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Institute of Management, Commerce & Economics ‘Notice-General (Ref.No. SRMU/IMCE/2023-24/78/22-02-2024) Faculty Member as per details given below are requested to guide and mentor the students for successful completion of Business Research Project of MBA Ivth Sem. : Specialization for MBA III Semester . Session: 2023-24 _ Roll No. Name Course | Prefered Specialization . 1 Inaven kama Singh sorzoioo0s (MBA Mankcting | | B IMDSAQUIBANSAR —___fuza1o7mowoor2 (ea Mashing - 2 ‘Anubhav Yadav {oxa.o7az010013 [MBA Marking, Prof,(Dr.) Ashutosh Bajpai By Jacitys tamar ovezoion:s _|Mpa__|Marketing _| b aot Singh Mongs boziorozncois (MBA Making | | 6 ‘Ankush Kumar Pandey —___20220702080002 IMBA-BA [Marketing z Shushan KumarChahay —__072107070100:9 __(MBA_Mareting : 8 ya Tapa __poraroran00s MBA Maketing e [shiva area bozawronorense (MEA __Marheing | prof. (Dr) Munish Tiwari | _ eri oanar {0221070201004 [BA___Marketing | af yush Tian o7a1000S MBA Maheg p Amit Kumar Yadav /202210702080004 IMBA-BA __ [Marketing 2 Lavery Fatima bozmoronornst wearing as IMANAN BHASIN \202210702010052 (MBA [Marketing - | 5 Tasha mar r fata __(oarhesing Pushpenda Mishra nioroa0 hoa aeing _| . p Vis mar yao ja _aretng - Dr. Nidhi Shukla 1s” saumwnarola bozmorazowneo MBA Mareing , Ws riya Prabha Bhar —_oazrerox0r0070 [oa ——_arkeng boos igh Freroiors pon pati | | a, India nana boazigrozo1076 MBA __ Marking _| e aka) kumac Yad boron BA. _| | bs It ams areal baat | 26cm Kevin Lozzionmons 2s ranavantrmuparan —_ozziorozoonee [6 Iasusvex mas rae | ai —__mmrenoionet — Ms, Rushda Irfan | fa aican Khan [202210702010085 | . [ROHAN KUMAR ~—o2210702010009 | ~Topeyatnn———————ntorozonons | f Leet Amat —bronsaroorons | eta pa boxasrezoroie | 23 ayush she 02210702010109 _ . 3 pnshia Gupta bbozzsarozoi0117 35" aayank Sigh Reput____20z2t0707010118 MBA 5 % Singh pozzsomaoions MBA Ma 7 “zo2z0702010121 MBA iat | Aastha Chaudhary —_ __2ozzio7emio23 MBA Page ‘sree. og vate —_hozroraor0%28 (wan | 2 bivyansh Tah borzroroaoiox%e ia | ive Singh io2210702010135 Moa | FEL ae sgh 2 jozaio7e2010001 MBA —— (2. van Sinha 302210702010008, IMBa_ had Pushpendra Singh MBA Surat Yadov Ivan © pomtwmista Lozniomoions Maa Prof. (Dr.) Alka Singh ie iansha maaan [zozzro7a2010032 aa _ ($8. (Vinita Yadav 202210702010033 MBA ° te shen khan zozaroro2xon39 pa + 50 | _|ratan Gupta (202210702010087 MBA. - at {vash Shukla ___oarro702010066 MBA % lawantika Gupta = = | ews fA .__faseerat singh E {eeaasnd apa oman amet Prof. Manoj Kumar P&____|Sanhak Tevet _ f2ozaxo7a2010083 IBA (Finance | | 7 ‘Shivang! gupta oxzi0702010107 ipa [Finance | «PS |Sarvesh Pandey 202210702010113, Ba Finance cd lkmsibootasnyp —__——_—ipomsoromono2 ex rinace © |anone kumar Verma bozaroazoeooe3 _—MBA-BA_Fnance | - fo |pratana Tapes —fpezo7ezoio0n va [Human Resouse | e [shivendra Pratap Singh izoz2x0702030002 IMA __uman Resouse 5 INaenByno bozaoroaoioms (MBA umn Resse & Ipaibha :202210702010005 [MBA ___Muman Resourse . ia [rcana Bras 3o2210702030005 btunanResouse | De. 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