energy Weapon Sneak

1-5 Wasteful: +1 shot consumed 1-4 Snap! Your location is immediately known
5-8 Connection Fouled: Minor action to reset power cell 5-8 Stuck: Get wedged in terrain, Major action to escape
9-12 Overheated! 2D to shooting arm, cannot fire for 1 turn 9-12 Wired: Set off booby-trap
13-16 Wear and Tear: -1D or Effect, 2nd time = Broken 13-16 Surrounded: Enemy sneaks up on you
17-18 Player’s Choice: Player creates appropriate complication 17-18 Player’s Choice: Player creates appropriate complication
19-20 Overseer’s Fiat: OS creates appropriate complication 19-20 Overseer’s Fiat: OS creates appropriate complication

Explosives Speech
1-4 Collateral Damage: Something valuable to you is in blast 1-4 Verbal Stumble: +1 Diff to next roll attempt
5-8 Dud: Half damage on hit or zero damage on a miss 5-8 Not what I meant: Target misunderstands your intentions
9-12 Oops… Drop at feet. Full damage to you, half damage to all others in zone. 9-12 What did you Say?!: +2 Diff to task
13-16 Misplaced Throw: Enemies in zone gain +2 Cover Dice 13-16 Dire Insult: Target becomes hostile to you
17-18 Player’s Choice: Player creates appropriate complication 17-18 Player’s Choice: Player creates appropriate complication
19-20 Overseer’s Fiat: OS creates appropriate complication 19-20 Overseer’s Fiat: OS creates appropriate complication

Lockpick Survival (Navigation / Perception)* *Roll on Encounter Chart

1-4 Snap! Break Bobbi-Pen only. 1-4 What?/Where?: +1 Diff to current task
5-8 Sweaty Palms: Roll extra die, take two lowest 5-8 Double-Back: Takes twice as long to resolve task
9-12 Try Two! Break Two Bobbi-Pens 9-12 Shhh! I hear something: Attacked by random critter/enemy
13-16 Jammed: +1 Diff to further attempts 13-16 Lost: You have no idea where you are / lose track of target
17-18 Player’s Choice: Player creates appropriate complication 17-18 Player’s Choice: Player creates appropriate complication
19-20 Overseer’s Fiat: OS creates appropriate complication 19-20 Overseer’s Fiat: OS creates appropriate complication

Medicine Survival (Scrounging) * *Roll on Encounter Chart

1-4 Ragged Injury: +1 Diff to treat this patient 1-4 Useless Crap: +1 Diff to roll needed for this location
5-8 Infection: Disease roll required 5-8 Rats!: Attacked by Radroaches, Molerats, etc…
9-12 Slip of the Hand: Inflict 1 Damage to patient 9-12 Locked!: Items locked in a safe, trunk, closet, etc…
13-16 Kit Depleted: First Aid Kit is destroyed / Used up. 13-16 It’s a Trap!: Trigger Booby-Trap (turret, explosion, etc…)
17-18 Player’s Choice: Player creates appropriate complication 17-18 Player’s Choice: Player creates appropriate complication
19-20 Overseer’s Fiat: OS creates appropriate complication 19-20 Overseer’s Fiat: OS creates appropriate complication

Melee Weapons Throwing

1-4 Overextended: -1 Defense until your next turn 1-4 Fumbled: Drop additional item (same or other) on ground.
5-8 Stuck: Minor action to dislodge the weapon 5-8 Overextended: -1 Defense until your next turn
9-12 Oops!: Weapon is dropped 9-12 Too Soon!: Attack hits nearby PC or valuable item/person
13-16 Wear and Tear: -1D or Effect, 2nd time = Broken 13-16 Hyperextension: +1 Diff with any attack with arm until healed
17-18 Player’s Choice: Player creates appropriate complication 17-18 Player’s Choice: Player creates appropriate complication
19-20 Overseer’s Fiat: OS creates appropriate complication 19-20 Overseer’s Fiat: OS creates appropriate complication

Pilot Unarmed
1-4 Bad Bounce: Something falls out of the vehicle 1-4 Overextended: -1 Defense until your next turn
5-8 Rough Patch: Next roll is +1 Diff 5-8 Spun Around: +1 Diff on next attack
9-12 Flat/Stalled: Flat Tire or Stalled Rotor, +2 Diff until fixed 9-12 Tripped: Fall prone
13-16 Buckle Up! Vehicle takes 2D Vicious Damage 13-16 Hard Surface: 2D vicious damage to self
17-18 Player’s Choice: Player creates appropriate complication 17-18 Player’s Choice: Player creates appropriate complication
19-20 Overseer’s Fiat: OS creates appropriate complication 19-20 Overseer’s Fiat: OS creates appropriate complication

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