FO-BPP-FO04-007-Close A System Ticket - V2.0

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EVD Task Develop Business Process Procedures

EVD Deliverable Name Business Process Procedures

Document Title Close a System Ticket
Date 27 December 2012
Revision V2.0

Business Process Procedure FO-BPP-FO04-007-Close a system ticket_V2.0

Table of Contents
1. Document History ................................................................................................... 1
2. Approvals .............................................................................................................. 2
3. Executive Summary ................................................................................................ 3
4. Overview ............................................................................................................... 4
4.1 Process Information ........................................................................................... 4
4.2 Trigger ............................................................................................................. 4
4.3 Business Process Description ............................................................................... 4
4.3.1 Inputs ......................................................................................................... 4
4.3.2 Outputs ....................................................................................................... 4
5. Procedural Steps .................................................................................................... 5
5.1 Access Transaction By: ....................................................................................... 5
5.2 Executing the Transaction ................................................................................... 5
5.2.1 Screen One – Enter edit mode of a ticket ........................................................ 5
5.2.2 Screen Two – Close a System Ticket ............................................................... 6
6. Controls Considerations ........................................................................................... 8

Business Process Procedure i FO-BPP-FO04-007-Close a system ticket_V2.0

1. Document History
Version Change Description Author Date
1.0 Initial document created Jiri Janak (JJK) 22-Mar-2012
2.0 Final version JJK 08-Nov-2012

© 2009 Deloitte Development LLC. 1 FO-BPP-FO04-007-Close a system ticket_V2.0

All rights reserved.
2. Approvals
The individuals listed below will be required to review and approve this document.

Role/Title Name Signature Date

Front Office Marc Reckinger MRR
SES Team
Front Office Laurent Pierreu LPU
Deloitte Team
Business Roland Smith RSM

© 2009 Deloitte Development LLC. 2 FO-BPP-FO04-007-Close a system ticket_V2.0

All rights reserved.
3. Executive Summary
The system tickets are designed to support various areas related to operational
infrastructure and systems and the infrastructure fault and development tracking. This
document captures the functionality to close a system ticket, the steps to be performed to
complete the closure process.

The process is related to other BPPs dealing with system tickets, namely:
• FO-BPP-FO04-005 Create a system ticket
• FO-BPP-FO04-006 Manage a system ticket
• FO-BPP-FO04-008 Search for a system ticket

The process is handled in SAP CRM WebUI.

© 2009 Deloitte Development LLC. 3 FO-BPP-FO04-007-Close a system ticket_V2.0

All rights reserved.
4. Overview
This section includes information about the business process procedure that will be
displayed in the later sections.

4.1 Process Information

Process Transaction Name Role
Close a System Ticket ZSS1 OC Operator
Operations Engineer

4.2 Trigger
The process is triggered when the cause to open an existing system ticket seizes to exist
(issue fixed, upgrade carried out) and the ticket is ready to be closed.

4.3 Business Process Description

As the process deals with closure of a ticket, it starts with the user going to the system and
to Operational Tickets. Next the user needs to find the ticket and can update ticket closure
information. After the ticket is closed the process ends.

Closing a ticket means that there is no longer a need to keep the ticket open, the issue has
been fixed, faulty equipment replaced or a change request carried out. Whenever that has
been confirmed, the ticket will be closed.

System tickets are closed exclusively by employees within the Ground Infrastructure
organization unit, the CSM Management and Customer Service Engineering.

4.3.1 Inputs
In general the inputs are fields used to find the ticket to be able to follow up (please refer to
FO-BPP-FO04-005 Create a system ticket).

Field Name Static Value

System Ticket ID < not static >
Saved Search < not static >

4.3.2 Outputs
Expected Output Description
System ticket is closed System ticket is updated with the closure
information and closed.

© 2009 Deloitte Development LLC. 4 FO-BPP-FO04-007-Close a system ticket_V2.0

All rights reserved.
5. Procedural Steps
5.1 Access Transaction By:
Connect to CRM WEB UI. Transaction code in GUI CRM_UI

Via Menus Access Operations Tickets in Navigation Bar

Click on Tickets (search block)
Fill in criteria
Click on a Ticket ID from the result list (active link)
Via Menus Access Recent items in Navigation Bar
Click on a recent Ticket ID (active link)
Via Menus Access Saved Searches in the top bar
Select Saved Search from the list
Click on Go
Via Transaction Code CRM_UI – follow cases above

For more information on accessing an existing system ticket, please refer to FO-BPP-FO04-
008 Search for a system ticket.

5.2 Executing the Transaction

5.2.1 Screen One – Enter edit mode of a ticket

Field Name Description R/O User Action and Values Values


© 2009 Deloitte Development LLC. 5 FO-BPP-FO04-007-Close a system ticket_V2.0

All rights reserved.
Edit A button located at the R Click on button N/A
Ticket Details header

(Note: On above table, in column “R/O/C; R = Required, O = Optional, and C =


For any change to a ticket, you need to be in edit mode. Whenever the inputs are finished
the ticket needs to be saved..

5.2.2 Screen Two – Close a System Ticket

Field Name Description R/O User Action and Values Values

Status The status of a ticket R Set the status value to Open
“Closed” Pending
System Type The type of the system C Select a value from the HARDWARE
(categorizing the list OTHER
element influenced level SOFTWARE
Equipment Categorizing the C Select a value from the List of values depending on
Level 1 element influenced level list System Type
Employee Employe responsible for C Select employee Employees within SAP
Responsible the ticket responsible
Internal Summary of the work R Enter text in the field Free text

© 2009 Deloitte Development LLC. 6 FO-BPP-FO04-007-Close a system ticket_V2.0

All rights reserved.
Summary and resolution of the
Report ticket

(Note: On above table, in column “R/O/C; R = Required, O = Optional, and C =


System Type, Equipment Level 1, Employee Responsible

This field is mandatory at the ticket closure. If it hasn’t been selected before, the latest it
needs to be selected when the ticket is being closed.

Whenever the inputs are finished, the ticket needs to be saved.

Results of closing a ticket
1) Notification is sent (if the internal notify check box is selected). For more
information, please refer to FO-BPP-FO04-010 Manage system ticket notifications.
2) Closed Date/Time updated, please refer to FO-BPP-FO04-006 Manage a system
ticketScreen Nine – View Dates (5.2.9)

© 2009 Deloitte Development LLC. 7 FO-BPP-FO04-007-Close a system ticket_V2.0

All rights reserved.
6. Controls Considerations
Control Point Description

© 2009 Deloitte Development LLC. 8 FO-BPP-FO04-007-Close a system ticket_V2.0

All rights reserved.

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